Rails 3.2 example application shows how to manage set of article's permissions among different user roles.
- Different user types: Admin, Editor, Reporter and Guest.
- Reporter can register via the app.
- Only Admin can create Editor.
- Reporter can draft an Article.
- Editor can publish any Article.
- Guest can read any published Article.
- Reporter can read only his/her drafts and any published Article.
- Devise: gives you ready-made authentication and user management.
- CanCan: provides authorization for administrator access.
- Twitter Bootstrap: is a front-end framework for CSS styling.
- AASM: is a tool to manage states.
- BetterErrors: is a tool to replace the standard Rails error page with a much better and more useful error page
- Mailcatcher: is a tool to catches mail and serves it through a dream.
- Annotate: is a tool to summarize the current schema to the top or bottom of models, fixtures, routes etc.
- WillPaginate-Bootstrap for styled pagination.
- ActiveAdmin: for creating elegant backends for website administration.
- Turbolinks: to intsruct browser not to recompile the JavaScript and CSS between each page change.
- Heroku: For Server Hosting
- Rack-Mini-Profiler: to display speed badge for every html page.
- RailRoady: to generate model and controller UML class diagram generator.
- RailsFootnotes: to display footnotes in your application for easy debugging, such as sessions, request parameters, cookies, filter chain, routes, queries, etc.
- Bullet: to notify when one should add eager loading (N+1) queries
- QuietAssets: to turn off the Rails asset pipeline log
- LolDba: to scan your application models and displays a list of columns that probably should be indexed.
- A User can have only one role.
- An editor can create or publish any article.
- Guest is a visitor in logged out state.
- Any user who logins into the app will become the reporter.
- Only Admin can create an editor and the editor will have to forgot password to change the password and login. An editor can be notified via email.
- An article can have only two states - drafted and published.
- Once an article gets published it cannot be unpublished or converted to drafted state.
- Articles content will be visible as plain text. Markdown has not been implemented.
Run the below commands to set up the project.
- Clone the repo -
git clone https://github.com/Swati24/sample_app.git
- Install Gems -
bundle install
- Create Database -
rake db:create
- Migrate Database -
rake db:migrate
- To add some dummy users to your database -
rake db:seed
- This will populate your database with following 3 users:
Name: Admin
Email: [email protected]
Password: testing
Role: admin
Name: Editor
Email: [email protected]
Password: testing
Role: editor
Name: Reporter
Email: [email protected]
Password: testing
Role: reporter
- Run rails server
rails s
Find this app on http://sampleapp24.herokuapp.com/
Login into the app as per the using the credentials of the desired role.
To access Admin - http://sampleapp24.herokuapp.com/admin
Admin Login credentials
email: [email protected]
password: password
- To find missing indexes:
rake db:find_indexes
- To generate a railroday map for Models
railroady -M | neato -Tpng > models.png
- To install rails footnotes
rails generate rails_footnotes:install