Releases: TeamPophory/pophory-android
Releases · TeamPophory/pophory-android
🎉 1.0.0
What's Changed
- Configure Renovate by @renovate in #1
- [feature/configuration-repo] Build logic + 의존성 설정 by @l2hyunwoo in #5
- Update dependency gradle to v8.1.1 by @renovate in #2
- [feature/github-configuration] Github 환경 설정 by @l2hyunwoo in #6
- [feature/add-dependency] dot-indicator 의존성 추가 by @jihyeonAnAn in #10
- Update Issue template by @librarywon in #9
- 🔧 Add Hilt configuration by @l2hyunwoo in #13
- 📈 Add sentry configuration by @l2hyunwoo in #11
- [feature/admob]: admob SDK 탑재 및 native 추가 by @KwakEuiJin in #14
- Update dependency io.sentry:sentry-compose-android to v6.24.0 by @renovate in #12
- Update ktlint to v11.4.2 by @renovate in #8
- 🔧 Update library versions by @l2hyunwoo in #17
- [feature/add-bottom-navigation-library] Bottom Navigation Library 구현 by @l2hyunwoo in #18
- [feature/firebase-build-configurations] Firebase 프로젝트 설정 by @l2hyunwoo in #15
- 📝 Add README by @l2hyunwoo in #20
- docs: add l2hyunwoo as a contributor for code, and infra by @allcontributors in #21
- docs: add KwakEuiJin as a contributor for code, and infra by @allcontributors in #22
- docs: add jihyeonAnAn as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #23
- docs: add librarywon as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #24
- Add activity graph in readme by @l2hyunwoo in #25
- [fix/issue_template]: fix issue template by @KwakEuiJin in #26
- [fix/delete_issue_template]: delete issue template by @KwakEuiJin in #27
- chore(deps): update dependency gradle to v8.2 by @renovate in #29
- [feature/flipper-config] Flipper 설정하기 by @l2hyunwoo in #32
- Add Crashlytics dependencies by @l2hyunwoo in #34
- [feature/kakao-configuration] Kakao 로그인 위한 기초 설정 + App Startup 설정 by @l2hyunwoo in #37
- [feature/timber-config] Timber 로거 설정 by @l2hyunwoo in #40
- [feature/bottomappbar] BottomNavigationView 생성 및 프래그먼트 연결 by @librarywon in #38
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.fragment:fragment-ktx to v1.6.0 by @renovate in #43
- Gradle 빌드 속성 변경 by @l2hyunwoo in #46
- [feature/setup-utils] Util로 사용할 수 있는 core:common 모듈 생성 by @l2hyunwoo in #45
- [feature/binding-error-fix] binding에서 참조되는 뷰를 기존 inflater에서 생성되는 걸 활용 by @l2hyunwoo in #48
- [feature/design-system] Color Design System 설정 by @l2hyunwoo in #51
- [feature/flexbox] 가로 세로 사진 정렬 작업 by @KwakEuiJin in #49
- App Logo + Project Icon Setting by @l2hyunwoo in #53
- [feature/store] store view viewpager 및 기능 구현 by @librarywon in #55
- chore(deps): update ktlint to v11.5.0 by @renovate in #60
- [feat/album]: Change Flexbox to LinearLayoutManager and Add Hilt by @KwakEuiJin in #58
- [feature/setting] 설정화면 제작 by @l2hyunwoo in #52
- [feature/kakao-login] 카카오 로그인 구현을 조금 더 쉽게 할 수 있는 KakaoAuthService 구현 by @l2hyunwoo in #62
- KakaoAuthService ActivityComponent에서 주입할수 있게 바꾸기 by @l2hyunwoo in #63
- fix(deps): update dependency io.sentry:sentry-compose-android to v6.25.0 by @renovate in #64
- [feature/myPage] myPage 진행상황 공유 by @librarywon in #57
- [feat/onBoarding] : 스플래시와 온보딩 뷰 구현 by @jihyeonAnAn in #50
- [feature/design-system] 디자인 시스템 정의 및 활용 by @l2hyunwoo in #67
- [feature/plugin-syntax-sugaring] plugin에서 id syntax sugaring 적용하기 by @l2hyunwoo in #68
- ✨ Add icon script by @l2hyunwoo in #70
- [feature/compose-design-system] Compose Design System 정의 by @l2hyunwoo in #73
- 회원가입쪽 Refactoring by @l2hyunwoo in #71
- [feature/signup] 회원가입 by @jihyeonAnAn in #74
- Add image files [skip ci] by @l2hyunwoo in #75
- [feature/setting-navigation-webview] WebView 네비게이션 by @l2hyunwoo in #76
- fix(deps): update dependency to v22.2.0 by @renovate in #78
- [feature/logout-withdrawal] 설정화면 서버통신까지 기능 구현 완료 by @l2hyunwoo in #80
- Feature/onboard by @jihyeonAnAn in #77
- [feat/dialogFragment] : requestFeature 삭제 by @jihyeonAnAn in #83
- [Feature/home_network] home/store, home/mypage 네트워크 작업 by @librarywon in #79
- [fix/mypage_toolbar]: Edit Toolbar Name and Background by @librarywon in #86
- Feature/signup by @jihyeonAnAn in #88
- [feature/register-photo-ui] 사진 등록 UI 구성 by @l2hyunwoo in #82
- 카카오 로그인 설정 by @l2hyunwoo in #92
- [Feature/mypage_ui] add VIEW_TYPE_EMPTY by @librarywon in #89
- [feat/indicator]: Indicator 추가 by @KwakEuiJin in #95
- [Feature/store_album_cover] 앨범커버 이미지 리소스 변경 로직 by @librarywon in #99
- 설정화면 Navigation + 탈퇴 API by @l2hyunwoo in #100
- Feature/signup network by @jihyeonAnAn in #96
- [feature/withdraw-fix] 탈퇴과정 이슈 fix + 회원가입 과정 fix by @l2hyunwoo in #101
- [feature/album detail new]: 앨범 상세 화면 작업 by @KwakEuiJin in #98
- [feat/nickname_check]: add network 닉네임 중복체크 by @librarywon in #105
- [Feature/fix code] by @KwakEuiJin in #106
- uri가 null일 때 사진 추가 화면으로 넘어가지 않게 하기 by @l2hyunwoo in #107
- [Feature/fix qa] QA 수정사항 by @KwakEuiJin in #110
- 회원가입 완료 후 PophoryStartActivity로 넘어가기 by @l2hyunwoo in #111
- [feature/loading-fix] Loading Fix + 배너 이미지 추가 by @l2hyunwoo in #113
- [feature/auto-login] 자동 로그인 설정 by @l2hyunwoo in #115
- [feature/configure-sentry-user] Sentry User Configuration by @l2hyunwoo in #116
- [feature/qa album detail]: 앨범 리스트 내부에서 사진 업로드 by @KwakEuiJin in #114
- Feature/signup qa fix by @librarywon in #117
New Contributors
- @renovate made their first contribution in #1
- @l2hyunwoo made their first contribution in #5
- @jihyeonAnAn made their first contribution in #10
- @librarywon made their first contribution in #9
- @KwakEuiJin made their first contribution in #14
- @allcontributors made their first contribution in #21
Full Changelog: