A Discord bot for managing Rutgers COGS Discord. https://discord.gg/aQUgesr
Inorder to use:
-Create a mysql database with the include schema.
-Copy example-config.json to config.json, and fill out the blank strings
-Use npm install to install the required node packages
This project is meant for personal use for the RU COGS server. It allows you to create individual project listings with their own subsection of the server. A person can own a project, and then create channels and such only for the project through bot commands. Also they can manage their own project.
Admins control the creation and deletion of projects.
- Focuses more on ability to use individual servers.
- Better code structure.
- Requires full new schema.
All todo features and currently worked on features are posted on this board. https://trello.com/b/RULJsOqB/cogs-bot-todo