Initialize project repository
Create README.md file
Include directory
verify that toilet and necessary library are present for the head to execute else print simple text
Customize install dir
Customize installed command name
Confirmation before writing over current makefile
saving the previous makefile??
move all .c to sources automatically
same for includes (problems with path? No)
add compil flags flag (what did i mean by that?)
add to path automatically ? ++not automatic but flag available to add to .zshrc (that's what i use)
change compiler flag
options for header
if Makefile exist and ./MMMMMM -wrongflag used, makefile move to .old but no reverted after problem
[~] support for more languages? (cpp)
look if src / srcs / source / sources exit and include / includes for moveScript cause else kind of ugly what happens
( ) add a revert to the file moved
add to path to specific file and not only ./zshrc
add verbose/human mode
make libraries (with a rule to execute with main.c / test.c (whatever) to compile like a program to test the library)
handle libraries in project(test with libft)
Make most of the functionality available at creation later available to modify already existing makefile
Choose better name for flags, and double them, -n == --name
update Readme