This is the API module for CombatLogX.
You can use it to create new expansions or to check stuff with your own plugin.
A lot of developers use maven to build projects more easily.
Repository: SirBlobman Public
<!-- SirBlobman Public Repository -->
Dependency: CombatLogX API
<!-- CombatLogX API -->
A list of events and their uses can be found in the com.github.sirblobman.combatlogx.api.event
You can see more information about them below:
- PlayerPreTagEvent: Triggered before a player gets tagged. (cancellable)
- PlayerTagEvent: Triggered when a player gets tagged into combat (not cancellable).
- PlayerReTagEvent: Triggered when a player already has a timer, but they are tagged again. (cancellable)
- PlayerUntagEvent: Triggered when a player gets out of combat.
- PlayerPunishEvent: Triggered when a player is going to be punished for logging out (cancellable).
CombatLogX has many uses, but some common examples are provided below.
Good luck with your coding!
Example 01: Check if CombatLogX is enabled and get an instance of it.
public boolean isEnabled() {
PluginManager pluginManager = Bukkit.getPluginManager();
return pluginManager.isPluginEnabled("CombatLogX");
public ICombatLogX getAPI() {
PluginManager pluginManager = Bukkit.getPluginManager();
Plugin plugin = pluginManager.getPlugin("CombatLogX");
return (ICombatLogX) plugin;
Example 02: Check if a player is in combat.
public boolean isInCombat(Player player) {
ICombatLogX plugin = getAPI();
ICombatManager combatManager = plugin.getCombatManager();
return combatManager.isInCombat(player);
Example 03: Check if a player was killed by CombatLogX.
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onDeath(PlayerDeathEvent e) {
Player player = e.getEntity();
ICombatLogX plugin = getAPI();
IDeathManager deathManager = plugin.getDeathManager();
if(deathManager.wasPunishKilled(player)) {
// Player was killed by CombatLogX
e.setDeathMessage(player.getName() + " was killed for logging out during combat.");