This example shows how to use FracGM solver in Python 3.
cd examples/python
# Build the FracGM Python wrapper library
python3 -m pip install "maturin[patchelf]" numpy rich
python3 ../../scripts/
# Install the FracGM Python wrapper library
# (Notice: You should check the real path to the wheel file
# e.g., ../../target/wheels/fracgm-0.1.0-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_34_x86_64.whl)
python3 -m pip install $(ls ../../target/wheels/*.whl) --force-reinstall
python3 ./
This main function will read two point clouds from data
folder and
solve the rotation and the registration problems with FracGM.
[[ Example for FracGM-based rotation solver ]]
Ground Truth:
[[-0.0318679 0.85233803 0.52201947]
[-0.51833845 -0.46065527 0.7205012 ]
[ 0.85458159 -0.2476219 0.45647969]]
[[-0.03224006 0.85246754 0.52178508]
[-0.52026712 -0.4600657 0.7194871 ]
[ 0.85339481 -0.24827131 0.45834338]]
[[ Example for FracGM-based registration solver ]]
Ground Truth:
[[-0.0318679 0.85233803 0.52201947 0.3 ]
[-0.51833845 -0.46065527 0.7205012 0.2 ]
[ 0.85458159 -0.2476219 0.45647969 0.6 ]
[ 0. 0. 0. 1. ]]
[[-0.03200563 0.852238 0.52217434 0.29966727]
[-0.52038008 -0.46025508 0.71928425 0.20008234]
[ 0.85333476 -0.24870798 0.45821843 0.60047556]
[ 0. 0. 0. 1. ]]
[[ Done ]]