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How to Install DjangoCMS Blog i.e. News

Wesley Bomar edited this page Mar 17, 2022 · 29 revisions
  1. Step to perform:



    ☑ Note


☑ The djangocms-blog package and all its dependencies are installed in Core CMS by default.⁰

  1. Confirm app is not installed nor active.

    1. Open CMS Administation UI. Section "DJANGO CMS BLOG" absent.
    2. Open Blog/News page while logged in. Admin toolbar has no "Blog" link.
    3. Open CMS Pages admin UI. Blog/News page has no 🧩. icon.﹡

    ﹡ In same column where Home page has 🏠. icon.

  2. Add "NEWS / BLOG" settings. (Restart server.)﹡

    ﹡ Just editting a might be adequate to restart server.²

    ☑ If settings has BLOG_AUTO_SETUP = True, then skip to final step.

  3. Confirm djangocms_blog app is installed.

    1. Open CMS Administation UI. Section "DJANGO CMS BLOG" exists?

    Also, if home page is opened, there is an error.

  4. Migrate djangocms_blog app

    python3 migrate djangocms_blog

    Operations to perform:
      Apply all migrations: djangocms_blog
    Running migrations:
      Applying djangocms_blog.0001_initial... OK
      Applying djangocms_blog.0002_post_sites... OK
      Applying djangocms_blog.0003_auto_20141201_2252...
  5. Add Blog config i.e. "apphook" config.

    1. Open CMS Administation UI.
    2. In section "DJANGO CMS BLOG", add a Blog config.
    3. Talk a CMS admin aware of the client needs³ to set the following values:
      • INSTANCE NAME: Uncertain. Set to the same value as "APPLICATION TITLE". (default: "Blog")
      • APPLICATION TITLE: Title of the BlogConfig instance created by Auto setup. (default: "Blog")
      • OBJECT NAME: The CMS name for a Blog item. (default: "Article")
    4. (Optional) Ask a CMS admin aware of the client needs³ fro remaining values.
  6. Add Blog instance i.e. "apphook".

    1. Open CMS Administation UI.
    2. In section "DJANGO CMS", add a Page.
    3. Talk a CMS admin aware of the client needs³ to set the following values:
      • TITLE
      • SLUG
    4. Save the page.
    5. Edit the Page's Advanced Settings.
    6. Set the following values:
      • ATTACHED MENU: "Blog menu"
      • APPLICATION: "Blog"
  7. (Optional) Confirm Blog is configured i.e. "apphooks" are in place:

    python3 cms list apphooks

    BlogApp[instance: ...] (draft/published)
  8. Confirm djangocms_blog app is installed and active.

    1. Open CMS Pages admin UI. Blog/News page has 🧩. icon?﹡
    2. Open Blog/News page while logged in. Admin toolbar has "Blog" link?
    3. Open CMS Administation UI. Section "DJANGO CMS BLOG" exists?

    ﹡ In same column where Home page has 🏠. icon.

⁰ After [FP-1487], the package djangocms_blog might not be installed by default.

¹ Migrate after adding djangocms_blog to INSTALLED_APPS (which should happen as a result of adding "NEWS / BLOG" settings) or else migrations can not occur (because djangocms_blog will not exist in the project to provide the migrations).

² Remote servers deployed with a build system can be restarted by re-deploying. Remote servers deployed manually can be restarted by commands specific to the machine. Local servers can be restarted by making noop change to (ex: save file in editor or touch taccsite_cms/

³ A CMS admin on the CMD staff usually serves this role. Or maybe you serve this role.