Created for CSE 110: Software Engineering README taken from here:
- The Espresso Tests use a TestRule adapted from this SO post
- The GoogleFit API adapter, FitnessService, FitnessServiceFactor, the Testing FitnessService all adapted from lab 4
- This website helped us learn to write unit tests with Robolectric: Using Robolectric for Android unit testing on the JVM - Tutorial
- This website helped us learn to build up RecyclerView: Using the RecyclerView (accessed on February 4th, 2020)
- This website helped us learn view animation for when the view enters and exits Animating Android Activities and Views with Left and Right Slide Animations (accessed on February 10th, 2020)
- We learned to get and display date from Java Calendar object from this SO post (accessed on February 3rd, 2020)
Note: If not specified, the access date for each of the above references is between February 2, 2020 and February 16, 2020.
- Record daily steps and distance using Google Fit API
- Start a walking session that records your steps and distance separate from daily steps
- Save a walking session as a new route
- Create a new route without walking it first so the user can start recording a walk directly from this route later
- Form a walking team with other users so any user in the team can schedule and propose a walk to the team (implemented with Cloud Firestore storage with a few uses of JS Cloud functions)
- If the user is part of a walking team, the user can also see their teammate's personal routes to get ideas for exploring new routes
- Adapter
- This pattern is the most used. Every GoogleFit or Firebase api is masked through an Adapter which implements an interface
- examples include
GoogleFitAdapter implements FitnessService
which adapts Google's Fit API andFirebaseAuthAdapter implements AuthService
which adapts Google's FirebaseAuth.
- Builder
- Many of our data models have multiple optional member variables. The
interface Builder
and interfaces that extend this interface help facilitate this. - Examples include
RouteBuilder implements IRouteBuilder
andRouteEnvironmentBuilder implements IRouteEnvironmentBuilder
- Observer
- Though not used as extensively, this helps solve a lot of the issues that occur with Google APIs' async network calls. By implementing
and observers, classes that adapt these kinds of methods can notify our application when calls are complete. - An example of this is
interface AuthService extends Subject<AuthServiceObserver>