The Software University (SoftUni) is the largest training center for software engineers in South-Eastern Europe. Tens of thousands of students pass through the university every year. SoftUni was founded in 2014 as a continuation of the hard work of Dr. Svetlin Nakov in training skillful software engineering professionals by a practical, contemporary and high-quality education that combines fundamental knowledge with modern software technologies and a lot of practice.
The Software University provides quality education, profession, job and diploma for programmers, software engineers and IT professionals. SoftUni builds an extremely successful and strong connection between education and industry by collaborating with hundreds of software companies, provides job and internships of its students, creates quality professionals for the software industry, and directly responds to the needs of employers via the training process.
Watch a video lesson about SoftUni and SoftUni Judge here:
The SoftUni Judge system ( is an automated Internet system for checking the solutions of programming exercises via series of tests. The submission and verification happen in real time: you submit the solution and within seconds you get an answer whether it is correct. You earn points for each task depending on your answer. For a completely right one, you get the maximum points for the problem. With a partially correct solution, you receive a fraction of the points. And with a completely wrong answer, you get 0 points. This how the SoftUni Judge looks like:
All problems from the current book are available for testing in SoftUni Judge and we strongly recommend testing them after you solve them to be sure you don't miss anything and that your solution works correctly according to the task requirements.
Keep in mind some specifics about SoftUni Judge:
- For each task the Judge system keeps the best score you had. Therefore, if you upload a solution with wrong code or lower score compared to the previous one, the system won't take away your points.
- The output of your program is compared by the system to a strictly expected result. Every unnecessary symbol, missing comma or space may lead to 0 points on a particular test. The output that the Judge system expects is described in the requirements of every task and nothing else should be added.
- Example: If the output requires to print a number (ex.
), do not display any descriptive messages such asThe result is: 25
, just print as it is required, i.e. only the number.
The SoftUni Judge system is available any time via its website:
- Using the SoftUni system is free and it's not bound with the participation in SoftUni's courses.
We are convinced that after sending a few tasks you will like getting instant feedback for your solutions and the Judge system will become your favorite assistant in your programming practice.