This example shows how to use FracGM solver in C++.
You should prepare Meson build tool and Eigen C++ linear algebra library to compile this example.
cd examples/cpp
# Build the FracGM C++ wrapper library
python3 ../../scripts/
# Build the main program
meson setup builddir
cd builddir
meson compile
This main function will read two point clouds from data
folder and
solve the rotation and the registration problems with FracGM.
[[ Example for FracGM-based rotation solver ]]
Ground Truth:
-0.0318679 0.852338 0.522019
-0.518338 -0.460655 0.720501
0.854582 -0.247622 0.45648
-0.0322401 0.852468 0.521785
-0.520267 -0.460066 0.719487
0.853395 -0.248271 0.458343
[[ Example for FracGM-based registration solver ]]
Ground Truth:
-0.0318679 0.852338 0.522019 0.3
-0.518338 -0.460655 0.720501 0.2
0.854582 -0.247622 0.45648 0.6
0 0 0 1
-0.0320056 0.852238 0.522174 0.299667
-0.52038 -0.460255 0.719284 0.200082
0.853335 -0.248708 0.458218 0.600476
0 0 0 1
[[ Done ]]