- This class is responsible for converting ElasticSearch entity to array that can be then saved to ElasticSearch.
- Configuring is done by implementing interfaces, no need for annotations or neon.
- This method is here for last before convert modifications.
- Then calling iterateVariables to prepare rest of entity array.
This method accepts entity variables and based on their type performs converting to array to ready entity for insert. There are 9 types of property handled:
\Spameri\Elastic\Entity\ElasticEntityInterface in this case service locator comes to play and locates service for related entity and saves connected entity. And prepares related entity's id to property. Because to ElasticSearch goes only string id.
\Spameri\Elastic\Entity\EntityInterface this is structural entity and is saved directly to parent entity. Its properties are iterated with
\Spameri\Elastic\Entity\ValueInterface raw value in object, directly converted to array.
\Spameri\Elastic\Entity\EntityCollectionInterface Collection of structural class EntityInterface, iterate and act as step 2.
\Spameri\Elastic\Entity\ElasticEntityCollectionInterface Collection of ElasticSearch entities ElasticEntityInterface, iterate and act as step 1.
\Spameri\Elastic\Entity\ValueCollectionInterface Collection of ValueInterface, iterate and act as step 3.
Scalar values string, int, bool or NULL, no action just pass to array.
\Spameri\Elastic\Entity\DateTimeInterface Date interface with specified format by this library so ElasticSearch can save it without problems.
- \Spameri\Elastic\Entity\Property\Date for
format - \Spameri\Elastic\Entity\Property\DateTime for
\DateTime All other Dates are converted to
Exception thrown property is none of above.