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Remember to highlight changes in bold!
Also create an outline document addressing each comment in order.
1. Line 10: Define f_sed in abstract.
2. Lines 11 and 13: Should references be included in the abstract? Maybe just say "blase" and "PHOENIX" in the abstract and then put the proper citations later in the text.
3. Line 12: The grid of stellar parameters considered for this work should be included in the abstract.
4. Line 15: "sporting"? Should this be "supporting" or "boasting" instead?
5. Line 18: The scope of the testing should be included in the abstract. That is, mention that the tests were performed using ~50 noise-free synthetic models and the range of parameter-space they cover (e.g. "In testing noise-free synthetic models spanning 3000<Teff/K<11000, 2<logg<6, -0.5<[Fe/H]<0, we find inference errors of ...").
6. Line 19: Great to see open sourcing of outputs! Thanks for your work to make astro more accessible!
7. Line 19: "state dictionaries of the blase clone" is ML-jargon heavy, so consider changing it to something more accessible to an astronomy audience. I would suggest saving the terms "state dictionaries" and "clone" until later in the text when you can define them for the reader.
9. Lines 51-54: Give some examples of ways in which physical inputs are imperfect and simplifying assumptions are inexact (eg unknown physics, non-LTE effects, spherical symmetry).
11. Lines 56-61: Can the work also give some examples and references that fall into either of the two approaches listed? Also, there are pipelines that use a combination of physics models and data-driven approaches (e.g. ) that should be included in the references.
12. Line 79: Change this list of references to start with "e.g." and it would be helpful for the references to specifically say which surveys/analysis tools they belong to.
13. Line 95: "blase" is not in \texttt{} form like it is in other parts of the paper. There are a few other times throughout the manuscript where programs are also not correctly inside of \texttt (e.g. lines 125 and 126 with PyTorch and JAX).
14. Line 111: The references to exojax and wobble are put together instead of directly after the associated work (i.e. should be changed to "such as exojac (Kawahara+2022) and wobble (Bedell+2019)" ), which makes it more difficult for the reader to figure out which reference belongs to which tool. This occurs a few more times throughout the paper (e.g. line 65, lines 125-126, top left of page 4 describing the Adam optimizer, the Ida+2000 & Thompson+1987 references above the Voigt profile), so please update.
15. Line 130: "clone" should be defined for the reader (maybe back when describing what blase does and its outputs).
16. Paragraph starting on Line 123: The end part of this paragraph serves as the standard "In section #, we will do ..." paragraph defining the structure of the paper, but it should be more explicit by linking the different sections so the reader knows where to find the different steps in the manuscript. For example, line 128/129 could be changed to "In section 2, we scale the blase method to ...".
17. Line 139/140: The "more accurate" statement gives me pause. Why should this interpolation-based method built from clones of (imperfect) synthetic spectra be more accurate than other approaches?
18. Paragraph starting on line 142: This paragraph would likely fit better in Section 2.
19. Paragraph starting on line 152: It would be helpful for the manuscript to clarify/justify why a subset of the PHOENIX grid was used instead of the full grid. Arguably, using only models with [Fe/H] near solar implies that the models are not fully exploring the tool's ability to recover/describe this parameter.
20. Table 1: This table should list the steps in each of the parameters so the reader understands the spacing of the grid (i.e. is it log spacing or linear, or linear with different sized spacing depending on location in the grid?).
21. Line 160: What is gollum? Should there be a reference here?
22. Line 161: There is a reference to Shankar et al 2024, which I believe is the paper that I am currently reading. From searching ADS and arxiv, I cannot find another piece of work that this could be referring to. Looking at the Reference list, it appears the manuscript is citing itself (i.e. line 650), which is likely in error. Maybe this reference is talking about the zenodo DOI given on line 648, so the reference in the text should be updated.
23. Figure 1: In the scipy panel, the word "line" is used instead of "Voigt profiles" which is used everywhere else in the figure. For clarification, the figure should specify that lines and Voigt profiles are the same thing or change to use only one name.
24. Line 166: "the according blackbody spectrum" should remove the word "according" or change it to "corresponding".
25. Lines 168-172: Why is the percentile normalization necessary? Both the blackbody division and continuum normalization work to flatten the synthetic spectra, and I don't see why dividing by the 99th percentile flux would do anything that the continuum normalization step isn't going to capture. In the original blase paper, there was no Percentile Normalization, so if this is a necessary new step in the methods, I think it should be explained.
26. Paragraph after subsection 2.3: "rather than a array of fluxes" should be changed to "an array of fluxes".
27. Top left of page 4: "a learning rate of 0.05 over 100 epochs" It would be helpful to justify the choices of learning rate and number of epochs. From the original blase paper, 100 epochs is on the lowest end of what they recommend for the process, and that was when fitting 3 parameters (i.e. sigma, gamma, amplitude) instead of 4 (i.e. adding in line center) like in this work. The manuscript should justify this choice and potentially show that increasing the number of epochs does not yield any improvement.
28. Top left of page 4: "In addition, we limited two custom parameters" What are the units of wing cut and prominence?
29. Top left of page 4: "so in our case we disregard lines that affect the spectrum by < 0.5%" What is meant by "affect the spectrum"? Is it that the lines have a smaller amplitude or equivalent width than the prominence? Clarification would be helpful.
30. Line 191: "the list of identified lines, was saved" The comma after "lines" should be removed.
31. Line 195: The zenodo link should be included here again so that users can easily find the compressed library.
32. Line 210: The manuscript needs to spend more time describing how the identified features (of varying wavelength) are grouped together as unique lines because this seems non-trivial. For example, how much are the pre-optimized line locations allowed to be different for them to still be classified as the same unique line? Can this process be confused by features that have similar wavelengths but come from different chemical species (ie are some of the unique lines actually produced by multiple sources)? Is there a possibility of lines being incorrectly grouped together?
33. Line 220: "sport" is used again and should maybe be changed to "find".
34. Line 222: There should be a larger description of Figure 2 in the text. Why are there some obvious outlier regions in this figure (e.g. T=7000, logg = 6)? What is leading to this dramatic change in counts in this cell but not its neighbors?
35. Figure 2: Good choice on the colormaps for these figures! These images are quite colorblind friendly!
36. Figure 2: The figure caption could make it explicit that this only shows the results for [Fe/H] = 0 dex. Maybe this figure could be remade with a top panel showing [Fe/H] = 0.0 and a bottom panel showing [Fe/H] = -0.5 to show the reader how things look in all 3 dimensions of consideration.
37. Line 223: "missing-lines phenomenon" This wording makes it seem like there are lines that should be detected that are being missed, though the later text clarifies that is not the only reason. Maybe change to "The number of detected lines change as a function of stellar parameter for different reasons".
38. Line 227: These "line-finding and line-associating algorithms" should be explained in detail because this is the first and only mention of them. If they are causing lines to be dropped, then it would be helpful to know the current methods. These descriptions should probably be included in the previous section.
39. Lines 233-235: I agree that using log-amplitude of -1000 for the non-detected lines is probably a good choice, but that seems like a bad decision for lines that were missed because they are missed by the algorithm (i.e. the line is real, but the code messed up) because giving log-amplitude=-1000 to real-but-ignored lines has large consequences for a linear interpolator. The manuscript should quantify the differences between the "too weak to measure" and "algorithm missed a feature" cases. Potentially, this belongs in an appendix where some synthetic spectra are generated using your line lists but with varying amplitudes to assess how often the features are not detected because they are weak versus how often they are ignored by accident. Similarly, this paragraph only describes what log-amplitude is given to non-detected lines, but does not describe what the other parameters (i.e. line center, gaussian and lorentzian widths) are set to for these missing lines, which will also be needed for filling in these holes in the interpolation.
40. Lines 236-238: The description of Figures 3 and 4 in the text should be expanded upon. For example, the text should mention that we are looking at the features detected for two different lines produced by different chemical species. It should also describe what the figures are showing (i.e. "Figures 3 and 4 show heatmaps of the blase-measured line parameters as a function of Teff and logg"). It would also be helpful to include a description of the reason for the hole at the top of Figure 3. Are these lines truly so weak they can't be detected, or were they missed by the algorithm? In the latter case, filling these points in with ln-a=-1000 would be a poor choice. By eye, I would guess that there should be real detected lines here with log amplitudes near -5.5, so it would be helpful to explain why this is not necessarily the case.
41. Figures 3 and 4: Why are the lorentzian width and line centers (e.g. line center offsets, mu'-mu) also not shown as heatmaps?
42. Figure 3: "An unknown spectral line" in the figure caption is at odds with the title saying that this is a "C I Line at 11617.66 A". If it is that C I feature, the figure caption should include those line properties.
43. Line 239: Is "128,723 individual spectral lines" the unique number of features after grouping them together, or the total number of detected features from all the spectra? What is the average number of detected feature per spectra (as well as the min and max)?
44. Line 242: "every one must be interpolated" I would suggest that this wording be changed to something like "every one can be interpolated to link the relationship between line and stellar properties"
45. Line 252: One of the goals of this work is to provide light-weight implementations of a spectral generator, but the 13.2GB of their interpolator is quite a bit larger than the original 8.1GB size of the PHOENIX grid of spectra used. For larger grids of input synthetic spectra, would the interpolator also continue to increase? The manuscript should clarify why this increase in disk space/RAM usage is beneficial versus using the synthetic spectra directly
46. Lines 256-260: Are Figures 5 and 6 necessary to show? They simply show the results of linearly interpolating Figures 3 and 4, which the average reader is likely able to imagine in their head.
47. Figure 5: Caption should include reference to the fact that this should be compared to Figure 3. Same with Figures 6 and 4.
48. Line 279: Figure 7 should have a larger description in the text (i.e. solar spectrum around an Fe feature comparing the nearest PHOENIX spectra to the generated one).
49. Figure 7: Why is this spectral line chosen to be different from the lines highlighted in Figures 3 and 4? Could there be more panels showing other wavelength region comparisons with the features in Figures 3 and 4?
50. Figure 7: The figure caption and lines themselves could be clearer about which lines are the PHOENIX spectra and which is the generated one. When viewed through a colorblind simulator (e.g. Color Oracle: these lines are very similar to each other. It would be helpful to change the colors and/or change the linestyles to be more distinct (e.g. solid, dashed, dotted). Similarly, it would be helpful for the lines in the legend to have larger widths. In python, this would look like:
leg = plt.legend()
for line in leg.get_lines():
51. Figure 7: It would be helpful to show the result of directly interpolating the PHOENIX grid spectra to the Sun's parameters to have a better visual comparison between the generator (i.e. directly show that the generated spectrum is not simply a linear interpolation of fluxes). It would also be helpful to show an actual solar spectrum in this wavelength region to prove that the generated spectrum is closer to the truth.
52. Subsection 4.1: This portion of text would fit better in the previous section describing the generator.
53. Subsection 4.1: This text should reference what computer/architecture these timing tests are being run on. I see that Table 2 lists this information, but Table 2 is not referenced anywhere in the body of the text, and should likely be in this subsection. Similarly, is the GPU used in the parallelization, or is all the computation done on a CPU?
54. Line 303: The discussion of Figure 8 should include some of its key results in the body of the text (e.g. the time to synthesize spectra, the speedup from parallelizing).
55. Figure 8: As with Figure 7, it would be helpful for the legend lines to be thinker for ease of reading.
56. Figure 8 caption: Suggest changing "Line chart" to "Plots". Also, "time taken per spectra" should be changed to "time taken per spectrum".
57. Line 304: These timing results should be compared to other spectral synthesis techniques. For example, Figure 11 and Section 4 of the KORG paper ( shows benchmarks with classical synthesis codes.
58. Line 296: "RegularGridInterpolator API" should say that this is a component of scipy.
59. Either at beginning of Section 4 or Subsection 4.2, the manuscript should state what the goals of the inference algorithm is.
60. Equation 4: There is an extra ^\circ symbol in the exponent.
61. Lines 306-307: "100 random evaluations to seed the surrogate model" This needs to be explained more in the text. What do random evaluations mean in this context? What is the surrogate model? This is the first time these terms are used.
62. Line 311: Similarly, what is meant by a "moderately guided evaluation phase"? What has changed between the 100 initial evaluations and the 20 additional evaluations?
63. Line 312: While I agree that fine tuning these numbers might not be needed for proof of concept, it would be helpful to describe to the reader what effects changing these numbers might have on the results.
64. Line 314: The 7.5 minutes per inference should be compared with the literature.
65. Lines 319-322: "this may seem circular, as the PHOENIX generator has memorized the PHOENIX subset" This wording makes it seem like the PHOENIX generator has in fact memorized the spectra it was trained on. This sentence could be reworded to tell the reader that it may APPEAR that the generator has memorized the synthetic spectra, but this is not the case for a variety of reasons (e.g. approximating all lines as Voigt profiles, ignoring really weak features, etc.), so we do not expect perfect agreement between the generated spectra and the models.
66. Lines 322-330: These few sentences need clarification. Is it saying that because the surrogate model is not started at the exact grid points of the synthetic spectra, everything should be okay? If this is true, then would a user choosing to start their search using a grid cause the analysis tool to fail? How are the "random continuously sampled generator evaluations" defined?
67. Line 334: "ancillary data prior to even looking at the spectra" consider adding ", such as photometric color"
68. Line 340: 54 inferences seem like an extremely limited amount of testing. It would greatly improve the manuscript to significantly increase the number of these tests, considering there are a possible ~1300 synthetic spectra available for comparisons.
69. Lines 345-351:
These results do not explain what the mean/median of the residuals are for each parameter. Are they all close to 0 or is there some systematic bias present in some of the parameters?
The size of the uncertainty on [Fe/H] is not that different from other pipelines that measure abundances (~0.1 dex), but the tests and the spectra grid in this work cover a very limited range of [Fe/H] values compared to those other tools. A 24% uncertainty in [Fe/H] from such idealized tests (ie perfect, noise-free synthetic spectra that were used to create the generator) is concerning for the proof that this technique could be useful in measuring abundances from real data. To address these concerns, the manuscript should consider expanding the PHOENIX grid used to include more grid points in the [Fe/H] dimension, as well as to compare the synthetic spectra after they have been degraded to differing signal-to-noise ratios to simulate comparisons with real data.
Similarly, this paragraph/subsection needs to have corresponding figures for these tests, such as residual parameters as a function of Teff (and S/N if those tests are implemented) and residual histograms so the reader can see where these numbers came from.
70. Line 351: The output parameter uncertainties should be placed in the context of the other pipelines in the literature (e.g. the ASPCAP paper referenced in the introduction, MINESweeper, the astroNN paper linked above). Many contemporary pipelines are able to recover uncertainties on the parameters listed here to about twice this work's precision, and that is when considering real data and covering a much larger region of parameter space, which should be addressed in the text.
71. Line 361: "We balance rigidity and flexibility where we want them while maintaining interpretability" What is meant by the balance of rigidity and flexibility in the context of this work?
72. Line 368-372: "introduce the concept of postulating" This sentence makes it seem like this work is the first to use precomputed model spectra to build a generator for use in inference, but this is not the case. It should be reworded to avoid this claim.
73. Line 385: What is meant by "pathfinder"?
74. Line 386: As discussed in the KORG paper, autodifferentiable spectral synthesis codes are now available.
75. Line 428: Sonora has no associated references while ATLAS and coolTLUSTY do.
76. Lines 432-437: The wording of this sentence makes it seem like this manuscript is asking the blase developers to implement these new features (I do understand that this includes the coauthors on this work). Changing it to "Future versions of the blase pipeline will implement these features" make it clear that these are plans that the team is working on for the future instead of desires that someone would someday implement this.
77. Line 447: Please give some examples of what the "more advanced methods" might be.
78. Line 501 & 503: "continua" is the plural of "continuum".
79. Line 521: Suggest changing to "uses GP minimization to infer stellar parameters."
80. Line 523: The PHOENIX subset should be restated here (i.e. the range of stellar parameters). This sentence should also reference blase and that fact that synthetic spectra are turned into lists of lines and associated properties.
81. Line 527: As in the abstract, the conclusion should explain the scope of the tests performed. That is, state that 54 tests were done and the range of stellar parameters tested to yield these results.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
Remember to highlight changes in bold!
Also create an outline document addressing each comment in order.
1. Line 10: Define f_sed in abstract.
2. Lines 11 and 13: Should references be included in the abstract? Maybe just say "blase" and "PHOENIX" in the abstract and then put the proper citations later in the text.
3. Line 12: The grid of stellar parameters considered for this work should be included in the abstract.
4. Line 15: "sporting"? Should this be "supporting" or "boasting" instead?
5. Line 18: The scope of the testing should be included in the abstract. That is, mention that the tests were performed using ~50 noise-free synthetic models and the range of parameter-space they cover (e.g. "In testing noise-free synthetic models spanning 3000<Teff/K<11000, 2<logg<6, -0.5<[Fe/H]<0, we find inference errors of ...").
6. Line 19: Great to see open sourcing of outputs! Thanks for your work to make astro more accessible!
7. Line 19: "state dictionaries of the blase clone" is ML-jargon heavy, so consider changing it to something more accessible to an astronomy audience. I would suggest saving the terms "state dictionaries" and "clone" until later in the text when you can define them for the reader.
8. Lines 39-41: The wording makes it seem like there aren't currently other pipelines that are fast, accurate, and precise, but this is not the case (e.g. KORG, for example, ).
9. Lines 51-54: Give some examples of ways in which physical inputs are imperfect and simplifying assumptions are inexact (eg unknown physics, non-LTE effects, spherical symmetry).
10. Line 55: Foundation models in astronomy are still new, but they are being explored (e.g. Leung+2024:, so these examples should be included and discussed.
11. Lines 56-61: Can the work also give some examples and references that fall into either of the two approaches listed? Also, there are pipelines that use a combination of physics models and data-driven approaches (e.g. ) that should be included in the references.
12. Line 79: Change this list of references to start with "e.g." and it would be helpful for the references to specifically say which surveys/analysis tools they belong to.
13. Line 95: "blase" is not in \texttt{} form like it is in other parts of the paper. There are a few other times throughout the manuscript where programs are also not correctly inside of \texttt (e.g. lines 125 and 126 with PyTorch and JAX).
14. Line 111: The references to exojax and wobble are put together instead of directly after the associated work (i.e. should be changed to "such as exojac (Kawahara+2022) and wobble (Bedell+2019)" ), which makes it more difficult for the reader to figure out which reference belongs to which tool. This occurs a few more times throughout the paper (e.g. line 65, lines 125-126, top left of page 4 describing the Adam optimizer, the Ida+2000 & Thompson+1987 references above the Voigt profile), so please update.
15. Line 130: "clone" should be defined for the reader (maybe back when describing what blase does and its outputs).
16. Paragraph starting on Line 123: The end part of this paragraph serves as the standard "In section #, we will do ..." paragraph defining the structure of the paper, but it should be more explicit by linking the different sections so the reader knows where to find the different steps in the manuscript. For example, line 128/129 could be changed to "In section 2, we scale the blase method to ...".
17. Line 139/140: The "more accurate" statement gives me pause. Why should this interpolation-based method built from clones of (imperfect) synthetic spectra be more accurate than other approaches?
18. Paragraph starting on line 142: This paragraph would likely fit better in Section 2.
19. Paragraph starting on line 152: It would be helpful for the manuscript to clarify/justify why a subset of the PHOENIX grid was used instead of the full grid. Arguably, using only models with [Fe/H] near solar implies that the models are not fully exploring the tool's ability to recover/describe this parameter.
20. Table 1: This table should list the steps in each of the parameters so the reader understands the spacing of the grid (i.e. is it log spacing or linear, or linear with different sized spacing depending on location in the grid?).
21. Line 160: What is gollum? Should there be a reference here?
22. Line 161: There is a reference to Shankar et al 2024, which I believe is the paper that I am currently reading. From searching ADS and arxiv, I cannot find another piece of work that this could be referring to. Looking at the Reference list, it appears the manuscript is citing itself (i.e. line 650), which is likely in error. Maybe this reference is talking about the zenodo DOI given on line 648, so the reference in the text should be updated.
23. Figure 1: In the scipy panel, the word "line" is used instead of "Voigt profiles" which is used everywhere else in the figure. For clarification, the figure should specify that lines and Voigt profiles are the same thing or change to use only one name.
24. Line 166: "the according blackbody spectrum" should remove the word "according" or change it to "corresponding".
25. Lines 168-172: Why is the percentile normalization necessary? Both the blackbody division and continuum normalization work to flatten the synthetic spectra, and I don't see why dividing by the 99th percentile flux would do anything that the continuum normalization step isn't going to capture. In the original blase paper, there was no Percentile Normalization, so if this is a necessary new step in the methods, I think it should be explained.
26. Paragraph after subsection 2.3: "rather than a array of fluxes" should be changed to "an array of fluxes".
27. Top left of page 4: "a learning rate of 0.05 over 100 epochs" It would be helpful to justify the choices of learning rate and number of epochs. From the original blase paper, 100 epochs is on the lowest end of what they recommend for the process, and that was when fitting 3 parameters (i.e. sigma, gamma, amplitude) instead of 4 (i.e. adding in line center) like in this work. The manuscript should justify this choice and potentially show that increasing the number of epochs does not yield any improvement.
28. Top left of page 4: "In addition, we limited two custom parameters" What are the units of wing cut and prominence?
29. Top left of page 4: "so in our case we disregard lines that affect the spectrum by < 0.5%" What is meant by "affect the spectrum"? Is it that the lines have a smaller amplitude or equivalent width than the prominence? Clarification would be helpful.
30. Line 191: "the list of identified lines, was saved" The comma after "lines" should be removed.
31. Line 195: The zenodo link should be included here again so that users can easily find the compressed library.
32. Line 210: The manuscript needs to spend more time describing how the identified features (of varying wavelength) are grouped together as unique lines because this seems non-trivial. For example, how much are the pre-optimized line locations allowed to be different for them to still be classified as the same unique line? Can this process be confused by features that have similar wavelengths but come from different chemical species (ie are some of the unique lines actually produced by multiple sources)? Is there a possibility of lines being incorrectly grouped together?
33. Line 220: "sport" is used again and should maybe be changed to "find".
34. Line 222: There should be a larger description of Figure 2 in the text. Why are there some obvious outlier regions in this figure (e.g. T=7000, logg = 6)? What is leading to this dramatic change in counts in this cell but not its neighbors?
35. Figure 2: Good choice on the colormaps for these figures! These images are quite colorblind friendly!
36. Figure 2: The figure caption could make it explicit that this only shows the results for [Fe/H] = 0 dex. Maybe this figure could be remade with a top panel showing [Fe/H] = 0.0 and a bottom panel showing [Fe/H] = -0.5 to show the reader how things look in all 3 dimensions of consideration.
37. Line 223: "missing-lines phenomenon" This wording makes it seem like there are lines that should be detected that are being missed, though the later text clarifies that is not the only reason. Maybe change to "The number of detected lines change as a function of stellar parameter for different reasons".
38. Line 227: These "line-finding and line-associating algorithms" should be explained in detail because this is the first and only mention of them. If they are causing lines to be dropped, then it would be helpful to know the current methods. These descriptions should probably be included in the previous section.
39. Lines 233-235: I agree that using log-amplitude of -1000 for the non-detected lines is probably a good choice, but that seems like a bad decision for lines that were missed because they are missed by the algorithm (i.e. the line is real, but the code messed up) because giving log-amplitude=-1000 to real-but-ignored lines has large consequences for a linear interpolator. The manuscript should quantify the differences between the "too weak to measure" and "algorithm missed a feature" cases. Potentially, this belongs in an appendix where some synthetic spectra are generated using your line lists but with varying amplitudes to assess how often the features are not detected because they are weak versus how often they are ignored by accident. Similarly, this paragraph only describes what log-amplitude is given to non-detected lines, but does not describe what the other parameters (i.e. line center, gaussian and lorentzian widths) are set to for these missing lines, which will also be needed for filling in these holes in the interpolation.
40. Lines 236-238: The description of Figures 3 and 4 in the text should be expanded upon. For example, the text should mention that we are looking at the features detected for two different lines produced by different chemical species. It should also describe what the figures are showing (i.e. "Figures 3 and 4 show heatmaps of the blase-measured line parameters as a function of Teff and logg"). It would also be helpful to include a description of the reason for the hole at the top of Figure 3. Are these lines truly so weak they can't be detected, or were they missed by the algorithm? In the latter case, filling these points in with ln-a=-1000 would be a poor choice. By eye, I would guess that there should be real detected lines here with log amplitudes near -5.5, so it would be helpful to explain why this is not necessarily the case.
41. Figures 3 and 4: Why are the lorentzian width and line centers (e.g. line center offsets, mu'-mu) also not shown as heatmaps?
42. Figure 3: "An unknown spectral line" in the figure caption is at odds with the title saying that this is a "C I Line at 11617.66 A". If it is that C I feature, the figure caption should include those line properties.
43. Line 239: Is "128,723 individual spectral lines" the unique number of features after grouping them together, or the total number of detected features from all the spectra? What is the average number of detected feature per spectra (as well as the min and max)?
44. Line 242: "every one must be interpolated" I would suggest that this wording be changed to something like "every one can be interpolated to link the relationship between line and stellar properties"
45. Line 252: One of the goals of this work is to provide light-weight implementations of a spectral generator, but the 13.2GB of their interpolator is quite a bit larger than the original 8.1GB size of the PHOENIX grid of spectra used. For larger grids of input synthetic spectra, would the interpolator also continue to increase? The manuscript should clarify why this increase in disk space/RAM usage is beneficial versus using the synthetic spectra directly
46. Lines 256-260: Are Figures 5 and 6 necessary to show? They simply show the results of linearly interpolating Figures 3 and 4, which the average reader is likely able to imagine in their head.
47. Figure 5: Caption should include reference to the fact that this should be compared to Figure 3. Same with Figures 6 and 4.
48. Line 279: Figure 7 should have a larger description in the text (i.e. solar spectrum around an Fe feature comparing the nearest PHOENIX spectra to the generated one).
49. Figure 7: Why is this spectral line chosen to be different from the lines highlighted in Figures 3 and 4? Could there be more panels showing other wavelength region comparisons with the features in Figures 3 and 4?
50. Figure 7: The figure caption and lines themselves could be clearer about which lines are the PHOENIX spectra and which is the generated one. When viewed through a colorblind simulator (e.g. Color Oracle: these lines are very similar to each other. It would be helpful to change the colors and/or change the linestyles to be more distinct (e.g. solid, dashed, dotted). Similarly, it would be helpful for the lines in the legend to have larger widths. In python, this would look like:
leg = plt.legend()
for line in leg.get_lines():
51. Figure 7: It would be helpful to show the result of directly interpolating the PHOENIX grid spectra to the Sun's parameters to have a better visual comparison between the generator (i.e. directly show that the generated spectrum is not simply a linear interpolation of fluxes). It would also be helpful to show an actual solar spectrum in this wavelength region to prove that the generated spectrum is closer to the truth.
52. Subsection 4.1: This portion of text would fit better in the previous section describing the generator.
53. Subsection 4.1: This text should reference what computer/architecture these timing tests are being run on. I see that Table 2 lists this information, but Table 2 is not referenced anywhere in the body of the text, and should likely be in this subsection. Similarly, is the GPU used in the parallelization, or is all the computation done on a CPU?
54. Line 303: The discussion of Figure 8 should include some of its key results in the body of the text (e.g. the time to synthesize spectra, the speedup from parallelizing).
55. Figure 8: As with Figure 7, it would be helpful for the legend lines to be thinker for ease of reading.
56. Figure 8 caption: Suggest changing "Line chart" to "Plots". Also, "time taken per spectra" should be changed to "time taken per spectrum".
57. Line 304: These timing results should be compared to other spectral synthesis techniques. For example, Figure 11 and Section 4 of the KORG paper ( shows benchmarks with classical synthesis codes.
58. Line 296: "RegularGridInterpolator API" should say that this is a component of scipy.
59. Either at beginning of Section 4 or Subsection 4.2, the manuscript should state what the goals of the inference algorithm is.
60. Equation 4: There is an extra ^\circ symbol in the exponent.
61. Lines 306-307: "100 random evaluations to seed the surrogate model" This needs to be explained more in the text. What do random evaluations mean in this context? What is the surrogate model? This is the first time these terms are used.
62. Line 311: Similarly, what is meant by a "moderately guided evaluation phase"? What has changed between the 100 initial evaluations and the 20 additional evaluations?
63. Line 312: While I agree that fine tuning these numbers might not be needed for proof of concept, it would be helpful to describe to the reader what effects changing these numbers might have on the results.
64. Line 314: The 7.5 minutes per inference should be compared with the literature.
65. Lines 319-322: "this may seem circular, as the PHOENIX generator has memorized the PHOENIX subset" This wording makes it seem like the PHOENIX generator has in fact memorized the spectra it was trained on. This sentence could be reworded to tell the reader that it may APPEAR that the generator has memorized the synthetic spectra, but this is not the case for a variety of reasons (e.g. approximating all lines as Voigt profiles, ignoring really weak features, etc.), so we do not expect perfect agreement between the generated spectra and the models.
66. Lines 322-330: These few sentences need clarification. Is it saying that because the surrogate model is not started at the exact grid points of the synthetic spectra, everything should be okay? If this is true, then would a user choosing to start their search using a grid cause the analysis tool to fail? How are the "random continuously sampled generator evaluations" defined?
67. Line 334: "ancillary data prior to even looking at the spectra" consider adding ", such as photometric color"
68. Line 340: 54 inferences seem like an extremely limited amount of testing. It would greatly improve the manuscript to significantly increase the number of these tests, considering there are a possible ~1300 synthetic spectra available for comparisons.
69. Lines 345-351:
These results do not explain what the mean/median of the residuals are for each parameter. Are they all close to 0 or is there some systematic bias present in some of the parameters?
The size of the uncertainty on [Fe/H] is not that different from other pipelines that measure abundances (~0.1 dex), but the tests and the spectra grid in this work cover a very limited range of [Fe/H] values compared to those other tools. A 24% uncertainty in [Fe/H] from such idealized tests (ie perfect, noise-free synthetic spectra that were used to create the generator) is concerning for the proof that this technique could be useful in measuring abundances from real data. To address these concerns, the manuscript should consider expanding the PHOENIX grid used to include more grid points in the [Fe/H] dimension, as well as to compare the synthetic spectra after they have been degraded to differing signal-to-noise ratios to simulate comparisons with real data.
Similarly, this paragraph/subsection needs to have corresponding figures for these tests, such as residual parameters as a function of Teff (and S/N if those tests are implemented) and residual histograms so the reader can see where these numbers came from.
70. Line 351: The output parameter uncertainties should be placed in the context of the other pipelines in the literature (e.g. the ASPCAP paper referenced in the introduction, MINESweeper, the astroNN paper linked above). Many contemporary pipelines are able to recover uncertainties on the parameters listed here to about twice this work's precision, and that is when considering real data and covering a much larger region of parameter space, which should be addressed in the text.
71. Line 361: "We balance rigidity and flexibility where we want them while maintaining interpretability" What is meant by the balance of rigidity and flexibility in the context of this work?
72. Line 368-372: "introduce the concept of postulating" This sentence makes it seem like this work is the first to use precomputed model spectra to build a generator for use in inference, but this is not the case. It should be reworded to avoid this claim.
73. Line 385: What is meant by "pathfinder"?
74. Line 386: As discussed in the KORG paper, autodifferentiable spectral synthesis codes are now available.
75. Line 428: Sonora has no associated references while ATLAS and coolTLUSTY do.
76. Lines 432-437: The wording of this sentence makes it seem like this manuscript is asking the blase developers to implement these new features (I do understand that this includes the coauthors on this work). Changing it to "Future versions of the blase pipeline will implement these features" make it clear that these are plans that the team is working on for the future instead of desires that someone would someday implement this.
77. Line 447: Please give some examples of what the "more advanced methods" might be.
78. Line 501 & 503: "continua" is the plural of "continuum".
79. Line 521: Suggest changing to "uses GP minimization to infer stellar parameters."
80. Line 523: The PHOENIX subset should be restated here (i.e. the range of stellar parameters). This sentence should also reference blase and that fact that synthetic spectra are turned into lists of lines and associated properties.
81. Line 527: As in the abstract, the conclusion should explain the scope of the tests performed. That is, state that 54 tests were done and the range of stellar parameters tested to yield these results.
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