Population: The set of all units we want to study;
Parameter: A quantity that summarizes the population (e.g., mean, median, std. dev., quantiles, min, max, proportion);
Parameters are constant (not random!);
Parameters are usually unknown;
Variable: A variable is an attribute of the elements in the population.
Example: Aquarium
An aquarium has 20 fish. We are interested in the average weight of the fish in the aquarium.
Population: 20 fish in the aquarium;
Variable of interest: weight;
Parameter: average weight of the 20 fish in the aquarium (denoted by \(\mu\));
Example: Aquarium
-functiongetRandom(min, max) {
-//Generates a number from U(min, max)
-returnMath.random() * (max - min) + min;
- }
-// This code append the images to the aquarium
-const N =20;// how many images to append
-const div =document.querySelector("#aquarium");
-for (let i=0; i < N; i++){
-let img_file;
-if (i %4==0) img_file ='imgs/fish1.svg';
-if (i %4==1) img_file ='imgs/fish2.svg';
-if (i %4==2) img_file ='imgs/fish3.svg';
-if (i %4==3) img_file ='imgs/fish4.svg';
-let img =html`<img src="${img_file}" height="${getRandom(20,75)}px" width=auto style='position: absolute; left: ${getRandom(13,67)}%; top: ${getRandom(0,75)}%; padding:0; margin:0;'></img>`;
- div.append(img);
- }
-Table 1: The weight of the 20 fish in the aquarium. (Note 1dkg = 10g).
-Weight (dkg)
-Weight (dkg)
-Weight (dkg)
-Weight (dkg)
-Fish #1
-Fish #6
-Fish #11
-Fish #16
-Fish #2
-Fish #7
-Fish #12
-Fish #17
-Fish #3
-Fish #8
-Fish #13
-Fish #18
-Fish #4
-Fish #9
-Fish #14
-Fish #19
-Fish #5
-Fish #10
-Fish #15
-Fish #20
Sample and statistics
Random Sample: a randomly selected subset of the population;
Statistic: a quantity calculated based on a sample (e.g., sample mean and sample std. dev.);
statistics used to estimate parameters;
statistics are random quantities (they depend on the sample drawn);
Example: Aquarium
Suppose we randomly choose 3 fish from the aquarium to weigh them;
We can calculate the sample mean (denoted by \(\overline{y}\)), to estimate the population mean, \(\mu\).
The problem is: there are 1140 possible samples of 3 fish we could select.
How close will \(\overline{y}\) be to \(\mu\)?
Example: Sampling Distribution
You might need to refresh this page to show the plot
-Table 2:All possible samples of three fish from the aquarium and their respective sample mean.
-Sample Mean (dkg)
-Sample Mean (dkg)
-Sample Mean (dkg)
-Sample Mean (dkg)
-(#1, #2, #3)
-(#1, #2, #4)
-(#1, #2, #5)
-(#1, #2, #6)
-(#1, #2, #7)
-(#1, #2, #8)
-(#1, #2, #9)
-(#1, #2, #10)
-(#1, #2, #11)
-(#1, #2, #12)
-(#1, #2, #13)
-(#1, #2, #14)
-(#1, #2, #15)
-(#1, #2, #16)
-(#1, #2, #17)
-(#1, #2, #18)
-(#1, #2, #19)
-(#1, #2, #20)
-(#1, #3, #4)
-(#1, #3, #5)
-(#1, #3, #6)
-(#1, #3, #7)
-(#1, #3, #8)
-(#1, #3, #9)
-(#1, #3, #10)
-(#1, #3, #11)
-(#1, #3, #12)
-(#1, #3, #13)
-(#1, #3, #14)
-(#1, #3, #15)
-(#1, #3, #16)
-(#1, #3, #17)
-(#1, #3, #18)
-(#1, #3, #19)
-(#1, #3, #20)
-(#1, #4, #5)
-(#1, #4, #6)
-(#1, #4, #7)
-(#1, #4, #8)
-(#1, #4, #9)
-(#1, #4, #10)
-(#1, #4, #11)
-(#1, #4, #12)
-(#1, #4, #13)
-(#1, #4, #14)
-(#1, #4, #15)
-(#1, #4, #16)
-(#1, #4, #17)
-(#1, #4, #18)
-(#1, #4, #19)
-(#1, #4, #20)
-(#1, #5, #6)
-(#1, #5, #7)
-(#1, #5, #8)
-(#1, #5, #9)
-(#1, #5, #10)
-(#1, #5, #11)
-(#1, #5, #12)
-(#1, #5, #13)
-(#1, #5, #14)
-(#1, #5, #15)
-(#1, #5, #16)
-(#1, #5, #17)
-(#1, #5, #18)
-(#1, #5, #19)
-(#1, #5, #20)
-(#1, #6, #7)
-(#1, #6, #8)
-(#1, #6, #9)
-(#1, #6, #10)
-(#1, #6, #11)
-(#1, #6, #12)
-(#1, #6, #13)
-(#1, #6, #14)
-(#1, #6, #15)
-(#1, #6, #16)
-(#1, #6, #17)
-(#1, #6, #18)
-(#1, #6, #19)
-(#1, #6, #20)
-(#1, #7, #8)
-(#1, #7, #9)
-(#1, #7, #10)
-(#1, #7, #11)
-(#1, #7, #12)
-(#1, #7, #13)
-(#1, #7, #14)
-(#1, #7, #15)
-(#1, #7, #16)
-(#1, #7, #17)
-(#1, #7, #18)
-(#1, #7, #19)
-(#1, #7, #20)
-(#1, #8, #9)
-(#1, #8, #10)
-(#1, #8, #11)
-(#1, #8, #12)
-(#1, #8, #13)
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-(#1, #8, #15)
-(#1, #8, #16)
-(#1, #8, #17)
-(#1, #8, #18)
-(#1, #8, #19)
-(#1, #8, #20)
-(#1, #9, #10)
-(#1, #9, #11)
-(#1, #9, #12)
-(#1, #9, #13)
-(#1, #9, #14)
-(#1, #9, #15)
-(#1, #9, #16)
-(#1, #9, #17)
-(#1, #9, #18)
-(#1, #9, #19)
-(#1, #9, #20)
-(#1, #10, #11)
-(#1, #10, #12)
-(#1, #10, #13)
-(#1, #10, #14)
-(#1, #10, #15)
-(#1, #10, #16)
-(#1, #10, #17)
-(#1, #10, #18)
-(#1, #10, #19)
-(#1, #10, #20)
-(#1, #11, #12)
-(#1, #11, #13)
-(#1, #11, #14)
-(#1, #11, #15)
-(#1, #11, #16)
-(#1, #11, #17)
-(#1, #11, #18)
-(#1, #11, #19)
-(#1, #11, #20)
-(#1, #12, #13)
-(#1, #12, #14)
-(#1, #12, #15)
-(#1, #12, #16)
-(#1, #12, #17)
-(#1, #12, #18)
-(#1, #12, #19)
-(#1, #12, #20)
-(#1, #13, #14)
-(#1, #13, #15)
-(#1, #13, #16)
-(#1, #13, #17)
-(#1, #13, #18)
-(#1, #13, #19)
-(#1, #13, #20)
-(#1, #14, #15)
-(#1, #14, #16)
-(#1, #14, #17)
-(#1, #14, #18)
-(#1, #14, #19)
-(#1, #14, #20)
-(#1, #15, #16)
-(#1, #15, #17)
-(#1, #15, #18)
-(#1, #15, #19)
-(#1, #15, #20)
-(#1, #16, #17)
-(#1, #16, #18)
-(#1, #16, #19)
-(#1, #16, #20)
-(#1, #17, #18)
-(#1, #17, #19)
-(#1, #17, #20)
-(#1, #18, #19)
-(#1, #18, #20)
-(#1, #19, #20)
-(#2, #3, #4)
-(#2, #3, #5)
-(#2, #3, #6)
-(#2, #3, #7)
-(#2, #3, #8)
-(#2, #3, #9)
-(#2, #3, #10)
-(#2, #3, #11)
-(#2, #3, #12)
-(#2, #3, #13)
-(#2, #3, #14)
-(#2, #3, #15)
-(#2, #3, #16)
-(#2, #3, #17)
-(#2, #3, #18)
-(#2, #3, #19)
-(#2, #3, #20)
-(#2, #4, #5)
-(#2, #4, #6)
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-(#2, #4, #11)
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-(#2, #4, #16)
-(#2, #4, #17)
-(#2, #4, #18)
-(#2, #4, #19)
-(#2, #4, #20)
-(#2, #5, #6)
-(#2, #5, #7)
-(#2, #5, #8)
-(#2, #5, #9)
-(#2, #5, #10)
-(#2, #5, #11)
-(#2, #5, #12)
-(#2, #5, #13)
-(#2, #5, #14)
-(#2, #5, #15)
-(#2, #5, #16)
-(#2, #5, #17)
-(#2, #5, #18)
-(#2, #5, #19)
-(#2, #5, #20)
-(#2, #6, #7)
-(#2, #6, #8)
-(#2, #6, #9)
-(#2, #6, #10)
-(#2, #6, #11)
-(#2, #6, #12)
-(#2, #6, #13)
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-(#2, #6, #16)
-(#2, #6, #17)
-(#2, #6, #18)
-(#2, #6, #19)
-(#2, #6, #20)
-(#2, #7, #8)
-(#2, #7, #9)
-(#2, #7, #10)
-(#2, #7, #11)
-(#2, #7, #12)
-(#2, #7, #13)
-(#2, #7, #14)
-(#2, #7, #15)
-(#2, #7, #16)
-(#2, #7, #17)
-(#2, #7, #18)
-(#2, #7, #19)
-(#2, #7, #20)
-(#2, #8, #9)
-(#2, #8, #10)
-(#2, #8, #11)
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-(#2, #8, #15)
-(#2, #8, #16)
-(#2, #8, #17)
-(#2, #8, #18)
-(#2, #8, #19)
-(#2, #8, #20)
-(#2, #9, #10)
-(#2, #9, #11)
-(#2, #9, #12)
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-(#2, #9, #16)
-(#2, #9, #17)
-(#2, #9, #18)
-(#2, #9, #19)
-(#2, #9, #20)
-(#2, #10, #11)
-(#2, #10, #12)
-(#2, #10, #13)
-(#2, #10, #14)
-(#2, #10, #15)
-(#2, #10, #16)
-(#2, #10, #17)
-(#2, #10, #18)
-(#2, #10, #19)
-(#2, #10, #20)
-(#2, #11, #12)
-(#2, #11, #13)
-(#2, #11, #14)
-(#2, #11, #15)
-(#2, #11, #16)
-(#2, #11, #17)
-(#2, #11, #18)
-(#2, #11, #19)
-(#2, #11, #20)
-(#2, #12, #13)
-(#2, #12, #14)
-(#2, #12, #15)
-(#2, #12, #16)
-(#2, #12, #17)
-(#2, #12, #18)
-(#2, #12, #19)
-(#2, #12, #20)
-(#2, #13, #14)
-(#2, #13, #15)
-(#2, #13, #16)
-(#2, #13, #17)
-(#2, #13, #18)
-(#2, #13, #19)
-(#2, #13, #20)
-(#2, #14, #15)
-(#2, #14, #16)
-(#2, #14, #17)
-(#2, #14, #18)
-(#2, #14, #19)
-(#2, #14, #20)
-(#2, #15, #16)
-(#2, #15, #17)
-(#2, #15, #18)
-(#2, #15, #19)
-(#2, #15, #20)
-(#2, #16, #17)
-(#2, #16, #18)
-(#2, #16, #19)
-(#2, #16, #20)
-(#2, #17, #18)
-(#2, #17, #19)
-(#2, #17, #20)
-(#2, #18, #19)
-(#2, #18, #20)
-(#2, #19, #20)
-(#3, #4, #5)
-(#3, #4, #6)
-(#3, #4, #7)
-(#3, #4, #8)
-(#3, #4, #9)
-(#3, #4, #10)
-(#3, #4, #11)
-(#3, #4, #12)
-(#3, #4, #13)
-(#3, #4, #14)
-(#3, #4, #15)
-(#3, #4, #16)
-(#3, #4, #17)
-(#3, #4, #18)
-(#3, #4, #19)
-(#3, #4, #20)
-(#3, #5, #6)
-(#3, #5, #7)
-(#3, #5, #8)
-(#3, #5, #9)
-(#3, #5, #10)
-(#3, #5, #11)
-(#3, #5, #12)
-(#3, #5, #13)
-(#3, #5, #14)
-(#3, #5, #15)
-(#3, #5, #16)
-(#3, #5, #17)
-(#3, #5, #18)
-(#3, #5, #19)
-(#3, #5, #20)
-(#3, #6, #7)
-(#3, #6, #8)
-(#3, #6, #9)
-(#3, #6, #10)
-(#3, #6, #11)
-(#3, #6, #12)
-(#3, #6, #13)
-(#3, #6, #14)
-(#3, #6, #15)
-(#3, #6, #16)
-(#3, #6, #17)
-(#3, #6, #18)
-(#3, #6, #19)
-(#3, #6, #20)
-(#3, #7, #8)
-(#3, #7, #9)
-(#3, #7, #10)
-(#3, #7, #11)
-(#3, #7, #12)
-(#3, #7, #13)
-(#3, #7, #14)
-(#3, #7, #15)
-(#3, #7, #16)
-(#3, #7, #17)
-(#3, #7, #18)
-(#3, #7, #19)
-(#3, #7, #20)
-(#3, #8, #9)
-(#3, #8, #10)
-(#3, #8, #11)
-(#3, #8, #12)
-(#3, #8, #13)
-(#3, #8, #14)
-(#3, #8, #15)
-(#3, #8, #16)
-(#3, #8, #17)
-(#3, #8, #18)
-(#3, #8, #19)
-(#3, #8, #20)
-(#3, #9, #10)
-(#3, #9, #11)
-(#3, #9, #12)
-(#3, #9, #13)
-(#3, #9, #14)
-(#3, #9, #15)
-(#3, #9, #16)
-(#3, #9, #17)
-(#3, #9, #18)
-(#3, #9, #19)
-(#3, #9, #20)
-(#3, #10, #11)
-(#3, #10, #12)
-(#3, #10, #13)
-(#3, #10, #14)
-(#3, #10, #15)
-(#3, #10, #16)
-(#3, #10, #17)
-(#3, #10, #18)
-(#3, #10, #19)
-(#3, #10, #20)
-(#3, #11, #12)
-(#3, #11, #13)
-(#3, #11, #14)
-(#3, #11, #15)
-(#3, #11, #16)
-(#3, #11, #17)
-(#3, #11, #18)
-(#3, #11, #19)
-(#3, #11, #20)
-(#3, #12, #13)
-(#3, #12, #14)
-(#3, #12, #15)
-(#3, #12, #16)
-(#3, #12, #17)
-(#3, #12, #18)
-(#3, #12, #19)
-(#3, #12, #20)
-(#3, #13, #14)
-(#3, #13, #15)
-(#3, #13, #16)
-(#3, #13, #17)
-(#3, #13, #18)
-(#3, #13, #19)
-(#3, #13, #20)
-(#3, #14, #15)
-(#3, #14, #16)
-(#3, #14, #17)
-(#3, #14, #18)
-(#3, #14, #19)
-(#3, #14, #20)
-(#3, #15, #16)
-(#3, #15, #17)
-(#3, #15, #18)
-(#3, #15, #19)
-(#3, #15, #20)
-(#3, #16, #17)
-(#3, #16, #18)
-(#3, #16, #19)
-(#3, #16, #20)
-(#3, #17, #18)
-(#3, #17, #19)
-(#3, #17, #20)
-(#3, #18, #19)
-(#3, #18, #20)
-(#3, #19, #20)
-(#4, #5, #6)
-(#4, #5, #7)
-(#4, #5, #8)
-(#4, #5, #9)
-(#4, #5, #10)
-(#4, #5, #11)
-(#4, #5, #12)
-(#4, #5, #13)
-(#4, #5, #14)
-(#4, #5, #15)
-(#4, #5, #16)
-(#4, #5, #17)
-(#4, #5, #18)
-(#4, #5, #19)
-(#4, #5, #20)
-(#4, #6, #7)
-(#4, #6, #8)
-(#4, #6, #9)
-(#4, #6, #10)
-(#4, #6, #11)
-(#4, #6, #12)
-(#4, #6, #13)
-(#4, #6, #14)
-(#4, #6, #15)
-(#4, #6, #16)
-(#4, #6, #17)
-(#4, #6, #18)
-(#4, #6, #19)
-(#4, #6, #20)
-(#4, #7, #8)
-(#4, #7, #9)
-(#4, #7, #10)
-(#4, #7, #11)
-(#4, #7, #12)
-(#4, #7, #13)
-(#4, #7, #14)
-(#4, #7, #15)
-(#4, #7, #16)
-(#4, #7, #17)
-(#4, #7, #18)
-(#4, #7, #19)
-(#4, #7, #20)
-(#4, #8, #9)
-(#4, #8, #10)
-(#4, #8, #11)
-(#4, #8, #12)
-(#4, #8, #13)
-(#4, #8, #14)
-(#4, #8, #15)
-(#4, #8, #16)
-(#4, #8, #17)
-(#4, #8, #18)
-(#4, #8, #19)
-(#4, #8, #20)
-(#4, #9, #10)
-(#4, #9, #11)
-(#4, #9, #12)
-(#4, #9, #13)
-(#4, #9, #14)
-(#4, #9, #15)
-(#4, #9, #16)
-(#4, #9, #17)
-(#4, #9, #18)
-(#4, #9, #19)
-(#4, #9, #20)
-(#4, #10, #11)
-(#4, #10, #12)
-(#4, #10, #13)
-(#4, #10, #14)
-(#4, #10, #15)
-(#4, #10, #16)
-(#4, #10, #17)
-(#4, #10, #18)
-(#4, #10, #19)
-(#4, #10, #20)
-(#4, #11, #12)
-(#4, #11, #13)
-(#4, #11, #14)
-(#4, #11, #15)
-(#4, #11, #16)
-(#4, #11, #17)
-(#4, #11, #18)
-(#4, #11, #19)
-(#4, #11, #20)
-(#4, #12, #13)
-(#4, #12, #14)
-(#4, #12, #15)
-(#4, #12, #16)
-(#4, #12, #17)
-(#4, #12, #18)
-(#4, #12, #19)
-(#4, #12, #20)
-(#4, #13, #14)
-(#4, #13, #15)
-(#4, #13, #16)
-(#4, #13, #17)
-(#4, #13, #18)
-(#4, #13, #19)
-(#4, #13, #20)
-(#4, #14, #15)
-(#4, #14, #16)
-(#4, #14, #17)
-(#4, #14, #18)
-(#4, #14, #19)
-(#4, #14, #20)
-(#4, #15, #16)
-(#4, #15, #17)
-(#4, #15, #18)
-(#4, #15, #19)
-(#4, #15, #20)
-(#4, #16, #17)
-(#4, #16, #18)
-(#4, #16, #19)
-(#4, #16, #20)
-(#4, #17, #18)
-(#4, #17, #19)
-(#4, #17, #20)
-(#4, #18, #19)
-(#4, #18, #20)
-(#4, #19, #20)
-(#5, #6, #7)
-(#5, #6, #8)
-(#5, #6, #9)
-(#5, #6, #10)
-(#5, #6, #11)
-(#5, #6, #12)
-(#5, #6, #13)
-(#5, #6, #14)
-(#5, #6, #15)
-(#5, #6, #16)
-(#5, #6, #17)
-(#5, #6, #18)
-(#5, #6, #19)
-(#5, #6, #20)
-(#5, #7, #8)
-(#5, #7, #9)
-(#5, #7, #10)
-(#5, #7, #11)
-(#5, #7, #12)
-(#5, #7, #13)
-(#5, #7, #14)
-(#5, #7, #15)
-(#5, #7, #16)
-(#5, #7, #17)
-(#5, #7, #18)
-(#5, #7, #19)
-(#5, #7, #20)
-(#5, #8, #9)
-(#5, #8, #10)
-(#5, #8, #11)
-(#5, #8, #12)
-(#5, #8, #13)
-(#5, #8, #14)
-(#5, #8, #15)
-(#5, #8, #16)
-(#5, #8, #17)
-(#5, #8, #18)
-(#5, #8, #19)
-(#5, #8, #20)
-(#5, #9, #10)
-(#5, #9, #11)
-(#5, #9, #12)
-(#5, #9, #13)
-(#5, #9, #14)
-(#5, #9, #15)
-(#5, #9, #16)
-(#5, #9, #17)
-(#5, #9, #18)
-(#5, #9, #19)
-(#5, #9, #20)
-(#5, #10, #11)
-(#5, #10, #12)
-(#5, #10, #13)
-(#5, #10, #14)
-(#5, #10, #15)
-(#5, #10, #16)
-(#5, #10, #17)
-(#5, #10, #18)
-(#5, #10, #19)
-(#5, #10, #20)
-(#5, #11, #12)
-(#5, #11, #13)
-(#5, #11, #14)
-(#5, #11, #15)
-(#5, #11, #16)
-(#5, #11, #17)
-(#5, #11, #18)
-(#5, #11, #19)
-(#5, #11, #20)
-(#5, #12, #13)
-(#5, #12, #14)
-(#5, #12, #15)
-(#5, #12, #16)
-(#5, #12, #17)
-(#5, #12, #18)
-(#5, #12, #19)
-(#5, #12, #20)
-(#5, #13, #14)
-(#5, #13, #15)
-(#5, #13, #16)
-(#5, #13, #17)
-(#5, #13, #18)
-(#5, #13, #19)
-(#5, #13, #20)
-(#5, #14, #15)
-(#5, #14, #16)
-(#5, #14, #17)
-(#5, #14, #18)
-(#5, #14, #19)
-(#5, #14, #20)
-(#5, #15, #16)
-(#5, #15, #17)
-(#5, #15, #18)
-(#5, #15, #19)
-(#5, #15, #20)
-(#5, #16, #17)
-(#5, #16, #18)
-(#5, #16, #19)
-(#5, #16, #20)
-(#5, #17, #18)
-(#5, #17, #19)
-(#5, #17, #20)
-(#5, #18, #19)
-(#5, #18, #20)
-(#5, #19, #20)
-(#6, #7, #8)
-(#6, #7, #9)
-(#6, #7, #10)
-(#6, #7, #11)
-(#6, #7, #12)
-(#6, #7, #13)
-(#6, #7, #14)
-(#6, #7, #15)
-(#6, #7, #16)
-(#6, #7, #17)
-(#6, #7, #18)
-(#6, #7, #19)
-(#6, #7, #20)
-(#6, #8, #9)
-(#6, #8, #10)
-(#6, #8, #11)
-(#6, #8, #12)
-(#6, #8, #13)
-(#6, #8, #14)
-(#6, #8, #15)
-(#6, #8, #16)
-(#6, #8, #17)
-(#6, #8, #18)
-(#6, #8, #19)
-(#6, #8, #20)
-(#6, #9, #10)
-(#6, #9, #11)
-(#6, #9, #12)
-(#6, #9, #13)
-(#6, #9, #14)
-(#6, #9, #15)
-(#6, #9, #16)
-(#6, #9, #17)
-(#6, #9, #18)
-(#6, #9, #19)
-(#6, #9, #20)
-(#6, #10, #11)
-(#6, #10, #12)
-(#6, #10, #13)
-(#6, #10, #14)
-(#6, #10, #15)
-(#6, #10, #16)
-(#6, #10, #17)
-(#6, #10, #18)
-(#6, #10, #19)
-(#6, #10, #20)
-(#6, #11, #12)
-(#6, #11, #13)
-(#6, #11, #14)
-(#6, #11, #15)
-(#6, #11, #16)
-(#6, #11, #17)
-(#6, #11, #18)
-(#6, #11, #19)
-(#6, #11, #20)
-(#6, #12, #13)
-(#6, #12, #14)
-(#6, #12, #15)
-(#6, #12, #16)
-(#6, #12, #17)
-(#6, #12, #18)
-(#6, #12, #19)
-(#6, #12, #20)
-(#6, #13, #14)
-(#6, #13, #15)
-(#6, #13, #16)
-(#6, #13, #17)
-(#6, #13, #18)
-(#6, #13, #19)
-(#6, #13, #20)
-(#6, #14, #15)
-(#6, #14, #16)
-(#6, #14, #17)
-(#6, #14, #18)
-(#6, #14, #19)
-(#6, #14, #20)
-(#6, #15, #16)
-(#6, #15, #17)
-(#6, #15, #18)
-(#6, #15, #19)
-(#6, #15, #20)
-(#6, #16, #17)
-(#6, #16, #18)
-(#6, #16, #19)
-(#6, #16, #20)
-(#6, #17, #18)
-(#6, #17, #19)
-(#6, #17, #20)
-(#6, #18, #19)
-(#6, #18, #20)
-(#6, #19, #20)
-(#7, #8, #9)
-(#7, #8, #10)
-(#7, #8, #11)
-(#7, #8, #12)
-(#7, #8, #13)
-(#7, #8, #14)
-(#7, #8, #15)
-(#7, #8, #16)
-(#7, #8, #17)
-(#7, #8, #18)
-(#7, #8, #19)
-(#7, #8, #20)
-(#7, #9, #10)
-(#7, #9, #11)
-(#7, #9, #12)
-(#7, #9, #13)
-(#7, #9, #14)
-(#7, #9, #15)
-(#7, #9, #16)
-(#7, #9, #17)
-(#7, #9, #18)
-(#7, #9, #19)
-(#7, #9, #20)
-(#7, #10, #11)
-(#7, #10, #12)
-(#7, #10, #13)
-(#7, #10, #14)
-(#7, #10, #15)
-(#7, #10, #16)
-(#7, #10, #17)
-(#7, #10, #18)
-(#7, #10, #19)
-(#7, #10, #20)
-(#7, #11, #12)
-(#7, #11, #13)
-(#7, #11, #14)
-(#7, #11, #15)
-(#7, #11, #16)
-(#7, #11, #17)
-(#7, #11, #18)
-(#7, #11, #19)
-(#7, #11, #20)
-(#7, #12, #13)
-(#7, #12, #14)
-(#7, #12, #15)
-(#7, #12, #16)
-(#7, #12, #17)
-(#7, #12, #18)
-(#7, #12, #19)
-(#7, #12, #20)
-(#7, #13, #14)
-(#7, #13, #15)
-(#7, #13, #16)
-(#7, #13, #17)
-(#7, #13, #18)
-(#7, #13, #19)
-(#7, #13, #20)
-(#7, #14, #15)
-(#7, #14, #16)
-(#7, #14, #17)
-(#7, #14, #18)
-(#7, #14, #19)
-(#7, #14, #20)
-(#7, #15, #16)
-(#7, #15, #17)
-(#7, #15, #18)
-(#7, #15, #19)
-(#7, #15, #20)
-(#7, #16, #17)
-(#7, #16, #18)
-(#7, #16, #19)
-(#7, #16, #20)
-(#7, #17, #18)
-(#7, #17, #19)
-(#7, #17, #20)
-(#7, #18, #19)
-(#7, #18, #20)
-(#7, #19, #20)
-(#8, #9, #10)
-(#8, #9, #11)
-(#8, #9, #12)
-(#8, #9, #13)
-(#8, #9, #14)
-(#8, #9, #15)
-(#8, #9, #16)
-(#8, #9, #17)
-(#8, #9, #18)
-(#8, #9, #19)
-(#8, #9, #20)
-(#8, #10, #11)
-(#8, #10, #12)
-(#8, #10, #13)
-(#8, #10, #14)
-(#8, #10, #15)
-(#8, #10, #16)
-(#8, #10, #17)
-(#8, #10, #18)
-(#8, #10, #19)
-(#8, #10, #20)
-(#8, #11, #12)
-(#8, #11, #13)
-(#8, #11, #14)
-(#8, #11, #15)
-(#8, #11, #16)
-(#8, #11, #17)
-(#8, #11, #18)
-(#8, #11, #19)
-(#8, #11, #20)
-(#8, #12, #13)
-(#8, #12, #14)
-(#8, #12, #15)
-(#8, #12, #16)
-(#8, #12, #17)
-(#8, #12, #18)
-(#8, #12, #19)
-(#8, #12, #20)
-(#8, #13, #14)
-(#8, #13, #15)
-(#8, #13, #16)
-(#8, #13, #17)
-(#8, #13, #18)
-(#8, #13, #19)
-(#8, #13, #20)
-(#8, #14, #15)
-(#8, #14, #16)
-(#8, #14, #17)
-(#8, #14, #18)
-(#8, #14, #19)
-(#8, #14, #20)
-(#8, #15, #16)
-(#8, #15, #17)
-(#8, #15, #18)
-(#8, #15, #19)
-(#8, #15, #20)
-(#8, #16, #17)
-(#8, #16, #18)
-(#8, #16, #19)
-(#8, #16, #20)
-(#8, #17, #18)
-(#8, #17, #19)
-(#8, #17, #20)
-(#8, #18, #19)
-(#8, #18, #20)
-(#8, #19, #20)
-(#9, #10, #11)
-(#9, #10, #12)
-(#9, #10, #13)
-(#9, #10, #14)
-(#9, #10, #15)
-(#9, #10, #16)
-(#9, #10, #17)
-(#9, #10, #18)
-(#9, #10, #19)
-(#9, #10, #20)
-(#9, #11, #12)
-(#9, #11, #13)
-(#9, #11, #14)
-(#9, #11, #15)
-(#9, #11, #16)
-(#9, #11, #17)
-(#9, #11, #18)
-(#9, #11, #19)
-(#9, #11, #20)
-(#9, #12, #13)
-(#9, #12, #14)
-(#9, #12, #15)
-(#9, #12, #16)
-(#9, #12, #17)
-(#9, #12, #18)
-(#9, #12, #19)
-(#9, #12, #20)
-(#9, #13, #14)
-(#9, #13, #15)
-(#9, #13, #16)
-(#9, #13, #17)
-(#9, #13, #18)
-(#9, #13, #19)
-(#9, #13, #20)
-(#9, #14, #15)
-(#9, #14, #16)
-(#9, #14, #17)
-(#9, #14, #18)
-(#9, #14, #19)
-(#9, #14, #20)
-(#9, #15, #16)
-(#9, #15, #17)
-(#9, #15, #18)
-(#9, #15, #19)
-(#9, #15, #20)
-(#9, #16, #17)
-(#9, #16, #18)
-(#9, #16, #19)
-(#9, #16, #20)
-(#9, #17, #18)
-(#9, #17, #19)
-(#9, #17, #20)
-(#9, #18, #19)
-(#9, #18, #20)
-(#9, #19, #20)
-(#10, #11, #12)
-(#10, #11, #13)
-(#10, #11, #14)
-(#10, #11, #15)
-(#10, #11, #16)
-(#10, #11, #17)
-(#10, #11, #18)
-(#10, #11, #19)
-(#10, #11, #20)
-(#10, #12, #13)
-(#10, #12, #14)
-(#10, #12, #15)
-(#10, #12, #16)
-(#10, #12, #17)
-(#10, #12, #18)
-(#10, #12, #19)
-(#10, #12, #20)
-(#10, #13, #14)
-(#10, #13, #15)
-(#10, #13, #16)
-(#10, #13, #17)
-(#10, #13, #18)
-(#10, #13, #19)
-(#10, #13, #20)
-(#10, #14, #15)
-(#10, #14, #16)
-(#10, #14, #17)
-(#10, #14, #18)
-(#10, #14, #19)
-(#10, #14, #20)
-(#10, #15, #16)
-(#10, #15, #17)
-(#10, #15, #18)
-(#10, #15, #19)
-(#10, #15, #20)
-(#10, #16, #17)
-(#10, #16, #18)
-(#10, #16, #19)
-(#10, #16, #20)
-(#10, #17, #18)
-(#10, #17, #19)
-(#10, #17, #20)
-(#10, #18, #19)
-(#10, #18, #20)
-(#10, #19, #20)
-(#11, #12, #13)
-(#11, #12, #14)
-(#11, #12, #15)
-(#11, #12, #16)
-(#11, #12, #17)
-(#11, #12, #18)
-(#11, #12, #19)
-(#11, #12, #20)
-(#11, #13, #14)
-(#11, #13, #15)
-(#11, #13, #16)
-(#11, #13, #17)
-(#11, #13, #18)
-(#11, #13, #19)
-(#11, #13, #20)
-(#11, #14, #15)
-(#11, #14, #16)
-(#11, #14, #17)
-(#11, #14, #18)
-(#11, #14, #19)
-(#11, #14, #20)
-(#11, #15, #16)
-(#11, #15, #17)
-(#11, #15, #18)
-(#11, #15, #19)
-(#11, #15, #20)
-(#11, #16, #17)
-(#11, #16, #18)
-(#11, #16, #19)
-(#11, #16, #20)
-(#11, #17, #18)
-(#11, #17, #19)
-(#11, #17, #20)
-(#11, #18, #19)
-(#11, #18, #20)
-(#11, #19, #20)
-(#12, #13, #14)
-(#12, #13, #15)
-(#12, #13, #16)
-(#12, #13, #17)
-(#12, #13, #18)
-(#12, #13, #19)
-(#12, #13, #20)
-(#12, #14, #15)
-(#12, #14, #16)
-(#12, #14, #17)
-(#12, #14, #18)
-(#12, #14, #19)
-(#12, #14, #20)
-(#12, #15, #16)
-(#12, #15, #17)
-(#12, #15, #18)
-(#12, #15, #19)
-(#12, #15, #20)
-(#12, #16, #17)
-(#12, #16, #18)
-(#12, #16, #19)
-(#12, #16, #20)
-(#12, #17, #18)
-(#12, #17, #19)
-(#12, #17, #20)
-(#12, #18, #19)
-(#12, #18, #20)
-(#12, #19, #20)
-(#13, #14, #15)
-(#13, #14, #16)
-(#13, #14, #17)
-(#13, #14, #18)
-(#13, #14, #19)
-(#13, #14, #20)
-(#13, #15, #16)
-(#13, #15, #17)
-(#13, #15, #18)
-(#13, #15, #19)
-(#13, #15, #20)
-(#13, #16, #17)
-(#13, #16, #18)
-(#13, #16, #19)
-(#13, #16, #20)
-(#13, #17, #18)
-(#13, #17, #19)
-(#13, #17, #20)
-(#13, #18, #19)
-(#13, #18, #20)
-(#13, #19, #20)
-(#14, #15, #16)
-(#14, #15, #17)
-(#14, #15, #18)
-(#14, #15, #19)
-(#14, #15, #20)
-(#14, #16, #17)
-(#14, #16, #18)
-(#14, #16, #19)
-(#14, #16, #20)
-(#14, #17, #18)
-(#14, #17, #19)
-(#14, #17, #20)
-(#14, #18, #19)
-(#14, #18, #20)
-(#14, #19, #20)
-(#15, #16, #17)
-(#15, #16, #18)
-(#15, #16, #19)
-(#15, #16, #20)
-(#15, #17, #18)
-(#15, #17, #19)
-(#15, #17, #20)
-(#15, #18, #19)
-(#15, #18, #20)
-(#15, #19, #20)
-(#16, #17, #18)
-(#16, #17, #19)
-(#16, #17, #20)
-(#16, #18, #19)
-(#16, #18, #20)
-(#16, #19, #20)
-(#17, #18, #19)
-(#17, #18, #20)
-(#17, #19, #20)
-(#18, #19, #20)
-const get_data_from_table = (table_name, collapsible =false) =>{
-const table =document.getElementById(table_name);
-const entries_pop = table.querySelectorAll("td");
-let data =Array(1140);
-let cont =0;
- entries_pop.forEach(
- (entry) => {
-const value =parseFloat(entry.textContent);
-if (!isNaN(value)) {
- data[cont++] =parseFloat(entry.textContent);
- entry.value= value;
- }
- }
- );
-return data;
- }
-const selectConfigureSVG = (id, height =400) => {
-let svg = d3.select('#'+ id);
- svg.selectAll("*").remove();
- svg.attr('width', width)
-.attr('height', height + margin.top+ margin.bottom )
-"translate("+ margin.left+","+ margin.top+")");
-return svg;
- }
-const makeXAxis = (bins, xLabel, height =400) => {
-let x = d3.scaleLinear()
-.domain([bins[0].x0-1, bins[bins.length-1].x1+5])
-.range([margin.left, width - margin.right]);
-let xAxis = g => g
-.attr("transform",`translate(0, ${height - margin.bottom})`)
-.call(d3.axisBottom(x).ticks(width /100).tickSizeOuter(0))
-.call(g => g.append("text")
-.attr("x", width /2)
-return [x, xAxis];
- }
-const makeYAxis = (bins, height =400) => {
-let y = d3.scaleLinear()
-.domain([0, d3.max(bins, d => d.length) +10]).nice()
-.range([height - margin.bottom, margin.top]);
-let yAxis = g => g
-.call(d3.axisLeft(y).ticks(height /100))
-.call(g => g.select(".tick:last-of-type text").clone()
-.attr("x",-(height - margin.bottom)/3)
-return [y, yAxis];
- }
-const appendBars = (svg, bins, x, y) => {
- svg.append("g")
-.attr("x", d =>x(d.x0) +1)
-.attr("width", d =>Math.max(0,x(d.x1) -x(d.x0) -1))
-.attr("y", d =>y(d.length))
-.attr("height", d =>y(0) -y(d.length))
- }
-const appendTitle = (svg, title) => {
- svg.append("text")
-.attr("x", width /2)
- }
-const appendAxes = (svg, xAxis, yAxis) => {
- svg.append("g")
- svg.append("g")
- }
-const makeHistogram = (id, data, nbins, title, xLabel, height =400) => {
-let svg =selectConfigureSVG(id, height);
-let bins = d3.bin()
-let [x, xAxis] =makeXAxis(bins, xLabel, height);
-let [y, yAxis] =makeYAxis(bins, height);
-appendBars(svg, bins, x, y);
-appendTitle(svg, title);
-appendAxes(svg, xAxis, yAxis);
- }
-/** Getting the calculated style properties */
-let margin = { top:25,right:5,bottom:25,left:60 },
- height =400,
-//width = 800 - margin.left - margin.right;
- width =document.querySelector("#all-samples-fish").clientWidth- margin.left- margin.right;
-/**** Creates the histogram
- **** of Sampling Distribution
- /**********************************/
-/** Collecting the data from the table */
-let sample_means_fish =get_data_from_table("all-samples-fish",true);
-let sampling_dist_fish =selectConfigureSVG("sampling-dist-fish", height =500);
-/** creates the bin with thresholds of 20 */
-let bins = d3.bin().thresholds(20)(sample_means_fish);
-let [x_fish, xAxis] =makeXAxis(bins,"Average Fish Weight (dkg)", height =500);
-let [y_fish, yAxis] =makeYAxis(bins, height =500);
-appendAxes(sampling_dist_fish, xAxis, yAxis);
-/** appending the bars and adding event handlers */
- sampling_dist_fish.append("g")
-.attr("x", d =>x_fish(d.x0) +1)
-.attr("width", d =>Math.max(0,x_fish(d.x1) -x_fish(d.x0) -1))
-.attr("y", d =>y_fish(d.length))
-.attr("height", d =>y_fish(0) -y_fish(d.length))
-.on("mouseenter", (d, i, nodes) => {
-// Mouse-over event: turns the bin red and add the number of data points in the bin to the top of the bin
- d3.select(d.target).attr("fill","red");
- d3.select(d.target.parentNode)
-.attr("x", (x_fish(i.x0) +x_fish(i.x1)) /2)
-.property("bar", d.target)
- d3.select(d.target).style("cursor","pointer");// change the cursor
-.forEach(entry => {
-if (entry.value>= d.target.__data__.x0&&
- entry.value< d.target.__data__.x1){
- entry.style.color='red';
- }
- });
- })
-.on("mouseout", (d, i, nodes) => {
-// Mouse-out event: returns to the original configuration
-if (!d.target.flag) {
- d3.select(d.target).attr("fill","steelblue")
- d3.selectAll(".freq")
-.filter((e, j, texts) => {
-return texts[j].bar=== d.target;
- }).remove();
- d3.select(d.target).style("cursor","default");
-.forEach(entry => {
-if (entry.value>= d.target.__data__.x0&&
- entry.value< d.target.__data__.x1){
- entry.style.color='';
- }
- });
- }
- })
-.on("click", (d, i, nodes) => {
-// click event: lock/unlock the mouse over changes.
- d.target.flag=!d.target.flag;
-if (d.target.flag) {
- sampling_dist_fish.dispatch("mouseenter");
- }
-else {
- d3.select(d.target).attr("fill","steelblue");
- }
- });
-/** Append Subtitle */
- sampling_dist_fish.append("text")
-.text("Population Mean: 43.45")
-/** Button to Show/Hide Mean */
-let g = sampling_dist_fish.append("g")
-.on("mouseover",function (d) {
- d3.select(this).style("cursor","pointer");// change the cursor
- })
-.on("mouseout",function (d) {
- d3.select(this).style("cursor","default");
- })
-.on("click", (d, i, e) => {
- d.target.parentElement.clicked=!d.target.parentElement.clicked;
-let g_element = d3.select(d.target.parentElement);
-if (d.target.parentElement.clicked) {
- g_element.select("rect")
- g_element.select('text')
-.text('Hide true mean');
- g_element
-.attr("x1", d =>x_fish(43.45))
-.attr("y1", d =>y_fish(0))
-.attr("x2", d =>x_fish(43.45))
-.attr("y2", d =>y_fish(185));
- }
-else {
- g_element.select("rect")
- g_element.select('text')
-.text('Show true mean');
- g_element.select("line").remove()
- }
- });
-/** Creates the rectangle of the button */
- g.append("rect")
- g.append("text")
-.text("Show true mean")
-/** Button to Reset */
-let reset = sampling_dist_fish.append("g")
-.on("mouseover",function (d) {
- d3.select(this).style("cursor","pointer");// change the cursor
- })
-.on("click", (d, i, e) => {
-var bins = d3.selectAll(".bin");
-for (var i =0; i < bins._groups[0].length; i++) {
-let bin = bins._groups[0][i];
- bin.flag=false;
- }
- bins.dispatch("mouseout");
- });
-/** Creates the rectangle of the button */
- reset.append("rect")
-/** Add text to the button */
- reset.append("text")
-.text("Reset plot")
-.attr("x",x_fish(28) +61)
Exercise: If you take a sample at random, what would be the probability that the mean of your sample is fairly close to the true mean, say between 40 and 46?
Exercise: True or False: Each time we take a random sample we will have a different sampling distribution.
Sampling Distribution
The sampling distribution of a statistic, like \(\overline{y}\) and \(\hat{p}\), is the distribution of the value of the statistic across all possible random samples of size \(n\) that could be selected from a given population.
Sampling Distribution
Some key questions:
What is the centre of the sampling distribution?
How spread is the sampling distribution?
What is the shape of the sampling distribution?
Sampling Distribution
As you can see, the sampling distribution tells us a lot about our statistic.
We could, for example, calculate the probability that our statistic would be to a certain range around the parameter.
Sampling Distribution
But how is this useful if we need to have access to all possible samples?
In this case, we would be better off just checking out the entire population.
Sampling Distribution
Luckily, we do not need to have access to all possible samples to know the sampling distribution.
All we need is a sample! The same sample you use to calculate the statistic will also give you information on the uncertainty of your estimate.