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Dev environement installation


First, clone this repos in the same folder :

git clone [email protected]:TiBillet/Test-Driven-Development.git
git clone [email protected]:TiBillet/Lespass.git
git clone [email protected]:TiBillet/LaBoutik.git
git clone [email protected]:TiBillet/Fedow.git

Create and fill the .env file on each repo :

cp env_example .env

Go to Test Drived Development folder and run the main compose

docker compose up -d
docker compose logs -f # to see the logs

Manual start

Enter on each django container to start the dev server exemple with Fedow :

# on host :
docker exec -ti fedow_django bash
# inside the containe :
poetry shell # enter the python venv
./ # to start from scratch with demo/test data
# or
rsp # alias for python runserver, to start the server if you don't want to flush

You have to do the same with : lespass_django and laboutik_django


créer le réseau "frontend" pour l'environnement de dev
docker network create frontend
modifier la variable ROOT_PATH dans le script star_dev

exemple: ROOT_PATH="/media/travail/developpement/gits/Test-Driven-Development/"

Vérifier que vos fichiers d'env sont correctes
Supprimer les sessions byobu / tmux
tmux kill-server

Construire et arrêter les containers de chaque dépôts (Fedow, Lespass, LaBoutik)

docker compose up -d && docker compose down

Lancer l'environnement de dev (dans le dossier Test-Driven-Development)


Playright test

This is the end to end test, with a headless chrome :

# in playwright container
docker exec -ti playwright bash
npm i
clear && npx playwright test tests/laboutik/
# think install the requested dependencies and restart the previus command

Relancer l'environnement de dev

  • Ctrl + c
  • tmux kill-server
  • ./start_dev

Si problèmes docker (pour une nouvelle installation des containers de dev)

docker system prune -a
  • Relancer l'étape Test

Python Test

Flush the 3 container and run ./ test on the laboutik_django container