- 初步完成所有接口,本地app测试完成
- kitex作为rpc框架,hertz作为http框架,gorm作为数据库框架
- minio作为对象存储
- etcd作为服务注册与发现
- zap作为结构化日志
- viper读取配置文件
- ffmpeg处理视频封面
- jwt作为鉴权token
What's Changed
- Update README.md by @orbit-hub in #1
- 123 commit by @Snorlax0211 in #2
- remove 123.txt for test by @Centurybbx in #3
- add a line in README by @123ice in #4
- Add files via upload by @fictionalflaw in #5
- Update README.md by @Waiixx in #6
- remove unused files and ready to develop by @Centurybbx in #7
- Basic gorm frame and crud for userdao by @Centurybbx in #8
- first finish database frame by @Centurybbx in #10
- Basic web frame using hertz and kitex by @Centurybbx in #12
- Add Zap for logging and converter to simplify handler by @Centurybbx in #14
- Fix config path by @Centurybbx in #16
- Upload response by @Centurybbx in #17
- support basic CI for go project by @Centurybbx in #19
- support douyin/feed by @Centurybbx in #18
- add pr template by @Centurybbx in #20
- optimize db and log to singleton by @Centurybbx in #21
- Bugfix: fix no video return when not specify latest_time by @Centurybbx in #22
- Register and Login by @123ice in #24
- Feature: support publish list by @Centurybbx in #25
- Add token by @123ice in #26
- [Enhancement] refactor c.JSON using resp by @Centurybbx in #28
- [Feature] support publish action by @Centurybbx in #27
- [Bugfix] fix build fail when missing constant by @Centurybbx in #29
- [Enhancement] add token and bugfix for dousheng app by @Centurybbx in #30
- [Chore] add dousheng to pr-template by @Centurybbx in #33
- [Enhancement] refactor repository by @Centurybbx in #34
- modified relation by @Snorlax0211 in #38
- [Feature] support favorite action and favorite list by @Centurybbx in #37
- [Feature] support etcd as service registration and discovery by @Centurybbx in #39
- [Bugfix] fix missing work count when publish video by @Centurybbx in #40
- [Enhancement] refactor converter and bugfix for relation friend by @Centurybbx in #42
- 增加评论和消息功能 by @orbit-hub in #41
- [chore] add missing ) to fix ci build by @Centurybbx in #43
- [Bugfix] fix all app related bugs by @Centurybbx in #44
New Contributors
- @orbit-hub made their first contribution in #1
- @Snorlax0211 made their first contribution in #2
- @Centurybbx made their first contribution in #3
- @123ice made their first contribution in #4
- @fictionalflaw made their first contribution in #5
- @Waiixx made their first contribution in #6
Full Changelog: https://github.com/Tiktok-Lite/kotkit/commits/v1.0