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List of commands

Spappz edited this page Oct 19, 2022 · 20 revisions

List of commands

Pf2ooler has many commands available. This page keeps a record of all of them in a tree-like structure. Commands you can actually run (terminal nodes) are in bold. Command options are in italic.

Note that all commands have a secret option, which hides the response from everyone else when set to 'Yes'.

  • /help
    Displays some basic information about the bot, a quick-start guide to its use, and provides links to the support server.

  • /stats
    Displays a count of each data-type that Pf2ooler has available, plus its version number, current uptime, and source data version.

  • /donate
    Displays a personal message from me about how to support the project 😊

  • /license
    Displays licenses and other legal information.

  • /roll
    All dice-, card-, and randomness-related commands are in this group.

    description: All /roll commands let you include a description, which will be posted along with the result. Useful if you want a record of what the roll was for.

    • /roll dice
      This is your general-purpose command to roll arbitrary dice. Should be fairly self-explanatory.

      dice (required): The dice string you want to roll.
      count: By default, the command rolls dice once. You can use this option to make it roll more.

    • /roll check
      This command lets you roll checks as per Pathfinder 2e's rules. It's got slightly nicer formatting than /roll dice, so I recommend using it if you are making a check! Sending the command with no options just rolls a d20 with no modifiers (i.e. a flat check).

      modifiers: Enter any modifiers here. The string is assumed to start with a +, so you don't need to enter that yourself.
      dc: If you enter a DC for the check, Pf2ooler will also display it and the degree of success.
      count: By default, the command only makes one check. You can use this option to make it roll more.

    • /roll recovery
      This is a shortcut for rolling a recovery check. The recovery DC is calculated automatically.

      dying (required): Your current dying value.
      toughness: Set this to "Yes" if you have the Toughness feat.
      defy_death: Set this to "Yes" if you have the Defy Death feat.
      mountains_stoutness: Set this to "Yes" if you have the Defy Death feat.

    • /roll character
      Rolls 4d6dl1 six times. Useful if you're using the Rolling Ability Scores variant rule.

  • /lookup
    All the data-look-up commands are in this group.

    • /lookup ability
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