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Locally Develop CMS and TUP CMS

Wesley B edited this page Oct 18, 2023 · 16 revisions


In Core-CMS make changes. Snapshot the container. In TUP-UI, use the local CMS image.


Note Whenever switching from one repo's containers to another, shut down the containers of the former.


  1. docker-compose -f up --detach
  2. docker exec -it core_cms /bin/bash
  3. npm run build:css && python collectstatic --no-input
  4. exit
  5. docker commit core_cms
    Of the output sha256:f33..., copy the f33.... It is your __IMAGE_ID__.
  6. docker tag __IMAGE_ID__ __LOCAL_TAG_NAME__
    You may choose any name you would like for __LOCAL_TAG_NAME__.

The container snapshot steps are a streamlined version of (internal) How to Create Docker Image from Local Container.


  1. Edit apps/tup-cms/Dockerfile.
  2. Change FROM taccwma/core-cms:... to FROM __LOCAL_TAG_NAME__.
  3. docker-compose -f apps/tup-cms/ build --no-cache
  4. nx serve tup-cms