Helight (helightdev@GitHub)
- Project Lead(Client)
- Anomalous Coders Lead
- Synapse Developer
- Launcher
Dimenzio (GrafDimenzio@GitHub)
- Synapse Maintainer
- Client Developer
Wholesome (AlmightyLks@GitHub)
- Synapse Developer
- Synapse Client Contributor
- PropEdit Tool
Mika (Mika-Westphal@GitHub)
- Synapse Client Contributor
Cubuzz (Cubuzz@GitHub)
- Synapse Client Contributor
Flo0205 (Flo0205@GitHub)
- Synapse Client Contributor
Bepis (bbepis@GitHub)
- BepInEx Maintainer
- Il2CppAssemblyUnhollower Contributor
Ghorsington (ghorsington@GitHub)
- BepInEx Contributor,
- SCP:SL Hook Gist
- Patched Unity Executable
- Support via Discord(BepInEx)
Herp Derpinstine (HerpDerpinstine@GitHub)
- Lava Gang
- Il2CppAssetBundleManager
Knah (knah@GitHub)
- Il2CppAssemblyUnhollower Maintainer
Pardeike (pardeike@GitHub)
- Harmony
Sinai (sinai-dev@GitHub)
- UnityExplorer
- Support via Discord(BepInEx)
- Il2CppAssetBundleManager
Zasbszk (zabszk@GitHub)
- NorthwoodStudios Developer & Communication
- Legal stuff and Support via Discord(Internal)
Anomalous Coders (AnomalousCoders@GitHub)
- Synapse Umbrella Organisation
- SLS Backend
BepInEx (BepInEx@GitHub)
- BepInEx (obviously)
LavaGang (LavaGang@GitHub)
- UnityRuntimeLibs
- MelonLoader (incl. Coroutines und UnhollowerSupport, etc.)
NorthwoodStudios (northwood-studios@GitHub)
- SCP: Secret Laboratory
- Allowing us to mod the client without getting globally banned
If you think we forgot to mention you/your organisation feel free to start a PR or message us via our Discord Server or via DM (Helight#0001, Dimenzio#4109)