This project is intended to demonstrate some basic Angular chops. :)
This code posts to an API ( to receive a list of images, and then displays them in a responsive Angular grid.
- There are two image sets that can be toggled, one of the author and one of superheroes.
- You can order the Images in your preferred order from Most Favorite to Least Favorite using the "<< Move Left" and "Move Right >>" buttons.
- Once you are happy with the order, you can submit your choices with the "Cast Vote" button.
- The grid layout can be toggled between 3 and 4 columns.
- Each card has a View button to open the image in a new window.
If you want to download this code and get it up and running in your own environment, you'll need to install a few things. Here are the commands to intall them (Handy, amirite?):
- ng add @angular/material
- ng add @angular/flex-layout
Author: Mike Swisher