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List of commands

Spappz edited this page Dec 15, 2022 · 20 revisions

Pf2ooler has many commands available. This page keeps a record of all of them in a tree-like structure. Commands you can actually run (terminal nodes) are in bold. Command options are in italic.

secret: All commands have a secret option, which hides the response from everyone else when set to "Yes".

General information

  • /view
    Commands in this group display static information.

    • /view help
      Displays some basic information about the bot, a quick-start guide to its use, and provides links to the support server.

    • /view licenses
      Displays licenses and other legal information.

    • /view stats
      Displays a count of each data-type that Pf2ooler has available, plus its version number, current uptime, and source data version.

  • /donate
    Displays a personal message from me about how to support the project 😊

Data look-up

  • /lookup
    All the data-look-up commands are in this group.

    name (required): All /lookup commands require the name of the thing you're trying to look up. This name doesn't need to be complete (e.g. "bnob" will match Hobnobber), but it does need to be spelt correctly (e.g. "honbobber" will not match). You can also get the bot to select a random entity from its database by using the name "!random".

    • /lookup action
      Looks up an action or activity. Note this isn't limited to just basic actions; actions specific to classes, ancestries, etc. are included, as are some actions in adventure paths.

    • /lookup affliction
      Looks up a curse, disease, or other affliction.

    • /lookup ancestry
      Looks up an ancestry.

    • /lookup background
      Looks up a background.

    • /lookup class
      Looks up a class. Currently, this just responds with the class' HP and sidebar information (starting proficiencies, etc.).

    • /lookup condition
      Looks up a condition.

    • /lookup creature
      Creature-specific commands are in this group. The much anticipated /lookup creature statblock will find its way here soon!

      • /lookup creature ability
        Looks up a standard creature ability, such as Darkvision or Swallow Whole.

      • /lookup creature image
        Looks up and displays a creature's artwork, if it's available on the Archives of Nethys.

    • /lookup deity
      Deity-specific commands are in this group.

      • /lookup deity avatar
        Looks up a deity's battle form for the avatar spell.

      • /lookup deity intercession
        Looks up the standard divine intercessions a deity offers.

      • /lookup deity statblock
        Looks up a deity's statblock. This uses the standard form introduced in Lost Omens: Gods & Magic, so some 'unique' statistics, such as Sacred Animal, aren't included.

    • /lookup event
      Looks up a rare event (introduced in Lost Omens: Travel Guide page 112).

    • /lookup familiar
      Familiar-specific commands are in this group.

      • /lookup familiar ability
        Looks up a familiar ability.
    • /lookup feat
      Looks up a feat.

    • /lookup heritage
      Looks up a heritage, including versatile heritages.

    • /lookup item
      Item-specific commands are in this group, though currently it's a bit sparse!

      • /lookup item group
        Looks up a weapon/armour group's specialisation effect.
    • /lookup relic
      This group is currently a bit of a dummy, only existing so /lookup relic gift reads intuitively.

      • /lookup relic gift
        Looks up a relic gift.
    • /lookup ritual
      Looks up a ritual.

    • /lookup skill
      Looks up the description for a skill, including a summary of its skill actions.

    • /lookup spell
      Looks up a spell.

    • /lookup subclass
      Looks up a subclass, such as a barbarian's instinct or a sorcerer's bloodline. This shows all features the subclass confers.

    • /lookup trait
      Looks up a trait.

Dice-rolling and randomness

The syntax for the /roll commands can be confusing given how many options are available, so I recommend experimenting a bit to get a feel.

  • /roll
    All dice-related commands are in this group.

    description: All /roll commands let you include a description, which will be posted along with the result. Useful if you want a record of what the roll was for.

    • /roll dice
      This is your general-purpose command to roll arbitrary dice. Should be fairly self-explanatory.

      dice (required): The dice notation you want to roll.
      count: By default, the command rolls dice once. You can use this option to make it roll more.

    • /roll check
      This command lets you roll checks as per Pathfinder 2e's rules. It's got slightly nicer formatting than /roll dice, so I recommend using it if you're actually making a check!

      modifiers: Enter any modifiers here. The string is assumed to start with a +, so you don't need to enter that yourself. Full dice notation is accepted too. Leaving this blank just rolls a d20 with no modifiers (i.e. a flat check).
      dc: If you enter a DC for the check, Pf2ooler will also display it and the degree of success.
      count: By default, the command only makes one check. You can use this option to make it roll more.

    • /roll character
      Rolls 4d6dl1 six times. Useful if you're using the Rolling Ability Scores variant rule.

    • /roll recovery
      This is a shortcut for rolling a recovery check. The recovery DC is calculated automatically.

      dying (required): Your current dying value.
      toughness: Set this to "Yes" if you have the Toughness feat.
      defy_death: Set this to "Yes" if you have the Defy Death feat.
      mountains_stoutness: Set this to "Yes" if you have the Mountain's Stoutness feat.
      count: By default, this command only rolls one recovery check. You can use this option to make it roll more.

    • /roll table
      This command lets you roll on a table. The table doesn't need to actually be a 'random table' with a die roll in the header—you can use it to get a random row from any table (with some obscure exceptions). Useful if you want inspiration rather than adjudication, though it of course works for that too.

      name (required): The name of the table on which you want to roll.
      count: By default, this command only rolls on the table once. You can use this option to make it roll more (repeats possible).

  • /draw
    All card-related commands are in this group.

    count: By default, all /draw commands only draw one card. You can use this option to make them draw more (repeats possible).
    description: All /draw commands let you include a description, which will be posted along with the result. Useful if you want a record of what the roll was for.

    • /draw critical
      This group serves a shorthand for using /roll table to draw a card from the critical hit/fumble decks (which are represented as random tables in Pf2eTools).

      attack (required): The type of attack you're making. This determines which row of the card is read off.\

      • /draw critical fumble
        Draws a random card from the critical fumble deck and displays the effect depending on attack.

      • /draw critical hit
        Draws a random card from the critical hit deck and displays the respective effect depending on attack.

    • /draw hero
      This group only exists so that /draw hero point reads intuitively.

      • /draw hero point
        Draws a random card from the hero point deck.
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