Your task is to write a very simple product catalogue app.
- Write a simple REST API in whatever language you're most comfortable (NodeJS, Rails, Java...) that...
- Has 1 endpoint
- Returns the attached "phones.json" payload (or a free version of it)
- The data can all be mocked, no need for a persistence layer
- Write a React app that displays the phones from the API
- Use redux for state management and Axios (or similar library) for fetching data from the API
- Display an initial list with all phones
- When a phone model is selected from the list, it will render a phone detail view displaying a few more details about that phone
- Display a spinner or placeholder component while the API request is ongoing
- Make it look decent. No need for super sophisticated design, but at a minimum, make it somewhat responsive so that it doesn’t look terrible on a mobile phone. Add images for each device.
- Push the code to a public github repo with a that explains how to run API & Frontend app
- Dockerize the app.
- Write realistic unit/end-to-end tests.