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hampter |
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<script> document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { const beginBtn = document.getElementById("begin-btn"); const animationContainer = document.querySelector(".animation-container"); const bgMusic = document.getElementById("bg-music"); const playPauseIcon = document.getElementById("play-pause-icon"); let isFirstClick = true; var bg = document.getElementById("bg"); var x = document.getElementById("bg-music"); function toggleMute() { x.muted = !x.muted; playPauseIcon.src = x.muted ? "../assets/images/volumeOff.png" : "../assets/images/volumeOn.png"; } beginBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { if (bgMusic.paused) { if (!isFirstClick) { toggleMute(); } else { playPauseIcon.src = "../assets/images/volumeOn.png"; console.log('Audio now playing'); } beginBtn.classList.add('button-animation'); playAnimation(); } else { toggleMute(); beginBtn.classList.remove('button-animation'); } if (isFirstClick) {; beginBtn.classList.remove('button-small', 'button-center', 'button-animation-before-click'); beginBtn.classList.add('button-clicked', 'button-volume-position', 'button-animation'); const img = document.createElement("img"); img.src = "../assets/images/hampter.jpg"; = "hampter"; = "block"; = "auto"; = "auto"; document.getElementById("audionoti").innerHTML = "If no audio is playing, try reloading the page!"; var isPortrait = window.matchMedia("(orientation: portrait)").matches; // set the width of the image based on the device orientation if (isPortrait) { = "70%"; = "-32%"; } else { = "30%"; = "-12%"; } // = "30%"; document.body.appendChild(img); isFirstClick = false; } }); playPauseBtn.addEventListener("click", toggleMute); function playAnimation() { setTimeout(function() { document.body.classList.add('matrix-transition'); document.body.classList.add('matrix-bg'); const img = document.getElementById("hampter"); img.src = "../assets/images/hackerHampter.png"; bg.remove(); }, 18000); setTimeout(function() { document.getElementById("audionoti").innerHTML = "You may also have to turn up your volume!"; }, 3000); setTimeout(function() { document.getElementById("audionoti").innerHTML = "If reloading the page doesn't work, leave the page then come back!"; }, 6000); setTimeout(function() { document.getElementById("audionoti").classList.add("fade-in"); }, 9000) } }); // beginBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { // // start the animation by adding the "show" class to the container // // animationContainer.classList.add('.show'); // console.log('yay'); // // play the background music // play(); // }); // Load the IFrame Player API code asynchronously // const tag = document.createElement('script'); // tag.src = ''; // const firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; // firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag); // let player; // // Create a function to create the player // function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() { // player = new YT.Player('player', { // height: '0px', // width: '0px', // videoId: '-PQR1zTyAWQ', // playerVars: { // 'autoplay': 1, // 'controls': 1, // 'rel': 0, // 'showinfo': 0, // 'start': 1, // 'loop': 1 // set loop to 1 to play the video repeatedly // } // }); // } // Add a click event listener to the play button // const playBtn = document.getElementById('play-btn'); // playBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { // const videoContainer = document.getElementById('video-container'); // const video = document.createElement('iframe'); // video.src = ''; // video.allowFullscreen = true; // // document.querySelector('.container').appendChild(video); // // play the video when it is ready // video.addEventListener('canplay', () => { // console.log('pressed!'); //; // }); // // create the matrix-bg-2 element // const matrixBg2Container = document.createElement('div'); // matrixBg2Container.className = 'matrix-bg-2-container'; // const matrixBg2 = document.createElement('div'); // matrixBg2.className = 'matrix-bg-2'; // matrixBg2Container.appendChild(matrixBg2); // document.body.appendChild(matrixBg2Container); // // create the matrix-bg-3 element // const matrixBg3Container = document.createElement('div'); // matrixBg3Container.className = 'matrix-bg-3-container'; // const matrixBg3 = document.createElement('div'); // matrixBg3.className = 'matrix-bg-3'; // matrixBg3Container.appendChild(matrixBg3); // document.body.appendChild(matrixBg3Container); // }); </script>