- Download the full planet data from any source (like https://planet.openstreetmap.org/pbf/planet-latest.osm.pbf)
- Start a PostgreSQL database with the Postgis extension
- Import the planet data:
- Install osm2pgsql
- Run the import command with the default.style file:
osm2pgsql --flat-nodes /external-data/cache.txt --multi-geometry --drop --slim -U user -d user --password -H localhost -C 12288 --number-processes 4 --style /external-data/default.style /external-data/planet-latest.osm.pbf
- In case the commands fails, please check your available RAM and change the
- In case the commands fails, please check your available RAM and change the
Pipe the important data into a new table and index the
column:-- Create data table CREATE TABLE public.place_polygon ( osm_id bigint, admin_level integer, area text, boundary text, name text, "name:en" text, "name:de" text, place text, population text, ref text, tourism text, width text, z_order integer, way_area real, way public.geometry(Geometry,3857) ); -- Copy and filter data INSERT INTO place_polygon (admin_level, area, boundary, name, "name:en", "name:de", place, population, ref, tourism, width, z_order, way_area, way) (SELECT admin_level, area, boundary, name, "name:en", "name:de", place, population, ref, tourism, width, z_order, way_area, way FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE admin_level > 0 AND name !=''); -- Testing EXPLAIN (ANALYZE) SELECT name, "name:en" as name_en, "name:de" as name_de, admin_level, way_area from place_polygon WHERE ST_CONTAINS(way, ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(-122.2515363, 37.8695371), 4326), 3857)) ORDER BY admin_level DESC; -- Index CREATE INDEX index_place_polygon_way ON place_polygon USING gist(way); -- Cleaning up CLUSTER place_polygon USING index_place_polygon_way; VACUUM (Full) place_polygon;
🏁 Ready to use.