- nmap
sudo nmap -v -Pn -sV --reason --version-all --top-ports 1000 $URL
sudo nmap -v -Pn -p xx,xx,xx http-apache-negotiation,http-apache-server-status,http-aspnet-debug,http-auth,http-auth-finder,http-config-backup,http-cors,http-cross-domain-policy,http-default-accounts,http-enum,http-errors,http-generator,http-iis-short-name-brute,http-iis-webdav-vuln,http-internal-ip-disclosure,http-jsonp-detection,http-mcmp,http-method-tamper,http-methods,http-ntlm-info,http-open-proxy,http-open-redirect,http-passwd,http-php-version,http-phpself-xss,http-trace,http-traceroute,http-vuln-cve2012-1823,http-vuln-cve2015-1635,http-vuln-cve2017-5638 $URL
- nikto
nikto -h $URL [-ssl] -maxtime 15m -Display 1234
nikto -config $CONFIGFILE
- whatweb
whatweb $URL --aggression=3 --cookie 'name=value' --verbose
- gobuster
gobuster -u $URL -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/big.txt -s '200,204,301,302,307,403,500' -e
- photon
python photon.py -u $URL --verbose --threads X --level X --cookies 'COOKIE=asd123'
- dirsearch
python3 dirsearch -u $URL --recursive --threads=X --exclude-status=CODES --cookie=COOKIE --extensions=EXTENSIONS
- dirhunt
Tweak as needed: dirhunt $URL -e $EXT,$EXT -i html,300-500 --threads X
- Look for admin pages with cangibrina
python cangibrina.py -u $URL -v --nmap
- snallygaster
snallygaster -d $URL
- TODO: wfuzz
- Lacking TLS altogether
- sslscan $PRODURL
- sslscan $DEVURL
- Old TLS versions supported
- DES/old ciphers
- Expired/mismatched certificate
- Lack of PFS support
- Check 404 page for proper headers, esp. CSP
- X-XSS-Protection
- Strict-Transport-Security
- X-Content-Type-Options
- X-Frame-Options
- Content-Security-Policy
- Cache-Control
- CORS headers
- Add evil.com Origin header
- Comprehending CORS Findings
- System information disclosed
- Secure
- HttpOnly
- Note session cookies for possible session fixation post-auth
- Check for liberal cookie domain scope (WAHH p.244, 246)
- Find non-existent page/404 to check for custom error page
- Wappalyzer
- Autocomplete="off"
- Burp compare login failures with good vs. bad usernames
- Username/password harvesting
- If accounts are locked out, a message stating the lockout has occured is a way to enumerate usernames (WAHH p.197)
- Displayed passwords
- Assumes passwords not hashed
- Parameters are passed in URL string
- Reflected username in username field
- Password in server response
- Secret question displayed
- Secret question returned in server response
- Secret question bypass
- Weak/short secret questions
- Check for non-hashed secret questions
- Test 2FA bypass (WAHH p.186)
- Look at "remember me" functionality
- Predictable tokens to bypass 2FA
- Replay other user's tokens to bypass 2FA
- Check if "remember me" replaces username/password and thus removes authentication
- Check for weak obfuscation/encoding/encryption of token/cookie
- Remember multiple users and compare tokens
- Determine if entire token is used or only parts
- Modify token to find parts that are used, e.g. Burp Intruder char frobber (WAHH p.212)
- Login multiple times and verify session token changes each time
- Check for SSO
- Use EsPReSSO and/or SAML Raider extensions
- Check for credentials submitted in JSON
- Check for NoSQL backed with
- Check for NoSQL backed with
- Check for bad password lockout
- Check for bad secret question lockout
- Compare good password response on locked out account with bad password response
- Fuzz login parameters (WAHH p.168)
- Check that the same secret question is used for each authentication attempt to prevent attackers from "picking" a secret question to answer (WAHH p.195)
- Check that app is storing which secret question being asked on the server and not on the client (WAHH p.195)
- login with low-priv user
- add to Autorize
- switch to high priv user
- nikto with cookies/credentials
- set cookies in $HOME/nikto.conf
- dirbuster with cookies/credentials
gobuster -u $URL -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/big.txt -s '200,204,301,302,307,401,403,500' -e -c 'COOKIES=cookies'
- Check for 200 vs. 302 response on login
- Check
for cached data
- Check
- Wappalyzer again
- Check 404 page for headers, esp. CSP
- X-XSS-Protection
- Strict-Transport-Security
- X-Content-Type-Options
- X-Frame-Options
- Content-Security-Policy
- Cache-Control
- CORS headers
- Add evil.com Origin header
- Comprehending CORS Findings
- System infoformation disclosed
- Session fixation in session cookies (WAHH p.244)
- Check if pre- and post-auth cookies are the same
- See if bogus but validly formed token is accepted
- Secure parameter
- HttpOnly parameter
- Samesite parameter
- Check for last login notification
- Check for logout button
- Verify logout actually ends session by resending old tokens (WAHH p.242)
- Verify cookie is not simply being unset on the client side
- Browse all pages and use all functionality as admin user
- Burp Spider the site
- Exclude logout link, password reset link, any other necessary pages from scope to prevent logout issues
- Exclude any delete item links
- Add any cookies/credentials used for the site to Burp Scanner
- Run Burp Discover Content
- Run Burp -> site root -> enagagement tools -> analyze site
- Determine the site navigation type: application pages or functional paths
- If functional paths, create path map (WAHH p.95)
- Create functional diagram of application logic. Look for good ways to map this, e.g. OneNote, draw.io, etc.
- Find hidden debug parameter names with Intruder Cluster Bomb (WAHH p.97)
- debug, test, source, hide
- true, yes, on, 1
- Identify REST-style URLS
- Identify query string parameters
- Identify non-standard query string parameter formats (WAHH p.99)
- Run Param Miner extension
- Run Web Cache Deception Scanner extension
- Recursively gobuster newly-found directories
- Create macro for ensuring logged in session
- Add all user credentials to Burp scan config
- Use Intruder -> scan defined insertion points for targeted scanning
- CSRF token
- Password change delay
- Password reuse allowed
- Password complexity issues
- Verify that password change requires current password
- Check for CSRF if password is not required
- Check for password in server response
- Check if existing password is verified before new password, enabling password guessing attacks
- Check for brute force possibility
- Try all combinations of good/bad/mismatched passwords
- Check if a username is provided (should never be), and if other usernames can be used/bruteforced (WAHH p.199)
- Check for multistage password change functionality (WAHH p.262)
- See if token/creds are checked at first stage, but not at later stage of process
- Check for brute force possibility
- Username harvesting possibility
- Determine if user can set challenge
- Examine password reset email token, if applicable
- Identify file uploads
- Test for zip file upload issues with zip shotgun
- Use Upload Scanner extension
- Upload file of 100KB+
- Send to Upload Scanner extension
- Add file to FlexiInjector if not a normal multipart upload
- Tweak file extensions based on site stack
- Enable logging
- Enable reDownloader
- If sleep RCE found, tweak timeout settings
- Compare site maps with low-priv user (WAHH p.268)
- Check that password change functionality exists
- Check for comments
- Run Paramalyzer extension
- Identify impersonation functionality (WAHH p.179)
- Check if admins can be impersonated
- Check for account registration
- Check for account creation, e.g. as admin
- Spoof UA with browser extension and Burp (WAHH p.100)
- Unsafe configuration
- Create malformed requests to generate 4xx and 5xx errors
- Unauthenticated help pages
- Forced browsing/authentication bypass checks
- Save all links from Burp scope to file
- Loop through file, use curl through Burp: curl -sk -x $url
- Review results, make sure 302/auth is required
- Cross-site tracing (XST)
- Send OPTIONS request
- Sensitive info in GET parameters
- Verify that client-side controls are replicated server side (WAHH p.117)
- Check for disabled elements and submit them as parameters
- Check for missing SRI attributes
- Look for hidden params with Param Miner extension
- SQL injection
- Export Burp site map and run SleuthQL
- OS command injection
- Use Command Injection Attacker/SHELLING extension
- XPath Injection
- Server side request forgery
- LDAP injection
- XML injection (see MMWPT p.179)
- look for
Content-Type header and change toapplication/xml
- look for
- Blind XML external entity processing
- look for
Content-Type header and change toapplication/xml
- Playing with Content-Type – XXE on JSON Endpoints
- look for
- Server-side template injection
- Client-side template injection
- angularjs-csti-scanner
- AngularJS injection, etc.
- x{{1==1}}x
- `{ { constructor.constructor(“alert(1)”)() } }
- Determine the sesion token (WAHH p.208)
- Remove possible tokens on session dependent page until actual session is found.
- Test if token is encoded
- Determine if entire token is used or only parts
- Modify token to find parts that are used, e.g. Burp Intruder char frobber (WAHH p.212)
- Session ID exposed in URL
- Session ID not invalidated after logout/timeout
- Replay authenticated action after logout
- Predictable session tokens
- Test randomness with Burp
- Expired session displays internal pages
- Concurrent sessions
- Check if session token in each browser is the same or different.
- Improper session time out configuration
- Check if any session tokens/other data is encrypted (WAHH p.232)
- Bitflipping attacks, ECB
- Test sessions with Autorize extension
- Persistent XSS
- Reflected XSS
"><img src=x onerror=alert(1);>
- Polyglot XSS payloads
/`/'/"/**/(/ */oNcliCk=alert() )//%0D%0A%0d%0a//</stYle/</titLe/</teXtarEa/</scRipt/--!>\x3csVg/<sVg/oNloAd=alert()//>\x3e`
- XSS-Payloads.com
- XSStrike
- DOM-based XSS
- Minimal input filtering and/or output encoding
<code> <pre> <plaintext>
- Messages reflect manipulated input
- Predictable CSRF token
- Use Burp to check token randomness
- Transaction replay
- CSRF token passed in URL query string
- Test tokens between different users
- Test tokens between sessions
- Check for POST/GET method interchange
- Verify CSRF token is checked server-side (MMWPT p.93):
- If currently logged in as user A then use the CSRF token of any other user B and check if the request of A is allowed via B's token. Then use this logic to bypass the CSRF protection.
- Don't delete the anti-CSRF token parameter but put a blank inside its value and see if it works.
- Put a random string with a similar length to that of the anti-CSRF token. Check to see if that works.
- Check if the CSRF token is common to all users. If so, then use the token to construct an exploit.
- Look for places to load/render URLs
- Profile pics, links, etc.
- Use links like http://localhost/favicon.ico to test for SSRF (THP p.89)
- Try to port scan localhost and local network
- Make use of private IP disclosure to map internal network
- Try PychoPATH extension
- Unrestricted file upload
- File upload destination directory not restricted
- Arbitrary file access through directory traversal
- Arbitrary file access through parameter manipulation
- Debugging enabled
- Unencrypted ViewState
- ViewState without MAC enabled (Burp checks for this, WAHH p.127)
- List API endpoints
- Get comprehensive list of endpoints
- Use JSParser on.js files to find endpoints
- Test all HTTP methods
- Iterate through all permutations of enpdoint + HTTP methods
- Scope-based testing
- Look for issues related to improper scope permissions checking
- Role-based testing
- Look for issues related to improper role-based permissions checking
- IDOR testing
- .NET Beautifier
- ActiveScan++
- Additional Scanner Checks
- Autorize
- Backslash Powered Scanner
- CMS Scanner
- Collaborator Everywhere
- Command Injection Attacker (SHELLING)
- CSP Auditor (Check for issue changing HTTP method)
- CSRF Scanner (Check for issue changing HTTP method)
- Decoder Improved
- Error Message Checks
- Flow
- Freddy, Deserialization Bug Finder
- Hackvertor
- Headers Analyzer
- Heartbleed
- HTML5 Auditor
- Identity Crisis
- J2EEScan
- Java Deserialization Scanner
- Java Serial Killer
- JSON Beautifer
- JSON Web Tokens
- Param Miner
- Paramalyzer
- ParrotNG
- PsychoPATH
- Python Scripter
- Reflected Parameters
- Response Clusterer
- Retire.js
- SAML Raider
- Scan Check Builder
- Scan manual insertion point
- Session Auth
- Site Map Fetcher
- Software Vulnerability Scanner
- SSL Scanner
- Upload Scanner