This is a command line application created in Python and exported out as a native application for Windows, Linux, and OSX.
It is designed to be a sample CLI that ships with UGUI.
The Infinite Improbability Command Line is a command line interface (CLI) that
functions as an example program for UGUI to create a GUI for.
IICL is created in Python by David Ragsdale, Hai Nguyen, and Jared Wilcurt.
These are the common commands for IICL:
-about Gives information about IICL and credits
-constellation [X] Accepts orion, ursaminor, aries, and virgo
-quotation Echoes back one Douglas Adams Quote
-quote "file.txt" Appends one Douglas Adams quote to the text file followed by two returns.
-random X Produces X number of random charachters max of 11 (defaults to alpha)
-randomtype [X] Accepts alpha, numeric, and alphanumeric, changes type of random chars.
-scramble "asdf" Scrambles the text entered into a random order
-help Shows this message
/? Shows this message
-constellation aries
The Aries constellation contains Teegarden's star.
-constellation orion
Some of the stars in the Orion constellation: Rigel, Betelgeuse, and Bellatrix.
-constellation ursaminor
Polaris is a star in the Ursa Minor constellation.
-constellation virgo
Spica is a star in the Virgo constellation.