diff --git a/docs/data-sources/aws_cloudhsm_key.md b/docs/data-sources/aws_cloudhsm_key.md
index c6f7b77..2493550 100644
--- a/docs/data-sources/aws_cloudhsm_key.md
+++ b/docs/data-sources/aws_cloudhsm_key.md
@@ -86,16 +86,10 @@ data "ciphertrust_aws_cloudhsm_key" "ciphertrust_aws_cloudhsm_keyby_key_id" {
- `key_usage` (String) Specifies the intended use of the key. RSA key options: ENCRYPT_DECRYPT, SIGN_VERIFY. Default is ENCRYPT_DECRYPT. EC key options: SIGN_VERIFY. Default is SIGN_VERIFY. Symmetric key options: ENCRYPT_DECRYPT. Default is ENCRYPT_DECRYPT.
- `key_users` (List of String) Key users - users.
- `key_users_roles` (List of String) Key users - roles.
-- `kms` (String) Kms name.
-- `kms_id` (String) Kms ID
- `labels` (Map of String) A list of key:value pairs associated with the key.
- `linked` (Boolean) Parameter to indicate if AWS CloudHSM key is linked with AWS.
- `local_key_id` (String) CCKM key identifier of the external key.
- `local_key_name` (String) CCKM key name of the external key.
-- `multi_region` (Boolean) True if the key is a multi-region key.
-- `multi_region_key_type` (String) Indicates if the key is the primary key or a replica key.
-- `multi_region_primary_key` (Map of String) Multi-region primary key details.
-- `multi_region_replica_keys` (List of Map of String) Multi-region primary key details.
- `policy` (String) AWS key policy.
- `policy_template_tag` (Map of String) AWS key tag for an associated policy template.
- `replica_policy` (String) Replication policy.
diff --git a/docs/resources/aws_cloudhsm_key.md b/docs/resources/aws_cloudhsm_key.md
index ad4750c..a182bde 100644
--- a/docs/resources/aws_cloudhsm_key.md
+++ b/docs/resources/aws_cloudhsm_key.md
@@ -158,25 +158,19 @@ data "ciphertrust_aws_cloudhsm_key" "cloudhsm_key_1_data" {
- `alias` (Set of String) Input parameter. Alias assigned to the the CloudHSM key
- `auto_rotate` (Boolean) (Updateable) Enable AWS autorotation on the key. Default is false.
-- `bypass_policy_lockout_safety_check` (Boolean) Bypass the AWS key policy lockout safety check. Default is false.
- `customer_master_key_spec` (String) Specifies a symmetric or asymmetric key and the encryption\signing algorithms the key supports. Valid values: SYMMETRIC_DEFAULT, RSA_2048, RSA_3072, RSA_4096, ECC_NIST_P256, ECC_NIST_P384, ECC_NIST_P521 and ECC_SECG_P256K1. Default is SYMMETRIC_DEFAULT.
- `description` (String) Description of the AWS key.
- `enable_key` (Boolean) (Updateable) Enable or disable the key. Default is true.
- `enable_rotation` (Block List, Max: 1) (Updateable) Enable the key for scheduled rotation job. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--enable_rotation))
-- `import_key_material` (Block List, Max: 1) (Updateable) Key import details. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--import_key_material))
- `key_policy` (Block List, Max: 1) (Updateable) Key policy to attach to the AWS key. Policy and key administrators, key_users, and AWS accounts are mutually exclusive. Specify either the policy or any one user at a time. If no parameters are specified, the default policy is used. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--key_policy))
- `key_usage` (String) Specifies the intended use of the key. RSA key options: ENCRYPT_DECRYPT, SIGN_VERIFY. Default is ENCRYPT_DECRYPT. EC key options: SIGN_VERIFY. Default is SIGN_VERIFY. Symmetric key options: ENCRYPT_DECRYPT. Default is ENCRYPT_DECRYPT.
- `key_users_roles` (List of String) Key users - roles.
-- `kms` (String) Name or ID of the kms. Required unless replicating a multi-user key.
- `local_hosted_params` (Block List) Parameters for a AWS CloudHSM key. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--local_hosted_params))
-- `multi_region` (Boolean) Creates or identifies a multi-region key.
- `origin` (String) Source of the CMK's key material. Options: AWS_KMS, EXTERNAL, EXTERNAL_KEY_STORE, AWS_CLOUDHSM. AWS_KMS will create a native AWS key and is the default for AWS native key creation. EXTERNAL will create an external AWS key and is the default for import operations. This parameter is not required for upload operations. Origin is EXTERNAL_KEY_STORE for XKS/HYOK key and AWS_CLOUDHSM for key in CloudHSM key store.
- `primary_region` (String) (Updateable) Update the primary region of a multi-region key. Can only be set for a primary key.
- `region` (String) AWS region in which to create a CloudHSM key.
-- `replicate_key` (Block List, Max: 1) Key replication details. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--replicate_key))
- `schedule_for_deletion_days` (Number) (Updateable) Waiting period after the key is destroyed before the key is deleted. Only relevant when the resource is destroyed. Default is 7.
- `tags` (Map of String) A list of tags assigned to the CloudHSM key.
-- `upload_key` (Block List, Max: 1) Key upload details. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--upload_key))
### Read-Only
@@ -205,14 +199,10 @@ data "ciphertrust_aws_cloudhsm_key" "cloudhsm_key_1_data" {
- `key_state` (String) Key state.
- `key_type` (String) Key type.
- `key_users` (List of String) Key users - users.
-- `kms_id` (String) ID of the kms
- `labels` (Map of String) A list of key:value pairs associated with the key.
- `linked` (Boolean) Parameter to indicate if AWS CloudHSM key is linked with AWS.
- `local_key_id` (String) CipherTrust key identifier of the external key.
- `local_key_name` (String) CipherTrust key name of the external key.
-- `multi_region_key_type` (String) Indicates if the key is the primary key or a replica key.
-- `multi_region_primary_key` (Map of String) Multi-region primary key details.
-- `multi_region_replica_keys` (List of Map of String) Multi-region primary key details.
- `policy` (String) AWS key policy.
- `policy_template_tag` (Map of String) AWS key tag for an associated policy template.
- `replica_policy` (String) Replication policy.
@@ -239,22 +229,6 @@ Optional:
- `hsm_partition_id` (String) (Updateable) HSM Luna partition ID, required if key_source is hsm-luna.
-### Nested Schema for `import_key_material`
-- `source_key_name` (String) Name of the key created for key material.
-- `dsm_domain_id` (String) (Updateable) Domain for the DSM key. Required if source_key_tier is dsm.
-- `hsm_partition_id` (String) (Updateable) Partition for the HSM Luna key. Required if source_key_tier is hsm-luna.
-- `key_expiration` (Boolean) (Updateable) Enable key material expiration.
-- `source_key_tier` (String) Source of the key. Options: local, dsm, hsm-luna. Default is local.
-- `valid_to` (String) (Updateable) Date of key material expiry in UTC time in RFC3339 format. For example, 2022-07-03T14:24:00Z.
### Nested Schema for `key_policy`
@@ -282,32 +256,4 @@ Optional:
- `linked` (Boolean) Parameter to indicate if AWS CloudHSM key is linked with AWS.
-### Nested Schema for `replicate_key`
-- `key_id` (String) CipherTrust key ID of they key to replicate.
-- `import_key_material` (Boolean) Import key material to a replicated external key.
-- `key_expiration` (Boolean) Enable key expiration of the replicated key. Only applies to external keys.
-- `make_primary` (Boolean) Update the primary key region to the replicated key's region following replication.
-- `valid_to` (String) Date the key material of the replicated key expires. Only applies to external keys. Set as UTC time in RFC3339 format. For example, 2022-07-03T14:24:00Z.
-### Nested Schema for `upload_key`
-- `source_key_identifier` (String) DSM or CipherTrust key ID to upload to AWS.
-- `key_expiration` (Boolean) Enable key expiration.
-- `source_key_tier` (String) Source of the key. Options: local, dsm and hsm-luna. Default is local.
-- `valid_to` (String) Date of key expiry in UTC time in RFC3339 format. For example, 2022-07-03T14:24:00Z.