-Wall -Wextra -Werror: Catch all warnings as errors -O2: Optimization level 2 -fstack-protector-strong: Stack protection -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2: Runtime buffer checks -fsanitize: Runtime memory/behavior checks -lsodium: Link against libsodium
I am gonna create a blueprint to define how I want to structure my project. Lets keep things simple.
-> common functions
-> encrypt function
-> decrypt function
Add headers for file operations, memory operations, and libsodium.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <sodium.h>
Constants for streaming encryption:
#define CHUNK_SIZE 16384
#define CRYPTO_OVERHEAD crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_ABYTES
Why powers of 2?
- Memory alignment is optimal
- CPU cache lines work better
- OS page sizes are also powers of 2
CRYPTO_OVERHEAD is space needed for:
- MAC (Message Authentication Code) - ensures integrity
- Nonce - ensures unique encryption
- Initialize libsodium
- Generate key
- Open input and output files
- Initialize secretstream state
- Write header to output
- Process file in chunks:
- Read chunk
- Encrypt with secretstream
- Mark final chunk with TAG_FINAL
- Write encrypted chunk
- Secure cleanup
see encrypt.c
for more details.
- Initialize libsodium
- Parse hex key from args
- Open input and output files
- Read header
- Initialize secretstream pull state
- Process file in chunks:
- Read encrypted chunk
- Decrypt with secretstream
- Check for TAG_FINAL
- Write decrypted chunk
- Secure cleanup
see decrypt.c
for more details.
./encrypt input.txt output.txt
./decrypt output.txt decrypted.txt <key>
- Streaming encryption for large files
- Authenticated encryption (XChaCha20-Poly1305)
- Proper chunk handling with final tag
- Secure memory wiping
- Header-based stream initialization