[SONARPHP-1022 ] - Regex in S1186 implementation leads to a StackOverflowError
[SONARPHP-1024 ] - NCLOC and other metrics should not be fed for PHP test files
New Feature
[SONARPHP-371 ] - S110: Inheritance tree of classes should not be too deep
[SONARPHP-1009 ] - S930: The number of arguments passed to a function should match the number of parameters
[SONARPHP-1025 ] - Compliant and Noncompliant code examples of S5915 are the same.
[SONARPHP-1010 ] - S3699: consider cross-file knowledge of method declarations to get possible returns
[SONARPHP-1011 ] - S2234: consider cross-file knowledge of function declarations to get parameter order
[SONARPHP-1018 ] - S100: exclude overriding methods based on cross-file resolution of hierarchy
[SONARPHP-1019 ] - S107: exclude overriding methods based on cross-file resolution of hierarchy
[SONARPHP-1020 ] - S1172: exclude overriding methods based on cross-file resolution of hierarchy
[SONARPHP-1021 ] - Log the currently analyzed file name when a StackOverflowError happens
[SONARPHP-1023 ] - S1186: Check only comments that are directly above the method
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