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206 lines (134 loc) · 7.39 KB

File metadata and controls

206 lines (134 loc) · 7.39 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

/// admonition | Note

Entries under the Removed section indicate items removed from the entire document unless specified otherwise. If an item is removed from a specific section, it will be specified in the entry.





  • Several new aliases have been added to the linux .zshrc file:
    alias update-grub-config="sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg"
    ## Systemd aliases.
    alias start-bluetooth="sudo systemctl start bluetooth.service"
    alias stop-bluetooth="sudo systemctl stop bluetooth.service"
    alias start-vmware-networking="sudo systemctl start vmware-networks.service"
    alias stop-vmware-networking="sudo systemctl stop vmware-networks.service"
    alias start-firewalld="sudo systemctl start firewalld.service"                          
    alias stop-firewalld="sudo systemctl stop firewalld.service"  


  • Removed the rrm and rm aliases from the linux .zshrc file.


This update includes a significant overhaul of several aspects of the project. As a result, only the major changes are listed below. The changes cover both the documentation and the repository as a whole.


  • Added the dotfiles submodule for easy access to shell and terminal configurations.
  • Introduced to simplify updating neovim, zsh, and other configuration files by retrieving them from the dotfiles submodule.
  • Created update_submodule.bash to automate updating the dotfiles submodule with the latest changes from the dotfiles repository.
  • Added terminal-profile-setup.bash to automate the setup of the terminal profile on Linux (requires Gnome).
  • Implemented a workflow that automates updating the dotfiles submodule via Dependabot.
  • Added a new section regarding syntax highlighting for neovim.


  • Replaced the shell theme Powerlevel10k with Starship.
  • Updated all code examples to reflect the latest changes.
  • Reworked the Gnome Terminal Profile so it no longer overwrites existing profiles.
  • Updated the wording and information in the main document.
  • Improved the context of several sections.



  • Added programs: cheat, fzf-tab, and eza.
  • Included the rainbow_csv plugin (mechatroner/rainbow_csv) in init.vim.
  • Updated and added new zstyle settings in zshrc; these are now located in a section called "Zsh Style Configurations".
  • Added new sections in the README for future documentation.


  • Modified zshrc to check if fzf is installed before sourcing fzf-tab.
  • Removed Azure autoload and source commands from zshrc.
  • Added the recommended method of installing fzf on Linux in the README.
  • Renamed several aliases and added a new alias for eza.


  • Eliminated lsd-based aliases.
  • Removed the PATH variable from zshrc.


This update is a major overhaul and rewrite of the entire repository. Due to the extensive changes, only the major updates are listed below.


  • Updated the list of programs to better reflect those consistently used.
  • Switched from using Vim to Neovim; all configurations and documentation have been updated accordingly.
  • Updated the main configuration file (init.vim) for Neovim to reflect changes in programs and plugins.
  • Updated and added new aliases.
  • Rewrote 90% of the documentation to improve wording, clarity, and readability; added new sections and removed outdated ones.
  • Added a notice section in the README to inform users to view the document on the website for the full content.



  • Added vim-better-whitespace plugin (ntpeters/vim-better-whitespace) to vimrc.
  • Introduced new file-specific configurations in vimrc.


  • Updated the URL link of the website status badge in the README.
  • Simplified repository maintenance by removing redundant files and replacing them with a single file used in multiple places, leveraging new features from updated dependencies and packages.



  • Added new aliases in zshrc.
  • Included the git plugin in zshrc.
  • Added specific configurations for Markdown and text files in vimrc.


  • Updated existing aliases in zshrc.
  • Modified .zshrc to contain only general configurations, simplifying maintenance.
  • Made slight wording and formatting changes in vimrc.


  • Removed unnecessary code from zshrc.
  • Eliminated programs fd/fd-find and git-quick-stats.



  • Added YouCompleteMe plugin (valloric/youcompleteme) to vimrc.
  • Introduced new aliases in zshrc.
  • Added a link to the repository of the newly added vimrc plugin in the README.
  • Included comments on commands to download zsh plugins in zshrc.


  • Made slight formatting changes in vimrc.
  • Modified plugins and performed general refactoring in zshrc.
  • Implemented several small changes throughout zshrc.



  • Removed code from the Linux zshrc files that wasn't considered general configurations.
  • Added specific configurations for Markdown files in vimrc.
  • Changed the website status badge in the README.



  • Set LS_COLORS in zshrc to match LSCOLORS.
  • Added set colorcolumn=89 in vimrc.
  • Included a terminal profile for the Gnome terminal.
  • Added programs: fzf, zsh-completions, and gallery-dl.
  • Incorporated zsh-autosuggestions as an Oh My Zsh plugin, removing the need to source it.


  • Updated information in the Modifying CLI Colors section to include details about LS_COLORS.
  • Improved wording and updated various small details throughout the document.
  • Switched from Vundle to vim-plug for plugin management in vimrc; all references to Vundle have been updated.
  • Adjusted LSCOLOR in zshrc from exgxfxDxcxegDhabagacaD to exgxfxDxcxegDhabagacaD.
  • Created separate versions of the Linux zshrc file for desktop and server.
  • Updated alias information in aliases.


  • Eliminated unneeded aliases and alias content.
  • Removed programs: bottom and hstr.



  • Added comments to mkdocs.yml.


  • Updated plugins, features, and extensions in mkdocs.yml.
  • Bumped version numbers of all packages in mkdocs-requirements.txt.
  • Updated deprecated zsh plugin copydir to copypath in zshrc.
  • Adjusted the My .zshrc and My .vimrc sections in the README to display code from files in the insides folder.



  • Added programs: git-quick-stats, pyenv, ffmpeg, asciinema, m-cli, .tmux, tmux, and imagemagick.
  • Included several other additions that enhance functionality.


  • Updated the Custom Aliases and My .zshrc sections.
  • Modified the terminal profile.


  • Removed programs: duti, jq, Homebrew Command Not Found, symboliclinker, gistome, git-extras, pdfgrep, hub, and cloc.
  • Eliminated tmux, wget, and tree, as they are usually installed by default.
  • Removed jedi-vim (davidhalter/jedi-vim) and vim-fugitive (tpope/vim-fugitive) from vimrc.
  • Deleted edkolev/tmuxline.vim from the list of programs.


  • Improved wording and grammar throughout the


This is the first release where all configurations and related content have been fully added.