This project began at HackNYU 2017 with an Educational Technology track in mind. SaveAGrade is a website that connects professors, teaching assistants, and students together for creating efficient office hours. Students will have all their classes' office hour resources compiled in one convenient place. They would also be able to request office hour appointments with specific questions/concerns in mind. The appointments serve two purposes: 1.Allows other students to anticipate office hour demands and perhaps join established appointment sessions 2.Allows teaching assistants to anticipate student's questions/concerns beforehand to streamline solution. In doing so, each appointment session would be completed efficiently and promptly. Professors will be able to view and analyze office hour data. From the data, professors can identify peaks and common questions to alleviate demands for future semesters.
- Student Request Office Hours Interface
- TA Look Up Office Hour Appointments
- Data Analytics for Professor
- Nicole Chueng ntc27
- Nicholas Pena Dragontail
- Robe Zhang ThirdRepublic
SQL/Database files are removed due to sensitivity of data. Project is still under development.