In the universe of Coda, objects serve as versatile containers, akin to their counterparts in JavaScript. These entities, created as variables, house valuable information and are formed through the embrace of curly braces.
Embarking on the journey of object creation, Coda introduces a simple and expressive syntax. Objects are initiated just like variables, with their contents enclosed within curly braces.
let x = {
name: "John",
age: 20
In the realm of objects, the dot operator emerges as a beacon of access, facilitating the exploration of properties within objects. With this operator, you can traverse the intricate landscape of object data.
const x = {
a: {
b: "Hello",
b: "World",
c: "!"
print(x.a.b + " " + x.b + x.c);
Through the magic of the dot operator, you can effortlessly string together object properties, crafting a symphony of data that resonates with meaning. In the presented scenario, the outcome of the code will be the harmonious revelation of "Hello World!" – a testament to the power of objects and the dot operator in orchestrating a data ballet.
Similar to the Dot operator, this enables accessing object data.
let object x = {
c: 20,
d: {
inner: 50
e: 40
println(x["c"]) // 20
println(x["d"]["inner"]) //50