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Mat Walker edited this page Mar 22, 2018 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Java Utilities wiki!

The Team Controlium set of projects provides test automation developers with the support tools required for a Java test automation framework/suite. The Utilities project provides;


Processes given strings to resolve tokens.


'"String todaysDate = Utilities.Detokenizer("Todays date is {date;today;dd=MMM=yyyy}");'
= "Todays date is 12=May=2018"


Filters and writes logging information to an output stream (or Java consumer)

EG. < Needs example >


Process the Java command line arguments and presents them in an easily used Parameter map


Provides a static repository for storing of dynamic test data. Also used to provide environment configuration data for other Team Controlium project items


General suite of utilities, such as file path/name string cleansing, positive/negative determnination etc...

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