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File metadata and controls

62 lines (56 loc) · 3.02 KB


Types of created keys detected from passed value. I recommend to use Int, Long, String, Boolean, Float, Double, Array[Byte], Seq, List or Map. Also there is ru.tinkoff.aerospikescala.domain.ByteSegment case class which corresponds to com.aerospike.client.ByteSegmentValue. Converter for Bin supports a lot of types, including HLists and your own case classes. For using some case class as a Bin you will have to show (scala override def fetch(any: Any): Option[YourType] = { ... } ) how to store it in Aerospike.

Usage is very simple:

def getBin[B](b: SingleBin[B])(implicit bC: BinWrapper[B]): Bin = bC.apply(b)

getBin(SingleBin("name", 3)) shouldBe new Bin("name", 3)
getBin(SingleBin("name", List(1, 2, 3))) shouldBe new Bin("name", Seq(1, 2, 3))

HLists and tuples are stored as Maps (here are same result Maps):

getBin(SingleBin("name", 2.toDouble :: List("a","b") :: 2 :: "dsdsds" :: HNil)) shouldBe
   new Bin("name", Map(0 -> 2.0, 1 -> List[String] = List("a", "b"), 2 -> 2, 3 -> "dsdsds"))
getBin(SingleBin("name", (2.toDouble, List("a","b"), 2, "dsdsds"))) shouldBe
   new Bin("name", Map(0 -> 2.0, 1 -> List[String] = List("a", "b"), 2 -> 2, 3 -> "dsdsds"))

If you need to use case class as a value:

case class Truck(name: String, number: Int, color: List[Int])

Assume we have two different ideas for how to store and (which is more important) how to get our Truck value from Aerospike. Option one - let it store as a Map (which is a default case, means no need to do anything else), but then I have to scala override fetch function like this:

  implicit val tc2 = new BinWrapper[Truck] {
    override def fetch(any: Any): Option[Truck] = {
      scala.util.Try{ any match {
        case m: java.util.Map[String, Any] => val nm = m.asScala.toMap
          Truck(nm("name").toString, nm("number").toString.toInt,

Option two: store it like a json

  implicit val tc1 = new BinWrapper[Truck] {
    import MyJsonProtocol._

    override def toValue(truck: Truck) = {
      val j = truck.toJson(truckFormat)
      new BlobValue(j)

  object MyJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
    implicit val truckFormat = jsonFormat(Truck, "mega-name", "mega-number", "mega-color")


getBin(SingleBin("name", Truck("truck", 4, List(1, 2, 3))))(tc1) in Aerospike it will look like {"mega-name":"truck","mega-number":4,"mega-color":[1,2,3]}
getBin(SingleBin("name", Truck("truck", 4, List(1, 2, 3))))(tc2) in Aerospike it will look like {name=truck, number=4, color=1,2,3}

Wrappers passed explicitly, because we have two of them in this scope.

Note: saving as BlobValue, GeoJSONValue, ValueArray or NullValue not implemented in BinWrapper. Your case classes will be saved as Map[String, Any] in com.aerospike.client.MapValue<String, Object>. If you want another format just override toValue() function in BinWrapper creation.