A reasonably fast streaming CSV parser for Swift.
let package = Package(
// name, platforms, products, etc.
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/Topolyte/CSVaquita.git", from: "1.0.0")
targets: [
.executableTarget(name: "<your target>", dependencies: ["CSVaquita"])
// Create an InputStream to read from a UTF-8 encoded file
let filePath = "/my/file.csv"
guard let stream = InputStream(fileAtPath: filePath) else {
// handle file not found error
print("Failed to open \(filePath)")
// Or create a stream from any other UTF-8 source such as a String
let csv = """
1,United Kindom,London,67508936,$3.1tn
2,United States,Washington,338289857,$23tn
let stream = InputStream(data: csv.data(using: .utf8)!)
// You can call stream.open() if you prefer but if you do, you're going to have to close it as well
// If you pass the stream to the CSVReader constructor unopened, the stream will be opened automatically
// and closed when the CSVReader itself is destroyed.
let reader = try CSVReader(stream)
// Read rows as [String] until nil is returned
while let row = try reader.readRow() {
// Alternatively you can use a for-in loop. For-in loops iterate over
// Result<[String], Error>? as IteratorProtocol doesn't support exceptions.
for result in reader {
switch result {
case let .success(row):
case let .failure(error):
throw error
The CSVReader can be configured using constructor arguments directly or by passing a CSVReader.Configuration object to the constructor. Configuration objects can be reused as well as modified to create multiple readers.
let conf = CSVReader.Configuration(
// delimiter can be any ASCII character
delimiter: ",",
// header is either .firstRow or .none. If .firstRow is chosen, the first significant
// (i.e non-empty and non-comment) row is stored in CSVReader.headerFields
// and will not be returned by readRow(). When choosing .none, all significant
// rows are returned by readRow() and CSVReader.headerFields will be an array
// containing the column indices of the first significant row: ["0", "1", "2", ... "n-1"]
header: .firstRow,
// quoting can be either .none or .character(c) where c can be any ASCII character.
// Columns enclosed between quote characters can contain the delimiter character as well
// as line breaks. The quote character itself can be escaped by doubling it.
// If you don't use trimming, the initial quote character must not be preceded by
// whitespace or it will be considered part of the field content.
quoting: .character("\""),
// commenting is either .none or .character(c) where c can be any ASCII character.
// Lines starting with c will be ignored.
commenting: .none,
// trimming can be .none, .left, .right or .both removing space and tab from
// the beginning and/or end of a field
trimming: .none,
// columnCount can be .lax, .strict or .exactly(n)
// .lax means that rows can have varying numbers of columns. CSVReader.headerFields
// always reflects the number of columns in the first row.
// Using .strict causes an exception to be thrown if a row doesn't have the same
// number of columns as the first row.
// .exactly(n) requires that all rows, including the first one, have exactly n columns.
// Otherwise an exception will be thrown.
columnCount: .lax,
// The capacity of the reader buffer in bytes. You probably won't need to change this.
bufferCapacity: 1024 * 1024
let reader = try CSVReader(stream, conf)