diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index 989ad98..538106e 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -9,40 +9,45 @@ * 🎁 Поддержать проект донатом на ЮМани-кошелёк: [410015019068268](https://yoomoney.ru/quickpay/shop-widget?writer=seller&targets=%D0%94%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%82%20(%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BA)%20%D0%B4%D0%BB%D1%8F%20%D0%B0%D0%B2%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%20%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%82%D0%B0%20TKSBrokerAPI&default-sum=999&button-text=13&payment-type-choice=on&successURL=https%3A%2F%2Ftim55667757.github.io%2FTKSBrokerAPI%2F&quickpay=shop&account=410015019068268) -### [1.4.* (2022-09-??)](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/milestone/4) — готовится к выпуску... +### [1.4.* (2022-09-19)](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/milestone/4) — готовится к выпуску... ##### Новая функциональность * [В работе] [#6](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/6) При запуске с ключом `--history` добавлена возможность указать дополнительный ключ `--render-chart` и отобразить изменение цен инструмента на интерактивном или статическом графике, при помощи библиотеки [`PriceGenerator`](https://tim55667757.github.io/PriceGenerator). * [В работе] [#10](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/10) При запросе информации об облигациях (с ключом `--info` или `-i`), теперь рассчитывается и отображается больше данных: график выплат по облигациям, общее количество выплат и уже погашенные купоны, накопленный купонный доход, текущая доходность, доходность к погашению и размер купона. * [В работе] [#11](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/11) Добавлен ключ `--user-info`, который выводит данные, связанные с аккаунтом, привязанным к текущему токену: доступную информацию о пользователе, права на операции, лимиты по операциям и доступные для данного токена методы API. +* [В работе] [#15](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/15) Реализован метод `GetWithdrawalLimits()` и ключ `--withdrawal-limits` для запроса текущих доступных пользователю остатков на снятие денежных средств со счёта. +* [В работе] [#45](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/45) Для всех методов, которые возвращают табличные данные, добавлена возможность сохранения в файл формата `xlsx`, вместо `md` или `csv` по умолчанию. Для этого используется селектор `--xlsx` вместе с ключом `--output`. +* [В работе] [#46](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/46) Implemented the `--detail-list` key that produces instrument's data similar to `dump.json`, but saved in `xlsx` format. ##### Улучшения * [В работе] [#9](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/9) В метод, реализующий запуск с ключом `--info` (или `-i`), добавлена информация о текущем статусе торгов по запрашиваемому инструменту. Реализован дополнительный метод `GetTradingStatus()`, использующий расширение методов `SearchByTicker()` и `SearchByFIGI()`. Добавлены флаги: `buyAvailableFlag`, `sellAvailableFlag`, `shortEnabledFlag`, `limitOrderAvailableFlag`, `marketOrderAvailableFlag` и `apiTradeAvailableFlag`. +* [В работе] [#47](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/47) `iList` поле более неактуально из-за использования локального дампа `dump.json`, в котором автоматически обновляется список доступных для торговли инструментов, поэтому поле удалено из класса `TinkoffBrokerServer()`. +* [В работе] [#59](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/59) TKSBrokerAPI билд-номер теперь печатается в логах, а также отображается по ключу `--version`. ##### Баг-фиксы * ... -### [1.3.* (2022-08-??)](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/milestone/3) — готовится к выпуску... +### [1.3.* (2022-09-07)](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/milestone/3) — опубликована ##### Новая функциональность -* [В работе] [#5](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/5) Добавлена возможность скачивания истории цен по инструменту с поддержкой докачки, добавлен ключ `--history`. -* [В работе] [#14](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/14) Реализованы методы для открытия сеток отложенных лимитных и стоп-ордеров. -* [В работе] [#15](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/15) Реализован метод `GetWithdrawalLimits()` и ключ `--withdrawal-limits` для запроса текущих доступных пользователю остатков на снятие денежных средств со счёта. +* [#5](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/5) Добавлена возможность скачивания истории цен по инструменту с поддержкой докачки по ключу `--history`. Также ключ `--interval` позволяет указать временной интервал для скачиваемых ценовых свечей в формате OHLCV. Ключ `--only-missing` позволяет докачать только последние свечи, сохранённые в файле, заданном через `--output`. Ключ `--csv-sep` задаёт разделитель между данными в csv-файлах. History returned between two given dates: `start` and `end`. `1970-01-01` минимальная дата в прошлом, начиная с которой брокер даёт скачать историю. Внимание! Брокер использует ISO UTC формат времени. ##### Улучшения -* [В работе] [#17](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/17) Оптимизирован запрос цен для инструментов и убраны повторные запросы цены для одного и того же инструмента при запуске с ключом `--prices` или вызове метода `Overview()`. +* [#17](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/17) Оптимизирован запрос цен для инструментов и убраны повторные запросы цены для одного и того же инструмента при запуске с ключом `--prices` или вызове метода `Overview()`. За счёт удаления дублирующих запросов немного повысилась скорость работы. +* [#43](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/43) Добавлены новые ключи для уменьшения информации в методе `Overview()`: ключ `--overview-positions` показывает только открытые позиции, без всего остального, ключ `--overview-digest` показывает короткий дайджест состояния портфеля, ключ `--overview-analytics` показывает только раздел аналитики и распределения портфеля по различным категориям, ключ `--overview-orders` показывает только секцию открытых лимитных и стоп ордеров. +* [#44](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/44) Все markdown-таблицы приведены к стандартному виду, включая отрисовку правой части таблиц. ##### Баг-фиксы -* [В работе] [#18](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/18) Добавлена обработка ошибки `raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None`. -* [В работе] [#16](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/16) Исправлено отображение дробных чисел с первым нулём после десятичной точки, в случаях, когда вместо `1.0` выводилось `1.`. -* ... +* [#18](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/18) Добавлена обработка ошибки `raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None`. Теперь отображается сообщение: `Check you Internet connection! Failed to establish a new connection to broker server!` и выводится путь до файла с дебажными логами. +* [#16](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/16) Исправлено отображение дробных чисел с первым нулём после десятичной точки, в случаях, когда вместо `1.0` выводилось `1.`. +* [#38](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/38) Исправлено отображение дробной части цен при запросе ETF. ### [1.2.62 (2022-08-23)](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/releases/tag/1.2.62) — опубликована @@ -120,7 +125,7 @@ * [#32](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/32) Исправлены ошибки при попытке закрытия всех ордеров с ключом `--close-all orders`. Ошибка возникла из-за неправильной обработки формата входной строки в одном из отладочных сообщений. Убраны лишние сообщения, а вместе с ними и ошибка форматирования. -## 1.0.1 (2020-05 - 2022-07) — устаревшая версия, неработоспособная с новым Tinkoff Open API REST-протоколом +## [1.0.1 (2020-05 - 2022-07)](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/releases/tag/1.0.1) — устаревшая версия, неработоспособная с новым Tinkoff Open API REST-протоколом ##### Ретроспектива diff --git a/CHANGELOG_EN.md b/CHANGELOG_EN.md index 864f986..faf74db 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG_EN.md +++ b/CHANGELOG_EN.md @@ -9,40 +9,45 @@ * 🎁 Support the project with a donation to our yoomoney-wallet: [410015019068268](https://yoomoney.ru/quickpay/shop-widget?writer=seller&targets=Donat%20(gift)%20for%20the%20authors%20of%20the%20TKSBrokerAPI%20project&default-sum=999&button-text=13&payment-type-choice=on&successURL=https%3A%2F%2Ftim55667757.github.io%2FTKSBrokerAPI%2F&quickpay=shop&account=410015019068268) -### [1.4.* (2022-09-??)](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/milestone/4) — preparing for release... +### [1.4.* (2022-09-19)](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/milestone/4) — preparing for release... ##### New features * [In progress] [#6](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/6) When launched with the `--history` key, the ability to specify an additional key `--render-chart` and display the change in instrument prices on an interactive or static chart using the [`PriceGenerator`](https://tim55667757.github.io/PriceGenerator) library. * [In progress] [#10](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/10) When requesting information about bonds (with the `--info` or `-i` key), more data is now calculated and displayed: bond payment schedule, total number of payments and already redeemed coupons, accumulated coupon income, current yield, yield to maturity and coupon's size. * [In progress] [#11](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/11) The `--user-info` key has been added, which displays data associated with the account for the current token: available information about the user, operations rights, limits on operations, and API methods available for this token. +* [In progress] [#15](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/15) The `GetWithdrawalLimits()` method and the `--withdrawal-limits` key are implemented. They request the currency balance available to the user for withdrawing funds from the account. +* [In progress] [#45](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/45) For all methods that return data in table form was added the ability to change file type to `xlsx`, instead of `md` or `csv`, with selector `--xlsx` for `--output` key. +* [In progress] [#46](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/46) Implemented the `--detail-list` key that produces instrument's data similar to `dump.json`, but saved in `xlsx` format. ##### Improvements * [In progress] [#9](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/9) Added information about the current trading status for the requested instrument to the method that implements launching with the `--info` (or `-i`) key. An additional `GetTradingStatus()` method has been implemented, using an extension of the `SearchByTicker()` and `SearchByFIGI()` methods. Added flags: `buyAvailableFlag`, `sellAvailableFlag`, `shortEnabledFlag`, `limitOrderAvailableFlag`, `marketOrderAvailableFlag` and `apiTradeAvailableFlag`. +* [In progress] [#47](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/47) `iList` field is not actual because local `dump.json` make the similar function and auto-updates instruments list. So this field was deleted from `TinkoffBrokerServer()` class. +* [In progress] [#59](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/59) TKSBrokerAPI build version was added to the start of debug log, also shows by the key `--version`. ##### Bug fixes * ... -### [1.3.* (2022-08-??)](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/milestone/3) — preparing for release... +### [1.3.* (2022-09-07)](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/milestone/3) — released ##### New features -* [In progress] [#5](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/5) Added ability to download price history for an instrument with "only latest" update support, added `--history` key. -* [In progress] [#14](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/14) Implemented methods for opening grids of pending limit and stop orders. -* [In progress] [#15](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/15) The `GetWithdrawalLimits()` method and the `--withdrawal-limits` key are implemented. They request the currency balance available to the user for withdrawing funds from the account. +* [#5](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/5) Added ability to download price history for an instrument with "only latest" update support, added `--history` key. Also, the `--interval` key allows you to specify the time interval for downloading price candles in the OHLCV format. The `--only-missing` key allows you to download only the last candles saved in the file specified via `--output`. The `--csv-sep` key sets the separator between data in csv files. Minimum requested date in the past is `1970-01-01`. Warning! Broker server use ISO UTC time by default. ##### Improvements -* [In progress] [#17](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/17) Optimized price request for instruments and removed repeated price requests for the same instrument when launched with the `--prices` key or when calling the `Overview()` method. +* [#17](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/17) Optimized price request for instruments and removed repeated price requests for the same instrument when launched with the `--prices` key or when calling the `Overview()` method. Now TKSBrokerAPI not request prices for duplicated instruments and saving working time. +* [#43](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/43) Added new keys to reduce information in the `Overview()` method: the `--overview-positions` key shows only open positions, without everything else, the `--overview-digest` key shows a short digest of the portfolio status, the `--overview-analytics` key shows only the analytics section and the distribution of the portfolio by various categories, the `--overview-orders` shows only section of open limits and stop orders. +* [#44](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/44) All markdown-tables are brought to the standard form, including the rendering of the right side of the tables. ##### Bug fixes -* [In progress] [#18](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/18) Error handling added `raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None`. -* [In progress] [#16](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/16) Fixed display of fractional numbers with the first zero after the decimal point, e.g. `1.` was displayed instead of `1.0`. -* ... +* [#18](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/18) Error handling added `raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None`. Now the message is showing: `Check you Internet connection! Failed to establish a new connection to broker server!` and the path to the debug log file. +* [#16](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/16) Fixed display of fractional numbers with the first zero after the decimal point, e.g. `1.` was displayed instead of `1.0`. +* [#38](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/38) fixed broken table when ETF requested. ### [1.2.62 (2022-08-23)](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/releases/tag/1.2.62) — released @@ -120,7 +125,7 @@ * [#32](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/32) Fixed a bug with some problems when trying to execute `--close-all orders`. Extra messages, and with them the formatting error, have been removed. -## 1.0.1 (2020-05 - 2022-07) — DEPRECATED version, not working with new Tinkoff Open API REST protocol +## [1.0.1 (2020-05 - 2022-07)](https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/blob/master/CHANGELOG_EN.md#101-2020-05---2022-07--deprecated-version-not-working-with-new-tinkoff-open-api-rest-protocol) — DEPRECATED version, not working with new Tinkoff Open API REST protocol ##### Retrospective diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index a0e088c..e35e3cd 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ - [Совершить сделку по рынку](#Совершить-сделку-по-рынку) - [Открыть отложенный лимитный или стоп-ордер](#Открыть-отложенный-лимитный-или-стоп-ордер) - [Отменить ордера и закрыть позиции](#Отменить-ордера-и-закрыть-позиции) + - [Скачать исторические данные в формате OHLCV-свечей](#Скачать-исторические-данные-в-формате-OHLCV-свечей) - [Как python API через импорт модуля TKSBrokerAPI](#Как-python-API-через-импорт-модуля-TKSBrokerAPI) - [Пример реализации абстрактного сценария](#Пример-реализации-абстрактного-сценария) @@ -191,6 +192,9 @@ TKSBrokerAPI позволяет автоматизировать рутинны На момент [последнего релиза](https://pypi.org/project/tksbrokerapi/) инструмент TKSBrokerAPI умеет: +- Скачивать с сервера брокера исторические данные в ценовой модели OHLCV (доступны интервалы: `1min`, `5min`, `15min`, `hour` и `day` за любой период времени, начиная с `1970-01-01`); + - общий ключ `--history` и дополнительные ключи: `--interval`, `--only-missing` и `--csv-sep`; + - API-метод: [`History()`](https://tim55667757.github.io/TKSBrokerAPI/docs/tksbrokerapi/TKSBrokerAPI.html#TinkoffBrokerServer.History). - Кэшировать по умолчанию все данные по всем торгуемым инструментам в файл `dump.json` и использовать его в дальнейшем, что позволяет уменьшить число обращений на сервер брокера; - ключ `--no-cache` отменяет использование локального кэша, данные запрашиваются с сервера при каждом запуске; - API-метод: [`DumpInstruments()`](https://tim55667757.github.io/TKSBrokerAPI/docs/tksbrokerapi/TKSBrokerAPI.html#TinkoffBrokerServer.DumpInstruments). @@ -344,11 +348,19 @@ https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/blob/master/README_EN.md#Usage-examp `BBG006L8G4H1` для инструмента с тикером `YNDX`. --depth DEPTH Параметр: число, показывающее "глубину биржевого стакана" (Depth of Market, DOM), должно быть >=1, по умолчанию 1. - --no-cancelled Параметр: удалить информацию об отменённых операциях + --no-cancelled, --no-canceled + Параметр: удалить информацию об отменённых операциях из отчёта по сделкам, полученного с ключом `--deals`. False по умолчанию. --output OUTPUT Параметр: строка, которая заменяет стандартный путь вывода в файл - для некоторых команд. Если None, тогда используется стандартный путь. + для некоторых команд. Если `None`, тогда используется стандартный путь. + --interval INTERVAL Параметр: доступные значения равны `1min`, `5min`, `15min`, + `hour` и `day`. Используется только с ключом `--history`. + Это временной промежуток одной ценовой свечи. По умолчанию: `hour`. + --only-missing Параметр: если указан файл с историческими данными через ключ `--output`, + то добавляются только последние пропущенные свечи, без запроса + всех данных. `False` по умолчанию. + --csv-sep CSV_SEP Параметр: разделитель в .csv-файлах, `,` по умолчанию. --debug-level DEBUG_LEVEL, --verbosity DEBUG_LEVEL, -v DEBUG_LEVEL Параметр: число, которое указывает минимальный уровень вывода логов в STDOUT, например, 10 = DEBUG, 20 = INFO, 30 = WARNING, @@ -365,7 +377,7 @@ https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/blob/master/README_EN.md#Usage-examp инструменту, зная его тикер или FIGI. Ключ `--ticker` или ключ `--figi` должны быть заданы! --price Команда: показать стакан цен для выбранного инструмента. - Можно использовать совместно с ключом --depth, для указания + Можно использовать совместно с ключом `--depth`, для указания глубины. Ключ `--ticker` или ключ `--figi` должны быть заданы! --prices PRICES [PRICES ...], -p PRICES [PRICES ...] Команда: получить таблицу актуальных цен для выбранных @@ -376,7 +388,7 @@ https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/blob/master/README_EN.md#Usage-examp --overview, -o Команда: показать все открытые позиции, ордера и немного статистики. Также можно задать ключ `--output`, чтобы сохранить эту информацию в файл, по умолчанию: `overview.md`. - --deals [DEALS [DEALS ...]], -d [DEALS [DEALS ...]] + --deals [DEALS ...], -d [DEALS ...] Команда: показать все сделки между двумя датами. Первый параметр указывает на начальную дату: -1, -2, -3 дней назад. Также можно использовать ключевики: `today`, `yesterday` (-1), @@ -386,27 +398,30 @@ https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/blob/master/README_EN.md#Usage-examp не будет отображаться в отчёте по сделкам. Также можно задать ключ `--output`, чтобы сохранить сделки в файл, по умолчанию: `deals.md`. - --trade [TRADE [TRADE ...]] - Команда: универсальный способ, чтобы открыть сделку "по рынку" + --history [HISTORY ...] + Команда: получить исторические свечи по инструменту, + заданному через ключи `--ticker` или `figi` (FIGI id). + История скачивается между двумя датами: `start` и `end`. + Минимальная дата в прошлом, возвращаемая сервером, это + `1970-01-01`. Также вы можете задать ключ `--output` + для сохранения исторических свечей в файл. + --trade [TRADE ...] Команда: универсальный способ, чтобы открыть сделку "по рынку" для инструмента, заданного тикером или FIGI. Можно указать от 1 до 5 параметров: [направление `Buy` или `Sell] [лоты, >= 1] [тейк-профит, >= 0] [стоп-лосс, >= 0] [срок действия ордеров TP/SL, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]. Смотрите подробные примеры в README.md. - --buy [BUY [BUY ...]] - Команда: немедленно открыть BUY позицию "по рынку" + --buy [BUY ...] Команда: немедленно открыть BUY позицию "по рынку" по текущим ценам в стакане для указанного тикера или FIGI. Можно указать до 4 необязательных параметра: [лоты, >= 1] [тейк-профит, >= 0] [стоп-лосс, >= 0] [срок действия ордеров TP/SL, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]. - --sell [SELL [SELL ...]] - Команда: немедленно открыть SELL позицию "по рынку" + --sell [SELL ...] Команда: немедленно открыть SELL позицию "по рынку" по текущим ценам в стакане для указанного тикера или FIGI. Можно указать до 4 необязательных параметра: [лоты, >= 1] [тейк-профит, >= 0] [стоп-лосс, >= 0] [срок действия ордеров TP/SL, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]. - --order [ORDER [ORDER ...]] - Команда: универсальный способ, чтобы открыть лимитный или стоп-ордер + --order [ORDER ...] Команда: универсальный способ, чтобы открыть лимитный или стоп-ордер в любом направлении. Нужно указать от 4 до 7 параметров: [направление `Buy` или `Sell] [тип ордера `Limit` или`Stop`] [лоты] [целевая цена] [дополнительно для стоп-ордеров: @@ -427,7 +442,7 @@ https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/blob/master/README_EN.md#Usage-examp попытаетесь создать лимитный `Sell` ордер ниже текущей цены, тогда брокер немедленно откроет рыночный `Sell` ордер, как если бы вы просто указали `--sell` операцию! - --buy-stop [BUY_STOP [BUY_STOP ...]] + --buy-stop [BUY_STOP ...] Команда: открыть стоп-ордер в направлении BUY. Нужно задать только 2 обязательных параметра: [лоты] [целевая цена] для открытия BUY стоп-ордера. Можно указать 3 дополнительных параметра для @@ -436,7 +451,7 @@ https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/blob/master/README_EN.md#Usage-examp Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]. Когда текущая цена дойдёт вверх или вниз до целевой цены, тогда брокер откроет лимитный ордер. Ордер типа стоп-лосс всегда исполняется по текущей рыночной цене. - --sell-stop [SELL_STOP [SELL_STOP ...]] + --sell-stop [SELL_STOP ...] Команда: открыть стоп-ордер в направлении SELL. Нужно задать только 2 обязательных параметра: [лоты] [целевая цена] для открытия SELL стоп-ордера. Можно указать 3 дополнительных параметра для @@ -459,7 +474,7 @@ https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/blob/master/README_EN.md#Usage-examp --close-trades CLOSE_TRADES [CLOSE_TRADES ...], --cancel-trades CLOSE_TRADES [CLOSE_TRADES ...] Команда: закрыть позиции для списка инструментов, в том числе можно указывать тикеры валют. - --close-all [CLOSE_ALL [CLOSE_ALL ...]], --cancel-all [CLOSE_ALL [CLOSE_ALL ...]] + --close-all [CLOSE_ALL ...], --cancel-all [CLOSE_ALL ...] Команда: закрыть все доступные (не заблокированные) открытые позиции и отменить ордера, кроме валютных позиций. Также вы можете указать одно или более ключевых слов (регистронезависимых) для @@ -942,7 +957,9 @@ TKSBrokerAPI.py L:1024 INFO [2022-07-27 00:25:43,611] Price list for all #### Получить текущий портфель пользователя и статистику распределения активов -Используется ключ `--overview` (`-o`). Дополнительно можно указать ключ `--output` и задать имя файла, куда сохранить отчёт о состоянии портфеля в формате Markdown (по умолчанию `overview.md` в текущей рабочей директории). Ключ `--verbosity=10` выведет всю отладочную информацию в консоль (можно его не указывать). +Чтобы посмотреть состояние портфеля и статистику распределения активов (по типам, компаниям, секторам, валютам и странам), используется ключ `--overview` (`-o`). Дополнительно можно указать ключ `--output` и задать имя файла, куда сохранить отчёт о состоянии портфеля в формате Markdown (по умолчанию `overview.md` в текущей рабочей директории). Ключ `--verbosity=10` выведет всю отладочную информацию в консоль (можно его не указывать). + +Также вы можете использовать другие ключи вместо ключа `--overview`, начиная с TKSBrokerAPI версии 1.3.*: ключ `--overview-digest` показывает краткий дайджест состояния портфеля, ключ `--overview-positions` показывает только открытые позиции, без всего остального, ключ `--overview-orders` показывает только секцию открытых лимитных и стоп ордеров, ключ `--overview-analytics` показывает только секцию аналитики и распределения портфеля по различным категориям. Ключ `--output` также переопределяет для них выходной файл.
Команда для отображения портфеля пользователя @@ -1703,6 +1720,236 @@ TKSBrokerAPI.py L:3042 DEBUG [2022-07-27 23:25:40,687] TKSBrokerAPI module
+#### Скачать исторические данные в формате OHLCV-свечей + +Начиная с TKSBrokerAPI v.1.3.* вы можете получать исторические ценовые данные в формате OHLCV-свечей. Для этого указать инструмент с помощью ключа `--ticker` или ключа `--figi` (FIGI id), задать интервал свечи возможно с помощью ключа `--interval`. Кроме того, используется ключ `--only-missing`, чтобы указать TKSBrokerAPI загружать только последние недостающие свечи в ранее скачанном файле. Если ключ `--output` присутствует, то TKSBrokerAPI сохраняет историю в файл, в противном случае возвращает только pandas dataframe. Ключ `--csv-sep` определяет разделитель в csv-файлах. + +История возвращается между двумя заданными датами: `start` и `end`. Минимальная дата в прошлом, начиная с которой сервер отдаёт историю, это `1970-01-01`. Важно! Сервер брокера по умолчанию использует время в формате ISO UTC. + +
+ Команда для запроса сегодняшних цен часовыми свечами + +```commandline +$ tksbrokerapi -v 10 -t GAZP --interval hour --history today + +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:3108 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:40,443] TKSBrokerAPI module started at: [2022-09-04 11:08:40] UTC, it is [2022-09-04 14:08:40] local time +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:207 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:40,443] Bearer token for Tinkoff OpenApi set up from environment variable `TKS_API_TOKEN`. See https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/token/ +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:219 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:40,443] String with user's numeric account ID in Tinkoff Broker set up from environment variable `TKS_ACCOUNT_ID` +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:249 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:40,443] Broker API server: https://invest-public-api.tinkoff.ru/rest +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:303 WARNING [2022-09-04 14:08:40,443] Local cache may be outdated! It has last modified [2022-09-03 19:51:24] UTC. Updating from broker server, wait, please... +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:452 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:40,443] Requesting all available instruments from broker for current user token. Wait, please... +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:453 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:40,443] CPU usages for parallel requests: [7] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:430 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:40,479] Requesting available [Currencies] list. Wait, please... +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:430 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:40,479] Requesting available [Shares] list. Wait, please... +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:430 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:40,479] Requesting available [Bonds] list. Wait, please... +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:430 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:40,479] Requesting available [Etfs] list. Wait, please... +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:430 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:40,479] Requesting available [Futures] list. Wait, please... +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:501 INFO [2022-09-04 14:08:41,919] Instruments raw data were cached for future used: [dump.json] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:137 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:41,919] Input start day is [today] (UTC), end day is [None] (UTC) +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:175 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:41,919] Start day converted to UTC ISO format, with Z: [2022-09-04T00:00:00Z], and the end day: [2022-09-04T23:59:59Z] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2239 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:41,920] Original requested time period in local time: from [today] to [None] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2240 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:41,920] Requested time period is about from [2022-09-04T00:00:00Z] UTC to [2022-09-04T23:59:59Z] UTC +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2241 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:41,920] Calculated history length: [24], interval: [hour] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2242 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:41,920] Data blocks, count: [1], max candles in block: [167] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2243 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:41,920] Requesting history candlesticks, ticker: [GAZP], FIGI: [BBG004730RP0]. Wait, please... +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2275 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:41,920] [Block #1/1] time period: [2022-09-04T00:00:00Z] UTC - [2022-09-05T00:00:00Z] UTC +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2340 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:42,024] Last 3 rows of received history: + date time open high low close volume +2022.09.04 09:00 253.82 255.43 252.81 252.95 3506 +2022.09.04 10:00 252.95 255.36 252.55 254.02 3522 +2022.09.04 11:00 254.02 255.05 253.22 254.26 574 +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2343 INFO [2022-09-04 14:08:42,026] Here's requested history between [2022-09-04 00:00:00] UTC and [2022-09-04 23:59:59] UTC, not-empty candles count: [5] + date time open high low close volume +2022.09.04 07:00 254.21 254.92 253.14 254.48 6635 +2022.09.04 08:00 253.45 254.98 251.99 253.79 4048 +2022.09.04 09:00 253.82 255.43 252.81 252.95 3506 +2022.09.04 10:00 252.95 255.36 252.55 254.02 3522 +2022.09.04 11:00 254.02 255.05 253.22 254.26 574 +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2357 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:42,026] --output key is not defined. Parsed history file not saved to file, only pandas dataframe returns. +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:3354 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:42,026] All operations with Tinkoff Server using Open API are finished success (summary code is 0). +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:3359 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:42,026] TKSBrokerAPI module work duration: [0:00:01.582813] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:3360 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:42,026] TKSBrokerAPI module finished: [2022-09-04 11:08:42] UTC, it is [2022-09-04 14:08:42] local time +``` + +
+ +
+ Команда для запроса дневных свечей между двумя указанными датами + +```commandline +$ tksbrokerapi -t IBM --history 2022-08-01 2022-08-31 --interval day + +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2343 INFO [2022-09-04 14:21:05,788] Here's requested history between [2022-08-01 00:00:00] UTC and [2022-08-31 23:59:59] UTC, not-empty candles count: [24] + date time open high low close volume +2022.08.01 04:00 131.01 132.70 130.20 132.04 648608 +2022.08.02 04:00 131.60 132.95 130.51 132.95 567640 +2022.08.03 04:00 132.76 132.91 131.35 132.01 437408 +2022.08.04 04:00 132.36 132.75 130.69 131.53 401974 +2022.08.05 04:00 131.49 132.90 130.58 132.30 307648 +2022.08.08 04:00 132.81 133.74 132.11 132.75 475499 +2022.08.09 04:00 130.89 131.37 129.12 129.49 438811 +2022.08.10 04:00 129.59 131.78 129.24 131.26 671500 +2022.08.11 04:00 131.64 133.23 131.37 132.16 504115 +2022.08.12 04:00 132.57 134.10 131.97 134.00 316447 +2022.08.15 04:00 133.59 135.20 132.23 134.93 334782 +2022.08.16 04:00 134.03 137.37 133.97 137.25 587223 +2022.08.17 04:00 136.86 138.42 136.01 137.67 505083 +2022.08.18 04:00 137.11 139.12 136.84 139.00 524103 +2022.08.19 04:00 138.37 139.34 136.79 138.09 381548 +2022.08.22 04:00 136.82 137.84 135.35 135.66 487278 +2022.08.23 04:00 134.51 136.08 134.47 134.84 339339 +2022.08.24 04:00 134.75 135.08 133.06 133.27 338234 +2022.08.25 04:00 133.33 134.44 133.07 133.99 401394 +2022.08.26 04:00 133.56 135.09 130.02 130.37 691667 +2022.08.29 04:00 130.36 131.42 129.47 130.41 376955 +2022.08.30 04:00 130.31 131.23 129.29 129.60 316821 +2022.08.31 04:00 129.13 130.14 128.41 128.88 399543 +``` + +
+ +
+ Команда для запроса только последних пропущенных свечей в ранее скачанном файле истории + +```commandline +$ tksbrokerapi --ticker GAZP --interval day --history 2022-08-15 2022-09-01 --only-missing --output GAZP_day.csv --verbosity 10 + +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:3109 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,548] TKSBrokerAPI module started at: [2022-09-04 11:31:27] UTC, it is [2022-09-04 14:31:27] local time +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:207 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,549] Bearer token for Tinkoff OpenApi set up from environment variable `TKS_API_TOKEN`. See https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/token/ +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:219 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,549] String with user's numeric account ID in Tinkoff Broker set up from environment variable `TKS_ACCOUNT_ID` +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:249 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,549] Broker API server: https://invest-public-api.tinkoff.ru/rest +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:310 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,583] Local cache with raw instruments data is used: [dump.json] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:311 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,583] Dump file was last modified [2022-09-04 11:08:41] UTC +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:137 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,583] Input start day is [2022-08-15] (UTC), end day is [2022-09-01] (UTC) +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:175 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,585] Start day converted to UTC ISO format, with Z: [2022-08-15T00:00:00Z], and the end day: [2022-09-01T23:59:59Z] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2240 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,586] Original requested time period in local time: from [2022-08-15] to [2022-09-01] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2241 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,586] Requested time period is about from [2022-08-15T00:00:00Z] UTC to [2022-09-01T23:59:59Z] UTC +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2242 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,586] Calculated history length: [18], interval: [day] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2243 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,586] Data blocks, count: [1], max candles in block: [364] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2244 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,586] Requesting history candlesticks, ticker: [GAZP], FIGI: [BBG004730RP0]. Wait, please... +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2250 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,586] --only-missing key present, add only last missing candles... +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2251 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,586] History file will be updated: [/Users/tim/projects/TKSBrokerAPI/tksbrokerapi/GAZP_day.csv] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2276 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,589] [Block #1/1] time period: [2022-08-14T23:59:59Z] UTC - [2022-09-01T23:59:59Z] UTC +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2331 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,704] History will be updated starting from the date: [2022-08-24 07:00:00] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2341 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,706] Last 3 rows of received history: + date time open high low close volume +2022.08.30 07:00 190.45 204.20 190.45 204.00 11254642 +2022.08.31 07:00 224.40 275.96 224.40 254.90 23933088 +2022.09.01 07:00 258.00 259.85 247.62 249.11 8366161 +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2344 INFO [2022-09-04 14:31:27,707] Here's requested history between [2022-08-15 00:00:00] UTC and [2022-09-01 23:59:59] UTC, not-empty candles count: [11] + date time open high low close volume +2022.08.22 07:00 177.40 182.20 176.88 181.70 2279598 +2022.08.23 07:00 182.39 185.80 182.10 184.30 2693193 +2022.08.24 07:00 184.70 186.66 182.19 182.83 1756229 +2022.08.25 07:00 183.00 184.60 180.80 181.90 1490493 +2022.08.26 07:00 181.70 184.20 180.50 183.62 1301585 +2022.08.27 07:00 183.99 185.24 181.90 183.83 15471 +2022.08.28 07:00 184.57 185.60 183.20 184.07 10622 +2022.08.29 07:00 183.15 190.00 182.65 190.00 3057446 +2022.08.30 07:00 190.45 204.20 190.45 204.00 11254642 +2022.08.31 07:00 224.40 275.96 224.40 254.90 23933088 +2022.09.01 07:00 258.00 259.85 247.62 249.11 8366161 +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2352 INFO [2022-09-04 14:31:27,708] Ticker [GAZP], FIGI [BBG004730RP0], tf: [day], history saved: [GAZP_day.csv] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:3355 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,708] All operations with Tinkoff Server using Open API are finished success (summary code is 0). +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:3360 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,708] TKSBrokerAPI module work duration: [0:00:00.159508] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:3361 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,708] TKSBrokerAPI module finished: [2022-09-04 11:31:27] UTC, it is [2022-09-04 14:31:27] local time +``` + +
+ +
+ Команда для запроса цен за последние 2 дня в виде 15-минутных свечей и их сохранения в csv-файл + +```commandline +$ tksbrokerapi -v 10 --history -2 -t GAZP --interval 15min --output GAZP_15min.csv + +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:3109 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,559] TKSBrokerAPI module started at: [2022-09-04 11:49:45] UTC, it is [2022-09-04 14:49:45] local time +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:207 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,559] Bearer token for Tinkoff OpenApi set up from environment variable `TKS_API_TOKEN`. See https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/token/ +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:219 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,559] String with user's numeric account ID in Tinkoff Broker set up from environment variable `TKS_ACCOUNT_ID` +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:249 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,559] Broker API server: https://invest-public-api.tinkoff.ru/rest +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:310 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,594] Local cache with raw instruments data is used: [dump.json] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:311 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,594] Dump file was last modified [2022-09-04 11:08:41] UTC +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:137 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,594] Input start day is [-2] (UTC), end day is [None] (UTC) +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:175 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,594] Start day converted to UTC ISO format, with Z: [2022-09-03T00:00:00Z], and the end day: [2022-09-04T23:59:59Z] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2240 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,594] Original requested time period in local time: from [-2] to [None] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2241 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,595] Requested time period is about from [2022-09-03T00:00:00Z] UTC to [2022-09-04T23:59:59Z] UTC +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2242 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,595] Calculated history length: [192], interval: [15min] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2243 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,595] Data blocks, count: [3], max candles in block: [95] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2244 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,595] Requesting history candlesticks, ticker: [GAZP], FIGI: [BBG004730RP0]. Wait, please... +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2276 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,595] [Block #1/3] time period: [2022-09-04T00:15:00Z] UTC - [2022-09-05T00:00:00Z] UTC +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2276 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,699] [Block #2/3] time period: [2022-09-03T00:30:00Z] UTC - [2022-09-04T00:15:00Z] UTC +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2276 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,788] [Block #3/3] time period: [2022-09-03T00:00:00Z] UTC - [2022-09-03T00:30:00Z] UTC +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2341 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,871] Last 3 rows of received history: + date time open high low close volume +2022.09.04 11:15 253.27 254.89 252.94 254.45 1159 +2022.09.04 11:30 254.47 254.73 253.18 253.31 800 +2022.09.04 11:45 254.21 254.37 253.20 253.29 121 +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2344 INFO [2022-09-04 14:49:45,875] Here's requested history between [2022-09-03 00:00:00] UTC and [2022-09-04 23:59:59] UTC, not-empty candles count: [56] + date time open high low close volume +2022.09.03 07:00 251.77 255.06 250.86 252.73 10446 +2022.09.03 07:15 252.74 253.95 251.28 252.29 2716 +2022.09.03 07:30 251.28 252.55 249.44 250.88 8297 +2022.09.03 07:45 250.97 252.00 249.69 252.00 3457 +2022.09.03 08:00 252.01 252.66 250.71 251.44 1666 +2022.09.03 08:15 252.46 252.84 251.11 252.59 1725 +2022.09.03 08:30 251.54 253.52 250.79 252.15 2256 +2022.09.03 08:45 252.15 252.76 250.67 252.22 1150 +2022.09.03 09:00 252.22 252.55 250.65 252.55 1286 +2022.09.03 09:15 252.55 253.29 251.16 252.20 1237 +2022.09.03 09:30 251.15 254.48 251.13 253.47 4115 +2022.09.03 09:45 253.49 253.69 251.61 252.78 1341 +2022.09.03 10:00 252.79 253.57 251.80 253.05 878 +2022.09.03 10:15 252.02 253.66 251.87 252.39 901 +2022.09.03 10:30 252.33 253.49 251.97 253.02 734 +2022.09.03 10:45 253.03 253.18 251.30 251.87 1451 +2022.09.03 11:00 251.86 253.32 251.86 253.25 902 +2022.09.03 11:15 251.98 253.53 251.62 253.25 1198 +2022.09.03 11:30 253.26 253.80 252.22 253.61 989 +2022.09.03 11:45 252.59 253.81 252.16 252.19 964 +2022.09.03 12:00 253.24 253.85 251.65 253.49 1698 +2022.09.03 12:15 253.50 254.31 252.13 252.84 1737 +2022.09.03 12:30 253.87 254.64 252.55 254.00 1245 +2022.09.03 12:45 252.97 254.13 252.34 253.48 613 +2022.09.03 13:00 253.49 253.85 252.41 253.85 457 +2022.09.03 13:15 253.85 254.19 252.48 252.48 889 +2022.09.03 13:30 252.47 254.54 252.41 254.19 879 +2022.09.03 13:45 253.16 254.40 252.52 253.93 877 +2022.09.03 14:00 252.90 254.01 252.45 253.67 550 +2022.09.03 14:15 252.64 253.75 252.40 252.40 344 +2022.09.03 14:30 253.43 254.08 252.41 253.69 487 +2022.09.03 14:45 252.66 254.08 252.47 253.51 682 +2022.09.03 15:00 252.48 253.87 252.47 253.87 357 +2022.09.03 15:15 253.88 253.89 252.01 253.60 892 +2022.09.03 15:30 252.57 253.72 252.28 252.39 459 +2022.09.03 15:45 253.49 254.68 252.57 253.20 641 +2022.09.04 07:00 254.21 254.92 253.14 254.31 1669 +2022.09.04 07:15 254.32 254.90 253.20 254.39 1604 +2022.09.04 07:30 253.36 254.80 253.20 253.69 1206 +2022.09.04 07:45 253.69 254.90 253.19 254.48 2156 +2022.09.04 08:00 253.45 254.59 252.48 253.62 1057 +2022.09.04 08:15 252.59 254.98 252.58 254.40 1034 +2022.09.04 08:30 253.37 254.53 251.99 253.81 1133 +2022.09.04 08:45 253.82 254.22 252.55 253.79 824 +2022.09.04 09:00 253.82 254.27 252.81 254.27 674 +2022.09.04 09:15 253.24 254.59 252.98 254.09 481 +2022.09.04 09:30 253.07 254.59 253.07 254.47 671 +2022.09.04 09:45 254.54 255.43 252.95 252.95 1680 +2022.09.04 10:00 252.95 255.14 252.95 253.52 888 +2022.09.04 10:15 254.55 254.60 252.55 253.82 811 +2022.09.04 10:30 252.79 254.31 252.65 254.31 373 +2022.09.04 10:45 253.29 255.36 253.26 254.02 1450 +2022.09.04 11:00 254.02 255.05 253.14 254.30 718 +2022.09.04 11:15 253.27 254.89 252.94 254.45 1159 +2022.09.04 11:30 254.47 254.73 253.18 253.31 800 +2022.09.04 11:45 254.21 254.37 253.20 253.29 121 +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2352 INFO [2022-09-04 14:49:45,876] Ticker [GAZP], FIGI [BBG004730RP0], tf: [15min], history saved: [GAZP_15min.csv] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:3355 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,876] All operations with Tinkoff Server using Open API are finished success (summary code is 0). +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:3360 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,876] TKSBrokerAPI module work duration: [0:00:00.316572] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:3361 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,876] TKSBrokerAPI module finished: [2022-09-04 11:49:45] UTC, it is [2022-09-04 14:49:45] local time +``` + +
+ ### Как python API через импорт модуля TKSBrokerAPI Полная документация по всем доступным свойствам и методам класса `TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer()` находится [по ссылке](https://tim55667757.github.io/TKSBrokerAPI/docs/tksbrokerapi/TKSBrokerAPI.html). Соответствие ключей и методов также можно посмотреть в разделе ["Основные возможности"](#Основные-возможности). diff --git a/README_EN.md b/README_EN.md index 15aa846..c8484cb 100644 --- a/README_EN.md +++ b/README_EN.md @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ - [Make a deal on the market](#Make-a-deal-on-the-market) - [Open a pending limit or stop order](#Open-a-pending-limit-or-stop-order) - [Cancel orders and close positions](#Cancel-orders-and-close-positions) + - [Download historical data in OHLCV-candles format](#Download-historical-data-in-OHLCV-candles-format) - [Module import](#Module-import) - [Abstract scenario implementation example](#Abstract-scenario-implementation-example) @@ -191,6 +192,9 @@ In the future, based on this module, ready-made trading scenarios and templates At the time of the [latest release](https://pypi.org/project/tksbrokerapi/), the TKSBrokerAPI tool can: +- Download historical data from the broker's server in the OHLCV price model (intervals available: `1min`, `5min`, `15min`, `hour` and `day` for any period of time, starting from `1970-01-01`); + - common key `--history` and additional keys: `--interval`, `--only-missing` and `--csv-sep`; + - API-method: [`History()`](https://tim55667757.github.io/TKSBrokerAPI/docs/tksbrokerapi/TKSBrokerAPI.html#TinkoffBrokerServer.History). - Cache by default all data on all traded instruments to the `dump.json` cache file and use it in the future, which reduces the number of calls to the broker's server; - key `--no-cache` cancels the use of the local cache, the data is requested from the server at each time; - API-method: [`DumpInstruments()`](https://tim55667757.github.io/TKSBrokerAPI/docs/tksbrokerapi/TKSBrokerAPI.html#TinkoffBrokerServer.DumpInstruments). @@ -293,7 +297,7 @@ Also, `DEBUG` level information is always output to the log-file `TKSBrokerAPI.l When you run the program in the console, you can specify many parameters and perform one action. The format of any commands is as follows: ```commandline -tksbrokerapi [необязательные ключи и параметры] [одно действие] +tksbrokerapi [optional keys and parameters] [one action] ``` ❗ To execute most commands, you must each time specify your token through the `--token` key and the account ID through the `--account-id` key, or set them once with the `TKS_API_TOKEN` and `TKS_ACCOUNT_ID` environment variables (see section ["Auth"](#Auth)). @@ -344,11 +348,20 @@ options: `YNDX`). --depth DEPTH Option: Depth of Market (DOM) can be >=1, 1 by default. - --no-cancelled Option: remove information about cancelled operations + --no-cancelled, --no-canceled + Option: remove information about cancelled operations from the deals report by the `--deals` key. `False` by default. --output OUTPUT Option: replace default paths to output files for some - commands. If None then used default files. + commands. If `None` then used default files. + --interval INTERVAL Option: available values are `1min`, `5min`, `15min`, + `hour` and `day`. Used only with `--history` key. This + is time period of one candle. Default: `hour` for + every history candles. + --only-missing Option: if history file define by `--output` key then + add only last missing candles, do not request all + history length. `False` by default. + --csv-sep CSV_SEP Option: separator if .csv-file is used, `,` by default. --debug-level DEBUG_LEVEL, --verbosity DEBUG_LEVEL, -v DEBUG_LEVEL Option: showing STDOUT messages of minimal debug level, e.g. 10 = DEBUG, 20 = INFO, 30 = WARNING, @@ -365,17 +378,17 @@ options: instrument by it's ticker or FIGI. `--ticker` key or `--figi` key must be defined! --price Action: show actual price list for current instrument. - Also, you can use --depth key. `--ticker` key or + Also, you can use `--depth` key. `--ticker` key or `--figi` key must be defined! --prices PRICES [PRICES ...], -p PRICES [PRICES ...] Action: get and print current prices for list of given instruments (by it's tickers or by FIGIs). WARNING! This is too long operation if you request a lot of - instruments! Also, you can define `--output` key to save - list of prices to file, default: `prices.md`. + instruments! Also, you can define `--output` key to + save list of prices to file, default: `prices.md`. --overview, -o Action: show all open positions, orders and some - statistics. Also, you can define `--output` key to save - this information to file, default: `overview.md`. + statistics. Also, you can define `--output` key to + save this information to file, default: `overview.md`. --deals [DEALS ...], -d [DEALS ...] Action: show all deals between two given dates. Start day may be an integer number: -1, -2, -3 days ago. @@ -386,29 +399,32 @@ options: operations will be removed from the deals report. Also, you can define `--output` key to save all deals to file, default: `deals.md`. - --trade [TRADE [TRADE ...]] - Action: universal action to open market position for + --history [HISTORY ...] + Action: get last history candles of the current + instrument defined by `--ticker` or `--figi` (FIGI id) + keys. History returned between two given dates: + `start` and `end`. Minimum requested date in the past + is `1970-01-01`. Also, you can define `--output` key + to save history candlesticks to file. + --trade [TRADE ...] Action: universal action to open market position for defined ticker or FIGI. You must specify 1-5 - parameters: [direction `Buy` or `Sell] [lots, >= 1] + parameters: [direction `Buy` or `Sell`] [lots, >= 1] [take profit, >= 0] [stop loss, >= 0] [expiration date for TP/SL orders, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]. See examples in readme. - --buy [BUY [BUY ...]] - Action: immediately open BUY market position at the + --buy [BUY ...] Action: immediately open BUY market position at the current price for defined ticker or FIGI. You must specify 0-4 parameters: [lots, >= 1] [take profit, >= 0] [stop loss, >= 0] [expiration date for TP/SL orders, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]. - --sell [SELL [SELL ...]] - Action: immediately open SELL market position at the + --sell [SELL ...] Action: immediately open SELL market position at the current price for defined ticker or FIGI. You must specify 0-4 parameters: [lots, >= 1] [take profit, >= 0] [stop loss, >= 0] [expiration date for TP/SL orders, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]. - --order [ORDER [ORDER ...]] - Action: universal action to open limit or stop-order + --order [ORDER ...] Action: universal action to open limit or stop-order in any directions. You must specify 4-7 parameters: - [direction `Buy` or `Sell] [order type `Limit` or + [direction `Buy` or `Sell`] [order type `Limit` or `Stop`] [lots] [target price] [maybe for stop-order: [limit price, >= 0] [stop type, Limit|SL|TP] [expiration date, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]]. See @@ -427,7 +443,7 @@ options: create `Sell` limit-order below current price then broker immediately open `Sell` market order, such as if you do simple `--sell` operation! - --buy-stop [BUY_STOP [BUY_STOP ...]] + --buy-stop [BUY_STOP ...] Action: open BUY stop-order. You must specify at least 2 parameters: [lots] [target price] to open BUY stop- order. In additional you can specify 3 parameters for @@ -436,7 +452,7 @@ options: %H:%M:%S`]. When current price will go up or down to target price value then broker opens a limit order. Stop loss order always executed by market price. - --sell-stop [SELL_STOP [SELL_STOP ...]] + --sell-stop [SELL_STOP ...] Action: open SELL stop-order. You must specify at least 2 parameters: [lots] [target price] to open SELL stop-order. In additional you can specify 3 parameters @@ -459,7 +475,7 @@ options: --close-trades CLOSE_TRADES [CLOSE_TRADES ...], --cancel-trades CLOSE_TRADES [CLOSE_TRADES ...] Action: close positions for list of tickers, including for currencies tickers. - --close-all [CLOSE_ALL [CLOSE_ALL ...]], --cancel-all [CLOSE_ALL [CLOSE_ALL ...]] + --close-all [CLOSE_ALL ...], --cancel-all [CLOSE_ALL ...] Action: close all available (not blocked) opened trades and orders, excluding for currencies. Also you can select one or more keywords case insensitive to @@ -916,7 +932,9 @@ TKSBrokerAPI.py L:1024 INFO [2022-07-27 00:25:43,611] Price list for all #### Get the current portfolio and asset allocation statistics -The `--overview` (`-o`) key is used. Additionally, you can specify the `--output` key and specify the file name where to save the portfolio in Markdown format (by default `overview.md` in the current working directory). The `--verbosity=10` key will output all debugging information to the console (not nesessary to specify it). +To view portfolio status and asset allocation statistics (by types, companies, sectors, currencies, and countries), use the `--overview` (`-o`) key. Additionally, you can specify the `--output` key and specify the file name where to save the portfolio in Markdown format (by default `overview.md` in the current working directory). The `--verbosity=10` key will output all debugging information to the console (not necessary to specify it). + +Also, you can use another keys instead of the `--overview` key, since TKSBrokerAPI version 1.3.*: the `--overview-digest` key shows a short digest of the portfolio status, the `--overview-positions` key shows only open positions, without everything else, the `--overview-orders` shows only section of open limits and stop orders, the `--overview-analytics` key shows only the analytics section and the distribution of the portfolio by various categories. Key `--output` also overrides the output file for them.
Command to show user's portfolio @@ -1677,6 +1695,236 @@ TKSBrokerAPI.py L:3042 DEBUG [2022-07-27 23:25:40,687] TKSBrokerAPI module
+#### Download historical data in OHLCV-candles format + +Since TKSBrokerAPI v.1.3.* you can get the history price data in OHLCV-candlestics format. You have to specify current instrument by `--ticker` key or `--figi` key (FIGI id), candle's interval by `--interval` key and `--only-missing` key if you want downloads only last missing candles in file. If `--output` key present then TKSBrokerAPI save history to file, otherwise return only pandas dataframe. `--csv-sep` key define separator in csv-files. + +History returned between two given dates: `start` and `end`. Minimum requested date in the past is `1970-01-01`. Warning! Broker server use ISO UTC time by default. + +
+ Command to request today's history by hour candles + +```commandline +$ tksbrokerapi -v 10 -t GAZP --interval hour --history today + +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:3108 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:40,443] TKSBrokerAPI module started at: [2022-09-04 11:08:40] UTC, it is [2022-09-04 14:08:40] local time +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:207 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:40,443] Bearer token for Tinkoff OpenApi set up from environment variable `TKS_API_TOKEN`. See https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/token/ +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:219 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:40,443] String with user's numeric account ID in Tinkoff Broker set up from environment variable `TKS_ACCOUNT_ID` +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:249 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:40,443] Broker API server: https://invest-public-api.tinkoff.ru/rest +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:303 WARNING [2022-09-04 14:08:40,443] Local cache may be outdated! It has last modified [2022-09-03 19:51:24] UTC. Updating from broker server, wait, please... +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:452 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:40,443] Requesting all available instruments from broker for current user token. Wait, please... +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:453 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:40,443] CPU usages for parallel requests: [7] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:430 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:40,479] Requesting available [Currencies] list. Wait, please... +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:430 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:40,479] Requesting available [Shares] list. Wait, please... +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:430 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:40,479] Requesting available [Bonds] list. Wait, please... +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:430 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:40,479] Requesting available [Etfs] list. Wait, please... +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:430 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:40,479] Requesting available [Futures] list. Wait, please... +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:501 INFO [2022-09-04 14:08:41,919] Instruments raw data were cached for future used: [dump.json] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:137 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:41,919] Input start day is [today] (UTC), end day is [None] (UTC) +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:175 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:41,919] Start day converted to UTC ISO format, with Z: [2022-09-04T00:00:00Z], and the end day: [2022-09-04T23:59:59Z] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2239 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:41,920] Original requested time period in local time: from [today] to [None] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2240 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:41,920] Requested time period is about from [2022-09-04T00:00:00Z] UTC to [2022-09-04T23:59:59Z] UTC +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2241 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:41,920] Calculated history length: [24], interval: [hour] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2242 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:41,920] Data blocks, count: [1], max candles in block: [167] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2243 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:41,920] Requesting history candlesticks, ticker: [GAZP], FIGI: [BBG004730RP0]. Wait, please... +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2275 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:41,920] [Block #1/1] time period: [2022-09-04T00:00:00Z] UTC - [2022-09-05T00:00:00Z] UTC +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2340 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:42,024] Last 3 rows of received history: + date time open high low close volume +2022.09.04 09:00 253.82 255.43 252.81 252.95 3506 +2022.09.04 10:00 252.95 255.36 252.55 254.02 3522 +2022.09.04 11:00 254.02 255.05 253.22 254.26 574 +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2343 INFO [2022-09-04 14:08:42,026] Here's requested history between [2022-09-04 00:00:00] UTC and [2022-09-04 23:59:59] UTC, not-empty candles count: [5] + date time open high low close volume +2022.09.04 07:00 254.21 254.92 253.14 254.48 6635 +2022.09.04 08:00 253.45 254.98 251.99 253.79 4048 +2022.09.04 09:00 253.82 255.43 252.81 252.95 3506 +2022.09.04 10:00 252.95 255.36 252.55 254.02 3522 +2022.09.04 11:00 254.02 255.05 253.22 254.26 574 +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2357 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:42,026] --output key is not defined. Parsed history file not saved to file, only pandas dataframe returns. +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:3354 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:42,026] All operations with Tinkoff Server using Open API are finished success (summary code is 0). +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:3359 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:42,026] TKSBrokerAPI module work duration: [0:00:01.582813] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:3360 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:08:42,026] TKSBrokerAPI module finished: [2022-09-04 11:08:42] UTC, it is [2022-09-04 14:08:42] local time +``` + +
+ +
+ Command to request day-by-day history between two dates + +```commandline +$ tksbrokerapi -t IBM --history 2022-08-01 2022-08-31 --interval day + +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2343 INFO [2022-09-04 14:21:05,788] Here's requested history between [2022-08-01 00:00:00] UTC and [2022-08-31 23:59:59] UTC, not-empty candles count: [24] + date time open high low close volume +2022.08.01 04:00 131.01 132.70 130.20 132.04 648608 +2022.08.02 04:00 131.60 132.95 130.51 132.95 567640 +2022.08.03 04:00 132.76 132.91 131.35 132.01 437408 +2022.08.04 04:00 132.36 132.75 130.69 131.53 401974 +2022.08.05 04:00 131.49 132.90 130.58 132.30 307648 +2022.08.08 04:00 132.81 133.74 132.11 132.75 475499 +2022.08.09 04:00 130.89 131.37 129.12 129.49 438811 +2022.08.10 04:00 129.59 131.78 129.24 131.26 671500 +2022.08.11 04:00 131.64 133.23 131.37 132.16 504115 +2022.08.12 04:00 132.57 134.10 131.97 134.00 316447 +2022.08.15 04:00 133.59 135.20 132.23 134.93 334782 +2022.08.16 04:00 134.03 137.37 133.97 137.25 587223 +2022.08.17 04:00 136.86 138.42 136.01 137.67 505083 +2022.08.18 04:00 137.11 139.12 136.84 139.00 524103 +2022.08.19 04:00 138.37 139.34 136.79 138.09 381548 +2022.08.22 04:00 136.82 137.84 135.35 135.66 487278 +2022.08.23 04:00 134.51 136.08 134.47 134.84 339339 +2022.08.24 04:00 134.75 135.08 133.06 133.27 338234 +2022.08.25 04:00 133.33 134.44 133.07 133.99 401394 +2022.08.26 04:00 133.56 135.09 130.02 130.37 691667 +2022.08.29 04:00 130.36 131.42 129.47 130.41 376955 +2022.08.30 04:00 130.31 131.23 129.29 129.60 316821 +2022.08.31 04:00 129.13 130.14 128.41 128.88 399543 +``` + +
+ +
+ Command to update only missing values in previous download history file + +```commandline +$ tksbrokerapi --ticker GAZP --interval day --history 2022-08-15 2022-09-01 --only-missing --output GAZP_day.csv --verbosity 10 + +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:3109 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,548] TKSBrokerAPI module started at: [2022-09-04 11:31:27] UTC, it is [2022-09-04 14:31:27] local time +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:207 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,549] Bearer token for Tinkoff OpenApi set up from environment variable `TKS_API_TOKEN`. See https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/token/ +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:219 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,549] String with user's numeric account ID in Tinkoff Broker set up from environment variable `TKS_ACCOUNT_ID` +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:249 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,549] Broker API server: https://invest-public-api.tinkoff.ru/rest +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:310 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,583] Local cache with raw instruments data is used: [dump.json] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:311 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,583] Dump file was last modified [2022-09-04 11:08:41] UTC +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:137 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,583] Input start day is [2022-08-15] (UTC), end day is [2022-09-01] (UTC) +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:175 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,585] Start day converted to UTC ISO format, with Z: [2022-08-15T00:00:00Z], and the end day: [2022-09-01T23:59:59Z] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2240 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,586] Original requested time period in local time: from [2022-08-15] to [2022-09-01] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2241 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,586] Requested time period is about from [2022-08-15T00:00:00Z] UTC to [2022-09-01T23:59:59Z] UTC +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2242 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,586] Calculated history length: [18], interval: [day] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2243 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,586] Data blocks, count: [1], max candles in block: [364] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2244 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,586] Requesting history candlesticks, ticker: [GAZP], FIGI: [BBG004730RP0]. Wait, please... +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2250 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,586] --only-missing key present, add only last missing candles... +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2251 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,586] History file will be updated: [/Users/tim/projects/TKSBrokerAPI/tksbrokerapi/GAZP_day.csv] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2276 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,589] [Block #1/1] time period: [2022-08-14T23:59:59Z] UTC - [2022-09-01T23:59:59Z] UTC +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2331 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,704] History will be updated starting from the date: [2022-08-24 07:00:00] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2341 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,706] Last 3 rows of received history: + date time open high low close volume +2022.08.30 07:00 190.45 204.20 190.45 204.00 11254642 +2022.08.31 07:00 224.40 275.96 224.40 254.90 23933088 +2022.09.01 07:00 258.00 259.85 247.62 249.11 8366161 +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2344 INFO [2022-09-04 14:31:27,707] Here's requested history between [2022-08-15 00:00:00] UTC and [2022-09-01 23:59:59] UTC, not-empty candles count: [11] + date time open high low close volume +2022.08.22 07:00 177.40 182.20 176.88 181.70 2279598 +2022.08.23 07:00 182.39 185.80 182.10 184.30 2693193 +2022.08.24 07:00 184.70 186.66 182.19 182.83 1756229 +2022.08.25 07:00 183.00 184.60 180.80 181.90 1490493 +2022.08.26 07:00 181.70 184.20 180.50 183.62 1301585 +2022.08.27 07:00 183.99 185.24 181.90 183.83 15471 +2022.08.28 07:00 184.57 185.60 183.20 184.07 10622 +2022.08.29 07:00 183.15 190.00 182.65 190.00 3057446 +2022.08.30 07:00 190.45 204.20 190.45 204.00 11254642 +2022.08.31 07:00 224.40 275.96 224.40 254.90 23933088 +2022.09.01 07:00 258.00 259.85 247.62 249.11 8366161 +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2352 INFO [2022-09-04 14:31:27,708] Ticker [GAZP], FIGI [BBG004730RP0], tf: [day], history saved: [GAZP_day.csv] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:3355 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,708] All operations with Tinkoff Server using Open API are finished success (summary code is 0). +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:3360 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,708] TKSBrokerAPI module work duration: [0:00:00.159508] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:3361 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:31:27,708] TKSBrokerAPI module finished: [2022-09-04 11:31:27] UTC, it is [2022-09-04 14:31:27] local time +``` + +
+ +
+ Command to request last 2 days prices by 15 min candles and save it to file + +```commandline +$ tksbrokerapi -v 10 --history -2 -t GAZP --interval 15min --output GAZP_15min.csv + +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:3109 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,559] TKSBrokerAPI module started at: [2022-09-04 11:49:45] UTC, it is [2022-09-04 14:49:45] local time +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:207 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,559] Bearer token for Tinkoff OpenApi set up from environment variable `TKS_API_TOKEN`. See https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/token/ +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:219 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,559] String with user's numeric account ID in Tinkoff Broker set up from environment variable `TKS_ACCOUNT_ID` +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:249 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,559] Broker API server: https://invest-public-api.tinkoff.ru/rest +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:310 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,594] Local cache with raw instruments data is used: [dump.json] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:311 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,594] Dump file was last modified [2022-09-04 11:08:41] UTC +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:137 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,594] Input start day is [-2] (UTC), end day is [None] (UTC) +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:175 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,594] Start day converted to UTC ISO format, with Z: [2022-09-03T00:00:00Z], and the end day: [2022-09-04T23:59:59Z] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2240 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,594] Original requested time period in local time: from [-2] to [None] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2241 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,595] Requested time period is about from [2022-09-03T00:00:00Z] UTC to [2022-09-04T23:59:59Z] UTC +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2242 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,595] Calculated history length: [192], interval: [15min] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2243 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,595] Data blocks, count: [3], max candles in block: [95] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2244 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,595] Requesting history candlesticks, ticker: [GAZP], FIGI: [BBG004730RP0]. Wait, please... +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2276 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,595] [Block #1/3] time period: [2022-09-04T00:15:00Z] UTC - [2022-09-05T00:00:00Z] UTC +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2276 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,699] [Block #2/3] time period: [2022-09-03T00:30:00Z] UTC - [2022-09-04T00:15:00Z] UTC +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2276 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,788] [Block #3/3] time period: [2022-09-03T00:00:00Z] UTC - [2022-09-03T00:30:00Z] UTC +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2341 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,871] Last 3 rows of received history: + date time open high low close volume +2022.09.04 11:15 253.27 254.89 252.94 254.45 1159 +2022.09.04 11:30 254.47 254.73 253.18 253.31 800 +2022.09.04 11:45 254.21 254.37 253.20 253.29 121 +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2344 INFO [2022-09-04 14:49:45,875] Here's requested history between [2022-09-03 00:00:00] UTC and [2022-09-04 23:59:59] UTC, not-empty candles count: [56] + date time open high low close volume +2022.09.03 07:00 251.77 255.06 250.86 252.73 10446 +2022.09.03 07:15 252.74 253.95 251.28 252.29 2716 +2022.09.03 07:30 251.28 252.55 249.44 250.88 8297 +2022.09.03 07:45 250.97 252.00 249.69 252.00 3457 +2022.09.03 08:00 252.01 252.66 250.71 251.44 1666 +2022.09.03 08:15 252.46 252.84 251.11 252.59 1725 +2022.09.03 08:30 251.54 253.52 250.79 252.15 2256 +2022.09.03 08:45 252.15 252.76 250.67 252.22 1150 +2022.09.03 09:00 252.22 252.55 250.65 252.55 1286 +2022.09.03 09:15 252.55 253.29 251.16 252.20 1237 +2022.09.03 09:30 251.15 254.48 251.13 253.47 4115 +2022.09.03 09:45 253.49 253.69 251.61 252.78 1341 +2022.09.03 10:00 252.79 253.57 251.80 253.05 878 +2022.09.03 10:15 252.02 253.66 251.87 252.39 901 +2022.09.03 10:30 252.33 253.49 251.97 253.02 734 +2022.09.03 10:45 253.03 253.18 251.30 251.87 1451 +2022.09.03 11:00 251.86 253.32 251.86 253.25 902 +2022.09.03 11:15 251.98 253.53 251.62 253.25 1198 +2022.09.03 11:30 253.26 253.80 252.22 253.61 989 +2022.09.03 11:45 252.59 253.81 252.16 252.19 964 +2022.09.03 12:00 253.24 253.85 251.65 253.49 1698 +2022.09.03 12:15 253.50 254.31 252.13 252.84 1737 +2022.09.03 12:30 253.87 254.64 252.55 254.00 1245 +2022.09.03 12:45 252.97 254.13 252.34 253.48 613 +2022.09.03 13:00 253.49 253.85 252.41 253.85 457 +2022.09.03 13:15 253.85 254.19 252.48 252.48 889 +2022.09.03 13:30 252.47 254.54 252.41 254.19 879 +2022.09.03 13:45 253.16 254.40 252.52 253.93 877 +2022.09.03 14:00 252.90 254.01 252.45 253.67 550 +2022.09.03 14:15 252.64 253.75 252.40 252.40 344 +2022.09.03 14:30 253.43 254.08 252.41 253.69 487 +2022.09.03 14:45 252.66 254.08 252.47 253.51 682 +2022.09.03 15:00 252.48 253.87 252.47 253.87 357 +2022.09.03 15:15 253.88 253.89 252.01 253.60 892 +2022.09.03 15:30 252.57 253.72 252.28 252.39 459 +2022.09.03 15:45 253.49 254.68 252.57 253.20 641 +2022.09.04 07:00 254.21 254.92 253.14 254.31 1669 +2022.09.04 07:15 254.32 254.90 253.20 254.39 1604 +2022.09.04 07:30 253.36 254.80 253.20 253.69 1206 +2022.09.04 07:45 253.69 254.90 253.19 254.48 2156 +2022.09.04 08:00 253.45 254.59 252.48 253.62 1057 +2022.09.04 08:15 252.59 254.98 252.58 254.40 1034 +2022.09.04 08:30 253.37 254.53 251.99 253.81 1133 +2022.09.04 08:45 253.82 254.22 252.55 253.79 824 +2022.09.04 09:00 253.82 254.27 252.81 254.27 674 +2022.09.04 09:15 253.24 254.59 252.98 254.09 481 +2022.09.04 09:30 253.07 254.59 253.07 254.47 671 +2022.09.04 09:45 254.54 255.43 252.95 252.95 1680 +2022.09.04 10:00 252.95 255.14 252.95 253.52 888 +2022.09.04 10:15 254.55 254.60 252.55 253.82 811 +2022.09.04 10:30 252.79 254.31 252.65 254.31 373 +2022.09.04 10:45 253.29 255.36 253.26 254.02 1450 +2022.09.04 11:00 254.02 255.05 253.14 254.30 718 +2022.09.04 11:15 253.27 254.89 252.94 254.45 1159 +2022.09.04 11:30 254.47 254.73 253.18 253.31 800 +2022.09.04 11:45 254.21 254.37 253.20 253.29 121 +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:2352 INFO [2022-09-04 14:49:45,876] Ticker [GAZP], FIGI [BBG004730RP0], tf: [15min], history saved: [GAZP_15min.csv] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:3355 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,876] All operations with Tinkoff Server using Open API are finished success (summary code is 0). +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:3360 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,876] TKSBrokerAPI module work duration: [0:00:00.316572] +TKSBrokerAPI.py L:3361 DEBUG [2022-09-04 14:49:45,876] TKSBrokerAPI module finished: [2022-09-04 11:49:45] UTC, it is [2022-09-04 14:49:45] local time +``` + +
+ ### Module import Full documentation of all available properties and methods of the `TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer()` class can be found [by the link](https://tim55667757.github.io/TKSBrokerAPI/docs/tksbrokerapi/TKSBrokerAPI.html). You can also see the correspondence between keys and methods in the ["Key features"](#Key-features) section. diff --git a/docs/search.js b/docs/search.js index 4f2fd66..c8a8ba3 100644 --- a/docs/search.js +++ b/docs/search.js @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ window.pdocSearch = (function(){ /** elasticlunr - http://weixsong.github.io * Copyright (C) 2017 Oliver Nightingale * Copyright (C) 2017 Wei Song * MIT Licensed */!function(){function e(e){if(null===e||"object"!=typeof e)return e;var t=e.constructor();for(var n in e)e.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(t[n]=e[n]);return t}var t=function(e){var n=new t.Index;return n.pipeline.add(t.trimmer,t.stopWordFilter,t.stemmer),e&&e.call(n,n),n};t.version="0.9.5",lunr=t,t.utils={},t.utils.warn=function(e){return function(t){e.console&&console.warn&&console.warn(t)}}(this),t.utils.toString=function(e){return void 0===e||null===e?"":e.toString()},t.EventEmitter=function(){this.events={}},t.EventEmitter.prototype.addListener=function(){var e=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),t=e.pop(),n=e;if("function"!=typeof t)throw new TypeError("last argument must be a function");n.forEach(function(e){this.hasHandler(e)||(this.events[e]=[]),this.events[e].push(t)},this)},t.EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener=function(e,t){if(this.hasHandler(e)){var n=this.events[e].indexOf(t);-1!==n&&(this.events[e].splice(n,1),0==this.events[e].length&&delete this.events[e])}},t.EventEmitter.prototype.emit=function(e){if(this.hasHandler(e)){var t=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1);this.events[e].forEach(function(e){e.apply(void 0,t)},this)}},t.EventEmitter.prototype.hasHandler=function(e){return e in this.events},t.tokenizer=function(e){if(!arguments.length||null===e||void 0===e)return[];if(Array.isArray(e)){var n=e.filter(function(e){return null===e||void 0===e?!1:!0});n=n.map(function(e){return t.utils.toString(e).toLowerCase()});var i=[];return n.forEach(function(e){var n=e.split(t.tokenizer.seperator);i=i.concat(n)},this),i}return e.toString().trim().toLowerCase().split(t.tokenizer.seperator)},t.tokenizer.defaultSeperator=/[\s\-]+/,t.tokenizer.seperator=t.tokenizer.defaultSeperator,t.tokenizer.setSeperator=function(e){null!==e&&void 0!==e&&"object"==typeof e&&(t.tokenizer.seperator=e)},t.tokenizer.resetSeperator=function(){t.tokenizer.seperator=t.tokenizer.defaultSeperator},t.tokenizer.getSeperator=function(){return t.tokenizer.seperator},t.Pipeline=function(){this._queue=[]},t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions={},t.Pipeline.registerFunction=function(e,n){n in t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions&&t.utils.warn("Overwriting existing registered function: "+n),e.label=n,t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions[n]=e},t.Pipeline.getRegisteredFunction=function(e){return e in t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions!=!0?null:t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions[e]},t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered=function(e){var n=e.label&&e.label in this.registeredFunctions;n||t.utils.warn("Function is not registered with pipeline. This may cause problems when serialising the index.\n",e)},t.Pipeline.load=function(e){var n=new t.Pipeline;return e.forEach(function(e){var i=t.Pipeline.getRegisteredFunction(e);if(!i)throw new Error("Cannot load un-registered function: "+e);n.add(i)}),n},t.Pipeline.prototype.add=function(){var e=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);e.forEach(function(e){t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(e),this._queue.push(e)},this)},t.Pipeline.prototype.after=function(e,n){t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(n);var i=this._queue.indexOf(e);if(-1===i)throw new Error("Cannot find existingFn");this._queue.splice(i+1,0,n)},t.Pipeline.prototype.before=function(e,n){t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(n);var i=this._queue.indexOf(e);if(-1===i)throw new Error("Cannot find existingFn");this._queue.splice(i,0,n)},t.Pipeline.prototype.remove=function(e){var t=this._queue.indexOf(e);-1!==t&&this._queue.splice(t,1)},t.Pipeline.prototype.run=function(e){for(var t=[],n=e.length,i=this._queue.length,o=0;n>o;o++){for(var r=e[o],s=0;i>s&&(r=this._queue[s](r,o,e),void 0!==r&&null!==r);s++);void 0!==r&&null!==r&&t.push(r)}return t},t.Pipeline.prototype.reset=function(){this._queue=[]},t.Pipeline.prototype.get=function(){return this._queue},t.Pipeline.prototype.toJSON=function(){return this._queue.map(function(e){return t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(e),e.label})},t.Index=function(){this._fields=[],this._ref="id",this.pipeline=new t.Pipeline,this.documentStore=new t.DocumentStore,this.index={},this.eventEmitter=new t.EventEmitter,this._idfCache={},this.on("add","remove","update",function(){this._idfCache={}}.bind(this))},t.Index.prototype.on=function(){var e=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);return this.eventEmitter.addListener.apply(this.eventEmitter,e)},t.Index.prototype.off=function(e,t){return this.eventEmitter.removeListener(e,t)},t.Index.load=function(e){e.version!==t.version&&t.utils.warn("version mismatch: current "+t.version+" importing "+e.version);var n=new this;n._fields=e.fields,n._ref=e.ref,n.documentStore=t.DocumentStore.load(e.documentStore),n.pipeline=t.Pipeline.load(e.pipeline),n.index={};for(var i in e.index)n.index[i]=t.InvertedIndex.load(e.index[i]);return n},t.Index.prototype.addField=function(e){return this._fields.push(e),this.index[e]=new t.InvertedIndex,this},t.Index.prototype.setRef=function(e){return this._ref=e,this},t.Index.prototype.saveDocument=function(e){return this.documentStore=new t.DocumentStore(e),this},t.Index.prototype.addDoc=function(e,n){if(e){var n=void 0===n?!0:n,i=e[this._ref];this.documentStore.addDoc(i,e),this._fields.forEach(function(n){var o=this.pipeline.run(t.tokenizer(e[n]));this.documentStore.addFieldLength(i,n,o.length);var r={};o.forEach(function(e){e in r?r[e]+=1:r[e]=1},this);for(var s in r){var u=r[s];u=Math.sqrt(u),this.index[n].addToken(s,{ref:i,tf:u})}},this),n&&this.eventEmitter.emit("add",e,this)}},t.Index.prototype.removeDocByRef=function(e){if(e&&this.documentStore.isDocStored()!==!1&&this.documentStore.hasDoc(e)){var t=this.documentStore.getDoc(e);this.removeDoc(t,!1)}},t.Index.prototype.removeDoc=function(e,n){if(e){var n=void 0===n?!0:n,i=e[this._ref];this.documentStore.hasDoc(i)&&(this.documentStore.removeDoc(i),this._fields.forEach(function(n){var o=this.pipeline.run(t.tokenizer(e[n]));o.forEach(function(e){this.index[n].removeToken(e,i)},this)},this),n&&this.eventEmitter.emit("remove",e,this))}},t.Index.prototype.updateDoc=function(e,t){var t=void 0===t?!0:t;this.removeDocByRef(e[this._ref],!1),this.addDoc(e,!1),t&&this.eventEmitter.emit("update",e,this)},t.Index.prototype.idf=function(e,t){var n="@"+t+"/"+e;if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this._idfCache,n))return this._idfCache[n];var i=this.index[t].getDocFreq(e),o=1+Math.log(this.documentStore.length/(i+1));return this._idfCache[n]=o,o},t.Index.prototype.getFields=function(){return this._fields.slice()},t.Index.prototype.search=function(e,n){if(!e)return[];e="string"==typeof e?{any:e}:JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e));var i=null;null!=n&&(i=JSON.stringify(n));for(var o=new t.Configuration(i,this.getFields()).get(),r={},s=Object.keys(e),u=0;u0&&t.push(e);for(var i in n)"docs"!==i&&"df"!==i&&this.expandToken(e+i,t,n[i]);return t},t.InvertedIndex.prototype.toJSON=function(){return{root:this.root}},t.Configuration=function(e,n){var e=e||"";if(void 0==n||null==n)throw new Error("fields should not be null");this.config={};var i;try{i=JSON.parse(e),this.buildUserConfig(i,n)}catch(o){t.utils.warn("user configuration parse failed, will use default configuration"),this.buildDefaultConfig(n)}},t.Configuration.prototype.buildDefaultConfig=function(e){this.reset(),e.forEach(function(e){this.config[e]={boost:1,bool:"OR",expand:!1}},this)},t.Configuration.prototype.buildUserConfig=function(e,n){var i="OR",o=!1;if(this.reset(),"bool"in e&&(i=e.bool||i),"expand"in e&&(o=e.expand||o),"fields"in e)for(var r in e.fields)if(n.indexOf(r)>-1){var s=e.fields[r],u=o;void 0!=s.expand&&(u=s.expand),this.config[r]={boost:s.boost||0===s.boost?s.boost:1,bool:s.bool||i,expand:u}}else t.utils.warn("field name in user configuration not found in index instance fields");else this.addAllFields2UserConfig(i,o,n)},t.Configuration.prototype.addAllFields2UserConfig=function(e,t,n){n.forEach(function(n){this.config[n]={boost:1,bool:e,expand:t}},this)},t.Configuration.prototype.get=function(){return this.config},t.Configuration.prototype.reset=function(){this.config={}},lunr.SortedSet=function(){this.length=0,this.elements=[]},lunr.SortedSet.load=function(e){var t=new this;return t.elements=e,t.length=e.length,t},lunr.SortedSet.prototype.add=function(){var e,t;for(e=0;e1;){if(r===e)return o;e>r&&(t=o),r>e&&(n=o),i=n-t,o=t+Math.floor(i/2),r=this.elements[o]}return r===e?o:-1},lunr.SortedSet.prototype.locationFor=function(e){for(var t=0,n=this.elements.length,i=n-t,o=t+Math.floor(i/2),r=this.elements[o];i>1;)e>r&&(t=o),r>e&&(n=o),i=n-t,o=t+Math.floor(i/2),r=this.elements[o];return r>e?o:e>r?o+1:void 0},lunr.SortedSet.prototype.intersect=function(e){for(var t=new lunr.SortedSet,n=0,i=0,o=this.length,r=e.length,s=this.elements,u=e.elements;;){if(n>o-1||i>r-1)break;s[n]!==u[i]?s[n]u[i]&&i++:(t.add(s[n]),n++,i++)}return t},lunr.SortedSet.prototype.clone=function(){var e=new lunr.SortedSet;return e.elements=this.toArray(),e.length=e.elements.length,e},lunr.SortedSet.prototype.union=function(e){var t,n,i;this.length>=e.length?(t=this,n=e):(t=e,n=this),i=t.clone();for(var o=0,r=n.toArray();o

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "type": "module", "doc": "

TKSBrokerAPI is a python API to work with some methods of Tinkoff Open API using REST protocol.\nIt can view history, orders and market information. Also, you can open orders and trades.


If you run this module as CLI program then it realizes simple logic: receiving a lot of options and execute one command.\nSee examples: https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/blob/master/README_EN.md#Usage-examples


Used constants are in the TKSEnums module: https://tim55667757.github.io/TKSBrokerAPI/docs/tksbrokerapi/TKSEnums.html


About Tinkoff Invest API: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/


Tinkoff Invest API documentation: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.NanoToFloat", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "NanoToFloat", "type": "function", "doc": "

Convert number in nano-view mode with string parameter units and integer parameter nano to float view. Examples:


NanoToFloat(units=\"2\", nano=500000000) -> 2.5


NanoToFloat(units=\"0\", nano=50000000) -> 0.05

  • units: integer string or integer parameter that represents the integer part of number
  • \n
  • nano: integer string or integer parameter that represents the fractional part of number
  • \n

float view of number

\n", "signature": "(units: str, nano: int) -> float", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.FloatToNano", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "FloatToNano", "type": "function", "doc": "

Convert float number to nano-type view: dictionary with string units and integer nano parameters {\"units\": \"string\", \"nano\": integer}. Examples:


FloatToNano(number=2.5) -> {\"units\": \"2\", \"nano\": 500000000}


FloatToNano(number=0.05) -> {\"units\": \"0\", \"nano\": 50000000}

  • number: float number
  • \n

nano-type view of number: {\"units\": \"string\", \"nano\": integer}

\n", "signature": "(number: float) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.GetDatesAsString", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "GetDatesAsString", "type": "function", "doc": "

If start=None, end=None then return dates from yesterday to current time.\nIf start=some_date_1, end=None then return dates from some_date_1 to current time.\nIf start=some_date_1, end=some_date_2 then return dates from some_date_1 to some_date_2.\nStart day may be negative integer numbers: -1, -2, -3 - how many days ago.


Also, you can use keywords for start if dateEnd=None:\ntoday (from 00:00:00 to current time),\nyesterday (-1 day from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59),\nweek (-7 day from 00:00:00 to current date and time),\nmonth (-30 day from 00:00:00 to current date and time),\nyear (-365 day from 00:00:00 to current date and time),


User dates format must be like: %Y-%m-%d, e.g. 2020-02-03 (3 Feb, 2020).


tuple with 2 strings (start, end) dates in UTC ISO time format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ for OpenAPI.\n Example: (\"2022-06-01T00:00:00Z\", \"2022-06-20T23:59:59Z\")

\n", "signature": "(start: str = None, end: str = None) -> tuple", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer", "type": "class", "doc": "

This class implements methods to work with Tinkoff broker server.


Examples to work with API: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/


About token: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/token/

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.__init__", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "

Main class init.

  • token: Bearer token for Tinkoff Invest API. It can be set from environment variable TKS_API_TOKEN.
  • \n
  • accountId: string with user's numeric account ID in Tinkoff Broker. It can be found in broker's reports.\n Also, this variable can be set from environment variable TKS_ACCOUNT_ID.
  • \n
  • iList: dictionary with raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server.\n At first time, when class init, Listing() method auto-update this variable, or you can use dump file.\n For future use, you can save this variable and use as iList to avoid permanent downloads\n from the server. Also, you can try DumpInstruments() method.
  • \n
  • useCache: use default cache file dump.json with raw data to use instead of iList if iList set as None.\n True by default. Cache is auto-update if new day has come.\n If iList is not None then it value has higher priority than dump.json and useCache.\n If you don't want to use cache and always updates raw data then set useCache=False.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n token: str,\n accountId: str = None,\n iList: dict = None,\n useCache: bool = True\n)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.aliases", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.aliases", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Some aliases instead official tickers. See TKSEnums.TKS_TICKER_ALIASES

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.ticker", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.ticker", "type": "variable", "doc": "

String with ticker, e.g. GOOGL. Use alias for USD000UTSTOM simple as USD, EUR_RUB__TOM as EUR etc. More tickers aliases here: TKSEnums.TKS_TICKER_ALIASES.

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.figi", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.figi", "type": "variable", "doc": "

String with FIGI, e.g. ticker GOOGL has FIGI BBG009S39JX6

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.depth", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.depth", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Depth of Market (DOM) can be >= 1. Default: 1. It used with --price key to showing DOM with current prices for givens ticker or FIGI.

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.server", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.server", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Tinkoff REST API server for real trade operations. Default: https://invest-public-api.tinkoff.ru/rest


See also: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/#tinkoff-invest-api_1

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.timeout", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.timeout", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Server operations timeout in seconds. Default: 15

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.headers", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.headers", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Headers which send in every request to broker server. Default: {\"Content-Type\": \"application/json\", \"accept\": \"application/json\", \"Authorization\": \"Bearer {token}\"}

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.body", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.body", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Request body which send to broker server. Default: None

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.historyLength", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.historyLength", "type": "variable", "doc": "

How many candles returns if candles history request. For example, if historyInterval=\"hour\" and historyLength=24 it means: \"give me last 24 hours\". Must be >=1. Default: 24

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.historyInterval", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.historyInterval", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Interval string for Tinkoff API (see: TKSEnums.TKS_TIMEFRAMES). Available values are \"1min\", \"2min\", \"3min\", \"5min\", \"10min\", \"15min\", \"30min\", \"hour\", \"day\", \"week\", \"month\". Default: \"hour\"

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.instrumentsFile", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.instrumentsFile", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Filename where full broker's instruments list will be saved. Default: instruments.md

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.searchResultsFile", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.searchResultsFile", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Filename with all found instruments searched by part of its ticker, FIGI or name. Default: search-results.md

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.pricesFile", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.pricesFile", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Filename where prices of selected instruments will be saved. Default: prices.md

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.overviewFile", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.overviewFile", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Filename where current portfolio, open trades and orders will be saved. Default: overview.md

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.reportFile", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.reportFile", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Filename where history of deals and trade statistics will be saved. Default: deals.md

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.historyFile", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.historyFile", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Full path to .csv output file where history candles will be saved. Default: None, mean that returns only pandas dataframe.

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.iListDumpFile", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.iListDumpFile", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Filename where raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures will be stored. Default: dump.json

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.iList", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.iList", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Dictionary with raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server. Auto-updating.


See also: Listing() and DumpInstruments().

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.SendAPIRequest", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.SendAPIRequest", "type": "function", "doc": "

Send GET or POST request to broker server and receive JSON object.


self.header: must be define with dictionary of headers.\nself.body: if define then used as request body. None by default.\nself.timeout: global request timeout, 15 seconds by default.

  • url: url with REST request.
  • \n
  • reqType: send \"GET\" or \"POST\" request. \"GET\" by default.
  • \n
  • retry: how many times retry after first request if an error occurred.
  • \n
  • pause: sleep time in seconds between retries.
  • \n
  • debug: if True then print more debug information.
  • \n

response JSON (dictionary) from broker.

\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n url: str,\n reqType: str = 'GET',\n retry: int = 3,\n pause: int = 5,\n debug: bool = False\n) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.Listing", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.Listing", "type": "function", "doc": "

Gets JSON with raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server.


Dictionary with all available broker instruments: currencies, shares, bonds, etfs and futures.

\n", "signature": "(self) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.DumpInstruments", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.DumpInstruments", "type": "function", "doc": "

Receives and returns actual raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server\nusing Listing() method. If iListDumpFile string is not empty then also save information to this file.

  • forceUpdate: if True then at first updates data with Listing() method, otherwise just saves exist iList.
  • \n

serialized JSON formatted str with full data of instruments, also saved to the --output file.

\n", "signature": "(self, forceUpdate: bool = True) -> str", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.ShowInstrumentInfo", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.ShowInstrumentInfo", "type": "function", "doc": "

Show information about instrument defined by json and print in Markdown format.

  • iJSON: json data of instrument, e.g. in code iJSON = self.iList[\"Shares\"][self.ticker]
  • \n
  • printInfo: if True then also printing information about instrument and its current price.
  • \n

text in Markdown format with information about instrument.

\n", "signature": "(iJSON: dict, printInfo: bool = False) -> str", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.SearchByTicker", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.SearchByTicker", "type": "function", "doc": "

Search and return raw broker's information about instrument by it's ticker.\nticker must be define! If debug=True then print all debug messages.

  • requestPrice: if False then do not request current price of instrument (because this is long operation).
  • \n
  • showInfo: if False then do not run ShowInstrumentInfo() method and do not print info to the console.
  • \n
  • debug: if True then print all debug console messages.
  • \n

JSON formatted data with information about instrument.

\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n requestPrice: bool = False,\n showInfo: bool = False,\n debug: bool = False\n) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.SearchByFIGI", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.SearchByFIGI", "type": "function", "doc": "

Search and return raw broker's information about instrument by it's FIGI.\nfigi must be define! If debug=True then print all debug messages.

  • requestPrice: if False then do not request current price of instrument (it's long operation).
  • \n
  • showInfo: if False then do not run ShowInstrumentInfo() method and do not print info to the console.
  • \n
  • debug: if True then print all debug console messages.
  • \n

JSON formatted data with information about instrument.

\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n requestPrice: bool = False,\n showInfo: bool = False,\n debug: bool = False\n) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.GetCurrentPrices", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.GetCurrentPrices", "type": "function", "doc": "

Get and show Depth of Market with current prices of the instrument. If an error occurred then returns an empty record:\n{\"buy\": [], \"sell\": [], \"limitUp\": None, \"limitDown\": None, \"lastPrice\": None, \"closePrice\": None}.

  • showPrice: if True then print DOM.
  • \n

orders book dict with lists of current buy and sell prices: {\"buy\": [{\"price\": x1, \"quantity\": y1, ...}], \"sell\": [....]}.

\n", "signature": "(self, showPrice: bool = False) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.ShowInstrumentsInfo", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.ShowInstrumentsInfo", "type": "function", "doc": "

This method get and show information about all available broker instruments.\nIf instrumentsFile string is not empty then also save information to this file.

  • showInstruments: if True then print results to console, if False - print only to file.
  • \n

multi-string with all available broker instruments

\n", "signature": "(self, showInstruments: bool = False) -> str", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.SearchInstruments", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.SearchInstruments", "type": "function", "doc": "

This method search and show information about instruments by part of its ticker, FIGI or name.\nIf searchResultsFile string is not empty then also save information to this file.

  • pattern: string with part of ticker, FIGI or instrument's name.
  • \n
  • showResults: if True then print results to console, if False - return list of result only.
  • \n

list of dictionaries with all found instruments.

\n", "signature": "(self, pattern: str, showResults: bool = False) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.GetListOfPrices", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.GetListOfPrices", "type": "function", "doc": "

This method get, maybe show and return prices of list of instruments. WARNING! This is potential long operation!\nSee limits: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/limits/\nIf pricesFile string is not empty then also save information to this file.

  • instruments: list of tickers or FIGIs.
  • \n
  • showPrices: if True then print to console, if False - print only to file.
  • \n

list of instruments looks like this: iList = [{some ticker info, \"currentPrice\": {current prices}}, {...}, ...]\n One item is dict returned by SearchByTicker() or SearchByFIGI() methods.

\n", "signature": "(self, instruments: list = None, showPrices: bool = False) -> list", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.RequestPortfolio", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.RequestPortfolio", "type": "function", "doc": "

Requesting current actual user's portfolio.\nREST API for user portfolio: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetPortfolio


dictionary with user's portfolio.

\n", "signature": "(self) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.RequestPositions", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.RequestPositions", "type": "function", "doc": "

Requesting current open positions in currencies and instruments.\nREST API for open positions: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetPositions


dictionary with open positions by instruments.

\n", "signature": "(self) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.RequestPendingOrders", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.RequestPendingOrders", "type": "function", "doc": "

Requesting current actual pending orders.\nREST API for pending (market) orders: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OrdersService/OrdersService_GetOrders


list of dictionaries with pending orders.

\n", "signature": "(self) -> list", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.RequestStopOrders", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.RequestStopOrders", "type": "function", "doc": "

Requesting current actual stop orders.\nREST API for opened stop-orders: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/StopOrdersService/StopOrdersService_GetStopOrders


list of dictionaries with stop orders.

\n", "signature": "(self) -> list", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.Overview", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.Overview", "type": "function", "doc": "

Get portfolio: all open positions, orders and some statistics for defined accountId.\nIf overviewFile is define then also save information to file.

  • showStatistics: if False then only dictionary returns, if True then show more debug information.
  • \n

dictionary with client's raw portfolio and some statistics.

\n", "signature": "(self, showStatistics: bool = False) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.Deals", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.Deals", "type": "function", "doc": "

Returns history operations between two given dates.\nIf reportFile string is not empty then also save human-readable report.\nShows some statistical data of closed positions.

  • start: see docstring in GetDatesAsString() method
  • \n
  • end: see docstring in GetDatesAsString() method
  • \n
  • printDeals: if True then also print all records to the console.
  • \n
  • showCancelled: if False then remove information about cancelled operations from the deals report.
  • \n

original list of dictionaries with history of deals records from API (\"operations\" key):\n https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetOperations\n and dictionary with custom stats: operations in different currencies, withdrawals, incomes etc.

\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n start: str = None,\n end: str = None,\n printDeals: bool = False,\n showCancelled: bool = True\n) -> tuple", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.History", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.History", "type": "function", "doc": "

This method returns last history candles of the current instrument defined by ticker.\nIf historyFile is not None then method save history to this file, otherwise return only pandas dataframe.\nhistoryLength define how many candles returns from past to current date.\nhistoryInterval define candle interval. Available values are strings: \"1min\", \"2min\", \"3min\", \"5min\",\n\"10min\", \"15min\", \"30min\", \"hour\", \"day\", \"week\", \"month\". Default: \"hour\".\nMaximum requested history date in the past: 1970.01.02 03:45

  • onlyMissing: if history file define then add only last missing candles, do not request all history length. False by default.\n WARNING! History appends only from last candle to current time with replace last candle! Intervals must be similar!
  • \n

pandas dataframe with prices history. Columns: date, time, open, high, low, close, volume.

\n", "signature": "(self, onlyMissing: bool = False)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.Trade", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.Trade", "type": "function", "doc": "

Universal method to create market order and make deal at the current price. Returns JSON data with response.\nIf tp or sl > 0, then in additional will opens stop-orders with \"TP\" and \"SL\" flags for stopType parameter.


See also: Order() docstring. More simple methods than Trade() are Buy() and Sell().

  • operation: string \"Buy\" or \"Sell\".
  • \n
  • lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
  • \n
  • tp: float > 0, target price for stop-order with \"TP\" type. It used as take profit parameter targetPrice in self.Order().
  • \n
  • sl: float > 0, target price for stop-order with \"SL\" type. It used as stop loss parameter targetPrice in self.Order().
  • \n
  • expDate: string \"Undefined\" by default or local date in future,\n it is a string with format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.
  • \n

JSON with response from broker server.

\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n operation: str,\n lots: int = 1,\n tp: float = 0.0,\n sl: float = 0.0,\n expDate: str = 'Undefined'\n) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.Buy", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.Buy", "type": "function", "doc": "

More simple method than Trade(). Create Buy market order and make deal at the current price. Returns JSON data with response.\nIf tp or sl > 0, then in additional will opens stop-orders with \"TP\" and \"SL\" flags for stopType parameter.


See also: Order() and Trade() docstrings.

  • lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
  • \n
  • tp: float > 0, take profit price of stop-order.
  • \n
  • sl: float > 0, stop loss price of stop-order.
  • \n
  • expDate: it's a local date in future.\n String has a format like this: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.
  • \n

JSON with response from broker server.

\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n lots: int = 1,\n tp: float = 0.0,\n sl: float = 0.0,\n expDate: str = 'Undefined'\n) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.Sell", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.Sell", "type": "function", "doc": "

More simple method than Trade(). Create Sell market order and make deal at the current price. Returns JSON data with response.\nIf tp or sl > 0, then in additional will opens stop-orders with \"TP\" and \"SL\" flags for stopType parameter.


See also: Order() and Trade() docstrings.

  • lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
  • \n
  • tp: float > 0, take profit price of stop-order.
  • \n
  • sl: float > 0, stop loss price of stop-order.
  • \n
  • expDate: it's a local date in future.\n String has a format like this: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.
  • \n

JSON with response from broker server.

\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n lots: int = 1,\n tp: float = 0.0,\n sl: float = 0.0,\n expDate: str = 'Undefined'\n) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.CloseTrades", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.CloseTrades", "type": "function", "doc": "

Close position of given instruments.

  • tickers: tickers list of instruments that must be closed.
  • \n
  • overview: pre-received dictionary with open trades, returned by Overview() method.\n This avoids unnecessary downloading data from the server.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(self, tickers: list, overview: dict = None) -> None", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.CloseAllTrades", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.CloseAllTrades", "type": "function", "doc": "

Close all positions of given instruments with defined type.

  • iType: type of the instruments that be closed, it must be one of supported types in TKS_INSTRUMENTS list.
  • \n
  • overview: pre-received dictionary with open trades, returned by Overview() method.\n This avoids unnecessary downloading data from the server.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(self, iType: str, overview: dict = None) -> None", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.Order", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.Order", "type": "function", "doc": "

Universal method to create market or limit orders with all available parameters.\nSee more simple methods: BuyLimit(), BuyStop(), SellLimit(), SellStop().


If orderType is \"Limit\" then create pending limit-order below current price if operation is \"Buy\" and above\ncurrent price if operation is \"Sell\". A limit order has no expiration date, it lasts until the end of the trading day.


Warning! If you try to create limit-order above current price if \"Buy\" or below current price if \"Sell\"\nthen broker immediately open market order as you can do simple --buy or --sell operations!


If orderType is \"Stop\" then creates stop-order with any direction \"Buy\" or \"Sell\".\nWhen current price will go up or down to target price value then broker opens a limit order.\nStop-order is opened with unlimited expiration date by default, or you can define expiration date with expDate parameter.


Only one attempt and no retry for opens order. If network issue occurred you can create new request.

  • operation: string \"Buy\" or \"Sell\".
  • \n
  • orderType: string \"Limit\" or \"Stop\".
  • \n
  • lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
  • \n
  • targetPrice: target price > 0. This is open trade price for limit order.
  • \n
  • limitPrice: limit price >= 0. This parameter only makes sense for stop-order. If limitPrice = 0, then it set as targetPrice.\n Broker will creates limit-order with price equal to limitPrice, when current price goes to target price of stop-order.
  • \n
  • stopType: string \"Limit\" by default. This parameter only makes sense for stop-order. There are 3 stop-order types\n \"SL\", \"TP\", \"Limit\" for \"Stop loss\", \"Take profit\" and \"Stop limit\" types accordingly.\n Stop loss order always executed by market price.
  • \n
  • expDate: string \"Undefined\" by default or local date in future.\n String has a format like this: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.\n This date is converting to UTC format for server. This parameter only makes sense for stop-order.\n A limit order has no expiration date, it lasts until the end of the trading day.
  • \n

JSON with response from broker server.

\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n operation: str,\n orderType: str,\n lots: int,\n targetPrice: float,\n limitPrice: float = 0.0,\n stopType: str = 'Limit',\n expDate: str = 'Undefined'\n) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.BuyLimit", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.BuyLimit", "type": "function", "doc": "

Create pending Buy limit-order (below current price). You must specify only 2 parameters:\nlots and target price to open buy limit-order. If you try to create buy limit-order above current price then\nbroker immediately open Buy market order, such as if you do simple --buy operation!\nSee also: Order() docstring.

  • lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
  • \n
  • targetPrice: target price > 0. This is open trade price for limit order.
  • \n

JSON with response from broker server.

\n", "signature": "(self, lots: int, targetPrice: float) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.BuyStop", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.BuyStop", "type": "function", "doc": "

Create Buy stop-order. You must specify at least 2 parameters: lots target price to open buy stop-order.\nIn additional you can specify 3 parameters for buy stop-order: limit price >=0, stop type = Limit|SL|TP,\nexpiration date = Undefined|%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S. When current price will go up or down to\ntarget price value then broker opens a limit order. See also: Order() docstring.

  • lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
  • \n
  • targetPrice: target price > 0. This is trigger price for buy stop-order.
  • \n
  • limitPrice: limit price >= 0 (limitPrice = targetPrice if limitPrice is 0). Broker will creates limit-order\n with price equal to limitPrice, when current price goes to target price of buy stop-order.
  • \n
  • stopType: string \"Limit\" by default. There are 3 stop-order types \"SL\", \"TP\", \"Limit\"\n for \"Stop loss\", \"Take profit\" and \"Stop limit\" types accordingly.
  • \n
  • expDate: string \"Undefined\" by default or local date in future.\n String has a format like this: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.\n This date is converting to UTC format for server.
  • \n

JSON with response from broker server.

\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n lots: int,\n targetPrice: float,\n limitPrice: float = 0.0,\n stopType: str = 'Limit',\n expDate: str = 'Undefined'\n) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.SellLimit", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.SellLimit", "type": "function", "doc": "

Create pending Sell limit-order (above current price). You must specify only 2 parameters:\nlots and target price to open sell limit-order. If you try to create sell limit-order below current price then\nbroker immediately open Sell market order, such as if you do simple --sell operation!\nSee also: Order() docstring.

  • lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
  • \n
  • targetPrice: target price > 0. This is open trade price for limit order.
  • \n

JSON with response from broker server.

\n", "signature": "(self, lots: int, targetPrice: float) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.SellStop", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.SellStop", "type": "function", "doc": "

Create Sell stop-order. You must specify at least 2 parameters: lots target price to open sell stop-order.\nIn additional you can specify 3 parameters for sell stop-order: limit price >=0, stop type = Limit|SL|TP,\nexpiration date = Undefined|%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S. When current price will go up or down to\ntarget price value then broker opens a limit order. See also: Order() docstring.

  • lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
  • \n
  • targetPrice: target price > 0. This is trigger price for sell stop-order.
  • \n
  • limitPrice: limit price >= 0 (limitPrice = targetPrice if limitPrice is 0). Broker will creates limit-order\n with price equal to limitPrice, when current price goes to target price of sell stop-order.
  • \n
  • stopType: string \"Limit\" by default. There are 3 stop-order types \"SL\", \"TP\", \"Limit\"\n for \"Stop loss\", \"Take profit\" and \"Stop limit\" types accordingly.
  • \n
  • expDate: string \"Undefined\" by default or local date in future.\n String has a format like this: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.\n This date is converting to UTC format for server.
  • \n

JSON with response from broker server.

\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n lots: int,\n targetPrice: float,\n limitPrice: float = 0.0,\n stopType: str = 'Limit',\n expDate: str = 'Undefined'\n) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.CloseOrders", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.CloseOrders", "type": "function", "doc": "

Cancel order or list of orders by its orderId or stopOrderId.

  • orderIDs: list of integers with orderId or stopOrderId.
  • \n
  • allOrdersIDs: pre-received lists of all active pending orders.\n This avoids unnecessary downloading data from the server.
  • \n
  • allStopOrdersIDs: pre-received lists of all active stop orders.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n orderIDs: list,\n allOrdersIDs: list = None,\n allStopOrdersIDs: list = None\n) -> None", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.CloseAllOrders", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.CloseAllOrders", "type": "function", "doc": "

Gets a list of open pending and stop orders and cancel it all.

\n", "signature": "(self) -> None", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.CloseAll", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.CloseAll", "type": "function", "doc": "

Close all available (not blocked) opened trades and orders.


Also you can select one or more keywords case insensitive:\norders, shares, bonds, etfs and futures from TKS_INSTRUMENTS enum to specify trades type.


Currency positions you must closes manually using buy or sell operations, CloseTrades() or CloseAllTrades() methods.

\n", "signature": "(self, *args) -> None", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.ParseOrderParameters", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.ParseOrderParameters", "type": "function", "doc": "

Parse input dictionary of strings with order parameters and return dictionary with parameters to open all orders.

  • operation: string \"Buy\" or \"Sell\".
  • \n
  • inputParameters: this is dict of strings that looks like this\n {\"lots\": \"L_int,...\", \"prices\": \"P_float,...\"} where\n \"lots\" key: one or more lot values (integer numbers) to open with every limit-order\n \"prices\" key: one or more prices to open limit-orders\n Counts of values in lots and prices lists must be equals!
  • \n

list of dictionaries with all lots and prices to open orders that looks like this [{\"lot\": lots_1, \"price\": price_1}, {...}, ...]

\n", "signature": "(operation, **inputParameters)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.IsInPortfolio", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.IsInPortfolio", "type": "function", "doc": "

Checks if instrument is in the user's portfolio. Instrument must be defined by ticker (highly priority) or figi.

  • portfolio: dict with user's portfolio data. If None, then requests portfolio from Overview() method.
  • \n

True if portfolio contains open position with given instrument, False otherwise.

\n", "signature": "(self, portfolio: dict = None) -> bool", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.GetInstrumentFromPortfolio", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.GetInstrumentFromPortfolio", "type": "function", "doc": "

Returns instrument is in the user's portfolio if it presents there.\nInstrument must be defined by ticker (highly priority) or figi.

  • portfolio: dict with user's portfolio data. If None, then requests portfolio from Overview() method.
  • \n

dict with instrument if portfolio contains open position with this instrument, None otherwise.

\n", "signature": "(self, portfolio: dict = None) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.Args", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "Args", "type": "class", "doc": "

If Main() function is imported as module, then this class used to convert arguments from **kwargs as object.

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.Args.__init__", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "Args.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, **kwargs)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.ParseArgs", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "ParseArgs", "type": "function", "doc": "

Function get and parse command line keys. See examples: https://tim55667757.github.io/TKSBrokerAPI/

\n", "signature": "()", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.Main", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "Main", "type": "function", "doc": "

Main function for work with Tinkoff Open API service. It realizes simple logic: get a lot of options and execute one command.


See examples: https://tim55667757.github.io/TKSBrokerAPI/

\n", "signature": "(**kwargs)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums", "type": "module", "doc": "

Module contains a lot of constants from enums sections of Tinkoff Open API documentation.


About Tinkoff Invest API: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/


Tinkoff Invest API documentation: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums.TKS_INSTRUMENTS", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums", "qualname": "TKS_INSTRUMENTS", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Type of instrument for trade methods must be only one of supported types, listed in this constant. Default: [\"Currencies\", \"Shares\", \"Bonds\", \"Etfs\", \"Futures\"]

\n", "default_value": " = ['Currencies', 'Shares', 'Bonds', 'Etfs', 'Futures']"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums.TKS_TICKER_ALIASES", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums", "qualname": "TKS_TICKER_ALIASES", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Some aliases instead official tickers for using in CLI. For example, you can use \"USD\" instead of \"USD000UTSTOM\".

\n", "default_value": " = {'USD': 'USD000UTSTOM', 'usd': 'USD000UTSTOM', 'EUR': 'EUR_RUB__TOM', 'eur': 'EUR_RUB__TOM', 'GBP': 'GBPRUB_TOM', 'gbp': 'GBPRUB_TOM', 'CHF': 'CHFRUB_TOM', 'chf': 'CHFRUB_TOM', 'CNY': 'CNYRUB_TOM', 'cny': 'CNYRUB_TOM', 'HKD': 'HKDRUB_TOM', 'hkd': 'HKDRUB_TOM', 'TRY': 'TRYRUB_TOM', 'try': 'TRYRUB_TOM'}"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums.TKS_TIMEFRAMES", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums", "qualname": "TKS_TIMEFRAMES", "type": "variable", "doc": "

How many minutes in interval and maximum count of candles in one history block returns by Tinkoff API in one request.\nSee more: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/MarketDataService/MarketDataService_GetCandles

\n", "default_value": " = {'1min': {'minutes': 1, 'maxCandles': 1439}, '2min': {'minutes': 2, 'maxCandles': 719}, '3min': {'minutes': 3, 'maxCandles': 479}, '5min': {'minutes': 5, 'maxCandles': 287}, '10min': {'minutes': 10, 'maxCandles': 143}, '15min': {'minutes': 15, 'maxCandles': 95}, '30min': {'minutes': 30, 'maxCandles': 47}, 'hour': {'minutes': 60, 'maxCandles': 167}, 'day': {'minutes': 1440, 'maxCandles': 365}, 'week': {'minutes': 10080, 'maxCandles': 104}, 'month': {'minutes': 43200, 'maxCandles': 119}}"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums.TKS_TRADING_STATUSES", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums", "qualname": "TKS_TRADING_STATUSES", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Security Trading Status enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/orders/#securitytradingstatus

\n", "default_value": " = {'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED': 'Trading status undefined', 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_TRADING': 'Not available for trading', 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_OPENING_PERIOD': 'Trade opening period', 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_CLOSING_PERIOD': 'Trade closing period', 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_BREAK_IN_TRADING': 'Break in trading', 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_NORMAL_TRADING': 'Normal trading', 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_CLOSING_AUCTION': 'Closing auction', 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_DARK_POOL_AUCTION': 'Large package auction', 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_DISCRETE_AUCTION': 'Discrete auction', 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_OPENING_AUCTION_PERIOD': 'Opening auction', 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_TRADING_AT_CLOSING_AUCTION_PRICE': 'Trading period at the closing auction price', 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_SESSION_ASSIGNED': 'Session assigned', 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_SESSION_CLOSE': 'Session closed', 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_SESSION_OPEN': 'Session is open', 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_DEALER_NORMAL_TRADING': \"Broker's internal liquidity mode trading\", 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_DEALER_BREAK_IN_TRADING': \"Break in trading in the broker's internal liquidity mode\", 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_DEALER_NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_TRADING': \"Broker's internal liquidity mode is not available\"}"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums.TKS_OPERATION_TYPES", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums", "qualname": "TKS_OPERATION_TYPES", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Operation type enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/operations/#operationtype

\n", "default_value": " = {'OPERATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED': 'The operation type is not defined', 'OPERATION_TYPE_INPUT': 'Deposit on broker account', 'OPERATION_TYPE_BOND_TAX': 'Withholding personal income tax on bond coupons', 'OPERATION_TYPE_OUTPUT_SECURITIES': 'Securities output', 'OPERATION_TYPE_OVERNIGHT': 'Overnight REPO income', 'OPERATION_TYPE_TAX': 'Tax withholding', 'OPERATION_TYPE_BOND_REPAYMENT_FULL': 'Full bond redemption', 'OPERATION_TYPE_SELL_CARD': 'Sell securities from the card', 'OPERATION_TYPE_DIVIDEND_TAX': 'Withholding tax on dividends', 'OPERATION_TYPE_OUTPUT': 'Withdrawals', 'OPERATION_TYPE_BOND_REPAYMENT': 'Bonds partial redemption', 'OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_CORRECTION': 'Tax correction', 'OPERATION_TYPE_SERVICE_FEE': 'Brokerage account maintenance fee deduction', 'OPERATION_TYPE_BENEFIT_TAX': 'Withholding tax for material benefits', 'OPERATION_TYPE_MARGIN_FEE': 'Withholding commission for an uncovered position', 'OPERATION_TYPE_BUY': 'Buy securities', 'OPERATION_TYPE_BUY_CARD': 'Buy securities from a card', 'OPERATION_TYPE_INPUT_SECURITIES': 'Transfer securities from another depository', 'OPERATION_TYPE_SELL_MARGIN': 'Sell (by margin call)', 'OPERATION_TYPE_BROKER_FEE': 'Operation fee deduction', 'OPERATION_TYPE_BUY_MARGIN': 'Buy (by margin call)', 'OPERATION_TYPE_DIVIDEND': 'Dividends income', 'OPERATION_TYPE_SELL': 'Sell securities', 'OPERATION_TYPE_COUPON': 'Coupons income', 'OPERATION_TYPE_SUCCESS_FEE': 'Success fee deduction', 'OPERATION_TYPE_DIVIDEND_TRANSFER': 'Transfer of dividend income', 'OPERATION_TYPE_ACCRUING_VARMARGIN': 'Variation margin crediting', 'OPERATION_TYPE_WRITING_OFF_VARMARGIN': 'Withholding variation margin', 'OPERATION_TYPE_DELIVERY_BUY': 'Buy (futures contract expired)', 'OPERATION_TYPE_DELIVERY_SELL': 'Sell (futures contract expired)', 'OPERATION_TYPE_TRACK_MFEE': 'Autotrack account management fee', 'OPERATION_TYPE_TRACK_PFEE': 'Pay per result on auto follow score', 'OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_PROGRESSIVE': 'Tax withholding at the rate of 15%', 'OPERATION_TYPE_BOND_TAX_PROGRESSIVE': 'Withholding tax on coupons at the rate of 15%', 'OPERATION_TYPE_DIVIDEND_TAX_PROGRESSIVE': 'Withholding tax on dividends at the rate of 15%', 'OPERATION_TYPE_BENEFIT_TAX_PROGRESSIVE': 'Withholding tax for material benefits at the rate of 15%', 'OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_CORRECTION_PROGRESSIVE': 'Tax correction at the rate of 15%', 'OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_REPO_PROGRESSIVE': 'Withholding tax on refunds on REPO transactions at the rate of 15%', 'OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_REPO': 'Tax withholding on REPO trade refunds', 'OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_REPO_HOLD': 'Tax hold on REPO transactions', 'OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_REPO_REFUND': 'Tax refund on REPO transactions', 'OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_REPO_HOLD_PROGRESSIVE': 'Withholding tax on REPO transactions at the rate of 15%', 'OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_REPO_REFUND_PROGRESSIVE': 'Tax refund on REPO transactions at the rate of 15%', 'OPERATION_TYPE_DIV_EXT': 'Payout dividends to the card', 'OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_CORRECTION_COUPON': 'Coupon tax correction'}"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums.TKS_OPERATION_STATES", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums", "qualname": "TKS_OPERATION_STATES", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Operation state enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/operations/#operationstate

\n", "default_value": " = {'OPERATION_STATE_UNSPECIFIED': '! Unknown', 'OPERATION_STATE_EXECUTED': '\u221a Executed', 'OPERATION_STATE_CANCELED': '\u00d7 Canceled'}"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums.TKS_ORDER_DIRECTIONS", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums", "qualname": "TKS_ORDER_DIRECTIONS", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Order direction enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/orders/#orderdirection

\n", "default_value": " = {'ORDER_DIRECTION_UNSPECIFIED': 'Undefined', 'ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY': '\u2191 Buy', 'ORDER_DIRECTION_SELL': '\u2193 Sell'}"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums.TKS_STOP_ORDER_DIRECTIONS", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums", "qualname": "TKS_STOP_ORDER_DIRECTIONS", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Stop-order direction enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/stoporders/#stoporderdirection

\n", "default_value": " = {'STOP_ORDER_DIRECTION_UNSPECIFIED': 'Undefined', 'STOP_ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY': '\u2191 Buy', 'STOP_ORDER_DIRECTION_SELL': '\u2193 Sell'}"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums.TKS_ORDER_TYPES", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums", "qualname": "TKS_ORDER_TYPES", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Order type enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/orders/#ordertype

\n", "default_value": " = {'ORDER_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED': 'Undefined', 'ORDER_TYPE_LIMIT': 'Limit', 'ORDER_TYPE_MARKET': 'Market'}"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums.TKS_STOP_ORDER_TYPES", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums", "qualname": "TKS_STOP_ORDER_TYPES", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Stop-order type enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/stoporders/#stopordertype

\n", "default_value": " = {'STOP_ORDER_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED': 'Undefined', 'STOP_ORDER_TYPE_TAKE_PROFIT': 'Take profit', 'STOP_ORDER_TYPE_STOP_LOSS': 'Stop loss', 'STOP_ORDER_TYPE_STOP_LIMIT': 'Stop limit'}"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums.TKS_ORDER_STATES", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums", "qualname": "TKS_ORDER_STATES", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Order status enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/orders/#orderexecutionreportstatus

\n", "default_value": " = {'EXECUTION_REPORT_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED': '! Unknown', 'EXECUTION_REPORT_STATUS_FILL': 'Performed', 'EXECUTION_REPORT_STATUS_REJECTED': 'Rejected', 'EXECUTION_REPORT_STATUS_CANCELLED': 'Cancelled', 'EXECUTION_REPORT_STATUS_NEW': 'New order', 'EXECUTION_REPORT_STATUS_PARTIALLYFILL': 'Partially filled'}"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums.TKS_STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPES", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums", "qualname": "TKS_STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPES", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Expiration type of stop-orders enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/stoporders/#stoporderexpirationtype

\n", "default_value": " = {'STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED': 'Undefined', 'STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPE_GOOD_TILL_CANCEL': 'Until cancel', 'STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPE_GOOD_TILL_DATE': 'Until date'}"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.UniLogger", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.UniLogger", "type": "module", "doc": "

This module init standard python logging system with some of pre-defined parameters,\ne.g. debug level for log-file, info level for console, log-rotate and so on.

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.UniLogger.SetLevel", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.UniLogger", "qualname": "SetLevel", "type": "function", "doc": "

This procedure setting up UniLogger verbosity level.

\n", "signature": "(vLevel='ERROR')", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.UniLogger.LevelFilter", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.UniLogger", "qualname": "LevelFilter", "type": "class", "doc": "

Class using to set up log level filtering.

\n", "bases": "logging.Filter"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.UniLogger.LevelFilter.__init__", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.UniLogger", "qualname": "LevelFilter.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "

Initialize a filter.


Initialize with the name of the logger which, together with its\nchildren, will have its events allowed through the filter. If no\nname is specified, allow every event.

\n", "signature": "(self, level)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.UniLogger.LevelFilter.filter", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.UniLogger", "qualname": "LevelFilter.filter", "type": "function", "doc": "

Determine if the specified record is to be logged.


Is the specified record to be logged? Returns 0 for no, nonzero for\nyes. If deemed appropriate, the record may be modified in-place.

\n", "signature": "(self, record)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.UniLogger.EnableLogger", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.UniLogger", "qualname": "EnableLogger", "type": "function", "doc": "

Adding new file logger with rotation.

\n", "signature": "(\n logFile,\n parentHandler=,\n useFormat=\n)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.UniLogger.DisableLogger", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.UniLogger", "qualname": "DisableLogger", "type": "function", "doc": "

Disable given file logger.

\n", "signature": "(handler, parentHandler=)", "funcdef": "def"}]; + /** pdoc search index */const docs = [{"fullname": "tksbrokerapi", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi", "type": "module", "doc": "

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "type": "module", "doc": "

TKSBrokerAPI is a python API to work with some methods of Tinkoff Open API using REST protocol.\nIt can view history, orders and market information. Also, you can open orders and trades.


If you run this module as CLI program then it realizes simple logic: receiving a lot of options and execute one command.\nSee examples: https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/blob/master/README_EN.md#Usage-examples


Used constants are in the TKSEnums module: https://tim55667757.github.io/TKSBrokerAPI/docs/tksbrokerapi/TKSEnums.html


About Tinkoff Invest API: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/


Tinkoff Invest API documentation: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.NanoToFloat", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "NanoToFloat", "type": "function", "doc": "

Convert number in nano-view mode with string parameter units and integer parameter nano to float view. Examples:


NanoToFloat(units=\"2\", nano=500000000) -> 2.5


NanoToFloat(units=\"0\", nano=50000000) -> 0.05

  • units: integer string or integer parameter that represents the integer part of number
  • \n
  • nano: integer string or integer parameter that represents the fractional part of number
  • \n

float view of number

\n", "signature": "(units: str, nano: int) -> float", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.FloatToNano", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "FloatToNano", "type": "function", "doc": "

Convert float number to nano-type view: dictionary with string units and integer nano parameters {\"units\": \"string\", \"nano\": integer}. Examples:


FloatToNano(number=2.5) -> {\"units\": \"2\", \"nano\": 500000000}


FloatToNano(number=0.05) -> {\"units\": \"0\", \"nano\": 50000000}

  • number: float number
  • \n

nano-type view of number: {\"units\": \"string\", \"nano\": integer}

\n", "signature": "(number: float) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.GetDatesAsString", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "GetDatesAsString", "type": "function", "doc": "

Create tuple of date and time strings with timezone parsed from user-friendly date.


User dates format must be like: %Y-%m-%d, e.g. 2020-02-03 (3 Feb, 2020).


Example input: \"2022-06-01\" \"2022-06-20\" -> output: (\"2022-06-01T00:00:00Z\", \"2022-06-20T23:59:59Z\")\nAn error exception will occur if input date has incorrect format.


If start=None, end=None then return dates from yesterday to the end of the day.\nIf start=some_date_1, end=None then return dates from some_date_1 to the end of the day.\nIf start=some_date_1, end=some_date_2 then return dates from start of some_date_1 to end of some_date_2.\nStart day may be negative integer numbers: -1, -2, -3 - how many days ago.


Also, you can use keywords for start if end=None:\ntoday (from 00:00:00 to the end of current day),\nyesterday (-1 day from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59),\nweek (-7 day from 00:00:00 to the end of current day),\nmonth (-30 day from 00:00:00 to the end of current day),\nyear (-365 day from 00:00:00 to the end of current day),


tuple with 2 strings (start, end) dates in UTC ISO time format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ for OpenAPI.\n See date and time format here: TKSEnums.TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT.\n Example: (\"2022-06-01T00:00:00Z\", \"2022-06-20T23:59:59Z\"). Second string is the end of the last day.

\n", "signature": "(start: str = None, end: str = None) -> tuple", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer", "type": "class", "doc": "

This class implements methods to work with Tinkoff broker server.


Examples to work with API: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/


About token: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/token/

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.__init__", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "

Main class init.

  • token: Bearer token for Tinkoff Invest API. It can be set from environment variable TKS_API_TOKEN.
  • \n
  • accountId: string with user's numeric account ID in Tinkoff Broker. It can be found in broker's reports.\n Also, this variable can be set from environment variable TKS_ACCOUNT_ID.
  • \n
  • iList: dictionary with raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server.\n At first time, when class init, Listing() method auto-update this variable, or you can use dump file.\n For future use, you can save this variable and use as iList to avoid permanent downloads\n from the server. Also, you can try DumpInstruments() method.
  • \n
  • useCache: use default cache file dump.json with raw data to use instead of iList if iList set as None.\n True by default. Cache is auto-update if new day has come.\n If iList is not None then it value has higher priority than dump.json and useCache.\n If you don't want to use cache and always updates raw data then set useCache=False.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n token: str,\n accountId: str = None,\n iList: dict = None,\n useCache: bool = True\n)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.aliases", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.aliases", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Some aliases instead official tickers. See TKSEnums.TKS_TICKER_ALIASES

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.ticker", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.ticker", "type": "variable", "doc": "

String with ticker, e.g. GOOGL. Use alias for USD000UTSTOM simple as USD, EUR_RUB__TOM as EUR etc. More tickers aliases here: TKSEnums.TKS_TICKER_ALIASES.

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.figi", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.figi", "type": "variable", "doc": "

String with FIGI, e.g. ticker GOOGL has FIGI BBG009S39JX6

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.depth", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.depth", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Depth of Market (DOM) can be >= 1. Default: 1. It used with --price key to showing DOM with current prices for givens ticker or FIGI.

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.server", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.server", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Tinkoff REST API server for real trade operations. Default: https://invest-public-api.tinkoff.ru/rest


See also: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/#tinkoff-invest-api_1

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.timeout", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.timeout", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Server operations timeout in seconds. Default: 15

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.headers", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.headers", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Headers which send in every request to broker server. Default: {\"Content-Type\": \"application/json\", \"accept\": \"application/json\", \"Authorization\": \"Bearer {your_token}\"}

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.body", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.body", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Request body which send to broker server. Default: None

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.historyFile", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.historyFile", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Full path to the output file where history candles will be saved or updated. Default: None, it mean that returns only pandas dataframe when you request History() method.

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.instrumentsFile", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.instrumentsFile", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Filename where full broker's instruments list will be saved. Default: instruments.md

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.searchResultsFile", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.searchResultsFile", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Filename with all found instruments searched by part of its ticker, FIGI or name. Default: search-results.md

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.pricesFile", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.pricesFile", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Filename where prices of selected instruments will be saved. Default: prices.md

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.overviewFile", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.overviewFile", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Filename where current portfolio, open trades and orders will be saved. Default: overview.md

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.overviewDigestFile", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.overviewDigestFile", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Filename where short digest of the portfolio status will be saved. Default: overview-digest.md

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.overviewPositionsFile", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.overviewPositionsFile", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Filename where only open positions, without everything else will be saved. Default: overview-positions.md

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.overviewOrdersFile", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.overviewOrdersFile", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Filename where open limits and stop orders will be saved. Default: overview-orders.md

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.overviewAnalyticsFile", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.overviewAnalyticsFile", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Filename where only the analytics section and the distribution of the portfolio by various categories will be saved. Default: overview-analytics.md

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.reportFile", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.reportFile", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Filename where history of deals and trade statistics will be saved. Default: deals.md

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.iListDumpFile", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.iListDumpFile", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Filename where raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures will be stored. Default: dump.json

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.iList", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.iList", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Dictionary with raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server. Auto-updating.


See also: Listing() and DumpInstruments().

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.SendAPIRequest", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.SendAPIRequest", "type": "function", "doc": "

Send GET or POST request to broker server and receive JSON object.


self.header: must be define with dictionary of headers.\nself.body: if define then used as request body. None by default.\nself.timeout: global request timeout, 15 seconds by default.

  • url: url with REST request.
  • \n
  • reqType: send \"GET\" or \"POST\" request. \"GET\" by default.
  • \n
  • retry: how many times retry after first request if an error occurred.
  • \n
  • pause: sleep time in seconds between retries.
  • \n
  • debug: if True then print more debug information.
  • \n

response JSON (dictionary) from broker.

\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n url: str,\n reqType: str = 'GET',\n retry: int = 3,\n pause: int = 5,\n debug: bool = False\n) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.Listing", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.Listing", "type": "function", "doc": "

Gets JSON with raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server.


Dictionary with all available broker instruments: currencies, shares, bonds, etfs and futures.

\n", "signature": "(self) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.DumpInstruments", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.DumpInstruments", "type": "function", "doc": "

Receives and returns actual raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server\nusing Listing() method. If iListDumpFile string is not empty then also save information to this file.

  • forceUpdate: if True then at first updates data with Listing() method, otherwise just saves exist iList.
  • \n

serialized JSON formatted str with full data of instruments, also saved to the --output file.

\n", "signature": "(self, forceUpdate: bool = True) -> str", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.ShowInstrumentInfo", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.ShowInstrumentInfo", "type": "function", "doc": "

Show information about one instrument defined by json data and prints it in Markdown format.

  • iJSON: json data of instrument, e.g. in code iJSON = self.iList[\"Shares\"][self.ticker]
  • \n
  • printInfo: if True then also printing information about instrument and its current price.
  • \n

multilines text in Markdown format with information about one instrument.

\n", "signature": "(iJSON: dict, printInfo: bool = False) -> str", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.SearchByTicker", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.SearchByTicker", "type": "function", "doc": "

Search and return raw broker's information about instrument by it's ticker.\nticker must be define! If debug=True then print all debug messages.

  • requestPrice: if False then do not request current price of instrument (because this is long operation).
  • \n
  • showInfo: if False then do not run ShowInstrumentInfo() method and do not print info to the console.
  • \n
  • debug: if True then print all debug console messages.
  • \n

JSON formatted data with information about instrument.

\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n requestPrice: bool = False,\n showInfo: bool = False,\n debug: bool = False\n) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.SearchByFIGI", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.SearchByFIGI", "type": "function", "doc": "

Search and return raw broker's information about instrument by it's FIGI.\nfigi must be define! If debug=True then print all debug messages.

  • requestPrice: if False then do not request current price of instrument (it's long operation).
  • \n
  • showInfo: if False then do not run ShowInstrumentInfo() method and do not print info to the console.
  • \n
  • debug: if True then print all debug console messages.
  • \n

JSON formatted data with information about instrument.

\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n requestPrice: bool = False,\n showInfo: bool = False,\n debug: bool = False\n) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.GetCurrentPrices", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.GetCurrentPrices", "type": "function", "doc": "

Get and show Depth of Market with current prices of the instrument. If an error occurred then returns an empty record:\n{\"buy\": [], \"sell\": [], \"limitUp\": None, \"limitDown\": None, \"lastPrice\": None, \"closePrice\": None}.

  • showPrice: if True then print DOM.
  • \n

orders book dict with lists of current buy and sell prices: {\"buy\": [{\"price\": x1, \"quantity\": y1, ...}], \"sell\": [....]}.

\n", "signature": "(self, showPrice: bool = False) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.ShowInstrumentsInfo", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.ShowInstrumentsInfo", "type": "function", "doc": "

This method get and show information about all available broker instruments.\nIf instrumentsFile string is not empty then also save information to this file.

  • showInstruments: if True then print results to console, if False - print only to file.
  • \n

multi-string with all available broker instruments

\n", "signature": "(self, showInstruments: bool = False) -> str", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.SearchInstruments", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.SearchInstruments", "type": "function", "doc": "

This method search and show information about instruments by part of its ticker, FIGI or name.\nIf searchResultsFile string is not empty then also save information to this file.

  • pattern: string with part of ticker, FIGI or instrument's name.
  • \n
  • showResults: if True then print results to console, if False - return list of result only.
  • \n

list of dictionaries with all found instruments.

\n", "signature": "(self, pattern: str, showResults: bool = False) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.GetListOfPrices", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.GetListOfPrices", "type": "function", "doc": "

This method get, maybe show and return prices of list of instruments. WARNING! This is potential long operation!\nSee limits: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/limits/\nIf pricesFile string is not empty then also save information to this file.

  • instruments: list of tickers or FIGIs.
  • \n
  • showPrices: if True then print to console, if False - print only to file.
  • \n

list of instruments looks like this: iList = [{some ticker info, \"currentPrice\": {current prices}}, {...}, ...]\n One item is dict returned by SearchByTicker() or SearchByFIGI() methods.

\n", "signature": "(self, instruments: list = None, showPrices: bool = False) -> list", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.RequestPortfolio", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.RequestPortfolio", "type": "function", "doc": "

Requesting current actual user's portfolio.\nREST API for user portfolio: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetPortfolio


dictionary with user's portfolio.

\n", "signature": "(self) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.RequestPositions", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.RequestPositions", "type": "function", "doc": "

Requesting current open positions in currencies and instruments.\nREST API for open positions: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetPositions


dictionary with open positions by instruments.

\n", "signature": "(self) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.RequestPendingOrders", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.RequestPendingOrders", "type": "function", "doc": "

Requesting current actual pending orders.\nREST API for pending (market) orders: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OrdersService/OrdersService_GetOrders


list of dictionaries with pending orders.

\n", "signature": "(self) -> list", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.RequestStopOrders", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.RequestStopOrders", "type": "function", "doc": "

Requesting current actual stop orders.\nREST API for opened stop-orders: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/StopOrdersService/StopOrdersService_GetStopOrders


list of dictionaries with stop orders.

\n", "signature": "(self) -> list", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.Overview", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.Overview", "type": "function", "doc": "

Get portfolio: all open positions, orders and some statistics for defined accountId.\nIf overviewFile, overviewDigestFile, overviewPositionsFile, overviewOrdersFile, overviewAnalyticsFile\nare defined then also save information to file.

  • showStatistics: if False then only dictionary returns, if True then show more debug information.
  • \n
  • details: how detailed should the information be? You should specify one of strings: \n full - shows full available information about portfolio status (by default),\n positions - shows only open positions,\n digest - show a short digest of the portfolio status,\n analytics - shows only the analytics section and the distribution of the portfolio by various categories,\n orders - shows only sections of open limits and stop orders.
  • \n

dictionary with client's raw portfolio and some statistics.

\n", "signature": "(self, showStatistics: bool = False, details: str = 'full') -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.Deals", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.Deals", "type": "function", "doc": "

Returns history operations between two given dates.\nIf reportFile string is not empty then also save human-readable report.\nShows some statistical data of closed positions.

  • start: see docstring in GetDatesAsString() method
  • \n
  • end: see docstring in GetDatesAsString() method
  • \n
  • printDeals: if True then also prints all records to the console.
  • \n
  • showCancelled: if False then remove information about cancelled operations from the deals report.
  • \n

original list of dictionaries with history of deals records from API (\"operations\" key):\n https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetOperations\n and dictionary with custom stats: operations in different currencies, withdrawals, incomes etc.

\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n start: str = None,\n end: str = None,\n printDeals: bool = False,\n showCancelled: bool = True\n) -> tuple", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.History", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.History", "type": "function", "doc": "

This method returns last history candles of the current instrument defined by ticker or figi (FIGI id).


History returned between two given dates: start and end. Minimum requested date in the past is 1970-01-01.\nWarning! Broker server used ISO UTC time by default.


If historyFile is not None then method save history to file, otherwise return only pandas dataframe.\nAlso, historyFile used to update history with onlyMissing parameter.

  • start: see docstring in GetDatesAsString() method.
  • \n
  • end: see docstring in GetDatesAsString() method.
  • \n
  • interval: this is a candle interval. Current available values are \"1min\", \"5min\", \"15min\",\n \"hour\", \"day\". Default: \"hour\".
  • \n
  • onlyMissing: if True then add only last missing candles, do not request all history length from start.\n False by default. Warning! History appends only from last candle to current time\n with always update last candle!
  • \n
  • csvSep: separator if .csv-file is used, , by default.
  • \n
  • printCandles: if True then also prints pandas dataframe to the console.
  • \n

pandas dataframe with prices history. Headers of columns are defined by default:\n [\"date\", \"time\", \"open\", \"high\", \"low\", \"close\", \"volume\"].

\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n start: str = None,\n end: str = None,\n interval: str = 'hour',\n onlyMissing: bool = False,\n csvSep: str = ',',\n printCandles: bool = False\n) -> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.Trade", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.Trade", "type": "function", "doc": "

Universal method to create market order and make deal at the current price. Returns JSON data with response.\nIf tp or sl > 0, then in additional will opens stop-orders with \"TP\" and \"SL\" flags for stopType parameter.


See also: Order() docstring. More simple methods than Trade() are Buy() and Sell().

  • operation: string \"Buy\" or \"Sell\".
  • \n
  • lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
  • \n
  • tp: float > 0, target price for stop-order with \"TP\" type. It used as take profit parameter targetPrice in self.Order().
  • \n
  • sl: float > 0, target price for stop-order with \"SL\" type. It used as stop loss parameter targetPrice in self.Order().
  • \n
  • expDate: string \"Undefined\" by default or local date in future,\n it is a string with format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.
  • \n

JSON with response from broker server.

\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n operation: str,\n lots: int = 1,\n tp: float = 0.0,\n sl: float = 0.0,\n expDate: str = 'Undefined'\n) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.Buy", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.Buy", "type": "function", "doc": "

More simple method than Trade(). Create Buy market order and make deal at the current price. Returns JSON data with response.\nIf tp or sl > 0, then in additional will opens stop-orders with \"TP\" and \"SL\" flags for stopType parameter.


See also: Order() and Trade() docstrings.

  • lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
  • \n
  • tp: float > 0, take profit price of stop-order.
  • \n
  • sl: float > 0, stop loss price of stop-order.
  • \n
  • expDate: it's a local date in future.\n String has a format like this: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.
  • \n

JSON with response from broker server.

\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n lots: int = 1,\n tp: float = 0.0,\n sl: float = 0.0,\n expDate: str = 'Undefined'\n) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.Sell", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.Sell", "type": "function", "doc": "

More simple method than Trade(). Create Sell market order and make deal at the current price. Returns JSON data with response.\nIf tp or sl > 0, then in additional will opens stop-orders with \"TP\" and \"SL\" flags for stopType parameter.


See also: Order() and Trade() docstrings.

  • lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
  • \n
  • tp: float > 0, take profit price of stop-order.
  • \n
  • sl: float > 0, stop loss price of stop-order.
  • \n
  • expDate: it's a local date in future.\n String has a format like this: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.
  • \n

JSON with response from broker server.

\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n lots: int = 1,\n tp: float = 0.0,\n sl: float = 0.0,\n expDate: str = 'Undefined'\n) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.CloseTrades", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.CloseTrades", "type": "function", "doc": "

Close position of given instruments.

  • tickers: tickers list of instruments that must be closed.
  • \n
  • overview: pre-received dictionary with open trades, returned by Overview() method.\n This avoids unnecessary downloading data from the server.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(self, tickers: list, overview: dict = None) -> None", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.CloseAllTrades", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.CloseAllTrades", "type": "function", "doc": "

Close all positions of given instruments with defined type.

  • iType: type of the instruments that be closed, it must be one of supported types in TKS_INSTRUMENTS list.
  • \n
  • overview: pre-received dictionary with open trades, returned by Overview() method.\n This avoids unnecessary downloading data from the server.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(self, iType: str, overview: dict = None) -> None", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.Order", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.Order", "type": "function", "doc": "

Universal method to create market or limit orders with all available parameters.\nSee more simple methods: BuyLimit(), BuyStop(), SellLimit(), SellStop().


If orderType is \"Limit\" then create pending limit-order below current price if operation is \"Buy\" and above\ncurrent price if operation is \"Sell\". A limit order has no expiration date, it lasts until the end of the trading day.


Warning! If you try to create limit-order above current price if \"Buy\" or below current price if \"Sell\"\nthen broker immediately open market order as you can do simple --buy or --sell operations!


If orderType is \"Stop\" then creates stop-order with any direction \"Buy\" or \"Sell\".\nWhen current price will go up or down to target price value then broker opens a limit order.\nStop-order is opened with unlimited expiration date by default, or you can define expiration date with expDate parameter.


Only one attempt and no retry for opens order. If network issue occurred you can create new request.

  • operation: string \"Buy\" or \"Sell\".
  • \n
  • orderType: string \"Limit\" or \"Stop\".
  • \n
  • lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
  • \n
  • targetPrice: target price > 0. This is open trade price for limit order.
  • \n
  • limitPrice: limit price >= 0. This parameter only makes sense for stop-order. If limitPrice = 0, then it set as targetPrice.\n Broker will creates limit-order with price equal to limitPrice, when current price goes to target price of stop-order.
  • \n
  • stopType: string \"Limit\" by default. This parameter only makes sense for stop-order. There are 3 stop-order types\n \"SL\", \"TP\", \"Limit\" for \"Stop loss\", \"Take profit\" and \"Stop limit\" types accordingly.\n Stop loss order always executed by market price.
  • \n
  • expDate: string \"Undefined\" by default or local date in future.\n String has a format like this: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.\n This date is converting to UTC format for server. This parameter only makes sense for stop-order.\n A limit order has no expiration date, it lasts until the end of the trading day.
  • \n

JSON with response from broker server.

\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n operation: str,\n orderType: str,\n lots: int,\n targetPrice: float,\n limitPrice: float = 0.0,\n stopType: str = 'Limit',\n expDate: str = 'Undefined'\n) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.BuyLimit", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.BuyLimit", "type": "function", "doc": "

Create pending Buy limit-order (below current price). You must specify only 2 parameters:\nlots and target price to open buy limit-order. If you try to create buy limit-order above current price then\nbroker immediately open Buy market order, such as if you do simple --buy operation!\nSee also: Order() docstring.

  • lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
  • \n
  • targetPrice: target price > 0. This is open trade price for limit order.
  • \n

JSON with response from broker server.

\n", "signature": "(self, lots: int, targetPrice: float) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.BuyStop", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.BuyStop", "type": "function", "doc": "

Create Buy stop-order. You must specify at least 2 parameters: lots target price to open buy stop-order.\nIn additional you can specify 3 parameters for buy stop-order: limit price >=0, stop type = Limit|SL|TP,\nexpiration date = Undefined|%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S. When current price will go up or down to\ntarget price value then broker opens a limit order. See also: Order() docstring.

  • lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
  • \n
  • targetPrice: target price > 0. This is trigger price for buy stop-order.
  • \n
  • limitPrice: limit price >= 0 (limitPrice = targetPrice if limitPrice is 0). Broker will creates limit-order\n with price equal to limitPrice, when current price goes to target price of buy stop-order.
  • \n
  • stopType: string \"Limit\" by default. There are 3 stop-order types \"SL\", \"TP\", \"Limit\"\n for \"Stop loss\", \"Take profit\" and \"Stop limit\" types accordingly.
  • \n
  • expDate: string \"Undefined\" by default or local date in future.\n String has a format like this: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.\n This date is converting to UTC format for server.
  • \n

JSON with response from broker server.

\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n lots: int,\n targetPrice: float,\n limitPrice: float = 0.0,\n stopType: str = 'Limit',\n expDate: str = 'Undefined'\n) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.SellLimit", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.SellLimit", "type": "function", "doc": "

Create pending Sell limit-order (above current price). You must specify only 2 parameters:\nlots and target price to open sell limit-order. If you try to create sell limit-order below current price then\nbroker immediately open Sell market order, such as if you do simple --sell operation!\nSee also: Order() docstring.

  • lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
  • \n
  • targetPrice: target price > 0. This is open trade price for limit order.
  • \n

JSON with response from broker server.

\n", "signature": "(self, lots: int, targetPrice: float) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.SellStop", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.SellStop", "type": "function", "doc": "

Create Sell stop-order. You must specify at least 2 parameters: lots target price to open sell stop-order.\nIn additional you can specify 3 parameters for sell stop-order: limit price >=0, stop type = Limit|SL|TP,\nexpiration date = Undefined|%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S. When current price will go up or down to\ntarget price value then broker opens a limit order. See also: Order() docstring.

  • lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
  • \n
  • targetPrice: target price > 0. This is trigger price for sell stop-order.
  • \n
  • limitPrice: limit price >= 0 (limitPrice = targetPrice if limitPrice is 0). Broker will creates limit-order\n with price equal to limitPrice, when current price goes to target price of sell stop-order.
  • \n
  • stopType: string \"Limit\" by default. There are 3 stop-order types \"SL\", \"TP\", \"Limit\"\n for \"Stop loss\", \"Take profit\" and \"Stop limit\" types accordingly.
  • \n
  • expDate: string \"Undefined\" by default or local date in future.\n String has a format like this: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.\n This date is converting to UTC format for server.
  • \n

JSON with response from broker server.

\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n lots: int,\n targetPrice: float,\n limitPrice: float = 0.0,\n stopType: str = 'Limit',\n expDate: str = 'Undefined'\n) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.CloseOrders", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.CloseOrders", "type": "function", "doc": "

Cancel order or list of orders by its orderId or stopOrderId.

  • orderIDs: list of integers with orderId or stopOrderId.
  • \n
  • allOrdersIDs: pre-received lists of all active pending orders.\n This avoids unnecessary downloading data from the server.
  • \n
  • allStopOrdersIDs: pre-received lists of all active stop orders.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(\n self,\n orderIDs: list,\n allOrdersIDs: list = None,\n allStopOrdersIDs: list = None\n) -> None", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.CloseAllOrders", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.CloseAllOrders", "type": "function", "doc": "

Gets a list of open pending and stop orders and cancel it all.

\n", "signature": "(self) -> None", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.CloseAll", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.CloseAll", "type": "function", "doc": "

Close all available (not blocked) opened trades and orders.


Also you can select one or more keywords case insensitive:\norders, shares, bonds, etfs and futures from TKS_INSTRUMENTS enum to specify trades type.


Currency positions you must closes manually using buy or sell operations, CloseTrades() or CloseAllTrades() methods.

\n", "signature": "(self, *args) -> None", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.ParseOrderParameters", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.ParseOrderParameters", "type": "function", "doc": "

Parse input dictionary of strings with order parameters and return dictionary with parameters to open all orders.

  • operation: string \"Buy\" or \"Sell\".
  • \n
  • inputParameters: this is dict of strings that looks like this\n {\"lots\": \"L_int,...\", \"prices\": \"P_float,...\"} where\n \"lots\" key: one or more lot values (integer numbers) to open with every limit-order\n \"prices\" key: one or more prices to open limit-orders\n Counts of values in lots and prices lists must be equals!
  • \n

list of dictionaries with all lots and prices to open orders that looks like this [{\"lot\": lots_1, \"price\": price_1}, {...}, ...]

\n", "signature": "(operation, **inputParameters)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.IsInPortfolio", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.IsInPortfolio", "type": "function", "doc": "

Checks if instrument is in the user's portfolio. Instrument must be defined by ticker (highly priority) or figi.

  • portfolio: dict with user's portfolio data. If None, then requests portfolio from Overview() method.
  • \n

True if portfolio contains open position with given instrument, False otherwise.

\n", "signature": "(self, portfolio: dict = None) -> bool", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.TinkoffBrokerServer.GetInstrumentFromPortfolio", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "TinkoffBrokerServer.GetInstrumentFromPortfolio", "type": "function", "doc": "

Returns instrument is in the user's portfolio if it presents there.\nInstrument must be defined by ticker (highly priority) or figi.

  • portfolio: dict with user's portfolio data. If None, then requests portfolio from Overview() method.
  • \n

dict with instrument if portfolio contains open position with this instrument, None otherwise.

\n", "signature": "(self, portfolio: dict = None) -> dict", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.Args", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "Args", "type": "class", "doc": "

If Main() function is imported as module, then this class used to convert arguments from **kwargs as object.

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.Args.__init__", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "Args.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(self, **kwargs)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.ParseArgs", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "ParseArgs", "type": "function", "doc": "

Function get and parse command line keys. See examples: https://tim55667757.github.io/TKSBrokerAPI/

\n", "signature": "()", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI.Main", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI", "qualname": "Main", "type": "function", "doc": "

Main function for work with Tinkoff Open API service. It realizes simple logic: get a lot of options and execute one command.


See examples: https://tim55667757.github.io/TKSBrokerAPI/

\n", "signature": "(**kwargs)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums", "type": "module", "doc": "

Module contains a lot of constants from enums sections of Tinkoff Open API documentation.


About Tinkoff Invest API: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/


Tinkoff Invest API documentation: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums.TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums", "qualname": "TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Date and time string format used by Tinkoff Open API. Default: \"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ\".

\n", "default_value": " = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums.TKS_INSTRUMENTS", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums", "qualname": "TKS_INSTRUMENTS", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Type of instrument for trade methods must be only one of supported types, listed in this constant. Default: [\"Currencies\", \"Shares\", \"Bonds\", \"Etfs\", \"Futures\"]

\n", "default_value": " = ['Currencies', 'Shares', 'Bonds', 'Etfs', 'Futures']"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums.TKS_TICKER_ALIASES", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums", "qualname": "TKS_TICKER_ALIASES", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Some aliases instead official tickers for using in CLI. For example, you can use \"USD\" instead of \"USD000UTSTOM\".

\n", "default_value": " = {'USD': 'USD000UTSTOM', 'usd': 'USD000UTSTOM', 'EUR': 'EUR_RUB__TOM', 'eur': 'EUR_RUB__TOM', 'GBP': 'GBPRUB_TOM', 'gbp': 'GBPRUB_TOM', 'CHF': 'CHFRUB_TOM', 'chf': 'CHFRUB_TOM', 'CNY': 'CNYRUB_TOM', 'cny': 'CNYRUB_TOM', 'HKD': 'HKDRUB_TOM', 'hkd': 'HKDRUB_TOM', 'TRY': 'TRYRUB_TOM', 'try': 'TRYRUB_TOM'}"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums.TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums", "qualname": "TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Candles interval for requesting history data with Tinkoff API. Current available keys are \"1min\", \"5min\", \"15min\", \"hour\", \"day\".\nSee more: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/MarketDataService/MarketDataService_GetCandles

\n", "default_value": " = {'Undefined': ['CANDLE_INTERVAL_UNSPECIFIED', 0, 0], '1min': ['CANDLE_INTERVAL_1_MIN', 1, 1438], '5min': ['CANDLE_INTERVAL_5_MIN', 5, 287], '15min': ['CANDLE_INTERVAL_15_MIN', 15, 95], 'hour': ['CANDLE_INTERVAL_HOUR', 60, 167], 'day': ['CANDLE_INTERVAL_DAY', 1440, 364]}"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums.TKS_TRADING_STATUSES", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums", "qualname": "TKS_TRADING_STATUSES", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Security Trading Status enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/orders/#securitytradingstatus

\n", "default_value": " = {'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED': 'Trading status undefined', 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_TRADING': 'Not available for trading', 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_OPENING_PERIOD': 'Trade opening period', 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_CLOSING_PERIOD': 'Trade closing period', 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_BREAK_IN_TRADING': 'Break in trading', 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_NORMAL_TRADING': 'Normal trading', 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_CLOSING_AUCTION': 'Closing auction', 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_DARK_POOL_AUCTION': 'Large package auction', 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_DISCRETE_AUCTION': 'Discrete auction', 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_OPENING_AUCTION_PERIOD': 'Opening auction', 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_TRADING_AT_CLOSING_AUCTION_PRICE': 'Trading period at the closing auction price', 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_SESSION_ASSIGNED': 'Session assigned', 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_SESSION_CLOSE': 'Session closed', 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_SESSION_OPEN': 'Session is open', 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_DEALER_NORMAL_TRADING': \"Broker's internal liquidity mode trading\", 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_DEALER_BREAK_IN_TRADING': \"Break in trading in the broker's internal liquidity mode\", 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_DEALER_NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_TRADING': \"Broker's internal liquidity mode is not available\"}"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums.TKS_OPERATION_TYPES", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums", "qualname": "TKS_OPERATION_TYPES", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Operation type enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/operations/#operationtype

\n", "default_value": " = {'OPERATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED': 'The operation type is not defined', 'OPERATION_TYPE_INPUT': 'Deposit on broker account', 'OPERATION_TYPE_BOND_TAX': 'Withholding personal income tax on bond coupons', 'OPERATION_TYPE_OUTPUT_SECURITIES': 'Securities output', 'OPERATION_TYPE_OVERNIGHT': 'Overnight REPO income', 'OPERATION_TYPE_TAX': 'Tax withholding', 'OPERATION_TYPE_BOND_REPAYMENT_FULL': 'Full bond redemption', 'OPERATION_TYPE_SELL_CARD': 'Sell securities from the card', 'OPERATION_TYPE_DIVIDEND_TAX': 'Withholding tax on dividends', 'OPERATION_TYPE_OUTPUT': 'Withdrawals', 'OPERATION_TYPE_BOND_REPAYMENT': 'Bonds partial redemption', 'OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_CORRECTION': 'Tax correction', 'OPERATION_TYPE_SERVICE_FEE': 'Brokerage account maintenance fee deduction', 'OPERATION_TYPE_BENEFIT_TAX': 'Withholding tax for material benefits', 'OPERATION_TYPE_MARGIN_FEE': 'Withholding commission for an uncovered position', 'OPERATION_TYPE_BUY': 'Buy securities', 'OPERATION_TYPE_BUY_CARD': 'Buy securities from a card', 'OPERATION_TYPE_INPUT_SECURITIES': 'Transfer securities from another depository', 'OPERATION_TYPE_SELL_MARGIN': 'Sell (by margin call)', 'OPERATION_TYPE_BROKER_FEE': 'Operation fee deduction', 'OPERATION_TYPE_BUY_MARGIN': 'Buy (by margin call)', 'OPERATION_TYPE_DIVIDEND': 'Dividends income', 'OPERATION_TYPE_SELL': 'Sell securities', 'OPERATION_TYPE_COUPON': 'Coupons income', 'OPERATION_TYPE_SUCCESS_FEE': 'Success fee deduction', 'OPERATION_TYPE_DIVIDEND_TRANSFER': 'Transfer of dividend income', 'OPERATION_TYPE_ACCRUING_VARMARGIN': 'Variation margin crediting', 'OPERATION_TYPE_WRITING_OFF_VARMARGIN': 'Withholding variation margin', 'OPERATION_TYPE_DELIVERY_BUY': 'Buy (futures contract expired)', 'OPERATION_TYPE_DELIVERY_SELL': 'Sell (futures contract expired)', 'OPERATION_TYPE_TRACK_MFEE': 'Autotrack account management fee', 'OPERATION_TYPE_TRACK_PFEE': 'Pay per result on auto follow score', 'OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_PROGRESSIVE': 'Tax withholding at the rate of 15%', 'OPERATION_TYPE_BOND_TAX_PROGRESSIVE': 'Withholding tax on coupons at the rate of 15%', 'OPERATION_TYPE_DIVIDEND_TAX_PROGRESSIVE': 'Withholding tax on dividends at the rate of 15%', 'OPERATION_TYPE_BENEFIT_TAX_PROGRESSIVE': 'Withholding tax for material benefits at the rate of 15%', 'OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_CORRECTION_PROGRESSIVE': 'Tax correction at the rate of 15%', 'OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_REPO_PROGRESSIVE': 'Withholding tax on refunds on REPO transactions at the rate of 15%', 'OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_REPO': 'Tax withholding on REPO trade refunds', 'OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_REPO_HOLD': 'Tax hold on REPO transactions', 'OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_REPO_REFUND': 'Tax refund on REPO transactions', 'OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_REPO_HOLD_PROGRESSIVE': 'Withholding tax on REPO transactions at the rate of 15%', 'OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_REPO_REFUND_PROGRESSIVE': 'Tax refund on REPO transactions at the rate of 15%', 'OPERATION_TYPE_DIV_EXT': 'Payout dividends to the card', 'OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_CORRECTION_COUPON': 'Coupon tax correction'}"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums.TKS_OPERATION_STATES", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums", "qualname": "TKS_OPERATION_STATES", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Operation state enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/operations/#operationstate

\n", "default_value": " = {'OPERATION_STATE_UNSPECIFIED': '! Unknown', 'OPERATION_STATE_EXECUTED': '\u221a Executed', 'OPERATION_STATE_CANCELED': '\u00d7 Canceled'}"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums.TKS_ORDER_DIRECTIONS", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums", "qualname": "TKS_ORDER_DIRECTIONS", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Order direction enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/orders/#orderdirection

\n", "default_value": " = {'ORDER_DIRECTION_UNSPECIFIED': 'Undefined', 'ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY': '\u2191 Buy', 'ORDER_DIRECTION_SELL': '\u2193 Sell'}"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums.TKS_STOP_ORDER_DIRECTIONS", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums", "qualname": "TKS_STOP_ORDER_DIRECTIONS", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Stop-order direction enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/stoporders/#stoporderdirection

\n", "default_value": " = {'STOP_ORDER_DIRECTION_UNSPECIFIED': 'Undefined', 'STOP_ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY': '\u2191 Buy', 'STOP_ORDER_DIRECTION_SELL': '\u2193 Sell'}"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums.TKS_ORDER_TYPES", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums", "qualname": "TKS_ORDER_TYPES", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Order type enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/orders/#ordertype

\n", "default_value": " = {'ORDER_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED': 'Undefined', 'ORDER_TYPE_LIMIT': 'Limit', 'ORDER_TYPE_MARKET': 'Market'}"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums.TKS_STOP_ORDER_TYPES", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums", "qualname": "TKS_STOP_ORDER_TYPES", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Stop-order type enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/stoporders/#stopordertype

\n", "default_value": " = {'STOP_ORDER_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED': 'Undefined', 'STOP_ORDER_TYPE_TAKE_PROFIT': 'Take profit', 'STOP_ORDER_TYPE_STOP_LOSS': 'Stop loss', 'STOP_ORDER_TYPE_STOP_LIMIT': 'Stop limit'}"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums.TKS_ORDER_STATES", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums", "qualname": "TKS_ORDER_STATES", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Order status enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/orders/#orderexecutionreportstatus

\n", "default_value": " = {'EXECUTION_REPORT_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED': '! Unknown', 'EXECUTION_REPORT_STATUS_FILL': 'Performed', 'EXECUTION_REPORT_STATUS_REJECTED': 'Rejected', 'EXECUTION_REPORT_STATUS_CANCELLED': 'Cancelled', 'EXECUTION_REPORT_STATUS_NEW': 'New order', 'EXECUTION_REPORT_STATUS_PARTIALLYFILL': 'Partially filled'}"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums.TKS_STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPES", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.TKSEnums", "qualname": "TKS_STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPES", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Expiration type of stop-orders enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/stoporders/#stoporderexpirationtype

\n", "default_value": " = {'STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED': 'Undefined', 'STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPE_GOOD_TILL_CANCEL': 'Until cancel', 'STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPE_GOOD_TILL_DATE': 'Until date'}"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.UniLogger", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.UniLogger", "type": "module", "doc": "

This module init standard python logging system with some of pre-defined parameters,\ne.g. debug level for log-file, info level for console, log-rotate and so on.

\n"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.UniLogger.SetLevel", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.UniLogger", "qualname": "SetLevel", "type": "function", "doc": "

This procedure setting up UniLogger verbosity level.

\n", "signature": "(vLevel='ERROR')", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.UniLogger.LevelFilter", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.UniLogger", "qualname": "LevelFilter", "type": "class", "doc": "

Class using to set up log level filtering.

\n", "bases": "logging.Filter"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.UniLogger.LevelFilter.__init__", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.UniLogger", "qualname": "LevelFilter.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "

Initialize a filter.


Initialize with the name of the logger which, together with its\nchildren, will have its events allowed through the filter. If no\nname is specified, allow every event.

\n", "signature": "(self, level)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.UniLogger.LevelFilter.filter", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.UniLogger", "qualname": "LevelFilter.filter", "type": "function", "doc": "

Determine if the specified record is to be logged.


Returns True if the record should be logged, or False otherwise.\nIf deemed appropriate, the record may be modified in-place.

\n", "signature": "(self, record)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.UniLogger.EnableLogger", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.UniLogger", "qualname": "EnableLogger", "type": "function", "doc": "

Adding new file logger with rotation.

\n", "signature": "(\n logFile,\n parentHandler=,\n useFormat=\n)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "tksbrokerapi.UniLogger.DisableLogger", "modulename": "tksbrokerapi.UniLogger", "qualname": "DisableLogger", "type": "function", "doc": "

Disable given file logger.

\n", "signature": "(handler, parentHandler=)", "funcdef": "def"}]; // mirrored in build-search-index.js (part 1) // Also split on html tags. this is a cheap heuristic, but good enough. diff --git a/docs/tksbrokerapi/TKSBrokerAPI.html b/docs/tksbrokerapi/TKSBrokerAPI.html index fc2ca69..b34efc4 100644 --- a/docs/tksbrokerapi/TKSBrokerAPI.html +++ b/docs/tksbrokerapi/TKSBrokerAPI.html @@ -70,10 +70,7 @@

API Documentation

  • - historyLength -
  • -
  • - historyInterval + historyFile
  • instrumentsFile @@ -88,10 +85,19 @@

    API Documentation

  • - reportFile + overviewDigestFile
  • - historyFile + overviewPositionsFile +
  • +
  • + overviewOrdersFile +
  • +
  • + overviewAnalyticsFile +
  • +
  • + reportFile
  • iListDumpFile @@ -249,3359 +255,3488 @@

       1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    -   2# Author: Timur Gilmullin
    -   3
    -   4"""
    -   5**TKSBrokerAPI** is a python API to work with some methods of Tinkoff Open API using REST protocol.
    -   6It can view history, orders and market information. Also, you can open orders and trades.
    -   7
    -   8If you run this module as CLI program then it realizes simple logic: receiving a lot of options and execute one command.
    -   9**See examples**: https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/blob/master/README_EN.md#Usage-examples
    -  10
    -  11**Used constants are in the TKSEnums module**: https://tim55667757.github.io/TKSBrokerAPI/docs/tksbrokerapi/TKSEnums.html
    -  12
    -  13About Tinkoff Invest API: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/
    -  14
    -  15Tinkoff Invest API documentation: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/
    -  16"""
    -  17
    -  18# Copyright (c) 2022 Gilmillin Timur Mansurovich
    -  19#
    -  20# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    -  21# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    -  22# You may obtain a copy of the License at
    -  23#
    -  24#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    -  25#
    -  26# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    -  27# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    -  28# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    -  29# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    -  30# limitations under the License.
    -  31
    -  32
    -  33import sys
    -  34import os
    -  35from argparse import ArgumentParser
    -  36
    -  37from datetime import datetime, timedelta
    -  38from dateutil.tz import tzlocal, tzutc
    -  39from time import sleep
    -  40
    -  41import re
    -  42import json
    -  43import requests
    -  44from urllib.parse import quote
    -  45from multiprocessing import cpu_count
    -  46from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
    -  47
    -  48import pandas as pd
    -  49
    -  50import UniLogger as uLog
    -  51import traceback as tb
    -  52
    -  53from TKSEnums import *  # a lot of constants from enums sections: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/
    -  54
    -  55
    -  56# --- Common technical parameters:
    -  57
    -  58uLogger = uLog.UniLogger
    -  59uLogger.level = 10  # debug level by default
    -  60uLogger.handlers[0].level = 20  # info level by default for STDOUT
    -  61
    -  62CPU_COUNT = cpu_count()  # host's real CPU count
    -  63CPU_USAGES = CPU_COUNT - 1 if CPU_COUNT > 1 else 1  # how many CPUs will be used for parallel calculations
    -  64uLogger.debug("Host CPU count: [{}]".format(CPU_COUNT))
    -  65
    -  66# --- Main constants:
    -  67
    -  68NANO = 0.000000001  # SI-constant nano = 10^-9
    -  69
    -  70
    -  71def NanoToFloat(units: str, nano: int) -> float:
    -  72    """
    -  73    Convert number in nano-view mode with string parameter `units` and integer parameter `nano` to float view. Examples:
    -  74
    -  75    `NanoToFloat(units="2", nano=500000000) -> 2.5`
    -  76
    -  77    `NanoToFloat(units="0", nano=50000000) -> 0.05`
    -  78
    -  79    :param units: integer string or integer parameter that represents the integer part of number
    -  80    :param nano: integer string or integer parameter that represents the fractional part of number
    -  81    :return: float view of number
    -  82    """
    -  83    return int(units) + int(nano) * NANO
    -  84
    -  85
    -  86def FloatToNano(number: float) -> dict:
    -  87    """
    -  88    Convert float number to nano-type view: dictionary with string `units` and integer `nano` parameters `{"units": "string", "nano": integer}`. Examples:
    -  89
    -  90    `FloatToNano(number=2.5) -> {"units": "2", "nano": 500000000}`
    -  91
    -  92    `FloatToNano(number=0.05) -> {"units": "0", "nano": 50000000}`
    -  93
    -  94    :param number: float number
    -  95    :return: nano-type view of number: `{"units": "string", "nano": integer}`
    -  96    """
    -  97    splitByPoint = str(number).split(".")
    -  98    frac = 0
    -  99
    - 100    if len(splitByPoint) > 1:
    - 101        if len(splitByPoint[1]) <= 9:
    - 102            frac = int("{}{}".format(
    - 103                int(splitByPoint[1]),
    - 104                "0" * (9 - len(splitByPoint[1])),
    - 105            ))
    - 106
    - 107    if (number < 0) and (frac > 0):
    - 108        frac = -frac
    - 109
    - 110    return {"units": str(int(number)), "nano": frac}
    - 111
    - 112
    - 113def GetDatesAsString(start: str = None, end: str = None) -> tuple:
    - 114    """
    - 115    If `start=None`, `end=None` then return dates from yesterday to current time.
    - 116    If `start=some_date_1`, `end=None` then return dates from `some_date_1` to current time.
    - 117    If `start=some_date_1`, `end=some_date_2` then return dates from `some_date_1` to `some_date_2`.
    - 118    Start day may be negative integer numbers: `-1`, `-2`, `-3` - how many days ago.
    - 119
    - 120    Also, you can use keywords for start if `dateEnd=None`:
    - 121    `today` (from 00:00:00 to current time),
    - 122    `yesterday` (-1 day from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59),
    - 123    `week` (-7 day from 00:00:00 to current date and time),
    - 124    `month` (-30 day from 00:00:00 to current date and time),
    - 125    `year` (-365 day from 00:00:00 to current date and time),
    - 126
    - 127    User dates format must be like: `%Y-%m-%d`, e.g. `2020-02-03` (3 Feb, 2020).
    - 128
    - 129    :return: tuple with 2 strings `(start, end)` dates in UTC ISO time format `%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ` for OpenAPI.
    - 130             Example: `("2022-06-01T00:00:00Z", "2022-06-20T23:59:59Z")`
    - 131    """
    - 132    uLogger.debug("Input start day is [{}] (UTC), end day is [{}] (UTC)".format(start, end))
    - 133    now = datetime.now(tzutc())
    - 134
    - 135    # showing statistics between start of the current day and current time:
    - 136    if start is None or start.lower() == "today":
    - 137        s = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
    - 138        e = now
    - 139
    - 140    # from start of the last day to the end of the last day:
    - 141    elif start.lower() == "yesterday":
    - 142        s = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) - timedelta(days=1)
    - 143        e = now.replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59, microsecond=0) - timedelta(days=1)
    - 144
    - 145    # week (-7 day from 00:00:00 to current date and time):
    - 146    elif start.lower() == "week":
    - 147        s = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) - timedelta(days=7)
    - 148        e = now
    - 149
    - 150    # month (-30 day from 00:00:00 to current date and time):
    - 151    elif start.lower() == "month":
    - 152        s = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) - timedelta(days=30)
    - 153        e = now
    - 154
    - 155    # year (-365 day from 00:00:00 to current date and time):
    - 156    elif start.lower() == "year":
    - 157        s = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) - timedelta(days=365)
    - 158        e = now
    - 159
    - 160    # showing statistics from -N days ago to current date and time:
    - 161    elif start.startswith('-') and start[1:].isdigit():
    - 162        s = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) - timedelta(days=abs(int(start)))
    - 163        e = now
    - 164
    - 165    # showing statistics between start day at 00:00:00 and the end day at 23:59:59:
    - 166    else:
    - 167        s = datetime.strptime(start, "%Y-%m-%d").replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0, tzinfo=tzutc())
    - 168        e = datetime.strptime(end, "%Y-%m-%d").replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59, microsecond=0, tzinfo=tzutc()) if end is not None else now
    - 169
    - 170    # converting to UTC ISO time formatted with Z suffix for Tinkoff Open API:
    - 171    s = s.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
    - 172    e = e.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
    - 173
    - 174    uLogger.debug("Tinkoff Open API uses this start day (converted to UTC ISO format, with Z): [{}], and the end day: [{}]".format(s, e))
    - 175
    - 176    return s, e
    - 177
    - 178
    - 179class TinkoffBrokerServer:
    - 180    """
    - 181    This class implements methods to work with Tinkoff broker server.
    - 182
    - 183    Examples to work with API: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/
    - 184
    - 185    About `token`: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/token/
    - 186    """
    - 187    def __init__(self, token: str, accountId: str = None, iList: dict = None, useCache: bool = True) -> None:
    - 188        """
    - 189        Main class init.
    - 190
    - 191        :param token: Bearer token for Tinkoff Invest API. It can be set from environment variable `TKS_API_TOKEN`.
    - 192        :param accountId: string with user's numeric account ID in Tinkoff Broker. It can be found in broker's reports.
    - 193                          Also, this variable can be set from environment variable `TKS_ACCOUNT_ID`.
    - 194        :param iList: dictionary with raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server.
    - 195                      At first time, when class init, `Listing()` method auto-update this variable, or you can use dump file.
    - 196                      For future use, you can save this variable and use as `iList` to avoid permanent downloads
    - 197                      from the server. Also, you can try `DumpInstruments()` method.
    - 198        :param useCache: use default cache file `dump.json` with raw data to use instead of `iList` if `iList` set as `None`.
    - 199                         True by default. Cache is auto-update if new day has come.
    - 200                         If `iList` is not `None` then it value has higher priority than `dump.json` and `useCache`.
    - 201                         If you don't want to use cache and always updates raw data then set `useCache=False`.
    - 202        """
    - 203        if token is None or not token:
    - 204            try:
    - 205                self.token = r"{}".format(os.environ["TKS_API_TOKEN"])
    - 206                uLogger.debug("Bearer token for Tinkoff OpenApi set up from environment variable `TKS_API_TOKEN`. See https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/token/")
    - 207
    - 208            except KeyError:
    - 209                raise Exception("`--token` key or environment variable `TKS_API_TOKEN` is required! See https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/token/")
    - 210
    - 211        else:
    - 212            self.token = token  # highly priority than environment variable 'TKS_API_TOKEN'
    - 213            uLogger.debug("Bearer token for Tinkoff OpenApi set up from class variable `token`")
    - 214
    - 215        if accountId is None or not accountId:
    - 216            try:
    - 217                self.accountId = r"{}".format(os.environ["TKS_ACCOUNT_ID"])
    - 218                uLogger.debug("String with user's numeric account ID in Tinkoff Broker set up from environment variable `TKS_ACCOUNT_ID`")
    - 219
    - 220            except KeyError:
    - 221                uLogger.warning("`--account-id` key or environment variable `TKS_ACCOUNT_ID` undefined! Some of operations may be unavailable (overview, trading etc).")
    - 222
    - 223        else:
    - 224            self.accountId = accountId  # highly priority than environment variable 'TKS_ACCOUNT_ID'
    - 225            uLogger.debug("String with user's numeric account ID in Tinkoff Broker set up from class variable `accountId`")
    - 226
    - 227        self.aliases = TKS_TICKER_ALIASES
    - 228        """Some aliases instead official tickers. See `TKSEnums.TKS_TICKER_ALIASES`"""
    - 229
    - 230        self.aliasesKeys = self.aliases.keys()  # re-calc only first time at class init
    - 231        self.exclude = TKS_TICKERS_OR_FIGI_EXCLUDED  # some of tickets or FIGIs raised exception earlier when it sends to server, that is why we exclude there
    - 232
    - 233        self.ticker = ""
    - 234        """String with ticker, e.g. `GOOGL`. Use alias for `USD000UTSTOM` simple as `USD`, `EUR_RUB__TOM` as `EUR` etc. More tickers aliases here: `TKSEnums.TKS_TICKER_ALIASES`."""
    - 235
    - 236        self.figi = ""
    - 237        """String with FIGI, e.g. ticker `GOOGL` has FIGI `BBG009S39JX6`"""
    - 238
    - 239        self.depth = 1
    - 240        """Depth of Market (DOM) can be >= 1. Default: 1. It used with `--price` key to showing DOM with current prices for givens ticker or FIGI."""
    - 241
    - 242        self.server = r"https://invest-public-api.tinkoff.ru/rest"
    - 243        """Tinkoff REST API server for real trade operations. Default: https://invest-public-api.tinkoff.ru/rest
    - 244
    - 245        See also: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/#tinkoff-invest-api_1
    - 246        """
    - 247
    - 248        uLogger.debug("Broker API server: {}".format(self.server))
    - 249
    - 250        self.timeout = 15
    - 251        """Server operations timeout in seconds. Default: 15"""
    - 252
    - 253        self.headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(self.token)}
    - 254        """Headers which send in every request to broker server. Default: `{"Content-Type": "application/json", "accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {token}"}`"""
    - 255
    - 256        self.body = None
    - 257        """Request body which send to broker server. Default: `None`"""
    - 258
    - 259        self.historyLength = 24
    - 260        """How many candles returns if candles history request. For example, if `historyInterval="hour"` and `historyLength=24` it means: "give me last 24 hours". Must be >=1. Default: 24"""
    - 261
    - 262        self.historyInterval = "hour"
    - 263        """Interval string for Tinkoff API (see: `TKSEnums.TKS_TIMEFRAMES`). Available values are `"1min"`, `"2min"`, `"3min"`, `"5min"`, `"10min"`, `"15min"`, `"30min"`, `"hour"`, `"day"`, `"week"`, `"month"`. Default: `"hour"`"""
    - 264
    - 265        self.instrumentsFile = "instruments.md"
    - 266        """Filename where full broker's instruments list will be saved. Default: `instruments.md`"""
    - 267
    - 268        self.searchResultsFile = "search-results.md"
    - 269        """Filename with all found instruments searched by part of its ticker, FIGI or name. Default: `search-results.md`"""
    - 270
    - 271        self.pricesFile = "prices.md"
    - 272        """Filename where prices of selected instruments will be saved. Default: `prices.md`"""
    - 273
    - 274        self.overviewFile = "overview.md"
    - 275        """Filename where current portfolio, open trades and orders will be saved. Default: `overview.md`"""
    - 276
    - 277        self.reportFile = "deals.md"
    - 278        """Filename where history of deals and trade statistics will be saved. Default: `deals.md`"""
    - 279
    - 280        self.historyFile = None
    - 281        """Full path to .csv output file where history candles will be saved. Default: `None`, mean that returns only pandas dataframe."""
    - 282
    - 283        self.iListDumpFile = "dump.json"
    - 284        """Filename where raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures will be stored. Default: `dump.json`"""
    - 285
    - 286        self.iList = None  # init iList
    - 287        """Dictionary with raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server. Auto-updating.
    - 288        
    - 289        See also: `Listing()` and `DumpInstruments()`.
    - 290        """
    - 291
    - 292        # try to re-use raw instruments data saved as `iList` or try to load it from the dump file:
    - 293        if iList is not None and isinstance(iList, dict):
    - 294            uLogger.debug("Instruments raw data set up from given `iList` variable. Dump file not updated.")
    - 295
    - 296            self.iList = iList  # only used given iList, dump not updated
    - 297
    - 298        elif useCache:
    - 299            if os.path.exists(self.iListDumpFile):
    - 300                dumpTime = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(self.iListDumpFile)).astimezone(tzutc())  # dump modification date and time
    - 301                curTime = datetime.now(tzutc())
    - 302
    - 303                if (curTime.day > dumpTime.day) or (curTime.month > dumpTime.month) or (curTime.year > dumpTime.year):
    - 304                    uLogger.warning("Local cache may be outdated! It has last modified [{}] UTC. Updating from broker server, wait, please...".format(dumpTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
    - 305
    - 306                    self.DumpInstruments(forceUpdate=True)  # updating self.iList and dump file
    - 307
    - 308                else:
    - 309                    self.iList = json.load(open(self.iListDumpFile, mode="r", encoding="UTF-8"))  # load iList from dump
    - 310
    - 311                    uLogger.debug("Local cache with raw instruments data is used: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.iListDumpFile)))
    - 312                    uLogger.debug("Dump file was modified [{}] UTC".format(dumpTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
    - 313
    - 314            else:
    - 315                uLogger.warning("Local cache with raw instruments data not exists! Creating new dump, wait, please...")
    - 316                self.DumpInstruments(forceUpdate=True)  # updating self.iList and creating default dump file
    - 317
    - 318        else:
    - 319            self.iList = self.Listing()  # request new raw instruments data from broker server
    - 320            self.DumpInstruments(forceUpdate=False)  # save updated info to default dump file
    - 321
    - 322    @staticmethod
    - 323    def _ParseJSON(rawData="{}", debug: bool = False) -> dict:
    - 324        """
    - 325        Parse JSON from response string.
    - 326
    - 327        :param rawData: this is a string with JSON-formatted text.
    - 328        :param debug: if `True` then print more debug information.
    - 329        :return: JSON (dictionary), parsed from server response string.
    - 330        """
    - 331        if debug:
    - 332            uLogger.debug("Raw text body:")
    - 333            uLogger.debug(rawData)
    - 334
    - 335        responseJSON = json.loads(rawData) if rawData else {}
    - 336
    - 337        if debug:
    - 338            uLogger.debug("JSON formatted:")
    - 339            for jsonLine in json.dumps(responseJSON, indent=4).split('\n'):
    - 340                uLogger.debug(jsonLine)
    - 341
    - 342        return responseJSON
    - 343
    - 344    def SendAPIRequest(self, url: str, reqType: str = "GET", retry: int = 3, pause: int = 5, debug: bool = False) -> dict:
    - 345        """
    - 346        Send GET or POST request to broker server and receive JSON object.
    - 347
    - 348        self.header: must be define with dictionary of headers.
    - 349        self.body: if define then used as request body. None by default.
    - 350        self.timeout: global request timeout, 15 seconds by default.
    - 351        :param url: url with REST request.
    - 352        :param reqType: send "GET" or "POST" request. "GET" by default.
    - 353        :param retry: how many times retry after first request if an error occurred.
    - 354        :param pause: sleep time in seconds between retries.
    - 355        :param debug: if `True` then print more debug information.
    - 356        :return: response JSON (dictionary) from broker.
    - 357        """
    - 358        if reqType not in ("GET", "POST"):
    - 359            raise Exception("You can define request type: 'GET' or 'POST'!")
    - 360
    - 361        if debug:
    - 362            uLogger.debug("Request parameters:")
    - 363            uLogger.debug("    - REST API URL: {}".format(url))
    - 364            uLogger.debug("    - request type: {}".format(reqType))
    - 365            uLogger.debug("    - headers: {}".format(str(self.headers).replace(self.token, "*** request token ***")))
    - 366            uLogger.debug("    - body: {}".format(self.body))
    - 367
    - 368        # fast hack to avoid all operations with some tickers/FIGI
    - 369        responseJSON = {}
    - 370        oK = True
    - 371        for item in self.exclude:
    - 372            if item in url:
    - 373                if debug:
    - 374                    uLogger.warning("Do not execute operations with list of this tickers/FIGI: {}".format(str(self.exclude)))
    - 375
    - 376                oK = False
    - 377                break
    - 378
    - 379        if oK:
    - 380            counter = 0
    - 381            response = None
    - 382            errMsg = ""
    - 383
    - 384            while not response and counter <= retry:
    - 385                if reqType == "GET":
    - 386                    response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers, data=self.body, timeout=self.timeout)
    - 387
    - 388                if reqType == "POST":
    - 389                    response = requests.post(url, headers=self.headers, data=self.body, timeout=self.timeout)
    - 390
    - 391                if debug:
    - 392                    uLogger.debug("Response:")
    - 393                    uLogger.debug("    - status code: {}".format(response.status_code))
    - 394                    uLogger.debug("    - reason: {}".format(response.reason))
    - 395                    uLogger.debug("    - body length: {}".format(len(response.text)))
    - 396
    - 397                # Error status codes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes
    - 398                if 400 <= response.status_code < 600:
    - 399                    errMsg = "[{}] {}".format(response.status_code, response.text)
    - 400                    uLogger.debug("    - not oK status code received: {}".format(errMsg))
    - 401                    counter += 1
    - 402
    - 403                    if counter <= retry:
    - 404                        uLogger.debug("Retry: [{}]. Wait until {} sec. and try again...".format(counter, pause))
    - 405                        sleep(pause)
    - 406
    - 407            responseJSON = self._ParseJSON(response.text)
    - 408
    - 409            if errMsg:
    - 410                uLogger.error("Not `oK` status received from broker server!")
    - 411                uLogger.error("    - message: {}".format(errMsg))
    - 412                # raise Exception("Server returned an error! See full debug log. Also you can set debug=True in SendAPIRequest() and _ParseJSON() methods.")
    - 413
    - 414        return responseJSON
    - 415
    - 416    def _IUpdater(self, iType: str) -> tuple:
    - 417        """
    - 418        Request instrument by type from server. See available API methods for instruments:
    - 419        Currencies: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/InstrumentsService/InstrumentsService_Currencies
    - 420        Shares: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/InstrumentsService/InstrumentsService_Shares
    - 421        Bonds: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/InstrumentsService/InstrumentsService_Bonds
    - 422        Etfs: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/InstrumentsService/InstrumentsService_Etfs
    - 423        Futures: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/InstrumentsService/InstrumentsService_Futures
    - 424
    - 425        :param iType: type of the instrument, it must be one of supported types in TKS_INSTRUMENTS list.
    - 426        :return: tuple with iType name and list of available instruments of current type for defined user token.
    - 427        """
    - 428        result = []
    - 429
    - 430        if iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    - 431            uLogger.debug("Requesting available [{}] list. Wait, please...".format(iType))
    - 432
    - 433            # all instruments have the same body in API v2 requests:
    - 435            instrumentURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.InstrumentsService/{}".format(iType)
    - 436            result = self.SendAPIRequest(instrumentURL, reqType="POST", debug=False)["instruments"]
    - 437
    - 438        return iType, result
    - 439
    - 440    def _IWrapper(self, kwargs):
    - 441        """
    - 442        Wrapper runs instrument's update method `_IUpdater()`.
    - 443        It's a workaround for using multiprocessing with kwargs. See: https://stackoverflow.com/a/36799206
    - 444        """
    - 445        return self._IUpdater(**kwargs)
    - 446
    - 447    def Listing(self) -> dict:
    - 448        """
    - 449        Gets JSON with raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server.
    - 450
    - 451        :return: Dictionary with all available broker instruments: currencies, shares, bonds, etfs and futures.
    - 452        """
    - 453        uLogger.debug("Requesting all available instruments from broker for current user token. Wait, please...")
    - 454        uLogger.debug("CPU usages for parallel requests: [{}]".format(CPU_USAGES))
    - 455
    - 456        # this parameters insert to requests: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/InstrumentsService
    - 457        # iType is type of instrument, it must be one of supported types in TKS_INSTRUMENTS list.
    - 458        iParams = [{"iType": iType} for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS]
    - 459
    - 460        poolUpdater = ThreadPool(processes=CPU_USAGES)  # create pool for update instruments in parallel mode
    - 461        listing = poolUpdater.map(self._IWrapper, iParams)  # execute update operations
    - 462        poolUpdater.close()
    - 463
    - 464        # Dictionary with all broker instruments: shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures.
    - 465        # Next in this code: item[0] is "iType" and item[1] is list of available instruments from the result of _IUpdater() method
    - 466        iList = {item[0]: {instrument["ticker"]: instrument for instrument in item[1]} for item in listing}
    - 467
    - 468        # calculate minimum price increment (step) for all instruments and set up instrument's type:
    - 469        for iType in iList.keys():
    - 470            for ticker in iList[iType]:
    - 471                iList[iType][ticker]["type"] = iType
    - 472
    - 473                if "minPriceIncrement" in iList[iType][ticker].keys():
    - 474                    iList[iType][ticker]["step"] = NanoToFloat(
    - 475                        iList[iType][ticker]["minPriceIncrement"]["units"],
    - 476                        iList[iType][ticker]["minPriceIncrement"]["nano"],
    - 477                    )
    - 478
    - 479                else:
    - 480                    iList[iType][ticker]["step"] = 0  # hack to avoid empty value in some instruments, e.g. futures
    - 481
    - 482        return iList
    - 483
    - 484    def DumpInstruments(self, forceUpdate: bool = True) -> str:
    - 485        """
    - 486        Receives and returns actual raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server
    - 487        using `Listing()` method. If `iListDumpFile` string is not empty then also save information to this file.
    - 488
    - 489        :param forceUpdate: if `True` then at first updates data with `Listing()` method, otherwise just saves exist `iList`.
    - 490        :return: serialized JSON formatted `str` with full data of instruments, also saved to the `--output` file.
    - 491        """
    - 492        if self.iListDumpFile is None or not self.iListDumpFile:
    - 493            raise Exception("Output name of dump file must be defined!")
    - 494
    - 495        if not self.iList or forceUpdate:
    - 496            self.iList = self.Listing()
    - 497
    - 498        dump = json.dumps(self.iList, indent=4, sort_keys=False)
    - 499        with open(self.iListDumpFile, mode="w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    - 500            fH.write(dump)
    - 501
    - 502        uLogger.info("Instruments raw data were cached for future used: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.iListDumpFile)))
    - 503
    - 504        return dump
    - 505
    - 506    @staticmethod
    - 507    def ShowInstrumentInfo(iJSON: dict, printInfo: bool = False) -> str:
    - 508        """
    - 509        Show information about instrument defined by json and print in Markdown format.
    - 510
    - 511        :param iJSON: json data of instrument, e.g. in code `iJSON = self.iList["Shares"][self.ticker]`
    - 512        :param printInfo: if `True` then also printing information about instrument and its current price.
    - 513        :return: text in Markdown format with information about instrument.
    - 514        """
    - 515        infoText = ""
    - 516        if iJSON is not None and iJSON and isinstance(iJSON, dict):
    - 517            info = [
    - 518                "# Information is actual at: [{}] (UTC)\n\n".format(datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")),
    - 519                "| Parameters                                              | Values\n",
    - 520                "|---------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------\n",
    - 521                "| Ticker:                                                 | {}\n".format(iJSON["ticker"]),
    - 522                "| Full name:                                              | {}\n".format(iJSON["name"]),
    - 523            ]
    - 524
    - 525            if "sector" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["sector"]:
    - 526                info.append("| Sector:                                                 | {}\n".format(iJSON["sector"]))
    - 527
    - 528            info.append("| Country of instrument:                                  | {}{}\n".format(
    - 529                "({}) ".format(iJSON["countryOfRisk"]) if "countryOfRisk" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["countryOfRisk"] else "",
    - 530                iJSON["countryOfRiskName"] if "countryOfRiskName" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["countryOfRiskName"] else "",
    - 531            ))
    - 532
    - 533            info.extend([
    - 534                "|                                                         |\n",
    - 535                "| FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier):          | {}\n".format(iJSON["figi"]),
    - 536                "| Exchange:                                               | {}\n".format(iJSON["exchange"]),
    - 537            ])
    - 538
    - 539            if "isin" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["isin"]:
    - 540                info.append("| ISIN (International Securities Identification Number):  | {}\n".format(iJSON["isin"]))
    - 541
    - 542            if "classCode" in iJSON.keys():
    - 543                info.append("| Class Code:                                             | {}\n".format(iJSON["classCode"]))
    - 544
    - 545            info.extend([
    - 546                "|                                                         |\n",
    - 547                "| Current broker security trading status:                 | {}\n".format(TKS_TRADING_STATUSES[iJSON["tradingStatus"]]),
    - 548                "| Buy operations allowed:                                 | {}\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["buyAvailableFlag"] else "No"),
    - 549                "| Sale operations allowed:                                | {}\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["sellAvailableFlag"] else "No"),
    - 550                "| Short positions allowed:                                | {}\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["shortEnabledFlag"] else "No"),
    - 551            ])
    - 552
    - 553            info.append("|                                                         |\n")
    - 554
    - 555            if "type" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["type"]:
    - 556                info.append("| Type of the instrument:                                 | {}\n".format(iJSON["type"]))
    - 557
    - 558            if "futuresType" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["futuresType"]:
    - 559                info.append("| Futures type:                                           | {}\n".format(iJSON["futuresType"]))
    - 560
    - 561            if "ipoDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["ipoDate"]:
    - 562                info.append("| IPO date:                                               | {}\n".format(iJSON["ipoDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    - 563
    - 564            if "releasedDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["releasedDate"]:
    - 565                info.append("| Released date:                                          | {}\n".format(iJSON["releasedDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    - 566
    - 567            if "rebalancingFreq" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["rebalancingFreq"]:
    - 568                info.append("| Rebalancing frequency:                                  | {}\n".format(iJSON["rebalancingFreq"]))
    - 569
    - 570            if "focusType" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["focusType"]:
    - 571                info.append("| Focusing type:                                          | {}\n".format(iJSON["focusType"]))
    - 572
    - 573            if "assetType" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["assetType"]:
    - 574                info.append("| Asset type:                                             | {}\n".format(iJSON["assetType"]))
    - 575
    - 576            if "basicAsset" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["basicAsset"]:
    - 577                info.append("| Basic asset:                                            | {}\n".format(iJSON["basicAsset"]))
    - 578
    - 579            if "basicAssetSize" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["basicAssetSize"]:
    - 580                info.append("| Basic asset size:                                       | {:.2f}\n".format(NanoToFloat(str(iJSON["basicAssetSize"]["units"]), iJSON["basicAssetSize"]["nano"])))
    - 581
    - 582            if "isoCurrencyName" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["isoCurrencyName"]:
    - 583                info.append("| ISO currency name:                                      | {}\n".format(iJSON["isoCurrencyName"]))
    - 584
    - 585            if "currency" in iJSON.keys():
    - 586                info.append("| Payment currency:                                       | {}\n".format(iJSON["currency"]))
    - 587
    - 588            if "firstTradeDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["firstTradeDate"] != 0:
    - 589                info.append("| First trade date:                                       | {}\n".format(iJSON["firstTradeDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    - 590
    - 591            if "lastTradeDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["lastTradeDate"] != 0:
    - 592                info.append("| Last trade date:                                        | {}\n".format(iJSON["lastTradeDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    - 593
    - 594            if "expirationDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["expirationDate"] != 0:
    - 595                info.append("| Date of expiration:                                     | {}\n".format(iJSON["expirationDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    - 596
    - 597            if "stateRegDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["stateRegDate"] != 0:
    - 598                info.append("| State registration date:                                | {}\n".format(iJSON["stateRegDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    - 599
    - 600            if "placementDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["placementDate"] != 0:
    - 601                info.append("| Placement date:                                         | {}\n".format(iJSON["placementDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    - 602
    - 603            if "maturityDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["maturityDate"] != 0:
    - 604                info.append("| Maturity date:                                          | {}\n".format(iJSON["maturityDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    - 605
    - 606            if "perpetualFlag" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["perpetualFlag"]:
    - 607                info.append("| Perpetual bond:                                         | Yes\n")
    - 608
    - 609            if "otcFlag" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["otcFlag"]:
    - 610                info.append("| Over-the-counter (OTC) securities:                      | Yes\n")
    - 611
    - 612            if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds":
    - 613                info.append("| Bond issue (size / plan):                               | {} / {}\n".format(iJSON["issueSize"], iJSON["issueSizePlan"]))
    - 614
    - 615                info.append("| Nominal price (100%):                                   | {:.2f} {}\n".format(
    - 616                    NanoToFloat(str(iJSON["nominal"]["units"]), iJSON["nominal"]["nano"]),
    - 617                    iJSON["nominal"]["currency"],
    - 618                ))
    - 619
    - 620                if "floatingCouponFlag" in iJSON.keys():
    - 621                    info.append("| Floating coupon:                                        | {}\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["floatingCouponFlag"] else "No"))
    - 622
    - 623                if "amortizationFlag" in iJSON.keys():
    - 624                    info.append("| Amortization:                                           | {}\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["amortizationFlag"] else "No"))
    - 625
    - 626                if "couponQuantityPerYear" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["couponQuantityPerYear"]:
    - 627                    info.append("| Number of coupon payments per year:                     | {}\n".format(iJSON["couponQuantityPerYear"]))
    - 628
    - 629                if "aciValue" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["aciValue"]:
    - 630                    info.append("| Current ACI (Accrued Interest):                         | {:.2f} {}\n".format(
    - 631                        NanoToFloat(str(iJSON["aciValue"]["units"]), iJSON["aciValue"]["nano"]),
    - 632                        iJSON["aciValue"]["currency"]
    - 633                    ))
    - 634
    - 635            if "currentPrice" in iJSON.keys():
    - 636                info.append("|                                                         |\n")
    - 637
    - 638                info.extend([
    - 639                    "| Previous close price of the instrument:                 | {}{}\n".format(
    - 640                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] is not None else "N/A",
    - 641                        "% of nominal price" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    - 642                    ),
    - 643                    "| Last deal price of the instrument:                      | {}{}\n".format(
    - 644                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] is not None else "N/A",
    - 645                        "% of nominal price" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    - 646                    ),
    - 647                    "| Changes between last deal price and last close  %       | {:.2f}%\n".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"]),
    - 648                    "| Current limit price, min / max:                         | {}{} / {}{}\n".format(
    - 649                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["limitDown"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["limitDown"] is not None else "N/A",
    - 650                        "%" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    - 651                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["limitUp"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["limitUp"] is not None else "N/A",
    - 652                        "%" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    - 653                    ),
    - 654                    "| Actual price, sell / buy:                               | {}{} / {}{}\n".format(
    - 655                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["sell"][0]["price"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["sell"] else "N/A",
    - 656                        "%" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    - 657                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["buy"][0]["price"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["buy"] else "N/A",
    - 658                        "%" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else" {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    - 659                    ),
    - 660                ])
    - 661
    - 662            if "lot" in iJSON.keys():
    - 663                info.append("| Minimum lot to buy:                                     | {}\n".format(iJSON["lot"]))
    - 664
    - 665            if "step" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["step"] != 0:
    - 666                info.append("| Minimum price increment (step):                         | {}\n".format(iJSON["step"]))
    - 667
    - 668            infoText += "".join(info)
    - 669
    - 670            if printInfo:
    - 671                uLogger.info("Information about instrument: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}]\n{}".format(iJSON["ticker"], iJSON["figi"], infoText))
    - 672
    - 673            else:
    - 674                uLogger.debug("Information about instrument: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}]\n{}".format(iJSON["ticker"], iJSON["figi"], infoText))
    - 675
    - 676        return infoText
    - 677
    - 678    def SearchByTicker(self, requestPrice: bool = False, showInfo: bool = False, debug: bool = False) -> dict:
    - 679        """
    - 680        Search and return raw broker's information about instrument by it's ticker.
    - 681        `ticker` must be define! If debug=True then print all debug messages.
    - 682
    - 683        :param requestPrice: if `False` then do not request current price of instrument (because this is long operation).
    - 684        :param showInfo: if `False` then do not run `ShowInstrumentInfo()` method and do not print info to the console.
    - 685        :param debug: if `True` then print all debug console messages.
    - 686        :return: JSON formatted data with information about instrument.
    - 687        """
    - 688        tickerJSON = {}
    - 689        if debug:
    - 690            uLogger.debug("Searching information about instrument by it's ticker [{}] ...".format(self.ticker))
    - 691
    - 692        if not self.ticker:
    - 693            uLogger.warning("self.ticker variable is not be empty!")
    - 694
    - 695        else:
    - 696            if not self.iList:
    - 697                self.iList = self.Listing()
    - 698
    - 699            if self.ticker in self.iList["Shares"].keys():
    - 700                tickerJSON = self.iList["Shares"][self.ticker]
    - 701                if debug:
    - 702                    uLogger.debug("Ticker [{}] found in shares list".format(self.ticker))
    - 703
    - 704            elif self.ticker in self.iList["Currencies"].keys():
    - 705                tickerJSON = self.iList["Currencies"][self.ticker]
    - 706                if debug:
    - 707                    uLogger.debug("Ticker [{}] found in currencies list".format(self.ticker))
    - 708
    - 709            elif self.ticker in self.iList["Bonds"].keys():
    - 710                tickerJSON = self.iList["Bonds"][self.ticker]
    - 711                if debug:
    - 712                    uLogger.debug("Ticker [{}] found in bonds list".format(self.ticker))
    - 713
    - 714            elif self.ticker in self.iList["Etfs"].keys():
    - 715                tickerJSON = self.iList["Etfs"][self.ticker]
    - 716                if debug:
    - 717                    uLogger.debug("Ticker [{}] found in etfs list".format(self.ticker))
    - 718
    - 719            elif self.ticker in self.iList["Futures"].keys():
    - 720                tickerJSON = self.iList["Futures"][self.ticker]
    - 721                if debug:
    - 722                    uLogger.debug("Ticker [{}] found in futures list".format(self.ticker))
    - 723
    - 724        if tickerJSON:
    - 725            self.figi = tickerJSON["figi"]
    - 726
    - 727            if requestPrice:
    - 728                tickerJSON["currentPrice"] = self.GetCurrentPrices(showPrice=False)
    - 729
    - 730                if tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] is not None and tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] != 0 and tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] is not None:
    - 731                    tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"] = 100 * (tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] - tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]) / tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]
    - 732
    - 733                else:
    - 734                    tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"] = 0
    - 735
    - 736            if showInfo:
    - 737                self.ShowInstrumentInfo(iJSON=tickerJSON, printInfo=True)  # print info as Markdown text
    - 738
    - 739        else:
    - 740            if showInfo:
    - 741                uLogger.warning("Ticker [{}] not found in available broker instrument's list!".format(self.ticker))
    - 742
    - 743        return tickerJSON
    - 744
    - 745    def SearchByFIGI(self, requestPrice: bool = False, showInfo: bool = False, debug: bool = False) -> dict:
    - 746        """
    - 747        Search and return raw broker's information about instrument by it's FIGI.
    - 748        `figi` must be define! If debug=True then print all debug messages.
    - 749
    - 750        :param requestPrice: if `False` then do not request current price of instrument (it's long operation).
    - 751        :param showInfo: if `False` then do not run `ShowInstrumentInfo()` method and do not print info to the console.
    - 752        :param debug: if `True` then print all debug console messages.
    - 753        :return: JSON formatted data with information about instrument.
    - 754        """
    - 755        figiJSON = {}
    - 756        if debug:
    - 757            uLogger.debug("Searching information about instrument by it's FIGI [{}] ...".format(self.figi))
    - 758
    - 759        if not self.figi:
    - 760            uLogger.warning("self.figi variable is not be empty!")
    - 761
    - 762        else:
    - 763            if not self.iList:
    - 764                self.iList = self.Listing()
    - 765
    - 766            for item in self.iList["Shares"].keys():
    - 767                if self.figi == self.iList["Shares"][item]["figi"]:
    - 768                    figiJSON = self.iList["Shares"][item]
    - 769
    - 770                    if debug:
    - 771                        uLogger.debug("FIGI [{}] found in shares list".format(self.figi))
    - 772
    - 773                    break
    - 774
    - 775            if not figiJSON:
    - 776                for item in self.iList["Currencies"].keys():
    - 777                    if self.figi == self.iList["Currencies"][item]["figi"]:
    - 778                        figiJSON = self.iList["Currencies"][item]
    - 779
    - 780                        if debug:
    - 781                            uLogger.debug("FIGI [{}] found in currencies list".format(self.figi))
    - 782
    - 783                        break
    - 784
    - 785            if not figiJSON:
    - 786                for item in self.iList["Bonds"].keys():
    - 787                    if self.figi == self.iList["Bonds"][item]["figi"]:
    - 788                        figiJSON = self.iList["Bonds"][item]
    - 789
    - 790                        if debug:
    - 791                            uLogger.debug("FIGI [{}] found in bonds list".format(self.figi))
    - 792
    - 793                        break
    - 794
    - 795            if not figiJSON:
    - 796                for item in self.iList["Etfs"].keys():
    - 797                    if self.figi == self.iList["Etfs"][item]["figi"]:
    - 798                        figiJSON = self.iList["Etfs"][item]
    - 799
    - 800                        if debug:
    - 801                            uLogger.debug("FIGI [{}] found in etfs list".format(self.figi))
    - 802
    - 803                        break
    - 804
    - 805            if not figiJSON:
    - 806                for item in self.iList["Futures"].keys():
    - 807                    if self.figi == self.iList["Futures"][item]["figi"]:
    - 808                        figiJSON = self.iList["Futures"][item]
    - 809
    - 810                        if debug:
    - 811                            uLogger.debug("FIGI [{}] found in futures list".format(self.figi))
    - 812
    - 813                        break
    - 814
    - 815        if figiJSON:
    - 816            self.figi = figiJSON["figi"]
    - 817            self.ticker = figiJSON["ticker"]
    - 818
    - 819            if requestPrice:
    - 820                figiJSON["currentPrice"] = self.GetCurrentPrices(showPrice=False)
    - 821
    - 822                if figiJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] is not None and figiJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] != 0 and figiJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] is not None:
    - 823                    figiJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"] = 100 * (figiJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] - figiJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]) / figiJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]
    - 824
    - 825                else:
    - 826                    figiJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"] = 0
    - 827
    - 828            if showInfo:
    - 829                self.ShowInstrumentInfo(iJSON=figiJSON, printInfo=True)  # print info as Markdown text
    - 830
    - 831        else:
    - 832            if showInfo:
    - 833                uLogger.warning("FIGI [{}] not found in available broker instrument's list!".format(self.figi))
    - 834
    - 835        return figiJSON
    - 836
    - 837    def GetCurrentPrices(self, showPrice: bool = False) -> dict:
    - 838        """
    - 839        Get and show Depth of Market with current prices of the instrument. If an error occurred then returns an empty record:
    - 840        `{"buy": [], "sell": [], "limitUp": None, "limitDown": None, "lastPrice": None, "closePrice": None}`.
    - 841
    - 842        :param showPrice: if `True` then print DOM.
    - 843        :return: orders book dict with lists of current buy and sell prices: `{"buy": [{"price": x1, "quantity": y1, ...}], "sell": [....]}`.
    - 844        """
    - 845        prices = {"buy": [], "sell": [], "limitUp": 0, "limitDown": 0, "lastPrice": 0, "closePrice": 0}
    - 846
    - 847        if self.depth < 1:
    - 848            raise Exception("Depth of Market (DOM) must be >=1!")
    - 849
    - 850        if not (self.ticker or self.figi):
    - 851            raise Exception("self.ticker or self.figi variables must be defined!")
    - 852
    - 853        if self.ticker and not self.figi:
    - 854            instrumentByTicker = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=False)  # WARNING! requestPrice=False to avoid recursion!
    - 855            self.figi = instrumentByTicker["figi"] if instrumentByTicker else ""
    - 856
    - 857        if not self.ticker and self.figi:
    - 858            instrumentByFigi = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False)  # WARNING! requestPrice=False to avoid recursion!
    - 859            self.ticker = instrumentByFigi["ticker"] if instrumentByFigi else ""
    - 860
    - 861        if not self.figi:
    - 862            uLogger.error("FIGI is not determined!")
    - 863
    - 864        else:
    - 865            uLogger.debug("Requesting current prices for instrument with ticker [{}] and FIGI [{}]...".format(self.ticker, self.figi))
    - 866
    - 867            # REST API for request: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/MarketDataService/MarketDataService_GetOrderBook
    - 868            priceURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.MarketDataService/GetOrderBook"
    - 869            self.body = str({"figi": self.figi, "depth": self.depth})
    - 870            pricesResponse = self.SendAPIRequest(priceURL, reqType="POST")
    - 871
    - 872            if pricesResponse:
    - 873                # list of dicts with sellers orders:
    - 874                prices["buy"] = [{"price": NanoToFloat(item["price"]["units"], item["price"]["nano"]), "quantity": int(item["quantity"])} for item in pricesResponse["asks"]]
    - 875
    - 876                # list of dicts with buyers orders:
    - 877                prices["sell"] = [{"price": NanoToFloat(item["price"]["units"], item["price"]["nano"]), "quantity": int(item["quantity"])} for item in pricesResponse["bids"]]
    - 878
    - 879                # max price of instrument at this time:
    - 880                prices["limitUp"] = NanoToFloat(pricesResponse["limitUp"]["units"], pricesResponse["limitUp"]["nano"]) if "limitUp" in pricesResponse.keys() else None
    - 881
    - 882                # min price of instrument at this time:
    - 883                prices["limitDown"] = NanoToFloat(pricesResponse["limitDown"]["units"], pricesResponse["limitDown"]["nano"]) if "limitDown" in pricesResponse.keys() else None
    - 884
    - 885                # last price of deal with instrument:
    - 886                prices["lastPrice"] = NanoToFloat(pricesResponse["lastPrice"]["units"], pricesResponse["lastPrice"]["nano"]) if "lastPrice" in pricesResponse.keys() else 0
    - 887
    - 888                # last close price of instrument:
    - 889                prices["closePrice"] = NanoToFloat(pricesResponse["closePrice"]["units"], pricesResponse["closePrice"]["nano"]) if "closePrice" in pricesResponse.keys() else 0
    - 890
    - 891            else:
    - 892                uLogger.warning("Server return an empty or error response! See full log. Instrument: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}]".format(self.ticker, self.figi))
    - 893                uLogger.debug("Server response: {}".format(pricesResponse))
    - 894
    - 895            if showPrice:
    - 896                if prices["buy"] or prices["sell"]:
    - 897                    info = [
    - 898                        "Orders book actual at [{}] (UTC)\nTicker: [{}], FIGI: [{}], Depth of Market: [{}]\n".format(
    - 899                            datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    - 900                            self.ticker,
    - 901                            self.figi,
    - 902                            self.depth,
    - 903                        ),
    - 904                        uLog.sepShort, "\n",
    - 905                        " Orders of Buyers   | Orders of Sellers\n",
    - 906                        uLog.sepShort, "\n",
    - 907                        " Sell prices (vol.) | Buy prices (vol.)\n",
    - 908                        uLog.sepShort, "\n",
    - 909                    ]
    - 910
    - 911                    if not prices["buy"]:
    - 912                        info.append("                    | No orders!\n")
    - 913                        sumBuy = 0
    - 914
    - 915                    else:
    - 916                        sumBuy = sum([x["quantity"] for x in prices["buy"]])
    - 917                        maxMinSorted = sorted(prices["buy"], key=lambda k: k["price"], reverse=True)
    - 918                        for item in maxMinSorted:
    - 919                            info.append("                    | {} ({})\n".format(item["price"], item["quantity"]))
    - 920
    - 921                    if not prices["sell"]:
    - 922                        info.append("No orders!          |\n")
    - 923                        sumSell = 0
    - 924
    - 925                    else:
    - 926                        sumSell = sum([x["quantity"] for x in prices["sell"]])
    - 927                        for item in prices["sell"]:
    - 928                            info.append("{:>19} |\n".format("{} ({})".format(item["price"], item["quantity"])))
    - 929
    - 930                    info.extend([
    - 931                        uLog.sepShort, "\n",
    - 932                        "{:>19} | {}\n".format("Total sell: {}".format(sumSell), "Total buy: {}".format(sumBuy)),
    - 933                        uLog.sepShort, "\n",
    - 934                    ])
    - 935
    - 936                    infoText = "".join(info)
    - 937
    - 938                    uLogger.info("Current prices in order book:\n\n{}".format(infoText))
    - 939
    - 940                else:
    - 941                    uLogger.warning("Orders book is empty at this time! Instrument: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}]".format(self.ticker, self.figi))
    - 942
    - 943        return prices
    - 944
    - 945    def ShowInstrumentsInfo(self, showInstruments: bool = False) -> str:
    - 946        """
    - 947        This method get and show information about all available broker instruments.
    - 948        If `instrumentsFile` string is not empty then also save information to this file.
    - 949
    - 950        :param showInstruments: if `True` then print results to console, if `False` - print only to file.
    - 951        :return: multi-string with all available broker instruments
    - 952        """
    - 953        if not self.iList:
    - 954            self.iList = self.Listing()
    - 955
    - 956        info = [
    - 957            "# All available instruments from Tinkoff Broker server for current user token\n\n",
    - 958            "* **Actual on date:** [{}] (UTC)\n".format(datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")),
    - 959        ]
    - 960
    - 961        # add instruments count by type:
    - 962        for iType in self.iList.keys():
    - 963            info.append("* **{}:** [{}]\n".format(iType, len(self.iList[iType])))
    - 964
    - 965        headerLine = "| Ticker       | Full name                                                      | FIGI         | Cur | Lot    | Step\n"
    - 966        splitLine = "|--------------|----------------------------------------------------------------|--------------|-----|--------|---------\n"
    - 967
    - 968        # generating info tables with all instruments by type:
    - 969        for iType in self.iList.keys():
    - 970            info.extend(["\n\n## {} available. Total: [{}]\n\n".format(iType, len(self.iList[iType])), headerLine, splitLine])
    - 971
    - 972            for instrument in self.iList[iType].keys():
    - 973                iName = self.iList[iType][instrument]["name"]  # instrument's name
    - 974                if len(iName) > 63:
    - 975                    iName = "{}...".format(iName[:60])  # right trim for a long string
    - 976    
    - 977                info.append("| {:<12} | {:<63}| {:<13}| {:<4}| {:<7}| {}\n".format(
    - 978                    self.iList[iType][instrument]["ticker"],
    - 979                    iName,
    - 980                    self.iList[iType][instrument]["figi"],
    - 981                    self.iList[iType][instrument]["currency"],
    - 982                    self.iList[iType][instrument]["lot"],
    - 983                    str(self.iList[iType][instrument]["step"]).rstrip("0"),
    - 984                ))
    - 985
    - 986        infoText = "".join(info)
    - 987
    - 988        if showInstruments:
    - 989            uLogger.info(infoText)
    - 990
    - 991        if self.instrumentsFile:
    - 992            with open(self.instrumentsFile, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    - 993                fH.write(infoText)
    - 994
    - 995            uLogger.info("All available instruments are saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.instrumentsFile)))
    - 996
    - 997        return infoText
    - 998
    - 999    def SearchInstruments(self, pattern: str, showResults: bool = False) -> dict:
    -1000        """
    -1001        This method search and show information about instruments by part of its ticker, FIGI or name.
    -1002        If `searchResultsFile` string is not empty then also save information to this file.
    -1004        :param pattern: string with part of ticker, FIGI or instrument's name.
    -1005        :param showResults: if `True` then print results to console, if `False` - return list of result only.
    -1006        :return: list of dictionaries with all found instruments.
    -1007        """
    -1008        if not self.iList:
    -1009            self.iList = self.Listing()
    -1011        searchResults = {iType: {} for iType in self.iList}  # same as iList but will contains only filtered instruments
    -1012        compiledPattern = re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE)
    -1014        for iType in self.iList:
    -1015            for instrument in self.iList[iType].values():
    -1016                searchResult = compiledPattern.search(" ".join(
    -1017                    [instrument["ticker"], instrument["figi"], instrument["name"]]
    -1018                ))
    -1020                if searchResult:
    -1021                    searchResults[iType][instrument["ticker"]] = instrument
    -1023        resultsLen = sum([len(searchResults[iType]) for iType in searchResults])
    -1024        info = [
    -1025            "# Search results\n\n",
    -1026            "* **Search pattern:** [{}]\n".format(pattern),
    -1027            "* **Found instruments:** [{}]\n\n".format(resultsLen),
    -1028            "**Note:** you can view info about found instruments with key `--info`, e.g.: `tksbrokerapi -t TICKER --info` or `tksbrokerapi -f FIGI --info`.\n"
    -1029        ]
    -1030        infoShort = info[:]
    -1032        headerLine = "| Type       | Ticker       | Full name                                                      | FIGI         |\n"
    -1033        splitLine = "|------------|--------------|----------------------------------------------------------------|--------------|\n"
    -1034        skippedLine = "| ...        | ...          | ...                                                            | ...          |\n"
    -1036        if resultsLen == 0:
    -1037            info.append("\nNo results\n")
    -1038            infoShort.append("\nNo results\n")
    -1039            uLogger.warning("No results. Try changing your search pattern.")
    -1041        else:
    -1042            for iType in searchResults:
    -1043                iTypeValuesCount = len(searchResults[iType].values())
    -1044                if iTypeValuesCount > 0:
    -1045                    info.extend(["\n### {}: [{}]\n\n".format(iType, iTypeValuesCount), headerLine, splitLine])
    -1046                    infoShort.extend(["\n### {}: [{}]\n\n".format(iType, iTypeValuesCount), headerLine, splitLine])
    -1048                    for instrument in searchResults[iType].values():
    -1049                        info.append("| {:<10} | {:<12} | {:<63}| {:<13}|\n".format(
    -1050                            instrument["type"],
    -1051                            instrument["ticker"],
    -1052                            "{}...".format(instrument["name"][:60]) if len(instrument["name"]) > 63 else instrument["name"],  # right trim for a long string
    -1053                            instrument["figi"],
    -1054                        ))
    -1056                    if iTypeValuesCount <= 5:
    -1057                        infoShort.extend(info[-iTypeValuesCount:])
    -1059                    else:
    -1060                        infoShort.extend(info[-5:])
    -1061                        infoShort.append(skippedLine)
    -1063        infoText = "".join(info)
    -1064        infoTextShort = "".join(infoShort)
    -1066        if showResults:
    -1067            uLogger.info(infoTextShort)
    -1068            uLogger.info("You can view info about found instruments with key `--info`, e.g.: `tksbrokerapi -t IBM --info` or `tksbrokerapi -f BBG000BLNNH6 --info`")
    -1070        if self.searchResultsFile:
    -1071            with open(self.searchResultsFile, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    -1072                fH.write(infoText)
    -1074            uLogger.info("Full search results were saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.searchResultsFile)))
    -1076        return searchResults
    -1078    def GetListOfPrices(self, instruments: list = None, showPrices: bool = False) -> list:
    -1079        """
    -1080        This method get, maybe show and return prices of list of instruments. WARNING! This is potential long operation!
    -1081        See limits: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/limits/
    -1082        If `pricesFile` string is not empty then also save information to this file.
    -1084        :param instruments: list of tickers or FIGIs.
    -1085        :param showPrices: if `True` then print to console, if `False` - print only to file.
    -1086        :return: list of instruments looks like this: `iList = [{some ticker info, "currentPrice": {current prices}}, {...}, ...]`
    -1087                 One item is dict returned by `SearchByTicker()` or `SearchByFIGI()` methods.
    -1088        """
    -1089        if instruments is None or not instruments:
    -1090            raise Exception("You must define some of tickers or FIGIs to request it's actual prices!")
    -1092        uLogger.debug("Requesting current prices of list of instruments from Tinkoff Broker server...")
    -1094        iList = []
    -1095        for iName in instruments:
    -1096            if iName not in self.aliases.keys():
    -1097                iList.append(iName)
    -1099            else:
    -1100                iList.append(self.aliases[iName])
    -1102        unique = set()  # create list with every figi only one time with the same order position:
    -1103        tempNames = [item for item in iList if not (item in unique or unique.add(item))]
    -1105        uLogger.debug("Ordered input list of instruments without duplicates of names: {}".format(tempNames))
    -1107        iList = []  # try to get info about all unique instruments:
    -1108        for iName in tempNames:
    -1109            self.ticker = iName
    -1110            iData = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=True)
    -1112            if not iData:
    -1113                self.ticker = ""
    -1114                self.figi = iName
    -1116                iData = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True)
    -1118                if not iData:
    -1119                    self.figi = ""
    -1120                    uLogger.warning("Instrument [{}] not in list of available instruments for current token!".format(iName))
    -1122            if iData:
    -1123                isUnique = True
    -1124                for item in iList:
    -1125                    if item["figi"] == iData["figi"] or item["ticker"] == iData["ticker"]:
    -1126                        isUnique = False
    -1127                        break
    -1129                if isUnique:
    -1130                    iList.append(iData)
    -1132        if showPrices:
    -1133            info = [
    -1134                "# Actual prices at: [{} UTC]\n\n".format(datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")),
    -1135                "| Ticker       | FIGI         | Type       | Prev. close | Last price  | Chg. %   | Day limits min/max  | Actual sell / buy   | Curr.\n",
    -1136                "|--------------|--------------|------------|-------------|-------------|----------|---------------------|---------------------|------\n",
    -1137            ]
    -1139            for item in iList:
    -1140                info.append("| {:<12} | {:<12} | {:<10} | {:>11} | {:>11} | {:>7}% | {:>19} | {:>19} | {}\n".format(
    -1141                    item["ticker"],
    -1142                    item["figi"],
    -1143                    item["type"],
    -1144                    "{:.2f}".format(float(item["currentPrice"]["closePrice"])),
    -1145                    "{:.2f}".format(float(item["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"])),
    -1146                    "{}{:.2f}".format("+" if item["currentPrice"]["changes"] > 0 else "", float(item["currentPrice"]["changes"])),
    -1147                    "{} / {}".format(
    -1148                        item["currentPrice"]["limitDown"] if item["currentPrice"]["limitDown"] is not None else "N/A",
    -1149                        item["currentPrice"]["limitUp"] if item["currentPrice"]["limitUp"] is not None else "N/A",
    -1150                    ),
    -1151                    "{} / {}".format(
    -1152                        item["currentPrice"]["sell"][0]["price"] if item["currentPrice"]["sell"] else "N/A",
    -1153                        item["currentPrice"]["buy"][0]["price"] if item["currentPrice"]["buy"] else "N/A",
    -1154                    ),
    -1155                    item["currency"],
    -1156                ))
    -1158            infoText = "".join(info)
    -1160            if showPrices:
    -1161                uLogger.info("Only unique instruments are shown:\n{}".format(infoText))
    -1163            if self.pricesFile:
    -1164                with open(self.pricesFile, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    -1165                    fH.write(infoText)
    -1167                uLogger.info("Price list for all instruments saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.pricesFile)))
    -1169        return iList
    -1171    def RequestPortfolio(self) -> dict:
    -1172        """
    -1173        Requesting current actual user's portfolio.
    -1174        REST API for user portfolio: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetPortfolio
    -1176        :return: dictionary with user's portfolio.
    -1177        """
    -1178        uLogger.debug("Requesting current actual user's portfolio. Wait, please...")
    -1180        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId})
    -1181        portfolioURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OperationsService/GetPortfolio"
    -1182        rawPortfolio = self.SendAPIRequest(portfolioURL, reqType="POST")
    -1184        uLogger.debug("Records about user's portfolio successfully received")
    -1186        return rawPortfolio
    -1188    def RequestPositions(self) -> dict:
    -1189        """
    -1190        Requesting current open positions in currencies and instruments.
    -1191        REST API for open positions: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetPositions
    -1193        :return: dictionary with open positions by instruments.
    -1194        """
    -1195        uLogger.debug("Requesting current open positions in currencies and instruments. Wait, please...")
    -1197        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId})
    -1198        positionsURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OperationsService/GetPositions"
    -1199        rawPositions = self.SendAPIRequest(positionsURL, reqType="POST")
    -1201        uLogger.debug("Records about current open positions successfully received")
    -1203        return rawPositions
    -1205    def RequestPendingOrders(self) -> list:
    -1206        """
    -1207        Requesting current actual pending orders.
    -1208        REST API for pending (market) orders: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OrdersService/OrdersService_GetOrders
    -1210        :return: list of dictionaries with pending orders.
    -1211        """
    -1212        uLogger.debug("Requesting current actual pending orders. Wait, please...")
    -1214        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId})
    -1215        ordersURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OrdersService/GetOrders"
    -1216        rawOrders = self.SendAPIRequest(ordersURL, reqType="POST")["orders"]
    -1218        uLogger.debug("[{}] records about pending orders successfully received".format(len(rawOrders)))
    -1220        return rawOrders
    -1222    def RequestStopOrders(self) -> list:
    -1223        """
    -1224        Requesting current actual stop orders.
    -1225        REST API for opened stop-orders: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/StopOrdersService/StopOrdersService_GetStopOrders
    -1227        :return: list of dictionaries with stop orders.
    -1228        """
    -1229        uLogger.debug("Requesting current actual stop orders. Wait, please...")
    -1231        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId})
    -1232        ordersURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.StopOrdersService/GetStopOrders"
    -1233        rawStopOrders = self.SendAPIRequest(ordersURL, reqType="POST")["stopOrders"]
    -1235        uLogger.debug("[{}] records about stop orders successfully received".format(len(rawStopOrders)))
    -1237        return rawStopOrders
    -1239    def Overview(self, showStatistics: bool = False) -> dict:
    -1240        """
    -1241        Get portfolio: all open positions, orders and some statistics for defined accountId.
    -1242        If `overviewFile` is define then also save information to file.
    -1244        :param showStatistics: if `False` then only dictionary returns, if `True` then show more debug information.
    -1245        :return: dictionary with client's raw portfolio and some statistics.
    -1246        """
    -1247        view = {
    -1248            "raw": {  # --- raw portfolio responses from broker with user portfolio data:
    -1249                "headers": {},  # list of dictionaries, response headers without "positions" section
    -1250                "Currencies": [],  # list of dictionaries, open trades with currencies from "positions" section
    -1251                "Shares": [],  # list of dictionaries, open trades with shares from "positions" section
    -1252                "Bonds": [],  # list of dictionaries, open trades with bonds from "positions" section
    -1253                "Etfs": [],  # list of dictionaries, open trades with etfs from "positions" section
    -1254                "Futures": [],  # list of dictionaries, open trades with futures from "positions" section
    -1255                "positions": {},  # raw response from broker: dictionary with current available or blocked currencies and instruments for client
    -1256                "orders": [],  # raw response from broker: list of dictionaries with all pending (market) orders
    -1257                "stopOrders": [],  # raw response from broker: list of dictionaries with all stop orders
    -1258                "currenciesCurrentPrices": {"rub": {"name": "Российский рубль", "currentPrice": 1.}},  # dict with prices of all currencies in RUB
    -1259            },
    -1260            "stat": {  # --- some statistics calculated using "raw" sections:
    -1261                "portfolioCostRUB": 0.,  # portfolio cost in RUB (Russian Rouble)
    -1262                "availableRUB": 0.,  # available rubles (without other currencies)
    -1263                "blockedRUB": 0.,  # blocked sum in Russian Rouble
    -1264                "totalChangesRUB": 0.,  # changes for all open trades in RUB
    -1265                "totalChangesPercentRUB": 0.,  # changes for all open trades in percents
    -1266                "allCurrenciesCostRUB": 0.,  # costs of all currencies (include rubles) in RUB
    -1267                "sharesCostRUB": 0.,  # costs of all shares in RUB
    -1268                "bondsCostRUB": 0.,  # costs of all bonds in RUB
    -1269                "etfsCostRUB": 0.,  # costs of all etfs in RUB
    -1270                "futuresCostRUB": 0.,  # costs of all futures in RUB
    -1271                "Currencies": [],  # list of dictionaries of all currencies statistics
    -1272                "Shares": [],  # list of dictionaries of all shares statistics
    -1273                "Bonds": [],  # list of dictionaries of all bonds statistics
    -1274                "Etfs": [],  # list of dictionaries of all etfs statistics
    -1275                "Futures": [],  # list of dictionaries of all futures statistics
    -1276                "orders": [],  # list of dictionaries of all pending (market) orders and it's parameters
    -1277                "stopOrders": [],  # list of dictionaries of all stop orders and it's parameters
    -1278                "blockedCurrencies": {},  # dict with blocked instruments and currencies, e.g. {"rub": 1291.87, "usd": 6.21}
    -1279                "blockedInstruments": {},  # dict with blocked  by FIGI, e.g. {}
    -1280                "funds": {},  # dict with free funds for trading (total - blocked), by all currencies, e.g. {"rub": {"total": 10000.99, "totalCostRUB": 10000.99, "free": 1234.56, "freeCostRUB": 1234.56}, "usd": {"total": 250.55, "totalCostRUB": 15375.80, "free": 125.05, "freeCostRUB": 7687.50}}
    -1281            },
    -1282            "analytics": {  # --- some analytics of portfolio:
    -1283                "distrByAssets": {},  # portfolio distribution by assets
    -1284                "distrByCompanies": {},  # portfolio distribution by companies
    -1285                "distrBySectors": {},  # portfolio distribution by sectors
    -1286                "distrByCurrencies": {},  # portfolio distribution by currencies
    -1287                "distrByCountries": {},  # portfolio distribution by countries
    -1288            }
    -1289        }
    -1291        if showStatistics:
    -1292            uLogger.debug("Requesting portfolio of a client. Wait, please...")
    -1294        portfolioResponse = self.RequestPortfolio()  # current user's portfolio (dict)
    -1295        view["raw"]["positions"] = self.RequestPositions()  # current open positions by instruments (dict)
    -1296        view["raw"]["orders"] = self.RequestPendingOrders()  # current actual pending orders (list)
    -1297        view["raw"]["stopOrders"] = self.RequestStopOrders()  # current actual stop orders (list)
    -1299        # save response headers without "positions" section:
    -1300        for key in portfolioResponse.keys():
    -1301            if key != "positions":
    -1302                view["raw"]["headers"][key] = portfolioResponse[key]
    -1304            else:
    -1305                continue
    -1307        # Re-sorting and separating given raw instruments and currencies by type: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/operations/#operation
    -1308        # Type of instrument must be only one of supported types in TKS_INSTRUMENTS
    -1309        for item in portfolioResponse["positions"]:
    -1310            if item["instrumentType"] == "currency":
    -1311                self.figi = item["figi"]
    -1312                curr = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False)
    -1314                # current price of currency in RUB:
    -1315                view["raw"]["currenciesCurrentPrices"][curr["nominal"]["currency"]] = {
    -1316                    "name": curr["name"],
    -1317                    "currentPrice": NanoToFloat(
    -1318                        item["currentPrice"]["units"],
    -1319                        item["currentPrice"]["nano"]
    -1320                    ),
    -1321                }
    -1323                view["raw"]["Currencies"].append(item)
    -1325            elif item["instrumentType"] == "share":
    -1326                view["raw"]["Shares"].append(item)
    -1328            elif item["instrumentType"] == "bond":
    -1329                view["raw"]["Bonds"].append(item)
    -1331            elif item["instrumentType"] == "etf":
    -1332                view["raw"]["Etfs"].append(item)
    -1334            elif item["instrumentType"] == "futures":
    -1335                view["raw"]["Futures"].append(item)
    -1337            else:
    -1338                continue
    -1340        # how many volume of currencies (by ISO currency name) are blocked:
    -1341        for item in view["raw"]["positions"]["blocked"]:
    -1342            blocked = NanoToFloat(item["units"], item["nano"])
    -1343            if blocked > 0:
    -1344                view["stat"]["blockedCurrencies"][item["currency"]] = blocked
    -1346        # how many volume of instruments (by FIGI) are blocked:
    -1347        for item in view["raw"]["positions"]["securities"]:
    -1348            blocked = int(item["blocked"])
    -1349            if blocked > 0:
    -1350                view["stat"]["blockedInstruments"][item["figi"]] = blocked
    -1352        allBlocked = {**view["stat"]["blockedCurrencies"], **view["stat"]["blockedInstruments"]}
    -1354        if "rub" in allBlocked.keys():
    -1355            view["stat"]["blockedRUB"] = allBlocked["rub"]  # blocked rubles
    -1357        # --- saving current total amount in RUB of all currencies (with ruble), shares, bonds, etfs, futures and currencies:
    -1358        view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"] = NanoToFloat(portfolioResponse["totalAmountCurrencies"]["units"], portfolioResponse["totalAmountCurrencies"]["nano"])
    -1359        view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"] = NanoToFloat(portfolioResponse["totalAmountShares"]["units"], portfolioResponse["totalAmountShares"]["nano"])
    -1360        view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"] = NanoToFloat(portfolioResponse["totalAmountBonds"]["units"], portfolioResponse["totalAmountBonds"]["nano"])
    -1361        view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"] = NanoToFloat(portfolioResponse["totalAmountEtf"]["units"], portfolioResponse["totalAmountEtf"]["nano"])
    -1362        view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"] = NanoToFloat(portfolioResponse["totalAmountFutures"]["units"], portfolioResponse["totalAmountFutures"]["nano"])
    -1363        view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] = sum([
    -1364            view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"],
    -1365            view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"],
    -1366            view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"],
    -1367            view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"],
    -1368            view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"],
    -1369        ])
    -1371        # --- calculating some portfolio statistics:
    -1372        byComp = {}  # distribution by companies
    -1373        bySect = {}  # distribution by sectors
    -1374        byCurr = {}  # distribution by currencies (include RUB)
    -1375        unknownCountryName = "All other countries"  # default name for instruments without "countryOfRisk" and "countryOfRiskName"
    -1376        byCountry = {unknownCountryName: {"cost": 0, "percent": 0.}}  # distribution by countries (currencies are included in their countries)
    -1378        for item in portfolioResponse["positions"]:
    -1379            self.figi = item["figi"]
    -1380            instrument = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False)  # full raw info about instrument by FIGI
    -1382            if instrument:
    -1383                if item["instrumentType"] == "currency" and instrument["nominal"]["currency"] in allBlocked.keys():
    -1384                    blocked = allBlocked[instrument["nominal"]["currency"]]  # blocked volume of currency
    -1386                elif item["instrumentType"] != "currency" and item["figi"] in allBlocked.keys():
    -1387                    blocked = allBlocked[item["figi"]]  # blocked volume of other instruments
    -1389                else:
    -1390                    blocked = 0
    -1392                volume = NanoToFloat(item["quantity"]["units"], item["quantity"]["nano"])  # available volume of instrument
    -1393                lots = NanoToFloat(item["quantityLots"]["units"], item["quantityLots"]["nano"])  # available volume in lots of instrument
    -1394                direction = "Long" if lots >= 0 else "Short"  # direction of an instrument's position: short or long
    -1395                curPrice = NanoToFloat(item["currentPrice"]["units"], item["currentPrice"]["nano"])  # current instrument's price
    -1396                average = NanoToFloat(item["averagePositionPriceFifo"]["units"], item["averagePositionPriceFifo"]["nano"])  # current average position price
    -1397                profit = NanoToFloat(item["expectedYield"]["units"], item["expectedYield"]["nano"])  # expected profit at current moment
    -1398                currency = instrument["currency"] if (item["instrumentType"] == "share" or item["instrumentType"] == "etf" or item["instrumentType"] == "future") else instrument["nominal"]["currency"]  # currency name rub, usd, eur etc.
    -1399                cost = (curPrice + NanoToFloat(item["currentNkd"]["units"], item["currentNkd"]["nano"])) * volume  # current cost of all volume of instrument in basic asset
    -1400                baseCurrencyName = item["currentPrice"]["currency"]  # name of base currency (rub)
    -1401                countryName = "[{}] {}".format(instrument["countryOfRisk"], instrument["countryOfRiskName"]) if "countryOfRisk" in instrument.keys() and "countryOfRiskName" in instrument.keys() and instrument["countryOfRisk"] and instrument["countryOfRiskName"] else unknownCountryName
    -1402                costRUB = cost if item["instrumentType"] == "currency" else cost * view["raw"]["currenciesCurrentPrices"][currency]["currentPrice"]  # cost in rubles
    -1403                percentCostRUB = 100 * costRUB / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.  # instrument's part in percent of full portfolio cost
    -1405                statData = {
    -1406                    "figi": item["figi"],  # FIGI from REST API "GetPortfolio" method
    -1407                    "ticker": instrument["ticker"],  # ticker by FIGI
    -1408                    "currency": currency,  # currency name rub, usd, eur etc. for instrument price
    -1409                    "volume": volume,  # available volume of instrument
    -1410                    "lots": lots,  # volume in lots of instrument
    -1411                    "direction": direction,  # direction of an instrument's position: short or long
    -1412                    "blocked": blocked,  # blocked volume of currency or instrument
    -1413                    "currentPrice": curPrice,  # current instrument's price in basic asset
    -1414                    "average": average,  # current average position price
    -1415                    "cost": cost,  # current cost of all volume of instrument in basic asset
    -1416                    "baseCurrencyName": baseCurrencyName,  # name of base currency (rub)
    -1417                    "costRUB": costRUB,  # cost of instrument in ruble
    -1418                    "percentCostRUB": percentCostRUB,  # instrument's part in percent of full portfolio cost in RUB
    -1419                    "profit": profit,  # expected profit at current moment
    -1420                    "percentProfit": 100 * profit / (average * volume) if average != 0 and volume != 0 else 0,  # expected percents of profit at current moment for this instrument
    -1421                    "sector": instrument["sector"] if "sector" in instrument.keys() and instrument["sector"] else "other",
    -1422                    "name": instrument["name"] if "name" in instrument.keys() else "",  # human-readable names of instruments
    -1423                    "isoCurrencyName": instrument["isoCurrencyName"] if "isoCurrencyName" in instrument.keys() else "",  # ISO name for currencies only
    -1424                    "country": countryName,  # e.g. "[RU] Российская Федерация" or unknownCountryName
    -1425                    "step": instrument["step"],  # minimum price increment
    -1426                }
    -1428                # adding distribution by unique countries:
    -1429                if statData["country"] not in byCountry.keys():
    -1430                    byCountry[statData["country"]] = {"cost": costRUB, "percent": percentCostRUB}
    -1432                else:
    -1433                    byCountry[statData["country"]]["cost"] += costRUB
    -1434                    byCountry[statData["country"]]["percent"] += percentCostRUB
    -1436                if item["instrumentType"] != "currency":
    -1437                    # adding distribution by unique companies:
    -1438                    if statData["name"]:
    -1439                        if statData["name"] not in byComp.keys():
    -1440                            byComp[statData["name"]] = {"ticker": statData["ticker"], "cost": costRUB, "percent": percentCostRUB}
    -1442                        else:
    -1443                            byComp[statData["name"]]["cost"] += costRUB
    -1444                            byComp[statData["name"]]["percent"] += percentCostRUB
    -1446                    # adding distribution by unique sectors:
    -1447                    if statData["sector"] not in bySect.keys():
    -1448                        bySect[statData["sector"]] = {"cost": costRUB, "percent": percentCostRUB}
    -1450                    else:
    -1451                        bySect[statData["sector"]]["cost"] += costRUB
    -1452                        bySect[statData["sector"]]["percent"] += percentCostRUB
    -1454                # adding distribution by unique currencies:
    -1455                if currency not in byCurr.keys():
    -1456                    byCurr[currency] = {
    -1457                        "name": view["raw"]["currenciesCurrentPrices"][currency]["name"],
    -1458                        "cost": costRUB,
    -1459                        "percent": percentCostRUB
    -1460                    }
    -1462                else:
    -1463                    byCurr[currency]["cost"] += costRUB
    -1464                    byCurr[currency]["percent"] += percentCostRUB
    -1466                # saving statistics for every instrument:
    -1467                if item["instrumentType"] == "currency":
    -1468                    view["stat"]["Currencies"].append(statData)
    -1470                    # update dict with free funds for trading (total - blocked) by currencies
    -1471                    # e.g. {"rub": {"total": 10000.99, "totalCostRUB": 10000.99, "free": 1234.56, "freeCostRUB": 1234.56}, "usd": {"total": 250.55, "totalCostRUB": 15375.80, "free": 125.05, "freeCostRUB": 7687.50}}
    -1472                    view["stat"]["funds"][currency] = {
    -1473                        "total": volume,
    -1474                        "totalCostRUB": costRUB,  # total volume cost in rubles
    -1475                        "free": volume - blocked,
    -1476                        "freeCostRUB": costRUB * ((volume - blocked) / volume) if volume > 0 else 0,  # free volume cost in rubles
    -1477                    }
    -1479                elif item["instrumentType"] == "share":
    -1480                    view["stat"]["Shares"].append(statData)
    -1482                elif item["instrumentType"] == "bond":
    -1483                    view["stat"]["Bonds"].append(statData)
    -1485                elif item["instrumentType"] == "etf":
    -1486                    view["stat"]["Etfs"].append(statData)
    -1488                elif item["instrumentType"] == "Futures":
    -1489                    view["stat"]["Futures"].append(statData)
    -1491                else:
    -1492                    continue
    -1494        # total changes in Russian Ruble:
    -1495        view["stat"]["availableRUB"] = view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"] - sum([item["cost"] for item in view["stat"]["Currencies"]])  # available RUB without other currencies
    -1496        view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"] = NanoToFloat(view["raw"]["headers"]["expectedYield"]["units"], view["raw"]["headers"]["expectedYield"]["nano"]) if "expectedYield" in view["raw"]["headers"].keys() else 0.
    -1497        startCost = view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] / (1 + view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"] / 100)
    -1498        view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"] = view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] - startCost
    -1499        view["stat"]["funds"]["rub"] = {
    -1500            "total": view["stat"]["availableRUB"],
    -1501            "totalCostRUB": view["stat"]["availableRUB"],
    -1502            "free": view["stat"]["availableRUB"] - view["stat"]["blockedRUB"],
    -1503            "freeCostRUB": view["stat"]["availableRUB"] - view["stat"]["blockedRUB"],
    -1504        }
    -1506        # --- pending orders sector data:
    -1507        for item in view["raw"]["orders"]:
    -1508            self.figi = item["figi"]
    -1509            instrument = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True)  # full raw info about instrument by FIGI
    -1511            if instrument:
    -1512                action = TKS_ORDER_DIRECTIONS[item["direction"]]
    -1513                orderType = TKS_ORDER_TYPES[item["orderType"]]
    -1514                orderState = TKS_ORDER_STATES[item["executionReportStatus"]]
    -1515                orderDate = item["orderDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "").split(".")[0]  # date in UTC format, e.g. "2022-12-31T23:59:59.123456Z"
    -1517                # current instrument's price (last sellers order if buy, and last buyers order if sell):
    -1518                if item["direction"] == "ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY":
    -1519                    lastPrice = instrument["currentPrice"]["sell"][0]["price"] if instrument["currentPrice"]["sell"] else "N/A"
    -1521                else:
    -1522                    lastPrice = instrument["currentPrice"]["buy"][0]["price"] if instrument["currentPrice"]["buy"] else "N/A"
    -1524                # requested price for order execution:
    -1525                target = NanoToFloat(item["initialSecurityPrice"]["units"], item["initialSecurityPrice"]["nano"])
    -1527                # necessary changes in percent to reach target from current price:
    -1528                changes = 100 * (lastPrice - target) / target if lastPrice != "N/A" and target > 0 else 0
    -1530                view["stat"]["orders"].append({
    -1531                    "orderID": item["orderId"],  # orderId number parameter of current order
    -1532                    "figi": item["figi"],  # FIGI identification
    -1533                    "ticker": instrument["ticker"],  # ticker name by FIGI
    -1534                    "lotsRequested": item["lotsRequested"],  # requested lots value
    -1535                    "lotsExecuted": item["lotsExecuted"],  # how many lots are executed
    -1536                    "currentPrice": lastPrice,  # current instrument's price for defined action
    -1537                    "targetPrice": target,  # requested price for order execution in base currency
    -1538                    "baseCurrencyName": item["initialSecurityPrice"]["currency"],  # name of base currency
    -1539                    "percentChanges": changes,  # changes in percent to target from current price
    -1540                    "currency": item["currency"],  # instrument's currency name
    -1541                    "action": action,  # sell / buy / Unknown from TKS_ORDER_DIRECTIONS
    -1542                    "type": orderType,  # type of order from TKS_ORDER_TYPES
    -1543                    "status": orderState,  # order status from TKS_ORDER_STATES
    -1544                    "date": orderDate,  # string with order date and time from UTC format (without nano seconds part)
    -1545                })
    -1547        # --- stop orders sector data:
    -1548        for item in view["raw"]["stopOrders"]:
    -1549            self.figi = item["figi"]
    -1550            instrument = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True)  # full raw info about instrument by FIGI
    -1552            if instrument:
    -1553                action = TKS_STOP_ORDER_DIRECTIONS[item["direction"]]
    -1554                orderType = TKS_STOP_ORDER_TYPES[item["orderType"]]
    -1555                createDate = item["createDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "").split(".")[0]  # date in UTC format, e.g. "2022-12-31T23:59:59.123456Z"
    -1557                # hack: server response can't contain "expirationTime" key if it is not "Until date" type of stop order
    -1558                if "expirationTime" in item.keys():
    -1560                    expDate = item["expirationTime"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "").split(".")[0]
    -1562                else:
    -1566                # current instrument's price (last sellers order if buy, and last buyers order if sell):
    -1567                if item["direction"] == "STOP_ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY":
    -1568                    lastPrice = instrument["currentPrice"]["sell"][0]["price"] if instrument["currentPrice"]["sell"] else "N/A"
    -1570                else:
    -1571                    lastPrice = instrument["currentPrice"]["buy"][0]["price"] if instrument["currentPrice"]["buy"] else "N/A"
    -1573                # requested price when stop-order executed:
    -1574                target = NanoToFloat(item["stopPrice"]["units"], item["stopPrice"]["nano"])
    -1576                # price for limit-order, set up when stop-order executed:
    -1577                limit = NanoToFloat(item["price"]["units"], item["price"]["nano"])
    -1579                # necessary changes in percent to reach target from current price:
    -1580                changes = 100 * (lastPrice - target) / target if lastPrice != "N/A" and target > 0 else 0
    -1582                view["stat"]["stopOrders"].append({
    -1583                    "orderID": item["stopOrderId"],  # stopOrderId number parameter of current stop-order
    -1584                    "figi": item["figi"],  # FIGI identification
    -1585                    "ticker": instrument["ticker"],  # ticker name by FIGI
    -1586                    "lotsRequested": item["lotsRequested"],  # requested lots value
    -1587                    "currentPrice": lastPrice,  # current instrument's price for defined action
    -1588                    "targetPrice": target,  # requested price for stop-order execution in base currency
    -1589                    "limitPrice": limit,  # price for limit-order, set up when stop-order executed, 0 if market order
    -1590                    "baseCurrencyName": item["stopPrice"]["currency"],  # name of base currency
    -1591                    "percentChanges": changes,  # changes in percent to target from current price
    -1592                    "currency": item["currency"],  # instrument's currency name
    -1593                    "action": action,  # sell / buy / Unknown from TKS_STOP_ORDER_DIRECTIONS
    -1594                    "type": orderType,  # type of order from TKS_STOP_ORDER_TYPES
    -1595                    "expType": expType,  # expiration type of stop-order from TKS_STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPES
    -1596                    "createDate": createDate,  # string with created order date and time from UTC format (without nano seconds part)
    -1597                    "expDate": expDate,  # string with expiration order date and time from UTC format (without nano seconds part)
    -1598                })
    -1600        # --- calculating data for analytics section:
    -1601        # portfolio distribution by assets:
    -1602        view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"] = {
    -1603            "Ruble": {
    -1604                "uniques": 1,
    -1605                "cost": view["stat"]["availableRUB"],
    -1606                "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["availableRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    -1607            },
    -1608            "Currencies": {
    -1609                "uniques": len(view["stat"]["Currencies"]),  # all foreign currencies without RUB
    -1610                "cost": view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"] - view["stat"]["availableRUB"],
    -1611                "percent": 100 * (view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"] - view["stat"]["availableRUB"]) / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    -1612            },
    -1613            "Shares": {
    -1614                "uniques": len(view["stat"]["Shares"]),
    -1615                "cost": view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"],
    -1616                "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    -1617            },
    -1618            "Bonds": {
    -1619                "uniques": len(view["stat"]["Bonds"]),
    -1620                "cost": view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"],
    -1621                "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    -1622            },
    -1623            "Etfs": {
    -1624                "uniques": len(view["stat"]["Etfs"]),
    -1625                "cost": view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"],
    -1626                "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    -1627            },
    -1628            "Futures": {
    -1629                "uniques": len(view["stat"]["Futures"]),
    -1630                "cost": view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"],
    -1631                "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    -1632            },
    -1633        }
    -1635        # portfolio distribution by companies:
    -1636        view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"]["All money cash"] = {
    -1637            "ticker": "",
    -1638            "cost": view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"],
    -1639            "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    -1640        }
    -1641        view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"].update(byComp)
    -1643        # portfolio distribution by sectors:
    -1644        view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"]["All money cash"] = {
    -1645            "cost": view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"]["All money cash"]["cost"],
    -1646            "percent": view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"]["All money cash"]["percent"],
    -1647        }
    -1648        view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"].update(bySect)
    -1650        # portfolio distribution by currencies:
    -1651        view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"].update(byCurr)
    -1652        view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"]["rub"]["cost"] += view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"]["Ruble"]["cost"]
    -1653        view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"]["rub"]["percent"] += view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"]["Ruble"]["percent"]
    -1655        # portfolio distribution by countries:
    -1656        view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"].update(byCountry)
    -1658        # --- Prepare text statistics overview in human-readable:
    -1659        if showStatistics:
    -1660            info = [
    -1661                "# Client's portfolio\n\n",
    -1662                "* **Actual date:** [{}] (UTC)\n".format(datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")),
    -1663                "* **Portfolio cost:** {:.2f} RUB\n".format(view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"]),
    -1664                "* **Changes:** {}{:.2f} RUB ({}{:.2f}%)\n\n".format(
    -1665                    "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"] > 0 else "",
    -1666                    view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"],
    -1667                    "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"] > 0 else "",
    -1668                    view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"],
    -1669                ),
    -1670                "## Open positions\n\n",
    -1671                "| Ticker [FIGI]               | Volume (blocked)                | Lots     | Curr. price  | Avg. price   | Current volume cost | Profit (%)\n",
    -1672                "|-----------------------------|---------------------------------|----------|--------------|--------------|---------------------|----------------------\n",
    -1673                "| Ruble                       | {:>31} |          |              |              |                     |\n".format(
    -1674                    "{:.2f} ({:.2f}) rub".format(
    -1675                        view["stat"]["availableRUB"],
    -1676                        view["stat"]["blockedRUB"],
    -1677                    )
    -1678                )
    -1679            ]
    -1681            def _SplitStr(CostRUB: float = 0, typeStr: str = "", noTradeStr: str = "") -> list:
    -1682                return [
    -1683                    "|                             |                                 |          |              |              |                     |\n",
    -1684                    "| {:<27} |                                 |          |              |              | {:>19} |\n".format(
    -1685                        noTradeStr if noTradeStr else typeStr,
    -1686                        "" if noTradeStr else "{:.2f} RUB".format(CostRUB),
    -1687                    ),
    -1688                ]
    -1690            def _InfoStr(data: dict, showCurrencyName: bool = False) -> str:
    -1691                return "| {:<27} | {:>31} | {:<8} | {:>12} | {:>12} | {:>19} | {}\n".format(
    -1692                    "{} [{}]".format(data["ticker"], data["figi"]),
    -1693                    "{:.2f} ({:.2f}) {}".format(
    -1694                        data["volume"],
    -1695                        data["blocked"],
    -1696                        data["currency"],
    -1697                    ) if showCurrencyName else "{:.0f} ({:.0f})".format(
    -1698                        data["volume"],
    -1699                        data["blocked"],
    -1700                    ),
    -1701                    "{:.4f}".format(data["lots"]) if showCurrencyName else "{:.0f}".format(data["lots"]),
    -1702                    "{:.2f} {}".format(data["currentPrice"], data["baseCurrencyName"]) if data["currentPrice"] > 0 else "n/a",
    -1703                    "{:.2f} {}".format(data["average"], data["baseCurrencyName"]) if data["average"] > 0 else "n/a",
    -1704                    "{:.2f} {}".format(data["cost"], data["baseCurrencyName"]),
    -1705                    "{}{:.2f} {} ({}{:.2f}%)".format(
    -1706                        "+" if data["profit"] > 0 else "",
    -1707                        data["profit"], data["baseCurrencyName"],
    -1708                        "+" if data["percentProfit"] > 0 else "",
    -1709                        data["percentProfit"],
    -1710                    ),
    -1711                )
    -1713            # --- Show currencies section:
    -1714            if view["stat"]["Currencies"]:
    -1715                info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"]["Currencies"]["cost"], typeStr="**Currencies:**"))
    -1716                for item in view["stat"]["Currencies"]:
    -1717                    info.append(_InfoStr(item, showCurrencyName=True))
    -1719            else:
    -1720                info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Currencies:** no trades"))
    -1722            # --- Show shares section:
    -1723            if view["stat"]["Shares"]:
    -1724                info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"], typeStr="**Shares:**"))
    -1726                for item in view["stat"]["Shares"]:
    -1727                    info.append(_InfoStr(item))
    -1729            else:
    -1730                info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Shares:** no trades"))
    -1732            # --- Show bonds section:
    -1733            if view["stat"]["Bonds"]:
    -1734                info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"], typeStr="**Bonds:**"))
    -1736                for item in view["stat"]["Bonds"]:
    -1737                    info.append(_InfoStr(item))
    -1739            else:
    -1740                info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Bonds:** no trades"))
    -1742            # --- Show etfs section:
    -1743            if view["stat"]["Etfs"]:
    -1744                info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"], typeStr="**Etfs:**"))
    -1746                for item in view["stat"]["Etfs"]:
    -1747                    info.append(_InfoStr(item))
    -1749            else:
    -1750                info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Etfs:** no trades"))
    -1752            # --- Show futures section:
    -1753            if view["stat"]["Futures"]:
    -1754                info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"], typeStr="**Futures:**"))
    -1756                for item in view["stat"]["Futures"]:
    -1757                    info.append(_InfoStr(item))
    -1759            else:
    -1760                info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Futures:** no trades"))
    -1762            # --- Show pending orders section:
    -1763            if view["stat"]["orders"]:
    -1764                info.extend([
    -1765                    "\n## Opened pending limit-orders: {}\n".format(len(view["stat"]["orders"])),
    -1766                    "\n| Ticker [FIGI]               | Order ID       | Lots (exec.) | Current price (% delta) | Target price  | Action    | Type      | Create date (UTC)\n",
    -1767                    "|-----------------------------|----------------|--------------|-------------------------|---------------|-----------|-----------|---------------------\n",
    -1768                ])
    -1769                for item in view["stat"]["orders"]:
    -1770                    info.append("| {:<27} | {:<14} | {:<12} | {:>23} | {:>13} | {:<9} | {:<9} | {}\n".format(
    -1771                        "{} [{}]".format(item["ticker"], item["figi"]),
    -1772                        item["orderID"],
    -1773                        "{} ({})".format(item["lotsRequested"], item["lotsExecuted"]),
    -1774                        "{} {} ({}{:.2f}%)".format(
    -1775                            "{}".format(item["currentPrice"]) if isinstance(item["currentPrice"], str) else "{:.2f}".format(float(item["currentPrice"])),
    -1776                            item["baseCurrencyName"],
    -1777                            "+" if item["percentChanges"] > 0 else "",
    -1778                            float(item["percentChanges"]),
    -1779                        ),
    -1780                        "{:.2f} {}".format(float(item["targetPrice"]), item["baseCurrencyName"]),
    -1781                        item["action"],
    -1782                        item["type"],
    -1783                        item["date"],
    -1784                    ))
    -1786            else:
    -1787                info.append("\n## Total pending limit-orders: 0\n")
    -1789            # --- Show stop orders section:
    -1790            if view["stat"]["stopOrders"]:
    -1791                info.extend([
    -1792                    "\n## Opened stop-orders: {}\n".format(len(view["stat"]["stopOrders"])),
    -1793                    "\n| Ticker [FIGI]               | Stop order ID                        | Lots   | Current price (% delta) | Target price  | Limit price   | Action    | Type        | Expire type  | Create date (UTC)   | Expiration (UTC)\n",
    -1794                    "|-----------------------------|--------------------------------------|--------|-------------------------|---------------|---------------|-----------|-------------|--------------|---------------------|---------------------\n",
    -1795                ])
    -1796                for item in view["stat"]["stopOrders"]:
    -1797                    info.append("| {:<27} | {:<14} | {:<6} | {:>23} | {:>13} | {:>13} | {:<9} | {:<11} | {:<12} | {:<19} | {}\n".format(
    -1798                        "{} [{}]".format(item["ticker"], item["figi"]),
    -1799                        item["orderID"],
    -1800                        item["lotsRequested"],
    -1801                        "{} {} ({}{:.2f}%)".format(
    -1802                            "{}".format(item["currentPrice"]) if isinstance(item["currentPrice"], str) else "{:.2f}".format(float(item["currentPrice"])),
    -1803                            item["baseCurrencyName"],
    -1804                            "+" if item["percentChanges"] > 0 else "",
    -1805                            float(item["percentChanges"]),
    -1806                        ),
    -1807                        "{:.2f} {}".format(float(item["targetPrice"]), item["baseCurrencyName"]),
    -1808                        "{:.2f} {}".format(float(item["limitPrice"]), item["baseCurrencyName"]) if item["limitPrice"] and item["limitPrice"] != item["targetPrice"] else TKS_ORDER_TYPES["ORDER_TYPE_MARKET"],
    -1809                        item["action"],
    -1810                        item["type"],
    -1811                        item["expType"],
    -1812                        item["createDate"],
    -1813                        item["expDate"],
    -1814                    ))
    -1816            else:
    -1817                info.append("\n## Total stop-orders: 0\n")
    -1819            # -- Show analytics section:
    -1820            if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0:
    -1821                info.extend([
    -1822                    "\n# Analytics\n"
    -1823                    "\n* **Current total portfolio cost:** {:.2f} RUB\n".format(view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"]),
    -1824                    "* **Changes:** {}{:.2f} RUB ({}{:.2f}%)\n".format(
    -1825                        "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"] > 0 else "",
    -1826                        view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"],
    -1827                        "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"] > 0 else "",
    -1828                        view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"],
    -1829                    ),
    -1830                    "\n## Portfolio distribution by assets\n"
    -1831                    "\n| Type       | Uniques | Percent | Current cost\n",
    -1832                    "|------------|---------|---------|-----------------\n",
    -1833                ])
    -1835                for key in view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"].keys():
    -1836                    if view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["cost"] > 0:
    -1837                        info.append("| {:<10} | {:<7} | {:<7} | {:.2f} rub\n".format(
    -1838                            key,
    -1839                            view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["uniques"],
    -1840                            "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["percent"]),
    -1841                            view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["cost"],
    -1842                        ))
    -1844                maxLenNames = 3 + max([len(company) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"]) for company in view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"].keys()])
    -1845                info.extend([
    -1846                    "\n## Portfolio distribution by companies\n"
    -1847                    "\n| Company{} | Percent | Current cost\n".format(" " * (maxLenNames - 7)),
    -1848                    "|--------{}-|---------|-----------------\n".format("-" * (maxLenNames - 7)),
    -1849                ])
    -1851                for company in view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"].keys():
    -1852                    if view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["cost"] > 0:
    -1853                        nameLen = 3 + len(company) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"])
    -1854                        info.append("| {} | {:<7} | {:.2f} rub\n".format(
    -1855                            "{}{}{}".format(
    -1856                                "[{}] ".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"]) if view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"] else "",
    -1857                                company,
    -1858                                "" if nameLen == maxLenNames else "{}".format(" " * (maxLenNames - nameLen) if view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"] else " " * (maxLenNames - nameLen + 3)),
    -1859                            ),
    -1860                            "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["percent"]),
    -1861                            view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["cost"],
    -1862                        ))
    -1864                maxLenSectors = max([len(sector) for sector in view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"].keys()])
    -1865                info.extend([
    -1866                    "\n## Portfolio distribution by sectors\n"
    -1867                    "\n| Sector{} | Percent | Current cost\n".format(" " * (maxLenSectors - 6)),
    -1868                    "|-------{}-|---------|-----------------\n".format("-" * (maxLenSectors - 6)),
    -1869                ])
    -1871                for sector in view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"].keys():
    -1872                    if view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"][sector]["cost"] > 0:
    -1873                        info.append("| {}{} | {:<7} | {:.2f} rub\n".format(
    -1874                            sector,
    -1875                            "" if len(sector) == maxLenSectors else " " * (maxLenSectors - len(sector)),
    -1876                            "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"][sector]["percent"]),
    -1877                            view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"][sector]["cost"],
    -1878                        ))
    -1880                maxLenMoney = 3 + max([len(currency) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][currency]["name"]) for currency in view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"].keys()])
    -1881                info.extend([
    -1882                    "\n## Portfolio distribution by currencies\n"
    -1883                    "\n| Instruments currencies{} | Percent | Current cost\n".format(" " * (maxLenMoney - 22)),
    -1884                    "|-----------------------{}-|---------|-----------------\n".format("-" * (maxLenMoney - 22)),
    -1885                ])
    -1887                for curr in view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"].keys():
    -1888                    if view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["cost"] > 0:
    -1889                        nameLen = 3 + len(curr) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["name"])
    -1890                        info.append("| {} | {:<7} | {:.2f} rub\n".format(
    -1891                            "[{}] {}{}".format(
    -1892                                curr,
    -1893                                view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["name"],
    -1894                                "" if nameLen == maxLenMoney else " " * (maxLenMoney - nameLen),
    -1895                            ),
    -1896                            "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["percent"]),
    -1897                            view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["cost"],
    -1898                        ))
    -1900                maxLenCountry = max(17, max([len(country) for country in view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"].keys()]))
    -1901                info.extend([
    -1902                    "\n## Portfolio distribution by countries\n"
    -1903                    "\n| Assets by country{} | Percent | Current cost\n".format(" " * (maxLenCountry - 17)),
    -1904                    "|------------------{}-|---------|-----------------\n".format("-" * (maxLenCountry - 17)),
    -1905                ])
    -1907                for country in view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"].keys():
    -1908                    if view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"][country]["cost"] > 0:
    -1909                        nameLen = len(country)
    -1910                        info.append("| {} | {:<7} | {:.2f} rub\n".format(
    -1911                            "{}{}".format(
    -1912                                country,
    -1913                                "" if nameLen == maxLenCountry else " " * (maxLenCountry - nameLen),
    -1914                            ),
    -1915                            "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"][country]["percent"]),
    -1916                            view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"][country]["cost"],
    -1917                        ))
    -1919            infoText = "".join(info)
    -1921            if showStatistics:
    -1922                uLogger.info("Statistics of client's portfolio:\n{}".format(infoText))
    -1924            if self.overviewFile:
    -1925                with open(self.overviewFile, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    -1926                    fH.write(infoText)
    -1928                uLogger.info("Client's portfolio is saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.overviewFile)))
    -1930        return view
    -1932    def Deals(self, start: str = None, end: str = None, printDeals: bool = False, showCancelled: bool = True) -> tuple:
    -1933        """
    -1934        Returns history operations between two given dates.
    -1935        If `reportFile` string is not empty then also save human-readable report.
    -1936        Shows some statistical data of closed positions.
    -1938        :param start: see docstring in `GetDatesAsString()` method
    -1939        :param end: see docstring in `GetDatesAsString()` method
    -1940        :param printDeals: if `True` then also print all records to the console.
    -1941        :param showCancelled: if `False` then remove information about cancelled operations from the deals report.
    -1942        :return: original list of dictionaries with history of deals records from API ("operations" key):
    -1943                 https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetOperations
    -1944                 and dictionary with custom stats: operations in different currencies, withdrawals, incomes etc.
    -1945        """
    -1946        startDate, endDate = GetDatesAsString(start, end)  # Example: ("2000-01-01T00:00:00Z", "2022-12-31T23:59:59Z")
    -1948        uLogger.debug("Requesting history of a client's operations. Wait, please...")
    -1950        # REST API for request: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetOperations
    -1951        dealsURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OperationsService/GetOperations"
    -1952        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId, "from": startDate, "to": endDate})
    -1953        ops = self.SendAPIRequest(dealsURL, reqType="POST")["operations"]  # list of dict: operations returns by broker
    -1954        customStat = {}  # custom statistics in additional to responseJSON
    -1956        # --- output report in human-readable format:
    -1957        if printDeals or self.reportFile:
    -1958            splitLine1 = "|                            |                               |                              |                      |\n"  # Summary section
    -1959            splitLine2 = "|                     |              |              |            |           |                 |            |\n"  # Operations section
    -1960            nextDay = ""
    -1962            info = ["# Client's operations\n\n* **Period:** from [{}] to [{}]\n\n## Summary (operations executed only)\n\n".format(startDate.split("T")[0], endDate.split("T")[0])]
    -1964            if len(ops) > 0:
    -1965                customStat = {
    -1966                    "opsCount": 0,  # total operations count
    -1967                    "buyCount": 0,  # buy operations
    -1968                    "sellCount": 0,  # sell operations
    -1969                    "buyTotal": {"rub": 0.},  # Buy sums in different currencies
    -1970                    "sellTotal": {"rub": 0.},  # Sell sums in different currencies
    -1971                    "payIn": {"rub": 0.},  # Deposit brokerage account
    -1972                    "payOut": {"rub": 0.},  # Withdrawals
    -1973                    "divs": {"rub": 0.},  # Dividends income
    -1974                    "coupons": {"rub": 0.},  # Coupon's income
    -1975                    "brokerCom": {"rub": 0.},  # Service commissions
    -1976                    "serviceCom": {"rub": 0.},  # Service commissions
    -1977                    "marginCom": {"rub": 0.},  # Margin commissions
    -1978                    "allTaxes": {"rub": 0.},  # Sum of withholding taxes and corrections
    -1979                }
    -1981                # --- calculating statistics depends on operations type in TKS_OPERATION_TYPES:
    -1982                for item in ops:
    -1983                    if item["state"] == "OPERATION_STATE_EXECUTED":
    -1984                        payment = NanoToFloat(item["payment"]["units"], item["payment"]["nano"])
    -1986                        # count buy operations:
    -1987                        if "_BUY" in item["operationType"]:
    -1988                            customStat["buyCount"] += 1
    -1990                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["buyTotal"].keys():
    -1991                                customStat["buyTotal"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    -1993                            else:
    -1994                                customStat["buyTotal"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    -1996                        # count sell operations:
    -1997                        elif "_SELL" in item["operationType"]:
    -1998                            customStat["sellCount"] += 1
    -2000                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["sellTotal"].keys():
    -2001                                customStat["sellTotal"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    -2003                            else:
    -2004                                customStat["sellTotal"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    -2006                        # count incoming operations:
    -2007                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_INPUT"]:
    -2008                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["payIn"].keys():
    -2009                                customStat["payIn"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    -2011                            else:
    -2012                                customStat["payIn"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    -2014                        # count withdrawals operations:
    -2015                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_OUTPUT"]:
    -2016                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["payOut"].keys():
    -2017                                customStat["payOut"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    -2019                            else:
    -2020                                customStat["payOut"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    -2022                        # count dividends income:
    -2023                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_DIVIDEND", "OPERATION_TYPE_DIVIDEND_TRANSFER", "OPERATION_TYPE_DIV_EXT"]:
    -2024                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["divs"].keys():
    -2025                                customStat["divs"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    -2027                            else:
    -2028                                customStat["divs"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    -2030                        # count coupon's income:
    -2031                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_COUPON", "OPERATION_TYPE_BOND_REPAYMENT_FULL", "OPERATION_TYPE_BOND_REPAYMENT"]:
    -2032                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["coupons"].keys():
    -2033                                customStat["coupons"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    -2035                            else:
    -2036                                customStat["coupons"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    -2038                        # count broker commissions:
    -2039                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_BROKER_FEE", "OPERATION_TYPE_SUCCESS_FEE", "OPERATION_TYPE_TRACK_MFEE", "OPERATION_TYPE_TRACK_PFEE"]:
    -2040                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["brokerCom"].keys():
    -2041                                customStat["brokerCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    -2043                            else:
    -2044                                customStat["brokerCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    -2046                        # count service commissions:
    -2047                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_SERVICE_FEE"]:
    -2048                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["serviceCom"].keys():
    -2049                                customStat["serviceCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    -2051                            else:
    -2052                                customStat["serviceCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    -2054                        # count margin commissions:
    -2055                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_MARGIN_FEE"]:
    -2056                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["marginCom"].keys():
    -2057                                customStat["marginCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    -2059                            else:
    -2060                                customStat["marginCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    -2062                        # count withholding taxes:
    -2063                        elif "_TAX" in item["operationType"]:
    -2064                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["allTaxes"].keys():
    -2065                                customStat["allTaxes"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    -2067                            else:
    -2068                                customStat["allTaxes"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    -2070                        else:
    -2071                            continue
    -2073                customStat["opsCount"] += customStat["buyCount"] + customStat["sellCount"]
    -2075                # --- view "Actions" lines:
    -2076                info.extend([
    -2077                    "| 1                          | 2                             | 3                            | 4                    | 5\n",
    -2078                    "|----------------------------|-------------------------------|------------------------------|----------------------|------------------------\n",
    -2079                    "| **Actions:**               | Trades: {:<21} | Trading volumes:             |                      |\n".format(customStat["opsCount"]),
    -2080                    "|                            |   Buy: {:<22} | {:<28} |                      |\n".format(
    -2081                        "{} ({:.1f}%)".format(customStat["buyCount"], 100 * customStat["buyCount"] / customStat["opsCount"]) if customStat["opsCount"] != 0 else 0,
    -2082                        "  rub, buy: {:<16}".format("{:.2f}".format(customStat["buyTotal"]["rub"])) if customStat["buyTotal"]["rub"] != 0 else "  —",
    -2083                    ),
    -2084                    "|                            |   Sell: {:<21} | {:<28} |                      |\n".format(
    -2085                        "{} ({:.1f}%)".format(customStat["sellCount"], 100 * customStat["sellCount"] / customStat["opsCount"]) if customStat["opsCount"] != 0 else 0,
    -2086                        "  rub, sell: {:<13}".format("+{:.2f}".format(customStat["sellTotal"]["rub"])) if customStat["sellTotal"]["rub"] != 0 else "  —",
    -2087                    ),
    -2088                ])
    -2090                opsKeys = sorted(list(set(list(customStat["buyTotal"].keys()) + list(customStat["sellTotal"].keys()))))
    -2091                for key in opsKeys:
    -2092                    if key == "rub":
    -2093                        continue
    -2095                    info.extend([
    -2096                        "|                            |                               | {:<28} |                      |\n".format(
    -2097                            "  {}, buy: {:<16}".format(key, "{:.2f}".format(customStat["buyTotal"][key]) if key and key in customStat["buyTotal"].keys() and customStat["buyTotal"][key] != 0 else 0)
    -2098                        ),
    -2099                        "|                            |                               | {:<28} |                      |\n".format(
    -2100                            "  {}, sell: {:<13}".format(key, "+{:.2f}".format(customStat["sellTotal"][key]) if key and key in customStat["sellTotal"].keys() and customStat["sellTotal"][key] != 0 else 0)
    -2101                        ),
    -2102                    ])
    -2104                info.append(splitLine1)
    -2106                def _InfoStr(data1: dict, data2: dict, data3: dict, data4: dict, cur: str = "") -> str:
    -2107                    return "|                            | {:<29} | {:<28} | {:<20} | {:<22}\n".format(
    -2108                            "  {}: {}{:.2f}".format(cur, "+" if data1[cur] > 0 else "", data1[cur]) if cur and cur in data1.keys() and data1[cur] != 0 else "  —",
    -2109                            "  {}: {}{:.2f}".format(cur, "+" if data2[cur] > 0 else "", data2[cur]) if cur and cur in data2.keys() and data2[cur] != 0 else "  —",
    -2110                            "  {}: {}{:.2f}".format(cur, "+" if data3[cur] > 0 else "", data3[cur]) if cur and cur in data3.keys() and data3[cur] != 0 else "  —",
    -2111                            "  {}: {}{:.2f}".format(cur, "+" if data4[cur] > 0 else "", data4[cur]) if cur and cur in data4.keys() and data4[cur] != 0 else "  —",
    -2112                    )
    -2114                # --- view "Payments" lines:
    -2115                info.append("| **Payments:**              | Deposit on broker account:    | Withdrawals:                 | Dividends income:    | Coupons income:\n")
    -2116                paymentsKeys = sorted(list(set(list(customStat["payIn"].keys()) + list(customStat["payOut"].keys()) + list(customStat["divs"].keys()) + list(customStat["coupons"].keys()))))
    -2118                for key in paymentsKeys:
    -2119                    info.append(_InfoStr(customStat["payIn"], customStat["payOut"], customStat["divs"], customStat["coupons"], key))
    -2121                info.append(splitLine1)
    -2123                # --- view "Commissions and taxes" lines:
    -2124                info.append("| **Commissions and taxes:** | Broker commissions:           | Service commissions:         | Margin commissions:  | All taxes/corrections:\n")
    -2125                comKeys = sorted(list(set(list(customStat["brokerCom"].keys()) + list(customStat["serviceCom"].keys()) + list(customStat["marginCom"].keys()) + list(customStat["allTaxes"].keys()))))
    -2127                for key in comKeys:
    -2128                    info.append(_InfoStr(customStat["brokerCom"], customStat["serviceCom"], customStat["marginCom"], customStat["allTaxes"], key))
    -2130                info.append(splitLine1)
    -2132                info.extend([
    -2133                    "\n## All operations{}\n\n".format("" if showCancelled else " (without cancelled status)"),
    -2134                    "| Date and time       | FIGI         | Ticker       | Asset      | Value     | Payment         | Status     | Operation type\n",
    -2135                    "|---------------------|--------------|--------------|------------|-----------|-----------------|------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
    -2136                ])
    -2138            else:
    -2139                info.append("Broker returned no operations during this period\n")
    -2141            # --- view "Operations" section:
    -2142            for item in ops:
    -2143                if not showCancelled and TKS_OPERATION_STATES[item["state"]] == TKS_OPERATION_STATES["OPERATION_STATE_CANCELED"]:
    -2144                    continue
    -2146                else:
    -2147                    self.figi = item["figi"] if item["figi"] else ""
    -2148                    payment = NanoToFloat(item["payment"]["units"], item["payment"]["nano"])
    -2149                    instrument = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False) if self.figi else {}
    -2151                    # group of deals during one day:
    -2152                    if nextDay and item["date"].split("T")[0] != nextDay:
    -2153                        info.append(splitLine2)
    -2154                        nextDay = ""
    -2156                    else:
    -2157                        nextDay = item["date"].split("T")[0]  # saving current day for splitting
    -2159                    info.append("| {:<19} | {:<12} | {:<12} | {:<10} | {:<9} | {:>15} | {:<10} | {}\n".format(
    -2160                        item["date"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "").split(".")[0],
    -2161                        self.figi if self.figi else "—",
    -2162                        instrument["ticker"] if instrument else "—",
    -2163                        instrument["type"] if instrument else "—",
    -2164                        item["quantity"] if int(item["quantity"]) > 0 else "—",
    -2165                        "{}{:.2f} {}".format("+" if payment > 0 else "", payment, item["payment"]["currency"]) if payment != 0 else "—",
    -2166                        TKS_OPERATION_STATES[item["state"]],
    -2167                        TKS_OPERATION_TYPES[item["operationType"]],
    -2168                    ))
    -2170            infoText = "".join(info)
    -2172            if printDeals:
    -2173                uLogger.info(infoText)
    -2175            if self.reportFile:
    -2176                with open(self.reportFile, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    -2177                    fH.write(infoText)
    -2179                uLogger.info("History of a client's operations are saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.reportFile)))
    -2181        return ops, customStat
    -2183    def History(self, onlyMissing: bool = False):
    -2184        """
    -2185        This method returns last history candles of the current instrument defined by `ticker`.
    -2186        If `historyFile` is not None then method save history to this file, otherwise return only pandas dataframe.
    -2187        `historyLength` define how many candles returns from past to current date.
    -2188        `historyInterval` define candle interval. Available values are strings: `"1min"`, `"2min"`, `"3min"`, `"5min"`,
    -2189        `"10min"`, `"15min"`, `"30min"`, `"hour"`, `"day"`, `"week"`, `"month"`. Default: `"hour"`.
    -2190        Maximum requested history date in the past: `1970.01.02 03:45`
    -2192        :param onlyMissing: if history file define then add only last missing candles, do not request all history length. False by default.
    -2193                            WARNING! History appends only from last candle to current time with replace last candle! Intervals must be similar!
    -2194        :return: pandas dataframe with prices history. Columns: `date`, `time`, `open`, `high`, `low`, `close`, `volume`.
    -2195        """
    -2196        history = None  # empty pandas object for history
    -2197        # TODO: update history to work with api v2
    -2198        # if self.historyLength < 1:
    -2199        #     raise Exception("History length parameter must be >=1!")
    -2200        #
    -2201        # if self.historyInterval not in TKS_TIMEFRAMES.keys():
    -2202        #     raise Exception("Interval parameter must be string with available values: 1min, 2min, 3min, 5min, 10min, 15min, 30min, hour, day, week, month.")
    -2203        #
    -2204        # if not (self.ticker or self.figi):
    -2205        #     raise Exception("self.ticker or self.figi variables must be defined!")
    -2206        #
    -2207        # if self.ticker and not self.figi:
    -2208        #     instrumentByTicker = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=False, debug=False)
    -2209        #     self.figi = instrumentByTicker["figi"] if instrumentByTicker else ""
    -2210        #
    -2211        # endDate = datetime.now(tzutc())  # current time for request history
    -2212        # tempOld = None  # pandas object for old history, if --only-missing key present
    -2213        # lastTime = None  # datetime object of last old candle in file
    -2214        # minStartDate = datetime.strptime("1970.01.02 03:45", "%Y.%m.%d %H:%M").astimezone(tzutc())  # Maximum requested history date in the past
    -2215        #
    -2216        # # get old history saved earlier in file:
    -2217        # if onlyMissing and self.historyFile and os.path.exists(self.historyFile):
    -2218        #     uLogger.debug("--only-missing key present, so auto decreasing --length value...")
    -2219        #     uLogger.debug("Only append missing last history candles at the end of the file [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.historyFile)))
    -2220        #
    -2221        #     tempOld = pd.read_csv(self.historyFile, sep=",", header=None, names=["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"])
    -2222        #
    -2223        #     tempOld["date"] = pd.to_datetime(tempOld["date"])  # load date "as is"
    -2224        #     tempOld["date"] = tempOld["date"].dt.strftime("%Y.%m.%d")  # convert date to string
    -2225        #     tempOld["time"] = pd.to_datetime(tempOld["time"])  # load time "as is"
    -2226        #     tempOld["time"] = tempOld["time"].dt.strftime("%H:%M")  # convert time to string
    -2227        #
    -2228        #     # get last datetime object from last string in file or minus 1 delta if file is empty:
    -2229        #     if len(tempOld) > 0:
    -2230        #         lastTime = datetime.strptime(tempOld.date.iloc[-1] + " " + tempOld.time.iloc[-1], "%Y.%m.%d %H:%M").astimezone(tzutc())
    -2231        #
    -2232        #     else:
    -2233        #         lastTime = endDate - timedelta(minutes=TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["minutes"])
    -2234        #         uLogger.warning("No history in file, set last date to request at [{}]".format(lastTime))
    -2235        #
    -2236        #     delta = endDate - lastTime  # current time minus last time in file
    -2237        #     deltaMinutes = delta.days * 1440 + delta.seconds // 60  # minutes between last datetime and current datetime
    -2238        #
    -2239        #     # calculate new (decreased) history length to download:
    -2240        #     self.historyLength = deltaMinutes // TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["minutes"]
    -2241        #     if deltaMinutes % TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["minutes"] > 0:
    -2242        #         self.historyLength += 1  # to avoid fraction time
    -2243        #
    -2244        #     tempOld = tempOld[:-1]  # always remove last old candle because it may be incompletely at the current time
    -2245        #
    -2246        # if self.figi:
    -2247        #     blocks = 1 if self.historyLength <= TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["maxCandles"] else 1 + self.historyLength // TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["maxCandles"]
    -2248        #     responseJSONs = []  # raw history blocks
    -2249        #
    -2250        #     uLogger.debug("Request last history from Tinkoff Broker server for ticker [{}], FIGI [{}]...".format(self.ticker, self.figi))
    -2251        #
    -2252        #     uLogger.debug("Requested history length: [{}], interval: [{}]".format(self.historyLength, self.historyInterval))
    -2253        #     uLogger.debug("User requested time period is about from [{}] to [{}]".format(
    -2254        #         (endDate - timedelta(minutes=TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["minutes"] * self.historyLength)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    -2255        #         endDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    -2256        #     ))
    -2257        #
    -2258        #     uLogger.debug("Blocks count: [{}], max candles in block for this interval: [{}]".format(blocks, TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["maxCandles"]))
    -2259        #
    -2260        #     oldFlag = False
    -2261        #     for item in range(blocks):
    -2262        #         tail = self.historyLength % TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["maxCandles"] if item + 1 == blocks else TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["maxCandles"]
    -2263        #         startDate = endDate - timedelta(minutes=TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["minutes"] * tail)
    -2264        #
    -2265        #         if startDate < minStartDate:
    -2266        #             startDate = minStartDate  # set minimum date in the past if delta is too long
    -2267        #             uLogger.debug("Date in the past is too old for request. Set start time to [{}]".format(minStartDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
    -2268        #             oldFlag = True
    -2269        #
    -2270        #         uLogger.debug("Block time period: from [{}] to [{}] ({}/{})".format(
    -2271        #             startDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    -2272        #             endDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    -2273        #             item + 1,
    -2274        #             blocks,
    -2275        #         ))
    -2276        #
    -2277        #         historyURL = self.server + r"/market/candles?figi={}&from={}&to={}&interval={}".format(
    -2278        #             self.figi,
    -2279        #             quote(startDate.isoformat()),
    -2280        #             quote(endDate.isoformat()),
    -2281        #             self.historyInterval,
    -2282        #         )
    -2283        #         responseJSON = self.SendAPIRequest(historyURL, debug=False)["payload"]["candles"]
    -2284        #
    -2285        #         responseJSONs = responseJSON + responseJSONs  # add more old history behind newest dates
    -2286        #         endDate = startDate
    -2287        #
    -2288        #         if oldFlag: break
    -2289        #
    -2290        #     if responseJSONs:
    -2291        #         tempHistory = pd.DataFrame(
    -2292        #             data={
    -2293        #                 "date": [pd.to_datetime(item["time"]).astimezone(tzutc()) for item in responseJSONs],
    -2294        #                 "time": [pd.to_datetime(item["time"]).astimezone(tzutc()) for item in responseJSONs],
    -2295        #                 "open": [item["o"] for item in responseJSONs],
    -2296        #                 "high": [item["h"] for item in responseJSONs],
    -2297        #                 "low": [item["l"] for item in responseJSONs],
    -2298        #                 "close": [item["c"] for item in responseJSONs],
    -2299        #                 "volume": [item["v"] for item in responseJSONs],
    -2300        #             },
    -2301        #             index=range(len(responseJSONs)),
    -2302        #             columns=["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"],
    -2303        #         )
    -2304        #         tempHistory["date"] = tempHistory["date"].dt.strftime("%Y.%m.%d")
    -2305        #         tempHistory["time"] = tempHistory["time"].dt.strftime("%H:%M")
    -2306        #
    -2307        #         # append only newest candles to old history if --only-missing key present:
    -2308        #         if onlyMissing and tempOld is not None and lastTime is not None:
    -2309        #             indx = 0  # find start index in given from server tempHistory data:
    -2310        #             for i, item in tempHistory.iterrows():
    -2311        #                 curTime = datetime.strptime(item["date"] + " " + item["time"], "%Y.%m.%d %H:%M").astimezone(tzutc())
    -2312        #                 if curTime == lastTime:
    -2313        #                     uLogger.debug("History candles will be updated starting from the candle with date: [{}]".format(curTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
    -2314        #                     indx = i
    -2315        #                     break
    -2316        #
    -2317        #             history = tempOld.append(tempHistory[indx:], ignore_index=True)
    -2318        #
    -2319        #         else:
    -2320        #             history = tempHistory  # if no --only-missing key then load full data from server
    -2321        #
    -2322        #         uLogger.debug("Showing last 3 rows of candles history:")
    -2323        #         for line in pd.DataFrame.to_string(
    -2324        #                 history[["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"]][-3:],
    -2325        #                 max_cols=20,
    -2326        #         ).split("\n"):
    -2327        #             uLogger.debug(line)
    -2328        #
    -2329        #     if self.historyFile is not None:
    -2330        #         if history is not None:
    -2331        #             history.to_csv(self.historyFile, sep=",", index=False, header=False)
    -2332        #             uLogger.info("Ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], tf: [{}], history saved: [{}]".format(
    -2333        #                 self.ticker,
    -2334        #                 self.figi,
    -2335        #                 self.historyInterval,
    -2336        #                 os.path.abspath(self.historyFile),
    -2337        #             ))
    -2338        #
    -2339        #         else:
    -2340        #             uLogger.warning("Empty history received! File NOT updated: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.historyFile)))
    -2341        #
    -2342        #     else:
    -2343        #         uLogger.debug("--output key is not defined. Parsed history file not saved to .csv-file, only pandas dataframe returns.")
    -2345        return history
    -2347    def Trade(self, operation: str, lots: int = 1, tp: float = 0., sl: float = 0., expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    -2348        """
    -2349        Universal method to create market order and make deal at the current price. Returns JSON data with response.
    -2350        If `tp` or `sl` > 0, then in additional will opens stop-orders with "TP" and "SL" flags for `stopType` parameter.
    -2352        See also: `Order()` docstring. More simple methods than `Trade()` are `Buy()` and `Sell()`.
    -2354        :param operation: string "Buy" or "Sell".
    -2355        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    -2356        :param tp: float > 0, target price for stop-order with "TP" type. It used as take profit parameter `targetPrice` in `self.Order()`.
    -2357        :param sl: float > 0, target price for stop-order with "SL" type. It used as stop loss parameter `targetPrice` in `self.Order()`.
    -2358        :param expDate: string "Undefined" by default or local date in future,
    -2359                        it is a string with format `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    -2360        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    -2361        """
    -2362        if operation is None or not operation or operation not in ("Buy", "Sell"):
    -2363            raise Exception("You must define operation type only one of them: `Buy` or `Sell`!")
    -2365        if lots is None or lots < 1:
    -2366            uLogger.warning("You must define trade volume > 0: integer count of lots! For current operation lots reset to 1.")
    -2367            lots = 1
    -2369        if tp is None or tp < 0:
    -2370            tp = 0
    -2372        if sl is None or sl < 0:
    -2373            sl = 0
    -2375        if expDate is None or not expDate:
    -2376            expDate = "Undefined"
    -2378        if not (self.ticker or self.figi):
    -2379            raise Exception("`self.ticker` or `self.figi` variables must be defined!")
    -2381        instrument = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=True, debug=False) if self.ticker else self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True, debug=False)
    -2382        self.ticker = instrument["ticker"]
    -2383        self.figi = instrument["figi"]
    -2385        uLogger.debug("Opening [{}] market order: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], lots [{}], TP [{:.4f}], SL [{:.4f}], expiration date of TP/SL orders [{}]. Wait, please...".format(operation, self.ticker, self.figi, lots, tp, sl, expDate))
    -2387        openTradeURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OrdersService/PostOrder"
    -2388        self.body = str({
    -2389            "figi": self.figi,
    -2390            "quantity": str(lots),
    -2391            "direction": "ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY" if operation == "Buy" else "ORDER_DIRECTION_SELL",  # see: TKS_ORDER_DIRECTIONS
    -2392            "accountId": str(self.accountId),
    -2393            "orderType": "ORDER_TYPE_MARKET",  # see: TKS_ORDER_TYPES
    -2394        })
    -2395        response = self.SendAPIRequest(openTradeURL, reqType="POST", retry=0, debug=False)
    -2397        if "orderId" in response.keys():
    -2398            uLogger.info("[{}] market order [{}] was executed: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], lots [{}]. Total order price: [{:.4f} {}] (with commission: [{:.2f} {}]). Average price of lot: [{:.2f} {}]".format(
    -2399                operation, response["orderId"],
    -2400                self.ticker, self.figi, lots,
    -2401                NanoToFloat(response["totalOrderAmount"]["units"], response["totalOrderAmount"]["nano"]), response["totalOrderAmount"]["currency"],
    -2402                NanoToFloat(response["initialCommission"]["units"], response["initialCommission"]["nano"]), response["initialCommission"]["currency"],
    -2403                NanoToFloat(response["executedOrderPrice"]["units"], response["executedOrderPrice"]["nano"]), response["executedOrderPrice"]["currency"],
    -2404            ))
    -2406        else:
    -2407            uLogger.warning("Not `oK` status received! Market order not created. See full debug log or try again and open order later.")
    -2409        if tp > 0:
    -2410            self.Order(operation="Sell" if operation == "Buy" else "Buy", orderType="Stop", lots=lots, targetPrice=tp, limitPrice=tp, stopType="TP", expDate=expDate)
    -2412        if sl > 0:
    -2413            self.Order(operation="Sell" if operation == "Buy" else "Buy", orderType="Stop", lots=lots, targetPrice=sl, limitPrice=sl, stopType="SL", expDate=expDate)
    -2415        return response
    -2417    def Buy(self, lots: int = 1, tp: float = 0., sl: float = 0., expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    -2418        """
    -2419        More simple method than `Trade()`. Create `Buy` market order and make deal at the current price. Returns JSON data with response.
    -2420        If `tp` or `sl` > 0, then in additional will opens stop-orders with "TP" and "SL" flags for `stopType` parameter.
    -2422        See also: `Order()` and `Trade()` docstrings.
    -2424        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    -2425        :param tp: float > 0, take profit price of stop-order.
    -2426        :param sl: float > 0, stop loss price of stop-order.
    -2427        :param expDate: it's a local date in future.
    -2428                        String has a format like this: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    -2429        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    -2430        """
    -2431        return self.Trade(operation="Buy", lots=lots, tp=tp, sl=sl, expDate=expDate)
    -2433    def Sell(self, lots: int = 1, tp: float = 0., sl: float = 0., expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    -2434        """
    -2435        More simple method than `Trade()`. Create `Sell` market order and make deal at the current price. Returns JSON data with response.
    -2436        If `tp` or `sl` > 0, then in additional will opens stop-orders with "TP" and "SL" flags for `stopType` parameter.
    -2438        See also: `Order()` and `Trade()` docstrings.
    -2440        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    -2441        :param tp: float > 0, take profit price of stop-order.
    -2442        :param sl: float > 0, stop loss price of stop-order.
    -2443        :param expDate: it's a local date in future.
    -2444                        String has a format like this: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    -2445        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    -2446        """
    -2447        return self.Trade(operation="Sell", lots=lots, tp=tp, sl=sl, expDate=expDate)
    -2449    def CloseTrades(self, tickers: list, overview: dict = None) -> None:
    -2450        """
    -2451        Close position of given instruments.
    -2453        :param tickers: tickers list of instruments that must be closed.
    -2454        :param overview: pre-received dictionary with open trades, returned by `Overview()` method.
    -2455                         This avoids unnecessary downloading data from the server.
    -2456        """
    -2457        if not tickers:
    -2458            uLogger.info("Tickers list is empty, nothing to close.")
    -2460        else:
    -2461            if overview is None or not overview:
    -2462                overview = self.Overview(showStatistics=False)
    -2464            allOpenedTickers = [item["ticker"] for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS for item in overview["stat"][iType]]
    -2465            uLogger.debug("All opened instruments by it's tickers names: {}".format(allOpenedTickers))
    -2467            for ticker in tickers:
    -2468                if ticker not in allOpenedTickers:
    -2469                    uLogger.warning("Instrument with ticker [{}] not in open positions list!".format(ticker))
    -2470                    continue
    -2472                # search open trade info about instrument by ticker:
    -2473                instrument = {}
    -2474                for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    -2475                    if instrument:
    -2476                        break
    -2478                    for item in overview["stat"][iType]:
    -2479                        if item["ticker"] == ticker:
    -2480                            instrument = item
    -2481                            break
    -2483                if instrument:
    -2484                    self.ticker = ticker
    -2485                    self.figi = instrument["figi"]
    -2487                    uLogger.debug("Closing trade of instrument: ticker [{}], FIGI[{}], lots [{}]{}. Wait, please...".format(
    -2488                        self.ticker,
    -2489                        self.figi,
    -2490                        int(instrument["volume"]),
    -2491                        ", blocked [{}]".format(instrument["blocked"]) if instrument["blocked"] > 0 else "",
    -2492                    ))
    -2494                    tradeLots = abs(instrument["lots"]) - instrument["blocked"]  # available volumes in lots for close operation
    -2496                    if tradeLots > 0:
    -2497                        if instrument["blocked"] > 0:
    -2498                            uLogger.warning("Just for your information: there are [{}] lots blocked for instrument [{}]! Available only [{}] lots to closing trade.".format(
    -2499                                instrument["blocked"],
    -2500                                self.ticker,
    -2501                                tradeLots,
    -2502                            ))
    -2504                        # if direction is "Long" then we need sell, if direction is "Short" then we need buy:
    -2505                        self.Trade(operation="Sell" if instrument["direction"] == "Long" else "Buy", lots=tradeLots)
    -2507                    else:
    -2508                        uLogger.warning("There are no available lots for instrument [{}] to closing trade at this moment! Try again later or cancel some orders.".format(self.ticker))
    -2510    def CloseAllTrades(self, iType: str, overview: dict = None) -> None:
    -2511        """
    -2512        Close all positions of given instruments with defined type.
    -2514        :param iType: type of the instruments that be closed, it must be one of supported types in TKS_INSTRUMENTS list.
    -2515        :param overview: pre-received dictionary with open trades, returned by `Overview()` method.
    -2516                         This avoids unnecessary downloading data from the server.
    -2517        """
    -2518        if iType not in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    -2519            uLogger.warning("Type of the instrument must be one of supported types: {}. Given: [{}]".format(", ".join(TKS_INSTRUMENTS), iType))
    -2521        else:
    -2522            if overview is None or not overview:
    -2523                overview = self.Overview(showStatistics=False)
    -2525            tickers = [item["ticker"] for item in overview["stat"][iType]]
    -2526            uLogger.debug("Instrument tickers with type [{}] that will be closed: {}".format(iType, tickers))
    -2528            if tickers and overview:
    -2529                self.CloseTrades(tickers, overview)
    -2531            else:
    -2532                uLogger.info("Instrument tickers with type [{}] not found, nothing to close.".format(iType))
    -2534    def Order(self, operation: str, orderType: str, lots: int, targetPrice: float, limitPrice: float = 0., stopType: str = "Limit", expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    -2535        """
    -2536        Universal method to create market or limit orders with all available parameters.
    -2537        See more simple methods: `BuyLimit()`, `BuyStop()`, `SellLimit()`, `SellStop()`.
    -2539        If orderType is "Limit" then create pending limit-order below current price if operation is "Buy" and above
    -2540        current price if operation is "Sell". A limit order has no expiration date, it lasts until the end of the trading day.
    -2542        Warning! If you try to create limit-order above current price if "Buy" or below current price if "Sell"
    -2543        then broker immediately open market order as you can do simple --buy or --sell operations!
    -2545        If orderType is "Stop" then creates stop-order with any direction "Buy" or "Sell".
    -2546        When current price will go up or down to target price value then broker opens a limit order.
    -2547        Stop-order is opened with unlimited expiration date by default, or you can define expiration date with expDate parameter.
    -2549        Only one attempt and no retry for opens order. If network issue occurred you can create new request.
    -2551        :param operation: string "Buy" or "Sell".
    -2552        :param orderType: string "Limit" or "Stop".
    -2553        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    -2554        :param targetPrice: target price > 0. This is open trade price for limit order.
    -2555        :param limitPrice: limit price >= 0. This parameter only makes sense for stop-order. If limitPrice = 0, then it set as targetPrice.
    -2556                           Broker will creates limit-order with price equal to limitPrice, when current price goes to target price of stop-order.
    -2557        :param stopType: string "Limit" by default. This parameter only makes sense for stop-order. There are 3 stop-order types
    -2558                         "SL", "TP", "Limit" for "Stop loss", "Take profit" and "Stop limit" types accordingly.
    -2559                         Stop loss order always executed by market price.
    -2560        :param expDate: string "Undefined" by default or local date in future.
    -2561                        String has a format like this: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    -2562                        This date is converting to UTC format for server. This parameter only makes sense for stop-order.
    -2563                        A limit order has no expiration date, it lasts until the end of the trading day.
    -2564        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    -2565        """
    -2566        if operation is None or not operation or operation not in ("Buy", "Sell"):
    -2567            raise Exception("You must define operation type only one of them: `Buy` or `Sell`!")
    -2569        if orderType is None or not orderType or orderType not in ("Limit", "Stop"):
    -2570            raise Exception("You must define order type only one of them: `Limit` or `Stop`!")
    -2572        if lots is None or lots < 1:
    -2573            raise Exception("You must define trade volume > 0: integer count of lots!")
    -2575        if targetPrice is None or targetPrice <= 0:
    -2576            raise Exception("Target price for limit-order must be greater than 0!")
    -2578        if limitPrice is None or limitPrice <= 0:
    -2579            limitPrice = targetPrice
    -2581        if stopType is None or not stopType or stopType not in ("SL", "TP", "Limit"):
    -2582            stopType = "Limit"
    -2584        if expDate is None or not expDate:
    -2585            expDate = "Undefined"
    -2587        if not (self.ticker or self.figi):
    -2588            raise Exception("`self.ticker` or `self.figi` variables must be defined!")
    -2590        response = {}
    -2591        instrument = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=True, debug=False) if self.ticker else self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True, debug=False)
    -2592        self.ticker = instrument["ticker"]
    -2593        self.figi = instrument["figi"]
    -2595        if orderType == "Limit":
    -2596            uLogger.debug(
    -2597                "Creating pending limit-order: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], action [{}], lots [{}] and the target price [{:.2f} {}]. Wait, please...".format(
    -2598                    self.ticker, self.figi,
    -2599                    operation, lots, targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    -2600                ))
    -2602            openOrderURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OrdersService/PostOrder"
    -2603            self.body = str({
    -2604                "figi": self.figi,
    -2605                "quantity": str(lots),
    -2606                "price": FloatToNano(targetPrice),
    -2607                "direction": "ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY" if operation == "Buy" else "ORDER_DIRECTION_SELL",  # see: TKS_ORDER_DIRECTIONS
    -2608                "accountId": str(self.accountId),
    -2609                "orderType": "ORDER_TYPE_LIMIT",  # see: TKS_ORDER_TYPES
    -2610            })
    -2611            response = self.SendAPIRequest(openOrderURL, reqType="POST", retry=0, debug=False)
    -2613            if "orderId" in response.keys():
    -2614                uLogger.info(
    -2615                    "Limit-order [{}] was created: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], action [{}], lots [{}], target price [{:.2f} {}]".format(
    -2616                        response["orderId"],
    -2617                        self.ticker, self.figi,
    -2618                        operation, lots, targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    -2619                    ))
    -2621                if "lastPrice" in instrument["currentPrice"].keys() and instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]:
    -2622                    if operation == "Buy" and targetPrice > instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]:
    -2623                        uLogger.warning("Your order was executed as a market order, not as a limit order! Comment: because your target price [{:.2f} {}] was higher than current price [{:.2f} {}] broker immediately opened `Buy` market order, such as if you did simple `--buy` operation.".format(
    -2624                            targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    -2625                            instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"], instrument["currency"],
    -2626                        ))
    -2628                    if operation == "Sell" and targetPrice < instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]:
    -2629                        uLogger.warning("Your order was executed as a market order, not as a limit order! Comment: because your target price [{:.2f} {}] was lower than current price [{:.2f} {}] broker immediately opened `Sell` market order, such as if you did simple `--sell` operation.".format(
    -2630                            targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    -2631                            instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"], instrument["currency"],
    -2632                        ))
    -2634            else:
    -2635                uLogger.warning("Not `oK` status received! Limit order not opened. See full debug log or try again and open order later.")
    -2637        if orderType == "Stop":
    -2638            uLogger.debug(
    -2639                "Creating stop-order: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], action [{}], lots [{}], target price [{:.2f} {}], limit price [{:.2f} {}], stop-order type [{}] and local expiration date [{}]. Wait, please...".format(
    -2640                    self.ticker, self.figi,
    -2641                    operation, lots,
    -2642                    targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    -2643                    limitPrice, instrument["currency"],
    -2644                    stopType, expDate,
    -2645                ))
    -2647            openOrderURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.StopOrdersService/PostStopOrder"
    -2648            expDateUTC = "" if expDate == "Undefined" else datetime.strptime(expDate, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").replace(tzinfo=tzlocal()).astimezone(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
    -2649            stopOrderType = "STOP_ORDER_TYPE_STOP_LOSS" if stopType == "SL" else "STOP_ORDER_TYPE_TAKE_PROFIT" if stopType == "TP" else "STOP_ORDER_TYPE_STOP_LIMIT"
    -2651            body = {
    -2652                "figi": self.figi,
    -2653                "quantity": str(lots),
    -2654                "price": FloatToNano(limitPrice),
    -2655                "stopPrice": FloatToNano(targetPrice),
    -2656                "direction": "STOP_ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY" if operation == "Buy" else "STOP_ORDER_DIRECTION_SELL",  # see: TKS_STOP_ORDER_DIRECTIONS
    -2657                "accountId": str(self.accountId),
    -2659                "stopOrderType": stopOrderType,  # see: TKS_STOP_ORDER_TYPES
    -2660            }
    -2662            if expDateUTC:
    -2663                body["expireDate"] = expDateUTC
    -2665            self.body = str(body)
    -2666            response = self.SendAPIRequest(openOrderURL, reqType="POST", retry=0, debug=False)
    -2668            if "stopOrderId" in response.keys():
    -2669                uLogger.info(
    -2670                    "Stop-order [{}] was created: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], action [{}], lots [{}], target price [{:.2f} {}], limit price [{:.2f} {}], stop-order type [{}] and expiration date in UTC [{}]".format(
    -2671                    response["stopOrderId"],
    -2672                    self.ticker, self.figi,
    -2673                    operation, lots,
    -2674                    targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    -2675                    limitPrice, instrument["currency"],
    -2676                    TKS_STOP_ORDER_TYPES[stopOrderType],
    -2677                    datetime.strptime(expDateUTC, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ").replace(tzinfo=tzutc()).astimezone(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if expDateUTC else TKS_STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPES["STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED"],
    -2678                ))
    -2680                if "lastPrice" in instrument["currentPrice"].keys() and instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]:
    -2681                    if operation == "Buy" and targetPrice < instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] and stopType != "TP":
    -2682                        uLogger.warning("The broker will cancel this order after some time. Comment: you placed the wrong stop order because the target buy price [{:.2f} {}] is lower than the current price [{:.2f} {}]. Also try to set up order type as `TP` if you want to place stop order at that price.".format(
    -2683                            targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    -2684                            instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"], instrument["currency"],
    -2685                        ))
    -2687                    if operation == "Sell" and targetPrice > instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] and stopType != "TP":
    -2688                        uLogger.warning("The broker will cancel this order after some time. Comment: you placed the wrong stop order because the target sell price [{:.2f} {}] is higher than the current price [{:.2f} {}]. Also try to set up order type as `TP` if you want to place stop order at that price.".format(
    -2689                            targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    -2690                            instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"], instrument["currency"],
    -2691                        ))
    -2693            else:
    -2694                uLogger.warning("Not `oK` status received! Stop order not opened. See full debug log or try again and open order later.")
    -2696        return response
    -2698    def BuyLimit(self, lots: int, targetPrice: float) -> dict:
    -2699        """
    -2700        Create pending `Buy` limit-order (below current price). You must specify only 2 parameters:
    -2701        `lots` and `target price` to open buy limit-order. If you try to create buy limit-order above current price then
    -2702        broker immediately open `Buy` market order, such as if you do simple `--buy` operation!
    -2703        See also: `Order()` docstring.
    -2705        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    -2706        :param targetPrice: target price > 0. This is open trade price for limit order.
    -2707        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    -2708        """
    -2709        return self.Order(operation="Buy", orderType="Limit", lots=lots, targetPrice=targetPrice)
    -2711    def BuyStop(self, lots: int, targetPrice: float, limitPrice: float = 0., stopType: str = "Limit", expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    -2712        """
    -2713        Create `Buy` stop-order. You must specify at least 2 parameters: `lots` `target price` to open buy stop-order.
    -2714        In additional you can specify 3 parameters for buy stop-order: `limit price` >=0, `stop type` = Limit|SL|TP,
    -2715        `expiration date` = Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`. When current price will go up or down to
    -2716        target price value then broker opens a limit order. See also: `Order()` docstring.
    -2718        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    -2719        :param targetPrice: target price > 0. This is trigger price for buy stop-order.
    -2720        :param limitPrice: limit price >= 0 (limitPrice = targetPrice if limitPrice is 0). Broker will creates limit-order
    -2721                           with price equal to limitPrice, when current price goes to target price of buy stop-order.
    -2722        :param stopType: string "Limit" by default. There are 3 stop-order types "SL", "TP", "Limit"
    -2723                         for "Stop loss", "Take profit" and "Stop limit" types accordingly.
    -2724        :param expDate: string "Undefined" by default or local date in future.
    -2725                        String has a format like this: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    -2726                        This date is converting to UTC format for server.
    -2727        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    -2728        """
    -2729        return self.Order(operation="Buy", orderType="Stop", lots=lots, targetPrice=targetPrice, limitPrice=limitPrice, stopType=stopType, expDate=expDate)
    -2731    def SellLimit(self, lots: int, targetPrice: float) -> dict:
    -2732        """
    -2733        Create pending `Sell` limit-order (above current price). You must specify only 2 parameters:
    -2734        `lots` and `target price` to open sell limit-order. If you try to create sell limit-order below current price then
    -2735        broker immediately open `Sell` market order, such as if you do simple `--sell` operation!
    -2736        See also: `Order()` docstring.
    -2738        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    -2739        :param targetPrice: target price > 0. This is open trade price for limit order.
    -2740        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    -2741        """
    -2742        return self.Order(operation="Sell", orderType="Limit", lots=lots, targetPrice=targetPrice)
    -2744    def SellStop(self, lots: int, targetPrice: float, limitPrice: float = 0., stopType: str = "Limit", expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    -2745        """
    -2746        Create `Sell` stop-order. You must specify at least 2 parameters: `lots` `target price` to open sell stop-order.
    -2747        In additional you can specify 3 parameters for sell stop-order: `limit price` >=0, `stop type` = Limit|SL|TP,
    -2748        `expiration date` = Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`. When current price will go up or down to
    -2749        target price value then broker opens a limit order. See also: `Order()` docstring.
    -2751        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    -2752        :param targetPrice: target price > 0. This is trigger price for sell stop-order.
    -2753        :param limitPrice: limit price >= 0 (limitPrice = targetPrice if limitPrice is 0). Broker will creates limit-order
    -2754                           with price equal to limitPrice, when current price goes to target price of sell stop-order.
    -2755        :param stopType: string "Limit" by default. There are 3 stop-order types "SL", "TP", "Limit"
    -2756                         for "Stop loss", "Take profit" and "Stop limit" types accordingly.
    -2757        :param expDate: string "Undefined" by default or local date in future.
    -2758                        String has a format like this: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    -2759                        This date is converting to UTC format for server.
    -2760        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    -2761        """
    -2762        return self.Order(operation="Sell", orderType="Stop", lots=lots, targetPrice=targetPrice, limitPrice=limitPrice, stopType=stopType, expDate=expDate)
    -2764    def CloseOrders(self, orderIDs: list, allOrdersIDs: list = None, allStopOrdersIDs: list = None) -> None:
    -2765        """
    -2766        Cancel order or list of orders by its `orderId` or `stopOrderId`.
    -2768        :param orderIDs: list of integers with `orderId` or `stopOrderId`.
    -2769        :param allOrdersIDs: pre-received lists of all active pending orders.
    -2770                             This avoids unnecessary downloading data from the server.
    -2771        :param allStopOrdersIDs: pre-received lists of all active stop orders.
    -2772        """
    -2773        if orderIDs:
    -2774            if allOrdersIDs is None or not allOrdersIDs:
    -2775                rawOrders = self.RequestPendingOrders()
    -2776                allOrdersIDs = [item["orderId"] for item in rawOrders]  # all pending orders ID
    -2778            if allStopOrdersIDs is None or not allStopOrdersIDs:
    -2779                rawStopOrders = self.RequestStopOrders()
    -2780                allStopOrdersIDs = [item["stopOrderId"] for item in rawStopOrders]  # all stop orders ID
    -2782            for orderID in orderIDs:
    -2783                idInPendingOrders = orderID in allOrdersIDs
    -2784                idInStopOrders = orderID in allStopOrdersIDs
    -2786                if not (idInPendingOrders or idInStopOrders):
    -2787                    uLogger.warning("Order not found by ID: [{}]. Maybe cancelled already? Check it with `--overview` key.".format(orderID))
    -2788                    continue
    -2790                else:
    -2791                    if idInPendingOrders:
    -2792                        uLogger.debug("Cancelling pending order with ID: [{}]. Wait, please...".format(orderID))
    -2794                        # REST API for request: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OrdersService/OrdersService_CancelOrder
    -2795                        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId, "orderId": orderID})
    -2796                        closeURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OrdersService/CancelOrder"
    -2797                        responseJSON = self.SendAPIRequest(closeURL, reqType="POST")
    -2799                        if responseJSON and "time" in responseJSON.keys() and responseJSON["time"]:
    -2800                            uLogger.debug("Success time marker received from server: [{}] (UTC)".format(responseJSON["time"]))
    -2801                            uLogger.info("Pending order with ID [{}] successfully cancel".format(orderID))
    -2803                        else:
    -2804                            uLogger.warning("Unknown issue occurred when cancelling pending order with ID: [{}]. Check ID and try again.".format(orderID))
    -2806                    elif idInStopOrders:
    -2807                        uLogger.debug("Cancelling stop order with ID: [{}]. Wait, please...".format(orderID))
    -2809                        # REST API for request: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/StopOrdersService/StopOrdersService_CancelStopOrder
    -2810                        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId, "stopOrderId": orderID})
    -2811                        closeURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.StopOrdersService/CancelStopOrder"
    -2812                        responseJSON = self.SendAPIRequest(closeURL, reqType="POST")
    -2814                        if responseJSON and "time" in responseJSON.keys() and responseJSON["time"]:
    -2815                            uLogger.debug("Success time marker received from server: [{}] (UTC)".format(responseJSON["time"]))
    -2816                            uLogger.info("Stop order with ID [{}] successfully cancel".format(orderID))
    -2818                        else:
    -2819                            uLogger.warning("Unknown issue occurred when cancelling stop order with ID: [{}]. Check ID and try again.".format(orderID))
    -2821                    else:
    -2822                        continue
    -2824    def CloseAllOrders(self) -> None:
    -2825        """
    -2826        Gets a list of open pending and stop orders and cancel it all.
    -2827        """
    -2828        rawOrders = self.RequestPendingOrders()
    -2829        allOrdersIDs = [item["orderId"] for item in rawOrders]  # all pending orders ID
    -2830        lenOrders = len(allOrdersIDs)
    -2832        rawStopOrders = self.RequestStopOrders()
    -2833        allStopOrdersIDs = [item["stopOrderId"] for item in rawStopOrders]  # all stop orders ID
    -2834        lenSOrders = len(allStopOrdersIDs)
    -2836        if lenOrders > 0 or lenSOrders > 0:
    -2837            uLogger.info("Found: [{}] opened pending and [{}] stop orders. Let's trying to cancel it all. Wait, please...".format(lenOrders, lenSOrders))
    -2839            self.CloseOrders(allOrdersIDs + allStopOrdersIDs, allOrdersIDs, allStopOrdersIDs)
    -2841        else:
    -2842            uLogger.info("Orders not found, nothing to cancel.")
    -2844    def CloseAll(self, *args) -> None:
    -2845        """
    -2846        Close all available (not blocked) opened trades and orders.
    -2848        Also you can select one or more keywords case insensitive:
    -2849        `orders`, `shares`, `bonds`, `etfs` and `futures` from `TKS_INSTRUMENTS` enum to specify trades type.
    -2851        Currency positions you must closes manually using buy or sell operations, `CloseTrades()` or `CloseAllTrades()` methods.
    -2852        """
    -2853        overview = self.Overview(showStatistics=False)  # get all open trades info
    -2855        if len(args) == 0:
    -2856            uLogger.debug("Closing all available (not blocked) opened trades and orders. Currency positions you must closes manually using buy or sell operations! Wait, please...")
    -2857            self.CloseAllOrders()  # close all pending and stop orders
    -2859            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    -2860                if iType != "Currencies":
    -2861                    self.CloseAllTrades(iType, overview)  # close all positions of instruments with same type without currencies
    -2863        else:
    -2864            uLogger.debug("Closing all available {}. Currency positions you must closes manually using buy or sell operations! Wait, please...".format(list(args)))
    -2865            lowerArgs = [x.lower() for x in args]
    -2867            if "orders" in lowerArgs:
    -2868                self.CloseAllOrders()  # close all pending and stop orders
    -2870            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    -2871                if iType.lower() in lowerArgs and iType != "Currencies":
    -2872                    self.CloseAllTrades(iType, overview)  # close all positions of instruments with same type without currencies
    -2874    @staticmethod
    -2875    def ParseOrderParameters(operation, **inputParameters):
    -2876        """
    -2877        Parse input dictionary of strings with order parameters and return dictionary with parameters to open all orders.
    -2879        :param operation: string "Buy" or "Sell".
    -2880        :param inputParameters: this is dict of strings that looks like this
    -2881               `{"lots": "L_int,...", "prices": "P_float,..."}` where
    -2882               "lots" key: one or more lot values (integer numbers) to open with every limit-order
    -2883               "prices" key: one or more prices to open limit-orders
    -2884               Counts of values in lots and prices lists must be equals!
    -2885        :return: list of dictionaries with all lots and prices to open orders that looks like this `[{"lot": lots_1, "price": price_1}, {...}, ...]`
    -2886        """
    -2887        # TODO: update order grid work with api v2
    -2888        pass
    -2889        # uLogger.debug("Input parameters: {}".format(inputParameters))
    -2890        #
    -2891        # if operation is None or not operation or operation not in ("Buy", "Sell"):
    -2892        #     raise Exception("You must define operation type: 'Buy' or 'Sell'!")
    -2893        #
    -2894        # if "l" in inputParameters.keys():
    -2895        #     inputParameters["lots"] = inputParameters.pop("l")
    -2896        #
    -2897        # if "p" in inputParameters.keys():
    -2898        #     inputParameters["prices"] = inputParameters.pop("p")
    -2899        #
    -2900        # if "lots" not in inputParameters.keys() or "prices" not in inputParameters.keys():
    -2901        #     raise Exception("Both of 'lots' and 'prices' keys must be define to open grid orders!")
    -2902        #
    -2903        # lots = [int(item.strip()) for item in inputParameters["lots"].split(",")]
    -2904        # prices = [float(item.strip()) for item in inputParameters["prices"].split(",")]
    -2905        #
    -2906        # if len(lots) != len(prices):
    -2907        #     raise Exception("'lots' and 'prices' lists must have equal length of values!")
    -2908        #
    -2909        # uLogger.debug("Extracted parameters for orders:")
    -2910        # uLogger.debug("lots = {}".format(lots))
    -2911        # uLogger.debug("prices = {}".format(prices))
    -2912        #
    -2913        # # list of dictionaries with order's parameters: [{"lot": lots_1, "price": price_1}, {...}, ...]
    -2914        # result = [{"lot": lots[item], "price": prices[item]} for item in range(len(prices))]
    -2915        # uLogger.debug("Order parameters: {}".format(result))
    -2916        #
    -2917        # return result
    -2919    def IsInPortfolio(self, portfolio: dict = None) -> bool:
    -2920        """
    -2921        Checks if instrument is in the user's portfolio. Instrument must be defined by `ticker` (highly priority) or `figi`.
    -2923        :param portfolio: dict with user's portfolio data. If `None`, then requests portfolio from `Overview()` method.
    -2924        :return: `True` if portfolio contains open position with given instrument, `False` otherwise.
    -2925        """
    -2926        result = False
    -2927        msg = "Instrument not defined!"
    -2929        if portfolio is None or not portfolio:
    -2930            portfolio = self.Overview(showStatistics=False)
    -2932        if self.ticker:
    -2933            uLogger.debug("Searching instrument with ticker [{}] throwout opened positions...".format(self.ticker))
    -2934            msg = "Instrument with ticker [{}] is not present in open positions".format(self.ticker)
    -2936            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    -2937                for instrument in portfolio["stat"][iType]:
    -2938                    if instrument["ticker"] == self.ticker:
    -2939                        result = True
    -2940                        msg = "Instrument with ticker [{}] is present in open positions".format(self.ticker)
    -2941                        break
    -2943        elif self.figi:
    -2944            uLogger.debug("Searching instrument with FIGI [{}] throwout opened positions...".format(self.figi))
    -2945            msg = "Instrument with FIGI [{}] is not present in open positions".format(self.figi)
    -2947            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    -2948                for instrument in portfolio["stat"][iType]:
    -2949                    if instrument["figi"] == self.figi:
    -2950                        result = True
    -2951                        msg = "Instrument with FIGI [{}] is present in open positions".format(self.figi)
    -2952                        break
    -2954        else:
    -2955            uLogger.warning("Instrument must be defined by `ticker` (highly priority) or `figi`!")
    -2957        uLogger.debug(msg)
    -2959        return result
    -2961    def GetInstrumentFromPortfolio(self, portfolio: dict = None) -> dict:
    -2962        """
    -2963        Returns instrument is in the user's portfolio if it presents there.
    -2964        Instrument must be defined by `ticker` (highly priority) or `figi`.
    -2966        :param portfolio: dict with user's portfolio data. If `None`, then requests portfolio from `Overview()` method.
    -2967        :return: dict with instrument if portfolio contains open position with this instrument, `None` otherwise.
    -2968        """
    -2969        result = None
    -2970        msg = "Instrument not defined!"
    -2972        if portfolio is None or not portfolio:
    -2973            portfolio = self.Overview(showStatistics=False)
    -2975        if self.ticker:
    -2976            uLogger.debug("Searching instrument with ticker [{}] throwout opened positions...".format(self.ticker))
    -2977            msg = "Instrument with ticker [{}] is not present in open positions".format(self.ticker)
    -2979            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    -2980                for instrument in portfolio["stat"][iType]:
    -2981                    if instrument["ticker"] == self.ticker:
    -2982                        result = instrument
    -2983                        msg = "Instrument with ticker [{}] and FIGI [{}] is present in open positions".format(self.ticker, instrument["figi"])
    -2984                        break
    -2986        elif self.figi:
    -2987            uLogger.debug("Searching instrument with FIGI [{}] throwout opened positions...".format(self.figi))
    -2988            msg = "Instrument with FIGI [{}] is not present in open positions".format(self.figi)
    -2990            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    -2991                for instrument in portfolio["stat"][iType]:
    -2992                    if instrument["figi"] == self.figi:
    -2993                        result = instrument
    -2994                        msg = "Instrument with ticker [{}] and FIGI [{}] is present in open positions".format(instrument["ticker"], self.figi)
    -2995                        break
    -2997        else:
    -2998            uLogger.warning("Instrument must be defined by `ticker` (highly priority) or `figi`!")
    -3000        uLogger.debug(msg)
    -3002        return result
    -3005class Args:
    -3006    """
    -3007    If `Main()` function is imported as module, then this class used to convert arguments from **kwargs as object.
    -3008    """
    -3009    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
    -3010        self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
    -3012    def __getattr__(self, item):
    -3013        return None
    -3016def ParseArgs():
    -3017    """
    -3018    Function get and parse command line keys. See examples: https://tim55667757.github.io/TKSBrokerAPI/
    -3019    """
    -3020    parser = ArgumentParser()  # command-line string parser
    -3022    parser.description = "TKSBrokerAPI is a python API to work with some methods of Tinkoff Open API using REST protocol. It can view history, orders and market information. Also, you can open orders and trades. See examples: https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/blob/master/README_EN.md#Usage-examples"
    -3023    parser.usage = "\n/as module/ python TKSBrokerAPI.py [some options] [one command]\n/as CLI tool/ tksbrokerapi [some options] [one command]"
    -3025    # --- options:
    -3027    parser.add_argument("--no-cache", action="store_true", default=False, help="Option: not use local cache `dump.json`, but update raw instruments data when starting the program. `False` by default.")
    -3028    parser.add_argument("--token", type=str, help="Option: Tinkoff service's api key. If not set then used environment variable `TKS_API_TOKEN`. See how to use: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/token/")
    -3029    parser.add_argument("--account-id", type=str, default=None, help="Option: string with an user numeric account ID in Tinkoff Broker. It can be found in any broker's reports (see the contract number). Also, this variable can be set from environment variable `TKS_ACCOUNT_ID`.")
    -3031    parser.add_argument("--ticker", "-t", type=str, help="Option: instrument's ticker, e.g. `IBM`, `YNDX`, `GOOGL` etc. Use alias for `USD000UTSTOM` simple as `USD`, `EUR_RUB__TOM` as `EUR`.")
    -3032    parser.add_argument("--figi", "-f", type=str, help="Option: instrument's FIGI, e.g. `BBG006L8G4H1` (for `YNDX`).")
    -3034    parser.add_argument("--depth", type=int, default=1, help="Option: Depth of Market (DOM) can be >=1, 1 by default.")
    -3035    parser.add_argument("--no-cancelled", "--no-canceled", action="store_true", default=False, help="Option: remove information about cancelled operations from the deals report by the `--deals` key. `False` by default.")
    -3037    parser.add_argument("--output", type=str, default=None, help="Option: replace default paths to output files for some commands. If None then used default files.")
    -3039    # parser.add_argument("--length", type=int, default=24, help="Option: how many last candles returns for history. Used only with --history key.")
    -3040    # parser.add_argument("--interval", type=str, default="60", help="Option: available values are 1min, 2min, 3min, 5min, 10min, 15min, 30min, hour, day, week, month. Used only with `--history` key. This is time period used in 'interval' api parameter. Default: `--interval=60` that means 60 min for every history candles.")
    -3041    # parser.add_argument("--only-missing", action="store_true", default=False, help="Option: if history file define by `--output` key then add only last missing candles, do not request all history length. False by default.")
    -3043    parser.add_argument("--debug-level", "--verbosity", "-v", type=int, default=20, help="Option: showing STDOUT messages of minimal debug level, e.g. 10 = DEBUG, 20 = INFO, 30 = WARNING, 40 = ERROR, 50 = CRITICAL. INFO (20) by default.")
    -3045    # --- commands:
    -3047    parser.add_argument("--list", "-l", action="store_true", help="Action: get and print all available instruments and some information from broker server. Also, you can define `--output` key to save list of instruments to file, default: `instruments.md`.")
    -3048    parser.add_argument("--search", "-s", type=str, nargs=1, help="Action: search for an instruments by part of the name, ticker or FIGI. Also, you can define `--output` key to save results to file, default: `search-results.md`.")
    -3049    parser.add_argument("--info", "-i", action="store_true", help="Action: get information from broker server about instrument by it's ticker or FIGI. `--ticker` key or `--figi` key must be defined!")
    -3050    parser.add_argument("--price", action="store_true", help="Action: show actual price list for current instrument. Also, you can use --depth key. `--ticker` key or `--figi` key must be defined!")
    -3051    parser.add_argument("--prices", "-p", type=str, nargs="+", help="Action: get and print current prices for list of given instruments (by it's tickers or by FIGIs). WARNING! This is too long operation if you request a lot of instruments! Also, you can define `--output` key to save list of prices to file, default: `prices.md`.")
    -3053    parser.add_argument("--overview", "-o", action="store_true", help="Action: show all open positions, orders and some statistics. Also, you can define `--output` key to save this information to file, default: `overview.md`.")
    -3054    parser.add_argument("--deals", "-d", type=str, nargs="*", help="Action: show all deals between two given dates. Start day may be an integer number: -1, -2, -3 days ago. Also, you can use keywords: `today`, `yesterday` (-1), `week` (-7), `month` (-30) and `year` (-365). Dates format must be: `%%Y-%%m-%%d`, e.g. 2020-02-03. With `--no-cancelled` key information about cancelled operations will be removed from the deals report. Also, you can define `--output` key to save all deals to file, default: `deals.md`.")
    -3055    # parser.add_argument("--history", action="store_true", help="Action: get last (--length) history candles from past to current time with (--interval) values. Also, you can define `--output` key to save history candles to .csv-file.")
    -3057    parser.add_argument("--trade", nargs="*", help="Action: universal action to open market position for defined ticker or FIGI. You must specify 1-5 parameters: [direction `Buy` or `Sell`] [lots, >= 1] [take profit, >= 0] [stop loss, >= 0] [expiration date for TP/SL orders, Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`]. See examples in readme.")
    -3058    parser.add_argument("--buy", nargs="*", help="Action: immediately open BUY market position at the current price for defined ticker or FIGI. You must specify 0-4 parameters: [lots, >= 1] [take profit, >= 0] [stop loss, >= 0] [expiration date for TP/SL orders, Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`].")
    -3059    parser.add_argument("--sell", nargs="*", help="Action: immediately open SELL market position at the current price for defined ticker or FIGI. You must specify 0-4 parameters: [lots, >= 1] [take profit, >= 0] [stop loss, >= 0] [expiration date for TP/SL orders, Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`].")
    -3061    parser.add_argument("--order", nargs="*", help="Action: universal action to open limit or stop-order in any directions. You must specify 4-7 parameters: [direction `Buy` or `Sell`] [order type `Limit` or `Stop`] [lots] [target price] [maybe for stop-order: [limit price, >= 0] [stop type, Limit|SL|TP] [expiration date, Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`]]. See examples in readme.")
    -3062    parser.add_argument("--buy-limit", type=float, nargs=2, help="Action: open pending BUY limit-order (below current price). You must specify only 2 parameters: [lots] [target price] to open BUY limit-order. If you try to create `Buy` limit-order above current price then broker immediately open `Buy` market order, such as if you do simple `--buy` operation!")
    -3063    parser.add_argument("--sell-limit", type=float, nargs=2, help="Action: open pending SELL limit-order (above current price). You must specify only 2 parameters: [lots] [target price] to open SELL limit-order. If you try to create `Sell` limit-order below current price then broker immediately open `Sell` market order, such as if you do simple `--sell` operation!")
    -3064    parser.add_argument("--buy-stop", nargs="*", help="Action: open BUY stop-order. You must specify at least 2 parameters: [lots] [target price] to open BUY stop-order. In additional you can specify 3 parameters for stop-order: [limit price, >= 0] [stop type, Limit|SL|TP] [expiration date, Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`]. When current price will go up or down to target price value then broker opens a limit order. Stop loss order always executed by market price.")
    -3065    parser.add_argument("--sell-stop", nargs="*", help="Action: open SELL stop-order. You must specify at least 2 parameters: [lots] [target price] to open SELL stop-order. In additional you can specify 3 parameters for stop-order: [limit price, >= 0] [stop type, Limit|SL|TP] [expiration date, Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`]. When current price will go up or down to target price value then broker opens a limit order. Stop loss order always executed by market price.")
    -3066    # parser.add_argument("--buy-limit-order-grid", type=str, nargs="*", help="Action: open grid of pending BUY limit-orders (below current price). Parameters format: l(ots)=[L_int,...] p(rices)=[P_float,...]. Counts of values in lots and prices lists must be equals!")
    -3067    # parser.add_argument("--sell-limit-order-grid", type=str, nargs="*", help="Action: open grid of pending SELL limit-orders (above current price). Parameters format: l(ots)=[L_int,...] p(rices)=[P_float,...]. Counts of values in lots and prices lists must be equals!")
    -3069    parser.add_argument("--close-order", "--cancel-order", type=str, nargs=1, help="Action: close only one order by it's `orderId` or `stopOrderId`. You can find out the meaning of these IDs using the key `--overview`.")
    -3070    parser.add_argument("--close-orders", "--cancel-orders", type=str, nargs="+", help="Action: close one or list of orders by it's `orderId` or `stopOrderId`. You can find out the meaning of these IDs using the key `--overview`.")
    -3071    parser.add_argument("--close-trade", "--cancel-trade", action="store_true", help="Action: close only one position for instrument defined by `--ticker` key, including for currencies tickers.")
    -3072    parser.add_argument("--close-trades", "--cancel-trades", type=str, nargs="+", help="Action: close positions for list of tickers, including for currencies tickers.")
    -3073    parser.add_argument("--close-all", "--cancel-all", type=str, nargs="*", help="Action: close all available (not blocked) opened trades and orders, excluding for currencies. Also you can select one or more keywords case insensitive to specify trades type: `orders`, `shares`, `bonds`, `etfs` and `futures`, but not `currencies`. Currency positions you must closes manually using `--buy`, `--sell`, `--close-trade` or `--close-trades` operations.")
    -3075    cmdArgs = parser.parse_args()
    -3076    return cmdArgs
    -3079def Main(**kwargs):
    -3080    """
    -3081    Main function for work with Tinkoff Open API service. It realizes simple logic: get a lot of options and execute one command.
    -3083    See examples: https://tim55667757.github.io/TKSBrokerAPI/
    -3084    """
    -3085    args = Args(**kwargs) if kwargs else ParseArgs()  # get and parse command-line parameters or use **kwarg parameters
    -3087    if args.debug_level:
    -3088        uLogger.level = 10  # always debug level by default
    -3089        uLogger.handlers[0].level = args.debug_level  # level for STDOUT
    -3091    exitCode = 0
    -3092    start = datetime.now(tzutc())
    -3093    uLogger.debug("TKSBrokerAPI module started at: [{}] UTC, it is [{}] local time".format(
    -3094        start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    -3095        start.astimezone(tzlocal()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    -3096    ))
    -3098    # Init class for trading with Tinkoff Broker:
    -3099    server = TinkoffBrokerServer(
    -3100        token=args.token,
    -3101        accountId=args.account_id,
    -3102        iList=kwargs["instruments"] if kwargs and "instruments" in kwargs.keys() else None,  # re-use iList
    -3103        useCache=not args.no_cache,
    -3104    )
    -3106    try:
    -3107        # --- set some options:
    -3109        if args.ticker:
    -3110            if args.ticker in server.aliasesKeys:
    -3111                server.ticker = server.aliases[args.ticker]  # Replace some tickers with it's aliases
    -3113            else:
    -3114                server.ticker = args.ticker
    -3116        if args.figi:
    -3117            server.figi = args.figi
    -3119        if args.depth is not None:
    -3120            server.depth = args.depth
    -3122        # if args.length is not None:
    -3123        #     server.historyLength = args.length
    -3124        #
    -3125        # if args.interval is not None:
    -3126        #     server.historyInterval = args.interval
    -3128        # --- do one of commands:
    -3130        if args.list:
    -3131            if args.output is not None:
    -3132                server.instrumentsFile = args.output
    -3134            server.ShowInstrumentsInfo(showInstruments=True)
    -3136        elif args.search:
    -3137            if args.output is not None:
    -3138                server.searchResultsFile = args.output
    -3140            server.SearchInstruments(pattern=args.search[0], showResults=True)
    -3142        elif args.info:
    -3143            if not (args.ticker or args.figi):
    -3144                raise Exception("`--ticker` key or `--figi` key is required for this operation!")
    -3146            if args.ticker:
    -3147                server.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=True, showInfo=True, debug=False)  # show info and current prices by ticker name
    -3149            else:
    -3150                server.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True, showInfo=True, debug=False)  # show info and current prices by FIGI id
    -3152        elif args.price:
    -3153            if not (args.ticker or args.figi):
    -3154                raise Exception("`--ticker` key or `--figi` key is required for this operation!")
    -3156            server.GetCurrentPrices(showPrice=True)
    -3158        elif args.prices is not None:
    -3159            if args.output is not None:
    -3160                server.pricesFile = args.output
    -3162            server.GetListOfPrices(instruments=args.prices, showPrices=True)  # WARNING: too long wait for a lot of instruments prices
    -3164        elif args.overview:
    -3165            if args.output is not None:
    -3166                server.overviewFile = args.output
    -3168            server.Overview(showStatistics=True)
    -3170        elif args.deals is not None:
    -3171            if args.output is not None:
    -3172                server.reportFile = args.output
    -3174            if 0 <= len(args.deals) < 3:
    -3175                server.Deals(
    -3176                    start=args.deals[0] if len(args.deals) >= 1 else None,
    -3177                    end=args.deals[1] if len(args.deals) == 2 else None,
    -3178                    printDeals=True,  # Always show deals report in console
    -3179                    showCancelled=not args.no_cancelled,  # If --no-cancelled key then remove cancelled operations from the deals report. False by default.
    -3180                )
    -3182            else:
    -3183                raise Exception("You must specify 0-2 parameters: [DATE_START] [DATE_END]")
    -3185        # TODO: implement history download and view
    -3186        # elif args.history:
    -3187        #     if args.output is not None:
    -3188        #         server.historyFile = args.output
    -3189        #
    -3190        #     server.History(onlyMissing=args.only_missing)
    -3192        elif args.trade is not None:
    -3193            if 1 <= len(args.trade) <= 5:
    -3194                server.Trade(
    -3195                    operation=args.trade[0],
    -3196                    lots=int(args.trade[1]) if len(args.trade) >= 2 else 1,
    -3197                    tp=float(args.trade[2]) if len(args.trade) >= 3 else 0.,
    -3198                    sl=float(args.trade[3]) if len(args.trade) >= 4 else 0.,
    -3199                    expDate=args.trade[4] if len(args.trade) == 5 else "Undefined",
    -3200                )
    -3202            else:
    -3203                uLogger.error("You must specify 1-5 parameters to open trade: [direction `Buy` or `Sell`] [lots, >= 1] [take profit, >= 0] [stop loss, >= 0] [expiration date for TP/SL orders, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    -3205        elif args.buy is not None:
    -3206            if 0 <= len(args.buy) <= 4:
    -3207                server.Buy(
    -3208                    lots=int(args.buy[0]) if len(args.buy) >= 1 else 1,
    -3209                    tp=float(args.buy[1]) if len(args.buy) >= 2 else 0.,
    -3210                    sl=float(args.buy[2]) if len(args.buy) >= 3 else 0.,
    -3211                    expDate=args.buy[3] if len(args.buy) == 4 else "Undefined",
    -3212                )
    -3214            else:
    -3215                uLogger.error("You must specify 0-4 parameters to open buy position: [lots, >= 1] [take profit, >= 0] [stop loss, >= 0] [expiration date for TP/SL orders, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    -3217        elif args.sell is not None:
    -3218            if 0 <= len(args.sell) <= 4:
    -3219                server.Sell(
    -3220                    lots=int(args.sell[0]) if len(args.sell) >= 1 else 1,
    -3221                    tp=float(args.sell[1]) if len(args.sell) >= 2 else 0.,
    -3222                    sl=float(args.sell[2]) if len(args.sell) >= 3 else 0.,
    -3223                    expDate=args.sell[3] if len(args.sell) == 4 else "Undefined",
    -3224                )
    -3226            else:
    -3227                uLogger.error("You must specify 0-4 parameters to open sell position: [lots, >= 1] [take profit, >= 0] [stop loss, >= 0] [expiration date for TP/SL orders, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    -3229        elif args.order:
    -3230            if 4 <= len(args.order) <= 7:
    -3231                server.Order(
    -3232                    operation=args.order[0],
    -3233                    orderType=args.order[1],
    -3234                    lots=int(args.order[2]),
    -3235                    targetPrice=float(args.order[3]),
    -3236                    limitPrice=float(args.order[4]) if len(args.order) >= 5 else 0.,
    -3237                    stopType=args.order[5] if len(args.order) >= 6 else "Limit",
    -3238                    expDate=args.order[6] if len(args.order) == 7 else "Undefined",
    -3239                )
    -3241            else:
    -3242                uLogger.error("You must specify 4-7 parameters to open order: [direction `Buy` or `Sell`] [order type `Limit` or `Stop`] [lots] [target price] [maybe for stop-order: [limit price, >= 0] [stop type, Limit|SL|TP] [expiration date, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]]. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    -3244        elif args.buy_limit:
    -3245            server.BuyLimit(lots=int(args.buy_limit[0]), targetPrice=args.buy_limit[1])
    -3247        elif args.sell_limit:
    -3248            server.SellLimit(lots=int(args.sell_limit[0]), targetPrice=args.sell_limit[1])
    -3250        elif args.buy_stop:
    -3251            if 2 <= len(args.buy_stop) <= 7:
    -3252                server.BuyStop(
    -3253                    lots=int(args.buy_stop[0]),
    -3254                    targetPrice=float(args.buy_stop[1]),
    -3255                    limitPrice=float(args.buy_stop[2]) if len(args.buy_stop) >= 3 else 0.,
    -3256                    stopType=args.buy_stop[3] if len(args.buy_stop) >= 4 else "Limit",
    -3257                    expDate=args.buy_stop[4] if len(args.buy_stop) == 5 else "Undefined",
    -3258                )
    -3260            else:
    -3261                uLogger.error("You must specify 2-5 parameters for buy stop-order: [lots] [target price] [limit price, >= 0] [stop type, Limit|SL|TP] [expiration date, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    -3263        elif args.sell_stop:
    -3264            if 2 <= len(args.sell_stop) <= 7:
    -3265                server.SellStop(
    -3266                    lots=int(args.sell_stop[0]),
    -3267                    targetPrice=float(args.sell_stop[1]),
    -3268                    limitPrice=float(args.sell_stop[2]) if len(args.sell_stop) >= 3 else 0.,
    -3269                    stopType=args.sell_stop[3] if len(args.sell_stop) >= 4 else "Limit",
    -3270                    expDate=args.sell_stop[4] if len(args.sell_stop) == 5 else "Undefined",
    -3271                )
    -3273            else:
    -3274                uLogger.error("You must specify 2-5 parameters for sell stop-order: [lots] [target price] [limit price, >= 0] [stop type, Limit|SL|TP] [expiration date, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]. See: python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help")
    -3276        # elif args.buy_order_grid is not None:
    -3277        #     # TODO: update order grid work with api v2
    -3278        #     if len(args.buy_order_grid) == 2:
    -3279        #         orderParams = server.ParseOrderParameters(operation="Buy", **dict(kw.split('=') for kw in args.buy_order_grid))
    -3280        #
    -3281        #         for order in orderParams:
    -3282        #             server.Order(operation="Buy", lots=order["lot"], price=order["price"])
    -3283        #
    -3284        #     else:
    -3285        #         uLogger.error("To open grid of pending BUY limit-orders (below current price) you must specified 2 parameters: l(ots)=[L_int,...] p(rices)=[P_float,...]. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    -3286        #
    -3287        # elif args.sell_order_grid is not None:
    -3288        #     # TODO: update order grid work with api v2
    -3289        #     if len(args.sell_order_grid) >= 2:
    -3290        #         orderParams = server.ParseOrderParameters(operation="Sell", **dict(kw.split('=') for kw in args.sell_order_grid))
    -3291        #
    -3292        #         for order in orderParams:
    -3293        #             server.Order(operation="Sell", lots=order["lot"], price=order["price"])
    -3294        #
    -3295        #     else:
    -3296        #         uLogger.error("To open grid of pending SELL limit-orders (above current price) you must specified 2 parameters: l(ots)=[L_int,...] p(rices)=[P_float,...]. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    -3298        elif args.close_order is not None:
    -3299            server.CloseOrders(args.close_order)  # close only one order
    -3301        elif args.close_orders is not None:
    -3302            server.CloseOrders(args.close_orders)  # close list of orders
    -3304        elif args.close_trade:
    -3305            if not args.ticker:
    -3306                raise Exception("`--ticker` key is required for this operation!")
    -3308            server.CloseTrades([args.ticker])  # close only one trade
    -3310        elif args.close_trades is not None:
    -3311            server.CloseTrades(args.close_trades)  # close trades for list of tickers
    -3313        elif args.close_all is not None:
    -3314            server.CloseAll(*args.close_all)
    -3316        else:
    -3317            uLogger.error("There is no command to execute! One of the possible commands must be selected. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    -3318            raise Exception("There is no command to execute!")
    -3320    except Exception:
    -3321        exc = tb.format_exc().split("\n")
    -3323        for line in exc:
    -3324            if line:
    -3325                uLogger.debug(line)
    -3327        uLogger.debug("Unknown error occurred, open a ticket for this issue, please! https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues")
    -3328        exitCode = 255  # unknown error occurred, must be open a ticket for this issue
    -3330    finally:
    -3331        finish = datetime.now(tzutc())
    -3333        if exitCode == 0:
    -3334            uLogger.debug("All operations with Tinkoff Server using Open API are finished success (summary code is 0).")
    -3336        else:
    -3337            uLogger.error("TKSBrokerAPI module returns an error! See full debug log with key in run command `--debug-level 10`. Summary code: {}".format(exitCode))
    -3339        uLogger.debug("TKSBrokerAPI module work duration: [{}]".format(finish - start))
    -3340        uLogger.debug("TKSBrokerAPI module finished: [{}] UTC, it is [{}] local time".format(
    -3341            finish.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    -3342            finish.astimezone(tzlocal()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    -3343        ))
    -3345        if not kwargs:
    -3346            sys.exit(exitCode)
    -3348        else:
    -3349            return exitCode
    -3352if __name__ == "__main__":
    -3353    Main()
       1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    +   2# Author: Timur Gilmullin
    +   3
    +   4"""
    +   5**TKSBrokerAPI** is a python API to work with some methods of Tinkoff Open API using REST protocol.
    +   6It can view history, orders and market information. Also, you can open orders and trades.
    +   7
    +   8If you run this module as CLI program then it realizes simple logic: receiving a lot of options and execute one command.
    +   9**See examples**: https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/blob/master/README_EN.md#Usage-examples
    +  10
    +  11**Used constants are in the TKSEnums module**: https://tim55667757.github.io/TKSBrokerAPI/docs/tksbrokerapi/TKSEnums.html
    +  12
    +  13About Tinkoff Invest API: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/
    +  14
    +  15Tinkoff Invest API documentation: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/
    +  16"""
    +  17
    +  18# Copyright (c) 2022 Gilmillin Timur Mansurovich
    +  19#
    +  20# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    +  21# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    +  22# You may obtain a copy of the License at
    +  23#
    +  24#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    +  25#
    +  26# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    +  27# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    +  28# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    +  29# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    +  30# limitations under the License.
    +  31
    +  32
    +  33import sys
    +  34import os
    +  35from argparse import ArgumentParser
    +  36
    +  37from datetime import datetime, timedelta
    +  38from dateutil.tz import tzlocal, tzutc
    +  39from time import sleep
    +  40
    +  41import re
    +  42import json
    +  43import requests
    +  44from multiprocessing import cpu_count
    +  45from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
    +  46
    +  47import pandas as pd
    +  48
    +  49import UniLogger as uLog
    +  50import traceback as tb
    +  51
    +  52from TKSEnums import *  # a lot of constants from enums sections: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/
    +  53
    +  54
    +  55# --- Common technical parameters:
    +  56
    +  57uLogger = uLog.UniLogger
    +  58uLogger.level = 10  # debug level by default
    +  59uLogger.handlers[0].level = 20  # info level by default for STDOUT
    +  60
    +  61CPU_COUNT = cpu_count()  # host's real CPU count
    +  62CPU_USAGES = CPU_COUNT - 1 if CPU_COUNT > 1 else 1  # how many CPUs will be used for parallel calculations
    +  63uLogger.debug("Host CPU count: [{}]".format(CPU_COUNT))
    +  64
    +  65# --- Main constants:
    +  66
    +  67NANO = 0.000000001  # SI-constant nano = 10^-9
    +  68
    +  69
    +  70def NanoToFloat(units: str, nano: int) -> float:
    +  71    """
    +  72    Convert number in nano-view mode with string parameter `units` and integer parameter `nano` to float view. Examples:
    +  73
    +  74    `NanoToFloat(units="2", nano=500000000) -> 2.5`
    +  75
    +  76    `NanoToFloat(units="0", nano=50000000) -> 0.05`
    +  77
    +  78    :param units: integer string or integer parameter that represents the integer part of number
    +  79    :param nano: integer string or integer parameter that represents the fractional part of number
    +  80    :return: float view of number
    +  81    """
    +  82    return int(units) + int(nano) * NANO
    +  83
    +  84
    +  85def FloatToNano(number: float) -> dict:
    +  86    """
    +  87    Convert float number to nano-type view: dictionary with string `units` and integer `nano` parameters `{"units": "string", "nano": integer}`. Examples:
    +  88
    +  89    `FloatToNano(number=2.5) -> {"units": "2", "nano": 500000000}`
    +  90
    +  91    `FloatToNano(number=0.05) -> {"units": "0", "nano": 50000000}`
    +  92
    +  93    :param number: float number
    +  94    :return: nano-type view of number: `{"units": "string", "nano": integer}`
    +  95    """
    +  96    splitByPoint = str(number).split(".")
    +  97    frac = 0
    +  98
    +  99    if len(splitByPoint) > 1:
    + 100        if len(splitByPoint[1]) <= 9:
    + 101            frac = int("{}{}".format(
    + 102                int(splitByPoint[1]),
    + 103                "0" * (9 - len(splitByPoint[1])),
    + 104            ))
    + 105
    + 106    if (number < 0) and (frac > 0):
    + 107        frac = -frac
    + 108
    + 109    return {"units": str(int(number)), "nano": frac}
    + 110
    + 111
    + 112def GetDatesAsString(start: str = None, end: str = None) -> tuple:
    + 113    """
    + 114    Create tuple of date and time strings with timezone parsed from user-friendly date.
    + 115
    + 116    User dates format must be like: `%Y-%m-%d`, e.g. `2020-02-03` (3 Feb, 2020).
    + 117
    + 118    Example input: "2022-06-01" "2022-06-20" -> output: ("2022-06-01T00:00:00Z", "2022-06-20T23:59:59Z")
    + 119    An error exception will occur if input date has incorrect format.
    + 120
    + 121    If `start=None`, `end=None` then return dates from yesterday to the end of the day.
    + 122    If `start=some_date_1`, `end=None` then return dates from `some_date_1` to the end of the day.
    + 123    If `start=some_date_1`, `end=some_date_2` then return dates from start of `some_date_1` to end of `some_date_2`.
    + 124    Start day may be negative integer numbers: `-1`, `-2`, `-3` - how many days ago.
    + 125
    + 126    Also, you can use keywords for start if `end=None`:
    + 127    `today` (from 00:00:00 to the end of current day),
    + 128    `yesterday` (-1 day from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59),
    + 129    `week` (-7 day from 00:00:00 to the end of current day),
    + 130    `month` (-30 day from 00:00:00 to the end of current day),
    + 131    `year` (-365 day from 00:00:00 to the end of current day),
    + 132
    + 133    :return: tuple with 2 strings `(start, end)` dates in UTC ISO time format `%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ` for OpenAPI.
    + 134             See date and time format here: `TKSEnums.TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT`.
    + 135             Example: `("2022-06-01T00:00:00Z", "2022-06-20T23:59:59Z")`. Second string is the end of the last day.
    + 136    """
    + 137    uLogger.debug("Input start day is [{}] (UTC), end day is [{}] (UTC)".format(start, end))
    + 138    s = datetime.now(tzutc()).replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)  # start of the current day
    + 139    e = s.replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59, microsecond=0)  # end of the current day
    + 140
    + 141    # time between start and the end of the current day:
    + 142    if start is None or start.lower() == "today":
    + 143        pass
    + 144
    + 145    # from start of the last day to the end of the last day:
    + 146    elif start.lower() == "yesterday":
    + 147        s -= timedelta(days=1)
    + 148        e -= timedelta(days=1)
    + 149
    + 150    # week (-7 day from 00:00:00 to the end of the current day):
    + 151    elif start.lower() == "week":
    + 152        s -= timedelta(days=6)  # +1 current day already taken into account
    + 153
    + 154    # month (-30 day from 00:00:00 to the end of current day):
    + 155    elif start.lower() == "month":
    + 156        s -= timedelta(days=29)  # +1 current day already taken into account
    + 157
    + 158    # year (-365 day from 00:00:00 to the end of current day):
    + 159    elif start.lower() == "year":
    + 160        s -= timedelta(days=364)  # +1 current day already taken into account
    + 161
    + 162    # -N days ago to the end of current day:
    + 163    elif start.startswith('-') and start[1:].isdigit():
    + 164        s -= timedelta(days=abs(int(start)) - 1)  # +1 current day already taken into account
    + 165
    + 166    # dates between start day at 00:00:00 and the end of the last day at 23:59:59:
    + 167    else:
    + 168        s = datetime.strptime(start, "%Y-%m-%d").replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0, tzinfo=tzutc())
    + 169        e = datetime.strptime(end, "%Y-%m-%d").replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59, microsecond=0, tzinfo=tzutc()) if end is not None else e
    + 170
    + 171    # converting to UTC ISO time formatted with Z suffix for Tinkoff Open API:
    + 172    s = s.strftime(TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT)
    + 173    e = e.strftime(TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT)
    + 174
    + 175    uLogger.debug("Start day converted to UTC ISO format, with Z: [{}], and the end day: [{}]".format(s, e))
    + 176
    + 177    return s, e
    + 178
    + 179
    + 180class TinkoffBrokerServer:
    + 181    """
    + 182    This class implements methods to work with Tinkoff broker server.
    + 183
    + 184    Examples to work with API: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/
    + 185
    + 186    About `token`: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/token/
    + 187    """
    + 188    def __init__(self, token: str, accountId: str = None, iList: dict = None, useCache: bool = True) -> None:
    + 189        """
    + 190        Main class init.
    + 191
    + 192        :param token: Bearer token for Tinkoff Invest API. It can be set from environment variable `TKS_API_TOKEN`.
    + 193        :param accountId: string with user's numeric account ID in Tinkoff Broker. It can be found in broker's reports.
    + 194                          Also, this variable can be set from environment variable `TKS_ACCOUNT_ID`.
    + 195        :param iList: dictionary with raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server.
    + 196                      At first time, when class init, `Listing()` method auto-update this variable, or you can use dump file.
    + 197                      For future use, you can save this variable and use as `iList` to avoid permanent downloads
    + 198                      from the server. Also, you can try `DumpInstruments()` method.
    + 199        :param useCache: use default cache file `dump.json` with raw data to use instead of `iList` if `iList` set as `None`.
    + 200                         True by default. Cache is auto-update if new day has come.
    + 201                         If `iList` is not `None` then it value has higher priority than `dump.json` and `useCache`.
    + 202                         If you don't want to use cache and always updates raw data then set `useCache=False`.
    + 203        """
    + 204        if token is None or not token:
    + 205            try:
    + 206                self.token = r"{}".format(os.environ["TKS_API_TOKEN"])
    + 207                uLogger.debug("Bearer token for Tinkoff OpenApi set up from environment variable `TKS_API_TOKEN`. See https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/token/")
    + 208
    + 209            except KeyError:
    + 210                raise Exception("`--token` key or environment variable `TKS_API_TOKEN` is required! See https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/token/")
    + 211
    + 212        else:
    + 213            self.token = token  # highly priority than environment variable 'TKS_API_TOKEN'
    + 214            uLogger.debug("Bearer token for Tinkoff OpenApi set up from class variable `token`")
    + 215
    + 216        if accountId is None or not accountId:
    + 217            try:
    + 218                self.accountId = r"{}".format(os.environ["TKS_ACCOUNT_ID"])
    + 219                uLogger.debug("String with user's numeric account ID in Tinkoff Broker set up from environment variable `TKS_ACCOUNT_ID`")
    + 220
    + 221            except KeyError:
    + 222                uLogger.warning("`--account-id` key or environment variable `TKS_ACCOUNT_ID` undefined! Some of operations may be unavailable (overview, trading etc).")
    + 223
    + 224        else:
    + 225            self.accountId = accountId  # highly priority than environment variable 'TKS_ACCOUNT_ID'
    + 226            uLogger.debug("String with user's numeric account ID in Tinkoff Broker set up from class variable `accountId`")
    + 227
    + 228        self.aliases = TKS_TICKER_ALIASES
    + 229        """Some aliases instead official tickers. See `TKSEnums.TKS_TICKER_ALIASES`"""
    + 230
    + 231        self.aliasesKeys = self.aliases.keys()  # re-calc only first time at class init
    + 232        self.exclude = TKS_TICKERS_OR_FIGI_EXCLUDED  # some of tickets or FIGIs raised exception earlier when it sends to server, that is why we exclude there
    + 233
    + 234        self.ticker = ""
    + 235        """String with ticker, e.g. `GOOGL`. Use alias for `USD000UTSTOM` simple as `USD`, `EUR_RUB__TOM` as `EUR` etc. More tickers aliases here: `TKSEnums.TKS_TICKER_ALIASES`."""
    + 236
    + 237        self.figi = ""
    + 238        """String with FIGI, e.g. ticker `GOOGL` has FIGI `BBG009S39JX6`"""
    + 239
    + 240        self.depth = 1
    + 241        """Depth of Market (DOM) can be >= 1. Default: 1. It used with `--price` key to showing DOM with current prices for givens ticker or FIGI."""
    + 242
    + 243        self.server = r"https://invest-public-api.tinkoff.ru/rest"
    + 244        """Tinkoff REST API server for real trade operations. Default: https://invest-public-api.tinkoff.ru/rest
    + 245
    + 246        See also: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/#tinkoff-invest-api_1
    + 247        """
    + 248
    + 249        uLogger.debug("Broker API server: {}".format(self.server))
    + 250
    + 251        self.timeout = 15
    + 252        """Server operations timeout in seconds. Default: `15`"""
    + 253
    + 254        self.headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(self.token)}
    + 255        """Headers which send in every request to broker server. Default: `{"Content-Type": "application/json", "accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {your_token}"}`"""
    + 256
    + 257        self.body = None
    + 258        """Request body which send to broker server. Default: `None`"""
    + 259
    + 260        # remove after implemented: #45 Add selector of file types https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/45
    + 261        # self.outputFileType = None
    + 262        # """Switch of types for output files when `--output` key present. You can choose: `.md`, `.csv` and `.xlsx`. By default: `None`, it mean that default types will be used."""
    + 263
    + 264        self.historyFile = None
    + 265        """Full path to the output file where history candles will be saved or updated. Default: `None`, it mean that returns only pandas dataframe when you request `History()` method."""
    + 266
    + 267        self.instrumentsFile = "instruments.md"
    + 268        """Filename where full broker's instruments list will be saved. Default: `instruments.md`"""
    + 269
    + 270        self.searchResultsFile = "search-results.md"
    + 271        """Filename with all found instruments searched by part of its ticker, FIGI or name. Default: `search-results.md`"""
    + 272
    + 273        self.pricesFile = "prices.md"
    + 274        """Filename where prices of selected instruments will be saved. Default: `prices.md`"""
    + 275
    + 276        self.overviewFile = "overview.md"
    + 277        """Filename where current portfolio, open trades and orders will be saved. Default: `overview.md`"""
    + 278
    + 279        self.overviewDigestFile = "overview-digest.md"
    + 280        """Filename where short digest of the portfolio status will be saved. Default: `overview-digest.md`"""
    + 281
    + 282        self.overviewPositionsFile = "overview-positions.md"
    + 283        """Filename where only open positions, without everything else will be saved. Default: `overview-positions.md`"""
    + 284
    + 285        self.overviewOrdersFile = "overview-orders.md"
    + 286        """Filename where open limits and stop orders will be saved. Default: `overview-orders.md`"""
    + 287
    + 288        self.overviewAnalyticsFile = "overview-analytics.md"
    + 289        """Filename where only the analytics section and the distribution of the portfolio by various categories will be saved. Default: `overview-analytics.md`"""
    + 290
    + 291        self.reportFile = "deals.md"
    + 292        """Filename where history of deals and trade statistics will be saved. Default: `deals.md`"""
    + 293
    + 294        self.iListDumpFile = "dump.json"
    + 295        """Filename where raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures will be stored. Default: `dump.json`"""
    + 296
    + 297        self.iList = None  # init iList
    + 298        """Dictionary with raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server. Auto-updating.
    + 299        
    + 300        See also: `Listing()` and `DumpInstruments()`.
    + 301        """
    + 302
    + 303        # try to re-use raw instruments data saved as `iList` or try to load it from the dump file:
    + 304        if iList is not None and isinstance(iList, dict):
    + 305            uLogger.debug("Instruments raw data set up from given `iList` variable. Dump file not updated.")
    + 306
    + 307            self.iList = iList  # only used given iList, dump not updated
    + 308
    + 309        elif useCache:
    + 310            if os.path.exists(self.iListDumpFile):
    + 311                dumpTime = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(self.iListDumpFile)).astimezone(tzutc())  # dump modification date and time
    + 312                curTime = datetime.now(tzutc())
    + 313
    + 314                if (curTime.day > dumpTime.day) or (curTime.month > dumpTime.month) or (curTime.year > dumpTime.year):
    + 315                    uLogger.warning("Local cache may be outdated! It has last modified [{}] UTC. Updating from broker server, wait, please...".format(dumpTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
    + 316
    + 317                    self.DumpInstruments(forceUpdate=True)  # updating self.iList and dump file
    + 318
    + 319                else:
    + 320                    self.iList = json.load(open(self.iListDumpFile, mode="r", encoding="UTF-8"))  # load iList from dump
    + 321
    + 322                    uLogger.debug("Local cache with raw instruments data is used: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.iListDumpFile)))
    + 323                    uLogger.debug("Dump file was last modified [{}] UTC".format(dumpTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
    + 324
    + 325            else:
    + 326                uLogger.warning("Local cache with raw instruments data not exists! Creating new dump, wait, please...")
    + 327                self.DumpInstruments(forceUpdate=True)  # updating self.iList and creating default dump file
    + 328
    + 329        else:
    + 330            self.iList = self.Listing()  # request new raw instruments data from broker server
    + 331            self.DumpInstruments(forceUpdate=False)  # save updated info to default dump file
    + 332
    + 333    @staticmethod
    + 334    def _ParseJSON(rawData="{}", debug: bool = False) -> dict:
    + 335        """
    + 336        Parse JSON from response string.
    + 337
    + 338        :param rawData: this is a string with JSON-formatted text.
    + 339        :param debug: if `True` then print more debug information.
    + 340        :return: JSON (dictionary), parsed from server response string.
    + 341        """
    + 342        if debug:
    + 343            uLogger.debug("Raw text body:")
    + 344            uLogger.debug(rawData)
    + 345
    + 346        responseJSON = json.loads(rawData) if rawData else {}
    + 347
    + 348        if debug:
    + 349            uLogger.debug("JSON formatted:")
    + 350            for jsonLine in json.dumps(responseJSON, indent=4).split('\n'):
    + 351                uLogger.debug(jsonLine)
    + 352
    + 353        return responseJSON
    + 354
    + 355    def SendAPIRequest(self, url: str, reqType: str = "GET", retry: int = 3, pause: int = 5, debug: bool = False) -> dict:
    + 356        """
    + 357        Send GET or POST request to broker server and receive JSON object.
    + 358
    + 359        self.header: must be define with dictionary of headers.
    + 360        self.body: if define then used as request body. None by default.
    + 361        self.timeout: global request timeout, 15 seconds by default.
    + 362        :param url: url with REST request.
    + 363        :param reqType: send "GET" or "POST" request. "GET" by default.
    + 364        :param retry: how many times retry after first request if an error occurred.
    + 365        :param pause: sleep time in seconds between retries.
    + 366        :param debug: if `True` then print more debug information.
    + 367        :return: response JSON (dictionary) from broker.
    + 368        """
    + 369        if reqType not in ("GET", "POST"):
    + 370            raise Exception("You can define request type: 'GET' or 'POST'!")
    + 371
    + 372        if debug:
    + 373            uLogger.debug("Request parameters:")
    + 374            uLogger.debug("    - REST API URL: {}".format(url))
    + 375            uLogger.debug("    - request type: {}".format(reqType))
    + 376            uLogger.debug("    - headers: {}".format(str(self.headers).replace(self.token, "*** request token ***")))
    + 377            uLogger.debug("    - body: {}".format(self.body))
    + 378
    + 379        # fast hack to avoid all operations with some tickers/FIGI
    + 380        responseJSON = {}
    + 381        oK = True
    + 382        for item in self.exclude:
    + 383            if item in url:
    + 384                if debug:
    + 385                    uLogger.warning("Do not execute operations with list of this tickers/FIGI: {}".format(str(self.exclude)))
    + 386
    + 387                oK = False
    + 388                break
    + 389
    + 390        if oK:
    + 391            counter = 0
    + 392            response = None
    + 393            errMsg = ""
    + 394
    + 395            while not response and counter <= retry:
    + 396                if reqType == "GET":
    + 397                    response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers, data=self.body, timeout=self.timeout)
    + 398
    + 399                if reqType == "POST":
    + 400                    response = requests.post(url, headers=self.headers, data=self.body, timeout=self.timeout)
    + 401
    + 402                if debug:
    + 403                    uLogger.debug("Response:")
    + 404                    uLogger.debug("    - status code: {}".format(response.status_code))
    + 405                    uLogger.debug("    - reason: {}".format(response.reason))
    + 406                    uLogger.debug("    - body length: {}".format(len(response.text)))
    + 407
    + 408                # Error status codes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes
    + 409                if 400 <= response.status_code < 600:
    + 410                    errMsg = "[{}] {}".format(response.status_code, response.text)
    + 411                    uLogger.debug("    - not oK status code received: {}".format(errMsg))
    + 412                    counter += 1
    + 413
    + 414                    if counter <= retry:
    + 415                        uLogger.debug("Retry: [{}]. Wait until {} sec. and try again...".format(counter, pause))
    + 416                        sleep(pause)
    + 417
    + 418            responseJSON = self._ParseJSON(response.text)
    + 419
    + 420            if errMsg:
    + 421                uLogger.error("Not `oK` status received from broker server! See: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/errors/")
    + 422                uLogger.error("    - message: {}".format(errMsg))
    + 423                # raise Exception("Server returned an error! See full debug log. Also you can set debug=True in SendAPIRequest() and _ParseJSON() methods.")
    + 424
    + 425        return responseJSON
    + 426
    + 427    def _IUpdater(self, iType: str) -> tuple:
    + 428        """
    + 429        Request instrument by type from server. See available API methods for instruments:
    + 430        Currencies: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/InstrumentsService/InstrumentsService_Currencies
    + 431        Shares: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/InstrumentsService/InstrumentsService_Shares
    + 432        Bonds: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/InstrumentsService/InstrumentsService_Bonds
    + 433        Etfs: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/InstrumentsService/InstrumentsService_Etfs
    + 434        Futures: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/InstrumentsService/InstrumentsService_Futures
    + 435
    + 436        :param iType: type of the instrument, it must be one of supported types in TKS_INSTRUMENTS list.
    + 437        :return: tuple with iType name and list of available instruments of current type for defined user token.
    + 438        """
    + 439        result = []
    + 440
    + 441        if iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    + 442            uLogger.debug("Requesting available [{}] list. Wait, please...".format(iType))
    + 443
    + 444            # all instruments have the same body in API v2 requests:
    + 446            instrumentURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.InstrumentsService/{}".format(iType)
    + 447            result = self.SendAPIRequest(instrumentURL, reqType="POST", debug=False)["instruments"]
    + 448
    + 449        return iType, result
    + 450
    + 451    def _IWrapper(self, kwargs):
    + 452        """
    + 453        Wrapper runs instrument's update method `_IUpdater()`.
    + 454        It's a workaround for using multiprocessing with kwargs. See: https://stackoverflow.com/a/36799206
    + 455        """
    + 456        return self._IUpdater(**kwargs)
    + 457
    + 458    def Listing(self) -> dict:
    + 459        """
    + 460        Gets JSON with raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server.
    + 461
    + 462        :return: Dictionary with all available broker instruments: currencies, shares, bonds, etfs and futures.
    + 463        """
    + 464        uLogger.debug("Requesting all available instruments from broker for current user token. Wait, please...")
    + 465        uLogger.debug("CPU usages for parallel requests: [{}]".format(CPU_USAGES))
    + 466
    + 467        # this parameters insert to requests: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/InstrumentsService
    + 468        # iType is type of instrument, it must be one of supported types in TKS_INSTRUMENTS list.
    + 469        iParams = [{"iType": iType} for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS]
    + 470
    + 471        poolUpdater = ThreadPool(processes=CPU_USAGES)  # create pool for update instruments in parallel mode
    + 472        listing = poolUpdater.map(self._IWrapper, iParams)  # execute update operations
    + 473        poolUpdater.close()
    + 474
    + 475        # Dictionary with all broker instruments: shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures.
    + 476        # Next in this code: item[0] is "iType" and item[1] is list of available instruments from the result of _IUpdater() method
    + 477        iList = {item[0]: {instrument["ticker"]: instrument for instrument in item[1]} for item in listing}
    + 478
    + 479        # calculate minimum price increment (step) for all instruments and set up instrument's type:
    + 480        for iType in iList.keys():
    + 481            for ticker in iList[iType]:
    + 482                iList[iType][ticker]["type"] = iType
    + 483
    + 484                if "minPriceIncrement" in iList[iType][ticker].keys():
    + 485                    iList[iType][ticker]["step"] = NanoToFloat(
    + 486                        iList[iType][ticker]["minPriceIncrement"]["units"],
    + 487                        iList[iType][ticker]["minPriceIncrement"]["nano"],
    + 488                    )
    + 489
    + 490                else:
    + 491                    iList[iType][ticker]["step"] = 0  # hack to avoid empty value in some instruments, e.g. futures
    + 492
    + 493        return iList
    + 494
    + 495    def DumpInstruments(self, forceUpdate: bool = True) -> str:
    + 496        """
    + 497        Receives and returns actual raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server
    + 498        using `Listing()` method. If `iListDumpFile` string is not empty then also save information to this file.
    + 499
    + 500        :param forceUpdate: if `True` then at first updates data with `Listing()` method, otherwise just saves exist `iList`.
    + 501        :return: serialized JSON formatted `str` with full data of instruments, also saved to the `--output` file.
    + 502        """
    + 503        if self.iListDumpFile is None or not self.iListDumpFile:
    + 504            raise Exception("Output name of dump file must be defined!")
    + 505
    + 506        if not self.iList or forceUpdate:
    + 507            self.iList = self.Listing()
    + 508
    + 509        dump = json.dumps(self.iList, indent=4, sort_keys=False)
    + 510        with open(self.iListDumpFile, mode="w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    + 511            fH.write(dump)
    + 512
    + 513        uLogger.info("Instruments raw data were cached for future used: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.iListDumpFile)))
    + 514
    + 515        return dump
    + 516
    + 517    @staticmethod
    + 518    def ShowInstrumentInfo(iJSON: dict, printInfo: bool = False) -> str:
    + 519        """
    + 520        Show information about one instrument defined by json data and prints it in Markdown format.
    + 521
    + 522        :param iJSON: json data of instrument, e.g. in code `iJSON = self.iList["Shares"][self.ticker]`
    + 523        :param printInfo: if `True` then also printing information about instrument and its current price.
    + 524        :return: multilines text in Markdown format with information about one instrument.
    + 525        """
    + 526        splitLine = "|                                                         |                                                         |\n"
    + 527        infoText = ""
    + 528
    + 529        if iJSON is not None and iJSON and isinstance(iJSON, dict):
    + 530            info = [
    + 531                "# Information is actual at: [{}] (UTC)\n\n".format(datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")),
    + 532                "| Parameters                                              | Values                                                  |\n",
    + 533                "|---------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------|\n",
    + 534                "| Ticker:                                                 | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["ticker"]),
    + 535                "| Full name:                                              | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["name"]),
    + 536            ]
    + 537
    + 538            if "sector" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["sector"]:
    + 539                info.append("| Sector:                                                 | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["sector"]))
    + 540
    + 541            info.append("| Country of instrument:                                  | {:<55} |\n".format("{}{}".format(
    + 542                "({}) ".format(iJSON["countryOfRisk"]) if "countryOfRisk" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["countryOfRisk"] else "",
    + 543                iJSON["countryOfRiskName"] if "countryOfRiskName" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["countryOfRiskName"] else "",
    + 544            )))
    + 545
    + 546            info.extend([
    + 547                splitLine,
    + 548                "| FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier):          | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["figi"]),
    + 549                "| Exchange:                                               | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["exchange"]),
    + 550            ])
    + 551
    + 552            if "isin" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["isin"]:
    + 553                info.append("| ISIN (International Securities Identification Number):  | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["isin"]))
    + 554
    + 555            if "classCode" in iJSON.keys():
    + 556                info.append("| Class Code:                                             | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["classCode"]))
    + 557
    + 558            info.extend([
    + 559                splitLine,
    + 560                "| Current broker security trading status:                 | {:<55} |\n".format(TKS_TRADING_STATUSES[iJSON["tradingStatus"]]),
    + 561                "| Buy operations allowed:                                 | {:<55} |\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["buyAvailableFlag"] else "No"),
    + 562                "| Sale operations allowed:                                | {:<55} |\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["sellAvailableFlag"] else "No"),
    + 563                "| Short positions allowed:                                | {:<55} |\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["shortEnabledFlag"] else "No"),
    + 564            ])
    + 565
    + 566            info.append(splitLine)
    + 567
    + 568            if "type" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["type"]:
    + 569                info.append("| Type of the instrument:                                 | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["type"]))
    + 570
    + 571            if "futuresType" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["futuresType"]:
    + 572                info.append("| Futures type:                                           | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["futuresType"]))
    + 573
    + 574            if "ipoDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["ipoDate"]:
    + 575                info.append("| IPO date:                                               | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["ipoDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    + 576
    + 577            if "releasedDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["releasedDate"]:
    + 578                info.append("| Released date:                                          | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["releasedDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    + 579
    + 580            if "rebalancingFreq" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["rebalancingFreq"]:
    + 581                info.append("| Rebalancing frequency:                                  | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["rebalancingFreq"]))
    + 582
    + 583            if "focusType" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["focusType"]:
    + 584                info.append("| Focusing type:                                          | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["focusType"]))
    + 585
    + 586            if "assetType" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["assetType"]:
    + 587                info.append("| Asset type:                                             | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["assetType"]))
    + 588
    + 589            if "basicAsset" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["basicAsset"]:
    + 590                info.append("| Basic asset:                                            | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["basicAsset"]))
    + 591
    + 592            if "basicAssetSize" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["basicAssetSize"]:
    + 593                info.append("| Basic asset size:                                       | {:<55} |\n".format("{:.2f}".format(NanoToFloat(str(iJSON["basicAssetSize"]["units"]), iJSON["basicAssetSize"]["nano"]))))
    + 594
    + 595            if "isoCurrencyName" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["isoCurrencyName"]:
    + 596                info.append("| ISO currency name:                                      | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["isoCurrencyName"]))
    + 597
    + 598            if "currency" in iJSON.keys():
    + 599                info.append("| Payment currency:                                       | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["currency"]))
    + 600
    + 601            if "firstTradeDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["firstTradeDate"] != 0:
    + 602                info.append("| First trade date:                                       | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["firstTradeDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    + 603
    + 604            if "lastTradeDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["lastTradeDate"] != 0:
    + 605                info.append("| Last trade date:                                        | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["lastTradeDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    + 606
    + 607            if "expirationDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["expirationDate"] != 0:
    + 608                info.append("| Date of expiration:                                     | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["expirationDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    + 609
    + 610            if "stateRegDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["stateRegDate"] != 0:
    + 611                info.append("| State registration date:                                | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["stateRegDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    + 612
    + 613            if "placementDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["placementDate"] != 0:
    + 614                info.append("| Placement date:                                         | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["placementDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    + 615
    + 616            if "maturityDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["maturityDate"] != 0:
    + 617                info.append("| Maturity date:                                          | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["maturityDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    + 618
    + 619            if "perpetualFlag" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["perpetualFlag"]:
    + 620                info.append("| Perpetual bond:                                         | Yes                                                     |\n")
    + 621
    + 622            if "otcFlag" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["otcFlag"]:
    + 623                info.append("| Over-the-counter (OTC) securities:                      | Yes                                                     |\n")
    + 624
    + 625            if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds":
    + 626                info.append("| Bond issue (size / plan):                               | {:<55} |\n".format("{} / {}".format(iJSON["issueSize"], iJSON["issueSizePlan"])))
    + 627
    + 628                info.append("| Nominal price (100%):                                   | {:<55} |\n".format("{:.2f} {}".format(
    + 629                    NanoToFloat(str(iJSON["nominal"]["units"]), iJSON["nominal"]["nano"]),
    + 630                    iJSON["nominal"]["currency"],
    + 631                )))
    + 632
    + 633                if "floatingCouponFlag" in iJSON.keys():
    + 634                    info.append("| Floating coupon:                                        | {:<55} |\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["floatingCouponFlag"] else "No"))
    + 635
    + 636                if "amortizationFlag" in iJSON.keys():
    + 637                    info.append("| Amortization:                                           | {:<55} |\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["amortizationFlag"] else "No"))
    + 638
    + 639                if "couponQuantityPerYear" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["couponQuantityPerYear"]:
    + 640                    info.append("| Number of coupon payments per year:                     | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["couponQuantityPerYear"]))
    + 641
    + 642                if "aciValue" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["aciValue"]:
    + 643                    info.append("| Current ACI (Accrued Interest):                         | {:<55} |\n".format("{:.2f} {}".format(
    + 644                        NanoToFloat(str(iJSON["aciValue"]["units"]), iJSON["aciValue"]["nano"]),
    + 645                        iJSON["aciValue"]["currency"]
    + 646                    )))
    + 647
    + 648            if "currentPrice" in iJSON.keys():
    + 649                info.append(splitLine)
    + 650
    + 651                info.extend([
    + 652                    "| Previous close price of the instrument:                 | {:<55} |\n".format("{}{}".format(
    + 653                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] is not None else "N/A",
    + 654                        "% of nominal price" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    + 655                    )),
    + 656                    "| Last deal price of the instrument:                      | {:<55} |\n".format("{}{}".format(
    + 657                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] is not None else "N/A",
    + 658                        "% of nominal price" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    + 659                    )),
    + 660                    "| Changes between last deal price and last close  %       | {:<55} |\n".format("{:.2f}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"])),
    + 661                    "| Current limit price, min / max:                         | {:<55} |\n".format("{}{} / {}{}".format(
    + 662                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["limitDown"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["limitDown"] is not None else "N/A",
    + 663                        "%" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    + 664                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["limitUp"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["limitUp"] is not None else "N/A",
    + 665                        "%" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    + 666                    )),
    + 667                    "| Actual price, sell / buy:                               | {:<55} |\n".format("{}{} / {}{}".format(
    + 668                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["sell"][0]["price"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["sell"] else "N/A",
    + 669                        "%" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    + 670                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["buy"][0]["price"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["buy"] else "N/A",
    + 671                        "%" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else" {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    + 672                    )),
    + 673                ])
    + 674
    + 675            if "lot" in iJSON.keys():
    + 676                info.append("| Minimum lot to buy:                                     | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["lot"]))
    + 677
    + 678            if "step" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["step"] != 0:
    + 679                info.append("| Minimum price increment (step):                         | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["step"]))
    + 680
    + 681            infoText += "".join(info)
    + 682
    + 683            if printInfo:
    + 684                uLogger.info("Information about instrument: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}]\n{}".format(iJSON["ticker"], iJSON["figi"], infoText))
    + 685
    + 686            else:
    + 687                uLogger.debug("Information about instrument: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}]\n{}".format(iJSON["ticker"], iJSON["figi"], infoText))
    + 688
    + 689        return infoText
    + 690
    + 691    def SearchByTicker(self, requestPrice: bool = False, showInfo: bool = False, debug: bool = False) -> dict:
    + 692        """
    + 693        Search and return raw broker's information about instrument by it's ticker.
    + 694        `ticker` must be define! If debug=True then print all debug messages.
    + 695
    + 696        :param requestPrice: if `False` then do not request current price of instrument (because this is long operation).
    + 697        :param showInfo: if `False` then do not run `ShowInstrumentInfo()` method and do not print info to the console.
    + 698        :param debug: if `True` then print all debug console messages.
    + 699        :return: JSON formatted data with information about instrument.
    + 700        """
    + 701        tickerJSON = {}
    + 702        if debug:
    + 703            uLogger.debug("Searching information about instrument by it's ticker [{}] ...".format(self.ticker))
    + 704
    + 705        if not self.ticker:
    + 706            uLogger.warning("self.ticker variable is not be empty!")
    + 707
    + 708        else:
    + 709            if not self.iList:
    + 710                self.iList = self.Listing()
    + 711
    + 712            if self.ticker in self.iList["Shares"].keys():
    + 713                tickerJSON = self.iList["Shares"][self.ticker]
    + 714                if debug:
    + 715                    uLogger.debug("Ticker [{}] found in shares list".format(self.ticker))
    + 716
    + 717            elif self.ticker in self.iList["Currencies"].keys():
    + 718                tickerJSON = self.iList["Currencies"][self.ticker]
    + 719                if debug:
    + 720                    uLogger.debug("Ticker [{}] found in currencies list".format(self.ticker))
    + 721
    + 722            elif self.ticker in self.iList["Bonds"].keys():
    + 723                tickerJSON = self.iList["Bonds"][self.ticker]
    + 724                if debug:
    + 725                    uLogger.debug("Ticker [{}] found in bonds list".format(self.ticker))
    + 726
    + 727            elif self.ticker in self.iList["Etfs"].keys():
    + 728                tickerJSON = self.iList["Etfs"][self.ticker]
    + 729                if debug:
    + 730                    uLogger.debug("Ticker [{}] found in etfs list".format(self.ticker))
    + 731
    + 732            elif self.ticker in self.iList["Futures"].keys():
    + 733                tickerJSON = self.iList["Futures"][self.ticker]
    + 734                if debug:
    + 735                    uLogger.debug("Ticker [{}] found in futures list".format(self.ticker))
    + 736
    + 737        if tickerJSON:
    + 738            self.figi = tickerJSON["figi"]
    + 739
    + 740            if requestPrice:
    + 741                tickerJSON["currentPrice"] = self.GetCurrentPrices(showPrice=False)
    + 742
    + 743                if tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] is not None and tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] != 0 and tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] is not None:
    + 744                    tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"] = 100 * (tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] - tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]) / tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]
    + 745
    + 746                else:
    + 747                    tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"] = 0
    + 748
    + 749            if showInfo:
    + 750                self.ShowInstrumentInfo(iJSON=tickerJSON, printInfo=True)  # print info as Markdown text
    + 751
    + 752        else:
    + 753            if showInfo:
    + 754                uLogger.warning("Ticker [{}] not found in available broker instrument's list!".format(self.ticker))
    + 755
    + 756        return tickerJSON
    + 757
    + 758    def SearchByFIGI(self, requestPrice: bool = False, showInfo: bool = False, debug: bool = False) -> dict:
    + 759        """
    + 760        Search and return raw broker's information about instrument by it's FIGI.
    + 761        `figi` must be define! If debug=True then print all debug messages.
    + 762
    + 763        :param requestPrice: if `False` then do not request current price of instrument (it's long operation).
    + 764        :param showInfo: if `False` then do not run `ShowInstrumentInfo()` method and do not print info to the console.
    + 765        :param debug: if `True` then print all debug console messages.
    + 766        :return: JSON formatted data with information about instrument.
    + 767        """
    + 768        figiJSON = {}
    + 769        if debug:
    + 770            uLogger.debug("Searching information about instrument by it's FIGI [{}] ...".format(self.figi))
    + 771
    + 772        if not self.figi:
    + 773            uLogger.warning("self.figi variable is not be empty!")
    + 774
    + 775        else:
    + 776            if not self.iList:
    + 777                self.iList = self.Listing()
    + 778
    + 779            for item in self.iList["Shares"].keys():
    + 780                if self.figi == self.iList["Shares"][item]["figi"]:
    + 781                    figiJSON = self.iList["Shares"][item]
    + 782
    + 783                    if debug:
    + 784                        uLogger.debug("FIGI [{}] found in shares list".format(self.figi))
    + 785
    + 786                    break
    + 787
    + 788            if not figiJSON:
    + 789                for item in self.iList["Currencies"].keys():
    + 790                    if self.figi == self.iList["Currencies"][item]["figi"]:
    + 791                        figiJSON = self.iList["Currencies"][item]
    + 792
    + 793                        if debug:
    + 794                            uLogger.debug("FIGI [{}] found in currencies list".format(self.figi))
    + 795
    + 796                        break
    + 797
    + 798            if not figiJSON:
    + 799                for item in self.iList["Bonds"].keys():
    + 800                    if self.figi == self.iList["Bonds"][item]["figi"]:
    + 801                        figiJSON = self.iList["Bonds"][item]
    + 802
    + 803                        if debug:
    + 804                            uLogger.debug("FIGI [{}] found in bonds list".format(self.figi))
    + 805
    + 806                        break
    + 807
    + 808            if not figiJSON:
    + 809                for item in self.iList["Etfs"].keys():
    + 810                    if self.figi == self.iList["Etfs"][item]["figi"]:
    + 811                        figiJSON = self.iList["Etfs"][item]
    + 812
    + 813                        if debug:
    + 814                            uLogger.debug("FIGI [{}] found in etfs list".format(self.figi))
    + 815
    + 816                        break
    + 817
    + 818            if not figiJSON:
    + 819                for item in self.iList["Futures"].keys():
    + 820                    if self.figi == self.iList["Futures"][item]["figi"]:
    + 821                        figiJSON = self.iList["Futures"][item]
    + 822
    + 823                        if debug:
    + 824                            uLogger.debug("FIGI [{}] found in futures list".format(self.figi))
    + 825
    + 826                        break
    + 827
    + 828        if figiJSON:
    + 829            self.figi = figiJSON["figi"]
    + 830            self.ticker = figiJSON["ticker"]
    + 831
    + 832            if requestPrice:
    + 833                figiJSON["currentPrice"] = self.GetCurrentPrices(showPrice=False)
    + 834
    + 835                if figiJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] is not None and figiJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] != 0 and figiJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] is not None:
    + 836                    figiJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"] = 100 * (figiJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] - figiJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]) / figiJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]
    + 837
    + 838                else:
    + 839                    figiJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"] = 0
    + 840
    + 841            if showInfo:
    + 842                self.ShowInstrumentInfo(iJSON=figiJSON, printInfo=True)  # print info as Markdown text
    + 843
    + 844        else:
    + 845            if showInfo:
    + 846                uLogger.warning("FIGI [{}] not found in available broker instrument's list!".format(self.figi))
    + 847
    + 848        return figiJSON
    + 849
    + 850    def GetCurrentPrices(self, showPrice: bool = False) -> dict:
    + 851        """
    + 852        Get and show Depth of Market with current prices of the instrument. If an error occurred then returns an empty record:
    + 853        `{"buy": [], "sell": [], "limitUp": None, "limitDown": None, "lastPrice": None, "closePrice": None}`.
    + 854
    + 855        :param showPrice: if `True` then print DOM.
    + 856        :return: orders book dict with lists of current buy and sell prices: `{"buy": [{"price": x1, "quantity": y1, ...}], "sell": [....]}`.
    + 857        """
    + 858        prices = {"buy": [], "sell": [], "limitUp": 0, "limitDown": 0, "lastPrice": 0, "closePrice": 0}
    + 859
    + 860        if self.depth < 1:
    + 861            raise Exception("Depth of Market (DOM) must be >=1!")
    + 862
    + 863        if not (self.ticker or self.figi):
    + 864            raise Exception("self.ticker or self.figi variables must be defined!")
    + 865
    + 866        if self.ticker and not self.figi:
    + 867            instrumentByTicker = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=False)  # WARNING! requestPrice=False to avoid recursion!
    + 868            self.figi = instrumentByTicker["figi"] if instrumentByTicker else ""
    + 869
    + 870        if not self.ticker and self.figi:
    + 871            instrumentByFigi = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False)  # WARNING! requestPrice=False to avoid recursion!
    + 872            self.ticker = instrumentByFigi["ticker"] if instrumentByFigi else ""
    + 873
    + 874        if not self.figi:
    + 875            uLogger.error("FIGI is not determined!")
    + 876
    + 877        else:
    + 878            uLogger.debug("Requesting current prices for instrument with ticker [{}] and FIGI [{}]...".format(self.ticker, self.figi))
    + 879
    + 880            # REST API for request: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/MarketDataService/MarketDataService_GetOrderBook
    + 881            priceURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.MarketDataService/GetOrderBook"
    + 882            self.body = str({"figi": self.figi, "depth": self.depth})
    + 883            pricesResponse = self.SendAPIRequest(priceURL, reqType="POST")
    + 884
    + 885            if pricesResponse:
    + 886                # list of dicts with sellers orders:
    + 887                prices["buy"] = [{"price": NanoToFloat(item["price"]["units"], item["price"]["nano"]), "quantity": int(item["quantity"])} for item in pricesResponse["asks"]]
    + 888
    + 889                # list of dicts with buyers orders:
    + 890                prices["sell"] = [{"price": NanoToFloat(item["price"]["units"], item["price"]["nano"]), "quantity": int(item["quantity"])} for item in pricesResponse["bids"]]
    + 891
    + 892                # max price of instrument at this time:
    + 893                prices["limitUp"] = round(NanoToFloat(pricesResponse["limitUp"]["units"], pricesResponse["limitUp"]["nano"]), 6) if "limitUp" in pricesResponse.keys() else None
    + 894
    + 895                # min price of instrument at this time:
    + 896                prices["limitDown"] = round(NanoToFloat(pricesResponse["limitDown"]["units"], pricesResponse["limitDown"]["nano"]), 6) if "limitDown" in pricesResponse.keys() else None
    + 897
    + 898                # last price of deal with instrument:
    + 899                prices["lastPrice"] = NanoToFloat(pricesResponse["lastPrice"]["units"], pricesResponse["lastPrice"]["nano"]) if "lastPrice" in pricesResponse.keys() else 0
    + 900
    + 901                # last close price of instrument:
    + 902                prices["closePrice"] = NanoToFloat(pricesResponse["closePrice"]["units"], pricesResponse["closePrice"]["nano"]) if "closePrice" in pricesResponse.keys() else 0
    + 903
    + 904            else:
    + 905                uLogger.warning("Server return an empty or error response! See full log. Instrument: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}]".format(self.ticker, self.figi))
    + 906                uLogger.debug("Server response: {}".format(pricesResponse))
    + 907
    + 908            if showPrice:
    + 909                if prices["buy"] or prices["sell"]:
    + 910                    info = [
    + 911                        "Orders book actual at [{}] (UTC)\nTicker: [{}], FIGI: [{}], Depth of Market: [{}]\n".format(
    + 912                            datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    + 913                            self.ticker,
    + 914                            self.figi,
    + 915                            self.depth,
    + 916                        ),
    + 917                        uLog.sepShort, "\n",
    + 918                        " Orders of Buyers   | Orders of Sellers\n",
    + 919                        uLog.sepShort, "\n",
    + 920                        " Sell prices (vol.) | Buy prices (vol.)\n",
    + 921                        uLog.sepShort, "\n",
    + 922                    ]
    + 923
    + 924                    if not prices["buy"]:
    + 925                        info.append("                    | No orders!\n")
    + 926                        sumBuy = 0
    + 927
    + 928                    else:
    + 929                        sumBuy = sum([x["quantity"] for x in prices["buy"]])
    + 930                        maxMinSorted = sorted(prices["buy"], key=lambda k: k["price"], reverse=True)
    + 931                        for item in maxMinSorted:
    + 932                            info.append("                    | {} ({})\n".format(item["price"], item["quantity"]))
    + 933
    + 934                    if not prices["sell"]:
    + 935                        info.append("No orders!          |\n")
    + 936                        sumSell = 0
    + 937
    + 938                    else:
    + 939                        sumSell = sum([x["quantity"] for x in prices["sell"]])
    + 940                        for item in prices["sell"]:
    + 941                            info.append("{:>19} |\n".format("{} ({})".format(item["price"], item["quantity"])))
    + 942
    + 943                    info.extend([
    + 944                        uLog.sepShort, "\n",
    + 945                        "{:>19} | {}\n".format("Total sell: {}".format(sumSell), "Total buy: {}".format(sumBuy)),
    + 946                        uLog.sepShort, "\n",
    + 947                    ])
    + 948
    + 949                    infoText = "".join(info)
    + 950
    + 951                    uLogger.info("Current prices in order book:\n\n{}".format(infoText))
    + 952
    + 953                else:
    + 954                    uLogger.warning("Orders book is empty at this time! Instrument: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}]".format(self.ticker, self.figi))
    + 955
    + 956        return prices
    + 957
    + 958    def ShowInstrumentsInfo(self, showInstruments: bool = False) -> str:
    + 959        """
    + 960        This method get and show information about all available broker instruments.
    + 961        If `instrumentsFile` string is not empty then also save information to this file.
    + 962
    + 963        :param showInstruments: if `True` then print results to console, if `False` - print only to file.
    + 964        :return: multi-string with all available broker instruments
    + 965        """
    + 966        if not self.iList:
    + 967            self.iList = self.Listing()
    + 968
    + 969        info = [
    + 970            "# All available instruments from Tinkoff Broker server for current user token\n\n",
    + 971            "* **Actual on date:** [{} UTC]\n".format(datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")),
    + 972        ]
    + 973
    + 974        # add instruments count by type:
    + 975        for iType in self.iList.keys():
    + 976            info.append("* **{}:** [{}]\n".format(iType, len(self.iList[iType])))
    + 977
    + 978        headerLine = "| Ticker       | Full name                                                 | FIGI         | Cur | Lot     | Step       |\n"
    + 979        splitLine = "|--------------|-----------------------------------------------------------|--------------|-----|---------|------------|\n"
    + 980
    + 981        # generating info tables with all instruments by type:
    + 982        for iType in self.iList.keys():
    + 983            info.extend(["\n\n## {} available. Total: [{}]\n\n".format(iType, len(self.iList[iType])), headerLine, splitLine])
    + 984
    + 985            for instrument in self.iList[iType].keys():
    + 986                iName = self.iList[iType][instrument]["name"]  # instrument's name
    + 987                if len(iName) > 57:
    + 988                    iName = "{}...".format(iName[:54])  # right trim for a long string
    + 989    
    + 990                info.append("| {:<12} | {:<57} | {:<12} | {:<3} | {:<7} | {:<10} |\n".format(
    + 991                    self.iList[iType][instrument]["ticker"],
    + 992                    iName,
    + 993                    self.iList[iType][instrument]["figi"],
    + 994                    self.iList[iType][instrument]["currency"],
    + 995                    self.iList[iType][instrument]["lot"],
    + 996                    "{:.10f}".format(self.iList[iType][instrument]["step"]).rstrip("0").rstrip(".") if self.iList[iType][instrument]["step"] > 0 else 0,
    + 997                ))
    + 998
    + 999        infoText = "".join(info)
    +1001        if showInstruments:
    +1002            uLogger.info(infoText)
    +1004        if self.instrumentsFile:
    +1005            with open(self.instrumentsFile, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    +1006                fH.write(infoText)
    +1008            uLogger.info("All available instruments are saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.instrumentsFile)))
    +1010        return infoText
    +1012    def SearchInstruments(self, pattern: str, showResults: bool = False) -> dict:
    +1013        """
    +1014        This method search and show information about instruments by part of its ticker, FIGI or name.
    +1015        If `searchResultsFile` string is not empty then also save information to this file.
    +1017        :param pattern: string with part of ticker, FIGI or instrument's name.
    +1018        :param showResults: if `True` then print results to console, if `False` - return list of result only.
    +1019        :return: list of dictionaries with all found instruments.
    +1020        """
    +1021        if not self.iList:
    +1022            self.iList = self.Listing()
    +1024        searchResults = {iType: {} for iType in self.iList}  # same as iList but will contains only filtered instruments
    +1025        compiledPattern = re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE)
    +1027        for iType in self.iList:
    +1028            for instrument in self.iList[iType].values():
    +1029                searchResult = compiledPattern.search(" ".join(
    +1030                    [instrument["ticker"], instrument["figi"], instrument["name"]]
    +1031                ))
    +1033                if searchResult:
    +1034                    searchResults[iType][instrument["ticker"]] = instrument
    +1036        resultsLen = sum([len(searchResults[iType]) for iType in searchResults])
    +1037        info = [
    +1038            "# Search results\n\n",
    +1039            "* **Search pattern:** [{}]\n".format(pattern),
    +1040            "* **Found instruments:** [{}]\n\n".format(resultsLen),
    +1041            "**Note:** you can view info about found instruments with key `--info`, e.g.: `tksbrokerapi -t TICKER --info` or `tksbrokerapi -f FIGI --info`.\n"
    +1042        ]
    +1043        infoShort = info[:]
    +1045        headerLine = "| Type       | Ticker       | Full name                                                      | FIGI         |\n"
    +1046        splitLine = "|------------|--------------|----------------------------------------------------------------|--------------|\n"
    +1047        skippedLine = "| ...        | ...          | ...                                                            | ...          |\n"
    +1049        if resultsLen == 0:
    +1050            info.append("\nNo results\n")
    +1051            infoShort.append("\nNo results\n")
    +1052            uLogger.warning("No results. Try changing your search pattern.")
    +1054        else:
    +1055            for iType in searchResults:
    +1056                iTypeValuesCount = len(searchResults[iType].values())
    +1057                if iTypeValuesCount > 0:
    +1058                    info.extend(["\n### {}: [{}]\n\n".format(iType, iTypeValuesCount), headerLine, splitLine])
    +1059                    infoShort.extend(["\n### {}: [{}]\n\n".format(iType, iTypeValuesCount), headerLine, splitLine])
    +1061                    for instrument in searchResults[iType].values():
    +1062                        info.append("| {:<10} | {:<12} | {:<63}| {:<13}|\n".format(
    +1063                            instrument["type"],
    +1064                            instrument["ticker"],
    +1065                            "{}...".format(instrument["name"][:60]) if len(instrument["name"]) > 63 else instrument["name"],  # right trim for a long string
    +1066                            instrument["figi"],
    +1067                        ))
    +1069                    if iTypeValuesCount <= 5:
    +1070                        infoShort.extend(info[-iTypeValuesCount:])
    +1072                    else:
    +1073                        infoShort.extend(info[-5:])
    +1074                        infoShort.append(skippedLine)
    +1076        infoText = "".join(info)
    +1077        infoTextShort = "".join(infoShort)
    +1079        if showResults:
    +1080            uLogger.info(infoTextShort)
    +1081            uLogger.info("You can view info about found instruments with key `--info`, e.g.: `tksbrokerapi -t IBM --info` or `tksbrokerapi -f BBG000BLNNH6 --info`")
    +1083        if self.searchResultsFile:
    +1084            with open(self.searchResultsFile, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    +1085                fH.write(infoText)
    +1087            uLogger.info("Full search results were saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.searchResultsFile)))
    +1089        return searchResults
    +1091    def GetListOfPrices(self, instruments: list = None, showPrices: bool = False) -> list:
    +1092        """
    +1093        This method get, maybe show and return prices of list of instruments. WARNING! This is potential long operation!
    +1094        See limits: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/limits/
    +1095        If `pricesFile` string is not empty then also save information to this file.
    +1097        :param instruments: list of tickers or FIGIs.
    +1098        :param showPrices: if `True` then print to console, if `False` - print only to file.
    +1099        :return: list of instruments looks like this: `iList = [{some ticker info, "currentPrice": {current prices}}, {...}, ...]`
    +1100                 One item is dict returned by `SearchByTicker()` or `SearchByFIGI()` methods.
    +1101        """
    +1102        if instruments is None or not instruments:
    +1103            raise Exception("You must define some of tickers or FIGIs to request it's actual prices!")
    +1105        requestedInstruments = []
    +1106        for iName in instruments:
    +1107            if iName not in self.aliases.keys():
    +1108                if iName not in requestedInstruments:
    +1109                    requestedInstruments.append(iName)
    +1111            else:
    +1112                if iName not in requestedInstruments:
    +1113                    if self.aliases[iName] not in requestedInstruments:
    +1114                        requestedInstruments.append(self.aliases[iName])
    +1116        uLogger.debug("Requested instruments without duplicates of tickers and FIGIs: {}".format(requestedInstruments))
    +1118        onlyUniqueFIGIs = []
    +1119        for iName in requestedInstruments:
    +1120            self.ticker = iName
    +1121            iData = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=False)  # trying to find instrument by ticker
    +1123            if not iData:
    +1124                self.ticker = ""
    +1125                self.figi = iName
    +1127                iData = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False)  # trying to find instrument by FIGI
    +1129                if not iData:
    +1130                    self.figi = ""
    +1131                    uLogger.warning("Instrument [{}] not in list of available instruments for current token!".format(iName))
    +1133            if iData and iData["figi"] not in onlyUniqueFIGIs:
    +1134                onlyUniqueFIGIs.append(iData["figi"])
    +1136        uLogger.debug("Unique list of FIGIs: {}".format(onlyUniqueFIGIs))
    +1137        uLogger.debug("Requesting current prices from Tinkoff Broker server...")
    +1139        iList = []  # trying to get info and current prices about all unique instruments:
    +1140        for self.figi in onlyUniqueFIGIs:
    +1141            iData = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True)
    +1142            iList.append(iData)
    +1144        if showPrices:
    +1145            info = [
    +1146                "# Actual prices at: [{} UTC]\n\n".format(datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")),
    +1147                "| Ticker       | FIGI         | Type       | Prev. close | Last price  | Chg. %   | Day limits min/max  | Actual sell / buy   | Curr. |\n",
    +1148                "|--------------|--------------|------------|-------------|-------------|----------|---------------------|---------------------|-------|\n",
    +1149            ]
    +1151            for item in iList:
    +1152                info.append("| {:<12} | {:<12} | {:<10} | {:>11} | {:>11} | {:>7}% | {:>19} | {:>19} | {:<5} |\n".format(
    +1153                    item["ticker"],
    +1154                    item["figi"],
    +1155                    item["type"],
    +1156                    "{:.2f}".format(float(item["currentPrice"]["closePrice"])),
    +1157                    "{:.2f}".format(float(item["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"])),
    +1158                    "{}{:.2f}".format("+" if item["currentPrice"]["changes"] > 0 else "", float(item["currentPrice"]["changes"])),
    +1159                    "{} / {}".format(
    +1160                        item["currentPrice"]["limitDown"] if item["currentPrice"]["limitDown"] is not None else "N/A",
    +1161                        item["currentPrice"]["limitUp"] if item["currentPrice"]["limitUp"] is not None else "N/A",
    +1162                    ),
    +1163                    "{} / {}".format(
    +1164                        item["currentPrice"]["sell"][0]["price"] if item["currentPrice"]["sell"] else "N/A",
    +1165                        item["currentPrice"]["buy"][0]["price"] if item["currentPrice"]["buy"] else "N/A",
    +1166                    ),
    +1167                    item["currency"],
    +1168                ))
    +1170            infoText = "".join(info)
    +1172            if showPrices:
    +1173                uLogger.info("Only instruments with unique FIGIs are shown:\n{}".format(infoText))
    +1175            if self.pricesFile:
    +1176                with open(self.pricesFile, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    +1177                    fH.write(infoText)
    +1179                uLogger.info("Price list for all instruments saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.pricesFile)))
    +1181        return iList
    +1183    def RequestPortfolio(self) -> dict:
    +1184        """
    +1185        Requesting current actual user's portfolio.
    +1186        REST API for user portfolio: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetPortfolio
    +1188        :return: dictionary with user's portfolio.
    +1189        """
    +1190        uLogger.debug("Requesting current actual user's portfolio. Wait, please...")
    +1192        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId})
    +1193        portfolioURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OperationsService/GetPortfolio"
    +1194        rawPortfolio = self.SendAPIRequest(portfolioURL, reqType="POST")
    +1196        uLogger.debug("Records about user's portfolio successfully received")
    +1198        return rawPortfolio
    +1200    def RequestPositions(self) -> dict:
    +1201        """
    +1202        Requesting current open positions in currencies and instruments.
    +1203        REST API for open positions: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetPositions
    +1205        :return: dictionary with open positions by instruments.
    +1206        """
    +1207        uLogger.debug("Requesting current open positions in currencies and instruments. Wait, please...")
    +1209        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId})
    +1210        positionsURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OperationsService/GetPositions"
    +1211        rawPositions = self.SendAPIRequest(positionsURL, reqType="POST")
    +1213        uLogger.debug("Records about current open positions successfully received")
    +1215        return rawPositions
    +1217    def RequestPendingOrders(self) -> list:
    +1218        """
    +1219        Requesting current actual pending orders.
    +1220        REST API for pending (market) orders: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OrdersService/OrdersService_GetOrders
    +1222        :return: list of dictionaries with pending orders.
    +1223        """
    +1224        uLogger.debug("Requesting current actual pending orders. Wait, please...")
    +1226        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId})
    +1227        ordersURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OrdersService/GetOrders"
    +1228        rawOrders = self.SendAPIRequest(ordersURL, reqType="POST")["orders"]
    +1230        uLogger.debug("[{}] records about pending orders received".format(len(rawOrders)))
    +1232        return rawOrders
    +1234    def RequestStopOrders(self) -> list:
    +1235        """
    +1236        Requesting current actual stop orders.
    +1237        REST API for opened stop-orders: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/StopOrdersService/StopOrdersService_GetStopOrders
    +1239        :return: list of dictionaries with stop orders.
    +1240        """
    +1241        uLogger.debug("Requesting current actual stop orders. Wait, please...")
    +1243        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId})
    +1244        ordersURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.StopOrdersService/GetStopOrders"
    +1245        rawStopOrders = self.SendAPIRequest(ordersURL, reqType="POST")["stopOrders"]
    +1247        uLogger.debug("[{}] records about stop orders received".format(len(rawStopOrders)))
    +1249        return rawStopOrders
    +1251    def Overview(self, showStatistics: bool = False, details: str = "full") -> dict:
    +1252        """
    +1253        Get portfolio: all open positions, orders and some statistics for defined accountId.
    +1254        If `overviewFile`, `overviewDigestFile`, `overviewPositionsFile`, `overviewOrdersFile`, `overviewAnalyticsFile`
    +1255        are defined then also save information to file.
    +1257        :param showStatistics: if `False` then only dictionary returns, if `True` then show more debug information.
    +1258        :param details: how detailed should the information be? You should specify one of strings:
    +1259                        `full` - shows full available information about portfolio status (by default),
    +1260                        `positions` - shows only open positions,
    +1261                        `digest` - show a short digest of the portfolio status,
    +1262                        `analytics` - shows only the analytics section and the distribution of the portfolio by various categories,
    +1263                        `orders` - shows only sections of open limits and stop orders.
    +1264        :return: dictionary with client's raw portfolio and some statistics.
    +1265        """
    +1266        view = {
    +1267            "raw": {  # --- raw portfolio responses from broker with user portfolio data:
    +1268                "headers": {},  # list of dictionaries, response headers without "positions" section
    +1269                "Currencies": [],  # list of dictionaries, open trades with currencies from "positions" section
    +1270                "Shares": [],  # list of dictionaries, open trades with shares from "positions" section
    +1271                "Bonds": [],  # list of dictionaries, open trades with bonds from "positions" section
    +1272                "Etfs": [],  # list of dictionaries, open trades with etfs from "positions" section
    +1273                "Futures": [],  # list of dictionaries, open trades with futures from "positions" section
    +1274                "positions": {},  # raw response from broker: dictionary with current available or blocked currencies and instruments for client
    +1275                "orders": [],  # raw response from broker: list of dictionaries with all pending (market) orders
    +1276                "stopOrders": [],  # raw response from broker: list of dictionaries with all stop orders
    +1277                "currenciesCurrentPrices": {"rub": {"name": "Российский рубль", "currentPrice": 1.}},  # dict with prices of all currencies in RUB
    +1278            },
    +1279            "stat": {  # --- some statistics calculated using "raw" sections:
    +1280                "portfolioCostRUB": 0.,  # portfolio cost in RUB (Russian Rouble)
    +1281                "availableRUB": 0.,  # available rubles (without other currencies)
    +1282                "blockedRUB": 0.,  # blocked sum in Russian Rouble
    +1283                "totalChangesRUB": 0.,  # changes for all open trades in RUB
    +1284                "totalChangesPercentRUB": 0.,  # changes for all open trades in percents
    +1285                "allCurrenciesCostRUB": 0.,  # costs of all currencies (include rubles) in RUB
    +1286                "sharesCostRUB": 0.,  # costs of all shares in RUB
    +1287                "bondsCostRUB": 0.,  # costs of all bonds in RUB
    +1288                "etfsCostRUB": 0.,  # costs of all etfs in RUB
    +1289                "futuresCostRUB": 0.,  # costs of all futures in RUB
    +1290                "Currencies": [],  # list of dictionaries of all currencies statistics
    +1291                "Shares": [],  # list of dictionaries of all shares statistics
    +1292                "Bonds": [],  # list of dictionaries of all bonds statistics
    +1293                "Etfs": [],  # list of dictionaries of all etfs statistics
    +1294                "Futures": [],  # list of dictionaries of all futures statistics
    +1295                "orders": [],  # list of dictionaries of all pending (market) orders and it's parameters
    +1296                "stopOrders": [],  # list of dictionaries of all stop orders and it's parameters
    +1297                "blockedCurrencies": {},  # dict with blocked instruments and currencies, e.g. {"rub": 1291.87, "usd": 6.21}
    +1298                "blockedInstruments": {},  # dict with blocked  by FIGI, e.g. {}
    +1299                "funds": {},  # dict with free funds for trading (total - blocked), by all currencies, e.g. {"rub": {"total": 10000.99, "totalCostRUB": 10000.99, "free": 1234.56, "freeCostRUB": 1234.56}, "usd": {"total": 250.55, "totalCostRUB": 15375.80, "free": 125.05, "freeCostRUB": 7687.50}}
    +1300            },
    +1301            "analytics": {  # --- some analytics of portfolio:
    +1302                "distrByAssets": {},  # portfolio distribution by assets
    +1303                "distrByCompanies": {},  # portfolio distribution by companies
    +1304                "distrBySectors": {},  # portfolio distribution by sectors
    +1305                "distrByCurrencies": {},  # portfolio distribution by currencies
    +1306                "distrByCountries": {},  # portfolio distribution by countries
    +1307            }
    +1308        }
    +1310        details = details.lower()
    +1311        availableDetails = ["full", "positions", "digest", "analytics", "orders"]
    +1312        if details not in availableDetails:
    +1313            details = "full"
    +1314            uLogger.debug("Requested incorrect details! The `details` must be one of this strings: {}. Details parameter set to `full` be default.".format(availableDetails))
    +1316        uLogger.debug("Requesting portfolio of a client. Wait, please...")
    +1318        portfolioResponse = self.RequestPortfolio()  # current user's portfolio (dict)
    +1319        view["raw"]["positions"] = self.RequestPositions()  # current open positions by instruments (dict)
    +1320        view["raw"]["orders"] = self.RequestPendingOrders()  # current actual pending orders (list)
    +1321        view["raw"]["stopOrders"] = self.RequestStopOrders()  # current actual stop orders (list)
    +1323        # save response headers without "positions" section:
    +1324        for key in portfolioResponse.keys():
    +1325            if key != "positions":
    +1326                view["raw"]["headers"][key] = portfolioResponse[key]
    +1328            else:
    +1329                continue
    +1331        # Re-sorting and separating given raw instruments and currencies by type: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/operations/#operation
    +1332        # Type of instrument must be only one of supported types in TKS_INSTRUMENTS
    +1333        for item in portfolioResponse["positions"]:
    +1334            if item["instrumentType"] == "currency":
    +1335                self.figi = item["figi"]
    +1336                curr = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False)
    +1338                # current price of currency in RUB:
    +1339                view["raw"]["currenciesCurrentPrices"][curr["nominal"]["currency"]] = {
    +1340                    "name": curr["name"],
    +1341                    "currentPrice": NanoToFloat(
    +1342                        item["currentPrice"]["units"],
    +1343                        item["currentPrice"]["nano"]
    +1344                    ),
    +1345                }
    +1347                view["raw"]["Currencies"].append(item)
    +1349            elif item["instrumentType"] == "share":
    +1350                view["raw"]["Shares"].append(item)
    +1352            elif item["instrumentType"] == "bond":
    +1353                view["raw"]["Bonds"].append(item)
    +1355            elif item["instrumentType"] == "etf":
    +1356                view["raw"]["Etfs"].append(item)
    +1358            elif item["instrumentType"] == "futures":
    +1359                view["raw"]["Futures"].append(item)
    +1361            else:
    +1362                continue
    +1364        # how many volume of currencies (by ISO currency name) are blocked:
    +1365        for item in view["raw"]["positions"]["blocked"]:
    +1366            blocked = NanoToFloat(item["units"], item["nano"])
    +1367            if blocked > 0:
    +1368                view["stat"]["blockedCurrencies"][item["currency"]] = blocked
    +1370        # how many volume of instruments (by FIGI) are blocked:
    +1371        for item in view["raw"]["positions"]["securities"]:
    +1372            blocked = int(item["blocked"])
    +1373            if blocked > 0:
    +1374                view["stat"]["blockedInstruments"][item["figi"]] = blocked
    +1376        allBlocked = {**view["stat"]["blockedCurrencies"], **view["stat"]["blockedInstruments"]}
    +1378        if "rub" in allBlocked.keys():
    +1379            view["stat"]["blockedRUB"] = allBlocked["rub"]  # blocked rubles
    +1381        # --- saving current total amount in RUB of all currencies (with ruble), shares, bonds, etfs, futures and currencies:
    +1382        view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"] = NanoToFloat(portfolioResponse["totalAmountCurrencies"]["units"], portfolioResponse["totalAmountCurrencies"]["nano"])
    +1383        view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"] = NanoToFloat(portfolioResponse["totalAmountShares"]["units"], portfolioResponse["totalAmountShares"]["nano"])
    +1384        view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"] = NanoToFloat(portfolioResponse["totalAmountBonds"]["units"], portfolioResponse["totalAmountBonds"]["nano"])
    +1385        view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"] = NanoToFloat(portfolioResponse["totalAmountEtf"]["units"], portfolioResponse["totalAmountEtf"]["nano"])
    +1386        view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"] = NanoToFloat(portfolioResponse["totalAmountFutures"]["units"], portfolioResponse["totalAmountFutures"]["nano"])
    +1387        view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] = sum([
    +1388            view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"],
    +1389            view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"],
    +1390            view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"],
    +1391            view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"],
    +1392            view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"],
    +1393        ])
    +1395        # --- calculating some portfolio statistics:
    +1396        byComp = {}  # distribution by companies
    +1397        bySect = {}  # distribution by sectors
    +1398        byCurr = {}  # distribution by currencies (include RUB)
    +1399        unknownCountryName = "All other countries"  # default name for instruments without "countryOfRisk" and "countryOfRiskName"
    +1400        byCountry = {unknownCountryName: {"cost": 0, "percent": 0.}}  # distribution by countries (currencies are included in their countries)
    +1402        for item in portfolioResponse["positions"]:
    +1403            self.figi = item["figi"]
    +1404            instrument = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False)  # full raw info about instrument by FIGI
    +1406            if instrument:
    +1407                if item["instrumentType"] == "currency" and instrument["nominal"]["currency"] in allBlocked.keys():
    +1408                    blocked = allBlocked[instrument["nominal"]["currency"]]  # blocked volume of currency
    +1410                elif item["instrumentType"] != "currency" and item["figi"] in allBlocked.keys():
    +1411                    blocked = allBlocked[item["figi"]]  # blocked volume of other instruments
    +1413                else:
    +1414                    blocked = 0
    +1416                volume = NanoToFloat(item["quantity"]["units"], item["quantity"]["nano"])  # available volume of instrument
    +1417                lots = NanoToFloat(item["quantityLots"]["units"], item["quantityLots"]["nano"])  # available volume in lots of instrument
    +1418                direction = "Long" if lots >= 0 else "Short"  # direction of an instrument's position: short or long
    +1419                curPrice = NanoToFloat(item["currentPrice"]["units"], item["currentPrice"]["nano"])  # current instrument's price
    +1420                average = NanoToFloat(item["averagePositionPriceFifo"]["units"], item["averagePositionPriceFifo"]["nano"])  # current average position price
    +1421                profit = NanoToFloat(item["expectedYield"]["units"], item["expectedYield"]["nano"])  # expected profit at current moment
    +1422                currency = instrument["currency"] if (item["instrumentType"] == "share" or item["instrumentType"] == "etf" or item["instrumentType"] == "future") else instrument["nominal"]["currency"]  # currency name rub, usd, eur etc.
    +1423                cost = (curPrice + NanoToFloat(item["currentNkd"]["units"], item["currentNkd"]["nano"])) * volume  # current cost of all volume of instrument in basic asset
    +1424                baseCurrencyName = item["currentPrice"]["currency"]  # name of base currency (rub)
    +1425                countryName = "[{}] {}".format(instrument["countryOfRisk"], instrument["countryOfRiskName"]) if "countryOfRisk" in instrument.keys() and "countryOfRiskName" in instrument.keys() and instrument["countryOfRisk"] and instrument["countryOfRiskName"] else unknownCountryName
    +1426                costRUB = cost if item["instrumentType"] == "currency" else cost * view["raw"]["currenciesCurrentPrices"][currency]["currentPrice"]  # cost in rubles
    +1427                percentCostRUB = 100 * costRUB / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.  # instrument's part in percent of full portfolio cost
    +1429                statData = {
    +1430                    "figi": item["figi"],  # FIGI from REST API "GetPortfolio" method
    +1431                    "ticker": instrument["ticker"],  # ticker by FIGI
    +1432                    "currency": currency,  # currency name rub, usd, eur etc. for instrument price
    +1433                    "volume": volume,  # available volume of instrument
    +1434                    "lots": lots,  # volume in lots of instrument
    +1435                    "direction": direction,  # direction of an instrument's position: short or long
    +1436                    "blocked": blocked,  # blocked volume of currency or instrument
    +1437                    "currentPrice": curPrice,  # current instrument's price in basic asset
    +1438                    "average": average,  # current average position price
    +1439                    "cost": cost,  # current cost of all volume of instrument in basic asset
    +1440                    "baseCurrencyName": baseCurrencyName,  # name of base currency (rub)
    +1441                    "costRUB": costRUB,  # cost of instrument in ruble
    +1442                    "percentCostRUB": percentCostRUB,  # instrument's part in percent of full portfolio cost in RUB
    +1443                    "profit": profit,  # expected profit at current moment
    +1444                    "percentProfit": 100 * profit / (average * volume) if average != 0 and volume != 0 else 0,  # expected percents of profit at current moment for this instrument
    +1445                    "sector": instrument["sector"] if "sector" in instrument.keys() and instrument["sector"] else "other",
    +1446                    "name": instrument["name"] if "name" in instrument.keys() else "",  # human-readable names of instruments
    +1447                    "isoCurrencyName": instrument["isoCurrencyName"] if "isoCurrencyName" in instrument.keys() else "",  # ISO name for currencies only
    +1448                    "country": countryName,  # e.g. "[RU] Российская Федерация" or unknownCountryName
    +1449                    "step": instrument["step"],  # minimum price increment
    +1450                }
    +1452                # adding distribution by unique countries:
    +1453                if statData["country"] not in byCountry.keys():
    +1454                    byCountry[statData["country"]] = {"cost": costRUB, "percent": percentCostRUB}
    +1456                else:
    +1457                    byCountry[statData["country"]]["cost"] += costRUB
    +1458                    byCountry[statData["country"]]["percent"] += percentCostRUB
    +1460                if item["instrumentType"] != "currency":
    +1461                    # adding distribution by unique companies:
    +1462                    if statData["name"]:
    +1463                        if statData["name"] not in byComp.keys():
    +1464                            byComp[statData["name"]] = {"ticker": statData["ticker"], "cost": costRUB, "percent": percentCostRUB}
    +1466                        else:
    +1467                            byComp[statData["name"]]["cost"] += costRUB
    +1468                            byComp[statData["name"]]["percent"] += percentCostRUB
    +1470                    # adding distribution by unique sectors:
    +1471                    if statData["sector"] not in bySect.keys():
    +1472                        bySect[statData["sector"]] = {"cost": costRUB, "percent": percentCostRUB}
    +1474                    else:
    +1475                        bySect[statData["sector"]]["cost"] += costRUB
    +1476                        bySect[statData["sector"]]["percent"] += percentCostRUB
    +1478                # adding distribution by unique currencies:
    +1479                if currency not in byCurr.keys():
    +1480                    byCurr[currency] = {
    +1481                        "name": view["raw"]["currenciesCurrentPrices"][currency]["name"],
    +1482                        "cost": costRUB,
    +1483                        "percent": percentCostRUB
    +1484                    }
    +1486                else:
    +1487                    byCurr[currency]["cost"] += costRUB
    +1488                    byCurr[currency]["percent"] += percentCostRUB
    +1490                # saving statistics for every instrument:
    +1491                if item["instrumentType"] == "currency":
    +1492                    view["stat"]["Currencies"].append(statData)
    +1494                    # update dict with free funds for trading (total - blocked) by currencies
    +1495                    # e.g. {"rub": {"total": 10000.99, "totalCostRUB": 10000.99, "free": 1234.56, "freeCostRUB": 1234.56}, "usd": {"total": 250.55, "totalCostRUB": 15375.80, "free": 125.05, "freeCostRUB": 7687.50}}
    +1496                    view["stat"]["funds"][currency] = {
    +1497                        "total": volume,
    +1498                        "totalCostRUB": costRUB,  # total volume cost in rubles
    +1499                        "free": volume - blocked,
    +1500                        "freeCostRUB": costRUB * ((volume - blocked) / volume) if volume > 0 else 0,  # free volume cost in rubles
    +1501                    }
    +1503                elif item["instrumentType"] == "share":
    +1504                    view["stat"]["Shares"].append(statData)
    +1506                elif item["instrumentType"] == "bond":
    +1507                    view["stat"]["Bonds"].append(statData)
    +1509                elif item["instrumentType"] == "etf":
    +1510                    view["stat"]["Etfs"].append(statData)
    +1512                elif item["instrumentType"] == "Futures":
    +1513                    view["stat"]["Futures"].append(statData)
    +1515                else:
    +1516                    continue
    +1518        # total changes in Russian Ruble:
    +1519        view["stat"]["availableRUB"] = view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"] - sum([item["cost"] for item in view["stat"]["Currencies"]])  # available RUB without other currencies
    +1520        view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"] = NanoToFloat(view["raw"]["headers"]["expectedYield"]["units"], view["raw"]["headers"]["expectedYield"]["nano"]) if "expectedYield" in view["raw"]["headers"].keys() else 0.
    +1521        startCost = view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] / (1 + view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"] / 100)
    +1522        view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"] = view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] - startCost
    +1523        view["stat"]["funds"]["rub"] = {
    +1524            "total": view["stat"]["availableRUB"],
    +1525            "totalCostRUB": view["stat"]["availableRUB"],
    +1526            "free": view["stat"]["availableRUB"] - view["stat"]["blockedRUB"],
    +1527            "freeCostRUB": view["stat"]["availableRUB"] - view["stat"]["blockedRUB"],
    +1528        }
    +1530        # --- pending orders sector data:
    +1531        uniquePendingOrders = []
    +1532        uniquePendingOrdersFIGIs = []
    +1533        for item in view["raw"]["orders"]:
    +1534            if item["figi"] not in uniquePendingOrdersFIGIs:
    +1535                uniquePendingOrdersFIGIs.append(item["figi"])
    +1536                uniquePendingOrders.append(item)
    +1538        for item in uniquePendingOrders:
    +1539            self.figi = item["figi"]
    +1540            instrument = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True)  # full raw info about instrument by FIGI
    +1542            if instrument:
    +1543                action = TKS_ORDER_DIRECTIONS[item["direction"]]
    +1544                orderType = TKS_ORDER_TYPES[item["orderType"]]
    +1545                orderState = TKS_ORDER_STATES[item["executionReportStatus"]]
    +1546                orderDate = item["orderDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "").split(".")[0]  # date in UTC format, e.g. "2022-12-31T23:59:59.123456Z"
    +1548                # current instrument's price (last sellers order if buy, and last buyers order if sell):
    +1549                if item["direction"] == "ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY":
    +1550                    lastPrice = instrument["currentPrice"]["sell"][0]["price"] if instrument["currentPrice"]["sell"] else "N/A"
    +1552                else:
    +1553                    lastPrice = instrument["currentPrice"]["buy"][0]["price"] if instrument["currentPrice"]["buy"] else "N/A"
    +1555                # requested price for order execution:
    +1556                target = NanoToFloat(item["initialSecurityPrice"]["units"], item["initialSecurityPrice"]["nano"])
    +1558                # necessary changes in percent to reach target from current price:
    +1559                changes = 100 * (lastPrice - target) / target if lastPrice != "N/A" and target > 0 else 0
    +1561                view["stat"]["orders"].append({
    +1562                    "orderID": item["orderId"],  # orderId number parameter of current order
    +1563                    "figi": item["figi"],  # FIGI identification
    +1564                    "ticker": instrument["ticker"],  # ticker name by FIGI
    +1565                    "lotsRequested": item["lotsRequested"],  # requested lots value
    +1566                    "lotsExecuted": item["lotsExecuted"],  # how many lots are executed
    +1567                    "currentPrice": lastPrice,  # current instrument's price for defined action
    +1568                    "targetPrice": target,  # requested price for order execution in base currency
    +1569                    "baseCurrencyName": item["initialSecurityPrice"]["currency"],  # name of base currency
    +1570                    "percentChanges": changes,  # changes in percent to target from current price
    +1571                    "currency": item["currency"],  # instrument's currency name
    +1572                    "action": action,  # sell / buy / Unknown from TKS_ORDER_DIRECTIONS
    +1573                    "type": orderType,  # type of order from TKS_ORDER_TYPES
    +1574                    "status": orderState,  # order status from TKS_ORDER_STATES
    +1575                    "date": orderDate,  # string with order date and time from UTC format (without nano seconds part)
    +1576                })
    +1578        # --- stop orders sector data:
    +1579        uniqueStopOrders = []
    +1580        uniqueStopOrdersFIGIs = []
    +1581        for item in view["raw"]["stopOrders"]:
    +1582            if item["figi"] not in uniqueStopOrdersFIGIs:
    +1583                uniqueStopOrdersFIGIs.append(item["figi"])
    +1584                uniqueStopOrders.append(item)
    +1586        for item in uniqueStopOrders:
    +1587            self.figi = item["figi"]
    +1588            instrument = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True)  # full raw info about instrument by FIGI
    +1590            if instrument:
    +1591                action = TKS_STOP_ORDER_DIRECTIONS[item["direction"]]
    +1592                orderType = TKS_STOP_ORDER_TYPES[item["orderType"]]
    +1593                createDate = item["createDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "").split(".")[0]  # date in UTC format, e.g. "2022-12-31T23:59:59.123456Z"
    +1595                # hack: server response can't contain "expirationTime" key if it is not "Until date" type of stop order
    +1596                if "expirationTime" in item.keys():
    +1598                    expDate = item["expirationTime"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "").split(".")[0]
    +1600                else:
    +1604                # current instrument's price (last sellers order if buy, and last buyers order if sell):
    +1605                if item["direction"] == "STOP_ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY":
    +1606                    lastPrice = instrument["currentPrice"]["sell"][0]["price"] if instrument["currentPrice"]["sell"] else "N/A"
    +1608                else:
    +1609                    lastPrice = instrument["currentPrice"]["buy"][0]["price"] if instrument["currentPrice"]["buy"] else "N/A"
    +1611                # requested price when stop-order executed:
    +1612                target = NanoToFloat(item["stopPrice"]["units"], item["stopPrice"]["nano"])
    +1614                # price for limit-order, set up when stop-order executed:
    +1615                limit = NanoToFloat(item["price"]["units"], item["price"]["nano"])
    +1617                # necessary changes in percent to reach target from current price:
    +1618                changes = 100 * (lastPrice - target) / target if lastPrice != "N/A" and target > 0 else 0
    +1620                view["stat"]["stopOrders"].append({
    +1621                    "orderID": item["stopOrderId"],  # stopOrderId number parameter of current stop-order
    +1622                    "figi": item["figi"],  # FIGI identification
    +1623                    "ticker": instrument["ticker"],  # ticker name by FIGI
    +1624                    "lotsRequested": item["lotsRequested"],  # requested lots value
    +1625                    "currentPrice": lastPrice,  # current instrument's price for defined action
    +1626                    "targetPrice": target,  # requested price for stop-order execution in base currency
    +1627                    "limitPrice": limit,  # price for limit-order, set up when stop-order executed, 0 if market order
    +1628                    "baseCurrencyName": item["stopPrice"]["currency"],  # name of base currency
    +1629                    "percentChanges": changes,  # changes in percent to target from current price
    +1630                    "currency": item["currency"],  # instrument's currency name
    +1631                    "action": action,  # sell / buy / Unknown from TKS_STOP_ORDER_DIRECTIONS
    +1632                    "type": orderType,  # type of order from TKS_STOP_ORDER_TYPES
    +1633                    "expType": expType,  # expiration type of stop-order from TKS_STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPES
    +1634                    "createDate": createDate,  # string with created order date and time from UTC format (without nano seconds part)
    +1635                    "expDate": expDate,  # string with expiration order date and time from UTC format (without nano seconds part)
    +1636                })
    +1638        # --- calculating data for analytics section:
    +1639        # portfolio distribution by assets:
    +1640        view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"] = {
    +1641            "Ruble": {
    +1642                "uniques": 1,
    +1643                "cost": view["stat"]["availableRUB"],
    +1644                "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["availableRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    +1645            },
    +1646            "Currencies": {
    +1647                "uniques": len(view["stat"]["Currencies"]),  # all foreign currencies without RUB
    +1648                "cost": view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"] - view["stat"]["availableRUB"],
    +1649                "percent": 100 * (view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"] - view["stat"]["availableRUB"]) / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    +1650            },
    +1651            "Shares": {
    +1652                "uniques": len(view["stat"]["Shares"]),
    +1653                "cost": view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"],
    +1654                "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    +1655            },
    +1656            "Bonds": {
    +1657                "uniques": len(view["stat"]["Bonds"]),
    +1658                "cost": view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"],
    +1659                "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    +1660            },
    +1661            "Etfs": {
    +1662                "uniques": len(view["stat"]["Etfs"]),
    +1663                "cost": view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"],
    +1664                "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    +1665            },
    +1666            "Futures": {
    +1667                "uniques": len(view["stat"]["Futures"]),
    +1668                "cost": view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"],
    +1669                "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    +1670            },
    +1671        }
    +1673        # portfolio distribution by companies:
    +1674        view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"]["All money cash"] = {
    +1675            "ticker": "",
    +1676            "cost": view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"],
    +1677            "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    +1678        }
    +1679        view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"].update(byComp)
    +1681        # portfolio distribution by sectors:
    +1682        view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"]["All money cash"] = {
    +1683            "cost": view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"]["All money cash"]["cost"],
    +1684            "percent": view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"]["All money cash"]["percent"],
    +1685        }
    +1686        view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"].update(bySect)
    +1688        # portfolio distribution by currencies:
    +1689        view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"].update(byCurr)
    +1690        view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"]["rub"]["cost"] += view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"]["Ruble"]["cost"]
    +1691        view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"]["rub"]["percent"] += view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"]["Ruble"]["percent"]
    +1693        # portfolio distribution by countries:
    +1694        view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"].update(byCountry)
    +1696        # --- Prepare text statistics overview in human-readable:
    +1697        if showStatistics:
    +1698            # Whatever the value `details`, header not changes:
    +1699            info = [
    +1700                "# Client's portfolio\n\n",
    +1701                "* **Actual date:** [{} UTC]\n"
    +1702                "".format(datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")),
    +1703            ]
    +1705            if details in ["full", "positions", "digest"]:
    +1706                info.extend([
    +1707                    "* **Portfolio cost:** {:.2f} RUB\n".format(view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"]),
    +1708                    "* **Changes:** {}{:.2f} RUB ({}{:.2f}%)\n\n".format(
    +1709                        "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"] > 0 else "",
    +1710                        view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"],
    +1711                        "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"] > 0 else "",
    +1712                        view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"],
    +1713                    ),
    +1714                ])
    +1716            if details in ["full", "positions"]:
    +1717                info.extend([
    +1718                    "## Open positions\n\n",
    +1719                    "| Ticker [FIGI]               | Volume (blocked)                | Lots     | Curr. price  | Avg. price   | Current volume cost | Profit (%)                   |\n",
    +1720                    "|-----------------------------|---------------------------------|----------|--------------|--------------|---------------------|------------------------------|\n",
    +1721                    "| Ruble                       | {:>31} |          |              |              |                     |                              |\n".format(
    +1722                        "{:.2f} ({:.2f}) rub".format(
    +1723                            view["stat"]["availableRUB"],
    +1724                            view["stat"]["blockedRUB"],
    +1725                        )
    +1726                    )
    +1727                ])
    +1729                def _SplitStr(CostRUB: float = 0, typeStr: str = "", noTradeStr: str = "") -> list:
    +1730                    return [
    +1731                        "|                             |                                 |          |              |              |                     |                              |\n",
    +1732                        "| {:<27} |                                 |          |              |              | {:>19} |                              |\n".format(
    +1733                            noTradeStr if noTradeStr else typeStr,
    +1734                            "" if noTradeStr else "{:.2f} RUB".format(CostRUB),
    +1735                        ),
    +1736                    ]
    +1738                def _InfoStr(data: dict, showCurrencyName: bool = False) -> str:
    +1739                    return "| {:<27} | {:>31} | {:<8} | {:>12} | {:>12} | {:>19} | {:<28} |\n".format(
    +1740                        "{} [{}]".format(data["ticker"], data["figi"]),
    +1741                        "{:.2f} ({:.2f}) {}".format(
    +1742                            data["volume"],
    +1743                            data["blocked"],
    +1744                            data["currency"],
    +1745                        ) if showCurrencyName else "{:.0f} ({:.0f})".format(
    +1746                            data["volume"],
    +1747                            data["blocked"],
    +1748                        ),
    +1749                        "{:.4f}".format(data["lots"]) if showCurrencyName else "{:.0f}".format(data["lots"]),
    +1750                        "{:.2f} {}".format(data["currentPrice"], data["baseCurrencyName"]) if data["currentPrice"] > 0 else "n/a",
    +1751                        "{:.2f} {}".format(data["average"], data["baseCurrencyName"]) if data["average"] > 0 else "n/a",
    +1752                        "{:.2f} {}".format(data["cost"], data["baseCurrencyName"]),
    +1753                        "{}{:.2f} {} ({}{:.2f}%)".format(
    +1754                            "+" if data["profit"] > 0 else "",
    +1755                            data["profit"], data["baseCurrencyName"],
    +1756                            "+" if data["percentProfit"] > 0 else "",
    +1757                            data["percentProfit"],
    +1758                        ),
    +1759                    )
    +1761                # --- Show currencies section:
    +1762                if view["stat"]["Currencies"]:
    +1763                    info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"]["Currencies"]["cost"], typeStr="**Currencies:**"))
    +1764                    for item in view["stat"]["Currencies"]:
    +1765                        info.append(_InfoStr(item, showCurrencyName=True))
    +1767                else:
    +1768                    info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Currencies:** no trades"))
    +1770                # --- Show shares section:
    +1771                if view["stat"]["Shares"]:
    +1772                    info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"], typeStr="**Shares:**"))
    +1774                    for item in view["stat"]["Shares"]:
    +1775                        info.append(_InfoStr(item))
    +1777                else:
    +1778                    info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Shares:** no trades"))
    +1780                # --- Show bonds section:
    +1781                if view["stat"]["Bonds"]:
    +1782                    info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"], typeStr="**Bonds:**"))
    +1784                    for item in view["stat"]["Bonds"]:
    +1785                        info.append(_InfoStr(item))
    +1787                else:
    +1788                    info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Bonds:** no trades"))
    +1790                # --- Show etfs section:
    +1791                if view["stat"]["Etfs"]:
    +1792                    info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"], typeStr="**Etfs:**"))
    +1794                    for item in view["stat"]["Etfs"]:
    +1795                        info.append(_InfoStr(item))
    +1797                else:
    +1798                    info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Etfs:** no trades"))
    +1800                # --- Show futures section:
    +1801                if view["stat"]["Futures"]:
    +1802                    info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"], typeStr="**Futures:**"))
    +1804                    for item in view["stat"]["Futures"]:
    +1805                        info.append(_InfoStr(item))
    +1807                else:
    +1808                    info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Futures:** no trades"))
    +1810            if details in ["full", "orders"]:
    +1811                # --- Show pending orders section:
    +1812                if view["stat"]["orders"]:
    +1813                    info.extend([
    +1814                        "\n## Opened pending limit-orders: {}\n".format(len(view["stat"]["orders"])),
    +1815                        "\n| Ticker [FIGI]               | Order ID       | Lots (exec.) | Current price (% delta) | Target price  | Action    | Type      | Create date (UTC)       |\n",
    +1816                        "|-----------------------------|----------------|--------------|-------------------------|---------------|-----------|-----------|-------------------------|\n",
    +1817                    ])
    +1819                    for item in view["stat"]["orders"]:
    +1820                        info.append("| {:<27} | {:<14} | {:<12} | {:>23} | {:>13} | {:<9} | {:<9} | {:<23} |\n".format(
    +1821                            "{} [{}]".format(item["ticker"], item["figi"]),
    +1822                            item["orderID"],
    +1823                            "{} ({})".format(item["lotsRequested"], item["lotsExecuted"]),
    +1824                            "{} {} ({}{:.2f}%)".format(
    +1825                                "{}".format(item["currentPrice"]) if isinstance(item["currentPrice"], str) else "{:.2f}".format(float(item["currentPrice"])),
    +1826                                item["baseCurrencyName"],
    +1827                                "+" if item["percentChanges"] > 0 else "",
    +1828                                float(item["percentChanges"]),
    +1829                            ),
    +1830                            "{:.2f} {}".format(float(item["targetPrice"]), item["baseCurrencyName"]),
    +1831                            item["action"],
    +1832                            item["type"],
    +1833                            item["date"],
    +1834                        ))
    +1836                else:
    +1837                    info.append("\n## Total pending limit-orders: 0\n")
    +1839                # --- Show stop orders section:
    +1840                if view["stat"]["stopOrders"]:
    +1841                    info.extend([
    +1842                        "\n## Opened stop-orders: {}\n".format(len(view["stat"]["stopOrders"])),
    +1843                        "\n| Ticker [FIGI]               | Stop order ID                        | Lots   | Current price (% delta) | Target price  | Limit price   | Action    | Type        | Expire type  | Create date (UTC)   | Expiration (UTC)    |\n",
    +1844                        "|-----------------------------|--------------------------------------|--------|-------------------------|---------------|---------------|-----------|-------------|--------------|---------------------|---------------------|\n",
    +1845                    ])
    +1847                    for item in view["stat"]["stopOrders"]:
    +1848                        info.append("| {:<27} | {:<14} | {:<6} | {:>23} | {:>13} | {:>13} | {:<9} | {:<11} | {:<12} | {:<19} | {:<19} |\n".format(
    +1849                            "{} [{}]".format(item["ticker"], item["figi"]),
    +1850                            item["orderID"],
    +1851                            item["lotsRequested"],
    +1852                            "{} {} ({}{:.2f}%)".format(
    +1853                                "{}".format(item["currentPrice"]) if isinstance(item["currentPrice"], str) else "{:.2f}".format(float(item["currentPrice"])),
    +1854                                item["baseCurrencyName"],
    +1855                                "+" if item["percentChanges"] > 0 else "",
    +1856                                float(item["percentChanges"]),
    +1857                            ),
    +1858                            "{:.2f} {}".format(float(item["targetPrice"]), item["baseCurrencyName"]),
    +1859                            "{:.2f} {}".format(float(item["limitPrice"]), item["baseCurrencyName"]) if item["limitPrice"] and item["limitPrice"] != item["targetPrice"] else TKS_ORDER_TYPES["ORDER_TYPE_MARKET"],
    +1860                            item["action"],
    +1861                            item["type"],
    +1862                            item["expType"],
    +1863                            item["createDate"],
    +1864                            item["expDate"],
    +1865                        ))
    +1867                else:
    +1868                    info.append("\n## Total stop-orders: 0\n")
    +1870            if details in ["full", "analytics"]:
    +1871                # -- Show analytics section:
    +1872                if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0:
    +1873                    info.extend([
    +1874                        "\n# Analytics\n"
    +1875                        "\n* **Current total portfolio cost:** {:.2f} RUB\n".format(view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"]),
    +1876                        "* **Changes:** {}{:.2f} RUB ({}{:.2f}%)\n".format(
    +1877                            "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"] > 0 else "",
    +1878                            view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"],
    +1879                            "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"] > 0 else "",
    +1880                            view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"],
    +1881                        ),
    +1882                        "\n## Portfolio distribution by assets\n"
    +1883                        "\n| Type       | Uniques | Percent | Current cost       |\n",
    +1884                        "|------------|---------|---------|--------------------|\n",
    +1885                    ])
    +1887                    for key in view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"].keys():
    +1888                        if view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["cost"] > 0:
    +1889                            info.append("| {:<10} | {:<7} | {:<7} | {:<18} |\n".format(
    +1890                                key,
    +1891                                view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["uniques"],
    +1892                                "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["percent"]),
    +1893                                "{:.2f} rub".format(view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["cost"]),
    +1894                            ))
    +1896                    maxLenNames = 3 + max([len(company) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"]) for company in view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"].keys()])
    +1897                    info.extend([
    +1898                        "\n## Portfolio distribution by companies\n"
    +1899                        "\n| Company{} | Percent | Current cost       |\n".format(" " * (maxLenNames - 7)),
    +1900                        "|--------{}-|---------|--------------------|\n".format("-" * (maxLenNames - 7)),
    +1901                    ])
    +1903                    for company in view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"].keys():
    +1904                        if view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["cost"] > 0:
    +1905                            nameLen = 3 + len(company) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"])
    +1906                            info.append("| {} | {:<7} | {:<18} |\n".format(
    +1907                                "{}{}{}".format(
    +1908                                    "[{}] ".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"]) if view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"] else "",
    +1909                                    company,
    +1910                                    "" if nameLen == maxLenNames else "{}".format(" " * (maxLenNames - nameLen) if view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"] else " " * (maxLenNames - nameLen + 3)),
    +1911                                ),
    +1912                                "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["percent"]),
    +1913                                "{:.2f} rub".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["cost"]),
    +1914                            ))
    +1916                    maxLenSectors = max([len(sector) for sector in view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"].keys()])
    +1917                    info.extend([
    +1918                        "\n## Portfolio distribution by sectors\n"
    +1919                        "\n| Sector{} | Percent | Current cost       |\n".format(" " * (maxLenSectors - 6)),
    +1920                        "|-------{}-|---------|--------------------|\n".format("-" * (maxLenSectors - 6)),
    +1921                    ])
    +1923                    for sector in view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"].keys():
    +1924                        if view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"][sector]["cost"] > 0:
    +1925                            info.append("| {}{} | {:<7} | {:<18} |\n".format(
    +1926                                sector,
    +1927                                "" if len(sector) == maxLenSectors else " " * (maxLenSectors - len(sector)),
    +1928                                "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"][sector]["percent"]),
    +1929                                "{:.2f} rub".format(view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"][sector]["cost"]),
    +1930                            ))
    +1932                    maxLenMoney = 3 + max([len(currency) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][currency]["name"]) for currency in view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"].keys()])
    +1933                    info.extend([
    +1934                        "\n## Portfolio distribution by currencies\n"
    +1935                        "\n| Instruments currencies{} | Percent | Current cost       |\n".format(" " * (maxLenMoney - 22)),
    +1936                        "|-----------------------{}-|---------|--------------------|\n".format("-" * (maxLenMoney - 22)),
    +1937                    ])
    +1939                    for curr in view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"].keys():
    +1940                        if view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["cost"] > 0:
    +1941                            nameLen = 3 + len(curr) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["name"])
    +1942                            info.append("| {} | {:<7} | {:<18} |\n".format(
    +1943                                "[{}] {}{}".format(
    +1944                                    curr,
    +1945                                    view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["name"],
    +1946                                    "" if nameLen == maxLenMoney else " " * (maxLenMoney - nameLen),
    +1947                                ),
    +1948                                "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["percent"]),
    +1949                                "{:.2f} rub".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["cost"]),
    +1950                            ))
    +1952                    maxLenCountry = max(17, max([len(country) for country in view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"].keys()]))
    +1953                    info.extend([
    +1954                        "\n## Portfolio distribution by countries\n"
    +1955                        "\n| Assets by country{} | Percent | Current cost       |\n".format(" " * (maxLenCountry - 17)),
    +1956                        "|------------------{}-|---------|--------------------|\n".format("-" * (maxLenCountry - 17)),
    +1957                    ])
    +1959                    for country in view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"].keys():
    +1960                        if view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"][country]["cost"] > 0:
    +1961                            nameLen = len(country)
    +1962                            info.append("| {} | {:<7} | {:<18} |\n".format(
    +1963                                "{}{}".format(
    +1964                                    country,
    +1965                                    "" if nameLen == maxLenCountry else " " * (maxLenCountry - nameLen),
    +1966                                ),
    +1967                                "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"][country]["percent"]),
    +1968                                "{:.2f} rub".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"][country]["cost"]),
    +1969                            ))
    +1971            infoText = "".join(info)
    +1973            if showStatistics:
    +1974                uLogger.info(infoText)
    +1976            if details == "full" and self.overviewFile:
    +1977                filename = self.overviewFile
    +1979            elif details == "digest" and self.overviewDigestFile:
    +1980                filename = self.overviewDigestFile
    +1982            elif details == "positions" and self.overviewPositionsFile:
    +1983                filename = self.overviewPositionsFile
    +1985            elif details == "orders" and self.overviewOrdersFile:
    +1986                filename = self.overviewOrdersFile
    +1988            elif details == "analytics" and self.overviewAnalyticsFile:
    +1989                filename = self.overviewAnalyticsFile
    +1991            else:
    +1992                filename = ""
    +1994            if filename:
    +1995                with open(filename, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    +1996                    fH.write(infoText)
    +1998                uLogger.info("Client's portfolio is saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(filename)))
    +2000        return view
    +2002    def Deals(self, start: str = None, end: str = None, printDeals: bool = False, showCancelled: bool = True) -> tuple:
    +2003        """
    +2004        Returns history operations between two given dates.
    +2005        If `reportFile` string is not empty then also save human-readable report.
    +2006        Shows some statistical data of closed positions.
    +2008        :param start: see docstring in `GetDatesAsString()` method
    +2009        :param end: see docstring in `GetDatesAsString()` method
    +2010        :param printDeals: if `True` then also prints all records to the console.
    +2011        :param showCancelled: if `False` then remove information about cancelled operations from the deals report.
    +2012        :return: original list of dictionaries with history of deals records from API ("operations" key):
    +2013                 https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetOperations
    +2014                 and dictionary with custom stats: operations in different currencies, withdrawals, incomes etc.
    +2015        """
    +2016        startDate, endDate = GetDatesAsString(start, end)  # Example: ("2000-01-01T00:00:00Z", "2022-12-31T23:59:59Z")
    +2018        uLogger.debug("Requesting history of a client's operations. Wait, please...")
    +2020        # REST API for request: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetOperations
    +2021        dealsURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OperationsService/GetOperations"
    +2022        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId, "from": startDate, "to": endDate})
    +2023        ops = self.SendAPIRequest(dealsURL, reqType="POST")["operations"]  # list of dict: operations returns by broker
    +2024        customStat = {}  # custom statistics in additional to responseJSON
    +2026        # --- output report in human-readable format:
    +2027        if printDeals or self.reportFile:
    +2028            splitLine1 = "|                            |                               |                              |                      |                        |\n"  # Summary section
    +2029            splitLine2 = "|                     |              |              |            |           |                 |            |                                                                    |\n"  # Operations section
    +2030            nextDay = ""
    +2032            info = ["# Client's operations\n\n* **Period:** from [{}] to [{}]\n\n## Summary (operations executed only)\n\n".format(startDate.split("T")[0], endDate.split("T")[0])]
    +2034            if len(ops) > 0:
    +2035                customStat = {
    +2036                    "opsCount": 0,  # total operations count
    +2037                    "buyCount": 0,  # buy operations
    +2038                    "sellCount": 0,  # sell operations
    +2039                    "buyTotal": {"rub": 0.},  # Buy sums in different currencies
    +2040                    "sellTotal": {"rub": 0.},  # Sell sums in different currencies
    +2041                    "payIn": {"rub": 0.},  # Deposit brokerage account
    +2042                    "payOut": {"rub": 0.},  # Withdrawals
    +2043                    "divs": {"rub": 0.},  # Dividends income
    +2044                    "coupons": {"rub": 0.},  # Coupon's income
    +2045                    "brokerCom": {"rub": 0.},  # Service commissions
    +2046                    "serviceCom": {"rub": 0.},  # Service commissions
    +2047                    "marginCom": {"rub": 0.},  # Margin commissions
    +2048                    "allTaxes": {"rub": 0.},  # Sum of withholding taxes and corrections
    +2049                }
    +2051                # --- calculating statistics depends on operations type in TKS_OPERATION_TYPES:
    +2052                for item in ops:
    +2053                    if item["state"] == "OPERATION_STATE_EXECUTED":
    +2054                        payment = NanoToFloat(item["payment"]["units"], item["payment"]["nano"])
    +2056                        # count buy operations:
    +2057                        if "_BUY" in item["operationType"]:
    +2058                            customStat["buyCount"] += 1
    +2060                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["buyTotal"].keys():
    +2061                                customStat["buyTotal"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    +2063                            else:
    +2064                                customStat["buyTotal"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    +2066                        # count sell operations:
    +2067                        elif "_SELL" in item["operationType"]:
    +2068                            customStat["sellCount"] += 1
    +2070                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["sellTotal"].keys():
    +2071                                customStat["sellTotal"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    +2073                            else:
    +2074                                customStat["sellTotal"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    +2076                        # count incoming operations:
    +2077                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_INPUT"]:
    +2078                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["payIn"].keys():
    +2079                                customStat["payIn"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    +2081                            else:
    +2082                                customStat["payIn"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    +2084                        # count withdrawals operations:
    +2085                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_OUTPUT"]:
    +2086                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["payOut"].keys():
    +2087                                customStat["payOut"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    +2089                            else:
    +2090                                customStat["payOut"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    +2092                        # count dividends income:
    +2093                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_DIVIDEND", "OPERATION_TYPE_DIVIDEND_TRANSFER", "OPERATION_TYPE_DIV_EXT"]:
    +2094                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["divs"].keys():
    +2095                                customStat["divs"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    +2097                            else:
    +2098                                customStat["divs"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    +2100                        # count coupon's income:
    +2101                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_COUPON", "OPERATION_TYPE_BOND_REPAYMENT_FULL", "OPERATION_TYPE_BOND_REPAYMENT"]:
    +2102                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["coupons"].keys():
    +2103                                customStat["coupons"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    +2105                            else:
    +2106                                customStat["coupons"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    +2108                        # count broker commissions:
    +2109                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_BROKER_FEE", "OPERATION_TYPE_SUCCESS_FEE", "OPERATION_TYPE_TRACK_MFEE", "OPERATION_TYPE_TRACK_PFEE"]:
    +2110                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["brokerCom"].keys():
    +2111                                customStat["brokerCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    +2113                            else:
    +2114                                customStat["brokerCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    +2116                        # count service commissions:
    +2117                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_SERVICE_FEE"]:
    +2118                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["serviceCom"].keys():
    +2119                                customStat["serviceCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    +2121                            else:
    +2122                                customStat["serviceCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    +2124                        # count margin commissions:
    +2125                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_MARGIN_FEE"]:
    +2126                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["marginCom"].keys():
    +2127                                customStat["marginCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    +2129                            else:
    +2130                                customStat["marginCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    +2132                        # count withholding taxes:
    +2133                        elif "_TAX" in item["operationType"]:
    +2134                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["allTaxes"].keys():
    +2135                                customStat["allTaxes"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    +2137                            else:
    +2138                                customStat["allTaxes"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    +2140                        else:
    +2141                            continue
    +2143                customStat["opsCount"] += customStat["buyCount"] + customStat["sellCount"]
    +2145                # --- view "Actions" lines:
    +2146                info.extend([
    +2147                    "| 1                          | 2                             | 3                            | 4                    | 5                      |\n",
    +2148                    "|----------------------------|-------------------------------|------------------------------|----------------------|------------------------|\n",
    +2149                    "| **Actions:**               | Trades: {:<21} | Trading volumes:             |                      |                        |\n".format(customStat["opsCount"]),
    +2150                    "|                            |   Buy: {:<22} | {:<28} |                      |                        |\n".format(
    +2151                        "{} ({:.1f}%)".format(customStat["buyCount"], 100 * customStat["buyCount"] / customStat["opsCount"]) if customStat["opsCount"] != 0 else 0,
    +2152                        "  rub, buy: {:<16}".format("{:.2f}".format(customStat["buyTotal"]["rub"])) if customStat["buyTotal"]["rub"] != 0 else "  —",
    +2153                    ),
    +2154                    "|                            |   Sell: {:<21} | {:<28} |                      |                        |\n".format(
    +2155                        "{} ({:.1f}%)".format(customStat["sellCount"], 100 * customStat["sellCount"] / customStat["opsCount"]) if customStat["opsCount"] != 0 else 0,
    +2156                        "  rub, sell: {:<13}".format("+{:.2f}".format(customStat["sellTotal"]["rub"])) if customStat["sellTotal"]["rub"] != 0 else "  —",
    +2157                    ),
    +2158                ])
    +2160                opsKeys = sorted(list(set(list(customStat["buyTotal"].keys()) + list(customStat["sellTotal"].keys()))))
    +2161                for key in opsKeys:
    +2162                    if key == "rub":
    +2163                        continue
    +2165                    info.extend([
    +2166                        "|                            |                               | {:<28} |                      |                        |\n".format(
    +2167                            "  {}, buy: {:<16}".format(key, "{:.2f}".format(customStat["buyTotal"][key]) if key and key in customStat["buyTotal"].keys() and customStat["buyTotal"][key] != 0 else 0)
    +2168                        ),
    +2169                        "|                            |                               | {:<28} |                      |                        |\n".format(
    +2170                            "  {}, sell: {:<13}".format(key, "+{:.2f}".format(customStat["sellTotal"][key]) if key and key in customStat["sellTotal"].keys() and customStat["sellTotal"][key] != 0 else 0)
    +2171                        ),
    +2172                    ])
    +2174                info.append(splitLine1)
    +2176                def _InfoStr(data1: dict, data2: dict, data3: dict, data4: dict, cur: str = "") -> str:
    +2177                    return "|                            | {:<29} | {:<28} | {:<20} | {:<22} |\n".format(
    +2178                            "  {}: {}{:.2f}".format(cur, "+" if data1[cur] > 0 else "", data1[cur]) if cur and cur in data1.keys() and data1[cur] != 0 else "  —",
    +2179                            "  {}: {}{:.2f}".format(cur, "+" if data2[cur] > 0 else "", data2[cur]) if cur and cur in data2.keys() and data2[cur] != 0 else "  —",
    +2180                            "  {}: {}{:.2f}".format(cur, "+" if data3[cur] > 0 else "", data3[cur]) if cur and cur in data3.keys() and data3[cur] != 0 else "  —",
    +2181                            "  {}: {}{:.2f}".format(cur, "+" if data4[cur] > 0 else "", data4[cur]) if cur and cur in data4.keys() and data4[cur] != 0 else "  —",
    +2182                    )
    +2184                # --- view "Payments" lines:
    +2185                info.append("| **Payments:**              | Deposit on broker account:    | Withdrawals:                 | Dividends income:    | Coupons income:        |\n")
    +2186                paymentsKeys = sorted(list(set(list(customStat["payIn"].keys()) + list(customStat["payOut"].keys()) + list(customStat["divs"].keys()) + list(customStat["coupons"].keys()))))
    +2188                for key in paymentsKeys:
    +2189                    info.append(_InfoStr(customStat["payIn"], customStat["payOut"], customStat["divs"], customStat["coupons"], key))
    +2191                info.append(splitLine1)
    +2193                # --- view "Commissions and taxes" lines:
    +2194                info.append("| **Commissions and taxes:** | Broker commissions:           | Service commissions:         | Margin commissions:  | All taxes/corrections: |\n")
    +2195                comKeys = sorted(list(set(list(customStat["brokerCom"].keys()) + list(customStat["serviceCom"].keys()) + list(customStat["marginCom"].keys()) + list(customStat["allTaxes"].keys()))))
    +2197                for key in comKeys:
    +2198                    info.append(_InfoStr(customStat["brokerCom"], customStat["serviceCom"], customStat["marginCom"], customStat["allTaxes"], key))
    +2200                info.append(splitLine1)
    +2202                info.extend([
    +2203                    "\n## All operations{}\n\n".format("" if showCancelled else " (without cancelled status)"),
    +2204                    "| Date and time       | FIGI         | Ticker       | Asset      | Value     | Payment         | Status     | Operation type                                                     |\n",
    +2205                    "|---------------------|--------------|--------------|------------|-----------|-----------------|------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------|\n",
    +2206                ])
    +2208            else:
    +2209                info.append("Broker returned no operations during this period\n")
    +2211            # --- view "Operations" section:
    +2212            for item in ops:
    +2213                if not showCancelled and TKS_OPERATION_STATES[item["state"]] == TKS_OPERATION_STATES["OPERATION_STATE_CANCELED"]:
    +2214                    continue
    +2216                else:
    +2217                    self.figi = item["figi"] if item["figi"] else ""
    +2218                    payment = NanoToFloat(item["payment"]["units"], item["payment"]["nano"])
    +2219                    instrument = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False) if self.figi else {}
    +2221                    # group of deals during one day:
    +2222                    if nextDay and item["date"].split("T")[0] != nextDay:
    +2223                        info.append(splitLine2)
    +2224                        nextDay = ""
    +2226                    else:
    +2227                        nextDay = item["date"].split("T")[0]  # saving current day for splitting
    +2229                    info.append("| {:<19} | {:<12} | {:<12} | {:<10} | {:<9} | {:>15} | {:<10} | {:<66} |\n".format(
    +2230                        item["date"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "").split(".")[0],
    +2231                        self.figi if self.figi else "—",
    +2232                        instrument["ticker"] if instrument else "—",
    +2233                        instrument["type"] if instrument else "—",
    +2234                        item["quantity"] if int(item["quantity"]) > 0 else "—",
    +2235                        "{}{:.2f} {}".format("+" if payment > 0 else "", payment, item["payment"]["currency"]) if payment != 0 else "—",
    +2236                        TKS_OPERATION_STATES[item["state"]],
    +2237                        TKS_OPERATION_TYPES[item["operationType"]],
    +2238                    ))
    +2240            infoText = "".join(info)
    +2242            if printDeals:
    +2243                uLogger.info(infoText)
    +2245            if self.reportFile:
    +2246                with open(self.reportFile, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    +2247                    fH.write(infoText)
    +2249                uLogger.info("History of a client's operations are saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.reportFile)))
    +2251        return ops, customStat
    +2253    def History(self, start: str = None, end: str = None, interval: str = "hour", onlyMissing: bool = False,
    +2254                csvSep: str = ",", printCandles: bool = False,
    +2255                ) -> pd.DataFrame:
    +2256        """
    +2257        This method returns last history candles of the current instrument defined by `ticker` or `figi` (FIGI id).
    +2259        History returned between two given dates: `start` and `end`. Minimum requested date in the past is `1970-01-01`.
    +2260        Warning! Broker server used ISO UTC time by default.
    +2262        If `historyFile` is not `None` then method save history to file, otherwise return only pandas dataframe.
    +2263        Also, `historyFile` used to update history with `onlyMissing` parameter.
    +2265        :param start: see docstring in `GetDatesAsString()` method.
    +2266        :param end: see docstring in `GetDatesAsString()` method.
    +2267        :param interval: this is a candle interval. Current available values are `"1min"`, `"5min"`, `"15min"`,
    +2268                         `"hour"`, `"day"`. Default: `"hour"`.
    +2269        :param onlyMissing: if `True` then add only last missing candles, do not request all history length from `start`.
    +2270                            False by default. Warning! History appends only from last candle to current time
    +2271                            with always update last candle!
    +2272        :param csvSep: separator if .csv-file is used, `,` by default.
    +2273        :param printCandles: if `True` then also prints pandas dataframe to the console.
    +2274        :return: pandas dataframe with prices history. Headers of columns are defined by default:
    +2275                 `["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"]`.
    +2276        """
    +2277        strStartDate, strEndDate = GetDatesAsString(start, end)  # example: ("2020-01-01T00:00:00Z", "2022-12-31T23:59:59Z")
    +2278        headers = ["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"]  # sequence and names of column headers
    +2279        history = None  # empty pandas object for history
    +2281        if interval not in TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS.keys():
    +2282            raise Exception("Interval parameter must be string with current available values: `1min`, `5min`, `15min`, `hour` and `day`.")
    +2284        if not (self.ticker or self.figi):
    +2285            raise Exception("Ticker or FIGI must be defined!")
    +2287        if self.ticker and not self.figi:
    +2288            instrumentByTicker = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=False, debug=False)
    +2289            self.figi = instrumentByTicker["figi"] if instrumentByTicker else ""
    +2291        if self.figi and not self.ticker:
    +2292            instrumentByFIGI = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False, debug=False)
    +2293            self.ticker = instrumentByFIGI["ticker"] if instrumentByFIGI else ""
    +2295        dtStart = datetime.strptime(strStartDate, TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT).replace(tzinfo=tzutc())  # datetime object from start time string
    +2296        dtEnd = datetime.strptime(strEndDate, TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT).replace(tzinfo=tzutc())  # datetime object from end time string
    +2297        if interval.lower() != "day":
    +2298            dtEnd += timedelta(seconds=1)  # adds 1 sec for requests, because day end returned by `GetDatesAsString()` as 23:59:59
    +2300        delta = dtEnd - dtStart  # current UTC time minus last time in file
    +2301        deltaMinutes = delta.days * 1440 + delta.seconds // 60  # minutes between start and end dates
    +2303        # calculate history length in candles:
    +2304        length = deltaMinutes // TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][1]
    +2305        if deltaMinutes % TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][1] > 0:
    +2306            length += 1  # to avoid fraction time
    +2308        # calculate data blocks count:
    +2309        blocks = 1 if length < TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][2] else 1 + length // TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][2]
    +2311        uLogger.debug("Original requested time period in local time: from [{}] to [{}]".format(start, end))
    +2312        uLogger.debug("Requested time period is about from [{}] UTC to [{}] UTC".format(strStartDate, strEndDate))
    +2313        uLogger.debug("Calculated history length: [{}], interval: [{}]".format(length, interval))
    +2314        uLogger.debug("Data blocks, count: [{}], max candles in block: [{}]".format(blocks, TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][2]))
    +2315        uLogger.debug("Requesting history candlesticks, ticker: [{}], FIGI: [{}]. Wait, please...".format(self.ticker, self.figi))
    +2317        tempOld = None  # pandas object for old history, if --only-missing key present
    +2318        lastTime = None  # datetime object of last old candle in file
    +2320        if onlyMissing and self.historyFile is not None and self.historyFile and os.path.exists(self.historyFile):
    +2321            uLogger.debug("--only-missing key present, add only last missing candles...")
    +2322            uLogger.debug("History file will be updated: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.historyFile)))
    +2324            tempOld = pd.read_csv(self.historyFile, sep=csvSep, header=None, names=headers)
    +2326            tempOld["date"] = pd.to_datetime(tempOld["date"])  # load date "as is"
    +2327            tempOld["date"] = tempOld["date"].dt.strftime("%Y.%m.%d")  # convert date to string
    +2328            tempOld["time"] = pd.to_datetime(tempOld["time"])  # load time "as is"
    +2329            tempOld["time"] = tempOld["time"].dt.strftime("%H:%M")  # convert time to string
    +2331            # get last datetime object from last string in file or minus 1 delta if file is empty:
    +2332            if len(tempOld) > 0:
    +2333                lastTime = datetime.strptime(tempOld.date.iloc[-1] + " " + tempOld.time.iloc[-1], "%Y.%m.%d %H:%M").replace(tzinfo=tzutc())
    +2335            else:
    +2336                lastTime = dtEnd - timedelta(days=1)  # history file is empty, so last date set at -1 day
    +2338            tempOld = tempOld[:-1]  # always remove last old candle because it may be incompletely at the current time
    +2340        responseJSONs = []  # raw history blocks of data
    +2342        blockEnd = dtEnd
    +2343        for item in range(blocks):
    +2344            tail = length % TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][2] if item + 1 == blocks else TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][2]
    +2345            blockStart = blockEnd - timedelta(minutes=TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][1] * tail)
    +2347            uLogger.debug("[Block #{}/{}] time period: [{}] UTC - [{}] UTC".format(
    +2348                item + 1, blocks, blockStart.strftime(TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT), blockEnd.strftime(TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT),
    +2349            ))
    +2351            if blockStart == blockEnd:
    +2352                uLogger.debug("Skipped this zero-length block...")
    +2354            else:
    +2355                # REST API for request: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/MarketDataService/MarketDataService_GetCandles
    +2356                historyURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.MarketDataService/GetCandles"
    +2357                self.body = str({
    +2358                    "figi": self.figi,
    +2359                    "from": blockStart.strftime(TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT),
    +2360                    "to": blockEnd.strftime(TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT),
    +2361                    "interval": TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][0]
    +2362                })
    +2363                responseJSON = self.SendAPIRequest(historyURL, reqType="POST", retry=1, pause=1, debug=False)
    +2365                if "code" in responseJSON.keys():
    +2366                    uLogger.debug("An issue occurred and block #{}/{} is empty".format(item + 1, blocks))
    +2368                else:
    +2369                    if (start.lower() == "yesterday" or start == end) and interval == "day" and len(responseJSON["candles"]) > 1:
    +2370                        responseJSON["candles"] = responseJSON["candles"][:-1]  # removes last candle for "yesterday" request
    +2372                    responseJSONs = responseJSON["candles"] + responseJSONs  # add more old history behind newest dates
    +2374            blockEnd = blockStart
    +2376        printCount = len(responseJSONs)  # candles to show in console
    +2377        if responseJSONs:
    +2378            tempHistory = pd.DataFrame(
    +2379                data={
    +2380                    "date": [pd.to_datetime(item["time"]).astimezone(tzutc()) for item in responseJSONs],
    +2381                    "time": [pd.to_datetime(item["time"]).astimezone(tzutc()) for item in responseJSONs],
    +2382                    "open": [NanoToFloat(item["open"]["units"], item["open"]["nano"]) for item in responseJSONs],
    +2383                    "high": [NanoToFloat(item["high"]["units"], item["high"]["nano"]) for item in responseJSONs],
    +2384                    "low": [NanoToFloat(item["low"]["units"], item["low"]["nano"]) for item in responseJSONs],
    +2385                    "close": [NanoToFloat(item["close"]["units"], item["close"]["nano"]) for item in responseJSONs],
    +2386                    "volume": [int(item["volume"]) for item in responseJSONs],
    +2387                },
    +2388                index=range(len(responseJSONs)),
    +2389                columns=["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"],
    +2390            )
    +2391            tempHistory["date"] = tempHistory["date"].dt.strftime("%Y.%m.%d")
    +2392            tempHistory["time"] = tempHistory["time"].dt.strftime("%H:%M")
    +2394            # append only newest candles to old history if --only-missing key present:
    +2395            if onlyMissing and tempOld is not None and lastTime is not None:
    +2396                index = 0  # find start index in tempHistory data:
    +2398                for i, item in tempHistory.iterrows():
    +2399                    curTime = datetime.strptime(item["date"] + " " + item["time"], "%Y.%m.%d %H:%M").replace(tzinfo=tzutc())
    +2401                    if curTime == lastTime:
    +2402                        uLogger.debug("History will be updated starting from the date: [{}]".format(curTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
    +2403                        index = i
    +2404                        printCount = index + 1
    +2405                        break
    +2407                history = pd.concat([tempOld, tempHistory[index:]], ignore_index=True)
    +2409            else:
    +2410                history = tempHistory  # if no `--only-missing` key then load full data from server
    +2412            uLogger.debug("Last 3 rows of received history:\n{}".format(pd.DataFrame.to_string(history[["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"]][-3:], max_cols=20, index=False)))
    +2414        if printCandles and history is not None and not history.empty:
    +2415            uLogger.info("Here's requested history between [{}] UTC and [{}] UTC, not-empty candles count: [{}]\n{}".format(
    +2416                strStartDate.replace("T", " ").replace("Z", ""), strEndDate.replace("T", " ").replace("Z", ""), len(history[-printCount:]),
    +2417                pd.DataFrame.to_string(history[["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"]][-printCount:], max_cols=20, index=False),
    +2418            ))
    +2420        if self.historyFile is not None:
    +2421            if history is not None and not history.empty:
    +2422                history.to_csv(self.historyFile, sep=csvSep, index=False, header=None)
    +2423                uLogger.info("Ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], tf: [{}], history saved: [{}]".format(self.ticker, self.figi, interval, os.path.abspath(self.historyFile)))
    +2425            else:
    +2426                uLogger.warning("Empty history received! File NOT updated: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.historyFile)))
    +2428        else:
    +2429            uLogger.debug("--output key is not defined. Parsed history file not saved to file, only pandas dataframe returns.")
    +2431        return history
    +2433    def Trade(self, operation: str, lots: int = 1, tp: float = 0., sl: float = 0., expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    +2434        """
    +2435        Universal method to create market order and make deal at the current price. Returns JSON data with response.
    +2436        If `tp` or `sl` > 0, then in additional will opens stop-orders with "TP" and "SL" flags for `stopType` parameter.
    +2438        See also: `Order()` docstring. More simple methods than `Trade()` are `Buy()` and `Sell()`.
    +2440        :param operation: string "Buy" or "Sell".
    +2441        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    +2442        :param tp: float > 0, target price for stop-order with "TP" type. It used as take profit parameter `targetPrice` in `self.Order()`.
    +2443        :param sl: float > 0, target price for stop-order with "SL" type. It used as stop loss parameter `targetPrice` in `self.Order()`.
    +2444        :param expDate: string "Undefined" by default or local date in future,
    +2445                        it is a string with format `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    +2446        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    +2447        """
    +2448        if operation is None or not operation or operation not in ("Buy", "Sell"):
    +2449            raise Exception("You must define operation type only one of them: `Buy` or `Sell`!")
    +2451        if lots is None or lots < 1:
    +2452            uLogger.warning("You must define trade volume > 0: integer count of lots! For current operation lots reset to 1.")
    +2453            lots = 1
    +2455        if tp is None or tp < 0:
    +2456            tp = 0
    +2458        if sl is None or sl < 0:
    +2459            sl = 0
    +2461        if expDate is None or not expDate:
    +2462            expDate = "Undefined"
    +2464        if not (self.ticker or self.figi):
    +2465            raise Exception("`self.ticker` or `self.figi` variables must be defined!")
    +2467        instrument = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=True, debug=False) if self.ticker else self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True, debug=False)
    +2468        self.ticker = instrument["ticker"]
    +2469        self.figi = instrument["figi"]
    +2471        uLogger.debug("Opening [{}] market order: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], lots [{}], TP [{:.4f}], SL [{:.4f}], expiration date of TP/SL orders [{}]. Wait, please...".format(operation, self.ticker, self.figi, lots, tp, sl, expDate))
    +2473        openTradeURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OrdersService/PostOrder"
    +2474        self.body = str({
    +2475            "figi": self.figi,
    +2476            "quantity": str(lots),
    +2477            "direction": "ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY" if operation == "Buy" else "ORDER_DIRECTION_SELL",  # see: TKS_ORDER_DIRECTIONS
    +2478            "accountId": str(self.accountId),
    +2479            "orderType": "ORDER_TYPE_MARKET",  # see: TKS_ORDER_TYPES
    +2480        })
    +2481        response = self.SendAPIRequest(openTradeURL, reqType="POST", retry=0, debug=False)
    +2483        if "orderId" in response.keys():
    +2484            uLogger.info("[{}] market order [{}] was executed: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], lots [{}]. Total order price: [{:.4f} {}] (with commission: [{:.2f} {}]). Average price of lot: [{:.2f} {}]".format(
    +2485                operation, response["orderId"],
    +2486                self.ticker, self.figi, lots,
    +2487                NanoToFloat(response["totalOrderAmount"]["units"], response["totalOrderAmount"]["nano"]), response["totalOrderAmount"]["currency"],
    +2488                NanoToFloat(response["initialCommission"]["units"], response["initialCommission"]["nano"]), response["initialCommission"]["currency"],
    +2489                NanoToFloat(response["executedOrderPrice"]["units"], response["executedOrderPrice"]["nano"]), response["executedOrderPrice"]["currency"],
    +2490            ))
    +2492        else:
    +2493            uLogger.warning("Not `oK` status received! Market order not created. See full debug log or try again and open order later.")
    +2495        if tp > 0:
    +2496            self.Order(operation="Sell" if operation == "Buy" else "Buy", orderType="Stop", lots=lots, targetPrice=tp, limitPrice=tp, stopType="TP", expDate=expDate)
    +2498        if sl > 0:
    +2499            self.Order(operation="Sell" if operation == "Buy" else "Buy", orderType="Stop", lots=lots, targetPrice=sl, limitPrice=sl, stopType="SL", expDate=expDate)
    +2501        return response
    +2503    def Buy(self, lots: int = 1, tp: float = 0., sl: float = 0., expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    +2504        """
    +2505        More simple method than `Trade()`. Create `Buy` market order and make deal at the current price. Returns JSON data with response.
    +2506        If `tp` or `sl` > 0, then in additional will opens stop-orders with "TP" and "SL" flags for `stopType` parameter.
    +2508        See also: `Order()` and `Trade()` docstrings.
    +2510        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    +2511        :param tp: float > 0, take profit price of stop-order.
    +2512        :param sl: float > 0, stop loss price of stop-order.
    +2513        :param expDate: it's a local date in future.
    +2514                        String has a format like this: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    +2515        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    +2516        """
    +2517        return self.Trade(operation="Buy", lots=lots, tp=tp, sl=sl, expDate=expDate)
    +2519    def Sell(self, lots: int = 1, tp: float = 0., sl: float = 0., expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    +2520        """
    +2521        More simple method than `Trade()`. Create `Sell` market order and make deal at the current price. Returns JSON data with response.
    +2522        If `tp` or `sl` > 0, then in additional will opens stop-orders with "TP" and "SL" flags for `stopType` parameter.
    +2524        See also: `Order()` and `Trade()` docstrings.
    +2526        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    +2527        :param tp: float > 0, take profit price of stop-order.
    +2528        :param sl: float > 0, stop loss price of stop-order.
    +2529        :param expDate: it's a local date in future.
    +2530                        String has a format like this: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    +2531        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    +2532        """
    +2533        return self.Trade(operation="Sell", lots=lots, tp=tp, sl=sl, expDate=expDate)
    +2535    def CloseTrades(self, tickers: list, overview: dict = None) -> None:
    +2536        """
    +2537        Close position of given instruments.
    +2539        :param tickers: tickers list of instruments that must be closed.
    +2540        :param overview: pre-received dictionary with open trades, returned by `Overview()` method.
    +2541                         This avoids unnecessary downloading data from the server.
    +2542        """
    +2543        if not tickers:
    +2544            uLogger.info("Tickers list is empty, nothing to close.")
    +2546        else:
    +2547            if overview is None or not overview:
    +2548                overview = self.Overview(showStatistics=False)
    +2550            allOpenedTickers = [item["ticker"] for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS for item in overview["stat"][iType]]
    +2551            uLogger.debug("All opened instruments by it's tickers names: {}".format(allOpenedTickers))
    +2553            for ticker in tickers:
    +2554                if ticker not in allOpenedTickers:
    +2555                    uLogger.warning("Instrument with ticker [{}] not in open positions list!".format(ticker))
    +2556                    continue
    +2558                # search open trade info about instrument by ticker:
    +2559                instrument = {}
    +2560                for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    +2561                    if instrument:
    +2562                        break
    +2564                    for item in overview["stat"][iType]:
    +2565                        if item["ticker"] == ticker:
    +2566                            instrument = item
    +2567                            break
    +2569                if instrument:
    +2570                    self.ticker = ticker
    +2571                    self.figi = instrument["figi"]
    +2573                    uLogger.debug("Closing trade of instrument: ticker [{}], FIGI[{}], lots [{}]{}. Wait, please...".format(
    +2574                        self.ticker,
    +2575                        self.figi,
    +2576                        int(instrument["volume"]),
    +2577                        ", blocked [{}]".format(instrument["blocked"]) if instrument["blocked"] > 0 else "",
    +2578                    ))
    +2580                    tradeLots = abs(instrument["lots"]) - instrument["blocked"]  # available volumes in lots for close operation
    +2582                    if tradeLots > 0:
    +2583                        if instrument["blocked"] > 0:
    +2584                            uLogger.warning("Just for your information: there are [{}] lots blocked for instrument [{}]! Available only [{}] lots to closing trade.".format(
    +2585                                instrument["blocked"],
    +2586                                self.ticker,
    +2587                                tradeLots,
    +2588                            ))
    +2590                        # if direction is "Long" then we need sell, if direction is "Short" then we need buy:
    +2591                        self.Trade(operation="Sell" if instrument["direction"] == "Long" else "Buy", lots=tradeLots)
    +2593                    else:
    +2594                        uLogger.warning("There are no available lots for instrument [{}] to closing trade at this moment! Try again later or cancel some orders.".format(self.ticker))
    +2596    def CloseAllTrades(self, iType: str, overview: dict = None) -> None:
    +2597        """
    +2598        Close all positions of given instruments with defined type.
    +2600        :param iType: type of the instruments that be closed, it must be one of supported types in TKS_INSTRUMENTS list.
    +2601        :param overview: pre-received dictionary with open trades, returned by `Overview()` method.
    +2602                         This avoids unnecessary downloading data from the server.
    +2603        """
    +2604        if iType not in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    +2605            uLogger.warning("Type of the instrument must be one of supported types: {}. Given: [{}]".format(", ".join(TKS_INSTRUMENTS), iType))
    +2607        else:
    +2608            if overview is None or not overview:
    +2609                overview = self.Overview(showStatistics=False)
    +2611            tickers = [item["ticker"] for item in overview["stat"][iType]]
    +2612            uLogger.debug("Instrument tickers with type [{}] that will be closed: {}".format(iType, tickers))
    +2614            if tickers and overview:
    +2615                self.CloseTrades(tickers, overview)
    +2617            else:
    +2618                uLogger.info("Instrument tickers with type [{}] not found, nothing to close.".format(iType))
    +2620    def Order(self, operation: str, orderType: str, lots: int, targetPrice: float, limitPrice: float = 0., stopType: str = "Limit", expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    +2621        """
    +2622        Universal method to create market or limit orders with all available parameters.
    +2623        See more simple methods: `BuyLimit()`, `BuyStop()`, `SellLimit()`, `SellStop()`.
    +2625        If orderType is "Limit" then create pending limit-order below current price if operation is "Buy" and above
    +2626        current price if operation is "Sell". A limit order has no expiration date, it lasts until the end of the trading day.
    +2628        Warning! If you try to create limit-order above current price if "Buy" or below current price if "Sell"
    +2629        then broker immediately open market order as you can do simple --buy or --sell operations!
    +2631        If orderType is "Stop" then creates stop-order with any direction "Buy" or "Sell".
    +2632        When current price will go up or down to target price value then broker opens a limit order.
    +2633        Stop-order is opened with unlimited expiration date by default, or you can define expiration date with expDate parameter.
    +2635        Only one attempt and no retry for opens order. If network issue occurred you can create new request.
    +2637        :param operation: string "Buy" or "Sell".
    +2638        :param orderType: string "Limit" or "Stop".
    +2639        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    +2640        :param targetPrice: target price > 0. This is open trade price for limit order.
    +2641        :param limitPrice: limit price >= 0. This parameter only makes sense for stop-order. If limitPrice = 0, then it set as targetPrice.
    +2642                           Broker will creates limit-order with price equal to limitPrice, when current price goes to target price of stop-order.
    +2643        :param stopType: string "Limit" by default. This parameter only makes sense for stop-order. There are 3 stop-order types
    +2644                         "SL", "TP", "Limit" for "Stop loss", "Take profit" and "Stop limit" types accordingly.
    +2645                         Stop loss order always executed by market price.
    +2646        :param expDate: string "Undefined" by default or local date in future.
    +2647                        String has a format like this: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    +2648                        This date is converting to UTC format for server. This parameter only makes sense for stop-order.
    +2649                        A limit order has no expiration date, it lasts until the end of the trading day.
    +2650        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    +2651        """
    +2652        if operation is None or not operation or operation not in ("Buy", "Sell"):
    +2653            raise Exception("You must define operation type only one of them: `Buy` or `Sell`!")
    +2655        if orderType is None or not orderType or orderType not in ("Limit", "Stop"):
    +2656            raise Exception("You must define order type only one of them: `Limit` or `Stop`!")
    +2658        if lots is None or lots < 1:
    +2659            raise Exception("You must define trade volume > 0: integer count of lots!")
    +2661        if targetPrice is None or targetPrice <= 0:
    +2662            raise Exception("Target price for limit-order must be greater than 0!")
    +2664        if limitPrice is None or limitPrice <= 0:
    +2665            limitPrice = targetPrice
    +2667        if stopType is None or not stopType or stopType not in ("SL", "TP", "Limit"):
    +2668            stopType = "Limit"
    +2670        if expDate is None or not expDate:
    +2671            expDate = "Undefined"
    +2673        if not (self.ticker or self.figi):
    +2674            raise Exception("`self.ticker` or `self.figi` variables must be defined!")
    +2676        response = {}
    +2677        instrument = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=True, debug=False) if self.ticker else self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True, debug=False)
    +2678        self.ticker = instrument["ticker"]
    +2679        self.figi = instrument["figi"]
    +2681        if orderType == "Limit":
    +2682            uLogger.debug(
    +2683                "Creating pending limit-order: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], action [{}], lots [{}] and the target price [{:.2f} {}]. Wait, please...".format(
    +2684                    self.ticker, self.figi,
    +2685                    operation, lots, targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    +2686                ))
    +2688            openOrderURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OrdersService/PostOrder"
    +2689            self.body = str({
    +2690                "figi": self.figi,
    +2691                "quantity": str(lots),
    +2692                "price": FloatToNano(targetPrice),
    +2693                "direction": "ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY" if operation == "Buy" else "ORDER_DIRECTION_SELL",  # see: TKS_ORDER_DIRECTIONS
    +2694                "accountId": str(self.accountId),
    +2695                "orderType": "ORDER_TYPE_LIMIT",  # see: TKS_ORDER_TYPES
    +2696            })
    +2697            response = self.SendAPIRequest(openOrderURL, reqType="POST", retry=0, debug=False)
    +2699            if "orderId" in response.keys():
    +2700                uLogger.info(
    +2701                    "Limit-order [{}] was created: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], action [{}], lots [{}], target price [{:.2f} {}]".format(
    +2702                        response["orderId"],
    +2703                        self.ticker, self.figi,
    +2704                        operation, lots, targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    +2705                    ))
    +2707                if "lastPrice" in instrument["currentPrice"].keys() and instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]:
    +2708                    if operation == "Buy" and targetPrice > instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]:
    +2709                        uLogger.warning("Your order was executed as a market order, not as a limit order! Comment: because your target price [{:.2f} {}] was higher than current price [{:.2f} {}] broker immediately opened `Buy` market order, such as if you did simple `--buy` operation.".format(
    +2710                            targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    +2711                            instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"], instrument["currency"],
    +2712                        ))
    +2714                    if operation == "Sell" and targetPrice < instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]:
    +2715                        uLogger.warning("Your order was executed as a market order, not as a limit order! Comment: because your target price [{:.2f} {}] was lower than current price [{:.2f} {}] broker immediately opened `Sell` market order, such as if you did simple `--sell` operation.".format(
    +2716                            targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    +2717                            instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"], instrument["currency"],
    +2718                        ))
    +2720            else:
    +2721                uLogger.warning("Not `oK` status received! Limit order not opened. See full debug log or try again and open order later.")
    +2723        if orderType == "Stop":
    +2724            uLogger.debug(
    +2725                "Creating stop-order: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], action [{}], lots [{}], target price [{:.2f} {}], limit price [{:.2f} {}], stop-order type [{}] and local expiration date [{}]. Wait, please...".format(
    +2726                    self.ticker, self.figi,
    +2727                    operation, lots,
    +2728                    targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    +2729                    limitPrice, instrument["currency"],
    +2730                    stopType, expDate,
    +2731                ))
    +2733            openOrderURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.StopOrdersService/PostStopOrder"
    +2734            expDateUTC = "" if expDate == "Undefined" else datetime.strptime(expDate, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").replace(tzinfo=tzlocal()).astimezone(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
    +2735            stopOrderType = "STOP_ORDER_TYPE_STOP_LOSS" if stopType == "SL" else "STOP_ORDER_TYPE_TAKE_PROFIT" if stopType == "TP" else "STOP_ORDER_TYPE_STOP_LIMIT"
    +2737            body = {
    +2738                "figi": self.figi,
    +2739                "quantity": str(lots),
    +2740                "price": FloatToNano(limitPrice),
    +2741                "stopPrice": FloatToNano(targetPrice),
    +2742                "direction": "STOP_ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY" if operation == "Buy" else "STOP_ORDER_DIRECTION_SELL",  # see: TKS_STOP_ORDER_DIRECTIONS
    +2743                "accountId": str(self.accountId),
    +2745                "stopOrderType": stopOrderType,  # see: TKS_STOP_ORDER_TYPES
    +2746            }
    +2748            if expDateUTC:
    +2749                body["expireDate"] = expDateUTC
    +2751            self.body = str(body)
    +2752            response = self.SendAPIRequest(openOrderURL, reqType="POST", retry=0, debug=False)
    +2754            if "stopOrderId" in response.keys():
    +2755                uLogger.info(
    +2756                    "Stop-order [{}] was created: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], action [{}], lots [{}], target price [{:.2f} {}], limit price [{:.2f} {}], stop-order type [{}] and expiration date in UTC [{}]".format(
    +2757                    response["stopOrderId"],
    +2758                    self.ticker, self.figi,
    +2759                    operation, lots,
    +2760                    targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    +2761                    limitPrice, instrument["currency"],
    +2762                    TKS_STOP_ORDER_TYPES[stopOrderType],
    +2763                    datetime.strptime(expDateUTC, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ").replace(tzinfo=tzutc()).astimezone(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if expDateUTC else TKS_STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPES["STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED"],
    +2764                ))
    +2766                if "lastPrice" in instrument["currentPrice"].keys() and instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]:
    +2767                    if operation == "Buy" and targetPrice < instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] and stopType != "TP":
    +2768                        uLogger.warning("The broker will cancel this order after some time. Comment: you placed the wrong stop order because the target buy price [{:.2f} {}] is lower than the current price [{:.2f} {}]. Also try to set up order type as `TP` if you want to place stop order at that price.".format(
    +2769                            targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    +2770                            instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"], instrument["currency"],
    +2771                        ))
    +2773                    if operation == "Sell" and targetPrice > instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] and stopType != "TP":
    +2774                        uLogger.warning("The broker will cancel this order after some time. Comment: you placed the wrong stop order because the target sell price [{:.2f} {}] is higher than the current price [{:.2f} {}]. Also try to set up order type as `TP` if you want to place stop order at that price.".format(
    +2775                            targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    +2776                            instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"], instrument["currency"],
    +2777                        ))
    +2779            else:
    +2780                uLogger.warning("Not `oK` status received! Stop order not opened. See full debug log or try again and open order later.")
    +2782        return response
    +2784    def BuyLimit(self, lots: int, targetPrice: float) -> dict:
    +2785        """
    +2786        Create pending `Buy` limit-order (below current price). You must specify only 2 parameters:
    +2787        `lots` and `target price` to open buy limit-order. If you try to create buy limit-order above current price then
    +2788        broker immediately open `Buy` market order, such as if you do simple `--buy` operation!
    +2789        See also: `Order()` docstring.
    +2791        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    +2792        :param targetPrice: target price > 0. This is open trade price for limit order.
    +2793        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    +2794        """
    +2795        return self.Order(operation="Buy", orderType="Limit", lots=lots, targetPrice=targetPrice)
    +2797    def BuyStop(self, lots: int, targetPrice: float, limitPrice: float = 0., stopType: str = "Limit", expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    +2798        """
    +2799        Create `Buy` stop-order. You must specify at least 2 parameters: `lots` `target price` to open buy stop-order.
    +2800        In additional you can specify 3 parameters for buy stop-order: `limit price` >=0, `stop type` = Limit|SL|TP,
    +2801        `expiration date` = Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`. When current price will go up or down to
    +2802        target price value then broker opens a limit order. See also: `Order()` docstring.
    +2804        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    +2805        :param targetPrice: target price > 0. This is trigger price for buy stop-order.
    +2806        :param limitPrice: limit price >= 0 (limitPrice = targetPrice if limitPrice is 0). Broker will creates limit-order
    +2807                           with price equal to limitPrice, when current price goes to target price of buy stop-order.
    +2808        :param stopType: string "Limit" by default. There are 3 stop-order types "SL", "TP", "Limit"
    +2809                         for "Stop loss", "Take profit" and "Stop limit" types accordingly.
    +2810        :param expDate: string "Undefined" by default or local date in future.
    +2811                        String has a format like this: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    +2812                        This date is converting to UTC format for server.
    +2813        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    +2814        """
    +2815        return self.Order(operation="Buy", orderType="Stop", lots=lots, targetPrice=targetPrice, limitPrice=limitPrice, stopType=stopType, expDate=expDate)
    +2817    def SellLimit(self, lots: int, targetPrice: float) -> dict:
    +2818        """
    +2819        Create pending `Sell` limit-order (above current price). You must specify only 2 parameters:
    +2820        `lots` and `target price` to open sell limit-order. If you try to create sell limit-order below current price then
    +2821        broker immediately open `Sell` market order, such as if you do simple `--sell` operation!
    +2822        See also: `Order()` docstring.
    +2824        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    +2825        :param targetPrice: target price > 0. This is open trade price for limit order.
    +2826        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    +2827        """
    +2828        return self.Order(operation="Sell", orderType="Limit", lots=lots, targetPrice=targetPrice)
    +2830    def SellStop(self, lots: int, targetPrice: float, limitPrice: float = 0., stopType: str = "Limit", expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    +2831        """
    +2832        Create `Sell` stop-order. You must specify at least 2 parameters: `lots` `target price` to open sell stop-order.
    +2833        In additional you can specify 3 parameters for sell stop-order: `limit price` >=0, `stop type` = Limit|SL|TP,
    +2834        `expiration date` = Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`. When current price will go up or down to
    +2835        target price value then broker opens a limit order. See also: `Order()` docstring.
    +2837        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    +2838        :param targetPrice: target price > 0. This is trigger price for sell stop-order.
    +2839        :param limitPrice: limit price >= 0 (limitPrice = targetPrice if limitPrice is 0). Broker will creates limit-order
    +2840                           with price equal to limitPrice, when current price goes to target price of sell stop-order.
    +2841        :param stopType: string "Limit" by default. There are 3 stop-order types "SL", "TP", "Limit"
    +2842                         for "Stop loss", "Take profit" and "Stop limit" types accordingly.
    +2843        :param expDate: string "Undefined" by default or local date in future.
    +2844                        String has a format like this: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    +2845                        This date is converting to UTC format for server.
    +2846        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    +2847        """
    +2848        return self.Order(operation="Sell", orderType="Stop", lots=lots, targetPrice=targetPrice, limitPrice=limitPrice, stopType=stopType, expDate=expDate)
    +2850    def CloseOrders(self, orderIDs: list, allOrdersIDs: list = None, allStopOrdersIDs: list = None) -> None:
    +2851        """
    +2852        Cancel order or list of orders by its `orderId` or `stopOrderId`.
    +2854        :param orderIDs: list of integers with `orderId` or `stopOrderId`.
    +2855        :param allOrdersIDs: pre-received lists of all active pending orders.
    +2856                             This avoids unnecessary downloading data from the server.
    +2857        :param allStopOrdersIDs: pre-received lists of all active stop orders.
    +2858        """
    +2859        if orderIDs:
    +2860            if allOrdersIDs is None or not allOrdersIDs:
    +2861                rawOrders = self.RequestPendingOrders()
    +2862                allOrdersIDs = [item["orderId"] for item in rawOrders]  # all pending orders ID
    +2864            if allStopOrdersIDs is None or not allStopOrdersIDs:
    +2865                rawStopOrders = self.RequestStopOrders()
    +2866                allStopOrdersIDs = [item["stopOrderId"] for item in rawStopOrders]  # all stop orders ID
    +2868            for orderID in orderIDs:
    +2869                idInPendingOrders = orderID in allOrdersIDs
    +2870                idInStopOrders = orderID in allStopOrdersIDs
    +2872                if not (idInPendingOrders or idInStopOrders):
    +2873                    uLogger.warning("Order not found by ID: [{}]. Maybe cancelled already? Check it with `--overview` key.".format(orderID))
    +2874                    continue
    +2876                else:
    +2877                    if idInPendingOrders:
    +2878                        uLogger.debug("Cancelling pending order with ID: [{}]. Wait, please...".format(orderID))
    +2880                        # REST API for request: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OrdersService/OrdersService_CancelOrder
    +2881                        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId, "orderId": orderID})
    +2882                        closeURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OrdersService/CancelOrder"
    +2883                        responseJSON = self.SendAPIRequest(closeURL, reqType="POST")
    +2885                        if responseJSON and "time" in responseJSON.keys() and responseJSON["time"]:
    +2886                            uLogger.debug("Success time marker received from server: [{}] (UTC)".format(responseJSON["time"]))
    +2887                            uLogger.info("Pending order with ID [{}] successfully cancel".format(orderID))
    +2889                        else:
    +2890                            uLogger.warning("Unknown issue occurred when cancelling pending order with ID: [{}]. Check ID and try again.".format(orderID))
    +2892                    elif idInStopOrders:
    +2893                        uLogger.debug("Cancelling stop order with ID: [{}]. Wait, please...".format(orderID))
    +2895                        # REST API for request: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/StopOrdersService/StopOrdersService_CancelStopOrder
    +2896                        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId, "stopOrderId": orderID})
    +2897                        closeURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.StopOrdersService/CancelStopOrder"
    +2898                        responseJSON = self.SendAPIRequest(closeURL, reqType="POST")
    +2900                        if responseJSON and "time" in responseJSON.keys() and responseJSON["time"]:
    +2901                            uLogger.debug("Success time marker received from server: [{}] (UTC)".format(responseJSON["time"]))
    +2902                            uLogger.info("Stop order with ID [{}] successfully cancel".format(orderID))
    +2904                        else:
    +2905                            uLogger.warning("Unknown issue occurred when cancelling stop order with ID: [{}]. Check ID and try again.".format(orderID))
    +2907                    else:
    +2908                        continue
    +2910    def CloseAllOrders(self) -> None:
    +2911        """
    +2912        Gets a list of open pending and stop orders and cancel it all.
    +2913        """
    +2914        rawOrders = self.RequestPendingOrders()
    +2915        allOrdersIDs = [item["orderId"] for item in rawOrders]  # all pending orders ID
    +2916        lenOrders = len(allOrdersIDs)
    +2918        rawStopOrders = self.RequestStopOrders()
    +2919        allStopOrdersIDs = [item["stopOrderId"] for item in rawStopOrders]  # all stop orders ID
    +2920        lenSOrders = len(allStopOrdersIDs)
    +2922        if lenOrders > 0 or lenSOrders > 0:
    +2923            uLogger.info("Found: [{}] opened pending and [{}] stop orders. Let's trying to cancel it all. Wait, please...".format(lenOrders, lenSOrders))
    +2925            self.CloseOrders(allOrdersIDs + allStopOrdersIDs, allOrdersIDs, allStopOrdersIDs)
    +2927        else:
    +2928            uLogger.info("Orders not found, nothing to cancel.")
    +2930    def CloseAll(self, *args) -> None:
    +2931        """
    +2932        Close all available (not blocked) opened trades and orders.
    +2934        Also you can select one or more keywords case insensitive:
    +2935        `orders`, `shares`, `bonds`, `etfs` and `futures` from `TKS_INSTRUMENTS` enum to specify trades type.
    +2937        Currency positions you must closes manually using buy or sell operations, `CloseTrades()` or `CloseAllTrades()` methods.
    +2938        """
    +2939        overview = self.Overview(showStatistics=False)  # get all open trades info
    +2941        if len(args) == 0:
    +2942            uLogger.debug("Closing all available (not blocked) opened trades and orders. Currency positions you must closes manually using buy or sell operations! Wait, please...")
    +2943            self.CloseAllOrders()  # close all pending and stop orders
    +2945            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    +2946                if iType != "Currencies":
    +2947                    self.CloseAllTrades(iType, overview)  # close all positions of instruments with same type without currencies
    +2949        else:
    +2950            uLogger.debug("Closing all available {}. Currency positions you must closes manually using buy or sell operations! Wait, please...".format(list(args)))
    +2951            lowerArgs = [x.lower() for x in args]
    +2953            if "orders" in lowerArgs:
    +2954                self.CloseAllOrders()  # close all pending and stop orders
    +2956            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    +2957                if iType.lower() in lowerArgs and iType != "Currencies":
    +2958                    self.CloseAllTrades(iType, overview)  # close all positions of instruments with same type without currencies
    +2960    @staticmethod
    +2961    def ParseOrderParameters(operation, **inputParameters):
    +2962        """
    +2963        Parse input dictionary of strings with order parameters and return dictionary with parameters to open all orders.
    +2965        :param operation: string "Buy" or "Sell".
    +2966        :param inputParameters: this is dict of strings that looks like this
    +2967               `{"lots": "L_int,...", "prices": "P_float,..."}` where
    +2968               "lots" key: one or more lot values (integer numbers) to open with every limit-order
    +2969               "prices" key: one or more prices to open limit-orders
    +2970               Counts of values in lots and prices lists must be equals!
    +2971        :return: list of dictionaries with all lots and prices to open orders that looks like this `[{"lot": lots_1, "price": price_1}, {...}, ...]`
    +2972        """
    +2973        # TODO: update order grid work with api v2
    +2974        pass
    +2975        # uLogger.debug("Input parameters: {}".format(inputParameters))
    +2976        #
    +2977        # if operation is None or not operation or operation not in ("Buy", "Sell"):
    +2978        #     raise Exception("You must define operation type: 'Buy' or 'Sell'!")
    +2979        #
    +2980        # if "l" in inputParameters.keys():
    +2981        #     inputParameters["lots"] = inputParameters.pop("l")
    +2982        #
    +2983        # if "p" in inputParameters.keys():
    +2984        #     inputParameters["prices"] = inputParameters.pop("p")
    +2985        #
    +2986        # if "lots" not in inputParameters.keys() or "prices" not in inputParameters.keys():
    +2987        #     raise Exception("Both of 'lots' and 'prices' keys must be define to open grid orders!")
    +2988        #
    +2989        # lots = [int(item.strip()) for item in inputParameters["lots"].split(",")]
    +2990        # prices = [float(item.strip()) for item in inputParameters["prices"].split(",")]
    +2991        #
    +2992        # if len(lots) != len(prices):
    +2993        #     raise Exception("'lots' and 'prices' lists must have equal length of values!")
    +2994        #
    +2995        # uLogger.debug("Extracted parameters for orders:")
    +2996        # uLogger.debug("lots = {}".format(lots))
    +2997        # uLogger.debug("prices = {}".format(prices))
    +2998        #
    +2999        # # list of dictionaries with order's parameters: [{"lot": lots_1, "price": price_1}, {...}, ...]
    +3000        # result = [{"lot": lots[item], "price": prices[item]} for item in range(len(prices))]
    +3001        # uLogger.debug("Order parameters: {}".format(result))
    +3002        #
    +3003        # return result
    +3005    def IsInPortfolio(self, portfolio: dict = None) -> bool:
    +3006        """
    +3007        Checks if instrument is in the user's portfolio. Instrument must be defined by `ticker` (highly priority) or `figi`.
    +3009        :param portfolio: dict with user's portfolio data. If `None`, then requests portfolio from `Overview()` method.
    +3010        :return: `True` if portfolio contains open position with given instrument, `False` otherwise.
    +3011        """
    +3012        result = False
    +3013        msg = "Instrument not defined!"
    +3015        if portfolio is None or not portfolio:
    +3016            portfolio = self.Overview(showStatistics=False)
    +3018        if self.ticker:
    +3019            uLogger.debug("Searching instrument with ticker [{}] throwout opened positions...".format(self.ticker))
    +3020            msg = "Instrument with ticker [{}] is not present in open positions".format(self.ticker)
    +3022            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    +3023                for instrument in portfolio["stat"][iType]:
    +3024                    if instrument["ticker"] == self.ticker:
    +3025                        result = True
    +3026                        msg = "Instrument with ticker [{}] is present in open positions".format(self.ticker)
    +3027                        break
    +3029        elif self.figi:
    +3030            uLogger.debug("Searching instrument with FIGI [{}] throwout opened positions...".format(self.figi))
    +3031            msg = "Instrument with FIGI [{}] is not present in open positions".format(self.figi)
    +3033            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    +3034                for instrument in portfolio["stat"][iType]:
    +3035                    if instrument["figi"] == self.figi:
    +3036                        result = True
    +3037                        msg = "Instrument with FIGI [{}] is present in open positions".format(self.figi)
    +3038                        break
    +3040        else:
    +3041            uLogger.warning("Instrument must be defined by `ticker` (highly priority) or `figi`!")
    +3043        uLogger.debug(msg)
    +3045        return result
    +3047    def GetInstrumentFromPortfolio(self, portfolio: dict = None) -> dict:
    +3048        """
    +3049        Returns instrument is in the user's portfolio if it presents there.
    +3050        Instrument must be defined by `ticker` (highly priority) or `figi`.
    +3052        :param portfolio: dict with user's portfolio data. If `None`, then requests portfolio from `Overview()` method.
    +3053        :return: dict with instrument if portfolio contains open position with this instrument, `None` otherwise.
    +3054        """
    +3055        result = None
    +3056        msg = "Instrument not defined!"
    +3058        if portfolio is None or not portfolio:
    +3059            portfolio = self.Overview(showStatistics=False)
    +3061        if self.ticker:
    +3062            uLogger.debug("Searching instrument with ticker [{}] throwout opened positions...".format(self.ticker))
    +3063            msg = "Instrument with ticker [{}] is not present in open positions".format(self.ticker)
    +3065            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    +3066                for instrument in portfolio["stat"][iType]:
    +3067                    if instrument["ticker"] == self.ticker:
    +3068                        result = instrument
    +3069                        msg = "Instrument with ticker [{}] and FIGI [{}] is present in open positions".format(self.ticker, instrument["figi"])
    +3070                        break
    +3072        elif self.figi:
    +3073            uLogger.debug("Searching instrument with FIGI [{}] throwout opened positions...".format(self.figi))
    +3074            msg = "Instrument with FIGI [{}] is not present in open positions".format(self.figi)
    +3076            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    +3077                for instrument in portfolio["stat"][iType]:
    +3078                    if instrument["figi"] == self.figi:
    +3079                        result = instrument
    +3080                        msg = "Instrument with ticker [{}] and FIGI [{}] is present in open positions".format(instrument["ticker"], self.figi)
    +3081                        break
    +3083        else:
    +3084            uLogger.warning("Instrument must be defined by `ticker` (highly priority) or `figi`!")
    +3086        uLogger.debug(msg)
    +3088        return result
    +3091class Args:
    +3092    """
    +3093    If `Main()` function is imported as module, then this class used to convert arguments from **kwargs as object.
    +3094    """
    +3095    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
    +3096        self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
    +3098    def __getattr__(self, item):
    +3099        return None
    +3102def ParseArgs():
    +3103    """
    +3104    Function get and parse command line keys. See examples: https://tim55667757.github.io/TKSBrokerAPI/
    +3105    """
    +3106    parser = ArgumentParser()  # command-line string parser
    +3108    parser.description = "TKSBrokerAPI is a python API to work with some methods of Tinkoff Open API using REST protocol. It can view history, orders and market information. Also, you can open orders and trades. See examples: https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/blob/master/README_EN.md#Usage-examples"
    +3109    parser.usage = "\n/as module/ python TKSBrokerAPI.py [some options] [one command]\n/as CLI tool/ tksbrokerapi [some options] [one command]"
    +3111    # --- options:
    +3113    parser.add_argument("--no-cache", action="store_true", default=False, help="Option: not use local cache `dump.json`, but update raw instruments data when starting the program. `False` by default.")
    +3114    parser.add_argument("--token", type=str, help="Option: Tinkoff service's api key. If not set then used environment variable `TKS_API_TOKEN`. See how to use: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/token/")
    +3115    parser.add_argument("--account-id", type=str, default=None, help="Option: string with an user numeric account ID in Tinkoff Broker. It can be found in any broker's reports (see the contract number). Also, this variable can be set from environment variable `TKS_ACCOUNT_ID`.")
    +3117    parser.add_argument("--ticker", "-t", type=str, help="Option: instrument's ticker, e.g. `IBM`, `YNDX`, `GOOGL` etc. Use alias for `USD000UTSTOM` simple as `USD`, `EUR_RUB__TOM` as `EUR`.")
    +3118    parser.add_argument("--figi", "-f", type=str, help="Option: instrument's FIGI, e.g. `BBG006L8G4H1` (for `YNDX`).")
    +3120    parser.add_argument("--depth", type=int, default=1, help="Option: Depth of Market (DOM) can be >=1, 1 by default.")
    +3121    parser.add_argument("--no-cancelled", "--no-canceled", action="store_true", default=False, help="Option: remove information about cancelled operations from the deals report by the `--deals` key. `False` by default.")
    +3123    parser.add_argument("--output", type=str, default=None, help="Option: replace default paths to output files for some commands. If `None` then used default files.")
    +3124    # parser.add_argument("--output-type", type=str, choices=[None, ".md", ".csv", ".xlsx"], default=None, help="Option: replace default type of output files for some commands. You can choose: `.md`, `.csv` and `.xlsx`. If `None` then used default file types.")
    +3126    parser.add_argument("--interval", type=str, default="hour", help="Option: available values are `1min`, `5min`, `15min`, `hour` and `day`. Used only with `--history` key. This is time period of one candle. Default: `hour` for every history candles.")
    +3127    parser.add_argument("--only-missing", action="store_true", default=False, help="Option: if history file define by `--output` key then add only last missing candles, do not request all history length. `False` by default.")
    +3128    parser.add_argument("--csv-sep", type=str, default=",", help="Option: separator if .csv-file is used, `,` by default.")
    +3130    parser.add_argument("--debug-level", "--verbosity", "-v", type=int, default=20, help="Option: showing STDOUT messages of minimal debug level, e.g. 10 = DEBUG, 20 = INFO, 30 = WARNING, 40 = ERROR, 50 = CRITICAL. INFO (20) by default.")
    +3132    # --- commands:
    +3134    parser.add_argument("--list", "-l", action="store_true", help="Action: get and print all available instruments and some information from broker server. Also, you can define `--output` key to save list of instruments to file, default: `instruments.md`.")
    +3135    parser.add_argument("--search", "-s", type=str, nargs=1, help="Action: search for an instruments by part of the name, ticker or FIGI. Also, you can define `--output` key to save results to file, default: `search-results.md`.")
    +3136    parser.add_argument("--info", "-i", action="store_true", help="Action: get information from broker server about instrument by it's ticker or FIGI. `--ticker` key or `--figi` key must be defined!")
    +3137    parser.add_argument("--price", action="store_true", help="Action: show actual price list for current instrument. Also, you can use `--depth` key. `--ticker` key or `--figi` key must be defined!")
    +3138    parser.add_argument("--prices", "-p", type=str, nargs="+", help="Action: get and print current prices for list of given instruments (by it's tickers or by FIGIs). WARNING! This is too long operation if you request a lot of instruments! Also, you can define `--output` key to save list of prices to file, default: `prices.md`.")
    +3140    parser.add_argument("--overview", "-o", action="store_true", help="Action: shows all open positions, orders and some statistics. Also, you can define `--output` key to save this information to file, default: `overview.md`.")
    +3141    parser.add_argument("--overview-digest", action="store_true", help="Action: shows a short digest of the portfolio status. Also, you can define `--output` key to save this information to file, default: `overview-digest.md`.")
    +3142    parser.add_argument("--overview-positions", action="store_true", help="Action: shows only open positions. Also, you can define `--output` key to save this information to file, default: `overview-positions.md`.")
    +3143    parser.add_argument("--overview-orders", action="store_true", help="Action: shows only sections of open limits and stop orders. Also, you can define `--output` key to save this information to file, default: `overview-orders.md`.")
    +3144    parser.add_argument("--overview-analytics", action="store_true", help="Action: shows only the analytics section and the distribution of the portfolio by various categories. Also, you can define `--output` key to save this information to file, default: `overview-analytics.md`.")
    +3146    parser.add_argument("--deals", "-d", type=str, nargs="*", help="Action: show all deals between two given dates. Start day may be an integer number: -1, -2, -3 days ago. Also, you can use keywords: `today`, `yesterday` (-1), `week` (-7), `month` (-30) and `year` (-365). Dates format must be: `%%Y-%%m-%%d`, e.g. 2020-02-03. With `--no-cancelled` key information about cancelled operations will be removed from the deals report. Also, you can define `--output` key to save all deals to file, default: `deals.md`.")
    +3147    parser.add_argument("--history", type=str, nargs="*", help="Action: get last history candles of the current instrument defined by `--ticker` or `--figi` (FIGI id) keys. History returned between two given dates: `start` and `end`. Minimum requested date in the past is `1970-01-01`. Also, you can define `--output` key to save history candlesticks to file.")
    +3149    parser.add_argument("--trade", nargs="*", help="Action: universal action to open market position for defined ticker or FIGI. You must specify 1-5 parameters: [direction `Buy` or `Sell`] [lots, >= 1] [take profit, >= 0] [stop loss, >= 0] [expiration date for TP/SL orders, Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`]. See examples in readme.")
    +3150    parser.add_argument("--buy", nargs="*", help="Action: immediately open BUY market position at the current price for defined ticker or FIGI. You must specify 0-4 parameters: [lots, >= 1] [take profit, >= 0] [stop loss, >= 0] [expiration date for TP/SL orders, Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`].")
    +3151    parser.add_argument("--sell", nargs="*", help="Action: immediately open SELL market position at the current price for defined ticker or FIGI. You must specify 0-4 parameters: [lots, >= 1] [take profit, >= 0] [stop loss, >= 0] [expiration date for TP/SL orders, Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`].")
    +3153    parser.add_argument("--order", nargs="*", help="Action: universal action to open limit or stop-order in any directions. You must specify 4-7 parameters: [direction `Buy` or `Sell`] [order type `Limit` or `Stop`] [lots] [target price] [maybe for stop-order: [limit price, >= 0] [stop type, Limit|SL|TP] [expiration date, Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`]]. See examples in readme.")
    +3154    parser.add_argument("--buy-limit", type=float, nargs=2, help="Action: open pending BUY limit-order (below current price). You must specify only 2 parameters: [lots] [target price] to open BUY limit-order. If you try to create `Buy` limit-order above current price then broker immediately open `Buy` market order, such as if you do simple `--buy` operation!")
    +3155    parser.add_argument("--sell-limit", type=float, nargs=2, help="Action: open pending SELL limit-order (above current price). You must specify only 2 parameters: [lots] [target price] to open SELL limit-order. If you try to create `Sell` limit-order below current price then broker immediately open `Sell` market order, such as if you do simple `--sell` operation!")
    +3156    parser.add_argument("--buy-stop", nargs="*", help="Action: open BUY stop-order. You must specify at least 2 parameters: [lots] [target price] to open BUY stop-order. In additional you can specify 3 parameters for stop-order: [limit price, >= 0] [stop type, Limit|SL|TP] [expiration date, Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`]. When current price will go up or down to target price value then broker opens a limit order. Stop loss order always executed by market price.")
    +3157    parser.add_argument("--sell-stop", nargs="*", help="Action: open SELL stop-order. You must specify at least 2 parameters: [lots] [target price] to open SELL stop-order. In additional you can specify 3 parameters for stop-order: [limit price, >= 0] [stop type, Limit|SL|TP] [expiration date, Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`]. When current price will go up or down to target price value then broker opens a limit order. Stop loss order always executed by market price.")
    +3158    # parser.add_argument("--buy-limit-order-grid", type=str, nargs="*", help="Action: open grid of pending BUY limit-orders (below current price). Parameters format: l(ots)=[L_int,...] p(rices)=[P_float,...]. Counts of values in lots and prices lists must be equals!")
    +3159    # parser.add_argument("--sell-limit-order-grid", type=str, nargs="*", help="Action: open grid of pending SELL limit-orders (above current price). Parameters format: l(ots)=[L_int,...] p(rices)=[P_float,...]. Counts of values in lots and prices lists must be equals!")
    +3161    parser.add_argument("--close-order", "--cancel-order", type=str, nargs=1, help="Action: close only one order by it's `orderId` or `stopOrderId`. You can find out the meaning of these IDs using the key `--overview`.")
    +3162    parser.add_argument("--close-orders", "--cancel-orders", type=str, nargs="+", help="Action: close one or list of orders by it's `orderId` or `stopOrderId`. You can find out the meaning of these IDs using the key `--overview`.")
    +3163    parser.add_argument("--close-trade", "--cancel-trade", action="store_true", help="Action: close only one position for instrument defined by `--ticker` key, including for currencies tickers.")
    +3164    parser.add_argument("--close-trades", "--cancel-trades", type=str, nargs="+", help="Action: close positions for list of tickers, including for currencies tickers.")
    +3165    parser.add_argument("--close-all", "--cancel-all", type=str, nargs="*", help="Action: close all available (not blocked) opened trades and orders, excluding for currencies. Also you can select one or more keywords case insensitive to specify trades type: `orders`, `shares`, `bonds`, `etfs` and `futures`, but not `currencies`. Currency positions you must closes manually using `--buy`, `--sell`, `--close-trade` or `--close-trades` operations.")
    +3167    cmdArgs = parser.parse_args()
    +3168    return cmdArgs
    +3171def Main(**kwargs):
    +3172    """
    +3173    Main function for work with Tinkoff Open API service. It realizes simple logic: get a lot of options and execute one command.
    +3175    See examples: https://tim55667757.github.io/TKSBrokerAPI/
    +3176    """
    +3177    args = Args(**kwargs) if kwargs else ParseArgs()  # get and parse command-line parameters or use **kwarg parameters
    +3179    if args.debug_level:
    +3180        uLogger.level = 10  # always debug level by default
    +3181        uLogger.handlers[0].level = args.debug_level  # level for STDOUT
    +3183    exitCode = 0
    +3184    start = datetime.now(tzutc())
    +3185    uLogger.debug("TKSBrokerAPI module started at: [{}] UTC, it is [{}] local time".format(
    +3186        start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    +3187        start.astimezone(tzlocal()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    +3188    ))
    +3190    # Init class for trading with Tinkoff Broker:
    +3191    server = TinkoffBrokerServer(
    +3192        token=args.token,
    +3193        accountId=args.account_id,
    +3194        iList=kwargs["instruments"] if kwargs and "instruments" in kwargs.keys() else None,  # re-use iList
    +3195        useCache=not args.no_cache,
    +3196    )
    +3198    try:
    +3199        # --- set some options:
    +3201        if args.ticker:
    +3202            if args.ticker in server.aliasesKeys:
    +3203                server.ticker = server.aliases[args.ticker]  # Replace some tickers with it's aliases
    +3205            else:
    +3206                server.ticker = args.ticker
    +3208        if args.figi:
    +3209            server.figi = args.figi
    +3211        if args.depth is not None:
    +3212            server.depth = args.depth
    +3214        # if args.length is not None:
    +3215        #     server.historyLength = args.length
    +3216        #
    +3217        # if args.interval is not None:
    +3218        #     server.historyInterval = args.interval
    +3220        # --- do one of commands:
    +3222        if args.list:
    +3223            if args.output is not None:
    +3224                server.instrumentsFile = args.output
    +3226            server.ShowInstrumentsInfo(showInstruments=True)
    +3228        elif args.search:
    +3229            if args.output is not None:
    +3230                server.searchResultsFile = args.output
    +3232            server.SearchInstruments(pattern=args.search[0], showResults=True)
    +3234        elif args.info:
    +3235            if not (args.ticker or args.figi):
    +3236                raise Exception("`--ticker` key or `--figi` key is required for this operation!")
    +3238            if args.ticker:
    +3239                server.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=True, showInfo=True, debug=False)  # show info and current prices by ticker name
    +3241            else:
    +3242                server.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True, showInfo=True, debug=False)  # show info and current prices by FIGI id
    +3244        elif args.price:
    +3245            if not (args.ticker or args.figi):
    +3246                raise Exception("`--ticker` key or `--figi` key is required for this operation!")
    +3248            server.GetCurrentPrices(showPrice=True)
    +3250        elif args.prices is not None:
    +3251            if args.output is not None:
    +3252                server.pricesFile = args.output
    +3254            server.GetListOfPrices(instruments=args.prices, showPrices=True)  # WARNING: too long wait for a lot of instruments prices
    +3256        elif args.overview:
    +3257            if args.output is not None:
    +3258                server.overviewFile = args.output
    +3260            server.Overview(showStatistics=True, details="full")
    +3262        elif args.overview_digest:
    +3263            if args.output is not None:
    +3264                server.overviewDigestFile = args.output
    +3266            server.Overview(showStatistics=True, details="digest")
    +3268        elif args.overview_positions:
    +3269            if args.output is not None:
    +3270                server.overviewPositionsFile = args.output
    +3272            server.Overview(showStatistics=True, details="positions")
    +3274        elif args.overview_orders:
    +3275            if args.output is not None:
    +3276                server.overviewOrdersFile = args.output
    +3278            server.Overview(showStatistics=True, details="orders")
    +3280        elif args.overview_analytics:
    +3281            if args.output is not None:
    +3282                server.overviewAnalyticsFile = args.output
    +3284            server.Overview(showStatistics=True, details="analytics")
    +3286        elif args.deals is not None:
    +3287            if args.output is not None:
    +3288                server.reportFile = args.output
    +3290            if 0 <= len(args.deals) < 3:
    +3291                server.Deals(
    +3292                    start=args.deals[0] if len(args.deals) >= 1 else None,
    +3293                    end=args.deals[1] if len(args.deals) == 2 else None,
    +3294                    printDeals=True,  # Always show deals report in console
    +3295                    showCancelled=not args.no_cancelled,  # If --no-cancelled key then remove cancelled operations from the deals report. False by default.
    +3296                )
    +3298            else:
    +3299                raise Exception("You must specify 0-2 parameters: [DATE_START] [DATE_END]")
    +3301        elif args.history is not None:
    +3302            if args.output is not None:
    +3303                server.historyFile = args.output
    +3305            if 0 <= len(args.history) < 3:
    +3306                server.History(
    +3307                    start=args.history[0] if len(args.history) >= 1 else None,
    +3308                    end=args.history[1] if len(args.history) == 2 else None,
    +3309                    interval="hour" if args.interval is None or not args.interval else args.interval,
    +3310                    onlyMissing=False if args.only_missing is None or not args.only_missing else args.only_missing,
    +3311                    csvSep="," if args.csv_sep is None or not args.csv_sep else args.csv_sep,
    +3312                    printCandles=True,  # shows all downloaded candles in console
    +3313                )
    +3315            else:
    +3316                raise Exception("You must specify 0-2 parameters: [DATE_START] [DATE_END]")
    +3318        elif args.trade is not None:
    +3319            if 1 <= len(args.trade) <= 5:
    +3320                server.Trade(
    +3321                    operation=args.trade[0],
    +3322                    lots=int(args.trade[1]) if len(args.trade) >= 2 else 1,
    +3323                    tp=float(args.trade[2]) if len(args.trade) >= 3 else 0.,
    +3324                    sl=float(args.trade[3]) if len(args.trade) >= 4 else 0.,
    +3325                    expDate=args.trade[4] if len(args.trade) == 5 else "Undefined",
    +3326                )
    +3328            else:
    +3329                uLogger.error("You must specify 1-5 parameters to open trade: [direction `Buy` or `Sell`] [lots, >= 1] [take profit, >= 0] [stop loss, >= 0] [expiration date for TP/SL orders, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    +3331        elif args.buy is not None:
    +3332            if 0 <= len(args.buy) <= 4:
    +3333                server.Buy(
    +3334                    lots=int(args.buy[0]) if len(args.buy) >= 1 else 1,
    +3335                    tp=float(args.buy[1]) if len(args.buy) >= 2 else 0.,
    +3336                    sl=float(args.buy[2]) if len(args.buy) >= 3 else 0.,
    +3337                    expDate=args.buy[3] if len(args.buy) == 4 else "Undefined",
    +3338                )
    +3340            else:
    +3341                uLogger.error("You must specify 0-4 parameters to open buy position: [lots, >= 1] [take profit, >= 0] [stop loss, >= 0] [expiration date for TP/SL orders, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    +3343        elif args.sell is not None:
    +3344            if 0 <= len(args.sell) <= 4:
    +3345                server.Sell(
    +3346                    lots=int(args.sell[0]) if len(args.sell) >= 1 else 1,
    +3347                    tp=float(args.sell[1]) if len(args.sell) >= 2 else 0.,
    +3348                    sl=float(args.sell[2]) if len(args.sell) >= 3 else 0.,
    +3349                    expDate=args.sell[3] if len(args.sell) == 4 else "Undefined",
    +3350                )
    +3352            else:
    +3353                uLogger.error("You must specify 0-4 parameters to open sell position: [lots, >= 1] [take profit, >= 0] [stop loss, >= 0] [expiration date for TP/SL orders, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    +3355        elif args.order:
    +3356            if 4 <= len(args.order) <= 7:
    +3357                server.Order(
    +3358                    operation=args.order[0],
    +3359                    orderType=args.order[1],
    +3360                    lots=int(args.order[2]),
    +3361                    targetPrice=float(args.order[3]),
    +3362                    limitPrice=float(args.order[4]) if len(args.order) >= 5 else 0.,
    +3363                    stopType=args.order[5] if len(args.order) >= 6 else "Limit",
    +3364                    expDate=args.order[6] if len(args.order) == 7 else "Undefined",
    +3365                )
    +3367            else:
    +3368                uLogger.error("You must specify 4-7 parameters to open order: [direction `Buy` or `Sell`] [order type `Limit` or `Stop`] [lots] [target price] [maybe for stop-order: [limit price, >= 0] [stop type, Limit|SL|TP] [expiration date, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]]. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    +3370        elif args.buy_limit:
    +3371            server.BuyLimit(lots=int(args.buy_limit[0]), targetPrice=args.buy_limit[1])
    +3373        elif args.sell_limit:
    +3374            server.SellLimit(lots=int(args.sell_limit[0]), targetPrice=args.sell_limit[1])
    +3376        elif args.buy_stop:
    +3377            if 2 <= len(args.buy_stop) <= 7:
    +3378                server.BuyStop(
    +3379                    lots=int(args.buy_stop[0]),
    +3380                    targetPrice=float(args.buy_stop[1]),
    +3381                    limitPrice=float(args.buy_stop[2]) if len(args.buy_stop) >= 3 else 0.,
    +3382                    stopType=args.buy_stop[3] if len(args.buy_stop) >= 4 else "Limit",
    +3383                    expDate=args.buy_stop[4] if len(args.buy_stop) == 5 else "Undefined",
    +3384                )
    +3386            else:
    +3387                uLogger.error("You must specify 2-5 parameters for buy stop-order: [lots] [target price] [limit price, >= 0] [stop type, Limit|SL|TP] [expiration date, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    +3389        elif args.sell_stop:
    +3390            if 2 <= len(args.sell_stop) <= 7:
    +3391                server.SellStop(
    +3392                    lots=int(args.sell_stop[0]),
    +3393                    targetPrice=float(args.sell_stop[1]),
    +3394                    limitPrice=float(args.sell_stop[2]) if len(args.sell_stop) >= 3 else 0.,
    +3395                    stopType=args.sell_stop[3] if len(args.sell_stop) >= 4 else "Limit",
    +3396                    expDate=args.sell_stop[4] if len(args.sell_stop) == 5 else "Undefined",
    +3397                )
    +3399            else:
    +3400                uLogger.error("You must specify 2-5 parameters for sell stop-order: [lots] [target price] [limit price, >= 0] [stop type, Limit|SL|TP] [expiration date, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]. See: python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help")
    +3402        # elif args.buy_order_grid is not None:
    +3403        #     # TODO: update order grid work with api v2
    +3404        #     if len(args.buy_order_grid) == 2:
    +3405        #         orderParams = server.ParseOrderParameters(operation="Buy", **dict(kw.split('=') for kw in args.buy_order_grid))
    +3406        #
    +3407        #         for order in orderParams:
    +3408        #             server.Order(operation="Buy", lots=order["lot"], price=order["price"])
    +3409        #
    +3410        #     else:
    +3411        #         uLogger.error("To open grid of pending BUY limit-orders (below current price) you must specified 2 parameters: l(ots)=[L_int,...] p(rices)=[P_float,...]. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    +3412        #
    +3413        # elif args.sell_order_grid is not None:
    +3414        #     # TODO: update order grid work with api v2
    +3415        #     if len(args.sell_order_grid) >= 2:
    +3416        #         orderParams = server.ParseOrderParameters(operation="Sell", **dict(kw.split('=') for kw in args.sell_order_grid))
    +3417        #
    +3418        #         for order in orderParams:
    +3419        #             server.Order(operation="Sell", lots=order["lot"], price=order["price"])
    +3420        #
    +3421        #     else:
    +3422        #         uLogger.error("To open grid of pending SELL limit-orders (above current price) you must specified 2 parameters: l(ots)=[L_int,...] p(rices)=[P_float,...]. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    +3424        elif args.close_order is not None:
    +3425            server.CloseOrders(args.close_order)  # close only one order
    +3427        elif args.close_orders is not None:
    +3428            server.CloseOrders(args.close_orders)  # close list of orders
    +3430        elif args.close_trade:
    +3431            if not args.ticker:
    +3432                raise Exception("`--ticker` key is required for this operation!")
    +3434            server.CloseTrades([args.ticker])  # close only one trade
    +3436        elif args.close_trades is not None:
    +3437            server.CloseTrades(args.close_trades)  # close trades for list of tickers
    +3439        elif args.close_all is not None:
    +3440            server.CloseAll(*args.close_all)
    +3442        else:
    +3443            uLogger.error("There is no command to execute! One of the possible commands must be selected. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    +3444            raise Exception("There is no command to execute!")
    +3446    except Exception:
    +3447        trace = tb.format_exc()
    +3448        for e in ["socket.gaierror", "nodename nor servname provided", "or not known", "NewConnectionError", "[Errno 8]", "Failed to establish a new connection"]:
    +3449            if e in trace:
    +3450                uLogger.error("Check your Internet connection! Failed to establish connection to broker server!")
    +3451                break
    +3453        uLogger.debug(trace)
    +3454        uLogger.debug("Please, checks troubleshooting or open a ticket for this issue at https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues")
    +3455        exitCode = 255  # an error occurred, must be open a ticket for this issue
    +3457    finally:
    +3458        finish = datetime.now(tzutc())
    +3460        if exitCode == 0:
    +3461            uLogger.debug("All operations with Tinkoff Server using Open API are finished success (summary code is 0).")
    +3463        else:
    +3464            uLogger.error("An issue occurred with TKSBrokerAPI module! See full debug log in [{}] or run TKSBrokerAPI once again with the key `--debug-level 10`. Summary code: {}".format(
    +3465                os.path.abspath(uLog.defaultLogFile), exitCode,
    +3466            ))
    +3468        uLogger.debug("TKSBrokerAPI module work duration: [{}]".format(finish - start))
    +3469        uLogger.debug("TKSBrokerAPI module finished: [{}] UTC, it is [{}] local time".format(
    +3470            finish.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    +3471            finish.astimezone(tzlocal()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    +3472        ))
    +3474        if not kwargs:
    +3475            sys.exit(exitCode)
    +3477        else:
    +3478            return exitCode
    +3481if __name__ == "__main__":
    +3482    Main()
    @@ -3617,19 +3752,19 @@

    72def NanoToFloat(units: str, nano: int) -> float:
    -73    """
    -74    Convert number in nano-view mode with string parameter `units` and integer parameter `nano` to float view. Examples:
    -76    `NanoToFloat(units="2", nano=500000000) -> 2.5`
    -78    `NanoToFloat(units="0", nano=50000000) -> 0.05`
    -80    :param units: integer string or integer parameter that represents the integer part of number
    -81    :param nano: integer string or integer parameter that represents the fractional part of number
    -82    :return: float view of number
    -83    """
    -84    return int(units) + int(nano) * NANO
    71def NanoToFloat(units: str, nano: int) -> float:
    +72    """
    +73    Convert number in nano-view mode with string parameter `units` and integer parameter `nano` to float view. Examples:
    +75    `NanoToFloat(units="2", nano=500000000) -> 2.5`
    +77    `NanoToFloat(units="0", nano=50000000) -> 0.05`
    +79    :param units: integer string or integer parameter that represents the integer part of number
    +80    :param nano: integer string or integer parameter that represents the fractional part of number
    +81    :return: float view of number
    +82    """
    +83    return int(units) + int(nano) * NANO
    @@ -3666,31 +3801,31 @@
     87def FloatToNano(number: float) -> dict:
    - 88    """
    - 89    Convert float number to nano-type view: dictionary with string `units` and integer `nano` parameters `{"units": "string", "nano": integer}`. Examples:
    - 90
    - 91    `FloatToNano(number=2.5) -> {"units": "2", "nano": 500000000}`
    - 92
    - 93    `FloatToNano(number=0.05) -> {"units": "0", "nano": 50000000}`
    - 94
    - 95    :param number: float number
    - 96    :return: nano-type view of number: `{"units": "string", "nano": integer}`
    - 97    """
    - 98    splitByPoint = str(number).split(".")
    - 99    frac = 0
    -101    if len(splitByPoint) > 1:
    -102        if len(splitByPoint[1]) <= 9:
    -103            frac = int("{}{}".format(
    -104                int(splitByPoint[1]),
    -105                "0" * (9 - len(splitByPoint[1])),
    -106            ))
    -108    if (number < 0) and (frac > 0):
    -109        frac = -frac
    -111    return {"units": str(int(number)), "nano": frac}
     86def FloatToNano(number: float) -> dict:
    + 87    """
    + 88    Convert float number to nano-type view: dictionary with string `units` and integer `nano` parameters `{"units": "string", "nano": integer}`. Examples:
    + 89
    + 90    `FloatToNano(number=2.5) -> {"units": "2", "nano": 500000000}`
    + 91
    + 92    `FloatToNano(number=0.05) -> {"units": "0", "nano": 50000000}`
    + 93
    + 94    :param number: float number
    + 95    :return: nano-type view of number: `{"units": "string", "nano": integer}`
    + 96    """
    + 97    splitByPoint = str(number).split(".")
    + 98    frac = 0
    + 99
    +100    if len(splitByPoint) > 1:
    +101        if len(splitByPoint[1]) <= 9:
    +102            frac = int("{}{}".format(
    +103                int(splitByPoint[1]),
    +104                "0" * (9 - len(splitByPoint[1])),
    +105            ))
    +107    if (number < 0) and (frac > 0):
    +108        frac = -frac
    +110    return {"units": str(int(number)), "nano": frac}
    @@ -3726,92 +3861,100 @@
    114def GetDatesAsString(start: str = None, end: str = None) -> tuple:
    -115    """
    -116    If `start=None`, `end=None` then return dates from yesterday to current time.
    -117    If `start=some_date_1`, `end=None` then return dates from `some_date_1` to current time.
    -118    If `start=some_date_1`, `end=some_date_2` then return dates from `some_date_1` to `some_date_2`.
    -119    Start day may be negative integer numbers: `-1`, `-2`, `-3` - how many days ago.
    -121    Also, you can use keywords for start if `dateEnd=None`:
    -122    `today` (from 00:00:00 to current time),
    -123    `yesterday` (-1 day from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59),
    -124    `week` (-7 day from 00:00:00 to current date and time),
    -125    `month` (-30 day from 00:00:00 to current date and time),
    -126    `year` (-365 day from 00:00:00 to current date and time),
    -128    User dates format must be like: `%Y-%m-%d`, e.g. `2020-02-03` (3 Feb, 2020).
    -130    :return: tuple with 2 strings `(start, end)` dates in UTC ISO time format `%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ` for OpenAPI.
    -131             Example: `("2022-06-01T00:00:00Z", "2022-06-20T23:59:59Z")`
    -132    """
    -133    uLogger.debug("Input start day is [{}] (UTC), end day is [{}] (UTC)".format(start, end))
    -134    now = datetime.now(tzutc())
    -136    # showing statistics between start of the current day and current time:
    -137    if start is None or start.lower() == "today":
    -138        s = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
    -139        e = now
    -141    # from start of the last day to the end of the last day:
    -142    elif start.lower() == "yesterday":
    -143        s = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) - timedelta(days=1)
    -144        e = now.replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59, microsecond=0) - timedelta(days=1)
    -146    # week (-7 day from 00:00:00 to current date and time):
    -147    elif start.lower() == "week":
    -148        s = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) - timedelta(days=7)
    -149        e = now
    -151    # month (-30 day from 00:00:00 to current date and time):
    -152    elif start.lower() == "month":
    -153        s = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) - timedelta(days=30)
    -154        e = now
    -156    # year (-365 day from 00:00:00 to current date and time):
    -157    elif start.lower() == "year":
    -158        s = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) - timedelta(days=365)
    -159        e = now
    -161    # showing statistics from -N days ago to current date and time:
    -162    elif start.startswith('-') and start[1:].isdigit():
    -163        s = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) - timedelta(days=abs(int(start)))
    -164        e = now
    -166    # showing statistics between start day at 00:00:00 and the end day at 23:59:59:
    -167    else:
    -168        s = datetime.strptime(start, "%Y-%m-%d").replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0, tzinfo=tzutc())
    -169        e = datetime.strptime(end, "%Y-%m-%d").replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59, microsecond=0, tzinfo=tzutc()) if end is not None else now
    -171    # converting to UTC ISO time formatted with Z suffix for Tinkoff Open API:
    -172    s = s.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
    -173    e = e.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
    -175    uLogger.debug("Tinkoff Open API uses this start day (converted to UTC ISO format, with Z): [{}], and the end day: [{}]".format(s, e))
    -177    return s, e
    113def GetDatesAsString(start: str = None, end: str = None) -> tuple:
    +114    """
    +115    Create tuple of date and time strings with timezone parsed from user-friendly date.
    +117    User dates format must be like: `%Y-%m-%d`, e.g. `2020-02-03` (3 Feb, 2020).
    +119    Example input: "2022-06-01" "2022-06-20" -> output: ("2022-06-01T00:00:00Z", "2022-06-20T23:59:59Z")
    +120    An error exception will occur if input date has incorrect format.
    +122    If `start=None`, `end=None` then return dates from yesterday to the end of the day.
    +123    If `start=some_date_1`, `end=None` then return dates from `some_date_1` to the end of the day.
    +124    If `start=some_date_1`, `end=some_date_2` then return dates from start of `some_date_1` to end of `some_date_2`.
    +125    Start day may be negative integer numbers: `-1`, `-2`, `-3` - how many days ago.
    +127    Also, you can use keywords for start if `end=None`:
    +128    `today` (from 00:00:00 to the end of current day),
    +129    `yesterday` (-1 day from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59),
    +130    `week` (-7 day from 00:00:00 to the end of current day),
    +131    `month` (-30 day from 00:00:00 to the end of current day),
    +132    `year` (-365 day from 00:00:00 to the end of current day),
    +134    :return: tuple with 2 strings `(start, end)` dates in UTC ISO time format `%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ` for OpenAPI.
    +135             See date and time format here: `TKSEnums.TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT`.
    +136             Example: `("2022-06-01T00:00:00Z", "2022-06-20T23:59:59Z")`. Second string is the end of the last day.
    +137    """
    +138    uLogger.debug("Input start day is [{}] (UTC), end day is [{}] (UTC)".format(start, end))
    +139    s = datetime.now(tzutc()).replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)  # start of the current day
    +140    e = s.replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59, microsecond=0)  # end of the current day
    +142    # time between start and the end of the current day:
    +143    if start is None or start.lower() == "today":
    +144        pass
    +146    # from start of the last day to the end of the last day:
    +147    elif start.lower() == "yesterday":
    +148        s -= timedelta(days=1)
    +149        e -= timedelta(days=1)
    +151    # week (-7 day from 00:00:00 to the end of the current day):
    +152    elif start.lower() == "week":
    +153        s -= timedelta(days=6)  # +1 current day already taken into account
    +155    # month (-30 day from 00:00:00 to the end of current day):
    +156    elif start.lower() == "month":
    +157        s -= timedelta(days=29)  # +1 current day already taken into account
    +159    # year (-365 day from 00:00:00 to the end of current day):
    +160    elif start.lower() == "year":
    +161        s -= timedelta(days=364)  # +1 current day already taken into account
    +163    # -N days ago to the end of current day:
    +164    elif start.startswith('-') and start[1:].isdigit():
    +165        s -= timedelta(days=abs(int(start)) - 1)  # +1 current day already taken into account
    +167    # dates between start day at 00:00:00 and the end of the last day at 23:59:59:
    +168    else:
    +169        s = datetime.strptime(start, "%Y-%m-%d").replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0, tzinfo=tzutc())
    +170        e = datetime.strptime(end, "%Y-%m-%d").replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59, microsecond=0, tzinfo=tzutc()) if end is not None else e
    +172    # converting to UTC ISO time formatted with Z suffix for Tinkoff Open API:
    +173    s = s.strftime(TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT)
    +174    e = e.strftime(TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT)
    +176    uLogger.debug("Start day converted to UTC ISO format, with Z: [{}], and the end day: [{}]".format(s, e))
    +178    return s, e

    If start=None, end=None then return dates from yesterday to current time. -If start=some_date_1, end=None then return dates from some_date_1 to current time. -If start=some_date_1, end=some_date_2 then return dates from some_date_1 to some_date_2. +

    Create tuple of date and time strings with timezone parsed from user-friendly date.

    + +

    User dates format must be like: %Y-%m-%d, e.g. 2020-02-03 (3 Feb, 2020).

    + +

    Example input: "2022-06-01" "2022-06-20" -> output: ("2022-06-01T00:00:00Z", "2022-06-20T23:59:59Z") +An error exception will occur if input date has incorrect format.

    + +

    If start=None, end=None then return dates from yesterday to the end of the day. +If start=some_date_1, end=None then return dates from some_date_1 to the end of the day. +If start=some_date_1, end=some_date_2 then return dates from start of some_date_1 to end of some_date_2. Start day may be negative integer numbers: -1, -2, -3 - how many days ago.


    Also, you can use keywords for start if dateEnd=None: -today (from 00:00:00 to current time), +

    Also, you can use keywords for start if end=None: +today (from 00:00:00 to the end of current day), yesterday (-1 day from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59), -week (-7 day from 00:00:00 to current date and time), -month (-30 day from 00:00:00 to current date and time), -year (-365 day from 00:00:00 to current date and time),

    - -

    User dates format must be like: %Y-%m-%d, e.g. 2020-02-03 (3 Feb, 2020).

    +week (-7 day from 00:00:00 to the end of current day), +month (-30 day from 00:00:00 to the end of current day), +year (-365 day from 00:00:00 to the end of current day),


    tuple with 2 strings (start, end) dates in UTC ISO time format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ for OpenAPI. - Example: ("2022-06-01T00:00:00Z", "2022-06-20T23:59:59Z")

    + See date and time format here: TKSEnums.TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT. + Example: ("2022-06-01T00:00:00Z", "2022-06-20T23:59:59Z"). Second string is the end of the last day.

    @@ -3828,2830 +3971,2915 @@
     180class TinkoffBrokerServer:
    - 181    """
    - 182    This class implements methods to work with Tinkoff broker server.
    - 183
    - 184    Examples to work with API: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/
    - 185
    - 186    About `token`: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/token/
    - 187    """
    - 188    def __init__(self, token: str, accountId: str = None, iList: dict = None, useCache: bool = True) -> None:
    - 189        """
    - 190        Main class init.
    - 191
    - 192        :param token: Bearer token for Tinkoff Invest API. It can be set from environment variable `TKS_API_TOKEN`.
    - 193        :param accountId: string with user's numeric account ID in Tinkoff Broker. It can be found in broker's reports.
    - 194                          Also, this variable can be set from environment variable `TKS_ACCOUNT_ID`.
    - 195        :param iList: dictionary with raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server.
    - 196                      At first time, when class init, `Listing()` method auto-update this variable, or you can use dump file.
    - 197                      For future use, you can save this variable and use as `iList` to avoid permanent downloads
    - 198                      from the server. Also, you can try `DumpInstruments()` method.
    - 199        :param useCache: use default cache file `dump.json` with raw data to use instead of `iList` if `iList` set as `None`.
    - 200                         True by default. Cache is auto-update if new day has come.
    - 201                         If `iList` is not `None` then it value has higher priority than `dump.json` and `useCache`.
    - 202                         If you don't want to use cache and always updates raw data then set `useCache=False`.
    - 203        """
    - 204        if token is None or not token:
    - 205            try:
    - 206                self.token = r"{}".format(os.environ["TKS_API_TOKEN"])
    - 207                uLogger.debug("Bearer token for Tinkoff OpenApi set up from environment variable `TKS_API_TOKEN`. See https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/token/")
    - 208
    - 209            except KeyError:
    - 210                raise Exception("`--token` key or environment variable `TKS_API_TOKEN` is required! See https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/token/")
    - 211
    - 212        else:
    - 213            self.token = token  # highly priority than environment variable 'TKS_API_TOKEN'
    - 214            uLogger.debug("Bearer token for Tinkoff OpenApi set up from class variable `token`")
    - 215
    - 216        if accountId is None or not accountId:
    - 217            try:
    - 218                self.accountId = r"{}".format(os.environ["TKS_ACCOUNT_ID"])
    - 219                uLogger.debug("String with user's numeric account ID in Tinkoff Broker set up from environment variable `TKS_ACCOUNT_ID`")
    - 220
    - 221            except KeyError:
    - 222                uLogger.warning("`--account-id` key or environment variable `TKS_ACCOUNT_ID` undefined! Some of operations may be unavailable (overview, trading etc).")
    - 223
    - 224        else:
    - 225            self.accountId = accountId  # highly priority than environment variable 'TKS_ACCOUNT_ID'
    - 226            uLogger.debug("String with user's numeric account ID in Tinkoff Broker set up from class variable `accountId`")
    - 227
    - 228        self.aliases = TKS_TICKER_ALIASES
    - 229        """Some aliases instead official tickers. See `TKSEnums.TKS_TICKER_ALIASES`"""
    - 230
    - 231        self.aliasesKeys = self.aliases.keys()  # re-calc only first time at class init
    - 232        self.exclude = TKS_TICKERS_OR_FIGI_EXCLUDED  # some of tickets or FIGIs raised exception earlier when it sends to server, that is why we exclude there
    - 233
    - 234        self.ticker = ""
    - 235        """String with ticker, e.g. `GOOGL`. Use alias for `USD000UTSTOM` simple as `USD`, `EUR_RUB__TOM` as `EUR` etc. More tickers aliases here: `TKSEnums.TKS_TICKER_ALIASES`."""
    - 236
    - 237        self.figi = ""
    - 238        """String with FIGI, e.g. ticker `GOOGL` has FIGI `BBG009S39JX6`"""
    - 239
    - 240        self.depth = 1
    - 241        """Depth of Market (DOM) can be >= 1. Default: 1. It used with `--price` key to showing DOM with current prices for givens ticker or FIGI."""
    - 242
    - 243        self.server = r"https://invest-public-api.tinkoff.ru/rest"
    - 244        """Tinkoff REST API server for real trade operations. Default: https://invest-public-api.tinkoff.ru/rest
    - 245
    - 246        See also: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/#tinkoff-invest-api_1
    - 247        """
    - 248
    - 249        uLogger.debug("Broker API server: {}".format(self.server))
    - 250
    - 251        self.timeout = 15
    - 252        """Server operations timeout in seconds. Default: 15"""
    - 253
    - 254        self.headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(self.token)}
    - 255        """Headers which send in every request to broker server. Default: `{"Content-Type": "application/json", "accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {token}"}`"""
    - 256
    - 257        self.body = None
    - 258        """Request body which send to broker server. Default: `None`"""
    - 259
    - 260        self.historyLength = 24
    - 261        """How many candles returns if candles history request. For example, if `historyInterval="hour"` and `historyLength=24` it means: "give me last 24 hours". Must be >=1. Default: 24"""
    - 262
    - 263        self.historyInterval = "hour"
    - 264        """Interval string for Tinkoff API (see: `TKSEnums.TKS_TIMEFRAMES`). Available values are `"1min"`, `"2min"`, `"3min"`, `"5min"`, `"10min"`, `"15min"`, `"30min"`, `"hour"`, `"day"`, `"week"`, `"month"`. Default: `"hour"`"""
    - 265
    - 266        self.instrumentsFile = "instruments.md"
    - 267        """Filename where full broker's instruments list will be saved. Default: `instruments.md`"""
    - 268
    - 269        self.searchResultsFile = "search-results.md"
    - 270        """Filename with all found instruments searched by part of its ticker, FIGI or name. Default: `search-results.md`"""
    - 271
    - 272        self.pricesFile = "prices.md"
    - 273        """Filename where prices of selected instruments will be saved. Default: `prices.md`"""
    - 274
    - 275        self.overviewFile = "overview.md"
    - 276        """Filename where current portfolio, open trades and orders will be saved. Default: `overview.md`"""
    - 277
    - 278        self.reportFile = "deals.md"
    - 279        """Filename where history of deals and trade statistics will be saved. Default: `deals.md`"""
    - 280
    - 281        self.historyFile = None
    - 282        """Full path to .csv output file where history candles will be saved. Default: `None`, mean that returns only pandas dataframe."""
    - 283
    - 284        self.iListDumpFile = "dump.json"
    - 285        """Filename where raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures will be stored. Default: `dump.json`"""
    - 286
    - 287        self.iList = None  # init iList
    - 288        """Dictionary with raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server. Auto-updating.
    - 289        
    - 290        See also: `Listing()` and `DumpInstruments()`.
    - 291        """
    - 292
    - 293        # try to re-use raw instruments data saved as `iList` or try to load it from the dump file:
    - 294        if iList is not None and isinstance(iList, dict):
    - 295            uLogger.debug("Instruments raw data set up from given `iList` variable. Dump file not updated.")
    - 296
    - 297            self.iList = iList  # only used given iList, dump not updated
    - 298
    - 299        elif useCache:
    - 300            if os.path.exists(self.iListDumpFile):
    - 301                dumpTime = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(self.iListDumpFile)).astimezone(tzutc())  # dump modification date and time
    - 302                curTime = datetime.now(tzutc())
    - 303
    - 304                if (curTime.day > dumpTime.day) or (curTime.month > dumpTime.month) or (curTime.year > dumpTime.year):
    - 305                    uLogger.warning("Local cache may be outdated! It has last modified [{}] UTC. Updating from broker server, wait, please...".format(dumpTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
    - 306
    - 307                    self.DumpInstruments(forceUpdate=True)  # updating self.iList and dump file
    - 308
    - 309                else:
    - 310                    self.iList = json.load(open(self.iListDumpFile, mode="r", encoding="UTF-8"))  # load iList from dump
    - 311
    - 312                    uLogger.debug("Local cache with raw instruments data is used: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.iListDumpFile)))
    - 313                    uLogger.debug("Dump file was modified [{}] UTC".format(dumpTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
    - 314
    - 315            else:
    - 316                uLogger.warning("Local cache with raw instruments data not exists! Creating new dump, wait, please...")
    - 317                self.DumpInstruments(forceUpdate=True)  # updating self.iList and creating default dump file
    - 318
    - 319        else:
    - 320            self.iList = self.Listing()  # request new raw instruments data from broker server
    - 321            self.DumpInstruments(forceUpdate=False)  # save updated info to default dump file
    - 322
    - 323    @staticmethod
    - 324    def _ParseJSON(rawData="{}", debug: bool = False) -> dict:
    - 325        """
    - 326        Parse JSON from response string.
    - 327
    - 328        :param rawData: this is a string with JSON-formatted text.
    - 329        :param debug: if `True` then print more debug information.
    - 330        :return: JSON (dictionary), parsed from server response string.
    - 331        """
    - 332        if debug:
    - 333            uLogger.debug("Raw text body:")
    - 334            uLogger.debug(rawData)
    - 335
    - 336        responseJSON = json.loads(rawData) if rawData else {}
    - 337
    - 338        if debug:
    - 339            uLogger.debug("JSON formatted:")
    - 340            for jsonLine in json.dumps(responseJSON, indent=4).split('\n'):
    - 341                uLogger.debug(jsonLine)
    - 342
    - 343        return responseJSON
    - 344
    - 345    def SendAPIRequest(self, url: str, reqType: str = "GET", retry: int = 3, pause: int = 5, debug: bool = False) -> dict:
    - 346        """
    - 347        Send GET or POST request to broker server and receive JSON object.
    - 348
    - 349        self.header: must be define with dictionary of headers.
    - 350        self.body: if define then used as request body. None by default.
    - 351        self.timeout: global request timeout, 15 seconds by default.
    - 352        :param url: url with REST request.
    - 353        :param reqType: send "GET" or "POST" request. "GET" by default.
    - 354        :param retry: how many times retry after first request if an error occurred.
    - 355        :param pause: sleep time in seconds between retries.
    - 356        :param debug: if `True` then print more debug information.
    - 357        :return: response JSON (dictionary) from broker.
    - 358        """
    - 359        if reqType not in ("GET", "POST"):
    - 360            raise Exception("You can define request type: 'GET' or 'POST'!")
    - 361
    - 362        if debug:
    - 363            uLogger.debug("Request parameters:")
    - 364            uLogger.debug("    - REST API URL: {}".format(url))
    - 365            uLogger.debug("    - request type: {}".format(reqType))
    - 366            uLogger.debug("    - headers: {}".format(str(self.headers).replace(self.token, "*** request token ***")))
    - 367            uLogger.debug("    - body: {}".format(self.body))
    - 368
    - 369        # fast hack to avoid all operations with some tickers/FIGI
    - 370        responseJSON = {}
    - 371        oK = True
    - 372        for item in self.exclude:
    - 373            if item in url:
    - 374                if debug:
    - 375                    uLogger.warning("Do not execute operations with list of this tickers/FIGI: {}".format(str(self.exclude)))
    - 376
    - 377                oK = False
    - 378                break
    - 379
    - 380        if oK:
    - 381            counter = 0
    - 382            response = None
    - 383            errMsg = ""
    - 384
    - 385            while not response and counter <= retry:
    - 386                if reqType == "GET":
    - 387                    response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers, data=self.body, timeout=self.timeout)
    - 388
    - 389                if reqType == "POST":
    - 390                    response = requests.post(url, headers=self.headers, data=self.body, timeout=self.timeout)
    - 391
    - 392                if debug:
    - 393                    uLogger.debug("Response:")
    - 394                    uLogger.debug("    - status code: {}".format(response.status_code))
    - 395                    uLogger.debug("    - reason: {}".format(response.reason))
    - 396                    uLogger.debug("    - body length: {}".format(len(response.text)))
    - 397
    - 398                # Error status codes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes
    - 399                if 400 <= response.status_code < 600:
    - 400                    errMsg = "[{}] {}".format(response.status_code, response.text)
    - 401                    uLogger.debug("    - not oK status code received: {}".format(errMsg))
    - 402                    counter += 1
    - 403
    - 404                    if counter <= retry:
    - 405                        uLogger.debug("Retry: [{}]. Wait until {} sec. and try again...".format(counter, pause))
    - 406                        sleep(pause)
    - 407
    - 408            responseJSON = self._ParseJSON(response.text)
    - 409
    - 410            if errMsg:
    - 411                uLogger.error("Not `oK` status received from broker server!")
    - 412                uLogger.error("    - message: {}".format(errMsg))
    - 413                # raise Exception("Server returned an error! See full debug log. Also you can set debug=True in SendAPIRequest() and _ParseJSON() methods.")
    - 414
    - 415        return responseJSON
    - 416
    - 417    def _IUpdater(self, iType: str) -> tuple:
    - 418        """
    - 419        Request instrument by type from server. See available API methods for instruments:
    - 420        Currencies: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/InstrumentsService/InstrumentsService_Currencies
    - 421        Shares: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/InstrumentsService/InstrumentsService_Shares
    - 422        Bonds: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/InstrumentsService/InstrumentsService_Bonds
    - 423        Etfs: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/InstrumentsService/InstrumentsService_Etfs
    - 424        Futures: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/InstrumentsService/InstrumentsService_Futures
    - 425
    - 426        :param iType: type of the instrument, it must be one of supported types in TKS_INSTRUMENTS list.
    - 427        :return: tuple with iType name and list of available instruments of current type for defined user token.
    - 428        """
    - 429        result = []
    - 430
    - 431        if iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    - 432            uLogger.debug("Requesting available [{}] list. Wait, please...".format(iType))
    - 433
    - 434            # all instruments have the same body in API v2 requests:
    - 436            instrumentURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.InstrumentsService/{}".format(iType)
    - 437            result = self.SendAPIRequest(instrumentURL, reqType="POST", debug=False)["instruments"]
    - 438
    - 439        return iType, result
    - 440
    - 441    def _IWrapper(self, kwargs):
    - 442        """
    - 443        Wrapper runs instrument's update method `_IUpdater()`.
    - 444        It's a workaround for using multiprocessing with kwargs. See: https://stackoverflow.com/a/36799206
    - 445        """
    - 446        return self._IUpdater(**kwargs)
    - 447
    - 448    def Listing(self) -> dict:
    - 449        """
    - 450        Gets JSON with raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server.
    - 451
    - 452        :return: Dictionary with all available broker instruments: currencies, shares, bonds, etfs and futures.
    - 453        """
    - 454        uLogger.debug("Requesting all available instruments from broker for current user token. Wait, please...")
    - 455        uLogger.debug("CPU usages for parallel requests: [{}]".format(CPU_USAGES))
    - 456
    - 457        # this parameters insert to requests: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/InstrumentsService
    - 458        # iType is type of instrument, it must be one of supported types in TKS_INSTRUMENTS list.
    - 459        iParams = [{"iType": iType} for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS]
    - 460
    - 461        poolUpdater = ThreadPool(processes=CPU_USAGES)  # create pool for update instruments in parallel mode
    - 462        listing = poolUpdater.map(self._IWrapper, iParams)  # execute update operations
    - 463        poolUpdater.close()
    - 464
    - 465        # Dictionary with all broker instruments: shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures.
    - 466        # Next in this code: item[0] is "iType" and item[1] is list of available instruments from the result of _IUpdater() method
    - 467        iList = {item[0]: {instrument["ticker"]: instrument for instrument in item[1]} for item in listing}
    - 468
    - 469        # calculate minimum price increment (step) for all instruments and set up instrument's type:
    - 470        for iType in iList.keys():
    - 471            for ticker in iList[iType]:
    - 472                iList[iType][ticker]["type"] = iType
    - 473
    - 474                if "minPriceIncrement" in iList[iType][ticker].keys():
    - 475                    iList[iType][ticker]["step"] = NanoToFloat(
    - 476                        iList[iType][ticker]["minPriceIncrement"]["units"],
    - 477                        iList[iType][ticker]["minPriceIncrement"]["nano"],
    - 478                    )
    - 479
    - 480                else:
    - 481                    iList[iType][ticker]["step"] = 0  # hack to avoid empty value in some instruments, e.g. futures
    - 482
    - 483        return iList
    - 484
    - 485    def DumpInstruments(self, forceUpdate: bool = True) -> str:
    - 486        """
    - 487        Receives and returns actual raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server
    - 488        using `Listing()` method. If `iListDumpFile` string is not empty then also save information to this file.
    - 489
    - 490        :param forceUpdate: if `True` then at first updates data with `Listing()` method, otherwise just saves exist `iList`.
    - 491        :return: serialized JSON formatted `str` with full data of instruments, also saved to the `--output` file.
    - 492        """
    - 493        if self.iListDumpFile is None or not self.iListDumpFile:
    - 494            raise Exception("Output name of dump file must be defined!")
    - 495
    - 496        if not self.iList or forceUpdate:
    - 497            self.iList = self.Listing()
    - 498
    - 499        dump = json.dumps(self.iList, indent=4, sort_keys=False)
    - 500        with open(self.iListDumpFile, mode="w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    - 501            fH.write(dump)
    - 502
    - 503        uLogger.info("Instruments raw data were cached for future used: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.iListDumpFile)))
    - 504
    - 505        return dump
    - 506
    - 507    @staticmethod
    - 508    def ShowInstrumentInfo(iJSON: dict, printInfo: bool = False) -> str:
    - 509        """
    - 510        Show information about instrument defined by json and print in Markdown format.
    - 511
    - 512        :param iJSON: json data of instrument, e.g. in code `iJSON = self.iList["Shares"][self.ticker]`
    - 513        :param printInfo: if `True` then also printing information about instrument and its current price.
    - 514        :return: text in Markdown format with information about instrument.
    - 515        """
    - 516        infoText = ""
    - 517        if iJSON is not None and iJSON and isinstance(iJSON, dict):
    - 518            info = [
    - 519                "# Information is actual at: [{}] (UTC)\n\n".format(datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")),
    - 520                "| Parameters                                              | Values\n",
    - 521                "|---------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------\n",
    - 522                "| Ticker:                                                 | {}\n".format(iJSON["ticker"]),
    - 523                "| Full name:                                              | {}\n".format(iJSON["name"]),
    - 524            ]
    - 525
    - 526            if "sector" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["sector"]:
    - 527                info.append("| Sector:                                                 | {}\n".format(iJSON["sector"]))
    - 528
    - 529            info.append("| Country of instrument:                                  | {}{}\n".format(
    - 530                "({}) ".format(iJSON["countryOfRisk"]) if "countryOfRisk" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["countryOfRisk"] else "",
    - 531                iJSON["countryOfRiskName"] if "countryOfRiskName" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["countryOfRiskName"] else "",
    - 532            ))
    - 533
    - 534            info.extend([
    - 535                "|                                                         |\n",
    - 536                "| FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier):          | {}\n".format(iJSON["figi"]),
    - 537                "| Exchange:                                               | {}\n".format(iJSON["exchange"]),
    - 538            ])
    - 539
    - 540            if "isin" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["isin"]:
    - 541                info.append("| ISIN (International Securities Identification Number):  | {}\n".format(iJSON["isin"]))
    - 542
    - 543            if "classCode" in iJSON.keys():
    - 544                info.append("| Class Code:                                             | {}\n".format(iJSON["classCode"]))
    - 545
    - 546            info.extend([
    - 547                "|                                                         |\n",
    - 548                "| Current broker security trading status:                 | {}\n".format(TKS_TRADING_STATUSES[iJSON["tradingStatus"]]),
    - 549                "| Buy operations allowed:                                 | {}\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["buyAvailableFlag"] else "No"),
    - 550                "| Sale operations allowed:                                | {}\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["sellAvailableFlag"] else "No"),
    - 551                "| Short positions allowed:                                | {}\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["shortEnabledFlag"] else "No"),
    - 552            ])
    - 553
    - 554            info.append("|                                                         |\n")
    - 555
    - 556            if "type" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["type"]:
    - 557                info.append("| Type of the instrument:                                 | {}\n".format(iJSON["type"]))
    - 558
    - 559            if "futuresType" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["futuresType"]:
    - 560                info.append("| Futures type:                                           | {}\n".format(iJSON["futuresType"]))
    - 561
    - 562            if "ipoDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["ipoDate"]:
    - 563                info.append("| IPO date:                                               | {}\n".format(iJSON["ipoDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    - 564
    - 565            if "releasedDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["releasedDate"]:
    - 566                info.append("| Released date:                                          | {}\n".format(iJSON["releasedDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    - 567
    - 568            if "rebalancingFreq" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["rebalancingFreq"]:
    - 569                info.append("| Rebalancing frequency:                                  | {}\n".format(iJSON["rebalancingFreq"]))
    - 570
    - 571            if "focusType" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["focusType"]:
    - 572                info.append("| Focusing type:                                          | {}\n".format(iJSON["focusType"]))
    - 573
    - 574            if "assetType" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["assetType"]:
    - 575                info.append("| Asset type:                                             | {}\n".format(iJSON["assetType"]))
    - 576
    - 577            if "basicAsset" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["basicAsset"]:
    - 578                info.append("| Basic asset:                                            | {}\n".format(iJSON["basicAsset"]))
    - 579
    - 580            if "basicAssetSize" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["basicAssetSize"]:
    - 581                info.append("| Basic asset size:                                       | {:.2f}\n".format(NanoToFloat(str(iJSON["basicAssetSize"]["units"]), iJSON["basicAssetSize"]["nano"])))
    - 582
    - 583            if "isoCurrencyName" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["isoCurrencyName"]:
    - 584                info.append("| ISO currency name:                                      | {}\n".format(iJSON["isoCurrencyName"]))
    - 585
    - 586            if "currency" in iJSON.keys():
    - 587                info.append("| Payment currency:                                       | {}\n".format(iJSON["currency"]))
    - 588
    - 589            if "firstTradeDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["firstTradeDate"] != 0:
    - 590                info.append("| First trade date:                                       | {}\n".format(iJSON["firstTradeDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    - 591
    - 592            if "lastTradeDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["lastTradeDate"] != 0:
    - 593                info.append("| Last trade date:                                        | {}\n".format(iJSON["lastTradeDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    - 594
    - 595            if "expirationDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["expirationDate"] != 0:
    - 596                info.append("| Date of expiration:                                     | {}\n".format(iJSON["expirationDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    - 597
    - 598            if "stateRegDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["stateRegDate"] != 0:
    - 599                info.append("| State registration date:                                | {}\n".format(iJSON["stateRegDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    - 600
    - 601            if "placementDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["placementDate"] != 0:
    - 602                info.append("| Placement date:                                         | {}\n".format(iJSON["placementDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    - 603
    - 604            if "maturityDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["maturityDate"] != 0:
    - 605                info.append("| Maturity date:                                          | {}\n".format(iJSON["maturityDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    - 606
    - 607            if "perpetualFlag" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["perpetualFlag"]:
    - 608                info.append("| Perpetual bond:                                         | Yes\n")
    - 609
    - 610            if "otcFlag" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["otcFlag"]:
    - 611                info.append("| Over-the-counter (OTC) securities:                      | Yes\n")
    - 612
    - 613            if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds":
    - 614                info.append("| Bond issue (size / plan):                               | {} / {}\n".format(iJSON["issueSize"], iJSON["issueSizePlan"]))
    - 615
    - 616                info.append("| Nominal price (100%):                                   | {:.2f} {}\n".format(
    - 617                    NanoToFloat(str(iJSON["nominal"]["units"]), iJSON["nominal"]["nano"]),
    - 618                    iJSON["nominal"]["currency"],
    - 619                ))
    - 620
    - 621                if "floatingCouponFlag" in iJSON.keys():
    - 622                    info.append("| Floating coupon:                                        | {}\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["floatingCouponFlag"] else "No"))
    - 623
    - 624                if "amortizationFlag" in iJSON.keys():
    - 625                    info.append("| Amortization:                                           | {}\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["amortizationFlag"] else "No"))
    - 626
    - 627                if "couponQuantityPerYear" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["couponQuantityPerYear"]:
    - 628                    info.append("| Number of coupon payments per year:                     | {}\n".format(iJSON["couponQuantityPerYear"]))
    - 629
    - 630                if "aciValue" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["aciValue"]:
    - 631                    info.append("| Current ACI (Accrued Interest):                         | {:.2f} {}\n".format(
    - 632                        NanoToFloat(str(iJSON["aciValue"]["units"]), iJSON["aciValue"]["nano"]),
    - 633                        iJSON["aciValue"]["currency"]
    - 634                    ))
    - 635
    - 636            if "currentPrice" in iJSON.keys():
    - 637                info.append("|                                                         |\n")
    - 638
    - 639                info.extend([
    - 640                    "| Previous close price of the instrument:                 | {}{}\n".format(
    - 641                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] is not None else "N/A",
    - 642                        "% of nominal price" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    - 643                    ),
    - 644                    "| Last deal price of the instrument:                      | {}{}\n".format(
    - 645                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] is not None else "N/A",
    - 646                        "% of nominal price" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    - 647                    ),
    - 648                    "| Changes between last deal price and last close  %       | {:.2f}%\n".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"]),
    - 649                    "| Current limit price, min / max:                         | {}{} / {}{}\n".format(
    - 650                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["limitDown"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["limitDown"] is not None else "N/A",
    - 651                        "%" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    - 652                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["limitUp"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["limitUp"] is not None else "N/A",
    - 653                        "%" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    - 654                    ),
    - 655                    "| Actual price, sell / buy:                               | {}{} / {}{}\n".format(
    - 656                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["sell"][0]["price"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["sell"] else "N/A",
    - 657                        "%" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    - 658                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["buy"][0]["price"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["buy"] else "N/A",
    - 659                        "%" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else" {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    - 660                    ),
    - 661                ])
    - 662
    - 663            if "lot" in iJSON.keys():
    - 664                info.append("| Minimum lot to buy:                                     | {}\n".format(iJSON["lot"]))
    - 665
    - 666            if "step" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["step"] != 0:
    - 667                info.append("| Minimum price increment (step):                         | {}\n".format(iJSON["step"]))
    - 668
    - 669            infoText += "".join(info)
    - 670
    - 671            if printInfo:
    - 672                uLogger.info("Information about instrument: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}]\n{}".format(iJSON["ticker"], iJSON["figi"], infoText))
    - 673
    - 674            else:
    - 675                uLogger.debug("Information about instrument: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}]\n{}".format(iJSON["ticker"], iJSON["figi"], infoText))
    - 676
    - 677        return infoText
    - 678
    - 679    def SearchByTicker(self, requestPrice: bool = False, showInfo: bool = False, debug: bool = False) -> dict:
    - 680        """
    - 681        Search and return raw broker's information about instrument by it's ticker.
    - 682        `ticker` must be define! If debug=True then print all debug messages.
    - 683
    - 684        :param requestPrice: if `False` then do not request current price of instrument (because this is long operation).
    - 685        :param showInfo: if `False` then do not run `ShowInstrumentInfo()` method and do not print info to the console.
    - 686        :param debug: if `True` then print all debug console messages.
    - 687        :return: JSON formatted data with information about instrument.
    - 688        """
    - 689        tickerJSON = {}
    - 690        if debug:
    - 691            uLogger.debug("Searching information about instrument by it's ticker [{}] ...".format(self.ticker))
    - 692
    - 693        if not self.ticker:
    - 694            uLogger.warning("self.ticker variable is not be empty!")
    - 695
    - 696        else:
    - 697            if not self.iList:
    - 698                self.iList = self.Listing()
    - 699
    - 700            if self.ticker in self.iList["Shares"].keys():
    - 701                tickerJSON = self.iList["Shares"][self.ticker]
    - 702                if debug:
    - 703                    uLogger.debug("Ticker [{}] found in shares list".format(self.ticker))
    - 704
    - 705            elif self.ticker in self.iList["Currencies"].keys():
    - 706                tickerJSON = self.iList["Currencies"][self.ticker]
    - 707                if debug:
    - 708                    uLogger.debug("Ticker [{}] found in currencies list".format(self.ticker))
    - 709
    - 710            elif self.ticker in self.iList["Bonds"].keys():
    - 711                tickerJSON = self.iList["Bonds"][self.ticker]
    - 712                if debug:
    - 713                    uLogger.debug("Ticker [{}] found in bonds list".format(self.ticker))
    - 714
    - 715            elif self.ticker in self.iList["Etfs"].keys():
    - 716                tickerJSON = self.iList["Etfs"][self.ticker]
    - 717                if debug:
    - 718                    uLogger.debug("Ticker [{}] found in etfs list".format(self.ticker))
    - 719
    - 720            elif self.ticker in self.iList["Futures"].keys():
    - 721                tickerJSON = self.iList["Futures"][self.ticker]
    - 722                if debug:
    - 723                    uLogger.debug("Ticker [{}] found in futures list".format(self.ticker))
    - 724
    - 725        if tickerJSON:
    - 726            self.figi = tickerJSON["figi"]
    - 727
    - 728            if requestPrice:
    - 729                tickerJSON["currentPrice"] = self.GetCurrentPrices(showPrice=False)
    - 730
    - 731                if tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] is not None and tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] != 0 and tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] is not None:
    - 732                    tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"] = 100 * (tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] - tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]) / tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]
    - 733
    - 734                else:
    - 735                    tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"] = 0
    - 736
    - 737            if showInfo:
    - 738                self.ShowInstrumentInfo(iJSON=tickerJSON, printInfo=True)  # print info as Markdown text
    - 739
    - 740        else:
    - 741            if showInfo:
    - 742                uLogger.warning("Ticker [{}] not found in available broker instrument's list!".format(self.ticker))
    - 743
    - 744        return tickerJSON
    - 745
    - 746    def SearchByFIGI(self, requestPrice: bool = False, showInfo: bool = False, debug: bool = False) -> dict:
    - 747        """
    - 748        Search and return raw broker's information about instrument by it's FIGI.
    - 749        `figi` must be define! If debug=True then print all debug messages.
    - 750
    - 751        :param requestPrice: if `False` then do not request current price of instrument (it's long operation).
    - 752        :param showInfo: if `False` then do not run `ShowInstrumentInfo()` method and do not print info to the console.
    - 753        :param debug: if `True` then print all debug console messages.
    - 754        :return: JSON formatted data with information about instrument.
    - 755        """
    - 756        figiJSON = {}
    - 757        if debug:
    - 758            uLogger.debug("Searching information about instrument by it's FIGI [{}] ...".format(self.figi))
    - 759
    - 760        if not self.figi:
    - 761            uLogger.warning("self.figi variable is not be empty!")
    - 762
    - 763        else:
    - 764            if not self.iList:
    - 765                self.iList = self.Listing()
    - 766
    - 767            for item in self.iList["Shares"].keys():
    - 768                if self.figi == self.iList["Shares"][item]["figi"]:
    - 769                    figiJSON = self.iList["Shares"][item]
    - 770
    - 771                    if debug:
    - 772                        uLogger.debug("FIGI [{}] found in shares list".format(self.figi))
    - 773
    - 774                    break
    - 775
    - 776            if not figiJSON:
    - 777                for item in self.iList["Currencies"].keys():
    - 778                    if self.figi == self.iList["Currencies"][item]["figi"]:
    - 779                        figiJSON = self.iList["Currencies"][item]
    - 780
    - 781                        if debug:
    - 782                            uLogger.debug("FIGI [{}] found in currencies list".format(self.figi))
    - 783
    - 784                        break
    - 785
    - 786            if not figiJSON:
    - 787                for item in self.iList["Bonds"].keys():
    - 788                    if self.figi == self.iList["Bonds"][item]["figi"]:
    - 789                        figiJSON = self.iList["Bonds"][item]
    - 790
    - 791                        if debug:
    - 792                            uLogger.debug("FIGI [{}] found in bonds list".format(self.figi))
    - 793
    - 794                        break
    - 795
    - 796            if not figiJSON:
    - 797                for item in self.iList["Etfs"].keys():
    - 798                    if self.figi == self.iList["Etfs"][item]["figi"]:
    - 799                        figiJSON = self.iList["Etfs"][item]
    - 800
    - 801                        if debug:
    - 802                            uLogger.debug("FIGI [{}] found in etfs list".format(self.figi))
    - 803
    - 804                        break
    - 805
    - 806            if not figiJSON:
    - 807                for item in self.iList["Futures"].keys():
    - 808                    if self.figi == self.iList["Futures"][item]["figi"]:
    - 809                        figiJSON = self.iList["Futures"][item]
    - 810
    - 811                        if debug:
    - 812                            uLogger.debug("FIGI [{}] found in futures list".format(self.figi))
    - 813
    - 814                        break
    - 815
    - 816        if figiJSON:
    - 817            self.figi = figiJSON["figi"]
    - 818            self.ticker = figiJSON["ticker"]
    - 819
    - 820            if requestPrice:
    - 821                figiJSON["currentPrice"] = self.GetCurrentPrices(showPrice=False)
    - 822
    - 823                if figiJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] is not None and figiJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] != 0 and figiJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] is not None:
    - 824                    figiJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"] = 100 * (figiJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] - figiJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]) / figiJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]
    - 825
    - 826                else:
    - 827                    figiJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"] = 0
    - 828
    - 829            if showInfo:
    - 830                self.ShowInstrumentInfo(iJSON=figiJSON, printInfo=True)  # print info as Markdown text
    - 831
    - 832        else:
    - 833            if showInfo:
    - 834                uLogger.warning("FIGI [{}] not found in available broker instrument's list!".format(self.figi))
    - 835
    - 836        return figiJSON
    - 837
    - 838    def GetCurrentPrices(self, showPrice: bool = False) -> dict:
    - 839        """
    - 840        Get and show Depth of Market with current prices of the instrument. If an error occurred then returns an empty record:
    - 841        `{"buy": [], "sell": [], "limitUp": None, "limitDown": None, "lastPrice": None, "closePrice": None}`.
    - 842
    - 843        :param showPrice: if `True` then print DOM.
    - 844        :return: orders book dict with lists of current buy and sell prices: `{"buy": [{"price": x1, "quantity": y1, ...}], "sell": [....]}`.
    - 845        """
    - 846        prices = {"buy": [], "sell": [], "limitUp": 0, "limitDown": 0, "lastPrice": 0, "closePrice": 0}
    - 847
    - 848        if self.depth < 1:
    - 849            raise Exception("Depth of Market (DOM) must be >=1!")
    - 850
    - 851        if not (self.ticker or self.figi):
    - 852            raise Exception("self.ticker or self.figi variables must be defined!")
    - 853
    - 854        if self.ticker and not self.figi:
    - 855            instrumentByTicker = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=False)  # WARNING! requestPrice=False to avoid recursion!
    - 856            self.figi = instrumentByTicker["figi"] if instrumentByTicker else ""
    - 857
    - 858        if not self.ticker and self.figi:
    - 859            instrumentByFigi = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False)  # WARNING! requestPrice=False to avoid recursion!
    - 860            self.ticker = instrumentByFigi["ticker"] if instrumentByFigi else ""
    - 861
    - 862        if not self.figi:
    - 863            uLogger.error("FIGI is not determined!")
    - 864
    - 865        else:
    - 866            uLogger.debug("Requesting current prices for instrument with ticker [{}] and FIGI [{}]...".format(self.ticker, self.figi))
    - 867
    - 868            # REST API for request: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/MarketDataService/MarketDataService_GetOrderBook
    - 869            priceURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.MarketDataService/GetOrderBook"
    - 870            self.body = str({"figi": self.figi, "depth": self.depth})
    - 871            pricesResponse = self.SendAPIRequest(priceURL, reqType="POST")
    - 872
    - 873            if pricesResponse:
    - 874                # list of dicts with sellers orders:
    - 875                prices["buy"] = [{"price": NanoToFloat(item["price"]["units"], item["price"]["nano"]), "quantity": int(item["quantity"])} for item in pricesResponse["asks"]]
    - 876
    - 877                # list of dicts with buyers orders:
    - 878                prices["sell"] = [{"price": NanoToFloat(item["price"]["units"], item["price"]["nano"]), "quantity": int(item["quantity"])} for item in pricesResponse["bids"]]
    - 879
    - 880                # max price of instrument at this time:
    - 881                prices["limitUp"] = NanoToFloat(pricesResponse["limitUp"]["units"], pricesResponse["limitUp"]["nano"]) if "limitUp" in pricesResponse.keys() else None
    - 882
    - 883                # min price of instrument at this time:
    - 884                prices["limitDown"] = NanoToFloat(pricesResponse["limitDown"]["units"], pricesResponse["limitDown"]["nano"]) if "limitDown" in pricesResponse.keys() else None
    - 885
    - 886                # last price of deal with instrument:
    - 887                prices["lastPrice"] = NanoToFloat(pricesResponse["lastPrice"]["units"], pricesResponse["lastPrice"]["nano"]) if "lastPrice" in pricesResponse.keys() else 0
    - 888
    - 889                # last close price of instrument:
    - 890                prices["closePrice"] = NanoToFloat(pricesResponse["closePrice"]["units"], pricesResponse["closePrice"]["nano"]) if "closePrice" in pricesResponse.keys() else 0
    - 891
    - 892            else:
    - 893                uLogger.warning("Server return an empty or error response! See full log. Instrument: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}]".format(self.ticker, self.figi))
    - 894                uLogger.debug("Server response: {}".format(pricesResponse))
    - 895
    - 896            if showPrice:
    - 897                if prices["buy"] or prices["sell"]:
    - 898                    info = [
    - 899                        "Orders book actual at [{}] (UTC)\nTicker: [{}], FIGI: [{}], Depth of Market: [{}]\n".format(
    - 900                            datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    - 901                            self.ticker,
    - 902                            self.figi,
    - 903                            self.depth,
    - 904                        ),
    - 905                        uLog.sepShort, "\n",
    - 906                        " Orders of Buyers   | Orders of Sellers\n",
    - 907                        uLog.sepShort, "\n",
    - 908                        " Sell prices (vol.) | Buy prices (vol.)\n",
    - 909                        uLog.sepShort, "\n",
    - 910                    ]
    - 911
    - 912                    if not prices["buy"]:
    - 913                        info.append("                    | No orders!\n")
    - 914                        sumBuy = 0
    - 915
    - 916                    else:
    - 917                        sumBuy = sum([x["quantity"] for x in prices["buy"]])
    - 918                        maxMinSorted = sorted(prices["buy"], key=lambda k: k["price"], reverse=True)
    - 919                        for item in maxMinSorted:
    - 920                            info.append("                    | {} ({})\n".format(item["price"], item["quantity"]))
    - 921
    - 922                    if not prices["sell"]:
    - 923                        info.append("No orders!          |\n")
    - 924                        sumSell = 0
    - 925
    - 926                    else:
    - 927                        sumSell = sum([x["quantity"] for x in prices["sell"]])
    - 928                        for item in prices["sell"]:
    - 929                            info.append("{:>19} |\n".format("{} ({})".format(item["price"], item["quantity"])))
    - 930
    - 931                    info.extend([
    - 932                        uLog.sepShort, "\n",
    - 933                        "{:>19} | {}\n".format("Total sell: {}".format(sumSell), "Total buy: {}".format(sumBuy)),
    - 934                        uLog.sepShort, "\n",
    - 935                    ])
    - 936
    - 937                    infoText = "".join(info)
    - 938
    - 939                    uLogger.info("Current prices in order book:\n\n{}".format(infoText))
    - 940
    - 941                else:
    - 942                    uLogger.warning("Orders book is empty at this time! Instrument: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}]".format(self.ticker, self.figi))
    - 943
    - 944        return prices
    - 945
    - 946    def ShowInstrumentsInfo(self, showInstruments: bool = False) -> str:
    - 947        """
    - 948        This method get and show information about all available broker instruments.
    - 949        If `instrumentsFile` string is not empty then also save information to this file.
    - 950
    - 951        :param showInstruments: if `True` then print results to console, if `False` - print only to file.
    - 952        :return: multi-string with all available broker instruments
    - 953        """
    - 954        if not self.iList:
    - 955            self.iList = self.Listing()
    - 956
    - 957        info = [
    - 958            "# All available instruments from Tinkoff Broker server for current user token\n\n",
    - 959            "* **Actual on date:** [{}] (UTC)\n".format(datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")),
    - 960        ]
    - 961
    - 962        # add instruments count by type:
    - 963        for iType in self.iList.keys():
    - 964            info.append("* **{}:** [{}]\n".format(iType, len(self.iList[iType])))
    - 965
    - 966        headerLine = "| Ticker       | Full name                                                      | FIGI         | Cur | Lot    | Step\n"
    - 967        splitLine = "|--------------|----------------------------------------------------------------|--------------|-----|--------|---------\n"
    - 968
    - 969        # generating info tables with all instruments by type:
    - 970        for iType in self.iList.keys():
    - 971            info.extend(["\n\n## {} available. Total: [{}]\n\n".format(iType, len(self.iList[iType])), headerLine, splitLine])
    - 972
    - 973            for instrument in self.iList[iType].keys():
    - 974                iName = self.iList[iType][instrument]["name"]  # instrument's name
    - 975                if len(iName) > 63:
    - 976                    iName = "{}...".format(iName[:60])  # right trim for a long string
    - 977    
    - 978                info.append("| {:<12} | {:<63}| {:<13}| {:<4}| {:<7}| {}\n".format(
    - 979                    self.iList[iType][instrument]["ticker"],
    - 980                    iName,
    - 981                    self.iList[iType][instrument]["figi"],
    - 982                    self.iList[iType][instrument]["currency"],
    - 983                    self.iList[iType][instrument]["lot"],
    - 984                    str(self.iList[iType][instrument]["step"]).rstrip("0"),
    - 985                ))
    - 986
    - 987        infoText = "".join(info)
    - 988
    - 989        if showInstruments:
    - 990            uLogger.info(infoText)
    - 991
    - 992        if self.instrumentsFile:
    - 993            with open(self.instrumentsFile, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    - 994                fH.write(infoText)
    - 995
    - 996            uLogger.info("All available instruments are saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.instrumentsFile)))
    - 997
    - 998        return infoText
    - 999
    -1000    def SearchInstruments(self, pattern: str, showResults: bool = False) -> dict:
    -1001        """
    -1002        This method search and show information about instruments by part of its ticker, FIGI or name.
    -1003        If `searchResultsFile` string is not empty then also save information to this file.
    -1005        :param pattern: string with part of ticker, FIGI or instrument's name.
    -1006        :param showResults: if `True` then print results to console, if `False` - return list of result only.
    -1007        :return: list of dictionaries with all found instruments.
    -1008        """
    -1009        if not self.iList:
    -1010            self.iList = self.Listing()
    -1012        searchResults = {iType: {} for iType in self.iList}  # same as iList but will contains only filtered instruments
    -1013        compiledPattern = re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE)
    -1015        for iType in self.iList:
    -1016            for instrument in self.iList[iType].values():
    -1017                searchResult = compiledPattern.search(" ".join(
    -1018                    [instrument["ticker"], instrument["figi"], instrument["name"]]
    -1019                ))
    -1021                if searchResult:
    -1022                    searchResults[iType][instrument["ticker"]] = instrument
    -1024        resultsLen = sum([len(searchResults[iType]) for iType in searchResults])
    -1025        info = [
    -1026            "# Search results\n\n",
    -1027            "* **Search pattern:** [{}]\n".format(pattern),
    -1028            "* **Found instruments:** [{}]\n\n".format(resultsLen),
    -1029            "**Note:** you can view info about found instruments with key `--info`, e.g.: `tksbrokerapi -t TICKER --info` or `tksbrokerapi -f FIGI --info`.\n"
    -1030        ]
    -1031        infoShort = info[:]
    -1033        headerLine = "| Type       | Ticker       | Full name                                                      | FIGI         |\n"
    -1034        splitLine = "|------------|--------------|----------------------------------------------------------------|--------------|\n"
    -1035        skippedLine = "| ...        | ...          | ...                                                            | ...          |\n"
    -1037        if resultsLen == 0:
    -1038            info.append("\nNo results\n")
    -1039            infoShort.append("\nNo results\n")
    -1040            uLogger.warning("No results. Try changing your search pattern.")
    -1042        else:
    -1043            for iType in searchResults:
    -1044                iTypeValuesCount = len(searchResults[iType].values())
    -1045                if iTypeValuesCount > 0:
    -1046                    info.extend(["\n### {}: [{}]\n\n".format(iType, iTypeValuesCount), headerLine, splitLine])
    -1047                    infoShort.extend(["\n### {}: [{}]\n\n".format(iType, iTypeValuesCount), headerLine, splitLine])
    -1049                    for instrument in searchResults[iType].values():
    -1050                        info.append("| {:<10} | {:<12} | {:<63}| {:<13}|\n".format(
    -1051                            instrument["type"],
    -1052                            instrument["ticker"],
    -1053                            "{}...".format(instrument["name"][:60]) if len(instrument["name"]) > 63 else instrument["name"],  # right trim for a long string
    -1054                            instrument["figi"],
    -1055                        ))
    -1057                    if iTypeValuesCount <= 5:
    -1058                        infoShort.extend(info[-iTypeValuesCount:])
    -1060                    else:
    -1061                        infoShort.extend(info[-5:])
    -1062                        infoShort.append(skippedLine)
    -1064        infoText = "".join(info)
    -1065        infoTextShort = "".join(infoShort)
    -1067        if showResults:
    -1068            uLogger.info(infoTextShort)
    -1069            uLogger.info("You can view info about found instruments with key `--info`, e.g.: `tksbrokerapi -t IBM --info` or `tksbrokerapi -f BBG000BLNNH6 --info`")
    -1071        if self.searchResultsFile:
    -1072            with open(self.searchResultsFile, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    -1073                fH.write(infoText)
    -1075            uLogger.info("Full search results were saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.searchResultsFile)))
    -1077        return searchResults
    -1079    def GetListOfPrices(self, instruments: list = None, showPrices: bool = False) -> list:
    -1080        """
    -1081        This method get, maybe show and return prices of list of instruments. WARNING! This is potential long operation!
    -1082        See limits: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/limits/
    -1083        If `pricesFile` string is not empty then also save information to this file.
    -1085        :param instruments: list of tickers or FIGIs.
    -1086        :param showPrices: if `True` then print to console, if `False` - print only to file.
    -1087        :return: list of instruments looks like this: `iList = [{some ticker info, "currentPrice": {current prices}}, {...}, ...]`
    -1088                 One item is dict returned by `SearchByTicker()` or `SearchByFIGI()` methods.
    -1089        """
    -1090        if instruments is None or not instruments:
    -1091            raise Exception("You must define some of tickers or FIGIs to request it's actual prices!")
    -1093        uLogger.debug("Requesting current prices of list of instruments from Tinkoff Broker server...")
    -1095        iList = []
    -1096        for iName in instruments:
    -1097            if iName not in self.aliases.keys():
    -1098                iList.append(iName)
    -1100            else:
    -1101                iList.append(self.aliases[iName])
    -1103        unique = set()  # create list with every figi only one time with the same order position:
    -1104        tempNames = [item for item in iList if not (item in unique or unique.add(item))]
    -1106        uLogger.debug("Ordered input list of instruments without duplicates of names: {}".format(tempNames))
    -1108        iList = []  # try to get info about all unique instruments:
    -1109        for iName in tempNames:
    -1110            self.ticker = iName
    -1111            iData = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=True)
    -1113            if not iData:
    -1114                self.ticker = ""
    -1115                self.figi = iName
    -1117                iData = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True)
    -1119                if not iData:
    -1120                    self.figi = ""
    -1121                    uLogger.warning("Instrument [{}] not in list of available instruments for current token!".format(iName))
    -1123            if iData:
    -1124                isUnique = True
    -1125                for item in iList:
    -1126                    if item["figi"] == iData["figi"] or item["ticker"] == iData["ticker"]:
    -1127                        isUnique = False
    -1128                        break
    -1130                if isUnique:
    -1131                    iList.append(iData)
    -1133        if showPrices:
    -1134            info = [
    -1135                "# Actual prices at: [{} UTC]\n\n".format(datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")),
    -1136                "| Ticker       | FIGI         | Type       | Prev. close | Last price  | Chg. %   | Day limits min/max  | Actual sell / buy   | Curr.\n",
    -1137                "|--------------|--------------|------------|-------------|-------------|----------|---------------------|---------------------|------\n",
    -1138            ]
    -1140            for item in iList:
    -1141                info.append("| {:<12} | {:<12} | {:<10} | {:>11} | {:>11} | {:>7}% | {:>19} | {:>19} | {}\n".format(
    -1142                    item["ticker"],
    -1143                    item["figi"],
    -1144                    item["type"],
    -1145                    "{:.2f}".format(float(item["currentPrice"]["closePrice"])),
    -1146                    "{:.2f}".format(float(item["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"])),
    -1147                    "{}{:.2f}".format("+" if item["currentPrice"]["changes"] > 0 else "", float(item["currentPrice"]["changes"])),
    -1148                    "{} / {}".format(
    -1149                        item["currentPrice"]["limitDown"] if item["currentPrice"]["limitDown"] is not None else "N/A",
    -1150                        item["currentPrice"]["limitUp"] if item["currentPrice"]["limitUp"] is not None else "N/A",
    -1151                    ),
    -1152                    "{} / {}".format(
    -1153                        item["currentPrice"]["sell"][0]["price"] if item["currentPrice"]["sell"] else "N/A",
    -1154                        item["currentPrice"]["buy"][0]["price"] if item["currentPrice"]["buy"] else "N/A",
    -1155                    ),
    -1156                    item["currency"],
    -1157                ))
    -1159            infoText = "".join(info)
    -1161            if showPrices:
    -1162                uLogger.info("Only unique instruments are shown:\n{}".format(infoText))
    -1164            if self.pricesFile:
    -1165                with open(self.pricesFile, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    -1166                    fH.write(infoText)
    -1168                uLogger.info("Price list for all instruments saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.pricesFile)))
    -1170        return iList
    -1172    def RequestPortfolio(self) -> dict:
    -1173        """
    -1174        Requesting current actual user's portfolio.
    -1175        REST API for user portfolio: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetPortfolio
    -1177        :return: dictionary with user's portfolio.
    -1178        """
    -1179        uLogger.debug("Requesting current actual user's portfolio. Wait, please...")
    -1181        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId})
    -1182        portfolioURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OperationsService/GetPortfolio"
    -1183        rawPortfolio = self.SendAPIRequest(portfolioURL, reqType="POST")
    -1185        uLogger.debug("Records about user's portfolio successfully received")
    -1187        return rawPortfolio
    -1189    def RequestPositions(self) -> dict:
    -1190        """
    -1191        Requesting current open positions in currencies and instruments.
    -1192        REST API for open positions: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetPositions
    -1194        :return: dictionary with open positions by instruments.
    -1195        """
    -1196        uLogger.debug("Requesting current open positions in currencies and instruments. Wait, please...")
    -1198        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId})
    -1199        positionsURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OperationsService/GetPositions"
    -1200        rawPositions = self.SendAPIRequest(positionsURL, reqType="POST")
    -1202        uLogger.debug("Records about current open positions successfully received")
    -1204        return rawPositions
    -1206    def RequestPendingOrders(self) -> list:
    -1207        """
    -1208        Requesting current actual pending orders.
    -1209        REST API for pending (market) orders: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OrdersService/OrdersService_GetOrders
    -1211        :return: list of dictionaries with pending orders.
    -1212        """
    -1213        uLogger.debug("Requesting current actual pending orders. Wait, please...")
    -1215        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId})
    -1216        ordersURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OrdersService/GetOrders"
    -1217        rawOrders = self.SendAPIRequest(ordersURL, reqType="POST")["orders"]
    -1219        uLogger.debug("[{}] records about pending orders successfully received".format(len(rawOrders)))
    -1221        return rawOrders
    -1223    def RequestStopOrders(self) -> list:
    -1224        """
    -1225        Requesting current actual stop orders.
    -1226        REST API for opened stop-orders: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/StopOrdersService/StopOrdersService_GetStopOrders
    -1228        :return: list of dictionaries with stop orders.
    -1229        """
    -1230        uLogger.debug("Requesting current actual stop orders. Wait, please...")
    -1232        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId})
    -1233        ordersURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.StopOrdersService/GetStopOrders"
    -1234        rawStopOrders = self.SendAPIRequest(ordersURL, reqType="POST")["stopOrders"]
    -1236        uLogger.debug("[{}] records about stop orders successfully received".format(len(rawStopOrders)))
    -1238        return rawStopOrders
    -1240    def Overview(self, showStatistics: bool = False) -> dict:
    -1241        """
    -1242        Get portfolio: all open positions, orders and some statistics for defined accountId.
    -1243        If `overviewFile` is define then also save information to file.
    -1245        :param showStatistics: if `False` then only dictionary returns, if `True` then show more debug information.
    -1246        :return: dictionary with client's raw portfolio and some statistics.
    -1247        """
    -1248        view = {
    -1249            "raw": {  # --- raw portfolio responses from broker with user portfolio data:
    -1250                "headers": {},  # list of dictionaries, response headers without "positions" section
    -1251                "Currencies": [],  # list of dictionaries, open trades with currencies from "positions" section
    -1252                "Shares": [],  # list of dictionaries, open trades with shares from "positions" section
    -1253                "Bonds": [],  # list of dictionaries, open trades with bonds from "positions" section
    -1254                "Etfs": [],  # list of dictionaries, open trades with etfs from "positions" section
    -1255                "Futures": [],  # list of dictionaries, open trades with futures from "positions" section
    -1256                "positions": {},  # raw response from broker: dictionary with current available or blocked currencies and instruments for client
    -1257                "orders": [],  # raw response from broker: list of dictionaries with all pending (market) orders
    -1258                "stopOrders": [],  # raw response from broker: list of dictionaries with all stop orders
    -1259                "currenciesCurrentPrices": {"rub": {"name": "Российский рубль", "currentPrice": 1.}},  # dict with prices of all currencies in RUB
    -1260            },
    -1261            "stat": {  # --- some statistics calculated using "raw" sections:
    -1262                "portfolioCostRUB": 0.,  # portfolio cost in RUB (Russian Rouble)
    -1263                "availableRUB": 0.,  # available rubles (without other currencies)
    -1264                "blockedRUB": 0.,  # blocked sum in Russian Rouble
    -1265                "totalChangesRUB": 0.,  # changes for all open trades in RUB
    -1266                "totalChangesPercentRUB": 0.,  # changes for all open trades in percents
    -1267                "allCurrenciesCostRUB": 0.,  # costs of all currencies (include rubles) in RUB
    -1268                "sharesCostRUB": 0.,  # costs of all shares in RUB
    -1269                "bondsCostRUB": 0.,  # costs of all bonds in RUB
    -1270                "etfsCostRUB": 0.,  # costs of all etfs in RUB
    -1271                "futuresCostRUB": 0.,  # costs of all futures in RUB
    -1272                "Currencies": [],  # list of dictionaries of all currencies statistics
    -1273                "Shares": [],  # list of dictionaries of all shares statistics
    -1274                "Bonds": [],  # list of dictionaries of all bonds statistics
    -1275                "Etfs": [],  # list of dictionaries of all etfs statistics
    -1276                "Futures": [],  # list of dictionaries of all futures statistics
    -1277                "orders": [],  # list of dictionaries of all pending (market) orders and it's parameters
    -1278                "stopOrders": [],  # list of dictionaries of all stop orders and it's parameters
    -1279                "blockedCurrencies": {},  # dict with blocked instruments and currencies, e.g. {"rub": 1291.87, "usd": 6.21}
    -1280                "blockedInstruments": {},  # dict with blocked  by FIGI, e.g. {}
    -1281                "funds": {},  # dict with free funds for trading (total - blocked), by all currencies, e.g. {"rub": {"total": 10000.99, "totalCostRUB": 10000.99, "free": 1234.56, "freeCostRUB": 1234.56}, "usd": {"total": 250.55, "totalCostRUB": 15375.80, "free": 125.05, "freeCostRUB": 7687.50}}
    -1282            },
    -1283            "analytics": {  # --- some analytics of portfolio:
    -1284                "distrByAssets": {},  # portfolio distribution by assets
    -1285                "distrByCompanies": {},  # portfolio distribution by companies
    -1286                "distrBySectors": {},  # portfolio distribution by sectors
    -1287                "distrByCurrencies": {},  # portfolio distribution by currencies
    -1288                "distrByCountries": {},  # portfolio distribution by countries
    -1289            }
    -1290        }
    -1292        if showStatistics:
    -1293            uLogger.debug("Requesting portfolio of a client. Wait, please...")
    -1295        portfolioResponse = self.RequestPortfolio()  # current user's portfolio (dict)
    -1296        view["raw"]["positions"] = self.RequestPositions()  # current open positions by instruments (dict)
    -1297        view["raw"]["orders"] = self.RequestPendingOrders()  # current actual pending orders (list)
    -1298        view["raw"]["stopOrders"] = self.RequestStopOrders()  # current actual stop orders (list)
    -1300        # save response headers without "positions" section:
    -1301        for key in portfolioResponse.keys():
    -1302            if key != "positions":
    -1303                view["raw"]["headers"][key] = portfolioResponse[key]
    -1305            else:
    -1306                continue
    -1308        # Re-sorting and separating given raw instruments and currencies by type: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/operations/#operation
    -1309        # Type of instrument must be only one of supported types in TKS_INSTRUMENTS
    -1310        for item in portfolioResponse["positions"]:
    -1311            if item["instrumentType"] == "currency":
    -1312                self.figi = item["figi"]
    -1313                curr = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False)
    -1315                # current price of currency in RUB:
    -1316                view["raw"]["currenciesCurrentPrices"][curr["nominal"]["currency"]] = {
    -1317                    "name": curr["name"],
    -1318                    "currentPrice": NanoToFloat(
    -1319                        item["currentPrice"]["units"],
    -1320                        item["currentPrice"]["nano"]
    -1321                    ),
    -1322                }
    -1324                view["raw"]["Currencies"].append(item)
    -1326            elif item["instrumentType"] == "share":
    -1327                view["raw"]["Shares"].append(item)
    -1329            elif item["instrumentType"] == "bond":
    -1330                view["raw"]["Bonds"].append(item)
    -1332            elif item["instrumentType"] == "etf":
    -1333                view["raw"]["Etfs"].append(item)
    -1335            elif item["instrumentType"] == "futures":
    -1336                view["raw"]["Futures"].append(item)
    -1338            else:
    -1339                continue
    -1341        # how many volume of currencies (by ISO currency name) are blocked:
    -1342        for item in view["raw"]["positions"]["blocked"]:
    -1343            blocked = NanoToFloat(item["units"], item["nano"])
    -1344            if blocked > 0:
    -1345                view["stat"]["blockedCurrencies"][item["currency"]] = blocked
    -1347        # how many volume of instruments (by FIGI) are blocked:
    -1348        for item in view["raw"]["positions"]["securities"]:
    -1349            blocked = int(item["blocked"])
    -1350            if blocked > 0:
    -1351                view["stat"]["blockedInstruments"][item["figi"]] = blocked
    -1353        allBlocked = {**view["stat"]["blockedCurrencies"], **view["stat"]["blockedInstruments"]}
    -1355        if "rub" in allBlocked.keys():
    -1356            view["stat"]["blockedRUB"] = allBlocked["rub"]  # blocked rubles
    -1358        # --- saving current total amount in RUB of all currencies (with ruble), shares, bonds, etfs, futures and currencies:
    -1359        view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"] = NanoToFloat(portfolioResponse["totalAmountCurrencies"]["units"], portfolioResponse["totalAmountCurrencies"]["nano"])
    -1360        view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"] = NanoToFloat(portfolioResponse["totalAmountShares"]["units"], portfolioResponse["totalAmountShares"]["nano"])
    -1361        view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"] = NanoToFloat(portfolioResponse["totalAmountBonds"]["units"], portfolioResponse["totalAmountBonds"]["nano"])
    -1362        view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"] = NanoToFloat(portfolioResponse["totalAmountEtf"]["units"], portfolioResponse["totalAmountEtf"]["nano"])
    -1363        view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"] = NanoToFloat(portfolioResponse["totalAmountFutures"]["units"], portfolioResponse["totalAmountFutures"]["nano"])
    -1364        view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] = sum([
    -1365            view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"],
    -1366            view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"],
    -1367            view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"],
    -1368            view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"],
    -1369            view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"],
    -1370        ])
    -1372        # --- calculating some portfolio statistics:
    -1373        byComp = {}  # distribution by companies
    -1374        bySect = {}  # distribution by sectors
    -1375        byCurr = {}  # distribution by currencies (include RUB)
    -1376        unknownCountryName = "All other countries"  # default name for instruments without "countryOfRisk" and "countryOfRiskName"
    -1377        byCountry = {unknownCountryName: {"cost": 0, "percent": 0.}}  # distribution by countries (currencies are included in their countries)
    -1379        for item in portfolioResponse["positions"]:
    -1380            self.figi = item["figi"]
    -1381            instrument = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False)  # full raw info about instrument by FIGI
    -1383            if instrument:
    -1384                if item["instrumentType"] == "currency" and instrument["nominal"]["currency"] in allBlocked.keys():
    -1385                    blocked = allBlocked[instrument["nominal"]["currency"]]  # blocked volume of currency
    -1387                elif item["instrumentType"] != "currency" and item["figi"] in allBlocked.keys():
    -1388                    blocked = allBlocked[item["figi"]]  # blocked volume of other instruments
    -1390                else:
    -1391                    blocked = 0
    -1393                volume = NanoToFloat(item["quantity"]["units"], item["quantity"]["nano"])  # available volume of instrument
    -1394                lots = NanoToFloat(item["quantityLots"]["units"], item["quantityLots"]["nano"])  # available volume in lots of instrument
    -1395                direction = "Long" if lots >= 0 else "Short"  # direction of an instrument's position: short or long
    -1396                curPrice = NanoToFloat(item["currentPrice"]["units"], item["currentPrice"]["nano"])  # current instrument's price
    -1397                average = NanoToFloat(item["averagePositionPriceFifo"]["units"], item["averagePositionPriceFifo"]["nano"])  # current average position price
    -1398                profit = NanoToFloat(item["expectedYield"]["units"], item["expectedYield"]["nano"])  # expected profit at current moment
    -1399                currency = instrument["currency"] if (item["instrumentType"] == "share" or item["instrumentType"] == "etf" or item["instrumentType"] == "future") else instrument["nominal"]["currency"]  # currency name rub, usd, eur etc.
    -1400                cost = (curPrice + NanoToFloat(item["currentNkd"]["units"], item["currentNkd"]["nano"])) * volume  # current cost of all volume of instrument in basic asset
    -1401                baseCurrencyName = item["currentPrice"]["currency"]  # name of base currency (rub)
    -1402                countryName = "[{}] {}".format(instrument["countryOfRisk"], instrument["countryOfRiskName"]) if "countryOfRisk" in instrument.keys() and "countryOfRiskName" in instrument.keys() and instrument["countryOfRisk"] and instrument["countryOfRiskName"] else unknownCountryName
    -1403                costRUB = cost if item["instrumentType"] == "currency" else cost * view["raw"]["currenciesCurrentPrices"][currency]["currentPrice"]  # cost in rubles
    -1404                percentCostRUB = 100 * costRUB / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.  # instrument's part in percent of full portfolio cost
    -1406                statData = {
    -1407                    "figi": item["figi"],  # FIGI from REST API "GetPortfolio" method
    -1408                    "ticker": instrument["ticker"],  # ticker by FIGI
    -1409                    "currency": currency,  # currency name rub, usd, eur etc. for instrument price
    -1410                    "volume": volume,  # available volume of instrument
    -1411                    "lots": lots,  # volume in lots of instrument
    -1412                    "direction": direction,  # direction of an instrument's position: short or long
    -1413                    "blocked": blocked,  # blocked volume of currency or instrument
    -1414                    "currentPrice": curPrice,  # current instrument's price in basic asset
    -1415                    "average": average,  # current average position price
    -1416                    "cost": cost,  # current cost of all volume of instrument in basic asset
    -1417                    "baseCurrencyName": baseCurrencyName,  # name of base currency (rub)
    -1418                    "costRUB": costRUB,  # cost of instrument in ruble
    -1419                    "percentCostRUB": percentCostRUB,  # instrument's part in percent of full portfolio cost in RUB
    -1420                    "profit": profit,  # expected profit at current moment
    -1421                    "percentProfit": 100 * profit / (average * volume) if average != 0 and volume != 0 else 0,  # expected percents of profit at current moment for this instrument
    -1422                    "sector": instrument["sector"] if "sector" in instrument.keys() and instrument["sector"] else "other",
    -1423                    "name": instrument["name"] if "name" in instrument.keys() else "",  # human-readable names of instruments
    -1424                    "isoCurrencyName": instrument["isoCurrencyName"] if "isoCurrencyName" in instrument.keys() else "",  # ISO name for currencies only
    -1425                    "country": countryName,  # e.g. "[RU] Российская Федерация" or unknownCountryName
    -1426                    "step": instrument["step"],  # minimum price increment
    -1427                }
    -1429                # adding distribution by unique countries:
    -1430                if statData["country"] not in byCountry.keys():
    -1431                    byCountry[statData["country"]] = {"cost": costRUB, "percent": percentCostRUB}
    -1433                else:
    -1434                    byCountry[statData["country"]]["cost"] += costRUB
    -1435                    byCountry[statData["country"]]["percent"] += percentCostRUB
    -1437                if item["instrumentType"] != "currency":
    -1438                    # adding distribution by unique companies:
    -1439                    if statData["name"]:
    -1440                        if statData["name"] not in byComp.keys():
    -1441                            byComp[statData["name"]] = {"ticker": statData["ticker"], "cost": costRUB, "percent": percentCostRUB}
    -1443                        else:
    -1444                            byComp[statData["name"]]["cost"] += costRUB
    -1445                            byComp[statData["name"]]["percent"] += percentCostRUB
    -1447                    # adding distribution by unique sectors:
    -1448                    if statData["sector"] not in bySect.keys():
    -1449                        bySect[statData["sector"]] = {"cost": costRUB, "percent": percentCostRUB}
    -1451                    else:
    -1452                        bySect[statData["sector"]]["cost"] += costRUB
    -1453                        bySect[statData["sector"]]["percent"] += percentCostRUB
    -1455                # adding distribution by unique currencies:
    -1456                if currency not in byCurr.keys():
    -1457                    byCurr[currency] = {
    -1458                        "name": view["raw"]["currenciesCurrentPrices"][currency]["name"],
    -1459                        "cost": costRUB,
    -1460                        "percent": percentCostRUB
    -1461                    }
    -1463                else:
    -1464                    byCurr[currency]["cost"] += costRUB
    -1465                    byCurr[currency]["percent"] += percentCostRUB
    -1467                # saving statistics for every instrument:
    -1468                if item["instrumentType"] == "currency":
    -1469                    view["stat"]["Currencies"].append(statData)
    -1471                    # update dict with free funds for trading (total - blocked) by currencies
    -1472                    # e.g. {"rub": {"total": 10000.99, "totalCostRUB": 10000.99, "free": 1234.56, "freeCostRUB": 1234.56}, "usd": {"total": 250.55, "totalCostRUB": 15375.80, "free": 125.05, "freeCostRUB": 7687.50}}
    -1473                    view["stat"]["funds"][currency] = {
    -1474                        "total": volume,
    -1475                        "totalCostRUB": costRUB,  # total volume cost in rubles
    -1476                        "free": volume - blocked,
    -1477                        "freeCostRUB": costRUB * ((volume - blocked) / volume) if volume > 0 else 0,  # free volume cost in rubles
    -1478                    }
    -1480                elif item["instrumentType"] == "share":
    -1481                    view["stat"]["Shares"].append(statData)
    -1483                elif item["instrumentType"] == "bond":
    -1484                    view["stat"]["Bonds"].append(statData)
    -1486                elif item["instrumentType"] == "etf":
    -1487                    view["stat"]["Etfs"].append(statData)
    -1489                elif item["instrumentType"] == "Futures":
    -1490                    view["stat"]["Futures"].append(statData)
    -1492                else:
    -1493                    continue
    -1495        # total changes in Russian Ruble:
    -1496        view["stat"]["availableRUB"] = view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"] - sum([item["cost"] for item in view["stat"]["Currencies"]])  # available RUB without other currencies
    -1497        view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"] = NanoToFloat(view["raw"]["headers"]["expectedYield"]["units"], view["raw"]["headers"]["expectedYield"]["nano"]) if "expectedYield" in view["raw"]["headers"].keys() else 0.
    -1498        startCost = view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] / (1 + view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"] / 100)
    -1499        view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"] = view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] - startCost
    -1500        view["stat"]["funds"]["rub"] = {
    -1501            "total": view["stat"]["availableRUB"],
    -1502            "totalCostRUB": view["stat"]["availableRUB"],
    -1503            "free": view["stat"]["availableRUB"] - view["stat"]["blockedRUB"],
    -1504            "freeCostRUB": view["stat"]["availableRUB"] - view["stat"]["blockedRUB"],
    -1505        }
    -1507        # --- pending orders sector data:
    -1508        for item in view["raw"]["orders"]:
    -1509            self.figi = item["figi"]
    -1510            instrument = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True)  # full raw info about instrument by FIGI
    -1512            if instrument:
    -1513                action = TKS_ORDER_DIRECTIONS[item["direction"]]
    -1514                orderType = TKS_ORDER_TYPES[item["orderType"]]
    -1515                orderState = TKS_ORDER_STATES[item["executionReportStatus"]]
    -1516                orderDate = item["orderDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "").split(".")[0]  # date in UTC format, e.g. "2022-12-31T23:59:59.123456Z"
    -1518                # current instrument's price (last sellers order if buy, and last buyers order if sell):
    -1519                if item["direction"] == "ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY":
    -1520                    lastPrice = instrument["currentPrice"]["sell"][0]["price"] if instrument["currentPrice"]["sell"] else "N/A"
    -1522                else:
    -1523                    lastPrice = instrument["currentPrice"]["buy"][0]["price"] if instrument["currentPrice"]["buy"] else "N/A"
    -1525                # requested price for order execution:
    -1526                target = NanoToFloat(item["initialSecurityPrice"]["units"], item["initialSecurityPrice"]["nano"])
    -1528                # necessary changes in percent to reach target from current price:
    -1529                changes = 100 * (lastPrice - target) / target if lastPrice != "N/A" and target > 0 else 0
    -1531                view["stat"]["orders"].append({
    -1532                    "orderID": item["orderId"],  # orderId number parameter of current order
    -1533                    "figi": item["figi"],  # FIGI identification
    -1534                    "ticker": instrument["ticker"],  # ticker name by FIGI
    -1535                    "lotsRequested": item["lotsRequested"],  # requested lots value
    -1536                    "lotsExecuted": item["lotsExecuted"],  # how many lots are executed
    -1537                    "currentPrice": lastPrice,  # current instrument's price for defined action
    -1538                    "targetPrice": target,  # requested price for order execution in base currency
    -1539                    "baseCurrencyName": item["initialSecurityPrice"]["currency"],  # name of base currency
    -1540                    "percentChanges": changes,  # changes in percent to target from current price
    -1541                    "currency": item["currency"],  # instrument's currency name
    -1542                    "action": action,  # sell / buy / Unknown from TKS_ORDER_DIRECTIONS
    -1543                    "type": orderType,  # type of order from TKS_ORDER_TYPES
    -1544                    "status": orderState,  # order status from TKS_ORDER_STATES
    -1545                    "date": orderDate,  # string with order date and time from UTC format (without nano seconds part)
    -1546                })
    -1548        # --- stop orders sector data:
    -1549        for item in view["raw"]["stopOrders"]:
    -1550            self.figi = item["figi"]
    -1551            instrument = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True)  # full raw info about instrument by FIGI
    -1553            if instrument:
    -1554                action = TKS_STOP_ORDER_DIRECTIONS[item["direction"]]
    -1555                orderType = TKS_STOP_ORDER_TYPES[item["orderType"]]
    -1556                createDate = item["createDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "").split(".")[0]  # date in UTC format, e.g. "2022-12-31T23:59:59.123456Z"
    -1558                # hack: server response can't contain "expirationTime" key if it is not "Until date" type of stop order
    -1559                if "expirationTime" in item.keys():
    -1561                    expDate = item["expirationTime"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "").split(".")[0]
    -1563                else:
    -1567                # current instrument's price (last sellers order if buy, and last buyers order if sell):
    -1568                if item["direction"] == "STOP_ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY":
    -1569                    lastPrice = instrument["currentPrice"]["sell"][0]["price"] if instrument["currentPrice"]["sell"] else "N/A"
    -1571                else:
    -1572                    lastPrice = instrument["currentPrice"]["buy"][0]["price"] if instrument["currentPrice"]["buy"] else "N/A"
    -1574                # requested price when stop-order executed:
    -1575                target = NanoToFloat(item["stopPrice"]["units"], item["stopPrice"]["nano"])
    -1577                # price for limit-order, set up when stop-order executed:
    -1578                limit = NanoToFloat(item["price"]["units"], item["price"]["nano"])
    -1580                # necessary changes in percent to reach target from current price:
    -1581                changes = 100 * (lastPrice - target) / target if lastPrice != "N/A" and target > 0 else 0
    -1583                view["stat"]["stopOrders"].append({
    -1584                    "orderID": item["stopOrderId"],  # stopOrderId number parameter of current stop-order
    -1585                    "figi": item["figi"],  # FIGI identification
    -1586                    "ticker": instrument["ticker"],  # ticker name by FIGI
    -1587                    "lotsRequested": item["lotsRequested"],  # requested lots value
    -1588                    "currentPrice": lastPrice,  # current instrument's price for defined action
    -1589                    "targetPrice": target,  # requested price for stop-order execution in base currency
    -1590                    "limitPrice": limit,  # price for limit-order, set up when stop-order executed, 0 if market order
    -1591                    "baseCurrencyName": item["stopPrice"]["currency"],  # name of base currency
    -1592                    "percentChanges": changes,  # changes in percent to target from current price
    -1593                    "currency": item["currency"],  # instrument's currency name
    -1594                    "action": action,  # sell / buy / Unknown from TKS_STOP_ORDER_DIRECTIONS
    -1595                    "type": orderType,  # type of order from TKS_STOP_ORDER_TYPES
    -1596                    "expType": expType,  # expiration type of stop-order from TKS_STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPES
    -1597                    "createDate": createDate,  # string with created order date and time from UTC format (without nano seconds part)
    -1598                    "expDate": expDate,  # string with expiration order date and time from UTC format (without nano seconds part)
    -1599                })
    -1601        # --- calculating data for analytics section:
    -1602        # portfolio distribution by assets:
    -1603        view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"] = {
    -1604            "Ruble": {
    -1605                "uniques": 1,
    -1606                "cost": view["stat"]["availableRUB"],
    -1607                "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["availableRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    -1608            },
    -1609            "Currencies": {
    -1610                "uniques": len(view["stat"]["Currencies"]),  # all foreign currencies without RUB
    -1611                "cost": view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"] - view["stat"]["availableRUB"],
    -1612                "percent": 100 * (view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"] - view["stat"]["availableRUB"]) / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    -1613            },
    -1614            "Shares": {
    -1615                "uniques": len(view["stat"]["Shares"]),
    -1616                "cost": view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"],
    -1617                "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    -1618            },
    -1619            "Bonds": {
    -1620                "uniques": len(view["stat"]["Bonds"]),
    -1621                "cost": view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"],
    -1622                "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    -1623            },
    -1624            "Etfs": {
    -1625                "uniques": len(view["stat"]["Etfs"]),
    -1626                "cost": view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"],
    -1627                "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    -1628            },
    -1629            "Futures": {
    -1630                "uniques": len(view["stat"]["Futures"]),
    -1631                "cost": view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"],
    -1632                "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    -1633            },
    -1634        }
    -1636        # portfolio distribution by companies:
    -1637        view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"]["All money cash"] = {
    -1638            "ticker": "",
    -1639            "cost": view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"],
    -1640            "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    -1641        }
    -1642        view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"].update(byComp)
    -1644        # portfolio distribution by sectors:
    -1645        view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"]["All money cash"] = {
    -1646            "cost": view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"]["All money cash"]["cost"],
    -1647            "percent": view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"]["All money cash"]["percent"],
    -1648        }
    -1649        view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"].update(bySect)
    -1651        # portfolio distribution by currencies:
    -1652        view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"].update(byCurr)
    -1653        view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"]["rub"]["cost"] += view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"]["Ruble"]["cost"]
    -1654        view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"]["rub"]["percent"] += view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"]["Ruble"]["percent"]
    -1656        # portfolio distribution by countries:
    -1657        view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"].update(byCountry)
    -1659        # --- Prepare text statistics overview in human-readable:
    -1660        if showStatistics:
    -1661            info = [
    -1662                "# Client's portfolio\n\n",
    -1663                "* **Actual date:** [{}] (UTC)\n".format(datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")),
    -1664                "* **Portfolio cost:** {:.2f} RUB\n".format(view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"]),
    -1665                "* **Changes:** {}{:.2f} RUB ({}{:.2f}%)\n\n".format(
    -1666                    "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"] > 0 else "",
    -1667                    view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"],
    -1668                    "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"] > 0 else "",
    -1669                    view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"],
    -1670                ),
    -1671                "## Open positions\n\n",
    -1672                "| Ticker [FIGI]               | Volume (blocked)                | Lots     | Curr. price  | Avg. price   | Current volume cost | Profit (%)\n",
    -1673                "|-----------------------------|---------------------------------|----------|--------------|--------------|---------------------|----------------------\n",
    -1674                "| Ruble                       | {:>31} |          |              |              |                     |\n".format(
    -1675                    "{:.2f} ({:.2f}) rub".format(
    -1676                        view["stat"]["availableRUB"],
    -1677                        view["stat"]["blockedRUB"],
    -1678                    )
    -1679                )
    -1680            ]
    -1682            def _SplitStr(CostRUB: float = 0, typeStr: str = "", noTradeStr: str = "") -> list:
    -1683                return [
    -1684                    "|                             |                                 |          |              |              |                     |\n",
    -1685                    "| {:<27} |                                 |          |              |              | {:>19} |\n".format(
    -1686                        noTradeStr if noTradeStr else typeStr,
    -1687                        "" if noTradeStr else "{:.2f} RUB".format(CostRUB),
    -1688                    ),
    -1689                ]
    -1691            def _InfoStr(data: dict, showCurrencyName: bool = False) -> str:
    -1692                return "| {:<27} | {:>31} | {:<8} | {:>12} | {:>12} | {:>19} | {}\n".format(
    -1693                    "{} [{}]".format(data["ticker"], data["figi"]),
    -1694                    "{:.2f} ({:.2f}) {}".format(
    -1695                        data["volume"],
    -1696                        data["blocked"],
    -1697                        data["currency"],
    -1698                    ) if showCurrencyName else "{:.0f} ({:.0f})".format(
    -1699                        data["volume"],
    -1700                        data["blocked"],
    -1701                    ),
    -1702                    "{:.4f}".format(data["lots"]) if showCurrencyName else "{:.0f}".format(data["lots"]),
    -1703                    "{:.2f} {}".format(data["currentPrice"], data["baseCurrencyName"]) if data["currentPrice"] > 0 else "n/a",
    -1704                    "{:.2f} {}".format(data["average"], data["baseCurrencyName"]) if data["average"] > 0 else "n/a",
    -1705                    "{:.2f} {}".format(data["cost"], data["baseCurrencyName"]),
    -1706                    "{}{:.2f} {} ({}{:.2f}%)".format(
    -1707                        "+" if data["profit"] > 0 else "",
    -1708                        data["profit"], data["baseCurrencyName"],
    -1709                        "+" if data["percentProfit"] > 0 else "",
    -1710                        data["percentProfit"],
    -1711                    ),
    -1712                )
    -1714            # --- Show currencies section:
    -1715            if view["stat"]["Currencies"]:
    -1716                info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"]["Currencies"]["cost"], typeStr="**Currencies:**"))
    -1717                for item in view["stat"]["Currencies"]:
    -1718                    info.append(_InfoStr(item, showCurrencyName=True))
    -1720            else:
    -1721                info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Currencies:** no trades"))
    -1723            # --- Show shares section:
    -1724            if view["stat"]["Shares"]:
    -1725                info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"], typeStr="**Shares:**"))
    -1727                for item in view["stat"]["Shares"]:
    -1728                    info.append(_InfoStr(item))
    -1730            else:
    -1731                info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Shares:** no trades"))
    -1733            # --- Show bonds section:
    -1734            if view["stat"]["Bonds"]:
    -1735                info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"], typeStr="**Bonds:**"))
    -1737                for item in view["stat"]["Bonds"]:
    -1738                    info.append(_InfoStr(item))
    -1740            else:
    -1741                info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Bonds:** no trades"))
    -1743            # --- Show etfs section:
    -1744            if view["stat"]["Etfs"]:
    -1745                info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"], typeStr="**Etfs:**"))
    -1747                for item in view["stat"]["Etfs"]:
    -1748                    info.append(_InfoStr(item))
    -1750            else:
    -1751                info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Etfs:** no trades"))
    -1753            # --- Show futures section:
    -1754            if view["stat"]["Futures"]:
    -1755                info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"], typeStr="**Futures:**"))
    -1757                for item in view["stat"]["Futures"]:
    -1758                    info.append(_InfoStr(item))
    -1760            else:
    -1761                info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Futures:** no trades"))
    -1763            # --- Show pending orders section:
    -1764            if view["stat"]["orders"]:
    -1765                info.extend([
    -1766                    "\n## Opened pending limit-orders: {}\n".format(len(view["stat"]["orders"])),
    -1767                    "\n| Ticker [FIGI]               | Order ID       | Lots (exec.) | Current price (% delta) | Target price  | Action    | Type      | Create date (UTC)\n",
    -1768                    "|-----------------------------|----------------|--------------|-------------------------|---------------|-----------|-----------|---------------------\n",
    -1769                ])
    -1770                for item in view["stat"]["orders"]:
    -1771                    info.append("| {:<27} | {:<14} | {:<12} | {:>23} | {:>13} | {:<9} | {:<9} | {}\n".format(
    -1772                        "{} [{}]".format(item["ticker"], item["figi"]),
    -1773                        item["orderID"],
    -1774                        "{} ({})".format(item["lotsRequested"], item["lotsExecuted"]),
    -1775                        "{} {} ({}{:.2f}%)".format(
    -1776                            "{}".format(item["currentPrice"]) if isinstance(item["currentPrice"], str) else "{:.2f}".format(float(item["currentPrice"])),
    -1777                            item["baseCurrencyName"],
    -1778                            "+" if item["percentChanges"] > 0 else "",
    -1779                            float(item["percentChanges"]),
    -1780                        ),
    -1781                        "{:.2f} {}".format(float(item["targetPrice"]), item["baseCurrencyName"]),
    -1782                        item["action"],
    -1783                        item["type"],
    -1784                        item["date"],
    -1785                    ))
    -1787            else:
    -1788                info.append("\n## Total pending limit-orders: 0\n")
    -1790            # --- Show stop orders section:
    -1791            if view["stat"]["stopOrders"]:
    -1792                info.extend([
    -1793                    "\n## Opened stop-orders: {}\n".format(len(view["stat"]["stopOrders"])),
    -1794                    "\n| Ticker [FIGI]               | Stop order ID                        | Lots   | Current price (% delta) | Target price  | Limit price   | Action    | Type        | Expire type  | Create date (UTC)   | Expiration (UTC)\n",
    -1795                    "|-----------------------------|--------------------------------------|--------|-------------------------|---------------|---------------|-----------|-------------|--------------|---------------------|---------------------\n",
    -1796                ])
    -1797                for item in view["stat"]["stopOrders"]:
    -1798                    info.append("| {:<27} | {:<14} | {:<6} | {:>23} | {:>13} | {:>13} | {:<9} | {:<11} | {:<12} | {:<19} | {}\n".format(
    -1799                        "{} [{}]".format(item["ticker"], item["figi"]),
    -1800                        item["orderID"],
    -1801                        item["lotsRequested"],
    -1802                        "{} {} ({}{:.2f}%)".format(
    -1803                            "{}".format(item["currentPrice"]) if isinstance(item["currentPrice"], str) else "{:.2f}".format(float(item["currentPrice"])),
    -1804                            item["baseCurrencyName"],
    -1805                            "+" if item["percentChanges"] > 0 else "",
    -1806                            float(item["percentChanges"]),
    -1807                        ),
    -1808                        "{:.2f} {}".format(float(item["targetPrice"]), item["baseCurrencyName"]),
    -1809                        "{:.2f} {}".format(float(item["limitPrice"]), item["baseCurrencyName"]) if item["limitPrice"] and item["limitPrice"] != item["targetPrice"] else TKS_ORDER_TYPES["ORDER_TYPE_MARKET"],
    -1810                        item["action"],
    -1811                        item["type"],
    -1812                        item["expType"],
    -1813                        item["createDate"],
    -1814                        item["expDate"],
    -1815                    ))
    -1817            else:
    -1818                info.append("\n## Total stop-orders: 0\n")
    -1820            # -- Show analytics section:
    -1821            if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0:
    -1822                info.extend([
    -1823                    "\n# Analytics\n"
    -1824                    "\n* **Current total portfolio cost:** {:.2f} RUB\n".format(view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"]),
    -1825                    "* **Changes:** {}{:.2f} RUB ({}{:.2f}%)\n".format(
    -1826                        "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"] > 0 else "",
    -1827                        view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"],
    -1828                        "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"] > 0 else "",
    -1829                        view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"],
    -1830                    ),
    -1831                    "\n## Portfolio distribution by assets\n"
    -1832                    "\n| Type       | Uniques | Percent | Current cost\n",
    -1833                    "|------------|---------|---------|-----------------\n",
    -1834                ])
    -1836                for key in view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"].keys():
    -1837                    if view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["cost"] > 0:
    -1838                        info.append("| {:<10} | {:<7} | {:<7} | {:.2f} rub\n".format(
    -1839                            key,
    -1840                            view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["uniques"],
    -1841                            "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["percent"]),
    -1842                            view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["cost"],
    -1843                        ))
    -1845                maxLenNames = 3 + max([len(company) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"]) for company in view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"].keys()])
    -1846                info.extend([
    -1847                    "\n## Portfolio distribution by companies\n"
    -1848                    "\n| Company{} | Percent | Current cost\n".format(" " * (maxLenNames - 7)),
    -1849                    "|--------{}-|---------|-----------------\n".format("-" * (maxLenNames - 7)),
    -1850                ])
    -1852                for company in view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"].keys():
    -1853                    if view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["cost"] > 0:
    -1854                        nameLen = 3 + len(company) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"])
    -1855                        info.append("| {} | {:<7} | {:.2f} rub\n".format(
    -1856                            "{}{}{}".format(
    -1857                                "[{}] ".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"]) if view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"] else "",
    -1858                                company,
    -1859                                "" if nameLen == maxLenNames else "{}".format(" " * (maxLenNames - nameLen) if view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"] else " " * (maxLenNames - nameLen + 3)),
    -1860                            ),
    -1861                            "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["percent"]),
    -1862                            view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["cost"],
    -1863                        ))
    -1865                maxLenSectors = max([len(sector) for sector in view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"].keys()])
    -1866                info.extend([
    -1867                    "\n## Portfolio distribution by sectors\n"
    -1868                    "\n| Sector{} | Percent | Current cost\n".format(" " * (maxLenSectors - 6)),
    -1869                    "|-------{}-|---------|-----------------\n".format("-" * (maxLenSectors - 6)),
    -1870                ])
    -1872                for sector in view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"].keys():
    -1873                    if view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"][sector]["cost"] > 0:
    -1874                        info.append("| {}{} | {:<7} | {:.2f} rub\n".format(
    -1875                            sector,
    -1876                            "" if len(sector) == maxLenSectors else " " * (maxLenSectors - len(sector)),
    -1877                            "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"][sector]["percent"]),
    -1878                            view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"][sector]["cost"],
    -1879                        ))
    -1881                maxLenMoney = 3 + max([len(currency) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][currency]["name"]) for currency in view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"].keys()])
    -1882                info.extend([
    -1883                    "\n## Portfolio distribution by currencies\n"
    -1884                    "\n| Instruments currencies{} | Percent | Current cost\n".format(" " * (maxLenMoney - 22)),
    -1885                    "|-----------------------{}-|---------|-----------------\n".format("-" * (maxLenMoney - 22)),
    -1886                ])
    -1888                for curr in view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"].keys():
    -1889                    if view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["cost"] > 0:
    -1890                        nameLen = 3 + len(curr) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["name"])
    -1891                        info.append("| {} | {:<7} | {:.2f} rub\n".format(
    -1892                            "[{}] {}{}".format(
    -1893                                curr,
    -1894                                view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["name"],
    -1895                                "" if nameLen == maxLenMoney else " " * (maxLenMoney - nameLen),
    -1896                            ),
    -1897                            "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["percent"]),
    -1898                            view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["cost"],
    -1899                        ))
    -1901                maxLenCountry = max(17, max([len(country) for country in view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"].keys()]))
    -1902                info.extend([
    -1903                    "\n## Portfolio distribution by countries\n"
    -1904                    "\n| Assets by country{} | Percent | Current cost\n".format(" " * (maxLenCountry - 17)),
    -1905                    "|------------------{}-|---------|-----------------\n".format("-" * (maxLenCountry - 17)),
    -1906                ])
    -1908                for country in view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"].keys():
    -1909                    if view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"][country]["cost"] > 0:
    -1910                        nameLen = len(country)
    -1911                        info.append("| {} | {:<7} | {:.2f} rub\n".format(
    -1912                            "{}{}".format(
    -1913                                country,
    -1914                                "" if nameLen == maxLenCountry else " " * (maxLenCountry - nameLen),
    -1915                            ),
    -1916                            "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"][country]["percent"]),
    -1917                            view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"][country]["cost"],
    -1918                        ))
    -1920            infoText = "".join(info)
    -1922            if showStatistics:
    -1923                uLogger.info("Statistics of client's portfolio:\n{}".format(infoText))
    -1925            if self.overviewFile:
    -1926                with open(self.overviewFile, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    -1927                    fH.write(infoText)
    -1929                uLogger.info("Client's portfolio is saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.overviewFile)))
    -1931        return view
    -1933    def Deals(self, start: str = None, end: str = None, printDeals: bool = False, showCancelled: bool = True) -> tuple:
    -1934        """
    -1935        Returns history operations between two given dates.
    -1936        If `reportFile` string is not empty then also save human-readable report.
    -1937        Shows some statistical data of closed positions.
    -1939        :param start: see docstring in `GetDatesAsString()` method
    -1940        :param end: see docstring in `GetDatesAsString()` method
    -1941        :param printDeals: if `True` then also print all records to the console.
    -1942        :param showCancelled: if `False` then remove information about cancelled operations from the deals report.
    -1943        :return: original list of dictionaries with history of deals records from API ("operations" key):
    -1944                 https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetOperations
    -1945                 and dictionary with custom stats: operations in different currencies, withdrawals, incomes etc.
    -1946        """
    -1947        startDate, endDate = GetDatesAsString(start, end)  # Example: ("2000-01-01T00:00:00Z", "2022-12-31T23:59:59Z")
    -1949        uLogger.debug("Requesting history of a client's operations. Wait, please...")
    -1951        # REST API for request: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetOperations
    -1952        dealsURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OperationsService/GetOperations"
    -1953        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId, "from": startDate, "to": endDate})
    -1954        ops = self.SendAPIRequest(dealsURL, reqType="POST")["operations"]  # list of dict: operations returns by broker
    -1955        customStat = {}  # custom statistics in additional to responseJSON
    -1957        # --- output report in human-readable format:
    -1958        if printDeals or self.reportFile:
    -1959            splitLine1 = "|                            |                               |                              |                      |\n"  # Summary section
    -1960            splitLine2 = "|                     |              |              |            |           |                 |            |\n"  # Operations section
    -1961            nextDay = ""
    -1963            info = ["# Client's operations\n\n* **Period:** from [{}] to [{}]\n\n## Summary (operations executed only)\n\n".format(startDate.split("T")[0], endDate.split("T")[0])]
    -1965            if len(ops) > 0:
    -1966                customStat = {
    -1967                    "opsCount": 0,  # total operations count
    -1968                    "buyCount": 0,  # buy operations
    -1969                    "sellCount": 0,  # sell operations
    -1970                    "buyTotal": {"rub": 0.},  # Buy sums in different currencies
    -1971                    "sellTotal": {"rub": 0.},  # Sell sums in different currencies
    -1972                    "payIn": {"rub": 0.},  # Deposit brokerage account
    -1973                    "payOut": {"rub": 0.},  # Withdrawals
    -1974                    "divs": {"rub": 0.},  # Dividends income
    -1975                    "coupons": {"rub": 0.},  # Coupon's income
    -1976                    "brokerCom": {"rub": 0.},  # Service commissions
    -1977                    "serviceCom": {"rub": 0.},  # Service commissions
    -1978                    "marginCom": {"rub": 0.},  # Margin commissions
    -1979                    "allTaxes": {"rub": 0.},  # Sum of withholding taxes and corrections
    -1980                }
    -1982                # --- calculating statistics depends on operations type in TKS_OPERATION_TYPES:
    -1983                for item in ops:
    -1984                    if item["state"] == "OPERATION_STATE_EXECUTED":
    -1985                        payment = NanoToFloat(item["payment"]["units"], item["payment"]["nano"])
    -1987                        # count buy operations:
    -1988                        if "_BUY" in item["operationType"]:
    -1989                            customStat["buyCount"] += 1
    -1991                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["buyTotal"].keys():
    -1992                                customStat["buyTotal"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    -1994                            else:
    -1995                                customStat["buyTotal"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    -1997                        # count sell operations:
    -1998                        elif "_SELL" in item["operationType"]:
    -1999                            customStat["sellCount"] += 1
    -2001                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["sellTotal"].keys():
    -2002                                customStat["sellTotal"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    -2004                            else:
    -2005                                customStat["sellTotal"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    -2007                        # count incoming operations:
    -2008                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_INPUT"]:
    -2009                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["payIn"].keys():
    -2010                                customStat["payIn"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    -2012                            else:
    -2013                                customStat["payIn"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    -2015                        # count withdrawals operations:
    -2016                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_OUTPUT"]:
    -2017                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["payOut"].keys():
    -2018                                customStat["payOut"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    -2020                            else:
    -2021                                customStat["payOut"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    -2023                        # count dividends income:
    -2024                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_DIVIDEND", "OPERATION_TYPE_DIVIDEND_TRANSFER", "OPERATION_TYPE_DIV_EXT"]:
    -2025                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["divs"].keys():
    -2026                                customStat["divs"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    -2028                            else:
    -2029                                customStat["divs"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    -2031                        # count coupon's income:
    -2032                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_COUPON", "OPERATION_TYPE_BOND_REPAYMENT_FULL", "OPERATION_TYPE_BOND_REPAYMENT"]:
    -2033                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["coupons"].keys():
    -2034                                customStat["coupons"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    -2036                            else:
    -2037                                customStat["coupons"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    -2039                        # count broker commissions:
    -2040                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_BROKER_FEE", "OPERATION_TYPE_SUCCESS_FEE", "OPERATION_TYPE_TRACK_MFEE", "OPERATION_TYPE_TRACK_PFEE"]:
    -2041                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["brokerCom"].keys():
    -2042                                customStat["brokerCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    -2044                            else:
    -2045                                customStat["brokerCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    -2047                        # count service commissions:
    -2048                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_SERVICE_FEE"]:
    -2049                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["serviceCom"].keys():
    -2050                                customStat["serviceCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    -2052                            else:
    -2053                                customStat["serviceCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    -2055                        # count margin commissions:
    -2056                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_MARGIN_FEE"]:
    -2057                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["marginCom"].keys():
    -2058                                customStat["marginCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    -2060                            else:
    -2061                                customStat["marginCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    -2063                        # count withholding taxes:
    -2064                        elif "_TAX" in item["operationType"]:
    -2065                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["allTaxes"].keys():
    -2066                                customStat["allTaxes"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    -2068                            else:
    -2069                                customStat["allTaxes"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    -2071                        else:
    -2072                            continue
    -2074                customStat["opsCount"] += customStat["buyCount"] + customStat["sellCount"]
    -2076                # --- view "Actions" lines:
    -2077                info.extend([
    -2078                    "| 1                          | 2                             | 3                            | 4                    | 5\n",
    -2079                    "|----------------------------|-------------------------------|------------------------------|----------------------|------------------------\n",
    -2080                    "| **Actions:**               | Trades: {:<21} | Trading volumes:             |                      |\n".format(customStat["opsCount"]),
    -2081                    "|                            |   Buy: {:<22} | {:<28} |                      |\n".format(
    -2082                        "{} ({:.1f}%)".format(customStat["buyCount"], 100 * customStat["buyCount"] / customStat["opsCount"]) if customStat["opsCount"] != 0 else 0,
    -2083                        "  rub, buy: {:<16}".format("{:.2f}".format(customStat["buyTotal"]["rub"])) if customStat["buyTotal"]["rub"] != 0 else "  —",
    -2084                    ),
    -2085                    "|                            |   Sell: {:<21} | {:<28} |                      |\n".format(
    -2086                        "{} ({:.1f}%)".format(customStat["sellCount"], 100 * customStat["sellCount"] / customStat["opsCount"]) if customStat["opsCount"] != 0 else 0,
    -2087                        "  rub, sell: {:<13}".format("+{:.2f}".format(customStat["sellTotal"]["rub"])) if customStat["sellTotal"]["rub"] != 0 else "  —",
    -2088                    ),
    -2089                ])
    -2091                opsKeys = sorted(list(set(list(customStat["buyTotal"].keys()) + list(customStat["sellTotal"].keys()))))
    -2092                for key in opsKeys:
    -2093                    if key == "rub":
    -2094                        continue
    -2096                    info.extend([
    -2097                        "|                            |                               | {:<28} |                      |\n".format(
    -2098                            "  {}, buy: {:<16}".format(key, "{:.2f}".format(customStat["buyTotal"][key]) if key and key in customStat["buyTotal"].keys() and customStat["buyTotal"][key] != 0 else 0)
    -2099                        ),
    -2100                        "|                            |                               | {:<28} |                      |\n".format(
    -2101                            "  {}, sell: {:<13}".format(key, "+{:.2f}".format(customStat["sellTotal"][key]) if key and key in customStat["sellTotal"].keys() and customStat["sellTotal"][key] != 0 else 0)
    -2102                        ),
    -2103                    ])
    -2105                info.append(splitLine1)
    -2107                def _InfoStr(data1: dict, data2: dict, data3: dict, data4: dict, cur: str = "") -> str:
    -2108                    return "|                            | {:<29} | {:<28} | {:<20} | {:<22}\n".format(
    -2109                            "  {}: {}{:.2f}".format(cur, "+" if data1[cur] > 0 else "", data1[cur]) if cur and cur in data1.keys() and data1[cur] != 0 else "  —",
    -2110                            "  {}: {}{:.2f}".format(cur, "+" if data2[cur] > 0 else "", data2[cur]) if cur and cur in data2.keys() and data2[cur] != 0 else "  —",
    -2111                            "  {}: {}{:.2f}".format(cur, "+" if data3[cur] > 0 else "", data3[cur]) if cur and cur in data3.keys() and data3[cur] != 0 else "  —",
    -2112                            "  {}: {}{:.2f}".format(cur, "+" if data4[cur] > 0 else "", data4[cur]) if cur and cur in data4.keys() and data4[cur] != 0 else "  —",
    -2113                    )
    -2115                # --- view "Payments" lines:
    -2116                info.append("| **Payments:**              | Deposit on broker account:    | Withdrawals:                 | Dividends income:    | Coupons income:\n")
    -2117                paymentsKeys = sorted(list(set(list(customStat["payIn"].keys()) + list(customStat["payOut"].keys()) + list(customStat["divs"].keys()) + list(customStat["coupons"].keys()))))
    -2119                for key in paymentsKeys:
    -2120                    info.append(_InfoStr(customStat["payIn"], customStat["payOut"], customStat["divs"], customStat["coupons"], key))
    -2122                info.append(splitLine1)
    -2124                # --- view "Commissions and taxes" lines:
    -2125                info.append("| **Commissions and taxes:** | Broker commissions:           | Service commissions:         | Margin commissions:  | All taxes/corrections:\n")
    -2126                comKeys = sorted(list(set(list(customStat["brokerCom"].keys()) + list(customStat["serviceCom"].keys()) + list(customStat["marginCom"].keys()) + list(customStat["allTaxes"].keys()))))
    -2128                for key in comKeys:
    -2129                    info.append(_InfoStr(customStat["brokerCom"], customStat["serviceCom"], customStat["marginCom"], customStat["allTaxes"], key))
    -2131                info.append(splitLine1)
    -2133                info.extend([
    -2134                    "\n## All operations{}\n\n".format("" if showCancelled else " (without cancelled status)"),
    -2135                    "| Date and time       | FIGI         | Ticker       | Asset      | Value     | Payment         | Status     | Operation type\n",
    -2136                    "|---------------------|--------------|--------------|------------|-----------|-----------------|------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
    -2137                ])
    -2139            else:
    -2140                info.append("Broker returned no operations during this period\n")
    -2142            # --- view "Operations" section:
    -2143            for item in ops:
    -2144                if not showCancelled and TKS_OPERATION_STATES[item["state"]] == TKS_OPERATION_STATES["OPERATION_STATE_CANCELED"]:
    -2145                    continue
    -2147                else:
    -2148                    self.figi = item["figi"] if item["figi"] else ""
    -2149                    payment = NanoToFloat(item["payment"]["units"], item["payment"]["nano"])
    -2150                    instrument = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False) if self.figi else {}
    -2152                    # group of deals during one day:
    -2153                    if nextDay and item["date"].split("T")[0] != nextDay:
    -2154                        info.append(splitLine2)
    -2155                        nextDay = ""
    -2157                    else:
    -2158                        nextDay = item["date"].split("T")[0]  # saving current day for splitting
    -2160                    info.append("| {:<19} | {:<12} | {:<12} | {:<10} | {:<9} | {:>15} | {:<10} | {}\n".format(
    -2161                        item["date"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "").split(".")[0],
    -2162                        self.figi if self.figi else "—",
    -2163                        instrument["ticker"] if instrument else "—",
    -2164                        instrument["type"] if instrument else "—",
    -2165                        item["quantity"] if int(item["quantity"]) > 0 else "—",
    -2166                        "{}{:.2f} {}".format("+" if payment > 0 else "", payment, item["payment"]["currency"]) if payment != 0 else "—",
    -2167                        TKS_OPERATION_STATES[item["state"]],
    -2168                        TKS_OPERATION_TYPES[item["operationType"]],
    -2169                    ))
    -2171            infoText = "".join(info)
    -2173            if printDeals:
    -2174                uLogger.info(infoText)
    -2176            if self.reportFile:
    -2177                with open(self.reportFile, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    -2178                    fH.write(infoText)
    -2180                uLogger.info("History of a client's operations are saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.reportFile)))
    -2182        return ops, customStat
    -2184    def History(self, onlyMissing: bool = False):
    -2185        """
    -2186        This method returns last history candles of the current instrument defined by `ticker`.
    -2187        If `historyFile` is not None then method save history to this file, otherwise return only pandas dataframe.
    -2188        `historyLength` define how many candles returns from past to current date.
    -2189        `historyInterval` define candle interval. Available values are strings: `"1min"`, `"2min"`, `"3min"`, `"5min"`,
    -2190        `"10min"`, `"15min"`, `"30min"`, `"hour"`, `"day"`, `"week"`, `"month"`. Default: `"hour"`.
    -2191        Maximum requested history date in the past: `1970.01.02 03:45`
    -2193        :param onlyMissing: if history file define then add only last missing candles, do not request all history length. False by default.
    -2194                            WARNING! History appends only from last candle to current time with replace last candle! Intervals must be similar!
    -2195        :return: pandas dataframe with prices history. Columns: `date`, `time`, `open`, `high`, `low`, `close`, `volume`.
    -2196        """
    -2197        history = None  # empty pandas object for history
    -2198        # TODO: update history to work with api v2
    -2199        # if self.historyLength < 1:
    -2200        #     raise Exception("History length parameter must be >=1!")
    -2201        #
    -2202        # if self.historyInterval not in TKS_TIMEFRAMES.keys():
    -2203        #     raise Exception("Interval parameter must be string with available values: 1min, 2min, 3min, 5min, 10min, 15min, 30min, hour, day, week, month.")
    -2204        #
    -2205        # if not (self.ticker or self.figi):
    -2206        #     raise Exception("self.ticker or self.figi variables must be defined!")
    -2207        #
    -2208        # if self.ticker and not self.figi:
    -2209        #     instrumentByTicker = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=False, debug=False)
    -2210        #     self.figi = instrumentByTicker["figi"] if instrumentByTicker else ""
    -2211        #
    -2212        # endDate = datetime.now(tzutc())  # current time for request history
    -2213        # tempOld = None  # pandas object for old history, if --only-missing key present
    -2214        # lastTime = None  # datetime object of last old candle in file
    -2215        # minStartDate = datetime.strptime("1970.01.02 03:45", "%Y.%m.%d %H:%M").astimezone(tzutc())  # Maximum requested history date in the past
    -2216        #
    -2217        # # get old history saved earlier in file:
    -2218        # if onlyMissing and self.historyFile and os.path.exists(self.historyFile):
    -2219        #     uLogger.debug("--only-missing key present, so auto decreasing --length value...")
    -2220        #     uLogger.debug("Only append missing last history candles at the end of the file [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.historyFile)))
    -2221        #
    -2222        #     tempOld = pd.read_csv(self.historyFile, sep=",", header=None, names=["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"])
    -2223        #
    -2224        #     tempOld["date"] = pd.to_datetime(tempOld["date"])  # load date "as is"
    -2225        #     tempOld["date"] = tempOld["date"].dt.strftime("%Y.%m.%d")  # convert date to string
    -2226        #     tempOld["time"] = pd.to_datetime(tempOld["time"])  # load time "as is"
    -2227        #     tempOld["time"] = tempOld["time"].dt.strftime("%H:%M")  # convert time to string
    -2228        #
    -2229        #     # get last datetime object from last string in file or minus 1 delta if file is empty:
    -2230        #     if len(tempOld) > 0:
    -2231        #         lastTime = datetime.strptime(tempOld.date.iloc[-1] + " " + tempOld.time.iloc[-1], "%Y.%m.%d %H:%M").astimezone(tzutc())
    -2232        #
    -2233        #     else:
    -2234        #         lastTime = endDate - timedelta(minutes=TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["minutes"])
    -2235        #         uLogger.warning("No history in file, set last date to request at [{}]".format(lastTime))
    -2236        #
    -2237        #     delta = endDate - lastTime  # current time minus last time in file
    -2238        #     deltaMinutes = delta.days * 1440 + delta.seconds // 60  # minutes between last datetime and current datetime
    -2239        #
    -2240        #     # calculate new (decreased) history length to download:
    -2241        #     self.historyLength = deltaMinutes // TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["minutes"]
    -2242        #     if deltaMinutes % TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["minutes"] > 0:
    -2243        #         self.historyLength += 1  # to avoid fraction time
    -2244        #
    -2245        #     tempOld = tempOld[:-1]  # always remove last old candle because it may be incompletely at the current time
    -2246        #
    -2247        # if self.figi:
    -2248        #     blocks = 1 if self.historyLength <= TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["maxCandles"] else 1 + self.historyLength // TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["maxCandles"]
    -2249        #     responseJSONs = []  # raw history blocks
    -2250        #
    -2251        #     uLogger.debug("Request last history from Tinkoff Broker server for ticker [{}], FIGI [{}]...".format(self.ticker, self.figi))
    -2252        #
    -2253        #     uLogger.debug("Requested history length: [{}], interval: [{}]".format(self.historyLength, self.historyInterval))
    -2254        #     uLogger.debug("User requested time period is about from [{}] to [{}]".format(
    -2255        #         (endDate - timedelta(minutes=TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["minutes"] * self.historyLength)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    -2256        #         endDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    -2257        #     ))
    -2258        #
    -2259        #     uLogger.debug("Blocks count: [{}], max candles in block for this interval: [{}]".format(blocks, TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["maxCandles"]))
    -2260        #
    -2261        #     oldFlag = False
    -2262        #     for item in range(blocks):
    -2263        #         tail = self.historyLength % TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["maxCandles"] if item + 1 == blocks else TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["maxCandles"]
    -2264        #         startDate = endDate - timedelta(minutes=TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["minutes"] * tail)
    -2265        #
    -2266        #         if startDate < minStartDate:
    -2267        #             startDate = minStartDate  # set minimum date in the past if delta is too long
    -2268        #             uLogger.debug("Date in the past is too old for request. Set start time to [{}]".format(minStartDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
    -2269        #             oldFlag = True
    -2270        #
    -2271        #         uLogger.debug("Block time period: from [{}] to [{}] ({}/{})".format(
    -2272        #             startDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    -2273        #             endDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    -2274        #             item + 1,
    -2275        #             blocks,
    -2276        #         ))
    -2277        #
    -2278        #         historyURL = self.server + r"/market/candles?figi={}&from={}&to={}&interval={}".format(
    -2279        #             self.figi,
    -2280        #             quote(startDate.isoformat()),
    -2281        #             quote(endDate.isoformat()),
    -2282        #             self.historyInterval,
    -2283        #         )
    -2284        #         responseJSON = self.SendAPIRequest(historyURL, debug=False)["payload"]["candles"]
    -2285        #
    -2286        #         responseJSONs = responseJSON + responseJSONs  # add more old history behind newest dates
    -2287        #         endDate = startDate
    -2288        #
    -2289        #         if oldFlag: break
    -2290        #
    -2291        #     if responseJSONs:
    -2292        #         tempHistory = pd.DataFrame(
    -2293        #             data={
    -2294        #                 "date": [pd.to_datetime(item["time"]).astimezone(tzutc()) for item in responseJSONs],
    -2295        #                 "time": [pd.to_datetime(item["time"]).astimezone(tzutc()) for item in responseJSONs],
    -2296        #                 "open": [item["o"] for item in responseJSONs],
    -2297        #                 "high": [item["h"] for item in responseJSONs],
    -2298        #                 "low": [item["l"] for item in responseJSONs],
    -2299        #                 "close": [item["c"] for item in responseJSONs],
    -2300        #                 "volume": [item["v"] for item in responseJSONs],
    -2301        #             },
    -2302        #             index=range(len(responseJSONs)),
    -2303        #             columns=["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"],
    -2304        #         )
    -2305        #         tempHistory["date"] = tempHistory["date"].dt.strftime("%Y.%m.%d")
    -2306        #         tempHistory["time"] = tempHistory["time"].dt.strftime("%H:%M")
    -2307        #
    -2308        #         # append only newest candles to old history if --only-missing key present:
    -2309        #         if onlyMissing and tempOld is not None and lastTime is not None:
    -2310        #             indx = 0  # find start index in given from server tempHistory data:
    -2311        #             for i, item in tempHistory.iterrows():
    -2312        #                 curTime = datetime.strptime(item["date"] + " " + item["time"], "%Y.%m.%d %H:%M").astimezone(tzutc())
    -2313        #                 if curTime == lastTime:
    -2314        #                     uLogger.debug("History candles will be updated starting from the candle with date: [{}]".format(curTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
    -2315        #                     indx = i
    -2316        #                     break
    -2317        #
    -2318        #             history = tempOld.append(tempHistory[indx:], ignore_index=True)
    -2319        #
    -2320        #         else:
    -2321        #             history = tempHistory  # if no --only-missing key then load full data from server
    -2322        #
    -2323        #         uLogger.debug("Showing last 3 rows of candles history:")
    -2324        #         for line in pd.DataFrame.to_string(
    -2325        #                 history[["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"]][-3:],
    -2326        #                 max_cols=20,
    -2327        #         ).split("\n"):
    -2328        #             uLogger.debug(line)
    -2329        #
    -2330        #     if self.historyFile is not None:
    -2331        #         if history is not None:
    -2332        #             history.to_csv(self.historyFile, sep=",", index=False, header=False)
    -2333        #             uLogger.info("Ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], tf: [{}], history saved: [{}]".format(
    -2334        #                 self.ticker,
    -2335        #                 self.figi,
    -2336        #                 self.historyInterval,
    -2337        #                 os.path.abspath(self.historyFile),
    -2338        #             ))
    -2339        #
    -2340        #         else:
    -2341        #             uLogger.warning("Empty history received! File NOT updated: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.historyFile)))
    -2342        #
    -2343        #     else:
    -2344        #         uLogger.debug("--output key is not defined. Parsed history file not saved to .csv-file, only pandas dataframe returns.")
    -2346        return history
    -2348    def Trade(self, operation: str, lots: int = 1, tp: float = 0., sl: float = 0., expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    -2349        """
    -2350        Universal method to create market order and make deal at the current price. Returns JSON data with response.
    -2351        If `tp` or `sl` > 0, then in additional will opens stop-orders with "TP" and "SL" flags for `stopType` parameter.
    -2353        See also: `Order()` docstring. More simple methods than `Trade()` are `Buy()` and `Sell()`.
    -2355        :param operation: string "Buy" or "Sell".
    -2356        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    -2357        :param tp: float > 0, target price for stop-order with "TP" type. It used as take profit parameter `targetPrice` in `self.Order()`.
    -2358        :param sl: float > 0, target price for stop-order with "SL" type. It used as stop loss parameter `targetPrice` in `self.Order()`.
    -2359        :param expDate: string "Undefined" by default or local date in future,
    -2360                        it is a string with format `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    -2361        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    -2362        """
    -2363        if operation is None or not operation or operation not in ("Buy", "Sell"):
    -2364            raise Exception("You must define operation type only one of them: `Buy` or `Sell`!")
    -2366        if lots is None or lots < 1:
    -2367            uLogger.warning("You must define trade volume > 0: integer count of lots! For current operation lots reset to 1.")
    -2368            lots = 1
    -2370        if tp is None or tp < 0:
    -2371            tp = 0
    -2373        if sl is None or sl < 0:
    -2374            sl = 0
    -2376        if expDate is None or not expDate:
    -2377            expDate = "Undefined"
    -2379        if not (self.ticker or self.figi):
    -2380            raise Exception("`self.ticker` or `self.figi` variables must be defined!")
    -2382        instrument = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=True, debug=False) if self.ticker else self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True, debug=False)
    -2383        self.ticker = instrument["ticker"]
    -2384        self.figi = instrument["figi"]
    -2386        uLogger.debug("Opening [{}] market order: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], lots [{}], TP [{:.4f}], SL [{:.4f}], expiration date of TP/SL orders [{}]. Wait, please...".format(operation, self.ticker, self.figi, lots, tp, sl, expDate))
    -2388        openTradeURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OrdersService/PostOrder"
    -2389        self.body = str({
    -2390            "figi": self.figi,
    -2391            "quantity": str(lots),
    -2392            "direction": "ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY" if operation == "Buy" else "ORDER_DIRECTION_SELL",  # see: TKS_ORDER_DIRECTIONS
    -2393            "accountId": str(self.accountId),
    -2394            "orderType": "ORDER_TYPE_MARKET",  # see: TKS_ORDER_TYPES
    -2395        })
    -2396        response = self.SendAPIRequest(openTradeURL, reqType="POST", retry=0, debug=False)
    -2398        if "orderId" in response.keys():
    -2399            uLogger.info("[{}] market order [{}] was executed: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], lots [{}]. Total order price: [{:.4f} {}] (with commission: [{:.2f} {}]). Average price of lot: [{:.2f} {}]".format(
    -2400                operation, response["orderId"],
    -2401                self.ticker, self.figi, lots,
    -2402                NanoToFloat(response["totalOrderAmount"]["units"], response["totalOrderAmount"]["nano"]), response["totalOrderAmount"]["currency"],
    -2403                NanoToFloat(response["initialCommission"]["units"], response["initialCommission"]["nano"]), response["initialCommission"]["currency"],
    -2404                NanoToFloat(response["executedOrderPrice"]["units"], response["executedOrderPrice"]["nano"]), response["executedOrderPrice"]["currency"],
    -2405            ))
    -2407        else:
    -2408            uLogger.warning("Not `oK` status received! Market order not created. See full debug log or try again and open order later.")
    -2410        if tp > 0:
    -2411            self.Order(operation="Sell" if operation == "Buy" else "Buy", orderType="Stop", lots=lots, targetPrice=tp, limitPrice=tp, stopType="TP", expDate=expDate)
    -2413        if sl > 0:
    -2414            self.Order(operation="Sell" if operation == "Buy" else "Buy", orderType="Stop", lots=lots, targetPrice=sl, limitPrice=sl, stopType="SL", expDate=expDate)
    -2416        return response
    -2418    def Buy(self, lots: int = 1, tp: float = 0., sl: float = 0., expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    -2419        """
    -2420        More simple method than `Trade()`. Create `Buy` market order and make deal at the current price. Returns JSON data with response.
    -2421        If `tp` or `sl` > 0, then in additional will opens stop-orders with "TP" and "SL" flags for `stopType` parameter.
    -2423        See also: `Order()` and `Trade()` docstrings.
    -2425        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    -2426        :param tp: float > 0, take profit price of stop-order.
    -2427        :param sl: float > 0, stop loss price of stop-order.
    -2428        :param expDate: it's a local date in future.
    -2429                        String has a format like this: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    -2430        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    -2431        """
    -2432        return self.Trade(operation="Buy", lots=lots, tp=tp, sl=sl, expDate=expDate)
    -2434    def Sell(self, lots: int = 1, tp: float = 0., sl: float = 0., expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    -2435        """
    -2436        More simple method than `Trade()`. Create `Sell` market order and make deal at the current price. Returns JSON data with response.
    -2437        If `tp` or `sl` > 0, then in additional will opens stop-orders with "TP" and "SL" flags for `stopType` parameter.
    -2439        See also: `Order()` and `Trade()` docstrings.
    -2441        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    -2442        :param tp: float > 0, take profit price of stop-order.
    -2443        :param sl: float > 0, stop loss price of stop-order.
    -2444        :param expDate: it's a local date in future.
    -2445                        String has a format like this: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    -2446        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    -2447        """
    -2448        return self.Trade(operation="Sell", lots=lots, tp=tp, sl=sl, expDate=expDate)
    -2450    def CloseTrades(self, tickers: list, overview: dict = None) -> None:
    -2451        """
    -2452        Close position of given instruments.
    -2454        :param tickers: tickers list of instruments that must be closed.
    -2455        :param overview: pre-received dictionary with open trades, returned by `Overview()` method.
    -2456                         This avoids unnecessary downloading data from the server.
    -2457        """
    -2458        if not tickers:
    -2459            uLogger.info("Tickers list is empty, nothing to close.")
    -2461        else:
    -2462            if overview is None or not overview:
    -2463                overview = self.Overview(showStatistics=False)
    -2465            allOpenedTickers = [item["ticker"] for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS for item in overview["stat"][iType]]
    -2466            uLogger.debug("All opened instruments by it's tickers names: {}".format(allOpenedTickers))
    -2468            for ticker in tickers:
    -2469                if ticker not in allOpenedTickers:
    -2470                    uLogger.warning("Instrument with ticker [{}] not in open positions list!".format(ticker))
    -2471                    continue
    -2473                # search open trade info about instrument by ticker:
    -2474                instrument = {}
    -2475                for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    -2476                    if instrument:
    -2477                        break
    -2479                    for item in overview["stat"][iType]:
    -2480                        if item["ticker"] == ticker:
    -2481                            instrument = item
    -2482                            break
    -2484                if instrument:
    -2485                    self.ticker = ticker
    -2486                    self.figi = instrument["figi"]
    -2488                    uLogger.debug("Closing trade of instrument: ticker [{}], FIGI[{}], lots [{}]{}. Wait, please...".format(
    -2489                        self.ticker,
    -2490                        self.figi,
    -2491                        int(instrument["volume"]),
    -2492                        ", blocked [{}]".format(instrument["blocked"]) if instrument["blocked"] > 0 else "",
    -2493                    ))
    -2495                    tradeLots = abs(instrument["lots"]) - instrument["blocked"]  # available volumes in lots for close operation
    -2497                    if tradeLots > 0:
    -2498                        if instrument["blocked"] > 0:
    -2499                            uLogger.warning("Just for your information: there are [{}] lots blocked for instrument [{}]! Available only [{}] lots to closing trade.".format(
    -2500                                instrument["blocked"],
    -2501                                self.ticker,
    -2502                                tradeLots,
    -2503                            ))
    -2505                        # if direction is "Long" then we need sell, if direction is "Short" then we need buy:
    -2506                        self.Trade(operation="Sell" if instrument["direction"] == "Long" else "Buy", lots=tradeLots)
    -2508                    else:
    -2509                        uLogger.warning("There are no available lots for instrument [{}] to closing trade at this moment! Try again later or cancel some orders.".format(self.ticker))
    -2511    def CloseAllTrades(self, iType: str, overview: dict = None) -> None:
    -2512        """
    -2513        Close all positions of given instruments with defined type.
    -2515        :param iType: type of the instruments that be closed, it must be one of supported types in TKS_INSTRUMENTS list.
    -2516        :param overview: pre-received dictionary with open trades, returned by `Overview()` method.
    -2517                         This avoids unnecessary downloading data from the server.
    -2518        """
    -2519        if iType not in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    -2520            uLogger.warning("Type of the instrument must be one of supported types: {}. Given: [{}]".format(", ".join(TKS_INSTRUMENTS), iType))
    -2522        else:
    -2523            if overview is None or not overview:
    -2524                overview = self.Overview(showStatistics=False)
    -2526            tickers = [item["ticker"] for item in overview["stat"][iType]]
    -2527            uLogger.debug("Instrument tickers with type [{}] that will be closed: {}".format(iType, tickers))
    -2529            if tickers and overview:
    -2530                self.CloseTrades(tickers, overview)
    -2532            else:
    -2533                uLogger.info("Instrument tickers with type [{}] not found, nothing to close.".format(iType))
    -2535    def Order(self, operation: str, orderType: str, lots: int, targetPrice: float, limitPrice: float = 0., stopType: str = "Limit", expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    -2536        """
    -2537        Universal method to create market or limit orders with all available parameters.
    -2538        See more simple methods: `BuyLimit()`, `BuyStop()`, `SellLimit()`, `SellStop()`.
    -2540        If orderType is "Limit" then create pending limit-order below current price if operation is "Buy" and above
    -2541        current price if operation is "Sell". A limit order has no expiration date, it lasts until the end of the trading day.
    -2543        Warning! If you try to create limit-order above current price if "Buy" or below current price if "Sell"
    -2544        then broker immediately open market order as you can do simple --buy or --sell operations!
    -2546        If orderType is "Stop" then creates stop-order with any direction "Buy" or "Sell".
    -2547        When current price will go up or down to target price value then broker opens a limit order.
    -2548        Stop-order is opened with unlimited expiration date by default, or you can define expiration date with expDate parameter.
    -2550        Only one attempt and no retry for opens order. If network issue occurred you can create new request.
    -2552        :param operation: string "Buy" or "Sell".
    -2553        :param orderType: string "Limit" or "Stop".
    -2554        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    -2555        :param targetPrice: target price > 0. This is open trade price for limit order.
    -2556        :param limitPrice: limit price >= 0. This parameter only makes sense for stop-order. If limitPrice = 0, then it set as targetPrice.
    -2557                           Broker will creates limit-order with price equal to limitPrice, when current price goes to target price of stop-order.
    -2558        :param stopType: string "Limit" by default. This parameter only makes sense for stop-order. There are 3 stop-order types
    -2559                         "SL", "TP", "Limit" for "Stop loss", "Take profit" and "Stop limit" types accordingly.
    -2560                         Stop loss order always executed by market price.
    -2561        :param expDate: string "Undefined" by default or local date in future.
    -2562                        String has a format like this: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    -2563                        This date is converting to UTC format for server. This parameter only makes sense for stop-order.
    -2564                        A limit order has no expiration date, it lasts until the end of the trading day.
    -2565        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    -2566        """
    -2567        if operation is None or not operation or operation not in ("Buy", "Sell"):
    -2568            raise Exception("You must define operation type only one of them: `Buy` or `Sell`!")
    -2570        if orderType is None or not orderType or orderType not in ("Limit", "Stop"):
    -2571            raise Exception("You must define order type only one of them: `Limit` or `Stop`!")
    -2573        if lots is None or lots < 1:
    -2574            raise Exception("You must define trade volume > 0: integer count of lots!")
    -2576        if targetPrice is None or targetPrice <= 0:
    -2577            raise Exception("Target price for limit-order must be greater than 0!")
    -2579        if limitPrice is None or limitPrice <= 0:
    -2580            limitPrice = targetPrice
    -2582        if stopType is None or not stopType or stopType not in ("SL", "TP", "Limit"):
    -2583            stopType = "Limit"
    -2585        if expDate is None or not expDate:
    -2586            expDate = "Undefined"
    -2588        if not (self.ticker or self.figi):
    -2589            raise Exception("`self.ticker` or `self.figi` variables must be defined!")
    -2591        response = {}
    -2592        instrument = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=True, debug=False) if self.ticker else self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True, debug=False)
    -2593        self.ticker = instrument["ticker"]
    -2594        self.figi = instrument["figi"]
    -2596        if orderType == "Limit":
    -2597            uLogger.debug(
    -2598                "Creating pending limit-order: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], action [{}], lots [{}] and the target price [{:.2f} {}]. Wait, please...".format(
    -2599                    self.ticker, self.figi,
    -2600                    operation, lots, targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    -2601                ))
    -2603            openOrderURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OrdersService/PostOrder"
    -2604            self.body = str({
    -2605                "figi": self.figi,
    -2606                "quantity": str(lots),
    -2607                "price": FloatToNano(targetPrice),
    -2608                "direction": "ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY" if operation == "Buy" else "ORDER_DIRECTION_SELL",  # see: TKS_ORDER_DIRECTIONS
    -2609                "accountId": str(self.accountId),
    -2610                "orderType": "ORDER_TYPE_LIMIT",  # see: TKS_ORDER_TYPES
    -2611            })
    -2612            response = self.SendAPIRequest(openOrderURL, reqType="POST", retry=0, debug=False)
    -2614            if "orderId" in response.keys():
    -2615                uLogger.info(
    -2616                    "Limit-order [{}] was created: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], action [{}], lots [{}], target price [{:.2f} {}]".format(
    -2617                        response["orderId"],
    -2618                        self.ticker, self.figi,
    -2619                        operation, lots, targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    -2620                    ))
    -2622                if "lastPrice" in instrument["currentPrice"].keys() and instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]:
    -2623                    if operation == "Buy" and targetPrice > instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]:
    -2624                        uLogger.warning("Your order was executed as a market order, not as a limit order! Comment: because your target price [{:.2f} {}] was higher than current price [{:.2f} {}] broker immediately opened `Buy` market order, such as if you did simple `--buy` operation.".format(
    -2625                            targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    -2626                            instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"], instrument["currency"],
    -2627                        ))
    -2629                    if operation == "Sell" and targetPrice < instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]:
    -2630                        uLogger.warning("Your order was executed as a market order, not as a limit order! Comment: because your target price [{:.2f} {}] was lower than current price [{:.2f} {}] broker immediately opened `Sell` market order, such as if you did simple `--sell` operation.".format(
    -2631                            targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    -2632                            instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"], instrument["currency"],
    -2633                        ))
    -2635            else:
    -2636                uLogger.warning("Not `oK` status received! Limit order not opened. See full debug log or try again and open order later.")
    -2638        if orderType == "Stop":
    -2639            uLogger.debug(
    -2640                "Creating stop-order: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], action [{}], lots [{}], target price [{:.2f} {}], limit price [{:.2f} {}], stop-order type [{}] and local expiration date [{}]. Wait, please...".format(
    -2641                    self.ticker, self.figi,
    -2642                    operation, lots,
    -2643                    targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    -2644                    limitPrice, instrument["currency"],
    -2645                    stopType, expDate,
    -2646                ))
    -2648            openOrderURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.StopOrdersService/PostStopOrder"
    -2649            expDateUTC = "" if expDate == "Undefined" else datetime.strptime(expDate, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").replace(tzinfo=tzlocal()).astimezone(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
    -2650            stopOrderType = "STOP_ORDER_TYPE_STOP_LOSS" if stopType == "SL" else "STOP_ORDER_TYPE_TAKE_PROFIT" if stopType == "TP" else "STOP_ORDER_TYPE_STOP_LIMIT"
    -2652            body = {
    -2653                "figi": self.figi,
    -2654                "quantity": str(lots),
    -2655                "price": FloatToNano(limitPrice),
    -2656                "stopPrice": FloatToNano(targetPrice),
    -2657                "direction": "STOP_ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY" if operation == "Buy" else "STOP_ORDER_DIRECTION_SELL",  # see: TKS_STOP_ORDER_DIRECTIONS
    -2658                "accountId": str(self.accountId),
    -2660                "stopOrderType": stopOrderType,  # see: TKS_STOP_ORDER_TYPES
    -2661            }
    -2663            if expDateUTC:
    -2664                body["expireDate"] = expDateUTC
    -2666            self.body = str(body)
    -2667            response = self.SendAPIRequest(openOrderURL, reqType="POST", retry=0, debug=False)
    -2669            if "stopOrderId" in response.keys():
    -2670                uLogger.info(
    -2671                    "Stop-order [{}] was created: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], action [{}], lots [{}], target price [{:.2f} {}], limit price [{:.2f} {}], stop-order type [{}] and expiration date in UTC [{}]".format(
    -2672                    response["stopOrderId"],
    -2673                    self.ticker, self.figi,
    -2674                    operation, lots,
    -2675                    targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    -2676                    limitPrice, instrument["currency"],
    -2677                    TKS_STOP_ORDER_TYPES[stopOrderType],
    -2678                    datetime.strptime(expDateUTC, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ").replace(tzinfo=tzutc()).astimezone(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if expDateUTC else TKS_STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPES["STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED"],
    -2679                ))
    -2681                if "lastPrice" in instrument["currentPrice"].keys() and instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]:
    -2682                    if operation == "Buy" and targetPrice < instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] and stopType != "TP":
    -2683                        uLogger.warning("The broker will cancel this order after some time. Comment: you placed the wrong stop order because the target buy price [{:.2f} {}] is lower than the current price [{:.2f} {}]. Also try to set up order type as `TP` if you want to place stop order at that price.".format(
    -2684                            targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    -2685                            instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"], instrument["currency"],
    -2686                        ))
    -2688                    if operation == "Sell" and targetPrice > instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] and stopType != "TP":
    -2689                        uLogger.warning("The broker will cancel this order after some time. Comment: you placed the wrong stop order because the target sell price [{:.2f} {}] is higher than the current price [{:.2f} {}]. Also try to set up order type as `TP` if you want to place stop order at that price.".format(
    -2690                            targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    -2691                            instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"], instrument["currency"],
    -2692                        ))
    -2694            else:
    -2695                uLogger.warning("Not `oK` status received! Stop order not opened. See full debug log or try again and open order later.")
    -2697        return response
    -2699    def BuyLimit(self, lots: int, targetPrice: float) -> dict:
    -2700        """
    -2701        Create pending `Buy` limit-order (below current price). You must specify only 2 parameters:
    -2702        `lots` and `target price` to open buy limit-order. If you try to create buy limit-order above current price then
    -2703        broker immediately open `Buy` market order, such as if you do simple `--buy` operation!
    -2704        See also: `Order()` docstring.
    -2706        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    -2707        :param targetPrice: target price > 0. This is open trade price for limit order.
    -2708        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    -2709        """
    -2710        return self.Order(operation="Buy", orderType="Limit", lots=lots, targetPrice=targetPrice)
    -2712    def BuyStop(self, lots: int, targetPrice: float, limitPrice: float = 0., stopType: str = "Limit", expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    -2713        """
    -2714        Create `Buy` stop-order. You must specify at least 2 parameters: `lots` `target price` to open buy stop-order.
    -2715        In additional you can specify 3 parameters for buy stop-order: `limit price` >=0, `stop type` = Limit|SL|TP,
    -2716        `expiration date` = Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`. When current price will go up or down to
    -2717        target price value then broker opens a limit order. See also: `Order()` docstring.
    -2719        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    -2720        :param targetPrice: target price > 0. This is trigger price for buy stop-order.
    -2721        :param limitPrice: limit price >= 0 (limitPrice = targetPrice if limitPrice is 0). Broker will creates limit-order
    -2722                           with price equal to limitPrice, when current price goes to target price of buy stop-order.
    -2723        :param stopType: string "Limit" by default. There are 3 stop-order types "SL", "TP", "Limit"
    -2724                         for "Stop loss", "Take profit" and "Stop limit" types accordingly.
    -2725        :param expDate: string "Undefined" by default or local date in future.
    -2726                        String has a format like this: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    -2727                        This date is converting to UTC format for server.
    -2728        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    -2729        """
    -2730        return self.Order(operation="Buy", orderType="Stop", lots=lots, targetPrice=targetPrice, limitPrice=limitPrice, stopType=stopType, expDate=expDate)
    -2732    def SellLimit(self, lots: int, targetPrice: float) -> dict:
    -2733        """
    -2734        Create pending `Sell` limit-order (above current price). You must specify only 2 parameters:
    -2735        `lots` and `target price` to open sell limit-order. If you try to create sell limit-order below current price then
    -2736        broker immediately open `Sell` market order, such as if you do simple `--sell` operation!
    -2737        See also: `Order()` docstring.
    -2739        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    -2740        :param targetPrice: target price > 0. This is open trade price for limit order.
    -2741        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    -2742        """
    -2743        return self.Order(operation="Sell", orderType="Limit", lots=lots, targetPrice=targetPrice)
    -2745    def SellStop(self, lots: int, targetPrice: float, limitPrice: float = 0., stopType: str = "Limit", expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    -2746        """
    -2747        Create `Sell` stop-order. You must specify at least 2 parameters: `lots` `target price` to open sell stop-order.
    -2748        In additional you can specify 3 parameters for sell stop-order: `limit price` >=0, `stop type` = Limit|SL|TP,
    -2749        `expiration date` = Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`. When current price will go up or down to
    -2750        target price value then broker opens a limit order. See also: `Order()` docstring.
    -2752        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    -2753        :param targetPrice: target price > 0. This is trigger price for sell stop-order.
    -2754        :param limitPrice: limit price >= 0 (limitPrice = targetPrice if limitPrice is 0). Broker will creates limit-order
    -2755                           with price equal to limitPrice, when current price goes to target price of sell stop-order.
    -2756        :param stopType: string "Limit" by default. There are 3 stop-order types "SL", "TP", "Limit"
    -2757                         for "Stop loss", "Take profit" and "Stop limit" types accordingly.
    -2758        :param expDate: string "Undefined" by default or local date in future.
    -2759                        String has a format like this: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    -2760                        This date is converting to UTC format for server.
    -2761        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    -2762        """
    -2763        return self.Order(operation="Sell", orderType="Stop", lots=lots, targetPrice=targetPrice, limitPrice=limitPrice, stopType=stopType, expDate=expDate)
    -2765    def CloseOrders(self, orderIDs: list, allOrdersIDs: list = None, allStopOrdersIDs: list = None) -> None:
    -2766        """
    -2767        Cancel order or list of orders by its `orderId` or `stopOrderId`.
    -2769        :param orderIDs: list of integers with `orderId` or `stopOrderId`.
    -2770        :param allOrdersIDs: pre-received lists of all active pending orders.
    -2771                             This avoids unnecessary downloading data from the server.
    -2772        :param allStopOrdersIDs: pre-received lists of all active stop orders.
    -2773        """
    -2774        if orderIDs:
    -2775            if allOrdersIDs is None or not allOrdersIDs:
    -2776                rawOrders = self.RequestPendingOrders()
    -2777                allOrdersIDs = [item["orderId"] for item in rawOrders]  # all pending orders ID
    -2779            if allStopOrdersIDs is None or not allStopOrdersIDs:
    -2780                rawStopOrders = self.RequestStopOrders()
    -2781                allStopOrdersIDs = [item["stopOrderId"] for item in rawStopOrders]  # all stop orders ID
    -2783            for orderID in orderIDs:
    -2784                idInPendingOrders = orderID in allOrdersIDs
    -2785                idInStopOrders = orderID in allStopOrdersIDs
    -2787                if not (idInPendingOrders or idInStopOrders):
    -2788                    uLogger.warning("Order not found by ID: [{}]. Maybe cancelled already? Check it with `--overview` key.".format(orderID))
    -2789                    continue
    -2791                else:
    -2792                    if idInPendingOrders:
    -2793                        uLogger.debug("Cancelling pending order with ID: [{}]. Wait, please...".format(orderID))
    -2795                        # REST API for request: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OrdersService/OrdersService_CancelOrder
    -2796                        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId, "orderId": orderID})
    -2797                        closeURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OrdersService/CancelOrder"
    -2798                        responseJSON = self.SendAPIRequest(closeURL, reqType="POST")
    -2800                        if responseJSON and "time" in responseJSON.keys() and responseJSON["time"]:
    -2801                            uLogger.debug("Success time marker received from server: [{}] (UTC)".format(responseJSON["time"]))
    -2802                            uLogger.info("Pending order with ID [{}] successfully cancel".format(orderID))
    -2804                        else:
    -2805                            uLogger.warning("Unknown issue occurred when cancelling pending order with ID: [{}]. Check ID and try again.".format(orderID))
    -2807                    elif idInStopOrders:
    -2808                        uLogger.debug("Cancelling stop order with ID: [{}]. Wait, please...".format(orderID))
    -2810                        # REST API for request: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/StopOrdersService/StopOrdersService_CancelStopOrder
    -2811                        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId, "stopOrderId": orderID})
    -2812                        closeURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.StopOrdersService/CancelStopOrder"
    -2813                        responseJSON = self.SendAPIRequest(closeURL, reqType="POST")
    -2815                        if responseJSON and "time" in responseJSON.keys() and responseJSON["time"]:
    -2816                            uLogger.debug("Success time marker received from server: [{}] (UTC)".format(responseJSON["time"]))
    -2817                            uLogger.info("Stop order with ID [{}] successfully cancel".format(orderID))
    -2819                        else:
    -2820                            uLogger.warning("Unknown issue occurred when cancelling stop order with ID: [{}]. Check ID and try again.".format(orderID))
    -2822                    else:
    -2823                        continue
    -2825    def CloseAllOrders(self) -> None:
    -2826        """
    -2827        Gets a list of open pending and stop orders and cancel it all.
    -2828        """
    -2829        rawOrders = self.RequestPendingOrders()
    -2830        allOrdersIDs = [item["orderId"] for item in rawOrders]  # all pending orders ID
    -2831        lenOrders = len(allOrdersIDs)
    -2833        rawStopOrders = self.RequestStopOrders()
    -2834        allStopOrdersIDs = [item["stopOrderId"] for item in rawStopOrders]  # all stop orders ID
    -2835        lenSOrders = len(allStopOrdersIDs)
    -2837        if lenOrders > 0 or lenSOrders > 0:
    -2838            uLogger.info("Found: [{}] opened pending and [{}] stop orders. Let's trying to cancel it all. Wait, please...".format(lenOrders, lenSOrders))
    -2840            self.CloseOrders(allOrdersIDs + allStopOrdersIDs, allOrdersIDs, allStopOrdersIDs)
    -2842        else:
    -2843            uLogger.info("Orders not found, nothing to cancel.")
    -2845    def CloseAll(self, *args) -> None:
    -2846        """
    -2847        Close all available (not blocked) opened trades and orders.
    -2849        Also you can select one or more keywords case insensitive:
    -2850        `orders`, `shares`, `bonds`, `etfs` and `futures` from `TKS_INSTRUMENTS` enum to specify trades type.
    -2852        Currency positions you must closes manually using buy or sell operations, `CloseTrades()` or `CloseAllTrades()` methods.
    -2853        """
    -2854        overview = self.Overview(showStatistics=False)  # get all open trades info
    -2856        if len(args) == 0:
    -2857            uLogger.debug("Closing all available (not blocked) opened trades and orders. Currency positions you must closes manually using buy or sell operations! Wait, please...")
    -2858            self.CloseAllOrders()  # close all pending and stop orders
    -2860            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    -2861                if iType != "Currencies":
    -2862                    self.CloseAllTrades(iType, overview)  # close all positions of instruments with same type without currencies
    -2864        else:
    -2865            uLogger.debug("Closing all available {}. Currency positions you must closes manually using buy or sell operations! Wait, please...".format(list(args)))
    -2866            lowerArgs = [x.lower() for x in args]
    -2868            if "orders" in lowerArgs:
    -2869                self.CloseAllOrders()  # close all pending and stop orders
    -2871            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    -2872                if iType.lower() in lowerArgs and iType != "Currencies":
    -2873                    self.CloseAllTrades(iType, overview)  # close all positions of instruments with same type without currencies
    -2875    @staticmethod
    -2876    def ParseOrderParameters(operation, **inputParameters):
    -2877        """
    -2878        Parse input dictionary of strings with order parameters and return dictionary with parameters to open all orders.
    -2880        :param operation: string "Buy" or "Sell".
    -2881        :param inputParameters: this is dict of strings that looks like this
    -2882               `{"lots": "L_int,...", "prices": "P_float,..."}` where
    -2883               "lots" key: one or more lot values (integer numbers) to open with every limit-order
    -2884               "prices" key: one or more prices to open limit-orders
    -2885               Counts of values in lots and prices lists must be equals!
    -2886        :return: list of dictionaries with all lots and prices to open orders that looks like this `[{"lot": lots_1, "price": price_1}, {...}, ...]`
    -2887        """
    -2888        # TODO: update order grid work with api v2
    -2889        pass
    -2890        # uLogger.debug("Input parameters: {}".format(inputParameters))
    -2891        #
    -2892        # if operation is None or not operation or operation not in ("Buy", "Sell"):
    -2893        #     raise Exception("You must define operation type: 'Buy' or 'Sell'!")
    -2894        #
    -2895        # if "l" in inputParameters.keys():
    -2896        #     inputParameters["lots"] = inputParameters.pop("l")
    -2897        #
    -2898        # if "p" in inputParameters.keys():
    -2899        #     inputParameters["prices"] = inputParameters.pop("p")
    -2900        #
    -2901        # if "lots" not in inputParameters.keys() or "prices" not in inputParameters.keys():
    -2902        #     raise Exception("Both of 'lots' and 'prices' keys must be define to open grid orders!")
    -2903        #
    -2904        # lots = [int(item.strip()) for item in inputParameters["lots"].split(",")]
    -2905        # prices = [float(item.strip()) for item in inputParameters["prices"].split(",")]
    -2906        #
    -2907        # if len(lots) != len(prices):
    -2908        #     raise Exception("'lots' and 'prices' lists must have equal length of values!")
    -2909        #
    -2910        # uLogger.debug("Extracted parameters for orders:")
    -2911        # uLogger.debug("lots = {}".format(lots))
    -2912        # uLogger.debug("prices = {}".format(prices))
    -2913        #
    -2914        # # list of dictionaries with order's parameters: [{"lot": lots_1, "price": price_1}, {...}, ...]
    -2915        # result = [{"lot": lots[item], "price": prices[item]} for item in range(len(prices))]
    -2916        # uLogger.debug("Order parameters: {}".format(result))
    -2917        #
    -2918        # return result
    -2920    def IsInPortfolio(self, portfolio: dict = None) -> bool:
    -2921        """
    -2922        Checks if instrument is in the user's portfolio. Instrument must be defined by `ticker` (highly priority) or `figi`.
    -2924        :param portfolio: dict with user's portfolio data. If `None`, then requests portfolio from `Overview()` method.
    -2925        :return: `True` if portfolio contains open position with given instrument, `False` otherwise.
    -2926        """
    -2927        result = False
    -2928        msg = "Instrument not defined!"
    -2930        if portfolio is None or not portfolio:
    -2931            portfolio = self.Overview(showStatistics=False)
    -2933        if self.ticker:
    -2934            uLogger.debug("Searching instrument with ticker [{}] throwout opened positions...".format(self.ticker))
    -2935            msg = "Instrument with ticker [{}] is not present in open positions".format(self.ticker)
    -2937            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    -2938                for instrument in portfolio["stat"][iType]:
    -2939                    if instrument["ticker"] == self.ticker:
    -2940                        result = True
    -2941                        msg = "Instrument with ticker [{}] is present in open positions".format(self.ticker)
    -2942                        break
    -2944        elif self.figi:
    -2945            uLogger.debug("Searching instrument with FIGI [{}] throwout opened positions...".format(self.figi))
    -2946            msg = "Instrument with FIGI [{}] is not present in open positions".format(self.figi)
    -2948            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    -2949                for instrument in portfolio["stat"][iType]:
    -2950                    if instrument["figi"] == self.figi:
    -2951                        result = True
    -2952                        msg = "Instrument with FIGI [{}] is present in open positions".format(self.figi)
    -2953                        break
    -2955        else:
    -2956            uLogger.warning("Instrument must be defined by `ticker` (highly priority) or `figi`!")
    -2958        uLogger.debug(msg)
    -2960        return result
    -2962    def GetInstrumentFromPortfolio(self, portfolio: dict = None) -> dict:
    -2963        """
    -2964        Returns instrument is in the user's portfolio if it presents there.
    -2965        Instrument must be defined by `ticker` (highly priority) or `figi`.
    -2967        :param portfolio: dict with user's portfolio data. If `None`, then requests portfolio from `Overview()` method.
    -2968        :return: dict with instrument if portfolio contains open position with this instrument, `None` otherwise.
    -2969        """
    -2970        result = None
    -2971        msg = "Instrument not defined!"
    -2973        if portfolio is None or not portfolio:
    -2974            portfolio = self.Overview(showStatistics=False)
    -2976        if self.ticker:
    -2977            uLogger.debug("Searching instrument with ticker [{}] throwout opened positions...".format(self.ticker))
    -2978            msg = "Instrument with ticker [{}] is not present in open positions".format(self.ticker)
    -2980            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    -2981                for instrument in portfolio["stat"][iType]:
    -2982                    if instrument["ticker"] == self.ticker:
    -2983                        result = instrument
    -2984                        msg = "Instrument with ticker [{}] and FIGI [{}] is present in open positions".format(self.ticker, instrument["figi"])
    -2985                        break
    -2987        elif self.figi:
    -2988            uLogger.debug("Searching instrument with FIGI [{}] throwout opened positions...".format(self.figi))
    -2989            msg = "Instrument with FIGI [{}] is not present in open positions".format(self.figi)
    -2991            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    -2992                for instrument in portfolio["stat"][iType]:
    -2993                    if instrument["figi"] == self.figi:
    -2994                        result = instrument
    -2995                        msg = "Instrument with ticker [{}] and FIGI [{}] is present in open positions".format(instrument["ticker"], self.figi)
    -2996                        break
    -2998        else:
    -2999            uLogger.warning("Instrument must be defined by `ticker` (highly priority) or `figi`!")
    -3001        uLogger.debug(msg)
    -3003        return result
     181class TinkoffBrokerServer:
    + 182    """
    + 183    This class implements methods to work with Tinkoff broker server.
    + 184
    + 185    Examples to work with API: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/
    + 186
    + 187    About `token`: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/token/
    + 188    """
    + 189    def __init__(self, token: str, accountId: str = None, iList: dict = None, useCache: bool = True) -> None:
    + 190        """
    + 191        Main class init.
    + 192
    + 193        :param token: Bearer token for Tinkoff Invest API. It can be set from environment variable `TKS_API_TOKEN`.
    + 194        :param accountId: string with user's numeric account ID in Tinkoff Broker. It can be found in broker's reports.
    + 195                          Also, this variable can be set from environment variable `TKS_ACCOUNT_ID`.
    + 196        :param iList: dictionary with raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server.
    + 197                      At first time, when class init, `Listing()` method auto-update this variable, or you can use dump file.
    + 198                      For future use, you can save this variable and use as `iList` to avoid permanent downloads
    + 199                      from the server. Also, you can try `DumpInstruments()` method.
    + 200        :param useCache: use default cache file `dump.json` with raw data to use instead of `iList` if `iList` set as `None`.
    + 201                         True by default. Cache is auto-update if new day has come.
    + 202                         If `iList` is not `None` then it value has higher priority than `dump.json` and `useCache`.
    + 203                         If you don't want to use cache and always updates raw data then set `useCache=False`.
    + 204        """
    + 205        if token is None or not token:
    + 206            try:
    + 207                self.token = r"{}".format(os.environ["TKS_API_TOKEN"])
    + 208                uLogger.debug("Bearer token for Tinkoff OpenApi set up from environment variable `TKS_API_TOKEN`. See https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/token/")
    + 209
    + 210            except KeyError:
    + 211                raise Exception("`--token` key or environment variable `TKS_API_TOKEN` is required! See https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/token/")
    + 212
    + 213        else:
    + 214            self.token = token  # highly priority than environment variable 'TKS_API_TOKEN'
    + 215            uLogger.debug("Bearer token for Tinkoff OpenApi set up from class variable `token`")
    + 216
    + 217        if accountId is None or not accountId:
    + 218            try:
    + 219                self.accountId = r"{}".format(os.environ["TKS_ACCOUNT_ID"])
    + 220                uLogger.debug("String with user's numeric account ID in Tinkoff Broker set up from environment variable `TKS_ACCOUNT_ID`")
    + 221
    + 222            except KeyError:
    + 223                uLogger.warning("`--account-id` key or environment variable `TKS_ACCOUNT_ID` undefined! Some of operations may be unavailable (overview, trading etc).")
    + 224
    + 225        else:
    + 226            self.accountId = accountId  # highly priority than environment variable 'TKS_ACCOUNT_ID'
    + 227            uLogger.debug("String with user's numeric account ID in Tinkoff Broker set up from class variable `accountId`")
    + 228
    + 229        self.aliases = TKS_TICKER_ALIASES
    + 230        """Some aliases instead official tickers. See `TKSEnums.TKS_TICKER_ALIASES`"""
    + 231
    + 232        self.aliasesKeys = self.aliases.keys()  # re-calc only first time at class init
    + 233        self.exclude = TKS_TICKERS_OR_FIGI_EXCLUDED  # some of tickets or FIGIs raised exception earlier when it sends to server, that is why we exclude there
    + 234
    + 235        self.ticker = ""
    + 236        """String with ticker, e.g. `GOOGL`. Use alias for `USD000UTSTOM` simple as `USD`, `EUR_RUB__TOM` as `EUR` etc. More tickers aliases here: `TKSEnums.TKS_TICKER_ALIASES`."""
    + 237
    + 238        self.figi = ""
    + 239        """String with FIGI, e.g. ticker `GOOGL` has FIGI `BBG009S39JX6`"""
    + 240
    + 241        self.depth = 1
    + 242        """Depth of Market (DOM) can be >= 1. Default: 1. It used with `--price` key to showing DOM with current prices for givens ticker or FIGI."""
    + 243
    + 244        self.server = r"https://invest-public-api.tinkoff.ru/rest"
    + 245        """Tinkoff REST API server for real trade operations. Default: https://invest-public-api.tinkoff.ru/rest
    + 246
    + 247        See also: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/#tinkoff-invest-api_1
    + 248        """
    + 249
    + 250        uLogger.debug("Broker API server: {}".format(self.server))
    + 251
    + 252        self.timeout = 15
    + 253        """Server operations timeout in seconds. Default: `15`"""
    + 254
    + 255        self.headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(self.token)}
    + 256        """Headers which send in every request to broker server. Default: `{"Content-Type": "application/json", "accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {your_token}"}`"""
    + 257
    + 258        self.body = None
    + 259        """Request body which send to broker server. Default: `None`"""
    + 260
    + 261        # remove after implemented: #45 Add selector of file types https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/45
    + 262        # self.outputFileType = None
    + 263        # """Switch of types for output files when `--output` key present. You can choose: `.md`, `.csv` and `.xlsx`. By default: `None`, it mean that default types will be used."""
    + 264
    + 265        self.historyFile = None
    + 266        """Full path to the output file where history candles will be saved or updated. Default: `None`, it mean that returns only pandas dataframe when you request `History()` method."""
    + 267
    + 268        self.instrumentsFile = "instruments.md"
    + 269        """Filename where full broker's instruments list will be saved. Default: `instruments.md`"""
    + 270
    + 271        self.searchResultsFile = "search-results.md"
    + 272        """Filename with all found instruments searched by part of its ticker, FIGI or name. Default: `search-results.md`"""
    + 273
    + 274        self.pricesFile = "prices.md"
    + 275        """Filename where prices of selected instruments will be saved. Default: `prices.md`"""
    + 276
    + 277        self.overviewFile = "overview.md"
    + 278        """Filename where current portfolio, open trades and orders will be saved. Default: `overview.md`"""
    + 279
    + 280        self.overviewDigestFile = "overview-digest.md"
    + 281        """Filename where short digest of the portfolio status will be saved. Default: `overview-digest.md`"""
    + 282
    + 283        self.overviewPositionsFile = "overview-positions.md"
    + 284        """Filename where only open positions, without everything else will be saved. Default: `overview-positions.md`"""
    + 285
    + 286        self.overviewOrdersFile = "overview-orders.md"
    + 287        """Filename where open limits and stop orders will be saved. Default: `overview-orders.md`"""
    + 288
    + 289        self.overviewAnalyticsFile = "overview-analytics.md"
    + 290        """Filename where only the analytics section and the distribution of the portfolio by various categories will be saved. Default: `overview-analytics.md`"""
    + 291
    + 292        self.reportFile = "deals.md"
    + 293        """Filename where history of deals and trade statistics will be saved. Default: `deals.md`"""
    + 294
    + 295        self.iListDumpFile = "dump.json"
    + 296        """Filename where raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures will be stored. Default: `dump.json`"""
    + 297
    + 298        self.iList = None  # init iList
    + 299        """Dictionary with raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server. Auto-updating.
    + 300        
    + 301        See also: `Listing()` and `DumpInstruments()`.
    + 302        """
    + 303
    + 304        # try to re-use raw instruments data saved as `iList` or try to load it from the dump file:
    + 305        if iList is not None and isinstance(iList, dict):
    + 306            uLogger.debug("Instruments raw data set up from given `iList` variable. Dump file not updated.")
    + 307
    + 308            self.iList = iList  # only used given iList, dump not updated
    + 309
    + 310        elif useCache:
    + 311            if os.path.exists(self.iListDumpFile):
    + 312                dumpTime = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(self.iListDumpFile)).astimezone(tzutc())  # dump modification date and time
    + 313                curTime = datetime.now(tzutc())
    + 314
    + 315                if (curTime.day > dumpTime.day) or (curTime.month > dumpTime.month) or (curTime.year > dumpTime.year):
    + 316                    uLogger.warning("Local cache may be outdated! It has last modified [{}] UTC. Updating from broker server, wait, please...".format(dumpTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
    + 317
    + 318                    self.DumpInstruments(forceUpdate=True)  # updating self.iList and dump file
    + 319
    + 320                else:
    + 321                    self.iList = json.load(open(self.iListDumpFile, mode="r", encoding="UTF-8"))  # load iList from dump
    + 322
    + 323                    uLogger.debug("Local cache with raw instruments data is used: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.iListDumpFile)))
    + 324                    uLogger.debug("Dump file was last modified [{}] UTC".format(dumpTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
    + 325
    + 326            else:
    + 327                uLogger.warning("Local cache with raw instruments data not exists! Creating new dump, wait, please...")
    + 328                self.DumpInstruments(forceUpdate=True)  # updating self.iList and creating default dump file
    + 329
    + 330        else:
    + 331            self.iList = self.Listing()  # request new raw instruments data from broker server
    + 332            self.DumpInstruments(forceUpdate=False)  # save updated info to default dump file
    + 333
    + 334    @staticmethod
    + 335    def _ParseJSON(rawData="{}", debug: bool = False) -> dict:
    + 336        """
    + 337        Parse JSON from response string.
    + 338
    + 339        :param rawData: this is a string with JSON-formatted text.
    + 340        :param debug: if `True` then print more debug information.
    + 341        :return: JSON (dictionary), parsed from server response string.
    + 342        """
    + 343        if debug:
    + 344            uLogger.debug("Raw text body:")
    + 345            uLogger.debug(rawData)
    + 346
    + 347        responseJSON = json.loads(rawData) if rawData else {}
    + 348
    + 349        if debug:
    + 350            uLogger.debug("JSON formatted:")
    + 351            for jsonLine in json.dumps(responseJSON, indent=4).split('\n'):
    + 352                uLogger.debug(jsonLine)
    + 353
    + 354        return responseJSON
    + 355
    + 356    def SendAPIRequest(self, url: str, reqType: str = "GET", retry: int = 3, pause: int = 5, debug: bool = False) -> dict:
    + 357        """
    + 358        Send GET or POST request to broker server and receive JSON object.
    + 359
    + 360        self.header: must be define with dictionary of headers.
    + 361        self.body: if define then used as request body. None by default.
    + 362        self.timeout: global request timeout, 15 seconds by default.
    + 363        :param url: url with REST request.
    + 364        :param reqType: send "GET" or "POST" request. "GET" by default.
    + 365        :param retry: how many times retry after first request if an error occurred.
    + 366        :param pause: sleep time in seconds between retries.
    + 367        :param debug: if `True` then print more debug information.
    + 368        :return: response JSON (dictionary) from broker.
    + 369        """
    + 370        if reqType not in ("GET", "POST"):
    + 371            raise Exception("You can define request type: 'GET' or 'POST'!")
    + 372
    + 373        if debug:
    + 374            uLogger.debug("Request parameters:")
    + 375            uLogger.debug("    - REST API URL: {}".format(url))
    + 376            uLogger.debug("    - request type: {}".format(reqType))
    + 377            uLogger.debug("    - headers: {}".format(str(self.headers).replace(self.token, "*** request token ***")))
    + 378            uLogger.debug("    - body: {}".format(self.body))
    + 379
    + 380        # fast hack to avoid all operations with some tickers/FIGI
    + 381        responseJSON = {}
    + 382        oK = True
    + 383        for item in self.exclude:
    + 384            if item in url:
    + 385                if debug:
    + 386                    uLogger.warning("Do not execute operations with list of this tickers/FIGI: {}".format(str(self.exclude)))
    + 387
    + 388                oK = False
    + 389                break
    + 390
    + 391        if oK:
    + 392            counter = 0
    + 393            response = None
    + 394            errMsg = ""
    + 395
    + 396            while not response and counter <= retry:
    + 397                if reqType == "GET":
    + 398                    response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers, data=self.body, timeout=self.timeout)
    + 399
    + 400                if reqType == "POST":
    + 401                    response = requests.post(url, headers=self.headers, data=self.body, timeout=self.timeout)
    + 402
    + 403                if debug:
    + 404                    uLogger.debug("Response:")
    + 405                    uLogger.debug("    - status code: {}".format(response.status_code))
    + 406                    uLogger.debug("    - reason: {}".format(response.reason))
    + 407                    uLogger.debug("    - body length: {}".format(len(response.text)))
    + 408
    + 409                # Error status codes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes
    + 410                if 400 <= response.status_code < 600:
    + 411                    errMsg = "[{}] {}".format(response.status_code, response.text)
    + 412                    uLogger.debug("    - not oK status code received: {}".format(errMsg))
    + 413                    counter += 1
    + 414
    + 415                    if counter <= retry:
    + 416                        uLogger.debug("Retry: [{}]. Wait until {} sec. and try again...".format(counter, pause))
    + 417                        sleep(pause)
    + 418
    + 419            responseJSON = self._ParseJSON(response.text)
    + 420
    + 421            if errMsg:
    + 422                uLogger.error("Not `oK` status received from broker server! See: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/errors/")
    + 423                uLogger.error("    - message: {}".format(errMsg))
    + 424                # raise Exception("Server returned an error! See full debug log. Also you can set debug=True in SendAPIRequest() and _ParseJSON() methods.")
    + 425
    + 426        return responseJSON
    + 427
    + 428    def _IUpdater(self, iType: str) -> tuple:
    + 429        """
    + 430        Request instrument by type from server. See available API methods for instruments:
    + 431        Currencies: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/InstrumentsService/InstrumentsService_Currencies
    + 432        Shares: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/InstrumentsService/InstrumentsService_Shares
    + 433        Bonds: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/InstrumentsService/InstrumentsService_Bonds
    + 434        Etfs: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/InstrumentsService/InstrumentsService_Etfs
    + 435        Futures: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/InstrumentsService/InstrumentsService_Futures
    + 436
    + 437        :param iType: type of the instrument, it must be one of supported types in TKS_INSTRUMENTS list.
    + 438        :return: tuple with iType name and list of available instruments of current type for defined user token.
    + 439        """
    + 440        result = []
    + 441
    + 442        if iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    + 443            uLogger.debug("Requesting available [{}] list. Wait, please...".format(iType))
    + 444
    + 445            # all instruments have the same body in API v2 requests:
    + 447            instrumentURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.InstrumentsService/{}".format(iType)
    + 448            result = self.SendAPIRequest(instrumentURL, reqType="POST", debug=False)["instruments"]
    + 449
    + 450        return iType, result
    + 451
    + 452    def _IWrapper(self, kwargs):
    + 453        """
    + 454        Wrapper runs instrument's update method `_IUpdater()`.
    + 455        It's a workaround for using multiprocessing with kwargs. See: https://stackoverflow.com/a/36799206
    + 456        """
    + 457        return self._IUpdater(**kwargs)
    + 458
    + 459    def Listing(self) -> dict:
    + 460        """
    + 461        Gets JSON with raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server.
    + 462
    + 463        :return: Dictionary with all available broker instruments: currencies, shares, bonds, etfs and futures.
    + 464        """
    + 465        uLogger.debug("Requesting all available instruments from broker for current user token. Wait, please...")
    + 466        uLogger.debug("CPU usages for parallel requests: [{}]".format(CPU_USAGES))
    + 467
    + 468        # this parameters insert to requests: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/InstrumentsService
    + 469        # iType is type of instrument, it must be one of supported types in TKS_INSTRUMENTS list.
    + 470        iParams = [{"iType": iType} for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS]
    + 471
    + 472        poolUpdater = ThreadPool(processes=CPU_USAGES)  # create pool for update instruments in parallel mode
    + 473        listing = poolUpdater.map(self._IWrapper, iParams)  # execute update operations
    + 474        poolUpdater.close()
    + 475
    + 476        # Dictionary with all broker instruments: shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures.
    + 477        # Next in this code: item[0] is "iType" and item[1] is list of available instruments from the result of _IUpdater() method
    + 478        iList = {item[0]: {instrument["ticker"]: instrument for instrument in item[1]} for item in listing}
    + 479
    + 480        # calculate minimum price increment (step) for all instruments and set up instrument's type:
    + 481        for iType in iList.keys():
    + 482            for ticker in iList[iType]:
    + 483                iList[iType][ticker]["type"] = iType
    + 484
    + 485                if "minPriceIncrement" in iList[iType][ticker].keys():
    + 486                    iList[iType][ticker]["step"] = NanoToFloat(
    + 487                        iList[iType][ticker]["minPriceIncrement"]["units"],
    + 488                        iList[iType][ticker]["minPriceIncrement"]["nano"],
    + 489                    )
    + 490
    + 491                else:
    + 492                    iList[iType][ticker]["step"] = 0  # hack to avoid empty value in some instruments, e.g. futures
    + 493
    + 494        return iList
    + 495
    + 496    def DumpInstruments(self, forceUpdate: bool = True) -> str:
    + 497        """
    + 498        Receives and returns actual raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server
    + 499        using `Listing()` method. If `iListDumpFile` string is not empty then also save information to this file.
    + 500
    + 501        :param forceUpdate: if `True` then at first updates data with `Listing()` method, otherwise just saves exist `iList`.
    + 502        :return: serialized JSON formatted `str` with full data of instruments, also saved to the `--output` file.
    + 503        """
    + 504        if self.iListDumpFile is None or not self.iListDumpFile:
    + 505            raise Exception("Output name of dump file must be defined!")
    + 506
    + 507        if not self.iList or forceUpdate:
    + 508            self.iList = self.Listing()
    + 509
    + 510        dump = json.dumps(self.iList, indent=4, sort_keys=False)
    + 511        with open(self.iListDumpFile, mode="w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    + 512            fH.write(dump)
    + 513
    + 514        uLogger.info("Instruments raw data were cached for future used: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.iListDumpFile)))
    + 515
    + 516        return dump
    + 517
    + 518    @staticmethod
    + 519    def ShowInstrumentInfo(iJSON: dict, printInfo: bool = False) -> str:
    + 520        """
    + 521        Show information about one instrument defined by json data and prints it in Markdown format.
    + 522
    + 523        :param iJSON: json data of instrument, e.g. in code `iJSON = self.iList["Shares"][self.ticker]`
    + 524        :param printInfo: if `True` then also printing information about instrument and its current price.
    + 525        :return: multilines text in Markdown format with information about one instrument.
    + 526        """
    + 527        splitLine = "|                                                         |                                                         |\n"
    + 528        infoText = ""
    + 529
    + 530        if iJSON is not None and iJSON and isinstance(iJSON, dict):
    + 531            info = [
    + 532                "# Information is actual at: [{}] (UTC)\n\n".format(datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")),
    + 533                "| Parameters                                              | Values                                                  |\n",
    + 534                "|---------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------|\n",
    + 535                "| Ticker:                                                 | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["ticker"]),
    + 536                "| Full name:                                              | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["name"]),
    + 537            ]
    + 538
    + 539            if "sector" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["sector"]:
    + 540                info.append("| Sector:                                                 | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["sector"]))
    + 541
    + 542            info.append("| Country of instrument:                                  | {:<55} |\n".format("{}{}".format(
    + 543                "({}) ".format(iJSON["countryOfRisk"]) if "countryOfRisk" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["countryOfRisk"] else "",
    + 544                iJSON["countryOfRiskName"] if "countryOfRiskName" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["countryOfRiskName"] else "",
    + 545            )))
    + 546
    + 547            info.extend([
    + 548                splitLine,
    + 549                "| FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier):          | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["figi"]),
    + 550                "| Exchange:                                               | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["exchange"]),
    + 551            ])
    + 552
    + 553            if "isin" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["isin"]:
    + 554                info.append("| ISIN (International Securities Identification Number):  | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["isin"]))
    + 555
    + 556            if "classCode" in iJSON.keys():
    + 557                info.append("| Class Code:                                             | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["classCode"]))
    + 558
    + 559            info.extend([
    + 560                splitLine,
    + 561                "| Current broker security trading status:                 | {:<55} |\n".format(TKS_TRADING_STATUSES[iJSON["tradingStatus"]]),
    + 562                "| Buy operations allowed:                                 | {:<55} |\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["buyAvailableFlag"] else "No"),
    + 563                "| Sale operations allowed:                                | {:<55} |\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["sellAvailableFlag"] else "No"),
    + 564                "| Short positions allowed:                                | {:<55} |\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["shortEnabledFlag"] else "No"),
    + 565            ])
    + 566
    + 567            info.append(splitLine)
    + 568
    + 569            if "type" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["type"]:
    + 570                info.append("| Type of the instrument:                                 | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["type"]))
    + 571
    + 572            if "futuresType" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["futuresType"]:
    + 573                info.append("| Futures type:                                           | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["futuresType"]))
    + 574
    + 575            if "ipoDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["ipoDate"]:
    + 576                info.append("| IPO date:                                               | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["ipoDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    + 577
    + 578            if "releasedDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["releasedDate"]:
    + 579                info.append("| Released date:                                          | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["releasedDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    + 580
    + 581            if "rebalancingFreq" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["rebalancingFreq"]:
    + 582                info.append("| Rebalancing frequency:                                  | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["rebalancingFreq"]))
    + 583
    + 584            if "focusType" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["focusType"]:
    + 585                info.append("| Focusing type:                                          | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["focusType"]))
    + 586
    + 587            if "assetType" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["assetType"]:
    + 588                info.append("| Asset type:                                             | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["assetType"]))
    + 589
    + 590            if "basicAsset" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["basicAsset"]:
    + 591                info.append("| Basic asset:                                            | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["basicAsset"]))
    + 592
    + 593            if "basicAssetSize" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["basicAssetSize"]:
    + 594                info.append("| Basic asset size:                                       | {:<55} |\n".format("{:.2f}".format(NanoToFloat(str(iJSON["basicAssetSize"]["units"]), iJSON["basicAssetSize"]["nano"]))))
    + 595
    + 596            if "isoCurrencyName" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["isoCurrencyName"]:
    + 597                info.append("| ISO currency name:                                      | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["isoCurrencyName"]))
    + 598
    + 599            if "currency" in iJSON.keys():
    + 600                info.append("| Payment currency:                                       | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["currency"]))
    + 601
    + 602            if "firstTradeDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["firstTradeDate"] != 0:
    + 603                info.append("| First trade date:                                       | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["firstTradeDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    + 604
    + 605            if "lastTradeDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["lastTradeDate"] != 0:
    + 606                info.append("| Last trade date:                                        | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["lastTradeDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    + 607
    + 608            if "expirationDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["expirationDate"] != 0:
    + 609                info.append("| Date of expiration:                                     | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["expirationDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    + 610
    + 611            if "stateRegDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["stateRegDate"] != 0:
    + 612                info.append("| State registration date:                                | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["stateRegDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    + 613
    + 614            if "placementDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["placementDate"] != 0:
    + 615                info.append("| Placement date:                                         | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["placementDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    + 616
    + 617            if "maturityDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["maturityDate"] != 0:
    + 618                info.append("| Maturity date:                                          | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["maturityDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    + 619
    + 620            if "perpetualFlag" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["perpetualFlag"]:
    + 621                info.append("| Perpetual bond:                                         | Yes                                                     |\n")
    + 622
    + 623            if "otcFlag" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["otcFlag"]:
    + 624                info.append("| Over-the-counter (OTC) securities:                      | Yes                                                     |\n")
    + 625
    + 626            if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds":
    + 627                info.append("| Bond issue (size / plan):                               | {:<55} |\n".format("{} / {}".format(iJSON["issueSize"], iJSON["issueSizePlan"])))
    + 628
    + 629                info.append("| Nominal price (100%):                                   | {:<55} |\n".format("{:.2f} {}".format(
    + 630                    NanoToFloat(str(iJSON["nominal"]["units"]), iJSON["nominal"]["nano"]),
    + 631                    iJSON["nominal"]["currency"],
    + 632                )))
    + 633
    + 634                if "floatingCouponFlag" in iJSON.keys():
    + 635                    info.append("| Floating coupon:                                        | {:<55} |\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["floatingCouponFlag"] else "No"))
    + 636
    + 637                if "amortizationFlag" in iJSON.keys():
    + 638                    info.append("| Amortization:                                           | {:<55} |\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["amortizationFlag"] else "No"))
    + 639
    + 640                if "couponQuantityPerYear" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["couponQuantityPerYear"]:
    + 641                    info.append("| Number of coupon payments per year:                     | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["couponQuantityPerYear"]))
    + 642
    + 643                if "aciValue" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["aciValue"]:
    + 644                    info.append("| Current ACI (Accrued Interest):                         | {:<55} |\n".format("{:.2f} {}".format(
    + 645                        NanoToFloat(str(iJSON["aciValue"]["units"]), iJSON["aciValue"]["nano"]),
    + 646                        iJSON["aciValue"]["currency"]
    + 647                    )))
    + 648
    + 649            if "currentPrice" in iJSON.keys():
    + 650                info.append(splitLine)
    + 651
    + 652                info.extend([
    + 653                    "| Previous close price of the instrument:                 | {:<55} |\n".format("{}{}".format(
    + 654                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] is not None else "N/A",
    + 655                        "% of nominal price" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    + 656                    )),
    + 657                    "| Last deal price of the instrument:                      | {:<55} |\n".format("{}{}".format(
    + 658                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] is not None else "N/A",
    + 659                        "% of nominal price" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    + 660                    )),
    + 661                    "| Changes between last deal price and last close  %       | {:<55} |\n".format("{:.2f}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"])),
    + 662                    "| Current limit price, min / max:                         | {:<55} |\n".format("{}{} / {}{}".format(
    + 663                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["limitDown"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["limitDown"] is not None else "N/A",
    + 664                        "%" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    + 665                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["limitUp"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["limitUp"] is not None else "N/A",
    + 666                        "%" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    + 667                    )),
    + 668                    "| Actual price, sell / buy:                               | {:<55} |\n".format("{}{} / {}{}".format(
    + 669                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["sell"][0]["price"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["sell"] else "N/A",
    + 670                        "%" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    + 671                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["buy"][0]["price"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["buy"] else "N/A",
    + 672                        "%" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else" {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    + 673                    )),
    + 674                ])
    + 675
    + 676            if "lot" in iJSON.keys():
    + 677                info.append("| Minimum lot to buy:                                     | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["lot"]))
    + 678
    + 679            if "step" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["step"] != 0:
    + 680                info.append("| Minimum price increment (step):                         | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["step"]))
    + 681
    + 682            infoText += "".join(info)
    + 683
    + 684            if printInfo:
    + 685                uLogger.info("Information about instrument: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}]\n{}".format(iJSON["ticker"], iJSON["figi"], infoText))
    + 686
    + 687            else:
    + 688                uLogger.debug("Information about instrument: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}]\n{}".format(iJSON["ticker"], iJSON["figi"], infoText))
    + 689
    + 690        return infoText
    + 691
    + 692    def SearchByTicker(self, requestPrice: bool = False, showInfo: bool = False, debug: bool = False) -> dict:
    + 693        """
    + 694        Search and return raw broker's information about instrument by it's ticker.
    + 695        `ticker` must be define! If debug=True then print all debug messages.
    + 696
    + 697        :param requestPrice: if `False` then do not request current price of instrument (because this is long operation).
    + 698        :param showInfo: if `False` then do not run `ShowInstrumentInfo()` method and do not print info to the console.
    + 699        :param debug: if `True` then print all debug console messages.
    + 700        :return: JSON formatted data with information about instrument.
    + 701        """
    + 702        tickerJSON = {}
    + 703        if debug:
    + 704            uLogger.debug("Searching information about instrument by it's ticker [{}] ...".format(self.ticker))
    + 705
    + 706        if not self.ticker:
    + 707            uLogger.warning("self.ticker variable is not be empty!")
    + 708
    + 709        else:
    + 710            if not self.iList:
    + 711                self.iList = self.Listing()
    + 712
    + 713            if self.ticker in self.iList["Shares"].keys():
    + 714                tickerJSON = self.iList["Shares"][self.ticker]
    + 715                if debug:
    + 716                    uLogger.debug("Ticker [{}] found in shares list".format(self.ticker))
    + 717
    + 718            elif self.ticker in self.iList["Currencies"].keys():
    + 719                tickerJSON = self.iList["Currencies"][self.ticker]
    + 720                if debug:
    + 721                    uLogger.debug("Ticker [{}] found in currencies list".format(self.ticker))
    + 722
    + 723            elif self.ticker in self.iList["Bonds"].keys():
    + 724                tickerJSON = self.iList["Bonds"][self.ticker]
    + 725                if debug:
    + 726                    uLogger.debug("Ticker [{}] found in bonds list".format(self.ticker))
    + 727
    + 728            elif self.ticker in self.iList["Etfs"].keys():
    + 729                tickerJSON = self.iList["Etfs"][self.ticker]
    + 730                if debug:
    + 731                    uLogger.debug("Ticker [{}] found in etfs list".format(self.ticker))
    + 732
    + 733            elif self.ticker in self.iList["Futures"].keys():
    + 734                tickerJSON = self.iList["Futures"][self.ticker]
    + 735                if debug:
    + 736                    uLogger.debug("Ticker [{}] found in futures list".format(self.ticker))
    + 737
    + 738        if tickerJSON:
    + 739            self.figi = tickerJSON["figi"]
    + 740
    + 741            if requestPrice:
    + 742                tickerJSON["currentPrice"] = self.GetCurrentPrices(showPrice=False)
    + 743
    + 744                if tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] is not None and tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] != 0 and tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] is not None:
    + 745                    tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"] = 100 * (tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] - tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]) / tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]
    + 746
    + 747                else:
    + 748                    tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"] = 0
    + 749
    + 750            if showInfo:
    + 751                self.ShowInstrumentInfo(iJSON=tickerJSON, printInfo=True)  # print info as Markdown text
    + 752
    + 753        else:
    + 754            if showInfo:
    + 755                uLogger.warning("Ticker [{}] not found in available broker instrument's list!".format(self.ticker))
    + 756
    + 757        return tickerJSON
    + 758
    + 759    def SearchByFIGI(self, requestPrice: bool = False, showInfo: bool = False, debug: bool = False) -> dict:
    + 760        """
    + 761        Search and return raw broker's information about instrument by it's FIGI.
    + 762        `figi` must be define! If debug=True then print all debug messages.
    + 763
    + 764        :param requestPrice: if `False` then do not request current price of instrument (it's long operation).
    + 765        :param showInfo: if `False` then do not run `ShowInstrumentInfo()` method and do not print info to the console.
    + 766        :param debug: if `True` then print all debug console messages.
    + 767        :return: JSON formatted data with information about instrument.
    + 768        """
    + 769        figiJSON = {}
    + 770        if debug:
    + 771            uLogger.debug("Searching information about instrument by it's FIGI [{}] ...".format(self.figi))
    + 772
    + 773        if not self.figi:
    + 774            uLogger.warning("self.figi variable is not be empty!")
    + 775
    + 776        else:
    + 777            if not self.iList:
    + 778                self.iList = self.Listing()
    + 779
    + 780            for item in self.iList["Shares"].keys():
    + 781                if self.figi == self.iList["Shares"][item]["figi"]:
    + 782                    figiJSON = self.iList["Shares"][item]
    + 783
    + 784                    if debug:
    + 785                        uLogger.debug("FIGI [{}] found in shares list".format(self.figi))
    + 786
    + 787                    break
    + 788
    + 789            if not figiJSON:
    + 790                for item in self.iList["Currencies"].keys():
    + 791                    if self.figi == self.iList["Currencies"][item]["figi"]:
    + 792                        figiJSON = self.iList["Currencies"][item]
    + 793
    + 794                        if debug:
    + 795                            uLogger.debug("FIGI [{}] found in currencies list".format(self.figi))
    + 796
    + 797                        break
    + 798
    + 799            if not figiJSON:
    + 800                for item in self.iList["Bonds"].keys():
    + 801                    if self.figi == self.iList["Bonds"][item]["figi"]:
    + 802                        figiJSON = self.iList["Bonds"][item]
    + 803
    + 804                        if debug:
    + 805                            uLogger.debug("FIGI [{}] found in bonds list".format(self.figi))
    + 806
    + 807                        break
    + 808
    + 809            if not figiJSON:
    + 810                for item in self.iList["Etfs"].keys():
    + 811                    if self.figi == self.iList["Etfs"][item]["figi"]:
    + 812                        figiJSON = self.iList["Etfs"][item]
    + 813
    + 814                        if debug:
    + 815                            uLogger.debug("FIGI [{}] found in etfs list".format(self.figi))
    + 816
    + 817                        break
    + 818
    + 819            if not figiJSON:
    + 820                for item in self.iList["Futures"].keys():
    + 821                    if self.figi == self.iList["Futures"][item]["figi"]:
    + 822                        figiJSON = self.iList["Futures"][item]
    + 823
    + 824                        if debug:
    + 825                            uLogger.debug("FIGI [{}] found in futures list".format(self.figi))
    + 826
    + 827                        break
    + 828
    + 829        if figiJSON:
    + 830            self.figi = figiJSON["figi"]
    + 831            self.ticker = figiJSON["ticker"]
    + 832
    + 833            if requestPrice:
    + 834                figiJSON["currentPrice"] = self.GetCurrentPrices(showPrice=False)
    + 835
    + 836                if figiJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] is not None and figiJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] != 0 and figiJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] is not None:
    + 837                    figiJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"] = 100 * (figiJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] - figiJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]) / figiJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]
    + 838
    + 839                else:
    + 840                    figiJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"] = 0
    + 841
    + 842            if showInfo:
    + 843                self.ShowInstrumentInfo(iJSON=figiJSON, printInfo=True)  # print info as Markdown text
    + 844
    + 845        else:
    + 846            if showInfo:
    + 847                uLogger.warning("FIGI [{}] not found in available broker instrument's list!".format(self.figi))
    + 848
    + 849        return figiJSON
    + 850
    + 851    def GetCurrentPrices(self, showPrice: bool = False) -> dict:
    + 852        """
    + 853        Get and show Depth of Market with current prices of the instrument. If an error occurred then returns an empty record:
    + 854        `{"buy": [], "sell": [], "limitUp": None, "limitDown": None, "lastPrice": None, "closePrice": None}`.
    + 855
    + 856        :param showPrice: if `True` then print DOM.
    + 857        :return: orders book dict with lists of current buy and sell prices: `{"buy": [{"price": x1, "quantity": y1, ...}], "sell": [....]}`.
    + 858        """
    + 859        prices = {"buy": [], "sell": [], "limitUp": 0, "limitDown": 0, "lastPrice": 0, "closePrice": 0}
    + 860
    + 861        if self.depth < 1:
    + 862            raise Exception("Depth of Market (DOM) must be >=1!")
    + 863
    + 864        if not (self.ticker or self.figi):
    + 865            raise Exception("self.ticker or self.figi variables must be defined!")
    + 866
    + 867        if self.ticker and not self.figi:
    + 868            instrumentByTicker = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=False)  # WARNING! requestPrice=False to avoid recursion!
    + 869            self.figi = instrumentByTicker["figi"] if instrumentByTicker else ""
    + 870
    + 871        if not self.ticker and self.figi:
    + 872            instrumentByFigi = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False)  # WARNING! requestPrice=False to avoid recursion!
    + 873            self.ticker = instrumentByFigi["ticker"] if instrumentByFigi else ""
    + 874
    + 875        if not self.figi:
    + 876            uLogger.error("FIGI is not determined!")
    + 877
    + 878        else:
    + 879            uLogger.debug("Requesting current prices for instrument with ticker [{}] and FIGI [{}]...".format(self.ticker, self.figi))
    + 880
    + 881            # REST API for request: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/MarketDataService/MarketDataService_GetOrderBook
    + 882            priceURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.MarketDataService/GetOrderBook"
    + 883            self.body = str({"figi": self.figi, "depth": self.depth})
    + 884            pricesResponse = self.SendAPIRequest(priceURL, reqType="POST")
    + 885
    + 886            if pricesResponse:
    + 887                # list of dicts with sellers orders:
    + 888                prices["buy"] = [{"price": NanoToFloat(item["price"]["units"], item["price"]["nano"]), "quantity": int(item["quantity"])} for item in pricesResponse["asks"]]
    + 889
    + 890                # list of dicts with buyers orders:
    + 891                prices["sell"] = [{"price": NanoToFloat(item["price"]["units"], item["price"]["nano"]), "quantity": int(item["quantity"])} for item in pricesResponse["bids"]]
    + 892
    + 893                # max price of instrument at this time:
    + 894                prices["limitUp"] = round(NanoToFloat(pricesResponse["limitUp"]["units"], pricesResponse["limitUp"]["nano"]), 6) if "limitUp" in pricesResponse.keys() else None
    + 895
    + 896                # min price of instrument at this time:
    + 897                prices["limitDown"] = round(NanoToFloat(pricesResponse["limitDown"]["units"], pricesResponse["limitDown"]["nano"]), 6) if "limitDown" in pricesResponse.keys() else None
    + 898
    + 899                # last price of deal with instrument:
    + 900                prices["lastPrice"] = NanoToFloat(pricesResponse["lastPrice"]["units"], pricesResponse["lastPrice"]["nano"]) if "lastPrice" in pricesResponse.keys() else 0
    + 901
    + 902                # last close price of instrument:
    + 903                prices["closePrice"] = NanoToFloat(pricesResponse["closePrice"]["units"], pricesResponse["closePrice"]["nano"]) if "closePrice" in pricesResponse.keys() else 0
    + 904
    + 905            else:
    + 906                uLogger.warning("Server return an empty or error response! See full log. Instrument: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}]".format(self.ticker, self.figi))
    + 907                uLogger.debug("Server response: {}".format(pricesResponse))
    + 908
    + 909            if showPrice:
    + 910                if prices["buy"] or prices["sell"]:
    + 911                    info = [
    + 912                        "Orders book actual at [{}] (UTC)\nTicker: [{}], FIGI: [{}], Depth of Market: [{}]\n".format(
    + 913                            datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    + 914                            self.ticker,
    + 915                            self.figi,
    + 916                            self.depth,
    + 917                        ),
    + 918                        uLog.sepShort, "\n",
    + 919                        " Orders of Buyers   | Orders of Sellers\n",
    + 920                        uLog.sepShort, "\n",
    + 921                        " Sell prices (vol.) | Buy prices (vol.)\n",
    + 922                        uLog.sepShort, "\n",
    + 923                    ]
    + 924
    + 925                    if not prices["buy"]:
    + 926                        info.append("                    | No orders!\n")
    + 927                        sumBuy = 0
    + 928
    + 929                    else:
    + 930                        sumBuy = sum([x["quantity"] for x in prices["buy"]])
    + 931                        maxMinSorted = sorted(prices["buy"], key=lambda k: k["price"], reverse=True)
    + 932                        for item in maxMinSorted:
    + 933                            info.append("                    | {} ({})\n".format(item["price"], item["quantity"]))
    + 934
    + 935                    if not prices["sell"]:
    + 936                        info.append("No orders!          |\n")
    + 937                        sumSell = 0
    + 938
    + 939                    else:
    + 940                        sumSell = sum([x["quantity"] for x in prices["sell"]])
    + 941                        for item in prices["sell"]:
    + 942                            info.append("{:>19} |\n".format("{} ({})".format(item["price"], item["quantity"])))
    + 943
    + 944                    info.extend([
    + 945                        uLog.sepShort, "\n",
    + 946                        "{:>19} | {}\n".format("Total sell: {}".format(sumSell), "Total buy: {}".format(sumBuy)),
    + 947                        uLog.sepShort, "\n",
    + 948                    ])
    + 949
    + 950                    infoText = "".join(info)
    + 951
    + 952                    uLogger.info("Current prices in order book:\n\n{}".format(infoText))
    + 953
    + 954                else:
    + 955                    uLogger.warning("Orders book is empty at this time! Instrument: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}]".format(self.ticker, self.figi))
    + 956
    + 957        return prices
    + 958
    + 959    def ShowInstrumentsInfo(self, showInstruments: bool = False) -> str:
    + 960        """
    + 961        This method get and show information about all available broker instruments.
    + 962        If `instrumentsFile` string is not empty then also save information to this file.
    + 963
    + 964        :param showInstruments: if `True` then print results to console, if `False` - print only to file.
    + 965        :return: multi-string with all available broker instruments
    + 966        """
    + 967        if not self.iList:
    + 968            self.iList = self.Listing()
    + 969
    + 970        info = [
    + 971            "# All available instruments from Tinkoff Broker server for current user token\n\n",
    + 972            "* **Actual on date:** [{} UTC]\n".format(datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")),
    + 973        ]
    + 974
    + 975        # add instruments count by type:
    + 976        for iType in self.iList.keys():
    + 977            info.append("* **{}:** [{}]\n".format(iType, len(self.iList[iType])))
    + 978
    + 979        headerLine = "| Ticker       | Full name                                                 | FIGI         | Cur | Lot     | Step       |\n"
    + 980        splitLine = "|--------------|-----------------------------------------------------------|--------------|-----|---------|------------|\n"
    + 981
    + 982        # generating info tables with all instruments by type:
    + 983        for iType in self.iList.keys():
    + 984            info.extend(["\n\n## {} available. Total: [{}]\n\n".format(iType, len(self.iList[iType])), headerLine, splitLine])
    + 985
    + 986            for instrument in self.iList[iType].keys():
    + 987                iName = self.iList[iType][instrument]["name"]  # instrument's name
    + 988                if len(iName) > 57:
    + 989                    iName = "{}...".format(iName[:54])  # right trim for a long string
    + 990    
    + 991                info.append("| {:<12} | {:<57} | {:<12} | {:<3} | {:<7} | {:<10} |\n".format(
    + 992                    self.iList[iType][instrument]["ticker"],
    + 993                    iName,
    + 994                    self.iList[iType][instrument]["figi"],
    + 995                    self.iList[iType][instrument]["currency"],
    + 996                    self.iList[iType][instrument]["lot"],
    + 997                    "{:.10f}".format(self.iList[iType][instrument]["step"]).rstrip("0").rstrip(".") if self.iList[iType][instrument]["step"] > 0 else 0,
    + 998                ))
    + 999
    +1000        infoText = "".join(info)
    +1002        if showInstruments:
    +1003            uLogger.info(infoText)
    +1005        if self.instrumentsFile:
    +1006            with open(self.instrumentsFile, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    +1007                fH.write(infoText)
    +1009            uLogger.info("All available instruments are saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.instrumentsFile)))
    +1011        return infoText
    +1013    def SearchInstruments(self, pattern: str, showResults: bool = False) -> dict:
    +1014        """
    +1015        This method search and show information about instruments by part of its ticker, FIGI or name.
    +1016        If `searchResultsFile` string is not empty then also save information to this file.
    +1018        :param pattern: string with part of ticker, FIGI or instrument's name.
    +1019        :param showResults: if `True` then print results to console, if `False` - return list of result only.
    +1020        :return: list of dictionaries with all found instruments.
    +1021        """
    +1022        if not self.iList:
    +1023            self.iList = self.Listing()
    +1025        searchResults = {iType: {} for iType in self.iList}  # same as iList but will contains only filtered instruments
    +1026        compiledPattern = re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE)
    +1028        for iType in self.iList:
    +1029            for instrument in self.iList[iType].values():
    +1030                searchResult = compiledPattern.search(" ".join(
    +1031                    [instrument["ticker"], instrument["figi"], instrument["name"]]
    +1032                ))
    +1034                if searchResult:
    +1035                    searchResults[iType][instrument["ticker"]] = instrument
    +1037        resultsLen = sum([len(searchResults[iType]) for iType in searchResults])
    +1038        info = [
    +1039            "# Search results\n\n",
    +1040            "* **Search pattern:** [{}]\n".format(pattern),
    +1041            "* **Found instruments:** [{}]\n\n".format(resultsLen),
    +1042            "**Note:** you can view info about found instruments with key `--info`, e.g.: `tksbrokerapi -t TICKER --info` or `tksbrokerapi -f FIGI --info`.\n"
    +1043        ]
    +1044        infoShort = info[:]
    +1046        headerLine = "| Type       | Ticker       | Full name                                                      | FIGI         |\n"
    +1047        splitLine = "|------------|--------------|----------------------------------------------------------------|--------------|\n"
    +1048        skippedLine = "| ...        | ...          | ...                                                            | ...          |\n"
    +1050        if resultsLen == 0:
    +1051            info.append("\nNo results\n")
    +1052            infoShort.append("\nNo results\n")
    +1053            uLogger.warning("No results. Try changing your search pattern.")
    +1055        else:
    +1056            for iType in searchResults:
    +1057                iTypeValuesCount = len(searchResults[iType].values())
    +1058                if iTypeValuesCount > 0:
    +1059                    info.extend(["\n### {}: [{}]\n\n".format(iType, iTypeValuesCount), headerLine, splitLine])
    +1060                    infoShort.extend(["\n### {}: [{}]\n\n".format(iType, iTypeValuesCount), headerLine, splitLine])
    +1062                    for instrument in searchResults[iType].values():
    +1063                        info.append("| {:<10} | {:<12} | {:<63}| {:<13}|\n".format(
    +1064                            instrument["type"],
    +1065                            instrument["ticker"],
    +1066                            "{}...".format(instrument["name"][:60]) if len(instrument["name"]) > 63 else instrument["name"],  # right trim for a long string
    +1067                            instrument["figi"],
    +1068                        ))
    +1070                    if iTypeValuesCount <= 5:
    +1071                        infoShort.extend(info[-iTypeValuesCount:])
    +1073                    else:
    +1074                        infoShort.extend(info[-5:])
    +1075                        infoShort.append(skippedLine)
    +1077        infoText = "".join(info)
    +1078        infoTextShort = "".join(infoShort)
    +1080        if showResults:
    +1081            uLogger.info(infoTextShort)
    +1082            uLogger.info("You can view info about found instruments with key `--info`, e.g.: `tksbrokerapi -t IBM --info` or `tksbrokerapi -f BBG000BLNNH6 --info`")
    +1084        if self.searchResultsFile:
    +1085            with open(self.searchResultsFile, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    +1086                fH.write(infoText)
    +1088            uLogger.info("Full search results were saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.searchResultsFile)))
    +1090        return searchResults
    +1092    def GetListOfPrices(self, instruments: list = None, showPrices: bool = False) -> list:
    +1093        """
    +1094        This method get, maybe show and return prices of list of instruments. WARNING! This is potential long operation!
    +1095        See limits: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/limits/
    +1096        If `pricesFile` string is not empty then also save information to this file.
    +1098        :param instruments: list of tickers or FIGIs.
    +1099        :param showPrices: if `True` then print to console, if `False` - print only to file.
    +1100        :return: list of instruments looks like this: `iList = [{some ticker info, "currentPrice": {current prices}}, {...}, ...]`
    +1101                 One item is dict returned by `SearchByTicker()` or `SearchByFIGI()` methods.
    +1102        """
    +1103        if instruments is None or not instruments:
    +1104            raise Exception("You must define some of tickers or FIGIs to request it's actual prices!")
    +1106        requestedInstruments = []
    +1107        for iName in instruments:
    +1108            if iName not in self.aliases.keys():
    +1109                if iName not in requestedInstruments:
    +1110                    requestedInstruments.append(iName)
    +1112            else:
    +1113                if iName not in requestedInstruments:
    +1114                    if self.aliases[iName] not in requestedInstruments:
    +1115                        requestedInstruments.append(self.aliases[iName])
    +1117        uLogger.debug("Requested instruments without duplicates of tickers and FIGIs: {}".format(requestedInstruments))
    +1119        onlyUniqueFIGIs = []
    +1120        for iName in requestedInstruments:
    +1121            self.ticker = iName
    +1122            iData = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=False)  # trying to find instrument by ticker
    +1124            if not iData:
    +1125                self.ticker = ""
    +1126                self.figi = iName
    +1128                iData = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False)  # trying to find instrument by FIGI
    +1130                if not iData:
    +1131                    self.figi = ""
    +1132                    uLogger.warning("Instrument [{}] not in list of available instruments for current token!".format(iName))
    +1134            if iData and iData["figi"] not in onlyUniqueFIGIs:
    +1135                onlyUniqueFIGIs.append(iData["figi"])
    +1137        uLogger.debug("Unique list of FIGIs: {}".format(onlyUniqueFIGIs))
    +1138        uLogger.debug("Requesting current prices from Tinkoff Broker server...")
    +1140        iList = []  # trying to get info and current prices about all unique instruments:
    +1141        for self.figi in onlyUniqueFIGIs:
    +1142            iData = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True)
    +1143            iList.append(iData)
    +1145        if showPrices:
    +1146            info = [
    +1147                "# Actual prices at: [{} UTC]\n\n".format(datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")),
    +1148                "| Ticker       | FIGI         | Type       | Prev. close | Last price  | Chg. %   | Day limits min/max  | Actual sell / buy   | Curr. |\n",
    +1149                "|--------------|--------------|------------|-------------|-------------|----------|---------------------|---------------------|-------|\n",
    +1150            ]
    +1152            for item in iList:
    +1153                info.append("| {:<12} | {:<12} | {:<10} | {:>11} | {:>11} | {:>7}% | {:>19} | {:>19} | {:<5} |\n".format(
    +1154                    item["ticker"],
    +1155                    item["figi"],
    +1156                    item["type"],
    +1157                    "{:.2f}".format(float(item["currentPrice"]["closePrice"])),
    +1158                    "{:.2f}".format(float(item["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"])),
    +1159                    "{}{:.2f}".format("+" if item["currentPrice"]["changes"] > 0 else "", float(item["currentPrice"]["changes"])),
    +1160                    "{} / {}".format(
    +1161                        item["currentPrice"]["limitDown"] if item["currentPrice"]["limitDown"] is not None else "N/A",
    +1162                        item["currentPrice"]["limitUp"] if item["currentPrice"]["limitUp"] is not None else "N/A",
    +1163                    ),
    +1164                    "{} / {}".format(
    +1165                        item["currentPrice"]["sell"][0]["price"] if item["currentPrice"]["sell"] else "N/A",
    +1166                        item["currentPrice"]["buy"][0]["price"] if item["currentPrice"]["buy"] else "N/A",
    +1167                    ),
    +1168                    item["currency"],
    +1169                ))
    +1171            infoText = "".join(info)
    +1173            if showPrices:
    +1174                uLogger.info("Only instruments with unique FIGIs are shown:\n{}".format(infoText))
    +1176            if self.pricesFile:
    +1177                with open(self.pricesFile, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    +1178                    fH.write(infoText)
    +1180                uLogger.info("Price list for all instruments saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.pricesFile)))
    +1182        return iList
    +1184    def RequestPortfolio(self) -> dict:
    +1185        """
    +1186        Requesting current actual user's portfolio.
    +1187        REST API for user portfolio: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetPortfolio
    +1189        :return: dictionary with user's portfolio.
    +1190        """
    +1191        uLogger.debug("Requesting current actual user's portfolio. Wait, please...")
    +1193        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId})
    +1194        portfolioURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OperationsService/GetPortfolio"
    +1195        rawPortfolio = self.SendAPIRequest(portfolioURL, reqType="POST")
    +1197        uLogger.debug("Records about user's portfolio successfully received")
    +1199        return rawPortfolio
    +1201    def RequestPositions(self) -> dict:
    +1202        """
    +1203        Requesting current open positions in currencies and instruments.
    +1204        REST API for open positions: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetPositions
    +1206        :return: dictionary with open positions by instruments.
    +1207        """
    +1208        uLogger.debug("Requesting current open positions in currencies and instruments. Wait, please...")
    +1210        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId})
    +1211        positionsURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OperationsService/GetPositions"
    +1212        rawPositions = self.SendAPIRequest(positionsURL, reqType="POST")
    +1214        uLogger.debug("Records about current open positions successfully received")
    +1216        return rawPositions
    +1218    def RequestPendingOrders(self) -> list:
    +1219        """
    +1220        Requesting current actual pending orders.
    +1221        REST API for pending (market) orders: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OrdersService/OrdersService_GetOrders
    +1223        :return: list of dictionaries with pending orders.
    +1224        """
    +1225        uLogger.debug("Requesting current actual pending orders. Wait, please...")
    +1227        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId})
    +1228        ordersURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OrdersService/GetOrders"
    +1229        rawOrders = self.SendAPIRequest(ordersURL, reqType="POST")["orders"]
    +1231        uLogger.debug("[{}] records about pending orders received".format(len(rawOrders)))
    +1233        return rawOrders
    +1235    def RequestStopOrders(self) -> list:
    +1236        """
    +1237        Requesting current actual stop orders.
    +1238        REST API for opened stop-orders: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/StopOrdersService/StopOrdersService_GetStopOrders
    +1240        :return: list of dictionaries with stop orders.
    +1241        """
    +1242        uLogger.debug("Requesting current actual stop orders. Wait, please...")
    +1244        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId})
    +1245        ordersURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.StopOrdersService/GetStopOrders"
    +1246        rawStopOrders = self.SendAPIRequest(ordersURL, reqType="POST")["stopOrders"]
    +1248        uLogger.debug("[{}] records about stop orders received".format(len(rawStopOrders)))
    +1250        return rawStopOrders
    +1252    def Overview(self, showStatistics: bool = False, details: str = "full") -> dict:
    +1253        """
    +1254        Get portfolio: all open positions, orders and some statistics for defined accountId.
    +1255        If `overviewFile`, `overviewDigestFile`, `overviewPositionsFile`, `overviewOrdersFile`, `overviewAnalyticsFile`
    +1256        are defined then also save information to file.
    +1258        :param showStatistics: if `False` then only dictionary returns, if `True` then show more debug information.
    +1259        :param details: how detailed should the information be? You should specify one of strings:
    +1260                        `full` - shows full available information about portfolio status (by default),
    +1261                        `positions` - shows only open positions,
    +1262                        `digest` - show a short digest of the portfolio status,
    +1263                        `analytics` - shows only the analytics section and the distribution of the portfolio by various categories,
    +1264                        `orders` - shows only sections of open limits and stop orders.
    +1265        :return: dictionary with client's raw portfolio and some statistics.
    +1266        """
    +1267        view = {
    +1268            "raw": {  # --- raw portfolio responses from broker with user portfolio data:
    +1269                "headers": {},  # list of dictionaries, response headers without "positions" section
    +1270                "Currencies": [],  # list of dictionaries, open trades with currencies from "positions" section
    +1271                "Shares": [],  # list of dictionaries, open trades with shares from "positions" section
    +1272                "Bonds": [],  # list of dictionaries, open trades with bonds from "positions" section
    +1273                "Etfs": [],  # list of dictionaries, open trades with etfs from "positions" section
    +1274                "Futures": [],  # list of dictionaries, open trades with futures from "positions" section
    +1275                "positions": {},  # raw response from broker: dictionary with current available or blocked currencies and instruments for client
    +1276                "orders": [],  # raw response from broker: list of dictionaries with all pending (market) orders
    +1277                "stopOrders": [],  # raw response from broker: list of dictionaries with all stop orders
    +1278                "currenciesCurrentPrices": {"rub": {"name": "Российский рубль", "currentPrice": 1.}},  # dict with prices of all currencies in RUB
    +1279            },
    +1280            "stat": {  # --- some statistics calculated using "raw" sections:
    +1281                "portfolioCostRUB": 0.,  # portfolio cost in RUB (Russian Rouble)
    +1282                "availableRUB": 0.,  # available rubles (without other currencies)
    +1283                "blockedRUB": 0.,  # blocked sum in Russian Rouble
    +1284                "totalChangesRUB": 0.,  # changes for all open trades in RUB
    +1285                "totalChangesPercentRUB": 0.,  # changes for all open trades in percents
    +1286                "allCurrenciesCostRUB": 0.,  # costs of all currencies (include rubles) in RUB
    +1287                "sharesCostRUB": 0.,  # costs of all shares in RUB
    +1288                "bondsCostRUB": 0.,  # costs of all bonds in RUB
    +1289                "etfsCostRUB": 0.,  # costs of all etfs in RUB
    +1290                "futuresCostRUB": 0.,  # costs of all futures in RUB
    +1291                "Currencies": [],  # list of dictionaries of all currencies statistics
    +1292                "Shares": [],  # list of dictionaries of all shares statistics
    +1293                "Bonds": [],  # list of dictionaries of all bonds statistics
    +1294                "Etfs": [],  # list of dictionaries of all etfs statistics
    +1295                "Futures": [],  # list of dictionaries of all futures statistics
    +1296                "orders": [],  # list of dictionaries of all pending (market) orders and it's parameters
    +1297                "stopOrders": [],  # list of dictionaries of all stop orders and it's parameters
    +1298                "blockedCurrencies": {},  # dict with blocked instruments and currencies, e.g. {"rub": 1291.87, "usd": 6.21}
    +1299                "blockedInstruments": {},  # dict with blocked  by FIGI, e.g. {}
    +1300                "funds": {},  # dict with free funds for trading (total - blocked), by all currencies, e.g. {"rub": {"total": 10000.99, "totalCostRUB": 10000.99, "free": 1234.56, "freeCostRUB": 1234.56}, "usd": {"total": 250.55, "totalCostRUB": 15375.80, "free": 125.05, "freeCostRUB": 7687.50}}
    +1301            },
    +1302            "analytics": {  # --- some analytics of portfolio:
    +1303                "distrByAssets": {},  # portfolio distribution by assets
    +1304                "distrByCompanies": {},  # portfolio distribution by companies
    +1305                "distrBySectors": {},  # portfolio distribution by sectors
    +1306                "distrByCurrencies": {},  # portfolio distribution by currencies
    +1307                "distrByCountries": {},  # portfolio distribution by countries
    +1308            }
    +1309        }
    +1311        details = details.lower()
    +1312        availableDetails = ["full", "positions", "digest", "analytics", "orders"]
    +1313        if details not in availableDetails:
    +1314            details = "full"
    +1315            uLogger.debug("Requested incorrect details! The `details` must be one of this strings: {}. Details parameter set to `full` be default.".format(availableDetails))
    +1317        uLogger.debug("Requesting portfolio of a client. Wait, please...")
    +1319        portfolioResponse = self.RequestPortfolio()  # current user's portfolio (dict)
    +1320        view["raw"]["positions"] = self.RequestPositions()  # current open positions by instruments (dict)
    +1321        view["raw"]["orders"] = self.RequestPendingOrders()  # current actual pending orders (list)
    +1322        view["raw"]["stopOrders"] = self.RequestStopOrders()  # current actual stop orders (list)
    +1324        # save response headers without "positions" section:
    +1325        for key in portfolioResponse.keys():
    +1326            if key != "positions":
    +1327                view["raw"]["headers"][key] = portfolioResponse[key]
    +1329            else:
    +1330                continue
    +1332        # Re-sorting and separating given raw instruments and currencies by type: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/operations/#operation
    +1333        # Type of instrument must be only one of supported types in TKS_INSTRUMENTS
    +1334        for item in portfolioResponse["positions"]:
    +1335            if item["instrumentType"] == "currency":
    +1336                self.figi = item["figi"]
    +1337                curr = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False)
    +1339                # current price of currency in RUB:
    +1340                view["raw"]["currenciesCurrentPrices"][curr["nominal"]["currency"]] = {
    +1341                    "name": curr["name"],
    +1342                    "currentPrice": NanoToFloat(
    +1343                        item["currentPrice"]["units"],
    +1344                        item["currentPrice"]["nano"]
    +1345                    ),
    +1346                }
    +1348                view["raw"]["Currencies"].append(item)
    +1350            elif item["instrumentType"] == "share":
    +1351                view["raw"]["Shares"].append(item)
    +1353            elif item["instrumentType"] == "bond":
    +1354                view["raw"]["Bonds"].append(item)
    +1356            elif item["instrumentType"] == "etf":
    +1357                view["raw"]["Etfs"].append(item)
    +1359            elif item["instrumentType"] == "futures":
    +1360                view["raw"]["Futures"].append(item)
    +1362            else:
    +1363                continue
    +1365        # how many volume of currencies (by ISO currency name) are blocked:
    +1366        for item in view["raw"]["positions"]["blocked"]:
    +1367            blocked = NanoToFloat(item["units"], item["nano"])
    +1368            if blocked > 0:
    +1369                view["stat"]["blockedCurrencies"][item["currency"]] = blocked
    +1371        # how many volume of instruments (by FIGI) are blocked:
    +1372        for item in view["raw"]["positions"]["securities"]:
    +1373            blocked = int(item["blocked"])
    +1374            if blocked > 0:
    +1375                view["stat"]["blockedInstruments"][item["figi"]] = blocked
    +1377        allBlocked = {**view["stat"]["blockedCurrencies"], **view["stat"]["blockedInstruments"]}
    +1379        if "rub" in allBlocked.keys():
    +1380            view["stat"]["blockedRUB"] = allBlocked["rub"]  # blocked rubles
    +1382        # --- saving current total amount in RUB of all currencies (with ruble), shares, bonds, etfs, futures and currencies:
    +1383        view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"] = NanoToFloat(portfolioResponse["totalAmountCurrencies"]["units"], portfolioResponse["totalAmountCurrencies"]["nano"])
    +1384        view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"] = NanoToFloat(portfolioResponse["totalAmountShares"]["units"], portfolioResponse["totalAmountShares"]["nano"])
    +1385        view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"] = NanoToFloat(portfolioResponse["totalAmountBonds"]["units"], portfolioResponse["totalAmountBonds"]["nano"])
    +1386        view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"] = NanoToFloat(portfolioResponse["totalAmountEtf"]["units"], portfolioResponse["totalAmountEtf"]["nano"])
    +1387        view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"] = NanoToFloat(portfolioResponse["totalAmountFutures"]["units"], portfolioResponse["totalAmountFutures"]["nano"])
    +1388        view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] = sum([
    +1389            view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"],
    +1390            view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"],
    +1391            view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"],
    +1392            view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"],
    +1393            view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"],
    +1394        ])
    +1396        # --- calculating some portfolio statistics:
    +1397        byComp = {}  # distribution by companies
    +1398        bySect = {}  # distribution by sectors
    +1399        byCurr = {}  # distribution by currencies (include RUB)
    +1400        unknownCountryName = "All other countries"  # default name for instruments without "countryOfRisk" and "countryOfRiskName"
    +1401        byCountry = {unknownCountryName: {"cost": 0, "percent": 0.}}  # distribution by countries (currencies are included in their countries)
    +1403        for item in portfolioResponse["positions"]:
    +1404            self.figi = item["figi"]
    +1405            instrument = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False)  # full raw info about instrument by FIGI
    +1407            if instrument:
    +1408                if item["instrumentType"] == "currency" and instrument["nominal"]["currency"] in allBlocked.keys():
    +1409                    blocked = allBlocked[instrument["nominal"]["currency"]]  # blocked volume of currency
    +1411                elif item["instrumentType"] != "currency" and item["figi"] in allBlocked.keys():
    +1412                    blocked = allBlocked[item["figi"]]  # blocked volume of other instruments
    +1414                else:
    +1415                    blocked = 0
    +1417                volume = NanoToFloat(item["quantity"]["units"], item["quantity"]["nano"])  # available volume of instrument
    +1418                lots = NanoToFloat(item["quantityLots"]["units"], item["quantityLots"]["nano"])  # available volume in lots of instrument
    +1419                direction = "Long" if lots >= 0 else "Short"  # direction of an instrument's position: short or long
    +1420                curPrice = NanoToFloat(item["currentPrice"]["units"], item["currentPrice"]["nano"])  # current instrument's price
    +1421                average = NanoToFloat(item["averagePositionPriceFifo"]["units"], item["averagePositionPriceFifo"]["nano"])  # current average position price
    +1422                profit = NanoToFloat(item["expectedYield"]["units"], item["expectedYield"]["nano"])  # expected profit at current moment
    +1423                currency = instrument["currency"] if (item["instrumentType"] == "share" or item["instrumentType"] == "etf" or item["instrumentType"] == "future") else instrument["nominal"]["currency"]  # currency name rub, usd, eur etc.
    +1424                cost = (curPrice + NanoToFloat(item["currentNkd"]["units"], item["currentNkd"]["nano"])) * volume  # current cost of all volume of instrument in basic asset
    +1425                baseCurrencyName = item["currentPrice"]["currency"]  # name of base currency (rub)
    +1426                countryName = "[{}] {}".format(instrument["countryOfRisk"], instrument["countryOfRiskName"]) if "countryOfRisk" in instrument.keys() and "countryOfRiskName" in instrument.keys() and instrument["countryOfRisk"] and instrument["countryOfRiskName"] else unknownCountryName
    +1427                costRUB = cost if item["instrumentType"] == "currency" else cost * view["raw"]["currenciesCurrentPrices"][currency]["currentPrice"]  # cost in rubles
    +1428                percentCostRUB = 100 * costRUB / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.  # instrument's part in percent of full portfolio cost
    +1430                statData = {
    +1431                    "figi": item["figi"],  # FIGI from REST API "GetPortfolio" method
    +1432                    "ticker": instrument["ticker"],  # ticker by FIGI
    +1433                    "currency": currency,  # currency name rub, usd, eur etc. for instrument price
    +1434                    "volume": volume,  # available volume of instrument
    +1435                    "lots": lots,  # volume in lots of instrument
    +1436                    "direction": direction,  # direction of an instrument's position: short or long
    +1437                    "blocked": blocked,  # blocked volume of currency or instrument
    +1438                    "currentPrice": curPrice,  # current instrument's price in basic asset
    +1439                    "average": average,  # current average position price
    +1440                    "cost": cost,  # current cost of all volume of instrument in basic asset
    +1441                    "baseCurrencyName": baseCurrencyName,  # name of base currency (rub)
    +1442                    "costRUB": costRUB,  # cost of instrument in ruble
    +1443                    "percentCostRUB": percentCostRUB,  # instrument's part in percent of full portfolio cost in RUB
    +1444                    "profit": profit,  # expected profit at current moment
    +1445                    "percentProfit": 100 * profit / (average * volume) if average != 0 and volume != 0 else 0,  # expected percents of profit at current moment for this instrument
    +1446                    "sector": instrument["sector"] if "sector" in instrument.keys() and instrument["sector"] else "other",
    +1447                    "name": instrument["name"] if "name" in instrument.keys() else "",  # human-readable names of instruments
    +1448                    "isoCurrencyName": instrument["isoCurrencyName"] if "isoCurrencyName" in instrument.keys() else "",  # ISO name for currencies only
    +1449                    "country": countryName,  # e.g. "[RU] Российская Федерация" or unknownCountryName
    +1450                    "step": instrument["step"],  # minimum price increment
    +1451                }
    +1453                # adding distribution by unique countries:
    +1454                if statData["country"] not in byCountry.keys():
    +1455                    byCountry[statData["country"]] = {"cost": costRUB, "percent": percentCostRUB}
    +1457                else:
    +1458                    byCountry[statData["country"]]["cost"] += costRUB
    +1459                    byCountry[statData["country"]]["percent"] += percentCostRUB
    +1461                if item["instrumentType"] != "currency":
    +1462                    # adding distribution by unique companies:
    +1463                    if statData["name"]:
    +1464                        if statData["name"] not in byComp.keys():
    +1465                            byComp[statData["name"]] = {"ticker": statData["ticker"], "cost": costRUB, "percent": percentCostRUB}
    +1467                        else:
    +1468                            byComp[statData["name"]]["cost"] += costRUB
    +1469                            byComp[statData["name"]]["percent"] += percentCostRUB
    +1471                    # adding distribution by unique sectors:
    +1472                    if statData["sector"] not in bySect.keys():
    +1473                        bySect[statData["sector"]] = {"cost": costRUB, "percent": percentCostRUB}
    +1475                    else:
    +1476                        bySect[statData["sector"]]["cost"] += costRUB
    +1477                        bySect[statData["sector"]]["percent"] += percentCostRUB
    +1479                # adding distribution by unique currencies:
    +1480                if currency not in byCurr.keys():
    +1481                    byCurr[currency] = {
    +1482                        "name": view["raw"]["currenciesCurrentPrices"][currency]["name"],
    +1483                        "cost": costRUB,
    +1484                        "percent": percentCostRUB
    +1485                    }
    +1487                else:
    +1488                    byCurr[currency]["cost"] += costRUB
    +1489                    byCurr[currency]["percent"] += percentCostRUB
    +1491                # saving statistics for every instrument:
    +1492                if item["instrumentType"] == "currency":
    +1493                    view["stat"]["Currencies"].append(statData)
    +1495                    # update dict with free funds for trading (total - blocked) by currencies
    +1496                    # e.g. {"rub": {"total": 10000.99, "totalCostRUB": 10000.99, "free": 1234.56, "freeCostRUB": 1234.56}, "usd": {"total": 250.55, "totalCostRUB": 15375.80, "free": 125.05, "freeCostRUB": 7687.50}}
    +1497                    view["stat"]["funds"][currency] = {
    +1498                        "total": volume,
    +1499                        "totalCostRUB": costRUB,  # total volume cost in rubles
    +1500                        "free": volume - blocked,
    +1501                        "freeCostRUB": costRUB * ((volume - blocked) / volume) if volume > 0 else 0,  # free volume cost in rubles
    +1502                    }
    +1504                elif item["instrumentType"] == "share":
    +1505                    view["stat"]["Shares"].append(statData)
    +1507                elif item["instrumentType"] == "bond":
    +1508                    view["stat"]["Bonds"].append(statData)
    +1510                elif item["instrumentType"] == "etf":
    +1511                    view["stat"]["Etfs"].append(statData)
    +1513                elif item["instrumentType"] == "Futures":
    +1514                    view["stat"]["Futures"].append(statData)
    +1516                else:
    +1517                    continue
    +1519        # total changes in Russian Ruble:
    +1520        view["stat"]["availableRUB"] = view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"] - sum([item["cost"] for item in view["stat"]["Currencies"]])  # available RUB without other currencies
    +1521        view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"] = NanoToFloat(view["raw"]["headers"]["expectedYield"]["units"], view["raw"]["headers"]["expectedYield"]["nano"]) if "expectedYield" in view["raw"]["headers"].keys() else 0.
    +1522        startCost = view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] / (1 + view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"] / 100)
    +1523        view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"] = view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] - startCost
    +1524        view["stat"]["funds"]["rub"] = {
    +1525            "total": view["stat"]["availableRUB"],
    +1526            "totalCostRUB": view["stat"]["availableRUB"],
    +1527            "free": view["stat"]["availableRUB"] - view["stat"]["blockedRUB"],
    +1528            "freeCostRUB": view["stat"]["availableRUB"] - view["stat"]["blockedRUB"],
    +1529        }
    +1531        # --- pending orders sector data:
    +1532        uniquePendingOrders = []
    +1533        uniquePendingOrdersFIGIs = []
    +1534        for item in view["raw"]["orders"]:
    +1535            if item["figi"] not in uniquePendingOrdersFIGIs:
    +1536                uniquePendingOrdersFIGIs.append(item["figi"])
    +1537                uniquePendingOrders.append(item)
    +1539        for item in uniquePendingOrders:
    +1540            self.figi = item["figi"]
    +1541            instrument = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True)  # full raw info about instrument by FIGI
    +1543            if instrument:
    +1544                action = TKS_ORDER_DIRECTIONS[item["direction"]]
    +1545                orderType = TKS_ORDER_TYPES[item["orderType"]]
    +1546                orderState = TKS_ORDER_STATES[item["executionReportStatus"]]
    +1547                orderDate = item["orderDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "").split(".")[0]  # date in UTC format, e.g. "2022-12-31T23:59:59.123456Z"
    +1549                # current instrument's price (last sellers order if buy, and last buyers order if sell):
    +1550                if item["direction"] == "ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY":
    +1551                    lastPrice = instrument["currentPrice"]["sell"][0]["price"] if instrument["currentPrice"]["sell"] else "N/A"
    +1553                else:
    +1554                    lastPrice = instrument["currentPrice"]["buy"][0]["price"] if instrument["currentPrice"]["buy"] else "N/A"
    +1556                # requested price for order execution:
    +1557                target = NanoToFloat(item["initialSecurityPrice"]["units"], item["initialSecurityPrice"]["nano"])
    +1559                # necessary changes in percent to reach target from current price:
    +1560                changes = 100 * (lastPrice - target) / target if lastPrice != "N/A" and target > 0 else 0
    +1562                view["stat"]["orders"].append({
    +1563                    "orderID": item["orderId"],  # orderId number parameter of current order
    +1564                    "figi": item["figi"],  # FIGI identification
    +1565                    "ticker": instrument["ticker"],  # ticker name by FIGI
    +1566                    "lotsRequested": item["lotsRequested"],  # requested lots value
    +1567                    "lotsExecuted": item["lotsExecuted"],  # how many lots are executed
    +1568                    "currentPrice": lastPrice,  # current instrument's price for defined action
    +1569                    "targetPrice": target,  # requested price for order execution in base currency
    +1570                    "baseCurrencyName": item["initialSecurityPrice"]["currency"],  # name of base currency
    +1571                    "percentChanges": changes,  # changes in percent to target from current price
    +1572                    "currency": item["currency"],  # instrument's currency name
    +1573                    "action": action,  # sell / buy / Unknown from TKS_ORDER_DIRECTIONS
    +1574                    "type": orderType,  # type of order from TKS_ORDER_TYPES
    +1575                    "status": orderState,  # order status from TKS_ORDER_STATES
    +1576                    "date": orderDate,  # string with order date and time from UTC format (without nano seconds part)
    +1577                })
    +1579        # --- stop orders sector data:
    +1580        uniqueStopOrders = []
    +1581        uniqueStopOrdersFIGIs = []
    +1582        for item in view["raw"]["stopOrders"]:
    +1583            if item["figi"] not in uniqueStopOrdersFIGIs:
    +1584                uniqueStopOrdersFIGIs.append(item["figi"])
    +1585                uniqueStopOrders.append(item)
    +1587        for item in uniqueStopOrders:
    +1588            self.figi = item["figi"]
    +1589            instrument = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True)  # full raw info about instrument by FIGI
    +1591            if instrument:
    +1592                action = TKS_STOP_ORDER_DIRECTIONS[item["direction"]]
    +1593                orderType = TKS_STOP_ORDER_TYPES[item["orderType"]]
    +1594                createDate = item["createDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "").split(".")[0]  # date in UTC format, e.g. "2022-12-31T23:59:59.123456Z"
    +1596                # hack: server response can't contain "expirationTime" key if it is not "Until date" type of stop order
    +1597                if "expirationTime" in item.keys():
    +1599                    expDate = item["expirationTime"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "").split(".")[0]
    +1601                else:
    +1605                # current instrument's price (last sellers order if buy, and last buyers order if sell):
    +1606                if item["direction"] == "STOP_ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY":
    +1607                    lastPrice = instrument["currentPrice"]["sell"][0]["price"] if instrument["currentPrice"]["sell"] else "N/A"
    +1609                else:
    +1610                    lastPrice = instrument["currentPrice"]["buy"][0]["price"] if instrument["currentPrice"]["buy"] else "N/A"
    +1612                # requested price when stop-order executed:
    +1613                target = NanoToFloat(item["stopPrice"]["units"], item["stopPrice"]["nano"])
    +1615                # price for limit-order, set up when stop-order executed:
    +1616                limit = NanoToFloat(item["price"]["units"], item["price"]["nano"])
    +1618                # necessary changes in percent to reach target from current price:
    +1619                changes = 100 * (lastPrice - target) / target if lastPrice != "N/A" and target > 0 else 0
    +1621                view["stat"]["stopOrders"].append({
    +1622                    "orderID": item["stopOrderId"],  # stopOrderId number parameter of current stop-order
    +1623                    "figi": item["figi"],  # FIGI identification
    +1624                    "ticker": instrument["ticker"],  # ticker name by FIGI
    +1625                    "lotsRequested": item["lotsRequested"],  # requested lots value
    +1626                    "currentPrice": lastPrice,  # current instrument's price for defined action
    +1627                    "targetPrice": target,  # requested price for stop-order execution in base currency
    +1628                    "limitPrice": limit,  # price for limit-order, set up when stop-order executed, 0 if market order
    +1629                    "baseCurrencyName": item["stopPrice"]["currency"],  # name of base currency
    +1630                    "percentChanges": changes,  # changes in percent to target from current price
    +1631                    "currency": item["currency"],  # instrument's currency name
    +1632                    "action": action,  # sell / buy / Unknown from TKS_STOP_ORDER_DIRECTIONS
    +1633                    "type": orderType,  # type of order from TKS_STOP_ORDER_TYPES
    +1634                    "expType": expType,  # expiration type of stop-order from TKS_STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPES
    +1635                    "createDate": createDate,  # string with created order date and time from UTC format (without nano seconds part)
    +1636                    "expDate": expDate,  # string with expiration order date and time from UTC format (without nano seconds part)
    +1637                })
    +1639        # --- calculating data for analytics section:
    +1640        # portfolio distribution by assets:
    +1641        view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"] = {
    +1642            "Ruble": {
    +1643                "uniques": 1,
    +1644                "cost": view["stat"]["availableRUB"],
    +1645                "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["availableRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    +1646            },
    +1647            "Currencies": {
    +1648                "uniques": len(view["stat"]["Currencies"]),  # all foreign currencies without RUB
    +1649                "cost": view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"] - view["stat"]["availableRUB"],
    +1650                "percent": 100 * (view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"] - view["stat"]["availableRUB"]) / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    +1651            },
    +1652            "Shares": {
    +1653                "uniques": len(view["stat"]["Shares"]),
    +1654                "cost": view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"],
    +1655                "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    +1656            },
    +1657            "Bonds": {
    +1658                "uniques": len(view["stat"]["Bonds"]),
    +1659                "cost": view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"],
    +1660                "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    +1661            },
    +1662            "Etfs": {
    +1663                "uniques": len(view["stat"]["Etfs"]),
    +1664                "cost": view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"],
    +1665                "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    +1666            },
    +1667            "Futures": {
    +1668                "uniques": len(view["stat"]["Futures"]),
    +1669                "cost": view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"],
    +1670                "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    +1671            },
    +1672        }
    +1674        # portfolio distribution by companies:
    +1675        view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"]["All money cash"] = {
    +1676            "ticker": "",
    +1677            "cost": view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"],
    +1678            "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    +1679        }
    +1680        view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"].update(byComp)
    +1682        # portfolio distribution by sectors:
    +1683        view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"]["All money cash"] = {
    +1684            "cost": view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"]["All money cash"]["cost"],
    +1685            "percent": view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"]["All money cash"]["percent"],
    +1686        }
    +1687        view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"].update(bySect)
    +1689        # portfolio distribution by currencies:
    +1690        view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"].update(byCurr)
    +1691        view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"]["rub"]["cost"] += view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"]["Ruble"]["cost"]
    +1692        view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"]["rub"]["percent"] += view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"]["Ruble"]["percent"]
    +1694        # portfolio distribution by countries:
    +1695        view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"].update(byCountry)
    +1697        # --- Prepare text statistics overview in human-readable:
    +1698        if showStatistics:
    +1699            # Whatever the value `details`, header not changes:
    +1700            info = [
    +1701                "# Client's portfolio\n\n",
    +1702                "* **Actual date:** [{} UTC]\n"
    +1703                "".format(datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")),
    +1704            ]
    +1706            if details in ["full", "positions", "digest"]:
    +1707                info.extend([
    +1708                    "* **Portfolio cost:** {:.2f} RUB\n".format(view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"]),
    +1709                    "* **Changes:** {}{:.2f} RUB ({}{:.2f}%)\n\n".format(
    +1710                        "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"] > 0 else "",
    +1711                        view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"],
    +1712                        "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"] > 0 else "",
    +1713                        view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"],
    +1714                    ),
    +1715                ])
    +1717            if details in ["full", "positions"]:
    +1718                info.extend([
    +1719                    "## Open positions\n\n",
    +1720                    "| Ticker [FIGI]               | Volume (blocked)                | Lots     | Curr. price  | Avg. price   | Current volume cost | Profit (%)                   |\n",
    +1721                    "|-----------------------------|---------------------------------|----------|--------------|--------------|---------------------|------------------------------|\n",
    +1722                    "| Ruble                       | {:>31} |          |              |              |                     |                              |\n".format(
    +1723                        "{:.2f} ({:.2f}) rub".format(
    +1724                            view["stat"]["availableRUB"],
    +1725                            view["stat"]["blockedRUB"],
    +1726                        )
    +1727                    )
    +1728                ])
    +1730                def _SplitStr(CostRUB: float = 0, typeStr: str = "", noTradeStr: str = "") -> list:
    +1731                    return [
    +1732                        "|                             |                                 |          |              |              |                     |                              |\n",
    +1733                        "| {:<27} |                                 |          |              |              | {:>19} |                              |\n".format(
    +1734                            noTradeStr if noTradeStr else typeStr,
    +1735                            "" if noTradeStr else "{:.2f} RUB".format(CostRUB),
    +1736                        ),
    +1737                    ]
    +1739                def _InfoStr(data: dict, showCurrencyName: bool = False) -> str:
    +1740                    return "| {:<27} | {:>31} | {:<8} | {:>12} | {:>12} | {:>19} | {:<28} |\n".format(
    +1741                        "{} [{}]".format(data["ticker"], data["figi"]),
    +1742                        "{:.2f} ({:.2f}) {}".format(
    +1743                            data["volume"],
    +1744                            data["blocked"],
    +1745                            data["currency"],
    +1746                        ) if showCurrencyName else "{:.0f} ({:.0f})".format(
    +1747                            data["volume"],
    +1748                            data["blocked"],
    +1749                        ),
    +1750                        "{:.4f}".format(data["lots"]) if showCurrencyName else "{:.0f}".format(data["lots"]),
    +1751                        "{:.2f} {}".format(data["currentPrice"], data["baseCurrencyName"]) if data["currentPrice"] > 0 else "n/a",
    +1752                        "{:.2f} {}".format(data["average"], data["baseCurrencyName"]) if data["average"] > 0 else "n/a",
    +1753                        "{:.2f} {}".format(data["cost"], data["baseCurrencyName"]),
    +1754                        "{}{:.2f} {} ({}{:.2f}%)".format(
    +1755                            "+" if data["profit"] > 0 else "",
    +1756                            data["profit"], data["baseCurrencyName"],
    +1757                            "+" if data["percentProfit"] > 0 else "",
    +1758                            data["percentProfit"],
    +1759                        ),
    +1760                    )
    +1762                # --- Show currencies section:
    +1763                if view["stat"]["Currencies"]:
    +1764                    info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"]["Currencies"]["cost"], typeStr="**Currencies:**"))
    +1765                    for item in view["stat"]["Currencies"]:
    +1766                        info.append(_InfoStr(item, showCurrencyName=True))
    +1768                else:
    +1769                    info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Currencies:** no trades"))
    +1771                # --- Show shares section:
    +1772                if view["stat"]["Shares"]:
    +1773                    info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"], typeStr="**Shares:**"))
    +1775                    for item in view["stat"]["Shares"]:
    +1776                        info.append(_InfoStr(item))
    +1778                else:
    +1779                    info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Shares:** no trades"))
    +1781                # --- Show bonds section:
    +1782                if view["stat"]["Bonds"]:
    +1783                    info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"], typeStr="**Bonds:**"))
    +1785                    for item in view["stat"]["Bonds"]:
    +1786                        info.append(_InfoStr(item))
    +1788                else:
    +1789                    info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Bonds:** no trades"))
    +1791                # --- Show etfs section:
    +1792                if view["stat"]["Etfs"]:
    +1793                    info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"], typeStr="**Etfs:**"))
    +1795                    for item in view["stat"]["Etfs"]:
    +1796                        info.append(_InfoStr(item))
    +1798                else:
    +1799                    info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Etfs:** no trades"))
    +1801                # --- Show futures section:
    +1802                if view["stat"]["Futures"]:
    +1803                    info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"], typeStr="**Futures:**"))
    +1805                    for item in view["stat"]["Futures"]:
    +1806                        info.append(_InfoStr(item))
    +1808                else:
    +1809                    info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Futures:** no trades"))
    +1811            if details in ["full", "orders"]:
    +1812                # --- Show pending orders section:
    +1813                if view["stat"]["orders"]:
    +1814                    info.extend([
    +1815                        "\n## Opened pending limit-orders: {}\n".format(len(view["stat"]["orders"])),
    +1816                        "\n| Ticker [FIGI]               | Order ID       | Lots (exec.) | Current price (% delta) | Target price  | Action    | Type      | Create date (UTC)       |\n",
    +1817                        "|-----------------------------|----------------|--------------|-------------------------|---------------|-----------|-----------|-------------------------|\n",
    +1818                    ])
    +1820                    for item in view["stat"]["orders"]:
    +1821                        info.append("| {:<27} | {:<14} | {:<12} | {:>23} | {:>13} | {:<9} | {:<9} | {:<23} |\n".format(
    +1822                            "{} [{}]".format(item["ticker"], item["figi"]),
    +1823                            item["orderID"],
    +1824                            "{} ({})".format(item["lotsRequested"], item["lotsExecuted"]),
    +1825                            "{} {} ({}{:.2f}%)".format(
    +1826                                "{}".format(item["currentPrice"]) if isinstance(item["currentPrice"], str) else "{:.2f}".format(float(item["currentPrice"])),
    +1827                                item["baseCurrencyName"],
    +1828                                "+" if item["percentChanges"] > 0 else "",
    +1829                                float(item["percentChanges"]),
    +1830                            ),
    +1831                            "{:.2f} {}".format(float(item["targetPrice"]), item["baseCurrencyName"]),
    +1832                            item["action"],
    +1833                            item["type"],
    +1834                            item["date"],
    +1835                        ))
    +1837                else:
    +1838                    info.append("\n## Total pending limit-orders: 0\n")
    +1840                # --- Show stop orders section:
    +1841                if view["stat"]["stopOrders"]:
    +1842                    info.extend([
    +1843                        "\n## Opened stop-orders: {}\n".format(len(view["stat"]["stopOrders"])),
    +1844                        "\n| Ticker [FIGI]               | Stop order ID                        | Lots   | Current price (% delta) | Target price  | Limit price   | Action    | Type        | Expire type  | Create date (UTC)   | Expiration (UTC)    |\n",
    +1845                        "|-----------------------------|--------------------------------------|--------|-------------------------|---------------|---------------|-----------|-------------|--------------|---------------------|---------------------|\n",
    +1846                    ])
    +1848                    for item in view["stat"]["stopOrders"]:
    +1849                        info.append("| {:<27} | {:<14} | {:<6} | {:>23} | {:>13} | {:>13} | {:<9} | {:<11} | {:<12} | {:<19} | {:<19} |\n".format(
    +1850                            "{} [{}]".format(item["ticker"], item["figi"]),
    +1851                            item["orderID"],
    +1852                            item["lotsRequested"],
    +1853                            "{} {} ({}{:.2f}%)".format(
    +1854                                "{}".format(item["currentPrice"]) if isinstance(item["currentPrice"], str) else "{:.2f}".format(float(item["currentPrice"])),
    +1855                                item["baseCurrencyName"],
    +1856                                "+" if item["percentChanges"] > 0 else "",
    +1857                                float(item["percentChanges"]),
    +1858                            ),
    +1859                            "{:.2f} {}".format(float(item["targetPrice"]), item["baseCurrencyName"]),
    +1860                            "{:.2f} {}".format(float(item["limitPrice"]), item["baseCurrencyName"]) if item["limitPrice"] and item["limitPrice"] != item["targetPrice"] else TKS_ORDER_TYPES["ORDER_TYPE_MARKET"],
    +1861                            item["action"],
    +1862                            item["type"],
    +1863                            item["expType"],
    +1864                            item["createDate"],
    +1865                            item["expDate"],
    +1866                        ))
    +1868                else:
    +1869                    info.append("\n## Total stop-orders: 0\n")
    +1871            if details in ["full", "analytics"]:
    +1872                # -- Show analytics section:
    +1873                if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0:
    +1874                    info.extend([
    +1875                        "\n# Analytics\n"
    +1876                        "\n* **Current total portfolio cost:** {:.2f} RUB\n".format(view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"]),
    +1877                        "* **Changes:** {}{:.2f} RUB ({}{:.2f}%)\n".format(
    +1878                            "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"] > 0 else "",
    +1879                            view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"],
    +1880                            "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"] > 0 else "",
    +1881                            view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"],
    +1882                        ),
    +1883                        "\n## Portfolio distribution by assets\n"
    +1884                        "\n| Type       | Uniques | Percent | Current cost       |\n",
    +1885                        "|------------|---------|---------|--------------------|\n",
    +1886                    ])
    +1888                    for key in view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"].keys():
    +1889                        if view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["cost"] > 0:
    +1890                            info.append("| {:<10} | {:<7} | {:<7} | {:<18} |\n".format(
    +1891                                key,
    +1892                                view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["uniques"],
    +1893                                "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["percent"]),
    +1894                                "{:.2f} rub".format(view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["cost"]),
    +1895                            ))
    +1897                    maxLenNames = 3 + max([len(company) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"]) for company in view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"].keys()])
    +1898                    info.extend([
    +1899                        "\n## Portfolio distribution by companies\n"
    +1900                        "\n| Company{} | Percent | Current cost       |\n".format(" " * (maxLenNames - 7)),
    +1901                        "|--------{}-|---------|--------------------|\n".format("-" * (maxLenNames - 7)),
    +1902                    ])
    +1904                    for company in view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"].keys():
    +1905                        if view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["cost"] > 0:
    +1906                            nameLen = 3 + len(company) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"])
    +1907                            info.append("| {} | {:<7} | {:<18} |\n".format(
    +1908                                "{}{}{}".format(
    +1909                                    "[{}] ".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"]) if view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"] else "",
    +1910                                    company,
    +1911                                    "" if nameLen == maxLenNames else "{}".format(" " * (maxLenNames - nameLen) if view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"] else " " * (maxLenNames - nameLen + 3)),
    +1912                                ),
    +1913                                "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["percent"]),
    +1914                                "{:.2f} rub".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["cost"]),
    +1915                            ))
    +1917                    maxLenSectors = max([len(sector) for sector in view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"].keys()])
    +1918                    info.extend([
    +1919                        "\n## Portfolio distribution by sectors\n"
    +1920                        "\n| Sector{} | Percent | Current cost       |\n".format(" " * (maxLenSectors - 6)),
    +1921                        "|-------{}-|---------|--------------------|\n".format("-" * (maxLenSectors - 6)),
    +1922                    ])
    +1924                    for sector in view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"].keys():
    +1925                        if view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"][sector]["cost"] > 0:
    +1926                            info.append("| {}{} | {:<7} | {:<18} |\n".format(
    +1927                                sector,
    +1928                                "" if len(sector) == maxLenSectors else " " * (maxLenSectors - len(sector)),
    +1929                                "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"][sector]["percent"]),
    +1930                                "{:.2f} rub".format(view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"][sector]["cost"]),
    +1931                            ))
    +1933                    maxLenMoney = 3 + max([len(currency) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][currency]["name"]) for currency in view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"].keys()])
    +1934                    info.extend([
    +1935                        "\n## Portfolio distribution by currencies\n"
    +1936                        "\n| Instruments currencies{} | Percent | Current cost       |\n".format(" " * (maxLenMoney - 22)),
    +1937                        "|-----------------------{}-|---------|--------------------|\n".format("-" * (maxLenMoney - 22)),
    +1938                    ])
    +1940                    for curr in view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"].keys():
    +1941                        if view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["cost"] > 0:
    +1942                            nameLen = 3 + len(curr) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["name"])
    +1943                            info.append("| {} | {:<7} | {:<18} |\n".format(
    +1944                                "[{}] {}{}".format(
    +1945                                    curr,
    +1946                                    view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["name"],
    +1947                                    "" if nameLen == maxLenMoney else " " * (maxLenMoney - nameLen),
    +1948                                ),
    +1949                                "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["percent"]),
    +1950                                "{:.2f} rub".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["cost"]),
    +1951                            ))
    +1953                    maxLenCountry = max(17, max([len(country) for country in view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"].keys()]))
    +1954                    info.extend([
    +1955                        "\n## Portfolio distribution by countries\n"
    +1956                        "\n| Assets by country{} | Percent | Current cost       |\n".format(" " * (maxLenCountry - 17)),
    +1957                        "|------------------{}-|---------|--------------------|\n".format("-" * (maxLenCountry - 17)),
    +1958                    ])
    +1960                    for country in view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"].keys():
    +1961                        if view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"][country]["cost"] > 0:
    +1962                            nameLen = len(country)
    +1963                            info.append("| {} | {:<7} | {:<18} |\n".format(
    +1964                                "{}{}".format(
    +1965                                    country,
    +1966                                    "" if nameLen == maxLenCountry else " " * (maxLenCountry - nameLen),
    +1967                                ),
    +1968                                "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"][country]["percent"]),
    +1969                                "{:.2f} rub".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"][country]["cost"]),
    +1970                            ))
    +1972            infoText = "".join(info)
    +1974            if showStatistics:
    +1975                uLogger.info(infoText)
    +1977            if details == "full" and self.overviewFile:
    +1978                filename = self.overviewFile
    +1980            elif details == "digest" and self.overviewDigestFile:
    +1981                filename = self.overviewDigestFile
    +1983            elif details == "positions" and self.overviewPositionsFile:
    +1984                filename = self.overviewPositionsFile
    +1986            elif details == "orders" and self.overviewOrdersFile:
    +1987                filename = self.overviewOrdersFile
    +1989            elif details == "analytics" and self.overviewAnalyticsFile:
    +1990                filename = self.overviewAnalyticsFile
    +1992            else:
    +1993                filename = ""
    +1995            if filename:
    +1996                with open(filename, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    +1997                    fH.write(infoText)
    +1999                uLogger.info("Client's portfolio is saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(filename)))
    +2001        return view
    +2003    def Deals(self, start: str = None, end: str = None, printDeals: bool = False, showCancelled: bool = True) -> tuple:
    +2004        """
    +2005        Returns history operations between two given dates.
    +2006        If `reportFile` string is not empty then also save human-readable report.
    +2007        Shows some statistical data of closed positions.
    +2009        :param start: see docstring in `GetDatesAsString()` method
    +2010        :param end: see docstring in `GetDatesAsString()` method
    +2011        :param printDeals: if `True` then also prints all records to the console.
    +2012        :param showCancelled: if `False` then remove information about cancelled operations from the deals report.
    +2013        :return: original list of dictionaries with history of deals records from API ("operations" key):
    +2014                 https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetOperations
    +2015                 and dictionary with custom stats: operations in different currencies, withdrawals, incomes etc.
    +2016        """
    +2017        startDate, endDate = GetDatesAsString(start, end)  # Example: ("2000-01-01T00:00:00Z", "2022-12-31T23:59:59Z")
    +2019        uLogger.debug("Requesting history of a client's operations. Wait, please...")
    +2021        # REST API for request: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetOperations
    +2022        dealsURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OperationsService/GetOperations"
    +2023        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId, "from": startDate, "to": endDate})
    +2024        ops = self.SendAPIRequest(dealsURL, reqType="POST")["operations"]  # list of dict: operations returns by broker
    +2025        customStat = {}  # custom statistics in additional to responseJSON
    +2027        # --- output report in human-readable format:
    +2028        if printDeals or self.reportFile:
    +2029            splitLine1 = "|                            |                               |                              |                      |                        |\n"  # Summary section
    +2030            splitLine2 = "|                     |              |              |            |           |                 |            |                                                                    |\n"  # Operations section
    +2031            nextDay = ""
    +2033            info = ["# Client's operations\n\n* **Period:** from [{}] to [{}]\n\n## Summary (operations executed only)\n\n".format(startDate.split("T")[0], endDate.split("T")[0])]
    +2035            if len(ops) > 0:
    +2036                customStat = {
    +2037                    "opsCount": 0,  # total operations count
    +2038                    "buyCount": 0,  # buy operations
    +2039                    "sellCount": 0,  # sell operations
    +2040                    "buyTotal": {"rub": 0.},  # Buy sums in different currencies
    +2041                    "sellTotal": {"rub": 0.},  # Sell sums in different currencies
    +2042                    "payIn": {"rub": 0.},  # Deposit brokerage account
    +2043                    "payOut": {"rub": 0.},  # Withdrawals
    +2044                    "divs": {"rub": 0.},  # Dividends income
    +2045                    "coupons": {"rub": 0.},  # Coupon's income
    +2046                    "brokerCom": {"rub": 0.},  # Service commissions
    +2047                    "serviceCom": {"rub": 0.},  # Service commissions
    +2048                    "marginCom": {"rub": 0.},  # Margin commissions
    +2049                    "allTaxes": {"rub": 0.},  # Sum of withholding taxes and corrections
    +2050                }
    +2052                # --- calculating statistics depends on operations type in TKS_OPERATION_TYPES:
    +2053                for item in ops:
    +2054                    if item["state"] == "OPERATION_STATE_EXECUTED":
    +2055                        payment = NanoToFloat(item["payment"]["units"], item["payment"]["nano"])
    +2057                        # count buy operations:
    +2058                        if "_BUY" in item["operationType"]:
    +2059                            customStat["buyCount"] += 1
    +2061                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["buyTotal"].keys():
    +2062                                customStat["buyTotal"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    +2064                            else:
    +2065                                customStat["buyTotal"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    +2067                        # count sell operations:
    +2068                        elif "_SELL" in item["operationType"]:
    +2069                            customStat["sellCount"] += 1
    +2071                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["sellTotal"].keys():
    +2072                                customStat["sellTotal"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    +2074                            else:
    +2075                                customStat["sellTotal"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    +2077                        # count incoming operations:
    +2078                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_INPUT"]:
    +2079                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["payIn"].keys():
    +2080                                customStat["payIn"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    +2082                            else:
    +2083                                customStat["payIn"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    +2085                        # count withdrawals operations:
    +2086                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_OUTPUT"]:
    +2087                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["payOut"].keys():
    +2088                                customStat["payOut"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    +2090                            else:
    +2091                                customStat["payOut"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    +2093                        # count dividends income:
    +2094                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_DIVIDEND", "OPERATION_TYPE_DIVIDEND_TRANSFER", "OPERATION_TYPE_DIV_EXT"]:
    +2095                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["divs"].keys():
    +2096                                customStat["divs"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    +2098                            else:
    +2099                                customStat["divs"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    +2101                        # count coupon's income:
    +2102                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_COUPON", "OPERATION_TYPE_BOND_REPAYMENT_FULL", "OPERATION_TYPE_BOND_REPAYMENT"]:
    +2103                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["coupons"].keys():
    +2104                                customStat["coupons"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    +2106                            else:
    +2107                                customStat["coupons"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    +2109                        # count broker commissions:
    +2110                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_BROKER_FEE", "OPERATION_TYPE_SUCCESS_FEE", "OPERATION_TYPE_TRACK_MFEE", "OPERATION_TYPE_TRACK_PFEE"]:
    +2111                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["brokerCom"].keys():
    +2112                                customStat["brokerCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    +2114                            else:
    +2115                                customStat["brokerCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    +2117                        # count service commissions:
    +2118                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_SERVICE_FEE"]:
    +2119                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["serviceCom"].keys():
    +2120                                customStat["serviceCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    +2122                            else:
    +2123                                customStat["serviceCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    +2125                        # count margin commissions:
    +2126                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_MARGIN_FEE"]:
    +2127                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["marginCom"].keys():
    +2128                                customStat["marginCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    +2130                            else:
    +2131                                customStat["marginCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    +2133                        # count withholding taxes:
    +2134                        elif "_TAX" in item["operationType"]:
    +2135                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["allTaxes"].keys():
    +2136                                customStat["allTaxes"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    +2138                            else:
    +2139                                customStat["allTaxes"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    +2141                        else:
    +2142                            continue
    +2144                customStat["opsCount"] += customStat["buyCount"] + customStat["sellCount"]
    +2146                # --- view "Actions" lines:
    +2147                info.extend([
    +2148                    "| 1                          | 2                             | 3                            | 4                    | 5                      |\n",
    +2149                    "|----------------------------|-------------------------------|------------------------------|----------------------|------------------------|\n",
    +2150                    "| **Actions:**               | Trades: {:<21} | Trading volumes:             |                      |                        |\n".format(customStat["opsCount"]),
    +2151                    "|                            |   Buy: {:<22} | {:<28} |                      |                        |\n".format(
    +2152                        "{} ({:.1f}%)".format(customStat["buyCount"], 100 * customStat["buyCount"] / customStat["opsCount"]) if customStat["opsCount"] != 0 else 0,
    +2153                        "  rub, buy: {:<16}".format("{:.2f}".format(customStat["buyTotal"]["rub"])) if customStat["buyTotal"]["rub"] != 0 else "  —",
    +2154                    ),
    +2155                    "|                            |   Sell: {:<21} | {:<28} |                      |                        |\n".format(
    +2156                        "{} ({:.1f}%)".format(customStat["sellCount"], 100 * customStat["sellCount"] / customStat["opsCount"]) if customStat["opsCount"] != 0 else 0,
    +2157                        "  rub, sell: {:<13}".format("+{:.2f}".format(customStat["sellTotal"]["rub"])) if customStat["sellTotal"]["rub"] != 0 else "  —",
    +2158                    ),
    +2159                ])
    +2161                opsKeys = sorted(list(set(list(customStat["buyTotal"].keys()) + list(customStat["sellTotal"].keys()))))
    +2162                for key in opsKeys:
    +2163                    if key == "rub":
    +2164                        continue
    +2166                    info.extend([
    +2167                        "|                            |                               | {:<28} |                      |                        |\n".format(
    +2168                            "  {}, buy: {:<16}".format(key, "{:.2f}".format(customStat["buyTotal"][key]) if key and key in customStat["buyTotal"].keys() and customStat["buyTotal"][key] != 0 else 0)
    +2169                        ),
    +2170                        "|                            |                               | {:<28} |                      |                        |\n".format(
    +2171                            "  {}, sell: {:<13}".format(key, "+{:.2f}".format(customStat["sellTotal"][key]) if key and key in customStat["sellTotal"].keys() and customStat["sellTotal"][key] != 0 else 0)
    +2172                        ),
    +2173                    ])
    +2175                info.append(splitLine1)
    +2177                def _InfoStr(data1: dict, data2: dict, data3: dict, data4: dict, cur: str = "") -> str:
    +2178                    return "|                            | {:<29} | {:<28} | {:<20} | {:<22} |\n".format(
    +2179                            "  {}: {}{:.2f}".format(cur, "+" if data1[cur] > 0 else "", data1[cur]) if cur and cur in data1.keys() and data1[cur] != 0 else "  —",
    +2180                            "  {}: {}{:.2f}".format(cur, "+" if data2[cur] > 0 else "", data2[cur]) if cur and cur in data2.keys() and data2[cur] != 0 else "  —",
    +2181                            "  {}: {}{:.2f}".format(cur, "+" if data3[cur] > 0 else "", data3[cur]) if cur and cur in data3.keys() and data3[cur] != 0 else "  —",
    +2182                            "  {}: {}{:.2f}".format(cur, "+" if data4[cur] > 0 else "", data4[cur]) if cur and cur in data4.keys() and data4[cur] != 0 else "  —",
    +2183                    )
    +2185                # --- view "Payments" lines:
    +2186                info.append("| **Payments:**              | Deposit on broker account:    | Withdrawals:                 | Dividends income:    | Coupons income:        |\n")
    +2187                paymentsKeys = sorted(list(set(list(customStat["payIn"].keys()) + list(customStat["payOut"].keys()) + list(customStat["divs"].keys()) + list(customStat["coupons"].keys()))))
    +2189                for key in paymentsKeys:
    +2190                    info.append(_InfoStr(customStat["payIn"], customStat["payOut"], customStat["divs"], customStat["coupons"], key))
    +2192                info.append(splitLine1)
    +2194                # --- view "Commissions and taxes" lines:
    +2195                info.append("| **Commissions and taxes:** | Broker commissions:           | Service commissions:         | Margin commissions:  | All taxes/corrections: |\n")
    +2196                comKeys = sorted(list(set(list(customStat["brokerCom"].keys()) + list(customStat["serviceCom"].keys()) + list(customStat["marginCom"].keys()) + list(customStat["allTaxes"].keys()))))
    +2198                for key in comKeys:
    +2199                    info.append(_InfoStr(customStat["brokerCom"], customStat["serviceCom"], customStat["marginCom"], customStat["allTaxes"], key))
    +2201                info.append(splitLine1)
    +2203                info.extend([
    +2204                    "\n## All operations{}\n\n".format("" if showCancelled else " (without cancelled status)"),
    +2205                    "| Date and time       | FIGI         | Ticker       | Asset      | Value     | Payment         | Status     | Operation type                                                     |\n",
    +2206                    "|---------------------|--------------|--------------|------------|-----------|-----------------|------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------|\n",
    +2207                ])
    +2209            else:
    +2210                info.append("Broker returned no operations during this period\n")
    +2212            # --- view "Operations" section:
    +2213            for item in ops:
    +2214                if not showCancelled and TKS_OPERATION_STATES[item["state"]] == TKS_OPERATION_STATES["OPERATION_STATE_CANCELED"]:
    +2215                    continue
    +2217                else:
    +2218                    self.figi = item["figi"] if item["figi"] else ""
    +2219                    payment = NanoToFloat(item["payment"]["units"], item["payment"]["nano"])
    +2220                    instrument = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False) if self.figi else {}
    +2222                    # group of deals during one day:
    +2223                    if nextDay and item["date"].split("T")[0] != nextDay:
    +2224                        info.append(splitLine2)
    +2225                        nextDay = ""
    +2227                    else:
    +2228                        nextDay = item["date"].split("T")[0]  # saving current day for splitting
    +2230                    info.append("| {:<19} | {:<12} | {:<12} | {:<10} | {:<9} | {:>15} | {:<10} | {:<66} |\n".format(
    +2231                        item["date"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "").split(".")[0],
    +2232                        self.figi if self.figi else "—",
    +2233                        instrument["ticker"] if instrument else "—",
    +2234                        instrument["type"] if instrument else "—",
    +2235                        item["quantity"] if int(item["quantity"]) > 0 else "—",
    +2236                        "{}{:.2f} {}".format("+" if payment > 0 else "", payment, item["payment"]["currency"]) if payment != 0 else "—",
    +2237                        TKS_OPERATION_STATES[item["state"]],
    +2238                        TKS_OPERATION_TYPES[item["operationType"]],
    +2239                    ))
    +2241            infoText = "".join(info)
    +2243            if printDeals:
    +2244                uLogger.info(infoText)
    +2246            if self.reportFile:
    +2247                with open(self.reportFile, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    +2248                    fH.write(infoText)
    +2250                uLogger.info("History of a client's operations are saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.reportFile)))
    +2252        return ops, customStat
    +2254    def History(self, start: str = None, end: str = None, interval: str = "hour", onlyMissing: bool = False,
    +2255                csvSep: str = ",", printCandles: bool = False,
    +2256                ) -> pd.DataFrame:
    +2257        """
    +2258        This method returns last history candles of the current instrument defined by `ticker` or `figi` (FIGI id).
    +2260        History returned between two given dates: `start` and `end`. Minimum requested date in the past is `1970-01-01`.
    +2261        Warning! Broker server used ISO UTC time by default.
    +2263        If `historyFile` is not `None` then method save history to file, otherwise return only pandas dataframe.
    +2264        Also, `historyFile` used to update history with `onlyMissing` parameter.
    +2266        :param start: see docstring in `GetDatesAsString()` method.
    +2267        :param end: see docstring in `GetDatesAsString()` method.
    +2268        :param interval: this is a candle interval. Current available values are `"1min"`, `"5min"`, `"15min"`,
    +2269                         `"hour"`, `"day"`. Default: `"hour"`.
    +2270        :param onlyMissing: if `True` then add only last missing candles, do not request all history length from `start`.
    +2271                            False by default. Warning! History appends only from last candle to current time
    +2272                            with always update last candle!
    +2273        :param csvSep: separator if .csv-file is used, `,` by default.
    +2274        :param printCandles: if `True` then also prints pandas dataframe to the console.
    +2275        :return: pandas dataframe with prices history. Headers of columns are defined by default:
    +2276                 `["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"]`.
    +2277        """
    +2278        strStartDate, strEndDate = GetDatesAsString(start, end)  # example: ("2020-01-01T00:00:00Z", "2022-12-31T23:59:59Z")
    +2279        headers = ["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"]  # sequence and names of column headers
    +2280        history = None  # empty pandas object for history
    +2282        if interval not in TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS.keys():
    +2283            raise Exception("Interval parameter must be string with current available values: `1min`, `5min`, `15min`, `hour` and `day`.")
    +2285        if not (self.ticker or self.figi):
    +2286            raise Exception("Ticker or FIGI must be defined!")
    +2288        if self.ticker and not self.figi:
    +2289            instrumentByTicker = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=False, debug=False)
    +2290            self.figi = instrumentByTicker["figi"] if instrumentByTicker else ""
    +2292        if self.figi and not self.ticker:
    +2293            instrumentByFIGI = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False, debug=False)
    +2294            self.ticker = instrumentByFIGI["ticker"] if instrumentByFIGI else ""
    +2296        dtStart = datetime.strptime(strStartDate, TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT).replace(tzinfo=tzutc())  # datetime object from start time string
    +2297        dtEnd = datetime.strptime(strEndDate, TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT).replace(tzinfo=tzutc())  # datetime object from end time string
    +2298        if interval.lower() != "day":
    +2299            dtEnd += timedelta(seconds=1)  # adds 1 sec for requests, because day end returned by `GetDatesAsString()` as 23:59:59
    +2301        delta = dtEnd - dtStart  # current UTC time minus last time in file
    +2302        deltaMinutes = delta.days * 1440 + delta.seconds // 60  # minutes between start and end dates
    +2304        # calculate history length in candles:
    +2305        length = deltaMinutes // TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][1]
    +2306        if deltaMinutes % TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][1] > 0:
    +2307            length += 1  # to avoid fraction time
    +2309        # calculate data blocks count:
    +2310        blocks = 1 if length < TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][2] else 1 + length // TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][2]
    +2312        uLogger.debug("Original requested time period in local time: from [{}] to [{}]".format(start, end))
    +2313        uLogger.debug("Requested time period is about from [{}] UTC to [{}] UTC".format(strStartDate, strEndDate))
    +2314        uLogger.debug("Calculated history length: [{}], interval: [{}]".format(length, interval))
    +2315        uLogger.debug("Data blocks, count: [{}], max candles in block: [{}]".format(blocks, TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][2]))
    +2316        uLogger.debug("Requesting history candlesticks, ticker: [{}], FIGI: [{}]. Wait, please...".format(self.ticker, self.figi))
    +2318        tempOld = None  # pandas object for old history, if --only-missing key present
    +2319        lastTime = None  # datetime object of last old candle in file
    +2321        if onlyMissing and self.historyFile is not None and self.historyFile and os.path.exists(self.historyFile):
    +2322            uLogger.debug("--only-missing key present, add only last missing candles...")
    +2323            uLogger.debug("History file will be updated: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.historyFile)))
    +2325            tempOld = pd.read_csv(self.historyFile, sep=csvSep, header=None, names=headers)
    +2327            tempOld["date"] = pd.to_datetime(tempOld["date"])  # load date "as is"
    +2328            tempOld["date"] = tempOld["date"].dt.strftime("%Y.%m.%d")  # convert date to string
    +2329            tempOld["time"] = pd.to_datetime(tempOld["time"])  # load time "as is"
    +2330            tempOld["time"] = tempOld["time"].dt.strftime("%H:%M")  # convert time to string
    +2332            # get last datetime object from last string in file or minus 1 delta if file is empty:
    +2333            if len(tempOld) > 0:
    +2334                lastTime = datetime.strptime(tempOld.date.iloc[-1] + " " + tempOld.time.iloc[-1], "%Y.%m.%d %H:%M").replace(tzinfo=tzutc())
    +2336            else:
    +2337                lastTime = dtEnd - timedelta(days=1)  # history file is empty, so last date set at -1 day
    +2339            tempOld = tempOld[:-1]  # always remove last old candle because it may be incompletely at the current time
    +2341        responseJSONs = []  # raw history blocks of data
    +2343        blockEnd = dtEnd
    +2344        for item in range(blocks):
    +2345            tail = length % TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][2] if item + 1 == blocks else TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][2]
    +2346            blockStart = blockEnd - timedelta(minutes=TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][1] * tail)
    +2348            uLogger.debug("[Block #{}/{}] time period: [{}] UTC - [{}] UTC".format(
    +2349                item + 1, blocks, blockStart.strftime(TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT), blockEnd.strftime(TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT),
    +2350            ))
    +2352            if blockStart == blockEnd:
    +2353                uLogger.debug("Skipped this zero-length block...")
    +2355            else:
    +2356                # REST API for request: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/MarketDataService/MarketDataService_GetCandles
    +2357                historyURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.MarketDataService/GetCandles"
    +2358                self.body = str({
    +2359                    "figi": self.figi,
    +2360                    "from": blockStart.strftime(TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT),
    +2361                    "to": blockEnd.strftime(TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT),
    +2362                    "interval": TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][0]
    +2363                })
    +2364                responseJSON = self.SendAPIRequest(historyURL, reqType="POST", retry=1, pause=1, debug=False)
    +2366                if "code" in responseJSON.keys():
    +2367                    uLogger.debug("An issue occurred and block #{}/{} is empty".format(item + 1, blocks))
    +2369                else:
    +2370                    if (start.lower() == "yesterday" or start == end) and interval == "day" and len(responseJSON["candles"]) > 1:
    +2371                        responseJSON["candles"] = responseJSON["candles"][:-1]  # removes last candle for "yesterday" request
    +2373                    responseJSONs = responseJSON["candles"] + responseJSONs  # add more old history behind newest dates
    +2375            blockEnd = blockStart
    +2377        printCount = len(responseJSONs)  # candles to show in console
    +2378        if responseJSONs:
    +2379            tempHistory = pd.DataFrame(
    +2380                data={
    +2381                    "date": [pd.to_datetime(item["time"]).astimezone(tzutc()) for item in responseJSONs],
    +2382                    "time": [pd.to_datetime(item["time"]).astimezone(tzutc()) for item in responseJSONs],
    +2383                    "open": [NanoToFloat(item["open"]["units"], item["open"]["nano"]) for item in responseJSONs],
    +2384                    "high": [NanoToFloat(item["high"]["units"], item["high"]["nano"]) for item in responseJSONs],
    +2385                    "low": [NanoToFloat(item["low"]["units"], item["low"]["nano"]) for item in responseJSONs],
    +2386                    "close": [NanoToFloat(item["close"]["units"], item["close"]["nano"]) for item in responseJSONs],
    +2387                    "volume": [int(item["volume"]) for item in responseJSONs],
    +2388                },
    +2389                index=range(len(responseJSONs)),
    +2390                columns=["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"],
    +2391            )
    +2392            tempHistory["date"] = tempHistory["date"].dt.strftime("%Y.%m.%d")
    +2393            tempHistory["time"] = tempHistory["time"].dt.strftime("%H:%M")
    +2395            # append only newest candles to old history if --only-missing key present:
    +2396            if onlyMissing and tempOld is not None and lastTime is not None:
    +2397                index = 0  # find start index in tempHistory data:
    +2399                for i, item in tempHistory.iterrows():
    +2400                    curTime = datetime.strptime(item["date"] + " " + item["time"], "%Y.%m.%d %H:%M").replace(tzinfo=tzutc())
    +2402                    if curTime == lastTime:
    +2403                        uLogger.debug("History will be updated starting from the date: [{}]".format(curTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
    +2404                        index = i
    +2405                        printCount = index + 1
    +2406                        break
    +2408                history = pd.concat([tempOld, tempHistory[index:]], ignore_index=True)
    +2410            else:
    +2411                history = tempHistory  # if no `--only-missing` key then load full data from server
    +2413            uLogger.debug("Last 3 rows of received history:\n{}".format(pd.DataFrame.to_string(history[["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"]][-3:], max_cols=20, index=False)))
    +2415        if printCandles and history is not None and not history.empty:
    +2416            uLogger.info("Here's requested history between [{}] UTC and [{}] UTC, not-empty candles count: [{}]\n{}".format(
    +2417                strStartDate.replace("T", " ").replace("Z", ""), strEndDate.replace("T", " ").replace("Z", ""), len(history[-printCount:]),
    +2418                pd.DataFrame.to_string(history[["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"]][-printCount:], max_cols=20, index=False),
    +2419            ))
    +2421        if self.historyFile is not None:
    +2422            if history is not None and not history.empty:
    +2423                history.to_csv(self.historyFile, sep=csvSep, index=False, header=None)
    +2424                uLogger.info("Ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], tf: [{}], history saved: [{}]".format(self.ticker, self.figi, interval, os.path.abspath(self.historyFile)))
    +2426            else:
    +2427                uLogger.warning("Empty history received! File NOT updated: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.historyFile)))
    +2429        else:
    +2430            uLogger.debug("--output key is not defined. Parsed history file not saved to file, only pandas dataframe returns.")
    +2432        return history
    +2434    def Trade(self, operation: str, lots: int = 1, tp: float = 0., sl: float = 0., expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    +2435        """
    +2436        Universal method to create market order and make deal at the current price. Returns JSON data with response.
    +2437        If `tp` or `sl` > 0, then in additional will opens stop-orders with "TP" and "SL" flags for `stopType` parameter.
    +2439        See also: `Order()` docstring. More simple methods than `Trade()` are `Buy()` and `Sell()`.
    +2441        :param operation: string "Buy" or "Sell".
    +2442        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    +2443        :param tp: float > 0, target price for stop-order with "TP" type. It used as take profit parameter `targetPrice` in `self.Order()`.
    +2444        :param sl: float > 0, target price for stop-order with "SL" type. It used as stop loss parameter `targetPrice` in `self.Order()`.
    +2445        :param expDate: string "Undefined" by default or local date in future,
    +2446                        it is a string with format `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    +2447        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    +2448        """
    +2449        if operation is None or not operation or operation not in ("Buy", "Sell"):
    +2450            raise Exception("You must define operation type only one of them: `Buy` or `Sell`!")
    +2452        if lots is None or lots < 1:
    +2453            uLogger.warning("You must define trade volume > 0: integer count of lots! For current operation lots reset to 1.")
    +2454            lots = 1
    +2456        if tp is None or tp < 0:
    +2457            tp = 0
    +2459        if sl is None or sl < 0:
    +2460            sl = 0
    +2462        if expDate is None or not expDate:
    +2463            expDate = "Undefined"
    +2465        if not (self.ticker or self.figi):
    +2466            raise Exception("`self.ticker` or `self.figi` variables must be defined!")
    +2468        instrument = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=True, debug=False) if self.ticker else self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True, debug=False)
    +2469        self.ticker = instrument["ticker"]
    +2470        self.figi = instrument["figi"]
    +2472        uLogger.debug("Opening [{}] market order: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], lots [{}], TP [{:.4f}], SL [{:.4f}], expiration date of TP/SL orders [{}]. Wait, please...".format(operation, self.ticker, self.figi, lots, tp, sl, expDate))
    +2474        openTradeURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OrdersService/PostOrder"
    +2475        self.body = str({
    +2476            "figi": self.figi,
    +2477            "quantity": str(lots),
    +2478            "direction": "ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY" if operation == "Buy" else "ORDER_DIRECTION_SELL",  # see: TKS_ORDER_DIRECTIONS
    +2479            "accountId": str(self.accountId),
    +2480            "orderType": "ORDER_TYPE_MARKET",  # see: TKS_ORDER_TYPES
    +2481        })
    +2482        response = self.SendAPIRequest(openTradeURL, reqType="POST", retry=0, debug=False)
    +2484        if "orderId" in response.keys():
    +2485            uLogger.info("[{}] market order [{}] was executed: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], lots [{}]. Total order price: [{:.4f} {}] (with commission: [{:.2f} {}]). Average price of lot: [{:.2f} {}]".format(
    +2486                operation, response["orderId"],
    +2487                self.ticker, self.figi, lots,
    +2488                NanoToFloat(response["totalOrderAmount"]["units"], response["totalOrderAmount"]["nano"]), response["totalOrderAmount"]["currency"],
    +2489                NanoToFloat(response["initialCommission"]["units"], response["initialCommission"]["nano"]), response["initialCommission"]["currency"],
    +2490                NanoToFloat(response["executedOrderPrice"]["units"], response["executedOrderPrice"]["nano"]), response["executedOrderPrice"]["currency"],
    +2491            ))
    +2493        else:
    +2494            uLogger.warning("Not `oK` status received! Market order not created. See full debug log or try again and open order later.")
    +2496        if tp > 0:
    +2497            self.Order(operation="Sell" if operation == "Buy" else "Buy", orderType="Stop", lots=lots, targetPrice=tp, limitPrice=tp, stopType="TP", expDate=expDate)
    +2499        if sl > 0:
    +2500            self.Order(operation="Sell" if operation == "Buy" else "Buy", orderType="Stop", lots=lots, targetPrice=sl, limitPrice=sl, stopType="SL", expDate=expDate)
    +2502        return response
    +2504    def Buy(self, lots: int = 1, tp: float = 0., sl: float = 0., expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    +2505        """
    +2506        More simple method than `Trade()`. Create `Buy` market order and make deal at the current price. Returns JSON data with response.
    +2507        If `tp` or `sl` > 0, then in additional will opens stop-orders with "TP" and "SL" flags for `stopType` parameter.
    +2509        See also: `Order()` and `Trade()` docstrings.
    +2511        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    +2512        :param tp: float > 0, take profit price of stop-order.
    +2513        :param sl: float > 0, stop loss price of stop-order.
    +2514        :param expDate: it's a local date in future.
    +2515                        String has a format like this: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    +2516        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    +2517        """
    +2518        return self.Trade(operation="Buy", lots=lots, tp=tp, sl=sl, expDate=expDate)
    +2520    def Sell(self, lots: int = 1, tp: float = 0., sl: float = 0., expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    +2521        """
    +2522        More simple method than `Trade()`. Create `Sell` market order and make deal at the current price. Returns JSON data with response.
    +2523        If `tp` or `sl` > 0, then in additional will opens stop-orders with "TP" and "SL" flags for `stopType` parameter.
    +2525        See also: `Order()` and `Trade()` docstrings.
    +2527        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    +2528        :param tp: float > 0, take profit price of stop-order.
    +2529        :param sl: float > 0, stop loss price of stop-order.
    +2530        :param expDate: it's a local date in future.
    +2531                        String has a format like this: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    +2532        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    +2533        """
    +2534        return self.Trade(operation="Sell", lots=lots, tp=tp, sl=sl, expDate=expDate)
    +2536    def CloseTrades(self, tickers: list, overview: dict = None) -> None:
    +2537        """
    +2538        Close position of given instruments.
    +2540        :param tickers: tickers list of instruments that must be closed.
    +2541        :param overview: pre-received dictionary with open trades, returned by `Overview()` method.
    +2542                         This avoids unnecessary downloading data from the server.
    +2543        """
    +2544        if not tickers:
    +2545            uLogger.info("Tickers list is empty, nothing to close.")
    +2547        else:
    +2548            if overview is None or not overview:
    +2549                overview = self.Overview(showStatistics=False)
    +2551            allOpenedTickers = [item["ticker"] for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS for item in overview["stat"][iType]]
    +2552            uLogger.debug("All opened instruments by it's tickers names: {}".format(allOpenedTickers))
    +2554            for ticker in tickers:
    +2555                if ticker not in allOpenedTickers:
    +2556                    uLogger.warning("Instrument with ticker [{}] not in open positions list!".format(ticker))
    +2557                    continue
    +2559                # search open trade info about instrument by ticker:
    +2560                instrument = {}
    +2561                for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    +2562                    if instrument:
    +2563                        break
    +2565                    for item in overview["stat"][iType]:
    +2566                        if item["ticker"] == ticker:
    +2567                            instrument = item
    +2568                            break
    +2570                if instrument:
    +2571                    self.ticker = ticker
    +2572                    self.figi = instrument["figi"]
    +2574                    uLogger.debug("Closing trade of instrument: ticker [{}], FIGI[{}], lots [{}]{}. Wait, please...".format(
    +2575                        self.ticker,
    +2576                        self.figi,
    +2577                        int(instrument["volume"]),
    +2578                        ", blocked [{}]".format(instrument["blocked"]) if instrument["blocked"] > 0 else "",
    +2579                    ))
    +2581                    tradeLots = abs(instrument["lots"]) - instrument["blocked"]  # available volumes in lots for close operation
    +2583                    if tradeLots > 0:
    +2584                        if instrument["blocked"] > 0:
    +2585                            uLogger.warning("Just for your information: there are [{}] lots blocked for instrument [{}]! Available only [{}] lots to closing trade.".format(
    +2586                                instrument["blocked"],
    +2587                                self.ticker,
    +2588                                tradeLots,
    +2589                            ))
    +2591                        # if direction is "Long" then we need sell, if direction is "Short" then we need buy:
    +2592                        self.Trade(operation="Sell" if instrument["direction"] == "Long" else "Buy", lots=tradeLots)
    +2594                    else:
    +2595                        uLogger.warning("There are no available lots for instrument [{}] to closing trade at this moment! Try again later or cancel some orders.".format(self.ticker))
    +2597    def CloseAllTrades(self, iType: str, overview: dict = None) -> None:
    +2598        """
    +2599        Close all positions of given instruments with defined type.
    +2601        :param iType: type of the instruments that be closed, it must be one of supported types in TKS_INSTRUMENTS list.
    +2602        :param overview: pre-received dictionary with open trades, returned by `Overview()` method.
    +2603                         This avoids unnecessary downloading data from the server.
    +2604        """
    +2605        if iType not in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    +2606            uLogger.warning("Type of the instrument must be one of supported types: {}. Given: [{}]".format(", ".join(TKS_INSTRUMENTS), iType))
    +2608        else:
    +2609            if overview is None or not overview:
    +2610                overview = self.Overview(showStatistics=False)
    +2612            tickers = [item["ticker"] for item in overview["stat"][iType]]
    +2613            uLogger.debug("Instrument tickers with type [{}] that will be closed: {}".format(iType, tickers))
    +2615            if tickers and overview:
    +2616                self.CloseTrades(tickers, overview)
    +2618            else:
    +2619                uLogger.info("Instrument tickers with type [{}] not found, nothing to close.".format(iType))
    +2621    def Order(self, operation: str, orderType: str, lots: int, targetPrice: float, limitPrice: float = 0., stopType: str = "Limit", expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    +2622        """
    +2623        Universal method to create market or limit orders with all available parameters.
    +2624        See more simple methods: `BuyLimit()`, `BuyStop()`, `SellLimit()`, `SellStop()`.
    +2626        If orderType is "Limit" then create pending limit-order below current price if operation is "Buy" and above
    +2627        current price if operation is "Sell". A limit order has no expiration date, it lasts until the end of the trading day.
    +2629        Warning! If you try to create limit-order above current price if "Buy" or below current price if "Sell"
    +2630        then broker immediately open market order as you can do simple --buy or --sell operations!
    +2632        If orderType is "Stop" then creates stop-order with any direction "Buy" or "Sell".
    +2633        When current price will go up or down to target price value then broker opens a limit order.
    +2634        Stop-order is opened with unlimited expiration date by default, or you can define expiration date with expDate parameter.
    +2636        Only one attempt and no retry for opens order. If network issue occurred you can create new request.
    +2638        :param operation: string "Buy" or "Sell".
    +2639        :param orderType: string "Limit" or "Stop".
    +2640        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    +2641        :param targetPrice: target price > 0. This is open trade price for limit order.
    +2642        :param limitPrice: limit price >= 0. This parameter only makes sense for stop-order. If limitPrice = 0, then it set as targetPrice.
    +2643                           Broker will creates limit-order with price equal to limitPrice, when current price goes to target price of stop-order.
    +2644        :param stopType: string "Limit" by default. This parameter only makes sense for stop-order. There are 3 stop-order types
    +2645                         "SL", "TP", "Limit" for "Stop loss", "Take profit" and "Stop limit" types accordingly.
    +2646                         Stop loss order always executed by market price.
    +2647        :param expDate: string "Undefined" by default or local date in future.
    +2648                        String has a format like this: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    +2649                        This date is converting to UTC format for server. This parameter only makes sense for stop-order.
    +2650                        A limit order has no expiration date, it lasts until the end of the trading day.
    +2651        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    +2652        """
    +2653        if operation is None or not operation or operation not in ("Buy", "Sell"):
    +2654            raise Exception("You must define operation type only one of them: `Buy` or `Sell`!")
    +2656        if orderType is None or not orderType or orderType not in ("Limit", "Stop"):
    +2657            raise Exception("You must define order type only one of them: `Limit` or `Stop`!")
    +2659        if lots is None or lots < 1:
    +2660            raise Exception("You must define trade volume > 0: integer count of lots!")
    +2662        if targetPrice is None or targetPrice <= 0:
    +2663            raise Exception("Target price for limit-order must be greater than 0!")
    +2665        if limitPrice is None or limitPrice <= 0:
    +2666            limitPrice = targetPrice
    +2668        if stopType is None or not stopType or stopType not in ("SL", "TP", "Limit"):
    +2669            stopType = "Limit"
    +2671        if expDate is None or not expDate:
    +2672            expDate = "Undefined"
    +2674        if not (self.ticker or self.figi):
    +2675            raise Exception("`self.ticker` or `self.figi` variables must be defined!")
    +2677        response = {}
    +2678        instrument = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=True, debug=False) if self.ticker else self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True, debug=False)
    +2679        self.ticker = instrument["ticker"]
    +2680        self.figi = instrument["figi"]
    +2682        if orderType == "Limit":
    +2683            uLogger.debug(
    +2684                "Creating pending limit-order: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], action [{}], lots [{}] and the target price [{:.2f} {}]. Wait, please...".format(
    +2685                    self.ticker, self.figi,
    +2686                    operation, lots, targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    +2687                ))
    +2689            openOrderURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OrdersService/PostOrder"
    +2690            self.body = str({
    +2691                "figi": self.figi,
    +2692                "quantity": str(lots),
    +2693                "price": FloatToNano(targetPrice),
    +2694                "direction": "ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY" if operation == "Buy" else "ORDER_DIRECTION_SELL",  # see: TKS_ORDER_DIRECTIONS
    +2695                "accountId": str(self.accountId),
    +2696                "orderType": "ORDER_TYPE_LIMIT",  # see: TKS_ORDER_TYPES
    +2697            })
    +2698            response = self.SendAPIRequest(openOrderURL, reqType="POST", retry=0, debug=False)
    +2700            if "orderId" in response.keys():
    +2701                uLogger.info(
    +2702                    "Limit-order [{}] was created: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], action [{}], lots [{}], target price [{:.2f} {}]".format(
    +2703                        response["orderId"],
    +2704                        self.ticker, self.figi,
    +2705                        operation, lots, targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    +2706                    ))
    +2708                if "lastPrice" in instrument["currentPrice"].keys() and instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]:
    +2709                    if operation == "Buy" and targetPrice > instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]:
    +2710                        uLogger.warning("Your order was executed as a market order, not as a limit order! Comment: because your target price [{:.2f} {}] was higher than current price [{:.2f} {}] broker immediately opened `Buy` market order, such as if you did simple `--buy` operation.".format(
    +2711                            targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    +2712                            instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"], instrument["currency"],
    +2713                        ))
    +2715                    if operation == "Sell" and targetPrice < instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]:
    +2716                        uLogger.warning("Your order was executed as a market order, not as a limit order! Comment: because your target price [{:.2f} {}] was lower than current price [{:.2f} {}] broker immediately opened `Sell` market order, such as if you did simple `--sell` operation.".format(
    +2717                            targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    +2718                            instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"], instrument["currency"],
    +2719                        ))
    +2721            else:
    +2722                uLogger.warning("Not `oK` status received! Limit order not opened. See full debug log or try again and open order later.")
    +2724        if orderType == "Stop":
    +2725            uLogger.debug(
    +2726                "Creating stop-order: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], action [{}], lots [{}], target price [{:.2f} {}], limit price [{:.2f} {}], stop-order type [{}] and local expiration date [{}]. Wait, please...".format(
    +2727                    self.ticker, self.figi,
    +2728                    operation, lots,
    +2729                    targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    +2730                    limitPrice, instrument["currency"],
    +2731                    stopType, expDate,
    +2732                ))
    +2734            openOrderURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.StopOrdersService/PostStopOrder"
    +2735            expDateUTC = "" if expDate == "Undefined" else datetime.strptime(expDate, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").replace(tzinfo=tzlocal()).astimezone(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
    +2736            stopOrderType = "STOP_ORDER_TYPE_STOP_LOSS" if stopType == "SL" else "STOP_ORDER_TYPE_TAKE_PROFIT" if stopType == "TP" else "STOP_ORDER_TYPE_STOP_LIMIT"
    +2738            body = {
    +2739                "figi": self.figi,
    +2740                "quantity": str(lots),
    +2741                "price": FloatToNano(limitPrice),
    +2742                "stopPrice": FloatToNano(targetPrice),
    +2743                "direction": "STOP_ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY" if operation == "Buy" else "STOP_ORDER_DIRECTION_SELL",  # see: TKS_STOP_ORDER_DIRECTIONS
    +2744                "accountId": str(self.accountId),
    +2746                "stopOrderType": stopOrderType,  # see: TKS_STOP_ORDER_TYPES
    +2747            }
    +2749            if expDateUTC:
    +2750                body["expireDate"] = expDateUTC
    +2752            self.body = str(body)
    +2753            response = self.SendAPIRequest(openOrderURL, reqType="POST", retry=0, debug=False)
    +2755            if "stopOrderId" in response.keys():
    +2756                uLogger.info(
    +2757                    "Stop-order [{}] was created: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], action [{}], lots [{}], target price [{:.2f} {}], limit price [{:.2f} {}], stop-order type [{}] and expiration date in UTC [{}]".format(
    +2758                    response["stopOrderId"],
    +2759                    self.ticker, self.figi,
    +2760                    operation, lots,
    +2761                    targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    +2762                    limitPrice, instrument["currency"],
    +2763                    TKS_STOP_ORDER_TYPES[stopOrderType],
    +2764                    datetime.strptime(expDateUTC, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ").replace(tzinfo=tzutc()).astimezone(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if expDateUTC else TKS_STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPES["STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED"],
    +2765                ))
    +2767                if "lastPrice" in instrument["currentPrice"].keys() and instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]:
    +2768                    if operation == "Buy" and targetPrice < instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] and stopType != "TP":
    +2769                        uLogger.warning("The broker will cancel this order after some time. Comment: you placed the wrong stop order because the target buy price [{:.2f} {}] is lower than the current price [{:.2f} {}]. Also try to set up order type as `TP` if you want to place stop order at that price.".format(
    +2770                            targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    +2771                            instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"], instrument["currency"],
    +2772                        ))
    +2774                    if operation == "Sell" and targetPrice > instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] and stopType != "TP":
    +2775                        uLogger.warning("The broker will cancel this order after some time. Comment: you placed the wrong stop order because the target sell price [{:.2f} {}] is higher than the current price [{:.2f} {}]. Also try to set up order type as `TP` if you want to place stop order at that price.".format(
    +2776                            targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    +2777                            instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"], instrument["currency"],
    +2778                        ))
    +2780            else:
    +2781                uLogger.warning("Not `oK` status received! Stop order not opened. See full debug log or try again and open order later.")
    +2783        return response
    +2785    def BuyLimit(self, lots: int, targetPrice: float) -> dict:
    +2786        """
    +2787        Create pending `Buy` limit-order (below current price). You must specify only 2 parameters:
    +2788        `lots` and `target price` to open buy limit-order. If you try to create buy limit-order above current price then
    +2789        broker immediately open `Buy` market order, such as if you do simple `--buy` operation!
    +2790        See also: `Order()` docstring.
    +2792        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    +2793        :param targetPrice: target price > 0. This is open trade price for limit order.
    +2794        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    +2795        """
    +2796        return self.Order(operation="Buy", orderType="Limit", lots=lots, targetPrice=targetPrice)
    +2798    def BuyStop(self, lots: int, targetPrice: float, limitPrice: float = 0., stopType: str = "Limit", expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    +2799        """
    +2800        Create `Buy` stop-order. You must specify at least 2 parameters: `lots` `target price` to open buy stop-order.
    +2801        In additional you can specify 3 parameters for buy stop-order: `limit price` >=0, `stop type` = Limit|SL|TP,
    +2802        `expiration date` = Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`. When current price will go up or down to
    +2803        target price value then broker opens a limit order. See also: `Order()` docstring.
    +2805        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    +2806        :param targetPrice: target price > 0. This is trigger price for buy stop-order.
    +2807        :param limitPrice: limit price >= 0 (limitPrice = targetPrice if limitPrice is 0). Broker will creates limit-order
    +2808                           with price equal to limitPrice, when current price goes to target price of buy stop-order.
    +2809        :param stopType: string "Limit" by default. There are 3 stop-order types "SL", "TP", "Limit"
    +2810                         for "Stop loss", "Take profit" and "Stop limit" types accordingly.
    +2811        :param expDate: string "Undefined" by default or local date in future.
    +2812                        String has a format like this: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    +2813                        This date is converting to UTC format for server.
    +2814        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    +2815        """
    +2816        return self.Order(operation="Buy", orderType="Stop", lots=lots, targetPrice=targetPrice, limitPrice=limitPrice, stopType=stopType, expDate=expDate)
    +2818    def SellLimit(self, lots: int, targetPrice: float) -> dict:
    +2819        """
    +2820        Create pending `Sell` limit-order (above current price). You must specify only 2 parameters:
    +2821        `lots` and `target price` to open sell limit-order. If you try to create sell limit-order below current price then
    +2822        broker immediately open `Sell` market order, such as if you do simple `--sell` operation!
    +2823        See also: `Order()` docstring.
    +2825        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    +2826        :param targetPrice: target price > 0. This is open trade price for limit order.
    +2827        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    +2828        """
    +2829        return self.Order(operation="Sell", orderType="Limit", lots=lots, targetPrice=targetPrice)
    +2831    def SellStop(self, lots: int, targetPrice: float, limitPrice: float = 0., stopType: str = "Limit", expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    +2832        """
    +2833        Create `Sell` stop-order. You must specify at least 2 parameters: `lots` `target price` to open sell stop-order.
    +2834        In additional you can specify 3 parameters for sell stop-order: `limit price` >=0, `stop type` = Limit|SL|TP,
    +2835        `expiration date` = Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`. When current price will go up or down to
    +2836        target price value then broker opens a limit order. See also: `Order()` docstring.
    +2838        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    +2839        :param targetPrice: target price > 0. This is trigger price for sell stop-order.
    +2840        :param limitPrice: limit price >= 0 (limitPrice = targetPrice if limitPrice is 0). Broker will creates limit-order
    +2841                           with price equal to limitPrice, when current price goes to target price of sell stop-order.
    +2842        :param stopType: string "Limit" by default. There are 3 stop-order types "SL", "TP", "Limit"
    +2843                         for "Stop loss", "Take profit" and "Stop limit" types accordingly.
    +2844        :param expDate: string "Undefined" by default or local date in future.
    +2845                        String has a format like this: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    +2846                        This date is converting to UTC format for server.
    +2847        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    +2848        """
    +2849        return self.Order(operation="Sell", orderType="Stop", lots=lots, targetPrice=targetPrice, limitPrice=limitPrice, stopType=stopType, expDate=expDate)
    +2851    def CloseOrders(self, orderIDs: list, allOrdersIDs: list = None, allStopOrdersIDs: list = None) -> None:
    +2852        """
    +2853        Cancel order or list of orders by its `orderId` or `stopOrderId`.
    +2855        :param orderIDs: list of integers with `orderId` or `stopOrderId`.
    +2856        :param allOrdersIDs: pre-received lists of all active pending orders.
    +2857                             This avoids unnecessary downloading data from the server.
    +2858        :param allStopOrdersIDs: pre-received lists of all active stop orders.
    +2859        """
    +2860        if orderIDs:
    +2861            if allOrdersIDs is None or not allOrdersIDs:
    +2862                rawOrders = self.RequestPendingOrders()
    +2863                allOrdersIDs = [item["orderId"] for item in rawOrders]  # all pending orders ID
    +2865            if allStopOrdersIDs is None or not allStopOrdersIDs:
    +2866                rawStopOrders = self.RequestStopOrders()
    +2867                allStopOrdersIDs = [item["stopOrderId"] for item in rawStopOrders]  # all stop orders ID
    +2869            for orderID in orderIDs:
    +2870                idInPendingOrders = orderID in allOrdersIDs
    +2871                idInStopOrders = orderID in allStopOrdersIDs
    +2873                if not (idInPendingOrders or idInStopOrders):
    +2874                    uLogger.warning("Order not found by ID: [{}]. Maybe cancelled already? Check it with `--overview` key.".format(orderID))
    +2875                    continue
    +2877                else:
    +2878                    if idInPendingOrders:
    +2879                        uLogger.debug("Cancelling pending order with ID: [{}]. Wait, please...".format(orderID))
    +2881                        # REST API for request: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OrdersService/OrdersService_CancelOrder
    +2882                        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId, "orderId": orderID})
    +2883                        closeURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OrdersService/CancelOrder"
    +2884                        responseJSON = self.SendAPIRequest(closeURL, reqType="POST")
    +2886                        if responseJSON and "time" in responseJSON.keys() and responseJSON["time"]:
    +2887                            uLogger.debug("Success time marker received from server: [{}] (UTC)".format(responseJSON["time"]))
    +2888                            uLogger.info("Pending order with ID [{}] successfully cancel".format(orderID))
    +2890                        else:
    +2891                            uLogger.warning("Unknown issue occurred when cancelling pending order with ID: [{}]. Check ID and try again.".format(orderID))
    +2893                    elif idInStopOrders:
    +2894                        uLogger.debug("Cancelling stop order with ID: [{}]. Wait, please...".format(orderID))
    +2896                        # REST API for request: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/StopOrdersService/StopOrdersService_CancelStopOrder
    +2897                        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId, "stopOrderId": orderID})
    +2898                        closeURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.StopOrdersService/CancelStopOrder"
    +2899                        responseJSON = self.SendAPIRequest(closeURL, reqType="POST")
    +2901                        if responseJSON and "time" in responseJSON.keys() and responseJSON["time"]:
    +2902                            uLogger.debug("Success time marker received from server: [{}] (UTC)".format(responseJSON["time"]))
    +2903                            uLogger.info("Stop order with ID [{}] successfully cancel".format(orderID))
    +2905                        else:
    +2906                            uLogger.warning("Unknown issue occurred when cancelling stop order with ID: [{}]. Check ID and try again.".format(orderID))
    +2908                    else:
    +2909                        continue
    +2911    def CloseAllOrders(self) -> None:
    +2912        """
    +2913        Gets a list of open pending and stop orders and cancel it all.
    +2914        """
    +2915        rawOrders = self.RequestPendingOrders()
    +2916        allOrdersIDs = [item["orderId"] for item in rawOrders]  # all pending orders ID
    +2917        lenOrders = len(allOrdersIDs)
    +2919        rawStopOrders = self.RequestStopOrders()
    +2920        allStopOrdersIDs = [item["stopOrderId"] for item in rawStopOrders]  # all stop orders ID
    +2921        lenSOrders = len(allStopOrdersIDs)
    +2923        if lenOrders > 0 or lenSOrders > 0:
    +2924            uLogger.info("Found: [{}] opened pending and [{}] stop orders. Let's trying to cancel it all. Wait, please...".format(lenOrders, lenSOrders))
    +2926            self.CloseOrders(allOrdersIDs + allStopOrdersIDs, allOrdersIDs, allStopOrdersIDs)
    +2928        else:
    +2929            uLogger.info("Orders not found, nothing to cancel.")
    +2931    def CloseAll(self, *args) -> None:
    +2932        """
    +2933        Close all available (not blocked) opened trades and orders.
    +2935        Also you can select one or more keywords case insensitive:
    +2936        `orders`, `shares`, `bonds`, `etfs` and `futures` from `TKS_INSTRUMENTS` enum to specify trades type.
    +2938        Currency positions you must closes manually using buy or sell operations, `CloseTrades()` or `CloseAllTrades()` methods.
    +2939        """
    +2940        overview = self.Overview(showStatistics=False)  # get all open trades info
    +2942        if len(args) == 0:
    +2943            uLogger.debug("Closing all available (not blocked) opened trades and orders. Currency positions you must closes manually using buy or sell operations! Wait, please...")
    +2944            self.CloseAllOrders()  # close all pending and stop orders
    +2946            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    +2947                if iType != "Currencies":
    +2948                    self.CloseAllTrades(iType, overview)  # close all positions of instruments with same type without currencies
    +2950        else:
    +2951            uLogger.debug("Closing all available {}. Currency positions you must closes manually using buy or sell operations! Wait, please...".format(list(args)))
    +2952            lowerArgs = [x.lower() for x in args]
    +2954            if "orders" in lowerArgs:
    +2955                self.CloseAllOrders()  # close all pending and stop orders
    +2957            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    +2958                if iType.lower() in lowerArgs and iType != "Currencies":
    +2959                    self.CloseAllTrades(iType, overview)  # close all positions of instruments with same type without currencies
    +2961    @staticmethod
    +2962    def ParseOrderParameters(operation, **inputParameters):
    +2963        """
    +2964        Parse input dictionary of strings with order parameters and return dictionary with parameters to open all orders.
    +2966        :param operation: string "Buy" or "Sell".
    +2967        :param inputParameters: this is dict of strings that looks like this
    +2968               `{"lots": "L_int,...", "prices": "P_float,..."}` where
    +2969               "lots" key: one or more lot values (integer numbers) to open with every limit-order
    +2970               "prices" key: one or more prices to open limit-orders
    +2971               Counts of values in lots and prices lists must be equals!
    +2972        :return: list of dictionaries with all lots and prices to open orders that looks like this `[{"lot": lots_1, "price": price_1}, {...}, ...]`
    +2973        """
    +2974        # TODO: update order grid work with api v2
    +2975        pass
    +2976        # uLogger.debug("Input parameters: {}".format(inputParameters))
    +2977        #
    +2978        # if operation is None or not operation or operation not in ("Buy", "Sell"):
    +2979        #     raise Exception("You must define operation type: 'Buy' or 'Sell'!")
    +2980        #
    +2981        # if "l" in inputParameters.keys():
    +2982        #     inputParameters["lots"] = inputParameters.pop("l")
    +2983        #
    +2984        # if "p" in inputParameters.keys():
    +2985        #     inputParameters["prices"] = inputParameters.pop("p")
    +2986        #
    +2987        # if "lots" not in inputParameters.keys() or "prices" not in inputParameters.keys():
    +2988        #     raise Exception("Both of 'lots' and 'prices' keys must be define to open grid orders!")
    +2989        #
    +2990        # lots = [int(item.strip()) for item in inputParameters["lots"].split(",")]
    +2991        # prices = [float(item.strip()) for item in inputParameters["prices"].split(",")]
    +2992        #
    +2993        # if len(lots) != len(prices):
    +2994        #     raise Exception("'lots' and 'prices' lists must have equal length of values!")
    +2995        #
    +2996        # uLogger.debug("Extracted parameters for orders:")
    +2997        # uLogger.debug("lots = {}".format(lots))
    +2998        # uLogger.debug("prices = {}".format(prices))
    +2999        #
    +3000        # # list of dictionaries with order's parameters: [{"lot": lots_1, "price": price_1}, {...}, ...]
    +3001        # result = [{"lot": lots[item], "price": prices[item]} for item in range(len(prices))]
    +3002        # uLogger.debug("Order parameters: {}".format(result))
    +3003        #
    +3004        # return result
    +3006    def IsInPortfolio(self, portfolio: dict = None) -> bool:
    +3007        """
    +3008        Checks if instrument is in the user's portfolio. Instrument must be defined by `ticker` (highly priority) or `figi`.
    +3010        :param portfolio: dict with user's portfolio data. If `None`, then requests portfolio from `Overview()` method.
    +3011        :return: `True` if portfolio contains open position with given instrument, `False` otherwise.
    +3012        """
    +3013        result = False
    +3014        msg = "Instrument not defined!"
    +3016        if portfolio is None or not portfolio:
    +3017            portfolio = self.Overview(showStatistics=False)
    +3019        if self.ticker:
    +3020            uLogger.debug("Searching instrument with ticker [{}] throwout opened positions...".format(self.ticker))
    +3021            msg = "Instrument with ticker [{}] is not present in open positions".format(self.ticker)
    +3023            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    +3024                for instrument in portfolio["stat"][iType]:
    +3025                    if instrument["ticker"] == self.ticker:
    +3026                        result = True
    +3027                        msg = "Instrument with ticker [{}] is present in open positions".format(self.ticker)
    +3028                        break
    +3030        elif self.figi:
    +3031            uLogger.debug("Searching instrument with FIGI [{}] throwout opened positions...".format(self.figi))
    +3032            msg = "Instrument with FIGI [{}] is not present in open positions".format(self.figi)
    +3034            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    +3035                for instrument in portfolio["stat"][iType]:
    +3036                    if instrument["figi"] == self.figi:
    +3037                        result = True
    +3038                        msg = "Instrument with FIGI [{}] is present in open positions".format(self.figi)
    +3039                        break
    +3041        else:
    +3042            uLogger.warning("Instrument must be defined by `ticker` (highly priority) or `figi`!")
    +3044        uLogger.debug(msg)
    +3046        return result
    +3048    def GetInstrumentFromPortfolio(self, portfolio: dict = None) -> dict:
    +3049        """
    +3050        Returns instrument is in the user's portfolio if it presents there.
    +3051        Instrument must be defined by `ticker` (highly priority) or `figi`.
    +3053        :param portfolio: dict with user's portfolio data. If `None`, then requests portfolio from `Overview()` method.
    +3054        :return: dict with instrument if portfolio contains open position with this instrument, `None` otherwise.
    +3055        """
    +3056        result = None
    +3057        msg = "Instrument not defined!"
    +3059        if portfolio is None or not portfolio:
    +3060            portfolio = self.Overview(showStatistics=False)
    +3062        if self.ticker:
    +3063            uLogger.debug("Searching instrument with ticker [{}] throwout opened positions...".format(self.ticker))
    +3064            msg = "Instrument with ticker [{}] is not present in open positions".format(self.ticker)
    +3066            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    +3067                for instrument in portfolio["stat"][iType]:
    +3068                    if instrument["ticker"] == self.ticker:
    +3069                        result = instrument
    +3070                        msg = "Instrument with ticker [{}] and FIGI [{}] is present in open positions".format(self.ticker, instrument["figi"])
    +3071                        break
    +3073        elif self.figi:
    +3074            uLogger.debug("Searching instrument with FIGI [{}] throwout opened positions...".format(self.figi))
    +3075            msg = "Instrument with FIGI [{}] is not present in open positions".format(self.figi)
    +3077            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    +3078                for instrument in portfolio["stat"][iType]:
    +3079                    if instrument["figi"] == self.figi:
    +3080                        result = instrument
    +3081                        msg = "Instrument with ticker [{}] and FIGI [{}] is present in open positions".format(instrument["ticker"], self.figi)
    +3082                        break
    +3084        else:
    +3085            uLogger.warning("Instrument must be defined by `ticker` (highly priority) or `figi`!")
    +3087        uLogger.debug(msg)
    +3089        return result
    @@ -6673,140 +6901,150 @@
    188    def __init__(self, token: str, accountId: str = None, iList: dict = None, useCache: bool = True) -> None:
    -189        """
    -190        Main class init.
    -192        :param token: Bearer token for Tinkoff Invest API. It can be set from environment variable `TKS_API_TOKEN`.
    -193        :param accountId: string with user's numeric account ID in Tinkoff Broker. It can be found in broker's reports.
    -194                          Also, this variable can be set from environment variable `TKS_ACCOUNT_ID`.
    -195        :param iList: dictionary with raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server.
    -196                      At first time, when class init, `Listing()` method auto-update this variable, or you can use dump file.
    -197                      For future use, you can save this variable and use as `iList` to avoid permanent downloads
    -198                      from the server. Also, you can try `DumpInstruments()` method.
    -199        :param useCache: use default cache file `dump.json` with raw data to use instead of `iList` if `iList` set as `None`.
    -200                         True by default. Cache is auto-update if new day has come.
    -201                         If `iList` is not `None` then it value has higher priority than `dump.json` and `useCache`.
    -202                         If you don't want to use cache and always updates raw data then set `useCache=False`.
    -203        """
    -204        if token is None or not token:
    -205            try:
    -206                self.token = r"{}".format(os.environ["TKS_API_TOKEN"])
    -207                uLogger.debug("Bearer token for Tinkoff OpenApi set up from environment variable `TKS_API_TOKEN`. See https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/token/")
    -209            except KeyError:
    -210                raise Exception("`--token` key or environment variable `TKS_API_TOKEN` is required! See https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/token/")
    -212        else:
    -213            self.token = token  # highly priority than environment variable 'TKS_API_TOKEN'
    -214            uLogger.debug("Bearer token for Tinkoff OpenApi set up from class variable `token`")
    -216        if accountId is None or not accountId:
    -217            try:
    -218                self.accountId = r"{}".format(os.environ["TKS_ACCOUNT_ID"])
    -219                uLogger.debug("String with user's numeric account ID in Tinkoff Broker set up from environment variable `TKS_ACCOUNT_ID`")
    -221            except KeyError:
    -222                uLogger.warning("`--account-id` key or environment variable `TKS_ACCOUNT_ID` undefined! Some of operations may be unavailable (overview, trading etc).")
    -224        else:
    -225            self.accountId = accountId  # highly priority than environment variable 'TKS_ACCOUNT_ID'
    -226            uLogger.debug("String with user's numeric account ID in Tinkoff Broker set up from class variable `accountId`")
    -228        self.aliases = TKS_TICKER_ALIASES
    -229        """Some aliases instead official tickers. See `TKSEnums.TKS_TICKER_ALIASES`"""
    -231        self.aliasesKeys = self.aliases.keys()  # re-calc only first time at class init
    -232        self.exclude = TKS_TICKERS_OR_FIGI_EXCLUDED  # some of tickets or FIGIs raised exception earlier when it sends to server, that is why we exclude there
    -234        self.ticker = ""
    -235        """String with ticker, e.g. `GOOGL`. Use alias for `USD000UTSTOM` simple as `USD`, `EUR_RUB__TOM` as `EUR` etc. More tickers aliases here: `TKSEnums.TKS_TICKER_ALIASES`."""
    -237        self.figi = ""
    -238        """String with FIGI, e.g. ticker `GOOGL` has FIGI `BBG009S39JX6`"""
    -240        self.depth = 1
    -241        """Depth of Market (DOM) can be >= 1. Default: 1. It used with `--price` key to showing DOM with current prices for givens ticker or FIGI."""
    -243        self.server = r"https://invest-public-api.tinkoff.ru/rest"
    -244        """Tinkoff REST API server for real trade operations. Default: https://invest-public-api.tinkoff.ru/rest
    -246        See also: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/#tinkoff-invest-api_1
    -247        """
    -249        uLogger.debug("Broker API server: {}".format(self.server))
    -251        self.timeout = 15
    -252        """Server operations timeout in seconds. Default: 15"""
    -254        self.headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(self.token)}
    -255        """Headers which send in every request to broker server. Default: `{"Content-Type": "application/json", "accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {token}"}`"""
    -257        self.body = None
    -258        """Request body which send to broker server. Default: `None`"""
    -260        self.historyLength = 24
    -261        """How many candles returns if candles history request. For example, if `historyInterval="hour"` and `historyLength=24` it means: "give me last 24 hours". Must be >=1. Default: 24"""
    -263        self.historyInterval = "hour"
    -264        """Interval string for Tinkoff API (see: `TKSEnums.TKS_TIMEFRAMES`). Available values are `"1min"`, `"2min"`, `"3min"`, `"5min"`, `"10min"`, `"15min"`, `"30min"`, `"hour"`, `"day"`, `"week"`, `"month"`. Default: `"hour"`"""
    -266        self.instrumentsFile = "instruments.md"
    -267        """Filename where full broker's instruments list will be saved. Default: `instruments.md`"""
    -269        self.searchResultsFile = "search-results.md"
    -270        """Filename with all found instruments searched by part of its ticker, FIGI or name. Default: `search-results.md`"""
    -272        self.pricesFile = "prices.md"
    -273        """Filename where prices of selected instruments will be saved. Default: `prices.md`"""
    -275        self.overviewFile = "overview.md"
    -276        """Filename where current portfolio, open trades and orders will be saved. Default: `overview.md`"""
    -278        self.reportFile = "deals.md"
    -279        """Filename where history of deals and trade statistics will be saved. Default: `deals.md`"""
    -281        self.historyFile = None
    -282        """Full path to .csv output file where history candles will be saved. Default: `None`, mean that returns only pandas dataframe."""
    -284        self.iListDumpFile = "dump.json"
    -285        """Filename where raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures will be stored. Default: `dump.json`"""
    -287        self.iList = None  # init iList
    -288        """Dictionary with raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server. Auto-updating.
    -290        See also: `Listing()` and `DumpInstruments()`.
    -291        """
    -293        # try to re-use raw instruments data saved as `iList` or try to load it from the dump file:
    -294        if iList is not None and isinstance(iList, dict):
    -295            uLogger.debug("Instruments raw data set up from given `iList` variable. Dump file not updated.")
    -297            self.iList = iList  # only used given iList, dump not updated
    -299        elif useCache:
    -300            if os.path.exists(self.iListDumpFile):
    -301                dumpTime = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(self.iListDumpFile)).astimezone(tzutc())  # dump modification date and time
    -302                curTime = datetime.now(tzutc())
    -304                if (curTime.day > dumpTime.day) or (curTime.month > dumpTime.month) or (curTime.year > dumpTime.year):
    -305                    uLogger.warning("Local cache may be outdated! It has last modified [{}] UTC. Updating from broker server, wait, please...".format(dumpTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
    -307                    self.DumpInstruments(forceUpdate=True)  # updating self.iList and dump file
    -309                else:
    -310                    self.iList = json.load(open(self.iListDumpFile, mode="r", encoding="UTF-8"))  # load iList from dump
    -312                    uLogger.debug("Local cache with raw instruments data is used: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.iListDumpFile)))
    -313                    uLogger.debug("Dump file was modified [{}] UTC".format(dumpTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
    -315            else:
    -316                uLogger.warning("Local cache with raw instruments data not exists! Creating new dump, wait, please...")
    -317                self.DumpInstruments(forceUpdate=True)  # updating self.iList and creating default dump file
    -319        else:
    -320            self.iList = self.Listing()  # request new raw instruments data from broker server
    -321            self.DumpInstruments(forceUpdate=False)  # save updated info to default dump file
    189    def __init__(self, token: str, accountId: str = None, iList: dict = None, useCache: bool = True) -> None:
    +190        """
    +191        Main class init.
    +193        :param token: Bearer token for Tinkoff Invest API. It can be set from environment variable `TKS_API_TOKEN`.
    +194        :param accountId: string with user's numeric account ID in Tinkoff Broker. It can be found in broker's reports.
    +195                          Also, this variable can be set from environment variable `TKS_ACCOUNT_ID`.
    +196        :param iList: dictionary with raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server.
    +197                      At first time, when class init, `Listing()` method auto-update this variable, or you can use dump file.
    +198                      For future use, you can save this variable and use as `iList` to avoid permanent downloads
    +199                      from the server. Also, you can try `DumpInstruments()` method.
    +200        :param useCache: use default cache file `dump.json` with raw data to use instead of `iList` if `iList` set as `None`.
    +201                         True by default. Cache is auto-update if new day has come.
    +202                         If `iList` is not `None` then it value has higher priority than `dump.json` and `useCache`.
    +203                         If you don't want to use cache and always updates raw data then set `useCache=False`.
    +204        """
    +205        if token is None or not token:
    +206            try:
    +207                self.token = r"{}".format(os.environ["TKS_API_TOKEN"])
    +208                uLogger.debug("Bearer token for Tinkoff OpenApi set up from environment variable `TKS_API_TOKEN`. See https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/token/")
    +210            except KeyError:
    +211                raise Exception("`--token` key or environment variable `TKS_API_TOKEN` is required! See https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/token/")
    +213        else:
    +214            self.token = token  # highly priority than environment variable 'TKS_API_TOKEN'
    +215            uLogger.debug("Bearer token for Tinkoff OpenApi set up from class variable `token`")
    +217        if accountId is None or not accountId:
    +218            try:
    +219                self.accountId = r"{}".format(os.environ["TKS_ACCOUNT_ID"])
    +220                uLogger.debug("String with user's numeric account ID in Tinkoff Broker set up from environment variable `TKS_ACCOUNT_ID`")
    +222            except KeyError:
    +223                uLogger.warning("`--account-id` key or environment variable `TKS_ACCOUNT_ID` undefined! Some of operations may be unavailable (overview, trading etc).")
    +225        else:
    +226            self.accountId = accountId  # highly priority than environment variable 'TKS_ACCOUNT_ID'
    +227            uLogger.debug("String with user's numeric account ID in Tinkoff Broker set up from class variable `accountId`")
    +229        self.aliases = TKS_TICKER_ALIASES
    +230        """Some aliases instead official tickers. See `TKSEnums.TKS_TICKER_ALIASES`"""
    +232        self.aliasesKeys = self.aliases.keys()  # re-calc only first time at class init
    +233        self.exclude = TKS_TICKERS_OR_FIGI_EXCLUDED  # some of tickets or FIGIs raised exception earlier when it sends to server, that is why we exclude there
    +235        self.ticker = ""
    +236        """String with ticker, e.g. `GOOGL`. Use alias for `USD000UTSTOM` simple as `USD`, `EUR_RUB__TOM` as `EUR` etc. More tickers aliases here: `TKSEnums.TKS_TICKER_ALIASES`."""
    +238        self.figi = ""
    +239        """String with FIGI, e.g. ticker `GOOGL` has FIGI `BBG009S39JX6`"""
    +241        self.depth = 1
    +242        """Depth of Market (DOM) can be >= 1. Default: 1. It used with `--price` key to showing DOM with current prices for givens ticker or FIGI."""
    +244        self.server = r"https://invest-public-api.tinkoff.ru/rest"
    +245        """Tinkoff REST API server for real trade operations. Default: https://invest-public-api.tinkoff.ru/rest
    +247        See also: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/#tinkoff-invest-api_1
    +248        """
    +250        uLogger.debug("Broker API server: {}".format(self.server))
    +252        self.timeout = 15
    +253        """Server operations timeout in seconds. Default: `15`"""
    +255        self.headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(self.token)}
    +256        """Headers which send in every request to broker server. Default: `{"Content-Type": "application/json", "accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {your_token}"}`"""
    +258        self.body = None
    +259        """Request body which send to broker server. Default: `None`"""
    +261        # remove after implemented: #45 Add selector of file types https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/45
    +262        # self.outputFileType = None
    +263        # """Switch of types for output files when `--output` key present. You can choose: `.md`, `.csv` and `.xlsx`. By default: `None`, it mean that default types will be used."""
    +265        self.historyFile = None
    +266        """Full path to the output file where history candles will be saved or updated. Default: `None`, it mean that returns only pandas dataframe when you request `History()` method."""
    +268        self.instrumentsFile = "instruments.md"
    +269        """Filename where full broker's instruments list will be saved. Default: `instruments.md`"""
    +271        self.searchResultsFile = "search-results.md"
    +272        """Filename with all found instruments searched by part of its ticker, FIGI or name. Default: `search-results.md`"""
    +274        self.pricesFile = "prices.md"
    +275        """Filename where prices of selected instruments will be saved. Default: `prices.md`"""
    +277        self.overviewFile = "overview.md"
    +278        """Filename where current portfolio, open trades and orders will be saved. Default: `overview.md`"""
    +280        self.overviewDigestFile = "overview-digest.md"
    +281        """Filename where short digest of the portfolio status will be saved. Default: `overview-digest.md`"""
    +283        self.overviewPositionsFile = "overview-positions.md"
    +284        """Filename where only open positions, without everything else will be saved. Default: `overview-positions.md`"""
    +286        self.overviewOrdersFile = "overview-orders.md"
    +287        """Filename where open limits and stop orders will be saved. Default: `overview-orders.md`"""
    +289        self.overviewAnalyticsFile = "overview-analytics.md"
    +290        """Filename where only the analytics section and the distribution of the portfolio by various categories will be saved. Default: `overview-analytics.md`"""
    +292        self.reportFile = "deals.md"
    +293        """Filename where history of deals and trade statistics will be saved. Default: `deals.md`"""
    +295        self.iListDumpFile = "dump.json"
    +296        """Filename where raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures will be stored. Default: `dump.json`"""
    +298        self.iList = None  # init iList
    +299        """Dictionary with raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server. Auto-updating.
    +301        See also: `Listing()` and `DumpInstruments()`.
    +302        """
    +304        # try to re-use raw instruments data saved as `iList` or try to load it from the dump file:
    +305        if iList is not None and isinstance(iList, dict):
    +306            uLogger.debug("Instruments raw data set up from given `iList` variable. Dump file not updated.")
    +308            self.iList = iList  # only used given iList, dump not updated
    +310        elif useCache:
    +311            if os.path.exists(self.iListDumpFile):
    +312                dumpTime = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(self.iListDumpFile)).astimezone(tzutc())  # dump modification date and time
    +313                curTime = datetime.now(tzutc())
    +315                if (curTime.day > dumpTime.day) or (curTime.month > dumpTime.month) or (curTime.year > dumpTime.year):
    +316                    uLogger.warning("Local cache may be outdated! It has last modified [{}] UTC. Updating from broker server, wait, please...".format(dumpTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
    +318                    self.DumpInstruments(forceUpdate=True)  # updating self.iList and dump file
    +320                else:
    +321                    self.iList = json.load(open(self.iListDumpFile, mode="r", encoding="UTF-8"))  # load iList from dump
    +323                    uLogger.debug("Local cache with raw instruments data is used: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.iListDumpFile)))
    +324                    uLogger.debug("Dump file was last modified [{}] UTC".format(dumpTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
    +326            else:
    +327                uLogger.warning("Local cache with raw instruments data not exists! Creating new dump, wait, please...")
    +328                self.DumpInstruments(forceUpdate=True)  # updating self.iList and creating default dump file
    +330        else:
    +331            self.iList = self.Listing()  # request new raw instruments data from broker server
    +332            self.DumpInstruments(forceUpdate=False)  # save updated info to default dump file
    @@ -6906,7 +7144,7 @@

    Server operations timeout in seconds. Default: 15


    Server operations timeout in seconds. Default: 15

    @@ -6919,7 +7157,7 @@

    Headers which send in every request to broker server. Default: {"Content-Type": "application/json", "accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {token}"}


    Headers which send in every request to broker server. Default: {"Content-Type": "application/json", "accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {your_token}"}

    @@ -6937,28 +7175,15 @@
    - historyLength - - -
    - - -

    How many candles returns if candles history request. For example, if historyInterval="hour" and historyLength=24 it means: "give me last 24 hours". Must be >=1. Default: 24

    - - -
    - historyInterval + historyFile
    - + -

    Interval string for Tinkoff API (see: TKSEnums.TKS_TIMEFRAMES). Available values are "1min", "2min", "3min", "5min", "10min", "15min", "30min", "hour", "day", "week", "month". Default: "hour"


    Full path to the output file where history candles will be saved or updated. Default: None, it mean that returns only pandas dataframe when you request History() method.

    @@ -7015,28 +7240,67 @@
    - reportFile + overviewDigestFile
    - + -

    Filename where history of deals and trade statistics will be saved. Default: deals.md


    Filename where short digest of the portfolio status will be saved. Default: overview-digest.md

    - historyFile + overviewPositionsFile
    - + + +

    Filename where only open positions, without everything else will be saved. Default: overview-positions.md

    + + +
    + overviewOrdersFile + + +
    + -

    Full path to .csv output file where history candles will be saved. Default: None, mean that returns only pandas dataframe.


    Filename where open limits and stop orders will be saved. Default: overview-orders.md

    + + +
    + overviewAnalyticsFile + + +
    + + +

    Filename where only the analytics section and the distribution of the portfolio by various categories will be saved. Default: overview-analytics.md

    + + +
    + reportFile + + +
    + + +

    Filename where history of deals and trade statistics will be saved. Default: deals.md

    @@ -7080,77 +7344,77 @@
    345    def SendAPIRequest(self, url: str, reqType: str = "GET", retry: int = 3, pause: int = 5, debug: bool = False) -> dict:
    -346        """
    -347        Send GET or POST request to broker server and receive JSON object.
    -349        self.header: must be define with dictionary of headers.
    -350        self.body: if define then used as request body. None by default.
    -351        self.timeout: global request timeout, 15 seconds by default.
    -352        :param url: url with REST request.
    -353        :param reqType: send "GET" or "POST" request. "GET" by default.
    -354        :param retry: how many times retry after first request if an error occurred.
    -355        :param pause: sleep time in seconds between retries.
    -356        :param debug: if `True` then print more debug information.
    -357        :return: response JSON (dictionary) from broker.
    -358        """
    -359        if reqType not in ("GET", "POST"):
    -360            raise Exception("You can define request type: 'GET' or 'POST'!")
    -362        if debug:
    -363            uLogger.debug("Request parameters:")
    -364            uLogger.debug("    - REST API URL: {}".format(url))
    -365            uLogger.debug("    - request type: {}".format(reqType))
    -366            uLogger.debug("    - headers: {}".format(str(self.headers).replace(self.token, "*** request token ***")))
    -367            uLogger.debug("    - body: {}".format(self.body))
    -369        # fast hack to avoid all operations with some tickers/FIGI
    -370        responseJSON = {}
    -371        oK = True
    -372        for item in self.exclude:
    -373            if item in url:
    -374                if debug:
    -375                    uLogger.warning("Do not execute operations with list of this tickers/FIGI: {}".format(str(self.exclude)))
    -377                oK = False
    -378                break
    -380        if oK:
    -381            counter = 0
    -382            response = None
    -383            errMsg = ""
    -385            while not response and counter <= retry:
    -386                if reqType == "GET":
    -387                    response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers, data=self.body, timeout=self.timeout)
    -389                if reqType == "POST":
    -390                    response = requests.post(url, headers=self.headers, data=self.body, timeout=self.timeout)
    -392                if debug:
    -393                    uLogger.debug("Response:")
    -394                    uLogger.debug("    - status code: {}".format(response.status_code))
    -395                    uLogger.debug("    - reason: {}".format(response.reason))
    -396                    uLogger.debug("    - body length: {}".format(len(response.text)))
    -398                # Error status codes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes
    -399                if 400 <= response.status_code < 600:
    -400                    errMsg = "[{}] {}".format(response.status_code, response.text)
    -401                    uLogger.debug("    - not oK status code received: {}".format(errMsg))
    -402                    counter += 1
    -404                    if counter <= retry:
    -405                        uLogger.debug("Retry: [{}]. Wait until {} sec. and try again...".format(counter, pause))
    -406                        sleep(pause)
    -408            responseJSON = self._ParseJSON(response.text)
    -410            if errMsg:
    -411                uLogger.error("Not `oK` status received from broker server!")
    -412                uLogger.error("    - message: {}".format(errMsg))
    -413                # raise Exception("Server returned an error! See full debug log. Also you can set debug=True in SendAPIRequest() and _ParseJSON() methods.")
    -415        return responseJSON
    356    def SendAPIRequest(self, url: str, reqType: str = "GET", retry: int = 3, pause: int = 5, debug: bool = False) -> dict:
    +357        """
    +358        Send GET or POST request to broker server and receive JSON object.
    +360        self.header: must be define with dictionary of headers.
    +361        self.body: if define then used as request body. None by default.
    +362        self.timeout: global request timeout, 15 seconds by default.
    +363        :param url: url with REST request.
    +364        :param reqType: send "GET" or "POST" request. "GET" by default.
    +365        :param retry: how many times retry after first request if an error occurred.
    +366        :param pause: sleep time in seconds between retries.
    +367        :param debug: if `True` then print more debug information.
    +368        :return: response JSON (dictionary) from broker.
    +369        """
    +370        if reqType not in ("GET", "POST"):
    +371            raise Exception("You can define request type: 'GET' or 'POST'!")
    +373        if debug:
    +374            uLogger.debug("Request parameters:")
    +375            uLogger.debug("    - REST API URL: {}".format(url))
    +376            uLogger.debug("    - request type: {}".format(reqType))
    +377            uLogger.debug("    - headers: {}".format(str(self.headers).replace(self.token, "*** request token ***")))
    +378            uLogger.debug("    - body: {}".format(self.body))
    +380        # fast hack to avoid all operations with some tickers/FIGI
    +381        responseJSON = {}
    +382        oK = True
    +383        for item in self.exclude:
    +384            if item in url:
    +385                if debug:
    +386                    uLogger.warning("Do not execute operations with list of this tickers/FIGI: {}".format(str(self.exclude)))
    +388                oK = False
    +389                break
    +391        if oK:
    +392            counter = 0
    +393            response = None
    +394            errMsg = ""
    +396            while not response and counter <= retry:
    +397                if reqType == "GET":
    +398                    response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers, data=self.body, timeout=self.timeout)
    +400                if reqType == "POST":
    +401                    response = requests.post(url, headers=self.headers, data=self.body, timeout=self.timeout)
    +403                if debug:
    +404                    uLogger.debug("Response:")
    +405                    uLogger.debug("    - status code: {}".format(response.status_code))
    +406                    uLogger.debug("    - reason: {}".format(response.reason))
    +407                    uLogger.debug("    - body length: {}".format(len(response.text)))
    +409                # Error status codes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes
    +410                if 400 <= response.status_code < 600:
    +411                    errMsg = "[{}] {}".format(response.status_code, response.text)
    +412                    uLogger.debug("    - not oK status code received: {}".format(errMsg))
    +413                    counter += 1
    +415                    if counter <= retry:
    +416                        uLogger.debug("Retry: [{}]. Wait until {} sec. and try again...".format(counter, pause))
    +417                        sleep(pause)
    +419            responseJSON = self._ParseJSON(response.text)
    +421            if errMsg:
    +422                uLogger.error("Not `oK` status received from broker server! See: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/errors/")
    +423                uLogger.error("    - message: {}".format(errMsg))
    +424                # raise Exception("Server returned an error! See full debug log. Also you can set debug=True in SendAPIRequest() and _ParseJSON() methods.")
    +426        return responseJSON
    @@ -7190,42 +7454,42 @@
    448    def Listing(self) -> dict:
    -449        """
    -450        Gets JSON with raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server.
    -452        :return: Dictionary with all available broker instruments: currencies, shares, bonds, etfs and futures.
    -453        """
    -454        uLogger.debug("Requesting all available instruments from broker for current user token. Wait, please...")
    -455        uLogger.debug("CPU usages for parallel requests: [{}]".format(CPU_USAGES))
    -457        # this parameters insert to requests: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/InstrumentsService
    -458        # iType is type of instrument, it must be one of supported types in TKS_INSTRUMENTS list.
    -459        iParams = [{"iType": iType} for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS]
    -461        poolUpdater = ThreadPool(processes=CPU_USAGES)  # create pool for update instruments in parallel mode
    -462        listing = poolUpdater.map(self._IWrapper, iParams)  # execute update operations
    -463        poolUpdater.close()
    -465        # Dictionary with all broker instruments: shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures.
    -466        # Next in this code: item[0] is "iType" and item[1] is list of available instruments from the result of _IUpdater() method
    -467        iList = {item[0]: {instrument["ticker"]: instrument for instrument in item[1]} for item in listing}
    -469        # calculate minimum price increment (step) for all instruments and set up instrument's type:
    -470        for iType in iList.keys():
    -471            for ticker in iList[iType]:
    -472                iList[iType][ticker]["type"] = iType
    -474                if "minPriceIncrement" in iList[iType][ticker].keys():
    -475                    iList[iType][ticker]["step"] = NanoToFloat(
    -476                        iList[iType][ticker]["minPriceIncrement"]["units"],
    -477                        iList[iType][ticker]["minPriceIncrement"]["nano"],
    -478                    )
    -480                else:
    -481                    iList[iType][ticker]["step"] = 0  # hack to avoid empty value in some instruments, e.g. futures
    -483        return iList
    459    def Listing(self) -> dict:
    +460        """
    +461        Gets JSON with raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server.
    +463        :return: Dictionary with all available broker instruments: currencies, shares, bonds, etfs and futures.
    +464        """
    +465        uLogger.debug("Requesting all available instruments from broker for current user token. Wait, please...")
    +466        uLogger.debug("CPU usages for parallel requests: [{}]".format(CPU_USAGES))
    +468        # this parameters insert to requests: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/InstrumentsService
    +469        # iType is type of instrument, it must be one of supported types in TKS_INSTRUMENTS list.
    +470        iParams = [{"iType": iType} for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS]
    +472        poolUpdater = ThreadPool(processes=CPU_USAGES)  # create pool for update instruments in parallel mode
    +473        listing = poolUpdater.map(self._IWrapper, iParams)  # execute update operations
    +474        poolUpdater.close()
    +476        # Dictionary with all broker instruments: shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures.
    +477        # Next in this code: item[0] is "iType" and item[1] is list of available instruments from the result of _IUpdater() method
    +478        iList = {item[0]: {instrument["ticker"]: instrument for instrument in item[1]} for item in listing}
    +480        # calculate minimum price increment (step) for all instruments and set up instrument's type:
    +481        for iType in iList.keys():
    +482            for ticker in iList[iType]:
    +483                iList[iType][ticker]["type"] = iType
    +485                if "minPriceIncrement" in iList[iType][ticker].keys():
    +486                    iList[iType][ticker]["step"] = NanoToFloat(
    +487                        iList[iType][ticker]["minPriceIncrement"]["units"],
    +488                        iList[iType][ticker]["minPriceIncrement"]["nano"],
    +489                    )
    +491                else:
    +492                    iList[iType][ticker]["step"] = 0  # hack to avoid empty value in some instruments, e.g. futures
    +494        return iList
    @@ -7251,27 +7515,27 @@
    485    def DumpInstruments(self, forceUpdate: bool = True) -> str:
    -486        """
    -487        Receives and returns actual raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server
    -488        using `Listing()` method. If `iListDumpFile` string is not empty then also save information to this file.
    -490        :param forceUpdate: if `True` then at first updates data with `Listing()` method, otherwise just saves exist `iList`.
    -491        :return: serialized JSON formatted `str` with full data of instruments, also saved to the `--output` file.
    -492        """
    -493        if self.iListDumpFile is None or not self.iListDumpFile:
    -494            raise Exception("Output name of dump file must be defined!")
    -496        if not self.iList or forceUpdate:
    -497            self.iList = self.Listing()
    -499        dump = json.dumps(self.iList, indent=4, sort_keys=False)
    -500        with open(self.iListDumpFile, mode="w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    -501            fH.write(dump)
    -503        uLogger.info("Instruments raw data were cached for future used: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.iListDumpFile)))
    -505        return dump
    496    def DumpInstruments(self, forceUpdate: bool = True) -> str:
    +497        """
    +498        Receives and returns actual raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures from broker server
    +499        using `Listing()` method. If `iListDumpFile` string is not empty then also save information to this file.
    +501        :param forceUpdate: if `True` then at first updates data with `Listing()` method, otherwise just saves exist `iList`.
    +502        :return: serialized JSON formatted `str` with full data of instruments, also saved to the `--output` file.
    +503        """
    +504        if self.iListDumpFile is None or not self.iListDumpFile:
    +505            raise Exception("Output name of dump file must be defined!")
    +507        if not self.iList or forceUpdate:
    +508            self.iList = self.Listing()
    +510        dump = json.dumps(self.iList, indent=4, sort_keys=False)
    +511        with open(self.iListDumpFile, mode="w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    +512            fH.write(dump)
    +514        uLogger.info("Instruments raw data were cached for future used: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.iListDumpFile)))
    +516        return dump
    @@ -7305,181 +7569,183 @@
    507    @staticmethod
    -508    def ShowInstrumentInfo(iJSON: dict, printInfo: bool = False) -> str:
    -509        """
    -510        Show information about instrument defined by json and print in Markdown format.
    -512        :param iJSON: json data of instrument, e.g. in code `iJSON = self.iList["Shares"][self.ticker]`
    -513        :param printInfo: if `True` then also printing information about instrument and its current price.
    -514        :return: text in Markdown format with information about instrument.
    -515        """
    -516        infoText = ""
    -517        if iJSON is not None and iJSON and isinstance(iJSON, dict):
    -518            info = [
    -519                "# Information is actual at: [{}] (UTC)\n\n".format(datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")),
    -520                "| Parameters                                              | Values\n",
    -521                "|---------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------\n",
    -522                "| Ticker:                                                 | {}\n".format(iJSON["ticker"]),
    -523                "| Full name:                                              | {}\n".format(iJSON["name"]),
    -524            ]
    -526            if "sector" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["sector"]:
    -527                info.append("| Sector:                                                 | {}\n".format(iJSON["sector"]))
    -529            info.append("| Country of instrument:                                  | {}{}\n".format(
    -530                "({}) ".format(iJSON["countryOfRisk"]) if "countryOfRisk" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["countryOfRisk"] else "",
    -531                iJSON["countryOfRiskName"] if "countryOfRiskName" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["countryOfRiskName"] else "",
    -532            ))
    -534            info.extend([
    -535                "|                                                         |\n",
    -536                "| FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier):          | {}\n".format(iJSON["figi"]),
    -537                "| Exchange:                                               | {}\n".format(iJSON["exchange"]),
    -538            ])
    -540            if "isin" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["isin"]:
    -541                info.append("| ISIN (International Securities Identification Number):  | {}\n".format(iJSON["isin"]))
    -543            if "classCode" in iJSON.keys():
    -544                info.append("| Class Code:                                             | {}\n".format(iJSON["classCode"]))
    -546            info.extend([
    -547                "|                                                         |\n",
    -548                "| Current broker security trading status:                 | {}\n".format(TKS_TRADING_STATUSES[iJSON["tradingStatus"]]),
    -549                "| Buy operations allowed:                                 | {}\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["buyAvailableFlag"] else "No"),
    -550                "| Sale operations allowed:                                | {}\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["sellAvailableFlag"] else "No"),
    -551                "| Short positions allowed:                                | {}\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["shortEnabledFlag"] else "No"),
    -552            ])
    -554            info.append("|                                                         |\n")
    -556            if "type" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["type"]:
    -557                info.append("| Type of the instrument:                                 | {}\n".format(iJSON["type"]))
    -559            if "futuresType" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["futuresType"]:
    -560                info.append("| Futures type:                                           | {}\n".format(iJSON["futuresType"]))
    -562            if "ipoDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["ipoDate"]:
    -563                info.append("| IPO date:                                               | {}\n".format(iJSON["ipoDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    -565            if "releasedDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["releasedDate"]:
    -566                info.append("| Released date:                                          | {}\n".format(iJSON["releasedDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    -568            if "rebalancingFreq" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["rebalancingFreq"]:
    -569                info.append("| Rebalancing frequency:                                  | {}\n".format(iJSON["rebalancingFreq"]))
    -571            if "focusType" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["focusType"]:
    -572                info.append("| Focusing type:                                          | {}\n".format(iJSON["focusType"]))
    -574            if "assetType" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["assetType"]:
    -575                info.append("| Asset type:                                             | {}\n".format(iJSON["assetType"]))
    -577            if "basicAsset" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["basicAsset"]:
    -578                info.append("| Basic asset:                                            | {}\n".format(iJSON["basicAsset"]))
    -580            if "basicAssetSize" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["basicAssetSize"]:
    -581                info.append("| Basic asset size:                                       | {:.2f}\n".format(NanoToFloat(str(iJSON["basicAssetSize"]["units"]), iJSON["basicAssetSize"]["nano"])))
    -583            if "isoCurrencyName" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["isoCurrencyName"]:
    -584                info.append("| ISO currency name:                                      | {}\n".format(iJSON["isoCurrencyName"]))
    -586            if "currency" in iJSON.keys():
    -587                info.append("| Payment currency:                                       | {}\n".format(iJSON["currency"]))
    -589            if "firstTradeDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["firstTradeDate"] != 0:
    -590                info.append("| First trade date:                                       | {}\n".format(iJSON["firstTradeDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    -592            if "lastTradeDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["lastTradeDate"] != 0:
    -593                info.append("| Last trade date:                                        | {}\n".format(iJSON["lastTradeDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    -595            if "expirationDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["expirationDate"] != 0:
    -596                info.append("| Date of expiration:                                     | {}\n".format(iJSON["expirationDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    -598            if "stateRegDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["stateRegDate"] != 0:
    -599                info.append("| State registration date:                                | {}\n".format(iJSON["stateRegDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    -601            if "placementDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["placementDate"] != 0:
    -602                info.append("| Placement date:                                         | {}\n".format(iJSON["placementDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    -604            if "maturityDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["maturityDate"] != 0:
    -605                info.append("| Maturity date:                                          | {}\n".format(iJSON["maturityDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    -607            if "perpetualFlag" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["perpetualFlag"]:
    -608                info.append("| Perpetual bond:                                         | Yes\n")
    -610            if "otcFlag" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["otcFlag"]:
    -611                info.append("| Over-the-counter (OTC) securities:                      | Yes\n")
    -613            if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds":
    -614                info.append("| Bond issue (size / plan):                               | {} / {}\n".format(iJSON["issueSize"], iJSON["issueSizePlan"]))
    -616                info.append("| Nominal price (100%):                                   | {:.2f} {}\n".format(
    -617                    NanoToFloat(str(iJSON["nominal"]["units"]), iJSON["nominal"]["nano"]),
    -618                    iJSON["nominal"]["currency"],
    -619                ))
    -621                if "floatingCouponFlag" in iJSON.keys():
    -622                    info.append("| Floating coupon:                                        | {}\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["floatingCouponFlag"] else "No"))
    -624                if "amortizationFlag" in iJSON.keys():
    -625                    info.append("| Amortization:                                           | {}\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["amortizationFlag"] else "No"))
    -627                if "couponQuantityPerYear" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["couponQuantityPerYear"]:
    -628                    info.append("| Number of coupon payments per year:                     | {}\n".format(iJSON["couponQuantityPerYear"]))
    -630                if "aciValue" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["aciValue"]:
    -631                    info.append("| Current ACI (Accrued Interest):                         | {:.2f} {}\n".format(
    -632                        NanoToFloat(str(iJSON["aciValue"]["units"]), iJSON["aciValue"]["nano"]),
    -633                        iJSON["aciValue"]["currency"]
    -634                    ))
    -636            if "currentPrice" in iJSON.keys():
    -637                info.append("|                                                         |\n")
    -639                info.extend([
    -640                    "| Previous close price of the instrument:                 | {}{}\n".format(
    -641                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] is not None else "N/A",
    -642                        "% of nominal price" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    -643                    ),
    -644                    "| Last deal price of the instrument:                      | {}{}\n".format(
    -645                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] is not None else "N/A",
    -646                        "% of nominal price" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    -647                    ),
    -648                    "| Changes between last deal price and last close  %       | {:.2f}%\n".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"]),
    -649                    "| Current limit price, min / max:                         | {}{} / {}{}\n".format(
    -650                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["limitDown"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["limitDown"] is not None else "N/A",
    -651                        "%" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    -652                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["limitUp"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["limitUp"] is not None else "N/A",
    -653                        "%" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    -654                    ),
    -655                    "| Actual price, sell / buy:                               | {}{} / {}{}\n".format(
    -656                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["sell"][0]["price"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["sell"] else "N/A",
    -657                        "%" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    -658                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["buy"][0]["price"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["buy"] else "N/A",
    -659                        "%" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else" {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    -660                    ),
    -661                ])
    -663            if "lot" in iJSON.keys():
    -664                info.append("| Minimum lot to buy:                                     | {}\n".format(iJSON["lot"]))
    -666            if "step" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["step"] != 0:
    -667                info.append("| Minimum price increment (step):                         | {}\n".format(iJSON["step"]))
    -669            infoText += "".join(info)
    -671            if printInfo:
    -672                uLogger.info("Information about instrument: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}]\n{}".format(iJSON["ticker"], iJSON["figi"], infoText))
    -674            else:
    -675                uLogger.debug("Information about instrument: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}]\n{}".format(iJSON["ticker"], iJSON["figi"], infoText))
    -677        return infoText
    518    @staticmethod
    +519    def ShowInstrumentInfo(iJSON: dict, printInfo: bool = False) -> str:
    +520        """
    +521        Show information about one instrument defined by json data and prints it in Markdown format.
    +523        :param iJSON: json data of instrument, e.g. in code `iJSON = self.iList["Shares"][self.ticker]`
    +524        :param printInfo: if `True` then also printing information about instrument and its current price.
    +525        :return: multilines text in Markdown format with information about one instrument.
    +526        """
    +527        splitLine = "|                                                         |                                                         |\n"
    +528        infoText = ""
    +530        if iJSON is not None and iJSON and isinstance(iJSON, dict):
    +531            info = [
    +532                "# Information is actual at: [{}] (UTC)\n\n".format(datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")),
    +533                "| Parameters                                              | Values                                                  |\n",
    +534                "|---------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------|\n",
    +535                "| Ticker:                                                 | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["ticker"]),
    +536                "| Full name:                                              | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["name"]),
    +537            ]
    +539            if "sector" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["sector"]:
    +540                info.append("| Sector:                                                 | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["sector"]))
    +542            info.append("| Country of instrument:                                  | {:<55} |\n".format("{}{}".format(
    +543                "({}) ".format(iJSON["countryOfRisk"]) if "countryOfRisk" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["countryOfRisk"] else "",
    +544                iJSON["countryOfRiskName"] if "countryOfRiskName" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["countryOfRiskName"] else "",
    +545            )))
    +547            info.extend([
    +548                splitLine,
    +549                "| FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier):          | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["figi"]),
    +550                "| Exchange:                                               | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["exchange"]),
    +551            ])
    +553            if "isin" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["isin"]:
    +554                info.append("| ISIN (International Securities Identification Number):  | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["isin"]))
    +556            if "classCode" in iJSON.keys():
    +557                info.append("| Class Code:                                             | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["classCode"]))
    +559            info.extend([
    +560                splitLine,
    +561                "| Current broker security trading status:                 | {:<55} |\n".format(TKS_TRADING_STATUSES[iJSON["tradingStatus"]]),
    +562                "| Buy operations allowed:                                 | {:<55} |\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["buyAvailableFlag"] else "No"),
    +563                "| Sale operations allowed:                                | {:<55} |\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["sellAvailableFlag"] else "No"),
    +564                "| Short positions allowed:                                | {:<55} |\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["shortEnabledFlag"] else "No"),
    +565            ])
    +567            info.append(splitLine)
    +569            if "type" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["type"]:
    +570                info.append("| Type of the instrument:                                 | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["type"]))
    +572            if "futuresType" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["futuresType"]:
    +573                info.append("| Futures type:                                           | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["futuresType"]))
    +575            if "ipoDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["ipoDate"]:
    +576                info.append("| IPO date:                                               | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["ipoDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    +578            if "releasedDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["releasedDate"]:
    +579                info.append("| Released date:                                          | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["releasedDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    +581            if "rebalancingFreq" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["rebalancingFreq"]:
    +582                info.append("| Rebalancing frequency:                                  | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["rebalancingFreq"]))
    +584            if "focusType" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["focusType"]:
    +585                info.append("| Focusing type:                                          | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["focusType"]))
    +587            if "assetType" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["assetType"]:
    +588                info.append("| Asset type:                                             | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["assetType"]))
    +590            if "basicAsset" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["basicAsset"]:
    +591                info.append("| Basic asset:                                            | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["basicAsset"]))
    +593            if "basicAssetSize" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["basicAssetSize"]:
    +594                info.append("| Basic asset size:                                       | {:<55} |\n".format("{:.2f}".format(NanoToFloat(str(iJSON["basicAssetSize"]["units"]), iJSON["basicAssetSize"]["nano"]))))
    +596            if "isoCurrencyName" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["isoCurrencyName"]:
    +597                info.append("| ISO currency name:                                      | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["isoCurrencyName"]))
    +599            if "currency" in iJSON.keys():
    +600                info.append("| Payment currency:                                       | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["currency"]))
    +602            if "firstTradeDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["firstTradeDate"] != 0:
    +603                info.append("| First trade date:                                       | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["firstTradeDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    +605            if "lastTradeDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["lastTradeDate"] != 0:
    +606                info.append("| Last trade date:                                        | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["lastTradeDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    +608            if "expirationDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["expirationDate"] != 0:
    +609                info.append("| Date of expiration:                                     | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["expirationDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    +611            if "stateRegDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["stateRegDate"] != 0:
    +612                info.append("| State registration date:                                | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["stateRegDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    +614            if "placementDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["placementDate"] != 0:
    +615                info.append("| Placement date:                                         | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["placementDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    +617            if "maturityDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["maturityDate"] != 0:
    +618                info.append("| Maturity date:                                          | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["maturityDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "")))
    +620            if "perpetualFlag" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["perpetualFlag"]:
    +621                info.append("| Perpetual bond:                                         | Yes                                                     |\n")
    +623            if "otcFlag" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["otcFlag"]:
    +624                info.append("| Over-the-counter (OTC) securities:                      | Yes                                                     |\n")
    +626            if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds":
    +627                info.append("| Bond issue (size / plan):                               | {:<55} |\n".format("{} / {}".format(iJSON["issueSize"], iJSON["issueSizePlan"])))
    +629                info.append("| Nominal price (100%):                                   | {:<55} |\n".format("{:.2f} {}".format(
    +630                    NanoToFloat(str(iJSON["nominal"]["units"]), iJSON["nominal"]["nano"]),
    +631                    iJSON["nominal"]["currency"],
    +632                )))
    +634                if "floatingCouponFlag" in iJSON.keys():
    +635                    info.append("| Floating coupon:                                        | {:<55} |\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["floatingCouponFlag"] else "No"))
    +637                if "amortizationFlag" in iJSON.keys():
    +638                    info.append("| Amortization:                                           | {:<55} |\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["amortizationFlag"] else "No"))
    +640                if "couponQuantityPerYear" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["couponQuantityPerYear"]:
    +641                    info.append("| Number of coupon payments per year:                     | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["couponQuantityPerYear"]))
    +643                if "aciValue" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["aciValue"]:
    +644                    info.append("| Current ACI (Accrued Interest):                         | {:<55} |\n".format("{:.2f} {}".format(
    +645                        NanoToFloat(str(iJSON["aciValue"]["units"]), iJSON["aciValue"]["nano"]),
    +646                        iJSON["aciValue"]["currency"]
    +647                    )))
    +649            if "currentPrice" in iJSON.keys():
    +650                info.append(splitLine)
    +652                info.extend([
    +653                    "| Previous close price of the instrument:                 | {:<55} |\n".format("{}{}".format(
    +654                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] is not None else "N/A",
    +655                        "% of nominal price" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    +656                    )),
    +657                    "| Last deal price of the instrument:                      | {:<55} |\n".format("{}{}".format(
    +658                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] is not None else "N/A",
    +659                        "% of nominal price" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    +660                    )),
    +661                    "| Changes between last deal price and last close  %       | {:<55} |\n".format("{:.2f}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"])),
    +662                    "| Current limit price, min / max:                         | {:<55} |\n".format("{}{} / {}{}".format(
    +663                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["limitDown"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["limitDown"] is not None else "N/A",
    +664                        "%" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    +665                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["limitUp"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["limitUp"] is not None else "N/A",
    +666                        "%" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    +667                    )),
    +668                    "| Actual price, sell / buy:                               | {:<55} |\n".format("{}{} / {}{}".format(
    +669                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["sell"][0]["price"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["sell"] else "N/A",
    +670                        "%" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    +671                        "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["buy"][0]["price"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["buy"] else "N/A",
    +672                        "%" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else" {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""),
    +673                    )),
    +674                ])
    +676            if "lot" in iJSON.keys():
    +677                info.append("| Minimum lot to buy:                                     | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["lot"]))
    +679            if "step" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["step"] != 0:
    +680                info.append("| Minimum price increment (step):                         | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["step"]))
    +682            infoText += "".join(info)
    +684            if printInfo:
    +685                uLogger.info("Information about instrument: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}]\n{}".format(iJSON["ticker"], iJSON["figi"], infoText))
    +687            else:
    +688                uLogger.debug("Information about instrument: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}]\n{}".format(iJSON["ticker"], iJSON["figi"], infoText))
    +690        return infoText

    Show information about instrument defined by json and print in Markdown format.


    Show information about one instrument defined by json data and prints it in Markdown format.

    @@ -7491,7 +7757,7 @@

    text in Markdown format with information about instrument.


    multilines text in Markdown format with information about one instrument.

    @@ -7508,72 +7774,72 @@
    679    def SearchByTicker(self, requestPrice: bool = False, showInfo: bool = False, debug: bool = False) -> dict:
    -680        """
    -681        Search and return raw broker's information about instrument by it's ticker.
    -682        `ticker` must be define! If debug=True then print all debug messages.
    -684        :param requestPrice: if `False` then do not request current price of instrument (because this is long operation).
    -685        :param showInfo: if `False` then do not run `ShowInstrumentInfo()` method and do not print info to the console.
    -686        :param debug: if `True` then print all debug console messages.
    -687        :return: JSON formatted data with information about instrument.
    -688        """
    -689        tickerJSON = {}
    -690        if debug:
    -691            uLogger.debug("Searching information about instrument by it's ticker [{}] ...".format(self.ticker))
    -693        if not self.ticker:
    -694            uLogger.warning("self.ticker variable is not be empty!")
    -696        else:
    -697            if not self.iList:
    -698                self.iList = self.Listing()
    -700            if self.ticker in self.iList["Shares"].keys():
    -701                tickerJSON = self.iList["Shares"][self.ticker]
    -702                if debug:
    -703                    uLogger.debug("Ticker [{}] found in shares list".format(self.ticker))
    -705            elif self.ticker in self.iList["Currencies"].keys():
    -706                tickerJSON = self.iList["Currencies"][self.ticker]
    -707                if debug:
    -708                    uLogger.debug("Ticker [{}] found in currencies list".format(self.ticker))
    -710            elif self.ticker in self.iList["Bonds"].keys():
    -711                tickerJSON = self.iList["Bonds"][self.ticker]
    -712                if debug:
    -713                    uLogger.debug("Ticker [{}] found in bonds list".format(self.ticker))
    -715            elif self.ticker in self.iList["Etfs"].keys():
    -716                tickerJSON = self.iList["Etfs"][self.ticker]
    -717                if debug:
    -718                    uLogger.debug("Ticker [{}] found in etfs list".format(self.ticker))
    -720            elif self.ticker in self.iList["Futures"].keys():
    -721                tickerJSON = self.iList["Futures"][self.ticker]
    -722                if debug:
    -723                    uLogger.debug("Ticker [{}] found in futures list".format(self.ticker))
    -725        if tickerJSON:
    -726            self.figi = tickerJSON["figi"]
    -728            if requestPrice:
    -729                tickerJSON["currentPrice"] = self.GetCurrentPrices(showPrice=False)
    -731                if tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] is not None and tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] != 0 and tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] is not None:
    -732                    tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"] = 100 * (tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] - tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]) / tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]
    -734                else:
    -735                    tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"] = 0
    -737            if showInfo:
    -738                self.ShowInstrumentInfo(iJSON=tickerJSON, printInfo=True)  # print info as Markdown text
    -740        else:
    -741            if showInfo:
    -742                uLogger.warning("Ticker [{}] not found in available broker instrument's list!".format(self.ticker))
    -744        return tickerJSON
    692    def SearchByTicker(self, requestPrice: bool = False, showInfo: bool = False, debug: bool = False) -> dict:
    +693        """
    +694        Search and return raw broker's information about instrument by it's ticker.
    +695        `ticker` must be define! If debug=True then print all debug messages.
    +697        :param requestPrice: if `False` then do not request current price of instrument (because this is long operation).
    +698        :param showInfo: if `False` then do not run `ShowInstrumentInfo()` method and do not print info to the console.
    +699        :param debug: if `True` then print all debug console messages.
    +700        :return: JSON formatted data with information about instrument.
    +701        """
    +702        tickerJSON = {}
    +703        if debug:
    +704            uLogger.debug("Searching information about instrument by it's ticker [{}] ...".format(self.ticker))
    +706        if not self.ticker:
    +707            uLogger.warning("self.ticker variable is not be empty!")
    +709        else:
    +710            if not self.iList:
    +711                self.iList = self.Listing()
    +713            if self.ticker in self.iList["Shares"].keys():
    +714                tickerJSON = self.iList["Shares"][self.ticker]
    +715                if debug:
    +716                    uLogger.debug("Ticker [{}] found in shares list".format(self.ticker))
    +718            elif self.ticker in self.iList["Currencies"].keys():
    +719                tickerJSON = self.iList["Currencies"][self.ticker]
    +720                if debug:
    +721                    uLogger.debug("Ticker [{}] found in currencies list".format(self.ticker))
    +723            elif self.ticker in self.iList["Bonds"].keys():
    +724                tickerJSON = self.iList["Bonds"][self.ticker]
    +725                if debug:
    +726                    uLogger.debug("Ticker [{}] found in bonds list".format(self.ticker))
    +728            elif self.ticker in self.iList["Etfs"].keys():
    +729                tickerJSON = self.iList["Etfs"][self.ticker]
    +730                if debug:
    +731                    uLogger.debug("Ticker [{}] found in etfs list".format(self.ticker))
    +733            elif self.ticker in self.iList["Futures"].keys():
    +734                tickerJSON = self.iList["Futures"][self.ticker]
    +735                if debug:
    +736                    uLogger.debug("Ticker [{}] found in futures list".format(self.ticker))
    +738        if tickerJSON:
    +739            self.figi = tickerJSON["figi"]
    +741            if requestPrice:
    +742                tickerJSON["currentPrice"] = self.GetCurrentPrices(showPrice=False)
    +744                if tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] is not None and tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] != 0 and tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] is not None:
    +745                    tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"] = 100 * (tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] - tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]) / tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]
    +747                else:
    +748                    tickerJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"] = 0
    +750            if showInfo:
    +751                self.ShowInstrumentInfo(iJSON=tickerJSON, printInfo=True)  # print info as Markdown text
    +753        else:
    +754            if showInfo:
    +755                uLogger.warning("Ticker [{}] not found in available broker instrument's list!".format(self.ticker))
    +757        return tickerJSON
    @@ -7608,97 +7874,97 @@
    746    def SearchByFIGI(self, requestPrice: bool = False, showInfo: bool = False, debug: bool = False) -> dict:
    -747        """
    -748        Search and return raw broker's information about instrument by it's FIGI.
    -749        `figi` must be define! If debug=True then print all debug messages.
    -751        :param requestPrice: if `False` then do not request current price of instrument (it's long operation).
    -752        :param showInfo: if `False` then do not run `ShowInstrumentInfo()` method and do not print info to the console.
    -753        :param debug: if `True` then print all debug console messages.
    -754        :return: JSON formatted data with information about instrument.
    -755        """
    -756        figiJSON = {}
    -757        if debug:
    -758            uLogger.debug("Searching information about instrument by it's FIGI [{}] ...".format(self.figi))
    -760        if not self.figi:
    -761            uLogger.warning("self.figi variable is not be empty!")
    -763        else:
    -764            if not self.iList:
    -765                self.iList = self.Listing()
    -767            for item in self.iList["Shares"].keys():
    -768                if self.figi == self.iList["Shares"][item]["figi"]:
    -769                    figiJSON = self.iList["Shares"][item]
    -771                    if debug:
    -772                        uLogger.debug("FIGI [{}] found in shares list".format(self.figi))
    -774                    break
    -776            if not figiJSON:
    -777                for item in self.iList["Currencies"].keys():
    -778                    if self.figi == self.iList["Currencies"][item]["figi"]:
    -779                        figiJSON = self.iList["Currencies"][item]
    -781                        if debug:
    -782                            uLogger.debug("FIGI [{}] found in currencies list".format(self.figi))
    -784                        break
    -786            if not figiJSON:
    -787                for item in self.iList["Bonds"].keys():
    -788                    if self.figi == self.iList["Bonds"][item]["figi"]:
    -789                        figiJSON = self.iList["Bonds"][item]
    -791                        if debug:
    -792                            uLogger.debug("FIGI [{}] found in bonds list".format(self.figi))
    -794                        break
    -796            if not figiJSON:
    -797                for item in self.iList["Etfs"].keys():
    -798                    if self.figi == self.iList["Etfs"][item]["figi"]:
    -799                        figiJSON = self.iList["Etfs"][item]
    -801                        if debug:
    -802                            uLogger.debug("FIGI [{}] found in etfs list".format(self.figi))
    -804                        break
    -806            if not figiJSON:
    -807                for item in self.iList["Futures"].keys():
    -808                    if self.figi == self.iList["Futures"][item]["figi"]:
    -809                        figiJSON = self.iList["Futures"][item]
    -811                        if debug:
    -812                            uLogger.debug("FIGI [{}] found in futures list".format(self.figi))
    -814                        break
    -816        if figiJSON:
    -817            self.figi = figiJSON["figi"]
    -818            self.ticker = figiJSON["ticker"]
    -820            if requestPrice:
    -821                figiJSON["currentPrice"] = self.GetCurrentPrices(showPrice=False)
    -823                if figiJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] is not None and figiJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] != 0 and figiJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] is not None:
    -824                    figiJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"] = 100 * (figiJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] - figiJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]) / figiJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]
    -826                else:
    -827                    figiJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"] = 0
    -829            if showInfo:
    -830                self.ShowInstrumentInfo(iJSON=figiJSON, printInfo=True)  # print info as Markdown text
    -832        else:
    -833            if showInfo:
    -834                uLogger.warning("FIGI [{}] not found in available broker instrument's list!".format(self.figi))
    -836        return figiJSON
    759    def SearchByFIGI(self, requestPrice: bool = False, showInfo: bool = False, debug: bool = False) -> dict:
    +760        """
    +761        Search and return raw broker's information about instrument by it's FIGI.
    +762        `figi` must be define! If debug=True then print all debug messages.
    +764        :param requestPrice: if `False` then do not request current price of instrument (it's long operation).
    +765        :param showInfo: if `False` then do not run `ShowInstrumentInfo()` method and do not print info to the console.
    +766        :param debug: if `True` then print all debug console messages.
    +767        :return: JSON formatted data with information about instrument.
    +768        """
    +769        figiJSON = {}
    +770        if debug:
    +771            uLogger.debug("Searching information about instrument by it's FIGI [{}] ...".format(self.figi))
    +773        if not self.figi:
    +774            uLogger.warning("self.figi variable is not be empty!")
    +776        else:
    +777            if not self.iList:
    +778                self.iList = self.Listing()
    +780            for item in self.iList["Shares"].keys():
    +781                if self.figi == self.iList["Shares"][item]["figi"]:
    +782                    figiJSON = self.iList["Shares"][item]
    +784                    if debug:
    +785                        uLogger.debug("FIGI [{}] found in shares list".format(self.figi))
    +787                    break
    +789            if not figiJSON:
    +790                for item in self.iList["Currencies"].keys():
    +791                    if self.figi == self.iList["Currencies"][item]["figi"]:
    +792                        figiJSON = self.iList["Currencies"][item]
    +794                        if debug:
    +795                            uLogger.debug("FIGI [{}] found in currencies list".format(self.figi))
    +797                        break
    +799            if not figiJSON:
    +800                for item in self.iList["Bonds"].keys():
    +801                    if self.figi == self.iList["Bonds"][item]["figi"]:
    +802                        figiJSON = self.iList["Bonds"][item]
    +804                        if debug:
    +805                            uLogger.debug("FIGI [{}] found in bonds list".format(self.figi))
    +807                        break
    +809            if not figiJSON:
    +810                for item in self.iList["Etfs"].keys():
    +811                    if self.figi == self.iList["Etfs"][item]["figi"]:
    +812                        figiJSON = self.iList["Etfs"][item]
    +814                        if debug:
    +815                            uLogger.debug("FIGI [{}] found in etfs list".format(self.figi))
    +817                        break
    +819            if not figiJSON:
    +820                for item in self.iList["Futures"].keys():
    +821                    if self.figi == self.iList["Futures"][item]["figi"]:
    +822                        figiJSON = self.iList["Futures"][item]
    +824                        if debug:
    +825                            uLogger.debug("FIGI [{}] found in futures list".format(self.figi))
    +827                        break
    +829        if figiJSON:
    +830            self.figi = figiJSON["figi"]
    +831            self.ticker = figiJSON["ticker"]
    +833            if requestPrice:
    +834                figiJSON["currentPrice"] = self.GetCurrentPrices(showPrice=False)
    +836                if figiJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] is not None and figiJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] != 0 and figiJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] is not None:
    +837                    figiJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"] = 100 * (figiJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] - figiJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]) / figiJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]
    +839                else:
    +840                    figiJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"] = 0
    +842            if showInfo:
    +843                self.ShowInstrumentInfo(iJSON=figiJSON, printInfo=True)  # print info as Markdown text
    +845        else:
    +846            if showInfo:
    +847                uLogger.warning("FIGI [{}] not found in available broker instrument's list!".format(self.figi))
    +849        return figiJSON
    @@ -7733,113 +7999,113 @@
    838    def GetCurrentPrices(self, showPrice: bool = False) -> dict:
    -839        """
    -840        Get and show Depth of Market with current prices of the instrument. If an error occurred then returns an empty record:
    -841        `{"buy": [], "sell": [], "limitUp": None, "limitDown": None, "lastPrice": None, "closePrice": None}`.
    -843        :param showPrice: if `True` then print DOM.
    -844        :return: orders book dict with lists of current buy and sell prices: `{"buy": [{"price": x1, "quantity": y1, ...}], "sell": [....]}`.
    -845        """
    -846        prices = {"buy": [], "sell": [], "limitUp": 0, "limitDown": 0, "lastPrice": 0, "closePrice": 0}
    -848        if self.depth < 1:
    -849            raise Exception("Depth of Market (DOM) must be >=1!")
    -851        if not (self.ticker or self.figi):
    -852            raise Exception("self.ticker or self.figi variables must be defined!")
    -854        if self.ticker and not self.figi:
    -855            instrumentByTicker = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=False)  # WARNING! requestPrice=False to avoid recursion!
    -856            self.figi = instrumentByTicker["figi"] if instrumentByTicker else ""
    -858        if not self.ticker and self.figi:
    -859            instrumentByFigi = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False)  # WARNING! requestPrice=False to avoid recursion!
    -860            self.ticker = instrumentByFigi["ticker"] if instrumentByFigi else ""
    -862        if not self.figi:
    -863            uLogger.error("FIGI is not determined!")
    -865        else:
    -866            uLogger.debug("Requesting current prices for instrument with ticker [{}] and FIGI [{}]...".format(self.ticker, self.figi))
    -868            # REST API for request: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/MarketDataService/MarketDataService_GetOrderBook
    -869            priceURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.MarketDataService/GetOrderBook"
    -870            self.body = str({"figi": self.figi, "depth": self.depth})
    -871            pricesResponse = self.SendAPIRequest(priceURL, reqType="POST")
    -873            if pricesResponse:
    -874                # list of dicts with sellers orders:
    -875                prices["buy"] = [{"price": NanoToFloat(item["price"]["units"], item["price"]["nano"]), "quantity": int(item["quantity"])} for item in pricesResponse["asks"]]
    -877                # list of dicts with buyers orders:
    -878                prices["sell"] = [{"price": NanoToFloat(item["price"]["units"], item["price"]["nano"]), "quantity": int(item["quantity"])} for item in pricesResponse["bids"]]
    -880                # max price of instrument at this time:
    -881                prices["limitUp"] = NanoToFloat(pricesResponse["limitUp"]["units"], pricesResponse["limitUp"]["nano"]) if "limitUp" in pricesResponse.keys() else None
    -883                # min price of instrument at this time:
    -884                prices["limitDown"] = NanoToFloat(pricesResponse["limitDown"]["units"], pricesResponse["limitDown"]["nano"]) if "limitDown" in pricesResponse.keys() else None
    -886                # last price of deal with instrument:
    -887                prices["lastPrice"] = NanoToFloat(pricesResponse["lastPrice"]["units"], pricesResponse["lastPrice"]["nano"]) if "lastPrice" in pricesResponse.keys() else 0
    -889                # last close price of instrument:
    -890                prices["closePrice"] = NanoToFloat(pricesResponse["closePrice"]["units"], pricesResponse["closePrice"]["nano"]) if "closePrice" in pricesResponse.keys() else 0
    -892            else:
    -893                uLogger.warning("Server return an empty or error response! See full log. Instrument: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}]".format(self.ticker, self.figi))
    -894                uLogger.debug("Server response: {}".format(pricesResponse))
    -896            if showPrice:
    -897                if prices["buy"] or prices["sell"]:
    -898                    info = [
    -899                        "Orders book actual at [{}] (UTC)\nTicker: [{}], FIGI: [{}], Depth of Market: [{}]\n".format(
    -900                            datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    -901                            self.ticker,
    -902                            self.figi,
    -903                            self.depth,
    -904                        ),
    -905                        uLog.sepShort, "\n",
    -906                        " Orders of Buyers   | Orders of Sellers\n",
    -907                        uLog.sepShort, "\n",
    -908                        " Sell prices (vol.) | Buy prices (vol.)\n",
    -909                        uLog.sepShort, "\n",
    -910                    ]
    -912                    if not prices["buy"]:
    -913                        info.append("                    | No orders!\n")
    -914                        sumBuy = 0
    -916                    else:
    -917                        sumBuy = sum([x["quantity"] for x in prices["buy"]])
    -918                        maxMinSorted = sorted(prices["buy"], key=lambda k: k["price"], reverse=True)
    -919                        for item in maxMinSorted:
    -920                            info.append("                    | {} ({})\n".format(item["price"], item["quantity"]))
    -922                    if not prices["sell"]:
    -923                        info.append("No orders!          |\n")
    -924                        sumSell = 0
    -926                    else:
    -927                        sumSell = sum([x["quantity"] for x in prices["sell"]])
    -928                        for item in prices["sell"]:
    -929                            info.append("{:>19} |\n".format("{} ({})".format(item["price"], item["quantity"])))
    -931                    info.extend([
    -932                        uLog.sepShort, "\n",
    -933                        "{:>19} | {}\n".format("Total sell: {}".format(sumSell), "Total buy: {}".format(sumBuy)),
    -934                        uLog.sepShort, "\n",
    -935                    ])
    -937                    infoText = "".join(info)
    -939                    uLogger.info("Current prices in order book:\n\n{}".format(infoText))
    -941                else:
    -942                    uLogger.warning("Orders book is empty at this time! Instrument: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}]".format(self.ticker, self.figi))
    -944        return prices
    851    def GetCurrentPrices(self, showPrice: bool = False) -> dict:
    +852        """
    +853        Get and show Depth of Market with current prices of the instrument. If an error occurred then returns an empty record:
    +854        `{"buy": [], "sell": [], "limitUp": None, "limitDown": None, "lastPrice": None, "closePrice": None}`.
    +856        :param showPrice: if `True` then print DOM.
    +857        :return: orders book dict with lists of current buy and sell prices: `{"buy": [{"price": x1, "quantity": y1, ...}], "sell": [....]}`.
    +858        """
    +859        prices = {"buy": [], "sell": [], "limitUp": 0, "limitDown": 0, "lastPrice": 0, "closePrice": 0}
    +861        if self.depth < 1:
    +862            raise Exception("Depth of Market (DOM) must be >=1!")
    +864        if not (self.ticker or self.figi):
    +865            raise Exception("self.ticker or self.figi variables must be defined!")
    +867        if self.ticker and not self.figi:
    +868            instrumentByTicker = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=False)  # WARNING! requestPrice=False to avoid recursion!
    +869            self.figi = instrumentByTicker["figi"] if instrumentByTicker else ""
    +871        if not self.ticker and self.figi:
    +872            instrumentByFigi = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False)  # WARNING! requestPrice=False to avoid recursion!
    +873            self.ticker = instrumentByFigi["ticker"] if instrumentByFigi else ""
    +875        if not self.figi:
    +876            uLogger.error("FIGI is not determined!")
    +878        else:
    +879            uLogger.debug("Requesting current prices for instrument with ticker [{}] and FIGI [{}]...".format(self.ticker, self.figi))
    +881            # REST API for request: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/MarketDataService/MarketDataService_GetOrderBook
    +882            priceURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.MarketDataService/GetOrderBook"
    +883            self.body = str({"figi": self.figi, "depth": self.depth})
    +884            pricesResponse = self.SendAPIRequest(priceURL, reqType="POST")
    +886            if pricesResponse:
    +887                # list of dicts with sellers orders:
    +888                prices["buy"] = [{"price": NanoToFloat(item["price"]["units"], item["price"]["nano"]), "quantity": int(item["quantity"])} for item in pricesResponse["asks"]]
    +890                # list of dicts with buyers orders:
    +891                prices["sell"] = [{"price": NanoToFloat(item["price"]["units"], item["price"]["nano"]), "quantity": int(item["quantity"])} for item in pricesResponse["bids"]]
    +893                # max price of instrument at this time:
    +894                prices["limitUp"] = round(NanoToFloat(pricesResponse["limitUp"]["units"], pricesResponse["limitUp"]["nano"]), 6) if "limitUp" in pricesResponse.keys() else None
    +896                # min price of instrument at this time:
    +897                prices["limitDown"] = round(NanoToFloat(pricesResponse["limitDown"]["units"], pricesResponse["limitDown"]["nano"]), 6) if "limitDown" in pricesResponse.keys() else None
    +899                # last price of deal with instrument:
    +900                prices["lastPrice"] = NanoToFloat(pricesResponse["lastPrice"]["units"], pricesResponse["lastPrice"]["nano"]) if "lastPrice" in pricesResponse.keys() else 0
    +902                # last close price of instrument:
    +903                prices["closePrice"] = NanoToFloat(pricesResponse["closePrice"]["units"], pricesResponse["closePrice"]["nano"]) if "closePrice" in pricesResponse.keys() else 0
    +905            else:
    +906                uLogger.warning("Server return an empty or error response! See full log. Instrument: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}]".format(self.ticker, self.figi))
    +907                uLogger.debug("Server response: {}".format(pricesResponse))
    +909            if showPrice:
    +910                if prices["buy"] or prices["sell"]:
    +911                    info = [
    +912                        "Orders book actual at [{}] (UTC)\nTicker: [{}], FIGI: [{}], Depth of Market: [{}]\n".format(
    +913                            datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    +914                            self.ticker,
    +915                            self.figi,
    +916                            self.depth,
    +917                        ),
    +918                        uLog.sepShort, "\n",
    +919                        " Orders of Buyers   | Orders of Sellers\n",
    +920                        uLog.sepShort, "\n",
    +921                        " Sell prices (vol.) | Buy prices (vol.)\n",
    +922                        uLog.sepShort, "\n",
    +923                    ]
    +925                    if not prices["buy"]:
    +926                        info.append("                    | No orders!\n")
    +927                        sumBuy = 0
    +929                    else:
    +930                        sumBuy = sum([x["quantity"] for x in prices["buy"]])
    +931                        maxMinSorted = sorted(prices["buy"], key=lambda k: k["price"], reverse=True)
    +932                        for item in maxMinSorted:
    +933                            info.append("                    | {} ({})\n".format(item["price"], item["quantity"]))
    +935                    if not prices["sell"]:
    +936                        info.append("No orders!          |\n")
    +937                        sumSell = 0
    +939                    else:
    +940                        sumSell = sum([x["quantity"] for x in prices["sell"]])
    +941                        for item in prices["sell"]:
    +942                            info.append("{:>19} |\n".format("{} ({})".format(item["price"], item["quantity"])))
    +944                    info.extend([
    +945                        uLog.sepShort, "\n",
    +946                        "{:>19} | {}\n".format("Total sell: {}".format(sumSell), "Total buy: {}".format(sumBuy)),
    +947                        uLog.sepShort, "\n",
    +948                    ])
    +950                    infoText = "".join(info)
    +952                    uLogger.info("Current prices in order book:\n\n{}".format(infoText))
    +954                else:
    +955                    uLogger.warning("Orders book is empty at this time! Instrument: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}]".format(self.ticker, self.figi))
    +957        return prices
    @@ -7872,59 +8138,59 @@
    946    def ShowInstrumentsInfo(self, showInstruments: bool = False) -> str:
    -947        """
    -948        This method get and show information about all available broker instruments.
    -949        If `instrumentsFile` string is not empty then also save information to this file.
    -951        :param showInstruments: if `True` then print results to console, if `False` - print only to file.
    -952        :return: multi-string with all available broker instruments
    -953        """
    -954        if not self.iList:
    -955            self.iList = self.Listing()
    -957        info = [
    -958            "# All available instruments from Tinkoff Broker server for current user token\n\n",
    -959            "* **Actual on date:** [{}] (UTC)\n".format(datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")),
    -960        ]
    -962        # add instruments count by type:
    -963        for iType in self.iList.keys():
    -964            info.append("* **{}:** [{}]\n".format(iType, len(self.iList[iType])))
    -966        headerLine = "| Ticker       | Full name                                                      | FIGI         | Cur | Lot    | Step\n"
    -967        splitLine = "|--------------|----------------------------------------------------------------|--------------|-----|--------|---------\n"
    -969        # generating info tables with all instruments by type:
    -970        for iType in self.iList.keys():
    -971            info.extend(["\n\n## {} available. Total: [{}]\n\n".format(iType, len(self.iList[iType])), headerLine, splitLine])
    -973            for instrument in self.iList[iType].keys():
    -974                iName = self.iList[iType][instrument]["name"]  # instrument's name
    -975                if len(iName) > 63:
    -976                    iName = "{}...".format(iName[:60])  # right trim for a long string
    -978                info.append("| {:<12} | {:<63}| {:<13}| {:<4}| {:<7}| {}\n".format(
    -979                    self.iList[iType][instrument]["ticker"],
    -980                    iName,
    -981                    self.iList[iType][instrument]["figi"],
    -982                    self.iList[iType][instrument]["currency"],
    -983                    self.iList[iType][instrument]["lot"],
    -984                    str(self.iList[iType][instrument]["step"]).rstrip("0"),
    -985                ))
    -987        infoText = "".join(info)
    -989        if showInstruments:
    -990            uLogger.info(infoText)
    -992        if self.instrumentsFile:
    -993            with open(self.instrumentsFile, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    -994                fH.write(infoText)
    -996            uLogger.info("All available instruments are saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.instrumentsFile)))
    -998        return infoText
     959    def ShowInstrumentsInfo(self, showInstruments: bool = False) -> str:
    + 960        """
    + 961        This method get and show information about all available broker instruments.
    + 962        If `instrumentsFile` string is not empty then also save information to this file.
    + 963
    + 964        :param showInstruments: if `True` then print results to console, if `False` - print only to file.
    + 965        :return: multi-string with all available broker instruments
    + 966        """
    + 967        if not self.iList:
    + 968            self.iList = self.Listing()
    + 969
    + 970        info = [
    + 971            "# All available instruments from Tinkoff Broker server for current user token\n\n",
    + 972            "* **Actual on date:** [{} UTC]\n".format(datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")),
    + 973        ]
    + 974
    + 975        # add instruments count by type:
    + 976        for iType in self.iList.keys():
    + 977            info.append("* **{}:** [{}]\n".format(iType, len(self.iList[iType])))
    + 978
    + 979        headerLine = "| Ticker       | Full name                                                 | FIGI         | Cur | Lot     | Step       |\n"
    + 980        splitLine = "|--------------|-----------------------------------------------------------|--------------|-----|---------|------------|\n"
    + 981
    + 982        # generating info tables with all instruments by type:
    + 983        for iType in self.iList.keys():
    + 984            info.extend(["\n\n## {} available. Total: [{}]\n\n".format(iType, len(self.iList[iType])), headerLine, splitLine])
    + 985
    + 986            for instrument in self.iList[iType].keys():
    + 987                iName = self.iList[iType][instrument]["name"]  # instrument's name
    + 988                if len(iName) > 57:
    + 989                    iName = "{}...".format(iName[:54])  # right trim for a long string
    + 990    
    + 991                info.append("| {:<12} | {:<57} | {:<12} | {:<3} | {:<7} | {:<10} |\n".format(
    + 992                    self.iList[iType][instrument]["ticker"],
    + 993                    iName,
    + 994                    self.iList[iType][instrument]["figi"],
    + 995                    self.iList[iType][instrument]["currency"],
    + 996                    self.iList[iType][instrument]["lot"],
    + 997                    "{:.10f}".format(self.iList[iType][instrument]["step"]).rstrip("0").rstrip(".") if self.iList[iType][instrument]["step"] > 0 else 0,
    + 998                ))
    + 999
    +1000        infoText = "".join(info)
    +1002        if showInstruments:
    +1003            uLogger.info(infoText)
    +1005        if self.instrumentsFile:
    +1006            with open(self.instrumentsFile, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    +1007                fH.write(infoText)
    +1009            uLogger.info("All available instruments are saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.instrumentsFile)))
    +1011        return infoText
    @@ -7957,84 +8223,84 @@
    1000    def SearchInstruments(self, pattern: str, showResults: bool = False) -> dict:
    -1001        """
    -1002        This method search and show information about instruments by part of its ticker, FIGI or name.
    -1003        If `searchResultsFile` string is not empty then also save information to this file.
    -1005        :param pattern: string with part of ticker, FIGI or instrument's name.
    -1006        :param showResults: if `True` then print results to console, if `False` - return list of result only.
    -1007        :return: list of dictionaries with all found instruments.
    -1008        """
    -1009        if not self.iList:
    -1010            self.iList = self.Listing()
    -1012        searchResults = {iType: {} for iType in self.iList}  # same as iList but will contains only filtered instruments
    -1013        compiledPattern = re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE)
    -1015        for iType in self.iList:
    -1016            for instrument in self.iList[iType].values():
    -1017                searchResult = compiledPattern.search(" ".join(
    -1018                    [instrument["ticker"], instrument["figi"], instrument["name"]]
    -1019                ))
    -1021                if searchResult:
    -1022                    searchResults[iType][instrument["ticker"]] = instrument
    -1024        resultsLen = sum([len(searchResults[iType]) for iType in searchResults])
    -1025        info = [
    -1026            "# Search results\n\n",
    -1027            "* **Search pattern:** [{}]\n".format(pattern),
    -1028            "* **Found instruments:** [{}]\n\n".format(resultsLen),
    -1029            "**Note:** you can view info about found instruments with key `--info`, e.g.: `tksbrokerapi -t TICKER --info` or `tksbrokerapi -f FIGI --info`.\n"
    -1030        ]
    -1031        infoShort = info[:]
    -1033        headerLine = "| Type       | Ticker       | Full name                                                      | FIGI         |\n"
    -1034        splitLine = "|------------|--------------|----------------------------------------------------------------|--------------|\n"
    -1035        skippedLine = "| ...        | ...          | ...                                                            | ...          |\n"
    -1037        if resultsLen == 0:
    -1038            info.append("\nNo results\n")
    -1039            infoShort.append("\nNo results\n")
    -1040            uLogger.warning("No results. Try changing your search pattern.")
    -1042        else:
    -1043            for iType in searchResults:
    -1044                iTypeValuesCount = len(searchResults[iType].values())
    -1045                if iTypeValuesCount > 0:
    -1046                    info.extend(["\n### {}: [{}]\n\n".format(iType, iTypeValuesCount), headerLine, splitLine])
    -1047                    infoShort.extend(["\n### {}: [{}]\n\n".format(iType, iTypeValuesCount), headerLine, splitLine])
    -1049                    for instrument in searchResults[iType].values():
    -1050                        info.append("| {:<10} | {:<12} | {:<63}| {:<13}|\n".format(
    -1051                            instrument["type"],
    -1052                            instrument["ticker"],
    -1053                            "{}...".format(instrument["name"][:60]) if len(instrument["name"]) > 63 else instrument["name"],  # right trim for a long string
    -1054                            instrument["figi"],
    -1055                        ))
    -1057                    if iTypeValuesCount <= 5:
    -1058                        infoShort.extend(info[-iTypeValuesCount:])
    -1060                    else:
    -1061                        infoShort.extend(info[-5:])
    -1062                        infoShort.append(skippedLine)
    -1064        infoText = "".join(info)
    -1065        infoTextShort = "".join(infoShort)
    -1067        if showResults:
    -1068            uLogger.info(infoTextShort)
    -1069            uLogger.info("You can view info about found instruments with key `--info`, e.g.: `tksbrokerapi -t IBM --info` or `tksbrokerapi -f BBG000BLNNH6 --info`")
    -1071        if self.searchResultsFile:
    -1072            with open(self.searchResultsFile, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    -1073                fH.write(infoText)
    -1075            uLogger.info("Full search results were saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.searchResultsFile)))
    -1077        return searchResults
    1013    def SearchInstruments(self, pattern: str, showResults: bool = False) -> dict:
    +1014        """
    +1015        This method search and show information about instruments by part of its ticker, FIGI or name.
    +1016        If `searchResultsFile` string is not empty then also save information to this file.
    +1018        :param pattern: string with part of ticker, FIGI or instrument's name.
    +1019        :param showResults: if `True` then print results to console, if `False` - return list of result only.
    +1020        :return: list of dictionaries with all found instruments.
    +1021        """
    +1022        if not self.iList:
    +1023            self.iList = self.Listing()
    +1025        searchResults = {iType: {} for iType in self.iList}  # same as iList but will contains only filtered instruments
    +1026        compiledPattern = re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE)
    +1028        for iType in self.iList:
    +1029            for instrument in self.iList[iType].values():
    +1030                searchResult = compiledPattern.search(" ".join(
    +1031                    [instrument["ticker"], instrument["figi"], instrument["name"]]
    +1032                ))
    +1034                if searchResult:
    +1035                    searchResults[iType][instrument["ticker"]] = instrument
    +1037        resultsLen = sum([len(searchResults[iType]) for iType in searchResults])
    +1038        info = [
    +1039            "# Search results\n\n",
    +1040            "* **Search pattern:** [{}]\n".format(pattern),
    +1041            "* **Found instruments:** [{}]\n\n".format(resultsLen),
    +1042            "**Note:** you can view info about found instruments with key `--info`, e.g.: `tksbrokerapi -t TICKER --info` or `tksbrokerapi -f FIGI --info`.\n"
    +1043        ]
    +1044        infoShort = info[:]
    +1046        headerLine = "| Type       | Ticker       | Full name                                                      | FIGI         |\n"
    +1047        splitLine = "|------------|--------------|----------------------------------------------------------------|--------------|\n"
    +1048        skippedLine = "| ...        | ...          | ...                                                            | ...          |\n"
    +1050        if resultsLen == 0:
    +1051            info.append("\nNo results\n")
    +1052            infoShort.append("\nNo results\n")
    +1053            uLogger.warning("No results. Try changing your search pattern.")
    +1055        else:
    +1056            for iType in searchResults:
    +1057                iTypeValuesCount = len(searchResults[iType].values())
    +1058                if iTypeValuesCount > 0:
    +1059                    info.extend(["\n### {}: [{}]\n\n".format(iType, iTypeValuesCount), headerLine, splitLine])
    +1060                    infoShort.extend(["\n### {}: [{}]\n\n".format(iType, iTypeValuesCount), headerLine, splitLine])
    +1062                    for instrument in searchResults[iType].values():
    +1063                        info.append("| {:<10} | {:<12} | {:<63}| {:<13}|\n".format(
    +1064                            instrument["type"],
    +1065                            instrument["ticker"],
    +1066                            "{}...".format(instrument["name"][:60]) if len(instrument["name"]) > 63 else instrument["name"],  # right trim for a long string
    +1067                            instrument["figi"],
    +1068                        ))
    +1070                    if iTypeValuesCount <= 5:
    +1071                        infoShort.extend(info[-iTypeValuesCount:])
    +1073                    else:
    +1074                        infoShort.extend(info[-5:])
    +1075                        infoShort.append(skippedLine)
    +1077        infoText = "".join(info)
    +1078        infoTextShort = "".join(infoShort)
    +1080        if showResults:
    +1081            uLogger.info(infoTextShort)
    +1082            uLogger.info("You can view info about found instruments with key `--info`, e.g.: `tksbrokerapi -t IBM --info` or `tksbrokerapi -f BBG000BLNNH6 --info`")
    +1084        if self.searchResultsFile:
    +1085            with open(self.searchResultsFile, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    +1086                fH.write(infoText)
    +1088            uLogger.info("Full search results were saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.searchResultsFile)))
    +1090        return searchResults
    @@ -8068,98 +8334,97 @@
    1079    def GetListOfPrices(self, instruments: list = None, showPrices: bool = False) -> list:
    -1080        """
    -1081        This method get, maybe show and return prices of list of instruments. WARNING! This is potential long operation!
    -1082        See limits: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/limits/
    -1083        If `pricesFile` string is not empty then also save information to this file.
    -1085        :param instruments: list of tickers or FIGIs.
    -1086        :param showPrices: if `True` then print to console, if `False` - print only to file.
    -1087        :return: list of instruments looks like this: `iList = [{some ticker info, "currentPrice": {current prices}}, {...}, ...]`
    -1088                 One item is dict returned by `SearchByTicker()` or `SearchByFIGI()` methods.
    -1089        """
    -1090        if instruments is None or not instruments:
    -1091            raise Exception("You must define some of tickers or FIGIs to request it's actual prices!")
    -1093        uLogger.debug("Requesting current prices of list of instruments from Tinkoff Broker server...")
    -1095        iList = []
    -1096        for iName in instruments:
    -1097            if iName not in self.aliases.keys():
    -1098                iList.append(iName)
    -1100            else:
    -1101                iList.append(self.aliases[iName])
    -1103        unique = set()  # create list with every figi only one time with the same order position:
    -1104        tempNames = [item for item in iList if not (item in unique or unique.add(item))]
    -1106        uLogger.debug("Ordered input list of instruments without duplicates of names: {}".format(tempNames))
    -1108        iList = []  # try to get info about all unique instruments:
    -1109        for iName in tempNames:
    -1110            self.ticker = iName
    -1111            iData = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=True)
    -1113            if not iData:
    -1114                self.ticker = ""
    -1115                self.figi = iName
    -1117                iData = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True)
    -1119                if not iData:
    -1120                    self.figi = ""
    -1121                    uLogger.warning("Instrument [{}] not in list of available instruments for current token!".format(iName))
    -1123            if iData:
    -1124                isUnique = True
    -1125                for item in iList:
    -1126                    if item["figi"] == iData["figi"] or item["ticker"] == iData["ticker"]:
    -1127                        isUnique = False
    -1128                        break
    -1130                if isUnique:
    -1131                    iList.append(iData)
    -1133        if showPrices:
    -1134            info = [
    -1135                "# Actual prices at: [{} UTC]\n\n".format(datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")),
    -1136                "| Ticker       | FIGI         | Type       | Prev. close | Last price  | Chg. %   | Day limits min/max  | Actual sell / buy   | Curr.\n",
    -1137                "|--------------|--------------|------------|-------------|-------------|----------|---------------------|---------------------|------\n",
    -1138            ]
    -1140            for item in iList:
    -1141                info.append("| {:<12} | {:<12} | {:<10} | {:>11} | {:>11} | {:>7}% | {:>19} | {:>19} | {}\n".format(
    -1142                    item["ticker"],
    -1143                    item["figi"],
    -1144                    item["type"],
    -1145                    "{:.2f}".format(float(item["currentPrice"]["closePrice"])),
    -1146                    "{:.2f}".format(float(item["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"])),
    -1147                    "{}{:.2f}".format("+" if item["currentPrice"]["changes"] > 0 else "", float(item["currentPrice"]["changes"])),
    -1148                    "{} / {}".format(
    -1149                        item["currentPrice"]["limitDown"] if item["currentPrice"]["limitDown"] is not None else "N/A",
    -1150                        item["currentPrice"]["limitUp"] if item["currentPrice"]["limitUp"] is not None else "N/A",
    -1151                    ),
    -1152                    "{} / {}".format(
    -1153                        item["currentPrice"]["sell"][0]["price"] if item["currentPrice"]["sell"] else "N/A",
    -1154                        item["currentPrice"]["buy"][0]["price"] if item["currentPrice"]["buy"] else "N/A",
    -1155                    ),
    -1156                    item["currency"],
    -1157                ))
    -1159            infoText = "".join(info)
    -1161            if showPrices:
    -1162                uLogger.info("Only unique instruments are shown:\n{}".format(infoText))
    -1164            if self.pricesFile:
    -1165                with open(self.pricesFile, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    -1166                    fH.write(infoText)
    -1168                uLogger.info("Price list for all instruments saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.pricesFile)))
    -1170        return iList
    1092    def GetListOfPrices(self, instruments: list = None, showPrices: bool = False) -> list:
    +1093        """
    +1094        This method get, maybe show and return prices of list of instruments. WARNING! This is potential long operation!
    +1095        See limits: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/limits/
    +1096        If `pricesFile` string is not empty then also save information to this file.
    +1098        :param instruments: list of tickers or FIGIs.
    +1099        :param showPrices: if `True` then print to console, if `False` - print only to file.
    +1100        :return: list of instruments looks like this: `iList = [{some ticker info, "currentPrice": {current prices}}, {...}, ...]`
    +1101                 One item is dict returned by `SearchByTicker()` or `SearchByFIGI()` methods.
    +1102        """
    +1103        if instruments is None or not instruments:
    +1104            raise Exception("You must define some of tickers or FIGIs to request it's actual prices!")
    +1106        requestedInstruments = []
    +1107        for iName in instruments:
    +1108            if iName not in self.aliases.keys():
    +1109                if iName not in requestedInstruments:
    +1110                    requestedInstruments.append(iName)
    +1112            else:
    +1113                if iName not in requestedInstruments:
    +1114                    if self.aliases[iName] not in requestedInstruments:
    +1115                        requestedInstruments.append(self.aliases[iName])
    +1117        uLogger.debug("Requested instruments without duplicates of tickers and FIGIs: {}".format(requestedInstruments))
    +1119        onlyUniqueFIGIs = []
    +1120        for iName in requestedInstruments:
    +1121            self.ticker = iName
    +1122            iData = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=False)  # trying to find instrument by ticker
    +1124            if not iData:
    +1125                self.ticker = ""
    +1126                self.figi = iName
    +1128                iData = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False)  # trying to find instrument by FIGI
    +1130                if not iData:
    +1131                    self.figi = ""
    +1132                    uLogger.warning("Instrument [{}] not in list of available instruments for current token!".format(iName))
    +1134            if iData and iData["figi"] not in onlyUniqueFIGIs:
    +1135                onlyUniqueFIGIs.append(iData["figi"])
    +1137        uLogger.debug("Unique list of FIGIs: {}".format(onlyUniqueFIGIs))
    +1138        uLogger.debug("Requesting current prices from Tinkoff Broker server...")
    +1140        iList = []  # trying to get info and current prices about all unique instruments:
    +1141        for self.figi in onlyUniqueFIGIs:
    +1142            iData = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True)
    +1143            iList.append(iData)
    +1145        if showPrices:
    +1146            info = [
    +1147                "# Actual prices at: [{} UTC]\n\n".format(datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")),
    +1148                "| Ticker       | FIGI         | Type       | Prev. close | Last price  | Chg. %   | Day limits min/max  | Actual sell / buy   | Curr. |\n",
    +1149                "|--------------|--------------|------------|-------------|-------------|----------|---------------------|---------------------|-------|\n",
    +1150            ]
    +1152            for item in iList:
    +1153                info.append("| {:<12} | {:<12} | {:<10} | {:>11} | {:>11} | {:>7}% | {:>19} | {:>19} | {:<5} |\n".format(
    +1154                    item["ticker"],
    +1155                    item["figi"],
    +1156                    item["type"],
    +1157                    "{:.2f}".format(float(item["currentPrice"]["closePrice"])),
    +1158                    "{:.2f}".format(float(item["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"])),
    +1159                    "{}{:.2f}".format("+" if item["currentPrice"]["changes"] > 0 else "", float(item["currentPrice"]["changes"])),
    +1160                    "{} / {}".format(
    +1161                        item["currentPrice"]["limitDown"] if item["currentPrice"]["limitDown"] is not None else "N/A",
    +1162                        item["currentPrice"]["limitUp"] if item["currentPrice"]["limitUp"] is not None else "N/A",
    +1163                    ),
    +1164                    "{} / {}".format(
    +1165                        item["currentPrice"]["sell"][0]["price"] if item["currentPrice"]["sell"] else "N/A",
    +1166                        item["currentPrice"]["buy"][0]["price"] if item["currentPrice"]["buy"] else "N/A",
    +1167                    ),
    +1168                    item["currency"],
    +1169                ))
    +1171            infoText = "".join(info)
    +1173            if showPrices:
    +1174                uLogger.info("Only instruments with unique FIGIs are shown:\n{}".format(infoText))
    +1176            if self.pricesFile:
    +1177                with open(self.pricesFile, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    +1178                    fH.write(infoText)
    +1180                uLogger.info("Price list for all instruments saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.pricesFile)))
    +1182        return iList
    @@ -8195,22 +8460,22 @@
    1172    def RequestPortfolio(self) -> dict:
    -1173        """
    -1174        Requesting current actual user's portfolio.
    -1175        REST API for user portfolio: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetPortfolio
    -1177        :return: dictionary with user's portfolio.
    -1178        """
    -1179        uLogger.debug("Requesting current actual user's portfolio. Wait, please...")
    -1181        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId})
    -1182        portfolioURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OperationsService/GetPortfolio"
    -1183        rawPortfolio = self.SendAPIRequest(portfolioURL, reqType="POST")
    -1185        uLogger.debug("Records about user's portfolio successfully received")
    -1187        return rawPortfolio
    1184    def RequestPortfolio(self) -> dict:
    +1185        """
    +1186        Requesting current actual user's portfolio.
    +1187        REST API for user portfolio: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetPortfolio
    +1189        :return: dictionary with user's portfolio.
    +1190        """
    +1191        uLogger.debug("Requesting current actual user's portfolio. Wait, please...")
    +1193        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId})
    +1194        portfolioURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OperationsService/GetPortfolio"
    +1195        rawPortfolio = self.SendAPIRequest(portfolioURL, reqType="POST")
    +1197        uLogger.debug("Records about user's portfolio successfully received")
    +1199        return rawPortfolio
    @@ -8237,22 +8502,22 @@
    1189    def RequestPositions(self) -> dict:
    -1190        """
    -1191        Requesting current open positions in currencies and instruments.
    -1192        REST API for open positions: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetPositions
    -1194        :return: dictionary with open positions by instruments.
    -1195        """
    -1196        uLogger.debug("Requesting current open positions in currencies and instruments. Wait, please...")
    -1198        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId})
    -1199        positionsURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OperationsService/GetPositions"
    -1200        rawPositions = self.SendAPIRequest(positionsURL, reqType="POST")
    -1202        uLogger.debug("Records about current open positions successfully received")
    -1204        return rawPositions
    1201    def RequestPositions(self) -> dict:
    +1202        """
    +1203        Requesting current open positions in currencies and instruments.
    +1204        REST API for open positions: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetPositions
    +1206        :return: dictionary with open positions by instruments.
    +1207        """
    +1208        uLogger.debug("Requesting current open positions in currencies and instruments. Wait, please...")
    +1210        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId})
    +1211        positionsURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OperationsService/GetPositions"
    +1212        rawPositions = self.SendAPIRequest(positionsURL, reqType="POST")
    +1214        uLogger.debug("Records about current open positions successfully received")
    +1216        return rawPositions
    @@ -8279,22 +8544,22 @@
    1206    def RequestPendingOrders(self) -> list:
    -1207        """
    -1208        Requesting current actual pending orders.
    -1209        REST API for pending (market) orders: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OrdersService/OrdersService_GetOrders
    -1211        :return: list of dictionaries with pending orders.
    -1212        """
    -1213        uLogger.debug("Requesting current actual pending orders. Wait, please...")
    -1215        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId})
    -1216        ordersURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OrdersService/GetOrders"
    -1217        rawOrders = self.SendAPIRequest(ordersURL, reqType="POST")["orders"]
    -1219        uLogger.debug("[{}] records about pending orders successfully received".format(len(rawOrders)))
    -1221        return rawOrders
    1218    def RequestPendingOrders(self) -> list:
    +1219        """
    +1220        Requesting current actual pending orders.
    +1221        REST API for pending (market) orders: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OrdersService/OrdersService_GetOrders
    +1223        :return: list of dictionaries with pending orders.
    +1224        """
    +1225        uLogger.debug("Requesting current actual pending orders. Wait, please...")
    +1227        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId})
    +1228        ordersURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OrdersService/GetOrders"
    +1229        rawOrders = self.SendAPIRequest(ordersURL, reqType="POST")["orders"]
    +1231        uLogger.debug("[{}] records about pending orders received".format(len(rawOrders)))
    +1233        return rawOrders
    @@ -8321,22 +8586,22 @@
    1223    def RequestStopOrders(self) -> list:
    -1224        """
    -1225        Requesting current actual stop orders.
    -1226        REST API for opened stop-orders: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/StopOrdersService/StopOrdersService_GetStopOrders
    -1228        :return: list of dictionaries with stop orders.
    -1229        """
    -1230        uLogger.debug("Requesting current actual stop orders. Wait, please...")
    -1232        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId})
    -1233        ordersURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.StopOrdersService/GetStopOrders"
    -1234        rawStopOrders = self.SendAPIRequest(ordersURL, reqType="POST")["stopOrders"]
    -1236        uLogger.debug("[{}] records about stop orders successfully received".format(len(rawStopOrders)))
    -1238        return rawStopOrders
    1235    def RequestStopOrders(self) -> list:
    +1236        """
    +1237        Requesting current actual stop orders.
    +1238        REST API for opened stop-orders: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/StopOrdersService/StopOrdersService_GetStopOrders
    +1240        :return: list of dictionaries with stop orders.
    +1241        """
    +1242        uLogger.debug("Requesting current actual stop orders. Wait, please...")
    +1244        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId})
    +1245        ordersURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.StopOrdersService/GetStopOrders"
    +1246        rawStopOrders = self.SendAPIRequest(ordersURL, reqType="POST")["stopOrders"]
    +1248        uLogger.debug("[{}] records about stop orders received".format(len(rawStopOrders)))
    +1250        return rawStopOrders
    @@ -8357,714 +8622,779 @@
    def - Overview(self, showStatistics: bool = False) -> dict: + Overview(self, showStatistics: bool = False, details: str = 'full') -> dict:
    1240    def Overview(self, showStatistics: bool = False) -> dict:
    -1241        """
    -1242        Get portfolio: all open positions, orders and some statistics for defined accountId.
    -1243        If `overviewFile` is define then also save information to file.
    -1245        :param showStatistics: if `False` then only dictionary returns, if `True` then show more debug information.
    -1246        :return: dictionary with client's raw portfolio and some statistics.
    -1247        """
    -1248        view = {
    -1249            "raw": {  # --- raw portfolio responses from broker with user portfolio data:
    -1250                "headers": {},  # list of dictionaries, response headers without "positions" section
    -1251                "Currencies": [],  # list of dictionaries, open trades with currencies from "positions" section
    -1252                "Shares": [],  # list of dictionaries, open trades with shares from "positions" section
    -1253                "Bonds": [],  # list of dictionaries, open trades with bonds from "positions" section
    -1254                "Etfs": [],  # list of dictionaries, open trades with etfs from "positions" section
    -1255                "Futures": [],  # list of dictionaries, open trades with futures from "positions" section
    -1256                "positions": {},  # raw response from broker: dictionary with current available or blocked currencies and instruments for client
    -1257                "orders": [],  # raw response from broker: list of dictionaries with all pending (market) orders
    -1258                "stopOrders": [],  # raw response from broker: list of dictionaries with all stop orders
    -1259                "currenciesCurrentPrices": {"rub": {"name": "Российский рубль", "currentPrice": 1.}},  # dict with prices of all currencies in RUB
    -1260            },
    -1261            "stat": {  # --- some statistics calculated using "raw" sections:
    -1262                "portfolioCostRUB": 0.,  # portfolio cost in RUB (Russian Rouble)
    -1263                "availableRUB": 0.,  # available rubles (without other currencies)
    -1264                "blockedRUB": 0.,  # blocked sum in Russian Rouble
    -1265                "totalChangesRUB": 0.,  # changes for all open trades in RUB
    -1266                "totalChangesPercentRUB": 0.,  # changes for all open trades in percents
    -1267                "allCurrenciesCostRUB": 0.,  # costs of all currencies (include rubles) in RUB
    -1268                "sharesCostRUB": 0.,  # costs of all shares in RUB
    -1269                "bondsCostRUB": 0.,  # costs of all bonds in RUB
    -1270                "etfsCostRUB": 0.,  # costs of all etfs in RUB
    -1271                "futuresCostRUB": 0.,  # costs of all futures in RUB
    -1272                "Currencies": [],  # list of dictionaries of all currencies statistics
    -1273                "Shares": [],  # list of dictionaries of all shares statistics
    -1274                "Bonds": [],  # list of dictionaries of all bonds statistics
    -1275                "Etfs": [],  # list of dictionaries of all etfs statistics
    -1276                "Futures": [],  # list of dictionaries of all futures statistics
    -1277                "orders": [],  # list of dictionaries of all pending (market) orders and it's parameters
    -1278                "stopOrders": [],  # list of dictionaries of all stop orders and it's parameters
    -1279                "blockedCurrencies": {},  # dict with blocked instruments and currencies, e.g. {"rub": 1291.87, "usd": 6.21}
    -1280                "blockedInstruments": {},  # dict with blocked  by FIGI, e.g. {}
    -1281                "funds": {},  # dict with free funds for trading (total - blocked), by all currencies, e.g. {"rub": {"total": 10000.99, "totalCostRUB": 10000.99, "free": 1234.56, "freeCostRUB": 1234.56}, "usd": {"total": 250.55, "totalCostRUB": 15375.80, "free": 125.05, "freeCostRUB": 7687.50}}
    -1282            },
    -1283            "analytics": {  # --- some analytics of portfolio:
    -1284                "distrByAssets": {},  # portfolio distribution by assets
    -1285                "distrByCompanies": {},  # portfolio distribution by companies
    -1286                "distrBySectors": {},  # portfolio distribution by sectors
    -1287                "distrByCurrencies": {},  # portfolio distribution by currencies
    -1288                "distrByCountries": {},  # portfolio distribution by countries
    -1289            }
    -1290        }
    -1292        if showStatistics:
    -1293            uLogger.debug("Requesting portfolio of a client. Wait, please...")
    -1295        portfolioResponse = self.RequestPortfolio()  # current user's portfolio (dict)
    -1296        view["raw"]["positions"] = self.RequestPositions()  # current open positions by instruments (dict)
    -1297        view["raw"]["orders"] = self.RequestPendingOrders()  # current actual pending orders (list)
    -1298        view["raw"]["stopOrders"] = self.RequestStopOrders()  # current actual stop orders (list)
    -1300        # save response headers without "positions" section:
    -1301        for key in portfolioResponse.keys():
    -1302            if key != "positions":
    -1303                view["raw"]["headers"][key] = portfolioResponse[key]
    -1305            else:
    -1306                continue
    -1308        # Re-sorting and separating given raw instruments and currencies by type: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/operations/#operation
    -1309        # Type of instrument must be only one of supported types in TKS_INSTRUMENTS
    -1310        for item in portfolioResponse["positions"]:
    -1311            if item["instrumentType"] == "currency":
    -1312                self.figi = item["figi"]
    -1313                curr = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False)
    -1315                # current price of currency in RUB:
    -1316                view["raw"]["currenciesCurrentPrices"][curr["nominal"]["currency"]] = {
    -1317                    "name": curr["name"],
    -1318                    "currentPrice": NanoToFloat(
    -1319                        item["currentPrice"]["units"],
    -1320                        item["currentPrice"]["nano"]
    -1321                    ),
    -1322                }
    -1324                view["raw"]["Currencies"].append(item)
    -1326            elif item["instrumentType"] == "share":
    -1327                view["raw"]["Shares"].append(item)
    -1329            elif item["instrumentType"] == "bond":
    -1330                view["raw"]["Bonds"].append(item)
    -1332            elif item["instrumentType"] == "etf":
    -1333                view["raw"]["Etfs"].append(item)
    -1335            elif item["instrumentType"] == "futures":
    -1336                view["raw"]["Futures"].append(item)
    -1338            else:
    -1339                continue
    -1341        # how many volume of currencies (by ISO currency name) are blocked:
    -1342        for item in view["raw"]["positions"]["blocked"]:
    -1343            blocked = NanoToFloat(item["units"], item["nano"])
    -1344            if blocked > 0:
    -1345                view["stat"]["blockedCurrencies"][item["currency"]] = blocked
    -1347        # how many volume of instruments (by FIGI) are blocked:
    -1348        for item in view["raw"]["positions"]["securities"]:
    -1349            blocked = int(item["blocked"])
    -1350            if blocked > 0:
    -1351                view["stat"]["blockedInstruments"][item["figi"]] = blocked
    -1353        allBlocked = {**view["stat"]["blockedCurrencies"], **view["stat"]["blockedInstruments"]}
    -1355        if "rub" in allBlocked.keys():
    -1356            view["stat"]["blockedRUB"] = allBlocked["rub"]  # blocked rubles
    -1358        # --- saving current total amount in RUB of all currencies (with ruble), shares, bonds, etfs, futures and currencies:
    -1359        view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"] = NanoToFloat(portfolioResponse["totalAmountCurrencies"]["units"], portfolioResponse["totalAmountCurrencies"]["nano"])
    -1360        view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"] = NanoToFloat(portfolioResponse["totalAmountShares"]["units"], portfolioResponse["totalAmountShares"]["nano"])
    -1361        view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"] = NanoToFloat(portfolioResponse["totalAmountBonds"]["units"], portfolioResponse["totalAmountBonds"]["nano"])
    -1362        view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"] = NanoToFloat(portfolioResponse["totalAmountEtf"]["units"], portfolioResponse["totalAmountEtf"]["nano"])
    -1363        view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"] = NanoToFloat(portfolioResponse["totalAmountFutures"]["units"], portfolioResponse["totalAmountFutures"]["nano"])
    -1364        view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] = sum([
    -1365            view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"],
    -1366            view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"],
    -1367            view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"],
    -1368            view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"],
    -1369            view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"],
    -1370        ])
    -1372        # --- calculating some portfolio statistics:
    -1373        byComp = {}  # distribution by companies
    -1374        bySect = {}  # distribution by sectors
    -1375        byCurr = {}  # distribution by currencies (include RUB)
    -1376        unknownCountryName = "All other countries"  # default name for instruments without "countryOfRisk" and "countryOfRiskName"
    -1377        byCountry = {unknownCountryName: {"cost": 0, "percent": 0.}}  # distribution by countries (currencies are included in their countries)
    -1379        for item in portfolioResponse["positions"]:
    -1380            self.figi = item["figi"]
    -1381            instrument = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False)  # full raw info about instrument by FIGI
    -1383            if instrument:
    -1384                if item["instrumentType"] == "currency" and instrument["nominal"]["currency"] in allBlocked.keys():
    -1385                    blocked = allBlocked[instrument["nominal"]["currency"]]  # blocked volume of currency
    -1387                elif item["instrumentType"] != "currency" and item["figi"] in allBlocked.keys():
    -1388                    blocked = allBlocked[item["figi"]]  # blocked volume of other instruments
    -1390                else:
    -1391                    blocked = 0
    -1393                volume = NanoToFloat(item["quantity"]["units"], item["quantity"]["nano"])  # available volume of instrument
    -1394                lots = NanoToFloat(item["quantityLots"]["units"], item["quantityLots"]["nano"])  # available volume in lots of instrument
    -1395                direction = "Long" if lots >= 0 else "Short"  # direction of an instrument's position: short or long
    -1396                curPrice = NanoToFloat(item["currentPrice"]["units"], item["currentPrice"]["nano"])  # current instrument's price
    -1397                average = NanoToFloat(item["averagePositionPriceFifo"]["units"], item["averagePositionPriceFifo"]["nano"])  # current average position price
    -1398                profit = NanoToFloat(item["expectedYield"]["units"], item["expectedYield"]["nano"])  # expected profit at current moment
    -1399                currency = instrument["currency"] if (item["instrumentType"] == "share" or item["instrumentType"] == "etf" or item["instrumentType"] == "future") else instrument["nominal"]["currency"]  # currency name rub, usd, eur etc.
    -1400                cost = (curPrice + NanoToFloat(item["currentNkd"]["units"], item["currentNkd"]["nano"])) * volume  # current cost of all volume of instrument in basic asset
    -1401                baseCurrencyName = item["currentPrice"]["currency"]  # name of base currency (rub)
    -1402                countryName = "[{}] {}".format(instrument["countryOfRisk"], instrument["countryOfRiskName"]) if "countryOfRisk" in instrument.keys() and "countryOfRiskName" in instrument.keys() and instrument["countryOfRisk"] and instrument["countryOfRiskName"] else unknownCountryName
    -1403                costRUB = cost if item["instrumentType"] == "currency" else cost * view["raw"]["currenciesCurrentPrices"][currency]["currentPrice"]  # cost in rubles
    -1404                percentCostRUB = 100 * costRUB / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.  # instrument's part in percent of full portfolio cost
    -1406                statData = {
    -1407                    "figi": item["figi"],  # FIGI from REST API "GetPortfolio" method
    -1408                    "ticker": instrument["ticker"],  # ticker by FIGI
    -1409                    "currency": currency,  # currency name rub, usd, eur etc. for instrument price
    -1410                    "volume": volume,  # available volume of instrument
    -1411                    "lots": lots,  # volume in lots of instrument
    -1412                    "direction": direction,  # direction of an instrument's position: short or long
    -1413                    "blocked": blocked,  # blocked volume of currency or instrument
    -1414                    "currentPrice": curPrice,  # current instrument's price in basic asset
    -1415                    "average": average,  # current average position price
    -1416                    "cost": cost,  # current cost of all volume of instrument in basic asset
    -1417                    "baseCurrencyName": baseCurrencyName,  # name of base currency (rub)
    -1418                    "costRUB": costRUB,  # cost of instrument in ruble
    -1419                    "percentCostRUB": percentCostRUB,  # instrument's part in percent of full portfolio cost in RUB
    -1420                    "profit": profit,  # expected profit at current moment
    -1421                    "percentProfit": 100 * profit / (average * volume) if average != 0 and volume != 0 else 0,  # expected percents of profit at current moment for this instrument
    -1422                    "sector": instrument["sector"] if "sector" in instrument.keys() and instrument["sector"] else "other",
    -1423                    "name": instrument["name"] if "name" in instrument.keys() else "",  # human-readable names of instruments
    -1424                    "isoCurrencyName": instrument["isoCurrencyName"] if "isoCurrencyName" in instrument.keys() else "",  # ISO name for currencies only
    -1425                    "country": countryName,  # e.g. "[RU] Российская Федерация" or unknownCountryName
    -1426                    "step": instrument["step"],  # minimum price increment
    -1427                }
    -1429                # adding distribution by unique countries:
    -1430                if statData["country"] not in byCountry.keys():
    -1431                    byCountry[statData["country"]] = {"cost": costRUB, "percent": percentCostRUB}
    -1433                else:
    -1434                    byCountry[statData["country"]]["cost"] += costRUB
    -1435                    byCountry[statData["country"]]["percent"] += percentCostRUB
    -1437                if item["instrumentType"] != "currency":
    -1438                    # adding distribution by unique companies:
    -1439                    if statData["name"]:
    -1440                        if statData["name"] not in byComp.keys():
    -1441                            byComp[statData["name"]] = {"ticker": statData["ticker"], "cost": costRUB, "percent": percentCostRUB}
    -1443                        else:
    -1444                            byComp[statData["name"]]["cost"] += costRUB
    -1445                            byComp[statData["name"]]["percent"] += percentCostRUB
    -1447                    # adding distribution by unique sectors:
    -1448                    if statData["sector"] not in bySect.keys():
    -1449                        bySect[statData["sector"]] = {"cost": costRUB, "percent": percentCostRUB}
    -1451                    else:
    -1452                        bySect[statData["sector"]]["cost"] += costRUB
    -1453                        bySect[statData["sector"]]["percent"] += percentCostRUB
    -1455                # adding distribution by unique currencies:
    -1456                if currency not in byCurr.keys():
    -1457                    byCurr[currency] = {
    -1458                        "name": view["raw"]["currenciesCurrentPrices"][currency]["name"],
    -1459                        "cost": costRUB,
    -1460                        "percent": percentCostRUB
    -1461                    }
    -1463                else:
    -1464                    byCurr[currency]["cost"] += costRUB
    -1465                    byCurr[currency]["percent"] += percentCostRUB
    -1467                # saving statistics for every instrument:
    -1468                if item["instrumentType"] == "currency":
    -1469                    view["stat"]["Currencies"].append(statData)
    -1471                    # update dict with free funds for trading (total - blocked) by currencies
    -1472                    # e.g. {"rub": {"total": 10000.99, "totalCostRUB": 10000.99, "free": 1234.56, "freeCostRUB": 1234.56}, "usd": {"total": 250.55, "totalCostRUB": 15375.80, "free": 125.05, "freeCostRUB": 7687.50}}
    -1473                    view["stat"]["funds"][currency] = {
    -1474                        "total": volume,
    -1475                        "totalCostRUB": costRUB,  # total volume cost in rubles
    -1476                        "free": volume - blocked,
    -1477                        "freeCostRUB": costRUB * ((volume - blocked) / volume) if volume > 0 else 0,  # free volume cost in rubles
    -1478                    }
    -1480                elif item["instrumentType"] == "share":
    -1481                    view["stat"]["Shares"].append(statData)
    -1483                elif item["instrumentType"] == "bond":
    -1484                    view["stat"]["Bonds"].append(statData)
    -1486                elif item["instrumentType"] == "etf":
    -1487                    view["stat"]["Etfs"].append(statData)
    -1489                elif item["instrumentType"] == "Futures":
    -1490                    view["stat"]["Futures"].append(statData)
    -1492                else:
    -1493                    continue
    -1495        # total changes in Russian Ruble:
    -1496        view["stat"]["availableRUB"] = view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"] - sum([item["cost"] for item in view["stat"]["Currencies"]])  # available RUB without other currencies
    -1497        view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"] = NanoToFloat(view["raw"]["headers"]["expectedYield"]["units"], view["raw"]["headers"]["expectedYield"]["nano"]) if "expectedYield" in view["raw"]["headers"].keys() else 0.
    -1498        startCost = view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] / (1 + view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"] / 100)
    -1499        view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"] = view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] - startCost
    -1500        view["stat"]["funds"]["rub"] = {
    -1501            "total": view["stat"]["availableRUB"],
    -1502            "totalCostRUB": view["stat"]["availableRUB"],
    -1503            "free": view["stat"]["availableRUB"] - view["stat"]["blockedRUB"],
    -1504            "freeCostRUB": view["stat"]["availableRUB"] - view["stat"]["blockedRUB"],
    -1505        }
    -1507        # --- pending orders sector data:
    -1508        for item in view["raw"]["orders"]:
    -1509            self.figi = item["figi"]
    -1510            instrument = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True)  # full raw info about instrument by FIGI
    -1512            if instrument:
    -1513                action = TKS_ORDER_DIRECTIONS[item["direction"]]
    -1514                orderType = TKS_ORDER_TYPES[item["orderType"]]
    -1515                orderState = TKS_ORDER_STATES[item["executionReportStatus"]]
    -1516                orderDate = item["orderDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "").split(".")[0]  # date in UTC format, e.g. "2022-12-31T23:59:59.123456Z"
    -1518                # current instrument's price (last sellers order if buy, and last buyers order if sell):
    -1519                if item["direction"] == "ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY":
    -1520                    lastPrice = instrument["currentPrice"]["sell"][0]["price"] if instrument["currentPrice"]["sell"] else "N/A"
    -1522                else:
    -1523                    lastPrice = instrument["currentPrice"]["buy"][0]["price"] if instrument["currentPrice"]["buy"] else "N/A"
    -1525                # requested price for order execution:
    -1526                target = NanoToFloat(item["initialSecurityPrice"]["units"], item["initialSecurityPrice"]["nano"])
    -1528                # necessary changes in percent to reach target from current price:
    -1529                changes = 100 * (lastPrice - target) / target if lastPrice != "N/A" and target > 0 else 0
    -1531                view["stat"]["orders"].append({
    -1532                    "orderID": item["orderId"],  # orderId number parameter of current order
    -1533                    "figi": item["figi"],  # FIGI identification
    -1534                    "ticker": instrument["ticker"],  # ticker name by FIGI
    -1535                    "lotsRequested": item["lotsRequested"],  # requested lots value
    -1536                    "lotsExecuted": item["lotsExecuted"],  # how many lots are executed
    -1537                    "currentPrice": lastPrice,  # current instrument's price for defined action
    -1538                    "targetPrice": target,  # requested price for order execution in base currency
    -1539                    "baseCurrencyName": item["initialSecurityPrice"]["currency"],  # name of base currency
    -1540                    "percentChanges": changes,  # changes in percent to target from current price
    -1541                    "currency": item["currency"],  # instrument's currency name
    -1542                    "action": action,  # sell / buy / Unknown from TKS_ORDER_DIRECTIONS
    -1543                    "type": orderType,  # type of order from TKS_ORDER_TYPES
    -1544                    "status": orderState,  # order status from TKS_ORDER_STATES
    -1545                    "date": orderDate,  # string with order date and time from UTC format (without nano seconds part)
    -1546                })
    -1548        # --- stop orders sector data:
    -1549        for item in view["raw"]["stopOrders"]:
    -1550            self.figi = item["figi"]
    -1551            instrument = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True)  # full raw info about instrument by FIGI
    -1553            if instrument:
    -1554                action = TKS_STOP_ORDER_DIRECTIONS[item["direction"]]
    -1555                orderType = TKS_STOP_ORDER_TYPES[item["orderType"]]
    -1556                createDate = item["createDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "").split(".")[0]  # date in UTC format, e.g. "2022-12-31T23:59:59.123456Z"
    -1558                # hack: server response can't contain "expirationTime" key if it is not "Until date" type of stop order
    -1559                if "expirationTime" in item.keys():
    -1561                    expDate = item["expirationTime"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "").split(".")[0]
    -1563                else:
    -1567                # current instrument's price (last sellers order if buy, and last buyers order if sell):
    -1568                if item["direction"] == "STOP_ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY":
    -1569                    lastPrice = instrument["currentPrice"]["sell"][0]["price"] if instrument["currentPrice"]["sell"] else "N/A"
    -1571                else:
    -1572                    lastPrice = instrument["currentPrice"]["buy"][0]["price"] if instrument["currentPrice"]["buy"] else "N/A"
    -1574                # requested price when stop-order executed:
    -1575                target = NanoToFloat(item["stopPrice"]["units"], item["stopPrice"]["nano"])
    -1577                # price for limit-order, set up when stop-order executed:
    -1578                limit = NanoToFloat(item["price"]["units"], item["price"]["nano"])
    -1580                # necessary changes in percent to reach target from current price:
    -1581                changes = 100 * (lastPrice - target) / target if lastPrice != "N/A" and target > 0 else 0
    -1583                view["stat"]["stopOrders"].append({
    -1584                    "orderID": item["stopOrderId"],  # stopOrderId number parameter of current stop-order
    -1585                    "figi": item["figi"],  # FIGI identification
    -1586                    "ticker": instrument["ticker"],  # ticker name by FIGI
    -1587                    "lotsRequested": item["lotsRequested"],  # requested lots value
    -1588                    "currentPrice": lastPrice,  # current instrument's price for defined action
    -1589                    "targetPrice": target,  # requested price for stop-order execution in base currency
    -1590                    "limitPrice": limit,  # price for limit-order, set up when stop-order executed, 0 if market order
    -1591                    "baseCurrencyName": item["stopPrice"]["currency"],  # name of base currency
    -1592                    "percentChanges": changes,  # changes in percent to target from current price
    -1593                    "currency": item["currency"],  # instrument's currency name
    -1594                    "action": action,  # sell / buy / Unknown from TKS_STOP_ORDER_DIRECTIONS
    -1595                    "type": orderType,  # type of order from TKS_STOP_ORDER_TYPES
    -1596                    "expType": expType,  # expiration type of stop-order from TKS_STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPES
    -1597                    "createDate": createDate,  # string with created order date and time from UTC format (without nano seconds part)
    -1598                    "expDate": expDate,  # string with expiration order date and time from UTC format (without nano seconds part)
    -1599                })
    -1601        # --- calculating data for analytics section:
    -1602        # portfolio distribution by assets:
    -1603        view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"] = {
    -1604            "Ruble": {
    -1605                "uniques": 1,
    -1606                "cost": view["stat"]["availableRUB"],
    -1607                "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["availableRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    -1608            },
    -1609            "Currencies": {
    -1610                "uniques": len(view["stat"]["Currencies"]),  # all foreign currencies without RUB
    -1611                "cost": view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"] - view["stat"]["availableRUB"],
    -1612                "percent": 100 * (view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"] - view["stat"]["availableRUB"]) / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    -1613            },
    -1614            "Shares": {
    -1615                "uniques": len(view["stat"]["Shares"]),
    -1616                "cost": view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"],
    -1617                "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    -1618            },
    -1619            "Bonds": {
    -1620                "uniques": len(view["stat"]["Bonds"]),
    -1621                "cost": view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"],
    -1622                "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    -1623            },
    -1624            "Etfs": {
    -1625                "uniques": len(view["stat"]["Etfs"]),
    -1626                "cost": view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"],
    -1627                "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    -1628            },
    -1629            "Futures": {
    -1630                "uniques": len(view["stat"]["Futures"]),
    -1631                "cost": view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"],
    -1632                "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    -1633            },
    -1634        }
    -1636        # portfolio distribution by companies:
    -1637        view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"]["All money cash"] = {
    -1638            "ticker": "",
    -1639            "cost": view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"],
    -1640            "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    -1641        }
    -1642        view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"].update(byComp)
    -1644        # portfolio distribution by sectors:
    -1645        view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"]["All money cash"] = {
    -1646            "cost": view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"]["All money cash"]["cost"],
    -1647            "percent": view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"]["All money cash"]["percent"],
    -1648        }
    -1649        view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"].update(bySect)
    -1651        # portfolio distribution by currencies:
    -1652        view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"].update(byCurr)
    -1653        view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"]["rub"]["cost"] += view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"]["Ruble"]["cost"]
    -1654        view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"]["rub"]["percent"] += view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"]["Ruble"]["percent"]
    -1656        # portfolio distribution by countries:
    -1657        view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"].update(byCountry)
    -1659        # --- Prepare text statistics overview in human-readable:
    -1660        if showStatistics:
    -1661            info = [
    -1662                "# Client's portfolio\n\n",
    -1663                "* **Actual date:** [{}] (UTC)\n".format(datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")),
    -1664                "* **Portfolio cost:** {:.2f} RUB\n".format(view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"]),
    -1665                "* **Changes:** {}{:.2f} RUB ({}{:.2f}%)\n\n".format(
    -1666                    "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"] > 0 else "",
    -1667                    view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"],
    -1668                    "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"] > 0 else "",
    -1669                    view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"],
    -1670                ),
    -1671                "## Open positions\n\n",
    -1672                "| Ticker [FIGI]               | Volume (blocked)                | Lots     | Curr. price  | Avg. price   | Current volume cost | Profit (%)\n",
    -1673                "|-----------------------------|---------------------------------|----------|--------------|--------------|---------------------|----------------------\n",
    -1674                "| Ruble                       | {:>31} |          |              |              |                     |\n".format(
    -1675                    "{:.2f} ({:.2f}) rub".format(
    -1676                        view["stat"]["availableRUB"],
    -1677                        view["stat"]["blockedRUB"],
    -1678                    )
    -1679                )
    -1680            ]
    -1682            def _SplitStr(CostRUB: float = 0, typeStr: str = "", noTradeStr: str = "") -> list:
    -1683                return [
    -1684                    "|                             |                                 |          |              |              |                     |\n",
    -1685                    "| {:<27} |                                 |          |              |              | {:>19} |\n".format(
    -1686                        noTradeStr if noTradeStr else typeStr,
    -1687                        "" if noTradeStr else "{:.2f} RUB".format(CostRUB),
    -1688                    ),
    -1689                ]
    -1691            def _InfoStr(data: dict, showCurrencyName: bool = False) -> str:
    -1692                return "| {:<27} | {:>31} | {:<8} | {:>12} | {:>12} | {:>19} | {}\n".format(
    -1693                    "{} [{}]".format(data["ticker"], data["figi"]),
    -1694                    "{:.2f} ({:.2f}) {}".format(
    -1695                        data["volume"],
    -1696                        data["blocked"],
    -1697                        data["currency"],
    -1698                    ) if showCurrencyName else "{:.0f} ({:.0f})".format(
    -1699                        data["volume"],
    -1700                        data["blocked"],
    -1701                    ),
    -1702                    "{:.4f}".format(data["lots"]) if showCurrencyName else "{:.0f}".format(data["lots"]),
    -1703                    "{:.2f} {}".format(data["currentPrice"], data["baseCurrencyName"]) if data["currentPrice"] > 0 else "n/a",
    -1704                    "{:.2f} {}".format(data["average"], data["baseCurrencyName"]) if data["average"] > 0 else "n/a",
    -1705                    "{:.2f} {}".format(data["cost"], data["baseCurrencyName"]),
    -1706                    "{}{:.2f} {} ({}{:.2f}%)".format(
    -1707                        "+" if data["profit"] > 0 else "",
    -1708                        data["profit"], data["baseCurrencyName"],
    -1709                        "+" if data["percentProfit"] > 0 else "",
    -1710                        data["percentProfit"],
    -1711                    ),
    -1712                )
    -1714            # --- Show currencies section:
    -1715            if view["stat"]["Currencies"]:
    -1716                info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"]["Currencies"]["cost"], typeStr="**Currencies:**"))
    -1717                for item in view["stat"]["Currencies"]:
    -1718                    info.append(_InfoStr(item, showCurrencyName=True))
    -1720            else:
    -1721                info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Currencies:** no trades"))
    -1723            # --- Show shares section:
    -1724            if view["stat"]["Shares"]:
    -1725                info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"], typeStr="**Shares:**"))
    -1727                for item in view["stat"]["Shares"]:
    -1728                    info.append(_InfoStr(item))
    -1730            else:
    -1731                info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Shares:** no trades"))
    -1733            # --- Show bonds section:
    -1734            if view["stat"]["Bonds"]:
    -1735                info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"], typeStr="**Bonds:**"))
    -1737                for item in view["stat"]["Bonds"]:
    -1738                    info.append(_InfoStr(item))
    -1740            else:
    -1741                info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Bonds:** no trades"))
    -1743            # --- Show etfs section:
    -1744            if view["stat"]["Etfs"]:
    -1745                info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"], typeStr="**Etfs:**"))
    -1747                for item in view["stat"]["Etfs"]:
    -1748                    info.append(_InfoStr(item))
    -1750            else:
    -1751                info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Etfs:** no trades"))
    -1753            # --- Show futures section:
    -1754            if view["stat"]["Futures"]:
    -1755                info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"], typeStr="**Futures:**"))
    -1757                for item in view["stat"]["Futures"]:
    -1758                    info.append(_InfoStr(item))
    -1760            else:
    -1761                info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Futures:** no trades"))
    -1763            # --- Show pending orders section:
    -1764            if view["stat"]["orders"]:
    -1765                info.extend([
    -1766                    "\n## Opened pending limit-orders: {}\n".format(len(view["stat"]["orders"])),
    -1767                    "\n| Ticker [FIGI]               | Order ID       | Lots (exec.) | Current price (% delta) | Target price  | Action    | Type      | Create date (UTC)\n",
    -1768                    "|-----------------------------|----------------|--------------|-------------------------|---------------|-----------|-----------|---------------------\n",
    -1769                ])
    -1770                for item in view["stat"]["orders"]:
    -1771                    info.append("| {:<27} | {:<14} | {:<12} | {:>23} | {:>13} | {:<9} | {:<9} | {}\n".format(
    -1772                        "{} [{}]".format(item["ticker"], item["figi"]),
    -1773                        item["orderID"],
    -1774                        "{} ({})".format(item["lotsRequested"], item["lotsExecuted"]),
    -1775                        "{} {} ({}{:.2f}%)".format(
    -1776                            "{}".format(item["currentPrice"]) if isinstance(item["currentPrice"], str) else "{:.2f}".format(float(item["currentPrice"])),
    -1777                            item["baseCurrencyName"],
    -1778                            "+" if item["percentChanges"] > 0 else "",
    -1779                            float(item["percentChanges"]),
    -1780                        ),
    -1781                        "{:.2f} {}".format(float(item["targetPrice"]), item["baseCurrencyName"]),
    -1782                        item["action"],
    -1783                        item["type"],
    -1784                        item["date"],
    -1785                    ))
    -1787            else:
    -1788                info.append("\n## Total pending limit-orders: 0\n")
    -1790            # --- Show stop orders section:
    -1791            if view["stat"]["stopOrders"]:
    -1792                info.extend([
    -1793                    "\n## Opened stop-orders: {}\n".format(len(view["stat"]["stopOrders"])),
    -1794                    "\n| Ticker [FIGI]               | Stop order ID                        | Lots   | Current price (% delta) | Target price  | Limit price   | Action    | Type        | Expire type  | Create date (UTC)   | Expiration (UTC)\n",
    -1795                    "|-----------------------------|--------------------------------------|--------|-------------------------|---------------|---------------|-----------|-------------|--------------|---------------------|---------------------\n",
    -1796                ])
    -1797                for item in view["stat"]["stopOrders"]:
    -1798                    info.append("| {:<27} | {:<14} | {:<6} | {:>23} | {:>13} | {:>13} | {:<9} | {:<11} | {:<12} | {:<19} | {}\n".format(
    -1799                        "{} [{}]".format(item["ticker"], item["figi"]),
    -1800                        item["orderID"],
    -1801                        item["lotsRequested"],
    -1802                        "{} {} ({}{:.2f}%)".format(
    -1803                            "{}".format(item["currentPrice"]) if isinstance(item["currentPrice"], str) else "{:.2f}".format(float(item["currentPrice"])),
    -1804                            item["baseCurrencyName"],
    -1805                            "+" if item["percentChanges"] > 0 else "",
    -1806                            float(item["percentChanges"]),
    -1807                        ),
    -1808                        "{:.2f} {}".format(float(item["targetPrice"]), item["baseCurrencyName"]),
    -1809                        "{:.2f} {}".format(float(item["limitPrice"]), item["baseCurrencyName"]) if item["limitPrice"] and item["limitPrice"] != item["targetPrice"] else TKS_ORDER_TYPES["ORDER_TYPE_MARKET"],
    -1810                        item["action"],
    -1811                        item["type"],
    -1812                        item["expType"],
    -1813                        item["createDate"],
    -1814                        item["expDate"],
    -1815                    ))
    -1817            else:
    -1818                info.append("\n## Total stop-orders: 0\n")
    -1820            # -- Show analytics section:
    -1821            if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0:
    -1822                info.extend([
    -1823                    "\n# Analytics\n"
    -1824                    "\n* **Current total portfolio cost:** {:.2f} RUB\n".format(view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"]),
    -1825                    "* **Changes:** {}{:.2f} RUB ({}{:.2f}%)\n".format(
    -1826                        "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"] > 0 else "",
    -1827                        view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"],
    -1828                        "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"] > 0 else "",
    -1829                        view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"],
    -1830                    ),
    -1831                    "\n## Portfolio distribution by assets\n"
    -1832                    "\n| Type       | Uniques | Percent | Current cost\n",
    -1833                    "|------------|---------|---------|-----------------\n",
    -1834                ])
    -1836                for key in view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"].keys():
    -1837                    if view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["cost"] > 0:
    -1838                        info.append("| {:<10} | {:<7} | {:<7} | {:.2f} rub\n".format(
    -1839                            key,
    -1840                            view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["uniques"],
    -1841                            "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["percent"]),
    -1842                            view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["cost"],
    -1843                        ))
    -1845                maxLenNames = 3 + max([len(company) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"]) for company in view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"].keys()])
    -1846                info.extend([
    -1847                    "\n## Portfolio distribution by companies\n"
    -1848                    "\n| Company{} | Percent | Current cost\n".format(" " * (maxLenNames - 7)),
    -1849                    "|--------{}-|---------|-----------------\n".format("-" * (maxLenNames - 7)),
    -1850                ])
    -1852                for company in view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"].keys():
    -1853                    if view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["cost"] > 0:
    -1854                        nameLen = 3 + len(company) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"])
    -1855                        info.append("| {} | {:<7} | {:.2f} rub\n".format(
    -1856                            "{}{}{}".format(
    -1857                                "[{}] ".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"]) if view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"] else "",
    -1858                                company,
    -1859                                "" if nameLen == maxLenNames else "{}".format(" " * (maxLenNames - nameLen) if view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"] else " " * (maxLenNames - nameLen + 3)),
    -1860                            ),
    -1861                            "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["percent"]),
    -1862                            view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["cost"],
    -1863                        ))
    -1865                maxLenSectors = max([len(sector) for sector in view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"].keys()])
    -1866                info.extend([
    -1867                    "\n## Portfolio distribution by sectors\n"
    -1868                    "\n| Sector{} | Percent | Current cost\n".format(" " * (maxLenSectors - 6)),
    -1869                    "|-------{}-|---------|-----------------\n".format("-" * (maxLenSectors - 6)),
    -1870                ])
    -1872                for sector in view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"].keys():
    -1873                    if view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"][sector]["cost"] > 0:
    -1874                        info.append("| {}{} | {:<7} | {:.2f} rub\n".format(
    -1875                            sector,
    -1876                            "" if len(sector) == maxLenSectors else " " * (maxLenSectors - len(sector)),
    -1877                            "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"][sector]["percent"]),
    -1878                            view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"][sector]["cost"],
    -1879                        ))
    -1881                maxLenMoney = 3 + max([len(currency) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][currency]["name"]) for currency in view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"].keys()])
    -1882                info.extend([
    -1883                    "\n## Portfolio distribution by currencies\n"
    -1884                    "\n| Instruments currencies{} | Percent | Current cost\n".format(" " * (maxLenMoney - 22)),
    -1885                    "|-----------------------{}-|---------|-----------------\n".format("-" * (maxLenMoney - 22)),
    -1886                ])
    -1888                for curr in view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"].keys():
    -1889                    if view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["cost"] > 0:
    -1890                        nameLen = 3 + len(curr) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["name"])
    -1891                        info.append("| {} | {:<7} | {:.2f} rub\n".format(
    -1892                            "[{}] {}{}".format(
    -1893                                curr,
    -1894                                view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["name"],
    -1895                                "" if nameLen == maxLenMoney else " " * (maxLenMoney - nameLen),
    -1896                            ),
    -1897                            "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["percent"]),
    -1898                            view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["cost"],
    -1899                        ))
    -1901                maxLenCountry = max(17, max([len(country) for country in view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"].keys()]))
    -1902                info.extend([
    -1903                    "\n## Portfolio distribution by countries\n"
    -1904                    "\n| Assets by country{} | Percent | Current cost\n".format(" " * (maxLenCountry - 17)),
    -1905                    "|------------------{}-|---------|-----------------\n".format("-" * (maxLenCountry - 17)),
    -1906                ])
    -1908                for country in view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"].keys():
    -1909                    if view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"][country]["cost"] > 0:
    -1910                        nameLen = len(country)
    -1911                        info.append("| {} | {:<7} | {:.2f} rub\n".format(
    -1912                            "{}{}".format(
    -1913                                country,
    -1914                                "" if nameLen == maxLenCountry else " " * (maxLenCountry - nameLen),
    -1915                            ),
    -1916                            "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"][country]["percent"]),
    -1917                            view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"][country]["cost"],
    -1918                        ))
    -1920            infoText = "".join(info)
    -1922            if showStatistics:
    -1923                uLogger.info("Statistics of client's portfolio:\n{}".format(infoText))
    -1925            if self.overviewFile:
    -1926                with open(self.overviewFile, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    -1927                    fH.write(infoText)
    -1929                uLogger.info("Client's portfolio is saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.overviewFile)))
    -1931        return view
    1252    def Overview(self, showStatistics: bool = False, details: str = "full") -> dict:
    +1253        """
    +1254        Get portfolio: all open positions, orders and some statistics for defined accountId.
    +1255        If `overviewFile`, `overviewDigestFile`, `overviewPositionsFile`, `overviewOrdersFile`, `overviewAnalyticsFile`
    +1256        are defined then also save information to file.
    +1258        :param showStatistics: if `False` then only dictionary returns, if `True` then show more debug information.
    +1259        :param details: how detailed should the information be? You should specify one of strings:
    +1260                        `full` - shows full available information about portfolio status (by default),
    +1261                        `positions` - shows only open positions,
    +1262                        `digest` - show a short digest of the portfolio status,
    +1263                        `analytics` - shows only the analytics section and the distribution of the portfolio by various categories,
    +1264                        `orders` - shows only sections of open limits and stop orders.
    +1265        :return: dictionary with client's raw portfolio and some statistics.
    +1266        """
    +1267        view = {
    +1268            "raw": {  # --- raw portfolio responses from broker with user portfolio data:
    +1269                "headers": {},  # list of dictionaries, response headers without "positions" section
    +1270                "Currencies": [],  # list of dictionaries, open trades with currencies from "positions" section
    +1271                "Shares": [],  # list of dictionaries, open trades with shares from "positions" section
    +1272                "Bonds": [],  # list of dictionaries, open trades with bonds from "positions" section
    +1273                "Etfs": [],  # list of dictionaries, open trades with etfs from "positions" section
    +1274                "Futures": [],  # list of dictionaries, open trades with futures from "positions" section
    +1275                "positions": {},  # raw response from broker: dictionary with current available or blocked currencies and instruments for client
    +1276                "orders": [],  # raw response from broker: list of dictionaries with all pending (market) orders
    +1277                "stopOrders": [],  # raw response from broker: list of dictionaries with all stop orders
    +1278                "currenciesCurrentPrices": {"rub": {"name": "Российский рубль", "currentPrice": 1.}},  # dict with prices of all currencies in RUB
    +1279            },
    +1280            "stat": {  # --- some statistics calculated using "raw" sections:
    +1281                "portfolioCostRUB": 0.,  # portfolio cost in RUB (Russian Rouble)
    +1282                "availableRUB": 0.,  # available rubles (without other currencies)
    +1283                "blockedRUB": 0.,  # blocked sum in Russian Rouble
    +1284                "totalChangesRUB": 0.,  # changes for all open trades in RUB
    +1285                "totalChangesPercentRUB": 0.,  # changes for all open trades in percents
    +1286                "allCurrenciesCostRUB": 0.,  # costs of all currencies (include rubles) in RUB
    +1287                "sharesCostRUB": 0.,  # costs of all shares in RUB
    +1288                "bondsCostRUB": 0.,  # costs of all bonds in RUB
    +1289                "etfsCostRUB": 0.,  # costs of all etfs in RUB
    +1290                "futuresCostRUB": 0.,  # costs of all futures in RUB
    +1291                "Currencies": [],  # list of dictionaries of all currencies statistics
    +1292                "Shares": [],  # list of dictionaries of all shares statistics
    +1293                "Bonds": [],  # list of dictionaries of all bonds statistics
    +1294                "Etfs": [],  # list of dictionaries of all etfs statistics
    +1295                "Futures": [],  # list of dictionaries of all futures statistics
    +1296                "orders": [],  # list of dictionaries of all pending (market) orders and it's parameters
    +1297                "stopOrders": [],  # list of dictionaries of all stop orders and it's parameters
    +1298                "blockedCurrencies": {},  # dict with blocked instruments and currencies, e.g. {"rub": 1291.87, "usd": 6.21}
    +1299                "blockedInstruments": {},  # dict with blocked  by FIGI, e.g. {}
    +1300                "funds": {},  # dict with free funds for trading (total - blocked), by all currencies, e.g. {"rub": {"total": 10000.99, "totalCostRUB": 10000.99, "free": 1234.56, "freeCostRUB": 1234.56}, "usd": {"total": 250.55, "totalCostRUB": 15375.80, "free": 125.05, "freeCostRUB": 7687.50}}
    +1301            },
    +1302            "analytics": {  # --- some analytics of portfolio:
    +1303                "distrByAssets": {},  # portfolio distribution by assets
    +1304                "distrByCompanies": {},  # portfolio distribution by companies
    +1305                "distrBySectors": {},  # portfolio distribution by sectors
    +1306                "distrByCurrencies": {},  # portfolio distribution by currencies
    +1307                "distrByCountries": {},  # portfolio distribution by countries
    +1308            }
    +1309        }
    +1311        details = details.lower()
    +1312        availableDetails = ["full", "positions", "digest", "analytics", "orders"]
    +1313        if details not in availableDetails:
    +1314            details = "full"
    +1315            uLogger.debug("Requested incorrect details! The `details` must be one of this strings: {}. Details parameter set to `full` be default.".format(availableDetails))
    +1317        uLogger.debug("Requesting portfolio of a client. Wait, please...")
    +1319        portfolioResponse = self.RequestPortfolio()  # current user's portfolio (dict)
    +1320        view["raw"]["positions"] = self.RequestPositions()  # current open positions by instruments (dict)
    +1321        view["raw"]["orders"] = self.RequestPendingOrders()  # current actual pending orders (list)
    +1322        view["raw"]["stopOrders"] = self.RequestStopOrders()  # current actual stop orders (list)
    +1324        # save response headers without "positions" section:
    +1325        for key in portfolioResponse.keys():
    +1326            if key != "positions":
    +1327                view["raw"]["headers"][key] = portfolioResponse[key]
    +1329            else:
    +1330                continue
    +1332        # Re-sorting and separating given raw instruments and currencies by type: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/operations/#operation
    +1333        # Type of instrument must be only one of supported types in TKS_INSTRUMENTS
    +1334        for item in portfolioResponse["positions"]:
    +1335            if item["instrumentType"] == "currency":
    +1336                self.figi = item["figi"]
    +1337                curr = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False)
    +1339                # current price of currency in RUB:
    +1340                view["raw"]["currenciesCurrentPrices"][curr["nominal"]["currency"]] = {
    +1341                    "name": curr["name"],
    +1342                    "currentPrice": NanoToFloat(
    +1343                        item["currentPrice"]["units"],
    +1344                        item["currentPrice"]["nano"]
    +1345                    ),
    +1346                }
    +1348                view["raw"]["Currencies"].append(item)
    +1350            elif item["instrumentType"] == "share":
    +1351                view["raw"]["Shares"].append(item)
    +1353            elif item["instrumentType"] == "bond":
    +1354                view["raw"]["Bonds"].append(item)
    +1356            elif item["instrumentType"] == "etf":
    +1357                view["raw"]["Etfs"].append(item)
    +1359            elif item["instrumentType"] == "futures":
    +1360                view["raw"]["Futures"].append(item)
    +1362            else:
    +1363                continue
    +1365        # how many volume of currencies (by ISO currency name) are blocked:
    +1366        for item in view["raw"]["positions"]["blocked"]:
    +1367            blocked = NanoToFloat(item["units"], item["nano"])
    +1368            if blocked > 0:
    +1369                view["stat"]["blockedCurrencies"][item["currency"]] = blocked
    +1371        # how many volume of instruments (by FIGI) are blocked:
    +1372        for item in view["raw"]["positions"]["securities"]:
    +1373            blocked = int(item["blocked"])
    +1374            if blocked > 0:
    +1375                view["stat"]["blockedInstruments"][item["figi"]] = blocked
    +1377        allBlocked = {**view["stat"]["blockedCurrencies"], **view["stat"]["blockedInstruments"]}
    +1379        if "rub" in allBlocked.keys():
    +1380            view["stat"]["blockedRUB"] = allBlocked["rub"]  # blocked rubles
    +1382        # --- saving current total amount in RUB of all currencies (with ruble), shares, bonds, etfs, futures and currencies:
    +1383        view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"] = NanoToFloat(portfolioResponse["totalAmountCurrencies"]["units"], portfolioResponse["totalAmountCurrencies"]["nano"])
    +1384        view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"] = NanoToFloat(portfolioResponse["totalAmountShares"]["units"], portfolioResponse["totalAmountShares"]["nano"])
    +1385        view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"] = NanoToFloat(portfolioResponse["totalAmountBonds"]["units"], portfolioResponse["totalAmountBonds"]["nano"])
    +1386        view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"] = NanoToFloat(portfolioResponse["totalAmountEtf"]["units"], portfolioResponse["totalAmountEtf"]["nano"])
    +1387        view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"] = NanoToFloat(portfolioResponse["totalAmountFutures"]["units"], portfolioResponse["totalAmountFutures"]["nano"])
    +1388        view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] = sum([
    +1389            view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"],
    +1390            view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"],
    +1391            view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"],
    +1392            view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"],
    +1393            view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"],
    +1394        ])
    +1396        # --- calculating some portfolio statistics:
    +1397        byComp = {}  # distribution by companies
    +1398        bySect = {}  # distribution by sectors
    +1399        byCurr = {}  # distribution by currencies (include RUB)
    +1400        unknownCountryName = "All other countries"  # default name for instruments without "countryOfRisk" and "countryOfRiskName"
    +1401        byCountry = {unknownCountryName: {"cost": 0, "percent": 0.}}  # distribution by countries (currencies are included in their countries)
    +1403        for item in portfolioResponse["positions"]:
    +1404            self.figi = item["figi"]
    +1405            instrument = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False)  # full raw info about instrument by FIGI
    +1407            if instrument:
    +1408                if item["instrumentType"] == "currency" and instrument["nominal"]["currency"] in allBlocked.keys():
    +1409                    blocked = allBlocked[instrument["nominal"]["currency"]]  # blocked volume of currency
    +1411                elif item["instrumentType"] != "currency" and item["figi"] in allBlocked.keys():
    +1412                    blocked = allBlocked[item["figi"]]  # blocked volume of other instruments
    +1414                else:
    +1415                    blocked = 0
    +1417                volume = NanoToFloat(item["quantity"]["units"], item["quantity"]["nano"])  # available volume of instrument
    +1418                lots = NanoToFloat(item["quantityLots"]["units"], item["quantityLots"]["nano"])  # available volume in lots of instrument
    +1419                direction = "Long" if lots >= 0 else "Short"  # direction of an instrument's position: short or long
    +1420                curPrice = NanoToFloat(item["currentPrice"]["units"], item["currentPrice"]["nano"])  # current instrument's price
    +1421                average = NanoToFloat(item["averagePositionPriceFifo"]["units"], item["averagePositionPriceFifo"]["nano"])  # current average position price
    +1422                profit = NanoToFloat(item["expectedYield"]["units"], item["expectedYield"]["nano"])  # expected profit at current moment
    +1423                currency = instrument["currency"] if (item["instrumentType"] == "share" or item["instrumentType"] == "etf" or item["instrumentType"] == "future") else instrument["nominal"]["currency"]  # currency name rub, usd, eur etc.
    +1424                cost = (curPrice + NanoToFloat(item["currentNkd"]["units"], item["currentNkd"]["nano"])) * volume  # current cost of all volume of instrument in basic asset
    +1425                baseCurrencyName = item["currentPrice"]["currency"]  # name of base currency (rub)
    +1426                countryName = "[{}] {}".format(instrument["countryOfRisk"], instrument["countryOfRiskName"]) if "countryOfRisk" in instrument.keys() and "countryOfRiskName" in instrument.keys() and instrument["countryOfRisk"] and instrument["countryOfRiskName"] else unknownCountryName
    +1427                costRUB = cost if item["instrumentType"] == "currency" else cost * view["raw"]["currenciesCurrentPrices"][currency]["currentPrice"]  # cost in rubles
    +1428                percentCostRUB = 100 * costRUB / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.  # instrument's part in percent of full portfolio cost
    +1430                statData = {
    +1431                    "figi": item["figi"],  # FIGI from REST API "GetPortfolio" method
    +1432                    "ticker": instrument["ticker"],  # ticker by FIGI
    +1433                    "currency": currency,  # currency name rub, usd, eur etc. for instrument price
    +1434                    "volume": volume,  # available volume of instrument
    +1435                    "lots": lots,  # volume in lots of instrument
    +1436                    "direction": direction,  # direction of an instrument's position: short or long
    +1437                    "blocked": blocked,  # blocked volume of currency or instrument
    +1438                    "currentPrice": curPrice,  # current instrument's price in basic asset
    +1439                    "average": average,  # current average position price
    +1440                    "cost": cost,  # current cost of all volume of instrument in basic asset
    +1441                    "baseCurrencyName": baseCurrencyName,  # name of base currency (rub)
    +1442                    "costRUB": costRUB,  # cost of instrument in ruble
    +1443                    "percentCostRUB": percentCostRUB,  # instrument's part in percent of full portfolio cost in RUB
    +1444                    "profit": profit,  # expected profit at current moment
    +1445                    "percentProfit": 100 * profit / (average * volume) if average != 0 and volume != 0 else 0,  # expected percents of profit at current moment for this instrument
    +1446                    "sector": instrument["sector"] if "sector" in instrument.keys() and instrument["sector"] else "other",
    +1447                    "name": instrument["name"] if "name" in instrument.keys() else "",  # human-readable names of instruments
    +1448                    "isoCurrencyName": instrument["isoCurrencyName"] if "isoCurrencyName" in instrument.keys() else "",  # ISO name for currencies only
    +1449                    "country": countryName,  # e.g. "[RU] Российская Федерация" or unknownCountryName
    +1450                    "step": instrument["step"],  # minimum price increment
    +1451                }
    +1453                # adding distribution by unique countries:
    +1454                if statData["country"] not in byCountry.keys():
    +1455                    byCountry[statData["country"]] = {"cost": costRUB, "percent": percentCostRUB}
    +1457                else:
    +1458                    byCountry[statData["country"]]["cost"] += costRUB
    +1459                    byCountry[statData["country"]]["percent"] += percentCostRUB
    +1461                if item["instrumentType"] != "currency":
    +1462                    # adding distribution by unique companies:
    +1463                    if statData["name"]:
    +1464                        if statData["name"] not in byComp.keys():
    +1465                            byComp[statData["name"]] = {"ticker": statData["ticker"], "cost": costRUB, "percent": percentCostRUB}
    +1467                        else:
    +1468                            byComp[statData["name"]]["cost"] += costRUB
    +1469                            byComp[statData["name"]]["percent"] += percentCostRUB
    +1471                    # adding distribution by unique sectors:
    +1472                    if statData["sector"] not in bySect.keys():
    +1473                        bySect[statData["sector"]] = {"cost": costRUB, "percent": percentCostRUB}
    +1475                    else:
    +1476                        bySect[statData["sector"]]["cost"] += costRUB
    +1477                        bySect[statData["sector"]]["percent"] += percentCostRUB
    +1479                # adding distribution by unique currencies:
    +1480                if currency not in byCurr.keys():
    +1481                    byCurr[currency] = {
    +1482                        "name": view["raw"]["currenciesCurrentPrices"][currency]["name"],
    +1483                        "cost": costRUB,
    +1484                        "percent": percentCostRUB
    +1485                    }
    +1487                else:
    +1488                    byCurr[currency]["cost"] += costRUB
    +1489                    byCurr[currency]["percent"] += percentCostRUB
    +1491                # saving statistics for every instrument:
    +1492                if item["instrumentType"] == "currency":
    +1493                    view["stat"]["Currencies"].append(statData)
    +1495                    # update dict with free funds for trading (total - blocked) by currencies
    +1496                    # e.g. {"rub": {"total": 10000.99, "totalCostRUB": 10000.99, "free": 1234.56, "freeCostRUB": 1234.56}, "usd": {"total": 250.55, "totalCostRUB": 15375.80, "free": 125.05, "freeCostRUB": 7687.50}}
    +1497                    view["stat"]["funds"][currency] = {
    +1498                        "total": volume,
    +1499                        "totalCostRUB": costRUB,  # total volume cost in rubles
    +1500                        "free": volume - blocked,
    +1501                        "freeCostRUB": costRUB * ((volume - blocked) / volume) if volume > 0 else 0,  # free volume cost in rubles
    +1502                    }
    +1504                elif item["instrumentType"] == "share":
    +1505                    view["stat"]["Shares"].append(statData)
    +1507                elif item["instrumentType"] == "bond":
    +1508                    view["stat"]["Bonds"].append(statData)
    +1510                elif item["instrumentType"] == "etf":
    +1511                    view["stat"]["Etfs"].append(statData)
    +1513                elif item["instrumentType"] == "Futures":
    +1514                    view["stat"]["Futures"].append(statData)
    +1516                else:
    +1517                    continue
    +1519        # total changes in Russian Ruble:
    +1520        view["stat"]["availableRUB"] = view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"] - sum([item["cost"] for item in view["stat"]["Currencies"]])  # available RUB without other currencies
    +1521        view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"] = NanoToFloat(view["raw"]["headers"]["expectedYield"]["units"], view["raw"]["headers"]["expectedYield"]["nano"]) if "expectedYield" in view["raw"]["headers"].keys() else 0.
    +1522        startCost = view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] / (1 + view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"] / 100)
    +1523        view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"] = view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] - startCost
    +1524        view["stat"]["funds"]["rub"] = {
    +1525            "total": view["stat"]["availableRUB"],
    +1526            "totalCostRUB": view["stat"]["availableRUB"],
    +1527            "free": view["stat"]["availableRUB"] - view["stat"]["blockedRUB"],
    +1528            "freeCostRUB": view["stat"]["availableRUB"] - view["stat"]["blockedRUB"],
    +1529        }
    +1531        # --- pending orders sector data:
    +1532        uniquePendingOrders = []
    +1533        uniquePendingOrdersFIGIs = []
    +1534        for item in view["raw"]["orders"]:
    +1535            if item["figi"] not in uniquePendingOrdersFIGIs:
    +1536                uniquePendingOrdersFIGIs.append(item["figi"])
    +1537                uniquePendingOrders.append(item)
    +1539        for item in uniquePendingOrders:
    +1540            self.figi = item["figi"]
    +1541            instrument = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True)  # full raw info about instrument by FIGI
    +1543            if instrument:
    +1544                action = TKS_ORDER_DIRECTIONS[item["direction"]]
    +1545                orderType = TKS_ORDER_TYPES[item["orderType"]]
    +1546                orderState = TKS_ORDER_STATES[item["executionReportStatus"]]
    +1547                orderDate = item["orderDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "").split(".")[0]  # date in UTC format, e.g. "2022-12-31T23:59:59.123456Z"
    +1549                # current instrument's price (last sellers order if buy, and last buyers order if sell):
    +1550                if item["direction"] == "ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY":
    +1551                    lastPrice = instrument["currentPrice"]["sell"][0]["price"] if instrument["currentPrice"]["sell"] else "N/A"
    +1553                else:
    +1554                    lastPrice = instrument["currentPrice"]["buy"][0]["price"] if instrument["currentPrice"]["buy"] else "N/A"
    +1556                # requested price for order execution:
    +1557                target = NanoToFloat(item["initialSecurityPrice"]["units"], item["initialSecurityPrice"]["nano"])
    +1559                # necessary changes in percent to reach target from current price:
    +1560                changes = 100 * (lastPrice - target) / target if lastPrice != "N/A" and target > 0 else 0
    +1562                view["stat"]["orders"].append({
    +1563                    "orderID": item["orderId"],  # orderId number parameter of current order
    +1564                    "figi": item["figi"],  # FIGI identification
    +1565                    "ticker": instrument["ticker"],  # ticker name by FIGI
    +1566                    "lotsRequested": item["lotsRequested"],  # requested lots value
    +1567                    "lotsExecuted": item["lotsExecuted"],  # how many lots are executed
    +1568                    "currentPrice": lastPrice,  # current instrument's price for defined action
    +1569                    "targetPrice": target,  # requested price for order execution in base currency
    +1570                    "baseCurrencyName": item["initialSecurityPrice"]["currency"],  # name of base currency
    +1571                    "percentChanges": changes,  # changes in percent to target from current price
    +1572                    "currency": item["currency"],  # instrument's currency name
    +1573                    "action": action,  # sell / buy / Unknown from TKS_ORDER_DIRECTIONS
    +1574                    "type": orderType,  # type of order from TKS_ORDER_TYPES
    +1575                    "status": orderState,  # order status from TKS_ORDER_STATES
    +1576                    "date": orderDate,  # string with order date and time from UTC format (without nano seconds part)
    +1577                })
    +1579        # --- stop orders sector data:
    +1580        uniqueStopOrders = []
    +1581        uniqueStopOrdersFIGIs = []
    +1582        for item in view["raw"]["stopOrders"]:
    +1583            if item["figi"] not in uniqueStopOrdersFIGIs:
    +1584                uniqueStopOrdersFIGIs.append(item["figi"])
    +1585                uniqueStopOrders.append(item)
    +1587        for item in uniqueStopOrders:
    +1588            self.figi = item["figi"]
    +1589            instrument = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True)  # full raw info about instrument by FIGI
    +1591            if instrument:
    +1592                action = TKS_STOP_ORDER_DIRECTIONS[item["direction"]]
    +1593                orderType = TKS_STOP_ORDER_TYPES[item["orderType"]]
    +1594                createDate = item["createDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "").split(".")[0]  # date in UTC format, e.g. "2022-12-31T23:59:59.123456Z"
    +1596                # hack: server response can't contain "expirationTime" key if it is not "Until date" type of stop order
    +1597                if "expirationTime" in item.keys():
    +1599                    expDate = item["expirationTime"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "").split(".")[0]
    +1601                else:
    +1605                # current instrument's price (last sellers order if buy, and last buyers order if sell):
    +1606                if item["direction"] == "STOP_ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY":
    +1607                    lastPrice = instrument["currentPrice"]["sell"][0]["price"] if instrument["currentPrice"]["sell"] else "N/A"
    +1609                else:
    +1610                    lastPrice = instrument["currentPrice"]["buy"][0]["price"] if instrument["currentPrice"]["buy"] else "N/A"
    +1612                # requested price when stop-order executed:
    +1613                target = NanoToFloat(item["stopPrice"]["units"], item["stopPrice"]["nano"])
    +1615                # price for limit-order, set up when stop-order executed:
    +1616                limit = NanoToFloat(item["price"]["units"], item["price"]["nano"])
    +1618                # necessary changes in percent to reach target from current price:
    +1619                changes = 100 * (lastPrice - target) / target if lastPrice != "N/A" and target > 0 else 0
    +1621                view["stat"]["stopOrders"].append({
    +1622                    "orderID": item["stopOrderId"],  # stopOrderId number parameter of current stop-order
    +1623                    "figi": item["figi"],  # FIGI identification
    +1624                    "ticker": instrument["ticker"],  # ticker name by FIGI
    +1625                    "lotsRequested": item["lotsRequested"],  # requested lots value
    +1626                    "currentPrice": lastPrice,  # current instrument's price for defined action
    +1627                    "targetPrice": target,  # requested price for stop-order execution in base currency
    +1628                    "limitPrice": limit,  # price for limit-order, set up when stop-order executed, 0 if market order
    +1629                    "baseCurrencyName": item["stopPrice"]["currency"],  # name of base currency
    +1630                    "percentChanges": changes,  # changes in percent to target from current price
    +1631                    "currency": item["currency"],  # instrument's currency name
    +1632                    "action": action,  # sell / buy / Unknown from TKS_STOP_ORDER_DIRECTIONS
    +1633                    "type": orderType,  # type of order from TKS_STOP_ORDER_TYPES
    +1634                    "expType": expType,  # expiration type of stop-order from TKS_STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPES
    +1635                    "createDate": createDate,  # string with created order date and time from UTC format (without nano seconds part)
    +1636                    "expDate": expDate,  # string with expiration order date and time from UTC format (without nano seconds part)
    +1637                })
    +1639        # --- calculating data for analytics section:
    +1640        # portfolio distribution by assets:
    +1641        view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"] = {
    +1642            "Ruble": {
    +1643                "uniques": 1,
    +1644                "cost": view["stat"]["availableRUB"],
    +1645                "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["availableRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    +1646            },
    +1647            "Currencies": {
    +1648                "uniques": len(view["stat"]["Currencies"]),  # all foreign currencies without RUB
    +1649                "cost": view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"] - view["stat"]["availableRUB"],
    +1650                "percent": 100 * (view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"] - view["stat"]["availableRUB"]) / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    +1651            },
    +1652            "Shares": {
    +1653                "uniques": len(view["stat"]["Shares"]),
    +1654                "cost": view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"],
    +1655                "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    +1656            },
    +1657            "Bonds": {
    +1658                "uniques": len(view["stat"]["Bonds"]),
    +1659                "cost": view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"],
    +1660                "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    +1661            },
    +1662            "Etfs": {
    +1663                "uniques": len(view["stat"]["Etfs"]),
    +1664                "cost": view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"],
    +1665                "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    +1666            },
    +1667            "Futures": {
    +1668                "uniques": len(view["stat"]["Futures"]),
    +1669                "cost": view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"],
    +1670                "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    +1671            },
    +1672        }
    +1674        # portfolio distribution by companies:
    +1675        view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"]["All money cash"] = {
    +1676            "ticker": "",
    +1677            "cost": view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"],
    +1678            "percent": 100 * view["stat"]["allCurrenciesCostRUB"] / view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0 else 0.,
    +1679        }
    +1680        view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"].update(byComp)
    +1682        # portfolio distribution by sectors:
    +1683        view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"]["All money cash"] = {
    +1684            "cost": view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"]["All money cash"]["cost"],
    +1685            "percent": view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"]["All money cash"]["percent"],
    +1686        }
    +1687        view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"].update(bySect)
    +1689        # portfolio distribution by currencies:
    +1690        view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"].update(byCurr)
    +1691        view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"]["rub"]["cost"] += view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"]["Ruble"]["cost"]
    +1692        view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"]["rub"]["percent"] += view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"]["Ruble"]["percent"]
    +1694        # portfolio distribution by countries:
    +1695        view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"].update(byCountry)
    +1697        # --- Prepare text statistics overview in human-readable:
    +1698        if showStatistics:
    +1699            # Whatever the value `details`, header not changes:
    +1700            info = [
    +1701                "# Client's portfolio\n\n",
    +1702                "* **Actual date:** [{} UTC]\n"
    +1703                "".format(datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")),
    +1704            ]
    +1706            if details in ["full", "positions", "digest"]:
    +1707                info.extend([
    +1708                    "* **Portfolio cost:** {:.2f} RUB\n".format(view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"]),
    +1709                    "* **Changes:** {}{:.2f} RUB ({}{:.2f}%)\n\n".format(
    +1710                        "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"] > 0 else "",
    +1711                        view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"],
    +1712                        "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"] > 0 else "",
    +1713                        view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"],
    +1714                    ),
    +1715                ])
    +1717            if details in ["full", "positions"]:
    +1718                info.extend([
    +1719                    "## Open positions\n\n",
    +1720                    "| Ticker [FIGI]               | Volume (blocked)                | Lots     | Curr. price  | Avg. price   | Current volume cost | Profit (%)                   |\n",
    +1721                    "|-----------------------------|---------------------------------|----------|--------------|--------------|---------------------|------------------------------|\n",
    +1722                    "| Ruble                       | {:>31} |          |              |              |                     |                              |\n".format(
    +1723                        "{:.2f} ({:.2f}) rub".format(
    +1724                            view["stat"]["availableRUB"],
    +1725                            view["stat"]["blockedRUB"],
    +1726                        )
    +1727                    )
    +1728                ])
    +1730                def _SplitStr(CostRUB: float = 0, typeStr: str = "", noTradeStr: str = "") -> list:
    +1731                    return [
    +1732                        "|                             |                                 |          |              |              |                     |                              |\n",
    +1733                        "| {:<27} |                                 |          |              |              | {:>19} |                              |\n".format(
    +1734                            noTradeStr if noTradeStr else typeStr,
    +1735                            "" if noTradeStr else "{:.2f} RUB".format(CostRUB),
    +1736                        ),
    +1737                    ]
    +1739                def _InfoStr(data: dict, showCurrencyName: bool = False) -> str:
    +1740                    return "| {:<27} | {:>31} | {:<8} | {:>12} | {:>12} | {:>19} | {:<28} |\n".format(
    +1741                        "{} [{}]".format(data["ticker"], data["figi"]),
    +1742                        "{:.2f} ({:.2f}) {}".format(
    +1743                            data["volume"],
    +1744                            data["blocked"],
    +1745                            data["currency"],
    +1746                        ) if showCurrencyName else "{:.0f} ({:.0f})".format(
    +1747                            data["volume"],
    +1748                            data["blocked"],
    +1749                        ),
    +1750                        "{:.4f}".format(data["lots"]) if showCurrencyName else "{:.0f}".format(data["lots"]),
    +1751                        "{:.2f} {}".format(data["currentPrice"], data["baseCurrencyName"]) if data["currentPrice"] > 0 else "n/a",
    +1752                        "{:.2f} {}".format(data["average"], data["baseCurrencyName"]) if data["average"] > 0 else "n/a",
    +1753                        "{:.2f} {}".format(data["cost"], data["baseCurrencyName"]),
    +1754                        "{}{:.2f} {} ({}{:.2f}%)".format(
    +1755                            "+" if data["profit"] > 0 else "",
    +1756                            data["profit"], data["baseCurrencyName"],
    +1757                            "+" if data["percentProfit"] > 0 else "",
    +1758                            data["percentProfit"],
    +1759                        ),
    +1760                    )
    +1762                # --- Show currencies section:
    +1763                if view["stat"]["Currencies"]:
    +1764                    info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"]["Currencies"]["cost"], typeStr="**Currencies:**"))
    +1765                    for item in view["stat"]["Currencies"]:
    +1766                        info.append(_InfoStr(item, showCurrencyName=True))
    +1768                else:
    +1769                    info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Currencies:** no trades"))
    +1771                # --- Show shares section:
    +1772                if view["stat"]["Shares"]:
    +1773                    info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"], typeStr="**Shares:**"))
    +1775                    for item in view["stat"]["Shares"]:
    +1776                        info.append(_InfoStr(item))
    +1778                else:
    +1779                    info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Shares:** no trades"))
    +1781                # --- Show bonds section:
    +1782                if view["stat"]["Bonds"]:
    +1783                    info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"], typeStr="**Bonds:**"))
    +1785                    for item in view["stat"]["Bonds"]:
    +1786                        info.append(_InfoStr(item))
    +1788                else:
    +1789                    info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Bonds:** no trades"))
    +1791                # --- Show etfs section:
    +1792                if view["stat"]["Etfs"]:
    +1793                    info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"], typeStr="**Etfs:**"))
    +1795                    for item in view["stat"]["Etfs"]:
    +1796                        info.append(_InfoStr(item))
    +1798                else:
    +1799                    info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Etfs:** no trades"))
    +1801                # --- Show futures section:
    +1802                if view["stat"]["Futures"]:
    +1803                    info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"], typeStr="**Futures:**"))
    +1805                    for item in view["stat"]["Futures"]:
    +1806                        info.append(_InfoStr(item))
    +1808                else:
    +1809                    info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Futures:** no trades"))
    +1811            if details in ["full", "orders"]:
    +1812                # --- Show pending orders section:
    +1813                if view["stat"]["orders"]:
    +1814                    info.extend([
    +1815                        "\n## Opened pending limit-orders: {}\n".format(len(view["stat"]["orders"])),
    +1816                        "\n| Ticker [FIGI]               | Order ID       | Lots (exec.) | Current price (% delta) | Target price  | Action    | Type      | Create date (UTC)       |\n",
    +1817                        "|-----------------------------|----------------|--------------|-------------------------|---------------|-----------|-----------|-------------------------|\n",
    +1818                    ])
    +1820                    for item in view["stat"]["orders"]:
    +1821                        info.append("| {:<27} | {:<14} | {:<12} | {:>23} | {:>13} | {:<9} | {:<9} | {:<23} |\n".format(
    +1822                            "{} [{}]".format(item["ticker"], item["figi"]),
    +1823                            item["orderID"],
    +1824                            "{} ({})".format(item["lotsRequested"], item["lotsExecuted"]),
    +1825                            "{} {} ({}{:.2f}%)".format(
    +1826                                "{}".format(item["currentPrice"]) if isinstance(item["currentPrice"], str) else "{:.2f}".format(float(item["currentPrice"])),
    +1827                                item["baseCurrencyName"],
    +1828                                "+" if item["percentChanges"] > 0 else "",
    +1829                                float(item["percentChanges"]),
    +1830                            ),
    +1831                            "{:.2f} {}".format(float(item["targetPrice"]), item["baseCurrencyName"]),
    +1832                            item["action"],
    +1833                            item["type"],
    +1834                            item["date"],
    +1835                        ))
    +1837                else:
    +1838                    info.append("\n## Total pending limit-orders: 0\n")
    +1840                # --- Show stop orders section:
    +1841                if view["stat"]["stopOrders"]:
    +1842                    info.extend([
    +1843                        "\n## Opened stop-orders: {}\n".format(len(view["stat"]["stopOrders"])),
    +1844                        "\n| Ticker [FIGI]               | Stop order ID                        | Lots   | Current price (% delta) | Target price  | Limit price   | Action    | Type        | Expire type  | Create date (UTC)   | Expiration (UTC)    |\n",
    +1845                        "|-----------------------------|--------------------------------------|--------|-------------------------|---------------|---------------|-----------|-------------|--------------|---------------------|---------------------|\n",
    +1846                    ])
    +1848                    for item in view["stat"]["stopOrders"]:
    +1849                        info.append("| {:<27} | {:<14} | {:<6} | {:>23} | {:>13} | {:>13} | {:<9} | {:<11} | {:<12} | {:<19} | {:<19} |\n".format(
    +1850                            "{} [{}]".format(item["ticker"], item["figi"]),
    +1851                            item["orderID"],
    +1852                            item["lotsRequested"],
    +1853                            "{} {} ({}{:.2f}%)".format(
    +1854                                "{}".format(item["currentPrice"]) if isinstance(item["currentPrice"], str) else "{:.2f}".format(float(item["currentPrice"])),
    +1855                                item["baseCurrencyName"],
    +1856                                "+" if item["percentChanges"] > 0 else "",
    +1857                                float(item["percentChanges"]),
    +1858                            ),
    +1859                            "{:.2f} {}".format(float(item["targetPrice"]), item["baseCurrencyName"]),
    +1860                            "{:.2f} {}".format(float(item["limitPrice"]), item["baseCurrencyName"]) if item["limitPrice"] and item["limitPrice"] != item["targetPrice"] else TKS_ORDER_TYPES["ORDER_TYPE_MARKET"],
    +1861                            item["action"],
    +1862                            item["type"],
    +1863                            item["expType"],
    +1864                            item["createDate"],
    +1865                            item["expDate"],
    +1866                        ))
    +1868                else:
    +1869                    info.append("\n## Total stop-orders: 0\n")
    +1871            if details in ["full", "analytics"]:
    +1872                # -- Show analytics section:
    +1873                if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0:
    +1874                    info.extend([
    +1875                        "\n# Analytics\n"
    +1876                        "\n* **Current total portfolio cost:** {:.2f} RUB\n".format(view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"]),
    +1877                        "* **Changes:** {}{:.2f} RUB ({}{:.2f}%)\n".format(
    +1878                            "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"] > 0 else "",
    +1879                            view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"],
    +1880                            "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"] > 0 else "",
    +1881                            view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"],
    +1882                        ),
    +1883                        "\n## Portfolio distribution by assets\n"
    +1884                        "\n| Type       | Uniques | Percent | Current cost       |\n",
    +1885                        "|------------|---------|---------|--------------------|\n",
    +1886                    ])
    +1888                    for key in view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"].keys():
    +1889                        if view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["cost"] > 0:
    +1890                            info.append("| {:<10} | {:<7} | {:<7} | {:<18} |\n".format(
    +1891                                key,
    +1892                                view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["uniques"],
    +1893                                "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["percent"]),
    +1894                                "{:.2f} rub".format(view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["cost"]),
    +1895                            ))
    +1897                    maxLenNames = 3 + max([len(company) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"]) for company in view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"].keys()])
    +1898                    info.extend([
    +1899                        "\n## Portfolio distribution by companies\n"
    +1900                        "\n| Company{} | Percent | Current cost       |\n".format(" " * (maxLenNames - 7)),
    +1901                        "|--------{}-|---------|--------------------|\n".format("-" * (maxLenNames - 7)),
    +1902                    ])
    +1904                    for company in view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"].keys():
    +1905                        if view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["cost"] > 0:
    +1906                            nameLen = 3 + len(company) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"])
    +1907                            info.append("| {} | {:<7} | {:<18} |\n".format(
    +1908                                "{}{}{}".format(
    +1909                                    "[{}] ".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"]) if view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"] else "",
    +1910                                    company,
    +1911                                    "" if nameLen == maxLenNames else "{}".format(" " * (maxLenNames - nameLen) if view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"] else " " * (maxLenNames - nameLen + 3)),
    +1912                                ),
    +1913                                "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["percent"]),
    +1914                                "{:.2f} rub".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["cost"]),
    +1915                            ))
    +1917                    maxLenSectors = max([len(sector) for sector in view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"].keys()])
    +1918                    info.extend([
    +1919                        "\n## Portfolio distribution by sectors\n"
    +1920                        "\n| Sector{} | Percent | Current cost       |\n".format(" " * (maxLenSectors - 6)),
    +1921                        "|-------{}-|---------|--------------------|\n".format("-" * (maxLenSectors - 6)),
    +1922                    ])
    +1924                    for sector in view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"].keys():
    +1925                        if view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"][sector]["cost"] > 0:
    +1926                            info.append("| {}{} | {:<7} | {:<18} |\n".format(
    +1927                                sector,
    +1928                                "" if len(sector) == maxLenSectors else " " * (maxLenSectors - len(sector)),
    +1929                                "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"][sector]["percent"]),
    +1930                                "{:.2f} rub".format(view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"][sector]["cost"]),
    +1931                            ))
    +1933                    maxLenMoney = 3 + max([len(currency) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][currency]["name"]) for currency in view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"].keys()])
    +1934                    info.extend([
    +1935                        "\n## Portfolio distribution by currencies\n"
    +1936                        "\n| Instruments currencies{} | Percent | Current cost       |\n".format(" " * (maxLenMoney - 22)),
    +1937                        "|-----------------------{}-|---------|--------------------|\n".format("-" * (maxLenMoney - 22)),
    +1938                    ])
    +1940                    for curr in view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"].keys():
    +1941                        if view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["cost"] > 0:
    +1942                            nameLen = 3 + len(curr) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["name"])
    +1943                            info.append("| {} | {:<7} | {:<18} |\n".format(
    +1944                                "[{}] {}{}".format(
    +1945                                    curr,
    +1946                                    view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["name"],
    +1947                                    "" if nameLen == maxLenMoney else " " * (maxLenMoney - nameLen),
    +1948                                ),
    +1949                                "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["percent"]),
    +1950                                "{:.2f} rub".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["cost"]),
    +1951                            ))
    +1953                    maxLenCountry = max(17, max([len(country) for country in view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"].keys()]))
    +1954                    info.extend([
    +1955                        "\n## Portfolio distribution by countries\n"
    +1956                        "\n| Assets by country{} | Percent | Current cost       |\n".format(" " * (maxLenCountry - 17)),
    +1957                        "|------------------{}-|---------|--------------------|\n".format("-" * (maxLenCountry - 17)),
    +1958                    ])
    +1960                    for country in view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"].keys():
    +1961                        if view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"][country]["cost"] > 0:
    +1962                            nameLen = len(country)
    +1963                            info.append("| {} | {:<7} | {:<18} |\n".format(
    +1964                                "{}{}".format(
    +1965                                    country,
    +1966                                    "" if nameLen == maxLenCountry else " " * (maxLenCountry - nameLen),
    +1967                                ),
    +1968                                "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"][country]["percent"]),
    +1969                                "{:.2f} rub".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"][country]["cost"]),
    +1970                            ))
    +1972            infoText = "".join(info)
    +1974            if showStatistics:
    +1975                uLogger.info(infoText)
    +1977            if details == "full" and self.overviewFile:
    +1978                filename = self.overviewFile
    +1980            elif details == "digest" and self.overviewDigestFile:
    +1981                filename = self.overviewDigestFile
    +1983            elif details == "positions" and self.overviewPositionsFile:
    +1984                filename = self.overviewPositionsFile
    +1986            elif details == "orders" and self.overviewOrdersFile:
    +1987                filename = self.overviewOrdersFile
    +1989            elif details == "analytics" and self.overviewAnalyticsFile:
    +1990                filename = self.overviewAnalyticsFile
    +1992            else:
    +1993                filename = ""
    +1995            if filename:
    +1996                with open(filename, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    +1997                    fH.write(infoText)
    +1999                uLogger.info("Client's portfolio is saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(filename)))
    +2001        return view

    Get portfolio: all open positions, orders and some statistics for defined accountId. -If overviewFile is define then also save information to file.

    +If overviewFile, overviewDigestFile, overviewPositionsFile, overviewOrdersFile, overviewAnalyticsFile +are defined then also save information to file.

    • showStatistics: if False then only dictionary returns, if True then show more debug information.
    • +
    • details: how detailed should the information be? You should specify one of strings: + full - shows full available information about portfolio status (by default), + positions - shows only open positions, + digest - show a short digest of the portfolio status, + analytics - shows only the analytics section and the distribution of the portfolio by various categories, + orders - shows only sections of open limits and stop orders.
    @@ -9087,256 +9417,256 @@
    1933    def Deals(self, start: str = None, end: str = None, printDeals: bool = False, showCancelled: bool = True) -> tuple:
    -1934        """
    -1935        Returns history operations between two given dates.
    -1936        If `reportFile` string is not empty then also save human-readable report.
    -1937        Shows some statistical data of closed positions.
    -1939        :param start: see docstring in `GetDatesAsString()` method
    -1940        :param end: see docstring in `GetDatesAsString()` method
    -1941        :param printDeals: if `True` then also print all records to the console.
    -1942        :param showCancelled: if `False` then remove information about cancelled operations from the deals report.
    -1943        :return: original list of dictionaries with history of deals records from API ("operations" key):
    -1944                 https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetOperations
    -1945                 and dictionary with custom stats: operations in different currencies, withdrawals, incomes etc.
    -1946        """
    -1947        startDate, endDate = GetDatesAsString(start, end)  # Example: ("2000-01-01T00:00:00Z", "2022-12-31T23:59:59Z")
    -1949        uLogger.debug("Requesting history of a client's operations. Wait, please...")
    -1951        # REST API for request: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetOperations
    -1952        dealsURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OperationsService/GetOperations"
    -1953        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId, "from": startDate, "to": endDate})
    -1954        ops = self.SendAPIRequest(dealsURL, reqType="POST")["operations"]  # list of dict: operations returns by broker
    -1955        customStat = {}  # custom statistics in additional to responseJSON
    -1957        # --- output report in human-readable format:
    -1958        if printDeals or self.reportFile:
    -1959            splitLine1 = "|                            |                               |                              |                      |\n"  # Summary section
    -1960            splitLine2 = "|                     |              |              |            |           |                 |            |\n"  # Operations section
    -1961            nextDay = ""
    -1963            info = ["# Client's operations\n\n* **Period:** from [{}] to [{}]\n\n## Summary (operations executed only)\n\n".format(startDate.split("T")[0], endDate.split("T")[0])]
    -1965            if len(ops) > 0:
    -1966                customStat = {
    -1967                    "opsCount": 0,  # total operations count
    -1968                    "buyCount": 0,  # buy operations
    -1969                    "sellCount": 0,  # sell operations
    -1970                    "buyTotal": {"rub": 0.},  # Buy sums in different currencies
    -1971                    "sellTotal": {"rub": 0.},  # Sell sums in different currencies
    -1972                    "payIn": {"rub": 0.},  # Deposit brokerage account
    -1973                    "payOut": {"rub": 0.},  # Withdrawals
    -1974                    "divs": {"rub": 0.},  # Dividends income
    -1975                    "coupons": {"rub": 0.},  # Coupon's income
    -1976                    "brokerCom": {"rub": 0.},  # Service commissions
    -1977                    "serviceCom": {"rub": 0.},  # Service commissions
    -1978                    "marginCom": {"rub": 0.},  # Margin commissions
    -1979                    "allTaxes": {"rub": 0.},  # Sum of withholding taxes and corrections
    -1980                }
    -1982                # --- calculating statistics depends on operations type in TKS_OPERATION_TYPES:
    -1983                for item in ops:
    -1984                    if item["state"] == "OPERATION_STATE_EXECUTED":
    -1985                        payment = NanoToFloat(item["payment"]["units"], item["payment"]["nano"])
    -1987                        # count buy operations:
    -1988                        if "_BUY" in item["operationType"]:
    -1989                            customStat["buyCount"] += 1
    -1991                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["buyTotal"].keys():
    -1992                                customStat["buyTotal"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    -1994                            else:
    -1995                                customStat["buyTotal"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    -1997                        # count sell operations:
    -1998                        elif "_SELL" in item["operationType"]:
    -1999                            customStat["sellCount"] += 1
    -2001                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["sellTotal"].keys():
    -2002                                customStat["sellTotal"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    -2004                            else:
    -2005                                customStat["sellTotal"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    -2007                        # count incoming operations:
    -2008                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_INPUT"]:
    -2009                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["payIn"].keys():
    -2010                                customStat["payIn"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    -2012                            else:
    -2013                                customStat["payIn"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    -2015                        # count withdrawals operations:
    -2016                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_OUTPUT"]:
    -2017                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["payOut"].keys():
    -2018                                customStat["payOut"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    -2020                            else:
    -2021                                customStat["payOut"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    -2023                        # count dividends income:
    -2024                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_DIVIDEND", "OPERATION_TYPE_DIVIDEND_TRANSFER", "OPERATION_TYPE_DIV_EXT"]:
    -2025                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["divs"].keys():
    -2026                                customStat["divs"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    -2028                            else:
    -2029                                customStat["divs"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    -2031                        # count coupon's income:
    -2032                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_COUPON", "OPERATION_TYPE_BOND_REPAYMENT_FULL", "OPERATION_TYPE_BOND_REPAYMENT"]:
    -2033                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["coupons"].keys():
    -2034                                customStat["coupons"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    -2036                            else:
    -2037                                customStat["coupons"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    -2039                        # count broker commissions:
    -2040                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_BROKER_FEE", "OPERATION_TYPE_SUCCESS_FEE", "OPERATION_TYPE_TRACK_MFEE", "OPERATION_TYPE_TRACK_PFEE"]:
    -2041                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["brokerCom"].keys():
    -2042                                customStat["brokerCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    -2044                            else:
    -2045                                customStat["brokerCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    -2047                        # count service commissions:
    -2048                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_SERVICE_FEE"]:
    -2049                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["serviceCom"].keys():
    -2050                                customStat["serviceCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    -2052                            else:
    -2053                                customStat["serviceCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    -2055                        # count margin commissions:
    -2056                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_MARGIN_FEE"]:
    -2057                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["marginCom"].keys():
    -2058                                customStat["marginCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    -2060                            else:
    -2061                                customStat["marginCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    -2063                        # count withholding taxes:
    -2064                        elif "_TAX" in item["operationType"]:
    -2065                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["allTaxes"].keys():
    -2066                                customStat["allTaxes"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    -2068                            else:
    -2069                                customStat["allTaxes"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    -2071                        else:
    -2072                            continue
    -2074                customStat["opsCount"] += customStat["buyCount"] + customStat["sellCount"]
    -2076                # --- view "Actions" lines:
    -2077                info.extend([
    -2078                    "| 1                          | 2                             | 3                            | 4                    | 5\n",
    -2079                    "|----------------------------|-------------------------------|------------------------------|----------------------|------------------------\n",
    -2080                    "| **Actions:**               | Trades: {:<21} | Trading volumes:             |                      |\n".format(customStat["opsCount"]),
    -2081                    "|                            |   Buy: {:<22} | {:<28} |                      |\n".format(
    -2082                        "{} ({:.1f}%)".format(customStat["buyCount"], 100 * customStat["buyCount"] / customStat["opsCount"]) if customStat["opsCount"] != 0 else 0,
    -2083                        "  rub, buy: {:<16}".format("{:.2f}".format(customStat["buyTotal"]["rub"])) if customStat["buyTotal"]["rub"] != 0 else "  —",
    -2084                    ),
    -2085                    "|                            |   Sell: {:<21} | {:<28} |                      |\n".format(
    -2086                        "{} ({:.1f}%)".format(customStat["sellCount"], 100 * customStat["sellCount"] / customStat["opsCount"]) if customStat["opsCount"] != 0 else 0,
    -2087                        "  rub, sell: {:<13}".format("+{:.2f}".format(customStat["sellTotal"]["rub"])) if customStat["sellTotal"]["rub"] != 0 else "  —",
    -2088                    ),
    -2089                ])
    -2091                opsKeys = sorted(list(set(list(customStat["buyTotal"].keys()) + list(customStat["sellTotal"].keys()))))
    -2092                for key in opsKeys:
    -2093                    if key == "rub":
    -2094                        continue
    -2096                    info.extend([
    -2097                        "|                            |                               | {:<28} |                      |\n".format(
    -2098                            "  {}, buy: {:<16}".format(key, "{:.2f}".format(customStat["buyTotal"][key]) if key and key in customStat["buyTotal"].keys() and customStat["buyTotal"][key] != 0 else 0)
    -2099                        ),
    -2100                        "|                            |                               | {:<28} |                      |\n".format(
    -2101                            "  {}, sell: {:<13}".format(key, "+{:.2f}".format(customStat["sellTotal"][key]) if key and key in customStat["sellTotal"].keys() and customStat["sellTotal"][key] != 0 else 0)
    -2102                        ),
    -2103                    ])
    -2105                info.append(splitLine1)
    -2107                def _InfoStr(data1: dict, data2: dict, data3: dict, data4: dict, cur: str = "") -> str:
    -2108                    return "|                            | {:<29} | {:<28} | {:<20} | {:<22}\n".format(
    -2109                            "  {}: {}{:.2f}".format(cur, "+" if data1[cur] > 0 else "", data1[cur]) if cur and cur in data1.keys() and data1[cur] != 0 else "  —",
    -2110                            "  {}: {}{:.2f}".format(cur, "+" if data2[cur] > 0 else "", data2[cur]) if cur and cur in data2.keys() and data2[cur] != 0 else "  —",
    -2111                            "  {}: {}{:.2f}".format(cur, "+" if data3[cur] > 0 else "", data3[cur]) if cur and cur in data3.keys() and data3[cur] != 0 else "  —",
    -2112                            "  {}: {}{:.2f}".format(cur, "+" if data4[cur] > 0 else "", data4[cur]) if cur and cur in data4.keys() and data4[cur] != 0 else "  —",
    -2113                    )
    -2115                # --- view "Payments" lines:
    -2116                info.append("| **Payments:**              | Deposit on broker account:    | Withdrawals:                 | Dividends income:    | Coupons income:\n")
    -2117                paymentsKeys = sorted(list(set(list(customStat["payIn"].keys()) + list(customStat["payOut"].keys()) + list(customStat["divs"].keys()) + list(customStat["coupons"].keys()))))
    -2119                for key in paymentsKeys:
    -2120                    info.append(_InfoStr(customStat["payIn"], customStat["payOut"], customStat["divs"], customStat["coupons"], key))
    -2122                info.append(splitLine1)
    -2124                # --- view "Commissions and taxes" lines:
    -2125                info.append("| **Commissions and taxes:** | Broker commissions:           | Service commissions:         | Margin commissions:  | All taxes/corrections:\n")
    -2126                comKeys = sorted(list(set(list(customStat["brokerCom"].keys()) + list(customStat["serviceCom"].keys()) + list(customStat["marginCom"].keys()) + list(customStat["allTaxes"].keys()))))
    -2128                for key in comKeys:
    -2129                    info.append(_InfoStr(customStat["brokerCom"], customStat["serviceCom"], customStat["marginCom"], customStat["allTaxes"], key))
    -2131                info.append(splitLine1)
    -2133                info.extend([
    -2134                    "\n## All operations{}\n\n".format("" if showCancelled else " (without cancelled status)"),
    -2135                    "| Date and time       | FIGI         | Ticker       | Asset      | Value     | Payment         | Status     | Operation type\n",
    -2136                    "|---------------------|--------------|--------------|------------|-----------|-----------------|------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
    -2137                ])
    -2139            else:
    -2140                info.append("Broker returned no operations during this period\n")
    -2142            # --- view "Operations" section:
    -2143            for item in ops:
    -2144                if not showCancelled and TKS_OPERATION_STATES[item["state"]] == TKS_OPERATION_STATES["OPERATION_STATE_CANCELED"]:
    -2145                    continue
    -2147                else:
    -2148                    self.figi = item["figi"] if item["figi"] else ""
    -2149                    payment = NanoToFloat(item["payment"]["units"], item["payment"]["nano"])
    -2150                    instrument = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False) if self.figi else {}
    -2152                    # group of deals during one day:
    -2153                    if nextDay and item["date"].split("T")[0] != nextDay:
    -2154                        info.append(splitLine2)
    -2155                        nextDay = ""
    -2157                    else:
    -2158                        nextDay = item["date"].split("T")[0]  # saving current day for splitting
    -2160                    info.append("| {:<19} | {:<12} | {:<12} | {:<10} | {:<9} | {:>15} | {:<10} | {}\n".format(
    -2161                        item["date"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "").split(".")[0],
    -2162                        self.figi if self.figi else "—",
    -2163                        instrument["ticker"] if instrument else "—",
    -2164                        instrument["type"] if instrument else "—",
    -2165                        item["quantity"] if int(item["quantity"]) > 0 else "—",
    -2166                        "{}{:.2f} {}".format("+" if payment > 0 else "", payment, item["payment"]["currency"]) if payment != 0 else "—",
    -2167                        TKS_OPERATION_STATES[item["state"]],
    -2168                        TKS_OPERATION_TYPES[item["operationType"]],
    -2169                    ))
    -2171            infoText = "".join(info)
    -2173            if printDeals:
    -2174                uLogger.info(infoText)
    -2176            if self.reportFile:
    -2177                with open(self.reportFile, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    -2178                    fH.write(infoText)
    -2180                uLogger.info("History of a client's operations are saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.reportFile)))
    -2182        return ops, customStat
    2003    def Deals(self, start: str = None, end: str = None, printDeals: bool = False, showCancelled: bool = True) -> tuple:
    +2004        """
    +2005        Returns history operations between two given dates.
    +2006        If `reportFile` string is not empty then also save human-readable report.
    +2007        Shows some statistical data of closed positions.
    +2009        :param start: see docstring in `GetDatesAsString()` method
    +2010        :param end: see docstring in `GetDatesAsString()` method
    +2011        :param printDeals: if `True` then also prints all records to the console.
    +2012        :param showCancelled: if `False` then remove information about cancelled operations from the deals report.
    +2013        :return: original list of dictionaries with history of deals records from API ("operations" key):
    +2014                 https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetOperations
    +2015                 and dictionary with custom stats: operations in different currencies, withdrawals, incomes etc.
    +2016        """
    +2017        startDate, endDate = GetDatesAsString(start, end)  # Example: ("2000-01-01T00:00:00Z", "2022-12-31T23:59:59Z")
    +2019        uLogger.debug("Requesting history of a client's operations. Wait, please...")
    +2021        # REST API for request: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetOperations
    +2022        dealsURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OperationsService/GetOperations"
    +2023        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId, "from": startDate, "to": endDate})
    +2024        ops = self.SendAPIRequest(dealsURL, reqType="POST")["operations"]  # list of dict: operations returns by broker
    +2025        customStat = {}  # custom statistics in additional to responseJSON
    +2027        # --- output report in human-readable format:
    +2028        if printDeals or self.reportFile:
    +2029            splitLine1 = "|                            |                               |                              |                      |                        |\n"  # Summary section
    +2030            splitLine2 = "|                     |              |              |            |           |                 |            |                                                                    |\n"  # Operations section
    +2031            nextDay = ""
    +2033            info = ["# Client's operations\n\n* **Period:** from [{}] to [{}]\n\n## Summary (operations executed only)\n\n".format(startDate.split("T")[0], endDate.split("T")[0])]
    +2035            if len(ops) > 0:
    +2036                customStat = {
    +2037                    "opsCount": 0,  # total operations count
    +2038                    "buyCount": 0,  # buy operations
    +2039                    "sellCount": 0,  # sell operations
    +2040                    "buyTotal": {"rub": 0.},  # Buy sums in different currencies
    +2041                    "sellTotal": {"rub": 0.},  # Sell sums in different currencies
    +2042                    "payIn": {"rub": 0.},  # Deposit brokerage account
    +2043                    "payOut": {"rub": 0.},  # Withdrawals
    +2044                    "divs": {"rub": 0.},  # Dividends income
    +2045                    "coupons": {"rub": 0.},  # Coupon's income
    +2046                    "brokerCom": {"rub": 0.},  # Service commissions
    +2047                    "serviceCom": {"rub": 0.},  # Service commissions
    +2048                    "marginCom": {"rub": 0.},  # Margin commissions
    +2049                    "allTaxes": {"rub": 0.},  # Sum of withholding taxes and corrections
    +2050                }
    +2052                # --- calculating statistics depends on operations type in TKS_OPERATION_TYPES:
    +2053                for item in ops:
    +2054                    if item["state"] == "OPERATION_STATE_EXECUTED":
    +2055                        payment = NanoToFloat(item["payment"]["units"], item["payment"]["nano"])
    +2057                        # count buy operations:
    +2058                        if "_BUY" in item["operationType"]:
    +2059                            customStat["buyCount"] += 1
    +2061                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["buyTotal"].keys():
    +2062                                customStat["buyTotal"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    +2064                            else:
    +2065                                customStat["buyTotal"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    +2067                        # count sell operations:
    +2068                        elif "_SELL" in item["operationType"]:
    +2069                            customStat["sellCount"] += 1
    +2071                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["sellTotal"].keys():
    +2072                                customStat["sellTotal"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    +2074                            else:
    +2075                                customStat["sellTotal"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    +2077                        # count incoming operations:
    +2078                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_INPUT"]:
    +2079                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["payIn"].keys():
    +2080                                customStat["payIn"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    +2082                            else:
    +2083                                customStat["payIn"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    +2085                        # count withdrawals operations:
    +2086                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_OUTPUT"]:
    +2087                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["payOut"].keys():
    +2088                                customStat["payOut"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    +2090                            else:
    +2091                                customStat["payOut"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    +2093                        # count dividends income:
    +2094                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_DIVIDEND", "OPERATION_TYPE_DIVIDEND_TRANSFER", "OPERATION_TYPE_DIV_EXT"]:
    +2095                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["divs"].keys():
    +2096                                customStat["divs"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    +2098                            else:
    +2099                                customStat["divs"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    +2101                        # count coupon's income:
    +2102                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_COUPON", "OPERATION_TYPE_BOND_REPAYMENT_FULL", "OPERATION_TYPE_BOND_REPAYMENT"]:
    +2103                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["coupons"].keys():
    +2104                                customStat["coupons"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    +2106                            else:
    +2107                                customStat["coupons"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    +2109                        # count broker commissions:
    +2110                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_BROKER_FEE", "OPERATION_TYPE_SUCCESS_FEE", "OPERATION_TYPE_TRACK_MFEE", "OPERATION_TYPE_TRACK_PFEE"]:
    +2111                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["brokerCom"].keys():
    +2112                                customStat["brokerCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    +2114                            else:
    +2115                                customStat["brokerCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    +2117                        # count service commissions:
    +2118                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_SERVICE_FEE"]:
    +2119                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["serviceCom"].keys():
    +2120                                customStat["serviceCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    +2122                            else:
    +2123                                customStat["serviceCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    +2125                        # count margin commissions:
    +2126                        elif item["operationType"] in ["OPERATION_TYPE_MARGIN_FEE"]:
    +2127                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["marginCom"].keys():
    +2128                                customStat["marginCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    +2130                            else:
    +2131                                customStat["marginCom"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    +2133                        # count withholding taxes:
    +2134                        elif "_TAX" in item["operationType"]:
    +2135                            if item["payment"]["currency"] in customStat["allTaxes"].keys():
    +2136                                customStat["allTaxes"][item["payment"]["currency"]] += payment
    +2138                            else:
    +2139                                customStat["allTaxes"][item["payment"]["currency"]] = payment
    +2141                        else:
    +2142                            continue
    +2144                customStat["opsCount"] += customStat["buyCount"] + customStat["sellCount"]
    +2146                # --- view "Actions" lines:
    +2147                info.extend([
    +2148                    "| 1                          | 2                             | 3                            | 4                    | 5                      |\n",
    +2149                    "|----------------------------|-------------------------------|------------------------------|----------------------|------------------------|\n",
    +2150                    "| **Actions:**               | Trades: {:<21} | Trading volumes:             |                      |                        |\n".format(customStat["opsCount"]),
    +2151                    "|                            |   Buy: {:<22} | {:<28} |                      |                        |\n".format(
    +2152                        "{} ({:.1f}%)".format(customStat["buyCount"], 100 * customStat["buyCount"] / customStat["opsCount"]) if customStat["opsCount"] != 0 else 0,
    +2153                        "  rub, buy: {:<16}".format("{:.2f}".format(customStat["buyTotal"]["rub"])) if customStat["buyTotal"]["rub"] != 0 else "  —",
    +2154                    ),
    +2155                    "|                            |   Sell: {:<21} | {:<28} |                      |                        |\n".format(
    +2156                        "{} ({:.1f}%)".format(customStat["sellCount"], 100 * customStat["sellCount"] / customStat["opsCount"]) if customStat["opsCount"] != 0 else 0,
    +2157                        "  rub, sell: {:<13}".format("+{:.2f}".format(customStat["sellTotal"]["rub"])) if customStat["sellTotal"]["rub"] != 0 else "  —",
    +2158                    ),
    +2159                ])
    +2161                opsKeys = sorted(list(set(list(customStat["buyTotal"].keys()) + list(customStat["sellTotal"].keys()))))
    +2162                for key in opsKeys:
    +2163                    if key == "rub":
    +2164                        continue
    +2166                    info.extend([
    +2167                        "|                            |                               | {:<28} |                      |                        |\n".format(
    +2168                            "  {}, buy: {:<16}".format(key, "{:.2f}".format(customStat["buyTotal"][key]) if key and key in customStat["buyTotal"].keys() and customStat["buyTotal"][key] != 0 else 0)
    +2169                        ),
    +2170                        "|                            |                               | {:<28} |                      |                        |\n".format(
    +2171                            "  {}, sell: {:<13}".format(key, "+{:.2f}".format(customStat["sellTotal"][key]) if key and key in customStat["sellTotal"].keys() and customStat["sellTotal"][key] != 0 else 0)
    +2172                        ),
    +2173                    ])
    +2175                info.append(splitLine1)
    +2177                def _InfoStr(data1: dict, data2: dict, data3: dict, data4: dict, cur: str = "") -> str:
    +2178                    return "|                            | {:<29} | {:<28} | {:<20} | {:<22} |\n".format(
    +2179                            "  {}: {}{:.2f}".format(cur, "+" if data1[cur] > 0 else "", data1[cur]) if cur and cur in data1.keys() and data1[cur] != 0 else "  —",
    +2180                            "  {}: {}{:.2f}".format(cur, "+" if data2[cur] > 0 else "", data2[cur]) if cur and cur in data2.keys() and data2[cur] != 0 else "  —",
    +2181                            "  {}: {}{:.2f}".format(cur, "+" if data3[cur] > 0 else "", data3[cur]) if cur and cur in data3.keys() and data3[cur] != 0 else "  —",
    +2182                            "  {}: {}{:.2f}".format(cur, "+" if data4[cur] > 0 else "", data4[cur]) if cur and cur in data4.keys() and data4[cur] != 0 else "  —",
    +2183                    )
    +2185                # --- view "Payments" lines:
    +2186                info.append("| **Payments:**              | Deposit on broker account:    | Withdrawals:                 | Dividends income:    | Coupons income:        |\n")
    +2187                paymentsKeys = sorted(list(set(list(customStat["payIn"].keys()) + list(customStat["payOut"].keys()) + list(customStat["divs"].keys()) + list(customStat["coupons"].keys()))))
    +2189                for key in paymentsKeys:
    +2190                    info.append(_InfoStr(customStat["payIn"], customStat["payOut"], customStat["divs"], customStat["coupons"], key))
    +2192                info.append(splitLine1)
    +2194                # --- view "Commissions and taxes" lines:
    +2195                info.append("| **Commissions and taxes:** | Broker commissions:           | Service commissions:         | Margin commissions:  | All taxes/corrections: |\n")
    +2196                comKeys = sorted(list(set(list(customStat["brokerCom"].keys()) + list(customStat["serviceCom"].keys()) + list(customStat["marginCom"].keys()) + list(customStat["allTaxes"].keys()))))
    +2198                for key in comKeys:
    +2199                    info.append(_InfoStr(customStat["brokerCom"], customStat["serviceCom"], customStat["marginCom"], customStat["allTaxes"], key))
    +2201                info.append(splitLine1)
    +2203                info.extend([
    +2204                    "\n## All operations{}\n\n".format("" if showCancelled else " (without cancelled status)"),
    +2205                    "| Date and time       | FIGI         | Ticker       | Asset      | Value     | Payment         | Status     | Operation type                                                     |\n",
    +2206                    "|---------------------|--------------|--------------|------------|-----------|-----------------|------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------|\n",
    +2207                ])
    +2209            else:
    +2210                info.append("Broker returned no operations during this period\n")
    +2212            # --- view "Operations" section:
    +2213            for item in ops:
    +2214                if not showCancelled and TKS_OPERATION_STATES[item["state"]] == TKS_OPERATION_STATES["OPERATION_STATE_CANCELED"]:
    +2215                    continue
    +2217                else:
    +2218                    self.figi = item["figi"] if item["figi"] else ""
    +2219                    payment = NanoToFloat(item["payment"]["units"], item["payment"]["nano"])
    +2220                    instrument = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False) if self.figi else {}
    +2222                    # group of deals during one day:
    +2223                    if nextDay and item["date"].split("T")[0] != nextDay:
    +2224                        info.append(splitLine2)
    +2225                        nextDay = ""
    +2227                    else:
    +2228                        nextDay = item["date"].split("T")[0]  # saving current day for splitting
    +2230                    info.append("| {:<19} | {:<12} | {:<12} | {:<10} | {:<9} | {:>15} | {:<10} | {:<66} |\n".format(
    +2231                        item["date"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "").split(".")[0],
    +2232                        self.figi if self.figi else "—",
    +2233                        instrument["ticker"] if instrument else "—",
    +2234                        instrument["type"] if instrument else "—",
    +2235                        item["quantity"] if int(item["quantity"]) > 0 else "—",
    +2236                        "{}{:.2f} {}".format("+" if payment > 0 else "", payment, item["payment"]["currency"]) if payment != 0 else "—",
    +2237                        TKS_OPERATION_STATES[item["state"]],
    +2238                        TKS_OPERATION_TYPES[item["operationType"]],
    +2239                    ))
    +2241            infoText = "".join(info)
    +2243            if printDeals:
    +2244                uLogger.info(infoText)
    +2246            if self.reportFile:
    +2247                with open(self.reportFile, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH:
    +2248                    fH.write(infoText)
    +2250                uLogger.info("History of a client's operations are saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.reportFile)))
    +2252        return ops, customStat
    @@ -9349,7 +9679,7 @@
    • start: see docstring in GetDatesAsString() method
    • end: see docstring in GetDatesAsString() method
    • -
    • printDeals: if True then also print all records to the console.
    • +
    • printDeals: if True then also prints all records to the console.
    • showCancelled: if False then remove information about cancelled operations from the deals report.
    @@ -9369,196 +9699,221 @@
    def - History(self, onlyMissing: bool = False) + History( self, start: str = None, end: str = None, interval: str = 'hour', onlyMissing: bool = False, csvSep: str = ',', printCandles: bool = False) -> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame:
    2184    def History(self, onlyMissing: bool = False):
    -2185        """
    -2186        This method returns last history candles of the current instrument defined by `ticker`.
    -2187        If `historyFile` is not None then method save history to this file, otherwise return only pandas dataframe.
    -2188        `historyLength` define how many candles returns from past to current date.
    -2189        `historyInterval` define candle interval. Available values are strings: `"1min"`, `"2min"`, `"3min"`, `"5min"`,
    -2190        `"10min"`, `"15min"`, `"30min"`, `"hour"`, `"day"`, `"week"`, `"month"`. Default: `"hour"`.
    -2191        Maximum requested history date in the past: `1970.01.02 03:45`
    -2193        :param onlyMissing: if history file define then add only last missing candles, do not request all history length. False by default.
    -2194                            WARNING! History appends only from last candle to current time with replace last candle! Intervals must be similar!
    -2195        :return: pandas dataframe with prices history. Columns: `date`, `time`, `open`, `high`, `low`, `close`, `volume`.
    -2196        """
    -2197        history = None  # empty pandas object for history
    -2198        # TODO: update history to work with api v2
    -2199        # if self.historyLength < 1:
    -2200        #     raise Exception("History length parameter must be >=1!")
    -2201        #
    -2202        # if self.historyInterval not in TKS_TIMEFRAMES.keys():
    -2203        #     raise Exception("Interval parameter must be string with available values: 1min, 2min, 3min, 5min, 10min, 15min, 30min, hour, day, week, month.")
    -2204        #
    -2205        # if not (self.ticker or self.figi):
    -2206        #     raise Exception("self.ticker or self.figi variables must be defined!")
    -2207        #
    -2208        # if self.ticker and not self.figi:
    -2209        #     instrumentByTicker = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=False, debug=False)
    -2210        #     self.figi = instrumentByTicker["figi"] if instrumentByTicker else ""
    -2211        #
    -2212        # endDate = datetime.now(tzutc())  # current time for request history
    -2213        # tempOld = None  # pandas object for old history, if --only-missing key present
    -2214        # lastTime = None  # datetime object of last old candle in file
    -2215        # minStartDate = datetime.strptime("1970.01.02 03:45", "%Y.%m.%d %H:%M").astimezone(tzutc())  # Maximum requested history date in the past
    -2216        #
    -2217        # # get old history saved earlier in file:
    -2218        # if onlyMissing and self.historyFile and os.path.exists(self.historyFile):
    -2219        #     uLogger.debug("--only-missing key present, so auto decreasing --length value...")
    -2220        #     uLogger.debug("Only append missing last history candles at the end of the file [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.historyFile)))
    -2221        #
    -2222        #     tempOld = pd.read_csv(self.historyFile, sep=",", header=None, names=["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"])
    -2223        #
    -2224        #     tempOld["date"] = pd.to_datetime(tempOld["date"])  # load date "as is"
    -2225        #     tempOld["date"] = tempOld["date"].dt.strftime("%Y.%m.%d")  # convert date to string
    -2226        #     tempOld["time"] = pd.to_datetime(tempOld["time"])  # load time "as is"
    -2227        #     tempOld["time"] = tempOld["time"].dt.strftime("%H:%M")  # convert time to string
    -2228        #
    -2229        #     # get last datetime object from last string in file or minus 1 delta if file is empty:
    -2230        #     if len(tempOld) > 0:
    -2231        #         lastTime = datetime.strptime(tempOld.date.iloc[-1] + " " + tempOld.time.iloc[-1], "%Y.%m.%d %H:%M").astimezone(tzutc())
    -2232        #
    -2233        #     else:
    -2234        #         lastTime = endDate - timedelta(minutes=TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["minutes"])
    -2235        #         uLogger.warning("No history in file, set last date to request at [{}]".format(lastTime))
    -2236        #
    -2237        #     delta = endDate - lastTime  # current time minus last time in file
    -2238        #     deltaMinutes = delta.days * 1440 + delta.seconds // 60  # minutes between last datetime and current datetime
    -2239        #
    -2240        #     # calculate new (decreased) history length to download:
    -2241        #     self.historyLength = deltaMinutes // TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["minutes"]
    -2242        #     if deltaMinutes % TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["minutes"] > 0:
    -2243        #         self.historyLength += 1  # to avoid fraction time
    -2244        #
    -2245        #     tempOld = tempOld[:-1]  # always remove last old candle because it may be incompletely at the current time
    -2246        #
    -2247        # if self.figi:
    -2248        #     blocks = 1 if self.historyLength <= TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["maxCandles"] else 1 + self.historyLength // TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["maxCandles"]
    -2249        #     responseJSONs = []  # raw history blocks
    -2250        #
    -2251        #     uLogger.debug("Request last history from Tinkoff Broker server for ticker [{}], FIGI [{}]...".format(self.ticker, self.figi))
    -2252        #
    -2253        #     uLogger.debug("Requested history length: [{}], interval: [{}]".format(self.historyLength, self.historyInterval))
    -2254        #     uLogger.debug("User requested time period is about from [{}] to [{}]".format(
    -2255        #         (endDate - timedelta(minutes=TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["minutes"] * self.historyLength)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    -2256        #         endDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    -2257        #     ))
    -2258        #
    -2259        #     uLogger.debug("Blocks count: [{}], max candles in block for this interval: [{}]".format(blocks, TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["maxCandles"]))
    -2260        #
    -2261        #     oldFlag = False
    -2262        #     for item in range(blocks):
    -2263        #         tail = self.historyLength % TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["maxCandles"] if item + 1 == blocks else TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["maxCandles"]
    -2264        #         startDate = endDate - timedelta(minutes=TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["minutes"] * tail)
    -2265        #
    -2266        #         if startDate < minStartDate:
    -2267        #             startDate = minStartDate  # set minimum date in the past if delta is too long
    -2268        #             uLogger.debug("Date in the past is too old for request. Set start time to [{}]".format(minStartDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
    -2269        #             oldFlag = True
    -2270        #
    -2271        #         uLogger.debug("Block time period: from [{}] to [{}] ({}/{})".format(
    -2272        #             startDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    -2273        #             endDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    -2274        #             item + 1,
    -2275        #             blocks,
    -2276        #         ))
    -2277        #
    -2278        #         historyURL = self.server + r"/market/candles?figi={}&from={}&to={}&interval={}".format(
    -2279        #             self.figi,
    -2280        #             quote(startDate.isoformat()),
    -2281        #             quote(endDate.isoformat()),
    -2282        #             self.historyInterval,
    -2283        #         )
    -2284        #         responseJSON = self.SendAPIRequest(historyURL, debug=False)["payload"]["candles"]
    -2285        #
    -2286        #         responseJSONs = responseJSON + responseJSONs  # add more old history behind newest dates
    -2287        #         endDate = startDate
    -2288        #
    -2289        #         if oldFlag: break
    -2290        #
    -2291        #     if responseJSONs:
    -2292        #         tempHistory = pd.DataFrame(
    -2293        #             data={
    -2294        #                 "date": [pd.to_datetime(item["time"]).astimezone(tzutc()) for item in responseJSONs],
    -2295        #                 "time": [pd.to_datetime(item["time"]).astimezone(tzutc()) for item in responseJSONs],
    -2296        #                 "open": [item["o"] for item in responseJSONs],
    -2297        #                 "high": [item["h"] for item in responseJSONs],
    -2298        #                 "low": [item["l"] for item in responseJSONs],
    -2299        #                 "close": [item["c"] for item in responseJSONs],
    -2300        #                 "volume": [item["v"] for item in responseJSONs],
    -2301        #             },
    -2302        #             index=range(len(responseJSONs)),
    -2303        #             columns=["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"],
    -2304        #         )
    -2305        #         tempHistory["date"] = tempHistory["date"].dt.strftime("%Y.%m.%d")
    -2306        #         tempHistory["time"] = tempHistory["time"].dt.strftime("%H:%M")
    -2307        #
    -2308        #         # append only newest candles to old history if --only-missing key present:
    -2309        #         if onlyMissing and tempOld is not None and lastTime is not None:
    -2310        #             indx = 0  # find start index in given from server tempHistory data:
    -2311        #             for i, item in tempHistory.iterrows():
    -2312        #                 curTime = datetime.strptime(item["date"] + " " + item["time"], "%Y.%m.%d %H:%M").astimezone(tzutc())
    -2313        #                 if curTime == lastTime:
    -2314        #                     uLogger.debug("History candles will be updated starting from the candle with date: [{}]".format(curTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
    -2315        #                     indx = i
    -2316        #                     break
    -2317        #
    -2318        #             history = tempOld.append(tempHistory[indx:], ignore_index=True)
    -2319        #
    -2320        #         else:
    -2321        #             history = tempHistory  # if no --only-missing key then load full data from server
    -2322        #
    -2323        #         uLogger.debug("Showing last 3 rows of candles history:")
    -2324        #         for line in pd.DataFrame.to_string(
    -2325        #                 history[["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"]][-3:],
    -2326        #                 max_cols=20,
    -2327        #         ).split("\n"):
    -2328        #             uLogger.debug(line)
    -2329        #
    -2330        #     if self.historyFile is not None:
    -2331        #         if history is not None:
    -2332        #             history.to_csv(self.historyFile, sep=",", index=False, header=False)
    -2333        #             uLogger.info("Ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], tf: [{}], history saved: [{}]".format(
    -2334        #                 self.ticker,
    -2335        #                 self.figi,
    -2336        #                 self.historyInterval,
    -2337        #                 os.path.abspath(self.historyFile),
    -2338        #             ))
    -2339        #
    -2340        #         else:
    -2341        #             uLogger.warning("Empty history received! File NOT updated: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.historyFile)))
    -2342        #
    -2343        #     else:
    -2344        #         uLogger.debug("--output key is not defined. Parsed history file not saved to .csv-file, only pandas dataframe returns.")
    -2346        return history
    2254    def History(self, start: str = None, end: str = None, interval: str = "hour", onlyMissing: bool = False,
    +2255                csvSep: str = ",", printCandles: bool = False,
    +2256                ) -> pd.DataFrame:
    +2257        """
    +2258        This method returns last history candles of the current instrument defined by `ticker` or `figi` (FIGI id).
    +2260        History returned between two given dates: `start` and `end`. Minimum requested date in the past is `1970-01-01`.
    +2261        Warning! Broker server used ISO UTC time by default.
    +2263        If `historyFile` is not `None` then method save history to file, otherwise return only pandas dataframe.
    +2264        Also, `historyFile` used to update history with `onlyMissing` parameter.
    +2266        :param start: see docstring in `GetDatesAsString()` method.
    +2267        :param end: see docstring in `GetDatesAsString()` method.
    +2268        :param interval: this is a candle interval. Current available values are `"1min"`, `"5min"`, `"15min"`,
    +2269                         `"hour"`, `"day"`. Default: `"hour"`.
    +2270        :param onlyMissing: if `True` then add only last missing candles, do not request all history length from `start`.
    +2271                            False by default. Warning! History appends only from last candle to current time
    +2272                            with always update last candle!
    +2273        :param csvSep: separator if .csv-file is used, `,` by default.
    +2274        :param printCandles: if `True` then also prints pandas dataframe to the console.
    +2275        :return: pandas dataframe with prices history. Headers of columns are defined by default:
    +2276                 `["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"]`.
    +2277        """
    +2278        strStartDate, strEndDate = GetDatesAsString(start, end)  # example: ("2020-01-01T00:00:00Z", "2022-12-31T23:59:59Z")
    +2279        headers = ["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"]  # sequence and names of column headers
    +2280        history = None  # empty pandas object for history
    +2282        if interval not in TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS.keys():
    +2283            raise Exception("Interval parameter must be string with current available values: `1min`, `5min`, `15min`, `hour` and `day`.")
    +2285        if not (self.ticker or self.figi):
    +2286            raise Exception("Ticker or FIGI must be defined!")
    +2288        if self.ticker and not self.figi:
    +2289            instrumentByTicker = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=False, debug=False)
    +2290            self.figi = instrumentByTicker["figi"] if instrumentByTicker else ""
    +2292        if self.figi and not self.ticker:
    +2293            instrumentByFIGI = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False, debug=False)
    +2294            self.ticker = instrumentByFIGI["ticker"] if instrumentByFIGI else ""
    +2296        dtStart = datetime.strptime(strStartDate, TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT).replace(tzinfo=tzutc())  # datetime object from start time string
    +2297        dtEnd = datetime.strptime(strEndDate, TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT).replace(tzinfo=tzutc())  # datetime object from end time string
    +2298        if interval.lower() != "day":
    +2299            dtEnd += timedelta(seconds=1)  # adds 1 sec for requests, because day end returned by `GetDatesAsString()` as 23:59:59
    +2301        delta = dtEnd - dtStart  # current UTC time minus last time in file
    +2302        deltaMinutes = delta.days * 1440 + delta.seconds // 60  # minutes between start and end dates
    +2304        # calculate history length in candles:
    +2305        length = deltaMinutes // TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][1]
    +2306        if deltaMinutes % TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][1] > 0:
    +2307            length += 1  # to avoid fraction time
    +2309        # calculate data blocks count:
    +2310        blocks = 1 if length < TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][2] else 1 + length // TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][2]
    +2312        uLogger.debug("Original requested time period in local time: from [{}] to [{}]".format(start, end))
    +2313        uLogger.debug("Requested time period is about from [{}] UTC to [{}] UTC".format(strStartDate, strEndDate))
    +2314        uLogger.debug("Calculated history length: [{}], interval: [{}]".format(length, interval))
    +2315        uLogger.debug("Data blocks, count: [{}], max candles in block: [{}]".format(blocks, TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][2]))
    +2316        uLogger.debug("Requesting history candlesticks, ticker: [{}], FIGI: [{}]. Wait, please...".format(self.ticker, self.figi))
    +2318        tempOld = None  # pandas object for old history, if --only-missing key present
    +2319        lastTime = None  # datetime object of last old candle in file
    +2321        if onlyMissing and self.historyFile is not None and self.historyFile and os.path.exists(self.historyFile):
    +2322            uLogger.debug("--only-missing key present, add only last missing candles...")
    +2323            uLogger.debug("History file will be updated: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.historyFile)))
    +2325            tempOld = pd.read_csv(self.historyFile, sep=csvSep, header=None, names=headers)
    +2327            tempOld["date"] = pd.to_datetime(tempOld["date"])  # load date "as is"
    +2328            tempOld["date"] = tempOld["date"].dt.strftime("%Y.%m.%d")  # convert date to string
    +2329            tempOld["time"] = pd.to_datetime(tempOld["time"])  # load time "as is"
    +2330            tempOld["time"] = tempOld["time"].dt.strftime("%H:%M")  # convert time to string
    +2332            # get last datetime object from last string in file or minus 1 delta if file is empty:
    +2333            if len(tempOld) > 0:
    +2334                lastTime = datetime.strptime(tempOld.date.iloc[-1] + " " + tempOld.time.iloc[-1], "%Y.%m.%d %H:%M").replace(tzinfo=tzutc())
    +2336            else:
    +2337                lastTime = dtEnd - timedelta(days=1)  # history file is empty, so last date set at -1 day
    +2339            tempOld = tempOld[:-1]  # always remove last old candle because it may be incompletely at the current time
    +2341        responseJSONs = []  # raw history blocks of data
    +2343        blockEnd = dtEnd
    +2344        for item in range(blocks):
    +2345            tail = length % TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][2] if item + 1 == blocks else TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][2]
    +2346            blockStart = blockEnd - timedelta(minutes=TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][1] * tail)
    +2348            uLogger.debug("[Block #{}/{}] time period: [{}] UTC - [{}] UTC".format(
    +2349                item + 1, blocks, blockStart.strftime(TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT), blockEnd.strftime(TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT),
    +2350            ))
    +2352            if blockStart == blockEnd:
    +2353                uLogger.debug("Skipped this zero-length block...")
    +2355            else:
    +2356                # REST API for request: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/MarketDataService/MarketDataService_GetCandles
    +2357                historyURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.MarketDataService/GetCandles"
    +2358                self.body = str({
    +2359                    "figi": self.figi,
    +2360                    "from": blockStart.strftime(TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT),
    +2361                    "to": blockEnd.strftime(TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT),
    +2362                    "interval": TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][0]
    +2363                })
    +2364                responseJSON = self.SendAPIRequest(historyURL, reqType="POST", retry=1, pause=1, debug=False)
    +2366                if "code" in responseJSON.keys():
    +2367                    uLogger.debug("An issue occurred and block #{}/{} is empty".format(item + 1, blocks))
    +2369                else:
    +2370                    if (start.lower() == "yesterday" or start == end) and interval == "day" and len(responseJSON["candles"]) > 1:
    +2371                        responseJSON["candles"] = responseJSON["candles"][:-1]  # removes last candle for "yesterday" request
    +2373                    responseJSONs = responseJSON["candles"] + responseJSONs  # add more old history behind newest dates
    +2375            blockEnd = blockStart
    +2377        printCount = len(responseJSONs)  # candles to show in console
    +2378        if responseJSONs:
    +2379            tempHistory = pd.DataFrame(
    +2380                data={
    +2381                    "date": [pd.to_datetime(item["time"]).astimezone(tzutc()) for item in responseJSONs],
    +2382                    "time": [pd.to_datetime(item["time"]).astimezone(tzutc()) for item in responseJSONs],
    +2383                    "open": [NanoToFloat(item["open"]["units"], item["open"]["nano"]) for item in responseJSONs],
    +2384                    "high": [NanoToFloat(item["high"]["units"], item["high"]["nano"]) for item in responseJSONs],
    +2385                    "low": [NanoToFloat(item["low"]["units"], item["low"]["nano"]) for item in responseJSONs],
    +2386                    "close": [NanoToFloat(item["close"]["units"], item["close"]["nano"]) for item in responseJSONs],
    +2387                    "volume": [int(item["volume"]) for item in responseJSONs],
    +2388                },
    +2389                index=range(len(responseJSONs)),
    +2390                columns=["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"],
    +2391            )
    +2392            tempHistory["date"] = tempHistory["date"].dt.strftime("%Y.%m.%d")
    +2393            tempHistory["time"] = tempHistory["time"].dt.strftime("%H:%M")
    +2395            # append only newest candles to old history if --only-missing key present:
    +2396            if onlyMissing and tempOld is not None and lastTime is not None:
    +2397                index = 0  # find start index in tempHistory data:
    +2399                for i, item in tempHistory.iterrows():
    +2400                    curTime = datetime.strptime(item["date"] + " " + item["time"], "%Y.%m.%d %H:%M").replace(tzinfo=tzutc())
    +2402                    if curTime == lastTime:
    +2403                        uLogger.debug("History will be updated starting from the date: [{}]".format(curTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
    +2404                        index = i
    +2405                        printCount = index + 1
    +2406                        break
    +2408                history = pd.concat([tempOld, tempHistory[index:]], ignore_index=True)
    +2410            else:
    +2411                history = tempHistory  # if no `--only-missing` key then load full data from server
    +2413            uLogger.debug("Last 3 rows of received history:\n{}".format(pd.DataFrame.to_string(history[["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"]][-3:], max_cols=20, index=False)))
    +2415        if printCandles and history is not None and not history.empty:
    +2416            uLogger.info("Here's requested history between [{}] UTC and [{}] UTC, not-empty candles count: [{}]\n{}".format(
    +2417                strStartDate.replace("T", " ").replace("Z", ""), strEndDate.replace("T", " ").replace("Z", ""), len(history[-printCount:]),
    +2418                pd.DataFrame.to_string(history[["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"]][-printCount:], max_cols=20, index=False),
    +2419            ))
    +2421        if self.historyFile is not None:
    +2422            if history is not None and not history.empty:
    +2423                history.to_csv(self.historyFile, sep=csvSep, index=False, header=None)
    +2424                uLogger.info("Ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], tf: [{}], history saved: [{}]".format(self.ticker, self.figi, interval, os.path.abspath(self.historyFile)))
    +2426            else:
    +2427                uLogger.warning("Empty history received! File NOT updated: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.historyFile)))
    +2429        else:
    +2430            uLogger.debug("--output key is not defined. Parsed history file not saved to file, only pandas dataframe returns.")
    +2432        return history

    This method returns last history candles of the current instrument defined by ticker. -If historyFile is not None then method save history to this file, otherwise return only pandas dataframe. -historyLength define how many candles returns from past to current date. -historyInterval define candle interval. Available values are strings: "1min", "2min", "3min", "5min", -"10min", "15min", "30min", "hour", "day", "week", "month". Default: "hour". -Maximum requested history date in the past: 1970.01.02 03:45


    This method returns last history candles of the current instrument defined by ticker or figi (FIGI id).

    + +

    History returned between two given dates: start and end. Minimum requested date in the past is 1970-01-01. +Warning! Broker server used ISO UTC time by default.

    + +

    If historyFile is not None then method save history to file, otherwise return only pandas dataframe. +Also, historyFile used to update history with onlyMissing parameter.

    • onlyMissing: if history file define then add only last missing candles, do not request all history length. False by default. - WARNING! History appends only from last candle to current time with replace last candle! Intervals must be similar!
    • +
    • start: see docstring in GetDatesAsString() method.
    • +
    • end: see docstring in GetDatesAsString() method.
    • +
    • interval: this is a candle interval. Current available values are "1min", "5min", "15min", + "hour", "day". Default: "hour".
    • +
    • onlyMissing: if True then add only last missing candles, do not request all history length from start. + False by default. Warning! History appends only from last candle to current time + with always update last candle!
    • +
    • csvSep: separator if .csv-file is used, , by default.
    • +
    • printCandles: if True then also prints pandas dataframe to the console.

    pandas dataframe with prices history. Columns: date, time, open, high, low, close, volume.


    pandas dataframe with prices history. Headers of columns are defined by default: + ["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"].

    @@ -9575,75 +9930,75 @@
    2348    def Trade(self, operation: str, lots: int = 1, tp: float = 0., sl: float = 0., expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    -2349        """
    -2350        Universal method to create market order and make deal at the current price. Returns JSON data with response.
    -2351        If `tp` or `sl` > 0, then in additional will opens stop-orders with "TP" and "SL" flags for `stopType` parameter.
    -2353        See also: `Order()` docstring. More simple methods than `Trade()` are `Buy()` and `Sell()`.
    -2355        :param operation: string "Buy" or "Sell".
    -2356        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    -2357        :param tp: float > 0, target price for stop-order with "TP" type. It used as take profit parameter `targetPrice` in `self.Order()`.
    -2358        :param sl: float > 0, target price for stop-order with "SL" type. It used as stop loss parameter `targetPrice` in `self.Order()`.
    -2359        :param expDate: string "Undefined" by default or local date in future,
    -2360                        it is a string with format `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    -2361        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    -2362        """
    -2363        if operation is None or not operation or operation not in ("Buy", "Sell"):
    -2364            raise Exception("You must define operation type only one of them: `Buy` or `Sell`!")
    -2366        if lots is None or lots < 1:
    -2367            uLogger.warning("You must define trade volume > 0: integer count of lots! For current operation lots reset to 1.")
    -2368            lots = 1
    -2370        if tp is None or tp < 0:
    -2371            tp = 0
    -2373        if sl is None or sl < 0:
    -2374            sl = 0
    -2376        if expDate is None or not expDate:
    -2377            expDate = "Undefined"
    -2379        if not (self.ticker or self.figi):
    -2380            raise Exception("`self.ticker` or `self.figi` variables must be defined!")
    -2382        instrument = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=True, debug=False) if self.ticker else self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True, debug=False)
    -2383        self.ticker = instrument["ticker"]
    -2384        self.figi = instrument["figi"]
    -2386        uLogger.debug("Opening [{}] market order: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], lots [{}], TP [{:.4f}], SL [{:.4f}], expiration date of TP/SL orders [{}]. Wait, please...".format(operation, self.ticker, self.figi, lots, tp, sl, expDate))
    -2388        openTradeURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OrdersService/PostOrder"
    -2389        self.body = str({
    -2390            "figi": self.figi,
    -2391            "quantity": str(lots),
    -2392            "direction": "ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY" if operation == "Buy" else "ORDER_DIRECTION_SELL",  # see: TKS_ORDER_DIRECTIONS
    -2393            "accountId": str(self.accountId),
    -2394            "orderType": "ORDER_TYPE_MARKET",  # see: TKS_ORDER_TYPES
    -2395        })
    -2396        response = self.SendAPIRequest(openTradeURL, reqType="POST", retry=0, debug=False)
    -2398        if "orderId" in response.keys():
    -2399            uLogger.info("[{}] market order [{}] was executed: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], lots [{}]. Total order price: [{:.4f} {}] (with commission: [{:.2f} {}]). Average price of lot: [{:.2f} {}]".format(
    -2400                operation, response["orderId"],
    -2401                self.ticker, self.figi, lots,
    -2402                NanoToFloat(response["totalOrderAmount"]["units"], response["totalOrderAmount"]["nano"]), response["totalOrderAmount"]["currency"],
    -2403                NanoToFloat(response["initialCommission"]["units"], response["initialCommission"]["nano"]), response["initialCommission"]["currency"],
    -2404                NanoToFloat(response["executedOrderPrice"]["units"], response["executedOrderPrice"]["nano"]), response["executedOrderPrice"]["currency"],
    -2405            ))
    -2407        else:
    -2408            uLogger.warning("Not `oK` status received! Market order not created. See full debug log or try again and open order later.")
    -2410        if tp > 0:
    -2411            self.Order(operation="Sell" if operation == "Buy" else "Buy", orderType="Stop", lots=lots, targetPrice=tp, limitPrice=tp, stopType="TP", expDate=expDate)
    -2413        if sl > 0:
    -2414            self.Order(operation="Sell" if operation == "Buy" else "Buy", orderType="Stop", lots=lots, targetPrice=sl, limitPrice=sl, stopType="SL", expDate=expDate)
    -2416        return response
    2434    def Trade(self, operation: str, lots: int = 1, tp: float = 0., sl: float = 0., expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    +2435        """
    +2436        Universal method to create market order and make deal at the current price. Returns JSON data with response.
    +2437        If `tp` or `sl` > 0, then in additional will opens stop-orders with "TP" and "SL" flags for `stopType` parameter.
    +2439        See also: `Order()` docstring. More simple methods than `Trade()` are `Buy()` and `Sell()`.
    +2441        :param operation: string "Buy" or "Sell".
    +2442        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    +2443        :param tp: float > 0, target price for stop-order with "TP" type. It used as take profit parameter `targetPrice` in `self.Order()`.
    +2444        :param sl: float > 0, target price for stop-order with "SL" type. It used as stop loss parameter `targetPrice` in `self.Order()`.
    +2445        :param expDate: string "Undefined" by default or local date in future,
    +2446                        it is a string with format `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    +2447        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    +2448        """
    +2449        if operation is None or not operation or operation not in ("Buy", "Sell"):
    +2450            raise Exception("You must define operation type only one of them: `Buy` or `Sell`!")
    +2452        if lots is None or lots < 1:
    +2453            uLogger.warning("You must define trade volume > 0: integer count of lots! For current operation lots reset to 1.")
    +2454            lots = 1
    +2456        if tp is None or tp < 0:
    +2457            tp = 0
    +2459        if sl is None or sl < 0:
    +2460            sl = 0
    +2462        if expDate is None or not expDate:
    +2463            expDate = "Undefined"
    +2465        if not (self.ticker or self.figi):
    +2466            raise Exception("`self.ticker` or `self.figi` variables must be defined!")
    +2468        instrument = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=True, debug=False) if self.ticker else self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True, debug=False)
    +2469        self.ticker = instrument["ticker"]
    +2470        self.figi = instrument["figi"]
    +2472        uLogger.debug("Opening [{}] market order: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], lots [{}], TP [{:.4f}], SL [{:.4f}], expiration date of TP/SL orders [{}]. Wait, please...".format(operation, self.ticker, self.figi, lots, tp, sl, expDate))
    +2474        openTradeURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OrdersService/PostOrder"
    +2475        self.body = str({
    +2476            "figi": self.figi,
    +2477            "quantity": str(lots),
    +2478            "direction": "ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY" if operation == "Buy" else "ORDER_DIRECTION_SELL",  # see: TKS_ORDER_DIRECTIONS
    +2479            "accountId": str(self.accountId),
    +2480            "orderType": "ORDER_TYPE_MARKET",  # see: TKS_ORDER_TYPES
    +2481        })
    +2482        response = self.SendAPIRequest(openTradeURL, reqType="POST", retry=0, debug=False)
    +2484        if "orderId" in response.keys():
    +2485            uLogger.info("[{}] market order [{}] was executed: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], lots [{}]. Total order price: [{:.4f} {}] (with commission: [{:.2f} {}]). Average price of lot: [{:.2f} {}]".format(
    +2486                operation, response["orderId"],
    +2487                self.ticker, self.figi, lots,
    +2488                NanoToFloat(response["totalOrderAmount"]["units"], response["totalOrderAmount"]["nano"]), response["totalOrderAmount"]["currency"],
    +2489                NanoToFloat(response["initialCommission"]["units"], response["initialCommission"]["nano"]), response["initialCommission"]["currency"],
    +2490                NanoToFloat(response["executedOrderPrice"]["units"], response["executedOrderPrice"]["nano"]), response["executedOrderPrice"]["currency"],
    +2491            ))
    +2493        else:
    +2494            uLogger.warning("Not `oK` status received! Market order not created. See full debug log or try again and open order later.")
    +2496        if tp > 0:
    +2497            self.Order(operation="Sell" if operation == "Buy" else "Buy", orderType="Stop", lots=lots, targetPrice=tp, limitPrice=tp, stopType="TP", expDate=expDate)
    +2499        if sl > 0:
    +2500            self.Order(operation="Sell" if operation == "Buy" else "Buy", orderType="Stop", lots=lots, targetPrice=sl, limitPrice=sl, stopType="SL", expDate=expDate)
    +2502        return response
    @@ -9683,21 +10038,21 @@
    2418    def Buy(self, lots: int = 1, tp: float = 0., sl: float = 0., expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    -2419        """
    -2420        More simple method than `Trade()`. Create `Buy` market order and make deal at the current price. Returns JSON data with response.
    -2421        If `tp` or `sl` > 0, then in additional will opens stop-orders with "TP" and "SL" flags for `stopType` parameter.
    -2423        See also: `Order()` and `Trade()` docstrings.
    -2425        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    -2426        :param tp: float > 0, take profit price of stop-order.
    -2427        :param sl: float > 0, stop loss price of stop-order.
    -2428        :param expDate: it's a local date in future.
    -2429                        String has a format like this: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    -2430        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    -2431        """
    -2432        return self.Trade(operation="Buy", lots=lots, tp=tp, sl=sl, expDate=expDate)
    2504    def Buy(self, lots: int = 1, tp: float = 0., sl: float = 0., expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    +2505        """
    +2506        More simple method than `Trade()`. Create `Buy` market order and make deal at the current price. Returns JSON data with response.
    +2507        If `tp` or `sl` > 0, then in additional will opens stop-orders with "TP" and "SL" flags for `stopType` parameter.
    +2509        See also: `Order()` and `Trade()` docstrings.
    +2511        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    +2512        :param tp: float > 0, take profit price of stop-order.
    +2513        :param sl: float > 0, stop loss price of stop-order.
    +2514        :param expDate: it's a local date in future.
    +2515                        String has a format like this: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    +2516        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    +2517        """
    +2518        return self.Trade(operation="Buy", lots=lots, tp=tp, sl=sl, expDate=expDate)
    @@ -9736,21 +10091,21 @@
    2434    def Sell(self, lots: int = 1, tp: float = 0., sl: float = 0., expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    -2435        """
    -2436        More simple method than `Trade()`. Create `Sell` market order and make deal at the current price. Returns JSON data with response.
    -2437        If `tp` or `sl` > 0, then in additional will opens stop-orders with "TP" and "SL" flags for `stopType` parameter.
    -2439        See also: `Order()` and `Trade()` docstrings.
    -2441        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    -2442        :param tp: float > 0, take profit price of stop-order.
    -2443        :param sl: float > 0, stop loss price of stop-order.
    -2444        :param expDate: it's a local date in future.
    -2445                        String has a format like this: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    -2446        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    -2447        """
    -2448        return self.Trade(operation="Sell", lots=lots, tp=tp, sl=sl, expDate=expDate)
    2520    def Sell(self, lots: int = 1, tp: float = 0., sl: float = 0., expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    +2521        """
    +2522        More simple method than `Trade()`. Create `Sell` market order and make deal at the current price. Returns JSON data with response.
    +2523        If `tp` or `sl` > 0, then in additional will opens stop-orders with "TP" and "SL" flags for `stopType` parameter.
    +2525        See also: `Order()` and `Trade()` docstrings.
    +2527        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    +2528        :param tp: float > 0, take profit price of stop-order.
    +2529        :param sl: float > 0, stop loss price of stop-order.
    +2530        :param expDate: it's a local date in future.
    +2531                        String has a format like this: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    +2532        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    +2533        """
    +2534        return self.Trade(operation="Sell", lots=lots, tp=tp, sl=sl, expDate=expDate)
    @@ -9789,66 +10144,66 @@
    2450    def CloseTrades(self, tickers: list, overview: dict = None) -> None:
    -2451        """
    -2452        Close position of given instruments.
    -2454        :param tickers: tickers list of instruments that must be closed.
    -2455        :param overview: pre-received dictionary with open trades, returned by `Overview()` method.
    -2456                         This avoids unnecessary downloading data from the server.
    -2457        """
    -2458        if not tickers:
    -2459            uLogger.info("Tickers list is empty, nothing to close.")
    -2461        else:
    -2462            if overview is None or not overview:
    -2463                overview = self.Overview(showStatistics=False)
    -2465            allOpenedTickers = [item["ticker"] for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS for item in overview["stat"][iType]]
    -2466            uLogger.debug("All opened instruments by it's tickers names: {}".format(allOpenedTickers))
    -2468            for ticker in tickers:
    -2469                if ticker not in allOpenedTickers:
    -2470                    uLogger.warning("Instrument with ticker [{}] not in open positions list!".format(ticker))
    -2471                    continue
    -2473                # search open trade info about instrument by ticker:
    -2474                instrument = {}
    -2475                for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    -2476                    if instrument:
    -2477                        break
    -2479                    for item in overview["stat"][iType]:
    -2480                        if item["ticker"] == ticker:
    -2481                            instrument = item
    -2482                            break
    -2484                if instrument:
    -2485                    self.ticker = ticker
    -2486                    self.figi = instrument["figi"]
    -2488                    uLogger.debug("Closing trade of instrument: ticker [{}], FIGI[{}], lots [{}]{}. Wait, please...".format(
    -2489                        self.ticker,
    -2490                        self.figi,
    -2491                        int(instrument["volume"]),
    -2492                        ", blocked [{}]".format(instrument["blocked"]) if instrument["blocked"] > 0 else "",
    -2493                    ))
    -2495                    tradeLots = abs(instrument["lots"]) - instrument["blocked"]  # available volumes in lots for close operation
    -2497                    if tradeLots > 0:
    -2498                        if instrument["blocked"] > 0:
    -2499                            uLogger.warning("Just for your information: there are [{}] lots blocked for instrument [{}]! Available only [{}] lots to closing trade.".format(
    -2500                                instrument["blocked"],
    -2501                                self.ticker,
    -2502                                tradeLots,
    -2503                            ))
    -2505                        # if direction is "Long" then we need sell, if direction is "Short" then we need buy:
    -2506                        self.Trade(operation="Sell" if instrument["direction"] == "Long" else "Buy", lots=tradeLots)
    -2508                    else:
    -2509                        uLogger.warning("There are no available lots for instrument [{}] to closing trade at this moment! Try again later or cancel some orders.".format(self.ticker))
    2536    def CloseTrades(self, tickers: list, overview: dict = None) -> None:
    +2537        """
    +2538        Close position of given instruments.
    +2540        :param tickers: tickers list of instruments that must be closed.
    +2541        :param overview: pre-received dictionary with open trades, returned by `Overview()` method.
    +2542                         This avoids unnecessary downloading data from the server.
    +2543        """
    +2544        if not tickers:
    +2545            uLogger.info("Tickers list is empty, nothing to close.")
    +2547        else:
    +2548            if overview is None or not overview:
    +2549                overview = self.Overview(showStatistics=False)
    +2551            allOpenedTickers = [item["ticker"] for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS for item in overview["stat"][iType]]
    +2552            uLogger.debug("All opened instruments by it's tickers names: {}".format(allOpenedTickers))
    +2554            for ticker in tickers:
    +2555                if ticker not in allOpenedTickers:
    +2556                    uLogger.warning("Instrument with ticker [{}] not in open positions list!".format(ticker))
    +2557                    continue
    +2559                # search open trade info about instrument by ticker:
    +2560                instrument = {}
    +2561                for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    +2562                    if instrument:
    +2563                        break
    +2565                    for item in overview["stat"][iType]:
    +2566                        if item["ticker"] == ticker:
    +2567                            instrument = item
    +2568                            break
    +2570                if instrument:
    +2571                    self.ticker = ticker
    +2572                    self.figi = instrument["figi"]
    +2574                    uLogger.debug("Closing trade of instrument: ticker [{}], FIGI[{}], lots [{}]{}. Wait, please...".format(
    +2575                        self.ticker,
    +2576                        self.figi,
    +2577                        int(instrument["volume"]),
    +2578                        ", blocked [{}]".format(instrument["blocked"]) if instrument["blocked"] > 0 else "",
    +2579                    ))
    +2581                    tradeLots = abs(instrument["lots"]) - instrument["blocked"]  # available volumes in lots for close operation
    +2583                    if tradeLots > 0:
    +2584                        if instrument["blocked"] > 0:
    +2585                            uLogger.warning("Just for your information: there are [{}] lots blocked for instrument [{}]! Available only [{}] lots to closing trade.".format(
    +2586                                instrument["blocked"],
    +2587                                self.ticker,
    +2588                                tradeLots,
    +2589                            ))
    +2591                        # if direction is "Long" then we need sell, if direction is "Short" then we need buy:
    +2592                        self.Trade(operation="Sell" if instrument["direction"] == "Long" else "Buy", lots=tradeLots)
    +2594                    else:
    +2595                        uLogger.warning("There are no available lots for instrument [{}] to closing trade at this moment! Try again later or cancel some orders.".format(self.ticker))
    @@ -9876,29 +10231,29 @@
    2511    def CloseAllTrades(self, iType: str, overview: dict = None) -> None:
    -2512        """
    -2513        Close all positions of given instruments with defined type.
    -2515        :param iType: type of the instruments that be closed, it must be one of supported types in TKS_INSTRUMENTS list.
    -2516        :param overview: pre-received dictionary with open trades, returned by `Overview()` method.
    -2517                         This avoids unnecessary downloading data from the server.
    -2518        """
    -2519        if iType not in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    -2520            uLogger.warning("Type of the instrument must be one of supported types: {}. Given: [{}]".format(", ".join(TKS_INSTRUMENTS), iType))
    -2522        else:
    -2523            if overview is None or not overview:
    -2524                overview = self.Overview(showStatistics=False)
    -2526            tickers = [item["ticker"] for item in overview["stat"][iType]]
    -2527            uLogger.debug("Instrument tickers with type [{}] that will be closed: {}".format(iType, tickers))
    -2529            if tickers and overview:
    -2530                self.CloseTrades(tickers, overview)
    -2532            else:
    -2533                uLogger.info("Instrument tickers with type [{}] not found, nothing to close.".format(iType))
    2597    def CloseAllTrades(self, iType: str, overview: dict = None) -> None:
    +2598        """
    +2599        Close all positions of given instruments with defined type.
    +2601        :param iType: type of the instruments that be closed, it must be one of supported types in TKS_INSTRUMENTS list.
    +2602        :param overview: pre-received dictionary with open trades, returned by `Overview()` method.
    +2603                         This avoids unnecessary downloading data from the server.
    +2604        """
    +2605        if iType not in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    +2606            uLogger.warning("Type of the instrument must be one of supported types: {}. Given: [{}]".format(", ".join(TKS_INSTRUMENTS), iType))
    +2608        else:
    +2609            if overview is None or not overview:
    +2610                overview = self.Overview(showStatistics=False)
    +2612            tickers = [item["ticker"] for item in overview["stat"][iType]]
    +2613            uLogger.debug("Instrument tickers with type [{}] that will be closed: {}".format(iType, tickers))
    +2615            if tickers and overview:
    +2616                self.CloseTrades(tickers, overview)
    +2618            else:
    +2619                uLogger.info("Instrument tickers with type [{}] not found, nothing to close.".format(iType))
    @@ -9926,169 +10281,169 @@
    2535    def Order(self, operation: str, orderType: str, lots: int, targetPrice: float, limitPrice: float = 0., stopType: str = "Limit", expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    -2536        """
    -2537        Universal method to create market or limit orders with all available parameters.
    -2538        See more simple methods: `BuyLimit()`, `BuyStop()`, `SellLimit()`, `SellStop()`.
    -2540        If orderType is "Limit" then create pending limit-order below current price if operation is "Buy" and above
    -2541        current price if operation is "Sell". A limit order has no expiration date, it lasts until the end of the trading day.
    -2543        Warning! If you try to create limit-order above current price if "Buy" or below current price if "Sell"
    -2544        then broker immediately open market order as you can do simple --buy or --sell operations!
    -2546        If orderType is "Stop" then creates stop-order with any direction "Buy" or "Sell".
    -2547        When current price will go up or down to target price value then broker opens a limit order.
    -2548        Stop-order is opened with unlimited expiration date by default, or you can define expiration date with expDate parameter.
    -2550        Only one attempt and no retry for opens order. If network issue occurred you can create new request.
    -2552        :param operation: string "Buy" or "Sell".
    -2553        :param orderType: string "Limit" or "Stop".
    -2554        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    -2555        :param targetPrice: target price > 0. This is open trade price for limit order.
    -2556        :param limitPrice: limit price >= 0. This parameter only makes sense for stop-order. If limitPrice = 0, then it set as targetPrice.
    -2557                           Broker will creates limit-order with price equal to limitPrice, when current price goes to target price of stop-order.
    -2558        :param stopType: string "Limit" by default. This parameter only makes sense for stop-order. There are 3 stop-order types
    -2559                         "SL", "TP", "Limit" for "Stop loss", "Take profit" and "Stop limit" types accordingly.
    -2560                         Stop loss order always executed by market price.
    -2561        :param expDate: string "Undefined" by default or local date in future.
    -2562                        String has a format like this: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    -2563                        This date is converting to UTC format for server. This parameter only makes sense for stop-order.
    -2564                        A limit order has no expiration date, it lasts until the end of the trading day.
    -2565        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    -2566        """
    -2567        if operation is None or not operation or operation not in ("Buy", "Sell"):
    -2568            raise Exception("You must define operation type only one of them: `Buy` or `Sell`!")
    -2570        if orderType is None or not orderType or orderType not in ("Limit", "Stop"):
    -2571            raise Exception("You must define order type only one of them: `Limit` or `Stop`!")
    -2573        if lots is None or lots < 1:
    -2574            raise Exception("You must define trade volume > 0: integer count of lots!")
    -2576        if targetPrice is None or targetPrice <= 0:
    -2577            raise Exception("Target price for limit-order must be greater than 0!")
    -2579        if limitPrice is None or limitPrice <= 0:
    -2580            limitPrice = targetPrice
    -2582        if stopType is None or not stopType or stopType not in ("SL", "TP", "Limit"):
    -2583            stopType = "Limit"
    -2585        if expDate is None or not expDate:
    -2586            expDate = "Undefined"
    -2588        if not (self.ticker or self.figi):
    -2589            raise Exception("`self.ticker` or `self.figi` variables must be defined!")
    -2591        response = {}
    -2592        instrument = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=True, debug=False) if self.ticker else self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True, debug=False)
    -2593        self.ticker = instrument["ticker"]
    -2594        self.figi = instrument["figi"]
    -2596        if orderType == "Limit":
    -2597            uLogger.debug(
    -2598                "Creating pending limit-order: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], action [{}], lots [{}] and the target price [{:.2f} {}]. Wait, please...".format(
    -2599                    self.ticker, self.figi,
    -2600                    operation, lots, targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    -2601                ))
    -2603            openOrderURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OrdersService/PostOrder"
    -2604            self.body = str({
    -2605                "figi": self.figi,
    -2606                "quantity": str(lots),
    -2607                "price": FloatToNano(targetPrice),
    -2608                "direction": "ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY" if operation == "Buy" else "ORDER_DIRECTION_SELL",  # see: TKS_ORDER_DIRECTIONS
    -2609                "accountId": str(self.accountId),
    -2610                "orderType": "ORDER_TYPE_LIMIT",  # see: TKS_ORDER_TYPES
    -2611            })
    -2612            response = self.SendAPIRequest(openOrderURL, reqType="POST", retry=0, debug=False)
    -2614            if "orderId" in response.keys():
    -2615                uLogger.info(
    -2616                    "Limit-order [{}] was created: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], action [{}], lots [{}], target price [{:.2f} {}]".format(
    -2617                        response["orderId"],
    -2618                        self.ticker, self.figi,
    -2619                        operation, lots, targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    -2620                    ))
    -2622                if "lastPrice" in instrument["currentPrice"].keys() and instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]:
    -2623                    if operation == "Buy" and targetPrice > instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]:
    -2624                        uLogger.warning("Your order was executed as a market order, not as a limit order! Comment: because your target price [{:.2f} {}] was higher than current price [{:.2f} {}] broker immediately opened `Buy` market order, such as if you did simple `--buy` operation.".format(
    -2625                            targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    -2626                            instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"], instrument["currency"],
    -2627                        ))
    -2629                    if operation == "Sell" and targetPrice < instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]:
    -2630                        uLogger.warning("Your order was executed as a market order, not as a limit order! Comment: because your target price [{:.2f} {}] was lower than current price [{:.2f} {}] broker immediately opened `Sell` market order, such as if you did simple `--sell` operation.".format(
    -2631                            targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    -2632                            instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"], instrument["currency"],
    -2633                        ))
    -2635            else:
    -2636                uLogger.warning("Not `oK` status received! Limit order not opened. See full debug log or try again and open order later.")
    -2638        if orderType == "Stop":
    -2639            uLogger.debug(
    -2640                "Creating stop-order: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], action [{}], lots [{}], target price [{:.2f} {}], limit price [{:.2f} {}], stop-order type [{}] and local expiration date [{}]. Wait, please...".format(
    -2641                    self.ticker, self.figi,
    -2642                    operation, lots,
    -2643                    targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    -2644                    limitPrice, instrument["currency"],
    -2645                    stopType, expDate,
    -2646                ))
    -2648            openOrderURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.StopOrdersService/PostStopOrder"
    -2649            expDateUTC = "" if expDate == "Undefined" else datetime.strptime(expDate, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").replace(tzinfo=tzlocal()).astimezone(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
    -2650            stopOrderType = "STOP_ORDER_TYPE_STOP_LOSS" if stopType == "SL" else "STOP_ORDER_TYPE_TAKE_PROFIT" if stopType == "TP" else "STOP_ORDER_TYPE_STOP_LIMIT"
    -2652            body = {
    -2653                "figi": self.figi,
    -2654                "quantity": str(lots),
    -2655                "price": FloatToNano(limitPrice),
    -2656                "stopPrice": FloatToNano(targetPrice),
    -2657                "direction": "STOP_ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY" if operation == "Buy" else "STOP_ORDER_DIRECTION_SELL",  # see: TKS_STOP_ORDER_DIRECTIONS
    -2658                "accountId": str(self.accountId),
    -2660                "stopOrderType": stopOrderType,  # see: TKS_STOP_ORDER_TYPES
    -2661            }
    -2663            if expDateUTC:
    -2664                body["expireDate"] = expDateUTC
    -2666            self.body = str(body)
    -2667            response = self.SendAPIRequest(openOrderURL, reqType="POST", retry=0, debug=False)
    -2669            if "stopOrderId" in response.keys():
    -2670                uLogger.info(
    -2671                    "Stop-order [{}] was created: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], action [{}], lots [{}], target price [{:.2f} {}], limit price [{:.2f} {}], stop-order type [{}] and expiration date in UTC [{}]".format(
    -2672                    response["stopOrderId"],
    -2673                    self.ticker, self.figi,
    -2674                    operation, lots,
    -2675                    targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    -2676                    limitPrice, instrument["currency"],
    -2677                    TKS_STOP_ORDER_TYPES[stopOrderType],
    -2678                    datetime.strptime(expDateUTC, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ").replace(tzinfo=tzutc()).astimezone(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if expDateUTC else TKS_STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPES["STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED"],
    -2679                ))
    -2681                if "lastPrice" in instrument["currentPrice"].keys() and instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]:
    -2682                    if operation == "Buy" and targetPrice < instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] and stopType != "TP":
    -2683                        uLogger.warning("The broker will cancel this order after some time. Comment: you placed the wrong stop order because the target buy price [{:.2f} {}] is lower than the current price [{:.2f} {}]. Also try to set up order type as `TP` if you want to place stop order at that price.".format(
    -2684                            targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    -2685                            instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"], instrument["currency"],
    -2686                        ))
    -2688                    if operation == "Sell" and targetPrice > instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] and stopType != "TP":
    -2689                        uLogger.warning("The broker will cancel this order after some time. Comment: you placed the wrong stop order because the target sell price [{:.2f} {}] is higher than the current price [{:.2f} {}]. Also try to set up order type as `TP` if you want to place stop order at that price.".format(
    -2690                            targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    -2691                            instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"], instrument["currency"],
    -2692                        ))
    -2694            else:
    -2695                uLogger.warning("Not `oK` status received! Stop order not opened. See full debug log or try again and open order later.")
    -2697        return response
    2621    def Order(self, operation: str, orderType: str, lots: int, targetPrice: float, limitPrice: float = 0., stopType: str = "Limit", expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    +2622        """
    +2623        Universal method to create market or limit orders with all available parameters.
    +2624        See more simple methods: `BuyLimit()`, `BuyStop()`, `SellLimit()`, `SellStop()`.
    +2626        If orderType is "Limit" then create pending limit-order below current price if operation is "Buy" and above
    +2627        current price if operation is "Sell". A limit order has no expiration date, it lasts until the end of the trading day.
    +2629        Warning! If you try to create limit-order above current price if "Buy" or below current price if "Sell"
    +2630        then broker immediately open market order as you can do simple --buy or --sell operations!
    +2632        If orderType is "Stop" then creates stop-order with any direction "Buy" or "Sell".
    +2633        When current price will go up or down to target price value then broker opens a limit order.
    +2634        Stop-order is opened with unlimited expiration date by default, or you can define expiration date with expDate parameter.
    +2636        Only one attempt and no retry for opens order. If network issue occurred you can create new request.
    +2638        :param operation: string "Buy" or "Sell".
    +2639        :param orderType: string "Limit" or "Stop".
    +2640        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    +2641        :param targetPrice: target price > 0. This is open trade price for limit order.
    +2642        :param limitPrice: limit price >= 0. This parameter only makes sense for stop-order. If limitPrice = 0, then it set as targetPrice.
    +2643                           Broker will creates limit-order with price equal to limitPrice, when current price goes to target price of stop-order.
    +2644        :param stopType: string "Limit" by default. This parameter only makes sense for stop-order. There are 3 stop-order types
    +2645                         "SL", "TP", "Limit" for "Stop loss", "Take profit" and "Stop limit" types accordingly.
    +2646                         Stop loss order always executed by market price.
    +2647        :param expDate: string "Undefined" by default or local date in future.
    +2648                        String has a format like this: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    +2649                        This date is converting to UTC format for server. This parameter only makes sense for stop-order.
    +2650                        A limit order has no expiration date, it lasts until the end of the trading day.
    +2651        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    +2652        """
    +2653        if operation is None or not operation or operation not in ("Buy", "Sell"):
    +2654            raise Exception("You must define operation type only one of them: `Buy` or `Sell`!")
    +2656        if orderType is None or not orderType or orderType not in ("Limit", "Stop"):
    +2657            raise Exception("You must define order type only one of them: `Limit` or `Stop`!")
    +2659        if lots is None or lots < 1:
    +2660            raise Exception("You must define trade volume > 0: integer count of lots!")
    +2662        if targetPrice is None or targetPrice <= 0:
    +2663            raise Exception("Target price for limit-order must be greater than 0!")
    +2665        if limitPrice is None or limitPrice <= 0:
    +2666            limitPrice = targetPrice
    +2668        if stopType is None or not stopType or stopType not in ("SL", "TP", "Limit"):
    +2669            stopType = "Limit"
    +2671        if expDate is None or not expDate:
    +2672            expDate = "Undefined"
    +2674        if not (self.ticker or self.figi):
    +2675            raise Exception("`self.ticker` or `self.figi` variables must be defined!")
    +2677        response = {}
    +2678        instrument = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=True, debug=False) if self.ticker else self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True, debug=False)
    +2679        self.ticker = instrument["ticker"]
    +2680        self.figi = instrument["figi"]
    +2682        if orderType == "Limit":
    +2683            uLogger.debug(
    +2684                "Creating pending limit-order: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], action [{}], lots [{}] and the target price [{:.2f} {}]. Wait, please...".format(
    +2685                    self.ticker, self.figi,
    +2686                    operation, lots, targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    +2687                ))
    +2689            openOrderURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OrdersService/PostOrder"
    +2690            self.body = str({
    +2691                "figi": self.figi,
    +2692                "quantity": str(lots),
    +2693                "price": FloatToNano(targetPrice),
    +2694                "direction": "ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY" if operation == "Buy" else "ORDER_DIRECTION_SELL",  # see: TKS_ORDER_DIRECTIONS
    +2695                "accountId": str(self.accountId),
    +2696                "orderType": "ORDER_TYPE_LIMIT",  # see: TKS_ORDER_TYPES
    +2697            })
    +2698            response = self.SendAPIRequest(openOrderURL, reqType="POST", retry=0, debug=False)
    +2700            if "orderId" in response.keys():
    +2701                uLogger.info(
    +2702                    "Limit-order [{}] was created: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], action [{}], lots [{}], target price [{:.2f} {}]".format(
    +2703                        response["orderId"],
    +2704                        self.ticker, self.figi,
    +2705                        operation, lots, targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    +2706                    ))
    +2708                if "lastPrice" in instrument["currentPrice"].keys() and instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]:
    +2709                    if operation == "Buy" and targetPrice > instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]:
    +2710                        uLogger.warning("Your order was executed as a market order, not as a limit order! Comment: because your target price [{:.2f} {}] was higher than current price [{:.2f} {}] broker immediately opened `Buy` market order, such as if you did simple `--buy` operation.".format(
    +2711                            targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    +2712                            instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"], instrument["currency"],
    +2713                        ))
    +2715                    if operation == "Sell" and targetPrice < instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]:
    +2716                        uLogger.warning("Your order was executed as a market order, not as a limit order! Comment: because your target price [{:.2f} {}] was lower than current price [{:.2f} {}] broker immediately opened `Sell` market order, such as if you did simple `--sell` operation.".format(
    +2717                            targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    +2718                            instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"], instrument["currency"],
    +2719                        ))
    +2721            else:
    +2722                uLogger.warning("Not `oK` status received! Limit order not opened. See full debug log or try again and open order later.")
    +2724        if orderType == "Stop":
    +2725            uLogger.debug(
    +2726                "Creating stop-order: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], action [{}], lots [{}], target price [{:.2f} {}], limit price [{:.2f} {}], stop-order type [{}] and local expiration date [{}]. Wait, please...".format(
    +2727                    self.ticker, self.figi,
    +2728                    operation, lots,
    +2729                    targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    +2730                    limitPrice, instrument["currency"],
    +2731                    stopType, expDate,
    +2732                ))
    +2734            openOrderURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.StopOrdersService/PostStopOrder"
    +2735            expDateUTC = "" if expDate == "Undefined" else datetime.strptime(expDate, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").replace(tzinfo=tzlocal()).astimezone(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
    +2736            stopOrderType = "STOP_ORDER_TYPE_STOP_LOSS" if stopType == "SL" else "STOP_ORDER_TYPE_TAKE_PROFIT" if stopType == "TP" else "STOP_ORDER_TYPE_STOP_LIMIT"
    +2738            body = {
    +2739                "figi": self.figi,
    +2740                "quantity": str(lots),
    +2741                "price": FloatToNano(limitPrice),
    +2742                "stopPrice": FloatToNano(targetPrice),
    +2743                "direction": "STOP_ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY" if operation == "Buy" else "STOP_ORDER_DIRECTION_SELL",  # see: TKS_STOP_ORDER_DIRECTIONS
    +2744                "accountId": str(self.accountId),
    +2746                "stopOrderType": stopOrderType,  # see: TKS_STOP_ORDER_TYPES
    +2747            }
    +2749            if expDateUTC:
    +2750                body["expireDate"] = expDateUTC
    +2752            self.body = str(body)
    +2753            response = self.SendAPIRequest(openOrderURL, reqType="POST", retry=0, debug=False)
    +2755            if "stopOrderId" in response.keys():
    +2756                uLogger.info(
    +2757                    "Stop-order [{}] was created: ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], action [{}], lots [{}], target price [{:.2f} {}], limit price [{:.2f} {}], stop-order type [{}] and expiration date in UTC [{}]".format(
    +2758                    response["stopOrderId"],
    +2759                    self.ticker, self.figi,
    +2760                    operation, lots,
    +2761                    targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    +2762                    limitPrice, instrument["currency"],
    +2763                    TKS_STOP_ORDER_TYPES[stopOrderType],
    +2764                    datetime.strptime(expDateUTC, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ").replace(tzinfo=tzutc()).astimezone(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if expDateUTC else TKS_STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPES["STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED"],
    +2765                ))
    +2767                if "lastPrice" in instrument["currentPrice"].keys() and instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]:
    +2768                    if operation == "Buy" and targetPrice < instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] and stopType != "TP":
    +2769                        uLogger.warning("The broker will cancel this order after some time. Comment: you placed the wrong stop order because the target buy price [{:.2f} {}] is lower than the current price [{:.2f} {}]. Also try to set up order type as `TP` if you want to place stop order at that price.".format(
    +2770                            targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    +2771                            instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"], instrument["currency"],
    +2772                        ))
    +2774                    if operation == "Sell" and targetPrice > instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] and stopType != "TP":
    +2775                        uLogger.warning("The broker will cancel this order after some time. Comment: you placed the wrong stop order because the target sell price [{:.2f} {}] is higher than the current price [{:.2f} {}]. Also try to set up order type as `TP` if you want to place stop order at that price.".format(
    +2776                            targetPrice, instrument["currency"],
    +2777                            instrument["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"], instrument["currency"],
    +2778                        ))
    +2780            else:
    +2781                uLogger.warning("Not `oK` status received! Stop order not opened. See full debug log or try again and open order later.")
    +2783        return response
    @@ -10145,18 +10500,18 @@
    2699    def BuyLimit(self, lots: int, targetPrice: float) -> dict:
    -2700        """
    -2701        Create pending `Buy` limit-order (below current price). You must specify only 2 parameters:
    -2702        `lots` and `target price` to open buy limit-order. If you try to create buy limit-order above current price then
    -2703        broker immediately open `Buy` market order, such as if you do simple `--buy` operation!
    -2704        See also: `Order()` docstring.
    -2706        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    -2707        :param targetPrice: target price > 0. This is open trade price for limit order.
    -2708        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    -2709        """
    -2710        return self.Order(operation="Buy", orderType="Limit", lots=lots, targetPrice=targetPrice)
    2785    def BuyLimit(self, lots: int, targetPrice: float) -> dict:
    +2786        """
    +2787        Create pending `Buy` limit-order (below current price). You must specify only 2 parameters:
    +2788        `lots` and `target price` to open buy limit-order. If you try to create buy limit-order above current price then
    +2789        broker immediately open `Buy` market order, such as if you do simple `--buy` operation!
    +2790        See also: `Order()` docstring.
    +2792        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    +2793        :param targetPrice: target price > 0. This is open trade price for limit order.
    +2794        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    +2795        """
    +2796        return self.Order(operation="Buy", orderType="Limit", lots=lots, targetPrice=targetPrice)
    @@ -10192,25 +10547,25 @@
    2712    def BuyStop(self, lots: int, targetPrice: float, limitPrice: float = 0., stopType: str = "Limit", expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    -2713        """
    -2714        Create `Buy` stop-order. You must specify at least 2 parameters: `lots` `target price` to open buy stop-order.
    -2715        In additional you can specify 3 parameters for buy stop-order: `limit price` >=0, `stop type` = Limit|SL|TP,
    -2716        `expiration date` = Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`. When current price will go up or down to
    -2717        target price value then broker opens a limit order. See also: `Order()` docstring.
    -2719        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    -2720        :param targetPrice: target price > 0. This is trigger price for buy stop-order.
    -2721        :param limitPrice: limit price >= 0 (limitPrice = targetPrice if limitPrice is 0). Broker will creates limit-order
    -2722                           with price equal to limitPrice, when current price goes to target price of buy stop-order.
    -2723        :param stopType: string "Limit" by default. There are 3 stop-order types "SL", "TP", "Limit"
    -2724                         for "Stop loss", "Take profit" and "Stop limit" types accordingly.
    -2725        :param expDate: string "Undefined" by default or local date in future.
    -2726                        String has a format like this: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    -2727                        This date is converting to UTC format for server.
    -2728        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    -2729        """
    -2730        return self.Order(operation="Buy", orderType="Stop", lots=lots, targetPrice=targetPrice, limitPrice=limitPrice, stopType=stopType, expDate=expDate)
    2798    def BuyStop(self, lots: int, targetPrice: float, limitPrice: float = 0., stopType: str = "Limit", expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    +2799        """
    +2800        Create `Buy` stop-order. You must specify at least 2 parameters: `lots` `target price` to open buy stop-order.
    +2801        In additional you can specify 3 parameters for buy stop-order: `limit price` >=0, `stop type` = Limit|SL|TP,
    +2802        `expiration date` = Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`. When current price will go up or down to
    +2803        target price value then broker opens a limit order. See also: `Order()` docstring.
    +2805        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    +2806        :param targetPrice: target price > 0. This is trigger price for buy stop-order.
    +2807        :param limitPrice: limit price >= 0 (limitPrice = targetPrice if limitPrice is 0). Broker will creates limit-order
    +2808                           with price equal to limitPrice, when current price goes to target price of buy stop-order.
    +2809        :param stopType: string "Limit" by default. There are 3 stop-order types "SL", "TP", "Limit"
    +2810                         for "Stop loss", "Take profit" and "Stop limit" types accordingly.
    +2811        :param expDate: string "Undefined" by default or local date in future.
    +2812                        String has a format like this: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    +2813                        This date is converting to UTC format for server.
    +2814        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    +2815        """
    +2816        return self.Order(operation="Buy", orderType="Stop", lots=lots, targetPrice=targetPrice, limitPrice=limitPrice, stopType=stopType, expDate=expDate)
    @@ -10253,18 +10608,18 @@
    2732    def SellLimit(self, lots: int, targetPrice: float) -> dict:
    -2733        """
    -2734        Create pending `Sell` limit-order (above current price). You must specify only 2 parameters:
    -2735        `lots` and `target price` to open sell limit-order. If you try to create sell limit-order below current price then
    -2736        broker immediately open `Sell` market order, such as if you do simple `--sell` operation!
    -2737        See also: `Order()` docstring.
    -2739        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    -2740        :param targetPrice: target price > 0. This is open trade price for limit order.
    -2741        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    -2742        """
    -2743        return self.Order(operation="Sell", orderType="Limit", lots=lots, targetPrice=targetPrice)
    2818    def SellLimit(self, lots: int, targetPrice: float) -> dict:
    +2819        """
    +2820        Create pending `Sell` limit-order (above current price). You must specify only 2 parameters:
    +2821        `lots` and `target price` to open sell limit-order. If you try to create sell limit-order below current price then
    +2822        broker immediately open `Sell` market order, such as if you do simple `--sell` operation!
    +2823        See also: `Order()` docstring.
    +2825        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    +2826        :param targetPrice: target price > 0. This is open trade price for limit order.
    +2827        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    +2828        """
    +2829        return self.Order(operation="Sell", orderType="Limit", lots=lots, targetPrice=targetPrice)
    @@ -10300,25 +10655,25 @@
    2745    def SellStop(self, lots: int, targetPrice: float, limitPrice: float = 0., stopType: str = "Limit", expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    -2746        """
    -2747        Create `Sell` stop-order. You must specify at least 2 parameters: `lots` `target price` to open sell stop-order.
    -2748        In additional you can specify 3 parameters for sell stop-order: `limit price` >=0, `stop type` = Limit|SL|TP,
    -2749        `expiration date` = Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`. When current price will go up or down to
    -2750        target price value then broker opens a limit order. See also: `Order()` docstring.
    -2752        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    -2753        :param targetPrice: target price > 0. This is trigger price for sell stop-order.
    -2754        :param limitPrice: limit price >= 0 (limitPrice = targetPrice if limitPrice is 0). Broker will creates limit-order
    -2755                           with price equal to limitPrice, when current price goes to target price of sell stop-order.
    -2756        :param stopType: string "Limit" by default. There are 3 stop-order types "SL", "TP", "Limit"
    -2757                         for "Stop loss", "Take profit" and "Stop limit" types accordingly.
    -2758        :param expDate: string "Undefined" by default or local date in future.
    -2759                        String has a format like this: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    -2760                        This date is converting to UTC format for server.
    -2761        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    -2762        """
    -2763        return self.Order(operation="Sell", orderType="Stop", lots=lots, targetPrice=targetPrice, limitPrice=limitPrice, stopType=stopType, expDate=expDate)
    2831    def SellStop(self, lots: int, targetPrice: float, limitPrice: float = 0., stopType: str = "Limit", expDate: str = "Undefined") -> dict:
    +2832        """
    +2833        Create `Sell` stop-order. You must specify at least 2 parameters: `lots` `target price` to open sell stop-order.
    +2834        In additional you can specify 3 parameters for sell stop-order: `limit price` >=0, `stop type` = Limit|SL|TP,
    +2835        `expiration date` = Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`. When current price will go up or down to
    +2836        target price value then broker opens a limit order. See also: `Order()` docstring.
    +2838        :param lots: volume, integer count of lots >= 1.
    +2839        :param targetPrice: target price > 0. This is trigger price for sell stop-order.
    +2840        :param limitPrice: limit price >= 0 (limitPrice = targetPrice if limitPrice is 0). Broker will creates limit-order
    +2841                           with price equal to limitPrice, when current price goes to target price of sell stop-order.
    +2842        :param stopType: string "Limit" by default. There are 3 stop-order types "SL", "TP", "Limit"
    +2843                         for "Stop loss", "Take profit" and "Stop limit" types accordingly.
    +2844        :param expDate: string "Undefined" by default or local date in future.
    +2845                        String has a format like this: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`.
    +2846                        This date is converting to UTC format for server.
    +2847        :return: JSON with response from broker server.
    +2848        """
    +2849        return self.Order(operation="Sell", orderType="Stop", lots=lots, targetPrice=targetPrice, limitPrice=limitPrice, stopType=stopType, expDate=expDate)
    @@ -10361,65 +10716,65 @@
    2765    def CloseOrders(self, orderIDs: list, allOrdersIDs: list = None, allStopOrdersIDs: list = None) -> None:
    -2766        """
    -2767        Cancel order or list of orders by its `orderId` or `stopOrderId`.
    -2769        :param orderIDs: list of integers with `orderId` or `stopOrderId`.
    -2770        :param allOrdersIDs: pre-received lists of all active pending orders.
    -2771                             This avoids unnecessary downloading data from the server.
    -2772        :param allStopOrdersIDs: pre-received lists of all active stop orders.
    -2773        """
    -2774        if orderIDs:
    -2775            if allOrdersIDs is None or not allOrdersIDs:
    -2776                rawOrders = self.RequestPendingOrders()
    -2777                allOrdersIDs = [item["orderId"] for item in rawOrders]  # all pending orders ID
    -2779            if allStopOrdersIDs is None or not allStopOrdersIDs:
    -2780                rawStopOrders = self.RequestStopOrders()
    -2781                allStopOrdersIDs = [item["stopOrderId"] for item in rawStopOrders]  # all stop orders ID
    -2783            for orderID in orderIDs:
    -2784                idInPendingOrders = orderID in allOrdersIDs
    -2785                idInStopOrders = orderID in allStopOrdersIDs
    -2787                if not (idInPendingOrders or idInStopOrders):
    -2788                    uLogger.warning("Order not found by ID: [{}]. Maybe cancelled already? Check it with `--overview` key.".format(orderID))
    -2789                    continue
    -2791                else:
    -2792                    if idInPendingOrders:
    -2793                        uLogger.debug("Cancelling pending order with ID: [{}]. Wait, please...".format(orderID))
    -2795                        # REST API for request: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OrdersService/OrdersService_CancelOrder
    -2796                        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId, "orderId": orderID})
    -2797                        closeURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OrdersService/CancelOrder"
    -2798                        responseJSON = self.SendAPIRequest(closeURL, reqType="POST")
    -2800                        if responseJSON and "time" in responseJSON.keys() and responseJSON["time"]:
    -2801                            uLogger.debug("Success time marker received from server: [{}] (UTC)".format(responseJSON["time"]))
    -2802                            uLogger.info("Pending order with ID [{}] successfully cancel".format(orderID))
    -2804                        else:
    -2805                            uLogger.warning("Unknown issue occurred when cancelling pending order with ID: [{}]. Check ID and try again.".format(orderID))
    -2807                    elif idInStopOrders:
    -2808                        uLogger.debug("Cancelling stop order with ID: [{}]. Wait, please...".format(orderID))
    -2810                        # REST API for request: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/StopOrdersService/StopOrdersService_CancelStopOrder
    -2811                        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId, "stopOrderId": orderID})
    -2812                        closeURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.StopOrdersService/CancelStopOrder"
    -2813                        responseJSON = self.SendAPIRequest(closeURL, reqType="POST")
    -2815                        if responseJSON and "time" in responseJSON.keys() and responseJSON["time"]:
    -2816                            uLogger.debug("Success time marker received from server: [{}] (UTC)".format(responseJSON["time"]))
    -2817                            uLogger.info("Stop order with ID [{}] successfully cancel".format(orderID))
    -2819                        else:
    -2820                            uLogger.warning("Unknown issue occurred when cancelling stop order with ID: [{}]. Check ID and try again.".format(orderID))
    -2822                    else:
    -2823                        continue
    2851    def CloseOrders(self, orderIDs: list, allOrdersIDs: list = None, allStopOrdersIDs: list = None) -> None:
    +2852        """
    +2853        Cancel order or list of orders by its `orderId` or `stopOrderId`.
    +2855        :param orderIDs: list of integers with `orderId` or `stopOrderId`.
    +2856        :param allOrdersIDs: pre-received lists of all active pending orders.
    +2857                             This avoids unnecessary downloading data from the server.
    +2858        :param allStopOrdersIDs: pre-received lists of all active stop orders.
    +2859        """
    +2860        if orderIDs:
    +2861            if allOrdersIDs is None or not allOrdersIDs:
    +2862                rawOrders = self.RequestPendingOrders()
    +2863                allOrdersIDs = [item["orderId"] for item in rawOrders]  # all pending orders ID
    +2865            if allStopOrdersIDs is None or not allStopOrdersIDs:
    +2866                rawStopOrders = self.RequestStopOrders()
    +2867                allStopOrdersIDs = [item["stopOrderId"] for item in rawStopOrders]  # all stop orders ID
    +2869            for orderID in orderIDs:
    +2870                idInPendingOrders = orderID in allOrdersIDs
    +2871                idInStopOrders = orderID in allStopOrdersIDs
    +2873                if not (idInPendingOrders or idInStopOrders):
    +2874                    uLogger.warning("Order not found by ID: [{}]. Maybe cancelled already? Check it with `--overview` key.".format(orderID))
    +2875                    continue
    +2877                else:
    +2878                    if idInPendingOrders:
    +2879                        uLogger.debug("Cancelling pending order with ID: [{}]. Wait, please...".format(orderID))
    +2881                        # REST API for request: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OrdersService/OrdersService_CancelOrder
    +2882                        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId, "orderId": orderID})
    +2883                        closeURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OrdersService/CancelOrder"
    +2884                        responseJSON = self.SendAPIRequest(closeURL, reqType="POST")
    +2886                        if responseJSON and "time" in responseJSON.keys() and responseJSON["time"]:
    +2887                            uLogger.debug("Success time marker received from server: [{}] (UTC)".format(responseJSON["time"]))
    +2888                            uLogger.info("Pending order with ID [{}] successfully cancel".format(orderID))
    +2890                        else:
    +2891                            uLogger.warning("Unknown issue occurred when cancelling pending order with ID: [{}]. Check ID and try again.".format(orderID))
    +2893                    elif idInStopOrders:
    +2894                        uLogger.debug("Cancelling stop order with ID: [{}]. Wait, please...".format(orderID))
    +2896                        # REST API for request: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/StopOrdersService/StopOrdersService_CancelStopOrder
    +2897                        self.body = str({"accountId": self.accountId, "stopOrderId": orderID})
    +2898                        closeURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.StopOrdersService/CancelStopOrder"
    +2899                        responseJSON = self.SendAPIRequest(closeURL, reqType="POST")
    +2901                        if responseJSON and "time" in responseJSON.keys() and responseJSON["time"]:
    +2902                            uLogger.debug("Success time marker received from server: [{}] (UTC)".format(responseJSON["time"]))
    +2903                            uLogger.info("Stop order with ID [{}] successfully cancel".format(orderID))
    +2905                        else:
    +2906                            uLogger.warning("Unknown issue occurred when cancelling stop order with ID: [{}]. Check ID and try again.".format(orderID))
    +2908                    else:
    +2909                        continue
    @@ -10448,25 +10803,25 @@
    2825    def CloseAllOrders(self) -> None:
    -2826        """
    -2827        Gets a list of open pending and stop orders and cancel it all.
    -2828        """
    -2829        rawOrders = self.RequestPendingOrders()
    -2830        allOrdersIDs = [item["orderId"] for item in rawOrders]  # all pending orders ID
    -2831        lenOrders = len(allOrdersIDs)
    -2833        rawStopOrders = self.RequestStopOrders()
    -2834        allStopOrdersIDs = [item["stopOrderId"] for item in rawStopOrders]  # all stop orders ID
    -2835        lenSOrders = len(allStopOrdersIDs)
    -2837        if lenOrders > 0 or lenSOrders > 0:
    -2838            uLogger.info("Found: [{}] opened pending and [{}] stop orders. Let's trying to cancel it all. Wait, please...".format(lenOrders, lenSOrders))
    -2840            self.CloseOrders(allOrdersIDs + allStopOrdersIDs, allOrdersIDs, allStopOrdersIDs)
    -2842        else:
    -2843            uLogger.info("Orders not found, nothing to cancel.")
    2911    def CloseAllOrders(self) -> None:
    +2912        """
    +2913        Gets a list of open pending and stop orders and cancel it all.
    +2914        """
    +2915        rawOrders = self.RequestPendingOrders()
    +2916        allOrdersIDs = [item["orderId"] for item in rawOrders]  # all pending orders ID
    +2917        lenOrders = len(allOrdersIDs)
    +2919        rawStopOrders = self.RequestStopOrders()
    +2920        allStopOrdersIDs = [item["stopOrderId"] for item in rawStopOrders]  # all stop orders ID
    +2921        lenSOrders = len(allStopOrdersIDs)
    +2923        if lenOrders > 0 or lenSOrders > 0:
    +2924            uLogger.info("Found: [{}] opened pending and [{}] stop orders. Let's trying to cancel it all. Wait, please...".format(lenOrders, lenSOrders))
    +2926            self.CloseOrders(allOrdersIDs + allStopOrdersIDs, allOrdersIDs, allStopOrdersIDs)
    +2928        else:
    +2929            uLogger.info("Orders not found, nothing to cancel.")
    @@ -10486,35 +10841,35 @@
    2845    def CloseAll(self, *args) -> None:
    -2846        """
    -2847        Close all available (not blocked) opened trades and orders.
    -2849        Also you can select one or more keywords case insensitive:
    -2850        `orders`, `shares`, `bonds`, `etfs` and `futures` from `TKS_INSTRUMENTS` enum to specify trades type.
    -2852        Currency positions you must closes manually using buy or sell operations, `CloseTrades()` or `CloseAllTrades()` methods.
    -2853        """
    -2854        overview = self.Overview(showStatistics=False)  # get all open trades info
    -2856        if len(args) == 0:
    -2857            uLogger.debug("Closing all available (not blocked) opened trades and orders. Currency positions you must closes manually using buy or sell operations! Wait, please...")
    -2858            self.CloseAllOrders()  # close all pending and stop orders
    -2860            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    -2861                if iType != "Currencies":
    -2862                    self.CloseAllTrades(iType, overview)  # close all positions of instruments with same type without currencies
    -2864        else:
    -2865            uLogger.debug("Closing all available {}. Currency positions you must closes manually using buy or sell operations! Wait, please...".format(list(args)))
    -2866            lowerArgs = [x.lower() for x in args]
    -2868            if "orders" in lowerArgs:
    -2869                self.CloseAllOrders()  # close all pending and stop orders
    -2871            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    -2872                if iType.lower() in lowerArgs and iType != "Currencies":
    -2873                    self.CloseAllTrades(iType, overview)  # close all positions of instruments with same type without currencies
    2931    def CloseAll(self, *args) -> None:
    +2932        """
    +2933        Close all available (not blocked) opened trades and orders.
    +2935        Also you can select one or more keywords case insensitive:
    +2936        `orders`, `shares`, `bonds`, `etfs` and `futures` from `TKS_INSTRUMENTS` enum to specify trades type.
    +2938        Currency positions you must closes manually using buy or sell operations, `CloseTrades()` or `CloseAllTrades()` methods.
    +2939        """
    +2940        overview = self.Overview(showStatistics=False)  # get all open trades info
    +2942        if len(args) == 0:
    +2943            uLogger.debug("Closing all available (not blocked) opened trades and orders. Currency positions you must closes manually using buy or sell operations! Wait, please...")
    +2944            self.CloseAllOrders()  # close all pending and stop orders
    +2946            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    +2947                if iType != "Currencies":
    +2948                    self.CloseAllTrades(iType, overview)  # close all positions of instruments with same type without currencies
    +2950        else:
    +2951            uLogger.debug("Closing all available {}. Currency positions you must closes manually using buy or sell operations! Wait, please...".format(list(args)))
    +2952            lowerArgs = [x.lower() for x in args]
    +2954            if "orders" in lowerArgs:
    +2955                self.CloseAllOrders()  # close all pending and stop orders
    +2957            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    +2958                if iType.lower() in lowerArgs and iType != "Currencies":
    +2959                    self.CloseAllTrades(iType, overview)  # close all positions of instruments with same type without currencies
    @@ -10540,21 +10895,50 @@
    2875    @staticmethod
    -2876    def ParseOrderParameters(operation, **inputParameters):
    -2877        """
    -2878        Parse input dictionary of strings with order parameters and return dictionary with parameters to open all orders.
    -2880        :param operation: string "Buy" or "Sell".
    -2881        :param inputParameters: this is dict of strings that looks like this
    -2882               `{"lots": "L_int,...", "prices": "P_float,..."}` where
    -2883               "lots" key: one or more lot values (integer numbers) to open with every limit-order
    -2884               "prices" key: one or more prices to open limit-orders
    -2885               Counts of values in lots and prices lists must be equals!
    -2886        :return: list of dictionaries with all lots and prices to open orders that looks like this `[{"lot": lots_1, "price": price_1}, {...}, ...]`
    -2887        """
    -2888        # TODO: update order grid work with api v2
    -2889        pass
    2961    @staticmethod
    +2962    def ParseOrderParameters(operation, **inputParameters):
    +2963        """
    +2964        Parse input dictionary of strings with order parameters and return dictionary with parameters to open all orders.
    +2966        :param operation: string "Buy" or "Sell".
    +2967        :param inputParameters: this is dict of strings that looks like this
    +2968               `{"lots": "L_int,...", "prices": "P_float,..."}` where
    +2969               "lots" key: one or more lot values (integer numbers) to open with every limit-order
    +2970               "prices" key: one or more prices to open limit-orders
    +2971               Counts of values in lots and prices lists must be equals!
    +2972        :return: list of dictionaries with all lots and prices to open orders that looks like this `[{"lot": lots_1, "price": price_1}, {...}, ...]`
    +2973        """
    +2974        # TODO: update order grid work with api v2
    +2975        pass
    +2976        # uLogger.debug("Input parameters: {}".format(inputParameters))
    +2977        #
    +2978        # if operation is None or not operation or operation not in ("Buy", "Sell"):
    +2979        #     raise Exception("You must define operation type: 'Buy' or 'Sell'!")
    +2980        #
    +2981        # if "l" in inputParameters.keys():
    +2982        #     inputParameters["lots"] = inputParameters.pop("l")
    +2983        #
    +2984        # if "p" in inputParameters.keys():
    +2985        #     inputParameters["prices"] = inputParameters.pop("p")
    +2986        #
    +2987        # if "lots" not in inputParameters.keys() or "prices" not in inputParameters.keys():
    +2988        #     raise Exception("Both of 'lots' and 'prices' keys must be define to open grid orders!")
    +2989        #
    +2990        # lots = [int(item.strip()) for item in inputParameters["lots"].split(",")]
    +2991        # prices = [float(item.strip()) for item in inputParameters["prices"].split(",")]
    +2992        #
    +2993        # if len(lots) != len(prices):
    +2994        #     raise Exception("'lots' and 'prices' lists must have equal length of values!")
    +2995        #
    +2996        # uLogger.debug("Extracted parameters for orders:")
    +2997        # uLogger.debug("lots = {}".format(lots))
    +2998        # uLogger.debug("prices = {}".format(prices))
    +2999        #
    +3000        # # list of dictionaries with order's parameters: [{"lot": lots_1, "price": price_1}, {...}, ...]
    +3001        # result = [{"lot": lots[item], "price": prices[item]} for item in range(len(prices))]
    +3002        # uLogger.debug("Order parameters: {}".format(result))
    +3003        #
    +3004        # return result
    @@ -10591,47 +10975,47 @@
    2920    def IsInPortfolio(self, portfolio: dict = None) -> bool:
    -2921        """
    -2922        Checks if instrument is in the user's portfolio. Instrument must be defined by `ticker` (highly priority) or `figi`.
    -2924        :param portfolio: dict with user's portfolio data. If `None`, then requests portfolio from `Overview()` method.
    -2925        :return: `True` if portfolio contains open position with given instrument, `False` otherwise.
    -2926        """
    -2927        result = False
    -2928        msg = "Instrument not defined!"
    -2930        if portfolio is None or not portfolio:
    -2931            portfolio = self.Overview(showStatistics=False)
    -2933        if self.ticker:
    -2934            uLogger.debug("Searching instrument with ticker [{}] throwout opened positions...".format(self.ticker))
    -2935            msg = "Instrument with ticker [{}] is not present in open positions".format(self.ticker)
    -2937            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    -2938                for instrument in portfolio["stat"][iType]:
    -2939                    if instrument["ticker"] == self.ticker:
    -2940                        result = True
    -2941                        msg = "Instrument with ticker [{}] is present in open positions".format(self.ticker)
    -2942                        break
    -2944        elif self.figi:
    -2945            uLogger.debug("Searching instrument with FIGI [{}] throwout opened positions...".format(self.figi))
    -2946            msg = "Instrument with FIGI [{}] is not present in open positions".format(self.figi)
    -2948            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    -2949                for instrument in portfolio["stat"][iType]:
    -2950                    if instrument["figi"] == self.figi:
    -2951                        result = True
    -2952                        msg = "Instrument with FIGI [{}] is present in open positions".format(self.figi)
    -2953                        break
    -2955        else:
    -2956            uLogger.warning("Instrument must be defined by `ticker` (highly priority) or `figi`!")
    -2958        uLogger.debug(msg)
    -2960        return result
    3006    def IsInPortfolio(self, portfolio: dict = None) -> bool:
    +3007        """
    +3008        Checks if instrument is in the user's portfolio. Instrument must be defined by `ticker` (highly priority) or `figi`.
    +3010        :param portfolio: dict with user's portfolio data. If `None`, then requests portfolio from `Overview()` method.
    +3011        :return: `True` if portfolio contains open position with given instrument, `False` otherwise.
    +3012        """
    +3013        result = False
    +3014        msg = "Instrument not defined!"
    +3016        if portfolio is None or not portfolio:
    +3017            portfolio = self.Overview(showStatistics=False)
    +3019        if self.ticker:
    +3020            uLogger.debug("Searching instrument with ticker [{}] throwout opened positions...".format(self.ticker))
    +3021            msg = "Instrument with ticker [{}] is not present in open positions".format(self.ticker)
    +3023            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    +3024                for instrument in portfolio["stat"][iType]:
    +3025                    if instrument["ticker"] == self.ticker:
    +3026                        result = True
    +3027                        msg = "Instrument with ticker [{}] is present in open positions".format(self.ticker)
    +3028                        break
    +3030        elif self.figi:
    +3031            uLogger.debug("Searching instrument with FIGI [{}] throwout opened positions...".format(self.figi))
    +3032            msg = "Instrument with FIGI [{}] is not present in open positions".format(self.figi)
    +3034            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    +3035                for instrument in portfolio["stat"][iType]:
    +3036                    if instrument["figi"] == self.figi:
    +3037                        result = True
    +3038                        msg = "Instrument with FIGI [{}] is present in open positions".format(self.figi)
    +3039                        break
    +3041        else:
    +3042            uLogger.warning("Instrument must be defined by `ticker` (highly priority) or `figi`!")
    +3044        uLogger.debug(msg)
    +3046        return result
    @@ -10663,48 +11047,48 @@
    2962    def GetInstrumentFromPortfolio(self, portfolio: dict = None) -> dict:
    -2963        """
    -2964        Returns instrument is in the user's portfolio if it presents there.
    -2965        Instrument must be defined by `ticker` (highly priority) or `figi`.
    -2967        :param portfolio: dict with user's portfolio data. If `None`, then requests portfolio from `Overview()` method.
    -2968        :return: dict with instrument if portfolio contains open position with this instrument, `None` otherwise.
    -2969        """
    -2970        result = None
    -2971        msg = "Instrument not defined!"
    -2973        if portfolio is None or not portfolio:
    -2974            portfolio = self.Overview(showStatistics=False)
    -2976        if self.ticker:
    -2977            uLogger.debug("Searching instrument with ticker [{}] throwout opened positions...".format(self.ticker))
    -2978            msg = "Instrument with ticker [{}] is not present in open positions".format(self.ticker)
    -2980            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    -2981                for instrument in portfolio["stat"][iType]:
    -2982                    if instrument["ticker"] == self.ticker:
    -2983                        result = instrument
    -2984                        msg = "Instrument with ticker [{}] and FIGI [{}] is present in open positions".format(self.ticker, instrument["figi"])
    -2985                        break
    -2987        elif self.figi:
    -2988            uLogger.debug("Searching instrument with FIGI [{}] throwout opened positions...".format(self.figi))
    -2989            msg = "Instrument with FIGI [{}] is not present in open positions".format(self.figi)
    -2991            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    -2992                for instrument in portfolio["stat"][iType]:
    -2993                    if instrument["figi"] == self.figi:
    -2994                        result = instrument
    -2995                        msg = "Instrument with ticker [{}] and FIGI [{}] is present in open positions".format(instrument["ticker"], self.figi)
    -2996                        break
    -2998        else:
    -2999            uLogger.warning("Instrument must be defined by `ticker` (highly priority) or `figi`!")
    -3001        uLogger.debug(msg)
    -3003        return result
    3048    def GetInstrumentFromPortfolio(self, portfolio: dict = None) -> dict:
    +3049        """
    +3050        Returns instrument is in the user's portfolio if it presents there.
    +3051        Instrument must be defined by `ticker` (highly priority) or `figi`.
    +3053        :param portfolio: dict with user's portfolio data. If `None`, then requests portfolio from `Overview()` method.
    +3054        :return: dict with instrument if portfolio contains open position with this instrument, `None` otherwise.
    +3055        """
    +3056        result = None
    +3057        msg = "Instrument not defined!"
    +3059        if portfolio is None or not portfolio:
    +3060            portfolio = self.Overview(showStatistics=False)
    +3062        if self.ticker:
    +3063            uLogger.debug("Searching instrument with ticker [{}] throwout opened positions...".format(self.ticker))
    +3064            msg = "Instrument with ticker [{}] is not present in open positions".format(self.ticker)
    +3066            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    +3067                for instrument in portfolio["stat"][iType]:
    +3068                    if instrument["ticker"] == self.ticker:
    +3069                        result = instrument
    +3070                        msg = "Instrument with ticker [{}] and FIGI [{}] is present in open positions".format(self.ticker, instrument["figi"])
    +3071                        break
    +3073        elif self.figi:
    +3074            uLogger.debug("Searching instrument with FIGI [{}] throwout opened positions...".format(self.figi))
    +3075            msg = "Instrument with FIGI [{}] is not present in open positions".format(self.figi)
    +3077            for iType in TKS_INSTRUMENTS:
    +3078                for instrument in portfolio["stat"][iType]:
    +3079                    if instrument["figi"] == self.figi:
    +3080                        result = instrument
    +3081                        msg = "Instrument with ticker [{}] and FIGI [{}] is present in open positions".format(instrument["ticker"], self.figi)
    +3082                        break
    +3084        else:
    +3085            uLogger.warning("Instrument must be defined by `ticker` (highly priority) or `figi`!")
    +3087        uLogger.debug(msg)
    +3089        return result
    @@ -10738,15 +11122,15 @@
    3006class Args:
    -3007    """
    -3008    If `Main()` function is imported as module, then this class used to convert arguments from **kwargs as object.
    -3009    """
    -3010    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
    -3011        self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
    -3013    def __getattr__(self, item):
    -3014        return None
    3092class Args:
    +3093    """
    +3094    If `Main()` function is imported as module, then this class used to convert arguments from **kwargs as object.
    +3095    """
    +3096    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
    +3097        self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
    +3099    def __getattr__(self, item):
    +3100        return None
    @@ -10764,8 +11148,8 @@
    3010    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
    -3011        self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
    3096    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
    +3097        self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
    @@ -10784,67 +11168,73 @@
    3017def ParseArgs():
    -3018    """
    -3019    Function get and parse command line keys. See examples: https://tim55667757.github.io/TKSBrokerAPI/
    -3020    """
    -3021    parser = ArgumentParser()  # command-line string parser
    -3023    parser.description = "TKSBrokerAPI is a python API to work with some methods of Tinkoff Open API using REST protocol. It can view history, orders and market information. Also, you can open orders and trades. See examples: https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/blob/master/README_EN.md#Usage-examples"
    -3024    parser.usage = "\n/as module/ python TKSBrokerAPI.py [some options] [one command]\n/as CLI tool/ tksbrokerapi [some options] [one command]"
    -3026    # --- options:
    -3028    parser.add_argument("--no-cache", action="store_true", default=False, help="Option: not use local cache `dump.json`, but update raw instruments data when starting the program. `False` by default.")
    -3029    parser.add_argument("--token", type=str, help="Option: Tinkoff service's api key. If not set then used environment variable `TKS_API_TOKEN`. See how to use: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/token/")
    -3030    parser.add_argument("--account-id", type=str, default=None, help="Option: string with an user numeric account ID in Tinkoff Broker. It can be found in any broker's reports (see the contract number). Also, this variable can be set from environment variable `TKS_ACCOUNT_ID`.")
    -3032    parser.add_argument("--ticker", "-t", type=str, help="Option: instrument's ticker, e.g. `IBM`, `YNDX`, `GOOGL` etc. Use alias for `USD000UTSTOM` simple as `USD`, `EUR_RUB__TOM` as `EUR`.")
    -3033    parser.add_argument("--figi", "-f", type=str, help="Option: instrument's FIGI, e.g. `BBG006L8G4H1` (for `YNDX`).")
    -3035    parser.add_argument("--depth", type=int, default=1, help="Option: Depth of Market (DOM) can be >=1, 1 by default.")
    -3036    parser.add_argument("--no-cancelled", "--no-canceled", action="store_true", default=False, help="Option: remove information about cancelled operations from the deals report by the `--deals` key. `False` by default.")
    -3038    parser.add_argument("--output", type=str, default=None, help="Option: replace default paths to output files for some commands. If None then used default files.")
    -3040    # parser.add_argument("--length", type=int, default=24, help="Option: how many last candles returns for history. Used only with --history key.")
    -3041    # parser.add_argument("--interval", type=str, default="60", help="Option: available values are 1min, 2min, 3min, 5min, 10min, 15min, 30min, hour, day, week, month. Used only with `--history` key. This is time period used in 'interval' api parameter. Default: `--interval=60` that means 60 min for every history candles.")
    -3042    # parser.add_argument("--only-missing", action="store_true", default=False, help="Option: if history file define by `--output` key then add only last missing candles, do not request all history length. False by default.")
    -3044    parser.add_argument("--debug-level", "--verbosity", "-v", type=int, default=20, help="Option: showing STDOUT messages of minimal debug level, e.g. 10 = DEBUG, 20 = INFO, 30 = WARNING, 40 = ERROR, 50 = CRITICAL. INFO (20) by default.")
    -3046    # --- commands:
    -3048    parser.add_argument("--list", "-l", action="store_true", help="Action: get and print all available instruments and some information from broker server. Also, you can define `--output` key to save list of instruments to file, default: `instruments.md`.")
    -3049    parser.add_argument("--search", "-s", type=str, nargs=1, help="Action: search for an instruments by part of the name, ticker or FIGI. Also, you can define `--output` key to save results to file, default: `search-results.md`.")
    -3050    parser.add_argument("--info", "-i", action="store_true", help="Action: get information from broker server about instrument by it's ticker or FIGI. `--ticker` key or `--figi` key must be defined!")
    -3051    parser.add_argument("--price", action="store_true", help="Action: show actual price list for current instrument. Also, you can use --depth key. `--ticker` key or `--figi` key must be defined!")
    -3052    parser.add_argument("--prices", "-p", type=str, nargs="+", help="Action: get and print current prices for list of given instruments (by it's tickers or by FIGIs). WARNING! This is too long operation if you request a lot of instruments! Also, you can define `--output` key to save list of prices to file, default: `prices.md`.")
    -3054    parser.add_argument("--overview", "-o", action="store_true", help="Action: show all open positions, orders and some statistics. Also, you can define `--output` key to save this information to file, default: `overview.md`.")
    -3055    parser.add_argument("--deals", "-d", type=str, nargs="*", help="Action: show all deals between two given dates. Start day may be an integer number: -1, -2, -3 days ago. Also, you can use keywords: `today`, `yesterday` (-1), `week` (-7), `month` (-30) and `year` (-365). Dates format must be: `%%Y-%%m-%%d`, e.g. 2020-02-03. With `--no-cancelled` key information about cancelled operations will be removed from the deals report. Also, you can define `--output` key to save all deals to file, default: `deals.md`.")
    -3056    # parser.add_argument("--history", action="store_true", help="Action: get last (--length) history candles from past to current time with (--interval) values. Also, you can define `--output` key to save history candles to .csv-file.")
    -3058    parser.add_argument("--trade", nargs="*", help="Action: universal action to open market position for defined ticker or FIGI. You must specify 1-5 parameters: [direction `Buy` or `Sell`] [lots, >= 1] [take profit, >= 0] [stop loss, >= 0] [expiration date for TP/SL orders, Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`]. See examples in readme.")
    -3059    parser.add_argument("--buy", nargs="*", help="Action: immediately open BUY market position at the current price for defined ticker or FIGI. You must specify 0-4 parameters: [lots, >= 1] [take profit, >= 0] [stop loss, >= 0] [expiration date for TP/SL orders, Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`].")
    -3060    parser.add_argument("--sell", nargs="*", help="Action: immediately open SELL market position at the current price for defined ticker or FIGI. You must specify 0-4 parameters: [lots, >= 1] [take profit, >= 0] [stop loss, >= 0] [expiration date for TP/SL orders, Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`].")
    -3062    parser.add_argument("--order", nargs="*", help="Action: universal action to open limit or stop-order in any directions. You must specify 4-7 parameters: [direction `Buy` or `Sell`] [order type `Limit` or `Stop`] [lots] [target price] [maybe for stop-order: [limit price, >= 0] [stop type, Limit|SL|TP] [expiration date, Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`]]. See examples in readme.")
    -3063    parser.add_argument("--buy-limit", type=float, nargs=2, help="Action: open pending BUY limit-order (below current price). You must specify only 2 parameters: [lots] [target price] to open BUY limit-order. If you try to create `Buy` limit-order above current price then broker immediately open `Buy` market order, such as if you do simple `--buy` operation!")
    -3064    parser.add_argument("--sell-limit", type=float, nargs=2, help="Action: open pending SELL limit-order (above current price). You must specify only 2 parameters: [lots] [target price] to open SELL limit-order. If you try to create `Sell` limit-order below current price then broker immediately open `Sell` market order, such as if you do simple `--sell` operation!")
    -3065    parser.add_argument("--buy-stop", nargs="*", help="Action: open BUY stop-order. You must specify at least 2 parameters: [lots] [target price] to open BUY stop-order. In additional you can specify 3 parameters for stop-order: [limit price, >= 0] [stop type, Limit|SL|TP] [expiration date, Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`]. When current price will go up or down to target price value then broker opens a limit order. Stop loss order always executed by market price.")
    -3066    parser.add_argument("--sell-stop", nargs="*", help="Action: open SELL stop-order. You must specify at least 2 parameters: [lots] [target price] to open SELL stop-order. In additional you can specify 3 parameters for stop-order: [limit price, >= 0] [stop type, Limit|SL|TP] [expiration date, Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`]. When current price will go up or down to target price value then broker opens a limit order. Stop loss order always executed by market price.")
    -3067    # parser.add_argument("--buy-limit-order-grid", type=str, nargs="*", help="Action: open grid of pending BUY limit-orders (below current price). Parameters format: l(ots)=[L_int,...] p(rices)=[P_float,...]. Counts of values in lots and prices lists must be equals!")
    -3068    # parser.add_argument("--sell-limit-order-grid", type=str, nargs="*", help="Action: open grid of pending SELL limit-orders (above current price). Parameters format: l(ots)=[L_int,...] p(rices)=[P_float,...]. Counts of values in lots and prices lists must be equals!")
    -3070    parser.add_argument("--close-order", "--cancel-order", type=str, nargs=1, help="Action: close only one order by it's `orderId` or `stopOrderId`. You can find out the meaning of these IDs using the key `--overview`.")
    -3071    parser.add_argument("--close-orders", "--cancel-orders", type=str, nargs="+", help="Action: close one or list of orders by it's `orderId` or `stopOrderId`. You can find out the meaning of these IDs using the key `--overview`.")
    -3072    parser.add_argument("--close-trade", "--cancel-trade", action="store_true", help="Action: close only one position for instrument defined by `--ticker` key, including for currencies tickers.")
    -3073    parser.add_argument("--close-trades", "--cancel-trades", type=str, nargs="+", help="Action: close positions for list of tickers, including for currencies tickers.")
    -3074    parser.add_argument("--close-all", "--cancel-all", type=str, nargs="*", help="Action: close all available (not blocked) opened trades and orders, excluding for currencies. Also you can select one or more keywords case insensitive to specify trades type: `orders`, `shares`, `bonds`, `etfs` and `futures`, but not `currencies`. Currency positions you must closes manually using `--buy`, `--sell`, `--close-trade` or `--close-trades` operations.")
    -3076    cmdArgs = parser.parse_args()
    -3077    return cmdArgs
    3103def ParseArgs():
    +3104    """
    +3105    Function get and parse command line keys. See examples: https://tim55667757.github.io/TKSBrokerAPI/
    +3106    """
    +3107    parser = ArgumentParser()  # command-line string parser
    +3109    parser.description = "TKSBrokerAPI is a python API to work with some methods of Tinkoff Open API using REST protocol. It can view history, orders and market information. Also, you can open orders and trades. See examples: https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/blob/master/README_EN.md#Usage-examples"
    +3110    parser.usage = "\n/as module/ python TKSBrokerAPI.py [some options] [one command]\n/as CLI tool/ tksbrokerapi [some options] [one command]"
    +3112    # --- options:
    +3114    parser.add_argument("--no-cache", action="store_true", default=False, help="Option: not use local cache `dump.json`, but update raw instruments data when starting the program. `False` by default.")
    +3115    parser.add_argument("--token", type=str, help="Option: Tinkoff service's api key. If not set then used environment variable `TKS_API_TOKEN`. See how to use: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/token/")
    +3116    parser.add_argument("--account-id", type=str, default=None, help="Option: string with an user numeric account ID in Tinkoff Broker. It can be found in any broker's reports (see the contract number). Also, this variable can be set from environment variable `TKS_ACCOUNT_ID`.")
    +3118    parser.add_argument("--ticker", "-t", type=str, help="Option: instrument's ticker, e.g. `IBM`, `YNDX`, `GOOGL` etc. Use alias for `USD000UTSTOM` simple as `USD`, `EUR_RUB__TOM` as `EUR`.")
    +3119    parser.add_argument("--figi", "-f", type=str, help="Option: instrument's FIGI, e.g. `BBG006L8G4H1` (for `YNDX`).")
    +3121    parser.add_argument("--depth", type=int, default=1, help="Option: Depth of Market (DOM) can be >=1, 1 by default.")
    +3122    parser.add_argument("--no-cancelled", "--no-canceled", action="store_true", default=False, help="Option: remove information about cancelled operations from the deals report by the `--deals` key. `False` by default.")
    +3124    parser.add_argument("--output", type=str, default=None, help="Option: replace default paths to output files for some commands. If `None` then used default files.")
    +3125    # parser.add_argument("--output-type", type=str, choices=[None, ".md", ".csv", ".xlsx"], default=None, help="Option: replace default type of output files for some commands. You can choose: `.md`, `.csv` and `.xlsx`. If `None` then used default file types.")
    +3127    parser.add_argument("--interval", type=str, default="hour", help="Option: available values are `1min`, `5min`, `15min`, `hour` and `day`. Used only with `--history` key. This is time period of one candle. Default: `hour` for every history candles.")
    +3128    parser.add_argument("--only-missing", action="store_true", default=False, help="Option: if history file define by `--output` key then add only last missing candles, do not request all history length. `False` by default.")
    +3129    parser.add_argument("--csv-sep", type=str, default=",", help="Option: separator if .csv-file is used, `,` by default.")
    +3131    parser.add_argument("--debug-level", "--verbosity", "-v", type=int, default=20, help="Option: showing STDOUT messages of minimal debug level, e.g. 10 = DEBUG, 20 = INFO, 30 = WARNING, 40 = ERROR, 50 = CRITICAL. INFO (20) by default.")
    +3133    # --- commands:
    +3135    parser.add_argument("--list", "-l", action="store_true", help="Action: get and print all available instruments and some information from broker server. Also, you can define `--output` key to save list of instruments to file, default: `instruments.md`.")
    +3136    parser.add_argument("--search", "-s", type=str, nargs=1, help="Action: search for an instruments by part of the name, ticker or FIGI. Also, you can define `--output` key to save results to file, default: `search-results.md`.")
    +3137    parser.add_argument("--info", "-i", action="store_true", help="Action: get information from broker server about instrument by it's ticker or FIGI. `--ticker` key or `--figi` key must be defined!")
    +3138    parser.add_argument("--price", action="store_true", help="Action: show actual price list for current instrument. Also, you can use `--depth` key. `--ticker` key or `--figi` key must be defined!")
    +3139    parser.add_argument("--prices", "-p", type=str, nargs="+", help="Action: get and print current prices for list of given instruments (by it's tickers or by FIGIs). WARNING! This is too long operation if you request a lot of instruments! Also, you can define `--output` key to save list of prices to file, default: `prices.md`.")
    +3141    parser.add_argument("--overview", "-o", action="store_true", help="Action: shows all open positions, orders and some statistics. Also, you can define `--output` key to save this information to file, default: `overview.md`.")
    +3142    parser.add_argument("--overview-digest", action="store_true", help="Action: shows a short digest of the portfolio status. Also, you can define `--output` key to save this information to file, default: `overview-digest.md`.")
    +3143    parser.add_argument("--overview-positions", action="store_true", help="Action: shows only open positions. Also, you can define `--output` key to save this information to file, default: `overview-positions.md`.")
    +3144    parser.add_argument("--overview-orders", action="store_true", help="Action: shows only sections of open limits and stop orders. Also, you can define `--output` key to save this information to file, default: `overview-orders.md`.")
    +3145    parser.add_argument("--overview-analytics", action="store_true", help="Action: shows only the analytics section and the distribution of the portfolio by various categories. Also, you can define `--output` key to save this information to file, default: `overview-analytics.md`.")
    +3147    parser.add_argument("--deals", "-d", type=str, nargs="*", help="Action: show all deals between two given dates. Start day may be an integer number: -1, -2, -3 days ago. Also, you can use keywords: `today`, `yesterday` (-1), `week` (-7), `month` (-30) and `year` (-365). Dates format must be: `%%Y-%%m-%%d`, e.g. 2020-02-03. With `--no-cancelled` key information about cancelled operations will be removed from the deals report. Also, you can define `--output` key to save all deals to file, default: `deals.md`.")
    +3148    parser.add_argument("--history", type=str, nargs="*", help="Action: get last history candles of the current instrument defined by `--ticker` or `--figi` (FIGI id) keys. History returned between two given dates: `start` and `end`. Minimum requested date in the past is `1970-01-01`. Also, you can define `--output` key to save history candlesticks to file.")
    +3150    parser.add_argument("--trade", nargs="*", help="Action: universal action to open market position for defined ticker or FIGI. You must specify 1-5 parameters: [direction `Buy` or `Sell`] [lots, >= 1] [take profit, >= 0] [stop loss, >= 0] [expiration date for TP/SL orders, Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`]. See examples in readme.")
    +3151    parser.add_argument("--buy", nargs="*", help="Action: immediately open BUY market position at the current price for defined ticker or FIGI. You must specify 0-4 parameters: [lots, >= 1] [take profit, >= 0] [stop loss, >= 0] [expiration date for TP/SL orders, Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`].")
    +3152    parser.add_argument("--sell", nargs="*", help="Action: immediately open SELL market position at the current price for defined ticker or FIGI. You must specify 0-4 parameters: [lots, >= 1] [take profit, >= 0] [stop loss, >= 0] [expiration date for TP/SL orders, Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`].")
    +3154    parser.add_argument("--order", nargs="*", help="Action: universal action to open limit or stop-order in any directions. You must specify 4-7 parameters: [direction `Buy` or `Sell`] [order type `Limit` or `Stop`] [lots] [target price] [maybe for stop-order: [limit price, >= 0] [stop type, Limit|SL|TP] [expiration date, Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`]]. See examples in readme.")
    +3155    parser.add_argument("--buy-limit", type=float, nargs=2, help="Action: open pending BUY limit-order (below current price). You must specify only 2 parameters: [lots] [target price] to open BUY limit-order. If you try to create `Buy` limit-order above current price then broker immediately open `Buy` market order, such as if you do simple `--buy` operation!")
    +3156    parser.add_argument("--sell-limit", type=float, nargs=2, help="Action: open pending SELL limit-order (above current price). You must specify only 2 parameters: [lots] [target price] to open SELL limit-order. If you try to create `Sell` limit-order below current price then broker immediately open `Sell` market order, such as if you do simple `--sell` operation!")
    +3157    parser.add_argument("--buy-stop", nargs="*", help="Action: open BUY stop-order. You must specify at least 2 parameters: [lots] [target price] to open BUY stop-order. In additional you can specify 3 parameters for stop-order: [limit price, >= 0] [stop type, Limit|SL|TP] [expiration date, Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`]. When current price will go up or down to target price value then broker opens a limit order. Stop loss order always executed by market price.")
    +3158    parser.add_argument("--sell-stop", nargs="*", help="Action: open SELL stop-order. You must specify at least 2 parameters: [lots] [target price] to open SELL stop-order. In additional you can specify 3 parameters for stop-order: [limit price, >= 0] [stop type, Limit|SL|TP] [expiration date, Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`]. When current price will go up or down to target price value then broker opens a limit order. Stop loss order always executed by market price.")
    +3159    # parser.add_argument("--buy-limit-order-grid", type=str, nargs="*", help="Action: open grid of pending BUY limit-orders (below current price). Parameters format: l(ots)=[L_int,...] p(rices)=[P_float,...]. Counts of values in lots and prices lists must be equals!")
    +3160    # parser.add_argument("--sell-limit-order-grid", type=str, nargs="*", help="Action: open grid of pending SELL limit-orders (above current price). Parameters format: l(ots)=[L_int,...] p(rices)=[P_float,...]. Counts of values in lots and prices lists must be equals!")
    +3162    parser.add_argument("--close-order", "--cancel-order", type=str, nargs=1, help="Action: close only one order by it's `orderId` or `stopOrderId`. You can find out the meaning of these IDs using the key `--overview`.")
    +3163    parser.add_argument("--close-orders", "--cancel-orders", type=str, nargs="+", help="Action: close one or list of orders by it's `orderId` or `stopOrderId`. You can find out the meaning of these IDs using the key `--overview`.")
    +3164    parser.add_argument("--close-trade", "--cancel-trade", action="store_true", help="Action: close only one position for instrument defined by `--ticker` key, including for currencies tickers.")
    +3165    parser.add_argument("--close-trades", "--cancel-trades", type=str, nargs="+", help="Action: close positions for list of tickers, including for currencies tickers.")
    +3166    parser.add_argument("--close-all", "--cancel-all", type=str, nargs="*", help="Action: close all available (not blocked) opened trades and orders, excluding for currencies. Also you can select one or more keywords case insensitive to specify trades type: `orders`, `shares`, `bonds`, `etfs` and `futures`, but not `currencies`. Currency positions you must closes manually using `--buy`, `--sell`, `--close-trade` or `--close-trades` operations.")
    +3168    cmdArgs = parser.parse_args()
    +3169    return cmdArgs
    @@ -10864,277 +11254,314 @@
    3080def Main(**kwargs):
    -3081    """
    -3082    Main function for work with Tinkoff Open API service. It realizes simple logic: get a lot of options and execute one command.
    -3084    See examples: https://tim55667757.github.io/TKSBrokerAPI/
    -3085    """
    -3086    args = Args(**kwargs) if kwargs else ParseArgs()  # get and parse command-line parameters or use **kwarg parameters
    -3088    if args.debug_level:
    -3089        uLogger.level = 10  # always debug level by default
    -3090        uLogger.handlers[0].level = args.debug_level  # level for STDOUT
    -3092    exitCode = 0
    -3093    start = datetime.now(tzutc())
    -3094    uLogger.debug("TKSBrokerAPI module started at: [{}] UTC, it is [{}] local time".format(
    -3095        start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    -3096        start.astimezone(tzlocal()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    -3097    ))
    -3099    # Init class for trading with Tinkoff Broker:
    -3100    server = TinkoffBrokerServer(
    -3101        token=args.token,
    -3102        accountId=args.account_id,
    -3103        iList=kwargs["instruments"] if kwargs and "instruments" in kwargs.keys() else None,  # re-use iList
    -3104        useCache=not args.no_cache,
    -3105    )
    -3107    try:
    -3108        # --- set some options:
    -3110        if args.ticker:
    -3111            if args.ticker in server.aliasesKeys:
    -3112                server.ticker = server.aliases[args.ticker]  # Replace some tickers with it's aliases
    -3114            else:
    -3115                server.ticker = args.ticker
    -3117        if args.figi:
    -3118            server.figi = args.figi
    -3120        if args.depth is not None:
    -3121            server.depth = args.depth
    -3123        # if args.length is not None:
    -3124        #     server.historyLength = args.length
    -3125        #
    -3126        # if args.interval is not None:
    -3127        #     server.historyInterval = args.interval
    -3129        # --- do one of commands:
    -3131        if args.list:
    -3132            if args.output is not None:
    -3133                server.instrumentsFile = args.output
    -3135            server.ShowInstrumentsInfo(showInstruments=True)
    -3137        elif args.search:
    -3138            if args.output is not None:
    -3139                server.searchResultsFile = args.output
    -3141            server.SearchInstruments(pattern=args.search[0], showResults=True)
    -3143        elif args.info:
    -3144            if not (args.ticker or args.figi):
    -3145                raise Exception("`--ticker` key or `--figi` key is required for this operation!")
    -3147            if args.ticker:
    -3148                server.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=True, showInfo=True, debug=False)  # show info and current prices by ticker name
    -3150            else:
    -3151                server.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True, showInfo=True, debug=False)  # show info and current prices by FIGI id
    -3153        elif args.price:
    -3154            if not (args.ticker or args.figi):
    -3155                raise Exception("`--ticker` key or `--figi` key is required for this operation!")
    -3157            server.GetCurrentPrices(showPrice=True)
    -3159        elif args.prices is not None:
    -3160            if args.output is not None:
    -3161                server.pricesFile = args.output
    -3163            server.GetListOfPrices(instruments=args.prices, showPrices=True)  # WARNING: too long wait for a lot of instruments prices
    -3165        elif args.overview:
    -3166            if args.output is not None:
    -3167                server.overviewFile = args.output
    -3169            server.Overview(showStatistics=True)
    -3171        elif args.deals is not None:
    -3172            if args.output is not None:
    -3173                server.reportFile = args.output
    -3175            if 0 <= len(args.deals) < 3:
    -3176                server.Deals(
    -3177                    start=args.deals[0] if len(args.deals) >= 1 else None,
    -3178                    end=args.deals[1] if len(args.deals) == 2 else None,
    -3179                    printDeals=True,  # Always show deals report in console
    -3180                    showCancelled=not args.no_cancelled,  # If --no-cancelled key then remove cancelled operations from the deals report. False by default.
    -3181                )
    -3183            else:
    -3184                raise Exception("You must specify 0-2 parameters: [DATE_START] [DATE_END]")
    -3186        # TODO: implement history download and view
    -3187        # elif args.history:
    -3188        #     if args.output is not None:
    -3189        #         server.historyFile = args.output
    -3190        #
    -3191        #     server.History(onlyMissing=args.only_missing)
    -3193        elif args.trade is not None:
    -3194            if 1 <= len(args.trade) <= 5:
    -3195                server.Trade(
    -3196                    operation=args.trade[0],
    -3197                    lots=int(args.trade[1]) if len(args.trade) >= 2 else 1,
    -3198                    tp=float(args.trade[2]) if len(args.trade) >= 3 else 0.,
    -3199                    sl=float(args.trade[3]) if len(args.trade) >= 4 else 0.,
    -3200                    expDate=args.trade[4] if len(args.trade) == 5 else "Undefined",
    -3201                )
    -3203            else:
    -3204                uLogger.error("You must specify 1-5 parameters to open trade: [direction `Buy` or `Sell`] [lots, >= 1] [take profit, >= 0] [stop loss, >= 0] [expiration date for TP/SL orders, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    -3206        elif args.buy is not None:
    -3207            if 0 <= len(args.buy) <= 4:
    -3208                server.Buy(
    -3209                    lots=int(args.buy[0]) if len(args.buy) >= 1 else 1,
    -3210                    tp=float(args.buy[1]) if len(args.buy) >= 2 else 0.,
    -3211                    sl=float(args.buy[2]) if len(args.buy) >= 3 else 0.,
    -3212                    expDate=args.buy[3] if len(args.buy) == 4 else "Undefined",
    -3213                )
    -3215            else:
    -3216                uLogger.error("You must specify 0-4 parameters to open buy position: [lots, >= 1] [take profit, >= 0] [stop loss, >= 0] [expiration date for TP/SL orders, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    -3218        elif args.sell is not None:
    -3219            if 0 <= len(args.sell) <= 4:
    -3220                server.Sell(
    -3221                    lots=int(args.sell[0]) if len(args.sell) >= 1 else 1,
    -3222                    tp=float(args.sell[1]) if len(args.sell) >= 2 else 0.,
    -3223                    sl=float(args.sell[2]) if len(args.sell) >= 3 else 0.,
    -3224                    expDate=args.sell[3] if len(args.sell) == 4 else "Undefined",
    -3225                )
    -3227            else:
    -3228                uLogger.error("You must specify 0-4 parameters to open sell position: [lots, >= 1] [take profit, >= 0] [stop loss, >= 0] [expiration date for TP/SL orders, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    -3230        elif args.order:
    -3231            if 4 <= len(args.order) <= 7:
    -3232                server.Order(
    -3233                    operation=args.order[0],
    -3234                    orderType=args.order[1],
    -3235                    lots=int(args.order[2]),
    -3236                    targetPrice=float(args.order[3]),
    -3237                    limitPrice=float(args.order[4]) if len(args.order) >= 5 else 0.,
    -3238                    stopType=args.order[5] if len(args.order) >= 6 else "Limit",
    -3239                    expDate=args.order[6] if len(args.order) == 7 else "Undefined",
    -3240                )
    -3242            else:
    -3243                uLogger.error("You must specify 4-7 parameters to open order: [direction `Buy` or `Sell`] [order type `Limit` or `Stop`] [lots] [target price] [maybe for stop-order: [limit price, >= 0] [stop type, Limit|SL|TP] [expiration date, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]]. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    -3245        elif args.buy_limit:
    -3246            server.BuyLimit(lots=int(args.buy_limit[0]), targetPrice=args.buy_limit[1])
    -3248        elif args.sell_limit:
    -3249            server.SellLimit(lots=int(args.sell_limit[0]), targetPrice=args.sell_limit[1])
    -3251        elif args.buy_stop:
    -3252            if 2 <= len(args.buy_stop) <= 7:
    -3253                server.BuyStop(
    -3254                    lots=int(args.buy_stop[0]),
    -3255                    targetPrice=float(args.buy_stop[1]),
    -3256                    limitPrice=float(args.buy_stop[2]) if len(args.buy_stop) >= 3 else 0.,
    -3257                    stopType=args.buy_stop[3] if len(args.buy_stop) >= 4 else "Limit",
    -3258                    expDate=args.buy_stop[4] if len(args.buy_stop) == 5 else "Undefined",
    -3259                )
    -3261            else:
    -3262                uLogger.error("You must specify 2-5 parameters for buy stop-order: [lots] [target price] [limit price, >= 0] [stop type, Limit|SL|TP] [expiration date, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    -3264        elif args.sell_stop:
    -3265            if 2 <= len(args.sell_stop) <= 7:
    -3266                server.SellStop(
    -3267                    lots=int(args.sell_stop[0]),
    -3268                    targetPrice=float(args.sell_stop[1]),
    -3269                    limitPrice=float(args.sell_stop[2]) if len(args.sell_stop) >= 3 else 0.,
    -3270                    stopType=args.sell_stop[3] if len(args.sell_stop) >= 4 else "Limit",
    -3271                    expDate=args.sell_stop[4] if len(args.sell_stop) == 5 else "Undefined",
    -3272                )
    -3274            else:
    -3275                uLogger.error("You must specify 2-5 parameters for sell stop-order: [lots] [target price] [limit price, >= 0] [stop type, Limit|SL|TP] [expiration date, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]. See: python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help")
    -3277        # elif args.buy_order_grid is not None:
    -3278        #     # TODO: update order grid work with api v2
    -3279        #     if len(args.buy_order_grid) == 2:
    -3280        #         orderParams = server.ParseOrderParameters(operation="Buy", **dict(kw.split('=') for kw in args.buy_order_grid))
    -3281        #
    -3282        #         for order in orderParams:
    -3283        #             server.Order(operation="Buy", lots=order["lot"], price=order["price"])
    -3284        #
    -3285        #     else:
    -3286        #         uLogger.error("To open grid of pending BUY limit-orders (below current price) you must specified 2 parameters: l(ots)=[L_int,...] p(rices)=[P_float,...]. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    -3287        #
    -3288        # elif args.sell_order_grid is not None:
    -3289        #     # TODO: update order grid work with api v2
    -3290        #     if len(args.sell_order_grid) >= 2:
    -3291        #         orderParams = server.ParseOrderParameters(operation="Sell", **dict(kw.split('=') for kw in args.sell_order_grid))
    -3292        #
    -3293        #         for order in orderParams:
    -3294        #             server.Order(operation="Sell", lots=order["lot"], price=order["price"])
    -3295        #
    -3296        #     else:
    -3297        #         uLogger.error("To open grid of pending SELL limit-orders (above current price) you must specified 2 parameters: l(ots)=[L_int,...] p(rices)=[P_float,...]. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    -3299        elif args.close_order is not None:
    -3300            server.CloseOrders(args.close_order)  # close only one order
    -3302        elif args.close_orders is not None:
    -3303            server.CloseOrders(args.close_orders)  # close list of orders
    -3305        elif args.close_trade:
    -3306            if not args.ticker:
    -3307                raise Exception("`--ticker` key is required for this operation!")
    -3309            server.CloseTrades([args.ticker])  # close only one trade
    -3311        elif args.close_trades is not None:
    -3312            server.CloseTrades(args.close_trades)  # close trades for list of tickers
    -3314        elif args.close_all is not None:
    -3315            server.CloseAll(*args.close_all)
    -3317        else:
    -3318            uLogger.error("There is no command to execute! One of the possible commands must be selected. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    -3319            raise Exception("There is no command to execute!")
    -3321    except Exception:
    -3322        exc = tb.format_exc().split("\n")
    -3324        for line in exc:
    -3325            if line:
    -3326                uLogger.debug(line)
    -3328        uLogger.debug("Unknown error occurred, open a ticket for this issue, please! https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues")
    -3329        exitCode = 255  # unknown error occurred, must be open a ticket for this issue
    -3331    finally:
    -3332        finish = datetime.now(tzutc())
    -3334        if exitCode == 0:
    -3335            uLogger.debug("All operations with Tinkoff Server using Open API are finished success (summary code is 0).")
    -3337        else:
    -3338            uLogger.error("TKSBrokerAPI module returns an error! See full debug log with key in run command `--debug-level 10`. Summary code: {}".format(exitCode))
    -3340        uLogger.debug("TKSBrokerAPI module work duration: [{}]".format(finish - start))
    -3341        uLogger.debug("TKSBrokerAPI module finished: [{}] UTC, it is [{}] local time".format(
    -3342            finish.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    -3343            finish.astimezone(tzlocal()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    -3344        ))
    -3346        if not kwargs:
    -3347            sys.exit(exitCode)
    -3349        else:
    -3350            return exitCode
    3172def Main(**kwargs):
    +3173    """
    +3174    Main function for work with Tinkoff Open API service. It realizes simple logic: get a lot of options and execute one command.
    +3176    See examples: https://tim55667757.github.io/TKSBrokerAPI/
    +3177    """
    +3178    args = Args(**kwargs) if kwargs else ParseArgs()  # get and parse command-line parameters or use **kwarg parameters
    +3180    if args.debug_level:
    +3181        uLogger.level = 10  # always debug level by default
    +3182        uLogger.handlers[0].level = args.debug_level  # level for STDOUT
    +3184    exitCode = 0
    +3185    start = datetime.now(tzutc())
    +3186    uLogger.debug("TKSBrokerAPI module started at: [{}] UTC, it is [{}] local time".format(
    +3187        start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    +3188        start.astimezone(tzlocal()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    +3189    ))
    +3191    # Init class for trading with Tinkoff Broker:
    +3192    server = TinkoffBrokerServer(
    +3193        token=args.token,
    +3194        accountId=args.account_id,
    +3195        iList=kwargs["instruments"] if kwargs and "instruments" in kwargs.keys() else None,  # re-use iList
    +3196        useCache=not args.no_cache,
    +3197    )
    +3199    try:
    +3200        # --- set some options:
    +3202        if args.ticker:
    +3203            if args.ticker in server.aliasesKeys:
    +3204                server.ticker = server.aliases[args.ticker]  # Replace some tickers with it's aliases
    +3206            else:
    +3207                server.ticker = args.ticker
    +3209        if args.figi:
    +3210            server.figi = args.figi
    +3212        if args.depth is not None:
    +3213            server.depth = args.depth
    +3215        # if args.length is not None:
    +3216        #     server.historyLength = args.length
    +3217        #
    +3218        # if args.interval is not None:
    +3219        #     server.historyInterval = args.interval
    +3221        # --- do one of commands:
    +3223        if args.list:
    +3224            if args.output is not None:
    +3225                server.instrumentsFile = args.output
    +3227            server.ShowInstrumentsInfo(showInstruments=True)
    +3229        elif args.search:
    +3230            if args.output is not None:
    +3231                server.searchResultsFile = args.output
    +3233            server.SearchInstruments(pattern=args.search[0], showResults=True)
    +3235        elif args.info:
    +3236            if not (args.ticker or args.figi):
    +3237                raise Exception("`--ticker` key or `--figi` key is required for this operation!")
    +3239            if args.ticker:
    +3240                server.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=True, showInfo=True, debug=False)  # show info and current prices by ticker name
    +3242            else:
    +3243                server.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True, showInfo=True, debug=False)  # show info and current prices by FIGI id
    +3245        elif args.price:
    +3246            if not (args.ticker or args.figi):
    +3247                raise Exception("`--ticker` key or `--figi` key is required for this operation!")
    +3249            server.GetCurrentPrices(showPrice=True)
    +3251        elif args.prices is not None:
    +3252            if args.output is not None:
    +3253                server.pricesFile = args.output
    +3255            server.GetListOfPrices(instruments=args.prices, showPrices=True)  # WARNING: too long wait for a lot of instruments prices
    +3257        elif args.overview:
    +3258            if args.output is not None:
    +3259                server.overviewFile = args.output
    +3261            server.Overview(showStatistics=True, details="full")
    +3263        elif args.overview_digest:
    +3264            if args.output is not None:
    +3265                server.overviewDigestFile = args.output
    +3267            server.Overview(showStatistics=True, details="digest")
    +3269        elif args.overview_positions:
    +3270            if args.output is not None:
    +3271                server.overviewPositionsFile = args.output
    +3273            server.Overview(showStatistics=True, details="positions")
    +3275        elif args.overview_orders:
    +3276            if args.output is not None:
    +3277                server.overviewOrdersFile = args.output
    +3279            server.Overview(showStatistics=True, details="orders")
    +3281        elif args.overview_analytics:
    +3282            if args.output is not None:
    +3283                server.overviewAnalyticsFile = args.output
    +3285            server.Overview(showStatistics=True, details="analytics")
    +3287        elif args.deals is not None:
    +3288            if args.output is not None:
    +3289                server.reportFile = args.output
    +3291            if 0 <= len(args.deals) < 3:
    +3292                server.Deals(
    +3293                    start=args.deals[0] if len(args.deals) >= 1 else None,
    +3294                    end=args.deals[1] if len(args.deals) == 2 else None,
    +3295                    printDeals=True,  # Always show deals report in console
    +3296                    showCancelled=not args.no_cancelled,  # If --no-cancelled key then remove cancelled operations from the deals report. False by default.
    +3297                )
    +3299            else:
    +3300                raise Exception("You must specify 0-2 parameters: [DATE_START] [DATE_END]")
    +3302        elif args.history is not None:
    +3303            if args.output is not None:
    +3304                server.historyFile = args.output
    +3306            if 0 <= len(args.history) < 3:
    +3307                server.History(
    +3308                    start=args.history[0] if len(args.history) >= 1 else None,
    +3309                    end=args.history[1] if len(args.history) == 2 else None,
    +3310                    interval="hour" if args.interval is None or not args.interval else args.interval,
    +3311                    onlyMissing=False if args.only_missing is None or not args.only_missing else args.only_missing,
    +3312                    csvSep="," if args.csv_sep is None or not args.csv_sep else args.csv_sep,
    +3313                    printCandles=True,  # shows all downloaded candles in console
    +3314                )
    +3316            else:
    +3317                raise Exception("You must specify 0-2 parameters: [DATE_START] [DATE_END]")
    +3319        elif args.trade is not None:
    +3320            if 1 <= len(args.trade) <= 5:
    +3321                server.Trade(
    +3322                    operation=args.trade[0],
    +3323                    lots=int(args.trade[1]) if len(args.trade) >= 2 else 1,
    +3324                    tp=float(args.trade[2]) if len(args.trade) >= 3 else 0.,
    +3325                    sl=float(args.trade[3]) if len(args.trade) >= 4 else 0.,
    +3326                    expDate=args.trade[4] if len(args.trade) == 5 else "Undefined",
    +3327                )
    +3329            else:
    +3330                uLogger.error("You must specify 1-5 parameters to open trade: [direction `Buy` or `Sell`] [lots, >= 1] [take profit, >= 0] [stop loss, >= 0] [expiration date for TP/SL orders, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    +3332        elif args.buy is not None:
    +3333            if 0 <= len(args.buy) <= 4:
    +3334                server.Buy(
    +3335                    lots=int(args.buy[0]) if len(args.buy) >= 1 else 1,
    +3336                    tp=float(args.buy[1]) if len(args.buy) >= 2 else 0.,
    +3337                    sl=float(args.buy[2]) if len(args.buy) >= 3 else 0.,
    +3338                    expDate=args.buy[3] if len(args.buy) == 4 else "Undefined",
    +3339                )
    +3341            else:
    +3342                uLogger.error("You must specify 0-4 parameters to open buy position: [lots, >= 1] [take profit, >= 0] [stop loss, >= 0] [expiration date for TP/SL orders, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    +3344        elif args.sell is not None:
    +3345            if 0 <= len(args.sell) <= 4:
    +3346                server.Sell(
    +3347                    lots=int(args.sell[0]) if len(args.sell) >= 1 else 1,
    +3348                    tp=float(args.sell[1]) if len(args.sell) >= 2 else 0.,
    +3349                    sl=float(args.sell[2]) if len(args.sell) >= 3 else 0.,
    +3350                    expDate=args.sell[3] if len(args.sell) == 4 else "Undefined",
    +3351                )
    +3353            else:
    +3354                uLogger.error("You must specify 0-4 parameters to open sell position: [lots, >= 1] [take profit, >= 0] [stop loss, >= 0] [expiration date for TP/SL orders, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    +3356        elif args.order:
    +3357            if 4 <= len(args.order) <= 7:
    +3358                server.Order(
    +3359                    operation=args.order[0],
    +3360                    orderType=args.order[1],
    +3361                    lots=int(args.order[2]),
    +3362                    targetPrice=float(args.order[3]),
    +3363                    limitPrice=float(args.order[4]) if len(args.order) >= 5 else 0.,
    +3364                    stopType=args.order[5] if len(args.order) >= 6 else "Limit",
    +3365                    expDate=args.order[6] if len(args.order) == 7 else "Undefined",
    +3366                )
    +3368            else:
    +3369                uLogger.error("You must specify 4-7 parameters to open order: [direction `Buy` or `Sell`] [order type `Limit` or `Stop`] [lots] [target price] [maybe for stop-order: [limit price, >= 0] [stop type, Limit|SL|TP] [expiration date, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]]. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    +3371        elif args.buy_limit:
    +3372            server.BuyLimit(lots=int(args.buy_limit[0]), targetPrice=args.buy_limit[1])
    +3374        elif args.sell_limit:
    +3375            server.SellLimit(lots=int(args.sell_limit[0]), targetPrice=args.sell_limit[1])
    +3377        elif args.buy_stop:
    +3378            if 2 <= len(args.buy_stop) <= 7:
    +3379                server.BuyStop(
    +3380                    lots=int(args.buy_stop[0]),
    +3381                    targetPrice=float(args.buy_stop[1]),
    +3382                    limitPrice=float(args.buy_stop[2]) if len(args.buy_stop) >= 3 else 0.,
    +3383                    stopType=args.buy_stop[3] if len(args.buy_stop) >= 4 else "Limit",
    +3384                    expDate=args.buy_stop[4] if len(args.buy_stop) == 5 else "Undefined",
    +3385                )
    +3387            else:
    +3388                uLogger.error("You must specify 2-5 parameters for buy stop-order: [lots] [target price] [limit price, >= 0] [stop type, Limit|SL|TP] [expiration date, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    +3390        elif args.sell_stop:
    +3391            if 2 <= len(args.sell_stop) <= 7:
    +3392                server.SellStop(
    +3393                    lots=int(args.sell_stop[0]),
    +3394                    targetPrice=float(args.sell_stop[1]),
    +3395                    limitPrice=float(args.sell_stop[2]) if len(args.sell_stop) >= 3 else 0.,
    +3396                    stopType=args.sell_stop[3] if len(args.sell_stop) >= 4 else "Limit",
    +3397                    expDate=args.sell_stop[4] if len(args.sell_stop) == 5 else "Undefined",
    +3398                )
    +3400            else:
    +3401                uLogger.error("You must specify 2-5 parameters for sell stop-order: [lots] [target price] [limit price, >= 0] [stop type, Limit|SL|TP] [expiration date, Undefined|`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`]. See: python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help")
    +3403        # elif args.buy_order_grid is not None:
    +3404        #     # TODO: update order grid work with api v2
    +3405        #     if len(args.buy_order_grid) == 2:
    +3406        #         orderParams = server.ParseOrderParameters(operation="Buy", **dict(kw.split('=') for kw in args.buy_order_grid))
    +3407        #
    +3408        #         for order in orderParams:
    +3409        #             server.Order(operation="Buy", lots=order["lot"], price=order["price"])
    +3410        #
    +3411        #     else:
    +3412        #         uLogger.error("To open grid of pending BUY limit-orders (below current price) you must specified 2 parameters: l(ots)=[L_int,...] p(rices)=[P_float,...]. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    +3413        #
    +3414        # elif args.sell_order_grid is not None:
    +3415        #     # TODO: update order grid work with api v2
    +3416        #     if len(args.sell_order_grid) >= 2:
    +3417        #         orderParams = server.ParseOrderParameters(operation="Sell", **dict(kw.split('=') for kw in args.sell_order_grid))
    +3418        #
    +3419        #         for order in orderParams:
    +3420        #             server.Order(operation="Sell", lots=order["lot"], price=order["price"])
    +3421        #
    +3422        #     else:
    +3423        #         uLogger.error("To open grid of pending SELL limit-orders (above current price) you must specified 2 parameters: l(ots)=[L_int,...] p(rices)=[P_float,...]. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    +3425        elif args.close_order is not None:
    +3426            server.CloseOrders(args.close_order)  # close only one order
    +3428        elif args.close_orders is not None:
    +3429            server.CloseOrders(args.close_orders)  # close list of orders
    +3431        elif args.close_trade:
    +3432            if not args.ticker:
    +3433                raise Exception("`--ticker` key is required for this operation!")
    +3435            server.CloseTrades([args.ticker])  # close only one trade
    +3437        elif args.close_trades is not None:
    +3438            server.CloseTrades(args.close_trades)  # close trades for list of tickers
    +3440        elif args.close_all is not None:
    +3441            server.CloseAll(*args.close_all)
    +3443        else:
    +3444            uLogger.error("There is no command to execute! One of the possible commands must be selected. See: `python TKSBrokerAPI.py --help`")
    +3445            raise Exception("There is no command to execute!")
    +3447    except Exception:
    +3448        trace = tb.format_exc()
    +3449        for e in ["socket.gaierror", "nodename nor servname provided", "or not known", "NewConnectionError", "[Errno 8]", "Failed to establish a new connection"]:
    +3450            if e in trace:
    +3451                uLogger.error("Check your Internet connection! Failed to establish connection to broker server!")
    +3452                break
    +3454        uLogger.debug(trace)
    +3455        uLogger.debug("Please, checks troubleshooting or open a ticket for this issue at https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues")
    +3456        exitCode = 255  # an error occurred, must be open a ticket for this issue
    +3458    finally:
    +3459        finish = datetime.now(tzutc())
    +3461        if exitCode == 0:
    +3462            uLogger.debug("All operations with Tinkoff Server using Open API are finished success (summary code is 0).")
    +3464        else:
    +3465            uLogger.error("An issue occurred with TKSBrokerAPI module! See full debug log in [{}] or run TKSBrokerAPI once again with the key `--debug-level 10`. Summary code: {}".format(
    +3466                os.path.abspath(uLog.defaultLogFile), exitCode,
    +3467            ))
    +3469        uLogger.debug("TKSBrokerAPI module work duration: [{}]".format(finish - start))
    +3470        uLogger.debug("TKSBrokerAPI module finished: [{}] UTC, it is [{}] local time".format(
    +3471            finish.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    +3472            finish.astimezone(tzlocal()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    +3473        ))
    +3475        if not kwargs:
    +3476            sys.exit(exitCode)
    +3478        else:
    +3479            return exitCode
    diff --git a/docs/tksbrokerapi/TKSEnums.html b/docs/tksbrokerapi/TKSEnums.html index fb8cfa4..77b777a 100644 --- a/docs/tksbrokerapi/TKSEnums.html +++ b/docs/tksbrokerapi/TKSEnums.html @@ -30,6 +30,9 @@

    API Documentation

    • @@ -37,7 +40,7 @@

      API Documentation

    • TKS_TRADING_STATUSES @@ -93,194 +96,205 @@

        1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
      -  2# Author: Timur Gilmullin
      -  3
      -  4"""
      -  5Module contains a lot of constants from enums sections of Tinkoff Open API documentation.
      -  6
      -  7About Tinkoff Invest API: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/
      -  8
      -  9Tinkoff Invest API documentation: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/
      - 10"""
      - 11
      - 12# Copyright (c) 2022 Gilmillin Timur Mansurovich
      - 13#
      - 14# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      - 15# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      - 16# You may obtain a copy of the License at
      - 17#
      - 18#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      - 19#
      - 20# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      - 21# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      - 22# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      - 23# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      - 24# limitations under the License.
      - 25
      - 26
      - 27TKS_INSTRUMENTS = ["Currencies", "Shares", "Bonds", "Etfs", "Futures"]
      - 28"""Type of instrument for trade methods must be only one of supported types, listed in this constant. Default: `["Currencies", "Shares", "Bonds", "Etfs", "Futures"]`"""
      - 29
      - 30TKS_TICKER_ALIASES = {
      - 31    "USD": "USD000UTSTOM", "usd": "USD000UTSTOM",  # FIGI: BBG0013HGFT4
      - 32    "EUR": "EUR_RUB__TOM", "eur": "EUR_RUB__TOM",  # FIGI: BBG0013HJJ31
      - 33    "GBP": "GBPRUB_TOM", "gbp": "GBPRUB_TOM",  # FIGI: BBG0013HQ5F0
      - 34    "CHF": "CHFRUB_TOM", "chf": "CHFRUB_TOM",  # FIGI: BBG0013HQ5K4
      - 35    "CNY": "CNYRUB_TOM", "cny": "CNYRUB_TOM",  # FIGI: BBG0013HRTL0
      - 36    "HKD": "HKDRUB_TOM", "hkd": "HKDRUB_TOM",  # FIGI: BBG0013HSW87
      - 37    "TRY": "TRYRUB_TOM", "try": "TRYRUB_TOM",  # FIGI: BBG0013J12N1
      - 38}
      - 39"""Some aliases instead official tickers for using in CLI. For example, you can use `"USD"` instead of `"USD000UTSTOM"`."""
      - 40
      - 41# some tickers or FIGIs raised exception earlier when it sends to server, that is why we exclude there:
      - 43    # "ISSUANCEBRUS",  # now available
      - 44]
      - 45
      - 46TKS_TIMEFRAMES = {
      - 47    "1min": {"minutes": 1, "maxCandles": 1439},  # max count in block for this API request: 1 day (and -1 minute)
      - 48    "2min": {"minutes": 2, "maxCandles": 719},  # max count in block for this API request: 1 day (and -2 minutes)
      - 49    "3min": {"minutes": 3, "maxCandles": 479},  # max count in block for this API request: 1 day (and and -3 minutes)
      - 50    "5min": {"minutes": 5, "maxCandles": 287},  # max count in block for this API request: 1 day (and -5 minutes)
      - 51    "10min": {"minutes": 10, "maxCandles": 143},  # max count in block for this API request: 1 day (and -10 minutes)
      - 52    "15min": {"minutes": 15, "maxCandles": 95},  # max count in block for this API request: 1 day (and -15 minutes)
      - 53    "30min": {"minutes": 30, "maxCandles": 47},  # max count in block for this API request: 1 day (and -30 minutes)
      - 54    "hour": {"minutes": 60, "maxCandles": 167},  # max count in block for this API request: 7 days (and -1 hour)
      - 55    "day": {"minutes": 1440, "maxCandles": 365},  # max count in block for this API request: 1 year
      - 56    "week": {"minutes": 10080, "maxCandles": 104},  # max count in block for this API request: 2 years
      - 57    "month": {"minutes": 43200, "maxCandles": 119},  # max count in block for this API request: 10 years
      - 58}
      - 59"""How many minutes in interval and maximum count of candles in one history block returns by Tinkoff API in one request.
      - 60See more: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/MarketDataService/MarketDataService_GetCandles
      - 61"""
      - 62
      - 64    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED": "Trading status undefined",
      - 65    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_TRADING": "Not available for trading",
      - 66    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_OPENING_PERIOD": "Trade opening period",
      - 67    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_CLOSING_PERIOD": "Trade closing period",
      - 68    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_BREAK_IN_TRADING": "Break in trading",
      - 69    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_NORMAL_TRADING": "Normal trading",
      - 70    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_CLOSING_AUCTION": "Closing auction",
      - 71    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_DARK_POOL_AUCTION": "Large package auction",
      - 72    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_DISCRETE_AUCTION": "Discrete auction",
      - 74    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_TRADING_AT_CLOSING_AUCTION_PRICE": "Trading period at the closing auction price",
      - 75    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_SESSION_ASSIGNED": "Session assigned",
      - 76    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_SESSION_CLOSE": "Session closed",
      - 77    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_SESSION_OPEN": "Session is open",
      - 78    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_DEALER_NORMAL_TRADING": "Broker's internal liquidity mode trading",
      - 79    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_DEALER_BREAK_IN_TRADING": "Break in trading in the broker's internal liquidity mode",
      - 80    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_DEALER_NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_TRADING": "Broker's internal liquidity mode is not available",
      - 81}
      - 82"""Security Trading Status enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/orders/#securitytradingstatus"""
      - 83
      - 85    "OPERATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED": "The operation type is not defined",
      - 86    "OPERATION_TYPE_INPUT": "Deposit on broker account",
      - 87    "OPERATION_TYPE_BOND_TAX": "Withholding personal income tax on bond coupons",
      - 88    "OPERATION_TYPE_OUTPUT_SECURITIES": "Securities output",
      - 89    "OPERATION_TYPE_OVERNIGHT": "Overnight REPO income",
      - 90    "OPERATION_TYPE_TAX": "Tax withholding",
      - 91    "OPERATION_TYPE_BOND_REPAYMENT_FULL": "Full bond redemption",
      - 92    "OPERATION_TYPE_SELL_CARD": "Sell securities from the card",
      - 93    "OPERATION_TYPE_DIVIDEND_TAX": "Withholding tax on dividends",
      - 94    "OPERATION_TYPE_OUTPUT": "Withdrawals",
      - 95    "OPERATION_TYPE_BOND_REPAYMENT": "Bonds partial redemption",
      - 96    "OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_CORRECTION": "Tax correction",
      - 97    "OPERATION_TYPE_SERVICE_FEE": "Brokerage account maintenance fee deduction",
      - 98    "OPERATION_TYPE_BENEFIT_TAX": "Withholding tax for material benefits",
      - 99    "OPERATION_TYPE_MARGIN_FEE": "Withholding commission for an uncovered position",
      -100    "OPERATION_TYPE_BUY": "Buy securities",
      -101    "OPERATION_TYPE_BUY_CARD": "Buy securities from a card",
      -102    "OPERATION_TYPE_INPUT_SECURITIES": "Transfer securities from another depository",
      -103    "OPERATION_TYPE_SELL_MARGIN": "Sell (by margin call)",
      -104    "OPERATION_TYPE_BROKER_FEE": "Operation fee deduction",
      -105    "OPERATION_TYPE_BUY_MARGIN": "Buy (by margin call)",
      -106    "OPERATION_TYPE_DIVIDEND": "Dividends income",
      -107    "OPERATION_TYPE_SELL": "Sell securities",
      -108    "OPERATION_TYPE_COUPON": "Coupons income",
      -109    "OPERATION_TYPE_SUCCESS_FEE": "Success fee deduction",
      -110    "OPERATION_TYPE_DIVIDEND_TRANSFER": "Transfer of dividend income",
      -111    "OPERATION_TYPE_ACCRUING_VARMARGIN": "Variation margin crediting",
      -112    "OPERATION_TYPE_WRITING_OFF_VARMARGIN": "Withholding variation margin",
      -113    "OPERATION_TYPE_DELIVERY_BUY": "Buy (futures contract expired)",
      -114    "OPERATION_TYPE_DELIVERY_SELL": "Sell (futures contract expired)",
      -115    "OPERATION_TYPE_TRACK_MFEE": "Autotrack account management fee",
      -116    "OPERATION_TYPE_TRACK_PFEE": "Pay per result on auto follow score",
      -117    "OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_PROGRESSIVE": "Tax withholding at the rate of 15%",
      -118    "OPERATION_TYPE_BOND_TAX_PROGRESSIVE": "Withholding tax on coupons at the rate of 15%",
      -119    "OPERATION_TYPE_DIVIDEND_TAX_PROGRESSIVE": "Withholding tax on dividends at the rate of 15%",
      -120    "OPERATION_TYPE_BENEFIT_TAX_PROGRESSIVE": "Withholding tax for material benefits at the rate of 15%",
      -121    "OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_CORRECTION_PROGRESSIVE": "Tax correction at the rate of 15%",
      -122    "OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_REPO_PROGRESSIVE": "Withholding tax on refunds on REPO transactions at the rate of 15%",
      -123    "OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_REPO": "Tax withholding on REPO trade refunds",
      -124    "OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_REPO_HOLD": "Tax hold on REPO transactions",
      -125    "OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_REPO_REFUND": "Tax refund on REPO transactions",
      -126    "OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_REPO_HOLD_PROGRESSIVE": "Withholding tax on REPO transactions at the rate of 15%",
      -127    "OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_REPO_REFUND_PROGRESSIVE": "Tax refund on REPO transactions at the rate of 15%",
      -128    "OPERATION_TYPE_DIV_EXT": "Payout dividends to the card",
      -129    "OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_CORRECTION_COUPON": "Coupon tax correction",
      -131"""Operation type enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/operations/#operationtype"""
      -134    "OPERATION_STATE_UNSPECIFIED": "! Unknown",
      -135    "OPERATION_STATE_EXECUTED": "√ Executed",
      -136    "OPERATION_STATE_CANCELED": "× Canceled",
      -138"""Operation state enums  in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/operations/#operationstate"""
      -141    "ORDER_DIRECTION_UNSPECIFIED": "Undefined",
      -142    "ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY": "↑ Buy",
      -143    "ORDER_DIRECTION_SELL": "↓ Sell",
      -145"""Order direction enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/orders/#orderdirection"""
      -148    "STOP_ORDER_DIRECTION_UNSPECIFIED": "Undefined",
      -149    "STOP_ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY": "↑ Buy",
      -150    "STOP_ORDER_DIRECTION_SELL": "↓ Sell",
      -152"""Stop-order direction enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/stoporders/#stoporderdirection"""
      -154TKS_ORDER_TYPES = {
      -155    "ORDER_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED": "Undefined",
      -156    "ORDER_TYPE_LIMIT": "Limit",
      -157    "ORDER_TYPE_MARKET": "Market",
      -159"""Order type enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/orders/#ordertype"""
      -161TKS_STOP_ORDER_TYPES = {
      -162    "STOP_ORDER_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED": "Undefined",
      -163    "STOP_ORDER_TYPE_TAKE_PROFIT": "Take profit",
      -164    "STOP_ORDER_TYPE_STOP_LOSS": "Stop loss",
      -165    "STOP_ORDER_TYPE_STOP_LIMIT": "Stop limit",
      -167"""Stop-order type enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/stoporders/#stopordertype"""
      -169TKS_ORDER_STATES = {
      -171    "EXECUTION_REPORT_STATUS_FILL": "Performed",
      -172    "EXECUTION_REPORT_STATUS_REJECTED": "Rejected",
      -173    "EXECUTION_REPORT_STATUS_CANCELLED": "Cancelled",
      -174    "EXECUTION_REPORT_STATUS_NEW": "New order",
      -175    "EXECUTION_REPORT_STATUS_PARTIALLYFILL": "Partially filled",
      -177"""Order status enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/orders/#orderexecutionreportstatus"""
      -181    "STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPE_GOOD_TILL_CANCEL": "Until cancel",
      -182    "STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPE_GOOD_TILL_DATE": "Until date",
      -184"""Expiration type of stop-orders enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/stoporders/#stoporderexpirationtype"""
        1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
      +  2# Author: Timur Gilmullin
      +  3
      +  4"""
      +  5Module contains a lot of constants from enums sections of Tinkoff Open API documentation.
      +  6
      +  7About Tinkoff Invest API: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/
      +  8
      +  9Tinkoff Invest API documentation: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/
      + 10"""
      + 11
      + 12# Copyright (c) 2022 Gilmillin Timur Mansurovich
      + 13#
      + 14# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      + 15# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      + 16# You may obtain a copy of the License at
      + 17#
      + 18#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      + 19#
      + 20# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      + 21# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      + 22# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      + 23# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      + 24# limitations under the License.
      + 25
      + 26
      + 27TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"
      + 28"""Date and time string format used by Tinkoff Open API. Default: `"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"`."""
      + 29
      + 30TKS_INSTRUMENTS = ["Currencies", "Shares", "Bonds", "Etfs", "Futures"]
      + 31"""Type of instrument for trade methods must be only one of supported types, listed in this constant. Default: `["Currencies", "Shares", "Bonds", "Etfs", "Futures"]`"""
      + 32
      + 33TKS_TICKER_ALIASES = {
      + 34    "USD": "USD000UTSTOM", "usd": "USD000UTSTOM",  # FIGI: BBG0013HGFT4
      + 35    "EUR": "EUR_RUB__TOM", "eur": "EUR_RUB__TOM",  # FIGI: BBG0013HJJ31
      + 36    "GBP": "GBPRUB_TOM", "gbp": "GBPRUB_TOM",  # FIGI: BBG0013HQ5F0
      + 37    "CHF": "CHFRUB_TOM", "chf": "CHFRUB_TOM",  # FIGI: BBG0013HQ5K4
      + 38    "CNY": "CNYRUB_TOM", "cny": "CNYRUB_TOM",  # FIGI: BBG0013HRTL0
      + 39    "HKD": "HKDRUB_TOM", "hkd": "HKDRUB_TOM",  # FIGI: BBG0013HSW87
      + 40    "TRY": "TRYRUB_TOM", "try": "TRYRUB_TOM",  # FIGI: BBG0013J12N1
      + 41}
      + 42"""Some aliases instead official tickers for using in CLI. For example, you can use `"USD"` instead of `"USD000UTSTOM"`."""
      + 43
      + 44# some tickers or FIGIs raised exception earlier when it sends to server, that is why we exclude there:
      + 46    # "ISSUANCEBRUS",  # now available
      + 47]
      + 48
      + 49TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS = {  # List values: 1st - Tinkoff API parameter, 2nd - minutes count, 3rd - max candles in block
      + 50    "Undefined": ["CANDLE_INTERVAL_UNSPECIFIED", 0, 0],
      + 51    "1min": ["CANDLE_INTERVAL_1_MIN", 1, 1438],  # max count in API request block: 1 day (1440 min) and -2 minute
      + 52    "5min": ["CANDLE_INTERVAL_5_MIN", 5, 287],  # max count in API request block: 1 day (288 by 5 min) and -5 minute
      + 53    "15min": ["CANDLE_INTERVAL_15_MIN", 15, 95],  # max count in API request block: 1 day (96 by 15 min) and -15 minute
      + 54    "hour": ["CANDLE_INTERVAL_HOUR", 60, 167],  # max count in API request block: 1 week (168 hours) and -1 hour
      + 55    "day": ["CANDLE_INTERVAL_DAY", 1440, 364],  # max count in API request block: 1 year (365 days) and -1 day
      + 56}
      + 57"""Candles interval for requesting history data with Tinkoff API. Current available keys are `"1min"`, `"5min"`, `"15min"`, `"hour"`, `"day"`.
      + 58See more: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/MarketDataService/MarketDataService_GetCandles
      + 59"""
      + 60
      + 62    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED": "Trading status undefined",
      + 63    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_TRADING": "Not available for trading",
      + 64    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_OPENING_PERIOD": "Trade opening period",
      + 65    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_CLOSING_PERIOD": "Trade closing period",
      + 66    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_BREAK_IN_TRADING": "Break in trading",
      + 67    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_NORMAL_TRADING": "Normal trading",
      + 68    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_CLOSING_AUCTION": "Closing auction",
      + 69    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_DARK_POOL_AUCTION": "Large package auction",
      + 70    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_DISCRETE_AUCTION": "Discrete auction",
      + 72    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_TRADING_AT_CLOSING_AUCTION_PRICE": "Trading period at the closing auction price",
      + 73    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_SESSION_ASSIGNED": "Session assigned",
      + 74    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_SESSION_CLOSE": "Session closed",
      + 75    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_SESSION_OPEN": "Session is open",
      + 76    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_DEALER_NORMAL_TRADING": "Broker's internal liquidity mode trading",
      + 77    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_DEALER_BREAK_IN_TRADING": "Break in trading in the broker's internal liquidity mode",
      + 78    "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_DEALER_NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_TRADING": "Broker's internal liquidity mode is not available",
      + 79}
      + 80"""Security Trading Status enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/orders/#securitytradingstatus"""
      + 81
      + 83    "OPERATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED": "The operation type is not defined",
      + 84    "OPERATION_TYPE_INPUT": "Deposit on broker account",
      + 85    "OPERATION_TYPE_BOND_TAX": "Withholding personal income tax on bond coupons",
      + 86    "OPERATION_TYPE_OUTPUT_SECURITIES": "Securities output",
      + 87    "OPERATION_TYPE_OVERNIGHT": "Overnight REPO income",
      + 88    "OPERATION_TYPE_TAX": "Tax withholding",
      + 89    "OPERATION_TYPE_BOND_REPAYMENT_FULL": "Full bond redemption",
      + 90    "OPERATION_TYPE_SELL_CARD": "Sell securities from the card",
      + 91    "OPERATION_TYPE_DIVIDEND_TAX": "Withholding tax on dividends",
      + 92    "OPERATION_TYPE_OUTPUT": "Withdrawals",
      + 93    "OPERATION_TYPE_BOND_REPAYMENT": "Bonds partial redemption",
      + 94    "OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_CORRECTION": "Tax correction",
      + 95    "OPERATION_TYPE_SERVICE_FEE": "Brokerage account maintenance fee deduction",
      + 96    "OPERATION_TYPE_BENEFIT_TAX": "Withholding tax for material benefits",
      + 97    "OPERATION_TYPE_MARGIN_FEE": "Withholding commission for an uncovered position",
      + 98    "OPERATION_TYPE_BUY": "Buy securities",
      + 99    "OPERATION_TYPE_BUY_CARD": "Buy securities from a card",
      +100    "OPERATION_TYPE_INPUT_SECURITIES": "Transfer securities from another depository",
      +101    "OPERATION_TYPE_SELL_MARGIN": "Sell (by margin call)",
      +102    "OPERATION_TYPE_BROKER_FEE": "Operation fee deduction",
      +103    "OPERATION_TYPE_BUY_MARGIN": "Buy (by margin call)",
      +104    "OPERATION_TYPE_DIVIDEND": "Dividends income",
      +105    "OPERATION_TYPE_SELL": "Sell securities",
      +106    "OPERATION_TYPE_COUPON": "Coupons income",
      +107    "OPERATION_TYPE_SUCCESS_FEE": "Success fee deduction",
      +108    "OPERATION_TYPE_DIVIDEND_TRANSFER": "Transfer of dividend income",
      +109    "OPERATION_TYPE_ACCRUING_VARMARGIN": "Variation margin crediting",
      +110    "OPERATION_TYPE_WRITING_OFF_VARMARGIN": "Withholding variation margin",
      +111    "OPERATION_TYPE_DELIVERY_BUY": "Buy (futures contract expired)",
      +112    "OPERATION_TYPE_DELIVERY_SELL": "Sell (futures contract expired)",
      +113    "OPERATION_TYPE_TRACK_MFEE": "Autotrack account management fee",
      +114    "OPERATION_TYPE_TRACK_PFEE": "Pay per result on auto follow score",
      +115    "OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_PROGRESSIVE": "Tax withholding at the rate of 15%",
      +116    "OPERATION_TYPE_BOND_TAX_PROGRESSIVE": "Withholding tax on coupons at the rate of 15%",
      +117    "OPERATION_TYPE_DIVIDEND_TAX_PROGRESSIVE": "Withholding tax on dividends at the rate of 15%",
      +118    "OPERATION_TYPE_BENEFIT_TAX_PROGRESSIVE": "Withholding tax for material benefits at the rate of 15%",
      +119    "OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_CORRECTION_PROGRESSIVE": "Tax correction at the rate of 15%",
      +120    "OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_REPO_PROGRESSIVE": "Withholding tax on refunds on REPO transactions at the rate of 15%",
      +121    "OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_REPO": "Tax withholding on REPO trade refunds",
      +122    "OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_REPO_HOLD": "Tax hold on REPO transactions",
      +123    "OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_REPO_REFUND": "Tax refund on REPO transactions",
      +124    "OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_REPO_HOLD_PROGRESSIVE": "Withholding tax on REPO transactions at the rate of 15%",
      +125    "OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_REPO_REFUND_PROGRESSIVE": "Tax refund on REPO transactions at the rate of 15%",
      +126    "OPERATION_TYPE_DIV_EXT": "Payout dividends to the card",
      +127    "OPERATION_TYPE_TAX_CORRECTION_COUPON": "Coupon tax correction",
      +129"""Operation type enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/operations/#operationtype"""
      +132    "OPERATION_STATE_UNSPECIFIED": "! Unknown",
      +133    "OPERATION_STATE_EXECUTED": "√ Executed",
      +134    "OPERATION_STATE_CANCELED": "× Canceled",
      +136"""Operation state enums  in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/operations/#operationstate"""
      +139    "ORDER_DIRECTION_UNSPECIFIED": "Undefined",
      +140    "ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY": "↑ Buy",
      +141    "ORDER_DIRECTION_SELL": "↓ Sell",
      +143"""Order direction enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/orders/#orderdirection"""
      +146    "STOP_ORDER_DIRECTION_UNSPECIFIED": "Undefined",
      +147    "STOP_ORDER_DIRECTION_BUY": "↑ Buy",
      +148    "STOP_ORDER_DIRECTION_SELL": "↓ Sell",
      +150"""Stop-order direction enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/stoporders/#stoporderdirection"""
      +152TKS_ORDER_TYPES = {
      +153    "ORDER_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED": "Undefined",
      +154    "ORDER_TYPE_LIMIT": "Limit",
      +155    "ORDER_TYPE_MARKET": "Market",
      +157"""Order type enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/orders/#ordertype"""
      +159TKS_STOP_ORDER_TYPES = {
      +160    "STOP_ORDER_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED": "Undefined",
      +161    "STOP_ORDER_TYPE_TAKE_PROFIT": "Take profit",
      +162    "STOP_ORDER_TYPE_STOP_LOSS": "Stop loss",
      +163    "STOP_ORDER_TYPE_STOP_LIMIT": "Stop limit",
      +165"""Stop-order type enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/stoporders/#stopordertype"""
      +167TKS_ORDER_STATES = {
      +169    "EXECUTION_REPORT_STATUS_FILL": "Performed",
      +170    "EXECUTION_REPORT_STATUS_REJECTED": "Rejected",
      +171    "EXECUTION_REPORT_STATUS_CANCELLED": "Cancelled",
      +172    "EXECUTION_REPORT_STATUS_NEW": "New order",
      +173    "EXECUTION_REPORT_STATUS_PARTIALLYFILL": "Partially filled",
      +175"""Order status enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/orders/#orderexecutionreportstatus"""
      +179    "STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPE_GOOD_TILL_CANCEL": "Until cancel",
      +180    "STOP_ORDER_EXPIRATION_TYPE_GOOD_TILL_DATE": "Until date",
      +182"""Expiration type of stop-orders enums in Tinkoff Broker OpenAPI: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/stoporders/#stoporderexpirationtype"""
      + TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ' + + +
      + + +

      Date and time string format used by Tinkoff Open API. Default: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ".

      + + +
      TKS_INSTRUMENTS = ['Currencies', 'Shares', 'Bonds', 'Etfs', 'Futures'] @@ -307,15 +321,15 @@

      - TKS_TIMEFRAMES = {'1min': {'minutes': 1, 'maxCandles': 1439}, '2min': {'minutes': 2, 'maxCandles': 719}, '3min': {'minutes': 3, 'maxCandles': 479}, '5min': {'minutes': 5, 'maxCandles': 287}, '10min': {'minutes': 10, 'maxCandles': 143}, '15min': {'minutes': 15, 'maxCandles': 95}, '30min': {'minutes': 30, 'maxCandles': 47}, 'hour': {'minutes': 60, 'maxCandles': 167}, 'day': {'minutes': 1440, 'maxCandles': 365}, 'week': {'minutes': 10080, 'maxCandles': 104}, 'month': {'minutes': 43200, 'maxCandles': 119}} + TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS = {'Undefined': ['CANDLE_INTERVAL_UNSPECIFIED', 0, 0], '1min': ['CANDLE_INTERVAL_1_MIN', 1, 1438], '5min': ['CANDLE_INTERVAL_5_MIN', 5, 287], '15min': ['CANDLE_INTERVAL_15_MIN', 15, 95], 'hour': ['CANDLE_INTERVAL_HOUR', 60, 167], 'day': ['CANDLE_INTERVAL_DAY', 1440, 364]}
      - + -

      How many minutes in interval and maximum count of candles in one history block returns by Tinkoff API in one request. +

      Candles interval for requesting history data with Tinkoff API. Current available keys are "1min", "5min", "15min", "hour", "day". See more: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/MarketDataService/MarketDataService_GetCandles

      diff --git a/docs/tksbrokerapi/UniLogger.html b/docs/tksbrokerapi/UniLogger.html index 5ee720c..2612a06 100644 --- a/docs/tksbrokerapi/UniLogger.html +++ b/docs/tksbrokerapi/UniLogger.html @@ -75,124 +75,125 @@

        1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
      -  2#
      -  3# Author: Timur Gilmullin
      -  4
      -  5"""
      -  6This module init standard python logging system with some of pre-defined parameters,
      -  7e.g. debug level for log-file, info level for console, log-rotate and so on.
      -  8"""
      -  9
      - 10# Copyright (c) 2022 Gilmillin Timur Mansurovich
      - 11#
      - 12# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      - 13# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      - 14# You may obtain a copy of the License at
      - 15#
      - 16#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      - 17#
      - 18# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      - 19# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      - 20# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      - 21# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      - 22# limitations under the License.
      - 23
      - 24
      - 25import sys
      - 26import logging.handlers
      - 27
      - 28
      - 29# initialize Main Parent Logger:
      - 30UniLogger = logging.getLogger("UniLogger")
      - 31formatString = "%(filename)-20sL:%(lineno)-5d%(levelname)-8s[%(asctime)s] %(message)s"
      - 32formatter = logging.Formatter(formatString)
      - 33sys.stderr = sys.stdout
      - 34
      - 35
      - 36def SetLevel(vLevel="ERROR"):
      - 37    """
      - 38    This procedure setting up UniLogger verbosity level.
      - 39    """
      - 40    UniLogger.level = logging.NOTSET
      - 41
      - 42    if isinstance(vLevel, str):
      - 43        if vLevel == "5" or vLevel.upper() == "CRITICAL":
      - 44            UniLogger.level = logging.CRITICAL
      - 45
      - 46        elif vLevel == "4" or vLevel.upper() == "ERROR":
      - 47            UniLogger.level = logging.ERROR
      - 48
      - 49        elif vLevel == "3" or vLevel.upper() == "WARNING":
      - 50            UniLogger.level = logging.WARNING
      - 51
      - 52        elif vLevel == "2" or vLevel.upper() == "INFO":
      - 53            UniLogger.level = logging.INFO
      - 54
      - 55        elif vLevel == "1" or vLevel.upper() == "DEBUG":
      - 56            UniLogger.level = logging.DEBUG
      - 57
      - 58
      - 59class LevelFilter(logging.Filter):
      - 60    """
      - 61    Class using to set up log level filtering.
      - 62    """
      - 63
      - 64    def __init__(self, level):
      - 65        super().__init__()
      - 66        self.level = level
      - 67
      - 68    def filter(self, record):
      - 69        return record.levelno >= self.level
      - 70
      - 71
      - 72def EnableLogger(logFile, parentHandler=UniLogger, useFormat=formatter):
      - 73    """
      - 74    Adding new file logger with rotation.
      - 75    """
      - 76    maxSizeBytes = 5 * 1024 * 1024  # 5Mb log rotate by default
      - 77    logHandler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(logFile, encoding="UTF-8", maxBytes=maxSizeBytes, backupCount=4)
      - 78    logHandler.level = logging.DEBUG  # set up DEBUG verbosity level by default for file logging
      - 79    logHandler.addFilter(LevelFilter(logging.DEBUG))
      - 80
      - 81    if useFormat:
      - 82        logHandler.setFormatter(useFormat)
      - 83
      - 84    else:
      - 85        logHandler.setFormatter(formatter)
      - 86
      - 87    parentHandler.addHandler(logHandler)
      - 88
      - 89    return logHandler
      - 90
      - 91
      - 92def DisableLogger(handler, parentHandler=UniLogger):
      - 93    """
      - 94    Disable given file logger.
      - 95    """
      - 96    if handler:
      - 97        handler.flush()
      - 98        handler.close()
      - 99
      -100    if handler in parentHandler.handlers:
      -101        parentHandler.removeHandler(handler)
      -104# --- Main init:
      -106SetLevel("DEBUG")  # set up DEBUG verbosity level by default for UniLogger
      -108streamHandler = logging.StreamHandler()  # initialize STDOUT UniLogger
      -109streamHandler.setFormatter(formatter)  # set formatter for STDOUT UniLogger
      -110streamHandler.level = logging.INFO  # set up INFO verbosity level by default for STDOUT UniLogger
      -111UniLogger.addHandler(streamHandler)  # adding STDOUT UniLogger handler to Parent UniLogger
      -113fileLogHandler = EnableLogger(logFile="TKSBrokerAPI.log", parentHandler=UniLogger, useFormat=formatter)  # add logging to file
      -115sepWide = "-" * 120  # long-long log separator
      -116sepLong = "-" * 80  # long log separator
      -117sepShort = "-" * 40  # short log separator
      -118sepLine = "=--=" * 20  # log part separator
        1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
      +  2#
      +  3# Author: Timur Gilmullin
      +  4
      +  5"""
      +  6This module init standard python logging system with some of pre-defined parameters,
      +  7e.g. debug level for log-file, info level for console, log-rotate and so on.
      +  8"""
      +  9
      + 10# Copyright (c) 2022 Gilmillin Timur Mansurovich
      + 11#
      + 12# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      + 13# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      + 14# You may obtain a copy of the License at
      + 15#
      + 16#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      + 17#
      + 18# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      + 19# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      + 20# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      + 21# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      + 22# limitations under the License.
      + 23
      + 24
      + 25import sys
      + 26import logging.handlers
      + 27
      + 28
      + 29# initialize Main Parent Logger:
      + 30UniLogger = logging.getLogger("UniLogger")
      + 31formatString = "%(filename)-20sL:%(lineno)-5d%(levelname)-8s[%(asctime)s] %(message)s"
      + 32formatter = logging.Formatter(formatString)
      + 33sys.stderr = sys.stdout
      + 34
      + 35
      + 36def SetLevel(vLevel="ERROR"):
      + 37    """
      + 38    This procedure setting up UniLogger verbosity level.
      + 39    """
      + 40    UniLogger.level = logging.NOTSET
      + 41
      + 42    if isinstance(vLevel, str):
      + 43        if vLevel == "5" or vLevel.upper() == "CRITICAL":
      + 44            UniLogger.level = logging.CRITICAL
      + 45
      + 46        elif vLevel == "4" or vLevel.upper() == "ERROR":
      + 47            UniLogger.level = logging.ERROR
      + 48
      + 49        elif vLevel == "3" or vLevel.upper() == "WARNING":
      + 50            UniLogger.level = logging.WARNING
      + 51
      + 52        elif vLevel == "2" or vLevel.upper() == "INFO":
      + 53            UniLogger.level = logging.INFO
      + 54
      + 55        elif vLevel == "1" or vLevel.upper() == "DEBUG":
      + 56            UniLogger.level = logging.DEBUG
      + 57
      + 58
      + 59class LevelFilter(logging.Filter):
      + 60    """
      + 61    Class using to set up log level filtering.
      + 62    """
      + 63
      + 64    def __init__(self, level):
      + 65        super().__init__()
      + 66        self.level = level
      + 67
      + 68    def filter(self, record):
      + 69        return record.levelno >= self.level
      + 70
      + 71
      + 72def EnableLogger(logFile, parentHandler=UniLogger, useFormat=formatter):
      + 73    """
      + 74    Adding new file logger with rotation.
      + 75    """
      + 76    maxSizeBytes = 5 * 1024 * 1024  # 5Mb log rotate by default
      + 77    logHandler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(logFile, encoding="UTF-8", maxBytes=maxSizeBytes, backupCount=4)
      + 78    logHandler.level = logging.DEBUG  # set up DEBUG verbosity level by default for file logging
      + 79    logHandler.addFilter(LevelFilter(logging.DEBUG))
      + 80
      + 81    if useFormat:
      + 82        logHandler.setFormatter(useFormat)
      + 83
      + 84    else:
      + 85        logHandler.setFormatter(formatter)
      + 86
      + 87    parentHandler.addHandler(logHandler)
      + 88
      + 89    return logHandler
      + 90
      + 91
      + 92def DisableLogger(handler, parentHandler=UniLogger):
      + 93    """
      + 94    Disable given file logger.
      + 95    """
      + 96    if handler:
      + 97        handler.flush()
      + 98        handler.close()
      + 99
      +100    if handler in parentHandler.handlers:
      +101        parentHandler.removeHandler(handler)
      +104# --- Main init:
      +106SetLevel("DEBUG")  # set up DEBUG verbosity level by default for UniLogger
      +108streamHandler = logging.StreamHandler()  # initialize STDOUT UniLogger
      +109streamHandler.setFormatter(formatter)  # set formatter for STDOUT UniLogger
      +110streamHandler.level = logging.INFO  # set up INFO verbosity level by default for STDOUT UniLogger
      +111UniLogger.addHandler(streamHandler)  # adding STDOUT UniLogger handler to Parent UniLogger
      +113defaultLogFile = "TKSBrokerAPI.log"
      +114fileLogHandler = EnableLogger(logFile=defaultLogFile, parentHandler=UniLogger, useFormat=formatter)  # add logging to file
      +116sepWide = "-" * 120  # long-long log separator
      +117sepLong = "-" * 80  # long log separator
      +118sepShort = "-" * 40  # short log separator
      +119sepLine = "=--=" * 20  # log part separator
      @@ -208,27 +209,27 @@

      37def SetLevel(vLevel="ERROR"):
      -38    """
      -39    This procedure setting up UniLogger verbosity level.
      -40    """
      -41    UniLogger.level = logging.NOTSET
      -43    if isinstance(vLevel, str):
      -44        if vLevel == "5" or vLevel.upper() == "CRITICAL":
      -45            UniLogger.level = logging.CRITICAL
      -47        elif vLevel == "4" or vLevel.upper() == "ERROR":
      -48            UniLogger.level = logging.ERROR
      -50        elif vLevel == "3" or vLevel.upper() == "WARNING":
      -51            UniLogger.level = logging.WARNING
      -53        elif vLevel == "2" or vLevel.upper() == "INFO":
      -54            UniLogger.level = logging.INFO
      -56        elif vLevel == "1" or vLevel.upper() == "DEBUG":
      -57            UniLogger.level = logging.DEBUG
      37def SetLevel(vLevel="ERROR"):
      +38    """
      +39    This procedure setting up UniLogger verbosity level.
      +40    """
      +41    UniLogger.level = logging.NOTSET
      +43    if isinstance(vLevel, str):
      +44        if vLevel == "5" or vLevel.upper() == "CRITICAL":
      +45            UniLogger.level = logging.CRITICAL
      +47        elif vLevel == "4" or vLevel.upper() == "ERROR":
      +48            UniLogger.level = logging.ERROR
      +50        elif vLevel == "3" or vLevel.upper() == "WARNING":
      +51            UniLogger.level = logging.WARNING
      +53        elif vLevel == "2" or vLevel.upper() == "INFO":
      +54            UniLogger.level = logging.INFO
      +56        elif vLevel == "1" or vLevel.upper() == "DEBUG":
      +57            UniLogger.level = logging.DEBUG
      @@ -248,17 +249,17 @@

      60class LevelFilter(logging.Filter):
      -61    """
      -62    Class using to set up log level filtering.
      -63    """
      -65    def __init__(self, level):
      -66        super().__init__()
      -67        self.level = level
      -69    def filter(self, record):
      -70        return record.levelno >= self.level
      60class LevelFilter(logging.Filter):
      +61    """
      +62    Class using to set up log level filtering.
      +63    """
      +65    def __init__(self, level):
      +66        super().__init__()
      +67        self.level = level
      +69    def filter(self, record):
      +70        return record.levelno >= self.level
      @@ -276,9 +277,9 @@

      65    def __init__(self, level):
      -66        super().__init__()
      -67        self.level = level
      65    def __init__(self, level):
      +66        super().__init__()
      +67        self.level = level
      @@ -302,15 +303,15 @@

      69    def filter(self, record):
      -70        return record.levelno >= self.level
      69    def filter(self, record):
      +70        return record.levelno >= self.level

      Determine if the specified record is to be logged.


      Is the specified record to be logged? Returns 0 for no, nonzero for -yes. If deemed appropriate, the record may be modified in-place.


      Returns True if the record should be logged, or False otherwise. +If deemed appropriate, the record may be modified in-place.

      @@ -327,24 +328,24 @@

      73def EnableLogger(logFile, parentHandler=UniLogger, useFormat=formatter):
      -74    """
      -75    Adding new file logger with rotation.
      -76    """
      -77    maxSizeBytes = 5 * 1024 * 1024  # 5Mb log rotate by default
      -78    logHandler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(logFile, encoding="UTF-8", maxBytes=maxSizeBytes, backupCount=4)
      -79    logHandler.level = logging.DEBUG  # set up DEBUG verbosity level by default for file logging
      -80    logHandler.addFilter(LevelFilter(logging.DEBUG))
      -82    if useFormat:
      -83        logHandler.setFormatter(useFormat)
      -85    else:
      -86        logHandler.setFormatter(formatter)
      -88    parentHandler.addHandler(logHandler)
      -90    return logHandler
      73def EnableLogger(logFile, parentHandler=UniLogger, useFormat=formatter):
      +74    """
      +75    Adding new file logger with rotation.
      +76    """
      +77    maxSizeBytes = 5 * 1024 * 1024  # 5Mb log rotate by default
      +78    logHandler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(logFile, encoding="UTF-8", maxBytes=maxSizeBytes, backupCount=4)
      +79    logHandler.level = logging.DEBUG  # set up DEBUG verbosity level by default for file logging
      +80    logHandler.addFilter(LevelFilter(logging.DEBUG))
      +82    if useFormat:
      +83        logHandler.setFormatter(useFormat)
      +85    else:
      +86        logHandler.setFormatter(formatter)
      +88    parentHandler.addHandler(logHandler)
      +90    return logHandler
      @@ -364,16 +365,16 @@

       93def DisableLogger(handler, parentHandler=UniLogger):
      - 94    """
      - 95    Disable given file logger.
      - 96    """
      - 97    if handler:
      - 98        handler.flush()
      - 99        handler.close()
      -101    if handler in parentHandler.handlers:
      -102        parentHandler.removeHandler(handler)
       93def DisableLogger(handler, parentHandler=UniLogger):
      + 94    """
      + 95    Disable given file logger.
      + 96    """
      + 97    if handler:
      + 98        handler.flush()
      + 99        handler.close()
      +101    if handler in parentHandler.handlers:
      +102        parentHandler.removeHandler(handler)
      diff --git a/docs/tksbrokerapi/__main__.html b/docs/tksbrokerapi/__main__.html index 4883483..fd82fbc 100644 --- a/docs/tksbrokerapi/__main__.html +++ b/docs/tksbrokerapi/__main__.html @@ -47,10 +47,10 @@

      1from tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI import Main
      -3if __name__ == "__main__":
      -4    Main()
      1from tksbrokerapi.TKSBrokerAPI import Main
      +3if __name__ == "__main__":
      +4    Main()
      diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py index 3c3fec7..c9b03a5 100644 --- a/setup.py +++ b/setup.py @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from setuptools import setup import os -__version__ = "1.2" +__version__ = "1.3" devStatus = "4 - Beta" diff --git a/tests/InstrumentsDump.json b/tests/InstrumentsDump.json index 5be5c93..b9f1868 100644 --- a/tests/InstrumentsDump.json +++ b/tests/InstrumentsDump.json @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ "lot": 10000, "currency": "rub", "shortEnabledFlag": false, - "name": "Армянский драм", + "name": "\u0410\u0440\u043c\u044f\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439 \u0434\u0440\u0430\u043c", "exchange": "FX", "nominal": { "currency": "amd", @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ }, "countryOfRisk": "", "countryOfRiskName": "", - "tradingStatus": "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_TRADING", + "tradingStatus": "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_NORMAL_TRADING", "otcFlag": false, "buyAvailableFlag": true, "sellAvailableFlag": true, @@ -36,12 +36,12 @@ "type": "Currencies", "step": 0.0025 }, - "TRYRUB_TOM": { - "figi": "BBG0013J12N1", - 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Total: [19] +## Currencies available. Total: [17] -| Ticker | Full name | FIGI | Cur | Lot | Step -|--------------|----------------------------------------------------------------|--------------|-----|--------|--------- -| AMDRUB_TOM | Армянский драм | BBG0013J7V24 | rub | 10000 | 0.0025 -| TRYRUB_TOM | Турецкая лира | BBG0013J12N1 | rub | 1000 | 0.0001 -| GLDRUB_TOM | Золото | BBG000VJ5YR4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| USDCHF_TOM | Швейцарский франк - Доллар США | BBG0013HPJ07 | chf | 1000 | 1e-05 -| AEDRUB_TOM | Дирхам ОАЭ | BBG0013HJ924 | rub | 1000 | 0.0025 -| EUR_RUB__TOM | Евро | BBG0013HJJ31 | rub | 1000 | 0.0025 -| SLVRUB_TOM | Серебро | BBGSLVRUBTOM | rub | 100 | 0.01 -| EURUSD000TOM | Евро - Доллар США | BBG0013HGRV5 | usd | 1000 | 1e-05 -| HKDRUB_TOM | Гонконгский доллар | BBG0013HSW87 | rub | 1000 | 0.0001 -| USDCNY_TOM | Юань - Доллар США | BBG0013HQ016 | cny | 1000 | 1e-05 -| CNYRUB_TOM | Юань | BBG0013HRTL0 | rub | 1000 | 0.0001 -| RUB000UTSTOM | Российский рубль | RUB000UTSTOM | rub | 1 | 0.0025 -| UZSRUB_TOM | Узбекский сум | BBG0013HQ310 | rub | 1000000| 0.0025 -| USD000UTSTOM | Доллар США | BBG0013HGFT4 | rub | 1000 | 0.0025 -| ZARRUB_TOM | Южноафриканский рэнд | BBG0013HLF18 | rub | 10000 | 0.0025 -| JPYRUB_TOM | Иена | BBG0013HQ524 | rub | 100000 | 0.0001 -| CHFRUB_TOM | Швейцарский франк | BBG0013HQ5K4 | rub | 1000 | 0.0025 -| GBPRUB_TOM | Фунт стерлингов | BBG0013HQ5F0 | rub | 1000 | 0.0025 -| GBPUSD_TOM | Фунт стерлингов - Доллар США | BBG0013HFH84 | usd | 1000 | 1e-05 +| Ticker | Full name | FIGI | Cur | Lot | Step | +|--------------|-----------------------------------------------------------|--------------|-----|---------|------------| +| AMDRUB_TOM | Армянский драм | BBG0013J7V24 | rub | 10000 | 0.0025 | +| JPYRUB_TOM | Иена | BBG0013HQ524 | rub | 100000 | 0.0001 | +| KZTRUB_TOM | Тенге | BBG0013HG026 | rub | 10000 | 0.0025 | +| CHFRUB_TOM | Швейцарский франк | BBG0013HQ5K4 | rub | 1000 | 0.0025 | +| RUB000UTSTOM | Российский рубль | RUB000UTSTOM | rub | 1 | 0.0025 | +| UZSRUB_TOM | Узбекский сум | BBG0013HQ310 | rub | 1000000 | 0.0025 | +| USD000UTSTOM | Доллар США | BBG0013HGFT4 | rub | 1000 | 0.0025 | +| CNYRUB_TOM | Юань | BBG0013HRTL0 | rub | 1000 | 0.001 | +| BYNRUB_TOM | Белорусский рубль | BBG00D87WQY7 | rub | 1000 | 0.0025 | +| EUR_RUB__TOM | Евро | BBG0013HJJ31 | rub | 1000 | 0.0025 | +| GBPRUB_TOM | Фунт стерлингов | BBG0013HQ5F0 | rub | 1000 | 0.0025 | +| HKDRUB_TOM | Гонконгский доллар | BBG0013HSW87 | rub | 1000 | 0.0001 | +| GLDRUB_TOM | Золото | BBG000VJ5YR4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| TRYRUB_TOM | Турецкая лира | BBG0013J12N1 | rub | 1000 | 0.0001 | +| ZARRUB_TOM | Южноафриканский рэнд | BBG0013HLF18 | rub | 10000 | 0.0025 | +| SLVRUB_TOM | Серебро | BBG000VHQTD1 | rub | 100 | 0.01 | +| AEDRUB_TOM | Дирхам ОАЭ | BBG0013HJ924 | rub | 1000 | 0.0025 | -## Shares available. Total: [1870] +## Shares available. Total: [1947] -| Ticker | Full name | FIGI | Cur | Lot | Step -|--------------|----------------------------------------------------------------|--------------|-----|--------|--------- -| IDCC | InterDigital | BBG000HLJ7M4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RH | RH | BBG002293PJ4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SGEN | Seagen Inc. | BBG000BH0FR6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NAVI | Navient | BBG004MN1R41 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WGO | Winnebago Industries Inc | BBG000BWS3F3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MDMG | Мать и дитя | BBG00Y3XYV94 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| TWST | Twist Bioscience | BBG006KDCHJ4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RHI | Robert Half | BBG000BS5DR2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| UNVR | Univar Solutions Inc | BBG000BDHD29 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FIXP | Fix Price Group | BBG00ZHCX1X2 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| UI | Ubiquiti Inc | BBG001R72SR9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CERN | Cerner | BBG000BFDLV8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SHLS | Shoals Technologies Group, Inc. | BBG00YQ82275 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TMX | Terminix Global Holdings | BBG002WMH2F2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DDD | 3D Systems Corp | BBG000D42FJ0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KMT | Kennametal Inc | BBG000BMWKC5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| OKE | ONEOK | BBG000BQHGR6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MCD | McDonald’s | BBG000BNSZP1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BBSI | Barrett Business Services Inc | BBG000BHJSC4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| 1928 | Sands China | BBG000PSNMN1 | hkd | 100 | 0.01 -| MGPI | MGP Ingredients | BBG000BXK6C5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| JD | JD.com | BBG005YHY0Q7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TCRR | TCR2 Therapeutics Inc | BBG00FH3FM15 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WTTR | Select Energy Services Inc | BBG00G4Y2DC1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ZNH | China Southern Airlines | BBG000BXQ7R1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ALGT | Allegiant Travel Co | BBG000LJS6B8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IR | Ingersoll-Rand | BBG002R1CW27 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WHR | Whirlpool | BBG000BWSV34 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WMS | Advanced Drainage Systems | BBG000G7CDN9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WH | Wyndham Hotels & Resorts | BBG00HCY3Q67 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PUM@DE | PUMA SE | BBG000BLMTR3 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| MOEX | Московская Биржа | BBG004730JJ5 | rub | 10 | 0.01 -| MET | MetLife | BBG000BB6KF5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AGIO | Agios Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG000QY4ZD0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| OMCL | Omnicell Inc | BBG000BTNGZ4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PFE | Pfizer | BBG000BR2B91 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WIRE | Encore Wire Corporation | BBG000CQCCK6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| STX | Seagate | BBG0113JGQF0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ALTR | Altair Engineering Inc | BBG000PN9NB9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DFS | Discover Financial Services | BBG000QBR5J5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TTD | Trade Desk Inc/The | BBG00629NGT2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| THG | Hanover Insurance Group | BBG000FJH8W0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FICO | Fair Isaac Corp | BBG000DW76Y6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TRV | Travelers Cos | BBG000BJ81C1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| COO | The Cooper Companies | BBG000BG3445 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PLUS | ePlus Inc | BBG000HN7W02 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FANG | Diamondback Energy Inc | BBG002PHSYX9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| 2382 | Sunny Optical Technology | BBG000C16952 | hkd | 10 | 0.05 -| CME | CME GROUP | BBG000BHLYP4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CHRW | C.H. Robinson Worldwide | BBG000BTCH57 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CROX | Crocs Inc | BBG000BLY663 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TRGP | Targa Resources | BBG0015XMW40 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IRBT | iRobot Corp | BBG000HXJB21 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MRKU | МРСК Урала | BBG000VKG4R5 | rub | 10000 | 0.0002 -| BLUE | Bluebird Bio Inc | BBG000QGWY50 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ALRM | Alarm com Holdings Inc | BBG007GNPYY7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MRK | Merck | BBG000BPD168 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ED | Consolidated Edison | BBG000BHLYS1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SAH | Sonic Automotive | BBG000BBMNG0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MAS | Masco | BBG000BNNKG9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KDP | Keurig Dr Pepper | BBG000TJM7F0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WABC | Westamerica Bancorporation | BBG000DD3KP1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NOW | ServiceNow Inc | BBG000M1R011 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BRC | Brady | BBG000BDNV95 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| COIN | Coinbase | BBG00ZGF7771 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WAL | Western Alliance Bancorp | BBG000Q1KFH4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WTFC | Wintrust Financial | BBG000HD3DW5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GDDY | GoDaddy Inc | BBG006MDLY05 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| COUR | Coursera, Inc. | BBG002WLDMW5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LAD | LIthia Motors Inc | BBG000K3BC83 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MRKZ | Россети Северо-Запад | BBG000TJ6F42 | rub | 10000 | 5e-05 -| MUSA | Murphy USA Inc | BBG001Z0Q6T5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BRK.B | Berkshire Hathaway | BBG000DWG505 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TGKB | ТГК-2 | BBG000Q7GG57 | rub | 1000000| 5e-06 -| PAYC | Paycom Software Inc | BBG0064N0ZZ5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VZ | Verizon Communications | BBG000HS77T5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FOE | Ferro Corp | BBG000BJQK11 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DY | Dycom Industries Inc | BBG000C4SKT1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EVBG | Everbridge Inc | BBG0022FMPD5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| APLS | Apellis Pharmaceuticals | BBG007KGRPY4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KZOS | ПАО «КАЗАНЬОРГСИНТЕЗ» | BBG0029SFXB3 | rub | 10 | 0.1 -| ANSS | ANSYS | BBG000GXZ4W7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TTWO | Take-Two Interactive Software | BBG000BS1YV5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| JBSS | John B Sanfilippo & Son Inc | BBG000CHPMY5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| 1810 | Xiaomi | BBG00KVTBY91 | hkd | 100 | 0.01 -| CRTX | Cortexyme Inc | BBG00BTK1DT8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VNDA | Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG000HT5MG6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WMT | Wal-Mart Stores | BBG000BWXBC2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MELI | MercadoLibre Inc | BBG000GQPB11 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VNO | Vornado REIT | BBG000BWHD54 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CHNG | Change Healthcare Inc | BBG0059KNH10 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GATX | GATX Corporation | BBG000BKGXQ4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| JBHT | JB Hunt | BBG000BMDBZ1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ASTR | Astra Space | BBG00W7FG4V8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EOAN@DE | E.ON SE | BBG000BR7PK2 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| INTU | Intuit | BBG000BH5DV1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AFG | American Financial Group | BBG000DPKKK0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PRTS | CarParts.com | BBG000N26V95 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| APTV | Aptiv | BBG001QD41M9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DNMR | Danimer Scientific | BBG00S4VMQT2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FOCS | Focus Financial Partners Inc | BBG00L0YTFN8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MLAB | Mesa Laboratories Inc | BBG000BP3PW7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HSC | Harsco Corp | BBG000BLH3P8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| JOUT | Johnson Outdoors Inc | BBG000HCXFS4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ROCK | Gibraltar Industries Inc | BBG000BKQDQ7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ENTA | Enanta Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG001V9NSB4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GDOT | Green Dot Corp | BBG000QDJT53 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VRNT | Verint Systems Inc | BBG000BCBYT2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LOW | Lowe's | BBG000BNDN65 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MTG | MGIC Investment Corp | BBG000CBMH27 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ICPT | Intercept Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG001J1QN87 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IEX | IDEX Corp | BBG000C1HN22 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DUOL | Duolingo | BBG003D4V951 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| INSP | Inspire Medical Systems Inc | BBG00209SZJ7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TSLA | Tesla Motors | BBG000N9MNX3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HE | Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. | BBG000BL0P40 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ON | ON Semiconductor Corp | BBG000DV7MX4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MSTR | MicroStrategy Inc | BBG000GQJPZ0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MBT | АДР МТС | BBG000CSZKR2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CLX | The Clorox Company | BBG000BFS7D3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| USM | United States Cellular Corp | BBG000BW6P59 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DLB | Dolby Laboratories Inc | BBG000DGLTG5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KNX | Knight-Swift Transportation | BBG000BFC848 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NU | Nubank | BBG0136WM1M4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WDFC | WD-40 Co | BBG000BWNV93 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BXP | Boston Properties REIT | BBG000BS5CM9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CSGP | CoStar Group Inc | BBG000D7JKW9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NEWR | New Relic Inc | BBG001NFKJ68 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PD | Pagerduty Inc | BBG0043BYPB8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GSHD | Goosehead Insurance, Inc. | BBG00KHHBMC5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DISH | DISH Network Corp | BBG000C2YHG9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BLMN | Bloomin Brands, Inc. | BBG002VZ68Y2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TCS | TCS Group (Tinkoff Bank holder) | BBG005DXJS36 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IVZ | Invesco | BBG000BY2Y78 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EW | Edwards Lifesciences | BBG000BRXP69 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PNFP | Pinnacle Financial Partners In | BBG000C1XKF6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NYT | New York Times | BBG000FFC0B3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CVET | Covetrus Inc | BBG00KR691K8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| YNDX | Yandex | BBG006L8G4H1 | rub | 1 | 0.2 -| BLNK | Blink Charging Co | BBG000F9XKN7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TNET | TriNet Group Inc | BBG000BR2040 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PBH | Prestige Consumer Healthcare I | BBG000QM0RZ4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BRX | Brixmor Property Group REIT | BBG001LFLZZ1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BURL | Burlington Stores Inc | BBG004S641N5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LNT | Alliant Energy | BBG000DW4Q75 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SSD | Simpson Manufacturing Co Inc | BBG000JLC8L8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| APA | APA Corporation | BBG00YTS96G2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ES | Eversource Energy | BBG000BQ87N0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CHE | Chemed Corp | BBG000C19QW1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NTRS | Northern Trust | BBG000BQ74K1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DECK | Deckers Outdoor Corp | BBG000BKXYX5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ASH | Ashland Global Holdings Inc | BBG00D0Y81M1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DPZ | Domino's Pizza Inc | BBG000P458P3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MPWR | Monolithic Power Systems | BBG000C30L48 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VTBR | Банк ВТБ | BBG004730ZJ9 | rub | 10000 | 5e-06 -| KTB | Kontoor Brands Inc | BBG00LPTHYD5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CABO | Cable One | BBG000F02T51 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BJ | BJs Wholesale Club Holdings, Inc. | BBG00FQ8T4G3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SKX | Skechers U.S.A. Inc | BBG000C4HKK2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ZM | Zoom Video Communications Inc | BBG0042V6JM8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GOLD | Barrick Gold | BBG000BB07P9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MORN | Morningstar | BBG000CGQ4F7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ZUO | Zuora Inc | BBG000BT3HG5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SON | Sonoco Products Co | BBG000D7HF89 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MYGN | Myriad Genetics Inc | BBG000D9H9F1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FCN | FTI Consulting Inc | BBG000K88H58 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DAR | Darling Ingredients Inc | BBG000BN8ZK8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GEF | Greif Inc | BBG000BLFNC0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ENPG | En+ Group | BBG000RMWQD4 | rub | 1 | 0.5 -| RCL | Royal Caribbean Cruises | BBG000BB5792 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| 1113 | CK Asset Holdings | BBG007WDD4B5 | hkd | 10 | 0.05 -| TTMI | TTM Technologies Inc | BBG000BYQ0B1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AFL | Aflac Incorporated | BBG000BBBNC6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MCRI | Monarch Casino & Resort Inc | BBG000BJ0932 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GLBE | Global-E Online Ltd | BBG00ZKY1P71 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SYF | Synchrony Financial | BBG00658F3P3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FFIN | First Financial Bankshares, Inc. | BBG000BL8476 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EAT | Brinker International Inc | BBG000BK28N7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TEL | TE Connectivity | BBG000RGM5P1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CHMK | ЧМК | BBG000RP8V70 | rub | 1 | 5. -| OGN | Organon & Co. | BBG00ZQRGW24 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FEES | ФСК ЕЭС | BBG00475JZZ6 | rub | 10000 | 2e-05 -| CTRA | Coterra Energy | BBG000C3GN47 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NDSN | Nordson Corp | BBG000BPWGR1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SKM | SK Telecom Co. | BBG000BLN497 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ALL | The Allstate Corporation | BBG000BVMGF2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CSII | Cardiovascular Systems Inc | BBG000NWQ9S5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SBAC | SBA Communications REIT | BBG000D2M0Z7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PRAX | Praxis Precision Medicines | BBG00W9LF2G5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BAC | Bank of America Corp | BBG000BCTLF6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| OVV | Ovintiv Inc. | BBG00R2NHQ65 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DINO | HF Sinclair Corporation | BBG0135B2214 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AMAT | Applied Materials | BBG000BBPFB9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EHTH | eHealth Inc | BBG000P5JQX6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DIS | Walt Disney | BBG000BH4R78 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ANAB | AnaptysBio Inc | BBG0026ZDHR0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| APEI | American Public Education Inc | BBG000RVD346 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NWLI | National Western Life Group In | BBG008HNHZ07 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AAPL | Apple | BBG000B9XRY4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NABL | N-able | BBG00YJKWXD8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HUN | Huntsman | BBG000NS26Q8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ROST | Ross Stores | BBG000BSBZH7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GDRX | GoodRx Holdings Inc | BBG00X0VP8D9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AYI | Acuity Brands | BBG000BJ5HK0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BIGC | BigCommerce Holdings | BBG00W1PSSJ0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SHEL | Shell АДР | BBG0147BN6G2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| OKTA | Okta Inc | BBG001YV1SM4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| JACK | Jack in the Box | BBG000GZYVY1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CON@DE | Continental AG | BBG000BBZBV5 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| APTK | Аптечная сеть 36,6 | BBG000K3STR7 | rub | 10 | 0.002 -| BKI | Black Knight Inc | BBG00GX77LW3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CFG | Citizens Financial Group | BBG006Q0HY77 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BKNG | Booking | BBG000BLBVN4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HST | Host Hotels & Resorts REIT | BBG000BL8804 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EXPE | Expedia | BBG000QY3XZ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ZEN | Zendesk Inc | BBG001HRFJG4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PTC | PTC Inc | BBG000C2VBB0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NEE | NextEra Energy | BBG000BJSBJ0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MAR | Marriott International | BBG000BGD7W6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TAL | TAL Education Group | BBG0016XJ8S0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| OXY | Occidental Petroleum | BBG000BQQ2S6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SCHW | The Charles Schwab Corporation | BBG000BSLZY7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MDT | Medtronic | BBG000BNWG87 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TWNK | Hostess Brands Inc | BBG00B6KGNN1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PFGC | Performance Food Group Co | BBG009XW2WB8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| APPF | Appfolio Inc | BBG008GC8CP6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NFLX | Netflix | BBG000CL9VN6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TFC | Truist Financial Corporation | BBG000BYYLS8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PZZA | Papa John's International Inc | BBG000BFWF13 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MTH | Meritage Homes Corp | BBG000F4F1N0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EMBC | Embecta | BBG014L7D4G1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PKG | Packaging Corp of America | BBG000BB8SW7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FDS | FactSet Research Systems Inc | BBG000BDJL83 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EVH | Evolent Health Inc | BBG005CHLM96 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| INO | Inovio Pharmaceuticals | BBG000BK6YX5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PBA | Pembina Pipeline Corporation | BBG001732GF9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RUGR | Русгрэйн | BBG0014PFYM2 | rub | 10 | 0.002 -| INTC | Intel Corporation | BBG000C0G1D1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HEI@DE | HeidelbergCement AG | BBG000BWRTS3 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| NGVT | Ingevity Corp | BBG009LM28K6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NVR | NVR Inc | BBG000BQBYR3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LPX | Louisiana-Pacific Corporation | BBG000BNF508 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ZGNX | Zogenix Inc | BBG000VDC3G9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ECPG | Encore Capital Group Inc | BBG000F369C7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AVY | Avery Dennison | BBG000BCQ4P6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MRO | Marathon Oil | BBG000C8H633 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NUE | Nucor | BBG000BQ8KV2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MOS | Mosaic | BBG000BFXHL6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NWE | NorthWestern Corporation | BBG000Q1NMJ4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CARG | Cargurus Inc | BBG00HQ77DS2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LULU | Lululemon Athletica Inc | BBG000R8ZVD1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KRG | Kite Realty Group REIT | BBG000BC2KW8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VIR | Vir Biotechnology | BBG00H2QQ8T5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WDAY | Workday Inc | BBG000VC0T95 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DBK@DE | Deutsche Bank AG | BBG000BBZW12 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| ROLL | RBC Bearings Inc | BBG000GMGNB3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PLNT | Planet FItness Inc | BBG009H04M17 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TREE | LendingTree Inc | BBG000TVRB50 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| INCY | Incyte | BBG000BNPSQ9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FOXA | Twenty-First Century Fox (A) | BBG00JHNJW99 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SWX | Southwest Gas Holdings | BBG00FWP4JW4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SSTK | Shutterstock Inc | BBG002ZCK2V9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DOCN | DigitalOcean Holdings | BBG00ZGF6SS3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EXR | Extra Space Storage REIT | BBG000PV27K3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| OHI | Omega Healthcare Investors REIT | BBG000BGBTC2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HHR | HeadHunter Group PLC | BBG00KHGQ0H4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| OTIS | Otis Worldwide | BBG00RP60KV0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LYLT | Loyalty Ventures | BBG012QVD574 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| UGI | UGI Corp | BBG000BVYN55 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RVLV | Revolve Group Inc | BBG00M4RHBD0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SGZH | Сегежа | BBG0100R9963 | rub | 100 | 0.001 -| SRPT | Sarepta Therapeutics Inc | BBG000BCJ161 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DM | Desktop Metal | BBG00P17H053 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AVLR | Avalara Inc | BBG000R4Y9C1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SCI | Service Corp International/US | BBG000BTHH16 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HUBS | HubSpot Inc | BBG000N7MZ06 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KHC | Kraft Heinz | BBG005CPNTQ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| INT | World Fuel Services Corporation | BBG000BM3CJ8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SITM | SiTime | BBG00QNSY1H7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CLOV | Clover Health Investments, Corp. | BBG00SHY90J5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TRIP | TripAdvisor | BBG001M8HHB7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TRMB | Trimble Inc | BBG000BNPS52 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ATGE | Adtalem Global Education Inc | BBG000DQBZJ7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MRKV | МРСК Волги | BBG000PKWCQ7 | rub | 10000 | 5e-05 -| PETQ | PetIQ Inc | BBG00H1CY328 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GD | General Dynamics | BBG000BK67C7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WPM | Wheaton Precious Metals | BBG000PVRDL2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GOOGL | Alphabet Class A | BBG009S39JX6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AWK | American Water Works | BBG000TRJ294 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NTR | Nutrien | BBG00JM9XLN6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AAP | Advance Auto Parts | BBG000F7RCJ1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NWL | Newell Brands | BBG000BQC9V2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DVN | Devon Energy | BBG000BBVJZ8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MTCH | Match Group Inc | BBG00B6WH9G3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MTTR | Matterport | BBG00XS0FV56 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MNDY | Monday.Com | BBG00GF8K4W4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NWSA | News Corp (A) | BBG0035LY913 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AXSM | Axsome Therapeutics Inc | BBG00B6G7GL7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BTAI | BioXcel Therapeutics | BBG00K20GVD2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ASO | Academy Sports & Outdoors | BBG00X7L1C14 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FHI | Federated Hermes | BBG000BP0929 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EVR | Evercore | BBG000BP30Y0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ALRS | АЛРОСА | BBG004S68B31 | rub | 10 | 0.01 -| CHKP | Check Point Software Technologies Ltd | BBG000K82ZT8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| INMD | Inmode Ltd | BBG00PPS73P4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ETRN | Equitrans Midstream Corporation | BBG00K53L394 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LEGH | Legacy Housing Corp | BBG00MJDR6J9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CDK | CDK Global | BBG006B6PVN9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| UBS | UBS Group | BBG007DJM539 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ACH | Aluminum Corp of China | BBG000CMRVH1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PG | Procter & Gamble | BBG000BR2TH3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SELG | Селигдар | BBG002458LF8 | rub | 10 | 0.01 -| AIZ | Assurant | BBG000BZX1N5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SMAR | Smartsheet Inc | BBG00GQK3WB5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ADUS | Addus HomeCare Corp | BBG000NJGX84 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| APPS | Digital Turbine Inc | BBG000HZ3562 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PGTI | PGT Innovations Inc | BBG000FX3Y66 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| XRAY | Dentsply Sirona | BBG000BX57K1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SUPN | Supernus Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG000BP0HX7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LKOD@GS | LUKOIL PJSC | BBG000NN8497 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HNP | Huaneng Power International | BBG000BX5YM0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| META | Meta Platforms | BBG000MM2P62 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WDC | Western Digital | BBG000BWNFZ9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CHX | ChampionX Corporation | BBG00JH9TZ56 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CARR | Carrier Global | BBG00RP5HYS8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PSTG | Pure Storage Inc | BBG00212PVZ5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PAGS | Pagseguro Digital Ltd | BBG00JM7QBR6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BMO | Bank of Montreal | BBG000DLY9B9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MGM | MGM Resorts International | BBG000C2BXK4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TDS | Telephone & Data Systems Inc | BBG000BV0VK7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FIVN | Five9 Inc | BBG001KHJM17 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SWTX | SpringWorks Therapeutics | BBG00Q011TW9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PPG | PPG Industries | BBG000BRJ809 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TGNA | TEGNA | BBG000BK5DP1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SMG | Scotts Miracle-Gro Co The | BBG000BT5PG5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MCHP | Microchip Technology | BBG000BHCP19 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TAP | Molson Coors Brewing | BBG000BS7KS3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PEG | Public Service Enterprise Group | BBG000BQZMH4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HLT | Hilton | BBG0058KMH30 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SNBR | Sleep Number Corp | BBG000DM2BF3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GO | Grocery Outlet Holding Corp | BBG00P4R3079 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ENS | EnerSys | BBG000PWTD92 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SWK | Stanley Black & Decker | BBG000BTQR96 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CTSH | Cognizant Technology Solutions | BBG000BBDV81 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BAH | Booz Allen Hamilton | BBG000R2YFG7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ADPT | Adaptive Biotechnologies | BBG001J2PFF5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KLSB | Калужская сбытовая компания | BBG000DBD6F6 | rub | 100 | 0.01 -| GPS | Gap | BBG000BKLH74 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LIFE | Фармсинтез | BBG0019K04R5 | rub | 100 | 0.005 -| RBLX | ROBLOX Corp | BBG001R1GCT0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TTM | Tata Motors | BBG000PVGDH9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RMD | ResMed Inc | BBG000L4M7F1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| USPH | US Physical Therapy Inc | BBG000CSRSG6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NUS | Nu Skin Enterprises Inc | BBG000HG21Y3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DK | Delek US Holdings Inc | BBG00FZYFVC5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RACE | Ferrari N.V. | BBG009PH3Q86 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TPR | Tapestry | BBG000BY29C7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FLOT | Совкомфлот | BBG000R04X57 | rub | 10 | 0.01 -| FLGT | Fulgent Genetics | BBG00DR7LTG2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HXL | Hexcel Corp | BBG000BLMDQ9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GMS | GMS Inc | BBG009Q036D0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WY | Weyerhaeuser REIT | BBG000BX3BL3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GRNT | Городские Инновационные Технологии | BBG00B8NN386 | rub | 100 | 0.0005 -| PRLB | Proto Labs Inc | BBG000BT13B3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GILD | GILEAD | BBG000CKGBP2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ENRU | Энел Россия | BBG000F6YP24 | rub | 1000 | 0.0002 -| GTRK | ГТМ | BBG00HY6V6H5 | rub | 10 | 0.05 -| ANIK | Anika Therapeutics Inc | BBG000BBKZD8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CLF | Cleveland-Cliffs | BBG000BFRF55 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| QS | QuantumScape Corporation | BBG00VJ17DS2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IIVI | II-VI Inc | BBG000BLW102 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PAR | PAR Technology Corporation | BBG000BRP9K8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PINS | Pinterest Inc | BBG002583CV8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ARWR | Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG000BRVKH0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BPMC | Blueprint Medicines Corp | BBG001MC8YF7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SFIN | ЭсЭфАй | BBG003LYCMB1 | rub | 10 | 0.2 -| TRNO | Terreno REIT | BBG000PV3J62 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NSSC | Napco Security Technologies | BBG000BQ6CT5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LPRO | Open Lending Corp | BBG00VDHLSQ6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KEP | Korea Electric Power | BBG000BCWG90 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| JHG | Janus Henderson Group | BBG00GSNPM07 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TXG | 10X Genomics Inc | BBG007WX14X0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HTA | Healthcare Trust of America REIT | BBG000PRJCX9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WEX | WEX Inc | BBG000BVZP59 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RHM@DE | Rheinmetall AG | BBG000BWT790 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| MGNT | Магнит | BBG004RVFCY3 | rub | 1 | 0.5 -| SMLT | ГК Самолет | BBG00F6NKQX3 | rub | 1 | 0.5 -| EGHT | 8x8 Inc | BBG000BCGHH7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CMCO | Columbus McKinnon Corp | BBG000BCWWV0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GNTX | Gentex Corporation | BBG000BKJ092 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| JLL | Jones Lang LaSalle Inc | BBG000C2L2L0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BROS | Dutch Bros | BBG01282ZHB3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BOH | Bank of Hawaii | BBG000C8D8G9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AJRD | Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings In | BBG000BKRHQ7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TDG | TransDigm | BBG000L8CBX4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SOFI | SoFi Technologies | BBG00YB1ZD58 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PUBM | PubMatic | BBG001PKMK06 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HOLX | Hologic | BBG000C3NTN5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RETA | Reata Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG000R33BD1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AXNX | Axonics | BBG0067QVJ50 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ACAD | ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG000BHG9K0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CUBE | CubeSmart REIT | BBG000HF28Q9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AES | The AES Corporation | BBG000C23KJ3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FMC | FMC | BBG000BJP882 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MAN | ManpowerGroup Inc | BBG000BNMHS4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| M | Macy's | BBG000C46HM9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LH | LabCorp | BBG000D9DMK0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WAB | Wabtec Corp. | BBG000BDD940 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BIDU | Baidu | BBG000QXWHD1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DPW@DE | Deutsche Post AG | BBG000LW3NX5 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| CNC | Centene Corporation | BBG000BDXCJ5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GTHX | G1 Therapeutics Inc | BBG005F1DK91 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LPL | LG Display | BBG000FJ0RK9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SI | Silvergate Capital Corp. | BBG00MMM95S7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IDXX | IDEXX | BBG000BLRT07 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FCFS | FirstCash | BBG0145KL747 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CCOI | Cogent Communications | BBG000D0SMY8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WW | WW International, Inc. | BBG000DY6735 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CCJ | Cameco Corporation | BBG000DSZTN6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CPRI | Capri Holdings Limited | BBG0029SNR63 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CARA | Cara Therapeutics Inc | BBG001J2QYS9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| OGZD@GS | Gazprom PJSC | BBG000KGYRF8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ROKU | Roku Inc | BBG001ZZPQJ6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ORCL | Oracle | BBG000BQLTW7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WOR | Worthington Industries Inc | BBG000HL7499 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| QRTEA | Qurate Retail Inc | BBG000PCQQL6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FVRR | Fiverr International | BBG002YSC5M7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VEON-RX | VEON | BBG00R4Z2NT4 | rub | 10 | 0.05 -| FE | FirstEnergy | BBG000BB6M98 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SYNH | Syneos Health Inc | BBG0078Y1D92 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SPR | Spirit AeroSystems Holdings | BBG000PRJ2Z9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AVT | Avnet | BBG000BCPB71 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PODD | Insulet Corp | BBG000R7XX87 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LNZL | Лензолото | BBG000SK7JS5 | rub | 1 | 10. -| BMRN | BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc | BBG000CZWZ05 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SCSC | ScanSource Inc | BBG000BHTPZ4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PGR | Progressive | BBG000BR37X2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| XYL | Xylem | BBG001D8R5D0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RCII | Rent-A-Center | BBG000BHQJX3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CCXI | ChemoCentryx, Inc | BBG000PTSB12 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| OI | O-I Glass | BBG00R2JZG39 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| A | Agilent Technologies | BBG000C2V3D6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AXON | Axon Enterprise Inc | BBG000BHJWG1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ROK | Rockwell Automation | BBG000BBCDZ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LSPD | Lightspeed Commerce | BBG00PZ78ZM0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NBIX | Neurocrine Biosciences Inc | BBG000GJS7C1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BMW@DE | Bayerische Motoren Werke AG | BBG000BBXB74 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| JJSF | J&J Snack Foods Corp | BBG000BMGPW0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MCK | McKesson | BBG000DYGNW7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CHEF | Chefs' Warehouse Inc | BBG001MFW6D6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AMCX | AMC Networks Inc | BBG000H01H92 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SRC | Spirit Realty Capital REIT | BBG0027Z6X10 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PPC | Pilgrim's Pride Corp | BBG000BFLXV3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CCK | Crown Holdings Inc | BBG000BF6756 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KNSL | Kinsale Capital Group | BBG00D8JD9Z9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SITE | SiteOne Landscape Supply Inc | BBG009T22D49 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FME@DE | Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co | BBG000DHXTF1 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| AFMD | Affimed NV | BBG006R5SSH5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EGRX | Eagle Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG005Y3XWH9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NJR | New Jersey Resources Corp | BBG000BPZVW9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TSM | Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing | BBG000BD8ZK0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MHO | M/I Homes Inc | BBG000BL9MZ4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AIR | AAR Corp | BBG000BBGQF1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MRKP | Россети Центр и Приволжье | BBG000VG1034 | rub | 10000 | 0.0001 -| SMTC | Semtech Corp | BBG000DBKR53 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MMS | MAXIMUS Inc | BBG000BC5WJ4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DTE@DE | Deutsche Telekom AG | BBG000HJTMS9 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| F | Ford | BBG000BQPC32 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KAZTP | КуйбышевАзот - Акции привилегированные | BBG002B9T6Y1 | rub | 10 | 0.2 -| LKOH | ЛУКОЙЛ | BBG004731032 | rub | 1 | 0.5 -| GLW | Corning | BBG000BKFZM4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HQY | HealthEquity Inc | BBG000TYXCT9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| INVH | Invitation Homes REIT | BBG00FQH6BS9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HCCI | Heritage-Crystal Clean Inc | BBG000CCFB17 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PIPR | Piper Sandler Companies | BBG000FQXC75 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PLZL | Полюс Золото | BBG000R607Y3 | rub | 1 | 0.5 -| DE | Deere & Company | BBG000BH1NH9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| XP | XP Inc | BBG00QVJYGM9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EPAY | Bottomline Technologies DE Inc | BBG000BRNH31 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MAA | Mid-America Apartment REIT | BBG000BLMY92 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FL | Foot Locker | BBG000BX8DC4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| REX | REX American Resources Corp | BBG000D2ZK61 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PGNY | Progyny Inc | BBG002H1K1H1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NVTA | Invitae Corp | BBG005DJFD43 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DORM | Dorman Products Inc | BBG000BM22F5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| COKE | Coca-Cola Consolidated Inc | BBG000BG1SX2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MD | Pediatrix Medical Group | BBG000H8LGK2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MDLZ | Mondelez | BBG000D4LWF6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BL | Blackline Inc | BBG0029KJVB0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AME | AMETEK | BBG000B9XG87 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BSPB | Банк Санкт-Петербург | BBG000QJW156 | rub | 10 | 0.01 -| 2007 | Country Garden Holdings | BBG000QQCY41 | hkd | 100 | 0.01 -| MLKN | MillerKnoll | BBG000BP46T2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SBH | Sally Beauty Holdings Inc | BBG000LR8515 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FSLY | Fastly Inc | BBG004NLQHL0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LHX | L3Harris Technologies Inc | BBG000BLGFJ9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CDLX | Cardlytics Inc | BBG00225ZDD0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IGMS | IGM Biosciences Inc | BBG00PNR1BT2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ARMK | Aramark | BBG001KY4N87 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CTXS | Citrix Systems | BBG000FQ6PY6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PXD | Pioneer Natural Resources | BBG000BXRPH1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NWS | News Corp | BBG0035M2ZB7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EXC | Exelon Corporation | BBG000J6XT05 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ABBV | AbbVie | BBG0025Y4RY4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CYRX | Cryoport | BBG000PNTXP0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SQ | Block | BBG0018SLC07 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WERN | Werner Enterprises Inc | BBG000BWPP85 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| UFPI | UUFP Industries, Inc | BBG000BL0T06 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CASY | Casey's General Stores Inc | BBG000BF0672 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VTR | Ventas REIT | BBG000FRVHB9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CSL | Carlisle Companies Incorporated | BBG000BGGBT8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SAM | Boston Beer Co Inc The | BBG000BCZBF1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FLS | Flowserve | BBG000FFH4P5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| UNKL | ЮУНК | BBG002YFXL29 | rub | 1 | 10. -| AVNT | Avient Corporation | BBG000C8NJ10 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ZION | Zions Bancorporation | BBG000BX9WL1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TRHC | Tabula Rasa HealthCare In | BBG00BT7PPY8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MATV | Mativ Holdings | BBG000C3CWZ7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MSST | Мультисистема | BBG001BBSZV8 | rub | 100 | 0.001 -| AMGN | Amgen | BBG000BBS2Y0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VNE | Veoneer Inc | BBG00K4MPP27 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AOS | A. O. Smith Corporation | BBG000BC1L02 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WYNN | Wynn Resorts | BBG000LD9JQ8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SIVB | SVB Financial Group | BBG000BT0CM2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BWA | BorgWarner | BBG000BJ49H3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AMCR | Amcor | BBG00LNJRQ09 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EA | Electronic Arts | BBG000BP0KQ8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TCSG | TCS Group | BBG00QPYJ5H0 | rub | 1 | 0.5 -| RGA | Reinsurance Group of America I | BBG000BDLCQ0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RRX | Regal Rexnord | BBG000BRXTR8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| UNH | UnitedHealth | BBG000CH5208 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DASH | DoorDash | BBG005D7QCJ3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FUL | HB Fuller Co | BBG000BJZ7V7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DKNG | DraftKings | BBG0134WCM78 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VRT | Vertiv Holdings Co | BBG00L2B8KW8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TXRH | Texas Roadhouse Inc | BBG000PSJMV7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CHWY | Chewy Inc | BBG00P19DKZ6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WTW | Willis Towers Watson | BBG000DB3KT1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| POOL | Pool Corp | BBG000BCVG28 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| UTL | Unitil Corporation | BBG000BW7X97 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WBS | Webster Financial Corporation | BBG000BWMX63 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LUMN | Lumen Technologies | BBG000BGLRN3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MTB | M&T Bank | BBG000D9KWL9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PPL | PPL | BBG000BRJL00 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MGTSP | МГТС - акции привилегированные | BBG000PZ0833 | rub | 1 | 2. -| KRC | Kilroy Realty Corp REIT | BBG000BLMXN8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BGS | B&G Foods Inc | BBG000RKXRQ1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LVS | Las Vegas Sands Corp | BBG000JWD753 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PCRX | Pacira BioSciences Inc | BBG0018FQNS6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LI | Li Auto | BBG00W0KZD98 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VSAT | Viasat | BBG000HHLBF9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SSNC | SS&C Technologies Holdings Inc | BBG000RJ2J04 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| YY | JOYY Inc | BBG003H0XV18 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ANET | Arista Networks Inc | BBG000N2HDY5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HUBG | Hub Group Inc | BBG000G9W6L0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EBAY | eBay | BBG000C43RR5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| STLD | Steel Dynamics Inc | BBG000HGYNZ9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SBER | Сбер Банк | BBG004730N88 | rub | 10 | 0.01 -| ECL | Ecolab | BBG000BHKYH4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| APPN | Appian Corp | BBG001C7PMJ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CDNS | Cadence Design Systems | BBG000C13CD9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IFX@DE | Infineon Technologies AG | BBG000C8L273 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| MSM | MSC Industrial Direct Co Inc | BBG000BCLYL9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DVA | DaVita HealthCare Partners | BBG000MQ1SN9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PCAR | PACCAR | BBG000BQVTF5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PTR | PetroChina | BBG000BR85F1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ORLY | O'Reilly Automotive | BBG000BGYWY6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AFRM | Affirm Holdings | BBG00Y7BP8Y1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ATR | AptarGroup | BBG000BGX2S0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FARO | FARO Technologies Inc | BBG000BJD7C2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MOH | Molina Healthcare Inc | BBG000MBHNC8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IDA | IDACORP, Inc. | BBG000BLR3Y7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RL | Ralph Lauren | BBG000BS0ZF1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| COUP | Coupa Software Inc | BBG001J4BCN4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NVAX | Novavax | BBG000NVSBL7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ATNI | ATN International, Inc | BBG000F8RCH1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| 1COV@DE | Covestro AG | BBG00DW0PN34 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| SPG | Simon Property Group REIT | BBG000BJ2D31 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SFM | Sprouts Farmers Market Inc | BBG001KFKQM7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| O | Realty Income REIT | BBG000DHPN63 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| APAM | Artisan Partners Asset Management | BBG001M6CZY1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RAMP | LiveRamp Holdings Inc | BBG000BB4HM6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| H | Hyatt Hotels Corp | BBG000CVRFS4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AI | C3.ai, Inc | BBG00Y6G6X31 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CGEN | Compugen | BBG000B9ZLB0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GLPI | Gaming and Leisure Properties REIT | BBG003MSMCS6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FSR | Fisker | BBG00LPWLFD4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FGEN | FIBROGEN INC | BBG000FW5ZL6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AMZN | Amazon.com | BBG000BVPV84 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PHOR | ФосАгро | BBG004S689R0 | rub | 1 | 1. -| PII | Polaris Industries Inc | BBG000D5S4M0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| U | Unity Software | BBG0056JW5G6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PRFN | ЧЗПСН | BBG003BNWBP3 | rub | 100 | 0.001 -| SVAV | СОЛЛЕРС | BBG004S68JR8 | rub | 10 | 0.5 -| MANU | Manchester United Plc | BBG0035WV4N9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| XM | Qualtrics International Inc. | BBG00M9BHPZ5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VTRS | Viatris Inc | BBG00Y4RQNH4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ENV | Envestnet Inc | BBG000Q4NZ54 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IIPR | Innovative Industrial Properties REIT | BBG00F0SW7N8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TPTX | Turning Point Therapeutics Inc | BBG00NPL9WH7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DBX | Dropbox Inc | BBG0018SLDN0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PJT | PJT Partners Inc. | BBG0079T1PZ6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| UNAC | Объединенная авиастроительная корпорация | BBG000Q7ZZY2 | rub | 1000 | 0.0005 -| IRGZ | Иркутскэнерго | BBG000NL6ZD9 | rub | 100 | 0.02 -| FR | First Industrial REIT | BBG000CKGDS5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SNY | Sanofi | BBG000BBD5N1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NMIH | NMI Holdings Inc | BBG005DLMMZ6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BOX | Box Inc | BBG000PMSK08 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EWBC | East West Ban | BBG000CR20B1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IONS | Ionis Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG000JH6683 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ELV | Elevance Health | BBG000BCG930 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CNQ | Canadian Natural Resources | BBG000HW5GX3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GXO | GXO Logistics, Inc. | BBG00YDGX945 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SBCF | Seacoast Banking Corp of Flori | BBG000KK3464 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HA | Hawaiian Holdings Inc | BBG000BC4185 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ZD | Ziff Davis | BBG000F3CWW7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| STEM | Stem | BBG00XP8NQN4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| XPEL | XPEL | BBG000R5XCX9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| INGR | Ingredion Inc | BBG000BXPZB7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HGV | Hilton Grand Vacations Inc | BBG00CBYY6M1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TYL | Tyler Technologies Inc | BBG000BVWZF9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AVTR | Avantor Inc | BBG00G2HHYD7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| XEL | Xcel Energy | BBG000BCTQ65 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ETSY | Etsy Inc | BBG000N7MXL8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KTOS | Kratos Defense & Security Solutions | BBG000C1HQ43 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DXC | DXC Technology | BBG00FN64XT9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LEG | Leggett & Platt | BBG000BN53G7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TW | Tradeweb Markets | BBG00NK8H8T2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AUPH | Aurinia Pharmaceuticals | BBG000BCRJM5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| REZI | Resideo Technologies Inc | BBG00HY28K89 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MPW | Medical Properties REIT | BBG000BGRB25 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SHL@DE | Siemens Healthineers AG | BBG00KY6K4L0 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| ONTO | Onto Innovation Inc | BBG000BPRN29 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SYNA | Synaptics Inc | BBG000BQV1S2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KKR | KKR & Co. Inc. | BBG000BCQ6J8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ZTS | Zoetis | BBG0039320N9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IAA | IAA, Inc. | BBG00K7ZQ662 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HEAR | Turtle Beach Corp | BBG000BM6N47 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SLGN | Silgan Holdings Inc. | BBG000BPDDB6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FCNCA | First Citizens BancShares, Inc. | BBG000BJCDS3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MTOR | Meritor Inc | BBG000BH92D1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PSMT | PriceSmart, Inc. | BBG000BTKR92 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| APH | Amphenol | BBG000B9YJ35 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| JPM | JPMorgan | BBG000DMBXR2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| 288 | WH Group | BBG00699M8Q7 | hkd | 100 | 0.01 -| PBI | Pitney Bowes | BBG000BQTMJ9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EEFT | Euronet Worldwide Inc | BBG000BMNBY1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CNI | Canadian National Railway Co | BBG000HS74G6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GWRE | Guidewire Software Inc | BBG001C7PM75 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VEEV | Veeva Systems Inc | BBG001CGB489 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| COLD | Americold Realty Trust REIT | BBG000QF05R6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MTX@DE | MTU Aero Engines AG | BBG000BVTPQ3 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| MMI | Marcus & Millichap Inc | BBG005GBRSR6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BRO | Brown & Brown | BBG000BWSGF4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KMPR | Kemper | BBG000H3GDJ8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HD | The Home Depot | BBG000BKZB36 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VSTO | Vista Outdoor | BBG006F8QZK4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| STZ | Constellation Brands | BBG000J1QLT0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RUSP | Русполимет | BBG000R466J1 | rub | 1000 | 0.0005 -| MED | Medifast Inc | BBG000BWBW76 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NET | CloudFlare Inc | BBG001WMKHH5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ATRC | AtriCure | BBG000BL6CB5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ALLO | Allogene Therapeutics Inc | BBG00KHRRDX3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SWN | Southwestern Energy | BBG000BTR593 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| S | SentinelOne, Inc. | BBG00B6F2F09 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| THS | TreeHouse Foods Inc | BBG000GQGJT4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RRR | Red Rock Resorts | BBG00B6G8077 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SSA@GS | Sistema PJSFC | BBG000G7B4C2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CSWI | CSW Industrials Inc | BBG007NLG4L3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CNK | Cinemark Holdings Inc | BBG000QDVR53 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MO | Altria Group | BBG000BP6LJ8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| W | Wayfair Inc | BBG001B17MV2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MRVL | Marvell Technology, Inc. | BBG00ZXBJ153 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EME | EMCOR Group | BBG000BBRPL4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ONEM | 1Life Healthcare | BBG0026ZDDQ0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CFLT | Confluent | BBG007HWGYQ5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LITE | Lumentum Holdings Inc | BBG0073F9RT7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CEVA | CEVA | BBG000BN3P07 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ARNC | Arconic | BBG00R45JYB7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BSY | Bentley Systems | BBG000BMSRR9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KRYS | Krystal Biotech Inc | BBG00HDGRHH7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SNAP | Snap Inc | BBG00441QMJ7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CSGS | CSG Systems International Inc | BBG000G3TQV2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SJI | South Jersey Industries, Inc | BBG000BT0T72 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HI | Hillenbrand | BBG000KT0GV3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| APP | AppLovin Corporation | BBG006HFPX77 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AMG | Affiliated Managers Group | BBG000C060M4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CORT | Corcept Therapeutics Inc | BBG000BKJG33 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ALG | Alamo Group Inc. | BBG000BJTZX0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PBF | PBF Energy Inc | BBG002832GV8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RRC | Range Resources | BBG000FVXD63 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TSN | Tyson Foods | BBG000DKCC19 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CENTA | Central Garden & Pet Co | BBG000KTYB56 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GBX | Greenbrier Cos Inc | BBG000CF5097 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CVLT | CommVault Systems Inc | BBG000BG88X9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BKR | Baker Hughes | BBG00GBVBK51 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AAON | AAON | BBG000C2LZP3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HEN3@DE | Henkel AG & Co | BBG000BC3BJ2 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| NTLA | Intellia Therapeutics Inc | BBG007KC7PB0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ALSN | Allison Transmission Holdings | BBG001KY3845 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HLI | Houlihan Lokey, Inc. | BBG000CZTB66 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ROP | Roper Technologies | BBG000F1ZSN5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SHOO | Steven Madden, Ltd. | BBG000BLV2Q3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LEN | Lennar | BBG000BN5HF7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AEE | Ameren | BBG000B9X8C0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BCO | Brink's Co | BBG000DR5QP5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LANC | Lancaster Colony | BBG000BN1M88 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VG | Vonage Holdings Corp | BBG000BRB5D9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| 1177 | Sino Biopharmaceutical | BBG000C6XDL4 | hkd | 100 | 0.01 -| SNA | Snap-on | BBG000BT7JW9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SR | Spire Inc. | BBG000BN6KG8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KRTX | Karuna Therapeutics Inc | BBG00NN875G0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CBU | Community Bank System | BBG000BF4D19 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FAST | Fastenal Company | BBG000BJ8YN7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ZY | Zymergen Inc. | BBG0077HPN74 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AA | Alcoa Corporation | BBG00B3T3HD3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CRUS | Cirrus Logic Inc | BBG000C1DHF5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SLQT | SelectQuote | BBG000GTP1B6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FISV | Fiserv | BBG000BJKPG0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SEIC | SEI Investments Company | BBG000BSQLT9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GE | General Electric Company | BBG000BK6MB5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MXL | MaxLinear Inc | BBG000BB6R33 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PFSI | PennyMac Financial Services | BBG00LMYX123 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KMI | Kinder Morgan | BBG0019JZ882 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AMT | American Tower REIT | BBG000B9XYV2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VVX | V2X, Inc. | BBG005PG80K4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| COTY | Coty | BBG000F395V1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| APPH | AppHarvest | BBG00VDGP717 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PLXS | Plexus Corp | BBG000BRBX66 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DB1@DE | Deutsche Boerse AG | BBG000D54HT0 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| BALL | Ball Corporation | BBG000BDDNH5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CMC | Commercial Metals Company | BBG000BFSND8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VXRT | Vaxart Inc | BBG000DR0RZ7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HIBB | Hibbett, Inc. | BBG000H001V3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ABC | AmerisourceBergen Corp | BBG000MDCQC2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VOYA | Voya Financial | BBG000BCWKD6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| JCI | Johnson Controls | BBG000BVWLJ6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AMN | AMN Healthcare Services Inc | BBG000BCT197 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WELL | Welltower REIT | BBG000BKY1G5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PSX | Phillips 66 | BBG00286S4N9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ITCI | Intra-Cellular Therapies, Inc | BBG0026ZFZC4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WSO | Watsco Inc | BBG000DJN7L9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HEI | HEICO | BBG000BL16Q7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BBBY | Bed Bath & Beyond | BBG000CSY9H9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SLAB | Silicon Laboratories Inc | BBG000BB99S3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CNHI | CNH Industrial N.V. | BBG0059JSF49 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WSM | Williams-Sonoma Inc | BBG000FSMWC3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| REGI | Renewable Energy Group Inc | BBG0016SSV00 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HPQ | HP | BBG000KHWT55 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GPRO | GoPro | BBG001LWHLJ8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ASIX | AdvanSix Inc | BBG00CWTTQ41 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TM | Toyota Motor Corp | BBG000BPH299 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GTN | Gray Television Inc | BBG000DSQLQ0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KO | COCA-COLA | BBG000BMX289 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MKL | Markel Corp | BBG000FC7366 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MLCO | Melco Resorts & Entertainment | BBG000BHP8J4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AAL | American Airlines Group | BBG005P7Q881 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PM | Philip Morris | BBG000J2XL74 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RRGB | Red Robin Gourmet Burgers Inc | BBG000MXH9C1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CL | Colgate-Palmolive | BBG000BFQYY3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AEM | Agnico Eagle Mines | BBG000DLVDK3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EQT | EQT Corporation | BBG000BHZ5J9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| QNST | QuinStreet Inc | BBG000S9XXB8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AMEZ | Ашинский метзавод | BBG000RJWGC4 | rub | 100 | 0.005 -| DSKY | Детский Мир | BBG000BN56Q9 | rub | 10 | 0.02 -| UBER | Uber | BBG002B04MT8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PKI | PerkinElmer | BBG000FXW512 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MSEX | Middlesex Water Company | BBG000BPGQ60 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| UNF | UniFirst Corp MA | BBG000BW29L1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| COP | ConocoPhillips | BBG000BQQH30 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IBKR | Interactive Brokers Group Inc | BBG000LV0836 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ARW | Arrow Electronics Inc | BBG000BCD3D5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TSCO | Tractor Supply | BBG000BLXZN1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GRMN | Garmin | BBG000C4LN67 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DLTH | Duluth Holdings Inc | BBG002GBMZG4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SBRA | Sabra Health Care REIT | BBG000MTDW24 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LAC | Lithium Americas Corp. | BBG000BGM5P8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| OC | Owens Corning | BBG000M44VW8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KMX | CarMax | BBG000BLMZK6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WWE | World Wrestling Entertainment | BBG000F5YH15 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IBN | ICICI Bank | BBG000DRM643 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ARVN | Arvinas Inc | BBG00LW7YK82 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FTI | TechnipFMC | BBG00DL8NMV2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| QUOT | Quotient Technology Inc | BBG001QYNR63 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NTUS | Natus Medical Inc | BBG000DPZHS3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GKOS | Glaukos Corp | BBG000WG2LQ1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RKLB | Rocket Lab | BBG00Y61SZL5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PLAN | Anaplan Inc | BBG002DZS299 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WM | Waste Management | BBG000BWVSR1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VMI | Valmont Industries | BBG000BWB7V4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| JBT | John Bean Technologies | BBG000VLBCQ1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| QCOM | Qualcomm | BBG000CGC1X8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| APLT | Applied Therapeutics | BBG000DD0489 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NARI | Inari Medical Inc | BBG009J8K7M0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CRSP | CRISPR Therapeutics AG | BBG00DBBGRX1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MASI | Masimo Corporation | BBG000C3W281 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TRUP | Trupanion Inc | BBG002BC7WC5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ILMN | Illumina | BBG000DSMS70 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GPK | Graphic Packaging Holding Company | BBG000GQ7K93 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| YETI | YETI Holdings Inc | BBG00D8JC882 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NFG | National Fuel Gas Company | BBG000BPYD87 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VIRT | Virtu Financial, Inc. | BBG0064N2T78 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SLG | SL Green REIT | BBG000BVP5P2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DKS | Dick's Sporting Goods Inc | BBG000F6ZWH2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RIVN | Rivian Automotive | BBG00741Y1N2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MRKY | МРСК Юга | BBG000C7P5M7 | rub | 10000 | 5e-05 -| SNOW | Snowflake Inc | BBG007DHGNJ4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MOMO | Hello Group | BBG007HTCQT0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KSPI@GS | ГДР Kaspi.kz JSC | BBG00XV2T033 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AZTA | Azenta | BBG000DX9JV7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KOD | Kodiak Sciences Inc | BBG00BVR0D02 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CHD | Church & Dwight | BBG000BFJT36 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ELS | Equity LifeStyle Properties REIT | BBG000BB7SX7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TPG | TPG | BBG0145FSNR1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VFC | VF | BBG000BWCKB6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MDB | MongoDB Inc | BBG0022FDRY8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SYK | Stryker | BBG000DN7P92 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SGMO | Sangamo Therapeutics | BBG000BHYT80 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EMN | Eastman Chemical Company | BBG000BLW530 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LDOS | Leidos Holdings | BBG000C23PB0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DV | DoubleVerify Holdings, Inc. | BBG00ZNRRJM2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NVS | Novartis AG | BBG000LYF3S8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| L | Loews | BBG000C45984 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LOGI | Logitech International SA | BBG000BQNNP6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| UWGN | ОВК | BBG008HD3V85 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| IRDM | Iridium Communications Inc | BBG000VC0FC1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LGIH | LGI Homes Inc | BBG0056655S1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ATEX | Anterix | BBG0081NLHR0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WRK | WestRock | BBG008NXC572 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| OSIS | OSI Systems Inc | BBG000BWPR54 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MSA | MSA Safety | BBG000BPDXF8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BJRI | BJ's Restaurants Inc | BBG000H9LNX1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SLVM | Sylvamo Corp. | BBG0122M8031 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TWLO | Twilio Inc | BBG0029ZX840 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| UHS | Universal Health Services | BBG000CB8Q50 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| JBL | Jabil Inc. | BBG000BJNGN9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CNX | CNX Resources Corporation | BBG000CKVSG8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TXN | Texas Instruments | BBG000BVV7G1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| UAL | United Airlines Holdings | BBG000M65M61 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GEMC | United medical group | BBG011MCM288 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| TTEK | Tetra Tech | BBG000BYZ0Q5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HSIC | Henry Schein | BBG000BNMMJ3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BLD | TopBuild Corp | BBG0077VS2C0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BRBR | BellRing Brands | BBG013QNJHP8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BELU | Белуга Групп ПАО ао | BBG000TY1CD1 | rub | 1 | 1. -| OMF | OneMain Holdings | BBG005497GZ3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CVM | CEL SCI Corporation | BBG000H5G6L5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MRVI | Maravai LifeSciences Holdings | BBG00Y1DFV91 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CCSI | Consensus Cloud Solutions | BBG0105XBRH0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MPC | Marathon Petroleum | BBG001DCCGR8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SPGI | S&P Global | BBG000BP1Q11 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HUBB | Hubbell | BBG000BLK267 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EDIT | Editas Medicine Inc | BBG005MX5GZ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BLDR | Builders FirstSource Inc | BBG000BKD3K9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LECO | Lincoln Electric Holdings | BBG000BB72K8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NKHP | НКХП | BBG00BGKYH17 | rub | 10 | 0.5 -| PLTR | Palantir Technologies Inc | BBG000N7QR55 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FRE@DE | Fresenius SE | BBG000BS3CD1 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| DHER@DE | Delivery Hero SE | BBG00GVXMJ74 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| SBGI | Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc | BBG000F2XXP2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GNRC | Generac Holdings Inc | BBG000PQ4W72 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ACGL | Arch Capital Group | BBG000HXNN20 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HOG | Harley-Davidson | BBG000BKZTP3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BLKB | Blackbaud Inc | BBG000BGGTW5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AXP | American Express | BBG000BCQZS4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PCOR | Procore Technologies | BBG0026ZJ304 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MVIS | MicroVision | BBG000BVKXQ5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SONY | Sony Corp | BBG000BT7ZK6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HHC | Howard Hughes Corp | BBG000MJRJJ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FOLD | Amicus Therapeutics | BBG000PLF6N0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DRQ | Dril-Quip Inc | BBG000BVDBY2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NSC | Norfolk Southern | BBG000BQ5DS5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SJM | JM Smucker | BBG000BT1715 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DLTR | Dollar Tree | BBG000BSC0K9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GOOG | Alphabet Class C | BBG009S3NB30 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CTAS | Cintas | BBG000H3YXF8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PRU | Prudential Financial | BBG000HCJMF9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KLAC | KLA-Tencor | BBG000BMTFR4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LCII | LCI Industries | BBG000DNLMB0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CM | Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce | BBG000FKTHQ1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CNTLP | Центральный Телеграф - акции привилегированные | BBG0027F0Y27 | rub | 100 | 0.02 -| KLIC | Kulicke & Soffa Industries | BBG000BMTX31 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BEN | Franklin Resources | BBG000BD0TF8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CACC | Credit Acceptance Corp | BBG000CS0D96 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BERY | Berry Global Group Inc | BBG000Q1R1Y9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BVB@DE | Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co KG | BBG000D54JC4 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| GLTR | Globaltrans Investment PLC | BBG000VFX6Y4 | rub | 1 | 0.05 -| SPT | Sprout Social | BBG001K1CT23 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| JKHY | Jack Henry & Associates Inc | BBG000BMH2Q7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FWRD | Forward Air Corporation | BBG000BRCHB4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TDOC | Teladoc Health Inc | BBG0019T5SG0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PCTY | Paylocity Holding Corp | BBG006598YS8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WAFD | Washington Federal, Inc. | BBG000BWQTD0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TMUS | T-Mobile US Inc | BBG000NDV1D4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| 9618 | JD.com | BBG00VC6RYV6 | hkd | 10 | 0.2 -| GS | Goldman Sachs | BBG000C6CFJ5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HASI | Hannon Armstrong REIT | BBG0044K5DM4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| POST | Post Holdings Inc | BBG001WTBC36 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CAG | Conagra Brands | BBG000BDXGP9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GMED | Globus Medical Inc | BBG002V87SD0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MA | Mastercard | BBG000F1ZSQ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AIG | American International Group | BBG000BBDZG3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| OMC | Omnicom Group | BBG000BS9489 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FIVE | ГДР X5 RetailGroup | BBG00JXPFBN0 | rub | 1 | 0.5 -| UCTT | Ultra Clean Holdings Inc | BBG000HSLV70 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VRTS | Virtus Investment Partners | BBG000DMFQS2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| OIS | Oil States International Inc | BBG000BDDN94 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MSGS | Madison Square Garden Co | BBG007FG0C23 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WB | Weibo Corporation | BBG0065XPGX9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| R | Ryder System | BBG000BRVP70 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LKQ | LKQ Corporation | BBG000PXDL44 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BILI | Bilibili Inc | BBG00K7T3037 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| COHR | Coherent Inc | BBG000BG1DH3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IOSP | Innospec | BBG000BMFNP4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TER | Teradyne Inc | BBG000BV4DR6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CPS | Cooper-Standard Holdings Inc | BBG000PSXT64 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SKIN | The Beauty Health Company | BBG00XKM1DC3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SAP | АДР SAP | BBG000BDSLD7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SBUX | Starbucks Corporation | BBG000CTQBF3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BANE | Башнефть | BBG004S68758 | rub | 1 | 0.5 -| CAT | Caterpillar | BBG000BF0K17 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| OKEY | O'Key Group SA | BBG00172J7S9 | rub | 10 | 0.01 -| TREX | Trex Co Inc | BBG000BTGKK9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IART | Integra LifeSciences Holdings | BBG000BZJQL8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ROG | Rogers Corp | BBG000BS9HN3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PYPL | PayPal Holdings | BBG0077VNXV6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SONO | SONOS INC | BBG001JZPSQ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CCI | Crown Castle REIT | BBG000FV1Z23 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AEO | American Eagle Outfitters Inc | BBG000BGXZB5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NXST | Nexstar Media Group Inc | BBG000DZJVH0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CVS | CVS Health Corporation | BBG000BGRY34 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NEO | NeoGenomics Inc | BBG000BKH263 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HCA | HCA Healthcare | BBG000QW7VC1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TSP | TuSimple Holdings | BBG00ZSDS6T8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IBTX | Independent Bank Group, Inc. | BBG003981NS4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PLZL@GS | Polyus PJSC | BBG00H2CS6K7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| UDR | UDR REIT | BBG000C41023 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| UPS | United Parcel Service | BBG000L9CV04 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AJG | Arthur J. Gallagher & Co | BBG000BBHXQ3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| YUMC | Yum China Holdings | BBG00B8N0HG1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RNR | RenaissanceRe Holdings | BBG000BFVZ83 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NVTK@GS | Novatek PJSC | BBG000QY6FL3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TRMK | Трубная Металлургическая Компания | BBG004TC84Z8 | rub | 10 | 0.02 -| SIE@DE | Siemens AG | BBG000BCCT76 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| POSI | Positive Technologies | TCS00A103X66 | rub | 1 | 0.2 -| CVCO | Cavco Industries Inc | BBG000K4WS65 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ROL | Rollins | BBG000BSBBP1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BANEP | Башнефть - привилегированные акции | BBG004S686N0 | rub | 1 | 0.5 -| WFC | Wells Fargo & Company | BBG000BWQFY7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LPLA | LPL Financial Holdings | BBG000P2TYL8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RUAL | РУСАЛ | BBG008F2T3T2 | rub | 10 | 0.005 -| CRL | Charles River Laboratories Int | BBG000BG5BL8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NVRO | Nevro | BBG001K61W36 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BOOT | Boot Barn Holdings Inc | BBG0077SYZV6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WAT | Waters | BBG000FQRVM3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MBUU | Malibu Boats Inc | BBG005PXTR70 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FDX | FedEx | BBG000BJF1Z8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GTLS | Chart Industries Inc | BBG000P1K2X6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RPD | Rapid7 Inc | BBG009DFHWG6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| OSH | Oak Street Health | BBG00W0L8GW3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VLDR | Velodyne Lidar | BBG00M0X4584 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SIG | Signet Jewelers | BBG000C4ZZ10 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HIG | Hartford Financial Services | BBG000G0Z878 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MSGE | Madison Square Garden Entertainment | BBG00L9HLWV8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TTLK | Таттелеком | BBG000RJL816 | rub | 1000 | 0.0005 -| COF | Capital One | BBG000BGKTF9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FITB | Fifth Third Bancorp | BBG000BJL3N0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RIOT | Riot Blockchain | BBG000BQ4512 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CHGG | Chegg Inc | BBG0014XR0N5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| YUM | Yum! | BBG000BH3GZ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ESAB | ESAB Corporation | BBG0028ZMP45 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MS | Morgan Stanley | BBG000BLZRJ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NDAQ | Nasdaq | BBG000F5VVB6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SEDG | SolarEdge Technologies Inc | BBG0084BBZY6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GMKN | Норильский никель | BBG004731489 | rub | 1 | 2. -| MEI | Methode Electronics Inc | BBG000BNY197 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GEVO | Gevo | BBG000P7S7L7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RGEN | Repligen Corporation | BBG000BS48J3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FLOW | SPX FLOW Inc | BBG007FL7ZD2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SRE | Sempra Energy | BBG000C2ZCH8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| OGE | OGE Energy Corp. | BBG000BQGLS5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TFX | Teleflex Inc | BBG000BV59Y6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HPE | Hewlett Packard Enterprise | BBG0078W3NQ3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WPC | WP Carey REIT | BBG000BCQM58 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IBM | IBM | BBG000BLNNH6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CVGW | Calavo Growers Inc | BBG000BGPQW1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NTCT | NetScout Systems Inc | BBG000C136Z8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CIEN | Ciena Corp | BBG000BP1152 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DLR | Digital Realty REIT | BBG000Q5ZRM7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BHF | Brighthouse Financial | BBG00DYPZ4T0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SWBI | Smith & Wesson Brands | BBG000BM0QL7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GBCI | Glacier Ban | BBG000C3KB84 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MSRS | МОЭСК | BBG004S687G6 | rub | 1000 | 0.0005 -| NVST | Envista Holdings | BBG00LN4B5N0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| Z | Zillow Group Inc | BBG009NRSWJ4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SIGI | Selective Insurance Group | BBG000BSZ738 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TPX | Tempur Sealy International Inc | BBG000PXGT62 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NYCB | New York Community Bancorp | BBG000BVXPZ8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| QIWI | QIWI | BBG005D1WCQ1 | rub | 1 | 0.5 -| WWD | Woodward Inc | BBG000BD53V2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IRKT | Корпорация ИРКУТ | BBG000FWGSZ5 | rub | 100 | 0.02 -| NEOG | Neogen Corp | BBG000C1BCK2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DMTK | DermTech | BBG00H19F184 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ISKJ | ИСКЧ | BBG000N16BP3 | rub | 10 | 0.02 -| NUVA | NuVasive Inc | BBG000LNL298 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| APLE | Apple Hospitality REIT | BBG006473QX9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CHH | Choice Hotels International In | BBG000BPBTL2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VTSC@DE | Vitesco Technologies Group AG | BBG00ZVC67K7 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| OZON | Ozon Holdings PLC | BBG00Y91R9T3 | rub | 1 | 0.5 -| SPCE | Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc Class A | BBG00HTN2CQ3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VOW3@DE | Volkswagen AG | BBG000BFCS17 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| FFIV | F5 | BBG000CXYSZ6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GPI | Group 1 Automotive Inc | BBG000BB88K4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EFX | Equifax | BBG000BHPL78 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SPOT | Spotify Technology SA | BBG003T4VFC2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ARE | Alexandria Real Estate Equities REIT | BBG000BC33T9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CC | Chemours Company | BBG005H82GB2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TASK | TaskUs | BBG009CL6VK3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| QTWO | Q2 Holdings Inc | BBG005ZVK9P2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SPLK | Splunk | BBG001C7TST4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ADP | Automatic Data Processing | BBG000JG0547 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ERIE | Erie IndemnIty Co | BBG000BBTJZ1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ZI | ZoomInfo Technologies Inc | BBG00S1HJ3M8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| UPRO | Юнипро | BBG004S686W0 | rub | 1000 | 0.001 -| SSB | SouthState Corp | BBG000BNPYN9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TKR | Timken Co The | BBG000BV95H9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RS | Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co | BBG000CJ2181 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VUZI | Vuzix Corp | BBG000QKVV49 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MDC | M.D.C. Holdings | BBG000BNTTY4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AZN | AstraZeneca PLC | BBG000BZ0DK8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GH | Guardant Health Inc | BBG006D97VY9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DCPH | Deciphera Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG00HMJ9H54 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MFGP | Micro Focus | BBG00HFWVGN0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| XOM | Exxon Mobil Corporation | BBG000GZQ728 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AWH | Aspira Womens Health | BBG000BTYP37 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SHAK | Shake Shack Inc | BBG0063GCHH8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IOVA | Iovance Biotherapeutics Inc | BBG000FTLBV7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PVH | PVH | BBG000BRRG02 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NKLA | Nikola | BBG00L4CWQ45 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ALK | Alaska Air Group | BBG000BBL0Y1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RY | Royal Bank of Canada | BBG000BSSC44 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WST | West Pharmaceutical Services I | BBG000BX24N8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MTLRP | Мечел - Привилегированные акции | BBG004S68FR6 | rub | 10 | 0.05 -| SLB | Schlumberger | BBG000BT41Q8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FTDR | Frontdoor, Inc. | BBG00H9MNDZ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TROW | T Rowe Price Group | BBG000BVMPN3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KZOSP | ПАО «КАЗАНЬОРГСИНТЕЗ» - акции привилегированные | BBG0029SG1C1 | rub | 10 | 0.01 -| SAP@DE | SAP SE | BBG000BG7GX2 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| LSNG | Ленэнерго | BBG000NLC9Z6 | rub | 100 | 0.01 -| SNX | SYNNEX Corp | BBG000CL9JV4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HYDR | РусГидро | BBG00475K2X9 | rub | 1000 | 0.0001 -| GRPH | Graphite Bio, Inc. | BBG00XDH4NZ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ATRI | Atrion Corp | BBG000DTT624 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EXPI | eXp World Holdings | BBG001DCTG63 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| INGN | Inogen Inc | BBG0021PH456 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CMS | CMS Energy Corporation | BBG000BFVXX0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LHA@DE | Deutsche Lufthansa AG | BBG000BC6M41 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| VCEL | Vericel Corp | BBG000BDCM24 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RIG | Transocean | BBG000BH5LT6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ENR | Energizer Holdings Inc | BBG006FCB019 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PSN | Parsons | BBG000C3TKY6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MANH | Manhattan Associates Inc | BBG000BFV758 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RTKMP | Ростелеком - Привилегированные акции | BBG004S685M3 | rub | 10 | 0.05 -| ICLR | ICON plc | BBG000CTSZQ6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AFKS | АФК Система | BBG004S68614 | rub | 100 | 0.001 -| FULC | Fulcrum Therapeutics | BBG00DDY1RK9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MNRO | Monro | BBG000C0BZD1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WTS | Watts Water Technologies Inc | BBG000C4Z6C2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ICUI | ICU Medical Inc | BBG000CQV2N4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PRG | PROG Holdings | BBG00VSH86G4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NTES | NetEase Inc | BBG000BX72V8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KNBE | KnowBe4 | BBG00C4DL9L4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FLR | Fluor | BBG000BB1TH9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VRSB | ТНС энерго Воронеж | BBG000BX7DH0 | rub | 10 | 0.2 -| GBT | Global Blood Therapeutics Inc | BBG00341H6M0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ATUS | Altice USA Inc | BBG00GFMPRK0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TAK | Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd | BBG000LF8708 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AZO | AutoZone | BBG000C7LMS8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PARA | Paramount Global | BBG000C496P7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WKHS | Workhorse Group Inc | BBG000BDPB15 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DAL | Delta Air Lines | BBG000R7Z112 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DLO | DLocal | BBG00XGCHFV7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ANIP | ANI Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG000KK1L04 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MSFT | Microsoft Corporation | BBG000BPH459 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DHI | D.R. Horton | BBG000DQTXY6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NCNO | nCino | BBG014GJ8XH2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FOXF | Fox Factory Holding Corp | BBG004T7VS53 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ACIW | ACI Worldwide, Inc. | BBG000PMBV39 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WSC | WillScot Mobile Mini Holdings | BBG00B0FS947 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ROSN | Роснефть | BBG004731354 | rub | 1 | 0.05 -| NKNC | Нижнекамскнефтехим | BBG000GQSRR5 | rub | 10 | 0.05 -| PAAS | Pan American Silver Corp | BBG000C0RGY3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MCO | Moody's | BBG000F86GP6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| POR | Portland General Electric | BBG000BCRMW7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FROG | JFrog Ltd. | BBG006PWZX16 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AON | Aon | BBG00SSQFPK6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ET | Energy Transfer LP | BBG000BM2FL9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| UTHR | United Therapeutics Corp | BBG000BV4XJ1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PB | Prosperity Bancshares | BBG000BHY4D9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PTCT | PTC Therapeutics | BBG000QT15P7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NLSN | Nielsen Holdings plc | BBG0088CYPX8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VRTX | Vertex Pharmaceuticals | BBG000C1S2X2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IFF | International Flavors & Fragrances | BBG000BLSL58 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BABA | Alibaba | BBG006G2JVL2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AMP | Ameriprise Financial | BBG000G3QLY3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AVB | AvalonBay Communities REIT | BBG000BLPBL5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WIX | Wix.com Ltd | BBG005CM7J89 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WRB | WR Berkley | BBG000BD1HP2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VEON | VEON | BBG000QCW561 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ARCC | Ares Capital Corp | BBG000PD6X77 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HAS | Hasbro | BBG000BKVJK4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WING | Wingstop Inc | BBG008N298Y8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ESPR | Esperion Therapeutics Inc | BBG004KB3S72 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| URBN | Urban Outfitters | BBG000BL79J3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GNL | Global Net Lease REIT | BBG004HXD0G8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PH | Parker-Hannifin | BBG000BR3KL6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EIX | Edison International | BBG000D7RKJ5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MTD | Mettler Toledo | BBG000BZCKH3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GGG | Graco | BBG000BK9W84 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SLDB | Solid Biosciences | BBG00JN4FXG8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ALB | Albemarle | BBG000BJ26K7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KEY | KeyCorp | BBG000BMQPL1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ALLY | Ally Financial Inc | BBG000BC2R71 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AVAV | AeroVironment Inc | BBG000GX14P2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BFH | Bread Financial | BBG000BFNR17 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SJW | SJW Group | BBG000BT1ZY7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RCUS | Arcus Biosciences | BBG00DQD26W3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ICFI | ICF International, Inc. | BBG000BBXVK5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GAZP | Газпром | BBG004730RP0 | rub | 10 | 0.01 -| LSCC | Lattice Semiconductor Corp | BBG000C2D1C1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MSCI | MSCI Inc | BBG000RTDY25 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EL | The Estee Lauder Companies | BBG000FKJRC5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EXP | Eagle Materials Inc | BBG000BJW241 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LYB | LyondellBasell | BBG000WCFV84 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KAP@GS | NAC Kazatomprom JSC | BBG00MJM7K82 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MTX | Minerals Technologies Inc. | BBG000BB61F7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KRKNP | Саратовский НПЗ - акции привилегированные | BBG002B2J5X0 | rub | 1 | 20. -| BLK | BlackRock | BBG000C2PW58 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ALE | ALLETE, Inc. | BBG000CYW7N5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SHW | Sherwin-Williams | BBG000BSXQV7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KD | Kyndryl Holdings | BBG012W99DN6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BAX | Baxter International | BBG000BCVJ77 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DG | Dollar General | BBG000NV1KK7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CB | Chubb | BBG000BR14K5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BMI | Badger Meter Inc | BBG000BDGHD9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DRI | Darden Restaurants | BBG000BBNYF6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BSX | Boston Scientific Corporation | BBG000C0LW92 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RASP | Распадская | BBG004S68696 | rub | 10 | 0.05 -| SILK | Silk Road Medical | BBG0026ZJRY4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IAC | IAC InterActiveCorp | BBG00S1LR2C3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WMB | The Williams Companies | BBG000BWVCP8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RARE | Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc | BBG001RWPDW6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ABG | Asbury Automotive Group Inc | BBG000BKDWB5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VMC | Vulcan Materials | BBG000BWGYF8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SXT | Sensient Technologies Corp | BBG000J79P80 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PLUG | Plug Power Inc | BBG000C1XSP8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PDCO | Patterson | BBG000BQY289 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SVST@GS | Severstal PJSC | BBG000Q3XWC4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CHMF | Северсталь | BBG00475K6C3 | rub | 1 | 0.2 -| ETLN | ГДР Etalon Group PLC | BBG001M2SC01 | rub | 1 | 0.02 -| KALU | Kaiser Aluminum Corp | BBG000PKZDX4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SFTL | ГДР Softline | BBG0136BTL03 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| VALE | Vale SA | BBG000BN5LG7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BRKR | Bruker Corp | BBG000CL1FG7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SAIA | Saia Inc | BBG000P5LMQ0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| STE | STERIS | BBG00MRHG523 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BDX | Becton, Dickinson and Company | BBG000BCZYD3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RSTIP | Российские сети - акции привилегированные | BBG000KTF667 | rub | 1000 | 0.001 -| RJF | Raymond James Financial | BBG000BS73J1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TCX | Tucows Inc | BBG000L69KL5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AAN | The Aarons Company | BBG00WCNDCZ6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FTV | Fortive | BBG00BLVZ228 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| INFO | IHS Markit | BBG006G063F9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LFST | LifeStance Health Group | BBG01138DGZ7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MMSI | MerIt Medical Systems Inc | BBG000C42VX0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NTGR | NETGEAR Inc | BBG000C4GBR6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PAG | Penske Automotive Group | BBG000H6K1B0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TCBI | Texas Capital Bancshares Inc | BBG000DN4ZT1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FRME | First Merchants Corporation | BBG000BBSJ28 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| COWN | Cowen, Inc. | BBG000ND1SB0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VNT | Vontier Corporation | BBG00RRGSJR4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| QRVO | Qorvo | BBG007TJF1N7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WTRG | Essential Utilities, Inc. | BBG000BRMJN6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GRUB | АДР Just Eat Takeaway.com N.V. | BBG010R8C3Y4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LII | Lennox International Inc | BBG000BB5B84 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FIZZ | National Beverage Corp | BBG000BF8CB6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CRMT | America's Car-Mart Inc TX | BBG000CM6L31 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LHCG | LHC Group Inc | BBG000G7W420 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MOV | Movado Group Inc | BBG000BL30Y9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SF | Stifel Financial | BBG000BSS5C0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| UBSI | United Bankshares, Inc. | BBG000BVXC87 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ZBRA | Zebra Technologies Corp | BBG000CC7LQ7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NKTR | Nektar Therapeutics | BBG000BHCYJ1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VPG | Vishay Precision Group Inc | BBG000PRQ0V9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BZUN | Baozun Inc | BBG008HNS333 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ICE | Intercontinental Exchange | BBG000C1FB75 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SQSP | Squarespace, Inc. | BBG00389GQ73 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CMI | Cummins | BBG000BGPTV6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CMA | Comerica Incorporated | BBG000C75N77 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LEA | Lear Corp | BBG000PTLGZ1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SWAV | Shockwave Medical Inc | BBG005XVXML5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VST | Vistra | BBG00DXDL6Q1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FRPT | Freshpet Inc | BBG001D0HB36 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| QLYS | Qualys Inc | BBG000HT5G06 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CHTR | Charter Communications | BBG000VPGNR2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CI | Cigna | BBG00KXRCDP0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SBERP | Сбер Банк - привилегированные акции | BBG0047315Y7 | rub | 10 | 0.01 -| ATKR | Atkore International Group Inc | BBG000QTFDQ4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CLVT | Clarivate | BBG00P1919G5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CRNC | Cerence | BBG00MMDJG84 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| POGR | Petropavlovsk PLC | BBG00VPKLPX4 | rub | 100 | 0.005 -| VRNS | Varonis Systems Inc | BBG001Y04TN6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WCC | WESCO International Inc | BBG000D0FNV3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HOT@DE | Hochtief AG | BBG000BC3WH8 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| LBRDK | Liberty Broadband Corporation | BBG006GNSZW5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HON | Honeywell | BBG000H556T9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LSI | Life Storage REIT | BBG000C42VL3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LMT | Lockheed Martin | BBG000C1BW00 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MODV | ModivCare Inc. | BBG000P1B7C8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BYND | Beyond Meat Inc | BBG003CVJP50 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RYN | Rayonier REIT | BBG000BG7L34 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DOCU | DocuSign Inc | BBG000N7KJX8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ACM | AECOM | BBG000F61RJ8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LUV | Southwest Airlines | BBG000BNJHS8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BECN | Beacon Roofing Supply Inc | BBG000BKTXF2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RRBI | Red River Bancshares | BBG000QKNLB2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| REYN | Reynolds Consumer Products Inc. | BBG00QVJVYB5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NVCR | NovoCure Limited | BBG009XW8PY2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CP | Canadian Pacific Railway | BBG000BCVMH9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BF.B | Brown-Forman | BBG000BD2NY8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CHEP | ЧТПЗ | BBG000Q49F45 | rub | 10 | 0.5 -| LEVI | Levi Strauss & Co | BBG000BQDF10 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PFG | Principal Financial Group | BBG000NSCNT7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IQV | IQVIA Holdings Inc | BBG00333FYS2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TRI | Thomson Reuters Corporation | BBG000BBS9F6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LYFT | Lyft Inc | BBG004M9ZHX5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CRI | Carter's Inc | BBG000CTM4J9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RSG | Republic Services | BBG000BPXVJ6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PRAA | PRA Group Inc | BBG000BNTW77 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SEE | Sealed Air | BBG000C22QV7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ARNA | Arena Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG000BKXBV7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RE | Everest Re Group | BBG000C1XVK6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DOV | Dover | BBG000BHB3M6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CAH | Cardinal Health | BBG000D898T9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CDNA | CareDx Inc | BBG006JS5785 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MMC | Marsh & McLennan | BBG000BP4MH0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MAC | Macerich REIT | BBG000BL9C59 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| JEF | Jefferies Financial Group | BBG000BNHSP9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MSI | Motorola Solutions | BBG000BP8Z50 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MP | MP Materials | BBG00TJGL0F0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BIG | Big Lots Inc | BBG000J0D904 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VCYT | Veracyte Inc | BBG001J2M542 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AMD | AMD | BBG000BBQCY0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FBHS | Fortune Brands Home & Security | BBG001B4BV87 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CGNX | Cognex Corp | BBG000BPBVW5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BBIO | Bridgebio Pharma | BBG00P9KDZK6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PUMP | ProPetro Holding Corp | BBG00FYCQ352 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FTNT | Fortinet Inc | BBG000BCMBG4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RSKD | Riskified | BBG011P2TCH8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HP | Helmerich & Payne | BBG000BLCPY4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CNXC | Concentrix Corporation | BBG00RCNQMX3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WWW | Wolverine World Wide Inc | BBG000BX2YN2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ZIM | ZIM Integrated Shipping Services | BBG00YQ7XR05 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GTX | Garrett Motion Inc | BBG00HY28P97 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CBRE | CBRE Group | BBG000C04224 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CEA | China Eastern Airlines | BBG000BCFNR4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FIGS | FIGS | BBG004SK5VL9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LNTH | Lantheus Holdings Inc | BBG006Q52RD0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IPGP | IPG Photonics Corporation | BBG000DCGRL8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NOV | National Oilwell Varco | BBG000BJX8C8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CENT | Central Garden & Pet Co | BBG000BFD605 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DOCS | Doximity, Inc. | BBG0026ZJQX7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HRL | Hormel Foods | BBG000BLF8D2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LOPE | Grand Canyon Education Inc | BBG000FV28W9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WHD | Cactus Inc | BBG00JRH1P95 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EBS | Emergent BioSolutions Inc | BBG000GW06J7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RF | Regions Financial | BBG000Q3JN03 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ANDE | Andersons Inc | BBG000BF8CN3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NTCO | Natura & Co Holding S.A. | BBG00R4ZKPN5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LENT | Лента | BBG0063FKTD9 | rub | 1 | 0.5 -| NPK | National Presto Industries Inc | BBG000BQ4GG2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| USB | US Bancorp | BBG000FFDM15 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EVT@DE | Evotec AG | BBG000C23DD5 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| GIS | General Mills | BBG000BKCFC2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FELE | Franklin Electric Co | BBG000BJGGV8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CDW | CDW Corp | BBG001P63B80 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HCSG | Healthcare Services Group Inc | BBG000BKYVF0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| STWD | Starwood Property Trust REIT | BBG000M1J270 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ALLE | Allegion | BBG003PS7JV1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GCHE | Группа Черкизово | BBG000RTHVK7 | rub | 1 | 0.5 -| BKU | BankUnited, Inc. | BBG000PQPCM6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GCP | GCP Applied Technologies Inc | BBG0082W8Q12 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ZIMV | ZimVie | BBG014630587 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VNA@DE | Vonovia SE | BBG000BT0ZM1 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| BNGO | Bionano Genomics, Inc. | BBG001KWWRS9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HSKA | Heska Corp | BBG000BWFH48 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HALO | Halozyme Therapeutics Inc | BBG000CZ8W54 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| JNJ | Johnson & Johnson | BBG000BMHYD1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AQUA | Русская аквакультура | BBG000W325F7 | rub | 1 | 0.5 -| BLNG | Белон | BBG000VQWH86 | rub | 100 | 0.005 -| MSNG | Мосэнерго | BBG004S687W8 | rub | 1000 | 0.0005 -| AIN | Albany International Corp. | BBG000BRWWH3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CNMD | CONMED Corporation | BBG000BFZVH8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SHI | Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical | BBG000BHR1H9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AIT | Applied Industrial Technologies | BBG000BBHHP9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CHCO | City Holding Company | BBG000BFJFX3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TATNP | Татнефть - привилегированные акции | BBG004S68829 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| KR | Kroger | BBG000BMY992 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MKTX | MarketAxess Holdings Inc | BBG000BJBZ23 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PLD | Prologis REIT | BBG000B9Z0J8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VMEO | Vimeo | BBG00ZNSSKP3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SNGS | Сургутнефтегаз | BBG0047315D0 | rub | 100 | 0.005 -| HOOD | Robinhood Markets, Inc. | BBG008NMBXN8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MLM | Martin Marietta Materials | BBG000BGYMH7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TJX | TJX | BBG000BV8DN6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| THRM | Gentherm Inc | BBG000BQLM34 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DOW | Dow Inc | BBG00BN96922 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MNST | Monster Beverage | BBG008NVB1C0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BUD | Anheuser-Busch InBev | BBG000RYC984 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BAND | Bandwidth Inc | BBG001K003W2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NXPI | NXP Semiconductors NV | BBG000BND699 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EXAS | Exact Sciences Corp | BBG000CWL0F5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ETR | Entergy Corporation | BBG000C1FQS9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| JELD | JELD-WEN Holding Inc | BBG0019GM953 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ZBH | Zimmer Biomet Holdings | BBG000BKPL53 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WISH | ContextLogic | BBG006DZTJ56 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CMCSA | Comcast | BBG000BFT2L4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ALNY | Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG000BFGNJ5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TCMD | Tactile Systems Technology Inc | BBG001B12Z39 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CSX | CSX Corp | BBG000BGJRC8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CCL | Carnival | BBG000BF6LY3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LASR | nLight Inc | BBG0020BCPX5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TMHC | Taylor Morrison Home Corp | BBG003PGJHP5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EPC | Edgewell Personal Care Co | BBG000BRW644 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TGKA | ТГК-1 | BBG000QFH687 | rub | 100000 | 2.0000000000000003e-06 -| GDEV | Nexters Inc | BBG00Z5KBW72 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AMWD | American Woodmark Corp | BBG000BBX657 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| UPWK | Upwork Inc | BBG00FBJ6390 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ADBE | Adobe | BBG000BB5006 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NATI | National Instruments | BBG000DZK6N6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RDY | Dr. Reddy's Laboratories | BBG000NJ96L6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TOST | Toast | BBG00BTJVK94 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KMB | Kimberly-Clark | BBG000BMW2Z0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TNL | Travel + Leisure Co. | TBG000PV2L86 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ALV@DE | Allianz SE | BBG000BBFBD7 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| EGP | EastGroup Properties REIT | BBG000BHRBT4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| JNPR | Juniper Networks | BBG000BY33P5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GSKY | GreenSky Inc | BBG00KT2SCV8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| USFD | US Foods Holding Corp | BBG00C6H6D40 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SWCH | Switch Inc | BBG00HPDM5Z2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PRGS | Progress Software Corp | BBG000C4QP94 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VKCO | VK | BBG00178PGX3 | rub | 1 | 0.2 -| ATRA | Atara Biotherapeutics Inc | BBG005Q3MQY4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NEU | NewMarket Corp | BBG000BJ5SS8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| STOR | STORE Capital Corp REIT | BBG00265T6Q4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CWST | Casella Waste Systems | BBG000BT0J38 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SAVA | Cassava Sciences | BBG000BK9YW3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| URI | United Rentals | BBG000BXMFC3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GL | Globe Life Inc | BBG000BVD6X4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TDY | Teledyne Technologies Inc | BBG000BMT9T6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RNFT | РуссНефть | BBG00F9XX7H4 | rub | 1 | 0.2 -| HAE | Haemonetics Corp | BBG000C7TF41 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PSA | Public Storage REIT | BBG000BPPN67 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ZYXI | Zynex Inc | BBG000BJBXZ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CBRL | Cracker Barrel Old Country Sto | BBG000BF33K1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AXGN | Axogen Inc | BBG000BN46R9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MU | Micron Technology | BBG000C5Z1S3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AKRN | Акрон | BBG004S688G4 | rub | 1 | 2. -| PEAK | Healthpeak Properties REIT | BBG000BKYDP9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| POSH | Poshmark | BBG0029ZBN50 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DCI | Donaldson Co | BBG000BGZP70 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CNXN | PC Connection Inc | BBG000BX74M4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MC | Moelis & Co | BBG000RNBH63 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| UA | Under Armour (C) | BBG009DTD8H2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AGRO | РусАгро | BBG007N0Z367 | rub | 1 | 0.2 -| GTLB | GitLab | BBG00DHTYPH8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TOL | Toll Brothers Inc | BBG000BVHBM1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DNOW | NOW Inc | BBG005BLN209 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PAYX | Paychex Inc | BBG000BQSQ38 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CYTK | Cytokinetics | BBG000F0R4N9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ATVI | Activision Blizzard | BBG000CVWGS6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| STAG | STAG Industrial REIT | BBG000BGLFP7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DIOD | Diodes Inc | BBG000G25P51 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| Y | Alleghany Corp | BBG000BX6BJ3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CRSR | Corsair Gaming Inc | BBG00HMSHL83 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VCRA | Vocera Communications Inc | BBG00179VSY7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BEAM | Beam Therapeutics | BBG00KXC8646 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NIC | Nicolet Bankshares | BBG000QK0TG5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CTVA | Corteva Inc | BBG00BN969C1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DRE | Duke Realty REIT | BBG000BHD8S7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ABNB | Airbnb, Inc | BBG001Y2XS07 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LRN | Stride, Inc | BBG000QSXPZ9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| OSK | Oshkosh Corporation | BBG000CC53X1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HAL | Halliburton | BBG000BKTFN2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| YELP | Yelp Inc | BBG000Q2HM09 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LRCX | Lam Research | BBG000BNFLM9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TNC | Tennant Company | BBG000JCZJS2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ESE | ESCO Technologies Inc. | BBG000C4S3P3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BFAM | Bright Horizons Family Solutio | BBG003LFWP05 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ALGN | Align Technology | BBG000BRNLL2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BA | BOEING | BBG000BCSST7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FATE | Fate Therapeutics Inc | BBG000QP35H2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BLI | Berkeley Lights | BBG00HJ8K617 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| STLA | Stellantis N.V. | BBG0078ZLDG9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PACB | Pacific Biosciences of California | BBG000QKXH20 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| T | AT&T | BBG000BSJK37 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BOSS@DE | HUGO BOSS AG | BBG000BD0GG5 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| KMAZ | КАМАЗ | BBG000LNHHJ9 | rub | 10 | 0.1 -| VSCO | Victorias Secret & Co. | BBG01103B471 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RWE@DE | RWE AG | BBG000BBQ209 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| STNE | StoneCo | BBG00M4ZQDK0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EXEL | Exelixis Inc | BBG000BQ4WF8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| REGN | Regeneron Pharmaceuticals | BBG000C734W3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AMED | Amedisys Inc | BBG000B9ZV28 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BDC | Belden Inc | BBG000Q4XNV1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NLMK@GS | Novolipetsk Steel PJSC | BBG000PR0PJ6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CEG | Constellation Energy | BBG014KFRNP7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LGND | Ligand Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG000BKF014 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KBH | KB Home | BBG000BMLWX8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WLK | Westlake Corporation | BBG000PXZFW2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CIAN | АДР Циан | BBG012YQ6P43 | rub | 1 | 0.2 -| RTX | Raytheon Technologies | BBG000BW8S60 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BH | Biglari Holdings Inc | BBG00JPRDQH1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| OGKB | Вторая генерирующая компания оптового рынка электроэнергии | BBG000RK52V1 | rub | 1000 | 0.0001 -| CHDN | Churchill Downs Inc | BBG000BGXMG9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TTCF | Tattooed Chef, Inc. | BBG00LN7Q496 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DD | DuPont de Nemours Inc | BBG00BN961G4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| STAA | STAAR Surgical Co | BBG000C4QB95 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SCL | Stepan Company | BBG000BSMFN2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ARVL | Arrival | BBG00YFSF9D7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FLT | FleetCor Technologies Inc | BBG000GPXKX9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AWR | American States Water Co | BBG000F964B6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AX | Axos Financial Inc | BBG000QPHD08 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ALC | Alcon | BBG00NPWH832 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RSTI | Российские сети | BBG004S682J4 | rub | 1000 | 0.0001 -| VRTV | Veritiv Corp | BBG005XZHR97 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HWM | Howmet Aerospace | BBG00DYNJGH9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| OLN | Olin Corp | BBG000BQHTV3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CVX | Chevron | BBG000K4ND22 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CRVL | CorVel Corp | BBG000CVKZY0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SHEN | Shenandoah Telecommunications | BBG000BTC2N0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AERI | Aerie Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG001KJ7WJ5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FOX | Twenty-First Century Fox | BBG00JHNKJY8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CBSH | Commerce Bancshares | BBG000BF3G77 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PCG | PG&E | BBG000BQWPC5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AYX | Alteryx Inc | BBG000BGZT72 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PEN | Penumbra Inc | BBG001BP92V1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ALIT | Alight | BBG00H00J2N1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GPN | Global Payments | BBG000CX0P89 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HBAN | Huntington Bancshares | BBG000BKWSR6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LSTR | Landstar System | BBG000BB2KN0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ALV | Autoliv, Inc. | BBG000BVLRY8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BIO | Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc | BBG000DY28W5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WBD | Warner Bros. Discovery | BBG011386VF4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| V | Visa | BBG000PSKYX7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NVDA | NVIDIA | BBG000BBJQV0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| XNCR | Xencor Inc | BBG0026ZG4W0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CWT | California Water Service | BBG000D8KTN6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TATN | Татнефть | BBG004RVFFC0 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| CLR | Continental Resources Inc | BBG000BHBGN6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KWR | Quaker Chemical Corp | BBG000DZS2L9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WU | Western Union | BBG000BB5373 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ARQT | Arcutis Biotherapeutics | BBG00QN8K4M4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MGNT@GS | Magnit PJSC | BBG000VFBQG4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KOPN | Kopin Corporation | BBG000C2SBZ8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| QGEN | QIAGEN NV | BBG000GTYWL7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SAIC | Science Applications Internati | BBG003BW05K6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ELAN | Elanco Animal Health Inc | BBG00LJYS1P8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ZYNE | Zynerba Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG007BBS8B7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AEIS | Advanced Energy Industries Inc | BBG000FKMP26 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AOUT | American Outdoor Brands Inc | BBG00QV8FS02 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MARA | Marathon Digital Holdings | BBG001K7WBT8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EOG | EOG Resources | BBG000BZ9223 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ODFL | Old Dominion Freight Line Inc | BBG000CHSS88 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MDGL | Madrigal Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG000QS6NV8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DNB | Dun & Bradstreet Holdings | BBG00VCZX9Z6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PNC | PNC Financial Services | BBG000BRD0D8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PMSBP | Пермэнергосбыт - акции привилегированные | BBG000MZL2S9 | rub | 10 | 0.2 -| HRTX | Heron Therapeutics Inc | BBG000G2GJT7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DDS | Dillard's Inc | BBG000BS4MP5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RTKM | Ростелеком | BBG004S682Z6 | rub | 10 | 0.01 -| ENTG | Entegris Inc | BBG000CTV4N4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HRB | H&R Block | BBG000BLDV98 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CNS | Cohen & Steers Inc | BBG000BB0WG4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| POWI | Power Integrations Inc | BBG000BTT3D1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MATX | Matson Inc | BBG000BBK401 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| OSTK | Overstock.com | BBG000BF7BV7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SNPS | Synopsys | BBG000BSFRF3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BTI | British American Tobacco | BBG000BWPXQ8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NKE | NIKE | BBG000C5HS04 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VSMO | ВСМПО-АВИСМА | BBG004S68CV8 | rub | 1 | 20. -| SCCO | Southern Copper Corp | BBG000BSHH72 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CARS | Cars.com Inc | BBG000HGTH33 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MGRC | McGrath RentCorp | BBG000BP02D2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ZG | Zillow Group Inc | BBG000D13GN8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HCAT | Health Catalyst | BBG00LDPZMS6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| UNP | Union Pacific Corporation | BBG000BW3299 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KEYS | Keysight Technologies Inc | BBG0059FN811 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CACI | CACI International | BBG000KQY8Y7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AGNC | AGNC Investment REIT | BBG000TJ8XZ7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| G | Genpact Limited | BBG000RQBFV2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MTRN | Materion Corp | BBG000BDTT76 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VC | Visteon Corp | BBG0016T3GQ0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IPG | IPG | BBG000C90DH9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AMTI | Applied Molecular Transport | BBG00R240WL5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DLX | Deluxe Corp | BBG000BH6360 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| STRA | Strategic Education Inc | BBG000GRZDV1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PLAY | Dave & Buster's Entertainment Inc | BBG001WWJTK5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PLCE | Children's Place Inc The | BBG000JK9DK4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MVID | М.видео | BBG004S68CP5 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| VAC | Marriott Vacations Worldwide Corporation | BBG001J2R5H3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TPIC | TPI Composites Inc | BBG0016MQ7C5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MKC | McCormick & Co | BBG000G6Y5W4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SKLZ | Skillz Inc | BBG00RQ732B6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HLNE | Hamilton Lane Incorporated | BBG00FX58Q66 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MUR | Murphy Oil | BBG000BPMH90 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SRI | Stoneridge Inc | BBG000BB9Q78 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ETN | Eaton Corporation | BBG000BJ3PD2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LIN | Linde | BBG00GVR8YQ9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BR | Broadridge Financial Solutions | BBG000PPFKQ7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EPAM | EPAM Systems | BBG000MHTV89 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IT | Gartner | BBG000BB65D0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MHK | Mohawk Industries | BBG000FLZN98 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PHM | PulteGroup | BBG000BR54L0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ADM | Archer-Daniels-Midland Company | BBG000BB6WG8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LCID | Lucid Group | BBG00W7F99V5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| JWN | Nordstrom | BBG000G8N9C6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CRM | Salesforce | BBG000BN2DC2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TGT | Target | BBG000H8TVT2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ULTA | Ulta Beauty | BBG00FWQ4VD6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LAZR | Luminar Technologies | BBG00MS90LK2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| OSUR | OraSure Technologies Inc | BBG000J3D1Y8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PNTG | Pennant Group Inc | BBG00P33SY72 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AFX@DE | Carl Zeiss Meditec AG | BBG000C7X325 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| FNKO | Funko Inc | BBG00HXSHDQ9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MGA | Magna International Inc. | BBG000BNLPJ7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FND | Floor & Decor Holdings Inc | BBG007GJ2F81 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IP | International Paper | BBG000BM5SR2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HTHT | H World Group | BBG000QFPM65 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VLO | Valero Energy Corporation | BBG000BBGGQ1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BMY | Bristol-Myers Squibb | BBG000DQLV23 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CVNA | Carvana Co | BBG00GCTWDJ3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KAI | Kadant Inc. | BBG000BKRSZ3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LFUS | Littelfuse | BBG000BGFGT8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ROLO | Русолово | BBG004Z2RGW8 | rub | 100 | 0.005 -| PANW | Palo Alto Networks | BBG0014GJCT9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AMBA | Ambarella | BBG001QZCPJ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MIDD | Middleby Corp The | BBG000DQN9R3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PIKK | ПИК | BBG004S68BH6 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| VIPS | Vipshop | BBG002NLDLV8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CORR | CorEnergy Infrastructure REIT | BBG000CN80Y9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AZPN | Aspen Technology | BBG017J18W74 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BX | Blackstone | BBG000BH0106 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NLMK | НЛМК | BBG004S681B4 | rub | 10 | 0.02 -| CNP | CenterPoint Energy | BBG000FDBX90 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CYBR | CyberArk Software Ltd | BBG006Q52QV2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CPB | Campbell Soup | BBG000BG4202 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CPT | Camden Property REIT | BBG000BB0V03 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AIRC | Apartment Income REIT | BBG00XK3WVD0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WRLD | World Acceptance Corp | BBG000C3G9J2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SFIX | Stitch Fix | BBG0046L1KL9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GHC | Graham Holdings Co | BBG000C3FGH9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| OII | Oceaneering International Inc | BBG000CPBCL8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AKAM | Akamai Technologies | BBG000BJQWD2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DNLI | Denali Therapeutics Inc | BBG008P7F869 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BILL | Bill.com Holdings Inc | BBG00QVJV6V4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TWTR | Twitter | BBG000H6HNW3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ANGI | Angi Inc | BBG00HVKH3Q0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TDC | Teradata | BBG000R0L5J4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ABMD | Abiomed Inc | BBG000C101X4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AVA | Avista Corporation | BBG000BCNF74 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BAYN@DE | Bayer | BBG000BBWF85 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| NOC | Northrop Grumman | BBG000BQ2C28 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TGKN | ТГК-14 | BBG000RG4ZQ4 | rub | 1000000| 1e-05 -| GLOB | Globant SA | BBG00564Y443 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| APD | Air Products & Chemicals | BBG000BC4JJ4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| OFIX | Orthofix Medical Inc | BBG000G1C210 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BK | Bank of New York Mellon | BBG000BD8PN9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DT | Dynatrace Inc | BBG00PNN7C40 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EXLS | ExlService Holdings Inc | BBG000NS3P30 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| UMBF | UMB Financial | BBG000DD8WX1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| THO | Thor Industries Inc | BBG000BV6R84 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EVER | EverQuote | BBG00F17NDH7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GT | Goodyear Tire & Rubber | BBG000BKNX95 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KEX | Kirby Corp | BBG000BMQCP6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RGR | Sturm Ruger & Co Inc | BBG000C4FQG6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HBI | Hanesbrands | BBG000D2ZTS8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TRNFP | Транснефть - привилегированные акции | BBG00475KHX6 | rub | 1 | 50. -| AZEK | AZEK Company | BBG00RPJPN67 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| INSG | Inseego Corp | BBG00DWX7QH0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CGNT | Cognyte Software Ltd. | BBG00R0ZFHV4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ZS | Zscaler Inc | BBG003338H34 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ADI | Analog Devices | BBG000BB6G37 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VMW | VMware | BBG000BC9938 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ITGR | Integer Holdings Corp | BBG000BW6JV4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BIIB | Biogen | BBG000C17X76 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WK | Workiva Inc | BBG007BVZ8H9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ESS | Essex Property REIT | BBG000CGJMB9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DGX | Quest Diagnostics | BBG000BN84F3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TNDM | Tandem Diabetes Care Inc | BBG0019V9M65 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DHR | Danaher | BBG000BH3JF8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SPB@US | Spectrum Brands Holdings Inc | BBG000DS5588 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ENOV | Enovis | BBG000C5Z443 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ADSK | Autodesk | BBG000BM7HL0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MEDP | Medpace Holdings Inc | BBG0065B7K59 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SO | Southern | BBG000BT9DW0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RGNX | REGENXBIO Inc | BBG007Z9V591 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GWW | WW Grainger | BBG000BKR1D6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MTSS | МТС | BBG004S681W1 | rub | 10 | 0.05 -| SPSC | SPS Commerce Inc | BBG000PZGB75 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KROT | Красный Октябрь | BBG000NLB2G3 | rub | 10 | 0.5 -| PATK | Patrick Industries Inc | BBG000BQSBB2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| D | Dominion Energy Inc | BBG000BGVW60 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| XRX | Xerox | BBG00NNG2ZJ8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LSRG | Группа ЛСР | BBG004S68C39 | rub | 1 | 0.2 -| SAGE | Sage Therapeutics Inc | BBG0025X16Y5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BOKF | BOK Financial | BBG000CFZ003 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| USNA | USANA Health Sciences Inc | BBG000BX28M0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AORT | Artivion | BBG000BMLVJ6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MRTX | Mirati Therapeutics Inc | BBG004TPGBP5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| YAKG | ЯТЭК | BBG002B298N6 | rub | 10 | 0.05 -| RYTM | Rhythm Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG007DLZ601 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SYY | Sysco | BBG000BTVJ25 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FIS | Fidelity National Information | BBG000BK2F42 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AWI | Armstrong World Industries Inc | BBG000DW4LB1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FRHC | Freedom Holding Corp/NV | BBG000N625H8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SNGSP | Сургутнефтегаз - привилегированные акции | BBG004S681M2 | rub | 100 | 0.005 -| CERE | Cerevel Therapeutics Holdings | BBG00VCYVLH4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| UAA | Under Armour | BBG000BXM6V2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CWEN | Clearway Energy | BBG008LJ4TF3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CINF | Cincinnati Financial Corporation | BBG000BFPK65 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NMTP | НМТП | BBG004S68BR5 | rub | 100 | 0.005 -| CMP | Compass Minerals International | BBG000C42WS4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VREX | Varex Imaging Corp | BBG00CZNLR47 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HII | Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc | BBG001KJ2HM9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SOHU | Sohu.com | BBG00L2DB535 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FTCI | FTC Solar, Inc. | BBG0320C1036 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| OGS | ONE Gas | BBG004WQKD07 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NTNX | Nutanix Inc | BBG001NDW1Z7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MRNA | Moderna Inc | BBG003PHHZT1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RNG | RingCentral Inc | BBG000J094P3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MAGN | Магнитогорский металлургический комбинат | BBG004S68507 | rub | 10 | 0.005 -| XPO | XPO Logistics Inc | BBG000L5CJF3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LSNGP | Ленэнерго - акции привилегированные | BBG000NLCCM3 | rub | 10 | 0.05 -| ABCL | AbCellera Biologics | BBG00LLW2MF2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MAT | Mattel | BBG000BNNYW1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MUV2@DE | Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG | BBG000BD9FD1 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| BYSI | BeyondSpring | BBG00F9YLST6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DELL | Dell Technologies Inc | BBG00DW3SZS1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TXT | Textron | BBG000BVVQQ8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LNZLP | Лензолото - привилегированные акции | BBG000SR0YS4 | rub | 1 | 5. -| SPBE | СПБ Биржа | BBG002GHV6L9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CALM | Cal-Maine Foods Inc | BBG000CDMJW6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CLSK | Cleanspark Inc | BBG001MB89V6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SATS | EchoStar Corporation | BBG000TGLV00 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RXRX | Recursion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | BBG00PQ4XJ45 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PEGA | Pegasystems Inc | BBG000H1RYG7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HAIN | Hain Celestial Group Inc | BBG000BQW085 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AVNS | Avanos Medical Inc | BBG005L86G05 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CPRT | Copart Inc | BBG000BM9RH1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SIBN | Газпром нефть | BBG004S684M6 | rub | 1 | 0.05 -| NKNCP | Нижнекамскнефтехим - акции привилегированные | BBG000GQSVC2 | rub | 10 | 0.02 -| AVGO | Broadcom | BBG00KHY5S69 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EVK@DE | Evonik Industries AG | BBG001PD3L10 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| ALXO | ALX Oncology Holdings Inc | BBG00VR8SDG8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DVEC | ДЭК | BBG000V07CB8 | rub | 1000 | 0.001 -| NTRA | Natera inc | BBG001J1BQ86 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NSVZ | Наука-Связь | BBG002BCQK67 | rub | 10 | 0.5 -| SWKS | Skyworks Solutions | BBG000KLB4Q1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TPH | Tri Pointe Homes, Inc. | BBG0016YQTR5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AGCO | AGCO Corp | BBG000DCCZW2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RENI | Ренессанс Страхование | BBG00QKJSX05 | rub | 10 | 0.01 -| CRWD | Crowdstrike Holdings Inc | BBG00BLYKS03 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TGKBP | ТГК-2 - акции привилегированные | BBG000Q7GJ60 | rub | 100000 | 1e-05 -| FLWS | 1-800-Flowers.com Inc | BBG000BBR9P6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| UPST | Upstart Holdings | BBG00PKCBY53 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ANF | Abercrombie & Fitch | BBG000H9G7X2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PHOR@GS | PhosAgro PJSC | BBG001R16GZ5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ATRO | Astronics Corp | BBG000BCLBY5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TRU | TransUnion | BBG002Q7J5Z1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HURN | Huron Consulting Group Inc | BBG000PV2M48 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NEM | Newmont Goldcorp Corporation | BBG000BPWXK1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CE | Celanese Corp | BBG000JYP7L8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GCO | Genesco Inc | BBG000BK5S78 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ADS@DE | Adidas | BBG000FR1RP5 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| LW | Lamb Weston Holdings Inc | BBG003CVMLQ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TTE | TotalEnergies SE | BBG000CHZ857 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TENB | Tenable Holdings Inc | BBG00LBLCD02 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SRCL | Stericycle | BBG000H3FZM6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LPSN | LivePerson Inc | BBG000BSV0W5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FLO | Flowers Foods, Inc. | BBG000BB4D72 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EMR | Emerson Electric | BBG000BHX7N2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GM | General Motors | BBG000NDYB67 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CMG | Chipotle Mexican Grill | BBG000QX74T1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KIDS | OrthoPediatrics Corp | BBG00HFFRW39 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IPAR | Inter Parfums Inc | BBG000GCSWR5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MRK@DE | Merck KGaA | BBG000BX4S53 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| BDTX | Black Diamond Therapeutics Inc | BBG00MS4Y0W9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| STT | State Street | BBG000BKFBD7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AVIR | Atea Pharmaceuticals | BBG00TZNCJ75 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PRTA | Prothena Corporation | BBG003PDKJF7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ZUMZ | Zumiez Inc | BBG000PYX812 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FNF | Fidelity National Financial, Inc. | BBG006N7S6K9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NVTK | НОВАТЭК | BBG00475KKY8 | rub | 1 | 0.2 -| IBP | Installed Building Products | BBG005TJKDZ6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MMM | 3M Company | BBG000BP52R2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FRPH | FRP Holdings Inc | BBG000HCVWW4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SRDX | Surmodics Inc | BBG000BZ2QG2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TGKD | Квадра | BBG000F6H7K3 | rub | 100000 | 5e-06 -| PWR | Quanta Services | BBG000BBL8V7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EQIX | Equinix REIT | BBG000MBDGM6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RGLD | Royal Gold | BBG000BS5170 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| COFS | ChoiceOne Financial Services, Inc. | BBG000LLRNX3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VRSN | VeriSign | BBG000BGKHZ3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EAR | Eargo | BBG009HSTZ10 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MTLR | Мечел | BBG004S68598 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| NRG | NRG Energy | BBG000D8RG11 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DDOG | Datadog Inc | BBG003NJHZT9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CW | Curtiss-Wright | BBG000BGSPS5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FORR | Forrester Research Inc | BBG000HGNYG8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NLOK | NortonLifeLock Inc | BBG000BH2JM1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TSVT | 2seventy bio | BBG00YV1J622 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ACLS | Axcelis Technologies | BBG000DW34S2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AN | AutoNation | BBG000BBXLW4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RKKE | РКК Энергия им.С.П.Королева | BBG000LWNRP3 | rub | 1 | 10. -| ITRI | Itron Inc | BBG000BD2167 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TWOU | 2U Inc | BBG001KS9450 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FSLR | First Solar | BBG000BFL116 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MKSI | MKS Instruments | BBG000BVMG26 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CTLT | Catalent Inc | BBG005XR47P5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ACMR | ACM Research Inc | BBG00HPSG933 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| C | Citigroup | BBG000FY4S11 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VICR | Vicor Corp | BBG000C3VHF1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MDRX | Allscripts Healthcare Solution | BBG000BLDXH5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PATH | UiPath, Inc. | BBG00GKS1G03 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SKY | Skyline Champion | BBG000BT2TP0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BBY | Best Buy Co. | BBG000BCWCG1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AIV | Apartment Investment & Management REIT | BBG000DD3510 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MTN | Vail Resorts Inc | BBG000BCMWM1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CCMP | CMC Materials | BBG000BP3NW2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PRFT | Perficient Inc | BBG000BVXFK6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SAFM | Sanderson Farms Inc | BBG000BSHJ96 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DWNI@DE | Deutsche Wohnen SE | BBG000GM6Y84 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| SAVE | Spirit Airlines Inc | BBG000BF6RQ9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ITW | Illinois Tool Works | BBG000BMBL90 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TTC | Toro | BBG000BVQRY3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EXPD | Expeditors | BBG000BJ5GK2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ABT | Abbott | BBG000B9ZXB4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MRKS | МРСК Сибири | BBG000VJMH65 | rub | 10000 | 0.0005 -| SLP | Simulations Plus Inc. | BBG000BS2ZD1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FTCH | Farfetch Ltd | BBG00LSD4456 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TT | Trane Technologies | BBG000BM6788 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CHPT | ChargePoint Holdings | BBG00Q741Z16 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LFC | China Life Insurance | BBG000BBK4B9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SMPL | Simply Good Foods Co | BBG00GVP5JL4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IRM | Iron Mountain REIT | BBG000KCZPC3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ZIP | ZipRecruiter Inc | BBG010JBYV98 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ORUP | Обувь России | BBG001BBGNS2 | rub | 10 | 0.02 -| HSY | Hershey | BBG000BLHRS2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NCR | NCR Corp | BBG000BMXK89 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| QDEL | QuidelOrtho Corp | BBG017TGV7M2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ISRG | Intuitive Surgical | BBG000BJPDZ1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MIME | Mimecast Limited | BBG00B6W26V8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PINC | Premier Inc | BBG000G7QX50 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DXCM | DexCom Inc | BBG000QTF8K1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ITT | ITT | BBG00CVQZQ96 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GVA | Granite Construction Inc | BBG000DVB833 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SWI | SolarWinds Corp | BBG00M1CKSK7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CLH | Clean Harbors Inc | BBG000BFRRX8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VZIO | VIZIO Holding Corp. | BBG00ZHDJVK4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LYV | Live Nation Entertainment Inc | BBG000FQ7YR4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PAY | Paymentus Holdings | BBG010MW0N84 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NFE | New Fortress Energy | BBG00MJH9LC4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CR | Crane Holdings | BBG017BXPZ85 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WBA | Walgreens Boots Alliance | BBG000BWLMJ4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| OLED | Universal Display Corp | BBG000BLRP41 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MQ | Marqeta, Inc. | BBG0112Z87D8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EYE | National Vision Holdings Inc | BBG00HVQF9K2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LNN | Lindsay Corporation | BBG000FJS1S8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CPNG | Coupang, Inc. | BBG00XMJRPQ8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MRC | MRC Global Inc | BBG000BKLTM1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| OLLI | Ollie's Bargain Outlet Holding | BBG0098VVDT9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MDU | MDU Resources Group, Inc. | BBG000BNX3R4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BWXT | BWX Technologies | BBG000D86F25 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TMO | Thermo Fisher Scientific | BBG000BVDLH9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SXI | Standex International Corp | BBG000BTT5B8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EXPO | Exponent, Inc. | BBG000F31Z34 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SAIL | SailPoint Technologies Holdings | BBG00J0BBZL0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CCS | Century Communities | BBG006G412Q6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CRS | Carpenter Technology Corp | BBG000BGCQT9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| EVRG | Evergy, Inc | BBG00H433CR2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PMSB | Пермэнергосбыт | BBG000MZL0Y6 | rub | 10 | 0.1 -| RPM | RPM International Inc | BBG000DCNK80 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CLDT | Chatham Lodging REIT | BBG000PT6BR8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ACN | Accenture | BBG000D9D830 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PEP | PepsiCo | BBG000DH7JK6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FESH | ДВМП | BBG000QF1Q17 | rub | 100 | 0.01 -| COST | Costco Wholesale | BBG000F6H8W8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| POLY | Polymetal | BBG004PYF2N3 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| AMSF | AMERISAFE, Inc. | BBG000Q0JJQ0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CBOM | МКБ | BBG009GSYN76 | rub | 100 | 0.001 -| RDFN | Redfin Corp | BBG001Q7HP63 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SP | SP Plus Corp | BBG000BJ91B1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GPC | Genuine Parts | BBG000BKL348 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| J | Jacobs Engineering | BBG000BMFFQ0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| JOBS | 51job | BBG000BJD1D4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SBER@GS | Sberbank of Russia PJSC | BBG001VBZR00 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MSTT | Мостотрест | BBG004S68DD6 | rub | 10 | 0.05 -| ASAN | Asana | BBG00WYHL732 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| LLY | Eli Lilly & Co | BBG000BNBDC2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ESTC | Elastic NV | BBG00LWZDYB9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MYRG | MYR Group Inc | BBG000BC7VW9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ALLK | Allakos Inc | BBG003QBJKN0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| DASB | Дагестанская энергосбытовая компания | BBG000LWVHN8 | rub | 1000 | 0.0001 -| RUN | Sunrun Inc | BBG0025XVR85 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KFY | Korn Ferry | BBG000C5QMB5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MANT | ManTech International Corp VA | BBG000BGF8B5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AXTA | Axalta Coating Systems | BBG0060CPLJ5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BC | Brunswick Corp DE | BBG000BCWSS3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BCPC | Balchem Corp | BBG000BCY878 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| KIM | Kimco Realty REIT | BBG000CN3S73 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NSP | InsperIty Inc | BBG000BJ41X2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ENPH | Enphase Energy Inc | BBG001R3MNY9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IRTC | iRhythm Technologies | BBG001J19V24 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NTAP | NetApp | BBG000FP1N32 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CFR | Cullen/Frost Bankers | BBG000C2PL98 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AMEH | Apollo Medical Holdings | BBG000H7ZK57 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PTON | Peloton Interactive Inc | BBG00JG0FFZ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FORM | FormFactor Inc | BBG000D1Y3P1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| PRI | Primerica | BBG000T8ZF80 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| COLM | Columbia Sportswear Company | BBG000BKKQ84 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WEC | WEC Energy Group | BBG000BWP7D9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ARCT | Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings | BBG00NNW8JK1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SHOP | Shopify Inc | BBG008HBD923 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| GOSS | Gossamer Bio Inc | BBG00MVWLLM2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MRKC | Россети Центр | BBG000VH7TZ8 | rub | 1000 | 0.0002 -| LTHM | Livent Corporation | BBG00LV3NRG0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TGTX | TG Therapeutics | BBG000FVZQY1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| INDB | Independent Bank Corp | BBG000BM0597 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HUM | Humana | BBG000BLKK03 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VVV | Valvoline | BBG003DNHV56 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CSCO | Cisco | BBG000C3J3C9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| WRBY | Warby Parker | BBG005DWN8K8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| IRAO | Интер РАО ЕЭС | BBG004S68473 | rub | 100 | 0.0005 -| REG | Regency Centers REIT | BBG000BL46Q4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NRIX | Nurix Therapeutics Inc | BBG00SDJ8M78 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| K | Kellogg | BBG000BMKDM3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VRSK | Verisk Analytics | BBG000BCZL41 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CNTL | Центральный Телеграф | BBG000BBV4M5 | rub | 100 | 0.02 -| KAZT | КуйбышевАзот | BBG002B9MYC1 | rub | 10 | 0.2 -| HES | Hess | BBG000BBD070 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| HYLN | Hyliion Holdings Corp. | BBG00N9MJTZ9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| YEXT | Yext Inc | BBG001MKZGY7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ENDP | Endo International PLC | BBG000C0HQ54 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NOK | Nokia | BBG000BNGBW9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FCX | Freeport-McMoRan | BBG000BJDB15 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| MGY | Magnolia Oil & Gas Corp | BBG00GNC8DL2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AFLT | Аэрофлот | BBG004S683W7 | rub | 10 | 0.02 -| SDGR | Schrodinger Inc | BBG000T88BN2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| UNM | Unum | BBG000BW2QX0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| BAS@DE | BASF SE | BBG000BBVVK7 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| ASGN | ASGN Inc | BBG000CRN8N8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AER | AerCap Holdings | BBG000Q9FZL4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| CNNE | Cannae Holdings | BBG00GXRNJP4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RIDE | Lordstown Motors Corp | BBG00N6NL712 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| ABRD | АбрауДюрсо | BBG002W2FT69 | rub | 10 | 0.5 -| 1 | CK Hutchison Holdings | BBG0087DLDQ6 | hkd | 10 | 0.05 -| CF | CF Industries Holdings | BBG000BWJFZ4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| NVEE | NV5 Global Inc | BBG005BT60Y8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AMH | American Homes 4 Rent REIT | BBG003NXJNH6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 +| Ticker | Full name | FIGI | Cur | Lot | Step | +|--------------|-----------------------------------------------------------|--------------|-----|---------|------------| +| PKI | PerkinElmer | BBG000FXW512 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| APA | APA Corporation | BBG00YTS96G2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CNX | CNX Resources Corporation | BBG000CKVSG8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SLM | SLM Corp | BBG000BBCQD7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SWX | Southwest Gas Holdings | BBG00FWP4JW4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ACLS | Axcelis Technologies | BBG000DW34S2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LPL | LG Display | BBG000FJ0RK9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CAG | Conagra Brands | BBG000BDXGP9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DSKY | Детский Мир | BBG000BN56Q9 | rub | 10 | 0.02 | +| WW | WW International, Inc. | BBG000DY6735 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MLKN | MillerKnoll | BBG000BP46T2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BAS@DE | BASF SE | BBG000BBVVK7 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| MDT | Medtronic | BBG000BNWG87 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AJG | Arthur J. Gallagher & Co | BBG000BBHXQ3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RIO | Rio Tinto | BBG000FD28T3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| JOBS | 51job | BBG000BJD1D4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GWRE | Guidewire Software Inc | BBG001C7PM75 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MAR | Marriott International | BBG000BGD7W6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ENPG | En+ Group | BBG000RMWQD4 | rub | 1 | 0.5 | +| PAYC | Paycom Software Inc | BBG0064N0ZZ5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TTCF | Tattooed Chef, Inc. | BBG00LN7Q496 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NCNO | nCino | BBG014GJ8XH2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CHCO | City Holding Company | BBG000BFJFX3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DNLI | Denali Therapeutics Inc | BBG008P7F869 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| POLY | Polymetal | BBG004PYF2N3 | rub | 1 | 0.1 | +| MTD | Mettler Toledo | BBG000BZCKH3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| THS | TreeHouse Foods Inc | BBG000GQGJT4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HUBB | Hubbell | BBG000BLK267 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NWSA | News Corp (A) | BBG0035LY913 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AVIR | Atea Pharmaceuticals | BBG00TZNCJ75 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| APH | Amphenol | BBG000B9YJ35 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NKNCP | Нижнекамскнефтехим - акции привилегированные | BBG000GQSVC2 | rub | 10 | 0.02 | +| AVT | Avnet | BBG000BCPB71 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DPZ | Domino's Pizza Inc | BBG000P458P3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ZIM | ZIM Integrated Shipping Services | BBG00YQ7XR05 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GTN | Gray Television Inc | BBG000DSQLQ0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| C | Citigroup | BBG000FY4S11 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GVA | Granite Construction Inc | BBG000DVB833 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| R | Ryder System | BBG000BRVP70 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IP | International Paper | BBG000BM5SR2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KEX | Kirby Corp | BBG000BMQCP6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ACH | Aluminum Corp of China | BBG000CMRVH1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EPC | Edgewell Personal Care Co | BBG000BRW644 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| COUP | Coupa Software Inc | BBG001J4BCN4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GILD | GILEAD | BBG000CKGBP2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WGO | Winnebago Industries Inc | BBG000BWS3F3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BCRX | BioCryst Pharmaceuticals | BBG000BLYWX6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SLDB | Solid Biosciences | BBG00JN4FXG8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MLAB | Mesa Laboratories Inc | BBG000BP3PW7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WCN | Waste Connections | BBG000FLHZZ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AMAT | Applied Materials | BBG000BBPFB9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| INO | Inovio Pharmaceuticals | BBG000BK6YX5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HLT | Hilton | BBG0058KMH30 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SNA | Snap-on | BBG000BT7JW9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VNT | Vontier Corporation | BBG00RRGSJR4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| OGN | Organon & Co. | BBG00ZQRGW24 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BMY | Bristol-Myers Squibb | BBG000DQLV23 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AVTR | Avantor Inc | BBG00G2HHYD7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WTW | Willis Towers Watson | BBG000DB3KT1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| APLE | Apple Hospitality REIT | BBG006473QX9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CHE | Chemed Corp | BBG000C19QW1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AMD | AMD | BBG000BBQCY0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RSTIP | Российские сети - акции привилегированные | BBG000KTF667 | rub | 1000 | 0.001 | +| BR | Broadridge Financial Solutions | BBG000PPFKQ7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ON | ON Semiconductor Corp | BBG000DV7MX4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NET | CloudFlare Inc | BBG001WMKHH5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CTVA | Corteva Inc | BBG00BN969C1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TGTX | TG Therapeutics | BBG000FVZQY1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CSGP | CoStar Group Inc | BBG000D7JKW9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TSCO | Tractor Supply | BBG000BLXZN1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SPOT | Spotify Technology SA | BBG003T4VFC2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PZZA | Papa John's International Inc | BBG000BFWF13 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PODD | Insulet Corp | BBG000R7XX87 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HAL | Halliburton | BBG000BKTFN2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DG | Dollar General | BBG000NV1KK7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DDS | Dillard's Inc | BBG000BS4MP5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GXO | GXO Logistics, Inc. | BBG00YDGX945 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RH | RH | BBG002293PJ4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BWA | BorgWarner | BBG000BJ49H3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PNC | PNC Financial Services | BBG000BRD0D8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DOW | Dow Inc | BBG00BN96922 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MUV2@DE | Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG | BBG000BD9FD1 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| ZGNX | Zogenix Inc | BBG000VDC3G9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VXRT | Vaxart Inc | BBG000DR0RZ7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LCII | LCI Industries | BBG000DNLMB0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HAIN | Hain Celestial Group Inc | BBG000BQW085 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IRM | Iron Mountain REIT | BBG000KCZPC3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FBHS | Fortune Brands Home & Security | BBG001B4BV87 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FATE | Fate Therapeutics Inc | BBG000QP35H2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SLQT | SelectQuote | BBG000GTP1B6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| F | Ford | BBG000BQPC32 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SYNH | Syneos Health Inc | BBG0078Y1D92 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CCXI | ChemoCentryx, Inc | BBG000PTSB12 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ABM | ABM Industries | BBG000B9YYH7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WSO | Watsco Inc | BBG000DJN7L9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HUM | Humana | BBG000BLKK03 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RIVN | Rivian Automotive | BBG00741Y1N2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ABC | AmerisourceBergen Corp | BBG000MDCQC2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CENTA | Central Garden & Pet Co | BBG000KTYB56 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CVM | CEL SCI Corporation | BBG000H5G6L5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EW | Edwards Lifesciences | BBG000BRXP69 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SSA@GS | Sistema PJSFC | BBG000G7B4C2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IGMS | IGM Biosciences Inc | BBG00PNR1BT2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SNY | Sanofi | BBG000BBD5N1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FLGT | Fulgent Genetics | BBG00DR7LTG2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BOH | Bank of Hawaii | BBG000C8D8G9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DXCM | DexCom Inc | BBG000QTF8K1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FAF | First American Financial Corporation | BBG000V78V75 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AORT | Artivion | BBG000BMLVJ6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IRKT | Корпорация ИРКУТ | BBG000FWGSZ5 | rub | 100 | 0.02 | +| OVV | Ovintiv Inc. | BBG00R2NHQ65 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BJ | BJs Wholesale Club Holdings, Inc. | BBG00FQ8T4G3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IRBT | iRobot Corp | BBG000HXJB21 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VMC | Vulcan Materials | BBG000BWGYF8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NTAP | NetApp | BBG000FP1N32 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MRKV | МРСК Волги | BBG000PKWCQ7 | rub | 10000 | 0.00005 | +| SMG | Scotts Miracle-Gro Co The | BBG000BT5PG5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ALE | ALLETE, Inc. | BBG000CYW7N5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BAH | Booz Allen Hamilton | BBG000R2YFG7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| COHR | Coherent Inc | BBG000BG1DH3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WMT | Wal-Mart Stores | BBG000BWXBC2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TSN | Tyson Foods | BBG000DKCC19 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RXRX | Recursion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | BBG00PQ4XJ45 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HPQ | HP | BBG000KHWT55 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NTR | Nutrien | BBG00JM9XLN6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AOUT | American Outdoor Brands Inc | BBG00QV8FS02 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RGLD | Royal Gold | BBG000BS5170 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PAY | Paymentus Holdings | BBG010MW0N84 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SAGE | Sage Therapeutics Inc | BBG0025X16Y5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BIGC | BigCommerce Holdings | BBG00W1PSSJ0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| G | Genpact Limited | BBG000RQBFV2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GLW | Corning | BBG000BKFZM4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WLK | Westlake Corporation | BBG000PXZFW2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HEAR | Turtle Beach Corp | BBG000BM6N47 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PLAN | Anaplan Inc | BBG002DZS299 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| QRTEA | Qurate Retail Inc | BBG000PCQQL6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CAT | Caterpillar | BBG000BF0K17 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NEM | Newmont Goldcorp Corporation | BBG000BPWXK1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MIDD | Middleby Corp The | BBG000DQN9R3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| YUMC | Yum China Holdings | BBG00B8N0HG1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LYFT | Lyft Inc | BBG004M9ZHX5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NLOK | NortonLifeLock Inc | BBG000BH2JM1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EGRX | Eagle Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG005Y3XWH9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VSMO | ВСМПО-АВИСМА | BBG004S68CV8 | rub | 1 | 20 | +| CERE | Cerevel Therapeutics Holdings | BBG00VCYVLH4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AZTA | Azenta | BBG000DX9JV7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BDTX | Black Diamond Therapeutics Inc | BBG00MS4Y0W9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DIS | Walt Disney | BBG000BH4R78 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WK | Workiva Inc | BBG007BVZ8H9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GDEV | Nexters Inc | BBG00Z5KBW72 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| STWD | Starwood Property Trust REIT | BBG000M1J270 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SHI | Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical | BBG000BHR1H9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SPR | Spirit AeroSystems Holdings | BBG000PRJ2Z9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BUD | Anheuser-Busch InBev | BBG000RYC984 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FRME | First Merchants Corporation | BBG000BBSJ28 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| UNAC | Объединенная авиастроительная корпорация | BBG000Q7ZZY2 | rub | 1000 | 0.0005 | +| TPR | Tapestry | BBG000BY29C7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RSG | Republic Services | BBG000BPXVJ6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AI | C3.ai, Inc | BBG00Y6G6X31 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MMC | Marsh & McLennan | BBG000BP4MH0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LSRG | Группа ЛСР | BBG004S68C39 | rub | 1 | 0.2 | +| NTRS | Northern Trust | BBG000BQ74K1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SKY | Skyline Champion | BBG000BT2TP0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BZUN | Baozun Inc | BBG008HNS333 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FTCI | FTC Solar, Inc. | BBG0320C1036 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SXI | Standex International Corp | BBG000BTT5B8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DRQ | Dril-Quip Inc | BBG000BVDBY2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ELS | Equity LifeStyle Properties REIT | BBG000BB7SX7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RHM@DE | Rheinmetall AG | BBG000BWT790 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| WTFC | Wintrust Financial | BBG000HD3DW5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PLXS | Plexus Corp | BBG000BRBX66 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| APPF | Appfolio Inc | BBG008GC8CP6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TT | Trane Technologies | BBG000BM6788 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ILMN | Illumina | BBG000DSMS70 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NXST | Nexstar Media Group Inc | BBG000DZJVH0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ARRY | Array Technologies | BBG001V4SF46 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PSA | Public Storage REIT | BBG000BPPN67 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| COLD | Americold Realty Trust REIT | BBG000QF05R6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| UPS | United Parcel Service | BBG000L9CV04 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MBUU | Malibu Boats Inc | BBG005PXTR70 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CDK | CDK Global | BBG006B6PVN9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ZBH | Zimmer Biomet Holdings | BBG000BKPL53 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| XP | XP Inc | BBG00QVJYGM9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BDC | Belden Inc | BBG000Q4XNV1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HSKA | Heska Corp | BBG000BWFH48 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PPL | PPL | BBG000BRJL00 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CABO | Cable One | BBG000F02T51 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| APPH | AppHarvest | BBG00VDGP717 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FDX | FedEx | BBG000BJF1Z8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VRNS | Varonis Systems Inc | BBG001Y04TN6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CRL | Charles River Laboratories Int | BBG000BG5BL8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CNI | Canadian National Railway Co | BBG000HS74G6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ZION | Zions Bancorporation | BBG000BX9WL1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IVZ | Invesco | BBG000BY2Y78 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PARA | Paramount Global | BBG000C496P7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DBX | Dropbox Inc | BBG0018SLDN0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| STEM | Stem | BBG00XP8NQN4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TTLK | Таттелеком | BBG000RJL816 | rub | 1000 | 0.0005 | +| DRI | Darden Restaurants | BBG000BBNYF6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DD | DuPont de Nemours Inc | BBG00BN961G4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CNP | CenterPoint Energy | BBG000FDBX90 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CNTL | Центральный Телеграф | BBG000BBV4M5 | rub | 100 | 0.02 | +| SLAB | Silicon Laboratories Inc | BBG000BB99S3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ANSS | ANSYS | BBG000GXZ4W7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SDGR | Schrodinger Inc | BBG000T88BN2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CROX | Crocs Inc | BBG000BLY663 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SJW | SJW Group | BBG000BT1ZY7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ATEX | Anterix | BBG0081NLHR0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| QDEL | QuidelOrtho Corp | BBG017TGV7M2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TDOC | Teladoc Health Inc | BBG0019T5SG0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| OSIS | OSI Systems Inc | BBG000BWPR54 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IBP | Installed Building Products | BBG005TJKDZ6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SITE | SiteOne Landscape Supply Inc | BBG009T22D49 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IART | Integra LifeSciences Holdings | BBG000BZJQL8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SIG | Signet Jewelers | BBG000C4ZZ10 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HA | Hawaiian Holdings Inc | BBG000BC4185 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| USPH | US Physical Therapy Inc | BBG000CSRSG6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CWH | Camping World Holdings, Inc. | BBG00D2Z7X83 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CGNX | Cognex Corp | BBG000BPBVW5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FRT | Federal Realty Investment Trust REIT | BBG000BJVN28 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BGS | B&G Foods Inc | BBG000RKXRQ1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| XM | Qualtrics International Inc. | BBG00M9BHPZ5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PRGS | Progress Software Corp | BBG000C4QP94 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DLTR | Dollar Tree | BBG000BSC0K9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WCC | WESCO International Inc | BBG000D0FNV3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GTX | Garrett Motion Inc | BBG00HY28P97 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PFGC | Performance Food Group Co | BBG009XW2WB8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CHGG | Chegg Inc | BBG0014XR0N5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| COF | Capital One | BBG000BGKTF9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KIDS | OrthoPediatrics Corp | BBG00HFFRW39 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LOW | Lowe's | BBG000BNDN65 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AMP | Ameriprise Financial | BBG000G3QLY3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MGNT | Магнит | BBG004RVFCY3 | rub | 1 | 0.5 | +| SVAV | СОЛЛЕРС | BBG004S68JR8 | rub | 10 | 0.5 | +| AZO | AutoZone | BBG000C7LMS8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KSPI@GS | ГДР Kaspi.kz JSC | BBG00XV2T033 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PRG | PROG Holdings | BBG00VSH86G4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ABR | Arbor Realty Trust REIT | BBG000KMVDV1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ARVL | Arrival | BBG00YFSF9D7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PETQ | PetIQ Inc | BBG00H1CY328 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GS | Goldman Sachs | BBG000C6CFJ5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PPG | PPG Industries | BBG000BRJ809 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MKSI | MKS Instruments | BBG000BVMG26 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SCHW | The Charles Schwab Corporation | BBG000BSLZY7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WYNN | Wynn Resorts | BBG000LD9JQ8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RDN | Radian Group | BBG000BMWV95 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MCO | Moody's | BBG000F86GP6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CNXC | Concentrix Corporation | BBG00RCNQMX3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FTCH | Farfetch Ltd | BBG00LSD4456 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BC | Brunswick Corp DE | BBG000BCWSS3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SPGI | S&P Global | BBG000BP1Q11 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RDY | Dr. Reddy's Laboratories | BBG000NJ96L6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ALB | Albemarle | BBG000BJ26K7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MELI | MercadoLibre Inc | BBG000GQPB11 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CSWI | CSW Industrials Inc | BBG007NLG4L3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| UAA | Under Armour | BBG000BXM6V2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NLMK@GS | Novolipetsk Steel PJSC | BBG000PR0PJ6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| UNP | Union Pacific Corporation | BBG000BW3299 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NTLA | Intellia Therapeutics Inc | BBG007KC7PB0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FFIN | First Financial Bankshares, Inc. | BBG000BL8476 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ECPG | Encore Capital Group Inc | BBG000F369C7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CVET | Covetrus Inc | BBG00KR691K8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HIG | Hartford Financial Services | BBG000G0Z878 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SAIC | Science Applications Internati | BBG003BW05K6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WAT | Waters | BBG000FQRVM3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ACGL | Arch Capital Group | BBG000HXNN20 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SITM | SiTime | BBG00QNSY1H7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| O | Realty Income REIT | BBG000DHPN63 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CDW | CDW Corp | BBG001P63B80 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DGX | Quest Diagnostics | BBG000BN84F3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ZM | Zoom Video Communications Inc | BBG0042V6JM8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| UHS | Universal Health Services | BBG000CB8Q50 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CSII | Cardiovascular Systems Inc | BBG000NWQ9S5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HOG | Harley-Davidson | BBG000BKZTP3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WELL | Welltower REIT | BBG000BKY1G5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| POWI | Power Integrations Inc | BBG000BTT3D1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KTB | Kontoor Brands Inc | BBG00LPTHYD5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PAG | Penske Automotive Group | BBG000H6K1B0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MED | Medifast Inc | BBG000BWBW76 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| UGI | UGI Corp | BBG000BVYN55 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SLB | Schlumberger | BBG000BT41Q8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LPSN | LivePerson Inc | BBG000BSV0W5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PLZL@GS | Polyus PJSC | BBG00H2CS6K7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TM | Toyota Motor Corp | BBG000BPH299 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GTLB | GitLab | BBG00DHTYPH8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BXP | Boston Properties REIT | BBG000BS5CM9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TEL | TE Connectivity | BBG000RGM5P1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EIX | Edison International | BBG000D7RKJ5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| JBHT | JB Hunt | BBG000BMDBZ1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ODFL | Old Dominion Freight Line Inc | BBG000CHSS88 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NEWR | New Relic Inc | BBG001NFKJ68 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AXSM | Axsome Therapeutics Inc | BBG00B6G7GL7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FCEL | FuelCell Energy | BBG000HQ1LB3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SBER@GS | Sberbank of Russia PJSC | BBG001VBZR00 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PRFT | Perficient Inc | BBG000BVXFK6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VIRT | Virtu Financial, Inc. | BBG0064N2T78 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ORUP | Обувь России | BBG001BBGNS2 | rub | 10 | 0.02 | +| ASH | Ashland Inc | BBG00D0Y81M1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GEVO | Gevo | BBG000P7S7L7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ABNB | Airbnb, Inc | BBG001Y2XS07 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ETLN | ГДР Etalon Group PLC | BBG001M2SC01 | rub | 1 | 0.02 | +| ET | Energy Transfer LP | BBG000BM2FL9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AXON | Axon Enterprise Inc | BBG000BHJWG1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NLY | Annaly Capital Management REIT | BBG000BJFJ98 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| APPN | Appian Corp | BBG001C7PMJ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| 700 | Tencent Holdings | BBG000BJ35N5 | hkd | 1 | 0.2 | +| PSMT | PriceSmart, Inc. | BBG000BTKR92 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VREX | Varex Imaging Corp | BBG00CZNLR47 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TRMB | Trimble Inc | BBG000BNPS52 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WBD | Warner Bros. Discovery | BBG011386VF4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ROST | Ross Stores | BBG000BSBZH7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CTAS | Cintas | BBG000H3YXF8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SHOP | Shopify Inc | BBG008HBD923 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| COTY | Coty | BBG000F395V1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ITGR | Integer Holdings Corp | BBG000BW6JV4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| YUM | Yum! | BBG000BH3GZ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TKR | Timken Co The | BBG000BV95H9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HCSG | Healthcare Services Group Inc | BBG000BKYVF0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RTKMP | Ростелеком - Привилегированные акции | BBG004S685M3 | rub | 10 | 0.05 | +| FUL | HB Fuller Co | BBG000BJZ7V7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GRNT | Городские Инновационные Технологии | BBG00B8NN386 | rub | 100 | 0.0005 | +| GEMC | United medical group | BBG011MCM288 | rub | 1 | 0.1 | +| SKLZ | Skillz Inc | BBG00RQ732B6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ALRM | Alarm com Holdings Inc | BBG007GNPYY7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NSP | InsperIty Inc | BBG000BJ41X2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TCRR | TCR2 Therapeutics Inc | BBG00FH3FM15 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PGR | Progressive | BBG000BR37X2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TRHC | Tabula Rasa HealthCare In | BBG00BT7PPY8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KRC | Kilroy Realty Corp REIT | BBG000BLMXN8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CWT | California Water Service | BBG000D8KTN6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KZOSP | ПАО «КАЗАНЬОРГСИНТЕЗ» - акции привилегированные | BBG0029SG1C1 | rub | 10 | 0.01 | +| AXP | American Express | BBG000BCQZS4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| A | Agilent Technologies | BBG000C2V3D6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EBS | Emergent BioSolutions Inc | BBG000GW06J7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CPT | Camden Property REIT | BBG000BB0V03 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| W | Wayfair Inc | BBG001B17MV2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HOLX | Hologic | BBG000C3NTN5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ANIK | Anika Therapeutics Inc | BBG000BBKZD8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GEF | Greif Inc | BBG000BLFNC0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LMT | Lockheed Martin | BBG000C1BW00 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FRPT | Freshpet Inc | BBG001D0HB36 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TMHC | Taylor Morrison Home Corp | BBG003PGJHP5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BXMT | Blackstone Mortgage Trust REIT | BBG000BGKJ70 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SNOW | Snowflake Inc | BBG007DHGNJ4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PATH | UiPath, Inc. | BBG00GKS1G03 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SBH | Sally Beauty Holdings Inc | BBG000LR8515 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| COP | ConocoPhillips | BBG000BQQH30 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ZBRA | Zebra Technologies Corp | BBG000CC7LQ7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ASO | Academy Sports & Outdoors | BBG00X7L1C14 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CXW | CoreCivic | BBG000BJSJT2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SHOO | Steven Madden, Ltd. | BBG000BLV2Q3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VVX | V2X, Inc. | BBG005PG80K4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GSHD | Goosehead Insurance, Inc. | BBG00KHHBMC5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BLDR | Builders FirstSource Inc | BBG000BKD3K9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AJRD | Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings In | BBG000BKRHQ7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DIOD | Diodes Inc | BBG000G25P51 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CSGS | CSG Systems International Inc | BBG000G3TQV2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AFMD | Affimed NV | BBG006R5SSH5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HI | Hillenbrand | BBG000KT0GV3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PRLB | Proto Labs Inc | BBG000BT13B3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ZTS | Zoetis | BBG0039320N9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KMAZ | КАМАЗ | BBG000LNHHJ9 | rub | 10 | 0.1 | +| AEM | Agnico Eagle Mines | BBG000DLVDK3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| INTU | Intuit | BBG000BH5DV1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BRBR | BellRing Brands | BBG013QNJHP8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KZOS | ПАО «КАЗАНЬОРГСИНТЕЗ» | BBG0029SFXB3 | rub | 10 | 0.1 | +| CHRW | C.H. Robinson Worldwide | BBG000BTCH57 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ORI | Old Republic International Corporation | BBG000C4PLF7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BBSI | Barrett Business Services Inc | BBG000BHJSC4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RAMP | LiveRamp Holdings Inc | BBG000BB4HM6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LII | Lennox International Inc | BBG000BB5B84 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FIXP | Fix Price Group | BBG00ZHCX1X2 | rub | 1 | 0.1 | +| EA | Electronic Arts | BBG000BP0KQ8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VKCO | VK | BBG00178PGX3 | rub | 1 | 0.2 | +| PACB | Pacific Biosciences of California | BBG000QKXH20 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CDNA | CareDx Inc | BBG006JS5785 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SKM | SK Telecom Co. | BBG000BLN497 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MTOR | Meritor Inc | BBG000BH92D1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PEP | PepsiCo | BBG000DH7JK6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IAC | IAC Inc | BBG00S1LR2C3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TCX | Tucows Inc | BBG000L69KL5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PHOR | ФосАгро | BBG004S689R0 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| MOH | Molina Healthcare Inc | BBG000MBHNC8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DLTH | Duluth Holdings Inc | BBG002GBMZG4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RRX | Regal Rexnord | BBG000BRXTR8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| OSUR | OraSure Technologies Inc | BBG000J3D1Y8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ORLY | O'Reilly Automotive | BBG000BGYWY6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AIR | AAR Corp | BBG000BBGQF1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AVNS | Avanos Medical Inc | BBG005L86G05 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CBRE | CBRE Group | BBG000C04224 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DUK | Duke Energy Corp | BBG000BHGDH5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HEN3@DE | Henkel AG & Co | BBG000BC3BJ2 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| BWXT | BWX Technologies | BBG000D86F25 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MSGS | Madison Square Garden Co | BBG007FG0C23 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RS | Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co | BBG000CJ2181 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SGMO | Sangamo Therapeutics | BBG000BHYT80 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SPBE | СПБ Биржа | BBG002GHV6L9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MHO | M/I Homes Inc | BBG000BL9MZ4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CMI | Cummins | BBG000BGPTV6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PRTS | CarParts.com | BBG000N26V95 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CAH | Cardinal Health | BBG000D898T9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| UCTT | Ultra Clean Holdings Inc | BBG000HSLV70 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RTX | Raytheon Technologies | BBG000BW8S60 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| QTWO | Q2 Holdings Inc | BBG005ZVK9P2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ULTA | Ulta Beauty | BBG00FWQ4VD6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VMI | Valmont Industries | BBG000BWB7V4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VRSN | VeriSign | BBG000BGKHZ3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ABBV | AbbVie | BBG0025Y4RY4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KEY | KeyCorp | BBG000BMQPL1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LNZL | Лензолото | BBG000SK7JS5 | rub | 1 | 10 | +| ALG | Alamo Group Inc. | BBG000BJTZX0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TDG | TransDigm | BBG000L8CBX4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PLCE | Children's Place Inc The | BBG000JK9DK4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CACI | CACI International | BBG000KQY8Y7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LEA | Lear Corp | BBG000PTLGZ1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VST | Vistra | BBG00DXDL6Q1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MGTSP | МГТС - акции привилегированные | BBG000PZ0833 | rub | 1 | 2 | +| ZWS | Zurn Elkay Water Solutions | BBG000H8R0N8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WTS | Watts Water Technologies Inc | BBG000C4Z6C2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| OGE | OGE Energy Corp. | BBG000BQGLS5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VOW3@DE | Volkswagen AG | BBG000BFCS17 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| JBSS | John B Sanfilippo & Son Inc | BBG000CHPMY5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TSP | TuSimple Holdings | BBG00ZSDS6T8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PKG | Packaging Corp of America | BBG000BB8SW7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DMTK | DermTech | BBG00H19F184 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DBK@DE | Deutsche Bank AG | BBG000BBZW12 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| MDB | MongoDB Inc | BBG0022FDRY8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NOK | Nokia | BBG000BNGBW9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WH | Wyndham Hotels & Resorts | BBG00HCY3Q67 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| UDR | UDR REIT | BBG000C41023 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BLK | BlackRock | BBG000C2PW58 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WFC | Wells Fargo & Company | BBG000BWQFY7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SELG | Селигдар | BBG002458LF8 | rub | 10 | 0.01 | +| OKE | ONEOK | BBG000BQHGR6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SIVB | SVB Financial Group | BBG000BT0CM2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| OMC | Omnicom Group | BBG000BS9489 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ZYXI | Zynex Inc | BBG000BJBXZ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| USNA | USANA Health Sciences Inc | BBG000BX28M0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AGCO | AGCO Corp | BBG000DCCZW2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HXL | Hexcel Corp | BBG000BLMDQ9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RBLX | ROBLOX Corp | BBG001R1GCT0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MTN | Vail Resorts Inc | BBG000BCMWM1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IDCC | InterDigital | BBG000HLJ7M4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NIC | Nicolet Bankshares | BBG000QK0TG5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RCL | Royal Caribbean Cruises | BBG000BB5792 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NOV | National Oilwell Varco | BBG000BJX8C8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TOST | Toast | BBG00BTJVK94 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ASTR | Astra Space | BBG00W7FG4V8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HWM | Howmet Aerospace | BBG00DYNJGH9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TASK | TaskUs | BBG009CL6VK3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RETA | Reata Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG000R33BD1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AVLR | Avalara Inc | BBG000R4Y9C1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IOSP | Innospec | BBG000BMFNP4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TWOU | 2U Inc | BBG001KS9450 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AGRO | РусАгро | BBG007N0Z367 | rub | 1 | 0.2 | +| GOOGL | Alphabet Class A | BBG009S39JX6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IIPR | Innovative Industrial Properties REIT | BBG00F0SW7N8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TAL | TAL Education Group | BBG0016XJ8S0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GTHX | G1 Therapeutics Inc | BBG005F1DK91 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TATNP | Татнефть - привилегированные акции | BBG004S68829 | rub | 1 | 0.1 | +| MUR | Murphy Oil | BBG000BPMH90 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NDAQ | Nasdaq | BBG000F5VVB6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ALLO | Allogene Therapeutics Inc | BBG00KHRRDX3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ADS@DE | Adidas | BBG000FR1RP5 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| AOS | A. O. Smith Corporation | BBG000BC1L02 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VEON-RX | VEON | BBG00R4Z2NT4 | rub | 10 | 0.05 | +| AVY | Avery Dennison | BBG000BCQ4P6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CB | Chubb | BBG000BR14K5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ESTC | Elastic NV | BBG00LWZDYB9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CYRX | Cryoport | BBG000PNTXP0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SQ | Block | BBG0018SLC07 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| OLED | Universal Display Corp | BBG000BLRP41 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DVA | DaVita HealthCare Partners | BBG000MQ1SN9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FLWS | 1-800-Flowers.com Inc | BBG000BBR9P6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ORA | Ormat Technologies | BBG000Q5BQ63 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CPRT | Copart Inc | BBG000BM9RH1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CSL | Carlisle Companies Incorporated | BBG000BGGBT8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| JLL | Jones Lang LaSalle Inc | BBG000C2L2L0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RACE | Ferrari N.V. | BBG009PH3Q86 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AFRM | Affirm Holdings | BBG00Y7BP8Y1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MATV | Mativ Holdings | BBG000C3CWZ7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DECK | Deckers Outdoor Corp | BBG000BKXYX5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ADP | Automatic Data Processing | BBG000JG0547 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NYT | New York Times | BBG000FFC0B3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LEGH | Legacy Housing Corp | BBG00MJDR6J9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SWK | Stanley Black & Decker | BBG000BTQR96 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MS | Morgan Stanley | BBG000BLZRJ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MOS | Mosaic | BBG000BFXHL6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CWST | Casella Waste Systems | BBG000BT0J38 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RMD | ResMed Inc | BBG000L4M7F1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FARO | FARO Technologies Inc | BBG000BJD7C2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BLNG | Белон | BBG000VQWH86 | rub | 100 | 0.005 | +| EVBG | Everbridge Inc | BBG0022FMPD5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NVRO | Nevro | BBG001K61W36 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MASI | Masimo Corporation | BBG000C3W281 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ANF | Abercrombie & Fitch | BBG000H9G7X2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| OGS | ONE Gas | BBG004WQKD07 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GGG | Graco | BBG000BK9W84 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RSKD | Riskified | BBG011P2TCH8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IDXX | IDEXX | BBG000BLRT07 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FSLR | First Solar | BBG000BFL116 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CCMP | CMC Materials | BBG000BP3NW2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| COUR | Coursera, Inc. | BBG002WLDMW5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| YEXT | Yext Inc | BBG001MKZGY7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WDFC | WD-40 Co | BBG000BWNV93 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PLUG | Plug Power Inc | BBG000C1XSP8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KD | Kyndryl Holdings | BBG012W99DN6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| COLB | Columbia Banking System | BBG000CTGXS2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WST | West Pharmaceutical Services I | BBG000BX24N8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| UTHR | United Therapeutics Corp | BBG000BV4XJ1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| 1COV@DE | Covestro AG | BBG00DW0PN34 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| PNTG | Pennant Group Inc | BBG00P33SY72 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FLR | Fluor | BBG000BB1TH9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FLT | FleetCor Technologies Inc | BBG000GPXKX9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MD | Pediatrix Medical Group | BBG000H8LGK2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MDC | M.D.C. Holdings | BBG000BNTTY4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NVEE | NV5 Global Inc | BBG005BT60Y8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MANU | Manchester United Plc | BBG0035WV4N9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RCII | Rent-A-Center | BBG000BHQJX3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EMN | Eastman Chemical Company | BBG000BLW530 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GPK | Graphic Packaging Holding Company | BBG000GQ7K93 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VMW | VMware | BBG000BC9938 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| YETI | YETI Holdings Inc | BBG00D8JC882 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HCCI | Heritage-Crystal Clean Inc | BBG000CCFB17 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NABL | N-able | BBG00YJKWXD8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HHR | HeadHunter Group PLC | BBG00KHGQ0H4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ZNTL | Zentalis Pharmaceuticals | BBG00R2K8TF5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ARW | Arrow Electronics Inc | BBG000BCD3D5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FCFS | FirstCash | BBG0145KL747 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WDAY | Workday Inc | BBG000VC0T95 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FOCS | Focus Financial Partners Inc | BBG00L0YTFN8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ADM | Archer-Daniels-Midland Company | BBG000BB6WG8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NVTK@GS | Novatek PJSC | BBG000QY6FL3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GPS | Gap | BBG000BKLH74 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RYN | Rayonier REIT | BBG000BG7L34 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| UA | Under Armour (C) | BBG009DTD8H2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| XOM | Exxon Mobil Corporation | BBG000GZQ728 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EMBC | Embecta | BBG014L7D4G1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MAGN | Магнитогорский металлургический комбинат | BBG004S68507 | rub | 10 | 0.005 | +| VTBR | Банк ВТБ | BBG004730ZJ9 | rub | 10000 | 0.000005 | +| LUMN | Lumen Technologies | BBG000BGLRN3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WMG | Warner Music Group | BBG00RP2T9T6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DB1@DE | Deutsche Boerse AG | BBG000D54HT0 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| SMLT | ГК Самолет | BBG00F6NKQX3 | rub | 1 | 0.5 | +| CEA | China Eastern Airlines | BBG000BCFNR4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MAT | Mattel | BBG000BNNYW1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CNMD | CONMED Corporation | BBG000BFZVH8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WRLD | World Acceptance Corp | BBG000C3G9J2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VSTO | Vista Outdoor | BBG006F8QZK4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ARCT | Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings | BBG00NNW8JK1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LFUS | Littelfuse | BBG000BGFGT8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SAVA | Cassava Sciences | BBG000BK9YW3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TPH | Tri Pointe Homes, Inc. | BBG0016YQTR5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AVNT | Avient Corporation | BBG000C8NJ10 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SJI | South Jersey Industries, Inc | BBG000BT0T72 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EL | The Estee Lauder Companies | BBG000FKJRC5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AAP | Advance Auto Parts | BBG000F7RCJ1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KNBE | KnowBe4 | BBG00C4DL9L4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BANE | Башнефть | BBG004S68758 | rub | 1 | 0.5 | +| ICLR | ICON plc | BBG000CTSZQ6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TWST | Twist Bioscience | BBG006KDCHJ4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GHC | Graham Holdings Co | BBG000C3FGH9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AON | Aon | BBG00SSQFPK6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TTD | Trade Desk Inc/The | BBG00629NGT2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AFLT | Аэрофлот | BBG004S683W7 | rub | 10 | 0.02 | +| EFX | Equifax | BBG000BHPL78 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| QS | QuantumScape Corporation | BBG00VJ17DS2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MKC | McCormick & Co | BBG000G6Y5W4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MCK | McKesson | BBG000DYGNW7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RPD | Rapid7 Inc | BBG009DFHWG6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CIAN | АДР Циан | BBG012YQ6P43 | rub | 1 | 0.2 | +| TRUP | Trupanion Inc | BBG002BC7WC5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VTSC@DE | Vitesco Technologies Group AG | BBG00ZVC67K7 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| MHK | Mohawk Industries | BBG000FLZN98 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MA | Mastercard | BBG000F1ZSQ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RUAL | РУСАЛ | BBG008F2T3T2 | rub | 10 | 0.005 | +| PDCE | PDC Energy | BBG000BR1KR2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ATRC | AtriCure | BBG000BL6CB5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NKHP | НКХП | BBG00BGKYH17 | rub | 10 | 0.5 | +| SMAR | Smartsheet Inc | BBG00GQK3WB5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GLBE | Global-E Online Ltd | BBG00ZKY1P71 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DT | Dynatrace Inc | BBG00PNN7C40 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SBAC | SBA Communications REIT | BBG000D2M0Z7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FME@DE | Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co | BBG000DHXTF1 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| SIGI | Selective Insurance Group | BBG000BSZ738 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AWR | American States Water Co | BBG000F964B6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GLPI | Gaming and Leisure Properties REIT | BBG003MSMCS6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HLNE | Hamilton Lane Incorporated | BBG00FX58Q66 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NMIH | NMI Holdings Inc | BBG005DLMMZ6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BLI | Berkeley Lights | BBG00HJ8K617 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| OSTK | Overstock.com | BBG000BF7BV7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LTHM | Livent Corporation | BBG00LV3NRG0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MNDY | Monday.Com | BBG00GF8K4W4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CGEN | Compugen | BBG000B9ZLB0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ITCI | Intra-Cellular Therapies, Inc | BBG0026ZFZC4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CRMT | America's Car-Mart Inc TX | BBG000CM6L31 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AEIS | Advanced Energy Industries Inc | BBG000FKMP26 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TOL | Toll Brothers Inc | BBG000BVHBM1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SPG | Simon Property Group REIT | BBG000BJ2D31 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NVR | NVR Inc | BBG000BQBYR3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EVER | EverQuote | BBG00F17NDH7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AWK | American Water Works | BBG000TRJ294 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CTLT | Catalent Inc | BBG005XR47P5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BERY | Berry Global Group Inc | BBG000Q1R1Y9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SCL | Stepan Company | BBG000BSMFN2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CMC | Commercial Metals Company | BBG000BFSND8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WHR | Whirlpool | BBG000BWSV34 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BA | BOEING | BBG000BCSST7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EPAY | Bottomline Technologies DE Inc | BBG000BRNH31 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DASH | DoorDash | BBG005D7QCJ3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GMED | Globus Medical Inc | BBG002V87SD0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TFC | Truist Financial Corporation | BBG000BYYLS8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DINO | HF Sinclair Corporation | BBG0135B2214 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BOSS@DE | HUGO BOSS AG | BBG000BD0GG5 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| EAT | Brinker International Inc | BBG000BK28N7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ACAD | ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG000BHG9K0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NUVA | NuVasive Inc | BBG000LNL298 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SBER | Сбер Банк | BBG004730N88 | rub | 10 | 0.01 | +| SNAP | Snap Inc | BBG00441QMJ7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TSM | Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing | BBG000BD8ZK0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SLP | Simulations Plus Inc. | BBG000BS2ZD1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CHNG | Change Healthcare Inc | BBG0059KNH10 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CPB | Campbell Soup | BBG000BG4202 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VRT | Vertiv Holdings Co | BBG00L2B8KW8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CHD | Church & Dwight | BBG000BFJT36 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BBWI | Bath & Body Works | BBG000BNGTQ7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AMCX | AMC Networks Inc | BBG000H01H92 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RUN | Sunrun Inc | BBG0025XVR85 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AKAM | Akamai Technologies | BBG000BJQWD2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PGNY | Progyny Inc | BBG002H1K1H1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SR | Spire Inc. | BBG000BN6KG8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SRE | Sempra Energy | BBG000C2ZCH8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IBM | IBM | BBG000BLNNH6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NOVA | Sunnova Energy International | BBG00PLQ1JR1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ZUMZ | Zumiez Inc | BBG000PYX812 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TMUS | T-Mobile US Inc | BBG000NDV1D4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TRI | Thomson Reuters Corporation | BBG000BBS9F6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VNE | Veoneer Inc | BBG00K4MPP27 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| USM | United States Cellular Corp | BBG000BW6P59 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ZYNE | Zynerba Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG007BBS8B7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ABG | Asbury Automotive Group Inc | BBG000BKDWB5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MRVL | Marvell Technology, Inc. | BBG00ZXBJ153 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AMTI | Applied Molecular Transport | BBG00R240WL5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RRR | Red Rock Resorts | BBG00B6G8077 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VCEL | Vericel Corp | BBG000BDCM24 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AVB | AvalonBay Communities REIT | BBG000BLPBL5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ITRI | Itron Inc | BBG000BD2167 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MTB | M&T Bank | BBG000D9KWL9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BMO | Bank of Montreal | BBG000DLY9B9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HON | Honeywell | BBG000H556T9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TTC | Toro | BBG000BVQRY3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ACIW | ACI Worldwide, Inc. | BBG000PMBV39 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ESAB | ESAB Corporation | BBG0028ZMP45 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AN | AutoNation | BBG000BBXLW4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SEE | Sealed Air | BBG000C22QV7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MDMG | Мать и дитя | BBG00Y3XYV94 | rub | 1 | 0.1 | +| T | AT&T | BBG000BSJK37 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EQH | Equitable Holdings | BBG00J7CBVW8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ATI | Allegheny Technologies | BBG000LC1FS4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| COIN | Coinbase | BBG00ZGF7771 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CLSK | Cleanspark Inc | BBG001MB89V6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DNMR | Danimer Scientific | BBG00S4VMQT2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ATNI | ATN International, Inc | BBG000F8RCH1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CGNT | Cognyte Software Ltd. | BBG00R0ZFHV4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CNHI | CNH Industrial N.V. | BBG0059JSF49 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CBU | Community Bank System | BBG000BF4D19 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SRDX | Surmodics Inc | BBG000BZ2QG2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FCNCA | First Citizens BancShares, Inc. | BBG000BJCDS3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BNTX | BioNTech SE | BBG00Q70B3V1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| 3690 | Meituan | BBG00LLV9WW6 | hkd | 10 | 0.1 | +| RUSP | Русполимет | BBG000R466J1 | rub | 1000 | 0.0005 | +| IEX | IDEX Corp | BBG000C1HN22 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GTRK | ГТМ | BBG00HY6V6H5 | rub | 10 | 0.05 | +| MVID | М.видео | BBG004S68CP5 | rub | 1 | 0.1 | +| BOX | Box Inc | BBG000PMSK08 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| STLD | Steel Dynamics Inc | BBG000HGYNZ9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ARNC | Arconic | BBG00R45JYB7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MKTX | MarketAxess Holdings Inc | BBG000BJBZ23 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DFS | Discover Financial Services | BBG000QBR5J5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SILK | Silk Road Medical | BBG0026ZJRY4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ENTA | Enanta Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG001V9NSB4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| INMD | Inmode Ltd | BBG00PPS73P4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VCYT | Veracyte Inc | BBG001J2M542 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HBAN | Huntington Bancshares | BBG000BKWSR6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PD | Pagerduty Inc | BBG0043BYPB8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PCRX | Pacira BioSciences Inc | BBG0018FQNS6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LKQ | LKQ Corporation | BBG000PXDL44 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| POOL | Pool Corp | BBG000BCVG28 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WBS | Webster Financial Corporation | BBG000BWMX63 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HD | The Home Depot | BBG000BKZB36 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| QUOT | Quotient Technology Inc | BBG001QYNR63 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BECN | Beacon Roofing Supply Inc | BBG000BKTXF2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FL | Foot Locker | BBG000BX8DC4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IPAR | Inter Parfums Inc | BBG000GCSWR5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ALV@DE | Allianz SE | BBG000BBFBD7 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| NTGR | NETGEAR Inc | BBG000C4GBR6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NARI | Inari Medical Inc | BBG009J8K7M0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SVST@GS | Severstal PJSC | BBG000Q3XWC4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| J | Jacobs Solutions | BBG019C1BQR4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BANEP | Башнефть - привилегированные акции | BBG004S686N0 | rub | 1 | 0.5 | +| ROLL | RBC Bearings Inc | BBG000GMGNB3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BRX | Brixmor Property Group REIT | BBG001LFLZZ1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| OXY | Occidental Petroleum | BBG000BQQ2S6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| APD | Air Products & Chemicals | BBG000BC4JJ4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VRTV | Veritiv Corp | BBG005XZHR97 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NDSN | Nordson Corp | BBG000BPWGR1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SWN | Southwestern Energy | BBG000BTR593 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RARE | Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc | BBG001RWPDW6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SWI | SolarWinds Corp | BBG00M1CKSK7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CI | Cigna | BBG00KXRCDP0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| OKEY | O'Key Group SA | BBG00172J7S9 | rub | 10 | 0.01 | +| INCY | Incyte | BBG000BNPSQ9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ALRS | АЛРОСА | BBG004S68B31 | rub | 10 | 0.01 | +| MYRG | MYR Group Inc | BBG000BC7VW9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ANDE | Andersons Inc | BBG000BF8CN3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FOUR | Shift4 Payments | BBG00TX393L4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SBUX | Starbucks Corporation | BBG000CTQBF3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GBT | Global Blood Therapeutics Inc | BBG00341H6M0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BFH | Bread Financial | BBG000BFNR17 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SNX | SYNNEX Corp | BBG000CL9JV4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MSFT | Microsoft Corporation | BBG000BPH459 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TER | Teradyne Inc | BBG000BV4DR6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TWNK | Hostess Brands Inc | BBG00B6KGNN1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| UFPI | UUFP Industries, Inc | BBG000BL0T06 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RY | Royal Bank of Canada | BBG000BSSC44 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DISH | DISH Network Corp | BBG000C2YHG9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CPRI | Capri Holdings Limited | BBG0029SNR63 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ALK | Alaska Air Group | BBG000BBL0Y1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ALLK | Allakos Inc | BBG003QBJKN0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| QCOM | Qualcomm | BBG000CGC1X8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| POSH | Poshmark | BBG0029ZBN50 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HUN | Huntsman | BBG000NS26Q8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CBRL | Cracker Barrel Old Country Sto | BBG000BF33K1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MAS | Masco | BBG000BNNKG9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BKU | BankUnited, Inc. | BBG000PQPCM6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SAIA | Saia Inc | BBG000P5LMQ0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SAP | АДР SAP | BBG000BDSLD7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IIVI | II-VI Inc | BBG000BLW102 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GRMN | Garmin | BBG000C4LN67 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MGY | Magnolia Oil & Gas Corp | BBG00GNC8DL2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PING | Ping Identity Holding Corp | BBG00Q3GDB13 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ZIP | ZipRecruiter Inc | BBG010JBYV98 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MKL | Markel Corp | BBG000FC7366 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ERIE | Erie IndemnIty Co | BBG000BBTJZ1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HSC | Harsco Corp | BBG000BLH3P8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SRCL | Stericycle | BBG000H3FZM6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TRGP | Targa Resources | BBG0015XMW40 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BDX | Becton, Dickinson and Company | BBG000BCZYD3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MSGE | Madison Square Garden Entertainment | BBG00L9HLWV8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LRCX | Lam Research | BBG000BNFLM9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SONO | SONOS INC | BBG001JZPSQ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CNNE | Cannae Holdings | BBG00GXRNJP4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NRIX | Nurix Therapeutics Inc | BBG00SDJ8M78 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MLCO | Melco Resorts & Entertainment | BBG000BHP8J4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PG | Procter & Gamble | BBG000BR2TH3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PCOR | Procore Technologies | BBG0026ZJ304 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HRTX | Heron Therapeutics Inc | BBG000G2GJT7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| STT | State Street | BBG000BKFBD7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MRKP | Россети Центр и Приволжье | BBG000VG1034 | rub | 10000 | 0.0001 | +| RWE@DE | RWE AG | BBG000BBQ209 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| INTC | Intel Corporation | BBG000C0G1D1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| JELD | JELD-WEN Holding Inc | BBG0019GM953 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| COKE | Coca-Cola Consolidated Inc | BBG000BG1SX2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ZNH | China Southern Airlines | BBG000BXQ7R1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DOCS | Doximity, Inc. | BBG0026ZJQX7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TCBI | Texas Capital Bancshares Inc | BBG000DN4ZT1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FR | First Industrial REIT | BBG000CKGDS5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FELE | Franklin Electric Co | BBG000BJGGV8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RE | Everest Re Group | BBG000C1XVK6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AIG | American International Group | BBG000BBDZG3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ENTG | Entegris Inc | BBG000CTV4N4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CVCO | Cavco Industries Inc | BBG000K4WS65 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TRV | Travelers Cos | BBG000BJ81C1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SAH | Sonic Automotive | BBG000BBMNG0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IONS | Ionis Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG000JH6683 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ECL | Ecolab | BBG000BHKYH4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HHC | Howard Hughes Corp | BBG000MJRJJ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PAYX | Paychex Inc | BBG000BQSQ38 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FLOT | Совкомфлот | BBG000R04X57 | rub | 10 | 0.01 | +| BROS | Dutch Bros | BBG01282ZHB3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MRNA | Moderna Inc | BBG003PHHZT1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SHEN | Shenandoah Telecommunications | BBG000BTC2N0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ENS | EnerSys | BBG000PWTD92 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| OII | Oceaneering International Inc | BBG000CPBCL8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| XPO | XPO Logistics Inc | BBG000L5CJF3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LDOS | Leidos Holdings | BBG000C23PB0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SPLK | Splunk | BBG001C7TST4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KOPN | Kopin Corporation | BBG000C2SBZ8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AAPL | Apple | BBG000B9XRY4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NVS | Novartis AG | BBG000LYF3S8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WM | Waste Management | BBG000BWVSR1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BNGO | Bionano Genomics, Inc. | BBG001KWWRS9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DPW@DE | Deutsche Post AG | BBG000LW3NX5 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| ALLE | Allegion | BBG003PS7JV1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AAWW | Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings | BBG000Q57YP0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ALGT | Allegiant Travel Co | BBG000LJS6B8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BKNG | Booking | BBG000BLBVN4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PMSBP | Пермэнергосбыт - акции привилегированные | BBG000MZL2S9 | rub | 10 | 0.2 | +| PRTA | Prothena Corporation | BBG003PDKJF7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AGIO | Agios Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG000QY4ZD0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FND | Floor & Decor Holdings Inc | BBG007GJ2F81 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| STAG | STAG Industrial REIT | BBG000BGLFP7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ETSY | Etsy Inc | BBG000N7MXL8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HALO | Halozyme Therapeutics Inc | BBG000CZ8W54 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DLO | DLocal | BBG00XGCHFV7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| M | Macy's | BBG000C46HM9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FIS | Fidelity National Information | BBG000BK2F42 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VICR | Vicor Corp | BBG000C3VHF1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HE | Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. | BBG000BL0P40 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| YY | JOYY Inc | BBG003H0XV18 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TATN | Татнефть | BBG004RVFFC0 | rub | 1 | 0.1 | +| NKE | NIKE | BBG000C5HS04 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SYY | Sysco | BBG000BTVJ25 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NRG | NRG Energy | BBG000D8RG11 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LRN | Stride, Inc | BBG000QSXPZ9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DLX | Deluxe Corp | BBG000BH6360 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FTDR | Frontdoor, Inc. | BBG00H9MNDZ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KHC | Kraft Heinz | BBG005CPNTQ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FIVE | ГДР X5 RetailGroup | BBG00JXPFBN0 | rub | 1 | 0.5 | +| MSTT | Мостотрест | BBG004S68DD6 | rub | 10 | 0.05 | +| MMSI | MerIt Medical Systems Inc | BBG000C42VX0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WWD | Woodward Inc | BBG000BD53V2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BL | Blackline Inc | BBG0029KJVB0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AUPH | Aurinia Pharmaceuticals | BBG000BCRJM5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RHI | Robert Half | BBG000BS5DR2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ITW | Illinois Tool Works | BBG000BMBL90 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ATGE | Adtalem Global Education Inc | BBG000DQBZJ7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| INGN | Inogen Inc | BBG0021PH456 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MTLR | Мечел | BBG004S68598 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SAVE | Spirit Airlines Inc | BBG000BF6RQ9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| OMF | OneMain Holdings | BBG005497GZ3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WISH | ContextLogic | BBG006DZTJ56 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NUE | Nucor | BBG000BQ8KV2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| QRVO | Qorvo | BBG007TJF1N7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| THG | Hanover Insurance Group | BBG000FJH8W0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CG | Carlyle Group | BBG000BH3F20 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NTCO | Natura & Co Holding S.A. | BBG00R4ZKPN5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ENPH | Enphase Energy Inc | BBG001R3MNY9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LAC | Lithium Americas Corp. | BBG000BGM5P8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LPLA | LPL Financial Holdings | BBG000P2TYL8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RRBI | Red River Bancshares | BBG000QKNLB2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BILL | Bill.com Holdings Inc | BBG00QVJV6V4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HYLN | Hyliion Holdings Corp. | BBG00N9MJTZ9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ELAN | Elanco Animal Health Inc | BBG00LJYS1P8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| JOUT | Johnson Outdoors Inc | BBG000HCXFS4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IPGP | IPG Photonics Corporation | BBG000DCGRL8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BMI | Badger Meter Inc | BBG000BDGHD9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| POST | Post Holdings Inc | BBG001WTBC36 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| UNFI | United Natural Foods | BBG000BXB1M5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| STRA | Strategic Education Inc | BBG000GRZDV1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KALU | Kaiser Aluminum Corp | BBG000PKZDX4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CERN | Cerner | BBG000BFDLV8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| QLYS | Qualys Inc | BBG000HT5G06 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TTMI | TTM Technologies Inc | BBG000BYQ0B1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EEFT | Euronet Worldwide Inc | BBG000BMNBY1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ROP | Roper Technologies | BBG000F1ZSN5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CBT | Cabot Corporation | BBG000BF3WW4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PATK | Patrick Industries Inc | BBG000BQSBB2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TAK | Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd | BBG000LF8708 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SBRA | Sabra Health Care REIT | BBG000MTDW24 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NWLI | National Western Life Group In | BBG008HNHZ07 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ATUS | Altice USA Inc | BBG00GFMPRK0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CARA | Cara Therapeutics Inc | BBG001J2QYS9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TXT | Textron | BBG000BVVQQ8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ARVN | Arvinas Inc | BBG00LW7YK82 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TEX | Terex Corporation | BBG000C7B436 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BTAI | BioXcel Therapeutics | BBG00K20GVD2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CASY | Casey's General Stores Inc | BBG000BF0672 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SLG | SL Green REIT | BBG000BVP5P2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AIZ | Assurant | BBG000BZX1N5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DKS | Dick's Sporting Goods Inc | BBG000F6ZWH2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KEYS | Keysight Technologies Inc | BBG0059FN811 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FSR | Fisker | BBG00LPWLFD4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PBH | Prestige Consumer Healthcare I | BBG000QM0RZ4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NU | Nubank | BBG0136WM1M4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| OSK | Oshkosh Corporation | BBG000CC53X1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HII | Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc | BBG001KJ2HM9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| UWGN | ОВК | BBG008HD3V85 | rub | 1 | 0.1 | +| NVAX | Novavax | BBG000NVSBL7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ZEN | Zendesk Inc | BBG001HRFJG4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FRE@DE | Fresenius SE | BBG000BS3CD1 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| CLB | Core Laboratories N.V. | BBG000JKCWS0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WSC | WillScot Mobile Mini Holdings | BBG00B0FS947 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| INVH | Invitation Homes REIT | BBG00FQH6BS9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| Y | Alleghany Corp | BBG000BX6BJ3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AKRN | Акрон | BBG004S688G4 | rub | 1 | 2 | +| SFM | Sprouts Farmers Market Inc | BBG001KFKQM7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MSTR | MicroStrategy Inc | BBG000GQJPZ0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SNBR | Sleep Number Corp | BBG000DM2BF3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BHF | Brighthouse Financial | BBG00DYPZ4T0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SKIN | The Beauty Health Company | BBG00XKM1DC3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AMH | American Homes 4 Rent REIT | BBG003NXJNH6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GAZP | Газпром | BBG004730RP0 | rub | 10 | 0.01 | +| EVK@DE | Evonik Industries AG | BBG001PD3L10 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| STAA | STAAR Surgical Co | BBG000C4QB95 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HNP | Huaneng Power International | BBG000BX5YM0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CTSH | Cognizant Technology Solutions | BBG000BBDV81 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| JBT | John Bean Technologies | BBG000VLBCQ1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DVEC | ДЭК | BBG000V07CB8 | rub | 1000 | 0.001 | +| MAA | Mid-America Apartment REIT | BBG000BLMY92 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| UI | Ubiquiti Inc | BBG001R72SR9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CRI | Carter's Inc | BBG000CTM4J9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MRK@DE | Merck KGaA | BBG000BX4S53 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| CMS | CMS Energy Corporation | BBG000BFVXX0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RNG | RingCentral Inc | BBG000J094P3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DY | Dycom Industries Inc | BBG000C4SKT1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| 9988 | Alibaba | BBG00QV37ZP9 | hkd | 10 | 0.05 | +| HSY | Hershey | BBG000BLHRS2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IBN | ICICI Bank | BBG000DRM643 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LH | LabCorp | BBG000D9DMK0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| STNE | StoneCo | BBG00M4ZQDK0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AMT | American Tower REIT | BBG000B9XYV2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| XEL | Xcel Energy | BBG000BCTQ65 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SBERP | Сбер Банк - привилегированные акции | BBG0047315Y7 | rub | 10 | 0.01 | +| CVGW | Calavo Growers Inc | BBG000BGPQW1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PH | Parker-Hannifin | BBG000BR3KL6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RTKM | Ростелеком | BBG004S682Z6 | rub | 10 | 0.01 | +| BH | Biglari Holdings Inc | BBG00JPRDQH1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CHTR | Charter Communications | BBG000VPGNR2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VC | Visteon Corp | BBG0016T3GQ0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EXPO | Exponent, Inc. | BBG000F31Z34 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KMPR | Kemper | BBG000H3GDJ8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CRNC | Cerence | BBG00MMDJG84 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| JNPR | Juniper Networks | BBG000BY33P5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| COOP | Mr. Cooper Group | BBG002V098F7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LENT | Лента | BBG0063FKTD9 | rub | 1 | 0.5 | +| FTNT | Fortinet Inc | BBG000BCMBG4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LIFE | Фармсинтез | BBG0019K04R5 | rub | 100 | 0.005 | +| AES | The AES Corporation | BBG000C23KJ3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EQR | Equity Residential REIT | BBG000BG8M31 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BIO | Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc | BBG000DY28W5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IOVA | Iovance Biotherapeutics Inc | BBG000FTLBV7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NEU | NewMarket Corp | BBG000BJ5SS8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ALLY | Ally Financial Inc | BBG000BC2R71 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ESGR | Enstar Group | BBG000NQKP71 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AMG | Affiliated Managers Group | BBG000C060M4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KOD | Kodiak Sciences Inc | BBG00BVR0D02 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| INSG | Inseego Corp | BBG00DWX7QH0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FRPH | FRP Holdings Inc | BBG000HCVWW4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BSPB | Банк Санкт-Петербург | BBG000QJW156 | rub | 10 | 0.01 | +| TMX | Terminix Global Holdings | BBG002WMH2F2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MTSS | МТС | BBG004S681W1 | rub | 10 | 0.05 | +| DV | DoubleVerify Holdings, Inc. | BBG00ZNRRJM2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KDP | Keurig Dr Pepper | BBG000TJM7F0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| QNCX | Quince Therapeutics | BBG00BTK1DT8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AM | Antero Midstream Corp | BBG00GBNZ4M0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CSCO | Cisco | BBG000C3J3C9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GIS | General Mills | BBG000BKCFC2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WIX | Wix.com Ltd | BBG005CM7J89 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NFE | New Fortress Energy | BBG00MJH9LC4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FSLY | Fastly Inc | BBG004NLQHL0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RRC | Range Resources | BBG000FVXD63 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NJR | New Jersey Resources Corp | BBG000BPZVW9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ONEM | 1Life Healthcare | BBG0026ZDDQ0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CHKP | Check Point Software Technologies Ltd | BBG000K82ZT8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AYX | Alteryx Inc | BBG000BGZT72 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BILI | Bilibili Inc | BBG00K7T3037 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MOMO | Hello Group | BBG007HTCQT0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TGKN | ТГК-14 | BBG000RG4ZQ4 | rub | 1000000 | 0.00001 | +| CMCO | Columbus McKinnon Corp | BBG000BCWWV0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BKR | Baker Hughes | BBG00GBVBK51 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TRNFP | Транснефть - привилегированные акции | BBG00475KHX6 | rub | 1 | 50 | +| VFC | VF | BBG000BWCKB6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BTI | British American Tobacco | BBG000BWPXQ8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RKKE | РКК Энергия им.С.П.Королева | BBG000LWNRP3 | rub | 1 | 10 | +| OI | O-I Glass | BBG00R2JZG39 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EXP | Eagle Materials Inc | BBG000BJW241 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DHI | D.R. Horton | BBG000DQTXY6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SXT | Sensient Technologies Corp | BBG000J79P80 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EXC | Exelon Corporation | BBG000J6XT05 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LSNG | Ленэнерго | BBG000NLC9Z6 | rub | 100 | 0.01 | +| WABC | Westamerica Bancorporation | BBG000DD3KP1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LUV | Southwest Airlines | BBG000BNJHS8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RENI | Ренессанс Страхование | BBG00QKJSX05 | rub | 10 | 0.01 | +| PEG | Public Service Enterprise Group | BBG000BQZMH4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SYF | Synchrony Financial | BBG00658F3P3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| INFO | IHS Markit | BBG006G063F9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ADUS | Addus HomeCare Corp | BBG000NJGX84 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SSD | Simpson Manufacturing Co Inc | BBG000JLC8L8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HRB | H&R Block | BBG000BLDV98 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| OLN | Olin Corp | BBG000BQHTV3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ALTR | Altair Engineering Inc | BBG000PN9NB9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VLO | Valero Energy Corporation | BBG000BBGGQ1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MOV | Movado Group Inc | BBG000BL30Y9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MRKC | Россети Центр | BBG000VH7TZ8 | rub | 1000 | 0.0002 | +| GKOS | Glaukos Corp | BBG000WG2LQ1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HIBB | Hibbett, Inc. | BBG000H001V3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EPAM | EPAM Systems | BBG000MHTV89 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AMBA | Ambarella | BBG001QZCPJ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| UTL | Unitil Corporation | BBG000BW7X97 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KBH | KB Home | BBG000BMLWX8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NVST | Envista Holdings | BBG00LN4B5N0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CCK | Crown Holdings Inc | BBG000BF6756 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AFL | Aflac Incorporated | BBG000BBBNC6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ABMD | Abiomed Inc | BBG000C101X4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| REG | Regency Centers REIT | BBG000BL46Q4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| STZ | Constellation Brands | BBG000J1QLT0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GT | Goodyear Tire & Rubber | BBG000BKNX95 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SAM | Boston Beer Co Inc The | BBG000BCZBF1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CINF | Cincinnati Financial Corporation | BBG000BFPK65 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ACMR | ACM Research Inc | BBG00HPSG933 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KWR | Quaker Chemical Corp | BBG000DZS2L9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GL | Globe Life Inc | BBG000BVD6X4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HAE | Haemonetics Corp | BBG000C7TF41 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CDAY | Ceridian HCM Holding | BBG005D7PF34 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CRUS | Cirrus Logic Inc | BBG000C1DHF5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EXR | Extra Space Storage REIT | BBG000PV27K3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ROL | Rollins | BBG000BSBBP1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TNL | Travel + Leisure Co. | TBG000PV2L86 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LNG | Cheniere Energy | BBG000C3HSR0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| POSI | Positive Technologies | TCS00A103X66 | rub | 1 | 0.2 | +| QGEN | QIAGEN NV | BBG000GTYWL7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MARA | Marathon Digital Holdings | BBG001K7WBT8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BSX | Boston Scientific Corporation | BBG000C0LW92 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VCRA | Vocera Communications Inc | BBG00179VSY7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SPB@US | Spectrum Brands Holdings Inc | BBG000DS5588 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NFG | National Fuel Gas Company | BBG000BPYD87 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WRB | WR Berkley | BBG000BD1HP2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| JWN | Nordstrom | BBG000G8N9C6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CEVA | CEVA | BBG000BN3P07 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ENV | Envestnet Inc | BBG000Q4NZ54 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RL | Ralph Lauren | BBG000BS0ZF1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| POGR | Petropavlovsk PLC | BBG00VPKLPX4 | rub | 100 | 0.005 | +| CVNA | Carvana Co | BBG00GCTWDJ3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RPM | RPM International Inc | BBG000DCNK80 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CCS | Century Communities | BBG006G412Q6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FEES | ФСК ЕЭС | BBG00475JZZ6 | rub | 10000 | 0.00002 | +| LSI | Life Storage REIT | BBG000C42VL3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SWAV | Shockwave Medical Inc | BBG005XVXML5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FIGS | FIGS | BBG004SK5VL9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CNS | Cohen & Steers Inc | BBG000BB0WG4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KMB | Kimberly-Clark | BBG000BMW2Z0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| JNJ | Johnson & Johnson | BBG000BMHYD1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MQ | Marqeta, Inc. | BBG0112Z87D8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KMI | Kinder Morgan | BBG0019JZ882 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DASB | Дагестанская энергосбытовая компания | BBG000LWVHN8 | rub | 1000 | 0.0001 | +| PLNT | Planet FItness Inc | BBG009H04M17 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ZD | Ziff Davis | BBG000F3CWW7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KROT | Красный Октябрь | BBG000NLB2G3 | rub | 10 | 0.5 | +| SMPL | Simply Good Foods Co | BBG00GVP5JL4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ROKU | Roku Inc | BBG001ZZPQJ6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KMX | CarMax | BBG000BLMZK6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NWE | NorthWestern Corporation | BBG000Q1NMJ4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KAZT | КуйбышевАзот | BBG002B9MYC1 | rub | 10 | 0.2 | +| APAM | Artisan Partners Asset Management | BBG001M6CZY1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ZG | Zillow Group Inc | BBG000D13GN8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ATVI | Activision Blizzard | BBG000CVWGS6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SWCH | Switch Inc | BBG00HPDM5Z2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HST | Host Hotels & Resorts REIT | BBG000BL8804 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PUBM | PubMatic | BBG001PKMK06 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TAP | Molson Coors Brewing | BBG000BS7KS3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EVH | Evolent Health Inc | BBG005CHLM96 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AVAV | AeroVironment Inc | BBG000GX14P2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MDGL | Madrigal Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG000QS6NV8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| Z | Zillow Group Inc | BBG009NRSWJ4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| UNM | Unum | BBG000BW2QX0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PSN | Parsons | BBG000C3TKY6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| JPM | JPMorgan | BBG000DMBXR2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RUGR | Русгрэйн | BBG0014PFYM2 | rub | 10 | 0.002 | +| KFY | Korn Ferry | BBG000C5QMB5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TTEK | Tetra Tech | BBG000BYZ0Q5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PMSB | Пермэнергосбыт | BBG000MZL0Y6 | rub | 10 | 0.1 | +| SLVM | Sylvamo Corp. | BBG0122M8031 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PRFN | ЧЗПСН | BBG003BNWBP3 | rub | 100 | 0.001 | +| FGEN | FIBROGEN INC | BBG000FW5ZL6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SOHU | Sohu.com | BBG00L2DB535 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MEI | Methode Electronics Inc | BBG000BNY197 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| META | Meta Platforms | BBG000MM2P62 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ABCL | AbCellera Biologics | BBG00LLW2MF2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| S | SentinelOne, Inc. | BBG00B6F2F09 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WOLF | Wolfspeed | BBG000BG14P4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MTG | MGIC Investment Corp | BBG000CBMH27 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NFLX | Netflix | BBG000CL9VN6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ED | Consolidated Edison | BBG000BHLYS1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SIBN | Газпром нефть | BBG004S684M6 | rub | 1 | 0.05 | +| WY | Weyerhaeuser REIT | BBG000BX3BL3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| INDB | Independent Bank Corp | BBG000BM0597 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MRK | Merck | BBG000BPD168 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VSCO | Victorias Secret & Co. | BBG01103B471 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BCO | Brink's Co | BBG000DR5QP5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NPK | National Presto Industries Inc | BBG000BQ4GG2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| YAKG | ЯТЭК | BBG002B298N6 | rub | 10 | 0.05 | +| EQIX | Equinix REIT | BBG000MBDGM6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VIPS | Vipshop | BBG002NLDLV8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ELV | Elevance Health | BBG000BCG930 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| UMBF | UMB Financial | BBG000DD8WX1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CFLT | Confluent | BBG007HWGYQ5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TGKB | ТГК-2 | BBG000Q7GG57 | rub | 1000000 | 0.000005 | +| XRAY | Dentsply Sirona | BBG000BX57K1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| D | Dominion Energy Inc | BBG000BGVW60 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GO | Grocery Outlet Holding Corp | BBG00P4R3079 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GOSS | Gossamer Bio Inc | BBG00MVWLLM2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BRK.B | Berkshire Hathaway | BBG000DWG505 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BRC | Brady | BBG000BDNV95 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| URBN | Urban Outfitters | BBG000BL79J3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CE | Celanese Corp | BBG000JYP7L8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KLSB | Калужская сбытовая компания | BBG000DBD6F6 | rub | 100 | 0.01 | +| NXPI | NXP Semiconductors NV | BBG000BND699 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CARG | Cargurus Inc | BBG00HQ77DS2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GE | General Electric Company | BBG000BK6MB5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AMGN | Amgen | BBG000BBS2Y0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HOT@DE | Hochtief AG | BBG000BC3WH8 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| CHMK | ЧМК | BBG000RP8V70 | rub | 1 | 5 | +| MTX@DE | MTU Aero Engines AG | BBG000BVTPQ3 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| KLIC | Kulicke & Soffa Industries | BBG000BMTX31 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MGA | Magna International Inc. | BBG000BNLPJ7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WIRE | Encore Wire Corporation | BBG000CQCCK6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VLDR | Velodyne Lidar | BBG00M0X4584 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HBI | Hanesbrands | BBG000D2ZTS8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CPNG | Coupang, Inc. | BBG00XMJRPQ8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HIW | Highwoods Properties | BBG000C43744 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| UNF | UniFirst Corp MA | BBG000BW29L1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CALM | Cal-Maine Foods Inc | BBG000CDMJW6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WPM | Wheaton Precious Metals | BBG000PVRDL2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BALL | Ball Corporation | BBG000BDDNH5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RNFT | РуссНефть | BBG00F9XX7H4 | rub | 1 | 0.2 | +| MSRS | МОЭСК | BBG004S687G6 | rub | 1000 | 0.0005 | +| MRVI | Maravai LifeSciences Holdings | BBG00Y1DFV91 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DAR | Darling Ingredients Inc | BBG000BN8ZK8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PXD | Pioneer Natural Resources | BBG000BXRPH1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PFSI | PennyMac Financial Services | BBG00LMYX123 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HGV | Hilton Grand Vacations Inc | BBG00CBYY6M1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SWBI | Smith & Wesson Brands | BBG000BM0QL7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CENT | Central Garden & Pet Co | BBG000BFD605 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AYI | Acuity Brands | BBG000BJ5HK0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ASGN | ASGN Inc | BBG000CRN8N8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU | Suncor Energy | BBG000BRK7L6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DNOW | NOW Inc | BBG005BLN209 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RSTI | Российские сети | BBG004S682J4 | rub | 1000 | 0.0001 | +| CHDN | Churchill Downs Inc | BBG000BGXMG9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PHM | PulteGroup | BBG000BR54L0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ESPR | Esperion Therapeutics Inc | BBG004KB3S72 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VRSK | Verisk Analytics | BBG000BCZL41 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CC | Chemours Company | BBG005H82GB2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EAF | GrafTech International Ltd | BBG00KDYT8C4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MRKZ | Россети Северо-Запад | BBG000TJ6F42 | rub | 10000 | 0.00005 | +| MSI | Motorola Solutions | BBG000BP8Z50 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ICFI | ICF International, Inc. | BBG000BBXVK5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LW | Lamb Weston Holdings Inc | BBG003CVMLQ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WHD | Cactus Inc | BBG00JRH1P95 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ATO | Atmos Energy Corp | BBG000BRNGM2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| APTK | Аптечная сеть 36,6 | BBG000K3STR7 | rub | 10 | 0.002 | +| 9618 | JD.com | BBG00VC6RYV6 | hkd | 10 | 0.2 | +| COST | Costco Wholesale | BBG000F6H8W8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CVX | Chevron | BBG000K4ND22 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SYNA | Synaptics Inc | BBG000BQV1S2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MMI | Marcus & Millichap Inc | BBG005GBRSR6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AIV | Apartment Investment & Management REIT | BBG000DD3510 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EGP | EastGroup Properties REIT | BBG000BHRBT4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| 1810 | Xiaomi | BBG00KVTBY91 | hkd | 100 | 0.01 | +| TNC | Tennant Company | BBG000JCZJS2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RJF | Raymond James Financial | BBG000BS73J1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AIT | Applied Industrial Technologies | BBG000BBHHP9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ROCK | Gibraltar Industries Inc | BBG000BKQDQ7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LFC | China Life Insurance | BBG000BBK4B9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DVN | Devon Energy | BBG000BBVJZ8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CON@DE | Continental AG | BBG000BBZBV5 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| CTXS | Citrix Systems | BBG000FQ6PY6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AVA | Avista Corporation | BBG000BCNF74 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ARWR | Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG000BRVKH0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CME | CME GROUP | BBG000BHLYP4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AXGN | Axogen Inc | BBG000BN46R9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FANG | Diamondback Energy Inc | BBG002PHSYX9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CZR | Caesars Entertainment Corporation | BBG0074Q3NK6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MSST | Мультисистема | BBG001BBSZV8 | rub | 100 | 0.001 | +| ACM | AECOM | BBG000F61RJ8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PLUS | ePlus Inc | BBG000HN7W02 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| JBL | Jabil Inc. | BBG000BJNGN9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SBNY | Signature Bank | BBG000M6TR37 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NTRA | Natera inc | BBG001J1BQ86 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AAL | American Airlines Group | BBG005P7Q881 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BSY | Bentley Systems | BBG000BMSRR9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DEI | Douglas Emmett REIT | BBG000PN1SJ8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FMC | FMC | BBG000BJP882 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| QIWI | QIWI | BBG005D1WCQ1 | rub | 1 | 0.5 | +| PFG | Principal Financial Group | BBG000NSCNT7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CNXN | PC Connection Inc | BBG000BX74M4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| OTIS | Otis Worldwide | BBG00RP60KV0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IRAO | Интер РАО ЕЭС | BBG004S68473 | rub | 100 | 0.0005 | +| 2382 | Sunny Optical Technology | BBG000C16952 | hkd | 10 | 0.05 | +| AERI | Aerie Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG001KJ7WJ5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LNN | Lindsay Corporation | BBG000FJS1S8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MAN | ManpowerGroup Inc | BBG000BNMHS4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BG | Bunge | BBG000DGPR66 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DLR | Digital Realty REIT | BBG000Q5ZRM7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BAYN@DE | Bayer | BBG000BBWF85 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| RYTM | Rhythm Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG007DLZ601 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PYPL | PayPal Holdings | BBG0077VNXV6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DOV | Dover | BBG000BHB3M6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| THRM | Gentherm Inc | BBG000BQLM34 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KTOS | Kratos Defense & Security Solutions | BBG000C1HQ43 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| 1113 | CK Asset Holdings | BBG007WDD4B5 | hkd | 10 | 0.05 | +| VALE | Vale SA | BBG000BN5LG7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HYDR | РусГидро | BBG00475K2X9 | rub | 1000 | 0.0001 | +| AGNC | AGNC Investment REIT | BBG000TJ8XZ7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ADSK | Autodesk | BBG000BM7HL0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FIZZ | National Beverage Corp | BBG000BF8CB6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AZPN | Aspen Technology | BBG017J18W74 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SPSC | SPS Commerce Inc | BBG000PZGB75 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| OSH | Oak Street Health | BBG00W0L8GW3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AMEH | Apollo Medical Holdings | BBG000H7ZK57 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PNFP | Pinnacle Financial Partners In | BBG000C1XKF6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TRU | TransUnion | BBG002Q7J5Z1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VEON | VEON | BBG000QCW561 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ARCH | Arch Coal Inc | BBG00DZB5D77 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SO | Southern | BBG000BT9DW0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FORM | FormFactor Inc | BBG000D1Y3P1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| STOR | STORE Capital Corp REIT | BBG00265T6Q4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ROK | Rockwell Automation | BBG000BBCDZ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TFII | TFI International | BBG000HJS1F0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TGKD | Квадра | BBG000F6H7K3 | rub | 100000 | 0.000005 | +| DOCU | DocuSign Inc | BBG000N7KJX8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GPI | Group 1 Automotive Inc | BBG000BB88K4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SLGN | Silgan Holdings Inc. | BBG000BPDDB6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SQSP | Squarespace, Inc. | BBG00389GQ73 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ZI | ZoomInfo Technologies Inc | BBG00S1HJ3M8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BLMN | Bloomin Brands, Inc. | BBG002VZ68Y2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ATRA | Atara Biotherapeutics Inc | BBG005Q3MQY4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ELY | Callaway Golf Company | BBG000CPCVY1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HLI | Houlihan Lokey, Inc. | BBG000CZTB66 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DWNI@DE | Deutsche Wohnen SE | BBG000GM6Y84 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| PLD | Prologis REIT | BBG000B9Z0J8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PIPR | Piper Sandler Companies | BBG000FQXC75 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| UBS | UBS Group | BBG007DJM539 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| 288 | WH Group | BBG00699M8Q7 | hkd | 100 | 0.01 | +| AVGO | Broadcom | BBG00KHY5S69 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VPG | Vishay Precision Group Inc | BBG000PRQ0V9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NVTA | Invitae Corp | BBG005DJFD43 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PCH | PotlatchDeltic Corporation REIT | BBG000BQX2N3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CRWD | Crowdstrike Holdings Inc | BBG00BLYKS03 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CORT | Corcept Therapeutics Inc | BBG000BKJG33 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| REYN | Reynolds Consumer Products Inc. | BBG00QVJVYB5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LLY | Eli Lilly & Co | BBG000BNBDC2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TROW | T Rowe Price Group | BBG000BVMPN3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SOFI | SoFi Technologies | BBG00YB1ZD58 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MC | Moelis & Co | BBG000RNBH63 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ATRI | Atrion Corp | BBG000DTT624 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NSVZ | Наука-Связь | BBG002BCQK67 | rub | 10 | 0.5 | +| CRVL | CorVel Corp | BBG000CVKZY0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WDC | Western Digital | BBG000BWNFZ9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GM | General Motors | BBG000NDYB67 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AEE | Ameren | BBG000B9X8C0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MCRI | Monarch Casino & Resort Inc | BBG000BJ0932 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MVIS | MicroVision | BBG000BVKXQ5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NLMK | НЛМК | BBG004S681B4 | rub | 10 | 0.02 | +| BELU | Белуга Групп ПАО ао | BBG000TY1CD1 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| MET | MetLife | BBG000BB6KF5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GCHE | Группа Черкизово | BBG000RTHVK7 | rub | 1 | 0.5 | +| WB | Weibo Corporation | BBG0065XPGX9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LNZLP | Лензолото - привилегированные акции | BBG000SR0YS4 | rub | 1 | 5 | +| CCSI | Consensus Cloud Solutions | BBG0105XBRH0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WKHS | Workhorse Group Inc | BBG000BDPB15 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BAX | Baxter International | BBG000BCVJ77 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ADBE | Adobe | BBG000BB5006 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| INSM | Insmed | BBG000BWM5P3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AEO | American Eagle Outfitters Inc | BBG000BGXZB5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MCD | McDonald’s | BBG000BNSZP1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TCSG | TCS Group | BBG00QPYJ5H0 | rub | 1 | 0.5 | +| GNL | Global Net Lease REIT | BBG004HXD0G8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FULC | Fulcrum Therapeutics | BBG00DDY1RK9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| XYL | Xylem | BBG001D8R5D0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ICE | Intercontinental Exchange | BBG000C1FB75 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SIE@DE | Siemens AG | BBG000BCCT76 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| NEO | NeoGenomics Inc | BBG000BKH263 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VSAT | Viasat | BBG000HHLBF9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GDRX | GoodRx Holdings Inc | BBG00X0VP8D9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DNB | Dun & Bradstreet Holdings | BBG00VCZX9Z6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KO | COCA-COLA | BBG000BMX289 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TTWO | Take-Two Interactive Software | BBG000BS1YV5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WEC | WEC Energy Group | BBG000BWP7D9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ANAB | AnaptysBio Inc | BBG0026ZDHR0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PLTR | Palantir Technologies Inc | BBG000N7QR55 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| UNVR | Univar Solutions Inc | BBG000BDHD29 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SCI | Service Corp International/US | BBG000BTHH16 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SBGI | Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc | BBG000F2XXP2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HLF | Herbalife Nutrition | BBG000MM5VL9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LFST | LifeStance Health Group | BBG01138DGZ7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FNF | Fidelity National Financial, Inc. | BBG006N7S6K9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FIVN | Five9 Inc | BBG001KHJM17 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SNGSP | Сургутнефтегаз - привилегированные акции | BBG004S681M2 | rub | 100 | 0.005 | +| MANT | ManTech International Corp VA | BBG000BGF8B5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ESE | ESCO Technologies Inc. | BBG000C4S3P3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GSKY | GreenSky Inc | BBG00KT2SCV8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BAND | Bandwidth Inc | BBG001K003W2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TSVT | 2seventy bio | BBG00YV1J622 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NEE | NextEra Energy | BBG000BJSBJ0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ALGN | Align Technology | BBG000BRNLL2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| 1 | CK Hutchison Holdings | BBG0087DLDQ6 | hkd | 10 | 0.05 | +| ITT | ITT | BBG00CVQZQ96 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| INT | World Fuel Services Corporation | BBG000BM3CJ8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NTCT | NetScout Systems Inc | BBG000C136Z8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RDFN | Redfin Corp | BBG001Q7HP63 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NVCR | NovoCure Limited | BBG009XW8PY2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PCTY | Paylocity Holding Corp | BBG006598YS8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EVR | Evercore | BBG000BP30Y0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ZIMV | ZimVie | BBG014630587 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MPC | Marathon Petroleum | BBG001DCCGR8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| 1928 | Sands China | BBG000PSNMN1 | hkd | 100 | 0.01 | +| YNDX | Yandex | BBG006L8G4H1 | rub | 1 | 0.2 | +| CL | Colgate-Palmolive | BBG000BFQYY3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ATKR | Atkore International Group Inc | BBG000QTFDQ4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| XPEL | XPEL | BBG000R5XCX9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| OC | Owens Corning | BBG000M44VW8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SF | Stifel Financial | BBG000BSS5C0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WWE | World Wrestling Entertainment | BBG000F5YH15 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SFIN | ЭсЭфАй | BBG003LYCMB1 | rub | 10 | 0.2 | +| MDRX | Allscripts Healthcare Solution | BBG000BLDXH5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LCID | Lucid Group | BBG00W7F99V5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FROG | JFrog Ltd. | BBG006PWZX16 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HURN | Huron Consulting Group Inc | BBG000PV2M48 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LEG | Leggett & Platt | BBG000BN53G7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DTE@DE | Deutsche Telekom AG | BBG000HJTMS9 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| LEN | Lennar | BBG000BN5HF7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MYGN | Myriad Genetics Inc | BBG000D9H9F1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WBA | Walgreens Boots Alliance | BBG000BWLMJ4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MFGP | Micro Focus | BBG00HFWVGN0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TFX | Teleflex Inc | BBG000BV59Y6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| L | Loews | BBG000C45984 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FISV | Fiserv | BBG000BJKPG0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| APO | Apollo Global Management | BBG00ZNLTFK3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MP | MP Materials | BBG00TJGL0F0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FESH | ДВМП | BBG000QF1Q17 | rub | 100 | 0.01 | +| ASAN | Asana | BBG00WYHL732 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EXAS | Exact Sciences Corp | BBG000CWL0F5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| JCI | Johnson Controls | BBG000BVWLJ6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TXG | 10X Genomics Inc | BBG007WX14X0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| REGI | Renewable Energy Group Inc | BBG0016SSV00 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VOYA | Voya Financial | BBG000BCWKD6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ISRG | Intuitive Surgical | BBG000BJPDZ1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LI | Li Auto | BBG00W0KZD98 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PHOR@GS | PhosAgro PJSC | BBG001R16GZ5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AXTA | Axalta Coating Systems | BBG0060CPLJ5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HOOD | Robinhood Markets, Inc. | BBG008NMBXN8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TCS | TCS Group (Tinkoff Bank holder) | BBG005DXJS36 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KAP@GS | NAC Kazatomprom JSC | BBG00MJM7K82 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ATR | AptarGroup | BBG000BGX2S0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GWW | WW Grainger | BBG000BKR1D6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SUPN | Supernus Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG000BP0HX7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ALIT | Alight | BBG00H00J2N1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LYB | LyondellBasell | BBG000WCFV84 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MDLZ | Mondelez | BBG000D4LWF6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| JEF | Jefferies Financial Group | BBG000BNHSP9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TDS | Telephone & Data Systems Inc | BBG000BV0VK7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SHLS | Shoals Technologies Group, Inc. | BBG00YQ82275 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TTM | Tata Motors | BBG000PVGDH9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DK | Delek US Holdings Inc | BBG00FZYFVC5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CMG | Chipotle Mexican Grill | BBG000QX74T1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BX | Blackstone | BBG000BH0106 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NWS | News Corp | BBG0035M2ZB7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FHI | Federated Hermes | BBG000BP0929 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DRE | Duke Realty REIT | BBG000BHD8S7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BRO | Brown & Brown | BBG000BWSGF4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RASP | Распадская | BBG004S68696 | rub | 10 | 0.05 | +| DAVA | Endava АДР | BBG00LBLBBJ7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PBA | Pembina Pipeline Corporation | BBG001732GF9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MGM | MGM Resorts International | BBG000C2BXK4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MPW | Medical Properties REIT | BBG000BGRB25 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RIOT | Riot Blockchain | BBG000BQ4512 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VEEV | Veeva Systems Inc | BBG001CGB489 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NCR | NCR Corp | BBG000BMXK89 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IBKR | Interactive Brokers Group Inc | BBG000LV0836 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CNK | Cinemark Holdings Inc | BBG000QDVR53 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BLUE | Bluebird Bio Inc | BBG000QGWY50 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AFG | American Financial Group | BBG000DPKKK0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MMM | 3M Company | BBG000BP52R2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KEP | Korea Electric Power | BBG000BCWG90 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SMTC | Semtech Corp | BBG000DBKR53 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HQY | HealthEquity Inc | BBG000TYXCT9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BVB@DE | Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co KG | BBG000D54JC4 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| EWBC | East West Ban | BBG000CR20B1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PUM@DE | PUMA SE | BBG000BLMTR3 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| NVTK | НОВАТЭК | BBG00475KKY8 | rub | 1 | 0.2 | +| GATX | GATX Corporation | BBG000BKGXQ4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EXLS | ExlService Holdings Inc | BBG000NS3P30 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HCC | Warrior Met Coal | BBG00GD1JMV4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BBIO | Bridgebio Pharma | BBG00P9KDZK6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BYSI | BeyondSpring | BBG00F9YLST6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SHAK | Shake Shack Inc | BBG0063GCHH8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SON | Sonoco Products Co | BBG000D7HF89 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ICPT | Intercept Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG001J1QN87 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| STE | STERIS | BBG00MRHG523 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| YELP | Yelp Inc | BBG000Q2HM09 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AMWD | American Woodmark Corp | BBG000BBX657 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EOAN@DE | E.ON SE | BBG000BR7PK2 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| ENB | Enbridge | BBG000K5M1S8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| JKHY | Jack Henry & Associates Inc | BBG000BMH2Q7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| UPST | Upstart Holdings | BBG00PKCBY53 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ORCL | Oracle | BBG000BQLTW7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VZ | Verizon Communications | BBG000HS77T5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SGEN | Seagen Inc. | BBG000BH0FR6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MORN | Morningstar | BBG000CGQ4F7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| APPS | Digital Turbine Inc | BBG000HZ3562 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| UNKL | ЮУНК | BBG002YFXL29 | rub | 1 | 10 | +| VVV | Valvoline | BBG003DNHV56 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GRUB | АДР Just Eat Takeaway.com N.V. | BBG010R8C3Y4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ALXO | ALX Oncology Holdings Inc | BBG00VR8SDG8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KRG | Kite Realty Group REIT | BBG000BC2KW8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NKNC | Нижнекамскнефтехим | BBG000GQSRR5 | rub | 10 | 0.05 | +| KNSL | Kinsale Capital Group | BBG00D8JD9Z9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SRPT | Sarepta Therapeutics Inc | BBG000BCJ161 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NTES | NetEase Inc | BBG000BX72V8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PTON | Peloton Interactive Inc | BBG00JG0FFZ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AQUA | Русская аквакультура | BBG000W325F7 | rub | 1 | 0.5 | +| MGPI | MGP Ingredients | BBG000BXK6C5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BEN | Franklin Resources | BBG000BD0TF8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FLO | Flowers Foods, Inc. | BBG000BB4D72 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AX | Axos Financial Inc | BBG000QPHD08 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GNTX | Gentex Corporation | BBG000BKJ092 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LVS | Las Vegas Sands Corp | BBG000JWD753 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SHW | Sherwin-Williams | BBG000BSXQV7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ICUI | ICU Medical Inc | BBG000CQV2N4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| U | Unity Software | BBG0056JW5G6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VRSB | ТНС энерго Воронеж | BBG000BX7DH0 | rub | 10 | 0.2 | +| FLOW | SPX FLOW Inc | BBG007FL7ZD2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| JACK | Jack in the Box | BBG000GZYVY1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BIIB | Biogen | BBG000C17X76 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MDU | MDU Resources Group, Inc. | BBG000BNX3R4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WWW | Wolverine World Wide Inc | BBG000BX2YN2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CFG | Citizens Financial Group | BBG006Q0HY77 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BYND | Beyond Meat Inc | BBG003CVJP50 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TPTX | Turning Point Therapeutics Inc | BBG00NPL9WH7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| INGR | Ingredion Inc | BBG000BXPZB7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| COO | The Cooper Companies | BBG000BG3445 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FICO | Fair Isaac Corp | BBG000DW76Y6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LYLT | Loyalty Ventures | BBG012QVD574 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WEX | WEX Inc | BBG000BVZP59 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MSEX | Middlesex Water Company | BBG000BPGQ60 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SGZH | Сегежа | BBG0100R9963 | rub | 100 | 0.001 | +| PUMP | ProPetro Holding Corp | BBG00FYCQ352 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EHTH | eHealth Inc | BBG000P5JQX6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PM | Philip Morris | BBG000J2XL74 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WAB | Wabtec Corp. | BBG000BDD940 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BKI | Black Knight Inc | BBG00GX77LW3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TXN | Texas Instruments | BBG000BVV7G1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ARNA | Arena Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG000BKXBV7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CLOV | Clover Health Investments, Corp. | BBG00SHY90J5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NKLA | Nikola | BBG00L4CWQ45 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MLM | Martin Marietta Materials | BBG000BGYMH7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GDDY | GoDaddy Inc | BBG006MDLY05 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PRI | Primerica | BBG000T8ZF80 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CHRS | Coherus BioSciences | BBG0063N8V69 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AMN | AMN Healthcare Services Inc | BBG000BCT197 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CRSR | Corsair Gaming Inc | BBG00HMSHL83 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HSIC | Henry Schein | BBG000BNMMJ3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MANH | Manhattan Associates Inc | BBG000BFV758 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ES | Eversource Energy | BBG000BQ87N0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PEN | Penumbra Inc | BBG001BP92V1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RF | Regions Financial | BBG000Q3JN03 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| OHI | Omega Healthcare Investors REIT | BBG000BGBTC2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GBX | Greenbrier Cos Inc | BBG000CF5097 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IFF | International Flavors & Fragrances | BBG000BLSL58 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SAP@DE | SAP SE | BBG000BG7GX2 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| SPCE | Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc Class A | BBG00HTN2CQ3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HCAT | Health Catalyst | BBG00LDPZMS6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MSA | MSA Safety | BBG000BPDXF8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CTRA | Coterra Energy | BBG000C3GN47 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CWEN | Clearway Energy | BBG008LJ4TF3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BPMC | Blueprint Medicines Corp | BBG001MC8YF7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BLD | TopBuild Corp | BBG0077VS2C0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PRU | Prudential Financial | BBG000HCJMF9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HEI | HEICO | BBG000BL16Q7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LSNGP | Ленэнерго - акции привилегированные | BBG000NLCCM3 | rub | 10 | 0.05 | +| VRTS | Virtus Investment Partners | BBG000DMFQS2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LITE | Lumentum Holdings Inc | BBG0073F9RT7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EYE | National Vision Holdings Inc | BBG00HVQF9K2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NSC | Norfolk Southern | BBG000BQ5DS5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PSTG | Pure Storage Inc | BBG00212PVZ5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KR | Kroger | BBG000BMY992 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DOCN | DigitalOcean Holdings | BBG00ZGF6SS3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| URI | United Rentals | BBG000BXMFC3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EMR | Emerson Electric | BBG000BHX7N2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KIM | Kimco Realty REIT | BBG000CN3S73 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MNRO | Monro | BBG000C0BZD1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RIG | Transocean | BBG000BH5LT6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AMED | Amedisys Inc | BBG000B9ZV28 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IAA | IAA, Inc. | BBG00K7ZQ662 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NKTR | Nektar Therapeutics | BBG000BHCYJ1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CEG | Constellation Energy | BBG014KFRNP7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TENB | Tenable Holdings Inc | BBG00LBLCD02 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RGNX | REGENXBIO Inc | BBG007Z9V591 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FITB | Fifth Third Bancorp | BBG000BJL3N0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LPRO | Open Lending Corp | BBG00VDHLSQ6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BIDU | Baidu | BBG000QXWHD1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CLVT | Clarivate | BBG00P1919G5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EOG | EOG Resources | BBG000BZ9223 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CSX | CSX Corp | BBG000BGJRC8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CUBE | CubeSmart REIT | BBG000HF28Q9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SYK | Stryker | BBG000DN7P92 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GPRO | GoPro | BBG001LWHLJ8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| XRX | Xerox | BBG00NNG2ZJ8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SRI | Stoneridge Inc | BBG000BB9Q78 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GMKN | Норильский никель | BBG004731489 | rub | 1 | 2 | +| LANC | Lancaster Colony | BBG000BN1M88 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RIDE | Lordstown Motors Corp | BBG00N6NL712 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PPC | Pilgrim's Pride Corp | BBG000BFLXV3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EBAY | eBay | BBG000C43RR5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DAL | Delta Air Lines | BBG000R7Z112 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AMSF | AMERISAFE, Inc. | BBG000Q0JJQ0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DUOL | Duolingo | BBG003D4V951 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MU | Micron Technology | BBG000C5Z1S3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SHEL | Shell АДР | BBG0147BN6G2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CMP | Compass Minerals International | BBG000C42WS4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BK | Bank of New York Mellon | BBG000BD8PN9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PEGA | Pegasystems Inc | BBG000H1RYG7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BF.B | Brown-Forman | BBG000BD2NY8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ANET | Arista Networks Inc | BBG000N2HDY5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LGIH | LGI Homes Inc | BBG0056655S1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PTCT | PTC Therapeutics | BBG000QT15P7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BJRI | BJ's Restaurants Inc | BBG000H9LNX1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PCG | PG&E | BBG000BQWPC5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MOEX | Московская Биржа | BBG004730JJ5 | rub | 10 | 0.01 | +| AMCR | Amcor | BBG00LNJRQ09 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MTTR | Matterport | BBG00XS0FV56 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KAI | Kadant Inc. | BBG000BKRSZ3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BE | Bloom Energy | BBG000N7KBZ3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CNQ | Canadian Natural Resources | BBG000HW5GX3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TGT | Target | BBG000H8TVT2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PAAS | Pan American Silver Corp | BBG000C0RGY3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BAC | Bank of America Corp | BBG000BCTLF6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AWH | Aspira Womens Health | BBG000BTYP37 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TREE | LendingTree Inc | BBG000TVRB50 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| V | Visa | BBG000PSKYX7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ETR | Entergy Corporation | BBG000C1FQS9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FDS | FactSet Research Systems Inc | BBG000BDJL83 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NAVI | Navient | BBG004MN1R41 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GBCI | Glacier Ban | BBG000C3KB84 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PBF | PBF Energy Inc | BBG002832GV8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SNPS | Synopsys | BBG000BSFRF3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HRMY | Harmony Biosciences Holdings | BBG00WBPG4C2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| COFS | ChoiceOne Financial Services, Inc. | BBG000LLRNX3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| USB | US Bancorp | BBG000FFDM15 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| JHG | Janus Henderson Group | BBG00GSNPM07 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MATX | Matson Inc | BBG000BBK401 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GCO | Genesco Inc | BBG000BK5S78 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FORR | Forrester Research Inc | BBG000HGNYG8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EXPI | eXp World Holdings | BBG001DCTG63 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AXNX | Axonics | BBG0067QVJ50 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EXEL | Exelixis Inc | BBG000BQ4WF8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LYV | Live Nation Entertainment Inc | BBG000FQ7YR4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CFR | Cullen/Frost Bankers | BBG000C2PL98 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DCPH | Deciphera Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG00HMJ9H54 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AWI | Armstrong World Industries Inc | BBG000DW4LB1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DHR | Danaher | BBG000BH3JF8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RNR | RenaissanceRe Holdings | BBG000BFVZ83 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SONY | Sony Corp | BBG000BT7ZK6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EVT@DE | Evotec AG | BBG000C23DD5 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| MSCI | MSCI Inc | BBG000RTDY25 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ROG | Rogers Corp | BBG000BS9HN3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PDCO | Patterson | BBG000BQY289 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BRKR | Bruker Corp | BBG000CL1FG7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FNV | Franco Nevada Corporation | BBG000RD3CL8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RGA | Reinsurance Group of America I | BBG000BDLCQ0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FE | FirstEnergy | BBG000BB6M98 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| UPRO | Юнипро | BBG004S686W0 | rub | 1000 | 0.001 | +| WERN | Werner Enterprises Inc | BBG000BWPP85 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LHA@DE | Deutsche Lufthansa AG | BBG000BC6M41 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| CM | Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce | BBG000FKTHQ1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WTRG | Essential Utilities, Inc. | BBG000BRMJN6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MRKS | МРСК Сибири | BBG000VJMH65 | rub | 10000 | 0.0005 | +| VNO | Vornado REIT | BBG000BWHD54 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WSM | Williams-Sonoma Inc | BBG000FSMWC3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MGRC | McGrath RentCorp | BBG000BP02D2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NOW | ServiceNow Inc | BBG000M1R011 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RKLB | Rocket Lab | BBG00Y61SZL5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EDIT | Editas Medicine Inc | BBG005MX5GZ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| REZI | Resideo Technologies Inc | BBG00HY28K89 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LBRDK | Liberty Broadband Corporation | BBG006GNSZW5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DM | Desktop Metal | BBG00P17H053 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MUSA | Murphy USA Inc | BBG001Z0Q6T5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| K | Kellogg | BBG000BMKDM3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BBY | Best Buy Co. | BBG000BCWCG1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MTX | Minerals Technologies Inc. | BBG000BB61F7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MPWR | Monolithic Power Systems | BBG000C30L48 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CCL | Carnival | BBG000BF6LY3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SAIL | SailPoint Technologies Holdings | BBG00J0BBZL0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PBI | Pitney Bowes | BBG000BQTMJ9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SI | Silvergate Capital Corp. | BBG00MMM95S7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GPC | Genuine Parts | BBG000BKL348 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ROLO | Русолово | BBG004Z2RGW8 | rub | 100 | 0.005 | +| LSCC | Lattice Semiconductor Corp | BBG000C2D1C1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PRAX | Praxis Precision Medicines | BBG00W9LF2G5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TCMD | Tactile Systems Technology Inc | BBG001B12Z39 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EXPE | Expedia | BBG000QY3XZ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ABCB | Ameris Bancorp | BBG000CDY3H5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NOC | Northrop Grumman | BBG000BQ2C28 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FOX | Twenty-First Century Fox | BBG00JHNKJY8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TNET | TriNet Group Inc | BBG000BR2040 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SCSC | ScanSource Inc | BBG000BHTPZ4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CMCSA | Comcast | BBG000BFT2L4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MGNT@GS | Magnit PJSC | BBG000VFBQG4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MSNG | Мосэнерго | BBG004S687W8 | rub | 1000 | 0.0005 | +| SSTK | Shutterstock Inc | BBG002ZCK2V9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CRS | Carpenter Technology Corp | BBG000BGCQT9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AFKS | АФК Система | BBG004S68614 | rub | 100 | 0.001 | +| GOLD | Barrick Gold | BBG000BB07P9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PGTI | PGT Innovations Inc | BBG000FX3Y66 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LECO | Lincoln Electric Holdings | BBG000BB72K8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PB | Prosperity Bancshares | BBG000BHY4D9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ENOV | Enovis | BBG000C5Z443 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LASR | nLight Inc | BBG0020BCPX5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CCJ | Cameco Corporation | BBG000DSZTN6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ENR | Energizer Holdings Inc | BBG006FCB019 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SFTL | ГДР Softline | BBG0136BTL03 | rub | 1 | 0.1 | +| BFAM | Bright Horizons Family Solutio | BBG003LFWP05 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TJX | TJX | BBG000BV8DN6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CLR | Continental Resources Inc | BBG000BHBGN6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ZY | Zymergen Inc. | BBG0077HPN74 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CARS | Cars.com Inc | BBG000HGTH33 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TYL | Tyler Technologies Inc | BBG000BVWZF9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TDC | Teradata | BBG000R0L5J4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FOLD | Amicus Therapeutics | BBG000PLF6N0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WMS | Advanced Drainage Systems | BBG000G7CDN9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MRTX | Mirati Therapeutics Inc | BBG004TPGBP5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DDOG | Datadog Inc | BBG003NJHZT9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| 1177 | Sino Biopharmaceutical | BBG000C6XDL4 | hkd | 100 | 0.01 | +| GLOB | Globant SA | BBG00564Y443 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PLZL | Полюс Золото | BBG000R607Y3 | rub | 1 | 0.5 | +| MAC | Macerich REIT | BBG000BL9C59 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KKR | KKR & Co. Inc. | BBG000BCQ6J8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KSS | Kohl's Corp | BBG000CS7CT9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ALC | Alcon | BBG00NPWH832 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SCCO | Southern Copper Corp | BBG000BSHH72 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| APEI | American Public Education Inc | BBG000RVD346 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CCOI | Cogent Communications | BBG000D0SMY8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| XNCR | Xencor Inc | BBG0026ZG4W0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ZS | Zscaler Inc | BBG003338H34 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SSNC | SS&C Technologies Holdings Inc | BBG000RJ2J04 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BMBL | Bumble Inc. | BBG00Z6RF483 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| OZON | Ozon Holdings PLC | BBG00Y91R9T3 | rub | 1 | 0.5 | +| BIG | Big Lots Inc | BBG000J0D904 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LKOH | ЛУКОЙЛ | BBG004731032 | rub | 1 | 0.5 | +| BCE | BCE Inc. | BBG000BCXNS3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CDNS | Cadence Design Systems | BBG000C13CD9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PVH | PVH | BBG000BRRG02 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ACN | Accenture | BBG000D9D830 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BOKF | BOK Financial | BBG000CFZ003 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SEIC | SEI Investments Company | BBG000BSQLT9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| OKTA | Okta Inc | BBG001YV1SM4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| UBER | Uber | BBG002B04MT8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CHWY | Chewy Inc | BBG00P19DKZ6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NTNX | Nutanix Inc | BBG001NDW1Z7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AA | Alcoa Corporation | BBG00B3T3HD3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HES | Hess | BBG000BBD070 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NWL | Newell Brands | BBG000BQC9V2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CVS | CVS Health Corporation | BBG000BGRY34 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| THO | Thor Industries Inc | BBG000BV6R84 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ENRU | Энел Россия | BBG000F6YP24 | rub | 1000 | 0.0002 | +| FTV | Fortive | BBG00BLVZ228 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BOOT | Boot Barn Holdings Inc | BBG0077SYZV6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| QNST | QuinStreet Inc | BBG000S9XXB8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ALSN | Allison Transmission Holdings | BBG001KY3845 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| OGKB | Вторая генерирующая компания оптового рынка электроэне... | BBG000RK52V1 | rub | 1000 | 0.0001 | +| IPG | IPG | BBG000C90DH9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NATI | National Instruments | BBG000DZK6N6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DDD | 3D Systems Corp | BBG000D42FJ0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LSPD | Lightspeed Commerce | BBG00PZ78ZM0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GNRC | Generac Holdings Inc | BBG000PQ4W72 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GMS | GMS Inc | BBG009Q036D0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NYCB | New York Community Bancorp | BBG000BVXPZ8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TRNO | Terreno REIT | BBG000PV3J62 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LOPE | Grand Canyon Education Inc | BBG000FV28W9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WTTR | Select Energy Services Inc | BBG00G4Y2DC1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MTRN | Materion Corp | BBG000BDTT76 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BBBY | Bed Bath & Beyond | BBG000CSY9H9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FNKO | Funko Inc | BBG00HXSHDQ9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IRDM | Iridium Communications Inc | BBG000VC0FC1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RCUS | Arcus Biosciences | BBG00DQD26W3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ARE | Alexandria Real Estate Equities REIT | BBG000BC33T9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LULU | Lululemon Athletica Inc | BBG000R8ZVD1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| OMCL | Omnicell Inc | BBG000BTNGZ4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| COLM | Columbia Sportswear Company | BBG000BKKQ84 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CHX | ChampionX Corporation | BBG00JH9TZ56 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IRGZ | Иркутскэнерго | BBG000NL6ZD9 | rub | 100 | 0.02 | +| MIME | Mimecast Limited | BBG00B6W26V8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WAL | Western Alliance Bancorp | BBG000Q1KFH4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ARMK | Aramark | BBG001KY4N87 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FVRR | Fiverr International | BBG002YSC5M7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LSTR | Landstar System | BBG000BB2KN0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CLF | Cleveland-Cliffs | BBG000BFRF55 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FTI | TechnipFMC | BBG00DL8NMV2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SP | SP Plus Corp | BBG000BJ91B1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LHX | L3Harris Technologies Inc | BBG000BLGFJ9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NGVT | Ingevity Corp | BBG009LM28K6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WRBY | Warby Parker | BBG005DWN8K8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DHER@DE | Delivery Hero SE | BBG00GVXMJ74 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| UAL | United Airlines Holdings | BBG000M65M61 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IBTX | Independent Bank Group, Inc. | BBG003981NS4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SWTX | SpringWorks Therapeutics | BBG00Q011TW9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| USFD | US Foods Holding Corp | BBG00C6H6D40 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AEP | American Electric Power | BBG000BB9KF2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TPX | Tempur Sealy International Inc | BBG000PXGT62 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PINS | Pinterest Inc | BBG002583CV8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HUBS | HubSpot Inc | BBG000N7MZ06 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AAN | The Aarons Company | BBG00WCNDCZ6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DELL | Dell Technologies Inc | BBG00DW3SZS1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AER | AerCap Holdings | BBG000Q9FZL4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WRK | WestRock | BBG008NXC572 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| UBSI | United Bankshares, Inc. | BBG000BVXC87 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MO | Altria Group | BBG000BP6LJ8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LGND | Ligand Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG000BKF014 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DAN | Dana Inc | BBG000TCD088 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GLTR | Globaltrans Investment PLC | BBG000VFX6Y4 | rub | 1 | 0.05 | +| MSM | MSC Industrial Direct Co Inc | BBG000BCLYL9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| JD | JD.com | BBG005YHY0Q7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CARR | Carrier Global | BBG00RP5HYS8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CORR | CorEnergy Infrastructure REIT | BBG000CN80Y9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LAD | LIthia Motors Inc | BBG000K3BC83 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CHEF | Chefs' Warehouse Inc | BBG001MFW6D6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HAS | Hasbro | BBG000BKVJK4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BEAM | Beam Therapeutics | BBG00KXC8646 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ESS | Essex Property REIT | BBG000CGJMB9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DKNG | DraftKings | BBG0134WCM78 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EVRG | Evergy, Inc | BBG00H433CR2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BCPC | Balchem Corp | BBG000BCY878 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FCN | FTI Consulting Inc | BBG000K88H58 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| POR | Portland General Electric | BBG000BCRMW7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NLSN | Nielsen Holdings plc | BBG0088CYPX8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EME | EMCOR Group | BBG000BBRPL4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KLAC | KLA-Tencor | BBG000BMTFR4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CAR | Avis Budget Group | BBG000FLPRH1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PINC | Premier Inc | BBG000G7QX50 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HPE | Hewlett Packard Enterprise | BBG0078W3NQ3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KAZTP | КуйбышевАзот - Акции привилегированные | BBG002B9T6Y1 | rub | 10 | 0.2 | +| AOSL | Alpha and Omega Semiconductor | BBG000QLW222 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CW | Curtiss-Wright | BBG000BGSPS5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PTC | PTC Inc | BBG000C2VBB0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HASI | Hannon Armstrong REIT | BBG0044K5DM4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HTHT | H World Group | BBG000QFPM65 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| OFIX | Orthofix Medical Inc | BBG000G1C210 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VNA@DE | Vonovia SE | BBG000BT0ZM1 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| TMO | Thermo Fisher Scientific | BBG000BVDLH9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DXC | DXC Technology | BBG00FN64XT9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AMZN | Amazon.com | BBG000BVPV84 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PAR | PAR Technology Corporation | BBG000BRP9K8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CRM | Salesforce | BBG000BN2DC2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FCX | Freeport-McMoRan | BBG000BJDB15 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CVLT | CommVault Systems Inc | BBG000BG88X9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AIRC | Apartment Income REIT | BBG00XK3WVD0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CBSH | Commerce Bancshares | BBG000BF3G77 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ALNY | Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG000BFGNJ5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ARCC | Ares Capital Corp | BBG000PD6X77 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GH | Guardant Health Inc | BBG006D97VY9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VNDA | Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG000HT5MG6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CNC | Centene Corporation | BBG000BDXCJ5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IDA | IDACORP, Inc. | BBG000BLR3Y7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ALV | Autoliv, Inc. | BBG000BVLRY8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ARQT | Arcutis Biotherapeutics | BBG00QN8K4M4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BMRN | BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc | BBG000CZWZ05 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ALL | The Allstate Corporation | BBG000BVMGF2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LEVI | Levi Strauss & Co | BBG000BQDF10 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KNX | Knight-Swift Transportation | BBG000BFC848 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ACI | Albertsons Companies | BBG009KG1750 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| APLS | Apellis Pharmaceuticals | BBG007KGRPY4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LKOD@GS | LUKOIL PJSC | BBG000NN8497 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SPT | Sprout Social | BBG001K1CT23 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TDY | Teledyne Technologies Inc | BBG000BMT9T6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CIEN | Ciena Corp | BBG000BP1152 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TWTR | Twitter | BBG000H6HNW3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FFIV | F5 | BBG000CXYSZ6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MTCH | Match Group Inc | BBG00B6WH9G3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TXRH | Texas Roadhouse Inc | BBG000PSJMV7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WMB | The Williams Companies | BBG000BWVCP8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MXL | MaxLinear Inc | BBG000BB6R33 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NSSC | Napco Security Technologies | BBG000BQ6CT5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VRNT | Verint Systems Inc | BBG000BCBYT2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MBT | АДР МТС | BBG000CSZKR2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NMTP | НМТП | BBG004S68BR5 | rub | 100 | 0.005 | +| CRSP | CRISPR Therapeutics AG | BBG00DBBGRX1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MRC | MRC Global Inc | BBG000BKLTM1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MMS | MAXIMUS Inc | BBG000BC5WJ4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CCI | Crown Castle REIT | BBG000FV1Z23 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ADI | Analog Devices | BBG000BB6G37 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VTRS | Viatris Inc | BBG00Y4RQNH4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IR | Ingersoll-Rand | BBG002R1CW27 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VIR | Vir Biotechnology | BBG00H2QQ8T5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TGKA | ТГК-1 | BBG000QFH687 | rub | 100000 | 0.000002 | +| CMA | Comerica Incorporated | BBG000C75N77 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FOXF | Fox Factory Holding Corp | BBG004T7VS53 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EXPD | Expeditors | BBG000BJ5GK2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FRC | First Republic Bank | BBG0019LSQ49 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FRHC | Freedom Holding Corp/NV | BBG000N625H8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ANGI | Angi Inc | BBG00HVKH3Q0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| H | Hyatt Hotels Corp | BBG000CVRFS4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IQV | IQVIA Holdings Inc | BBG00333FYS2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VTR | Ventas REIT | BBG000FRVHB9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BLNK | Blink Charging Co | BBG000F9XKN7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BABA | Alibaba | BBG006G2JVL2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GTLS | Chart Industries Inc | BBG000P1K2X6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SNGS | Сургутнефтегаз | BBG0047315D0 | rub | 100 | 0.005 | +| CBOM | МКБ | BBG009GSYN76 | rub | 100 | 0.001 | +| PJT | PJT Partners Inc. | BBG0079T1PZ6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| REGN | Regeneron Pharmaceuticals | BBG000C734W3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BURL | Burlington Stores Inc | BBG004S641N5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CDLX | Cardlytics Inc | BBG00225ZDD0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| STX | Seagate | BBG0113JGQF0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KRYS | Krystal Biotech Inc | BBG00HDGRHH7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| JJSF | J&J Snack Foods Corp | BBG000BMGPW0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TRIP | TripAdvisor | BBG001M8HHB7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LIN | Linde | BBG00GVR8YQ9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| REX | REX American Resources Corp | BBG000D2ZK61 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CR | Crane Holdings | BBG017BXPZ85 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KRTX | Karuna Therapeutics Inc | BBG00NN875G0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| STLA | Stellantis N.V. | BBG0078ZLDG9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CP | Canadian Pacific Railway | BBG000BCVMH9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AMEZ | Ашинский метзавод | BBG000RJWGC4 | rub | 100 | 0.005 | +| VET | Vermilion Energy | BBG000PL3C78 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SFIX | Stitch Fix | BBG0046L1KL9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FOXA | Twenty-First Century Fox (A) | BBG00JHNJW99 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PRAA | PRA Group Inc | BBG000BNTW77 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| COWN | Cowen, Inc. | BBG000ND1SB0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TGKBP | ТГК-2 - акции привилегированные | BBG000Q7GJ60 | rub | 100000 | 0.00001 | +| TPG | TPG | BBG0145FSNR1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PTR | PetroChina | BBG000BR85F1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AZEK | AZEK Company | BBG00RPJPN67 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| UNH | UnitedHealth | BBG000CH5208 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TGNA | TEGNA | BBG000BK5DP1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RVLV | Revolve Group Inc | BBG00M4RHBD0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WING | Wingstop Inc | BBG008N298Y8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ABRD | АбрауДюрсо | BBG002W2FT69 | rub | 10 | 0.5 | +| CNTLP | Центральный Телеграф - акции привилегированные | BBG0027F0Y27 | rub | 100 | 0.02 | +| TTE | TotalEnergies SE | BBG000CHZ857 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PWR | Quanta Services | BBG000BBL8V7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DCI | Donaldson Co | BBG000BGZP70 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SHL@DE | Siemens Healthineers AG | BBG00KY6K4L0 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| MCHP | Microchip Technology | BBG000BHCP19 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PIKK | ПИК | BBG004S68BH6 | rub | 1 | 0.1 | +| AZN | AstraZeneca PLC | BBG000BZ0DK8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KMT | Kennametal Inc | BBG000BMWKC5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SATS | EchoStar Corporation | BBG000TGLV00 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| APLT | Applied Therapeutics | BBG000DD0489 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FWRD | Forward Air Corporation | BBG000BRCHB4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ADPT | Adaptive Biotechnologies | BBG001J2PFF5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ONTO | Onto Innovation Inc | BBG000BPRN29 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NUS | Nu Skin Enterprises Inc | BBG000HG21Y3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HUBG | Hub Group Inc | BBG000G9W6L0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SEDG | SolarEdge Technologies Inc | BBG0084BBZY6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DE | Deere & Company | BBG000BH1NH9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PANW | Palo Alto Networks | BBG0014GJCT9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DLB | Dolby Laboratories Inc | BBG000DGLTG5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IT | Gartner | BBG000BB65D0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SRC | Spirit Realty Capital REIT | BBG0027Z6X10 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ROSN | Роснефть | BBG004731354 | rub | 1 | 0.05 | +| MRO | Marathon Oil | BBG000C8H633 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VRTX | Vertex Pharmaceuticals | BBG000C1S2X2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CF | CF Industries Holdings | BBG000BWJFZ4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CYBR | CyberArk Software Ltd | BBG006Q52QV2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WU | Western Union | BBG000BB5373 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PNW | Pinnacle West Capital | BBG000BRDSX5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MODV | ModivCare Inc. | BBG000P1B7C8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CELH | Celsius Holdings | BBG000NY37X4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| OLLI | Ollie's Bargain Outlet Holding | BBG0098VVDT9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MTLRP | Мечел - Привилегированные акции | BBG004S68FR6 | rub | 10 | 0.05 | +| LPX | Louisiana-Pacific Corporation | BBG000BNF508 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HP | Helmerich & Payne | BBG000BLCPY4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ATRO | Astronics Corp | BBG000BCLBY5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LHCG | LHC Group Inc | BBG000G7W420 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TRMK | Трубная Металлургическая Компания | BBG004TC84Z8 | rub | 10 | 0.02 | +| ABT | Abbott | BBG000B9ZXB4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CACC | Credit Acceptance Corp | BBG000CS0D96 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ZUO | Zuora Inc | BBG000BT3HG5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ANIP | ANI Pharmaceuticals Inc | BBG000KK1L04 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HR | Healthcare Realty Trust REIT | BBG000PRJCX9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IFX@DE | Infineon Technologies AG | BBG000C8L273 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| SWKS | Skyworks Solutions | BBG000KLB4Q1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AIN | Albany International Corp. | BBG000BRWWH3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GD | General Dynamics | BBG000BK67C7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AME | AMETEK | BBG000B9XG87 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PLAY | Dave & Buster's Entertainment Inc | BBG001WWJTK5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PSX | Phillips 66 | BBG00286S4N9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WOR | Worthington Industries Inc | BBG000HL7499 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CHPT | ChargePoint Holdings | BBG00Q741Z16 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LNT | Alliant Energy | BBG000DW4Q75 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WAFD | Washington Federal, Inc. | BBG000BWQTD0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SBCF | Seacoast Banking Corp of Flori | BBG000KK3464 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VAC | Marriott Vacations Worldwide Corporation | BBG001J2R5H3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PAGS | Pagseguro Digital Ltd | BBG00JM7QBR6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MRKU | МРСК Урала | BBG000VKG4R5 | rub | 10000 | 0.0002 | +| LAZR | Luminar Technologies | BBG00MS90LK2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LOGI | Logitech International SA | BBG000BQNNP6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CLH | Clean Harbors Inc | BBG000BFRRX8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| UPWK | Upwork Inc | BBG00FBJ6390 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GCP | GCP Applied Technologies Inc | BBG0082W8Q12 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RRGB | Red Robin Gourmet Burgers Inc | BBG000MXH9C1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HRL | Hormel Foods | BBG000BLF8D2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ETRN | Equitrans Midstream Corporation | BBG00K53L394 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TSLA | Tesla Motors | BBG000N9MNX3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FAST | Fastenal Company | BBG000BJ8YN7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SJM | JM Smucker | BBG000BT1715 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AFX@DE | Carl Zeiss Meditec AG | BBG000C7X325 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| X | United States Steel | BBG000BX3TD3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PEAK | Healthpeak Properties REIT | BBG000BKYDP9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| IRTC | iRhythm Technologies | BBG001J19V24 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SKX | Skechers U.S.A. Inc | BBG000C4HKK2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MRKY | МРСК Юга | BBG000C7P5M7 | rub | 10000 | 0.00005 | +| NBIX | Neurocrine Biosciences Inc | BBG000GJS7C1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HCA | HCA Healthcare | BBG000QW7VC1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RGR | Sturm Ruger & Co Inc | BBG000C4FQG6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| OIS | Oil States International Inc | BBG000BDDN94 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EQT | EQT Corporation | BBG000BHZ5J9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EGHT | 8x8 Inc | BBG000BCGHH7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GDOT | Green Dot Corp | BBG000QDJT53 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| INSP | Inspire Medical Systems Inc | BBG00209SZJ7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ETN | Eaton Corporation | BBG000BJ3PD2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PII | Polaris Industries Inc | BBG000D5S4M0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NVDA | NVIDIA | BBG000BBJQV0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| EAR | Eargo | BBG009HSTZ10 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MEDP | Medpace Holdings Inc | BBG0065B7K59 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BCC | Boise Cascade | BBG000RQKCR4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| APP | AppLovin Corporation | BBG006HFPX77 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SSB | SouthState Corp | BBG000BNPYN9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BMW@DE | Bayerische Motoren Werke AG | BBG000BBXB74 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| TPIC | TPI Composites Inc | BBG0016MQ7C5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VUZI | Vuzix Corp | BBG000QKVV49 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| WPC | WP Carey REIT | BBG000BCQM58 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| NEOG | Neogen Corp | BBG000C1BCK2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GPN | Global Payments | BBG000CX0P89 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| PFE | Pfizer | BBG000BR2B91 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TREX | Trex Co Inc | BBG000BTGKK9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MTH | Meritage Homes Corp | BBG000F4F1N0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| DORM | Dorman Products Inc | BBG000BM22F5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CHH | Choice Hotels International In | BBG000BPBTL2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GRPH | Graphite Bio, Inc. | BBG00XDH4NZ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| MNST | Monster Beverage | BBG008NVB1C0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CLX | The Clorox Company | BBG000BFS7D3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FOE | Ferro Corp | BBG000BJQK11 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| BLKB | Blackbaud Inc | BBG000BGGTW5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KRKNP | Саратовский НПЗ - акции привилегированные | BBG002B2J5X0 | rub | 1 | 20 | +| APTV | Aptiv | BBG001QD41M9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TNDM | Tandem Diabetes Care Inc | BBG0019V9M65 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ASIX | AdvanSix Inc | BBG00CWTTQ41 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| 2007 | Country Garden Holdings | BBG000QQCY41 | hkd | 100 | 0.01 | +| AAON | AAON | BBG000C2LZP3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CHMF | Северсталь | BBG00475K6C3 | rub | 1 | 0.2 | +| TW | Tradeweb Markets | BBG00NK8H8T2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FLS | Flowserve | BBG000FFH4P5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TWLO | Twilio Inc | BBG0029ZX840 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CPS | Cooper-Standard Holdings Inc | BBG000PSXT64 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VZIO | VIZIO Holding Corp. | BBG00ZHDJVK4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RGEN | Repligen Corporation | BBG000BS48J3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| ISKJ | ИСКЧ | BBG000N16BP3 | rub | 10 | 0.02 | +| CLDT | Chatham Lodging REIT | BBG000PT6BR8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| GOOG | Alphabet Class C | BBG009S3NB30 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| LNTH | Lantheus Holdings Inc | BBG006Q52RD0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| HEI@DE | HeidelbergCement AG | BBG000BWRTS3 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| PCAR | PACCAR | BBG000BQVTF5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| CYTK | Cytokinetics | BBG000F0R4N9 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| VMEO | Vimeo | BBG00ZNSSKP3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | -## Bonds available. Total: [652] +## Bonds available. Total: [660] -| Ticker | Full name | FIGI | Cur | Lot | Step -|--------------|----------------------------------------------------------------|--------------|-----|--------|--------- -| RU000A1013Y3 | Черкизово выпуск 2 | BBG00R05JT04 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZZ1F6 | КарМани БО выпуск 2 | BBG00KHGQP89 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100TD8 | Солид-Лизинг выпуск 5 | BBG00Q9K64Q5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103QL1 | Росагролизинг выпуск 3 | BBG012NW2KW6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101S16 | Казахстан выпуск 13 | BBG011MDDX15 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103C53 | РЕСО-Лизинг БО-П выпуск 11 | BBG011PC1CT3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103VD8 | МСБ-Лизинг 002P выпуск 5 | BBG012YS2TP2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102LD1 | Черкизово выпуск 4 | TCS00A102LD1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102JZ8 | Альфа-Банк 002Р выпуск 9 | BBG00YMT3ZH8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103S30 | ДиректЛизинг выпуск 7 | BBG012R0C9K9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A104BU2 | ГК ЕКС выпуск 1 | BBG0147HX1H8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU26236RMFS8 | ОФЗ 26236 | BBG00YB8K0V8 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A0ZZYL5 | Калужская СК выпуск 1 | BBG00MTS7DY5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JXU14 | Russia 2047 | BBG00H0HV5C5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102CX8 | Ульяновская область выпуск 3 | BBG00Y90V3M0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101QL5 | ГТЛК выпуск 17 | BBG00V6NXQF4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JWDN6 | РУСАЛ Братск выпуск 1 | BBG00CNJBLC4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102895 | Новосибирская область выпуск 21 | BBG00XX7H140 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101RW0 | Казахстан выпуск 8 | BBG011MDBQV9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100PE4 | РЕСО-Лизинг БО-П выпуск 6 | BBG00PXMNQ97 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100PQ8 | АльфаБанк 002Р выпуск 5 | BBG00PYR5CH7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1004K1 | Европлан БО 05 | BBG00NHJGKN2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100W29 | Роделен выпуск 2 | BBG00QJ5M7P3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS1752568144 | Phosagro | BBG00JRK86V8 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A102M86 | Всеинструменты.ру выпуск 3 | TCS00A102M86 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101XN7 | АФК Система выпуск 14 | BBG00WCMMJ92 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101TR6 | ЭнергоТехСервис выпуск 2 | BBG00VP0CN81 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102LW1 | Асфальтобетонный завод № 1 выпуск 1 | BBG00YS45GT4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JXY44 | ПИК БО-П выпуск 3 | BBG00HBPXX50 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1040V2 | Охта Групп выпуск 2 | TCS00A1040V2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZZVE6 | Russia | BBG00MNX53Q3 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1016F5 | ГК Пионер-001P выпуск 4 | BBG00R4C49T4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS2124187571 | Gazprom | BBG00RRSRHF6 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A100N12 | АФК Система выпуск 11 | BBG00PVL2PM1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100UG9 | ХКФ Банк выпуск 6 | BBG00QB5VPL5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JQRD9 | РЖД выпуск 23 | BBG0000K94P9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| ISBNK0424 | Turkiye Is Bankasi | BBG00GH607J6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JVVA7 | Роснано выпуск 6 | BBG00B8SVRD7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZZBV2 | Европлан БО 08 | BBG00L9H7QZ3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101970 | Всеинструменты.ру выпуск 2 | BBG00R83FV73 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| OMA0148 | Sultanate of Oman | BBG00JQC5C47 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A104AQ2 | ДОМ.РФ Социальные облигации 02 | TCS00A104AQ2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYWU3 | АФК Система выпуск 8 | BBG00K4MR057 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| GAZP1124 | Gazprom | BBG00J7PCW56 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| SU26240RMFS0 | ОФЗ 26240 | BBG011MLGP84 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A100CG7 | ОбъединениеАгроЭлита выпуск 3 | BBG00PVT6KR6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A104JQ3 | Самолет БО-П11 | BBG015CD9YL8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYEQ9 | Сэтл Групп выпуск 1 | BBG00HXHKRV2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU29006RMFS2 | ОФЗ 29006 | BBG007Z13SN3 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A0ZYEM8 | Самолет | BBG00HZZDWP4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1002C2 | РЖД 001Р выпуск 12 | BBG00N6MD6M2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102101 | ЭБИС выпуск 3 | BBG00WPJ81Z1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102HB3 | Роснано БО-002P выпуск 5 | BBG00YJKKTF8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU26220RMFS2 | ОФЗ 26220 | BBG00FX0RDF5 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A0JXPD9 | ТМК выпуск 6 | BBG00GDC1GV2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1037C8 | Урожай выпуск 2 | BBG011C669D9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS0864383723 | Novatek | BBG003PNSC99 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A100PB0 | ЖКХ Якутии выпуск 1 | BBGYAKUTV001 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101178 | АПРИ Флай Плэнинг БО-П3 | BBG00QXGQYZ9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101GZ6 | Уралкалий выпуск 6 | TCS00A101GZ6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1030Y7 | РН Банк БО-1P выпуск 8 | BBG0107GHR16 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101GW3 | ЛЕГЕНДА выпуск 2 | TCS00A101GW3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS1634369224 | Belarus | BBG00GXQKMJ9 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A0JW1P8 | ГТЛК выпуск 7 | BBG00BRZQ4Y4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100782 | Лента БО-001P выпуск 2 | BBG00NNMVRW6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JVWJ6 | ГТЛК выпуск 6 | BBG00B8SX525 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1003A4 | ГТЛК выпуск 13 | BBG00N9Q06D4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101R33 | Лента БО-001P выпуск 4 | BBG00V92S1V0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101GR3 | Банк Открытие БО-П выпуск 6 | BBG00S6QMBP8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101YV8 | Позитив Текнолоджиз выпуск 1 | TCS00A101YV8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1011C3 | Русал Братск БО-001Р выпуск 4 | BBG00QXGPWQ4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102FS1 | АФК Система выпуск 16 | BBG00YG1RQV4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYJ91 | ФСК ЕЭС БО-4 | BBG00JDS8JM8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103G00 | Синара - Транспортные Машины выпуск 2 | BBG011YQCC65 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102CD0 | ХК Финанс выпуск 5 | BBG00Y7KXWY9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102SK1 | Боржоми выпуск 1 | BBG00ZGVRGJ1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU26232RMFS7 | ОФЗ 26232 | BBG00R0Z4YW8 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| ISSUANCEBRUS | Брусника 001P-01 | ISSUANCEBRUS | rub | 1 | -| RU000A0JXPN8 | Ростелеком выпуск 2 | BBG00GH12JY2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYAQ7 | КарМани БО выпуск 1 | BBG00HS78YK1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A104A39 | ИНК-Капитал выпуск 1 | TCS00A104A39 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU26218RMFS6 | ОФЗ 26218 | BBG00B9PJ7V0 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A102CU4 | Сбер Банк 001P-SBER19 | BBG00Y9B45C2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102RS6 | Сбер Банк 001P-SBER24 | BBG00ZZ927H8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS2019822357 | BCS Structured Products 27jun2024 | BBG00PKCLPS6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100HY9 | РЖД 001Р выпуск 16 | BBG00PV1JCS0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102A07 | Альфа-Банк 002Р выпуск 8 | BBG00Y1BKK93 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101XD8 | МаксимаТелеком выпуск 1 | TCS00A101XD8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102S80 | Альфа-Банк 002Р выпуск 10 | BBG00ZCTLKQ9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101PJ1 | Магнит выпуск 5 | BBG00V1K0LJ8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1030U5 | ЭкономЛизинг выпуск 3 | BBG0109ZMRP0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU26222RMFS8 | ОФЗ 26222 | BBG00GLT6144 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A0ZYKH5 | Оренбургская область выпуск 4 | BBG00JG7XG76 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JW5E3 | ПКТ выпуск 2 | BBG00C7PQK43 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102JB9 | ДОМ.РФ ИА 09 | TCS00A102JB9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS0830192711 | Газпром нефть | BBG003CQ4DT8 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A103RJ3 | Первое коллекторское бюро 001Р выпуск 2 | BBG012Q8FLM1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JXYS9 | Краснодарский край выпуск 1 | BBG00HDD93V9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU26224RMFS4 | ОФЗ 26224 | BBG00K53FBX6 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A0ZYR91 | ГТЛК выпуск 8 | BBG00JYHMLM8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102ZH2 | ЯТЭК выпуск 2 | BBG00ZZNPB92 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101DU4 | Вита Лайн выпуск 1 | BBG00RP6D594 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1030S9 | Москва выпуск 72 | BBG010GVNPK9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZZ9W4 | Уралкалий выпуск 4 | BBG00L4CT0Z2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102200 | Вита Лайн 001Р выпуск 1 | ISSUANCEVITA | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102HG2 | Охта Групп выпуск 1 | BBG00YPFNJR8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101H43 | ГК Самолет выпуск 8 | TCS00A101H43 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101PV6 | ТД РКС-Сочи выпуск 1 | BBG00V316KF8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1029T9 | СофтЛайн Трейд выпуск 4 | TCS00A1029T9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1021B4 | Обувь России 001P выпуск 3 | BBG00WS5KGV5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100QA0 | ГК Самолет выпуск 6 | BBG00Q58ZXF2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU26207RMFS9 | ОФЗ 26207 | BBG002PD3452 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A101228 | МОЭК выпуск 3 | BBG00QXGFHS6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1032S5 | Литана выпуск 1 | BBG010SC6Q70 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1029P7 | ЭР-Телеком Холдинг выпуск 4 | TCS00A1029P7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU26229RMFS3 | ОФЗ 26229 | BBG00PBZNT41 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A103N43 | ДОМ.РФ ИА БО выпуск 9 | TCS00A103N43 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| VAKI0324 | Vakifbank | BBG00NPGTY64 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1017H9 | Автодор БО-2 выпуск 5 | BBG00R7TP2Y0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101HU5 | Брусника выпуск 1 | RU000A101HU5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| TRY1028 | Republic of Turkey | BBG00KMWBXK3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103KG4 | Сбербанк выпуск SbD1R | BBG0131NQLG8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1028C7 | Киви выпуск 1 | TCS00A1028C7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS1946763361 | BCS Structured Products 27jun2024 выпуск 2 | BBG00NR70S66 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A102TL7 | МФК Займер выпуск 1 | BBG00ZJX2024 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1006S9 | Russia | BBG00NPGNWZ2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1034P7 | ВТБ СУБ выпуск 5 | BBG01172JM41 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS2010044621 | Sibur | BBG00Q994JS7 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A0ZYCR1 | ТрансКомплектХолдинг выпуск 1 | BBG00HZ0R8T5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102S23 | Агрофирма-племзавод Победа выпуск 1 | BBG00ZCTRLC6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100A66 | МТС выпуск 9 | BBG00NZHT902 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU26212RMFS9 | ОФЗ 26212 | BBG00425VG07 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| SU26219RMFS4 | ОФЗ 26219 | BBG00D6Q7LY6 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A100303 | Нафтатранс Плюс выпуск 1 | BBG00N8SH448 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1034K8 | Russia | BBG0113G7SP1 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1023L9 | Калита выпуск 2 | BBG00X6ZL3Z5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1018X4 | Магнит 003Р выпуск 5 | BBG00R7TPVR4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101D13 | Сегежа выпуск 1 | BBG00RMFTSM5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103WD6 | ПИМ выпуск 1 | BBG0135CF8W1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JXPG2 | ГТЛК выпуск 4 | BBG00GGS6C84 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYCM2 | Красноярский край выпуск 13 | BBG00HVY2MS2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JT965 | Роснефть выпуск 5 | BBG003LQ7J76 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| ISSUANCESAMO | Самолет БО-П08 | ISSUANCESAMO | rub | 1 | -| RU000A0ZYNY4 | ГТЛК выпуск 7 | BBG00JRTXBC1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103M85 | Элит Строй выпуск 1 | TCS00A103M85 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS0921331509 | MTS International Funding | BBG004M1PTN8 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| SU26227RMFS7 | ОФЗ 26227 | BBG00NQBGZX5 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A102TA0 | Росагролизинг выпуск 2 | BBG00ZHZ4Q86 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS1964558339 | Credit Bank of Moscow | BBG00NN90XV7 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| SU26234RMFS3 | ОФЗ 26234 | BBG00VCY76T1 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A100YG1 | ГК Самолет выпуск 7 | BBG00QPG1GD8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZZGT5 | РЖД 001Р выпуск 8 | BBG00LPNW7Y7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101Q26 | АФК Система выпуск 13 | BBG00V3L30M3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102LB5 | ПРОМОМЕД ДМ выпуск 1 | BBG00YRF7834 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101Z66 | Балтийский лизинг БО-П03 | BBG00WFBVRN9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101MC3 | Магнит 002Р выпуск 2 | BBG00TJW91Z5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101ST4 | РЕСО-Лизинг БО-П выпуск 3 | BBG00VFJK5W4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102US0 | Талан-Финанс выпуск 2 | BBG00ZNL19P2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100KL0 | Русал Братск БО-001Р выпуск 2 | BBG00PSQX526 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102V51 | Нафтатранс Плюс выпуск 3 | BBG00ZQYML62 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100RS0 | ТЕХНО Лизинг выпуск 2 | BBG00Q41F4Y3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1028H6 | Сибнефтехимтрейд выпуск 1 | TCS00A1028H6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101WH1 | Гидромашсервис БО выпуск 2 | TCS00A101WH1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100TF3 | Русал Братск БО-001Р выпуск 3 | BBG00Q9BCQ70 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JXQ28 | ФПК выпуск 1 | BBG00GH62KJ5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100YU2 | Акрон выпуск 3 | BBG00QPS5TX8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101FC7 | Ростелеком 002P выпуск 3 | BBG00RRT2HP0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYA66 | Эталон выпуск 2 | BBG00HNGJ8K1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103TS0 | ТЕХНО Лизинг выпуск 5 | BBG012STNNH6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103KA7 | Мираторг выпуск 1 | TCS00A103KA7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYDS7 | Газпром нефть ПАО 001P-03R | BBG00J1Z0ZM7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100D30 | Республика Беларусь выпуск 3 | BBG00PYL4HQ0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100BB0 | Русал Братск БО-001P выпуск 1 | BBG00P33Q8B6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYM21 | Домодедово выпуск 1 | BBG00JGF4LC3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102GY7 | Хэдхантер выпуск 1 | TCS00A102GY7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103GL2 | МФК ЦФП выпуск 2 | BBG0120X4T49 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101SM9 | Камаз | BBG00VDF8F10 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102952 | ВИС Финанс выпуск 1 | BBG00XYH8FH2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103XP8 | Ferroni выпуск 1 | BBG01391D0C2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102Y66 | Легенда выпуск 4 | TCS00A102Y66 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102GU5 | Белуга БО-П04 | TCS00A102GU5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1015E0 | Белуга Групп БО-П03 | BBG00R2FH979 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101KK0 | Роснано БО-002P выпуск 4 | BBG00SXFWRX7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1034X1 | Лизинг трейд выпуск 3 | BBG00A1034X1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101L96 | ЕвроХим выпуск 7 | BBG00T7HZJG4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101CQ4 | СУЭК-Финанс выпуск 5 | BBG00RLS6TT4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZZ1H2 | ОГК-2 выпуск 3 | BBG00KHD7983 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1034T9 | МТС Банк выпуск 1 | BBG00A1034T9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101RV2 | Казахстан выпуск 7 | BBG00XH4RHP6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JVA10 | ГТЛК БО-04 | BBG0089PCRC1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JXU48 | ВЭБ.РФ ПБО-001P-08 | BBG00H14B6Z8 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A101UQ6 | ИКС 5 Финанс выпуск 12 | BBG00VWZ2229 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102SX4 | АФК Система выпуск 19 | BBG00ZHPT667 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102CL3 | Russia | BBG00Y5TQNQ9 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| XS0316524130 | Gazprom | BBG0000JWX54 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A100XU4 | РЕСО-Лизинг БО-П выпуск 7 | BBG00QN37PX1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JWVL2 | Европлан БО 07 | BBG00DY7RMW5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103KJ8 | Европлан 001Р-03 | TCS00A103KJ8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYU05 | РЖД 001Р выпуск 5 | BBG00K2B2M16 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101UR4 | Башкирская содовая компания выпуск 2 | BBG00VWZ21H5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101QA8 | ИКС 5 Финанс выпуск 11 | BBG00V4SVMN7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101FH6 | МТС выпуск 14 | BBG00RTTRKD7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU26228RMFS5 | ОФЗ 26228 | BBG00NZHWSQ8 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A102QX8 | Лайфстрим выпуск 1 | BBG00Z95Q9G6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103UY6 | Калита выпуск 3 | BBG012XXXX33 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101Z74 | Газпромбанк выпуск 16 | BBG00WFB0B30 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYT40 | ПАО НК Роснефть 002P-04 | BBG00K2JQWT1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU26230RMFS1 | ОФЗ 26230 | BBG00PBZNWM4 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A1020S0 | Первое коллекторское бюро выпуск 2 | BBG00WMMJMN2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1023K1 | АФК Система выпуск 15 | BBG00X5FK880 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU29010RMFS4 | ОФЗ 29010 | BBG007Z5FFL1 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A0JTM28 | Башнефть выпуск 6 | BBG0043FH1D9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102SC8 | ТМК 001Р выпуск 2 | BBG00ZDZD5C1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JXME4 | ЧТПЗ выпуск 3 | BBG00GB81W02 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100YW8 | Тойота Банк выпуск 3 | BBG00QPHPRQ2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102FT9 | АФК Система выпуск 17 | TCS00A102FT9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100X77 | Кредит Европа Банк выпуск 3 | BBG00QKHL1Q8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JWV63 | Россельхозбанк 08Т1 | BBG00DYFTK31 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103943 | Аэрофлот выпуск 1 | TCS00A103943 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103935 | re:Store выпуск 1 | TCS00A103935 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS2069992258 | GMK NorNickel | BBG00QN36P08 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A100YD8 | Нафтатранс Плюс выпуск 2 | BBG00QPGLLB7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS2384475930 | Credit Bank of Moscow | BBG012G07QT0 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A1049P5 | Главторг выпуск 1 | BBG01475RD30 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100D63 | Республика Беларусь выпуск 4 | BBG00PYL4HX2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100UU0 | РН Банк БО-1P выпуск 6 | BBG00QDF85H6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS0191754729 | Gazprom | BBG00008WPG3 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A1010M4 | РЖД ОАО БО 001Р-17R | BBG00QTH5DF3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS0088543193 | Russia 2028 | BBG0000644P5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| XS1589324075 | GMK NorNickel | BBG00GCZK5M5 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A102Y58 | Брусника выпуск 2 | BBG00ZX8S6G7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101QF7 | Ритейл Бел Финанс 001P-01 | BBG00V92X4F6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYQY7 | АФК Система выпуск 7 | BBG00JX82779 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101RJ7 | МБЭС выпуск 2 | BBG00VHHC305 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1020K7 | ПЮДМ БО-П2 | BBG00X0SRV34 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102GD1 | ДОМ.РФ ИА 08 | TCS00A102GD1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100NS9 | РЕСО-Лизинг БО-П выпуск 5 | BBG012CQ0V68 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1026C1 | ПИК-Корпорация выпуск 3 | TCS00A1026C1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102F85 | ЧТПЗ выпуск 6 | BBG00YCZ0M41 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102VY6 | Атомстройкомплекс БО-П01 | TCS00A102VY6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU29009RMFS6 | ОФЗ 29009 | BBG007Z5F748 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A102VW0 | Элемент Лизинг 001P выпуск 3 | TCS00A102VW0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100WA8 | ЛСР выпуск 4 | BBG00QJ5KYT2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JXS59 | Почта России выпуск 3 | BBG00GTQYBZ5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JY023 | GTLK | BBG00HKB9M89 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A103828 | ЭнергоТехСервис выпуск 4 | TCS00A103828 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| USG76237AC37 | Rolls-Royce PLC | BBG00XV1FN94 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A0JWST1 | ГТЛК выпуск 8 | BBG00DQFVRK3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102X18 | Гарант-Инвест БО 002P-3 | TCS00A102X18 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JWM56 | Самарская область выпуск 12 | BBG00D5L3Q99 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102WL1 | Экспобанк БО выпуск 3 | TCS00A102WL1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103M10 | Балтийский лизинг БО-П04 | BBG012BTL6Y4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100Y50 | СУЭК-Финанс выпуск 4 | BBG00QNGNMR8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS1577961516 | GTLK | BBG00GQJ3PG8 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A101SD8 | ГТЛК выпуск 19 | BBG00VDF2563 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103RY2 | Интерлизинг выпуск 2 | BBG012QRRBN7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU26225RMFS1 | ОФЗ 26225 | BBG00K53FX22 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A1015A8 | Детский мир выпуск 5 | BBG00R2FKDT2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100JH0 | Ритейл Бел Финанс выпуск 1 | BBG00PNW0B21 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101CB6 | Лизинг-Трейд выпуск 1 | BBG00RJSK9S6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101TA2 | Урожай выпуск 1 | BBG00VL9P3K2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102556 | СЭЗ им. Серго Орджоникидзе выпуск 2 | BBG00XJF7FL9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JVUK8 | АФК Система выпуск 1 | BBG00B4MWD80 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1038D4 | Трансмашхолдинг ПБО-06 | TCS00A1038D4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103YP6 | СГ-транс выпуск 1 | BBG013BSN994 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1013C9 | ИС петролеум выпуск 1 | BBG00QZ0M1V2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYCD1 | Курская область выпуск 1 | BBG00HT45YG5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RZD0527 | Russian Railways | BBG00P5B0SC9 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101S81 | Русал Братск БО-002Р выпуск 1 | TCS00A101S81 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU26226RMFS9 | ОФЗ 26226 | BBG00N8J90K7 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A1029F8 | Лизинг-Трейд выпуск 2 | BBG00XZ93N78 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1014S3 | Новотранс выпуск 1 | BBG00R2HQKS7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1036X6 | Вита Лайн 001Р выпуск 3 | TCS00A1036X6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100VQ6 | Норильский Никель БО-001Р выпуск 1 | BBG00QG1PSL0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYJT2 | ДОМ.РФ ИА 002P | BBG00JGG2N11 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU52001RMFS3 | ОФЗ 52001 | BBG009J6Q4B7 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A102TT0 | Русская Аквакультура выпуск 1 | BBG00ZLFQKZ4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100HE1 | Азбука Вкуса выпуск 1 | BBG00PM8S500 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS0971721450 | Russia | BBG00580HCP7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A104JV3 | Айди Коллект выпуск 2 | TCS00A104JV3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS2131995958 | GTLK | BBG00S4VCXS9 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| XS0971721963 | Russia | BBG00580HD20 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1016Z3 | ПИК-Корпорация выпуск 2 | BBG00R4C0L75 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1022G1 | Бизнес-Недвижимость выпуск 1 | BBG00X0V9H83 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1033Z8 | Москва выпуск 74 | BBG011616RM7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100YK3 | Камаз БО-П05 | BBG00QPVPLY5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A104L36 | Тойота Банк выпуск 5 | TCS00A104L36 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1008V9 | Роснано выпуск 8 | BBG00NTXZ6S3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102VK5 | ВИС Финанс выпуск 2 | TCS00A102VK5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102GJ8 | Газпромбанк выпуск 18 | BBG00YHX6J06 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JXN21 | АФК Система выпуск 6 | BBG00GF6BJZ2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103WR6 | ЭР-Телеком Холдинг БО-02 выпуск 1 | BBG0135CF469 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102VL3 | МТС выпуск 18 | TCS00A102VL3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| OMA0128 | Sultanate of Oman | BBG00JQC34S1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZZYP6 | ОбъединениеАгроЭлита выпуск 2 | TCS00A0ZZYP6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102H83 | Ренессанс Кредит выпуск 4 | BBG00YJKHN65 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1030D1 | Альфа-Банк 002Р выпуск 11 | BBG0105J8GV3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102CZ3 | Онлайн Микрофинанс выпуск 2 | BBG00Y8XPNY9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYDH0 | ФСК ЕЭС БО-3 | BBG00HY74TD7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU26237RMFS6 | ОФЗ 26237 | BBG011FJ6573 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A0ZYEB1 | ТрансФин-М 001Р выпуск 4 | BBG00HYXLFQ7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1032X5 | ТЕХНО Лизинг выпуск 4 | BBG0110WZC19 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1049K6 | Альфа-Банк 002Р выпуск 16 | BBG014578XG1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1017J5 | Газпром нефть ПАО 003P-02R | BBG00R4XLRN5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100HH4 | Газпромбанк 001P выпуск 11 | BBG00PMK99X0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102M45 | ДиректЛизинг выпуск 6 | BBG00YRFB429 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| TTEL0225 | Turk Telekomunikasyon A.S. | BBG00NBJSLV4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1012K4 | СЭЗ им. Серго Орджоникидзе выпуск 1 | BBG00QYKX940 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103JR3 | Джи-групп выпуск 2 | BBG0124VD0W1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JW1K9 | Томская область выпуск 55 | BBG00BQZW6R1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS1433454243 | Sovcomflot | BBG00D2QX2B8 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A0JXQ44 | РЖД 001Р выпуск 2 | BBG00GK3W839 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100A58 | МТС выпуск 8 | BBG00NZHSKP1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100DC4 | МСБ-Лизинг 002P выпуск 2 | BBG00PNLY692 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYR18 | Башкирская содовая компания выпуск 1 | BBG00JYHHXN7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103N84 | Россельхозбанк выпуск 4 | BBG012G45RC0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZZEM5 | Ярославская область выпуск 16 | BBG00LLCGZL5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103G91 | ПРОМОМЕД ДМ выпуск 2 | TCS00A103G91 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZZ4T1 | РСХБ выпуск T1 | BBG00KSL6M30 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JQ7Z2 | РЖД выпуск 19 | BBG00005V2L5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102D46 | ДОМ.РФ ИА 018P | TCS00A102D46 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100VG7 | СУЭК-Финанс выпуск 3 | BBG00QFLCT66 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1009B9 | Детский мир выпуск 7 | BBG00NWBZTW2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103PC2 | Автобан-Финанс выпуск 3 | BBG012JC0J32 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102KQ5 | ТД РКС-Сочи 002Р-1 | BBG00YQ0FTY9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU26211RMFS1 | ОФЗ 26211 | BBG003TTSBB1 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| CBOM0224EU | Credit Bank of Moscow | BBG00N8HZBK8 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102TR4 | Ритейл Бел Финанс 001P-02 | TCS00A102TR4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101TS4 | Джи-групп выпуск 1 | BBG00VQNQ8P9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103DP0 | КАМАЗ БО-П08 | BBG011R5YX14 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100Z91 | ГТЛК выпуск 15 | BBG00QQ73R50 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103N19 | АПРИ Флай Плэнинг БО-П5 | BBG012F27YT0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101QW2 | Сбер Банк | BBG00V9STNC5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103WQ8 | Сэтл Групп выпуск 4 | TCS00A103WQ8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS0767473852 | Russia | BBG002V2YQY4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100ZK0 | МТС выпуск 12 | BBG00QS35B41 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101012 | АФК Система выпуск 12 | BBG00QTDV828 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYFC6 | МТС выпуск 3 | BBG00J3MJ9F0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102DK3 | МаксимаТелеком выпуск 2 | TCS00A102DK3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| PLZL0223 | Polyus | BBG00FWXCM88 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1049M2 | Инкаб выпуск 1 | TCS00A1049M2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100TH9 | РОСБАНК БО-002P выпуск 6 | BBG00Q87PDL9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1036E6 | АльфаБанк 002Р выпуск 12 | TCS00A1036E6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103HT3 | М.Видео выпуск 2 | BBG01237K1S0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1013N6 | Пионер-Лизинг-БО-П03 | BBG00QZ4PBD9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1022E6 | ПР-Лизинг 002P-01 | ISSUANCEPRLS | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103FP5 | МКБ 001Р выпуск 3 | BBG011Y7LMW6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103RL9 | Петроинжиниринг выпуск 1 | BBG012SMKJQ3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101RT6 | Казахстан выпуск 5 | BBG011MDB894 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1008D7 | РЖД 001Р выпуск 14 | BBG00NTDT6H6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100XP4 | Московская область выпуск 12 | BBG00QKPP373 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102NK2 | Обувь России 001P выпуск 4 | BBG00YZ2MHK8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102T97 | Аэрофьюэлз выпуск 1 | TCS00A102T97 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYVU5 | ПАО НК Роснефть 002P-05 | BBG00K7QTXX0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103RS4 | Альфа-Банк 002Р выпуск 14 | BBG012QS03Q9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101FG8 | Ростелеком 002P выпуск 2 | BBG00RT7J0J2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS2010044381 | GTLK | BBG00QDT3B79 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A103CW8 | МФК Займер выпуск 2 | BBG011QKQ291 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100YR8 | Роснано БО-002P выпуск 3 | BBG00QPRTZJ6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JWP46 | ПИК БО выпуск 7 | BBG00DGSQ218 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1018A2 | Томск выпуск 7 | BBG00R7TNJ39 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102RF3 | ХКФ Банк выпуск 7 | BBG00Z84TTZ2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103F27 | Центральная ППК выпуск 3 | TCS00A103F27 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JWYQ5 | АФК Система выпуск 4 | BBG00F6NJY77 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A104YT6 | Самолет БО-П12 | TCS00A104YT6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYX28 | Sovcombank | BBG00K87T9V6 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 -| RU000A102234 | ТЕХНО Лизинг выпуск 3 | BBG00WYH0LS7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JXLR8 | Банк Открытие БО-П выпуск 03 | BBG00G9GSYG7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102SM7 | СДЭК-Глобал выпуск 1 | BBG00ZLH4MW3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102BK7 | О'КЕЙ выпуск 4 | TCS00A102BK7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103YM3 | Сбер Банк 002P выпуск 1 | BBG013J0F816 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1015S0 | ЭнергоТехСервис выпуск 1 | BBG000000008 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101483 | Быстроденьги 001P-01 | BBG000000009 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1014B9 | О'КЕЙ выпуск 3 | BBG000000006 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100YP2 | Т.Г. Шевченко выпуск 1 | BBG000000005 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYU39 | Эталон-Финанс выпуск 2 | BBG00K1Y24S8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102TJ1 | ТМК 001Р выпуск 3 | TCS00A102TJ1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101GD3 | ГТЛК выпуск 16 | BBG00S1L7459 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1018C8 | Трансмашхолдинг ПБО-04 | BBG00R6WV4J0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JXN05 | РЖД 001Р выпуск 1 | BBG00GCRTCX7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1008W7 | Северсталь выпуск 6 | BBG00NTZTZ47 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1037S4 | С-Инновации выпуск 2 | BBG011CFWBP2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JWZY6 | АФК Система выпуск 5 | BBG00FB978L6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZZWJ3 | ОбъединениеАгроЭлита выпуск 1 | TCS00A0ZZWJ3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYHX8 | Санкт-Петербург выпуск 1 | BBG00JCTFXS2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1035D0 | Синара - Транспортные Машины выпуск 1 | TCS00A1035D0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1005T9 | Гарант-Инвест БО 001P-05 | BBG00NJ3YSN8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103QJ5 | МФК Займер выпуск 3 | BBG012NJPWN4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JXE06 | ГТЛК выпуск 3 | BBG00FVSZBH9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102R73 | Банк Открытие БО-П выпуск 7 | BBG00Z8KGGC3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU26215RMFS2 | ОФЗ 26215 | BBG0058ZL5S7 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A100YT4 | Экспобанк БО выпуск 2 | BBG00QPVNQS3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1034M4 | Всеинструменты.ру выпуск 4 | BBG0116QGN40 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU29012RMFS0 | ОФЗ 29012 | BBG00FFH2Z75 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A103NY1 | РН Банк БО-1P выпуск 9 | BBG012G2MQN5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| ISSUANCERESO | РЕСО-Лизинг БО-П выпуск 03 | ISSUANCERESO | rub | 1 | -| RU000A102B48 | ЯТЭК выпуск 1 | TCS00A102B48 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1008J4 | АФК Система выпуск 10 | BBG00NRGHQQ0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102RU2 | Европлан 001Р-01 | TCS00A102RU2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100W52 | СуперОкс выпуск 1 | BBG00QKPJVK3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102RT4 | Промсвязьбанк 003P выпуск 4 | BBG00Z9DF8B8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103DT2 | ИСКЧ выпуск 1 | TCS00A103DT2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A104735 | ГК Пионер-001P выпуск 6 | TCS00A104735 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102SV8 | АФК Система выпуск 18 | BBG00ZH9RB82 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU29007RMFS0 | ОФЗ 29007 | BBG007Z5DF79 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A102FC5 | ВЭБ.РФ ПБО-1 выпуск 22 | BBG00YGJWYK4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A104C60 | ВТБ | BBG01496DQ23 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU26239RMFS2 | ОФЗ 26239 | BBG011FHF1F7 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A102RN7 | Ренессанс Кредит выпуск 6 | TCS00A102RN7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101XS6 | МОЭК выпуск 4 | BBG00WFCV2B5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103L03 | ГК Самолет выпуск 10 | BBG0129FDB02 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1046N6 | Асфальтобетонный завод № 1 выпуск 2 | TCS00A1046N6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102T63 | ЛСР выпуск 6 | RU000A102T63 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1006C3 | Пионер-Лизинг-БО-П02 | BBG00NLMHM55 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A104XR2 | Автодор БО-3 выпуск 2 | TCS00A104XR2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU26221RMFS0 | ОФЗ 26221 | BBG00G6V7252 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A0ZZ8A2 | ПЮДМ БО-П1 | BBG00A0ZZ8A2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101350 | Газпромбанк 001P выпуск 14 | BBG00QYTBB95 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JWHA4 | Russia | BBG00CZCT9R8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZZV86 | ДОМ.РФ ИА 006P | BBG00MMJ90B3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102BF7 | НК Продкорпорация выпуск 1 | TCS00A102BF7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102SG9 | Селектел выпуск 1 | TCS00A102SG9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| ALFAperp | Alfa Bond Issuance PLC | BBG00JS9D851 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100QY0 | Электрощит-Стройсистема выпуск 1 | BBG00Q38CTS4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYBV5 | ЛСР выпуск 3 | BBG00HTSM1G5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZZ8X4 | Краснодарский край выпуск 2 | BBG00L2L5GP6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A104FX7 | А Девелопмент | BBG014VTFQJ8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS1843443273 | Evraz | BBG00NQ976S0 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A1026H0 | Гидромашсервис БО выпуск 3 | ISSUANCEHYDR | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYX69 | ФПК выпуск 3 | BBG00K7DT3F5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101RZ3 | Казахстан выпуск 11 | BBG00XH4W3N3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1016U4 | Гарант-Инвест БО 001P-06 | BBG00R4F67Z2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JTMK9 | РусГидро выпуск 8 | BBG00440D136 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101C89 | Сбер Банк 001P-SBER15 | BBG00RKBQ4D2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100HU7 | МТС выпуск 10 | BBG00PN9H616 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102B97 | Вита Лайн 001Р выпуск 2 | TCS00A102B97 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS0114288789 | Russia 2030 | BBG000056Z49 | usd | 1000 | 0.0001 -| RU000A102RX6 | ГК Самолет выпуск 9 | TCS00A102RX6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103W91 | Обувь России 002P выпуск 1 | BBG0132XRL10 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS1514045886 | Lukoil | BBG00F3406Z2 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A100L63 | Белуга Групп БО-П02 | BBG00PYL6030 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A104693 | АФК Система выпуск 23 | TCS00A104693 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102F28 | РОСБАНК БО-002P выпуск 8 | BBG00YCM0MW9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103D37 | Тинькофф Ипотечный Агент выпуск 1 | TCS00A103D37 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100RG5 | ЕвроХим выпуск 6 | BBG00Q3G7Y38 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101665 | Нижегородская область выпуск 14 | BBG00R4D6C68 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102CK5 | Russia | BBG00Y5TNGR6 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A104WS2 | Whoosh выпуск 1 | TCS00A104WS2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102FR3 | Сбербанк | BBG00YHVQ768 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1034J0 | Европлан 001Р-02 | BBG0115R0Z30 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100733 | Автобан-Финанс выпуск 2 | BBG00NPS4MC4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100GY1 | ВЭБ.РФПБО-001Р-17 | BBG00PMHXRL3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A104DZ7 | Сибнефтехимтрейд выпуск 2 | BBG014KC7YW4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS1961080501 | EuroChem | BBG00NJHVPW6 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A1018K1 | Татнефть БО-001P выпуск 1 | BBG00R72VWS3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1020W2 | Светофор Групп выпуск 2 | BBG00WMMMHJ4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1016K5 | Банк Зенит выпуск 5 | BBG00R4C5FF4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1043K9 | Нижегородская область выпуск 16 | BBG013PZT8B6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100WC4 | МКБ 001P выпуск 1 | BBG00QHSP5W8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU52002RMFS1 | ОФЗ 52002 | BBG00KFLDC92 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A100D89 | Республика Беларусь выпуск 7 | BBG00TQHNK64 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU52003RMFS9 | ОФЗ 52003 | BBG00XD2M5S2 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A100LS3 | ЕвроХим выпуск 4 | BBG00PV1MX64 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS2243636219 | Gazprom Perp EUR | BBG00XV188K2 | eur | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A0ZYCZ4 | Республика Карелия выпуск 18 | BBG00HZ418L3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A104BC0 | Калининградская область выпуск 4 | BBG0148NSWQ2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102KR3 | АПРИ Флай Плэнинг БО-П4 | BBG00YNJ37B7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102W68 | ХК Финанс выпуск 6 | BBG00ZSJ8ZX8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102LF6 | Пионер-Лизинг-БО-П04 | BBG00YQ6NDD5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JW1G7 | Роснано выпуск 7 | BBG00BRD9CY4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZZ5J9 | Почта России выпуск 5 | BBG00KTDNXH9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1043N3 | КАМАЗ БО-П09 | BBG013RRTP42 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103NZ8 | Совкомбанк БО-П4 | BBG012G2PXW7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1031K4 | ДОМ.РФ ИА БО-001Р-08 | TCS00A1031K4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS1713473608 | GTLK | BBG00NV9NH48 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A100238 | МТС выпуск 7 | BBG00N6FS8J1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1032P1 | СФО ВТБ РКС-1 выпуск 1 | BBG011DV0155 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A104VS4 | Ростелеком 002P выпуск 8 | TCS00A104VS4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101939 | МТС выпуск 13 | BBG00R7THC95 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| TRY0141 | Turkey | BBG001CYCG37 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JXFS8 | Газпром капитал выпуск 5 | BBG00FZMB3Y3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101YD6 | Легенда выпуск 3 | BBG00WH3QVR8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101RP4 | Казахстан выпуск 1 | BBG00XH4N488 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU26238RMFS4 | ОФЗ 26238 | BBG011FJ4HS6 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A102K39 | РЕСО-Лизинг БО-П выпуск 8 | BBG00YMTR6J4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYFB8 | Красноярский край выпуск 14 | BBG00J5KYZN8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101EF3 | Металлоинвест БО выпуск 4 | BBG00RQ1DXY5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103PE8 | Промсвязьбанк 003P выпуск 7 | BBG012J4Q4W3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103WB0 | Славянск ЭКО выпуск 1 | BBG01338VXJ4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103372 | АФК Система выпуск 20 | BBG0110X9D23 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102QY6 | ТФН выпуск 1 | BBG00Z8KBL73 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103CD8 | ЛК Дельта выпуск 1 | TCS00A103CD8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100YE6 | ТрансКонтейнер ПБО выпуск 1 | BBG00QPG0TF9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100FE5 | ГТЛК выпуск 14 | BBG00PGVLT83 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS1843434959 | MMK | BBG00PC6QBX8 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A1032D7 | Маныч-Агро выпуск 1 | TCS00A1032D7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYYN4 | Russia | BBG00KB9VG76 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A104FG2 | Сегежа 002P выпуск 3 | TCS00A104FG2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| EGPT0329 | The Arab Republic of Egypt | BBG00NDMW359 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100G03 | Буровая компания Евразия выпуск 3 | BBG00PGSFB22 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101LV5 | СофтЛайн Трейд выпуск 3 | BBG00TFS9DH2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1030T7 | Москва выпуск 73 | BBG010JBJ976 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101M04 | РЖД 001Р выпуск 20 | BBG00TGK62V9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100GW5 | Alfa Bank | BBG00PNDYR58 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU25084RMFS3 | ОФЗ 25084 | BBG00RRT3TX4 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A101S99 | Кировский завод выпуск 1 | BBG00VCVRQQ4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS1533915721 | Evraz | BBG00G4V94J3 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| XS2159874002 | Lukoil | BBG00TJF05J0 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A103C95 | АФК Система выпуск 21 | TCS00A103C95 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1009Z8 | О'КЕЙ выпуск 2 | BBG00NZHNQH2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100AD8 | Россети Московский регион выпуск 1 | BBG00NZJ4J03 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102AB8 | Завод КриалЭнергоСтрой выпуск 2 | BBG00Y1Q22N4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYWY5 | МТС выпуск 6 | BBG00K64TZR2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A104UV0 | ДОМ.РФ ИА БО-001Р-18 | TCS00A104UV0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A104V75 | Почта России | TCS00A104V75 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1024W4 | Черкизово выпуск БО-001P-03 | BBG00XH3GY82 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103RT2 | Экспобанк 001Р-01 | TCS00A103RT2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103125 | ДОМ.РФ ИА БО-001Р-07 | TCS00A103125 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103117 | М.Видео выпуск 1 | TCS00A103117 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JXSD3 | Волгоградская область выпуск 7 | BBG00GSNVXC3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZZES2 | Газпром БО-22 | BBG00LLM12G8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYU21 | Альфа-Банк выпуск 40 | BBG00K4MPZ61 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYMJ7 | Томская область выпуск 62 | BBG00JM15X21 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS0997544860 | Gazpromneft | BBG005MCTC09 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A104V26 | РЕСО-Лизинг | TCS00A104V26 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS2099763075 | Credit Bank of Moscow | BBG00RHTYB60 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A103S14 | Европлан 001Р-04 | TCS00A103S14 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100ZL8 | ЛСР выпуск 5 | BBG00QRKJF13 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU26235RMFS0 | ОФЗ 26235 | BBG00Y04Q3V7 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A1010X1 | ИКС 5 Финанс выпуск 7 | BBG00QTYPGQ5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102ZS9 | ЭБИС выпуск 4 | BBG01016PHF2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1043L7 | МФК Эйрлоанс выпуск 1 | TCS00A1043L7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103WZ9 | NexTouch выпуск 1 | BBG0136Y8NS2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A104123 | ДОМ.РФ 001Р-09 | BBG013TSL6D8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| EGPT0431 | ARAB REPUBLIC | BBG00NTC1SR9 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101QM3 | Газпром капитал БО-001Р выпуск 3 | BBG00V93CKD3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYLK7 | Верхнебаканский цементный завод 001P выпуск 1 | BBG00JM14CY3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100LV7 | ЕвроХим выпуск 5 | BBG00PSN47C0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101HJ8 | Магнит 002Р выпуск 1 | BBG00RVD9KF7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYG52 | Ростелеком выпуск 3 | BBG00J7HHGH1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYGM3 | Орловская область 2017 | BBG00JC8FQL0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1043G7 | Сегежа 002P выпуск 2 | TCS00A1043G7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103RD6 | ДОМ.РФ Социальные облигации выпуск 1 | TCS00A103RD6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100Q35 | ПР-Лизинг выпуск 3 | BBG00PZ6T956 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101PU8 | Трансмашхолдинг ПБО-05 | BBG00V3L02Q8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1030N0 | ФЭС-Агро выпуск 2 | BBG0107RVMG1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101KJ2 | Калита выпуск 1 | BBG00SY31CX0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS2249778247 | GTLK | BBG00XXVWNC3 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A1043E2 | Новосибирская область выпуск 22 | TCS00A1043E2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1015P6 | Обувь России 001P выпуск 2 | BBG00R4Y73X1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100V79 | Тинькофф Банк выпуск 3 | BBG00QDTJQD2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103G75 | Сбер Банк 001P-SBER32 | BBG0122KNFZ0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1007Z2 | РЖД 001Р выпуск 13 | BBG00NQKW4B0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU26233RMFS5 | ОФЗ 26233 | BBG00RRT3V69 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A0JUAG0 | РСГ-Финанс выпуск 1 | BBG005K570Y9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1030X9 | Сэтл Групп выпуск 3 | TCS00A1030X9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103H25 | НПО Химтэк выпуск 1 | BBG0121GPL12 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JXRD5 | Почта России выпуск 2 | BBG00GSG5RB1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1043Z7 | Биннофарм Групп выпуск 1 | TCS00A1043Z7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU29008RMFS8 | ОФЗ 29008 | BBG007Z5DZS2 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A103N76 | ИКС 5 Финанс 002Р выпуск 1 | BBG012F7Y8K5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| GMKN1022 | MMC Finance DAC | BBG00B59DR33 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1045V1 | ЭБИС выпуск 5 | BBG013VR70Y3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101LJ0 | ЕвроХим выпуск 8 | BBG00TCWB8X6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103133 | Новотранс выпуск 2 | TCS00A103133 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101NJ6 | ЧЗПСН-Профнастил БО-П2 | BBG00TW9WTR3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A104AX8 | МФК Лайм-Займ выпуск 1 | BBG0147H0889 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101WB4 | ЧТПЗ выпуск 5 | BBG00W1P2G59 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JX0Z8 | Ямало-Ненецкий АО выпуск 2 | BBG00FGC1ZM9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101JF2 | Онлайн Микрофинанс выпуск БО-2 | BBG00SKZW8N0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102DR8 | Омская область выпуск 4 | BBG00YC4R9B2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1040E8 | Freedom Finance | BBG013J0LT31 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| XS1143363940 | Credit Bank of Moscow | BBG007KHNMS0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| VTBperp | VTB Perp | BBG003824NB3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101MT7 | Детский мир выпуск 6 | BBG00TQG4212 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1037L9 | Бифорком Тек выпуск 1 | BBG011CG00T5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYLF7 | ФПК выпуск 2 | BBG00JGKV6T7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1024R4 | Донской Ломбард выпуск 1 | BBG00XH486K6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102H91 | Автодор БО-3 выпуск 1 | BBG00YJJPT66 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102960 | РН Банк БО-1P выпуск 7 | BBG00XZ37219 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102986 | СУЭК-Финанс выпуск 6 | BBG00XZ95JN7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZZZ17 | НКНХ выпуск 1 | BBG00MT69C64 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103QK3 | VK выпуск 1 | TCS00A103QK3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A104CJ3 | Автодом выпуск 1 | TCS00A104CJ3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103QH9 | Эталон-Финанс выпуск 3 | TCS00A103QH9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JX5W4 | Альфа-Банк выпуск 18 | BBG00FRWYRH1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A104B53 | АСПЭК-Домстрой выпуск 1 | BBG0149NW6B9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1014P9 | КарМани БО выпуск 3 | BBG00R289K33 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100W60 | Европлан БО 03 | BBGHUYNYA0X4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100VY0 | ЭБИС выпуск 1 | BBGHUYNYA0X3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JT940 | Роснефть выпуск 4 | BBG003LLR9S4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102J57 | Теплоэнерго выпуск 1 | BBG00YLQVM01 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102T55 | МФК ЦФП выпуск 1 | BBG00ZHYDZW2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1005L6 | АФК Система выпуск 9 | BBG00NHLC0N5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JWXF0 | Красноярский край выпуск 12 | BBG00F171QY3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS0559915961 | VEB | BBG0018V9PN0 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| XS1878009866 | BCS Structured Products 20jun2023 | TCS878009866 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A104UA4 | Сегежа | TCS00A104UA4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102QP4 | РЖД 001Р выпуск 21 | BBG00Z6BQMY7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JXJE0 | Гидромашсервис БО выпуск 1 | BBG00FZYDS70 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYBM4 | Альфа-Банк выпуск 21 | BBG00HTLYK93 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101FY1 | МОЭСК 001P выпуск 2 | BBG00RVF4P66 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101SC0 | ГТЛК выпуск 18 | BBG00VDF68J9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101UD4 | Электрощит-Стройсистема выпуск 2 | BBG00VSYBL16 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103DY2 | БЭЛТИ-ГРАНД выпуск 4 | BBG011RXTDD0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1042W6 | ВЭБ.РФ ПБО-2 выпуск 31 | TCS00A1042W6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A104362 | Восточная Стивидорная Компания выпуск 2 | TCS00A104362 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1006B5 | ТД Мясничий выпуск 3 | BBG00NLMJ541 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JWG05 | X5 выпуск 6 | BBG00CSJ8ZX9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100XC2 | Полюс ПБО-1 | BBG00QKHK9J0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103Q08 | HENDERSON выпуск 1 | TCS00A103Q08 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| TRY0228 | Republic of Turkey | BBG00JQ3B6W2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYC98 | МегаФон БО-1 выпуск 3 | BBG00HTR61W7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100VS2 | Атомстройкомплекс выпуск 1 | BBGHUYNYA015 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1001L5 | ЮАИЗ выпуск 1 | BBG00N58ZYV9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103UL3 | Татнефтехим 001P выпуск 1 | BBG012Y8J8C8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102UZ5 | Кировский завод выпуск 2 | BBG00ZQT2640 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101S08 | Казахстан выпуск 12 | BBG011MDDKK2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZZ1J8 | ГТЛК выпуск 9 | BBG00KHR8SP0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU26223RMFS6 | ОФЗ 26223 | BBG00K53DJP0 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A1048A9 | Брусника выпуск 2Р-1 | BBG0141LK3L0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102KG6 | ГК Пионер-001Р выпуск 5 | BBG00YN4P9Q6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1041B2 | Сегежа 002P выпуск 1 | TCS00A1041B2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS2243631095 | Gazprom Perp USD | BBG00XV2BDX1 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A0ZYDU3 | Свердловская область выпуск 4 | BBG00HY5JWH4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JTM44 | Башнефть выпуск 8 | BBG00445QP01 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JXTS9 | Russia | BBG00H0HVGD0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| XS1589106910 | Credit Bank of Moscow | BBG00G9DSXZ5 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A102VR0 | ГТЛК 002P выпуск 1 | BBG00ZRZX9T8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100881 | Ростелеком 001 выпуск 5 | BBG00NQKWGH7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SU46022RMFS8 | ОФЗ 46022 | BBG0000LFC18 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| RU000A1011Q3 | Новосибирская область | BBG00QXSLFN2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A1047S3 | Первое коллекторское бюро 001Р выпуск 3 | BBG0140BZS87 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100MG6 | Сэтл Групп выпуск 2 | BBG00PT0ZT82 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100PM7 | РСГ-Финанс выпуск 11 | BBG00Q214T90 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103M36 | ТрансФин-М 001Р-07 | BBG012C34FX0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0JWHN7 | Ярославская область выпуск 14 | BBG00CXHTFY7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103C46 | ПИК-Корпорация выпуск 4 | BBG011PCH913 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103PX8 | ЛСР выпуск 7 | TCS00A103PX8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A104BY4 | Бизнес-Недвижимость выпуск 2 | TCS00A104BY4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101QN1 | Газпром Капитал | BBG00V93GCX5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZZAL5 | ГТЛК выпуск 11 | BBG00L92CX58 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A104SX0 | РЖД | TCS00A104SX0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A0ZYEE5 | ГПБ (АО) БО-17 | BBG00J3T6HB5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A104C78 | Аренза-Про выпуск 1 | TCS00A104C78 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| XS0893212398 | VEB | BBG0044FD516 | eur | 1 | 0.0001 -| RU000A104SY8 | РЖД | TCS00A104SY8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A103SZ7 | Аэрофьюэлз выпуск 2 | BBG012R5Y2V7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A101P92 | Т.Г. Шевченко выпуск 2 | BBG00V0WL952 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A102G50 | Восточная Стивидорная Компания выпуск 1 | BBG00YGKVB04 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A100DG5 | Европлан БО 06 | BBG00PC4M4X3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RU000A104SU6 | МТС | TCS00A104SU6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 +| Ticker | Full name | FIGI | Cur | Lot | Step | +|--------------|-----------------------------------------------------------|--------------|-----|---------|------------| +| RU000A101228 | МОЭК выпуск 3 | BBG00QXGFHS6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101RZ3 | Казахстан выпуск 11 | BBG00XH4W3N3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102R73 | Банк Открытие БО-П выпуск 7 | BBG00Z8KGGC3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102D46 | ДОМ.РФ ИА 018P | TCS00A102D46 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1014B9 | О'КЕЙ выпуск 3 | BBG000000006 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1022E6 | ПР-Лизинг 002P-01 | ISSUANCEPRLS | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZZ8A2 | ПЮДМ БО-П1 | BBG00A0ZZ8A2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JT965 | Роснефть выпуск 5 | BBG003LQ7J76 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100DC4 | МСБ-Лизинг 002P выпуск 2 | BBG00PNLY692 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYT40 | ПАО НК Роснефть 002P-04 | BBG00K2JQWT1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1046N6 | Асфальтобетонный завод № 1 выпуск 2 | TCS00A1046N6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103N84 | Россельхозбанк выпуск 4 | BBG012G45RC0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101GD3 | ГТЛК выпуск 16 | BBG00S1L7459 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1008D7 | РЖД 001Р выпуск 14 | BBG00NTDT6H6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101TA2 | Урожай выпуск 1 | BBG00VL9P3K2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYR91 | ГТЛК выпуск 8 | BBG00JYHMLM8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103DT2 | ИСКЧ выпуск 1 | TCS00A103DT2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYKH5 | Оренбургская область выпуск 4 | BBG00JG7XG76 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1028H6 | Сибнефтехимтрейд выпуск 1 | TCS00A1028H6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104UV0 | ДОМ.РФ ИА БО-001Р-18 | TCS00A104UV0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104DZ7 | Сибнефтехимтрейд выпуск 2 | BBG014KC7YW4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JXQ44 | РЖД 001Р выпуск 2 | BBG00GK3W839 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102LF6 | Пионер-Лизинг-БО-П04 | BBG00YQ6NDD5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102X18 | Гарант-Инвест БО 002P-3 | TCS00A102X18 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102LD1 | Черкизово выпуск 4 | TCS00A102LD1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103N19 | АПРИ Флай Плэнинг БО-П5 | BBG012F27YT0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102BK7 | О'КЕЙ выпуск 4 | TCS00A102BK7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103935 | re:Store выпуск 1 | TCS00A103935 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYDU3 | Свердловская область выпуск 4 | BBG00HY5JWH4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU26230RMFS1 | ОФЗ 26230 | BBG00PBZNWM4 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A0JVVA7 | Роснано выпуск 6 | BBG00B8SVRD7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101483 | Быстроденьги 001P-01 | BBG000000009 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS2243636219 | Gazprom Perp EUR | BBG00XV188K2 | eur | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A1043L7 | МФК Эйрлоанс выпуск 1 | TCS00A1043L7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1043Z7 | Биннофарм Групп выпуск 1 | TCS00A1043Z7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS1433454243 | Sovcomflot | BBG00D2QX2B8 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A102FT9 | АФК Система выпуск 17 | TCS00A102FT9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS1589106910 | Credit Bank of Moscow | BBG00G9DSXZ5 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A1004K1 | Европлан БО 05 | BBG00NHJGKN2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYEQ9 | Сэтл Групп выпуск 1 | BBG00HXHKRV2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1015P6 | Обувь России 001P выпуск 2 | BBG00R4Y73X1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104BC0 | Калининградская область выпуск 4 | BBG0148NSWQ2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104VS4 | Ростелеком 002P выпуск 8 | TCS00A104VS4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A105518 | Европлан 001Р-05 | TCS00A105518 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| ISSUANCEBRUS | Брусника 001P-01 | ISSUANCEBRUS | rub | 1 | 0 | +| RU000A100VS2 | Атомстройкомплекс выпуск 1 | BBGHUYNYA015 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100YK3 | Камаз БО-П05 | BBG00QPVPLY5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU29009RMFS6 | ОФЗ 29009 | BBG007Z5F748 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A1020S0 | Первое коллекторское бюро выпуск 2 | BBG00WMMJMN2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JWDN6 | РУСАЛ Братск выпуск 1 | BBG00CNJBLC4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1012K4 | СЭЗ им. Серго Орджоникидзе выпуск 1 | BBG00QYKX940 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104BY4 | Бизнес-Недвижимость выпуск 2 | TCS00A104BY4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1034J0 | Европлан 001Р-02 | BBG0115R0Z30 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1048A9 | Брусника выпуск 2Р-1 | BBG0141LK3L0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1049P5 | Главторг выпуск 1 | BBG01475RD30 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102ZH2 | ЯТЭК выпуск 2 | BBG00ZZNPB92 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYR18 | Башкирская содовая компания выпуск 1 | BBG00JYHHXN7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101M04 | РЖД 001Р выпуск 20 | BBG00TGK62V9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102US0 | Талан-Финанс выпуск 2 | BBG00ZNL19P2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100XU4 | РЕСО-Лизинг БО-П выпуск 7 | BBG00QN37PX1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103F27 | Центральная ППК выпуск 3 | TCS00A103F27 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1017J5 | Газпром нефть ПАО 003P-02R | BBG00R4XLRN5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100A58 | МТС выпуск 8 | BBG00NZHSKP1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100HU7 | МТС выпуск 10 | BBG00PN9H616 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1008V9 | Роснано выпуск 8 | BBG00NTXZ6S3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100W29 | Роделен выпуск 2 | BBG00QJ5M7P3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JVUK8 | АФК Система выпуск 1 | BBG00B4MWD80 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYNY4 | ГТЛК выпуск 7 | BBG00JRTXBC1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1051T3 | МТС 001P-22 | TCS00A1051T3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103RJ3 | Первое коллекторское бюро 001Р выпуск 2 | BBG012Q8FLM1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102DK3 | МаксимаТелеком выпуск 2 | TCS00A102DK3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYU05 | РЖД 001Р выпуск 5 | BBG00K2B2M16 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102CK5 | Russia 2027 EUR | BBG00Y5TNGR6 | eur | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A101RT6 | Казахстан выпуск 5 | BBG011MDB894 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU29014RMFS6 | ОФЗ 29014 | BBG00VY13C74 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A102CU4 | Сбер Банк 001P-SBER19 | BBG00Y9B45C2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1053A9 | Сэтл Групп | TCS00A1053A9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| EGPT0329 | The Arab Republic of Egypt | BBG00NDMW359 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104WS2 | Whoosh выпуск 1 | TCS00A104WS2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JWST1 | ГТЛК выпуск 8 | BBG00DQFVRK3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1030T7 | Москва выпуск 73 | BBG010JBJ976 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS2010044621 | Sibur | BBG00Q994JS7 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| SU26227RMFS7 | ОФЗ 26227 | BBG00NQBGZX5 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A0ZYJ91 | ФСК ЕЭС БО-4 | BBG00JDS8JM8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101HJ8 | Магнит 002Р выпуск 1 | BBG00RVD9KF7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102RF3 | ХКФ Банк выпуск 7 | BBG00Z84TTZ2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYC98 | МегаФон БО-1 выпуск 3 | BBG00HTR61W7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101EF3 | Металлоинвест БО выпуск 4 | BBG00RQ1DXY5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU26237RMFS6 | ОФЗ 26237 | BBG011FJ6573 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| XS2099763075 | Credit Bank of Moscow | BBG00RHTYB60 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A102QX8 | Лайфстрим выпуск 1 | BBG00Z95Q9G6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JXN05 | РЖД 001Р выпуск 1 | BBG00GCRTCX7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101ST4 | РЕСО-Лизинг БО-П выпуск 3 | BBG00VFJK5W4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100WA8 | ЛСР выпуск 4 | BBG00QJ5KYT2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101GZ6 | Уралкалий выпуск 6 | TCS00A101GZ6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101NJ6 | ЧЗПСН-Профнастил БО-П2 | BBG00TW9WTR3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1032X5 | ТЕХНО Лизинг выпуск 4 | BBG0110WZC19 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JXPG2 | ГТЛК выпуск 4 | BBG00GGS6C84 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100303 | Нафтатранс Плюс выпуск 1 | BBG00N8SH448 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JWG05 | X5 выпуск 6 | BBG00CSJ8ZX9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS1514045886 | Lukoil | BBG00F3406Z2 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A0ZYA66 | Эталон выпуск 2 | BBG00HNGJ8K1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101PV6 | ТД РКС-Сочи выпуск 1 | BBG00V316KF8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100AD8 | Россети Московский регион выпуск 1 | BBG00NZJ4J03 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1043K9 | Нижегородская область выпуск 16 | BBG013PZT8B6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103117 | М.Видео выпуск 1 | TCS00A103117 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS0191754729 | Gazprom | BBG00008WPG3 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A1002C2 | РЖД 001Р выпуск 12 | BBG00N6MD6M2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101YV8 | Позитив Текнолоджиз выпуск 1 | TCS00A101YV8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101PU8 | Трансмашхолдинг ПБО-05 | BBG00V3L02Q8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102F85 | ЧТПЗ выпуск 6 | BBG00YCZ0M41 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS1634369224 | Belarus | BBG00GXQKMJ9 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A103PC2 | Автобан-Финанс выпуск 3 | BBG012JC0J32 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS2159874002 | Lukoil | BBG00TJF05J0 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| SU26234RMFS3 | ОФЗ 26234 | BBG00VCY76T1 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| XS2019822357 | BCS Structured Products 27jun2024 | BBG00PKCLPS6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103133 | Новотранс выпуск 2 | TCS00A103133 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103G75 | Сбер Банк 001P-SBER32 | BBG0122KNFZ0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS0971721450 | Russia 2023 | BBG00580HCP7 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A0JXU48 | ВЭБ.РФ ПБО-001P-08 | BBG00H14B6Z8 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A101FH6 | МТС выпуск 14 | BBG00RTTRKD7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU52003RMFS9 | ОФЗ 52003 | BBG00XD2M5S2 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A103CW8 | МФК Займер выпуск 2 | BBG011QKQ291 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101S08 | Казахстан выпуск 12 | BBG011MDDKK2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS1752568144 | Phosagro | BBG00JRK86V8 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A1040E8 | Freedom Finance | BBG013J0LT31 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A102FR3 | Сбербанк | BBG00YHVQ768 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1017H9 | Автодор БО-2 выпуск 5 | BBG00R7TP2Y0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1013C9 | ИС петролеум выпуск 1 | BBG00QZ0M1V2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104AX8 | МФК Лайм-Займ выпуск 1 | BBG0147H0889 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101PJ1 | Магнит выпуск 5 | BBG00V1K0LJ8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101S81 | Русал Братск БО-002Р выпуск 1 | TCS00A101S81 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101P92 | Т.Г. Шевченко выпуск 2 | BBG00V0WL952 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1013Y3 | Черкизово выпуск 2 | BBG00R05JT04 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103WB0 | Славянск ЭКО выпуск 1 | BBG01338VXJ4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZZYP6 | ОбъединениеАгроЭлита выпуск 2 | TCS00A0ZZYP6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU26223RMFS6 | ОФЗ 26223 | BBG00K53DJP0 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A101QM3 | Газпром капитал БО-001Р выпуск 3 | BBG00V93CKD3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYCZ4 | Республика Карелия выпуск 18 | BBG00HZ418L3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU29007RMFS0 | ОФЗ 29007 | BBG007Z5DF79 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A1005L6 | АФК Система выпуск 9 | BBG00NHLC0N5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100XP4 | Московская область выпуск 12 | BBG00QKPP373 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102LW1 | Асфальтобетонный завод № 1 выпуск 1 | BBG00YS45GT4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYGM3 | Орловская область 2017 | BBG00JC8FQL0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| ISSUANCERESO | РЕСО-Лизинг БО-П выпуск 03 | ISSUANCERESO | rub | 1 | 0 | +| RU000A100TF3 | Русал Братск БО-001Р выпуск 3 | BBG00Q9BCQ70 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103UY6 | Калита выпуск 3 | BBG012XXXX33 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU26220RMFS2 | ОФЗ 26220 | BBG00FX0RDF5 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A102AB8 | Завод КриалЭнергоСтрой выпуск 2 | BBG00Y1Q22N4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JWHN7 | Ярославская область выпуск 14 | BBG00CXHTFY7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1018C8 | Трансмашхолдинг ПБО-04 | BBG00R6WV4J0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102HB3 | Роснано БО-002P выпуск 5 | BBG00YJKKTF8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103125 | ДОМ.РФ ИА БО-001Р-07 | TCS00A103125 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100YP2 | Т.Г. Шевченко выпуск 1 | BBG000000005 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JUMH3 | Газпромбанк | BBG006JCSQ92 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYWY5 | МТС выпуск 6 | BBG00K64TZR2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101RW0 | Казахстан выпуск 8 | BBG011MDBQV9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102ZS9 | ЭБИС выпуск 4 | BBG01016PHF2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JXQ28 | ФПК выпуск 1 | BBG00GH62KJ5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102CZ3 | Онлайн Микрофинанс выпуск 2 | BBG00Y8XPNY9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1042W6 | ВЭБ.РФ ПБО-2 выпуск 31 | TCS00A1042W6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JVWJ6 | ГТЛК выпуск 6 | BBG00B8SX525 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1015E0 | Белуга Групп БО-П03 | BBG00R2FH979 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101MC3 | Магнит 002Р выпуск 2 | BBG00TJW91Z5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JTM28 | Башнефть выпуск 6 | BBG0043FH1D9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU26212RMFS9 | ОФЗ 26212 | BBG00425VG07 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A1015S0 | ЭнергоТехСервис выпуск 1 | BBG000000008 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JT940 | Роснефть выпуск 4 | BBG003LLR9S4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102A07 | Альфа-Банк 002Р выпуск 8 | BBG00Y1BKK93 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS1533915721 | Evraz | BBG00G4V94J3 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| XS0921331509 | MTS International Funding | BBG004M1PTN8 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| SU29008RMFS8 | ОФЗ 29008 | BBG007Z5DZS2 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A101012 | АФК Система выпуск 12 | BBG00QTDV828 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101HU5 | Брусника выпуск 1 | RU000A101HU5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101178 | АПРИ Флай Плэнинг БО-П3 | BBG00QXGQYZ9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102JZ8 | Альфа-Банк 002Р выпуск 9 | BBG00YMT3ZH8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100UU0 | РН Банк БО-1P выпуск 6 | BBG00QDF85H6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1029P7 | ЭР-Телеком Холдинг выпуск 4 | TCS00A1029P7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101WB4 | ЧТПЗ выпуск 5 | BBG00W1P2G59 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100VG7 | СУЭК-Финанс выпуск 3 | BBG00QFLCT66 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100PB0 | ЖКХ Якутии выпуск 1 | BBGYAKUTV001 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103FP5 | МКБ 001Р выпуск 3 | BBG011Y7LMW6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYFC6 | МТС выпуск 3 | BBG00J3MJ9F0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101SM9 | Камаз | BBG00VDF8F10 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JXFS8 | Газпром капитал выпуск 5 | BBG00FZMB3Y3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JXN21 | АФК Система выпуск 6 | BBG00GF6BJZ2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1037S4 | С-Инновации выпуск 2 | BBG011CFWBP2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZZBV2 | Европлан БО 08 | BBG00L9H7QZ3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JX5W4 | Альфа-Банк выпуск 18 | BBG00FRWYRH1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102T55 | МФК ЦФП выпуск 1 | BBG00ZHYDZW2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JTM44 | Башнефть выпуск 8 | BBG00445QP01 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103KJ8 | Европлан 001Р-03 | TCS00A103KJ8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103S14 | Европлан 001Р-04 | TCS00A103S14 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS1964558339 | Credit Bank of Moscow | BBG00NN90XV7 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A0ZZ1H2 | ОГК-2 выпуск 3 | BBG00KHD7983 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104L36 | Тойота Банк выпуск 5 | TCS00A104L36 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1032D7 | Маныч-Агро выпуск 1 | TCS00A1032D7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100CG7 | ОбъединениеАгроЭлита выпуск 3 | BBG00PVT6KR6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104SY8 | РЖД | TCS00A104SY8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS0893212398 | VEB | BBG0044FD516 | eur | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A1002E8 | Газпромбанк | BBG00N84M5Z8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZZ9W4 | Уралкалий выпуск 4 | BBG00L4CT0Z2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104FX7 | А Девелопмент | BBG014VTFQJ8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103WQ8 | Сэтл Групп выпуск 4 | TCS00A103WQ8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1032P1 | СФО ВТБ РКС-1 выпуск 1 | BBG011DV0155 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100MG6 | Сэтл Групп выпуск 2 | BBG00PT0ZT82 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JVA10 | ГТЛК БО-04 | BBG0089PCRC1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100YW8 | Тойота Банк выпуск 3 | BBG00QPHPRQ2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1035D0 | Синара - Транспортные Машины выпуск 1 | TCS00A1035D0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JWXF0 | Красноярский край выпуск 12 | BBG00F171QY3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| VTBperp | VTB Perp | BBG003824NB3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZZ8X4 | Краснодарский край выпуск 2 | BBG00L2L5GP6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1052T1 | Делимобиль выпуск 1 | TCS00A1052T1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS1961080501 | EuroChem | BBG00NJHVPW6 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A103G00 | Синара - Транспортные Машины выпуск 2 | BBG011YQCC65 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102TR4 | Ритейл Бел Финанс 001P-02 | TCS00A102TR4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZZV86 | ДОМ.РФ ИА 006P | BBG00MMJ90B3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1009Z8 | О'КЕЙ выпуск 2 | BBG00NZHNQH2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1003A4 | ГТЛК выпуск 13 | BBG00N9Q06D4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101QA8 | ИКС 5 Финанс выпуск 11 | BBG00V4SVMN7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| CBOM0224EU | Credit Bank of Moscow | BBG00N8HZBK8 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104WJ1 | МТС выпуск 21 | TCS00A104WJ1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103QH9 | Эталон-Финанс выпуск 3 | TCS00A103QH9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102Y66 | Легенда выпуск 4 | TCS00A102Y66 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYU39 | Эталон-Финанс выпуск 2 | BBG00K1Y24S8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101UD4 | Электрощит-Стройсистема выпуск 2 | BBG00VSYBL16 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102SK1 | Боржоми выпуск 1 | BBG00ZGVRGJ1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101R33 | Лента БО-001P выпуск 4 | BBG00V92S1V0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104Z71 | Биннофарм Групп | TCS00A104Z71 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102VK5 | ВИС Финанс выпуск 2 | TCS00A102VK5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1029F8 | Лизинг-Трейд выпуск 2 | BBG00XZ93N78 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS1843443273 | Evraz | BBG00NQ976S0 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A104UA4 | Сегежа | TCS00A104UA4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1037C8 | Урожай выпуск 2 | BBG011C669D9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1016F5 | ГК Пионер-001P выпуск 4 | BBG00R4C49T4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104V26 | РЕСО-Лизинг | TCS00A104V26 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101SD8 | ГТЛК выпуск 19 | BBG00VDF2563 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101Q26 | АФК Система выпуск 13 | BBG00V3L30M3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101DU4 | Вита Лайн выпуск 1 | BBG00RP6D594 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103RT2 | Экспобанк 001Р-01 | TCS00A103RT2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS2131995958 | GTLK | BBG00S4VCXS9 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A0JXLR8 | Банк Открытие БО-П выпуск 03 | BBG00G9GSYG7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102QY6 | ТФН выпуск 1 | BBG00Z8KBL73 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYEE5 | ГПБ (АО) БО-17 | BBG00J3T6HB5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102DR8 | Омская область выпуск 4 | BBG00YC4R9B2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102M86 | Всеинструменты.ру выпуск 3 | TCS00A102M86 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU26207RMFS9 | ОФЗ 26207 | BBG002PD3452 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A103M36 | ТрансФин-М 001Р-07 | BBG012C34FX0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101SC0 | ГТЛК выпуск 18 | BBG00VDF68J9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1040V2 | Охта Групп выпуск 2 | TCS00A1040V2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1022G1 | Бизнес-Недвижимость выпуск 1 | BBG00X0V9H83 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU26221RMFS0 | ОФЗ 26221 | BBG00G6V7252 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A0ZYM21 | Домодедово выпуск 1 | BBG00JGF4LC3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103HT3 | М.Видео выпуск 2 | BBG01237K1S0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102RU2 | Европлан 001Р-01 | TCS00A102RU2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104CJ3 | Автодом выпуск 1 | TCS00A104CJ3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1026H0 | Гидромашсервис БО выпуск 3 | ISSUANCEHYDR | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU29006RMFS2 | ОФЗ 29006 | BBG007Z13SN3 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A102RS6 | Сбер Банк 001P-SBER24 | BBG00ZZ927H8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU26233RMFS5 | ОФЗ 26233 | BBG00RRT3V69 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| SU26240RMFS0 | ОФЗ 26240 | BBG011MLGP84 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A100HH4 | Газпромбанк 001P выпуск 11 | BBG00PMK99X0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1030N0 | ФЭС-Агро выпуск 2 | BBG0107RVMG1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101KJ2 | Калита выпуск 1 | BBG00SY31CX0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU26238RMFS4 | ОФЗ 26238 | BBG011FJ4HS6 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A0ZYFB8 | Красноярский край выпуск 14 | BBG00J5KYZN8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS0864383723 | Novatek | BBG003PNSC99 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A103D37 | Тинькофф Ипотечный Агент выпуск 1 | TCS00A103D37 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS2124187571 | Gazprom | BBG00RRSRHF6 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A104JV3 | Айди Коллект выпуск 2 | TCS00A104JV3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100YR8 | Роснано БО-002P выпуск 3 | BBG00QPRTZJ6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101FY1 | МОЭСК 001P выпуск 2 | BBG00RVF4P66 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU26228RMFS5 | ОФЗ 26228 | BBG00NZHWSQ8 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A100X77 | Кредит Европа Банк выпуск 3 | BBG00QKHL1Q8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1034P7 | ВТБ СУБ выпуск 5 | BBG01172JM41 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS1589324075 | GMK NorNickel | BBG00GCZK5M5 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A1011Q3 | Новосибирская область | BBG00QXSLFN2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103QJ5 | МФК Займер выпуск 3 | BBG012NJPWN4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| TRY1028 | Republic of Turkey | BBG00KMWBXK3 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1030S9 | Москва выпуск 72 | BBG010GVNPK9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZZVE6 | Russia 2025 EUR | BBG00MNX53Q3 | eur | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A100L63 | Белуга Групп БО-П02 | BBG00PYL6030 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101S99 | Кировский завод выпуск 1 | BBG00VCVRQQ4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102F28 | РОСБАНК БО-002P выпуск 8 | BBG00YCM0MW9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1053P7 | Сегежа 002P выпуск 5 | TCS00A1053P7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101MT7 | Детский мир выпуск 6 | BBG00TQG4212 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100D89 | Республика Беларусь выпуск 7 | BBG00TQHNK64 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1001L5 | ЮАИЗ выпуск 1 | BBG00N58ZYV9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100WC4 | МКБ 001P выпуск 1 | BBG00QHSP5W8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101XN7 | АФК Система выпуск 14 | BBG00WCMMJ92 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101QF7 | Ритейл Бел Финанс 001P-01 | BBG00V92X4F6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1034X1 | Лизинг трейд выпуск 3 | BBG00A1034X1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYHX8 | Санкт-Петербург выпуск 1 | BBG00JCTFXS2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A105104 | РУСАЛ выпуск 5 | TCS00A105104 | cny | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A0JWV63 | Россельхозбанк 08Т1 | BBG00DYFTK31 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103SZ7 | Аэрофьюэлз выпуск 2 | BBG012R5Y2V7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1024W4 | Черкизово выпуск БО-001P-03 | BBG00XH3GY82 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101TS4 | Джи-групп выпуск 1 | BBG00VQNQ8P9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1045V1 | ЭБИС выпуск 5 | BBG013VR70Y3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104AQ2 | ДОМ.РФ Социальные облигации 02 | TCS00A104AQ2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102H83 | Ренессанс Кредит выпуск 4 | BBG00YJKHN65 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102GY7 | Хэдхантер выпуск 1 | TCS00A102GY7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYVU5 | ПАО НК Роснефть 002P-05 | BBG00K7QTXX0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103DP0 | КАМАЗ БО-П08 | BBG011R5YX14 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102VL3 | МТС выпуск 18 | TCS00A102VL3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103RL9 | Петроинжиниринг выпуск 1 | BBG012SMKJQ3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1030D1 | Альфа-Банк 002Р выпуск 11 | BBG0105J8GV3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS1843434959 | MMK | BBG00PC6QBX8 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A0JUAG0 | РСГ-Финанс выпуск 1 | BBG005K570Y9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1006C3 | Пионер-Лизинг-БО-П02 | BBG00NLMHM55 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1034M4 | Всеинструменты.ру выпуск 4 | BBG0116QGN40 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1018X4 | Магнит 003Р выпуск 5 | BBG00R7TPVR4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101H43 | ГК Самолет выпуск 8 | TCS00A101H43 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100NS9 | РЕСО-Лизинг БО-П выпуск 5 | BBG012CQ0V68 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1034T9 | МТС Банк выпуск 1 | BBG00A1034T9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU52002RMFS1 | ОФЗ 52002 | BBG00KFLDC92 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A102SC8 | ТМК 001Р выпуск 2 | BBG00ZDZD5C1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101CB6 | Лизинг-Трейд выпуск 1 | BBG00RJSK9S6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100DG5 | Европлан БО 06 | BBG00PC4M4X3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103H25 | НПО Химтэк выпуск 1 | BBG0121GPL12 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100G03 | Буровая компания Евразия выпуск 3 | BBG00PGSFB22 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101TR6 | ЭнергоТехСервис выпуск 2 | BBG00VP0CN81 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100YD8 | Нафтатранс Плюс выпуск 2 | BBG00QPGLLB7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103RS4 | Альфа-Банк 002Р выпуск 14 | BBG012QS03Q9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1038D4 | Трансмашхолдинг ПБО-06 | TCS00A1038D4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101C89 | Сбер Банк 001P-SBER15 | BBG00RKBQ4D2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A105054 | ММЦБ выпуск 2 | TCS00A105054 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| GMKN1022 | MMC Finance DAC | BBG00B59DR33 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU26226RMFS9 | ОФЗ 26226 | BBG00N8J90K7 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A103C95 | АФК Система выпуск 21 | TCS00A103C95 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JXSD3 | Волгоградская область выпуск 7 | BBG00GSNVXC3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104ZC9 | КАМАЗ | TCS00A104ZC9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1030U5 | ЭкономЛизинг выпуск 3 | BBG0109ZMRP0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104FG2 | Сегежа 002P выпуск 3 | TCS00A104FG2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JXYS9 | Краснодарский край выпуск 1 | BBG00HDD93V9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1054W1 | Полюс CNY 01 | TCS00A1054W1 | cny | 1 | 0.0001 | +| SU46022RMFS8 | ОФЗ 46022 | BBG0000LFC18 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A102NK2 | Обувь России 001P выпуск 4 | BBG00YZ2MHK8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZZGT5 | РЖД 001Р выпуск 8 | BBG00LPNW7Y7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100HY9 | РЖД 001Р выпуск 16 | BBG00PV1JCS0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS2010044381 | GTLK | BBG00QDT3B79 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A102JB9 | ДОМ.РФ ИА 09 | TCS00A102JB9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYJT2 | ДОМ.РФ ИА 002P | BBG00JGG2N11 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| TRY0141 | Turkey | BBG001CYCG37 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100ZK0 | МТС выпуск 12 | BBG00QS35B41 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103XP8 | Ferroni выпуск 1 | BBG01391D0C2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101S16 | Казахстан выпуск 13 | BBG011MDDX15 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100RG5 | ЕвроХим выпуск 6 | BBG00Q3G7Y38 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101QN1 | Газпром Капитал | BBG00V93GCX5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS1577961516 | GTLK | BBG00GQJ3PG8 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A101350 | Газпромбанк 001P выпуск 14 | BBG00QYTBB95 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102HG2 | Охта Групп выпуск 1 | BBG00YPFNJR8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZZES2 | Газпром БО-22 | BBG00LLM12G8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1008J4 | АФК Система выпуск 10 | BBG00NRGHQQ0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1015A8 | Детский мир выпуск 5 | BBG00R2FKDT2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS1713473608 | GTLK | BBG00NV9NH48 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A1018K1 | Татнефть БО-001P выпуск 1 | BBG00R72VWS3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100FE5 | ГТЛК выпуск 14 | BBG00PGVLT83 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103NZ8 | Совкомбанк БО-П4 | BBG012G2PXW7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS0767473852 | Russia 2042 | BBG002V2YQY4 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A0ZZ1F6 | КарМани БО выпуск 2 | BBG00KHGQP89 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1018A2 | Томск выпуск 7 | BBG00R7TNJ39 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101RJ7 | МБЭС выпуск 2 | BBG00VHHC305 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS0316524130 | Gazprom | BBG0000JWX54 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A104A39 | ИНК-Капитал выпуск 1 | TCS00A104A39 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102Y58 | Брусника выпуск 2 | BBG00ZX8S6G7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1008W7 | Северсталь выпуск 6 | BBG00NTZTZ47 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JXME4 | ЧТПЗ выпуск 3 | BBG00GB81W02 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYU21 | Альфа-Банк выпуск 40 | BBG00K4MPZ61 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102WL1 | Экспобанк БО выпуск 3 | TCS00A102WL1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102952 | ВИС Финанс выпуск 1 | BBG00XYH8FH2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYEB1 | ТрансФин-М 001Р выпуск 4 | BBG00HYXLFQ7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| PLZL0223 | Polyus | BBG00FWXCM88 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100JH0 | Ритейл Бел Финанс выпуск 1 | BBG00PNW0B21 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103N43 | ДОМ.РФ ИА БО выпуск 9 | TCS00A103N43 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100782 | Лента БО-001P выпуск 2 | BBG00NNMVRW6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102895 | Новосибирская область выпуск 21 | BBG00XX7H140 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101939 | МТС выпуск 13 | BBG00R7THC95 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100YG1 | ГК Самолет выпуск 7 | BBG00QPG1GD8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103Q08 | HENDERSON выпуск 1 | TCS00A103Q08 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104V75 | Почта России | TCS00A104V75 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS1878009866 | BCS Structured Products 20jun2023 | TCS878009866 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A102SM7 | СДЭК-Глобал выпуск 1 | BBG00ZLH4MW3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100W60 | Европлан БО 03 | BBGHUYNYA0X4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU26215RMFS2 | ОФЗ 26215 | BBG0058ZL5S7 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A103KG4 | Сбербанк выпуск SbD1R | BBG0131NQLG8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102RN7 | Ренессанс Кредит выпуск 6 | TCS00A102RN7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103M10 | Балтийский лизинг БО-П04 | BBG012BTL6Y4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RZD0527 | Russian Railways | BBG00P5B0SC9 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1021B4 | Обувь России 001P выпуск 3 | BBG00WS5KGV5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102234 | ТЕХНО Лизинг выпуск 3 | BBG00WYH0LS7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103QL1 | Росагролизинг выпуск 3 | BBG012NW2KW6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1014S3 | Новотранс выпуск 1 | BBG00R2HQKS7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102986 | СУЭК-Финанс выпуск 6 | BBG00XZ95JN7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101YD6 | Легенда выпуск 3 | BBG00WH3QVR8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| TTEL0225 | Turk Telekomunikasyon A.S. | BBG00NBJSLV4 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYDS7 | Газпром нефть ПАО 001P-03R | BBG00J1Z0ZM7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| GAZP1124 | Gazprom | BBG00J7PCW56 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100238 | МТС выпуск 7 | BBG00N6FS8J1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103372 | АФК Система выпуск 20 | BBG0110X9D23 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104XR2 | Автодор БО-3 выпуск 2 | TCS00A104XR2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU26229RMFS3 | ОФЗ 26229 | BBG00PBZNT41 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| SU26211RMFS1 | ОФЗ 26211 | BBG003TTSBB1 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| SU26239RMFS2 | ОФЗ 26239 | BBG011FHF1F7 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A0ZZYL5 | Калужская СК выпуск 1 | BBG00MTS7DY5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102S80 | Альфа-Банк 002Р выпуск 10 | BBG00ZCTLKQ9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103JR3 | Джи-групп выпуск 2 | BBG0124VD0W1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYDH0 | ФСК ЕЭС БО-3 | BBG00HY74TD7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103GL2 | МФК ЦФП выпуск 2 | BBG0120X4T49 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1020W2 | Светофор Групп выпуск 2 | BBG00WMMMHJ4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101XS6 | МОЭК выпуск 4 | BBG00WFCV2B5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102101 | ЭБИС выпуск 3 | BBG00WPJ81Z1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1030X9 | Сэтл Групп выпуск 3 | TCS00A1030X9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| VAKI0324 | Vakifbank | BBG00NPGTY64 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1011C3 | Русал Братск БО-001Р выпуск 4 | BBG00QXGPWQ4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1030Y7 | РН Банк БО-1P выпуск 8 | BBG0107GHR16 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS0971721963 | Russia 2043 | BBG00580HD20 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A0ZYCM2 | Красноярский край выпуск 13 | BBG00HVY2MS2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100LV7 | ЕвроХим выпуск 5 | BBG00PSN47C0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYCD1 | Курская область выпуск 1 | BBG00HT45YG5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100LS3 | ЕвроХим выпуск 4 | BBG00PV1MX64 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101FG8 | Ростелеком 002P выпуск 2 | BBG00RT7J0J2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100N12 | АФК Система выпуск 11 | BBG00PVL2PM1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104JQ3 | Самолет БО-П11 | BBG015CD9YL8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| OMA0148 | Sultanate of Oman | BBG00JQC5C47 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU26232RMFS7 | ОФЗ 26232 | BBG00R0Z4YW8 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A104693 | АФК Система выпуск 23 | TCS00A104693 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102556 | СЭЗ им. Серго Орджоникидзе выпуск 2 | BBG00XJF7FL9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102J57 | Теплоэнерго выпуск 1 | BBG00YLQVM01 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYWU3 | АФК Система выпуск 8 | BBG00K4MR057 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102KG6 | ГК Пионер-001Р выпуск 5 | BBG00YN4P9Q6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYAQ7 | КарМани БО выпуск 1 | BBG00HS78YK1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102TA0 | Росагролизинг выпуск 2 | BBG00ZHZ4Q86 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102QP4 | РЖД 001Р выпуск 21 | BBG00Z6BQMY7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102T63 | ЛСР выпуск 6 | RU000A102T63 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101970 | Всеинструменты.ру выпуск 2 | BBG00R83FV73 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100YE6 | ТрансКонтейнер ПБО выпуск 1 | BBG00QPG0TF9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS2384475930 | Credit Bank of Moscow | BBG012G07QT0 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A103NY1 | РН Банк БО-1P выпуск 9 | BBG012G2MQN5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS0997544860 | Gazpromneft | BBG005MCTC09 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A103YM3 | Сбер Банк 002P выпуск 1 | BBG013J0F816 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100PE4 | РЕСО-Лизинг БО-П выпуск 6 | BBG00PXMNQ97 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103828 | ЭнергоТехСервис выпуск 4 | TCS00A103828 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1028C7 | Киви выпуск 1 | TCS00A1028C7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101FC7 | Ростелеком 002P выпуск 3 | BBG00RRT2HP0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101D13 | Сегежа выпуск 1 | BBG00RMFTSM5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1041B2 | Сегежа 002P выпуск 1 | TCS00A1041B2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100KL0 | Русал Братск БО-001Р выпуск 2 | BBG00PSQX526 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JWHA4 | Russia 2026 | BBG00CZCT9R8 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A100Z91 | ГТЛК выпуск 15 | BBG00QQ73R50 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1013N6 | Пионер-Лизинг-БО-П03 | BBG00QZ4PBD9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| ISBNK0424 | Turkiye Is Bankasi | BBG00GH607J6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1016U4 | Гарант-Инвест БО 001P-06 | BBG00R4F67Z2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU29010RMFS4 | ОФЗ 29010 | BBG007Z5FFL1 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A1007Z2 | РЖД 001Р выпуск 13 | BBG00NQKW4B0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1010M4 | РЖД ОАО БО 001Р-17R | BBG00QTH5DF3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102W68 | ХК Финанс выпуск 6 | BBG00ZSJ8ZX8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102GJ8 | Газпромбанк выпуск 18 | BBG00YHX6J06 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1029T9 | СофтЛайн Трейд выпуск 4 | TCS00A1029T9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104B53 | АСПЭК-Домстрой выпуск 1 | BBG0149NW6B9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYX28 | Sovcombank | BBG00K87T9V6 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A1036E6 | АльфаБанк 002Р выпуск 12 | TCS00A1036E6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JY023 | GTLK | BBG00HKB9M89 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A102SV8 | АФК Система выпуск 18 | BBG00ZH9RB82 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104C78 | Аренза-Про выпуск 1 | TCS00A104C78 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102G50 | Восточная Стивидорная Компания выпуск 1 | BBG00YGKVB04 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JQ7Z2 | РЖД выпуск 19 | BBG00005V2L5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1036X6 | Вита Лайн 001Р выпуск 3 | TCS00A1036X6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| OMA0128 | Sultanate of Oman | BBG00JQC34S1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JXU14 | Russia 2047 | BBG00H0HV5C5 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A103QK3 | VK выпуск 1 | TCS00A103QK3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101RV2 | Казахстан выпуск 7 | BBG00XH4RHP6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102K39 | РЕСО-Лизинг БО-П выпуск 8 | BBG00YMTR6J4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JXRD5 | Почта России выпуск 2 | BBG00GSG5RB1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104C60 | ВТБ | BBG01496DQ23 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JW1K9 | Томская область выпуск 55 | BBG00BQZW6R1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100GW5 | Alfa Bank | BBG00PNDYR58 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JWZY6 | АФК Система выпуск 5 | BBG00FB978L6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1051U1 | МТС Банк выпуск 2 | TCS00A1051U1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103RD6 | ДОМ.РФ Социальные облигации выпуск 1 | TCS00A103RD6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102RX6 | ГК Самолет выпуск 9 | TCS00A102RX6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1034K8 | Russia 2036 EUR | BBG0113G7SP1 | eur | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A0ZYCR1 | ТрансКомплектХолдинг выпуск 1 | BBG00HZ0R8T5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1051E5 | Ростелеком | TCS00A1051E5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS2249778247 | GTLK | BBG00XXVWNC3 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A102T97 | Аэрофьюэлз выпуск 1 | TCS00A102T97 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100TH9 | РОСБАНК БО-002P выпуск 6 | BBG00Q87PDL9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101UR4 | Башкирская содовая компания выпуск 2 | BBG00VWZ21H5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYMJ7 | Томская область выпуск 62 | BBG00JM15X21 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103WD6 | ПИМ выпуск 1 | BBG0135CF8W1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103YP6 | СГ-транс выпуск 1 | BBG013BSN994 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104YT6 | Самолет БО-П12 | TCS00A104YT6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100YU2 | Акрон выпуск 3 | BBG00QPS5TX8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| ISSUANCESAMO | Самолет БО-П08 | ISSUANCESAMO | rub | 1 | 0 | +| RU000A102B48 | ЯТЭК выпуск 1 | TCS00A102B48 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS1946763361 | BCS Structured Products 27jun2024 выпуск 2 | BBG00NR70S66 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A1006S9 | Russia 2035 | BBG00NPGNWZ2 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A102B97 | Вита Лайн 001Р выпуск 2 | TCS00A102B97 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU26218RMFS6 | ОФЗ 26218 | BBG00B9PJ7V0 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A103RY2 | Интерлизинг выпуск 2 | BBG012QRRBN7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104123 | ДОМ.РФ 001Р-09 | BBG013TSL6D8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101Z66 | Балтийский лизинг БО-П03 | BBG00WFBVRN9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYLK7 | Верхнебаканский цементный завод 001P выпуск 1 | BBG00JM14CY3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100881 | Ростелеком 001 выпуск 5 | BBG00NQKWGH7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1024R4 | Донской Ломбард выпуск 1 | BBG00XH486K6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102GD1 | ДОМ.РФ ИА 08 | TCS00A102GD1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103WZ9 | NexTouch выпуск 1 | BBG0136Y8NS2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1037L9 | Бифорком Тек выпуск 1 | BBG011CG00T5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100W52 | СуперОкс выпуск 1 | BBG00QKPJVK3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JTMK9 | РусГидро выпуск 8 | BBG00440D136 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JW5E3 | ПКТ выпуск 2 | BBG00C7PQK43 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103943 | Аэрофлот выпуск 1 | TCS00A103943 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103KA7 | Мираторг выпуск 1 | TCS00A103KA7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS1143363940 | Credit Bank of Moscow | BBG007KHNMS0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102LB5 | ПРОМОМЕД ДМ выпуск 1 | BBG00YRF7834 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104ZK2 | М.Видео выпуск 3 | TCS00A104ZK2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100Q35 | ПР-Лизинг выпуск 3 | BBG00PZ6T956 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101RP4 | Казахстан выпуск 1 | BBG00XH4N488 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102V51 | Нафтатранс Плюс выпуск 3 | BBG00ZQYML62 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JXJE0 | Гидромашсервис БО выпуск 1 | BBG00FZYDS70 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1009B9 | Детский мир выпуск 7 | BBG00NWBZTW2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102M45 | ДиректЛизинг выпуск 6 | BBG00YRFB429 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100VQ6 | Норильский Никель БО-001Р выпуск 1 | BBG00QG1PSL0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU24021RMFS6 | ОФЗ 24021 | BBG00RKDZWG3 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A1016Z3 | ПИК-Корпорация выпуск 2 | BBG00R4C0L75 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JXPN8 | Ростелеком выпуск 2 | BBG00GH12JY2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102UZ5 | Кировский завод выпуск 2 | BBG00ZQT2640 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101GR3 | Банк Открытие БО-П выпуск 6 | BBG00S6QMBP8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100A66 | МТС выпуск 9 | BBG00NZHT902 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101UQ6 | ИКС 5 Финанс выпуск 12 | BBG00VWZ2229 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104362 | Восточная Стивидорная Компания выпуск 2 | TCS00A104362 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1016K5 | Банк Зенит выпуск 5 | BBG00R4C5FF4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101Z74 | Газпромбанк выпуск 16 | BBG00WFB0B30 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYQY7 | АФК Система выпуск 7 | BBG00JX82779 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103C53 | РЕСО-Лизинг БО-П выпуск 11 | BBG011PC1CT3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1020K7 | ПЮДМ БО-П2 | BBG00X0SRV34 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| TRY0228 | Republic of Turkey | BBG00JQ3B6W2 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102GU5 | Белуга БО-П04 | TCS00A102GU5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102FS1 | АФК Система выпуск 16 | BBG00YG1RQV4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU29012RMFS0 | ОФЗ 29012 | BBG00FFH2Z75 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A101KK0 | Роснано БО-002P выпуск 4 | BBG00SXFWRX7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JXS59 | Почта России выпуск 3 | BBG00GTQYBZ5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102TT0 | Русская Аквакультура выпуск 1 | BBG00ZLFQKZ4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100HE1 | Азбука Вкуса выпуск 1 | BBG00PM8S500 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS0088543193 | Russia 2028 | BBG0000644P5 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A101QL5 | ГТЛК выпуск 17 | BBG00V6NXQF4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102VR0 | ГТЛК 002P выпуск 1 | BBG00ZRZX9T8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102960 | РН Банк БО-1P выпуск 7 | BBG00XZ37219 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1032S5 | Литана выпуск 1 | BBG010SC6Q70 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101665 | Нижегородская область выпуск 14 | BBG00R4D6C68 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100733 | Автобан-Финанс выпуск 2 | BBG00NPS4MC4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101CQ4 | СУЭК-Финанс выпуск 5 | BBG00RLS6TT4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU52001RMFS3 | ОФЗ 52001 | BBG009J6Q4B7 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| XS0114288789 | Russia 2030 | BBG000056Z49 | usd | 1000 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A101QW2 | Сбер Банк | BBG00V9STNC5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A105112 | РУСАЛ выпуск 06 | TCS00A105112 | cny | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A103PX8 | ЛСР выпуск 7 | TCS00A103PX8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104SX0 | РЖД | TCS00A104SX0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103TS0 | ТЕХНО Лизинг выпуск 5 | BBG012STNNH6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102200 | Вита Лайн 001Р выпуск 1 | ISSUANCEVITA | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1033Z8 | Москва выпуск 74 | BBG011616RM7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZZ4T1 | РСХБ выпуск T1 | BBG00KSL6M30 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JWYQ5 | АФК Система выпуск 4 | BBG00F6NJY77 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU26225RMFS1 | ОФЗ 26225 | BBG00K53FX22 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| SU26224RMFS4 | ОФЗ 26224 | BBG00K53FBX6 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A102CD0 | ХК Финанс выпуск 5 | BBG00Y7KXWY9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102H91 | Автодор БО-3 выпуск 1 | BBG00YJJPT66 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1006B5 | ТД Мясничий выпуск 3 | BBG00NLMJ541 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103UL3 | Татнефтехим 001P выпуск 1 | BBG012Y8J8C8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103G91 | ПРОМОМЕД ДМ выпуск 2 | TCS00A103G91 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100BB0 | Русал Братск БО-001P выпуск 1 | BBG00P33Q8B6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS0559915961 | VEB | BBG0018V9PN0 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A1043N3 | КАМАЗ БО-П09 | BBG013RRTP42 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100V79 | Тинькофф Банк выпуск 3 | BBG00QDTJQD2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102S23 | Агрофирма-племзавод Победа выпуск 1 | BBG00ZCTRLC6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZZZ17 | НКНХ выпуск 1 | BBG00MT69C64 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYYN4 | Russia 2029 | BBG00KB9VG76 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A100YT4 | Экспобанк БО выпуск 2 | BBG00QPVNQS3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103N76 | ИКС 5 Финанс 002Р выпуск 1 | BBG012F7Y8K5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZZEM5 | Ярославская область выпуск 16 | BBG00LLCGZL5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1031K4 | ДОМ.РФ ИА БО-001Р-08 | TCS00A1031K4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS2243631095 | Gazprom Perp USD | BBG00XV2BDX1 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A103L03 | ГК Самолет выпуск 10 | BBG0129FDB02 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102CX8 | Ульяновская область выпуск 3 | BBG00Y90V3M0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS2069992258 | GMK NorNickel | BBG00QN36P08 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A102VY6 | Атомстройкомплекс БО-П01 | TCS00A102VY6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZZ5J9 | Почта России выпуск 5 | BBG00KTDNXH9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JW1G7 | Роснано выпуск 7 | BBG00BRD9CY4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYBM4 | Альфа-Банк выпуск 21 | BBG00HTLYK93 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1005T9 | Гарант-Инвест БО 001P-05 | BBG00NJ3YSN8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZZ1J8 | ГТЛК выпуск 9 | BBG00KHR8SP0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZZAL5 | ГТЛК выпуск 11 | BBG00L92CX58 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A100XC2 | Полюс ПБО-1 | BBG00QKHK9J0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| EGPT0431 | ARAB REPUBLIC | BBG00NTC1SR9 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JXTS9 | Russia 2027 | BBG00H0HVGD0 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A102FC5 | ВЭБ.РФ ПБО-1 выпуск 22 | BBG00YGJWYK4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1014P9 | КарМани БО выпуск 3 | BBG00R289K33 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104BU2 | ГК ЕКС выпуск 1 | BBG0147HX1H8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103C46 | ПИК-Корпорация выпуск 4 | BBG011PCH913 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102CL3 | Russia 2032 EUR | BBG00Y5TQNQ9 | eur | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A104XW2 | СИБУР Холдинг 001Р выпуск 1 | TCS00A104XW2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JXE06 | ГТЛК выпуск 3 | BBG00FVSZBH9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZZWJ3 | ОбъединениеАгроЭлита выпуск 1 | TCS00A0ZZWJ3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1043E2 | Новосибирская область выпуск 22 | TCS00A1043E2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102TJ1 | ТМК 001Р выпуск 3 | TCS00A102TJ1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1023L9 | Калита выпуск 2 | BBG00X6ZL3Z5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| ALFAperp | Alfa Bond Issuance PLC | BBG00JS9D851 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1049M2 | Инкаб выпуск 1 | TCS00A1049M2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103DY2 | БЭЛТИ-ГРАНД выпуск 4 | BBG011RXTDD0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103CD8 | ЛК Дельта выпуск 1 | TCS00A103CD8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103W91 | Обувь России 002P выпуск 1 | BBG0132XRL10 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JX0Z8 | Ямало-Ненецкий АО выпуск 2 | BBG00FGC1ZM9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100GY1 | ВЭБ.РФПБО-001Р-17 | BBG00PMHXRL3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| XS0830192711 | Газпром нефть | BBG003CQ4DT8 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A102VW0 | Элемент Лизинг 001P выпуск 3 | TCS00A102VW0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100UG9 | ХКФ Банк выпуск 6 | BBG00QB5VPL5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100ZL8 | ЛСР выпуск 5 | BBG00QRKJF13 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104SU6 | МТС | TCS00A104SU6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101XD8 | МаксимаТелеком выпуск 1 | TCS00A101XD8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101LV5 | СофтЛайн Трейд выпуск 3 | BBG00TFS9DH2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JQRD9 | РЖД выпуск 23 | BBG0000K94P9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JWVL2 | Европлан БО 07 | BBG00DY7RMW5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| USG76237AC37 | Rolls-Royce PLC | BBG00XV1FN94 | usd | 1 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A1026C1 | ПИК-Корпорация выпуск 3 | TCS00A1026C1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101JF2 | Онлайн Микрофинанс выпуск БО-2 | BBG00SKZW8N0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYLF7 | ФПК выпуск 2 | BBG00JGKV6T7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JW1P8 | ГТЛК выпуск 7 | BBG00BRZQ4Y4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYEM8 | Самолет | BBG00HZZDWP4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100QA0 | ГК Самолет выпуск 6 | BBG00Q58ZXF2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1049K6 | Альфа-Банк 002Р выпуск 16 | BBG014578XG1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103PE8 | Промсвязьбанк 003P выпуск 7 | BBG012J4Q4W3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102SX4 | АФК Система выпуск 19 | BBG00ZHPT667 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU26235RMFS0 | ОФЗ 26235 | BBG00Y04Q3V7 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A1047S3 | Первое коллекторское бюро 001Р выпуск 3 | BBG0140BZS87 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103WR6 | ЭР-Телеком Холдинг БО-02 выпуск 1 | BBG0135CF469 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU26236RMFS8 | ОФЗ 26236 | BBG00YB8K0V8 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A101LJ0 | ЕвроХим выпуск 8 | BBG00TCWB8X6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1043G7 | Сегежа 002P выпуск 2 | TCS00A1043G7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103S30 | ДиректЛизинг выпуск 7 | BBG012R0C9K9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0JWM56 | Самарская область выпуск 12 | BBG00D5L3Q99 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYX69 | ФПК выпуск 3 | BBG00K7DT3F5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A100Y50 | СУЭК-Финанс выпуск 4 | BBG00QNGNMR8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU26219RMFS4 | ОФЗ 26219 | BBG00D6Q7LY6 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| SU26222RMFS8 | ОФЗ 26222 | BBG00GLT6144 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A102BF7 | НК Продкорпорация выпуск 1 | TCS00A102BF7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103M85 | Элит Строй выпуск 1 | TCS00A103M85 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102KR3 | АПРИ Флай Плэнинг БО-П4 | BBG00YNJ37B7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102SG9 | Селектел выпуск 1 | TCS00A102SG9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102TL7 | МФК Займер выпуск 1 | BBG00ZJX2024 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A1023K1 | АФК Система выпуск 15 | BBG00X5FK880 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYBV5 | ЛСР выпуск 3 | BBG00HTSM1G5 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101GW3 | ЛЕГЕНДА выпуск 2 | TCS00A101GW3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102KQ5 | ТД РКС-Сочи 002Р-1 | BBG00YQ0FTY9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A103VD8 | МСБ-Лизинг 002P выпуск 5 | BBG012YS2TP2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A102RT4 | Промсвязьбанк 003P выпуск 4 | BBG00Z9DF8B8 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SU25084RMFS3 | ОФЗ 25084 | BBG00RRT3TX4 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RU000A0JXPD9 | ТМК выпуск 6 | BBG00GDC1GV2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A101L96 | ЕвроХим выпуск 7 | BBG00T7HZJG4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A104735 | ГК Пионер-001P выпуск 6 | TCS00A104735 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RU000A0ZYG52 | Ростелеком выпуск 3 | BBG00J7HHGH1 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | -## Etfs available. Total: [105] +## Etfs available. Total: [91] -| Ticker | Full name | FIGI | Cur | Lot | Step -|--------------|----------------------------------------------------------------|--------------|-----|--------|--------- -| TMOS | Тинькофф iMOEX | BBG333333333 | rub | 1 | 0.002 -| FXGD | FinEx Золото | BBG005DXDPK9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| VTBE | РСХБ – Фонд Акций развивающихся стран | BBG00PVNWQ15 | usd | 10 | 0.001 -| SCZ | iShares MSCI EAFE Small-Cap ETF | BBG000T1G7X6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| VTBU | РСХБ – Корп еврооблигации РФ | BBG00RPRPBY4 | usd | 10 | 0.001 -| RU000A104172 | ЗПИФ ПАРУС-Сберлог | TCS00A104172 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| SBBE | Первая – Фонд Блокчейн Экономика | TCS00A104B87 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| AKCH | Альфа-Капитал Китайские Акции | BBG00YM3BX27 | rub | 1 | 0.02 -| FXKZ | FinEx Акции казахстанских компаний | BBG00M8C8Y03 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| SBRS | Первая – Фонд Осторожный смарт | BBG011C8HRT6 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| FXUS | FinEx Акции американских компаний | BBG005HLSZ23 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| FXBC | FinEx Экосистема Блокчейн | BBG01526SWY3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| FXRL | FinEx Акции российских компаний | BBG0073DLHS1 | rub | 1 | 0.005 -| SBCS | Первая – Фонд Консервативный смарт | BBG011C8J9N0 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| FXEM | FinEx Развивающиеся страны без Китая и Индии | BBG013T81ZQ6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| FXRB | FinEx Еврооблигации рос. компаний (RUB) | BBG004HNZFH2 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| VTBB | ВТБ Корпоративные облигации | BBG00MF4JRQ8 | rub | 1 | 0.02 -| SPSB | SPDR Portfolio Short Term Corporate Bond ETF | BBG000Q1MZ15 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TSPV | Тинькофф SPAC | TCS00A102YC6 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 -| SBMX | Первая – Фонд Топ Российских акций | BBG00M0C8YM7 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| AMEM | АТОН Рынки возможностей | TCS00A102XZ9 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| AMRE | АТОН Российские акции + | TCS00A102XX4 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| AMCC | АТОН Облачные технологии | TCS00A102XW6 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| AMRB | АТОН Российские облигации + | TCS00A102XY2 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| AMVF | АТОН Недооцененные компании США | TCS00A102XV8 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| AMMF | АТОН Лидеры роста США | TCS00A102XS4 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| AMIG | АТОН Надежные облигации | TCS00A102XU0 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| AMHC | АТОН Медицина и биотех США | TCS00A102XT2 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| VTBX | ВТБ Индекс Мосбиржи | TCS00A101EJ5 | rub | 1 | 0.05 -| AMLV | АТОН Тихая гавань | TCS00A102Y25 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| AMGM | АТОН Золотодобытчики | TCS00A102XQ8 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| AMSC | АТОН Цифровое будущее | TCS00A102Y33 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| AMIN | АТОН Инновации | TCS00A102XR6 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| AKSP | Альфа-Капитал S&P 500 | BBG00P5M77Y0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AMSL | АТОН Серебро | TCS00A102Y09 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| AMHY | АТОН Доходные облигации мира | TCS00A102XP0 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| TGRN | Тинькофф Green Economy | TCS00A1039P6 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 -| AMGF | АТОН Ставка на рост | TCS00A102Y17 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| TBRU | Тинькофф Bonds RUB | TCS00A1039N1 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| AMGR | АТОН Генетическая революция | TCS00A102XN5 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| VTBM | ВТБ Ликвидность | BBG00RPRPX12 | rub | 1 | 0.0001 -| SBHI | Первая–Фонд Халяльные инвестиции | BBG013RTHWK8 | rub | 1 | 0.002 -| AKMD | Альфа-Капитал Медицина | BBG011MM3NT8 | rub | 1 | 0.02 -| AKNX | Альфа-Капитал Технологии 100 | BBG00NNQMD85 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FXFA | FinEx Облигаций развитых рынков | BBG00ZXX3KF9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| AKGD | Альфа-Капитал Золото | BBG014M8NBM4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| TSPX | Тинькофф S&P 500 | TCS00A102EQ8 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 -| SBPS | Первая – Фонд Прогрессивный смарт | BBG011C8JMM2 | rub | 1 | 0.002 -| FXIT | FinEx Акции компаний IT-сектора США | BBG005HLTYH9 | rub | 1 | 1. -| EWP | iShares MSCI Spain ETF | BBG000BK58Q1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| SBRB | Первая – Фонд Корпоративные облигации | TCS00A100P44 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| FXDM | FinEx Акции компаний развитых стран без США | TCS0BMDKNM37 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| TIPO | Тинькофф Индекс IPO | TCS00A102EM7 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 -| TBIO | Тинькофф NASDAQ Biotech | TCS00A102EK1 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 -| AKVG | Альфа-Капитал Видеоигры | BBG013RTJNG1 | rub | 1 | 0.02 -| AKSC | Альфа-Капитал Космос | BBG012T4JCQ9 | rub | 1 | 0.02 -| SBCB | Первая - Фонд Российские еврооблигации | BBG00NB6KGN0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AKEB | Альфа-Капитал Управляемые еврооблигации | BBG013RTJSX1 | rub | 1 | 0.05 -| RU000A1022Z1 | ЗПИФ ПАРУС-ОЗН | TCS00A1022Z1 | rub | 1 | 1. -| VTBH | РСХБ – Корп облигации США | BBG00PVNWFM6 | usd | 10 | 0.001 -| FXCN | FinEx Акции китайских компаний | BBG005VKB7D7 | rub | 1 | 0.5 -| TCBR | Тинькофф CyberSecurity | TCS00A103VN7 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 -| TBUY | Тинькофф BuyBack Leaders | TCS00A103VL1 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 -| VTBG | ВТБ Фонд Золото | BBG00V9V16J8 | rub | 1 | 0.0001 -| TUSD | Тинькофф Вечный портфель USD | BBG000000000 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 -| TEUR | Тинькофф Вечный портфель EUR | BBG000000002 | eur | 100 | 0.0001 -| TRUR | Тинькофф Вечный портфель RUB | BBG000000001 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| TSST | Тинькофф ESG Leaders | TCS00A103VM9 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 -| TECH | Тинькофф NASDAQ | BBG111111111 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 -| FXRD | FinEx Облигации с рублевыми дивидендами | BBG01236BLK6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| IYT | iShares US Transportation ETF | BBG000BPNZB6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FXIP | FinEx Облигации TIPS (RUB, хедж) | BBG011C7ZVQ2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| AKSF | Альфа-Капитал Стратегия будущего | BBG0151LJYV0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| TEMS | Тинькофф Emerging Markets | TCS00A103VJ5 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 -| TPAS | Тинькофф PAN-ASIA | TCS00A103VK3 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 -| TFNX | Тинькофф FinTech | TCS00A103VH9 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 -| TSOX | Тинькофф Semiconductors | TCS00A103VF3 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 -| TRAI | Тинькофф AI-Robotics | TCS00A103VG1 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 -| TEUS | Тинькофф Eurostocks 50 | TCS00A103VE6 | eur | 100 | 0.0001 -| FXRU | FinEx Еврооблигации рос. компаний (USD) | BBG005N1KZX4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| FXES | FinEx Видеоигры и Киберспорт | BBG011Q55QS3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| EWI | iShares MSCI Italy ETF | BBG000BK2V65 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AKQU | Альфа-Капитал Квант | BBG012VJJFG7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| FXTP | FinEx Облигации TIPS | TCS0BNYK7X86 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| VTBA | РСХБ - Акции компаний США | BBG00PGVPH30 | usd | 10 | 0.001 -| FXRE | FinEx Фонды недвижимости REIT | BBG013N16YX7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| FXRW | FinEx Акции глобального рынка | BBG00R980XY3 | rub | 1 | 0.0001 -| SBGB | Первая – Фонд Государственные облигации | BBG00NJ6XQ74 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| SBDS | Первая – Фонд Динамичный смарт | BBG011C8G9X2 | rub | 1 | 0.002 -| FXMM | FinEx Казначейские облигации США | BBG006GYFHV6 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| FXWO | FinEx Акции глобального рынка | BBG00R9805F5 | rub | 1 | 0.0001 -| ESGD | iShares ESG Aware MSCI EAFE ETF | BBG00D7BBRR8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| TBEU | Тинькофф Еврооблигации EUR | TCS00A103TD2 | eur | 100 | 0.0001 -| FXIM | FinEx Акции компаний IT-сектора США | BBG00Y6D0N45 | usd | 10 | 0.001 -| SBSP | Первая – Фонд Американские акции | BBG00NTZWLM4 | rub | 1 | 0.2 -| FXDE | FinEx Акции немецких компаний | BBG005H7MXN2 | rub | 1 | 0.005 -| AMDG | АТОН Дивиденды | TCS00A1030P5 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| TGLD | Тинькофф Золото | BBG222222222 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 -| IEV | iShares Europe ETF | BBG000BXV152 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AKME | Альфа-Капитал Управляемые Российские Акции | BBG00YRW4B42 | rub | 1 | 0.02 -| AKMB | Альфа-Капитал Управляемые облигации | BBG00V7649K4 | rub | 1 | 0.0001 -| KBWB | Invesco KBW Bank ETF | BBG0027F1TD5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 -| AKEU | Альфа-Капитал Европа 600 | BBG00Q3HQJ74 | eur | 1 | 0.01 -| FXTB | FinEx Казначейские облигации США (USD) | BBG00NRFC2X2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SBWS | Первая – Фонд Взвешенный смарт | BBG011C8J503 | rub | 1 | 0.002 +| Ticker | Full name | FIGI | Cur | Lot | Step | +|--------------|-----------------------------------------------------------|--------------|-----|---------|------------| +| FXRE | FinEx Фонды недвижимости REIT | BBG013N16YX7 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| FXDE | FinEx Акции немецких компаний | BBG005H7MXN2 | rub | 1 | 0.005 | +| FXUS | FinEx Акции американских компаний | BBG005HLSZ23 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| AKNX | Альфа-Капитал Технологии 100 | BBG00NNQMD85 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AKEU | Альфа-Капитал Европа 600 | BBG00Q3HQJ74 | eur | 1 | 0.01 | +| SBRB | Первая – Фонд Корпоративные облигации | TCS00A100P44 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| VTBU | РСХБ – Корп еврооблигации РФ | BBG00RPRPBY4 | usd | 10 | 0.001 | +| SBCB | Первая - Фонд Российские еврооблигации | BBG00NB6KGN0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TBUY | Тинькофф BuyBack Leaders | TCS00A103VL1 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 | +| FXKZ | FinEx Акции казахстанских компаний | BBG00M8C8Y03 | rub | 1 | 0.1 | +| TGRN | Тинькофф Green Economy | TCS00A1039P6 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 | +| AKMD | Альфа-Капитал Медицина | BBG011MM3NT8 | rub | 1 | 0.02 | +| SBCS | Первая – Фонд Консервативный смарт | BBG011C8J9N0 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| AKVG | Альфа-Капитал Видеоигры | BBG013RTJNG1 | rub | 1 | 0.02 | +| SBHI | Первая–Фонд Халяльные инвестиции | BBG013RTHWK8 | rub | 1 | 0.002 | +| AMRE | АТОН Российские акции + | TCS00A102XX4 | rub | 1 | 0.1 | +| EQMX | ВИМ – Индекс МосБиржи | TCS00A101EJ5 | rub | 1 | 0.05 | +| FXRU | FinEx Еврооблигации рос. компаний (USD) | BBG005N1KZX4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SBSP | Первая – Фонд Американские акции | BBG00NTZWLM4 | rub | 1 | 0.2 | +| TSPX | Тинькофф USA 500 | TCS00A102EQ8 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A1022Z1 | ЗПИФ ПАРУС-ОЗН | TCS00A1022Z1 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| FXRD | FinEx Облигации с рублевыми дивидендами | BBG01236BLK6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| FXDM | FinEx Акции компаний развитых стран без США | TCS0BMDKNM37 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| FXRW | FinEx Акции глобального рынка | BBG00R980XY3 | rub | 1 | 0.0001 | +| SBPS | Первая – Фонд Прогрессивный смарт | BBG011C8JMM2 | rub | 1 | 0.002 | +| TUSD | Тинькофф Вечный портфель USD | BBG000000000 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 | +| VTBH | РСХБ – Корп облигации США | BBG00PVNWFM6 | usd | 10 | 0.001 | +| TEUR | Тинькофф Вечный портфель EUR | BBG000000002 | eur | 100 | 0.0001 | +| TPAS | Тинькофф PAN-ASIA | TCS00A103VK3 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 | +| FXMM | FinEx Казначейские облигации США | BBG006GYFHV6 | rub | 1 | 0.1 | +| FXWO | FinEx Акции глобального рынка | BBG00R9805F5 | rub | 1 | 0.0001 | +| FXTB | FinEx Казначейские облигации США (USD) | BBG00NRFC2X2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| FXIT | FinEx Акции компаний IT-сектора США | BBG005HLTYH9 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| TMOS | Тинькофф iMOEX | BBG333333333 | rub | 1 | 0.002 | +| LQDT | ВИМ - Ликвидность | BBG00RPRPX12 | rub | 1 | 0.0001 | +| FXEM | FinEx Развивающиеся страны без Китая и Индии | BBG013T81ZQ6 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SBWS | Первая – Фонд Взвешенный смарт | BBG011C8J503 | rub | 1 | 0.002 | +| TGLD | Тинькофф Золото | BBG222222222 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 | +| TBRU | Тинькофф Bonds RUB | TCS00A1039N1 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| FXFA | FinEx Облигаций развитых рынков | BBG00ZXX3KF9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| TEUS | Тинькофф Eurostocks 50 | TCS00A103VE6 | eur | 100 | 0.0001 | +| FXES | FinEx Видеоигры и Киберспорт | BBG011Q55QS3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| TSST | Тинькофф ESG Leaders | TCS00A103VM9 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 | +| FXBC | FinEx Экосистема Блокчейн | BBG01526SWY3 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| AKGD | Альфа-Капитал Золото | BBG014M8NBM4 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SBBE | Первая – Фонд Блокчейн Экономика | TCS00A104B87 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| SCZ | iShares MSCI EAFE Small-Cap ETF | BBG000T1G7X6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AKME | Альфа-Капитал Управляемые Российские Акции | BBG00YRW4B42 | rub | 1 | 0.02 | +| FXIM | FinEx Акции компаний IT-сектора США | BBG00Y6D0N45 | usd | 10 | 0.001 | +| AKEB | Альфа-Капитал Управляемые еврооблигации | BBG013RTJSX1 | rub | 1 | 0.05 | +| TSOX | Тинькофф Semiconductors | TCS00A103VF3 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 | +| TEMS | Тинькофф Emerging Markets | TCS00A103VJ5 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 | +| AKSC | Альфа-Капитал Космос | BBG012T4JCQ9 | rub | 1 | 0.02 | +| SBGB | Первая – Фонд Государственные облигации | BBG00NJ6XQ74 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| TRRE | Тинькофф ЖК Republic-REDS | TCS00A104UC0 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| AKMB | Альфа-Капитал Управляемые облигации | BBG00V7649K4 | rub | 1 | 0.0001 | +| SBRS | Первая – Фонд Осторожный смарт | BBG011C8HRT6 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| TRAI | Тинькофф AI-Robotics | TCS00A103VG1 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 | +| FXRB | FinEx Еврооблигации рос. компаний (RUB) | BBG004HNZFH2 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| AKQU | Альфа-Капитал Квант | BBG012VJJFG7 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TFNX | Тинькофф FinTech | TCS00A103VH9 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 | +| VTBA | РСХБ - Акции компаний США | BBG00PGVPH30 | usd | 10 | 0.001 | +| IEV | iShares Europe ETF | BBG000BXV152 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| KBWB | Invesco KBW Bank ETF | BBG0027F1TD5 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TCBR | Тинькофф CyberSecurity | TCS00A103VN7 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 | +| GOLD | ВИМ Фонд Золото | BBG00V9V16J8 | rub | 1 | 0.0001 | +| ESGD | iShares ESG Aware MSCI EAFE ETF | BBG00D7BBRR8 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| FXGD | FinEx Золото | BBG005DXDPK9 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| FXRL | FinEx Акции российских компаний | BBG0073DLHS1 | rub | 1 | 0.005 | +| EWI | iShares MSCI Italy ETF | BBG000BK2V65 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AMRB | АТОН Российские облигации + | TCS00A102XY2 | rub | 1 | 0.1 | +| AKSF | Альфа-Капитал Стратегия будущего | BBG0151LJYV0 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| FXIP | FinEx Облигации TIPS (RUB) | BBG011C7ZVQ2 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SPSB | SPDR Portfolio Short Term Corporate Bond ETF | BBG000Q1MZ15 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TSPV | Тинькофф SPAC | TCS00A102YC6 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 | +| OBLG | ВИМ – Корпоративные облигации | BBG00MF4JRQ8 | rub | 1 | 0.02 | +| TBEU | Тинькофф Еврооблигации EUR | TCS00A103TD2 | eur | 100 | 0.0001 | +| IYT | iShares US Transportation ETF | BBG000BPNZB6 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| AKCH | Альфа-Капитал Китайские Акции | BBG00YM3BX27 | rub | 1 | 0.02 | +| AKSP | Альфа-Капитал S&P 500 | BBG00P5M77Y0 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TIPO | Тинькофф Индекс IPO | TCS00A102EM7 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 | +| RU000A104172 | ЗПИФ ПАРУС-Сберлог | TCS00A104172 | rub | 1 | 0.1 | +| EWP | iShares MSCI Spain ETF | BBG000BK58Q1 | usd | 1 | 0.01 | +| TRUR | Тинькофф Вечный портфель RUB | BBG000000001 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| TECH | Тинькофф Technology | BBG111111111 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 | +| TBIO | Тинькофф Biotech | TCS00A102EK1 | usd | 100 | 0.0001 | +| SBDS | Первая – Фонд Динамичный смарт | BBG011C8G9X2 | rub | 1 | 0.002 | +| FXCN | FinEx Акции китайских компаний | BBG005VKB7D7 | rub | 1 | 0.5 | +| VTBE | РСХБ – Фонд Акций развивающихся стран | BBG00PVNWQ15 | usd | 10 | 0.001 | +| SBMX | Первая – Фонд Топ Российских акций | BBG00M0C8YM7 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| FXTP | FinEx Облигации TIPS | TCS0BNYK7X86 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | -## Futures available. Total: [284] +## Futures available. Total: [366] -| Ticker | Full name | FIGI | Cur | Lot | Step -|--------------|----------------------------------------------------------------|--------------|-----|--------|--------- -| NlJ2 | Nl-4.22 Никель | FUTNL0422000 | rub | 1 | 5. -| CoK2 | Co-5.22 Медь | FUTCO0522000 | rub | 1 | 0.5 -| MEH2 | MOEX-3.22 Московская биржа | FUTMOEX03220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| EDZ2 | ED-12.22 Курс евро-доллар | FUTED1222000 | rub | 1 | 0.0001 -| AKU2 | AFKS-9.22 АФК Система (обыкновенные) | FUTAFKS09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| PHM2 | PHOR-6.22 ФосАгро | FUTPHOR06220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| MLH2 | MAIL-3.22 VK | FUTMAIL03220 | rub | 1 | -| SiU2 | Si-9.22 Курс доллар - рубль | BBG00X86FJ70 | rub | 1 | 1. -| RIU2 | RTS-9.22 Индекс РТС | FUTRTS092200 | rub | 1 | 10. -| RSU2 | RTSS-9.22 Индекс голубых фишек | FUTRTSS09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| NGK2 | NG-5.22 Природный газ | FUTNG0522000 | rub | 1 | -| MGM2 | MAGN-6.22 ММК | FUTMAGN06220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| RIM3 | RTS-6.23 Индекс РТС | FUTRTS062300 | rub | 1 | 10. -| RTU2 | RTKM-9.22 Ростелеком | FUTRTKM09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| SVH3 | SILV-3.23 Серебро | FUTSILV03230 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SFU2 | SPYF-9.22 SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust | FUTSPYF09220 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| MMZ2 | MXI-12.22 Индекс МосБиржи (мини) | FUTMXI122200 | rub | 1 | 0.05 -| SVH2 | SILV-3.22 Серебро | FUTSILV03220 | rub | 1 | -| NGQ2 | NG-8.22 Природный газ | FUTNG0822000 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| LKM2 | LKOH-6.22 Лукойл | FUTLKOH06220 | rub | 1 | -| MTZ2 | MTSI-12.22 МТС | FUTMTSI12220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| SAH2 | SUGR-3.22 Сахар | FUTSUGR03220 | rub | 1 | -| FSM2 | FEES-6.22 ФСК ЕЭС | FUTFEES06220 | rub | 1 | -| SiZ3 | Si-12.23 Курс доллар - рубль | FUTSI1223000 | rub | 1 | 1. -| AFM2 | AFLT-6.22 Аэрофлот | FUTAFLT06220 | rub | 1 | -| YNZ2 | YNDF-12.22 Яндекс | FUTYNDF12220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| SNM2 | SNGR-6.22 Сургутнефтегаз | FUTSNGR06220 | rub | 1 | -| PDU2 | PLD-9.22 Палладий | FUTPLD092200 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SVU2 | SILV-9.22 Серебро | FUTSILV09220 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| NlN2 | Nl-7.22 Никель | FUTNL0722000 | rub | 1 | 5. -| MLU2 | MAIL-9.22 VK | FUTMAIL09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| RIU3 | RTS-9.23 Индекс РТС | FUTRTS092300 | rub | 1 | 10. -| MMH2 | MXI-3.22 Индекс МосБиржи (мини) | FUTMXI032200 | rub | 1 | -| BRH3 | BR-3.23 Нефть Brent | FUTBR0323000 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SAV2 | SUGR-10.22 Сахар | FUTSUGR10220 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| GDH3 | GOLD-3.23 Золото | FUTGOLD03230 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| VIM2 | RVI-6.22 Волатильность российского рынка | FUTRVI062200 | rub | 1 | -| HYM2 | HYDR-6.22 РусГидро | FUTHYDR06220 | rub | 1 | -| DYM2 | DSKY-6.22 Детский мир | FUTDSKY06220 | rub | 1 | -| GKZ2 | GMKN-12.22 Норильский никель | FUTGMKN12220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| BRQ2 | BR-8.22 Нефть Brent | FUTBR0822000 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| GUM2 | GBPU-6.22 Курс Фунт стерлингов - Доллар | FUTGBPU06220 | rub | 1 | 0.0001 -| OZU2 | OZON-9.22 Озон | FUTOZON09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| SSM2 | SMLT-6.22 ГК Самолет | FUTSMLT06220 | rub | 1 | -| GDH2 | GOLD-3.22 Золото | FUTGOLD03220 | rub | 1 | -| BRV2 | BR-10.22 Нефть Brent | FUTBR1022000 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| EuM2 | Eu-6.22 Курс евро - рубль | BBG00YHPF166 | rub | 1 | -| SRZ2 | SBRF-12.22 Сбер Банк (обыкновенные) | FUTSBRF12220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| OZH2 | OZON-3.22 Озон | FUTOZON03220 | rub | 1 | -| AFZ2 | AFLT-12.22 Аэрофлот | FUTAFLT12220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| RNH5 | ROSN-3.25 Роснефть | FUTROSN03250 | rub | 1 | 1. -| MNH2 | MGNT-3.22 Магнит | FUTMGNT03220 | rub | 1 | -| BRZ2 | BR-12.22 Нефть Brent | FUTBR1222000 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SiZ2 | Si-12.22 Курс доллар - рубль | BBG00YHPF1H4 | rub | 1 | 1. -| BRH2 | BR-3.22 Нефть Brent | FUTBR0322000 | rub | 1 | -| GZZ4 | GAZR-12.24 Газпром | FUTGAZR12240 | rub | 1 | 1. -| GZZ2 | GAZR-12.22 Газпром | FUTGAZR12220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| RNH2 | ROSN-3.22 Роснефть | FUTROSN03220 | rub | 1 | -| ALU2 | ALRS-9.22 Алроса | FUTALRS09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| GDU2 | GOLD-9.22 Золото | FUTGOLD09220 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| RNU2 | ROSN-9.22 Роснефть | FUTROSN09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| FVM2 | FIVE-6.22 X5 RetailGroup | FUTFIVE06220 | rub | 1 | -| IRH2 | IRAO-3.22 Интер РАО ЕЭС | FUTIRAO03220 | rub | 1 | -| TNM2 | TRNF-6.22 Транснефть (привилегированные) | FUTTRNF06220 | rub | 1 | -| RNU4 | ROSN-9.24 Роснефть | FUTROSN09240 | rub | 1 | 1. -| LKZ2 | LKOH-12.22 Лукойл | FUTLKOH12220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| YNM2 | YNDF-6.22 Яндекс | FUTYNDF06220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| REM2 | RSTI-6.22 Российские сети (обыкновенные) | FUTRSTI06220 | rub | 1 | -| CSM2 | CNI-6.22 Индекс Потребительского сектора | FUTCNI062200 | rub | 1 | -| RBM2 | RGBI-6.22 Индекс Государственных облигаций | FUTRGBI06220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| VBZ2 | VTBR-12.22 ВТБ | FUTVTBR12220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| VIF2 | RVI-1.22 Волатильность российского рынка | FUTRVI012200 | rub | 1 | -| TTH2 | TATN-3.22 Татнефть | FUTTATN03220 | rub | 1 | -| BRG2 | BR-2.22 Нефть Brent | FUTBR0222000 | rub | 1 | -| BRU2 | BR-9.22 Нефть Brent | FUTBR0922000 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| MMU2 | MXI-9.22 Индекс МосБиржи (мини) | FUTMXI092200 | rub | 1 | 0.05 -| CoN2 | Co-7.22 Медь | FUTCO0722000 | rub | 1 | 0.5 -| MMH5 | MXI-3.25 Индекс МосБиржи (мини) | FUTMXI032500 | rub | 1 | 0.05 -| SGM2 | SNGP-6.22 Сургутнефтегаз (привилегированные) | FUTSNGP06220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| EURRUBF | EURRUBF Евро - Рубль | FUTEURRUBF00 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SRM2 | SBRF-6.22 Сбер Банк (обыкновенные) | FUTSBRF06220 | rub | 1 | -| EDH2 | ED-3.22 Курс евро - доллар | FUTED0322000 | rub | 1 | -| NMU2 | NLMK-9.22 НЛМК | FUTNLMK09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| AUM2 | AUDU-6.22 Курс Австралийский доллар - Доллар США | FUTAUDU06220 | rub | 1 | 0.0001 -| YNU2 | YNDF-9.22 Яндекс | FUTYNDF09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| PZH2 | PLZL-3.22 Полюс Золото | FUTPLZL03220 | rub | 1 | -| BRK2 | BR-5.22 Нефть Brent | FUTBR0522000 | rub | 1 | -| RLM2 | RUAL-6.22 РУСАЛ | FUTRUAL06220 | rub | 1 | -| SiH3 | Si-3.23 Курс доллар - рубль | FUTSI0323000 | rub | 1 | 1. -| NMH2 | NLMK-3.22 НЛМК | FUTNLMK03220 | rub | 1 | -| GZM4 | GAZR-6.24 Газпром | FUTGAZR06240 | rub | 1 | 1. -| ALZ2 | ALRS-12.22 Алроса | FUTALRS12220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| GZM2 | GAZR-6.22 Газпром | FUTGAZR06220 | rub | 1 | -| PZU2 | PLZL-9.22 Полюс Золото | FUTPLZL09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| NGV2 | NG-10.22 Природный газ | FUTNG1022000 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| POU2 | POLY-9.22 Polymetal | FUTPOLY09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| SOH2 | SIBN-3.22 Газпром нефть | FUTSIBN03220 | rub | 1 | -| IRU2 | IRAO-9.22 Интер РАО ЕЭС | FUTIRAO09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| CYM2 | CY-6.22 Курс Юань - Рубль | FUTCY0622000 | rub | 1 | -| MNM2 | MGNT-6.22 Магнит | FUTMGNT06220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| CAM2 | UCAD-6.22 Курс Доллар США - Канадский доллар | FUTUCAD06220 | rub | 1 | -| MMM4 | MXI-6.24 Индекс МосБиржи (мини) | FUTMXI062400 | rub | 1 | 0.05 -| VIJ2 | RVI-4.22 Волатильность российского рынка | FUTRVI042200 | rub | 1 | -| MCM2 | MTLR-6.22 Мечел (обыкновенные) | FUTMTLR06220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| MMH3 | MXI-3.23 Индекс МосБиржи (мини) | FUTMXI032300 | rub | 1 | 0.05 -| BRK3 | BR-5.23 Нефть Brent | FUTBR0523000 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| NGG2 | NG-2.22 Природный газ | FUTNG0222000 | rub | 1 | -| HOH2 | HOME-3.22 Индекс московской недвижимости | FUTHOME03220 | rub | 1 | -| VBM2 | VTBR-6.22 ВТБ | FUTVTBR06220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| SAK2 | SUGR-5.22 Сахар | FUTSUGR05220 | rub | 1 | -| MEU2 | MOEX-9.22 Московская биржа | FUTMOEX09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| TTU2 | TATN-9.22 Татнефть | FUTTATN09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| NKU2 | NOTK-9.22 Новатэк | FUTNOTK09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| SPU2 | SBPR-9.22 Сбер Банк (привилегированные) | FUTSBPR09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| CNYRUBF | CNYRUBF Юань - Рубль | FUTCNYRUBF00 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| JPM2 | UJPY-6.22 Курс доллар США - Японская йена | FUTUJPY06220 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SNU2 | SNGR-9.22 Сургутнефтегаз | FUTSNGR09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| MMZ4 | MXI-12.24 Индекс МосБиржи (мини) | FUTMXI122400 | rub | 1 | 0.05 -| RMU2 | RTSM-9.22 Индекс РТС (мини) | FUTRTSM09220 | rub | 1 | 0.5 -| HOU2 | HOME-9.22 Индекс московской недвижимости | FUTHOME09220 | rub | 1 | 10. -| SPH2 | SBPR-3.22 Сбер Банк (привилегированные) | FUTSBPR03220 | rub | 1 | -| NlQ2 | Nl-8.22 Никель | FUTNL0822000 | rub | 1 | 5. -| MTU2 | MTSI-9.22 МТС | FUTMTSI09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| NGN2 | NG-7.22 Природный газ | FUTNG0722000 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| SOU2 | SIBN-9.22 Газпром нефть | FUTSIBN09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| GKM2 | GMKN-6.22 Норильский никель | FUTGMKN06220 | rub | 1 | -| VIN2 | RVI-7.22 Волатильность российского рынка | FUTRVI072200 | rub | 1 | 0.05 -| PIM2 | PIKK-6.22 ПИК | FUTPIKK06220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| POH2 | POLY-3.22 Polymetal | FUTPOLY03220 | rub | 1 | -| RMH2 | RTSM-3.22 Индекс РТС (мини) | FUTRTSM03220 | rub | 1 | -| CFM2 | UCHF-6.22 Курс доллар США - Швейцарский франк | FUTUCHF06220 | rub | 1 | 0.0001 -| SFZ2 | SPYF-12.22 SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust | FUTSPYF12220 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RMH3 | RTSM-3.23 Индекс РТС (мини) | FUTRTSM03230 | rub | 1 | 0.5 -| BRN2 | BR-7.22 Нефть Brent | FUTBR0722000 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RTH2 | RTKM-3.22 Ростелеком | FUTRTKM03220 | rub | 1 | -| PHU2 | PHOR-9.22 ФосАгро | FUTPHOR09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| MGH2 | MAGN-3.22 ММК | FUTMAGN03220 | rub | 1 | -| MMM2 | MXI-6.22 Индекс МосБиржи (мини) | FUTMXI062200 | rub | 1 | -| NlH2 | Nl-3.22 Никель | FUTNL0322000 | rub | 1 | -| EuU2 | Eu-9.22 Курс евро - рубль | BBG00ZMKXM17 | rub | 1 | 1. -| GUH2 | GBPU-3.22 Курс Фунт стерлингов - Доллар | FUTGBPU03220 | rub | 1 | -| FSH2 | FEES-3.22 ФСК ЕЭС | FUTFEES03220 | rub | 1 | -| GDM3 | GOLD-6.23 Золото | FUTGOLD06230 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| GDM2 | GOLD-6.22 Золото | FUTGOLD06220 | rub | 1 | -| SNH2 | SNGR-3.22 Сургутнефтегаз | FUTSNGR03220 | rub | 1 | -| SVM2 | SILV-6.22 Серебро | FUTSILV06220 | rub | 1 | -| DYH2 | DSKY-3.22 Детский мир | FUTDSKY03220 | rub | 1 | -| MXM2 | MIX-6.22 Индекс МосБиржи | FUTMIX062200 | rub | 1 | -| SiU3 | Si-9.23 Курс доллар - рубль | FUTSI0923000 | rub | 1 | 1. -| NGF2 | NG-1.22 Природный газ | FUTNG0122000 | rub | 1 | -| SSU2 | SMLT-9.22 ГК Самолет | FUTSMLT09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| RSM2 | RTSS-6.22 Индекс голубых фишек | FUTRTSS06220 | rub | 1 | -| RMZ2 | RTSM-12.22 Индекс РТС (мини) | FUTRTSM12220 | rub | 1 | 0.5 -| FVH2 | FIVE-3.22 X5 RetailGroup | FUTFIVE03220 | rub | 1 | -| PTH2 | PLT-3.22 Платина | FUTPLT032200 | rub | 1 | -| REH2 | RSTI-3.22 Российские сети (обыкновенные) | FUTRSTI03220 | rub | 1 | -| OZM2 | OZON-6.22 Озон | FUTOZON06220 | rub | 1 | -| LKU2 | LKOH-9.22 Лукойл | FUTLKOH09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| MEM2 | MOEX-6.22 Московская биржа | FUTMOEX06220 | rub | 1 | -| PHH2 | PHOR-3.22 ФосАгро | FUTPHOR03220 | rub | 1 | -| HYH2 | HYDR-3.22 РусГидро | FUTHYDR03220 | rub | 1 | -| FNM2 | FNI-6.22 Индекс Финансов | FUTFNI062200 | rub | 1 | -| MGU2 | MAGN-9.22 ММК | FUTMAGN09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| MTH2 | MTSI-3.22 МТС | FUTMTSI03220 | rub | 1 | -| JPH2 | UJPY-3.22 Курс доллар США - Японская йена | FUTUJPY03220 | rub | 1 | -| MLM2 | MAIL-6.22 VK | FUTMAIL06220 | rub | 1 | -| FSU2 | FEES-9.22 ФСК ЕЭС | FUTFEES09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| AFU2 | AFLT-9.22 Аэрофлот | FUTAFLT09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| CHU2 | CHMF-9.22 Северсталь | FUTCHMF09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| SFM2 | SPYF-6.22 SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust | FUTSPYF06220 | rub | 1 | -| RNZ2 | ROSN-12.22 Роснефть | FUTROSN12220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| MXH3 | MIX-3.23 Индекс МосБиржи | FUTMIX032300 | rub | 1 | 25. -| RNZ4 | ROSN-12.24 Роснефть | FUTROSN12240 | rub | 1 | 1. -| MXH2 | MIX-3.22 Индекс МосБиржи | FUTMIX032200 | rub | 1 | -| MMU4 | MXI-9.24 Индекс МосБиржи (мини) | FUTMXI092400 | rub | 1 | 0.05 -| VIG2 | RVI-2.22 Волатильность российского рынка | FUTRVI022200 | rub | 1 | -| SiM3 | Si-6.23 Курс доллар - рубль | FUTSI0623000 | rub | 1 | 1. -| YNH2 | YNDF-3.22 Яндекс | FUTYNDF03220 | rub | 1 | -| MNZ2 | MGNT-12.22 Магнит | FUTMGNT12220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| NGJ2 | NG-4.22 Природный газ | FUTNG0422000 | rub | 1 | -| RNM2 | ROSN-6.22 Роснефть | FUTROSN06220 | rub | 1 | -| RNM4 | ROSN-6.24 Роснефть | FUTROSN06240 | rub | 1 | 1. -| NGU2 | NG-9.22 Природный газ | FUTNG0922000 | rub | 1 | 0.001 -| IRM2 | IRAO-6.22 Интер РАО ЕЭС | FUTIRAO06220 | rub | 1 | -| USDRUBF | USDRUBF Доллар - Рубль | FUTUSDRUBF00 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| NlK2 | Nl-5.22 Никель | FUTNL0522000 | rub | 1 | -| EDM2 | ED-6.22 Курс евро - доллар | FUTED0622000 | rub | 1 | -| HYU2 | HYDR-9.22 РусГидро | FUTHYDR09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| DYU2 | DSKY-9.22 Детский мир | FUTDSKY09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| BRG3 | BR-2.23 Нефть Brent | FUTBR0223000 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| EuZ2 | Eu-12.22 Курс евро - рубль | FUTEU1222000 | rub | 1 | 1. -| AFH2 | AFLT-3.22 Аэрофлот | FUTAFLT03220 | rub | 1 | -| SAN2 | SUGR-7.22 Сахар | FUTSUGR07220 | rub | 1 | -| CRZ2 | CNY-12.22 Курс Юань - Рубль | FUTCNY122200 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RBU2 | RGBI-9.22 Индекс Государственных облигаций | FUTRGBI09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| REU2 | RSTI-9.22 Российские сети (обыкновенные) | FUTRSTI09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| NlM2 | Nl-6.22 Никель | FUTNL0622000 | rub | 1 | -| LKH2 | LKOH-3.22 Лукойл | FUTLKOH03220 | rub | 1 | -| FVU2 | FIVE-9.22 X5 RetailGroup | FUTFIVE09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| SiM2 | Si-6.22 Курс доллар - рубль | BBG00VHGV1J0 | rub | 1 | -| EuH3 | Eu-3.23 Курс евро - рубль | FUTEU0323000 | rub | 1 | 1. -| VIK2 | RVI-5.22 Волатильность российского рынка | FUTRVI052200 | rub | 1 | -| ALM2 | ALRS-6.22 Алроса | FUTALRS06220 | rub | 1 | -| TNU2 | TRNF-9.22 Транснефть (привилегированные) | FUTTRNF09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| BRJ2 | BR-4.22 Нефть Brent | FUTBR0422000 | rub | 1 | -| BRX2 | BR-11.22 Нефть Brent | FUTBR1122000 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SGU2 | SNGP-9.22 Сургутнефтегаз (привилегированные) | FUTSNGP09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| GZU4 | GAZR-9.24 Газпром | FUTGAZR09240 | rub | 1 | 1. -| MNU2 | MGNT-9.22 Магнит | FUTMGNT09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| GZU2 | GAZR-9.22 Газпром | FUTGAZR09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| SRU2 | SBRF-9.22 Сбер Банк (обыкновенные) | FUTSBRF09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| CFH2 | UCHF-3.22 Курс доллар США - Швейцарский франк | FUTUCHF03220 | rub | 1 | -| PZM2 | PLZL-6.22 Полюс Золото | FUTPLZL06220 | rub | 1 | -| SGH2 | SNGP-3.22 Сургутнефтегаз (привилегированные) | FUTSNGP03220 | rub | 1 | -| ALH2 | ALRS-3.22 Алроса | FUTALRS03220 | rub | 1 | -| NlG2 | Nl-2.22 Никель | FUTNL0222000 | rub | 1 | -| CRM2 | CNY-6.22 Курс Юань - Рубль | FUTCNY062200 | rub | 1 | -| OGU2 | OGI-9.22 Индекс Нефти и газа | FUTOGI092200 | rub | 1 | 1. -| SiH2 | Si-3.22 Курс доллар - рубль | BBG00SF88HL5 | rub | 1 | -| POM2 | POLY-6.22 Polymetal | FUTPOLY06220 | rub | 1 | -| TTZ2 | TATN-12.22 Татнефть | FUTTATN12220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| BRJ3 | BR-4.23 Нефть Brent | FUTBR0423000 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| RLU2 | RUAL-9.22 РУСАЛ | FUTRUAL09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| MAM2 | MMI-6.22 Индекс Металлов и добычи | FUTMMI062200 | rub | 1 | -| RIZ2 | RTS-12.22 Индекс РТС | FUTRTS122200 | rub | 1 | 10. -| BRF3 | BR-1.23 Нефть Brent | FUTBR0123000 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| CSU2 | CNI-9.22 Индекс Потребительского сектора | FUTCNI092200 | rub | 1 | 1. -| NKM2 | NOTK-6.22 Новатэк | FUTNOTK06220 | rub | 1 | -| TTM2 | TATN-6.22 Татнефть | FUTTATN06220 | rub | 1 | -| OGM2 | OGI-6.22 Индекс Нефти и газа | FUTOGI062200 | rub | 1 | 1. -| GZH5 | GAZR-3.25 Газпром | FUTGAZR03250 | rub | 1 | 1. -| SRH3 | SBRF-3.23 Сбер Банк (обыкновенные) | FUTSBRF03230 | rub | 1 | 1. -| GZH3 | GAZR-3.23 Газпром | FUTGAZR03230 | rub | 1 | 1. -| NMM2 | NLMK-6.22 НЛМК | FUTNLMK06220 | rub | 1 | -| PTU2 | PLT-9.22 Платина | FUTPLT092200 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| SRH2 | SBRF-3.22 Сбер Банк (обыкновенные) | FUTSBRF03220 | rub | 1 | -| CoM2 | Co-6.22 Медь | FUTCO0622000 | rub | 1 | -| NGM2 | NG-6.22 Природный газ | FUTNG0622000 | rub | 1 | -| RIH2 | RTS-3.22 Индекс РТС | FUTRTS032200 | rub | 1 | -| MXZ2 | MIX-12.22 Индекс МосБиржи | FUTMIX122200 | rub | 1 | 25. -| GZH2 | GAZR-3.22 Газпром | FUTGAZR03220 | rub | 1 | -| NGH2 | NG-3.22 Природный газ | FUTNG0322000 | rub | 1 | -| PDH2 | PLD-3.22 Палладий | FUTPLD032200 | rub | 1 | -| SFH2 | SPYF-3.22 SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust | FUTSPYF03220 | rub | 1 | -| NMZ2 | NLMK-12.22 НЛМК | FUTNLMK12220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| CRU2 | CNY-9.22 Курс Юань - Рубль | FUTCNY092200 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| SSH2 | SMLT-3.22 ГК Самолет | FUTSMLT03220 | rub | 1 | -| RIZ3 | RTS-12.23 Индекс РТС | FUTRTS122300 | rub | 1 | 10. -| RMM2 | RTSM-6.22 Индекс РТС (мини) | FUTRTSM06220 | rub | 1 | 0.5 -| VBU2 | VTBR-9.22 ВТБ | FUTVTBR09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| MTM2 | MTSI-6.22 МТС | FUTMTSI06220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| MAU2 | MMI-9.22 Индекс Металлов и добычи | FUTMMI092200 | rub | 1 | 1. -| RLH2 | RUAL-3.22 РУСАЛ | FUTRUAL03220 | rub | 1 | -| GKH2 | GMKN-3.22 Норильский никель | FUTGMKN03220 | rub | 1 | -| SOM2 | SIBN-6.22 Газпром нефть | FUTSIBN06220 | rub | 1 | -| EDU2 | ED-9.22 Курс евро - доллар | FUTED0922000 | rub | 1 | 0.0001 -| CAH2 | UCAD-3.22 Курс Доллар США - Канадский доллар | FUTUCAD03220 | rub | 1 | -| HOM2 | HOME-6.22 Индекс московской недвижимости | FUTHOME06220 | rub | 1 | -| BRM2 | BR-6.22 Нефть Brent | FUTBR0622000 | rub | 1 | -| CHM2 | CHMF-6.22 Северсталь | FUTCHMF06220 | rub | 1 | -| GDZ2 | GOLD-12.22 Золото | FUTGOLD12220 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| PIU2 | PIKK-9.22 ПИК | FUTPIKK09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| RIH3 | RTS-3.23 Индекс РТС | FUTRTS032300 | rub | 1 | 10. -| PDZ2 | PLD-12.22 Палладий | FUTPLD122200 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| MCH2 | MTLR-3.22 Мечел (обыкновенные) | FUTMTLR03220 | rub | 1 | -| PTM2 | PLT-6.22 Платина | FUTPLT062200 | rub | 1 | -| EuH2 | Eu-3.22 Курс евро - рубль | BBG00X869ZD4 | rub | 1 | -| PTZ2 | PLT-12.22 Платина | FUTPLT122200 | rub | 1 | 0.1 -| AKM2 | AFKS-6.22 АФК Система (обыкновенные) | FUTAFKS06220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| CoQ2 | Co-8.22 Медь | FUTCO0822000 | rub | 1 | 0.5 -| RTM2 | RTKM-6.22 Ростелеком | FUTRTKM06220 | rub | 1 | -| MXU2 | MIX-9.22 Индекс МосБиржи | FUTMIX092200 | rub | 1 | 25. -| AUH2 | AUDU-3.22 Курс Австралийский доллар - Доллар США | FUTAUDU03220 | rub | 1 | -| MCU2 | MTLR-9.22 Мечел (обыкновенные) | FUTMTLR09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| PIH2 | PIKK-3.22 ПИК | FUTPIKK03220 | rub | 1 | -| SPM2 | SBPR-6.22 Сбер Банк (привилегированные) | FUTSBPR06220 | rub | 1 | -| RIM2 | RTS-6.22 Индекс РТС | FUTRTS062200 | rub | 1 | -| VIH2 | RVI-3.22 Волатильность российского рынка | FUTRVI032200 | rub | 1 | -| EuM3 | Eu-6.23 Курс евро - рубль | FUTEU0623000 | rub | 1 | 1. -| FNU2 | FNI-9.22 Индекс Финансов | FUTFNI092200 | rub | 1 | 1. -| PDM2 | PLD-6.22 Палладий | FUTPLD062200 | rub | 1 | -| GKU2 | GMKN-9.22 Норильский никель | FUTGMKN09220 | rub | 1 | 1. -| SVZ2 | SILV-12.22 Серебро | FUTSILV12220 | rub | 1 | 0.01 -| VBH2 | VTBR-3.22 ВТБ | FUTVTBR03220 | rub | 1 | +| Ticker | Full name | FIGI | Cur | Lot | Step | +|--------------|-----------------------------------------------------------|--------------|-----|---------|------------| +| SFU2 | SPYF-9.22 S&P 500 | FUTSPYF09220 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SGM2 | SNGP-6.22 Сургутнефтегаз (привилегированные) | FUTSNGP06220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| ALZ2 | ALRS-12.22 Алроса | FUTALRS12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| NMM2 | NLMK-6.22 НЛМК | FUTNLMK06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| SNU2 | SNGR-9.22 Сургутнефтегаз (обыкновенные) | FUTSNGR09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| SiM4 | Si-6.24 Курс доллар - рубль | FUTSI0624000 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| NGH2 | NG-3.22 Природный газ | FUTNG0322000 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| MTZ2 | MTSI-12.22 МТС | FUTMTSI12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| VIU2 | RVI-9.22 Волатильность российского рынка | FUTRVI092200 | rub | 1 | 0.05 | +| RBM2 | RGBI-6.22 Индекс Государственных облигаций | FUTRGBI06220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| HYM2 | HYDR-6.22 РусГидро | FUTHYDR06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| VIF2 | RVI-1.22 Волатильность российского рынка | FUTRVI012200 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| PZU2 | PLZL-9.22 Полюс Золото | FUTPLZL09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| AKM2 | AFKS-6.22 АФК Система (обыкновенные) | FUTAFKS06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| DYH2 | DSKY-3.22 Детский мир | FUTDSKY03220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| TTU2 | TATN-9.22 Татнефть | FUTTATN09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| MAU2 | MMI-9.22 Индекс Металлов и добычи | FUTMMI092200 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| RIM3 | RTS-6.23 Индекс РТС | FUTRTS062300 | rub | 1 | 10 | +| AUZ2 | AUDU-12.22 Курс Австралийский доллар - Доллар США | FUTAUDU12220 | rub | 1 | 0.0001 | +| NlJ2 | Nl-4.22 Никель | FUTNL0422000 | rub | 1 | 5 | +| MMU4 | MXI-9.24 Индекс МосБиржи (мини) | FUTMXI092400 | rub | 1 | 0.05 | +| MCH2 | MTLR-3.22 Мечел (обыкновенные) | FUTMTLR03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| LKM2 | LKOH-6.22 Лукойл | FUTLKOH06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| AFH2 | AFLT-3.22 Аэрофлот | FUTAFLT03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| GKZ2 | GMKN-12.22 Норильский никель | FUTGMKN12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| CoK2 | Co-5.22 Медь | FUTCO0522000 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| SPM2 | SBPR-6.22 Сбер Банк (привилегированные) | FUTSBPR06220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| GZM3 | GAZR-6.23 Газпром | FUTGAZR06230 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| SOM2 | SIBN-6.22 Газпром нефть | FUTSIBN06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| AFM2 | AFLT-6.22 Аэрофлот | FUTAFLT06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| PZM2 | PLZL-6.22 Полюс Золото | FUTPLZL06220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| CHU2 | CHMF-9.22 Северсталь | FUTCHMF09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| MXH2 | MIX-3.22 Индекс МосБиржи | FUTMIX032200 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| MMM3 | MXI-6.23 Индекс МосБиржи (мини) | FUTMXI062300 | rub | 1 | 0.05 | +| AKU2 | AFKS-9.22 АФК Система | FUTAFKS09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| MCZ2 | MTLR-12.22 Мечел | FUTMTLR12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| NlU2 | Nl-9.22 Никель | FUTNL0922000 | rub | 1 | 5 | +| BRF3 | BR-1.23 Нефть Brent | FUTBR0123000 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SiH4 | Si-3.24 Курс доллар - рубль | FUTSI0324000 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| NGG2 | NG-2.22 Природный газ | FUTNG0222000 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| VIQ2 | RVI-8.22 Волатильность российского рынка | FUTRVI082200 | rub | 1 | 0.05 | +| PIH2 | PIKK-3.22 ПИК | FUTPIKK03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| PIU2 | PIKK-9.22 ПИК | FUTPIKK09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| SVZ2 | SILV-12.22 Серебро | FUTSILV12220 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| VBU2 | VTBR-9.22 ВТБ | FUTVTBR09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| AUU2 | AUDU-9.22 Курс Австралийский доллар - Доллар США | FUTAUDU09220 | rub | 1 | 0.0001 | +| POU2 | POLY-9.22 Polymetal | FUTPOLY09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| GUH2 | GBPU-3.22 Курс Фунт стерлингов - Доллар | FUTGBPU03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| NlQ2 | Nl-8.22 Никель | FUTNL0822000 | rub | 1 | 5 | +| RNH5 | ROSN-3.25 Роснефть | FUTROSN03250 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| MMZ4 | MXI-12.24 Индекс МосБиржи (мини) | FUTMXI122400 | rub | 1 | 0.05 | +| TNM2 | TRNF-6.22 Транснефть (привилегированные) | FUTTRNF06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| RIM2 | RTS-6.22 Индекс РТС | FUTRTS062200 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| RNU5 | ROSN-9.25 Роснефть | FUTROSN09250 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| BRV2 | BR-10.22 Нефть Brent | FUTBR1022000 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RTZ2 | RTKM-12.22 Ростелеком | FUTRTKM12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| BRH2 | BR-3.22 Нефть Brent | FUTBR0322000 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| AKZ2 | AFKS-12.22 АФК Система | FUTAFKS12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| EuU3 | Eu-9.23 Курс евро - рубль | FUTEU0923000 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| MEZ2 | MOEX-12.22 Московская биржа | FUTMOEX12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| MLM2 | MAIL-6.22 VK | FUTMAIL06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| OGZ2 | OGI-12.22 Индекс Нефти и газа | FUTOGI122200 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| GDM2 | GOLD-6.22 Золото | FUTGOLD06220 | rub | 1 | 0.1 | +| NKU2 | NOTK-9.22 Новатэк | FUTNOTK09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| EuZ3 | Eu-12.23 Курс евро - рубль | FUTEU1223000 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| SRZ2 | SBRF-12.22 Сбер Банк (обыкновенные) | FUTSBRF12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| VBZ2 | VTBR-12.22 ВТБ | FUTVTBR12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| SVM3 | SILV-6.23 Серебро | FUTSILV06230 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| MNU2 | MGNT-9.22 Магнит | FUTMGNT09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| NMZ2 | NLMK-12.22 НЛМК | FUTNLMK12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| MXM3 | MIX-6.23 Индекс МосБиржи | FUTMIX062300 | rub | 1 | 25 | +| OZU2 | OZON-9.22 Озон | FUTOZON09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| BRX2 | BR-11.22 Нефть Brent | FUTBR1122000 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RNM3 | ROSN-6.23 Роснефть | FUTROSN06230 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| YNU2 | YNDF-9.22 Яндекс | FUTYNDF09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| RTH2 | RTKM-3.22 Ростелеком | FUTRTKM03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| GUZ2 | GBPU-12.22 Курс Фунт стерлингов - Доллар | FUTGBPU12220 | rub | 1 | 0.0001 | +| PTH3 | PLT-3.23 Платина | FUTPLT032300 | rub | 1 | 0.1 | +| SSH2 | SMLT-3.22 ГК Самолет | FUTSMLT03220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| SNM2 | SNGR-6.22 Сургутнефтегаз | FUTSNGR06220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| SFM3 | SPYF-6.23 S&P 500 | FUTSPYF06230 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| RIU3 | RTS-9.23 Индекс РТС | FUTRTS092300 | rub | 1 | 10 | +| SSM2 | SMLT-6.22 ГК Самолет | FUTSMLT06220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| BRM3 | BR-6.23 Нефть Brent | FUTBR0623000 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| GZH5 | GAZR-3.25 Газпром | FUTGAZR03250 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| GKM2 | GMKN-6.22 Норильский никель | FUTGMKN06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| GZM4 | GAZR-6.24 Газпром | FUTGAZR06240 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| MTU2 | MTSI-9.22 МТС | FUTMTSI09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| GDZ2 | GOLD-12.22 Золото | FUTGOLD12220 | rub | 1 | 0.1 | +| REU2 | RSTI-9.22 Российские сети | FUTRSTI09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| EuH2 | Eu-3.22 Курс евро - рубль | BBG00X869ZD4 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| NGQ2 | NG-8.22 Природный газ | FUTNG0822000 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| HYU2 | HYDR-9.22 РусГидро | FUTHYDR09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| GDM3 | GOLD-6.23 Золото | FUTGOLD06230 | rub | 1 | 0.1 | +| MMU2 | MXI-9.22 Индекс МосБиржи (мини) | FUTMXI092200 | rub | 1 | 0.05 | +| SVM2 | SILV-6.22 Серебро | FUTSILV06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| CHZ2 | CHMF-12.22 Северсталь | FUTCHMF12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| MLU2 | MAIL-9.22 VK | FUTMAIL09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| BRJ2 | BR-4.22 Нефть Brent | FUTBR0422000 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| RSU2 | RTSS-9.22 Индекс голубых фишек | FUTRTSS09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| BRG2 | BR-2.22 Нефть Brent | FUTBR0222000 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| MGU2 | MAGN-9.22 ММК | FUTMAGN09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| SPH2 | SBPR-3.22 Сбер Банк (привилегированные) | FUTSBPR03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| USDRUBF | USDRUBF Доллар - Рубль | FUTUSDRUBF00 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| EURRUBF | EURRUBF Евро - Рубль | FUTEURRUBF00 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| MMU5 | MXI-9.25 Индекс МосБиржи (мини) | FUTMXI092500 | rub | 1 | 0.05 | +| MNZ2 | MGNT-12.22 Магнит | FUTMGNT12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| MMH5 | MXI-3.25 Индекс МосБиржи (мини) | FUTMXI032500 | rub | 1 | 0.05 | +| NAM3 | NASD-6.23 Nasdaq 100 | FUTNASD06230 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| RNU4 | ROSN-9.24 Роснефть | FUTROSN09240 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| LKM3 | LKOH-6.23 Лукойл | FUTLKOH06230 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| VIM2 | RVI-6.22 Волатильность российского рынка | FUTRVI062200 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| RNZ2 | ROSN-12.22 Роснефть | FUTROSN12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| MMZ2 | MXI-12.22 Индекс МосБиржи (мини) | FUTMXI122200 | rub | 1 | 0.05 | +| JPH2 | UJPY-3.22 Курс доллар США - Японская йена | FUTUJPY03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| AUM2 | AUDU-6.22 Курс Австралийский доллар - Доллар США | FUTAUDU06220 | rub | 1 | 0.0001 | +| SFM2 | SPYF-6.22 SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust | FUTSPYF06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| RIM4 | RTS-6.24 Индекс РТС | FUTRTS062400 | rub | 1 | 10 | +| MMM2 | MXI-6.22 Индекс МосБиржи (мини) | FUTMXI062200 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| NAU3 | NASD-9.23 Nasdaq 100 | FUTNASD09230 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| CAH2 | UCAD-3.22 Курс Доллар США - Канадский доллар | FUTUCAD03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| ALU2 | ALRS-9.22 Алроса | FUTALRS09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| CHM2 | CHMF-6.22 Северсталь | FUTCHMF06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| W4U2 | WHEAT-9.22 Индекс Пшеницы | FUTWHEA09220 | rub | 1 | 10 | +| LKZ2 | LKOH-12.22 Лукойл | FUTLKOH12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| NAZ2 | NASD-12.22 Nasdaq 100 | FUTNASD12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| YNM2 | YNDF-6.22 Яндекс | FUTYNDF06220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| MTM2 | MTSI-6.22 МТС | FUTMTSI06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| CSZ2 | CNI-12.22 Индекс Потребительского сектора | FUTCNI122200 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| PTU2 | PLT-9.22 Платина | FUTPLT092200 | rub | 1 | 0.1 | +| RLZ2 | RUAL-12.22 РУСАЛ | FUTRUAL12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| PHU2 | PHOR-9.22 ФосАгро | FUTPHOR09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| CAU2 | UCAD-9.22 Курс Доллар США - Канадский доллар | FUTUCAD09220 | rub | 1 | 0.0001 | +| GUM2 | GBPU-6.22 Курс Фунт стерлингов - Доллар | FUTGBPU06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| IRH2 | IRAO-3.22 Интер РАО ЕЭС | FUTIRAO03220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| SAN2 | SUGR-7.22 Сахар | FUTSUGR07220 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| CoN2 | Co-7.22 Медь | FUTCO0722000 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| YNH2 | YNDF-3.22 Яндекс | FUTYNDF03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| RIZ2 | RTS-12.22 Индекс РТС | FUTRTS122200 | rub | 1 | 10 | +| RNZ4 | ROSN-12.24 Роснефть | FUTROSN12240 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| MNH2 | MGNT-3.22 Магнит | FUTMGNT03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| PDH3 | PLD-3.23 Палладий | FUTPLD032300 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| PTM2 | PLT-6.22 Платина | FUTPLT062200 | rub | 1 | 0.1 | +| RIZ3 | RTS-12.23 Индекс РТС | FUTRTS122300 | rub | 1 | 10 | +| SRH3 | SBRF-3.23 Сбер Банк (обыкновенные) | FUTSBRF03230 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| MEM2 | MOEX-6.22 Московская биржа | FUTMOEX06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| SiH3 | Si-3.23 Курс доллар - рубль | FUTSI0323000 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| FSM2 | FEES-6.22 ФСК ЕЭС | FUTFEES06220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| SRM2 | SBRF-6.22 Сбер Банк (обыкновенные) | FUTSBRF06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| FNU2 | FNI-9.22 Индекс Финансов | FUTFNI092200 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| LKH2 | LKOH-3.22 Лукойл | FUTLKOH03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| SNH2 | SNGR-3.22 Сургутнефтегаз | FUTSNGR03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| EDH2 | ED-3.22 Курс евро - доллар | FUTED0322000 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| PHM2 | PHOR-6.22 ФосАгро | FUTPHOR06220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| RMH2 | RTSM-3.22 Индекс РТС (мини) | FUTRTSM03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| EDH3 | ED-3.23 Курс евро-доллар | FUTED0323000 | rub | 1 | 0.0001 | +| CFH2 | UCHF-3.22 Курс доллар США - Швейцарский франк | FUTUCHF03220 | rub | 1 | 0.0001 | +| GDH3 | GOLD-3.23 Золото | FUTGOLD03230 | rub | 1 | 0.1 | +| CAM2 | UCAD-6.22 Курс Доллар США - Канадский доллар | FUTUCAD06220 | rub | 1 | 0.0001 | +| VIK2 | RVI-5.22 Волатильность российского рынка | FUTRVI052200 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| W4V2 | WHEAT-10.22 Индекс Пшеницы | FUTWHEA10220 | rub | 1 | 10 | +| GZH3 | GAZR-3.23 Газпром | FUTGAZR03230 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| CSU2 | CNI-9.22 Индекс Потребительского сектора | FUTCNI092200 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| TTM2 | TATN-6.22 Татнефть | FUTTATN06220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| MXZ2 | MIX-12.22 Индекс МосБиржи | FUTMIX122200 | rub | 1 | 25 | +| YNZ2 | YNDF-12.22 Яндекс | FUTYNDF12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| RMM3 | RTSM-6.23 Индекс РТС (мини) | FUTRTSM06230 | rub | 1 | 0.5 | +| RNM4 | ROSN-6.24 Роснефть | FUTROSN06240 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| DYZ2 | DSKY-12.22 Детский мир | FUTDSKY12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| HOH2 | HOME-3.22 Индекс московской недвижимости | FUTHOME03220 | rub | 1 | 10 | +| SRM3 | SBRF-6.23 Сбер Банк (обыкновенные) | FUTSBRF06230 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| EuM2 | Eu-6.22 Курс евро - рубль | BBG00YHPF166 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| EDU2 | ED-9.22 Курс евро - доллар | FUTED0922000 | rub | 1 | 0.0001 | +| PHZ2 | PHOR-12.22 ФосАгро | FUTPHOR12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| OGU2 | OGI-9.22 Индекс Нефти и газа | FUTOGI092200 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| REZ2 | RSTI-12.22 Российские сети | FUTRSTI12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| BRJ3 | BR-4.23 Нефть Brent | FUTBR0423000 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| AFU2 | AFLT-9.22 Аэрофлот | FUTAFLT09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| RNU2 | ROSN-9.22 Роснефть | FUTROSN09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| NGV2 | NG-10.22 Природный газ | FUTNG1022000 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| SGZ2 | SNGP-12.22 Сургутнефтегаз (привилегированные) | FUTSNGP12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| RLH2 | RUAL-3.22 РУСАЛ | FUTRUAL03220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| FVZ2 | FIVE-12.22 X5 RetailGroup | FUTFIVE12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| IRZ2 | IRAO-12.22 Интер РАО ЕЭС | FUTIRAO12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| RLU2 | RUAL-9.22 РУСАЛ | FUTRUAL09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| MEU2 | MOEX-9.22 Московская биржа | FUTMOEX09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| TTH2 | TATN-3.22 Татнефть | FUTTATN03220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| ALM2 | ALRS-6.22 Алроса | FUTALRS06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| REM2 | RSTI-6.22 Российские сети (обыкновенные) | FUTRSTI06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| SOU2 | SIBN-9.22 Газпром нефть | FUTSIBN09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| RNM2 | ROSN-6.22 Роснефть | FUTROSN06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| GZH2 | GAZR-3.22 Газпром | FUTGAZR03220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| SRU2 | SBRF-9.22 Сбер Банк (обыкновенные) | FUTSBRF09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| EuH3 | Eu-3.23 Курс евро - рубль | FUTEU0323000 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| LKH3 | LKOH-3.23 Лукойл | FUTLKOH03230 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| RIU2 | RTS-9.22 Индекс РТС | FUTRTS092200 | rub | 1 | 10 | +| NAH3 | NASD-3.23 Nasdaq 100 | FUTNASD03230 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| PDM2 | PLD-6.22 Палладий | FUTPLD062200 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| MCU2 | MTLR-9.22 Мечел | FUTMTLR09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| VIG2 | RVI-2.22 Волатильность российского рынка | FUTRVI022200 | rub | 1 | 0.05 | +| NlG2 | Nl-2.22 Никель | FUTNL0222000 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| POZ2 | POLY-12.22 Polymetal | FUTPOLY12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| GKU2 | GMKN-9.22 Норильский никель | FUTGMKN09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| PTZ2 | PLT-12.22 Платина | FUTPLT122200 | rub | 1 | 0.1 | +| MGM2 | MAGN-6.22 ММК | FUTMAGN06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| LKU2 | LKOH-9.22 Лукойл | FUTLKOH09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| NlV2 | Nl-10.22 Никель | FUTNL1022000 | rub | 1 | 5 | +| EuM3 | Eu-6.23 Курс евро - рубль | FUTEU0623000 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| SSU2 | SMLT-9.22 ГК Самолет | FUTSMLT09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| SFH3 | SPYF-3.23 S&P 500 | FUTSPYF03230 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| PDZ2 | PLD-12.22 Палладий | FUTPLD122200 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| NGF3 | NG-1.23 Природный газ | FUTNG0123000 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| CAZ2 | UCAD-12.22 Курс Доллар США - Канадский доллар | FUTUCAD12220 | rub | 1 | 0.0001 | +| JPM2 | UJPY-6.22 Курс доллар США - Японская йена | FUTUJPY06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| TTZ2 | TATN-12.22 Татнефть | FUTTATN12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| RSM2 | RTSS-6.22 Индекс голубых фишек | FUTRTSS06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| SiH2 | Si-3.22 Курс доллар - рубль | BBG00SF88HL5 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| IRM2 | IRAO-6.22 Интер РАО ЕЭС | FUTIRAO06220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| DYU2 | DSKY-9.22 Детский мир | FUTDSKY09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| MMH3 | MXI-3.23 Индекс МосБиржи (мини) | FUTMXI032300 | rub | 1 | 0.05 | +| NMH2 | NLMK-3.22 НЛМК | FUTNLMK03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| NlH2 | Nl-3.22 Никель | FUTNL0322000 | rub | 1 | 5 | +| SiZ3 | Si-12.23 Курс доллар - рубль | FUTSI1223000 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| MLH2 | MAIL-3.22 VK | FUTMAIL03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| RMU2 | RTSM-9.22 Индекс РТС (мини) | FUTRTSM09220 | rub | 1 | 0.5 | +| AFZ2 | AFLT-12.22 Аэрофлот | FUTAFLT12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| SFH2 | SPYF-3.22 SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust | FUTSPYF03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| EuZ2 | Eu-12.22 Курс евро - рубль | FUTEU1222000 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| CNYRUBF | CNYRUBF Юань - Рубль | FUTCNYRUBF00 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| HOZ2 | HOME-12.22 Индекс московской недвижимости | FUTHOME12220 | rub | 1 | 10 | +| RNH2 | ROSN-3.22 Роснефть | FUTROSN03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| RIH4 | RTS-3.24 Индекс РТС | FUTRTS032400 | rub | 1 | 10 | +| IRU2 | IRAO-9.22 Интер РАО ЕЭС | FUTIRAO09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| HOU2 | HOME-9.22 Индекс московской недвижимости | FUTHOME09220 | rub | 1 | 10 | +| NGJ2 | NG-4.22 Природный газ | FUTNG0422000 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| SFZ2 | SPYF-12.22 S&P 500 | FUTSPYF12220 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SiM3 | Si-6.23 Курс доллар - рубль | FUTSI0623000 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| MEH2 | MOEX-3.22 Московская биржа | FUTMOEX03220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| MMM4 | MXI-6.24 Индекс МосБиржи (мини) | FUTMXI062400 | rub | 1 | 0.05 | +| MGH2 | MAGN-3.22 ММК | FUTMAGN03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| HOM2 | HOME-6.22 Индекс московской недвижимости | FUTHOME06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| FNZ2 | FNI-12.22 Индекс Финансов | FUTFNI122200 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| SiU2 | Si-9.22 Курс доллар - рубль | BBG00X86FJ70 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| REH2 | RSTI-3.22 Российские сети (обыкновенные) | FUTRSTI03220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| NKZ2 | NOTK-12.22 Новатэк | FUTNOTK12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| FSZ2 | FEES-12.22 ФСК ЕЭС | FUTFEES12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| W4X2 | WHEAT-11.22 Индекс Пшеницы | FUTWHEA11220 | rub | 1 | 10 | +| SPZ2 | SBPR-12.22 Сбер Банк (привилегированные) | FUTSBPR12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| BRN2 | BR-7.22 Нефть Brent | FUTBR0722000 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| EDZ2 | ED-12.22 Курс евро-доллар | FUTED1222000 | rub | 1 | 0.0001 | +| NlK2 | Nl-5.22 Никель | FUTNL0522000 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| NGK2 | NG-5.22 Природный газ | FUTNG0522000 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| SPU2 | SBPR-9.22 Сбер Банк (привилегированные) | FUTSBPR09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| RTU2 | RTKM-9.22 Ростелеком | FUTRTKM09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| AUH2 | AUDU-3.22 Курс Австралийский доллар - Доллар США | FUTAUDU03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| CoM2 | Co-6.22 Медь | FUTCO0622000 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| TNZ2 | TRNF-12.22 Транснефть (привилегированные) | FUTTRNF12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| FSH2 | FEES-3.22 ФСК ЕЭС | FUTFEES03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| PDH2 | PLD-3.22 Палладий | FUTPLD032200 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| NMU2 | NLMK-9.22 НЛМК | FUTNLMK09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| BRK3 | BR-5.23 Нефть Brent | FUTBR0523000 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SiZ2 | Si-12.22 Курс доллар - рубль | BBG00YHPF1H4 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| FVM2 | FIVE-6.22 X5 RetailGroup | FUTFIVE06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| NGU2 | NG-9.22 Природный газ | FUTNG0922000 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| RTM2 | RTKM-6.22 Ростелеком | FUTRTKM06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| OZM2 | OZON-6.22 Озон | FUTOZON06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| CSM2 | CNI-6.22 Индекс Потребительского сектора | FUTCNI062200 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| SiU3 | Si-9.23 Курс доллар - рубль | FUTSI0923000 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| VBM2 | VTBR-6.22 ВТБ | FUTVTBR06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| MXU2 | MIX-9.22 Индекс МосБиржи | FUTMIX092200 | rub | 1 | 25 | +| GZU5 | GAZR-9.25 Газпром | FUTGAZR09250 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| GDU2 | GOLD-9.22 Золото | FUTGOLD09220 | rub | 1 | 0.1 | +| DYM2 | DSKY-6.22 Детский мир | FUTDSKY06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| POH2 | POLY-3.22 Polymetal | FUTPOLY03220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| SSZ2 | SMLT-12.22 ГК Самолет | FUTSMLT12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| CoU2 | Co-9.22 Медь | FUTCO0922000 | rub | 1 | 0.5 | +| NlM2 | Nl-6.22 Никель | FUTNL0622000 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| NKM2 | NOTK-6.22 Новатэк | FUTNOTK06220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| MMH2 | MXI-3.22 Индекс МосБиржи (мини) | FUTMXI032200 | rub | 1 | 0.05 | +| MGZ2 | MAGN-12.22 ММК | FUTMAGN12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| CYM2 | CY-6.22 Курс Юань - Рубль | FUTCY0622000 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| SVU2 | SILV-9.22 Серебро | FUTSILV09220 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SAV2 | SUGR-10.22 Сахар | FUTSUGR10220 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| NGN2 | NG-7.22 Природный газ | FUTNG0722000 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| ALH2 | ALRS-3.22 Алроса | FUTALRS03220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| VIN2 | RVI-7.22 Волатильность российского рынка | FUTRVI072200 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| GKH2 | GMKN-3.22 Норильский никель | FUTGMKN03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| SOZ2 | SIBN-12.22 Газпром нефть | FUTSIBN12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| OZH2 | OZON-3.22 Озон | FUTOZON03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| SRH2 | SBRF-3.22 Сбер Банк (обыкновенные) | FUTSBRF03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| BRG3 | BR-2.23 Нефть Brent | FUTBR0223000 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| NGX2 | NG-11.22 Природный газ | FUTNG1122000 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| PTH2 | PLT-3.22 Платина | FUTPLT032200 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| SAH3 | SUGR-3.23 Сахар | FUTSUGR03230 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| EuU2 | Eu-9.22 Курс евро - рубль | BBG00ZMKXM17 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| HYH2 | HYDR-3.22 РусГидро | FUTHYDR03220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| EDM2 | ED-6.22 Курс евро - доллар | FUTED0622000 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| MNM2 | MGNT-6.22 Магнит | FUTMGNT06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| OZZ2 | OZON-12.22 Озон | FUTOZON12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| BRQ2 | BR-8.22 Нефть Brent | FUTBR0822000 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| BRK2 | BR-5.22 Нефть Brent | FUTBR0522000 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| SNZ2 | SNGR-12.22 Сургутнефтегаз (обыкновенные) | FUTSNGR12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| FVU2 | FIVE-9.22 X5 RetailGroup | FUTFIVE09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| BRN3 | BR-7.23 Нефть Brent | FUTBR0723000 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| NGM2 | NG-6.22 Природный газ | FUTNG0622000 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| PHH2 | PHOR-3.22 ФосАгро | FUTPHOR03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| CoQ2 | Co-8.22 Медь | FUTCO0822000 | rub | 1 | 0.5 | +| GZU2 | GAZR-9.22 Газпром | FUTGAZR09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| SOH2 | SIBN-3.22 Газпром нефть | FUTSIBN03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| SGH2 | SNGP-3.22 Сургутнефтегаз (привилегированные) | FUTSNGP03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| RNH3 | ROSN-3.23 Роснефть | FUTROSN03230 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| CRZ2 | CNY-12.22 Курс Юань - Рубль | FUTCNY122200 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| W4Z2 | WHEAT-12.22 Индекс Пшеницы | FUTWHEA12220 | rub | 1 | 10 | +| FNM2 | FNI-6.22 Индекс Финансов | FUTFNI062200 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| NlN2 | Nl-7.22 Никель | FUTNL0722000 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| POM2 | POLY-6.22 Polymetal | FUTPOLY06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| MXM2 | MIX-6.22 Индекс МосБиржи | FUTMIX062200 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| MTH2 | MTSI-3.22 МТС | FUTMTSI03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| BRZ2 | BR-12.22 Нефть Brent | FUTBR1222000 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| VIJ2 | RVI-4.22 Волатильность российского рынка | FUTRVI042200 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| NGZ2 | NG-12.22 Природный газ | FUTNG1222000 | rub | 1 | 0.001 | +| MCM2 | MTLR-6.22 Мечел (обыкновенные) | FUTMTLR06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| SAK2 | SUGR-5.22 Сахар | FUTSUGR05220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| RIH3 | RTS-3.23 Индекс РТС | FUTRTS032300 | rub | 1 | 10 | +| CRU2 | CNY-9.22 Курс Юань - Рубль | FUTCNY092200 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| CoV2 | Co-10.22 Медь | FUTCO1022000 | rub | 1 | 0.5 | +| CFM2 | UCHF-6.22 Курс доллар США - Швейцарский франк | FUTUCHF06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| SGU2 | SNGP-9.22 Сургутнефтегаз (привилегированные) | FUTSNGP09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| MAM2 | MMI-6.22 Индекс Металлов и добычи | FUTMMI062200 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| RMZ2 | RTSM-12.22 Индекс РТС (мини) | FUTRTSM12220 | rub | 1 | 0.5 | +| RIH2 | RTS-3.22 Индекс РТС | FUTRTS032200 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| BRU2 | BR-9.22 Нефть Brent | FUTBR0922000 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| PIM2 | PIKK-6.22 ПИК | FUTPIKK06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| GZM2 | GAZR-6.22 Газпром | FUTGAZR06220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| SAH2 | SUGR-3.22 Сахар | FUTSUGR03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| CRM2 | CNY-6.22 Курс Юань - Рубль | FUTCNY062200 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| NGF2 | NG-1.22 Природный газ | FUTNG0122000 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| RLM2 | RUAL-6.22 РУСАЛ | FUTRUAL06220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| OGM2 | OGI-6.22 Индекс Нефти и газа | FUTOGI062200 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| MLZ2 | MAIL-12.22 VK | FUTMAIL12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| GZZ4 | GAZR-12.24 Газпром | FUTGAZR12240 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| AKH2 | AFKS-3.22 АФК Система - обыкновенные акции | FUTAFKS03220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| GZZ2 | GAZR-12.22 Газпром | FUTGAZR12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| PZH2 | PLZL-3.22 Полюс Золото | FUTPLZL03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| GDH2 | GOLD-3.22 Золото | FUTGOLD03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| BRH3 | BR-3.23 Нефть Brent | FUTBR0323000 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| PDU2 | PLD-9.22 Палладий | FUTPLD092200 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| FSU2 | FEES-9.22 ФСК ЕЭС | FUTFEES09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| TNU2 | TRNF-9.22 Транснефть (привилегированные) | FUTTRNF09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| GZU4 | GAZR-9.24 Газпром | FUTGAZR09240 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| PIZ2 | PIKK-12.22 ПИК | FUTPIKK12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| HYZ2 | HYDR-12.22 РусГидро | FUTHYDR12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| SVH2 | SILV-3.22 Серебро | FUTSILV03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| VBH2 | VTBR-3.22 ВТБ | FUTVTBR03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| RMH3 | RTSM-3.23 Индекс РТС (мини) | FUTRTSM03230 | rub | 1 | 0.5 | +| RMM2 | RTSM-6.22 Индекс РТС (мини) | FUTRTSM06220 | rub | 1 | 0.5 | +| RBU2 | RGBI-9.22 Индекс Государственных облигаций | FUTRGBI09220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| MAZ2 | MMI-12.22 Индекс Металлов и добычи | FUTMMI122200 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| VIH2 | RVI-3.22 Волатильность российского рынка | FUTRVI032200 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| SVH3 | SILV-3.23 Серебро | FUTSILV03230 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| PZZ2 | PLZL-12.22 Полюс Золото | FUTPLZL12220 | rub | 1 | 1 | +| FVH2 | FIVE-3.22 X5 RetailGroup | FUTFIVE03220 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| MXH3 | MIX-3.23 Индекс МосБиржи | FUTMIX032300 | rub | 1 | 25 | +| BRM2 | BR-6.22 Нефть Brent | FUTBR0622000 | rub | 1 | 0.01 | +| SiM2 | Si-6.22 Курс доллар - рубль | BBG00VHGV1J0 | rub | 1 | 0 | +| GUU2 | GBPU-9.22 Курс Фунт стерлингов - Доллар | FUTGBPU09220 | rub | 1 | 0.0001 | diff --git a/tests/test_TKSBrokerAPI.py b/tests/test_TKSBrokerAPI.py index 99bb2b1..3ae087a 100644 --- a/tests/test_TKSBrokerAPI.py +++ b/tests/test_TKSBrokerAPI.py @@ -82,49 +82,50 @@ def test_GetDatesAsStringCheckType(self): assert isinstance(result[1], str), "Not str type in second parameter returned!" def test_GetDatesAsStringPositive(self): - now = datetime.now(tzutc()) + now = datetime.now(tzutc()).replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) + end = now.replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59, microsecond=0) delta = timedelta(seconds=1) # diff between expected and actual results must be less than this value testData = [ (None, None, ( - now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0, tzinfo=tzutc()), now, + end, )), ("today", None, ( - now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0, tzinfo=tzutc()), now, + end, )), ("yesterday", None, ( - now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) - timedelta(days=1), - now.replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59, microsecond=0) - timedelta(days=1), + now - timedelta(days=1), + end - timedelta(days=1), )), ("week", None, ( - now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) - timedelta(days=7), - now, + now - timedelta(days=6), + end, )), ("month", None, ( - now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) - timedelta(days=30), - now, + now - timedelta(days=29), + end, )), ("year", None, ( - now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) - timedelta(days=365), - now, + now - timedelta(days=364), + end, )), ("-1", None, ( - now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) - timedelta(days=1), - now, + now - timedelta(days=0), + end, )), ("-2", None, ( - now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) - timedelta(days=2), - now, + now - timedelta(days=1), + end, )), ("-365", None, ( - now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) - timedelta(days=365), - now, + now - timedelta(days=364), + end, )), ("2020-02-20", None, ( datetime.strptime("2020-02-20", "%Y-%m-%d").replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0, tzinfo=tzutc()), - now, + end, )), ("2020-02-20", "2022-02-22", ( datetime.strptime("2020-02-20", "%Y-%m-%d").replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0, tzinfo=tzutc()), @@ -154,10 +155,9 @@ def test_GetDatesAsStringPositive(self): def test_ConsistentOfVariablesNames(self): mainVarNames = [ - "token", "iList", "accountId", - "aliases", "ticker", "figi", "depth", "server", "timeout", "headers", "body", "iList", - "historyLength", "historyInterval", - "instrumentsFile", "pricesFile", "overviewFile", "reportFile", "historyFile", + "token", "accountId", "iList", + "aliases", "aliasesKeys", "ticker", "figi", "depth", "server", "timeout", "headers", "body", + "historyFile", "instrumentsFile", "searchResultsFile", "pricesFile", "overviewFile", "reportFile", "iListDumpFile", ] actualNames = dir(self.server) @@ -234,11 +234,11 @@ def test_SearchByTickerCheckType(self): def test_SearchByTickerPositive(self): testData = [ # tickers and their corresponding instruments: - ("IBM", {"figi": "BBG000BLNNH6", "ticker": "IBM", "classCode": "SPBXM", "isin": "US4592001014", "lot": 1, "currency": "usd", "klong": {"units": "2", "nano": 0}, "kshort": {"units": "2", "nano": 0}, "dlong": {"units": "0", "nano": 500000000}, "dshort": {"units": "0", "nano": 500000000}, "dlongMin": {"units": "0", "nano": 292900000}, "dshortMin": {"units": "0", "nano": 224700000}, "shortEnabledFlag": False, "name": "IBM", "exchange": "SPB", "ipoDate": "1915-11-11T00:00:00Z", "issueSize": "896320073", "countryOfRisk": "US", "countryOfRiskName": "Соединенные Штаты Америки", "sector": "it", "issueSizePlan": "4687500000", "nominal": {"currency": "usd", "units": "0", "nano": 200000000}, "tradingStatus": "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_NORMAL_TRADING", "otcFlag": False, "buyAvailableFlag": True, "sellAvailableFlag": True, "divYieldFlag": True, "shareType": "SHARE_TYPE_COMMON", "minPriceIncrement": {"units": "0", "nano": 10000000}, "apiTradeAvailableFlag": True, "uid": "ca370ca5-e42b-44e4-a0a5-daf5e51d02a7", "realExchange": "REAL_EXCHANGE_RTS", "positionUid": "b70a8cfc-90c1-4a66-8c39-f6239705b2fe", "forIisFlag": True, "first1minCandleDate": "2018-01-23T08:51:00Z", "first1dayCandleDate": "1988-09-12T00:00:00Z", "type": "Shares", "step": 0.01}), - ("YNDX", {"figi": "BBG006L8G4H1", "ticker": "YNDX", "classCode": "TQBR", "isin": "NL0009805522", "lot": 1, "currency": "rub", "klong": {"units": "2", "nano": 0}, "kshort": {"units": "2", "nano": 0}, "dlong": {"units": "0", "nano": 521100000}, "dshort": {"units": "0", "nano": 635900000}, "dlongMin": {"units": "0", "nano": 308000000}, "dshortMin": {"units": "0", "nano": 279000000}, "shortEnabledFlag": True, "name": "Yandex", "exchange": "MOEX_WEEKEND", "ipoDate": "2011-05-24T00:00:00Z", "issueSize": "323800479", "countryOfRisk": "RU", "countryOfRiskName": "Российская Федерация", "sector": "telecom", "issueSizePlan": "0", "nominal": {"currency": "eur", "units": "0", "nano": 10000000}, "tradingStatus": "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_BREAK_IN_TRADING", "otcFlag": False, "buyAvailableFlag": True, "sellAvailableFlag": True, "divYieldFlag": False, "shareType": "SHARE_TYPE_COMMON", "minPriceIncrement": {"units": "0", "nano": 200000000}, "apiTradeAvailableFlag": True, "uid": "10e17a87-3bce-4a1f-9dfc-720396f98a3c", "realExchange": 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'2018-03-07T16:16:00Z', 'first1dayCandleDate': '2000-05-16T00:00:00Z', 'type': 'Currencies', 'step': 0.0025}), + ("RU000A101YV8", {'figi': 'TCS00A101YV8', 'ticker': 'RU000A101YV8', 'classCode': 'TQCB', 'isin': 'RU000A101YV8', 'lot': 1, 'currency': 'rub', 'shortEnabledFlag': False, 'name': 'Позитив Текнолоджиз выпуск 1', 'exchange': 'MOEX_PLUS', 'couponQuantityPerYear': 4, 'maturityDate': '2023-07-26T00:00:00Z', 'nominal': {'currency': 'rub', 'units': '1000', 'nano': 0}, 'stateRegDate': '2020-07-21T00:00:00Z', 'placementDate': '2020-07-29T00:00:00Z', 'placementPrice': {'currency': 'rub', 'units': '1000', 'nano': 0}, 'aciValue': {'currency': 'rub', 'units': '13', 'nano': 550000000}, 'countryOfRisk': 'RU', 'countryOfRiskName': 'Российская Федерация', 'sector': 'it', 'issueKind': 'non_documentary', 'issueSize': '500000', 'issueSizePlan': '500000', 'tradingStatus': 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_NORMAL_TRADING', 'otcFlag': False, 'buyAvailableFlag': True, 'sellAvailableFlag': True, 'floatingCouponFlag': False, 'perpetualFlag': False, 'amortizationFlag': True, 'minPriceIncrement': {'units': '0', 'nano': 10000000}, 'apiTradeAvailableFlag': True, 'uid': '2ee80fbd-356f-4a01-8d64-d2bd1e73745c', 'realExchange': 'REAL_EXCHANGE_MOEX', 'positionUid': '0500b20b-1a28-4ed5-bf63-958b16a40080', 'forIisFlag': True, 'first1minCandleDate': '2020-07-29T13:21:00Z', 'first1dayCandleDate': '2020-07-29T07:00:00Z', 'type': 'Bonds', 'step': 0.01}), + ("TGLD", {'figi': 'BBG222222222', 'ticker': 'TGLD', 'classCode': 'TQTD', 'isin': 'RU000A101X50', 'lot': 100, 'currency': 'usd', 'shortEnabledFlag': False, 'name': 'Тинькофф Золото', 'exchange': 'MOEX', 'fixedCommission': {'units': '0', 'nano': 450000000}, 'focusType': 'equity', 'releasedDate': '2020-07-13T00:00:00Z', 'countryOfRisk': '', 'countryOfRiskName': '', 'sector': '', 'rebalancingFreq': '', 'tradingStatus': 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_NORMAL_TRADING', 'otcFlag': False, 'buyAvailableFlag': True, 'sellAvailableFlag': True, 'minPriceIncrement': {'units': '0', 'nano': 100000}, 'apiTradeAvailableFlag': True, 'uid': 'a4b3adc6-4e04-4f06-9048-431aa1ed07ac', 'realExchange': 'REAL_EXCHANGE_MOEX', 'positionUid': '548bde28-a5ea-4b7b-83d3-47b4c56a0167', 'forIisFlag': True, 'first1minCandleDate': '2020-08-26T07:00:00Z', 'first1dayCandleDate': '2020-08-26T07:00:00Z', 'type': 'Etfs', 'step': 0.0001}), ] for test in testData: @@ -246,7 +246,6 @@ def test_SearchByTickerPositive(self): self.server.figi = "" result = self.server.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=False, showInfo=False, debug=False) - assert result == test[1], 'Ticker: {}\nExpected: {}\nActual: {}'.format(test[0], test[1], result) def test_SearchByFIGICheckType(self): @@ -257,11 +256,11 @@ def test_SearchByFIGICheckType(self): def test_SearchByFIGIPositive(self): testData = [ # FIGIs and their corresponding instruments: - ("BBG000BLNNH6", {"figi": "BBG000BLNNH6", "ticker": "IBM", "classCode": "SPBXM", "isin": "US4592001014", "lot": 1, "currency": "usd", "klong": {"units": "2", "nano": 0}, "kshort": {"units": "2", "nano": 0}, "dlong": {"units": "0", "nano": 500000000}, "dshort": {"units": "0", "nano": 500000000}, "dlongMin": {"units": "0", "nano": 292900000}, "dshortMin": {"units": "0", "nano": 224700000}, "shortEnabledFlag": False, "name": "IBM", "exchange": "SPB", "ipoDate": "1915-11-11T00:00:00Z", "issueSize": "896320073", "countryOfRisk": "US", "countryOfRiskName": "Соединенные Штаты Америки", "sector": "it", "issueSizePlan": "4687500000", "nominal": {"currency": "usd", "units": "0", "nano": 200000000}, "tradingStatus": "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_NORMAL_TRADING", "otcFlag": False, "buyAvailableFlag": True, "sellAvailableFlag": True, "divYieldFlag": True, "shareType": "SHARE_TYPE_COMMON", "minPriceIncrement": {"units": "0", "nano": 10000000}, "apiTradeAvailableFlag": True, "uid": "ca370ca5-e42b-44e4-a0a5-daf5e51d02a7", "realExchange": "REAL_EXCHANGE_RTS", "positionUid": "b70a8cfc-90c1-4a66-8c39-f6239705b2fe", "forIisFlag": True, "first1minCandleDate": "2018-01-23T08:51:00Z", "first1dayCandleDate": "1988-09-12T00:00:00Z", "type": "Shares", "step": 0.01}), - ("BBG006L8G4H1", {"figi": "BBG006L8G4H1", "ticker": "YNDX", "classCode": "TQBR", "isin": "NL0009805522", "lot": 1, "currency": "rub", "klong": {"units": "2", "nano": 0}, "kshort": {"units": "2", "nano": 0}, "dlong": {"units": "0", "nano": 521100000}, "dshort": {"units": "0", "nano": 635900000}, "dlongMin": {"units": "0", "nano": 308000000}, "dshortMin": {"units": "0", "nano": 279000000}, "shortEnabledFlag": True, "name": "Yandex", "exchange": "MOEX_WEEKEND", "ipoDate": "2011-05-24T00:00:00Z", "issueSize": "323800479", "countryOfRisk": "RU", "countryOfRiskName": "Российская Федерация", "sector": "telecom", "issueSizePlan": "0", "nominal": {"currency": "eur", "units": "0", "nano": 10000000}, "tradingStatus": "SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_BREAK_IN_TRADING", "otcFlag": False, "buyAvailableFlag": True, "sellAvailableFlag": True, "divYieldFlag": False, "shareType": "SHARE_TYPE_COMMON", "minPriceIncrement": {"units": "0", "nano": 200000000}, "apiTradeAvailableFlag": True, "uid": "10e17a87-3bce-4a1f-9dfc-720396f98a3c", "realExchange": "REAL_EXCHANGE_MOEX", "positionUid": "cb51e157-1f73-4c62-baac-93f11755056a", "forIisFlag": True, "first1minCandleDate": "2018-03-07T18:38:00Z", "first1dayCandleDate": "2014-06-04T07:00:00Z", "type": "Shares", "step": 0.2}), - ("BBG0013HGFT4", {"figi": "BBG0013HGFT4", "ticker": "USD000UTSTOM", "classCode": "CETS", "isin": "", "lot": 1000, "currency": "rub", "klong": {"units": "2", "nano": 0}, "kshort": {"units": "2", "nano": 0}, "dlong": {"units": "0", "nano": 500000000}, "dshort": {"units": "0", "nano": 500000000}, "dlongMin": {"units": "0", "nano": 292900000}, "dshortMin": {"units": "0", "nano": 224700000}, "shortEnabledFlag": True, "name": "Доллар США", "exchange": "FX", "nominal": {"currency": "usd", "units": "1", "nano": 0}, "countryOfRisk": "", "countryOfRiskName": "", "tradingStatus": 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500000000}, 'dlongMin': {'units': '0', 'nano': 292900000}, 'dshortMin': {'units': '0', 'nano': 224700000}, 'shortEnabledFlag': False, 'name': 'IBM', 'exchange': 'SPB_MORNING', 'ipoDate': '1915-11-11T00:00:00Z', 'issueSize': '896320073', 'countryOfRisk': 'US', 'countryOfRiskName': 'Соединенные Штаты Америки', 'sector': 'it', 'issueSizePlan': '4687500000', 'nominal': {'currency': 'usd', 'units': '0', 'nano': 200000000}, 'tradingStatus': 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_NORMAL_TRADING', 'otcFlag': False, 'buyAvailableFlag': True, 'sellAvailableFlag': True, 'divYieldFlag': True, 'shareType': 'SHARE_TYPE_COMMON', 'minPriceIncrement': {'units': '0', 'nano': 10000000}, 'apiTradeAvailableFlag': True, 'uid': 'ca370ca5-e42b-44e4-a0a5-daf5e51d02a7', 'realExchange': 'REAL_EXCHANGE_RTS', 'positionUid': 'b70a8cfc-90c1-4a66-8c39-f6239705b2fe', 'forIisFlag': True, 'first1minCandleDate': '2018-01-23T08:51:00Z', 'first1dayCandleDate': '1988-09-12T00:00:00Z', 'type': 'Shares', 'step': 0.01}), + ("BBG006L8G4H1", 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'10e17a87-3bce-4a1f-9dfc-720396f98a3c', 'realExchange': 'REAL_EXCHANGE_MOEX', 'positionUid': 'cb51e157-1f73-4c62-baac-93f11755056a', 'forIisFlag': True, 'first1minCandleDate': '2018-03-07T18:38:00Z', 'first1dayCandleDate': '2014-06-04T07:00:00Z', 'type': 'Shares', 'step': 0.2}), + ("BBG0013HGFT4", {'figi': 'BBG0013HGFT4', 'ticker': 'USD000UTSTOM', 'classCode': 'CETS', 'isin': '', 'lot': 1000, 'currency': 'rub', 'klong': {'units': '2', 'nano': 0}, 'kshort': {'units': '2', 'nano': 0}, 'dlong': {'units': '0', 'nano': 499000000}, 'dshort': {'units': '0', 'nano': 499000000}, 'dlongMin': {'units': '0', 'nano': 292200000}, 'dshortMin': {'units': '0', 'nano': 224300000}, 'shortEnabledFlag': True, 'name': 'Доллар США', 'exchange': 'FX', 'nominal': {'currency': 'usd', 'units': '1', 'nano': 0}, 'countryOfRisk': '', 'countryOfRiskName': '', 'tradingStatus': 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_NORMAL_TRADING', 'otcFlag': False, 'buyAvailableFlag': True, 'sellAvailableFlag': True, 'isoCurrencyName': 'usd', 'minPriceIncrement': {'units': '0', 'nano': 2500000}, 'apiTradeAvailableFlag': True, 'uid': 'a22a1263-8e1b-4546-a1aa-416463f104d3', 'realExchange': 'REAL_EXCHANGE_MOEX', 'positionUid': '6e97aa9b-50b6-4738-bce7-17313f2b2cc2', 'forIisFlag': True, 'first1minCandleDate': '2018-03-07T16:16:00Z', 'first1dayCandleDate': '2000-05-16T00:00:00Z', 'type': 'Currencies', 'step': 0.0025}), + ("TCS00A101YV8", {'figi': 'TCS00A101YV8', 'ticker': 'RU000A101YV8', 'classCode': 'TQCB', 'isin': 'RU000A101YV8', 'lot': 1, 'currency': 'rub', 'shortEnabledFlag': False, 'name': 'Позитив Текнолоджиз выпуск 1', 'exchange': 'MOEX_PLUS', 'couponQuantityPerYear': 4, 'maturityDate': '2023-07-26T00:00:00Z', 'nominal': {'currency': 'rub', 'units': '1000', 'nano': 0}, 'stateRegDate': '2020-07-21T00:00:00Z', 'placementDate': '2020-07-29T00:00:00Z', 'placementPrice': {'currency': 'rub', 'units': '1000', 'nano': 0}, 'aciValue': {'currency': 'rub', 'units': '13', 'nano': 550000000}, 'countryOfRisk': 'RU', 'countryOfRiskName': 'Российская Федерация', 'sector': 'it', 'issueKind': 'non_documentary', 'issueSize': '500000', 'issueSizePlan': '500000', 'tradingStatus': 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_NORMAL_TRADING', 'otcFlag': False, 'buyAvailableFlag': True, 'sellAvailableFlag': True, 'floatingCouponFlag': False, 'perpetualFlag': False, 'amortizationFlag': True, 'minPriceIncrement': {'units': '0', 'nano': 10000000}, 'apiTradeAvailableFlag': True, 'uid': '2ee80fbd-356f-4a01-8d64-d2bd1e73745c', 'realExchange': 'REAL_EXCHANGE_MOEX', 'positionUid': '0500b20b-1a28-4ed5-bf63-958b16a40080', 'forIisFlag': True, 'first1minCandleDate': '2020-07-29T13:21:00Z', 'first1dayCandleDate': '2020-07-29T07:00:00Z', 'type': 'Bonds', 'step': 0.01}), + ("BBG222222222", {'figi': 'BBG222222222', 'ticker': 'TGLD', 'classCode': 'TQTD', 'isin': 'RU000A101X50', 'lot': 100, 'currency': 'usd', 'shortEnabledFlag': False, 'name': 'Тинькофф Золото', 'exchange': 'MOEX', 'fixedCommission': {'units': '0', 'nano': 450000000}, 'focusType': 'equity', 'releasedDate': '2020-07-13T00:00:00Z', 'countryOfRisk': '', 'countryOfRiskName': '', 'sector': '', 'rebalancingFreq': '', 'tradingStatus': 'SECURITY_TRADING_STATUS_NORMAL_TRADING', 'otcFlag': False, 'buyAvailableFlag': True, 'sellAvailableFlag': True, 'minPriceIncrement': {'units': '0', 'nano': 100000}, 'apiTradeAvailableFlag': True, 'uid': 'a4b3adc6-4e04-4f06-9048-431aa1ed07ac', 'realExchange': 'REAL_EXCHANGE_MOEX', 'positionUid': '548bde28-a5ea-4b7b-83d3-47b4c56a0167', 'forIisFlag': True, 'first1minCandleDate': '2020-08-26T07:00:00Z', 'first1dayCandleDate': '2020-08-26T07:00:00Z', 'type': 'Etfs', 'step': 0.0001}), ] for test in testData: @@ -280,7 +279,7 @@ def test_ShowInstrumentsInfoPositive(self): iListInfo = fH.readlines() result = self.server.ShowInstrumentsInfo(showInstruments=False).split("\n") - result[2] = "* **Actual on date:** [2022-07-21 14:26] (UTC)" # replace 3 string with date similar as in InstrumentsInfoDump.md + result[2] = "* **Actual on date:** [2022-09-07 10:16 UTC]" # replace 3 string with date similar as in InstrumentsInfoDump.md for i, line in enumerate(result): assert line + "\n" == iListInfo[i], 'Check `ShowInstrumentsInfo()` method! It returns different info than in `./tests/InstrumentsInfoDump.txt`\nLine: {}\nExpected: `{}`\nActual: `{}`'.format(i + 1, iListInfo[i], line + "\n") diff --git a/tests/test_TKSEnums.py b/tests/test_TKSEnums.py index ec2e3bf..b476542 100644 --- a/tests/test_TKSEnums.py +++ b/tests/test_TKSEnums.py @@ -12,10 +12,11 @@ class TestConstantsConsistent: @pytest.fixture(scope="function", autouse=True) def init(self): self.mainConstants = { + "TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT": "", "TKS_INSTRUMENTS": "", "TKS_TICKER_ALIASES": "", "TKS_TICKERS_OR_FIGI_EXCLUDED": "", - "TKS_TIMEFRAMES": "", + "TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS": "", "TKS_TRADING_STATUSES": "", "TKS_OPERATION_TYPES": "", "TKS_OPERATION_STATES": "", diff --git a/tksbrokerapi/TKSBrokerAPI.py b/tksbrokerapi/TKSBrokerAPI.py index 711d337..ab6a32d 100644 --- a/tksbrokerapi/TKSBrokerAPI.py +++ b/tksbrokerapi/TKSBrokerAPI.py @@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ import re import json import requests -from urllib.parse import quote from multiprocessing import cpu_count from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool @@ -112,66 +111,68 @@ def FloatToNano(number: float) -> dict: def GetDatesAsString(start: str = None, end: str = None) -> tuple: """ - If `start=None`, `end=None` then return dates from yesterday to current time. - If `start=some_date_1`, `end=None` then return dates from `some_date_1` to current time. - If `start=some_date_1`, `end=some_date_2` then return dates from `some_date_1` to `some_date_2`. + Create tuple of date and time strings with timezone parsed from user-friendly date. + + User dates format must be like: `%Y-%m-%d`, e.g. `2020-02-03` (3 Feb, 2020). + + Example input: "2022-06-01" "2022-06-20" -> output: ("2022-06-01T00:00:00Z", "2022-06-20T23:59:59Z") + An error exception will occur if input date has incorrect format. + + If `start=None`, `end=None` then return dates from yesterday to the end of the day. + If `start=some_date_1`, `end=None` then return dates from `some_date_1` to the end of the day. + If `start=some_date_1`, `end=some_date_2` then return dates from start of `some_date_1` to end of `some_date_2`. Start day may be negative integer numbers: `-1`, `-2`, `-3` - how many days ago. - Also, you can use keywords for start if `dateEnd=None`: - `today` (from 00:00:00 to current time), + Also, you can use keywords for start if `end=None`: + `today` (from 00:00:00 to the end of current day), `yesterday` (-1 day from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59), - `week` (-7 day from 00:00:00 to current date and time), - `month` (-30 day from 00:00:00 to current date and time), - `year` (-365 day from 00:00:00 to current date and time), - - User dates format must be like: `%Y-%m-%d`, e.g. `2020-02-03` (3 Feb, 2020). + `week` (-7 day from 00:00:00 to the end of current day), + `month` (-30 day from 00:00:00 to the end of current day), + `year` (-365 day from 00:00:00 to the end of current day), :return: tuple with 2 strings `(start, end)` dates in UTC ISO time format `%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ` for OpenAPI. - Example: `("2022-06-01T00:00:00Z", "2022-06-20T23:59:59Z")` + See date and time format here: `TKSEnums.TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT`. + Example: `("2022-06-01T00:00:00Z", "2022-06-20T23:59:59Z")`. Second string is the end of the last day. """ uLogger.debug("Input start day is [{}] (UTC), end day is [{}] (UTC)".format(start, end)) - now = datetime.now(tzutc()) + s = datetime.now(tzutc()).replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) # start of the current day + e = s.replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59, microsecond=0) # end of the current day - # showing statistics between start of the current day and current time: + # time between start and the end of the current day: if start is None or start.lower() == "today": - s = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) - e = now + pass # from start of the last day to the end of the last day: elif start.lower() == "yesterday": - s = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) - timedelta(days=1) - e = now.replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59, microsecond=0) - timedelta(days=1) + s -= timedelta(days=1) + e -= timedelta(days=1) - # week (-7 day from 00:00:00 to current date and time): + # week (-7 day from 00:00:00 to the end of the current day): elif start.lower() == "week": - s = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) - timedelta(days=7) - e = now + s -= timedelta(days=6) # +1 current day already taken into account - # month (-30 day from 00:00:00 to current date and time): + # month (-30 day from 00:00:00 to the end of current day): elif start.lower() == "month": - s = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) - timedelta(days=30) - e = now + s -= timedelta(days=29) # +1 current day already taken into account - # year (-365 day from 00:00:00 to current date and time): + # year (-365 day from 00:00:00 to the end of current day): elif start.lower() == "year": - s = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) - timedelta(days=365) - e = now + s -= timedelta(days=364) # +1 current day already taken into account - # showing statistics from -N days ago to current date and time: + # -N days ago to the end of current day: elif start.startswith('-') and start[1:].isdigit(): - s = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) - timedelta(days=abs(int(start))) - e = now + s -= timedelta(days=abs(int(start)) - 1) # +1 current day already taken into account - # showing statistics between start day at 00:00:00 and the end day at 23:59:59: + # dates between start day at 00:00:00 and the end of the last day at 23:59:59: else: s = datetime.strptime(start, "%Y-%m-%d").replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0, tzinfo=tzutc()) - e = datetime.strptime(end, "%Y-%m-%d").replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59, microsecond=0, tzinfo=tzutc()) if end is not None else now + e = datetime.strptime(end, "%Y-%m-%d").replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59, microsecond=0, tzinfo=tzutc()) if end is not None else e # converting to UTC ISO time formatted with Z suffix for Tinkoff Open API: - s = s.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") - e = e.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") + s = s.strftime(TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT) + e = e.strftime(TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT) - uLogger.debug("Tinkoff Open API uses this start day (converted to UTC ISO format, with Z): [{}], and the end day: [{}]".format(s, e)) + uLogger.debug("Start day converted to UTC ISO format, with Z: [{}], and the end day: [{}]".format(s, e)) return s, e @@ -248,19 +249,20 @@ def __init__(self, token: str, accountId: str = None, iList: dict = None, useCac uLogger.debug("Broker API server: {}".format(self.server)) self.timeout = 15 - """Server operations timeout in seconds. Default: 15""" + """Server operations timeout in seconds. Default: `15`""" self.headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(self.token)} - """Headers which send in every request to broker server. Default: `{"Content-Type": "application/json", "accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {token}"}`""" + """Headers which send in every request to broker server. Default: `{"Content-Type": "application/json", "accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {your_token}"}`""" self.body = None """Request body which send to broker server. Default: `None`""" - self.historyLength = 24 - """How many candles returns if candles history request. For example, if `historyInterval="hour"` and `historyLength=24` it means: "give me last 24 hours". Must be >=1. Default: 24""" + # remove after implemented: #45 Add selector of file types https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues/45 + # self.outputFileType = None + # """Switch of types for output files when `--output` key present. You can choose: `.md`, `.csv` and `.xlsx`. By default: `None`, it mean that default types will be used.""" - self.historyInterval = "hour" - """Interval string for Tinkoff API (see: `TKSEnums.TKS_TIMEFRAMES`). Available values are `"1min"`, `"2min"`, `"3min"`, `"5min"`, `"10min"`, `"15min"`, `"30min"`, `"hour"`, `"day"`, `"week"`, `"month"`. Default: `"hour"`""" + self.historyFile = None + """Full path to the output file where history candles will be saved or updated. Default: `None`, it mean that returns only pandas dataframe when you request `History()` method.""" self.instrumentsFile = "instruments.md" """Filename where full broker's instruments list will be saved. Default: `instruments.md`""" @@ -274,12 +276,21 @@ def __init__(self, token: str, accountId: str = None, iList: dict = None, useCac self.overviewFile = "overview.md" """Filename where current portfolio, open trades and orders will be saved. Default: `overview.md`""" + self.overviewDigestFile = "overview-digest.md" + """Filename where short digest of the portfolio status will be saved. Default: `overview-digest.md`""" + + self.overviewPositionsFile = "overview-positions.md" + """Filename where only open positions, without everything else will be saved. Default: `overview-positions.md`""" + + self.overviewOrdersFile = "overview-orders.md" + """Filename where open limits and stop orders will be saved. Default: `overview-orders.md`""" + + self.overviewAnalyticsFile = "overview-analytics.md" + """Filename where only the analytics section and the distribution of the portfolio by various categories will be saved. Default: `overview-analytics.md`""" + self.reportFile = "deals.md" """Filename where history of deals and trade statistics will be saved. Default: `deals.md`""" - self.historyFile = None - """Full path to .csv output file where history candles will be saved. Default: `None`, mean that returns only pandas dataframe.""" - self.iListDumpFile = "dump.json" """Filename where raw data about shares, currencies, bonds, etfs and futures will be stored. Default: `dump.json`""" @@ -309,7 +320,7 @@ def __init__(self, token: str, accountId: str = None, iList: dict = None, useCac self.iList = json.load(open(self.iListDumpFile, mode="r", encoding="UTF-8")) # load iList from dump uLogger.debug("Local cache with raw instruments data is used: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.iListDumpFile))) - uLogger.debug("Dump file was modified [{}] UTC".format(dumpTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) + uLogger.debug("Dump file was last modified [{}] UTC".format(dumpTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) else: uLogger.warning("Local cache with raw instruments data not exists! Creating new dump, wait, please...") @@ -407,7 +418,7 @@ def SendAPIRequest(self, url: str, reqType: str = "GET", retry: int = 3, pause: responseJSON = self._ParseJSON(response.text) if errMsg: - uLogger.error("Not `oK` status received from broker server!") + uLogger.error("Not `oK` status received from broker server! See: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/errors/") uLogger.error(" - message: {}".format(errMsg)) # raise Exception("Server returned an error! See full debug log. Also you can set debug=True in SendAPIRequest() and _ParseJSON() methods.") @@ -506,164 +517,166 @@ def DumpInstruments(self, forceUpdate: bool = True) -> str: @staticmethod def ShowInstrumentInfo(iJSON: dict, printInfo: bool = False) -> str: """ - Show information about instrument defined by json and print in Markdown format. + Show information about one instrument defined by json data and prints it in Markdown format. :param iJSON: json data of instrument, e.g. in code `iJSON = self.iList["Shares"][self.ticker]` :param printInfo: if `True` then also printing information about instrument and its current price. - :return: text in Markdown format with information about instrument. + :return: multilines text in Markdown format with information about one instrument. """ + splitLine = "| | |\n" infoText = "" + if iJSON is not None and iJSON and isinstance(iJSON, dict): info = [ "# Information is actual at: [{}] (UTC)\n\n".format(datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")), - "| Parameters | Values\n", - "|---------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------\n", - "| Ticker: | {}\n".format(iJSON["ticker"]), - "| Full name: | {}\n".format(iJSON["name"]), + "| Parameters | Values |\n", + "|---------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------|\n", + "| Ticker: | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["ticker"]), + "| Full name: | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["name"]), ] if "sector" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["sector"]: - info.append("| Sector: | {}\n".format(iJSON["sector"])) + info.append("| Sector: | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["sector"])) - info.append("| Country of instrument: | {}{}\n".format( + info.append("| Country of instrument: | {:<55} |\n".format("{}{}".format( "({}) ".format(iJSON["countryOfRisk"]) if "countryOfRisk" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["countryOfRisk"] else "", iJSON["countryOfRiskName"] if "countryOfRiskName" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["countryOfRiskName"] else "", - )) + ))) info.extend([ - "| |\n", - "| FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier): | {}\n".format(iJSON["figi"]), - "| Exchange: | {}\n".format(iJSON["exchange"]), + splitLine, + "| FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier): | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["figi"]), + "| Exchange: | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["exchange"]), ]) if "isin" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["isin"]: - info.append("| ISIN (International Securities Identification Number): | {}\n".format(iJSON["isin"])) + info.append("| ISIN (International Securities Identification Number): | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["isin"])) if "classCode" in iJSON.keys(): - info.append("| Class Code: | {}\n".format(iJSON["classCode"])) + info.append("| Class Code: | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["classCode"])) info.extend([ - "| |\n", - "| Current broker security trading status: | {}\n".format(TKS_TRADING_STATUSES[iJSON["tradingStatus"]]), - "| Buy operations allowed: | {}\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["buyAvailableFlag"] else "No"), - "| Sale operations allowed: | {}\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["sellAvailableFlag"] else "No"), - "| Short positions allowed: | {}\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["shortEnabledFlag"] else "No"), + splitLine, + "| Current broker security trading status: | {:<55} |\n".format(TKS_TRADING_STATUSES[iJSON["tradingStatus"]]), + "| Buy operations allowed: | {:<55} |\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["buyAvailableFlag"] else "No"), + "| Sale operations allowed: | {:<55} |\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["sellAvailableFlag"] else "No"), + "| Short positions allowed: | {:<55} |\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["shortEnabledFlag"] else "No"), ]) - info.append("| |\n") + info.append(splitLine) if "type" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["type"]: - info.append("| Type of the instrument: | {}\n".format(iJSON["type"])) + info.append("| Type of the instrument: | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["type"])) if "futuresType" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["futuresType"]: - info.append("| Futures type: | {}\n".format(iJSON["futuresType"])) + info.append("| Futures type: | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["futuresType"])) if "ipoDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["ipoDate"]: - info.append("| IPO date: | {}\n".format(iJSON["ipoDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", ""))) + info.append("| IPO date: | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["ipoDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", ""))) if "releasedDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["releasedDate"]: - info.append("| Released date: | {}\n".format(iJSON["releasedDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", ""))) + info.append("| Released date: | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["releasedDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", ""))) if "rebalancingFreq" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["rebalancingFreq"]: - info.append("| Rebalancing frequency: | {}\n".format(iJSON["rebalancingFreq"])) + info.append("| Rebalancing frequency: | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["rebalancingFreq"])) if "focusType" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["focusType"]: - info.append("| Focusing type: | {}\n".format(iJSON["focusType"])) + info.append("| Focusing type: | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["focusType"])) if "assetType" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["assetType"]: - info.append("| Asset type: | {}\n".format(iJSON["assetType"])) + info.append("| Asset type: | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["assetType"])) if "basicAsset" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["basicAsset"]: - info.append("| Basic asset: | {}\n".format(iJSON["basicAsset"])) + info.append("| Basic asset: | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["basicAsset"])) if "basicAssetSize" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["basicAssetSize"]: - info.append("| Basic asset size: | {:.2f}\n".format(NanoToFloat(str(iJSON["basicAssetSize"]["units"]), iJSON["basicAssetSize"]["nano"]))) + info.append("| Basic asset size: | {:<55} |\n".format("{:.2f}".format(NanoToFloat(str(iJSON["basicAssetSize"]["units"]), iJSON["basicAssetSize"]["nano"])))) if "isoCurrencyName" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["isoCurrencyName"]: - info.append("| ISO currency name: | {}\n".format(iJSON["isoCurrencyName"])) + info.append("| ISO currency name: | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["isoCurrencyName"])) if "currency" in iJSON.keys(): - info.append("| Payment currency: | {}\n".format(iJSON["currency"])) + info.append("| Payment currency: | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["currency"])) if "firstTradeDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["firstTradeDate"] != 0: - info.append("| First trade date: | {}\n".format(iJSON["firstTradeDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", ""))) + info.append("| First trade date: | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["firstTradeDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", ""))) if "lastTradeDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["lastTradeDate"] != 0: - info.append("| Last trade date: | {}\n".format(iJSON["lastTradeDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", ""))) + info.append("| Last trade date: | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["lastTradeDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", ""))) if "expirationDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["expirationDate"] != 0: - info.append("| Date of expiration: | {}\n".format(iJSON["expirationDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", ""))) + info.append("| Date of expiration: | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["expirationDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", ""))) if "stateRegDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["stateRegDate"] != 0: - info.append("| State registration date: | {}\n".format(iJSON["stateRegDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", ""))) + info.append("| State registration date: | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["stateRegDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", ""))) if "placementDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["placementDate"] != 0: - info.append("| Placement date: | {}\n".format(iJSON["placementDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", ""))) + info.append("| Placement date: | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["placementDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", ""))) if "maturityDate" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["maturityDate"] != 0: - info.append("| Maturity date: | {}\n".format(iJSON["maturityDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", ""))) + info.append("| Maturity date: | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["maturityDate"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", ""))) if "perpetualFlag" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["perpetualFlag"]: - info.append("| Perpetual bond: | Yes\n") + info.append("| Perpetual bond: | Yes |\n") if "otcFlag" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["otcFlag"]: - info.append("| Over-the-counter (OTC) securities: | Yes\n") + info.append("| Over-the-counter (OTC) securities: | Yes |\n") if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds": - info.append("| Bond issue (size / plan): | {} / {}\n".format(iJSON["issueSize"], iJSON["issueSizePlan"])) + info.append("| Bond issue (size / plan): | {:<55} |\n".format("{} / {}".format(iJSON["issueSize"], iJSON["issueSizePlan"]))) - info.append("| Nominal price (100%): | {:.2f} {}\n".format( + info.append("| Nominal price (100%): | {:<55} |\n".format("{:.2f} {}".format( NanoToFloat(str(iJSON["nominal"]["units"]), iJSON["nominal"]["nano"]), iJSON["nominal"]["currency"], - )) + ))) if "floatingCouponFlag" in iJSON.keys(): - info.append("| Floating coupon: | {}\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["floatingCouponFlag"] else "No")) + info.append("| Floating coupon: | {:<55} |\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["floatingCouponFlag"] else "No")) if "amortizationFlag" in iJSON.keys(): - info.append("| Amortization: | {}\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["amortizationFlag"] else "No")) + info.append("| Amortization: | {:<55} |\n".format("Yes" if iJSON["amortizationFlag"] else "No")) if "couponQuantityPerYear" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["couponQuantityPerYear"]: - info.append("| Number of coupon payments per year: | {}\n".format(iJSON["couponQuantityPerYear"])) + info.append("| Number of coupon payments per year: | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["couponQuantityPerYear"])) if "aciValue" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["aciValue"]: - info.append("| Current ACI (Accrued Interest): | {:.2f} {}\n".format( + info.append("| Current ACI (Accrued Interest): | {:<55} |\n".format("{:.2f} {}".format( NanoToFloat(str(iJSON["aciValue"]["units"]), iJSON["aciValue"]["nano"]), iJSON["aciValue"]["currency"] - )) + ))) if "currentPrice" in iJSON.keys(): - info.append("| |\n") + info.append(splitLine) info.extend([ - "| Previous close price of the instrument: | {}{}\n".format( + "| Previous close price of the instrument: | {:<55} |\n".format("{}{}".format( "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["closePrice"] is not None else "N/A", "% of nominal price" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""), - ), - "| Last deal price of the instrument: | {}{}\n".format( + )), + "| Last deal price of the instrument: | {:<55} |\n".format("{}{}".format( "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["lastPrice"] is not None else "N/A", "% of nominal price" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""), - ), - "| Changes between last deal price and last close % | {:.2f}%\n".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"]), - "| Current limit price, min / max: | {}{} / {}{}\n".format( + )), + "| Changes between last deal price and last close % | {:<55} |\n".format("{:.2f}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["changes"])), + "| Current limit price, min / max: | {:<55} |\n".format("{}{} / {}{}".format( "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["limitDown"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["limitDown"] is not None else "N/A", "%" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""), "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["limitUp"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["limitUp"] is not None else "N/A", "%" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""), - ), - "| Actual price, sell / buy: | {}{} / {}{}\n".format( + )), + "| Actual price, sell / buy: | {:<55} |\n".format("{}{} / {}{}".format( "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["sell"][0]["price"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["sell"] else "N/A", "%" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else " {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""), "{}".format(iJSON["currentPrice"]["buy"][0]["price"]).rstrip("0") if iJSON["currentPrice"]["buy"] else "N/A", "%" if iJSON["type"] == "Bonds" else" {}".format(iJSON["currency"] if "currency" in iJSON.keys() else ""), - ), + )), ]) if "lot" in iJSON.keys(): - info.append("| Minimum lot to buy: | {}\n".format(iJSON["lot"])) + info.append("| Minimum lot to buy: | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["lot"])) if "step" in iJSON.keys() and iJSON["step"] != 0: - info.append("| Minimum price increment (step): | {}\n".format(iJSON["step"])) + info.append("| Minimum price increment (step): | {:<55} |\n".format(iJSON["step"])) infoText += "".join(info) @@ -877,10 +890,10 @@ def GetCurrentPrices(self, showPrice: bool = False) -> dict: prices["sell"] = [{"price": NanoToFloat(item["price"]["units"], item["price"]["nano"]), "quantity": int(item["quantity"])} for item in pricesResponse["bids"]] # max price of instrument at this time: - prices["limitUp"] = NanoToFloat(pricesResponse["limitUp"]["units"], pricesResponse["limitUp"]["nano"]) if "limitUp" in pricesResponse.keys() else None + prices["limitUp"] = round(NanoToFloat(pricesResponse["limitUp"]["units"], pricesResponse["limitUp"]["nano"]), 6) if "limitUp" in pricesResponse.keys() else None # min price of instrument at this time: - prices["limitDown"] = NanoToFloat(pricesResponse["limitDown"]["units"], pricesResponse["limitDown"]["nano"]) if "limitDown" in pricesResponse.keys() else None + prices["limitDown"] = round(NanoToFloat(pricesResponse["limitDown"]["units"], pricesResponse["limitDown"]["nano"]), 6) if "limitDown" in pricesResponse.keys() else None # last price of deal with instrument: prices["lastPrice"] = NanoToFloat(pricesResponse["lastPrice"]["units"], pricesResponse["lastPrice"]["nano"]) if "lastPrice" in pricesResponse.keys() else 0 @@ -955,15 +968,15 @@ def ShowInstrumentsInfo(self, showInstruments: bool = False) -> str: info = [ "# All available instruments from Tinkoff Broker server for current user token\n\n", - "* **Actual on date:** [{}] (UTC)\n".format(datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")), + "* **Actual on date:** [{} UTC]\n".format(datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")), ] # add instruments count by type: for iType in self.iList.keys(): info.append("* **{}:** [{}]\n".format(iType, len(self.iList[iType]))) - headerLine = "| Ticker | Full name | FIGI | Cur | Lot | Step\n" - splitLine = "|--------------|----------------------------------------------------------------|--------------|-----|--------|---------\n" + headerLine = "| Ticker | Full name | FIGI | Cur | Lot | Step |\n" + splitLine = "|--------------|-----------------------------------------------------------|--------------|-----|---------|------------|\n" # generating info tables with all instruments by type: for iType in self.iList.keys(): @@ -971,16 +984,16 @@ def ShowInstrumentsInfo(self, showInstruments: bool = False) -> str: for instrument in self.iList[iType].keys(): iName = self.iList[iType][instrument]["name"] # instrument's name - if len(iName) > 63: - iName = "{}...".format(iName[:60]) # right trim for a long string + if len(iName) > 57: + iName = "{}...".format(iName[:54]) # right trim for a long string - info.append("| {:<12} | {:<63}| {:<13}| {:<4}| {:<7}| {}\n".format( + info.append("| {:<12} | {:<57} | {:<12} | {:<3} | {:<7} | {:<10} |\n".format( self.iList[iType][instrument]["ticker"], iName, self.iList[iType][instrument]["figi"], self.iList[iType][instrument]["currency"], self.iList[iType][instrument]["lot"], - str(self.iList[iType][instrument]["step"]).rstrip("0"), + "{:.10f}".format(self.iList[iType][instrument]["step"]).rstrip("0").rstrip(".") if self.iList[iType][instrument]["step"] > 0 else 0, )) infoText = "".join(info) @@ -1089,55 +1102,54 @@ def GetListOfPrices(self, instruments: list = None, showPrices: bool = False) -> if instruments is None or not instruments: raise Exception("You must define some of tickers or FIGIs to request it's actual prices!") - uLogger.debug("Requesting current prices of list of instruments from Tinkoff Broker server...") - - iList = [] + requestedInstruments = [] for iName in instruments: if iName not in self.aliases.keys(): - iList.append(iName) + if iName not in requestedInstruments: + requestedInstruments.append(iName) else: - iList.append(self.aliases[iName]) - - unique = set() # create list with every figi only one time with the same order position: - tempNames = [item for item in iList if not (item in unique or unique.add(item))] + if iName not in requestedInstruments: + if self.aliases[iName] not in requestedInstruments: + requestedInstruments.append(self.aliases[iName]) - uLogger.debug("Ordered input list of instruments without duplicates of names: {}".format(tempNames)) + uLogger.debug("Requested instruments without duplicates of tickers and FIGIs: {}".format(requestedInstruments)) - iList = [] # try to get info about all unique instruments: - for iName in tempNames: + onlyUniqueFIGIs = [] + for iName in requestedInstruments: self.ticker = iName - iData = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=True) + iData = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=False) # trying to find instrument by ticker if not iData: self.ticker = "" self.figi = iName - iData = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True) + iData = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False) # trying to find instrument by FIGI if not iData: self.figi = "" uLogger.warning("Instrument [{}] not in list of available instruments for current token!".format(iName)) - if iData: - isUnique = True - for item in iList: - if item["figi"] == iData["figi"] or item["ticker"] == iData["ticker"]: - isUnique = False - break + if iData and iData["figi"] not in onlyUniqueFIGIs: + onlyUniqueFIGIs.append(iData["figi"]) + + uLogger.debug("Unique list of FIGIs: {}".format(onlyUniqueFIGIs)) + uLogger.debug("Requesting current prices from Tinkoff Broker server...") - if isUnique: - iList.append(iData) + iList = [] # trying to get info and current prices about all unique instruments: + for self.figi in onlyUniqueFIGIs: + iData = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True) + iList.append(iData) if showPrices: info = [ "# Actual prices at: [{} UTC]\n\n".format(datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")), - "| Ticker | FIGI | Type | Prev. close | Last price | Chg. % | Day limits min/max | Actual sell / buy | Curr.\n", - "|--------------|--------------|------------|-------------|-------------|----------|---------------------|---------------------|------\n", + "| Ticker | FIGI | Type | Prev. close | Last price | Chg. % | Day limits min/max | Actual sell / buy | Curr. |\n", + "|--------------|--------------|------------|-------------|-------------|----------|---------------------|---------------------|-------|\n", ] for item in iList: - info.append("| {:<12} | {:<12} | {:<10} | {:>11} | {:>11} | {:>7}% | {:>19} | {:>19} | {}\n".format( + info.append("| {:<12} | {:<12} | {:<10} | {:>11} | {:>11} | {:>7}% | {:>19} | {:>19} | {:<5} |\n".format( item["ticker"], item["figi"], item["type"], @@ -1158,7 +1170,7 @@ def GetListOfPrices(self, instruments: list = None, showPrices: bool = False) -> infoText = "".join(info) if showPrices: - uLogger.info("Only unique instruments are shown:\n{}".format(infoText)) + uLogger.info("Only instruments with unique FIGIs are shown:\n{}".format(infoText)) if self.pricesFile: with open(self.pricesFile, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH: @@ -1215,7 +1227,7 @@ def RequestPendingOrders(self) -> list: ordersURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.OrdersService/GetOrders" rawOrders = self.SendAPIRequest(ordersURL, reqType="POST")["orders"] - uLogger.debug("[{}] records about pending orders successfully received".format(len(rawOrders))) + uLogger.debug("[{}] records about pending orders received".format(len(rawOrders))) return rawOrders @@ -1232,16 +1244,23 @@ def RequestStopOrders(self) -> list: ordersURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.StopOrdersService/GetStopOrders" rawStopOrders = self.SendAPIRequest(ordersURL, reqType="POST")["stopOrders"] - uLogger.debug("[{}] records about stop orders successfully received".format(len(rawStopOrders))) + uLogger.debug("[{}] records about stop orders received".format(len(rawStopOrders))) return rawStopOrders - def Overview(self, showStatistics: bool = False) -> dict: + def Overview(self, showStatistics: bool = False, details: str = "full") -> dict: """ Get portfolio: all open positions, orders and some statistics for defined accountId. - If `overviewFile` is define then also save information to file. + If `overviewFile`, `overviewDigestFile`, `overviewPositionsFile`, `overviewOrdersFile`, `overviewAnalyticsFile` + are defined then also save information to file. :param showStatistics: if `False` then only dictionary returns, if `True` then show more debug information. + :param details: how detailed should the information be? You should specify one of strings: + `full` - shows full available information about portfolio status (by default), + `positions` - shows only open positions, + `digest` - show a short digest of the portfolio status, + `analytics` - shows only the analytics section and the distribution of the portfolio by various categories, + `orders` - shows only sections of open limits and stop orders. :return: dictionary with client's raw portfolio and some statistics. """ view = { @@ -1288,8 +1307,13 @@ def Overview(self, showStatistics: bool = False) -> dict: } } - if showStatistics: - uLogger.debug("Requesting portfolio of a client. Wait, please...") + details = details.lower() + availableDetails = ["full", "positions", "digest", "analytics", "orders"] + if details not in availableDetails: + details = "full" + uLogger.debug("Requested incorrect details! The `details` must be one of this strings: {}. Details parameter set to `full` be default.".format(availableDetails)) + + uLogger.debug("Requesting portfolio of a client. Wait, please...") portfolioResponse = self.RequestPortfolio() # current user's portfolio (dict) view["raw"]["positions"] = self.RequestPositions() # current open positions by instruments (dict) @@ -1504,7 +1528,14 @@ def Overview(self, showStatistics: bool = False) -> dict: } # --- pending orders sector data: + uniquePendingOrders = [] + uniquePendingOrdersFIGIs = [] for item in view["raw"]["orders"]: + if item["figi"] not in uniquePendingOrdersFIGIs: + uniquePendingOrdersFIGIs.append(item["figi"]) + uniquePendingOrders.append(item) + + for item in uniquePendingOrders: self.figi = item["figi"] instrument = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True) # full raw info about instrument by FIGI @@ -1545,7 +1576,14 @@ def Overview(self, showStatistics: bool = False) -> dict: }) # --- stop orders sector data: + uniqueStopOrders = [] + uniqueStopOrdersFIGIs = [] for item in view["raw"]["stopOrders"]: + if item["figi"] not in uniqueStopOrdersFIGIs: + uniqueStopOrdersFIGIs.append(item["figi"]) + uniqueStopOrders.append(item) + + for item in uniqueStopOrders: self.figi = item["figi"] instrument = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=True) # full raw info about instrument by FIGI @@ -1657,275 +1695,307 @@ def Overview(self, showStatistics: bool = False) -> dict: # --- Prepare text statistics overview in human-readable: if showStatistics: + # Whatever the value `details`, header not changes: info = [ "# Client's portfolio\n\n", - "* **Actual date:** [{}] (UTC)\n".format(datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")), - "* **Portfolio cost:** {:.2f} RUB\n".format(view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"]), - "* **Changes:** {}{:.2f} RUB ({}{:.2f}%)\n\n".format( - "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"] > 0 else "", - view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"], - "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"] > 0 else "", - view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"], - ), - "## Open positions\n\n", - "| Ticker [FIGI] | Volume (blocked) | Lots | Curr. price | Avg. price | Current volume cost | Profit (%)\n", - "|-----------------------------|---------------------------------|----------|--------------|--------------|---------------------|----------------------\n", - "| Ruble | {:>31} | | | | |\n".format( - "{:.2f} ({:.2f}) rub".format( - view["stat"]["availableRUB"], - view["stat"]["blockedRUB"], - ) - ) + "* **Actual date:** [{} UTC]\n" + "".format(datetime.now(tzutc()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")), ] - def _SplitStr(CostRUB: float = 0, typeStr: str = "", noTradeStr: str = "") -> list: - return [ - "| | | | | | |\n", - "| {:<27} | | | | | {:>19} |\n".format( - noTradeStr if noTradeStr else typeStr, - "" if noTradeStr else "{:.2f} RUB".format(CostRUB), - ), - ] - - def _InfoStr(data: dict, showCurrencyName: bool = False) -> str: - return "| {:<27} | {:>31} | {:<8} | {:>12} | {:>12} | {:>19} | {}\n".format( - "{} [{}]".format(data["ticker"], data["figi"]), - "{:.2f} ({:.2f}) {}".format( - data["volume"], - data["blocked"], - data["currency"], - ) if showCurrencyName else "{:.0f} ({:.0f})".format( - data["volume"], - data["blocked"], - ), - "{:.4f}".format(data["lots"]) if showCurrencyName else "{:.0f}".format(data["lots"]), - "{:.2f} {}".format(data["currentPrice"], data["baseCurrencyName"]) if data["currentPrice"] > 0 else "n/a", - "{:.2f} {}".format(data["average"], data["baseCurrencyName"]) if data["average"] > 0 else "n/a", - "{:.2f} {}".format(data["cost"], data["baseCurrencyName"]), - "{}{:.2f} {} ({}{:.2f}%)".format( - "+" if data["profit"] > 0 else "", - data["profit"], data["baseCurrencyName"], - "+" if data["percentProfit"] > 0 else "", - data["percentProfit"], + if details in ["full", "positions", "digest"]: + info.extend([ + "* **Portfolio cost:** {:.2f} RUB\n".format(view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"]), + "* **Changes:** {}{:.2f} RUB ({}{:.2f}%)\n\n".format( + "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"] > 0 else "", + view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"], + "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"] > 0 else "", + view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"], ), - ) + ]) - # --- Show currencies section: - if view["stat"]["Currencies"]: - info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"]["Currencies"]["cost"], typeStr="**Currencies:**")) - for item in view["stat"]["Currencies"]: - info.append(_InfoStr(item, showCurrencyName=True)) + if details in ["full", "positions"]: + info.extend([ + "## Open positions\n\n", + "| Ticker [FIGI] | Volume (blocked) | Lots | Curr. price | Avg. price | Current volume cost | Profit (%) |\n", + "|-----------------------------|---------------------------------|----------|--------------|--------------|---------------------|------------------------------|\n", + "| Ruble | {:>31} | | | | | |\n".format( + "{:.2f} ({:.2f}) rub".format( + view["stat"]["availableRUB"], + view["stat"]["blockedRUB"], + ) + ) + ]) - else: - info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Currencies:** no trades")) + def _SplitStr(CostRUB: float = 0, typeStr: str = "", noTradeStr: str = "") -> list: + return [ + "| | | | | | | |\n", + "| {:<27} | | | | | {:>19} | |\n".format( + noTradeStr if noTradeStr else typeStr, + "" if noTradeStr else "{:.2f} RUB".format(CostRUB), + ), + ] - # --- Show shares section: - if view["stat"]["Shares"]: - info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"], typeStr="**Shares:**")) + def _InfoStr(data: dict, showCurrencyName: bool = False) -> str: + return "| {:<27} | {:>31} | {:<8} | {:>12} | {:>12} | {:>19} | {:<28} |\n".format( + "{} [{}]".format(data["ticker"], data["figi"]), + "{:.2f} ({:.2f}) {}".format( + data["volume"], + data["blocked"], + data["currency"], + ) if showCurrencyName else "{:.0f} ({:.0f})".format( + data["volume"], + data["blocked"], + ), + "{:.4f}".format(data["lots"]) if showCurrencyName else "{:.0f}".format(data["lots"]), + "{:.2f} {}".format(data["currentPrice"], data["baseCurrencyName"]) if data["currentPrice"] > 0 else "n/a", + "{:.2f} {}".format(data["average"], data["baseCurrencyName"]) if data["average"] > 0 else "n/a", + "{:.2f} {}".format(data["cost"], data["baseCurrencyName"]), + "{}{:.2f} {} ({}{:.2f}%)".format( + "+" if data["profit"] > 0 else "", + data["profit"], data["baseCurrencyName"], + "+" if data["percentProfit"] > 0 else "", + data["percentProfit"], + ), + ) - for item in view["stat"]["Shares"]: - info.append(_InfoStr(item)) + # --- Show currencies section: + if view["stat"]["Currencies"]: + info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"]["Currencies"]["cost"], typeStr="**Currencies:**")) + for item in view["stat"]["Currencies"]: + info.append(_InfoStr(item, showCurrencyName=True)) - else: - info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Shares:** no trades")) + else: + info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Currencies:** no trades")) - # --- Show bonds section: - if view["stat"]["Bonds"]: - info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"], typeStr="**Bonds:**")) + # --- Show shares section: + if view["stat"]["Shares"]: + info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["sharesCostRUB"], typeStr="**Shares:**")) - for item in view["stat"]["Bonds"]: - info.append(_InfoStr(item)) + for item in view["stat"]["Shares"]: + info.append(_InfoStr(item)) - else: - info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Bonds:** no trades")) + else: + info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Shares:** no trades")) - # --- Show etfs section: - if view["stat"]["Etfs"]: - info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"], typeStr="**Etfs:**")) + # --- Show bonds section: + if view["stat"]["Bonds"]: + info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["bondsCostRUB"], typeStr="**Bonds:**")) - for item in view["stat"]["Etfs"]: - info.append(_InfoStr(item)) + for item in view["stat"]["Bonds"]: + info.append(_InfoStr(item)) - else: - info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Etfs:** no trades")) + else: + info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Bonds:** no trades")) - # --- Show futures section: - if view["stat"]["Futures"]: - info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"], typeStr="**Futures:**")) + # --- Show etfs section: + if view["stat"]["Etfs"]: + info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["etfsCostRUB"], typeStr="**Etfs:**")) - for item in view["stat"]["Futures"]: - info.append(_InfoStr(item)) + for item in view["stat"]["Etfs"]: + info.append(_InfoStr(item)) - else: - info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Futures:** no trades")) - - # --- Show pending orders section: - if view["stat"]["orders"]: - info.extend([ - "\n## Opened pending limit-orders: {}\n".format(len(view["stat"]["orders"])), - "\n| Ticker [FIGI] | Order ID | Lots (exec.) | Current price (% delta) | Target price | Action | Type | Create date (UTC)\n", - "|-----------------------------|----------------|--------------|-------------------------|---------------|-----------|-----------|---------------------\n", - ]) - for item in view["stat"]["orders"]: - info.append("| {:<27} | {:<14} | {:<12} | {:>23} | {:>13} | {:<9} | {:<9} | {}\n".format( - "{} [{}]".format(item["ticker"], item["figi"]), - item["orderID"], - "{} ({})".format(item["lotsRequested"], item["lotsExecuted"]), - "{} {} ({}{:.2f}%)".format( - "{}".format(item["currentPrice"]) if isinstance(item["currentPrice"], str) else "{:.2f}".format(float(item["currentPrice"])), - item["baseCurrencyName"], - "+" if item["percentChanges"] > 0 else "", - float(item["percentChanges"]), - ), - "{:.2f} {}".format(float(item["targetPrice"]), item["baseCurrencyName"]), - item["action"], - item["type"], - item["date"], - )) + else: + info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Etfs:** no trades")) - else: - info.append("\n## Total pending limit-orders: 0\n") + # --- Show futures section: + if view["stat"]["Futures"]: + info.extend(_SplitStr(CostRUB=view["stat"]["futuresCostRUB"], typeStr="**Futures:**")) - # --- Show stop orders section: - if view["stat"]["stopOrders"]: - info.extend([ - "\n## Opened stop-orders: {}\n".format(len(view["stat"]["stopOrders"])), - "\n| Ticker [FIGI] | Stop order ID | Lots | Current price (% delta) | Target price | Limit price | Action | Type | Expire type | Create date (UTC) | Expiration (UTC)\n", - "|-----------------------------|--------------------------------------|--------|-------------------------|---------------|---------------|-----------|-------------|--------------|---------------------|---------------------\n", - ]) - for item in view["stat"]["stopOrders"]: - info.append("| {:<27} | {:<14} | {:<6} | {:>23} | {:>13} | {:>13} | {:<9} | {:<11} | {:<12} | {:<19} | {}\n".format( - "{} [{}]".format(item["ticker"], item["figi"]), - item["orderID"], - item["lotsRequested"], - "{} {} ({}{:.2f}%)".format( - "{}".format(item["currentPrice"]) if isinstance(item["currentPrice"], str) else "{:.2f}".format(float(item["currentPrice"])), - item["baseCurrencyName"], - "+" if item["percentChanges"] > 0 else "", - float(item["percentChanges"]), - ), - "{:.2f} {}".format(float(item["targetPrice"]), item["baseCurrencyName"]), - "{:.2f} {}".format(float(item["limitPrice"]), item["baseCurrencyName"]) if item["limitPrice"] and item["limitPrice"] != item["targetPrice"] else TKS_ORDER_TYPES["ORDER_TYPE_MARKET"], - item["action"], - item["type"], - item["expType"], - item["createDate"], - item["expDate"], - )) + for item in view["stat"]["Futures"]: + info.append(_InfoStr(item)) - else: - info.append("\n## Total stop-orders: 0\n") + else: + info.extend(_SplitStr(noTradeStr="**Futures:** no trades")) - # -- Show analytics section: - if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0: - info.extend([ - "\n# Analytics\n" - "\n* **Current total portfolio cost:** {:.2f} RUB\n".format(view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"]), - "* **Changes:** {}{:.2f} RUB ({}{:.2f}%)\n".format( - "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"] > 0 else "", - view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"], - "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"] > 0 else "", - view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"], - ), - "\n## Portfolio distribution by assets\n" - "\n| Type | Uniques | Percent | Current cost\n", - "|------------|---------|---------|-----------------\n", - ]) + if details in ["full", "orders"]: + # --- Show pending orders section: + if view["stat"]["orders"]: + info.extend([ + "\n## Opened pending limit-orders: {}\n".format(len(view["stat"]["orders"])), + "\n| Ticker [FIGI] | Order ID | Lots (exec.) | Current price (% delta) | Target price | Action | Type | Create date (UTC) |\n", + "|-----------------------------|----------------|--------------|-------------------------|---------------|-----------|-----------|-------------------------|\n", + ]) - for key in view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"].keys(): - if view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["cost"] > 0: - info.append("| {:<10} | {:<7} | {:<7} | {:.2f} rub\n".format( - key, - view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["uniques"], - "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["percent"]), - view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["cost"], + for item in view["stat"]["orders"]: + info.append("| {:<27} | {:<14} | {:<12} | {:>23} | {:>13} | {:<9} | {:<9} | {:<23} |\n".format( + "{} [{}]".format(item["ticker"], item["figi"]), + item["orderID"], + "{} ({})".format(item["lotsRequested"], item["lotsExecuted"]), + "{} {} ({}{:.2f}%)".format( + "{}".format(item["currentPrice"]) if isinstance(item["currentPrice"], str) else "{:.2f}".format(float(item["currentPrice"])), + item["baseCurrencyName"], + "+" if item["percentChanges"] > 0 else "", + float(item["percentChanges"]), + ), + "{:.2f} {}".format(float(item["targetPrice"]), item["baseCurrencyName"]), + item["action"], + item["type"], + item["date"], )) - maxLenNames = 3 + max([len(company) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"]) for company in view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"].keys()]) - info.extend([ - "\n## Portfolio distribution by companies\n" - "\n| Company{} | Percent | Current cost\n".format(" " * (maxLenNames - 7)), - "|--------{}-|---------|-----------------\n".format("-" * (maxLenNames - 7)), - ]) + else: + info.append("\n## Total pending limit-orders: 0\n") + + # --- Show stop orders section: + if view["stat"]["stopOrders"]: + info.extend([ + "\n## Opened stop-orders: {}\n".format(len(view["stat"]["stopOrders"])), + "\n| Ticker [FIGI] | Stop order ID | Lots | Current price (% delta) | Target price | Limit price | Action | Type | Expire type | Create date (UTC) | Expiration (UTC) |\n", + "|-----------------------------|--------------------------------------|--------|-------------------------|---------------|---------------|-----------|-------------|--------------|---------------------|---------------------|\n", + ]) - for company in view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"].keys(): - if view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["cost"] > 0: - nameLen = 3 + len(company) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"]) - info.append("| {} | {:<7} | {:.2f} rub\n".format( - "{}{}{}".format( - "[{}] ".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"]) if view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"] else "", - company, - "" if nameLen == maxLenNames else "{}".format(" " * (maxLenNames - nameLen) if view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"] else " " * (maxLenNames - nameLen + 3)), + for item in view["stat"]["stopOrders"]: + info.append("| {:<27} | {:<14} | {:<6} | {:>23} | {:>13} | {:>13} | {:<9} | {:<11} | {:<12} | {:<19} | {:<19} |\n".format( + "{} [{}]".format(item["ticker"], item["figi"]), + item["orderID"], + item["lotsRequested"], + "{} {} ({}{:.2f}%)".format( + "{}".format(item["currentPrice"]) if isinstance(item["currentPrice"], str) else "{:.2f}".format(float(item["currentPrice"])), + item["baseCurrencyName"], + "+" if item["percentChanges"] > 0 else "", + float(item["percentChanges"]), ), - "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["percent"]), - view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["cost"], + "{:.2f} {}".format(float(item["targetPrice"]), item["baseCurrencyName"]), + "{:.2f} {}".format(float(item["limitPrice"]), item["baseCurrencyName"]) if item["limitPrice"] and item["limitPrice"] != item["targetPrice"] else TKS_ORDER_TYPES["ORDER_TYPE_MARKET"], + item["action"], + item["type"], + item["expType"], + item["createDate"], + item["expDate"], )) - maxLenSectors = max([len(sector) for sector in view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"].keys()]) - info.extend([ - "\n## Portfolio distribution by sectors\n" - "\n| Sector{} | Percent | Current cost\n".format(" " * (maxLenSectors - 6)), - "|-------{}-|---------|-----------------\n".format("-" * (maxLenSectors - 6)), - ]) + else: + info.append("\n## Total stop-orders: 0\n") - for sector in view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"].keys(): - if view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"][sector]["cost"] > 0: - info.append("| {}{} | {:<7} | {:.2f} rub\n".format( - sector, - "" if len(sector) == maxLenSectors else " " * (maxLenSectors - len(sector)), - "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"][sector]["percent"]), - view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"][sector]["cost"], - )) + if details in ["full", "analytics"]: + # -- Show analytics section: + if view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"] > 0: + info.extend([ + "\n# Analytics\n" + "\n* **Current total portfolio cost:** {:.2f} RUB\n".format(view["stat"]["portfolioCostRUB"]), + "* **Changes:** {}{:.2f} RUB ({}{:.2f}%)\n".format( + "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"] > 0 else "", + view["stat"]["totalChangesRUB"], + "+" if view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"] > 0 else "", + view["stat"]["totalChangesPercentRUB"], + ), + "\n## Portfolio distribution by assets\n" + "\n| Type | Uniques | Percent | Current cost |\n", + "|------------|---------|---------|--------------------|\n", + ]) - maxLenMoney = 3 + max([len(currency) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][currency]["name"]) for currency in view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"].keys()]) - info.extend([ - "\n## Portfolio distribution by currencies\n" - "\n| Instruments currencies{} | Percent | Current cost\n".format(" " * (maxLenMoney - 22)), - "|-----------------------{}-|---------|-----------------\n".format("-" * (maxLenMoney - 22)), - ]) + for key in view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"].keys(): + if view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["cost"] > 0: + info.append("| {:<10} | {:<7} | {:<7} | {:<18} |\n".format( + key, + view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["uniques"], + "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["percent"]), + "{:.2f} rub".format(view["analytics"]["distrByAssets"][key]["cost"]), + )) - for curr in view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"].keys(): - if view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["cost"] > 0: - nameLen = 3 + len(curr) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["name"]) - info.append("| {} | {:<7} | {:.2f} rub\n".format( - "[{}] {}{}".format( - curr, - view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["name"], - "" if nameLen == maxLenMoney else " " * (maxLenMoney - nameLen), - ), - "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["percent"]), - view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["cost"], - )) + maxLenNames = 3 + max([len(company) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"]) for company in view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"].keys()]) + info.extend([ + "\n## Portfolio distribution by companies\n" + "\n| Company{} | Percent | Current cost |\n".format(" " * (maxLenNames - 7)), + "|--------{}-|---------|--------------------|\n".format("-" * (maxLenNames - 7)), + ]) - maxLenCountry = max(17, max([len(country) for country in view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"].keys()])) - info.extend([ - "\n## Portfolio distribution by countries\n" - "\n| Assets by country{} | Percent | Current cost\n".format(" " * (maxLenCountry - 17)), - "|------------------{}-|---------|-----------------\n".format("-" * (maxLenCountry - 17)), - ]) + for company in view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"].keys(): + if view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["cost"] > 0: + nameLen = 3 + len(company) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"]) + info.append("| {} | {:<7} | {:<18} |\n".format( + "{}{}{}".format( + "[{}] ".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"]) if view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"] else "", + company, + "" if nameLen == maxLenNames else "{}".format(" " * (maxLenNames - nameLen) if view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["ticker"] else " " * (maxLenNames - nameLen + 3)), + ), + "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["percent"]), + "{:.2f} rub".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCompanies"][company]["cost"]), + )) - for country in view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"].keys(): - if view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"][country]["cost"] > 0: - nameLen = len(country) - info.append("| {} | {:<7} | {:.2f} rub\n".format( - "{}{}".format( - country, - "" if nameLen == maxLenCountry else " " * (maxLenCountry - nameLen), - ), - "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"][country]["percent"]), - view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"][country]["cost"], - )) + maxLenSectors = max([len(sector) for sector in view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"].keys()]) + info.extend([ + "\n## Portfolio distribution by sectors\n" + "\n| Sector{} | Percent | Current cost |\n".format(" " * (maxLenSectors - 6)), + "|-------{}-|---------|--------------------|\n".format("-" * (maxLenSectors - 6)), + ]) + + for sector in view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"].keys(): + if view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"][sector]["cost"] > 0: + info.append("| {}{} | {:<7} | {:<18} |\n".format( + sector, + "" if len(sector) == maxLenSectors else " " * (maxLenSectors - len(sector)), + "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"][sector]["percent"]), + "{:.2f} rub".format(view["analytics"]["distrBySectors"][sector]["cost"]), + )) + + maxLenMoney = 3 + max([len(currency) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][currency]["name"]) for currency in view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"].keys()]) + info.extend([ + "\n## Portfolio distribution by currencies\n" + "\n| Instruments currencies{} | Percent | Current cost |\n".format(" " * (maxLenMoney - 22)), + "|-----------------------{}-|---------|--------------------|\n".format("-" * (maxLenMoney - 22)), + ]) + + for curr in view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"].keys(): + if view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["cost"] > 0: + nameLen = 3 + len(curr) + len(view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["name"]) + info.append("| {} | {:<7} | {:<18} |\n".format( + "[{}] {}{}".format( + curr, + view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["name"], + "" if nameLen == maxLenMoney else " " * (maxLenMoney - nameLen), + ), + "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["percent"]), + "{:.2f} rub".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCurrencies"][curr]["cost"]), + )) + + maxLenCountry = max(17, max([len(country) for country in view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"].keys()])) + info.extend([ + "\n## Portfolio distribution by countries\n" + "\n| Assets by country{} | Percent | Current cost |\n".format(" " * (maxLenCountry - 17)), + "|------------------{}-|---------|--------------------|\n".format("-" * (maxLenCountry - 17)), + ]) + + for country in view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"].keys(): + if view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"][country]["cost"] > 0: + nameLen = len(country) + info.append("| {} | {:<7} | {:<18} |\n".format( + "{}{}".format( + country, + "" if nameLen == maxLenCountry else " " * (maxLenCountry - nameLen), + ), + "{:.2f}%".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"][country]["percent"]), + "{:.2f} rub".format(view["analytics"]["distrByCountries"][country]["cost"]), + )) infoText = "".join(info) if showStatistics: - uLogger.info("Statistics of client's portfolio:\n{}".format(infoText)) + uLogger.info(infoText) + + if details == "full" and self.overviewFile: + filename = self.overviewFile - if self.overviewFile: - with open(self.overviewFile, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH: + elif details == "digest" and self.overviewDigestFile: + filename = self.overviewDigestFile + + elif details == "positions" and self.overviewPositionsFile: + filename = self.overviewPositionsFile + + elif details == "orders" and self.overviewOrdersFile: + filename = self.overviewOrdersFile + + elif details == "analytics" and self.overviewAnalyticsFile: + filename = self.overviewAnalyticsFile + + else: + filename = "" + + if filename: + with open(filename, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fH: fH.write(infoText) - uLogger.info("Client's portfolio is saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.overviewFile))) + uLogger.info("Client's portfolio is saved to file: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(filename))) return view @@ -1937,7 +2007,7 @@ def Deals(self, start: str = None, end: str = None, printDeals: bool = False, sh :param start: see docstring in `GetDatesAsString()` method :param end: see docstring in `GetDatesAsString()` method - :param printDeals: if `True` then also print all records to the console. + :param printDeals: if `True` then also prints all records to the console. :param showCancelled: if `False` then remove information about cancelled operations from the deals report. :return: original list of dictionaries with history of deals records from API ("operations" key): https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/OperationsService/OperationsService_GetOperations @@ -1955,8 +2025,8 @@ def Deals(self, start: str = None, end: str = None, printDeals: bool = False, sh # --- output report in human-readable format: if printDeals or self.reportFile: - splitLine1 = "| | | | |\n" # Summary section - splitLine2 = "| | | | | | | |\n" # Operations section + splitLine1 = "| | | | | |\n" # Summary section + splitLine2 = "| | | | | | | | |\n" # Operations section nextDay = "" info = ["# Client's operations\n\n* **Period:** from [{}] to [{}]\n\n## Summary (operations executed only)\n\n".format(startDate.split("T")[0], endDate.split("T")[0])] @@ -2074,14 +2144,14 @@ def Deals(self, start: str = None, end: str = None, printDeals: bool = False, sh # --- view "Actions" lines: info.extend([ - "| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5\n", - "|----------------------------|-------------------------------|------------------------------|----------------------|------------------------\n", - "| **Actions:** | Trades: {:<21} | Trading volumes: | |\n".format(customStat["opsCount"]), - "| | Buy: {:<22} | {:<28} | |\n".format( + "| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |\n", + "|----------------------------|-------------------------------|------------------------------|----------------------|------------------------|\n", + "| **Actions:** | Trades: {:<21} | Trading volumes: | | |\n".format(customStat["opsCount"]), + "| | Buy: {:<22} | {:<28} | | |\n".format( "{} ({:.1f}%)".format(customStat["buyCount"], 100 * customStat["buyCount"] / customStat["opsCount"]) if customStat["opsCount"] != 0 else 0, " rub, buy: {:<16}".format("{:.2f}".format(customStat["buyTotal"]["rub"])) if customStat["buyTotal"]["rub"] != 0 else " —", ), - "| | Sell: {:<21} | {:<28} | |\n".format( + "| | Sell: {:<21} | {:<28} | | |\n".format( "{} ({:.1f}%)".format(customStat["sellCount"], 100 * customStat["sellCount"] / customStat["opsCount"]) if customStat["opsCount"] != 0 else 0, " rub, sell: {:<13}".format("+{:.2f}".format(customStat["sellTotal"]["rub"])) if customStat["sellTotal"]["rub"] != 0 else " —", ), @@ -2093,10 +2163,10 @@ def Deals(self, start: str = None, end: str = None, printDeals: bool = False, sh continue info.extend([ - "| | | {:<28} | |\n".format( + "| | | {:<28} | | |\n".format( " {}, buy: {:<16}".format(key, "{:.2f}".format(customStat["buyTotal"][key]) if key and key in customStat["buyTotal"].keys() and customStat["buyTotal"][key] != 0 else 0) ), - "| | | {:<28} | |\n".format( + "| | | {:<28} | | |\n".format( " {}, sell: {:<13}".format(key, "+{:.2f}".format(customStat["sellTotal"][key]) if key and key in customStat["sellTotal"].keys() and customStat["sellTotal"][key] != 0 else 0) ), ]) @@ -2104,7 +2174,7 @@ def Deals(self, start: str = None, end: str = None, printDeals: bool = False, sh info.append(splitLine1) def _InfoStr(data1: dict, data2: dict, data3: dict, data4: dict, cur: str = "") -> str: - return "| | {:<29} | {:<28} | {:<20} | {:<22}\n".format( + return "| | {:<29} | {:<28} | {:<20} | {:<22} |\n".format( " {}: {}{:.2f}".format(cur, "+" if data1[cur] > 0 else "", data1[cur]) if cur and cur in data1.keys() and data1[cur] != 0 else " —", " {}: {}{:.2f}".format(cur, "+" if data2[cur] > 0 else "", data2[cur]) if cur and cur in data2.keys() and data2[cur] != 0 else " —", " {}: {}{:.2f}".format(cur, "+" if data3[cur] > 0 else "", data3[cur]) if cur and cur in data3.keys() and data3[cur] != 0 else " —", @@ -2112,7 +2182,7 @@ def _InfoStr(data1: dict, data2: dict, data3: dict, data4: dict, cur: str = "") ) # --- view "Payments" lines: - info.append("| **Payments:** | Deposit on broker account: | Withdrawals: | Dividends income: | Coupons income:\n") + info.append("| **Payments:** | Deposit on broker account: | Withdrawals: | Dividends income: | Coupons income: |\n") paymentsKeys = sorted(list(set(list(customStat["payIn"].keys()) + list(customStat["payOut"].keys()) + list(customStat["divs"].keys()) + list(customStat["coupons"].keys())))) for key in paymentsKeys: @@ -2121,7 +2191,7 @@ def _InfoStr(data1: dict, data2: dict, data3: dict, data4: dict, cur: str = "") info.append(splitLine1) # --- view "Commissions and taxes" lines: - info.append("| **Commissions and taxes:** | Broker commissions: | Service commissions: | Margin commissions: | All taxes/corrections:\n") + info.append("| **Commissions and taxes:** | Broker commissions: | Service commissions: | Margin commissions: | All taxes/corrections: |\n") comKeys = sorted(list(set(list(customStat["brokerCom"].keys()) + list(customStat["serviceCom"].keys()) + list(customStat["marginCom"].keys()) + list(customStat["allTaxes"].keys())))) for key in comKeys: @@ -2131,8 +2201,8 @@ def _InfoStr(data1: dict, data2: dict, data3: dict, data4: dict, cur: str = "") info.extend([ "\n## All operations{}\n\n".format("" if showCancelled else " (without cancelled status)"), - "| Date and time | FIGI | Ticker | Asset | Value | Payment | Status | Operation type\n", - "|---------------------|--------------|--------------|------------|-----------|-----------------|------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + "| Date and time | FIGI | Ticker | Asset | Value | Payment | Status | Operation type |\n", + "|---------------------|--------------|--------------|------------|-----------|-----------------|------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------|\n", ]) else: @@ -2156,7 +2226,7 @@ def _InfoStr(data1: dict, data2: dict, data3: dict, data4: dict, cur: str = "") else: nextDay = item["date"].split("T")[0] # saving current day for splitting - info.append("| {:<19} | {:<12} | {:<12} | {:<10} | {:<9} | {:>15} | {:<10} | {}\n".format( + info.append("| {:<19} | {:<12} | {:<12} | {:<10} | {:<9} | {:>15} | {:<10} | {:<66} |\n".format( item["date"].replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "").split(".")[0], self.figi if self.figi else "—", instrument["ticker"] if instrument else "—", @@ -2180,167 +2250,183 @@ def _InfoStr(data1: dict, data2: dict, data3: dict, data4: dict, cur: str = "") return ops, customStat - def History(self, onlyMissing: bool = False): + def History(self, start: str = None, end: str = None, interval: str = "hour", onlyMissing: bool = False, + csvSep: str = ",", printCandles: bool = False, + ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ - This method returns last history candles of the current instrument defined by `ticker`. - If `historyFile` is not None then method save history to this file, otherwise return only pandas dataframe. - `historyLength` define how many candles returns from past to current date. - `historyInterval` define candle interval. Available values are strings: `"1min"`, `"2min"`, `"3min"`, `"5min"`, - `"10min"`, `"15min"`, `"30min"`, `"hour"`, `"day"`, `"week"`, `"month"`. Default: `"hour"`. - Maximum requested history date in the past: `1970.01.02 03:45` + This method returns last history candles of the current instrument defined by `ticker` or `figi` (FIGI id). + + History returned between two given dates: `start` and `end`. Minimum requested date in the past is `1970-01-01`. + Warning! Broker server used ISO UTC time by default. - :param onlyMissing: if history file define then add only last missing candles, do not request all history length. False by default. - WARNING! History appends only from last candle to current time with replace last candle! Intervals must be similar! - :return: pandas dataframe with prices history. Columns: `date`, `time`, `open`, `high`, `low`, `close`, `volume`. + If `historyFile` is not `None` then method save history to file, otherwise return only pandas dataframe. + Also, `historyFile` used to update history with `onlyMissing` parameter. + + :param start: see docstring in `GetDatesAsString()` method. + :param end: see docstring in `GetDatesAsString()` method. + :param interval: this is a candle interval. Current available values are `"1min"`, `"5min"`, `"15min"`, + `"hour"`, `"day"`. Default: `"hour"`. + :param onlyMissing: if `True` then add only last missing candles, do not request all history length from `start`. + False by default. Warning! History appends only from last candle to current time + with always update last candle! + :param csvSep: separator if .csv-file is used, `,` by default. + :param printCandles: if `True` then also prints pandas dataframe to the console. + :return: pandas dataframe with prices history. Headers of columns are defined by default: + `["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"]`. """ + strStartDate, strEndDate = GetDatesAsString(start, end) # example: ("2020-01-01T00:00:00Z", "2022-12-31T23:59:59Z") + headers = ["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"] # sequence and names of column headers history = None # empty pandas object for history - # TODO: update history to work with api v2 - # if self.historyLength < 1: - # raise Exception("History length parameter must be >=1!") - # - # if self.historyInterval not in TKS_TIMEFRAMES.keys(): - # raise Exception("Interval parameter must be string with available values: 1min, 2min, 3min, 5min, 10min, 15min, 30min, hour, day, week, month.") - # - # if not (self.ticker or self.figi): - # raise Exception("self.ticker or self.figi variables must be defined!") - # - # if self.ticker and not self.figi: - # instrumentByTicker = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=False, debug=False) - # self.figi = instrumentByTicker["figi"] if instrumentByTicker else "" - # - # endDate = datetime.now(tzutc()) # current time for request history - # tempOld = None # pandas object for old history, if --only-missing key present - # lastTime = None # datetime object of last old candle in file - # minStartDate = datetime.strptime("1970.01.02 03:45", "%Y.%m.%d %H:%M").astimezone(tzutc()) # Maximum requested history date in the past - # - # # get old history saved earlier in file: - # if onlyMissing and self.historyFile and os.path.exists(self.historyFile): - # uLogger.debug("--only-missing key present, so auto decreasing --length value...") - # uLogger.debug("Only append missing last history candles at the end of the file [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.historyFile))) - # - # tempOld = pd.read_csv(self.historyFile, sep=",", header=None, names=["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"]) - # - # tempOld["date"] = pd.to_datetime(tempOld["date"]) # load date "as is" - # tempOld["date"] = tempOld["date"].dt.strftime("%Y.%m.%d") # convert date to string - # tempOld["time"] = pd.to_datetime(tempOld["time"]) # load time "as is" - # tempOld["time"] = tempOld["time"].dt.strftime("%H:%M") # convert time to string - # - # # get last datetime object from last string in file or minus 1 delta if file is empty: - # if len(tempOld) > 0: - # lastTime = datetime.strptime(tempOld.date.iloc[-1] + " " + tempOld.time.iloc[-1], "%Y.%m.%d %H:%M").astimezone(tzutc()) - # - # else: - # lastTime = endDate - timedelta(minutes=TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["minutes"]) - # uLogger.warning("No history in file, set last date to request at [{}]".format(lastTime)) - # - # delta = endDate - lastTime # current time minus last time in file - # deltaMinutes = delta.days * 1440 + delta.seconds // 60 # minutes between last datetime and current datetime - # - # # calculate new (decreased) history length to download: - # self.historyLength = deltaMinutes // TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["minutes"] - # if deltaMinutes % TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["minutes"] > 0: - # self.historyLength += 1 # to avoid fraction time - # - # tempOld = tempOld[:-1] # always remove last old candle because it may be incompletely at the current time - # - # if self.figi: - # blocks = 1 if self.historyLength <= TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["maxCandles"] else 1 + self.historyLength // TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["maxCandles"] - # responseJSONs = [] # raw history blocks - # - # uLogger.debug("Request last history from Tinkoff Broker server for ticker [{}], FIGI [{}]...".format(self.ticker, self.figi)) - # - # uLogger.debug("Requested history length: [{}], interval: [{}]".format(self.historyLength, self.historyInterval)) - # uLogger.debug("User requested time period is about from [{}] to [{}]".format( - # (endDate - timedelta(minutes=TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["minutes"] * self.historyLength)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), - # endDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), - # )) - # - # uLogger.debug("Blocks count: [{}], max candles in block for this interval: [{}]".format(blocks, TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["maxCandles"])) - # - # oldFlag = False - # for item in range(blocks): - # tail = self.historyLength % TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["maxCandles"] if item + 1 == blocks else TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["maxCandles"] - # startDate = endDate - timedelta(minutes=TKS_TIMEFRAMES[self.historyInterval]["minutes"] * tail) - # - # if startDate < minStartDate: - # startDate = minStartDate # set minimum date in the past if delta is too long - # uLogger.debug("Date in the past is too old for request. Set start time to [{}]".format(minStartDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) - # oldFlag = True - # - # uLogger.debug("Block time period: from [{}] to [{}] ({}/{})".format( - # startDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), - # endDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), - # item + 1, - # blocks, - # )) - # - # historyURL = self.server + r"/market/candles?figi={}&from={}&to={}&interval={}".format( - # self.figi, - # quote(startDate.isoformat()), - # quote(endDate.isoformat()), - # self.historyInterval, - # ) - # responseJSON = self.SendAPIRequest(historyURL, debug=False)["payload"]["candles"] - # - # responseJSONs = responseJSON + responseJSONs # add more old history behind newest dates - # endDate = startDate - # - # if oldFlag: break - # - # if responseJSONs: - # tempHistory = pd.DataFrame( - # data={ - # "date": [pd.to_datetime(item["time"]).astimezone(tzutc()) for item in responseJSONs], - # "time": [pd.to_datetime(item["time"]).astimezone(tzutc()) for item in responseJSONs], - # "open": [item["o"] for item in responseJSONs], - # "high": [item["h"] for item in responseJSONs], - # "low": [item["l"] for item in responseJSONs], - # "close": [item["c"] for item in responseJSONs], - # "volume": [item["v"] for item in responseJSONs], - # }, - # index=range(len(responseJSONs)), - # columns=["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"], - # ) - # tempHistory["date"] = tempHistory["date"].dt.strftime("%Y.%m.%d") - # tempHistory["time"] = tempHistory["time"].dt.strftime("%H:%M") - # - # # append only newest candles to old history if --only-missing key present: - # if onlyMissing and tempOld is not None and lastTime is not None: - # indx = 0 # find start index in given from server tempHistory data: - # for i, item in tempHistory.iterrows(): - # curTime = datetime.strptime(item["date"] + " " + item["time"], "%Y.%m.%d %H:%M").astimezone(tzutc()) - # if curTime == lastTime: - # uLogger.debug("History candles will be updated starting from the candle with date: [{}]".format(curTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) - # indx = i - # break - # - # history = tempOld.append(tempHistory[indx:], ignore_index=True) - # - # else: - # history = tempHistory # if no --only-missing key then load full data from server - # - # uLogger.debug("Showing last 3 rows of candles history:") - # for line in pd.DataFrame.to_string( - # history[["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"]][-3:], - # max_cols=20, - # ).split("\n"): - # uLogger.debug(line) - # - # if self.historyFile is not None: - # if history is not None: - # history.to_csv(self.historyFile, sep=",", index=False, header=False) - # uLogger.info("Ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], tf: [{}], history saved: [{}]".format( - # self.ticker, - # self.figi, - # self.historyInterval, - # os.path.abspath(self.historyFile), - # )) - # - # else: - # uLogger.warning("Empty history received! File NOT updated: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.historyFile))) - # - # else: - # uLogger.debug("--output key is not defined. Parsed history file not saved to .csv-file, only pandas dataframe returns.") + + if interval not in TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS.keys(): + raise Exception("Interval parameter must be string with current available values: `1min`, `5min`, `15min`, `hour` and `day`.") + + if not (self.ticker or self.figi): + raise Exception("Ticker or FIGI must be defined!") + + if self.ticker and not self.figi: + instrumentByTicker = self.SearchByTicker(requestPrice=False, debug=False) + self.figi = instrumentByTicker["figi"] if instrumentByTicker else "" + + if self.figi and not self.ticker: + instrumentByFIGI = self.SearchByFIGI(requestPrice=False, debug=False) + self.ticker = instrumentByFIGI["ticker"] if instrumentByFIGI else "" + + dtStart = datetime.strptime(strStartDate, TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT).replace(tzinfo=tzutc()) # datetime object from start time string + dtEnd = datetime.strptime(strEndDate, TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT).replace(tzinfo=tzutc()) # datetime object from end time string + if interval.lower() != "day": + dtEnd += timedelta(seconds=1) # adds 1 sec for requests, because day end returned by `GetDatesAsString()` as 23:59:59 + + delta = dtEnd - dtStart # current UTC time minus last time in file + deltaMinutes = delta.days * 1440 + delta.seconds // 60 # minutes between start and end dates + + # calculate history length in candles: + length = deltaMinutes // TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][1] + if deltaMinutes % TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][1] > 0: + length += 1 # to avoid fraction time + + # calculate data blocks count: + blocks = 1 if length < TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][2] else 1 + length // TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][2] + + uLogger.debug("Original requested time period in local time: from [{}] to [{}]".format(start, end)) + uLogger.debug("Requested time period is about from [{}] UTC to [{}] UTC".format(strStartDate, strEndDate)) + uLogger.debug("Calculated history length: [{}], interval: [{}]".format(length, interval)) + uLogger.debug("Data blocks, count: [{}], max candles in block: [{}]".format(blocks, TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][2])) + uLogger.debug("Requesting history candlesticks, ticker: [{}], FIGI: [{}]. Wait, please...".format(self.ticker, self.figi)) + + tempOld = None # pandas object for old history, if --only-missing key present + lastTime = None # datetime object of last old candle in file + + if onlyMissing and self.historyFile is not None and self.historyFile and os.path.exists(self.historyFile): + uLogger.debug("--only-missing key present, add only last missing candles...") + uLogger.debug("History file will be updated: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.historyFile))) + + tempOld = pd.read_csv(self.historyFile, sep=csvSep, header=None, names=headers) + + tempOld["date"] = pd.to_datetime(tempOld["date"]) # load date "as is" + tempOld["date"] = tempOld["date"].dt.strftime("%Y.%m.%d") # convert date to string + tempOld["time"] = pd.to_datetime(tempOld["time"]) # load time "as is" + tempOld["time"] = tempOld["time"].dt.strftime("%H:%M") # convert time to string + + # get last datetime object from last string in file or minus 1 delta if file is empty: + if len(tempOld) > 0: + lastTime = datetime.strptime(tempOld.date.iloc[-1] + " " + tempOld.time.iloc[-1], "%Y.%m.%d %H:%M").replace(tzinfo=tzutc()) + + else: + lastTime = dtEnd - timedelta(days=1) # history file is empty, so last date set at -1 day + + tempOld = tempOld[:-1] # always remove last old candle because it may be incompletely at the current time + + responseJSONs = [] # raw history blocks of data + + blockEnd = dtEnd + for item in range(blocks): + tail = length % TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][2] if item + 1 == blocks else TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][2] + blockStart = blockEnd - timedelta(minutes=TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][1] * tail) + + uLogger.debug("[Block #{}/{}] time period: [{}] UTC - [{}] UTC".format( + item + 1, blocks, blockStart.strftime(TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT), blockEnd.strftime(TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT), + )) + + if blockStart == blockEnd: + uLogger.debug("Skipped this zero-length block...") + + else: + # REST API for request: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/MarketDataService/MarketDataService_GetCandles + historyURL = self.server + r"/tinkoff.public.invest.api.contract.v1.MarketDataService/GetCandles" + self.body = str({ + "figi": self.figi, + "from": blockStart.strftime(TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT), + "to": blockEnd.strftime(TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT), + "interval": TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS[interval][0] + }) + responseJSON = self.SendAPIRequest(historyURL, reqType="POST", retry=1, pause=1, debug=False) + + if "code" in responseJSON.keys(): + uLogger.debug("An issue occurred and block #{}/{} is empty".format(item + 1, blocks)) + + else: + if (start.lower() == "yesterday" or start == end) and interval == "day" and len(responseJSON["candles"]) > 1: + responseJSON["candles"] = responseJSON["candles"][:-1] # removes last candle for "yesterday" request + + responseJSONs = responseJSON["candles"] + responseJSONs # add more old history behind newest dates + + blockEnd = blockStart + + printCount = len(responseJSONs) # candles to show in console + if responseJSONs: + tempHistory = pd.DataFrame( + data={ + "date": [pd.to_datetime(item["time"]).astimezone(tzutc()) for item in responseJSONs], + "time": [pd.to_datetime(item["time"]).astimezone(tzutc()) for item in responseJSONs], + "open": [NanoToFloat(item["open"]["units"], item["open"]["nano"]) for item in responseJSONs], + "high": [NanoToFloat(item["high"]["units"], item["high"]["nano"]) for item in responseJSONs], + "low": [NanoToFloat(item["low"]["units"], item["low"]["nano"]) for item in responseJSONs], + "close": [NanoToFloat(item["close"]["units"], item["close"]["nano"]) for item in responseJSONs], + "volume": [int(item["volume"]) for item in responseJSONs], + }, + index=range(len(responseJSONs)), + columns=["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"], + ) + tempHistory["date"] = tempHistory["date"].dt.strftime("%Y.%m.%d") + tempHistory["time"] = tempHistory["time"].dt.strftime("%H:%M") + + # append only newest candles to old history if --only-missing key present: + if onlyMissing and tempOld is not None and lastTime is not None: + index = 0 # find start index in tempHistory data: + + for i, item in tempHistory.iterrows(): + curTime = datetime.strptime(item["date"] + " " + item["time"], "%Y.%m.%d %H:%M").replace(tzinfo=tzutc()) + + if curTime == lastTime: + uLogger.debug("History will be updated starting from the date: [{}]".format(curTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) + index = i + printCount = index + 1 + break + + history = pd.concat([tempOld, tempHistory[index:]], ignore_index=True) + + else: + history = tempHistory # if no `--only-missing` key then load full data from server + + uLogger.debug("Last 3 rows of received history:\n{}".format(pd.DataFrame.to_string(history[["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"]][-3:], max_cols=20, index=False))) + + if printCandles and history is not None and not history.empty: + uLogger.info("Here's requested history between [{}] UTC and [{}] UTC, not-empty candles count: [{}]\n{}".format( + strStartDate.replace("T", " ").replace("Z", ""), strEndDate.replace("T", " ").replace("Z", ""), len(history[-printCount:]), + pd.DataFrame.to_string(history[["date", "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"]][-printCount:], max_cols=20, index=False), + )) + + if self.historyFile is not None: + if history is not None and not history.empty: + history.to_csv(self.historyFile, sep=csvSep, index=False, header=None) + uLogger.info("Ticker [{}], FIGI [{}], tf: [{}], history saved: [{}]".format(self.ticker, self.figi, interval, os.path.abspath(self.historyFile))) + + else: + uLogger.warning("Empty history received! File NOT updated: [{}]".format(os.path.abspath(self.historyFile))) + + else: + uLogger.debug("--output key is not defined. Parsed history file not saved to file, only pandas dataframe returns.") return history @@ -3034,11 +3120,12 @@ def ParseArgs(): parser.add_argument("--depth", type=int, default=1, help="Option: Depth of Market (DOM) can be >=1, 1 by default.") parser.add_argument("--no-cancelled", "--no-canceled", action="store_true", default=False, help="Option: remove information about cancelled operations from the deals report by the `--deals` key. `False` by default.") - parser.add_argument("--output", type=str, default=None, help="Option: replace default paths to output files for some commands. If None then used default files.") + parser.add_argument("--output", type=str, default=None, help="Option: replace default paths to output files for some commands. If `None` then used default files.") + # parser.add_argument("--output-type", type=str, choices=[None, ".md", ".csv", ".xlsx"], default=None, help="Option: replace default type of output files for some commands. You can choose: `.md`, `.csv` and `.xlsx`. If `None` then used default file types.") - # parser.add_argument("--length", type=int, default=24, help="Option: how many last candles returns for history. Used only with --history key.") - # parser.add_argument("--interval", type=str, default="60", help="Option: available values are 1min, 2min, 3min, 5min, 10min, 15min, 30min, hour, day, week, month. Used only with `--history` key. This is time period used in 'interval' api parameter. Default: `--interval=60` that means 60 min for every history candles.") - # parser.add_argument("--only-missing", action="store_true", default=False, help="Option: if history file define by `--output` key then add only last missing candles, do not request all history length. False by default.") + parser.add_argument("--interval", type=str, default="hour", help="Option: available values are `1min`, `5min`, `15min`, `hour` and `day`. Used only with `--history` key. This is time period of one candle. Default: `hour` for every history candles.") + parser.add_argument("--only-missing", action="store_true", default=False, help="Option: if history file define by `--output` key then add only last missing candles, do not request all history length. `False` by default.") + parser.add_argument("--csv-sep", type=str, default=",", help="Option: separator if .csv-file is used, `,` by default.") parser.add_argument("--debug-level", "--verbosity", "-v", type=int, default=20, help="Option: showing STDOUT messages of minimal debug level, e.g. 10 = DEBUG, 20 = INFO, 30 = WARNING, 40 = ERROR, 50 = CRITICAL. INFO (20) by default.") @@ -3047,12 +3134,17 @@ def ParseArgs(): parser.add_argument("--list", "-l", action="store_true", help="Action: get and print all available instruments and some information from broker server. Also, you can define `--output` key to save list of instruments to file, default: `instruments.md`.") parser.add_argument("--search", "-s", type=str, nargs=1, help="Action: search for an instruments by part of the name, ticker or FIGI. Also, you can define `--output` key to save results to file, default: `search-results.md`.") parser.add_argument("--info", "-i", action="store_true", help="Action: get information from broker server about instrument by it's ticker or FIGI. `--ticker` key or `--figi` key must be defined!") - parser.add_argument("--price", action="store_true", help="Action: show actual price list for current instrument. Also, you can use --depth key. `--ticker` key or `--figi` key must be defined!") + parser.add_argument("--price", action="store_true", help="Action: show actual price list for current instrument. Also, you can use `--depth` key. `--ticker` key or `--figi` key must be defined!") parser.add_argument("--prices", "-p", type=str, nargs="+", help="Action: get and print current prices for list of given instruments (by it's tickers or by FIGIs). WARNING! This is too long operation if you request a lot of instruments! Also, you can define `--output` key to save list of prices to file, default: `prices.md`.") - parser.add_argument("--overview", "-o", action="store_true", help="Action: show all open positions, orders and some statistics. Also, you can define `--output` key to save this information to file, default: `overview.md`.") + parser.add_argument("--overview", "-o", action="store_true", help="Action: shows all open positions, orders and some statistics. Also, you can define `--output` key to save this information to file, default: `overview.md`.") + parser.add_argument("--overview-digest", action="store_true", help="Action: shows a short digest of the portfolio status. Also, you can define `--output` key to save this information to file, default: `overview-digest.md`.") + parser.add_argument("--overview-positions", action="store_true", help="Action: shows only open positions. Also, you can define `--output` key to save this information to file, default: `overview-positions.md`.") + parser.add_argument("--overview-orders", action="store_true", help="Action: shows only sections of open limits and stop orders. Also, you can define `--output` key to save this information to file, default: `overview-orders.md`.") + parser.add_argument("--overview-analytics", action="store_true", help="Action: shows only the analytics section and the distribution of the portfolio by various categories. Also, you can define `--output` key to save this information to file, default: `overview-analytics.md`.") + parser.add_argument("--deals", "-d", type=str, nargs="*", help="Action: show all deals between two given dates. Start day may be an integer number: -1, -2, -3 days ago. Also, you can use keywords: `today`, `yesterday` (-1), `week` (-7), `month` (-30) and `year` (-365). Dates format must be: `%%Y-%%m-%%d`, e.g. 2020-02-03. With `--no-cancelled` key information about cancelled operations will be removed from the deals report. Also, you can define `--output` key to save all deals to file, default: `deals.md`.") - # parser.add_argument("--history", action="store_true", help="Action: get last (--length) history candles from past to current time with (--interval) values. Also, you can define `--output` key to save history candles to .csv-file.") + parser.add_argument("--history", type=str, nargs="*", help="Action: get last history candles of the current instrument defined by `--ticker` or `--figi` (FIGI id) keys. History returned between two given dates: `start` and `end`. Minimum requested date in the past is `1970-01-01`. Also, you can define `--output` key to save history candlesticks to file.") parser.add_argument("--trade", nargs="*", help="Action: universal action to open market position for defined ticker or FIGI. You must specify 1-5 parameters: [direction `Buy` or `Sell`] [lots, >= 1] [take profit, >= 0] [stop loss, >= 0] [expiration date for TP/SL orders, Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`]. See examples in readme.") parser.add_argument("--buy", nargs="*", help="Action: immediately open BUY market position at the current price for defined ticker or FIGI. You must specify 0-4 parameters: [lots, >= 1] [take profit, >= 0] [stop loss, >= 0] [expiration date for TP/SL orders, Undefined|`%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S`].") @@ -3165,7 +3257,31 @@ def Main(**kwargs): if args.output is not None: server.overviewFile = args.output - server.Overview(showStatistics=True) + server.Overview(showStatistics=True, details="full") + + elif args.overview_digest: + if args.output is not None: + server.overviewDigestFile = args.output + + server.Overview(showStatistics=True, details="digest") + + elif args.overview_positions: + if args.output is not None: + server.overviewPositionsFile = args.output + + server.Overview(showStatistics=True, details="positions") + + elif args.overview_orders: + if args.output is not None: + server.overviewOrdersFile = args.output + + server.Overview(showStatistics=True, details="orders") + + elif args.overview_analytics: + if args.output is not None: + server.overviewAnalyticsFile = args.output + + server.Overview(showStatistics=True, details="analytics") elif args.deals is not None: if args.output is not None: @@ -3182,12 +3298,22 @@ def Main(**kwargs): else: raise Exception("You must specify 0-2 parameters: [DATE_START] [DATE_END]") - # TODO: implement history download and view - # elif args.history: - # if args.output is not None: - # server.historyFile = args.output - # - # server.History(onlyMissing=args.only_missing) + elif args.history is not None: + if args.output is not None: + server.historyFile = args.output + + if 0 <= len(args.history) < 3: + server.History( + start=args.history[0] if len(args.history) >= 1 else None, + end=args.history[1] if len(args.history) == 2 else None, + interval="hour" if args.interval is None or not args.interval else args.interval, + onlyMissing=False if args.only_missing is None or not args.only_missing else args.only_missing, + csvSep="," if args.csv_sep is None or not args.csv_sep else args.csv_sep, + printCandles=True, # shows all downloaded candles in console + ) + + else: + raise Exception("You must specify 0-2 parameters: [DATE_START] [DATE_END]") elif args.trade is not None: if 1 <= len(args.trade) <= 5: @@ -3318,14 +3444,15 @@ def Main(**kwargs): raise Exception("There is no command to execute!") except Exception: - exc = tb.format_exc().split("\n") - - for line in exc: - if line: - uLogger.debug(line) + trace = tb.format_exc() + for e in ["socket.gaierror", "nodename nor servname provided", "or not known", "NewConnectionError", "[Errno 8]", "Failed to establish a new connection"]: + if e in trace: + uLogger.error("Check your Internet connection! Failed to establish connection to broker server!") + break - uLogger.debug("Unknown error occurred, open a ticket for this issue, please! https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues") - exitCode = 255 # unknown error occurred, must be open a ticket for this issue + uLogger.debug(trace) + uLogger.debug("Please, checks troubleshooting or open a ticket for this issue at https://github.com/Tim55667757/TKSBrokerAPI/issues") + exitCode = 255 # an error occurred, must be open a ticket for this issue finally: finish = datetime.now(tzutc()) @@ -3334,7 +3461,9 @@ def Main(**kwargs): uLogger.debug("All operations with Tinkoff Server using Open API are finished success (summary code is 0).") else: - uLogger.error("TKSBrokerAPI module returns an error! See full debug log with key in run command `--debug-level 10`. Summary code: {}".format(exitCode)) + uLogger.error("An issue occurred with TKSBrokerAPI module! See full debug log in [{}] or run TKSBrokerAPI once again with the key `--debug-level 10`. Summary code: {}".format( + os.path.abspath(uLog.defaultLogFile), exitCode, + )) uLogger.debug("TKSBrokerAPI module work duration: [{}]".format(finish - start)) uLogger.debug("TKSBrokerAPI module finished: [{}] UTC, it is [{}] local time".format( diff --git a/tksbrokerapi/TKSEnums.py b/tksbrokerapi/TKSEnums.py index 8b259b6..c51b957 100644 --- a/tksbrokerapi/TKSEnums.py +++ b/tksbrokerapi/TKSEnums.py @@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ # limitations under the License. +TKS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" +"""Date and time string format used by Tinkoff Open API. Default: `"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"`.""" + TKS_INSTRUMENTS = ["Currencies", "Shares", "Bonds", "Etfs", "Futures"] """Type of instrument for trade methods must be only one of supported types, listed in this constant. Default: `["Currencies", "Shares", "Bonds", "Etfs", "Futures"]`""" @@ -43,20 +46,15 @@ # "ISSUANCEBRUS", # now available ] -TKS_TIMEFRAMES = { - "1min": {"minutes": 1, "maxCandles": 1439}, # max count in block for this API request: 1 day (and -1 minute) - "2min": {"minutes": 2, "maxCandles": 719}, # max count in block for this API request: 1 day (and -2 minutes) - "3min": {"minutes": 3, "maxCandles": 479}, # max count in block for this API request: 1 day (and and -3 minutes) - "5min": {"minutes": 5, "maxCandles": 287}, # max count in block for this API request: 1 day (and -5 minutes) - "10min": {"minutes": 10, "maxCandles": 143}, # max count in block for this API request: 1 day (and -10 minutes) - "15min": {"minutes": 15, "maxCandles": 95}, # max count in block for this API request: 1 day (and -15 minutes) - "30min": {"minutes": 30, "maxCandles": 47}, # max count in block for this API request: 1 day (and -30 minutes) - "hour": {"minutes": 60, "maxCandles": 167}, # max count in block for this API request: 7 days (and -1 hour) - "day": {"minutes": 1440, "maxCandles": 365}, # max count in block for this API request: 1 year - "week": {"minutes": 10080, "maxCandles": 104}, # max count in block for this API request: 2 years - "month": {"minutes": 43200, "maxCandles": 119}, # max count in block for this API request: 10 years +TKS_CANDLE_INTERVALS = { # List values: 1st - Tinkoff API parameter, 2nd - minutes count, 3rd - max candles in block + "Undefined": ["CANDLE_INTERVAL_UNSPECIFIED", 0, 0], + "1min": ["CANDLE_INTERVAL_1_MIN", 1, 1438], # max count in API request block: 1 day (1440 min) and -2 minute + "5min": ["CANDLE_INTERVAL_5_MIN", 5, 287], # max count in API request block: 1 day (288 by 5 min) and -5 minute + "15min": ["CANDLE_INTERVAL_15_MIN", 15, 95], # max count in API request block: 1 day (96 by 15 min) and -15 minute + "hour": ["CANDLE_INTERVAL_HOUR", 60, 167], # max count in API request block: 1 week (168 hours) and -1 hour + "day": ["CANDLE_INTERVAL_DAY", 1440, 364], # max count in API request block: 1 year (365 days) and -1 day } -"""How many minutes in interval and maximum count of candles in one history block returns by Tinkoff API in one request. +"""Candles interval for requesting history data with Tinkoff API. Current available keys are `"1min"`, `"5min"`, `"15min"`, `"hour"`, `"day"`. See more: https://tinkoff.github.io/investAPI/swagger-ui/#/MarketDataService/MarketDataService_GetCandles """ diff --git a/tksbrokerapi/UniLogger.py b/tksbrokerapi/UniLogger.py index 3b8d26a..df7b492 100644 --- a/tksbrokerapi/UniLogger.py +++ b/tksbrokerapi/UniLogger.py @@ -110,7 +110,8 @@ def DisableLogger(handler, parentHandler=UniLogger): streamHandler.level = logging.INFO # set up INFO verbosity level by default for STDOUT UniLogger UniLogger.addHandler(streamHandler) # adding STDOUT UniLogger handler to Parent UniLogger -fileLogHandler = EnableLogger(logFile="TKSBrokerAPI.log", parentHandler=UniLogger, useFormat=formatter) # add logging to file +defaultLogFile = "TKSBrokerAPI.log" +fileLogHandler = EnableLogger(logFile=defaultLogFile, parentHandler=UniLogger, useFormat=formatter) # add logging to file sepWide = "-" * 120 # long-long log separator sepLong = "-" * 80 # long log separator