@page changelog Changelog
This is version 1.3.0 of mpi, a high-level C++ interface to the [Message Passing Interface].
We thank all contributors: Thomas Hahn, Alexander Hampel, Henri Menke, Dylan Simon, Hugo U.R. Strand, Nils Wentzell
Find below an itemized list of changes in this release.
- Clean up detail namespace to consistently contain implementation details
- Improve test coverage and clean up tests
- Remove deprecated functions mpi_all_reduce and mpi_all_gather
- Remove remaining use of enable_if_t
- Various code improvements in c++/mpi/monitor.hpp
- Bug fix for custom MPI tuple types
- Split mpi.hpp into multiple header files
- Fix np2 tests to actually run with 2 cores and not 4
- Improve doc for has_env and rename TRIQS_FORCE_MPI_INIT to FORCE_MPI_INIT
- Protect mpi::environment construction outside of mpirun
- Use value initialization for also for MPI_Op and MPI_Datatype
- Fix #8 to restore compatibility against MPICH
- Make sure to specialize mpi_type<..> also for constant builtin types
- Remove python and cpp2py dependencies
- Use GNUInstallDirs in install commands
- Set policy CMP0144 to new
- Export MPIEXEC_MAX_NUMPROCS variable
- Add documentation to the C++ source code files
- Remove any sphinx related files and switch to doxygen to generate documentation
- Build and deploy documentation with GitHub Actions
This is version 1.2.0 of mpi, a high-level C++ interface to the [Message Passing Interface].
We thank all contributors: Thomas Hahn, Alexander Hampel, Dylan Simon, Hugo U.R. Strand, Nils Wentzell
Find below an itemized list of changes in this release.
- Force mpi initialization when FORCE_MPI_INIT is set in environment
- Add support for cray MPICH environments
- Fix compiler warnings
- clang-format all source files
- Add compiler warnings for IntelLLVM
- Do not build documentation as subproject
- Synchronize deps/CMakeLists.txt with nda
- Remove redundant PythonSupport check
- Update Findsanitizer.cmake to include TSAN and MSAN
- Make sure to specialize mpi_type<..> also for constant builtin types
- Use value initialization for also for MPI_Op and MPI_Datatype
- Fix #8 restore compatibility against MPICH
- Protect mpi::environment construction outside of mpirun
- Demote MPI CXX types to C
This is version 1.1.0 of mpi, a high-level C++ interface to the [Message Passing Interface].
We thank all contributors: Philipp Dumitrescu, Alexander Hampel, Olivier Parcollet, Dylan Simon, Nils Wentzell
Find below an itemized list of changes in this release.
- Add mpi::monitor class to allow stopping all ranks when exception is thrown on any one of them
- Added layer to use triqs without MPI + tests
- Make sure to specialize mpi_type<..> also for constant builtin types
- Regenerate Apache copyright headers
- Restore compatibility against itertools/unstable: Allow sentinel types for std::end/cend(range)
- Add simple test for vector scatter/gather
- Add mpi_broadcast and mpi_reduce for std::pair + test
- Change mpi_gather/scatter for std::vector of custom type to just gather/scatter the vector and not its values
- New poll barrier as alternative to mpi.barrier
- mpi::details::convert should be recursive, trigger explicit conversion in else branch
- Make sure to std::abort in mpi abort when not in an mpi env
- Simplify check for mpi env vars, provide single static mpi::has_env
- Fix generic mpi operations for vector/lazy types, Protect in_place operations against rvalues and const
- Change type of mpi::lazy to match lazy implementation for triqs::gfs, add is_mpi_lazy checker
- Check that all vector sizes match in all_reduce(std::vector)
- Call to all_reduce should not take a root argument
- Type bool should be associated with MPI_CXX_BOOL
- Use MPI_CXX_DOUBLE_COMPLEX over Fortran-specific type MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX
- Add link to reference doc to README.md
- Minor doc cleanups for doxygen generation, add Doxyfile and update .gitignore
- Do not run mpi_monitor as nompi test
- Set CXX standard using target_compile_features
- Use unstable branch of itertools
- Bump Version number to 1.1.0
mpi is a high-level C++ interface to the [Message Passing Interface].
This is the initial release for this project.