diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b36203a..1f68c41 100644
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- npm package
+ npm package
-BIM Fragment
[![NPM Package][npm]][npm-url]
[![NPM Package][npm-downloads]][npm-url]
-This library is a geometric system to efficiently display 3D BIM data built on top of [Three.js](https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/). Specifically, it uses [InstancedMeshes](https://threejs.org/docs/#api/en/objects/InstancedMesh) to draw each set of repeated geometries (which are abundant in BIM models) using a single draw call.
+Work in progress.
-- It uses [flatbuffers](https://flatbuffers.dev/) to persist data as a binary format efficiently.
-- It prevents [memory leaks](https://threejs.org/docs/#manual/en/introduction/How-to-dispose-of-objects) exposing a `dispose()` method.
+This library is a 3D geometry and modelling engine that works natively with IFC.
-You generally won't need to interact with this library direclty. Instead, you can use [components](https://github.com/ThatOpen/engine_components), which provides an abstraction layer of tools that use this format and make the creation of BIM tools very easy.
-### Usage
-You need to be familiar with [Three.js API](https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/) to be able to use this library effectively. In the following example, we will create a cube in a 3D scene that can be navigated with the mouse or touch events. You can see the full example [here](https://github.com/ThatOpen/engine_components/blob/main/src/core/SimpleScene/index.html) and the deployed app [here](https://thatopen.github.io/engine_components/src/core/SimpleScene/index.html).
-import * as FRAGS from 'bim-fragment';
-const canvas = document.getElementById('container');
-// Simple three.js scene: check the resources folder of this repo
-const threeScene = new SimpleThreeScene(canvas);
-let chairs;
-const serializer = new FRAGS.Serializer();
-async function importChairsBinary() {
- if (chairs !== undefined) return;
- const fetched = await fetch("../resources/chairs.frag");
- const rawData = await fetched.arrayBuffer();
- const buffer = new Uint8Array(rawData);
- chairs = serializer.import(buffer);
- for(const frag of chairs) {
- threeScene.scene.add(frag.mesh);
- }
-function deleteChairs() {
- if (!chairs) return;
- for(const frag of chairs) {
- frag.dispose(true);
- }
- chairs = undefined;
-async function exportChairsBinary() {
- if (!chairs) return;
- const buffer = serializer.export(chairs);
- const file = new File([new Blob([buffer])], "chairs.frag");
- const link = document.createElement('a');
- document.body.appendChild(link);
- link.download = 'chairs.frag';
- link.href = URL.createObjectURL(file);
- link.click();
- link.remove();
-[npm]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/bim-fragment
-[npm-url]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/bim-fragment
-[npm-downloads]: https://img.shields.io/npm/dw/bim-fragment
+[npm]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/openbim-clay
+[npm-url]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/openbim-clay
+[npm-downloads]: https://img.shields.io/npm/dw/openbim-clay