Releases: TIP-Global-Health/eheza-app
Releases · TIP-Global-Health/eheza-app
Release 1.4.5
Deployed in production: 8th August 2023
- Speed up dashboards stats execution time on Pantheon (#818)
- Dashboard Statistics: make sure BD is set before generatig data for client (#831)
- Resolve 'Trying to access array offset on value of type null' notice (#815)
- Statistic generation - optimise hedley_stats_get_total_encounters() (#812)
Code statistics
- Lines added: 213
- Lines deleted: 96
- Files changed: 9
Release 1.4.4
Deployed in production: 30th July 2023
- Issue #3046
- Nutrition script by district (#732)
- Sanitize patient name (#807)
- Developments starting March 12th, 2023 (#704)
- Avoid having multiple measurements of same type at single encounter (#750)
- Improve patient consolidation cmds and include content from NCD and Child Scoreboard (#805)
- Hide NCDA and Stock Management features (#803)
- Allow LMP to input dates beyond current limits (#801)
- Fix for device upload failures caused by referrence to non existing entity (#743)
- Strict decoding of data when uploading content (#742)
- Update core to v7.98 (#740)
- Single day group sessions (#734)
- RM - Fix Icon colors on Connecting Category (#731)
- RM - Messages Translations (#663)
- Change the well being icon (#667)
- WIP: RM - Created Nested Entry (#717)
- WIP: [Feature] Stock Management (#658)
- Restore access to NCDA (#703)
- Stock Management - store and sync signature (#685)
- Stock Management - Integrate Signature Pad (#682)
- Stock Management - Month Details view (#679)
- Stock Management - Main Dashboard (#664)
- Stock Management - Receive stock + Correct Entry (#660)
Code statistics
- Lines added: 24800
- Lines deleted: 12473
- Files changed: 383
Release 1.4.3
Deployed in production: 27th April 2023
- Private files hardening (Drupal core 7.96 + 7.97) (#692)
Release 1.4.2
Deployed in production: 15th March 2023
- Ease Obstetrical exam decoder (post deploy fix) (#673)
Release 1.4.1
Release 1.4.0
Deployed in production: 12th March 2023
- WIP: Developments starting Sep 26th, 2022 (#583)
- Hide 'Send Via WhatsApp' and RM features (#670)
- ANC - Corrections of Translations (#669)
- [Feature] ANC Changes per feedbacks from field (#646)
- ANC + NCD fixes (predeploy) (#666)
- WIP: [Feature] Resilience Messaging (#607)
- WIP: [FEATURE] Send Progress Report via WhatsApp (#316)
- [Hotfix] Make sure nurse got valid PIN code (#590)
- Hide NCDA feature (#588)
- RM - Fix on the date (#662)
- WIP: Whatsapp Integration - generate and deliver messages (#580)
- RM - message options on all tabs (#655)
- WIP: RM - Message Structure Design (#643)
- Add DPGA Status (#661)
- ANC Changes - Malaria lab (#656)
- ANC Changes - Fundal Height (#653)
- ANC Changes - Partner HIV (#652)
- ANC Changes - Mastitis (#651)
- ANC Changes - C-sections (#648)
- ANC Changes - LMP (#647)
- RM - Message actions (#636)
- RM - Messaging Center page content (#635)
- RM - Create initial messages for nurse (#634)
- NCD - set Y axis of the glucose graph increments to 30 (#645)
- Fix DDEV gulp post v1.21.4 upgrade (#638)
- RM - Messages Infrastructure (#622)
- RM - Message Structure (#615)
- RM - unread messages notificaiton (#614)
- RM - reminder popups (#613)
- RM - Monthly survey (#612)
- RM - Kick off survey (#610)
- RM - Messaging Center infrastructure (#608)
- NCDA Child Scorecard Translations (#582)
- Whatsapp Integration - upload data to backend (#575)
- Whatsapp Integration - support for international numbers (#578)
- Whatsapp Integration - NCD report by components (#585)
- Progress Report via WhatsApp - html2canvas integration (#336)
- [FEATURE] NCD (#433)
- WIP: [FEATURE] NCDA (#494)
- NCD - fixes 03 (#581)
- Random Blood Sugar lab with dual option for entering results + progress report presentation (#567)
- Rename NCDA Scorecard to ECD Scorecard (#571)
- NCD Progress report - Lipid Panel (#566)
- NCD Progress Report - HBA1c chart + lab results (#564)
- NCD - HbA1c lab (#562)
- NCD - Lipid Panel lab (#561)
- NCD, Subsequent Visit - Labs Frequency (#560)
- NCD - Outside care activity (#559)
- NCD translations (#524)
- NCDA - SPV report combined with NCDA scoreboard (#563)
- NCDA report addaptations after restructuring (#558)
- NCDA - multistep form (#557)
- NCDA Report - ANC & Newborn (#556)
- Newborn Exam - expand to History activity (#553)
- NCDA - Changes at Questionnaire Inputs (#552)
- NCDA Report - Fill the Blanks pane (#549)
- NCDA Report - Universal Interventions pane (#541)
- NCDA Report -Targeted Interventions pane (#540)
- NCDA Report - Infrastructure, Environment & Wash pane (#536)
- NCDA Report - Nutrition Behavior pane (#533)
- NCDA scoreboard - Child Identification pane (#528)
- NCDA - design (#530)
- NCDA - add scoreboard to Patient record (#527)
- NCD - fixes 02 (#523)
- NCD - Fix Typo errors (#509)
- NCD - fixes 01 (#508)
- NCDA - helper popup for Food Groups question (#507)
- NCDA activity - Group encounter (#504)
- NCDA activity - Well Child (#503)
- NCDA activity - Nutrition (#502)
- NCD, Progress Report - Acute Illness pane (#493)
- NCD, Progress Report - Patient Progress pane (#492)
- NCD, Progress Report - Risk Factors pane (#488)
- NCD, Progress Report - Lab Results pane (#473)
- NCD, Progress Report - infrastructure + Personal Details pane (#465)
- NCD, Progress Report - Medical Diagnosis pane (#489)
- NCD - Next Steps, diagnostics logic (#459)
- NCD - Next Steps - Activities (#456)
- NCD - Creatinine, Pregnancy and Liver Function labs (#454)
- NCD - Labs Results (#453)
- NCD - Labs (#452)
- WIP: NCD - Activities infrastructure (#435)
- NCD - Outside Care (#451)
- NCD - Medical History (#447)
- NCD - Family planning and Examination activities (#446)
- NCD - Danger Signs and Symptom Review activities (#441)
Release 1.3.3
Release 1.3.2
Deployed in production: 24th November 2022
- [Hotfix] Resolve 'out of memory' failures when calculating statistics of large HCs (#555)
Release 1.3.1
Deployed in production: 22th November 2022
- Issue #486
- Onboarding improvements - development workflow (#490)
- Issue #2987
- Handle Config.Deploy.elm from the remote repository (#501)
- Issue #2969
- Create fake nurses and devices via Drush (#440)
- [Hotfix] Statistics generation fix (#554)
- [Hotfix] Resolve PHP warning at logger (#511)
- ANC - post deploy fixes (#491)
- Scalability test (#442)
Release 1.3.0
Deployed in production: 25th September 2022
- Issue #2969
- Issue #2971
performance tweak (#431)
- Issue #207
- DDEV upgrade (#208)
- Issue #2942
- Add report headers consistently (#120)
- Issue #2902
- Naming cleanup (#48)
- WIP: Developments starting Dec 19th, 2021 (#79)
- [Feature] ANC logic for nurses (#16)
- [FEATURE] ANC PostPartum (#379)
- WIP: [FEATURE] ANC Subsequent Visit (#262)
- [FEATURE] ANC Logic (#157)
- [Feature] Patient Record (#100)
- Feature ANC fixes (post deploy to Demo) (#487)
- ANC - final fixes (#475)
- ANC Progress report - final fixes (#482)
- Drupal core v7.92 (#484)
- ANC Progress Report - view diagnoses generated by Historical Labs (#476)
- Explicitly add Apache 2.0 license to the codebase (#481)
- Patient Record & ANC Subs Translations (#436)
- ANC PostPartum translations (#472)
- Change the blood pressure vitals Cut-off (#450)
- ANC - Postpartum Fix typo error (#457)
- ANC - Subs Fix Typo on next step activity (#458)
- ANC PostPartum - fixes 01 (#430)
- Modify the question on HIV medication (#333)
- Statisitcs fix for empy result of any statistics data structure (#445)
- Statistics fix for returned empty result (#444)
- Upgrade to PHP 7.4 in CircleCI and DDEV (#439)
- ANC - Remove the instruction Text on Symptom review activity (#388)
- ANC PostPartum - Specialty Care Next Steps (#429)
- ANC PostPartum - Specialty Care (#428)
- ANC PostPartum - Mastitis, Infection, Excessive Bleeding (#394)
- Statistics generation enhancements (#427)
- Referrals - 'Not indicated' option (#425)
- ANC - Multiple referral options for nurse (#414)
- ANC PostPartum - Physical Exam (#393)
- ANC PostPartum - Breastfeeding (#391)
- ANC PostPartum - Treatment Review (#383)
- ANC PostPartum - Symptoms (#380)
- ANC Subsequent Visit - Moderate Preeclampsia logics update + Diabetes ranges (#386)
- Patient record - family planning pane (#349)
- ANC - Progress Report: CHW Activity pane (#348)
- ANC - Fix Typo error (#350)
- ANC Subsequent Visit - Health education for both phases (#347)
- ANC Subsequent Visit - Rhesus Negative diagnosis (#345)
- ANC logic - fixes (#341)
- Drupal core v7.91 (#344)
- ANC Subsequent Visit - Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes diagnoses (#334)
- ANC Subsequent Visit - Symptoms review for all nurse encounters (#330)
- ANC Subsequent Visit - Hyperemesis Gravidum split (#328)
- ANC Labs - Random Blood Sugar change (#324)
- ANC Subsequent Visit - fixes 02 (#329)
- Fix typo Error on the Diagnosis popup (#327)
- Patient Record - fixes (#320)
- ANC Labs - Urine Dipstick - Remove Specific Gravity from E-Heza (#318)
- ANC Labs - Urine Dipstick - Update Urobilinogen input (#319)
- ANC Subsequent Visit - fixes 01 (#303)
- ANC Subsequent Visit - Labs History (#311)
- ANC Subsequent Visit - referral context on Send to Hospital form (#315)
- ANC Labs - Urine Dipstick add New Ph options (#313)
- Fix typo and add some styling (#312)
- ANC Subsequent Visit - Labs Section Progress Report (#300)
- Statistics - additional verificaiton when generating acute Illness data (#314)
- ANC Subsequent Visit - Immunizations activity (#297)
- ANC Subsequent Visit - Progress report (#296)
- ANC Subs Visit - Fix Typo Errors (#304)
- Update core version to v7.90 (#299)
- Trimester first visits (#293)
- ANC Subsequent Visit - Mental Helath activity (#294)
- ANC Subsequent visits - Next Steps - HIV detectable viral load (#288)
- ANC Subsequent visits - Adverse Event logic (#286)
- ANC Subsequent visits - HIV PCR Test (#287)
- ANC Subsequent visits - Medicate patient that did not get medication at HIV group (#285)
- ANC Subsequent visits - Hypertension treatment update (#283)
- ANC Subsequent visits - Continued Illness + Outside Care multiselect (#281)
- ANC Subsequent visits - Treatment Review, HIV Medication change (#280)
- ANC Subsequent visits - Outside Care activity (#278)
- ANC Subsequent visits - Treatment Review, Next steps for Syphilis (#276)
- Add missing translations (#277)
- Patient Record - show Antenatal filter only for female adults (#282)
- WIP - ANC Labs + ANC Logic Translations (#225)
- ANC Subsequent visits - Treatment Review activity (#275)
- ANC Subsequent Visit, next steps by symptoms, part 1 (#272)
- ANC Subsequent Visit, next steps by symptoms, part 2 (#274)
- [Feature] Acute Illness subsequent encounter for nurses (#211)
- AI subsequent encounter for nurses - infrastructure (#212)
- AI subsequent encounter for nurses - adjust activities (#213)
- ANC Logic - merge Recommended Treatment into Medication Distribution (#220)
- ANC logic - fix 1 (#209)
- Wording Fix: Haemoglobin to Hemoglobin (#223)
- Prevent 'Out of memory' errors during statistics generation (#218)
- Fix Historical Child view (#219)
- Fix CHW count on ANC statistics (#205)
- Correct some Geo-location Data in Umujyi wa Kigali (#217)
- ANC Logic - progress report update (#194)
- Add missing translations from different modules (#195)
- ANC Labs - dynamic entry label, per a need to recheck Vitals (#191)
- ANC Logic - diagnosis Preeclampsia (#188)
- ANC Logic - Wait sub actvity (#187)
- ANC Logic - diagnosis Hypertension (#185)
- Patient Record - fixes 01 (#180)
- ANC Logic - diagnosis Syphilis (#181)
- ANC Logic - diagnosis Anemia, Medicaiton Distribution form (#184)
- Add new level at Pages folders structure (#183)
- ANC Logic - diagnosis Anemia (#174)
- ANC Logic - diagnosis Malaria (#173)
- ANC Logic - diagnosis HIV + Malaria infrastructure (#171)
- ANC Logic - Hepatitis B diagnosis (#164)
- ANC Logic - recurrent encounter, activity pages (#169)
- ANC Logic - Emergency Referral diagnoses (#163)
- ANC Logic - diagnosis HIV (#172)
- AI & SPV -Add remaining translation (#70)
- ANC Logic - Prenatal Diagnosis, record and store + Imminent Delivery diagnosis (#162)
- ANC Logic - prescribe Mebendazole (#158)
- Resolve a usecase when Attendance page gets stuck on spinner (#129)
- ANC Labs - add 'known as positive' option for HIV and Hepatitis B tests (#125)
- Calendar widget - allow defining default selection (#126)
- Patient Record - start new encounter (#114)
- Follow ups resolution mechanism (#86)
- Alter view modes of Labs pane on ANC progress report (#121)
- ANC labs fixes, round 1 (#99)
- Patient record - Child (#104)
- Patient record - Adult (#108)
- Patient Record - ANC reports styling (#111)
- Patient record - navigation to Demographics report (#112)
- CircleCI migration (#87)
- Suggest Malaria RDT when fever + Covid RDT unable to run (#81)
- ANC labs progress report (#69)
- ANC labs: New date selector (#80)
- Redesign calendar widget (#14)
- ANC Labs - Results (#33)
- ANC Labs - Case management (#32)
- ANC labs - forms (#21)
- ANC labs - backend infrastructure (#17)
- ANC labs - frontend infrastructure (#18)