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Test CMS Changes

W. Bomar edited this page Mar 17, 2021 · 22 revisions

Draft: These instructions are a bare-bones unpolished set of steps that point to some available resources.

Via Local CMS Docker Image on Local Standalone CMS

  1. Stop (i.e. bring down) the docker containers.
  2. Have an existing Core-CMS.
  3. Checkout relevant branch.
  4. Run command npm run build.
  5. Start (i.e. bring up) the docker containers.

Via Remote CMS Docker Image on Local Standalone CMS

These steps have not been thoroughly verified.

  1. Have an existing Core-CMS.
  2. (If docker containers are running) Stop (i.e. bring down) the dockers.
  3. Checkout relevant branch.
  4. Delete /static directory.
  5. In the relevant docker-compose config file, update the services:cms:image value to a provided docker image tag.
  6. Start (i.e. re-build and bring up) the docker containers.

Via Remote CMS Docker Image on Local Portal (with CMS)

These steps have not been thoroughly verified.

  1. Have an existing Core-Portal.
  2. (If docker containers are running) Stop (i.e. bring down) the dockers.
  3. Checkout relevant branch.
  4. Delete /server/cms/static directory.
  5. In the relevant docker-compose config file, update the services:cms:image value to a provided docker image tag.
  6. Start (i.e. re-build and bring up) the docker containers.