Releases: Unity-Technologies/com.unity.formats.fbx
Release 1.1.0b1 Forum Release
Export Settings: Select the latest 3d application as default installation choice. In case of a tie, use the following preference order: Maya(, Maya LT), 3ds Max (, Blender).
Updated User Guide to include information about the 3d Max plugin
- Exporter: Fix FBX exported from Unity causing crash when imported in 3ds Max (too many UVs)
- Export Settings: Fix hang when trying to install the 3d application integration and you have multiple installations of the same 3D application
Sprint 32 3ds Max Export Units as Centimeters
- 3DsMax Unity Integration: Added popup suggesting user set system units to centimeters
Will only show up if system units are not already centimeters.
Click "yes" to change system units to centimeters, "no" to leave units as is.
If "no" is clicked, popup will not show up again for this session or .max file.
- 3DsMax Unity Integration: In 3ds Max 2017 move the Unity menu before the Help menu in the main menu bar
- 3DsMax Unity Integration: Fix so file units are always exported as cm. Adjust scaling according to system units
e.g. a 3 meter cube in Max will export as a 300 cm cube in Unity
Sprint 31 3ds Max 2017 support
- Added 3ds Max 2017 support
Import/Export menu items added into a Unity menu item on the main menu bar.
- FbxPrefab: Avoid trying to update Rect Transforms with the fbx's Transform component
- Export Settings: Rename "DCC Application" to "3D Application"
- Unity 3ds Max integration: Fix model rotated by 90 degrees along x when importing into Unity
Sprint 30 Max Plugin
- Added 3ds Max Unity Integration
This is installed the same way as the Maya integration from the export settings. 3ds Max 2017 or earlier is not supported. Plugin menu items can be found in the File menu: File->Import->Import from Unity File->Export->Export to Unity
- Maya Unity Integration: lock the export set so it doesn't accidentally get deleted
- Convert To Linked Prefab no longer loses Object references in scripts
- Export Settings: You can no longer select Maya LT using "Browse..." on MacOS
Release 1.0.0b1
Ship all C# scripts as DLLs
Maya Unity Integration: Remove Preview option from menu
Enforce Exporter only works with Unity 2017.1+
- Export Settings: prevent user from selecting Maya LT with "Browse" option in dropdown
- Fbx Export: fix game won't compile with package installed (move FbxSdk to editor folder)
- Convert to Prefab: fix particle system component causing convert to fail
- Fbx Prefab: Properly handle updating Linked Prefab Instances that get nested inside other Prefabs.
Sprint 26 Install Zipped Integration
- Fbx Export: add support for installing a zipped version of the Maya Unity Integration
- Fbx Prefab: Properly handle updating Linked Prefab Instances that get nested inside other Prefabs.
Sprint 25 Austin Unite Release
Fbx Export: Add support for Third Party software, through a delegate callback, to handling adding the FbxMesh to the FbxNode on export.
Maya Unity Integration: Added script for installing Maya integration through the command line
Maya Unity Integration: Added dropdown to select Maya version to use for installation
Tries to find all Maya versions installed in default install location. Also contains browse option to select Maya installed
in custom location.
Maya Unity Integration: Added icons for Import, Preview, and Export
Moved Integrations and FbxSdk folders under a single FbxExporters folder in the Unity package
- Maya Unity Integration: always show plugin as "what's new" regardless of Maya version
- Convert to Prefab: fix running "Convert to Prefab" multiple times on same object adds multiple FbxPrefab components
- FbxPrefab: Fire OnUpdate event even if there is no obvious change to the Fbx
- Maya Unity Integration: restore selection after publish
- FbxPrefab: fix so that renaming parent doesn't affect child transform
- Convert to Prefab: fix so zeros are kept when incrementing (e.g. Cube001.fbx becomes Cube002.fbx instead of Cube2.fbx)
- Convert to Prefab: Weld vertices by default, remove option from export settings
- Convert to Prefab: By default delete original GameObject after converting
- Export Settings: Reword center objects tooltip
- Maya Unity Integration: Handle projects with spaces in the path
- Maya Unity Integration: Run turntable review with Unity project already open
- Maya Unity Integration: Rename "Review" to "Preview", and "Publish" to "Export"
- Convert to Prefab: Don't copy SkinnedMeshRenderer component to FbxPrefab (as we currently do not support skinned mesh export)
- Convert to Prefab: Rename "Convert to Prefab" to "Convert To Linked Prefab Instance"
- Fbx Export: fix memory leak with SkinnedMeshRenderer creating a temporary mesh and not destroying it.
Sprint 24 Bug Fixes for Austin Unite Keynote
- Updated license to Unity Companion License 1.0
- Hide "auto-update" feature of FbxPrefab component from the Unity Inspector
- Remove "Embedded Textures" option from the Fbx Export Settings
- Remove "Auto Review" button from the Fbx Export Settings
- Maya Integration Plugin : the Unity menu is now submenu of the File menu
- Maya Integration Plugin : add Unity icon to Unity menu item
- Convert to Prefab : Add more unit tests
Sprint 23 Prefabs Update Without User Intervention
Show FbxExporter package version in Fbx Export Settings
Fbx Prefab auto-updater updates transforms and components
If components are added/removed in Maya, the changes will be reflected in Unity (e.g. if a mesh is removed from a node,
the MeshFilter and MeshRenderer components will be removed in Unity as well.
Updating the translation/rotation/scale of a transform in Maya will update the transform in the Unity prefab.
- Move Autoload Last Saved Prefab menu item to Fbx Export Settings
Now loading the turntable scene with the latest prefab can be done via a button
in the Fbx Export Settings
- Maya Integration: Unity->Import starting directory is Unity Project
Instead of opening in the default Maya project. A side effect of this is that a workspace.mel file
gets added to the Unity project root.
- Maya Integration: Install Maya Integration menu item moved into Fbx Export Settings
Now installing the maya integration can be done via a button
in the Fbx Export Settings
Fbx Exporter menu removed from main menu bar
Maya Integration: Hide Configure button, guess Unity project on Unity->Import
On Unity->Import try to guess which Unity project we are loading the fbx from (if any), set it to be the project we
use in Maya if found, do nothing otherwise.
- Fbx Exporter: Allow GameObjects and/or components to specify the mesh to export
Added callbacks to allow the GameObject or components to specify the mesh that should be exported, fallback
to using the MeshFilter or SkinnedMeshRenderer meshes.
- Fbx Prefab: Added OnUpdate event that returns which GameObjects were updated
The returned objects include all objects in the temporary instance that were created, changed parent, or had a component
that was created, destroyed, or updated.
The event happens before changes are applied to the prefab, so any further modification of the returned GameObjects
will be applied as well.
- Export Settings: make sure export path always points to an existing folder in assets
- Maya Integration: fix using Unity->Import to import the same model twice clears export set the second time
- Maya Integration: fix fbxmaya and GamePipeline plugins not being autoloaded on Mac
- Maya Integration: remove version number from maya integration folder
- Maya Integration: module file installed into Maya version independent location
Sprint 22 Complete Basic Maya Workflow
- Maya Integration: Publish automatically writes to the same file you imported from.
On Unity->Import, store the path and filename of the imported FBX as attributes on the export set.
On Unity->Publish, if path and filename attributes are set, publish directly to this location without prompting user.
- Maya Integration: Unity->Import creates export set containing imported objects
If an export set already exists, replace its contents with newly imported objects
- Maya Integration: Unity->Publish exports what is in the export set
Export contents of export set, or if there is no export set, then the current selection will be exported.
- Maya Integration: Fbx export options are set from a file in the Unity project
Export settings stored in Integrations/Autodesk/maya2017/scripts/unityFbxExportSettings.mel are loaded into Maya before
exporting either with Unity->Review or Unity->Publish.
- Export Settings: fix export path doesn't refresh if selectable text box selected
- Convert to Prefab: fix model added to wrong scene if multiple scenes open