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uclalib_role_samvera_capdeploy  Build Status

Ansible role to perform an initial code deploy to a UCLA Library Samvera/Hyrax system using Capistrano


This role handles the first deployment of hyrax project code from a git repository to the rails application server.

Please take note of the following assumptions:

  • the rails application server uses Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 for the OS
  • a Solr 7.X server is available with the index core created and project-specific configuration files installed in the core
  • a Fedora 4.7.X repository server is available
  • a MySQL database server is available with the project-specific database created and user account/privileges established
  • a git repository is available containing the project's code
  • project-specific variables for this role can be defined in a vars file with a name following the format of projectname_envname.yml
    • an example vars file is available in vars/exampleproj_test.yml
    • this vars file will contain sensitive information and should be encrypted with ansible-vault
    • NOTE: if you choose not to use the vars file for including the variable definitions, they should be defined in the playbook file

Role Variables

Variables the need to be defined in the play file or the host inventory file - please note these should match the naming used for the vars file:

  • project_name - defines the name of the rails application project - there is no default value
  • env_name - defines the name of the deploy environment (e.g. test, stage, prod) - there is no default value

Variables with default values that do not need to be defined in the project vars file:

  • capistrano_user - defines the user account that will perform the code deploy - default is deploy
  • capistrano_base - defines the top-level directory where the project will be deployed - default is /opt
  • logrotate_files - defies the list of files to include in the rails application logrotate configuration file - defaults are production.log and sidekiq.log

Variables that do need to be defined in the project vars file:

  • rails_host_fqdn - defines the fully qualified domain name of the rails app server
  • rails_db_adapter - defines the type of database back-end (mysql2 or postgresql) - please note that currently this role only supports a db backend of mysql2
  • rails_db_pool - defines the number of connections to maintain to the database
  • rails_db_host - defines the hostname of the database server
  • rails_db_name - defines the name of the project's database
  • rails_db_user - defines the user account with access to the database
  • rails_db_pass - defines the password for the database user
  • project_default_admin_password - defines the rails app admin password that will be created at first deploy
  • contact_email_addr - defines the email address for a project contact
  • fedora_repo_url - defines the HTTP url to the Fedora REST interface
  • fedora_repo_user - defines the username for Fedora access
  • fedora_repo_password - defines the password for the Fedora user
  • solr_index_url - defines the HTTP url to the project's Solr core
  • redis_host - defines the hostname of the server running Redis
  • redis_port - defines the port number where Redis is reachable
  • sidekiq_num_threads - defines the number of Sidekiq threads to maintain
  • external_iiif_server_url - (optional) defines the URL to an external IIIF image server
  • iiif_service_url - (optional) defines the URL to a IIIF image server
  • iiif_manifest_url - (optional) defines the URL endpoint for submitting/retrieving IIIF manifests
  • csv_file_path - defines the filesystem path to the csv file containing file names of content to ingest
  • google_tag_manager_id - (optional) - defines a Google Tag Manager key to be used within the server environment
  • rollbar_api_token - (optional) - defines the api token to use with the Rollbar error reporting tool
  • ursus_host - (optional) - defines the url to the corresponding ursus server
  • fits_servlet_url - (optional) - defines the URL to a FITS endpoint if FITS is installed as a web service in Tomcat
  • recaptcha_site_key - (optional) defines the site key to use with the recaptcha service
  • recaptcha_secret_key - (optional) defines the secret key to use with the recaptcha service
  • email_from_address - defines the email address used in conjunction with the contact form where email will be sent from
  • email_to_address - defines the email address used in conjunction with the contact form where email will be sent to
  • email_server_url - the url of the SMTP server email should be sent
  • email_port - the port number of the SMTP email server
  • import_file_path - defines the filesystem path to the directory containing the objects to ingest
  • git_repo_url - defines the HTTP url to the project's git repository
  • git_repo_branch - defines the name of the project's git branch to deploy
  • allow_web_crawl - defines if search engines are allowed to crawl this site (yes or no)
  • ssh_pub_keys - defines the list of ssh public keys to install in the deploy user's authorized_keys file; this allows for other users to perform deployments
  • use_deflate_module - defines if we should use the deflate_module in the Apache HTTPD vhost configuration (default is yes)

An example vars file is available as a part of this role, named exampleproj_test.yml

Variables with default values that define if this deployment should use SSL For a local dev deployment, default values enable SSL and install self-signed certificates For a production install, defaults values are overriden by variables defined in host_vars

  • enable_ssl - defines if this deloyment should use SSL (yes or no - default is yes)
  • ssl_cert_base_path - defines the base path to the SSL certs and key
  • ssl_cert_file_path - defines the path to the SSL certs
  • ssl_key_file_path - defines the path to the SSL private key
  • ssl_files
    • self_signed - defines if the certificates are self-signed (yes or no - default is yes)
    • crt - contains the contents of the SSL public certificate
    • interm - contains the contents of the SSL intermediate chain certificate (only needed if using a trusted cert)
    • key - contains the contents of the SSL private key


The following roles must be run on the rails application server prior to executing this deploy role:


Example Playbook


- name: uclalib_capdeploy.yml
  become: yes
  become_method: sudo
  hosts: test
  user: ansible
    project_name: "californica"
    env_name: "test"

    - { role: uclalib_role_rhel7repos }
    - { role: uclalib_role_epel }
    - { role: uclalib_role_uclalibrepo }
    - { role: uclalib_role_samvera_basepackages }
    - { role: uclalib_role_java, oracle_java_version: '1.8.0_181' }
    - { role: uclalib_role_clamav }
    - { role: uclalib_role_pip }
    - { role: uclalib_role_imagemagick }
    - { role: uclalib_role_libreoffice, libreoffice_version: '5.4.7' }
    - { role: uclalib_role_ffmpeg, ffmpeg_version: '4.0.2' }
    - { role: uclalib_role_fits, fits_version: '1.3.0' }
    - { role: uclalib_role_ruby, ruby_version: '2.5.1' }
    - { role: uclalib_role_apache }
    - { role: uclalib_role_passenger, passenger_version: '5.3.3' }
    - { role: uclalib_role_nodejs, nodejs_version: '8' }
    - { role: uclalib_role_yarn }
    - { role: uclalib_role_redis }
    - { role: uclalib_role_samvera_capdeploy }

Developers' Box

The uclalib_role_samvera_capdeploy role can also be used to build a developers' box that mimics the environment used in production. To do this, slight changes are needed in the way that the role is run. The need for these changes is a result of having tagged tasks in the ansible_user_env_setup.yml, capistrano_deploy.yml, and dotenv_setup.yml files, which are specific to a developers' box build. These are ignored for production builds.

To trigger the running of tasks that are only needed for a developers' box, supply the following two arguments when you run your Ansible playbook:

--skip-tags "always" --tags "untagged,development"

For a production build, you would omit these arguments and the tasks that are intended only for the developers' box would be, by default, skipped.

Running the build with the above skip-tags and tags arguments ensures that the project .env files for a developers' box are created, that the test database is created, and that the GitHub source is kept on the machine for the developer to use.