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Boarddirector started as a normal Django app.
it integrates with wordpress and pspdfkit containers (each having their own dockerized DB).
A few apps are build as Vue apps.
We have also created a "Quasar shell" application.
Quasar is a Vue derivative that loads legacy Django applications in iframes alongside native Quasar applications.

Getting started

Folder and File Layout


  • backend/ - django app (REST backend and legacy apps)
  • frontend/ - Vue/Quasar app (new frontend)
  • scripts/ - small utility programs for building and running the service
  • conf/ - production configuration files and information


  • bitbucket-pipelines.yml - bitbucket automated testing configuration
  • docker-compose.yml - configuration for our docker swarm
  • Dockerfile - defines a container to run our Django backend
  • requirements.txt - production package list for Django app
  • requirements-dev.txt - dev requirements for Django app
  • dev-pspdfkit-ssh-key/.pub - public and private keys used for PSPDFKit in dev
  • backend/settings/ - sample configuration for Django backend - DEPRECATED
  • dotenv.sample - sample environment variable definitions DEPRECATED
  • - outdated deployment scripts (may be updated soon) DEPRECATED
  • runtime.txt - heroku config (used for QA) DEPRECATED
  • Procfile - heroku config (used for QA) DEPRECATED
  • env_files - this is new replacement for custom files

setup env_files

from the folder, copy these files to other locations:

  • .env to the top level folder

contents of the .env file sets the ENVIRONMENT variable to the foldername where docker-compose will look for the module specific environment variables.



docker will look in env_files/local for the env files it needs.

valid environment values are:

  • local - this is local container development

  • runserver - this is django runserver, no django container needed, but good idea to start the others, esp DB.

  • dev

  • test

  • prod


and usage of env variable files under a folder named env_files.

there a utility script to parse a yaml file and create these files.

it's in the scripts folder. but there is a function backup that's available. see other section in this file about .aliases.

get the pspdfkit container

docker pull pspdfkit/pspdfkit

troubles with Apple silicon processors

you might find following error when you try to build services

image: mysql:5.7 no matching manifest for linux/arm64/v8 in the manifest list entries

just simply add platform: linux/x86_64 to this service


Our backend and database will run in Docker containers. The frontend tools are expected to run on your development workstation outside of containers.

Gulp is used to compile SASS files into CSS. Is it still used though? You'll need to install Docker for your platform and at least version 8 of node.js.


consider using Node Version Manager (nvm)[]

Install latest Node.js locally

npm install -g \
  gulp         \
  yarn         \
cd frontend
yarn install
cd ../backend/apps/common/static
npm install

we also have some steps saying something similar but from a different folder:

cd frontend
yarn install
# yarn build is new. it basically runs 'quasar build'
yarn build


  • Static assets (such as font files and images) should be placed in Quasars statics folder.
    These files should NOT be placed in assets. From host machine (i.e. not Docker container): from the repo root

in root (create & test similar for Linux environment)


or simply

cd apps/common/static; gulp

It'll start BrowserSync on :3000 port with proxying to Django.
This way styles are refreshed without reload, also Django templates are watched and page is refreshed upon change.


reference for versions

dev output of quasar info from frontend folder

quasar i

Operating System         	Linux(5.4.0-1041-aws) - linux/x64
NodeJs                   	15.12.0

Global packages
  NPM                    	7.6.3
  yarn                   	1.22.10
  quasar-cli             	0.17.26
  vue-cli                	Not installed
  cordova                	Not installed

Important local packages
  quasar-cli             	Not installed
  quasar-framework       	Not installed
  quasar-extras          	Not installed
  vue                    	2.6.11	(Reactive, component-oriented view layer for modern web interfaces.)
  vue-router             	3.2.0	(Official router for Vue.js 2)
  vuex                   	3.4.0	(state management for Vue.js)
  electron               	Not installed
  electron-packager      	Not installed
  electron-builder       	Not installed
  @babel/core            	7.13.14	(Babel compiler core.)
  webpack                	4.43.0	(Packs CommonJs/AMD modules for the browser. Allows to split your codebase into multiple bundles, which can be loaded on demand. Support loaders to preprocess files, i.e. json, jsx, es7, css, less, ... and your custom stuff.)
  webpack-dev-server     	3.11.0	(Serves a webpack app. Updates the browser on changes.)
  workbox-webpack-plugin 	4.3.1	(A plugin for your Webpack build process, helping you generate a manifest of local files that workbox-sw should precache.)
  register-service-worker	1.7.1	(Script for registering service worker, with hooks)

Daily development

In one shell run this:

docker-compose up db boarddirector

In another run:

cd frontend
yarn dev

To run build command:

cd frontend
yarn build

You can login at http://localhost:8090/, but keep in mind that the landing page may not be the development server.
After logging in, manually navigate back to http://localhost:8090/ to ensure you're looking at the right version of the code.

bash aliases and functions

two alias files

these can be found in top level folder in file .aliases and are for host level usage. Instead of reviewing them here, please review the actual file. they contain aliases that will help deploy code, build code, manage containers, get inside container, etc. If you want aliases to use inside the container, there is also another file .docker_bash_aliases

.aliases file

bash function lenv

function lenv () { export $(grep -v ^# "$*" | xargs -0) }

bash alias

alias dc='docker-compose'

in case you need to pip install on a mac, use CLFLAGS below to allow reportlab to compile

CFLAGS="-Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration" pip install -r requirements.txt 

install pyenv

docker containers don't use virtualenvs, but local developers might want this for their IDE or to run django inside local command line.

install both of these tools to create the python virtual environment

to see versions of python available

pyenv install -l

likely best to install same version i have (or whatever are in the contents of .python-version file)

pyenv install 3.7.16

this command would then be used to create the virtual env named bd37 for the above python version

pyenv  virtualenv   3.7.16  bd37

you would then activate it like this:

pyenv activate bd37

once it’s “activated”, it changes you prompt , adding (bd37) to it from command line. next step is to install the python libraries that the virtualenv will use.

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

after python libraries are installed, it's possible to run django commands, like runserver. if you would simply prefer to use django runserver during development or want to run management commands or start django shell, then use this script

scripts/ runserver 8080

but it's just a wrapper around command. you can pass in other things, like any of these

scripts/ shell scripts/ makemigrations scripts/ showmigratoins scripts/ migrate scripts/ --help

if you don't want to run the script every time, you can 'source' it instead.

source scripts/

run this after the last command to confirm it DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE variable is set:

env|grep DJ

above command should show this on screen


the script will change your current working directory to "backend" you can then run ./ commands directly. e.g.

./ runserver 8080
./ shell

assuming you already ran this source .aliases , you need to ensure that the DB is up. see next section on .aliases

start the DB container

dc up db -d

Django migrations

get inside container first

docker-compose exec boarddirector bash

once inside, you can create an alias for the manage command

alias manage='python'

this is the manage command for running inside container:


migrations should be run from inside the container.

to migrate schema forward (this applies new changes)

python migrate

other things you can run:

show if migrations are applied

python showmigrations

create new migrations

../scripts/ makemigrations

to migrate schema backward (this applies reverting changes) replace $ variables below

# show us which migrations exist 
python showmigrations $app_name

# use output from last command below
python migrate $app_name $version_number

Sign up for a test account

(this is no longer necessary)

Open a browser at http://localhost:8090/ and click the signup link. You can use any email address, just make sure that your boarddirector url is "test-company".

After signing up...

with your docker running, in another shell run this command:

docker exec -it boarddirector_boarddirector_1 scripts/

that will create a superuser with the username [email protected] and the password of password then you will go to the admin which should be running at: http://localhost:8080/login/account/login/?next=/app-admin/ login using those credentials… from there you have access to your local admin console which we can activate the user/membership so you would go here: http://localhost:8080/app-admin/profiles/user/ click on the user then tick the “active” checkbox and save

DB Backup and Restore

Backup Wordpress

mysqldump --add-drop-table -h localhost -u wordpressuser -p wordpress
mysqldump --no-tablespaces --add-drop-table -h localhost -u wordpressuser -p wordpress

Restore mysql wordpress

mysql -h localhost -u wordpressuser -p wordpress < backup.2020.20.23.sql

once restored, if DNS name is different (for example restoring prod database to uat database), to get it working without being redirected back to prod, you need to update some tables.

change this

 select * from wp_options where option_name like '%siteurl%';
| option_id | option_name | option_value                 | autoload |
|         1 | siteurl     | | yes      |

update wp_options set option_value='' where option_name like '%siteurl%';

this updates the values inside "option_value" field with uat values

update wp_options set option_value=replace(option_value, '', '');

this replace similarly but in different table

update wp_yoast_seo_links set url=replace(url, '', '');  

mysql update wordpress users table example

update wp_users set display_name='David', user_email='[email protected]', 
  user_pass=MD5("secret123") where id=9; 


To connect


use these 2 commands to setup the environment variable you will need both inside and outside of the container for several of the examples below using ${backup_filename}

note to update these two variables appropriately

export name=app
export name=pdfkit
export environment=prod

These are common ones again.

export timestamp=`date  +%F`
export backup_filename=${environment}.${name}.${timestamp}.sql

Backup of postgres (for django and pdfkit)

pg_dump -d$POSTGRES_DB -U$POSTGRES_USER -f ${backup_filename} 

don't forget to copy the new file from container to host

docker cp boarddirector_db_1:/${backup_filename} .
docker cp boarddirector_pdf_db_1:/${backup_filename} .

from outside container, run this to copy backup file to db where restoration will occur set the ${backup_filename} variable using steps just above.

docker cp ${backup_filename} boarddirector_db_1:/

before restoring, it's sometimes important to follow these steps

steps to connect to DB and then drop (from inside psql shell)

  1. disconnect all sql clients (stop the app)

    docker-compose stop boarddirector

  • delete/recreate the database

    psql -d$POSTGRES_DB -U$POSTGRES_USER \c postgres drop database boarddocuments_db; create database boarddocuments_db; \q

to restore data from backup file (example using variable ${backup_filename}, change aptly or run the same commands used to set the var name)

psql -d$POSTGRES_DB -U$POSTGRES_USER -f ${backup_filename} 

some notes about restore

when restoring pdfkit to uat, i had to stop the containers, remove the mount volume, start containers, restore data it's actually much easier to drop the database, create it, and then restore the data you must stop the containers related to it first though

dc stop boarddirector
dc stop pspdfkit

scripted backup via script

1st arg helps name the file 2nd arg identifies which .env file to use in the env_files script looks up it's own ENVIRONMENT variable in top level .env file

/data/boarddirector/scripts/  app db
/data/boarddirector/scripts/  pdf pdf_db

cronjobs for automatic backup (every 12 hours, gzipped into /data/boarddirector/backups)

0 */12  * * * /data/boarddirector/scripts/  app db >>/data/boarddirector/backup_app.log 2>&1    
0 */12  * * * /data/boarddirector/scripts/  pdf pdf_db >>/data/boarddirector/backup_pdf.log 2>&1                                                                     

upgrading postgres

  • backup data
  • stop containers
  • delete the correct mount volume
  • start db container only
  • get inside it
  • connect to postgres db using psql
    • drop the original database
    • create database
    • restore from the backup file start the rest of the containers

resetting your DB steps

If you are just resetting your DB, restoring from dev locally etc. you can just do these steps (similar to above, but starting after step 3 where mount volume is delete):

Frontend and Backend

The frontend is a Quasar app and lives in the ./frontend directory.
You should cd into this directory and run quasar dev to do development. quasar build should be run before each commit.

The backend is a Django app and lives in the ./backend directory.


  • Move all apps into Quasar/Vue with materialize styles
  • Increase test coverage

Development setup

Frontend and Backend


web certificates

Creating a public/private key for PSPDFKit

When prompted for a passphrase, leave it blank just press ENTER.

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -m PEM -f pspdfkit-ssh-key
openssl rsa -in pspdfkit-ssh-key -pubout -outform PEM -out

When importing cert for GO DADDY

(should no longer be needed b/c we now use let's encrypt in all environments)

the key file remains the same (if you chose file for apache) the only thing to replace is the certificate file itself go daddy renews the certificate annually and the original CSR used that key. to avoid having to update the config, you can do this (assuming you have the files already in /etc/ssl)

rename original crt that is being replaced


rename the new new file to match what's in the config

  mv 3021a66a4502339a.crt

restart nginx service

  systemctl restart nginx

let's encrypt is used to manage the PDF certificates automatically.

to get it working, port 80 (AWS firewall port) needs to be open if you run this command

do certbot certonly --nginx

Board director

Note that the DOCKER_AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME and other S3 related variables are optional and, if they are not defined, then boarddirector will store its data in a docker volume.

dev-server will use docker-compose to launch several servers.
Use docker container ls to find the one with 'boarddirector' as its base name. Then run this command:

docker container exec name_of_container /app/scripts/

Unit Testing

before we upgrade beyond django 1.11 (currently at 1.11) we should fix any broken tests and look for the deprecation warnings python -Wd

(1.11 release notes)[]


There is swagger endpoint , with url being specific to Account.url of request.user Membership For example url is local-dev-mill

replace URL appropriately





In development there are two URLs where you can view the API docs.
You must login with an account first then you may use these URLs (replacing some-company-url with your company URL in your dev account):



  • No special steps required: generated css files are stored in the repo
  • No special steps required: generated css files are stored in css.generated and committed into git.
  • no minification yet in gulp (there is some in compress, I think).
  • .map files are currently not committed, use locally for development.

Notes on Bootstrap:

Project mostly uses outdated hand-made css layouts, with a lot of things messing up in all.css + custom.css.

To switch page to newer styles replace base styles:

{% block base_resources %}
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css.generated/base.css' %}"/>
  <script src="{% static 'js/libs/jquery-1.12.4/jquery.min.js' %}"></script>
{% endblock %}

This way you'll have:

  • Bootstrap (so default .row/.col.*.*/btn, etc)
  • Use single per-page stylesheet (possibly split into partials via SASS) so that it's under control
  • Use common variables via SASS for colors, margins, etc

REST Development:

Some highlights:

  • api_urls is place to link Routers for each module, reason: to load it separately from urls modules and their dependencies. Not strictly required, might be changed if needed
  • api_views modules used to store viewsets and other things
  • /{account_url}/api/v1/ is binding point for all apis
  • /api/v1/ is binding point for "global" apis like accounts/*
  • common.api_urls single router is constructed here, uniting routers from different apps
  • currently mapping is done without any app prefixes, there was no other good way to have single entrypoint to list all available APIs from different apps (Yuri), if you know better way - you're welcome to fix it.
  • there is a couple of useful mixins in common.mixin like
    • GetMembershipWithURLFallbackMixin (used to get_membership and account without session requirement)
    • PerActionSerializerModelViewSetMixin (to have different serializers for different verbs, for less detailed list for example)
  • and also permissions.rest_permissions with some common permission classes

REST Usage:


  • Token Auth:
    • POST /api/v1/token-auth/ body: {"username": "[email protected]", "password": "password-here"}
    • Store token field from response
    • Then add Authorization: Token $token$ header to any subsequent request, this will authorize as user
    • Token may expire some time in future (currently no) in this case extra login is required

Rest Implementation

The check_permission method of REST framework has been overridden.

We invoke the and_permission method as a pre-flight check. If this if false no other checks will be done.

We then try has_role_permission and has_object_permission. If both of those are false then or_permission is invoked as a last chance to allow the API call.

setting up new servers - aws ec2 notes

Google Social Auth

Data volume

If you create an volume from a snapshot, the UUID will need to be changed.

to see the uuid and your volumes, run


to generate a new one, specify correct path from above output

xfs_admin -U generate /dev/xvdg

it might have an error, i believe it will guide you ("xfs_repair -L ")

to mount the data volume:

mount -t auto /dev/xvdf1 /data

setup sym link to main nginx.conf file in the repo (replacing the system original)

in folder /etc/nginx$

sudo ln -s /data/boarddirector/scripts/nginx.conf

in folder /etc/nginx/sites-enabled, create symlink to the application specific nginx to be included.

sudo ln -s /data/boarddirector/scripts/app_nginx.conf

After running collectstatic we need to make a copy for spa assets to be downloadable.

this should do it

cd /data/boarddirector/backend/
cp -R public/static/ public/static/nav/

might need to fix permissions afterwards

wordpress can be difficult to migrate to new server.

this will allow you to copy the mounted docker folder from digital ocean to aws ./aws-uat/env_files/wordpress_mount_docker/_data is taken directly from prod digital ocean

mv ./aws-uat/env_files/wordpress_mount_docker/_data ./aws-uat/env_files/wordpress_mount_docker/html 
docker cp ./aws-uat/env_files/wordpress_mount_docker/html boarddirector_wordpress_1:/var/www



icongenie generate -i src/statics/logo.png --skip-trim --splashscreen-color 474747

Dev mode

yarn dev --mode pwa


No description, website, or topics provided.






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