A programing helper for developers built with Electron & Vue.js 🚀
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Help programers quickly solve problems. To make life easy.
Now this project including Regex Tool, Timestamp Converter, Color Box, Json Parser, Base64 Converter, Crontab Tool.
- Regex Tool
- Timestamp Converter
- Color Box
- JSON Parser
- Base64 Converter
- Crontab Tool
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:9080
npm run dev
# build electron application for production
npm run build
# run unit & end-to-end tests
npm test
# lint all JS/Vue component files in `src/`
npm run lint
If this project help you reduce time to develop, you can give me a cup of coffee :)
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This project was generated with electron-vue@8fae476 using vue-cli. Documentation about the original structure can be found here.