cQube supports two types of Login mechanisms
- cQube Login
- State Login
cQube Login
cQube uses internal (Keycloak) APIs for authentication and authorizaion of users
Types of Users
- Admin User
- Report Viewer User
- Emission User
Description of the Admin User User with Admin role, User can access all the reports and admin features like creating users,viewing the data from storage layer etc.. for detailed admin feature refer this (https://cqube.sunbird.org/use/admin-features)
Description of the Report Viewer User
User with report_viewer role, can access all the reports.
Description of the Emission User
User with emission_user role, can upload the files to cQube via Emission API.
State Login
State will be having only Report Viewer Users. cQube uses state Login API for authentication and authorizaion of users
API Spec
Below is the Technical spec to connect to the state API for getting the User credentials along with the user level & Access Location
Below is the spec for request body
End Point is,
method: POST
"username": "rajesh",
"password": "Welc@123"
spec for response body
Below is the response For the Valid User
"access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJmcmVzaCI6ZmFsc2UsImlhdCI6MTY1NDUwOTc0OCwianRpIjoiZjcwYWM1OTMtYWVjNy00Y2VmLWE2MWUtNjA0NDJlMmQ4OTA3IiwibmJmIjoxNjU0NTA5NzQ4LCJ0eXBlIjoiYWNjZXNzIiwic3ViIjoicmFqZXNoIiwiZXhwIjoxNjU0NTk2MTQ4fQ.B90ziTQMY1v6YT-H_j_06nWQdflrDA0KQisqHwpjA4w",
"payload": {
"id": 2,
"user_level": "cluster",
"user_location": "hyd"
Below is the response For the Invalid User
"msg": "Please check username and password",
"status": 403
Description of the Level based access Feature
- cQube state login users can access the reports as per the user levels.
- On click of pat report user can be able to see their respective level of data.
- The Blocks, Clusters and Schools buttons would be disabled for the all the users accept the state level users.
- A button would be provided as "Access Your location". When the user clicks on the button then the user may able to see their particular location and the lower levels of their locations.
- The upper level select options will be disabled for the users. The user may get only the lower level location selection which are belongs to the user location.
The current Access levels we have in cQube are, State level users, District level users, Block level users, cluster level users, school level users
For example, If the user belongs to a district then the user can be able to access only their district information as well as the lower levels of their districts. If the user belongs to a Block level then the user may be able to see their block level information as well as the lower levels of their block.