When updating Stan files, run the following:
example(source) # defines the sourceDir() function
try(roxygen2::roxygenize(load_code = sourceDir), silent = TRUE)
The website is deployed to the "gh-pages" branch of the repository, using GitHub Actions.
To regenerate the website locally, use pkgdown::build_site()
- All '.stan' files containing stanmodel definitions must be placed in 'inst/stan'.
- Additional files to be included by stanmodel definition files (via e.g., #include "mylib.stan") must be placed in any subfolder of 'inst/stan'.
- Additional C++ files needed by any '.stan' file must be placed in 'inst/include', and can only interact with the Stan C++ library via '#include' directives placed in the file 'inst/include/stan_meta_header.hpp'.
- The precompiled stanmodel objects will appear in a named list called 'stanmodels', and you can call them with e.g., 'rstan::sampling(stanmodels$foo, ...)'
See Guidelines for developers of R packages interfacing with Stan for more information.