use ThemePlate\Image;
Image::register( 'wanted_size', 1920, 1080 );
Image::manipulate( 'wanted_size', 'pixilate', 10 );
Image::register( 'another_size', 640, 480 );
Image::manipulate( 'another_size', 'greyscale' );
Image::manipulate( 'another_size', 'blur', 20 );
$processor = Image::processor();
$processor->report( function( $output ) {
error_log( print_r( $output, true ) );
} );
// Simply use the core functions like you normally would
// - wp_get_attachment_image
// - wp_get_attachment_image_url
// - the_post_thumbnail
// - get_the_post_thumbnail
// - get_the_post_thumbnail_url
works only when logged-in
- $name (string)(Required) Size identifier
- $width (int)(Required) Width in pixels
- $height (int)(Required) Height in pixels
- $size (string)(Required) Registered size
- $filter (string)(Required) Filter to apply
- $args (array)(Optional) Parameters to pass. Default
See available filters in
Do the processing(crop/resize and manipulations) in the background