The 1.4 port of True Tooltips. True Tooltips is a highly customizable tooltip-enhancing mod. All features can be turned off.
Lets you turn off almost all vanilla tooltip lines.
Lets you change the color of almost all vanilla tooltip lines.
Shows the item's sprite in the tooltip always, or only when holding SHIFT, alternatively.
Adds a background whose size and color can be changed.
Adds a tooltip line showing the item's ammo or the ammo the item needs, as well as the mod adding the ammo when "Item Mod" is on.
Shows the mod adding the item when holding SHIFT, or always, alternatively.
Improves the vanilla price tooltip line to always be visible, have individual colors for different coins and be less redundant.
Improves the vanilla speed tooltip line to show uses per second instead of, e.g., "Fast speed".
Improves the vanilla knockback tooltip line to show a numeric value instead of, e.g., "Strong knockback", and show the combined knockback of the weapon and its ammo if "Better Knockback" is on.
Improves the vanilla damage tooltip line to show the combined damage of the weapon and its ammo.
Lets you turn off tooltips of individual items.
Lets you change the position of the tooltip.
Lets you change the distance between tooltip lines.
Lets you turn off the pulsing of the text.