This is the API module for CombatLogX.
You can use it to create new expansions or to check stuff with your own plugin
A list of events with some examples is provided below
This event will be fired before a player gets tagged by CombatLogX
You can cancel it to prevent the player from being tagged.
Example: Prevent SirBlobman from being tagged
public void beforeTag(PlayerPreTagEvent e) {
Player player = e.getPlayer();
String name = player.getName();
if(name.equals("SirBlobman")) {
This event will be fired when a player is put into combat.
You can use this to close menus and do other things in your plugins.
Example: Give the player a rotten flesh when they get into combat
public void onTag(PlayerTagEvent e) {
Player player = e.getPlayer();
PlayerInventory playerInv = player.getInventory();
ItemStack rottenFlesh = new ItemStack(Material.ROTTEN_FLESH, 1);
This event will be fired when a player is removed from combat.
This can be used to punish players for logging out or reward them for waiting until expiration
Example: Clear the inventory of a player that quit during combat
public void onUntag(PlayerUntagEvent e) {
Player player = e.getPlayer();
UntagReason untagReason = e.getUntagReason();
if(untagReason == UntagReason.QUIT) {
PlayerInventory playerInv = player.getInventory();
This event is fired before the punish commands are executed by CombatLogX If the event is cancelled, the punishments will not run.
Example: Prevent a player with a permission from being punished
public void beforePunish(PlayerPunishEvent e) {
Player player = e.getPlayer();
if(player.hasPermission("custom.donator.permission")) {
player.sendMessage("You were saved from an evil punishment, but please don't log out during combat.");
This event is fired for every second of a player's time during combat. You can use this to update scoreboards and other things.
Example: Send a message for every time the timer updates
public void onTimerChange(PlayerCombatTimerChangeEvent e) {
Player player = e.getPlayer();
int secondsLeft = e.getSecondsLeft();
player.sendMessage("You have " + secondsLeft + " seconds left in combat.");