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Spappz edited this page Jan 15, 2023 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the Pf2ooler wiki!

Useful information about the bot should will be documented here. Right now, though, this is just the list of available commands. Otherwise, you've got a bit of a FAQ below.

I want to ...

... invite the bot

If you share a server with Pf2ooler, click on its profile. There should be an "Add to server" button you can press.

If you don't share a server or are having trouble with the bot, you can use this link, but be aware that the "Add to server" button is a generally better move if possible.

... follow updates

Bot news is announced in the #pf2ooler channel of the Pf2eTools Discord server. Grab the @Tooler role from #role-selection if you want to be pinged when this occurs (promise no spam!), or subscribe to the #pf2ooler channel have announcements cross-posted to another server (even if you leave the Pf2eTools server).

... report a bug, typo, or other error

Pf2ooler sources its /lookup data from Pf2eTools. This means that if there's a problem in their data, that problem transfers to Pf2ooler. Since we have a shared interest in accurate and well-formatted data, Pf2ooler support can be found on the Pf2eTools Discord server. Everything in this section refers to that server, so please do join it!

The best course of action for reporting errors depends on it's nature. Please read the below carefully to help us fix the problem as quickly as possible.

A /lookup result has an error

If the problem is just a typo, first check if that typo also exists in Pf2eTools. If so, report it to them via the #typos channel; once it's fixed, Pf2ooler will update to match.

If Pf2eTools doesn't show the typo, then please make a bug report with the /bugreport identifier:Pf2ooler.

(Please note that, due to Discord limitations, some formatting can't yet be displayed. This includes tables and embedded statblocks. Until I figure out a workaround, this is less a bug and more a feature just the way things are. Ideas welcome though!)

A /lookup result is missing

If the problem is missing content entirely, please first check whether the content exists on Pf2eTools. If so, please make a bug report via /bugreport identifier:Pf2ooler.

If the content doesn't exist on Pf2eTools, try searching for other content from the same publication on the website. If other content from the same publication can be found on Pf2eTools, please report the missing content in the #typos channel.

If you can't find anything from that publication, then unfortunately it hasn't yet been converted and is currently unavailable. Although we try to add everything as quickly as possible, sometimes this isn't so feasible (e.g. the site needs an update first). We also prioritise main-line releases over more obscure publications, such as Pathfinder Society content and Paizo blog posts. You can follow the progress we're making here!

Something else is wrong

Please make a bug report via /bugreport identifier:Pf2ooler.

... make a suggestion

Suggestions are tracked in the Pf2eTools Discord server, where you can use /featurerequest identifier:Pf2ooler to fill out a suggestion form. All ideas are welcome, though please do search through #suggestions to ensure you're not duplicating anything!

... ask a question

Just drop a message in the #pf2ooler channel of the Pf2eTools Discord server. I'll get to you when I can!

... support the developer

Thank you 🫂

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