Exercise list in order:
- Setup of your ArgoCD root application
- Introduction to ArgoCD
- ArgoCD And Helm
- App of Apps
- ApplicationSets
- Projects
- Sealed Secrets (Not done yet)
You need to have ArgoCD installed and running. All exercises should work on minikube, or kind. You can refer to the installation link for how to install ArgoCD. You do not need the HA setup for the exercises.
The repository is structured as follows:
├── applicationsets # Values for applicationsets.md
├── applicationsets.md
├── app-of-apps.md
├── argocd-and-helm.md
├── img
├── intro.md
├── jenkins # Values for the Jenkins Helm Chart
├── quotes-flask # Example application
├── README.md
├── sealed-secrets.md
├── setup.md
└── trainer # Trainer folder